#she's a 10 but she runs a terrorist organization
nyamcattt · 1 year
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i’m here to appease the moira o’deorain fans
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
There was an attempted terror attack today in Samaria, which was thwarted, the 16 years old terrorist tried to stab people, but he was neutralized before he managed to hurt anyone.
In Haifa, however, another terrorist was more successful. He managed to run over a 20 years old man with his car, seriously injuring him. Then the terrorist got out of the vehicle, wielding an axe, and started chasing down civilians who were at the scene, but thankfully there were was a soldier nearby, who neutralized him before any further damage was caused. A reporter mentioned the exact location inside the city where the attack happened, pointing out that it's a very crowded area, right by a hospital (it happens to be the one where my grandmother was hospitalized a few years ago, when a foreign worker ran her over and fled the scene, and I spent a week there with her, so I knew exactly what the reporter was talking about), so the odds of accidentally shooting a civilian while trying to stop the terrorist was high, yet the soldier managed to react quickly, effectively and accurately, and in this case, with no collateral damage. He's a hero. Here's a pic of the car used in this attack:
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I got to hear an interview with Dr. Oren Tamari, an Israeli doctor who looked after an old Gazan woman, who was found tied to her bed. She was asked what happened, and according to her reply, two days prior, terrorists (there's no way of knowing whether they were members of Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad) tied her there, maybe intending for that to be a way of luring soldiers into a trap, when they'd fight with terrorists, and unknowingly kill her as well. Dr. Tamari was asked whether he had come across anything similar in Gaza, and he confirmed that it's not the first such usage of civilians by terrorists that he had encountered.
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Germany, Japan, France, Romania and Austria have also announced that they're suspending their financial aid to UNRWA, and the EU said it is reviewing the matter, following the news that there's evidence some of this UN agency's employees have been involved in the Hamas massacre. In the case of one employee, he and a first degree relative were implicated in the kidnapping of an Israeli woman, while several others were killed during the Oct 7 massacre on Israeli soil, leaving no doubt of their complicity.
In reaction to the claim that the employees who participated in Hamas' massacre were "just a few bad apples," on top of the repeatedly proven wide scale complicity of UNRWA in encouraging antisemitism and terrorism, Israel is also pointing out that there is a structural connection between UNRWA and Hamas beyond the 12 employees that the UN had to concede participated in Hamas' atrocities. It was pointed out that about 10% of UNRWA's Gaza staff has ties to terrorists (23% of male staffers have ties specifically to Hamas), and 49% have close relatives who hold official positions in terrorist organizations, especially Hamas. In the past, Hamas has even directed the resignation and of a non-Palestinian director of UNRWA for his "crime" of not disputing that the IDF's strikes in Gaza in May 2021 were 'very precise' (meaning, not indiscriminate bombing). The participation in Hamas' massacre of UNRWA employees is just the inevitable end result of this symbiotic relationship between this UN agency, and Gaza's terrorist dictators.
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Ironically, Arab countries which hardly donate to UNRWA felt completely free to attack the western countries that did, and decided to suspend this financial support until they know their money isn't going to terrorists. Shame really is dead.
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For that matter, we can talk about the fact that in southern Lebanon, UN employees don't do anything about Hezbollah terrorist activity, even when Hezbollah fires at Israeli civilians from between two UN posts, and despite the UN's stated goal is to make sure this terrorist organization is not so much as present in this area, in accordance with UN resolution 1701. And we can also talk about the UN's complicity in crimes against civilians, like UN involvement in corruption in Russia, UN employees raping local women in Haiti (it's believed most women raped by a UN employee did not report the crime committed against them) and UN employees involved in sexual exploitation and abuse in Congo. The idea that the UN is an impartial, super-human force for good in this world is... just not true. It has been called out on its complicity in crimes before, it NEEDS to be called out for its systematic complicity in crimes against humanity, that Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists committed.
In not unrelated news, it only took almost 4 months, but the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten (center in the pic below), has arrived in Israel with a team that will look into Hamas' sexual crimes on Oct 7. They're expected to work here for about a week.
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It seems Nancy Pelosi is being attacked for urging the FBI to investigate whether Russia has links to protests in the US pushing for a ceasefire in Gaza. What these attacks seem to ignore is that her comments appear to follow the publishing of a US state department report on Soviet antisemitism, which is responsible for cultivating anti-Zionism as an anti-westeren tool, and that antisemitism and protest funding are tools currently employed by the Kremlin.
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This is 21 years old Dor Reeder.
