#she’s so scared. AUGH I have a lot to say about her
greenieart · 2 months
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I can’t believe I forgot to post my baby girl’s redesign IM SORRY BAIN I LOVE YOU FOREVER
Anyway I’ve been reworking her character a lot lately and thinking about potential time skip stuff for her so she needed a new outfit to match her new vibes. Changeling Rogue Thief Girly My Beloved
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elasticbeach · 10 months
Please may we have a part 2 for breaking up with Shanks but realizing you still have feelings for him?
Part 2/ Breaking up with Shanks but realizing you still have feelings for him
Okay I’m really sorry this took so long. But I hope you guys like it!
Warnings: Sad emotions I guess(?), childbirth
Part 1 / Part 2
Your leg kept bouncing up and down in a nervous manner, you were sat in the doctors office. `Soo…you`re now in your third semester. To me everything looks just fine, have something been bothering you?`. You looked at the woman, then shook your head. She smiled at you apologetically, because she knew, everyone knew. You were alone, no man at your side. Everyone kept giving you these looks, these pity full looks, there was this rumor that your man left to sea anf left you alone. The worst part of it all was that he didn’t leave you. You left him. “Thanks doctor.” You smile at the middle aged woman and stand up. “Take care” she smiles and you walk out of the hospital, you’re not headed home yet. It doesn’t even feel like home, so you take a seat on the beach. Your back hurting from the baby growing inside you. The baby is strong and healthy just like their father. You sigh and close your eyes. You miss him so much.
“Y/n!” You turn your head an annoyed sigh escaping you. “What?!” You shout from your lounger, you just layed down to tan a bit but your big baby of a boyfriend didn’t seem to be able to survive a second without you. “Where are my favourite pants?!” His scream seems panicked. You sigh again and stand up, with an annoyed expression you walk towards your shared cabin. “Can’t imagine how he would survive without you” jokes Yasopp and you smile a bit. You arrive at your shared cabin. Shanks is rampaging trough his closet in the search of his favourite pants you know he is about to visit whitebeard, you never stood on deck of the moby dick but the giant of a man still scared you. “They are hanging on deck! I washed them yesterday for you!” You cross your arms looking at your boyfriend. “Ooooh!” He gives you a sheepish smile. “Sorry love! Can’t imagine what I would do without you!” He presses a kiss to your temple and rushes to deck. You sigh and start organising his clothes again.
You open your eyes again when you feel the baby kick, you loved coming to the beach to think about your good times with Shanks. You still don’t understand yourself, what has gotten into you. How could you break his heart and your own so easily. Of course Shanks was a lot of trouble and of course dating him was tiring, but if you couldn’t handle such things, were you really to love such a free soul? You sigh again and stand up. Your swollen feet carry you to your ‘home’. Arriving home you take a seat on the sofa, you body hurts, being pregnant really is exhausting you. Another sigh escaped you, a habit you developed over the months of pregnancy.
You’re exhausted.
“Push! Push!” Screams your midwife. “AUGH!!” You scream and push. Another scream escapes you and another. You cannot think of anything but your desire for Shanks. For him to hold your hand and be here for the birth of his child. Another scream. Minutes feel like hours your body aches from pain, it hurts. Feels like every bone in your body is breaking over and over again. “AHH!” You scream again. The minutes pass and the pain finally stills, you hear your baby scream. “Congratulations! It’s a girl!” Says your midwife and puts your red baby on your chest. She’s still all dirty and covered in something and she screams with her eyes closed, but you can’t help but smile as you hold her. Your little bundle of joy, your little daughter. She has this bright red hair, just like her father. You smile and sob.
You’re happy.
“Come on say it! Say ‘ma-ma’ “ you look down at your little daughter. She’s laying on your lap while you play with her and want her to say mama. She’s four months old and just can’t stop blabbering, she truly is like her father. So active and eager to explore. You smile at her again. Her red hair is down in two cute piggy tails while she wears a pink onesie. She truly is the spitting image of her father only her eyes are yours. You pick her up. “Time to sleep don’t ya think?” You smile at your daughter again and carry her to her little bed. You woo her into slumber and walk away from her room, shutting the door silently. You sit in the kitchen, rethinking your life choices as per usual. You cannot stop thinking about Shanks and how he missed so much of his daughters life already and you know if you call him he won’t forgive you but you should let him know of his child. The debate inside of you going back and forth. You just can’t call him. You stand up and walk into your daughters room, you lay down in her bed and press her small body against yours as you silently cry.
You’re conflicted.
“Mama!” Your little girl finally says it aside from her blubber. You smile everytime she says it. “What is it my sunshine?” You ask as you dry your hands from doing the dishes. You come to sit on the sofa she’s laying on. She laughs and reaches for you with her little hands, desiring to be picked up and you oblige. You hold her in your arms. “You missed your mommy?” You ask in a teasing voice. “Mama!” She says again and you can’t help but smile. You put your babygirl back down and walk back into the kitchen. You do the dishes and glance at the transporter snail seated on the windowsill, you can call him. “Just promise me. You will call me if anything that brings you in danger happens. Please promise me.” You promised him, but the promise didn’t include telling him about a pregnancy right? You sigh, guilt plaguing your sould. You hate yourself for what you are doing for not giving your baby a father and complete family and for not telling him. He deserves to know, you repeat that to yourself day to day and still you cannot gather the courage to call him. To tell him.
You’re afraid.
It’s night. You cannot sleep, your now 5 month old daughter is deep asleep in her bed. You sit in the kitchen and stare at the letter you received. You cannot believe the sender. You’re scared to open. It’s from Benn. You cannot gather the courage to open the letter. Does he know of the baby? Did something happen? Are they coming for you? Is he just checking up on you? After one final sigh you take a deep breath and open the letter. It’s short. Relief washes over you as you recognise Benns handwriting, so it’s not from Shanks.
Dear Y/n,
I’m not good with formalities so I won’t ask how you’re doing. Not after what you did. I write this letter to let you know that Shanks is devastated. He drinks like never before, he’s truly a mess without you. We don’t know what to do to bring back our captain. The one who enjoyed life at sea. The one who wanted to explore the world and the one that loved you. He loved and still loves you, so I write this letter with one request. Call him. Bring us back the captain that we miss.