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He moved to kibbutz Be'eri in order to take care of a kid with special needs there, while his parents live in the neighboring community of kibbutz Sa'ad. His father, Tzvi, is a Red Magen David paramedic, who on Oct 7 had a feeling that the rocket attack they started experiencing that morning was abnormally intense. Tzvi notified the emergency squad of kibbutz Sa'ad that they should be alert. Thankfully, they were and together with one tank, they managed to protect their community. Kibbutz Sa'ad was attacked by terrorists, but suffered no massacre. Tzvi continued in his work, evacuating the wounded under fire. Dorit, his wife, is a nurse, and was a part of opening an emergency field hospital in kibbutz Sa'ad. Some of the injured from the Nova music festival were brought for treatment at this hospital. While Dor lived in kibbutz Be'eri, he also found love there, a 19 years old girl named Tchelet. They were hiding together during the Hamas massacre, but were eventually found. While Tzvi managed to help save his own kibbutz, Dor and Tchelet were murdered by terrorists. It took 9 days of uncertainty for the news to be confirmed. May their memory be a blessing. Tzvi asked for everyone to be strong, raise Israel's flag, and hold our head up high.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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poisonousquinzel · 4 months
In honor of the Deadpool 3 talk going around, be aware that the director Shawn Levy is a Zionist who supports Noah Schnapp, with Ryan Reynold's support.
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Caption: These are just a few images of the hundreds that compel me to speak up: More than 1000 dead, over 150 kidnapped , others raped, wounded, brutalized .
Children, teens, women, and the elderly...
This terrorist act has and CAN have NO justification, no 'context' that can explain or forgive .
To be clear: this was perpetrated by Hamas-- a terrorist organization that does not seek peace, nor democracy , nor a 2-state coexistence for the Palestinian and Israeli people; they want the elimination of Israel, the eradication of the Jewish people, and what they did in Israel should outrage anyone with basic human principles. You can care about the struggles of the Palestinians and still condemn Hamas as the barbaric terrorists they clearly show themselves to be. Honestly baffled that there's even any debate about this .
You don't need to be Jewish to stand with these innocent victims and hostages. You don't need to be Jewish to be heartsick, outraged and stand against this terror; you just need to be a human being with eyes and ears and heart.
Oct 10, 2023
And yeah, unsurprisingly, he's posted jackshit in regards to the proven lies that were and are spread about the events of Oct 7, or about the propaganda he helped spread, or about how Israel killed it's own people on Oct 7, or how they have repeatedly had chances to get the hostages back (including this month as well!!) and refuse because this has never been about the hostages, or how they've repeatedly lied about Hamas bases and operatives to try n justify bombing hospitals & schools, or how Israel has committed dozens of war crimes over and over, or how there's plenty of recorded proof of IDF / IOF soldiers beating up and assaulting Jewish people who disagree with them, or the videos of Israeli settlers harassing others in their circle for having empathy for Palestinians, screaming obscenities and insults at teachers for having empathy for other humans, or the thousands of Jewish people who stand with Palestine and have been this whole time, or the heinous racist shit Noah Schnapp has spewed lately, or how the IDF / IOF is known for having a problem with soldiers sexually assaulting each other, or how Israel is a safe haven for pedophiles (ya know, rapists), or about the little girl who was stuck in a car with her dead relatives until she was also murdered by Israel (alongside the medical workers who had gone to recuse her), or about the videos of the Israeli military using bulldozers to run over people in tents, to run over a pregnant woman, to run over refugees, or about the family members who've had to carry the pieces of their loves ones in bags because they were blown to pieces by the bombs set off by the Israeli military, or about how they're actively starving every Palestinian person they can and refusing to allow aid into Gaza, or how Israeli folks are actively driving out in droves to physically prevent aid trucks from passing to get to a starving population, or how it's been a tradition for Israeli settlers to go to the edge near Gaza to listen and Celebrate bombings long before Oct 7, or the countless pieces of irreplaceable historical landmarks have been destroyed, or the over 30,000 Palestinians who've been murdered in cold blood since Oct 7 while Zionist cheer on the violence.
Marvel supports Israel, actively, don't let your love for that specific series cloud that.
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chery1bery1 · 1 month
A thread of actors/musicians that support Israel.
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Jen Cohn
She is well known for voicing many characters such as Pharah from Overwatch, Ursa (Zuko’s mom) from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Miss Champlain from Wordgirl, and many other roles. On a TikTok and YouTube livestream when many watchers commented “free palestine”, her response to them was “Yes, free Palestine from Hamas.”
There are also more quotes from Cohn such as her response to a comment about wanting a new Pharah voice actor along with the Palestine flag emoji, “That is not a very ‘values of Overwatch’ thing to say” which caused anger from many fans. Cohn has also stated that “Hamas is a terrorist organization, there are so many articles and videos of Gazans risking their lives by speaking out and begging to be free of their terrorist government.”
A change.org petition to call for a voice recast can be signed from this link here.
Video source
(Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist nationalist group that controlled the Gazan strip for 20 years and is labeled as a terrorist group by many countries. It took over the Gazan strip after an election between a political party called Fatah in 2006. On October 7th of 2023, the IDF’s attack on Gaza was followed from a series of many other attacks in Israel from Hamas but there were other conflicts between Israel and other groups before 10/07.)