A shakky breath escapes you. He doesn’t hate you? You read over the letter a few more times. You start crying. You’re a mess, guilt eats you from the inside and so you collect yourself and go over to the kitchen. You take the transporter snail with you to the sofa. After a few minutes of hesitation you call. You don’t know what you will say. If you will tell him everything or not. You just want to give Benn what he asked. The seconds pass and you’re scared of him picking up. You wanna stop and just break off the call when suddenly you hear him picking up. Silence. Neither of you speaks, but you gather the courage. “Shanks?” You say in a shakky voice. “Yes? Y/n? Are you in danger?” Your heart fills with so much emotion when you hear his voice, tears escape your eyes. “No no, I’m fine.” You say in your shakky voice. “Are you crying?” He asks, he sounds tired. You can’t forgive yourself, you have to be honest with him. “Yes” “Why? What’s the matter?” You take a few deep breaths. “Uhm..how have you been doing?” You decide to ask him that, you truly want to know. “Well..I could lie and say I’m fine but I’m not. I miss you” silence again. You hear him shuffle and then you hear him purring liquid. “Please don’t drink” you say “Why not?” He asks as a dry chuckle escapes him. “Not like you really care..” he mutters and more tears escape you. “That’s not true” you say and hear him chuckle again. “Why did you leave me then ?” You knew you hurt him. Badly. You should have never left. “Shanks. I’m not calling to ask for forgiveness and for you to take me back. I think we both suffered from my dumb decision. I-“ he cuts you off. “Both? How did you suffer? Did you have fun alone? Met someone cute? Be honest are you calling out of pity?” You sigh. “Shanks, stop drinking please.” “Why? Not like you care.” You cry more at his words. You hurt him, so he tries to hurt you. “Shanks this is serious” you say still in a shakky voice. “Tell me then” he says and you take a few deep breaths. You stabilise your breathing. “Please don’t hate me.” You plead and he only hums. “You’re a father” Complete silence until his glass breaks you flinch from the sound. “Are you alright?” You ask Shanks. He doesn’t answer, you only hear him calling for Benn, then he hangs up. You’re in shock. Is he headed here? What is going on? Is he gonna take your daughter away? What is he planning. You walk to your daughters room. You lay in her baby bed once again. You hug her tight.
You’re scared.
Reposts are appreciated! <3
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koridoru · 8 months
Can I request scenario? Plot is next: Muzan in love with his female S/O and at some point decides to confess to her that he is demon. But, instead of being shocked or scared, she is very happy about that, because she can share her food with him, and seeing his confused look, explain to him that she is cannibal.
(this is like the second cannibal ask I've gotten is op ok 😭)
(man i can see the dates on asks now and OOF this is from 2021 augh 😭)
You and Muzan were quite the couple, a power couple, should it be called.
You had been together for about eight months now, Muzan was considering tying the knot already.
But one thing stood in the way, he was a demon, you weren't.
God, he didn't want to even tell you, he couldn't imagine the look of betrayal on your face.
He was cruel and cold hearted, but for whatever reason, not with you.
It took a while, but he mustered up the courage to just tell you.
He opens the door to your room, where you sat on a coushin, brushing your hair.
You look back and smile at him.
"How are you doing, darling?"
Your voice is so sweet he can barely take it.
"My dear, I have to...talk to you about something. Something important."
The sincerity in his voice worries you.
You stand up, setting your comb down.
You walk over to him, taking his hands into yours.
"Is something wrong?"
"It..it should be nothing, dear. I don't want to trouble you."
He puts a finger under your chin, raising your head a bit to face him.
"Darling, I...well.."
You cock your head in confusion.
"Are you aware of...demons?"
Your eyes widen just a bit.
"Yes, I am. Why?"
"Well..." He sighs.
"I suppose I should have told you sooner, but, I am one."
You look shocked, initially, but that soon fades.
You smile at him, which confuses him.
"Well, that explains a lot, especially since I've never seen you eat, or go out in the day."
"You're... you're not upset?"
You shake your head.
"Of course not, now I know I can share my meals with you."
His brows furrow, his blood almost runs cold when you say that, if it wasn't cold already.
"Share your meals? What do you mean?" His voice is laced with confusion.
"I eat people too, silly."
His eyes widen, he hesitate to speak.
"You what? I...are you a demon as well?"
"No, I'm a human who also eats humans." Your tone is oddly cheery and unbothered.
It takes a moment, but he realizes.
He sighs a bit, feeling like a fool.
"I understand. What a lucky man I am to have found a lover who understands me like you do, while also sharing a diet. Well, I don't see any reason to hide anything else from you, dear."
He smiles handsomely, you giggle and hug him close, excited about your future meals together.
"Hmm...what would you say is the tastiest part of a person?"
"Well, that's hard...I suppose the more meaty parts, the thighs, stomach, and sometimes the biceps if they are stronger."
You nod in agreement.
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year2000electronics · 5 months
can i just say i LOVE ur world tour AU so much this is so delicious, actively in the middle of my third reread like mmmm the characterization...
obsessed with how u portray JD and Barb, somethin about loner + eldest brother always hits different but JD's entire characterization AUGH i love how u write everyone just obsessed utterly obsessed
thank you so much aaa!! i’ve been having so much fun with the au and writing all the brothers plus the cast of world tour but yes my soft spot is definitely the relationship barb and jd have lol
barb is one of my FAV trolls characters, and just right away i could see the sort of parallels between her and jd where they both honesty believe what they’re doing will end up being a net good for the people they’re trying to help, it’s just that barb cares less about what she has to destroy on her way to do it, because it’ll all be fine in the end when trollkind unites under rock- jd meanwhile is less aware he’s pushing his brothers but he also only sees one way ahead, much like barb’s strings plan
AND THE LONER KID + ELDEST SIBLING THING DOES HIT DIFFERENT i’ve been writing barb and jd with this sort of adopted sister-brother dynamic because there are a lot of barb scenes where she kinda drops her hard rocker facade (like the scene where thrash can’t remember the plan or the scene where barb talks about the pressure of being a queen) and like. she’s very clearly someone navigating adulthood all on her own and deep down she still feels like a scared little girl who wants to lash out at the other kingdoms before they can lash out at her first. she’s someone who could REALLY use a friend, and for jd, who clearly loves his brothers but went solo after the pressure of having to raise 4 little brothers by himself, clearly still has that brotherly love and instinct in him but like. with an adopted sister who’s in her early 20s there’s SO much less stress there. including the fact that she’s technically his boss!
it’s like. AUGH. they make such a fun duo and really care for each other but also they’re being absolutely enablers towards each other where they both nod and are like “everyone who’s raising criticism to us will simply stop raising criticism once i hit the benchmark i need to hit. once i achieve this specific thing, everything will be Perfect and nothing will be wrong anymore”
BAH IM RAMBLING thank you so much for the ask! here’s a barb and jd doodle for your time
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penguinkyun · 10 days
chapter 150 review
*laughs* oh this chapter. this is the day ive been waiting for since 123 dropped last year. folks its finally over. but before that lets review: augh aqua looks so tiny in the first panel....standing with bloodsoaked pants. man. he can't ever escape that hallway huh. him and goro being stuck in that same hallway from over ten years ago, still drenched in blood is so....auhg. i am so happy we're finally getting back into aquas head after *checks notes* 31 chapters of no longer being in his head! and i really love the conversation between the two of them too! it establishes a lot of what i've been thinking of how aqua views his reincarnation vs how ruby views it i.e. she is continuing her life as sarina unbroken but aqua....is a wholly different person! a year is enough time to change a person let alone almost twenty years! and how goro refers to himself as a faint wound is also quite interesting because as we've seen in c.65 and c.95, goro is used almost exclusively as aqua's vehicle of self hatred, constantly telling him he has no right to be happy or that he deserves to live unless ai's murderer is dead (put a pin in that point). goro is wound that aqua has not allowed to heal and it festers until he does. AND FINALLY. WE ARE FREE. we've never really seen aqua's viewpoint of the whole Incest Debacle apart from the very very uncomfortable faces he makes when ruby is chasing after him and that's because the very instant we get back into aqua's head he instantly shuts down any notion of it ever happening. it really is just ruby seeing the illusion of goro amamiya in him and aqua is no longer that person. anyways speaking of c.95, goro giving up here is very....eh. sure seeing sarina happy must've triggered some rethinking because she was also a major part of his guilt but. its always been centred around ai! ai's murder is the reason goro can't let go, because he was never able to fulfill his promise to protect her. avenging ai is always the driving force of whenever we see phantoms of goro in aquas head! honestly this is part of like. the story largely removing ai as a driving force in the twins lives - from decentering her involvement in their reincarnation to excising her from goro and aqua's central motivation for vengeance. but as i say that, goro has always been a vehicle for aqua's self hatred when it comes to his revenge. he is exclusively shown as a restraint on aqua gaining any sort of happiness and all his self hatred given form. but the phantom that is actually his desire for revenge, pure and unfiltered is:
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and we haven't seen aqua confront him yet have we? *laughs nervously* also goro acting like an elder brother to aqua and teasing him about his crush on kana is hilarious lmfao. and handing him the knife. ha. anyways kana is so funny here. girl does not acknowledge akane as her rival in any major sense. akane is crying somehwere in the background (for legal reasons this is a joke). anyways kana slowly working up the courage to finally confess to aqua is so beautiful because she has incredibly low self esteem and to see her hope in this? after reminiscing on all her moments with aqua is really sweet. honestly a lot of aqkn romantic moments feel overdramatic on kana's end but this was. just really sweet really. it reminds of the moment in sweet today where she just glances aqua's way before the camera comes on. actually this chapter itself gives me a lot of the early onk vibes in how its written which is quite different from the tone of the movie arc which swung between comedy and almost horror. i will say i like that both aqkn think of their more normal moments in between all the dramatic ones. and god that panel of kana. shes so beautiful. i am so scared. because there is no way aqua will accept, since she is still an idol, kamiki is somewhere in the background and. well baby aqua hasn't shown up yet has he?
either way the knife is in aqua's hands now. its his choice if he wants to turn it on himself or throw it away.
break next week!
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youuuimeanmee · 7 months
RWTGI 35.1 - 35.2 Thoughts
I forgot chapter 35.2 is already out WAAAHH
I say Kirishima's name a lot this time, maybe I should call him Kiri.
Okay, this chapter confirms my suspicion. So his family really did neglect him.
Uhh I don't think the diary is meant to prove himself as a victim. I bet it's to keep record of what makes him happy 😅
BAHHAHAH Gaddamit.
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I thought he was mourning, or at least self-reflecting. Who knew he was playing soccer 🤣 (where is your sympathy kid, tf) At least he knew not to play in the middle of people mourning, lol
Oh yeah, I just remember, Sumire (Kiri's great-aunt) did say his parents tried to get him to talk after that incident, but no matter how much they tried, he never answered them. Maybe it's because he's aware he's too different from them, they wouldn't understand him anyway? If that's the case, that's kinda amazing of Kiri for being able to (kinda) open up to Gaku even though he never met him, because just from a short meeting he knows his great-uncle is not normal like himself.
(If Kiri is your average kid, even if Sumire dropped some hints that Gaku is similar to him, he wouldn't be able to take the hint because he's too clouded with "no one understands me" prejudice. But no. Our Kiri here uses his brainn, bro)
Aww baby 🥺
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Turns out his "friend" is more normal than he thought, his plan failed, he got into trouble. He did so much, yet, didn't get anything in the end lolol
I'm surprised Kiri is the first one who asked to be adopted. I don't think Sumire or his parents ever told him that the man in front of him is a yakuza. He must've put two & two together and concluded it himself.
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If I could guess why Gaku accepted a brat like Kiri, it's may be because he saw his potential. I'm sure he never heard about Kiri until his sister introduced him, but the fact that she asked for his help is enough prove that his family couldn't handle him anymore. He never introduced himself as a yakuza but Kiri, with limited informations and short time, knew right away. He's not scared or nervous like normal people. In fact, he just focus on getting what he wants, and willing to do anything to get what he wants. Talented. Abnormal. Obsessed. Unhinged. Gaku could really use those traits. Even if he couldn't become his grandchild, at least he could become a reliable subordinate. Maybe that's why he accepted him so quick 😂
(Turns out there's another reason in the next chapter tho, so I'll save my thoughts for later.)
This is just a reminder to myself: Gaku barely provided Kiri with the neccessity needed, probably because he needs to test his worth if he wants to earn that "yakuza's grandchild" title. Or at least that's my theory. Maybe Gaku is just naturally apathetic. Maybe both.
Kiri might've liked Gaku to a certain degree because he's one of his few family who accepts him as who he is, but I'm pretty sure growing up with a man like him in a yakuza household has worsen his mental condition, until he meet Yoshino.
Wow. Turns out it's not the first time he waits for hours in the rain 🤣
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AUGH. beautiful. Beautiful. I'm crying 😭😭😭
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That's smart of the author. We wouldn't know if he really blushed because of her or if it's just the rain, lol
Yoshino saw a wolf. Renji saw a a guard dog 🤣
I don't like how Aoi kicked my son, but I have to agree with him here. Don't lick your blood on the floor, yuck.
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Daww look at his happy lil feet seeing his obsession crush 🥺🤭
We know that Kiri used to date older women to leech, but seeing it with my own eyes disgust me. Not just Kirishima, but that grown-ass woman too; having sex with a minor, what the fuck. That's what I like from the author tho, just bc the ML did it, it doesn't mean it's romanticized.
OOHHH the day when Kirishima is appointed to be Yoshino's guard dog. Never thought I'd see this day come so fast, I thought we gonna have to wait for ch 80 or smth.
Hmm? The guy who killed Kyousuke? Do we know him? Is it Suo Azami? Nah, if he's around the same age as Kiri, he's practically a baby at that time. Wait, didn't he change his face tho? How old is he again? Or myb it's not Azami at all, myb it's his boss, Akime Hishibe? Oh I forgot Shouma said he's already dead, but I highly doubt it. Maybe the mastermind is still alive.