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Deedee Magno Hall
Hall is well known for voicing Pearl, a character from the Cartoon Network series Steven Universe along with other live action roles for other studios. Although she never stated anything about Israel or Hamas, one of the posts she liked on Twitter was from Mark Hamill, “America stands with Israel ✊ #ALWAYS” which spread on the platform, receiving backlash from SU fans.
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Eric Nam
Eric is a K-pop/R&B singer and songwriter based in South Korea who wrote songs under B2M Entertainment. He had many tours over the years as a musician and even acted in television. In a tweet by @DiscussingFilm on April 11, it was announced that he had been cast as adult Aang for the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie set to release around 2025-2026.
This post received backlash from ATLA fans due to posts regarding his involvement with Zionists and support for Israel such as liking a pro-Israel instagram post,
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The companies Dive Studios and Mindset (both co-founded by Eric and also his brothers) having investor companies supporting Israel along with Mindset’s strategic investor Scooter Braun also supporting Israel as well as a history of working with celebrities that are pro-Israel, and the fact that he removed Malaysia and The Philippines off of his “House On A Hill” tour list due to backlash by many Malaysian fans for the aforementioned instagram post (Malaysia is against people supporting Israel and is very pro-Palestine.), ignoring the backlash but posted a statement regarding his neutral opinion on the Gaza genocide where the reason was that he “made the difficult decision to cancel the show” in Malaysia.
You can sign the recast petition here
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Noah Schnapp
Schnapp is another well known actor who played characters such as Charlie Brown from the Peanuts Movie by the now-defunct Blue Sky Studios, and Will Byers from Netflix’s Stranger Things.
In a TikTok video, Noah Schnapp is seen sitting and filming with people holding “Zionism is Sexy” stickers, the line “You either stand with Israel or you stand with terrorism.”, along with liking a post that mocked Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as well as his visit to Israel. This had many fans call for a boycott against the 5th Season of Stranger Things or for Noah to be fired from playing Will Byers.
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Jeremy Shada
Jeremy is also another well known actor and had many roles like the Cookie Run franchise as Gingerbrave, Adventure Time as Finn the Human, Voltron: Legendary Defender as Lance, Julie and the Phantoms as Reggie Peters, and some others. Many fans were not happy to see that he has been pro-Israel due to an instagram post liked by Shada and so some Finn and Gingerbrave fan art with the Palestine flag were made.
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Tara Strong
Tara is the one of the most well known voice actor in the animation industry and had been widely loved for playing many famous characters such as Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls, Raven from Teen Titans (and the reboot), Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, Timmy Turner from The Fairly Oddparents, Ilana from Sym-Bionic Titan, and so many other characters she’d played in.
Recently, she was fired from playing the character Bill the Orphan in an adult-animated series called Boxtown due to her negative responses to the Palestinian genocide. She said in a tweet, “Just found out on twitter! This is what happens when you help fans get shows made I guess. Fired for being Jewish. Glad I helped you get your kickstarter money. Please lose my email address & pray for my family in Israel and in Gaza. & #prayforpeace.” Bandit Mill Animation however, has stated this was due to Tara’s controversial tweets.
Speaking of, there are many tweets by Strong that prove this point such as liking posts that are against Islamic people, being pissed off that the BLM movement didn’t stand for a genocide, claiming the IDF doesn’t rape/harm any civilians, making a post with the hashtag #IStandWithIsrael, hiding a reply of the death count between Palestinians and Israeli people, and even more situations outside the Palestinian movement like being an anti-vaxxer, supporting PETA, supporting and directing an “eco-friendly” NFT movie project called Ornamental, supporting Autism Speaks (an organization that claims to “cure” autism.), being in a video where Tara was verbally abusing an Uber driver that was an immigrant along with Rena Sofer by saying “We are Americans, we were born here.”, did nothing when Greg Cipes called asexuality a phase to an asexual in a FMA game he hosted, being racist in response to a news clip of MEMRI (Which is a non-profit organization founded by Yigal Carmon, an Israeli military intelligence officer. MEMRI has been claimed to mistranslate clips so Palestinians would viewed in a bad light.), had a little girl who had a brain tumor pass away due to bronies donating to a charity where the money was instead of real medicine, it was put into “alternative treatments”, AND retweeted Ben 10 incest back in 2012-13.
Tara Strong has really destroyed her own reputation as a voice actor and it’s really upsetting that a famous woman who voiced pretty much everyone’s childhood have such negative ways when dealing with topics like these. The fact that there are STILL fans defending her actions is just depressing to see what she had become.
I have a picture limit that only goes for 10 images, so here’s a lightning round of more people.