Um, if Kirishima is owned by Gaku, and Gaku leaves him under Renji's care, does it mean he's now owned by Renji? He doesn't have to obey Gaku anymore?
I'm confused with this whole ownership thing now.
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Wait. A month? You gotta go big??
Wait wait wait.
Wow, oh wow. I need to recalibrate everything.
This panel gives chapter 2 a whole new layer. Wow.
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So like. He told her to sell her body not only because he was tired of her, but also because Renji told him he could make Yoshino go back to Osaka if he didn't feel like up to the task?
Though I don't think Kiri did that because he values his life; he did that merely because he thought she's boring and not worth his time. But then everything change 😂
Yo Renji. You're the one who said it's okay for Kiri to make Yoshino go back to Osaka. You said you'd take care of the rest, you even said he can be creative. He was doing such a great job at making her feel like she wanna leave, yet, you won't let him have his way?
Was Renji intentionlly flaming them both? Is this his plan all along; to have both children go screw each other in Tokyo and forget about Osaka for a year?
(Istg Renji's death flag has been up for a while now, I'm scared for Yoshino)
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Oh wow, Kiri really did not lie. Their interest really do align perfectly.
To continue my point above about why would Gaku accept Kiri into his house, it seems like he wanted to use Kiri's talent and obsessiveness towards Yoshino to make him protect her, because he feel indebted/guilty towards Renji? Was he feeling responsible for what happen to Kyousuke? If that's the case, this makes Akime seem even more sus bc he used to be Gaku and Renji's close friend.
Seeing Kirishima's reminiscence sure brings tears to my eyes. From obsession to genuine love and affection. He really does come a loong, long way, huh. Maybe I should make a meta about this particular scene but idk, let's see if I feel like it.
But I don't think he would've feel this way if Yoshino didn't acknowledge his quirks and treat him "normally." She really is amazing.
The way he's so scared when Yoshino didn't move for literally 1 second he decided to check her pulse, like she could just drop dead in a blink. Even though he has seen how strong she is up until now. That irrational fear of losing someone, he finally understand 🥺🥺
I'm really REALLY surprised Yoshino relented and agreed to eat parfait 🤣 Kirishima you always win huh 🤣
Aww, he returned to the same place when he first entered the yakuza household, eat the same parfait he used to eat, but now he's together with a friend/lover he treasures for life, enjoying the life he found boring at the beginning 🥺😭💞
These past chapters have been a treat. Even after he declares he loves Yoshino multiple times, we never stop doubting him because the fear he instilled at the beginning is too strong to dismiss. Just like Yoshino, we have this lingering doubt that he doesn't really love her, he's just obsessed. These flashbacks managed to shed some lights into his character, making him seem even more human. Kiri really HAS been trying to show how genuine he is -- in his own awkward way -- and it shows 🥹
Just 2 more chapters until we catch up to the raws, I can't wait. I've seen it, and all I can say is, it's beautiful. And Kirishima says some crazy stuff while sober. I just can't with him. I love him, I hate it.
See you next time 👋
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wrote some notes on questions I had while reading! You’ve mentioned Juleka gouging marks into a table with her “claws” does she actually have retractable claws of some sort or are her nails naturally more robust and sharper after becoming Panthera? 
does Juleka have cats eyes at times? You speak of Pantheras eyes thinning as a cats would in bright light or when scared but you’ve also said it was Juleka who’s eyes thinned… 
I suppose this leads onto me (likely again, sorry!) asking about the miraculous side effects on the animal side of things opposed to the magical power stuff 
Though, just to quickly bring up Alix on the magical power side of things, obviously Fluffs power is time travel, is Alix already affected by the miraculous even though she hasn’t used it yet because of time is wobbly or do you just throw in her saying “I’m good with time stuff” - or something along those lines - for fun? 
Augh the nightmare akuma one was so fire, but I kind of forgot that Juleka almost told her she was Panthera… I still absolutely need to see the reveal between them fr 
I fucking love the dichotomy of Juleka not wanting to hurt people but help but the only way for her to help them when they are akumatised is to beat the shit out of them. It’s. Like I genuinely think a real person would worry about that shit and I’m obsessed with it
I realise I have been sending you many an ask… the notes / reactions on the newest chapters are in progress as I’ve finally caught up but I’ll calm down on the raving about PN if it’s irritating! 
PLS KEEP SENDING ME ASKS LIKE THESE ARE MY LIFE AND SOUL and what keep me wanting to write!!! i adore seeing you in my inbox!
now, lemme answer your questions!
Unfortunately, She doesn't have retractable claws! Juleka's mind sorts to a 'Panthera' view/instinct where her narration is sorta twisted into thinking she's more catlike or beastlike than she really is. Which is why her narration says claws instead of nails. They have gotten longer and sharper though.
In fact, a lot of these sorta things when Juleka's narration describes her own body very inhuman is solely her slightly fucked POV. Like- The same sorta goes for Juleka's eyes. They aren't slits as Juleka- But do imagine her pupils are shrinking and dilating like a cat, regardless.
So like, not all of it is genuinely magic affecting her body, but it's not entirely null and void there too.
Alix is very timey wimey as a person even without using the rabbit. It's because of three things;
she time traveled before as timebreaker so even though she wasn't conscious as timebreaker that sorta experience still sticks to her instincts,
she carries the rabbit watch everywhere so the sorta magic cooties are stuck on her even without opening it,
and three- she's just built like that.
(secret four: those lines are also for fun)
AUGHHH the sandboy chapter was lots of fun, juleka really wanted to tell rose in that moment! but it was already a lot that night. she still thinks about it though. a lot. and rose is very curious about what juleka was gonna say.
juleka's confliction between her desires and the way she's forced to act is a very important part of the story to me. i hope i nail it well. it's hard to write a character doing things they don't want to do and having them commit to it anyhow with lasting consequences, but its also fun to write their guilt and concerns over it as they have to continue every day.
thanks for the ask!!!
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Trimax Thoughts Vol. 12 Pt. 1
Stream of consciousness thoughts. There are only three volumes left and I am scared. :)
There's NINE CHAPTERS??? HUH? Ok I'm breaking this up then. I'll do half here and half on another post.
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Livio on the front cover. My good lad. :) I can't believe how much I like him; it took me no time at all.
So Chronica has already faced "many fused entities". What is happening on Earth??? There's so many questions I have about the Plants there. In the interim though, I'll just say Domina is so cute.
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Depression. :(
The Fall. July. Fifth Moon. That bitter expression. And then he looks up and thinks of all the people he knows. Because that's what it's always been about, hasn't it? Friends, allies, and enemies alike. AUGH
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Sorry Milly's so cute here and I needed a screenshot. <3
OH GOD. WHY. WHY. I turn the page to that. Wolfwood's grave given the same page space as Rem. Are you for real here. His grave too, like not even his face. The past he tries so desperately to keep alive and the future he was forced to bury. FUCK OFF. STOP. What the hell. I can't do this man.
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Oh this goes so hard.
Chronica and Domina's dynamic is super cute... but it makes me wonder what kind of crap Chronica has had to deal with to make her resort to such a strong offensive so quickly. I doubt the dependent Plants are going to like that at all.
So, is Domina another Independent? Her hair is darker but not black... for some reason I thought Independents were all blond hehe
Knives why are you giving Domina visions.
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AUGH WTF WTF! Ok up until now I was chill about the body horror but HOLY SHIT. DOMINA NOOOOO (she's fine, right? she'll be fine???)
So. Vash's bullets are cool. From what I understand they're cancelling things out? So did he sever the thread binding Domina...? Does that mean she's ok...?
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His hair looks even darker...
"You're a hard man to understand." <- What a thing to think about your own brother. Your twin, no less. They've grown so far apart.
Knives is apparently really powerful for an Independent. But we know Vash is even more powerful than that. Really kind of. Terrifying.
"I know... that you've just decided to kill me." This plus the image of them as kids is a fucking gut punch.
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...covering your own face this time, are you Knives?
Vash choosing to face Knives as a "simple gunman" instead of as an all-powerful being. Just hits hard.
They spent 80 years together after the Big Fall??? WHAT? They still look so baby though...
"I knew I couldn't leave him. It was that thought that made me keep him at arm's length." "Even though I saved you?" "You only fell for their lies because you're so gullible." <-YIKES.
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I hate it. I hate it. He looks so baby. He's a traumatized kid and panels like this are a slap in the face.
He cut off his arm and then just left him chained up??? KNIVES WHAT THE HELL DUDE.
"We don't belong in the future of this planet." VASH NO.
THIS IS. A WHOLE LOT. Be back later.
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cartoonrival · 9 months
kakashi and ummmm spins wheel akane from r1/2
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i dont really talk about kakashi and theres not really a reason for that beyond i dont super have anything intelligent to say about him but i do really love him ToT i dont think he works BETTER as part of a dynamic bc that implies i dont care for him much on his own but i think his character shines BEST as part of a dynamic... in pt 1 he was one of the characters who most most emphasized how young the team 7 kids were and it makes me SICK it makes me sick seeing how much he loves them, the way he talks to them and about them like theyre really children and he cares about them so much and has loved watching them grow up and helping them train, i looove how the chidori becomes one of sasuke's signatures after kakashi taught it to him and how excited naruto gets about getting to train with kakashi again and how kakashi was disappointed at the start of shippuden that naruto and sakura werent as easily amazed by him anymore and he had them try and steal the bells from him again as a little welcome back exercise .... and when he watched the three of them defeat kaguya together he was thinking how much he loved them .... BWAAAAAAAA
and and. i think his relationship with guy honestly balances his relationship with the kids rly well because we get to see him as a protective figure with them but with guy he's talking to someone whos his age and on his level and who he's known for like 2 decades, obviously not to say he never lets loose or relaxes or is irresponsible with the kids but the way he is with guy and the childish competitiveness of their rivalry (which he acts like he's annoyed by but this is obviously not true) is just idk. i like seeing that other facet of him. i think the race through konoha that ended w guy giving him a bouquet was an anime original scene but idc it was so cute and i think it was lee and neji who said smth about them finally being able to have fun and let off steam or w/e. augh. yeah.
ALSO esp in the anime i love how noticeably his tone of voice shifts when he's talking to someone ranked above him when he's usually so nonchalant and casual its something something about how he used to be part of the black ops. idk idk i rly love him and i love how he has pretty distinct facets of himself that come out depending on who he's interacting with it makes him feel very real. he's laid back but on edge and kind and blunt. ill be honest though i dont care about the stuff w obito and rin im sick of that dead girl and that man whos still obsessed with her!!!! but its ok because i love you kakashi.
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SHES EVERYTHING .TO ME. as with all of r/2 i think her struggles with bisexuality (ambiguous) couldve been carried further and her martial arts abilities kind of fell off towards the end which SUCKSSSS AND MAKES ME SO MAAAAD but anyways. she gets a lot of hate for being a jerk BUT LIKE. YEAH? she's scared and angry all the time and doesn't know who she is and is afraid of who she is and everyone's telling her she's living wrong so she's forcing herself into a box where she doesn't fit because she's afraid of nonconformity and she takes that fear out on the person closest to her and the one person who might actually understand what she feels. because it is so scary to admit that you are not what you are supposed to be and intimacy and honesty are so much scarier than bullying someone who'll do it right back. she's been engaged at 16 years old and burdened with the expectation that she'll marry ranma and carry on the legacy of her father's beloved dojo, and now she's been thrown in to this situation where she is forced to confront her wayward sexuality head on and directly in front of her entire family.
will say though possibly unpopular opinion. i dont like transmasc akane reads .. i think shes cis. she has a tomboy thing going on (meaning characters (mostly ranma) make fun of her for being boyish and violent and she has an arc about cutting her hair and no longer growing it out as assurance of her own femininity even though she really prefers it short) but i dont think taking "this female character has some issues with not being seen as feminine enough because of her behavior/struggles with not tying her worth to how feminine she is" should be immediately taken as "this character is not a girl" because i think the potential for her gender nonconformity (esp in relation to her bisexuality) is just as valuable a theme, especially considering r/2 already has very potent transfem (ranma) and transmasc (ukyo) stories. idk "this character has some not traditionally feminine tendencies -> cannot be a girl" doesnt sit right with me. in any series other than r/2 it wouldn't bother me because people can take little tidbits of possible transgenderism as they'd like, but since the trans themes are already so potent in r/2 i tend to lean towards more realistic interpretations of the characters and i dont feel like "akane doesnt fit into traditional femininity and is therefore not [fully] a girl" is reaaally a win. expectations and gender roles are a huge theme in r/2 and i think its valuable seeing how they impact a cis girl as it is how they impact trans people in terms of determining what even MAKES someone a girl or a boy. is it what you wear? what you do? how you talk? these are genuine questions that r/2 asks and i feeeeel that transmasc reads of akane kind of respond to these questions in a really surface level way. this is the reason for the slash over the everyone else is wrong box. because not everybody thinks this and i know some reliable akaneheads (hi jordan)
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Isabela for the first impression meme 😊
[ask game]
Heya! thank you for the ask! c:
First impression: Oh, great, the standard sexualised female probably-meant-as-default-romance-for-male-hawke companion! I know who i'm not romancing out of spite alone :^) (her entrance kicks ass though)
Impression now: Bestie. Beloved. <333 I was very positively surprised about the depths of her character and she's sooo. She cares so so much and it scares her that she cares so much but she learns to do it anway and augh. I care her. Also arguably the only the most emotionally intelligent person in DA2
Favorite moment: When she comes back after bailing with the tome. It goes against all her instincts, she is terrified and she knows that she is putting her life on the line but she came back
Idea for a story: Sth about her and Zevran! Angsty and dramatic or just shenanigans, before DA2 or during or after idc, but i'd love to see more of them
Unpopular opinion: Hmm, only opinion that i can think of that might be unpopular is that i actually really like Isabela's relationship with Aveline. I know a lot of people say they hate each other/ are horrible to each other but i didn't get that impression at all tbh? Or at least, i felt like they started rough but by Act 2 they're bros.