Jerry Seinfeld, who voiced Barry B. Benson from the Bee Movie and had his own semi-fictional show named after his last name visited Israel into the IDF military base nicknamed “Camp Shoot-A-Palestinian” (I’M NOT FUCKING JOKING) and played target practice with pictures of REAL Palestinians, made a few pro-Israel posts on his instagram, and more.
Selena Gomez, played Alex Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place, Mavis from the Hotel Transylvania franchise, and many other roles has many posts regarding support to Israel such as liking Amy Schumer’s pro-Israel posts on Instagram, was VERY pissed off when fans asked her for Palestinian support, and lying about the beauty company Rare Beauty supporting Gaza even though the CEO is a Zionist which resulted in the donation money going a Zionist organization called Magen David Adom.
Scarlett Johansson had worked with companies that support Israel over the years along with a couple of posts that are pro-Israel.
Kim Dongyoung, who is a member of a few South-Korean bands as Doyoung like NCT and it’s other sub-units has lost over 800,000 instagram followers because of a McDonalds Korea promotion he was in even though he had donated to World Food Program Korea (a company that started to donate food to Gaza back in December of 2023.).
Taika Watiti, who played Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death has liked Instagram posts of Gal Godot’s suppport for Israel, went on a big rant about his response to people addressing his silence on Palestinians because of people not knowing about Māori issues on the Marc Macron podcast (Many, Many Māori people are pro-Palestinian.)
Sarah J Maas, author of The Assassin’s Blade, Crescent City, and A Court of Thorns and Roses, is a Zionist that has spoken about her “love for Israel”, said that she was proud of her family members that had been involved with the IDF and its military bases and went on a trip to Israel.
Con O’Neill, who plays Izzy Hands from the show Our Flag Means Death has a liked post by Eve Barlow with the lines of “coming out as a Zionist is harder than coming out as gay”.
Keanu Reeves is another well known actor that appeared in The Matrix franchise as Neo, The Day the Earth Stood Still as Klaatu, Cyberpunk 2077 as Johnny Silverhand, and many other movies. He said that he wanted to make a John Wick movie that take place in Israel with IDF soldiers that trained for stunts, went to a party that was hosted by a former arms dealer during the 2014 Gaza war, and visited Israel several times along with meeting Netanyahu.
Rick Riordan, the author of the Percy Jackson books made a very lengthy blog post stating the Israel-Palestine conflict with lines such as “the Israeli government’s brutal retaliation against the entire population of Gaza has reached genocidal proportions.” & “This means security and support for Israel, yes.”
You can find a LOT MORE celebrities/actors (that aren’t included in this post) that support Israel/ had signed Zionist letters along with people who support Palestine here👇
If you follow any of the people that are on this post, including the ones I’ve shared above, UNFOLLOW THEM. Do not go to any place that includes that person and boycott any artist that remains silent/supports Israel.
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drewlyyours · 1 year
Rating Nancy Drew Game Dads for Father’s Day
(All characters start with 5/10 for being dads)
Franz Mittelmeier (Lucas’ Dad)
+2 works hard to keep the whole village safe.
-3 for being strangely absent in his son’s life. Like, yeah you live in a castle but YOUR SON IS A MENACE DO NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE WITH HIS AUNT WHO NEEDS ANGER MANAGEMENT.
Hugh Penvellyn (Jane’s Father)
+2 being a diplomat to whatever is cool, helping people or government or whatever is fine
Ollie Randall (Father to Freddie)
+3 kinda a swell guy
+1 lets her play outside whenever she wants, and although I don’t want him to shoot the wolf im sure he just wants the place safe, especially with her around
-1 not playing outside with her 24/7 as he should
Brendan Malloy (Fiona’s Father)
-2 for creating DEATH TRAPS literally everywhere where his family could and DID literally die
+4 being a literal rocket scientist
+2 doing his best and clearly loving Fiona enough for her to be drawn to pieces of him after 80 years.
Whoever the heck Clara’s father was
-5 there are theories about this but whoever he was, he was a gross person who I would rather eat chalk then spend ten seconds with
Ezra Wickford (Dexter Egan’s Dad)
+10 for inventing chocolate milk
-8 for Dexter’s daddy issues and for probably never saying I love you
-1 for caring more about his castle
+1 for the genuine shame he felt about the way things went
Meryl Humber (Frances’ Father)
-10 for murdering her boyfriend
+5 for regretting it
-2 for probably actually not
+4 for really loving Frances enough to wait everyday for her to come home.