Favorite relationship: Her and Merrill (platonic or romantic idc) <3 Except for a couple dialogue lines that feel a bit too patronising to me (which i. kinda blame on the game being patronising towards Merrill in general) their relationship is so good and sweet and also they are a hella scary duo. And Bela's relationship with Zevran also makes me really soft ngl
Favorite headcanon: If you know me you know i love silly HCs lolol, and i love the HC that she did wear pants and Varric either didn't notice because they're brown and he is silly, or because he's colourblind, or wrote it like that because he was being petty about losing a bet to her or something. Also love the HC that she and Zevran officially married so that she could have his last name bc she thought it sounded badass (and/or to officially rid herself of her old husband's last name)
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Dr. C x Momdebra. Thoughts?
you sent me this while i was not sober i wish you couldve heard me laugh
um ok so i actually have lots of thoughts after thinking about it all night. my FIRST thought was that abracadaniel's "were you guys talkin about me ',:D" makes me think she has something going on with ABRACADANIEL, but (brushes that aside) hes gay smh. but he clearly wants cal's approval.
also other thoughts. it explains why she was so completely bland about cadebra this entire time. youd think shed either love her or hate her, given that deb's a main character the only other member of the Weak House. but she ignores her during class entirely. no playing favorites in doctor cal's class no sir ignores the whole pep thing. she DOES very very gently go check on her when pep runs off and blaines out there smearing his name.
well. i think itd be fun. i mean. i am. very angry at this lady for everything she did and she is not very nice (WHICH LADY? YES). but cal has this very supportive kind veneer i think she really did love those kids to some extent (bro it stops when you leave them lying in an alley alone to die. but she DID just want everyone to have a good time in her class. and "ohh, hey, ease up" lives in my mind forever, as insidious as it was, given who she was saying it to and when. "thats my favorite student you're talking about." augh. okay. that really does hit.)
BUT i think itd be fun. because momdebra is soooo overbearing and intense, mom wants cadebra to push herself so far, mom is insistent that cadebra follow a specific path and track specific numbers to make herself the perfect wizard as dictated by arbitrary levels and abilities. whereas, doctorate though she may have, cal seems so much more holistic, and just wants everyone to follow their own path and learn their own way, and fill their heads with joy and knowledge, she wants everyone to delight in the pursuit of learning and she will stand out in the rain and the mud with you and gently explain the cultural and historical significance of every artifact you find for hours until you are satisfied. like thats her deal. i do not forgive her for the things she did (i need to remind myself of that because im MAD ! she left blaine there defenseless she WATCHED spader die!) but i do think she has a truly kind side to her because learning and pleasure in doing so are actually important to her. just, not as important as bringing about the second age of terror. anyways. sorry this turned into me trying to unravel my cal thoughts.
so i think it would be really funny to see her and momdebra interact over deb. as partners. like mom keeps sending a miserable deb back to work on her incantations over and over and cal is like oh, my goodness, are you still on that? deb, let's go look at some bugs, in the park. (there's a secret hidden lesson buried in the bug-observing expedition) (also she tells her what a good job she's doing and how she can be a wizard in any way she wants no matter what her mom says) (it's corney as hell) (cuz that's cal for you). i would LOVE to think this chills momdebra out a little bit and she learns Acceptance. but i doubt it. she is just blinded by her cool 20 foot tall girlfriend who is so super good at magic. did you know doctor caledonius is level 80000, cadebra??? YOU could be level 80000 so EASILY if you just APPLIED YOURSELF.
anyways it's so sad we cant ship damn near any of the fuckin adults together without running into "SO THEY WERE OKAY WITH LETTING THEIR PARTNER'S DAUGHTER DIE. SO THEY WERE OKAY WITH HELPING THAT TO HAPPEN." like. bro. this is so sad. cal threw deb at her friends and said "get rid of her". cadebra doesnt even have like,,,, any cool adults to run to about this does she. cal in this scenario was probably a level-headed nice person in her life who seemed to support her and want her to be herself. and she went to brain wizard when she was scared that one time. and now what. she went to abracadaniel when she was scared that other time but whats he gonna do??? huddle her under a blanket and go yell at his sister for dating a maniac until he remembers he's too scared of her to do that and then come to hide under the blanket with deb.
i dunno how to end this post i got words. my thoughts: 9/10 excellents fun scenario to play in. i absolutely wanna see what that does to cadebra's life.
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coochellati · 1 month
I'm so sorry to hear what happened Jovia!
Man this stuff with your mother is fucked up. I had a friend, her grandma was similar, but instead of valuing a house she valued money more than her family. They didn't even hold contact at all because of this.
I saw a lot of people setting up a Ko-fi page for supposting, that might help! Though read about what it does, sadly I don't know how it works.
I hope everything will be alright. You know what yes! Everything will be figured out because your boyfriend, us and Bruno are with you! :D
-PBS anon
thank you so much for the support, it means so much to me. Seriously, all your asks make me smile. 🩷🩷 heheheh i got that Bruno bot up and running so im probably gonna make him say comforting things, which I WILL share here, but first i gotta learn how speak the way Bruno speaks. The AI bot can transpose my voice all the way down to Bruno’s, so my higher-pitched voice isn’t a problem, but i need to have the diction there too…. anyways, not trying to get to get too off-topic here speaking about the bot but 😂
I just cannot fathom how anyone could possibly think that money is more important to them than their kid. (I’m talking about my mother and your friend’s grandmother—cuz at the end of the day, my mom just wants to keep a “perfect” house so she can sell it for maximum profit.
oh my god when we were kids, she would yell at us so much if we “hurt it” in any way. (Actually, nah, she still does this.) But like, dents in the wall are going to happen. Chipped paint is going to happen. It’s not like we tried to destroy it, but like. Kids are kids. and you shouldn’t yell at them. Can you really expect to keep a house absolutely perfect?
That’s actually a really good idea. I’ve considered a GoFundMe, but im also kind of scared to ask the internet for help? Augh. i think i should just bite the bullet and do it—i literally have $40 to my name. Would Ko-fi bet a better place…? I will look into it……….
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fuckyeah-jessicabiel · 10 months
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Jessica Biel for Interview Magazine, November 2003 - Interview by James Van Der Beek
She ruled the teen airwaves for six years as one of the WB network's young, sexy soap stars (she still occasionally revisits her series, 7th Heaven, now in its eighth season), but lately Jessica Biel has been focusing on feature films. To talk about her role in the just-released, much-anticipated remake of the grisly cult favorite The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, we set Biel up with ex-WB col- league and co-star in last year's The Rules of Attraction, James Van Der Beek.
JESSICA BIEL: Hey, James. How are you?
JVB: Very good. You know, this is my first interview. I'm excited.
JB: Being on the other end, it's got to be strange.
JVB: I don't know. I've never done it before. [Biel laughs] So where are you-L.A.?
JB: No, I'm in Vancouver.
JVB: Oh, right. You're up there for Blade [III].
JB: Yes. I've been here for two weeks, and we don't start shooting for another two. I'm working out like a maniac. I work with a trainer every day. and I'm learning martial arts and archery.
JVB: Wow. You are going to kick ass.
JB: And I'm on this nutritional plan-no salt, no sugar, no bread. Just some fruits, every vegetable you can think of, lean meat, and water. They say they want me to have a six-pack stomach, but I think they really want me to have a twelve-pack. [both laugh] But it's fun getting paid to work out.
JVB: Let's talk about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's got a big buzz around it, huh? And it's got such a cool trailer. What made you decide to do it?
JB: Well, I was skeptical about doing it at first lbecause it's such a cult classic and-
JVB: -Had you seen the original?
JB: I had. I'd seen some of the sequels too, and I was not a fan of those. I was worried that this was going to be another sequel, but I met with Marcus Nispel [the movie's director], and he wanted to remake it in all its 1970s glory, but also update it. Then I read the script, and I was surprised by how well written it was. And when I found out that Michael Bay was one of the pro- ducers, I was ready to jump on board.
JVB: There are all kinds of horror movies coming out these days with a lot of talented, creative people behind them. It seems like there's a horror renaissance.
JB: I love horror movies.
JVB: What are some of your favorites? Are there some that scare the crap out of you?
JB: Poltergeist [1982], The Shining [1980], The Exorcist [1973]. Oh-Candyman [1992]! I was terrified by Candyman. Have you seen it?
JVB: No. I'm a wimp when it comes to scary movies. That's one of my deep, dark secrets.
JB: Well it's out now. [both laugh]
JVB: When you're on the set making a movie like that, can you get a sense of "Wow, this is going to creep the hell out of people?"
JB: Sometimes. And sometimes it was even scary for us.
JVB: You were out on location, right?
JB: We shot on a stage once, but everything else was on location in Texas, in the middle of nowhere. Even going to the Porta-Potti was ter- rifying. [Van Der Beek laughs] Not only were you afraid of something or somebody coming out of the woods, but the spiders down there were the size of my palm.
JVB: Well, everything's bigger in Texas. [both augh] Tell me about your character.
JB: Her name's Erin, and she's the glue that holds everybody together. She's compassionate and kind of mothering. She tries to save all her friends, though they end up getting killed anyway. [laughs] What's really cool about her is she has a will to survive and the strength to fight. She's not a victim. She's a strong, pissed-off young woman.
JVB: Oh, I can definitely see you playing that. [Biel laughs] I'm going to have to see this movie now. I'll go with Heather [Van Der Beek's wife]. She'll hold my hand.
JB: My boyfriend gets scared at horror movies too. He hides his eyes sometimes.
JVB: I've never actually done that, but I do look away from the screen. "Okay. That's the side of the theater. This is just being pro- jected." [Biel laughs] Now, how long have you been acting?
JB: I started 7th Heaven when I was 14.
JVB: Was that your first gig?
JB: I had done a few commercials.
JVB: Had you done any other work, like theater or singing?
JB: Growing up, I did lots of plays in Boulder and Denver. I remember thinking, This is fun! I can really do this! My parents were amazing. They said, "Okay. Let's go for it." I took some classes, and I performed at a competition where casting agents and managers from all over the country came in to see the kids in my area, and I won a scholarship to an acting school. Then I came out to L.A. for pilot season-I came out for pilot season three years in a row, and in the third year, 7th Heaven happened.
JVB: Did you realize how big it was to get a pilot that was picked up?
JB: I never really thought it would happen. I remember my manager saying "this won't get picked up they almost never do but you'll do it and it'll be great to put on your résumé."
JVB: Now, a series is a dream come true, and every actor wants to work, but at some point, the series inevitably becomes less fulfilling. How many years into 7th Heaven was it before you started to think, The grass might be greener somewhere else?
JB: Probably around the third or fourth season. I knew this character so well, and I wondered what it'd be like to try something else. Did you feel that with Dawson's Creek?
JVB: For me, it got to a point where the characters were getting older, and a lot of things that happen to people the age that we were playing could never be covered on the show because of the time slot and because of what the show had become. It felt like we weren't able to tell the truth anymore, whereas when we first started, we felt like there were no limits. Now, when we were making The Rules of Attraction together, early on we had a difficult scene together-the one after we had sex, and I'm on mushrooms and you just nailed it.
JB: Thank you.
JVB: So, I was wondering, how do you pre- pare? What's your process?
JB: It's different every time. For that scene I tried to think about what it would feel like to be used. When I feel comfortable, as I did in that situation, my emotions come out. I accessed the guilt I've felt in my past, applied it to the guilt that my char- acter was feeling, and it just kind of happened.
JVB: I remember being blown away by how proficient you were. You should be proud of that work. But tell me, is there any work you've done that you're embarrassed by?
JB: Umm... [laughs]
JVB: Oh, come on! What?
JB: Okay. When I was about 11, I did this 15- minute short that the filmmakers wanted to take around like a pilot and say, "This is our idea for a movie. Here's a quick taste." It was a musical that involved all the fairy tales, like "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Hansel and Gretel." But it was a bit off: I played Gretel, but my name was Regretel. And for some reason, I was painted blue. [Van Der Beek laughs] And all these slightly off fairy-tale characters were fighting each other. So what hap- pened was this little animated guy who looked like a calculator-his name was Diggy Digital- popped out of this boy's computer and saved the town. Then we all sang this song called "Digital World." [Van Der Beek laughs] That's not all! Afterwards, I went out to dinner with my parents, and I was like, "This is the best thing ever. I'm going to be a superstar!" [both laugh hysterically] Oh, God, I'm really going to regret saying this.
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Rewatching The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself! Random thoughts:
Annalise told Nathan that she’s never seen her mom use her power (controlling water, supposedly). What if her mom actually has some kind of destructive power that not a lot of Fairborn witches have so she’s lying about it? Since it seems like the powers you get are supposed to be related to your parents’ powers.