Gunnar Tonnisson (Edda Gunnarsdottir’s father)
-2 for turning into a sad sack who lashes out
+7 for his family being everything to him and loving them wholly and entirely, so much that it broke him
Jake Hurley (Train Dad)
+5 just for “take care of my train. it holds wonderful things”
-2 too much train love maybe neglected wife
+2 wife’s ghost on train so he loves it more
Magnus Kiljansson (Ship Father)
-3 was a little too obsessed with the gold on the ship
+5 but he wanted to study its history
+1 loved it literally more than anything else (including his girlfriend lol)
Mickey Malone (Dog Dad)
-2 was a mobster and didn’t plan on where his dogs would go if something happened to him
+6 loved his dogs so much they came back to haunt humanity
Bruno Bolet (Iggy and Bernie’s Dad)
-2 kinda just let his beds run wild, which may not be good in a domestic context
+7 LITERALLY gave them run of the house, took care and loved basically ever creature he came into contact with, no matter how creepy or weird it was
Carson Drew (Nancy’s Dad)
-6 lets daughter go on trips overseas ALONE and WITHOUT MONEY, even after she
Was threatened and brutally attacked by MULTIPLE ASSAILANTS
Dressed in a cat suit and danced at a night club for petty cash
Almost got kidnapped and literally had her best friend get kidnapped and trapped on an island
Was threatened by a crime ring, the mafia, and a terrorist organization
Had multiple criminals tell her they would “get back” at her for this (even once who never made it to jail)
+2 for being a good wholesome guy, and a lawyer at that
+2 ALWAYS being there for Nancy
+2 actually giving her the freedom she needs to save the world over and over again
+2 Trusting her and loving her. And raising a BADASS teenage detective.
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leastdatablebracket · 9 months
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Propaganda under the cut!
Kageyuki Shiraishi
He's a terrible unfeeling person. He is insensitive, he teases people to the point of tears and he's the type to use being brutally honest as an excuse to be a jerkass, and despite that is also a consummate liar. He is also part of a terrorist organization, but he was brainwashed by them as a kid.
first off kageyukis whole personality is literally a cause of his horrible upbringing ( he was a bastard child born to a powerful political father + a mother who was only obsessed w said man ) and the fact that he grew up basically in a facility run by a religious cult / terrorist organization that taught him that he was a dispensible pawn and that feelings dont matter ( he was like. 10 man ) later before the start of the game, kageyuki is finally sent to the outside world on a "mission" for this terrorist organization and he begins to craft this "terribly honest, strange and offputting guy persona" when the protagonist meets him at the beginning of the game she actually suspects him of being part of the terrorist organization but he convinces her otherwise and so they begin this tentative partnership to find out more abt this terrorist organization. over the course of their partnership they often do not see eye to eye and he makes the protagonist upset, but doesnt actually do much harm to her and he slowly begins to actually LIKE being w her. but ofc his upbringing does Not Allow him to feel emotions in a Normal way so he kinds just fucks up over and over but its shown that he does have loving sides for her even when he tries to reject the emotions. this eventually leads to his endings. major spoilers for both good and bad endings if uu wanna avoid those !!!! in one of his bad endings, kageyuki actually ends up dying after trying to go after the terrorist organization boss in order to free and help the protagonist ( from her collar. i didnt explain that she had a collar but yeah. it had like poison and stuff in it that cld literally kill her and he didnt want that to happen so ) in his good ending tho, he takes her to the terrorist organization base and attempts to barter for her collar removal in exchange for her to be "initiated" into the organization thru killing him. he actually anticipates that the protagonist will say no tho and so she ends up shooting the boss guy, however this triggers the poison in the protags collar and so shiraishi frantically searches for the antidote ( which just so happened to be on the boss guy ) and he uses it on her. however she then falls into a coma and he nurses her back to health for a year. once she wakes up from her coma, shiraishi discovers that she has amnesia and cannot remember basically anything that happened, and so out of his love for her he simply tells her he was her doctor and that he had been nursing her back to health over the past year after she had a traumatic experience. he then calls up their mutual friends to come and help take care of her bc he had planned all along to turn himself in as part of the organization to atone for what he did and let happen, snd so him telling her nothing abt his feelings was his way of letting her go and be w someone "better for her"..however when he takes them to their friends they surprise the two of them w a christmas party since they had missed it the last year and it gently helps the protag regain her memories and she has a whole confrontation where they confront their feelings together and she decides that no matter what she will wait for him and its very sweet and very cute AND SO IN CONCLUSION KAGEYUKI SHIRAISHI IS VERY DATEABLE HE GOES THROUGH MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND HE DESERVES THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!
Her rent was DUE!!! 😫😫😫 …and she didn’t pay it. Smokes weed in our shared apartment. Lucy we share a wall please be quieter when you bring people over to fuck smh. She’s a good person and kind of hot but she’s annoying as hell and for that reason I’m submitting her.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
"We will not accept the heinous attacks against Israel being celebrated here on our streets," German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in his address to the federal parliament, the Bundestag on Thursday. In Berlin, members of the group Samidoun, which describes itself as a Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, had celebrated the Hamas attack against Israel — in which hundreds of Israeli civilians were killed — by handing out sweets.