From episode 4: all the Gabriel stuff has more layers on a second watch. The whole Clark situation...when Clark asks Gabriel to move in with him he says, “I don’t like it when you go” and god, that must sound so much like Mercury to Gabriel. And later he tells Clark “you knew that wasn’t my scene” (about moving in) which puts things in a different light...at first it looks like he’s just avoiding intimacy, but this is a situation where he probably told Clark pretty clearly that moving in wasn’t going to happen and Clark is still pushing, assuming things are going to go his way. It’s got to feel like Mercury to Gabriel, right? And he just smiles and goes along with it and then runs as soon as he can.
Also I’m so pissed at Clark for adding his name to the book.
Gabriel has such good lines. “An ugly plastic lighter of almost getting me killed.” “I didn’t say I didn’t want it. I said I wasn’t grateful.” He’s just so done with Nathan and Annalise. Although also now I can’t help thinking that he probably doesn’t really have a choice about bringing them to Mercury. He acts like it’s about getting paid but what happens if he doesn’t do what she told him to? Like how much freedom does he actually have? Mercury sends that woman to do the potion/spell thing and talk to him, how often does that happen? “You haven’t been checking in,” how often is he supposed to be doing that? Has he been trying to get free of her? Maybe make a little more space for himself at least...
He looks scared when he talks to Mercury. Doesn’t move as much, blinks a lot, keeps looking down.
The way she touches his face like he’s her property.
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v-anrouge · 4 months
Random Vil and Rook headcannons!
Vil is an animal person, he probably would enjoy owning a reptile to just kinda hang with, but if he could have all the time and energy, he would love a bird. But he knows they’re like toddlers for their entire lives.
Rook is an exotic lover, and would work at or even own a sanctuary. He loves deer the most because of how graceful they are.
Once a month, all of Pomfoire has a cheat day. Vil would love to partake but he’s such a perfectionist he still holds himself fairly high. He stares longingly at Epel’s apple pie every time.
Rook used to be apart of the Mountain Lovers Club, but after his first year he changed to Science club. He wishes he had enough time to do both.
Vil and his dad are SUPER close, a lot like Deuce and his mom or even Silver and Lilia to be honest. They talk almost every night, and both would kill for the other.
Rook has a big family, and kinda hates it. He loves his family as individuals, but everyone is highly competitive, and tend to have their masks on when in groups. He is closest with his elder sister Queenie.
When Vil was a kid, he would get stress migraines, so now he’s fairly strong about self care (especially after VDC, he realizes he kinda slipped then)
Rook loves photography because nature is always changing, and he wants to save every small moment. (Also his grandma probably was a big scrapbooker)
Vil’s dad fought hard to keep Vil out of the limelight until he was ten. Mainly cause Vil started to absolutely BEG to do movies like his dad.
Rook is secretly scared of the dark, but he always Carrie’s his bow and arrows so he feels prepared atleast
Vil used to have super long hair, like Jamil length, but it got caught during potions and he sobbed having to cut it short.
Rook also had long hair but viewed cutting it as a fresh start. He’s been trying ti keep up with its care since then and is quite proud of it now!
YES ABSOLUTELY i think he'd really like to have a couple of birds since he finds it cruel to have just one lonely bird but alas...no time
THIS THIS THIS idc what anyone has to say deers are rook's fav animals PERIOD
TOUFFH rook always noticing vil's hesitancy and taking him to heartslabyul so they can have a tea party with vil cater and trey :(((((((
this is one is canon actually>:D he's ALWAYS smiling talking about his dad it's the sweetest thing😿
THIS HURTS SO MUCH PLEASE SOTP IN GONNA EDPLODE but aigu....rook going to his older sister's bedroom late at night...her answering him with a comforting smile and hugging him....she lets him stay the night because even though rook is grown she can't bear to see her little brother sad, especially knowing his issues
THIS AUGH THISJSJEJDJE he worked so hard and even then couldn't protect him :( he feels terrible but vil would never blame him and is constantly reassuring him , especially when vil tells him he overblotted
THIS IS SO CUTE😭😭 AND IT MAKES SO KUCH SWNSE BECAUSE HE'S SCARED OF BEING VULNERABLE SFUUGUF... imagine the lights going out suddenly and rook is just startled but you take his hands and squeezes them softly, gently coaxing him into laying back down again...
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amrv-5 · 1 year
you want Beejhawk Q’s, I have so many
- what do their coworkers think of them, do they know what’s up with their relationship
- what kind of travelling do they do together
- does Erin ever call Hawkeye “dad”
lisssssaaaaaaaa AUGH!!!! I'm answering these in S2G2 verse I'm sorry it's like the only way I can think of postcanon Beejhawk at the moment. im crazy about them AGH
1) Okay for S2G2 verse I think BJ never comes out and says it but the INSTANT Melville and/or Terry see them interact they're like. Yeah. Uh-huh. Okay 'not interested in new realty investments' Hunnicutt. Sure you're totally straight and there was never anything going on between you and this Pierce guy.
I also think that BJ (prior to Hawk getting a job in his dept) is really and noticeably happier. Just clearly SOMETHING in his life has changed for the better, even if everything isn't perfect, he's clearly, clearly doing well, and I think the coworkers who know him notice. By the time they meet Hawkeye and figure it out (because they are so clearly fond of each other and just. they obviously really, really care for each other) they're already biased in his favor because they see how happy Hawkeye makes BJ. I also HC that Hawkeye and BJ regularly host hospital poker nights for like-minded coworkers in the know... they have a community!!!!
2) Traveling. Well, not to reveal the plot of S2G2:2, but they absolutely go to Maine as often as possible because Hawkeye misses his dad and his home. I think they do a lot of nature-y vacations, too, what with all the beautiful California parks nearby. Hawkeye's big time a food-motivated traveler I think, enjoys trying everything new he can find, and BJ likes to come along for the ride. I do think they do a Europe trip at some point. Hawkeye said he wanted to, and I think BJ would surprise him with it on a meaningful anniversary. First, maybe, or fifth or something. They're too work-motivated to spend a TON of time out of the country early on, but I think when they get to retirement age there's a lot more jet-setting. Old couple wearing loud print shirts and going to check out Italy together or something.
3) And ohhhh. Ohhhhh good one. I think......... I think she does eventually. I'm still trying to decide what an older Erin's personality would look like, but I do think at some point she slips, calls him that totally by incident, and then never recants. He IS her dad. He fulfills that role in her life! There's a settling-in period, I think, where he'd be really afraid to call himself that, and it's always, always led by BJ or Erin first, but once that barrier comes down he's so so so proud and overjoyed to be thought of that way. Scared, too, I think, but also so so happy. By the time she's an adult, he's absolutely "dad" to her. 100%.
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