Aiman Mazyek, who chairs the Central Council of Muslims in Germany, also spoke of shameful images: "I can never be glad — regardless of the victims' faith, or whether they have any faith at all — if someone is massacred or terrorized," he said.
Interior Minister: Deport offenders where possible
Chancellor Olaf Scholz has now announced a ban on Hamas activities in Germany. The organization Samidoun, which is affiliated with the Palestinian terrorist group PFLP, will also be banned. "Whoever supports terror organizations like Hamas commits a criminal offense," Scholz said.
Banning the actions and organizations means their gatherings and activities are no longer permitted, nor can their logos be used. Organizational assets may also be confiscated. Whoever persists despite the ban would be committing a criminal offense.
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser also intends to take action against other supporters and sympathizers of Hamas in Germany. This would include people who collect donations for the organization. At the same time, she is examining the possibility "of deporting offenders from the Islamist scene, if they are not German passport holders."
Supporters and sympathizers
According to estimates from the German domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, there are about 450 people in Germany who back Hamas; many of them are German citizens. There is no official branch of the group in Germany.
But there are supporters and sympathizers. 'We must therefore assume that that the number of people in the supporter scene is in the thousands," Middle East expert Guido Steinberg, from the Berlin-based German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), told DW. The group of sympathizers is even broader. While supporters take concrete action in support of Hamas, for example, advertising or collecting money, sympathizers often do not figure publicly at all, Steinberg explained.
"These bans are one of the most important instruments a democracy has to prevent money flowing to terrorist organizations," Hans-Jakob Schindler from the transatlantic think tank Counter Extremism Project (CEP) told DW. However, he added: "It is always difficult, because in Germany associations and non-profit organizations enjoy a certain degree of protection, and investigations by authorities such as the Office for the Protection of the Constitution are limited when it comes to finances."
The line is crossed when violence is openly called for or endorsed. "As long as individuals restrain themselves in this regard, it will be very difficult," Schindler explained, adding that suspects usually pay close attention to what they say, so as not to attract attention from the authorities.
Germany as a safe haven?
Hamas does not recognize the state of Israel and its stated goal is to destroy it. Germany, the European Union, the US and other nations have declared Hamas to be a terror organization.
Germany banned a number of organizations closely aligned with the movement several years ago. "Hamas considered Western countries such as Germany a safe haven, where the organization could concentrate on collecting donations, recruiting new followers and spreading their propaganda," a 2022 report by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution read.
According to an assessment by the German domestic intelligence agency, the organization Samidoun belongs to the radical Palestinian organization the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The PFLP also propagates taking up arms against Israel. In contrast to Hamas, however, it is secular in orientation, rather than religious.
Also considered part of the network is the organization "Palestinian Community in Germany," which according to security authorities is mostly comprised of Hamas supporters.
Yet individuals and groups based in Germany play only a minor role in the financing of Hamas, Schindler said: "One must bear in mind that fundraising initiatives from Germany and Europe are not the main financier of Hamas." When it comes to money, that is very clearly Qatar (…) Hamas would not function without the funds from Qatar,"  Schindler explained.
Iranian influence in Hamburg
Within Germany, political attention is also turning toward international supporters of Palestinian terror groups: In 2020, then-Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (of the Bavarian conservative Christian Social Union, CSU) banned the Lebanese group Hezbollah.
The Islamic Centre of Hamburg (IZH), presumed to be controlled by Iran, has been under observation by the domestic intelligence agency for decades. It is considered as the long arm of the Iranian regime and congratulated Hamas on Saturday's attack against Israel. "Without Iranian support over recent years, Hamas would not have been capable of this unprecedented attack on Israeli territory," Scholz said.
German authorities deported the deputy leader of the IZH in 2022: He stood accused of supporting terror organizations and the financing of terrorism. However, the IZH itself has not yet been banned. The condition for doing so, which would also have to withstand a possible judicial review, is proof that aggressive, combative behavior forms the core character of the association.
Central Council of Muslims: Only a minority are anti-Israel
Aiman Mazyek of the Central Council of Muslims emphasizes that only a small minority of Muslims take to the streets with anti-Israel or antisemitic slogans. People should not assume "that these images, these people, speak for all Muslims, for German Muslims, or for their organizations here." 
The question remains: Does Germany now also have to reckon with attacks by Hamas or their sympathizers? Hans-Jakob Schindler said: "I do not see Germany as a main target for Hamas, but you cannot rule out the possibility of motivated, radicalized individual perpetrators feeling obliged to do something."
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sparatus · 1 year
WIP Masterlist
... because at this point I have enough running projects I should probably make a proper list instead of just the one post for ExDiff, huh?
Hiiiii!! It's-a me, NoisyNoiverns, your friendly neighborhood niche Mass Effect author, most famous as "that one dude who built the entire Desolas/Abrudas tag from the ground up" and the turian councilor's defense attorney who made up an OC for his wife and... also the entire clan, and then accidentally convinced some people she's canon, oops? I've got multiple longfics and series going now, so I figured I should put together a proper list, lol.
Current Longfics
In the Land of Giants: Fic 3 of 10 in Exponential Differentiation, "ItLoG" for short. With Hislop dead and Terra Nova safe, Shepard and Nihlus continue the hunt for Cerberus. A friend's disappearance and a clue from a mysterious message both point them towards Omega, where they encounter a surprising new ally... who seems to know more than she's letting on. [AO3]
The Weight of Memory: Companion novella to ItLoG. While Shepard and Nihlus gallivant off to Terminus, Saren returns home to Palaven to rest, recover, and get used to his new leg as he adjusts to retirement. But the galaxy isn't done with the Arterius clan, and their problems are getting too big to hide from... [AO3]
Make Less the Depth of Grief: After the fall of the Destiny Ascension in the Battle of the Citadel, the galaxy is in shambles, and the hunt is on for Alexander Shepard. In order to find him, Ashley Williams consents to be interviewed about her time on the Normandy. But the more she talks, the less sure of her answers she feels... [AO3]
In Retrograde: When a rescue mission goes horribly awry, turian soldier Axilus Madelivio and quarian Pilgrim Thie'Haasn nar Olyna are thrown together, their fates inexorably intertwined by the biotic explosion Thie set off to save their lives. Now Axilus's latent biotics have been activated, and Thie's Pilgrimage has been thrown wildly off track. In order to escape Axilus's impending transfer to the Cabals and earn Thie's place in quarian society, the two of them are going to have to work together - for better or for worse. [AO3]
Sentiment and Reason: Fic 2 of the Dead Parents Club Murder Mysteries. A visit to an old friend of the Arterius brothers goes awry when the friend in question is found dead in his own home, and Special Tactics are asked to investigate. The problem? Saren is too recognizable, and the late general's neighbors aren't talking. It's up to Avitus Rix and Macen Barro, posing as newlyweds, to infiltrate the neighborhood and find the killer - while coming to terms with their own old rivalry and new feelings. [AO3]
Overarching Series
Exponential Differentiation: No-Reapers AU, DMAB nonbinary Shepard. "ExDiff" for short. After a mysterious all-human team attack Eden Prime and destroy the Prothean beacon found there, Shepard sets out on a grand adventure to hunt them down - and gets in so much deeper than they ever thought possible, uncovering a massive terrorist organization and facing impending war with the Hegemony. Nihlus and Saren join the crew, as well as several OCs including additional Normandy crew, new Spectres, and the batarian Resistance. Also a lot of worldbuilding for alien cultures, especially turians and batarians. Primary ships are Kryterius, Desabrudas, Garrus/OC, and Shepard/Jack.
Series on AO3
Detailed masterpost
Completed: Broken Mirror [x], Blood in the Water [x], Where the Wind Rests [x]
Currently In Progress: In the Land of Giants [x], The Weight of Memory [x]
Upcoming: Untitled Feros novella, Towards Peace, The Distance Between Us, A Most Dangerous Game, Entwined, Jack Harper Must Die, Once and For All
Uneasy Lies the Head: Also referred to as "Bad End" for short. Canon divergent, male Shepard, past mShenko. The Destiny Ascension was left to die, and now the rest of the galaxy is paying the price. While Shepard is hunted down for high treason and terrorism, everyone else has to pick up the pieces he left behind and try to move on. The Normandy crew and the Alliance are insisting it was a necessary sacrifice, but was it really? Examines the consequences of Shepard's actions, both for himself and for the galaxy at large.
Series on AO3
Currently In Progress: Make Less the Depth of Grief [x]
Upcoming: Come What Come May, But a Walking Shadow, A Necessary End
Dead Parents Club Murder Mysteries: Exactly what it says on the tin. Series of mission fics featuring Saren, Nihlus, and Avitus, with occasional guest Macen, and other friends such as primarchs, Councilor Sparatus and his wife Aediteia, and various canon characters loosely associated with the trio (say hi, Benezia and Hannah!). Main pairings are Kryterius and Barrix. No-Reapers AU for ease of timeline sorting and not having to factor in indoctrination or Andromeda, because I don't want to.
Series on AO3
Completed: To Catch a Rabbit [x]
Currently In Progress: Sentiment and Reason [x]
Upcoming: Through the Bars, An Immodest Silence
Celestial Interference: OC-centric series following Axilus Madelivio and Thie'Haasn nar Olyna as their lives are thrown wildly off-course and inexorably twined together. Mostly against their wills. Axilus wanted to be a historian, dammit. Co-written with xMidnightSun. Rewrite of the "Rise & Reign" series, ten years of writing skill improvement and so much character development later.
Currently In Progress: In Retrograde [x]
Upcoming: Slingshot Trajectory, Extraorbital, Perigee/Apogee
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mathcs · 3 months
🌟 about pokemon trainer/researcher jude?
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them
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he has a piplup (not only because of the matching colour scheme with him, since pengyon jude in berseria is real) who eventually evolves into empoleon later (aka by the time when trainer!jude evolves into researcher!jude)
it's the same story with his chansey (assigned to him when he first enrolled in his medical classes) -> blissey! like him, she's happy to heal and help whoever they come across during their travels. and later, blissey is mainly looking after the overworking jude (in both the field and lab)
like xillia canon™ as usual, jude was just doing his best in school (and wasn't even a pkmn trainer because studying to be a doctor™) until his life got turned upside down by a mysterious woman who "wields the legendary power of the four in order to save pkmn and humanity" ... not the elite four
very loving and caring towards pkmn (to the point where people suggest he open a pkmn daycare) due to his personality/skills/knowledge learned at school, still knows martial arts (without an 'e'), had to get gym badges, fight and help shadow pkmn, opposing cipher (or organizations like it, imagine team exodus), and eventually runs into a different(?) shadow lugia, who's being used by a terrorist group and attacks the luxury liner he finds himself on...
as his pkmn team gets stronger like him, jude in battle is now "looks like a marshmallow and is a marshmallow but can also kick your ass if needed"
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predictably, his pkmn enjoy battles more than he does, and jude feels guilty for taking your ₽ dollars after winning (it's ok you don't have to pay him-)
visited the ruins of alph, helped the researchers there, and some unowns decided to secretly tag along with him after he left [insert his shock when they first spell out j-u-d-e, f-r-i-e-n-d ✨] generally very curious, affectionate with him, and love playing pranks! but they're also really clumsy. they will tip over his coffee mug... rip
on the other hand, jude's gyarados will volunteer to end you if you even look at jude the wrong way 💢 such a pissed off but protective nature is due to jude caring for him when he was a derpy and sick magikarp (who couldn't even splash that great, pokedex entry scientists hate him). after jude nursed him back to health, the two of them became friends. gyarados eventually decides that any trusted friends of jude may offer their pets on the head, but only once per day [insert loud dragon purring noises]
later (after helping the world not end etc), jude refocuses to research many things- all in order to create a better world for pkmn and people, especially the poorly understood shadow pkmn, which he studies in order to help them. he also becomes one of the youngest pkmn professors
his latest arc probably involves him and the elusive shadow ho-oh and/or shadow lugia still, needing to find them, help/purify them, as well as to set them free from the clutches of the evil organization/its remnants
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lunacyn24 · 1 year
Eden of the East (Ep 1, 3, 4, 5 )
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Eden of the East is certainly a more realistic interpretation of society, compared to the various dystopian-era series we’ve been watching. The series follows Takizawa and his journey of finding out who he is or was, only to realize that he is part of some game to be a savior to society or die trying. Takizawa is one of 12 citizens chosen to be Seleção’s who are granted 10 billion yen only for the use of advancing or saving society, not for personal gain. If personal gain is detected or they don’t prove that their aiding society, they are killed off by a fellow Seleção called The Supporter. When I heard the stipulation to be a Seleção in episode 4, I was astonished because these people were expected, more so forced than anything, to lead their country towards “what [they] feel is the right path” with only 10 billion yen. This compulsoriness sounds similar to the expectations of Japanese work culture (past and present) of being expected to work full time and wishing to seek better working and lifestyle conditions. Additionally, I noticed that the Seleção’s that have been introduced so far, all come from different backgrounds and occupations, thus making this social experiment all the more interesting. Takizawa is an alleged terrorist, there is a Sele��ão who is a model, and there used to be a doctor and a bottom-feeder detective. These are all people who represent different walks of life, therefore would have different views on the right path their country should be on, which has me interested in who makes up the rest of the Seleção’s and who will be the last one standing. 
Saki is also an important individual to take note of because of her struggle as a young adult being freshly graduated, who is trying to find her footing in gaining a corporate job. We see that her interview doesn’t go as she hoped. While confiding in Takizawa, we also learn that she rejected a different offer she believed would be draining and not worth the effort. In episode 5, Saki says that she believed the company was looking for “young people willing to work for long hours with little pay, and take advantage of them”. This statement ties with Mouer’s Work Culture because the organization of corporate society and how it’s run in Japan was one of the four concerns related to the lives of working Japanese. Furthermore, Saki is looked down upon as a young aspiring adult, and is ultimately disappointed and upset with the outcome, especially when matters could have been handled professionally like adults.
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kitawolf12 · 1 year
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I posted 5,827 times in 2022
19 posts created (0%)
5,808 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 278 of my posts in 2022
#nicholas cage - 7 posts
#cagepocalypse - 7 posts
#unreality - 7 posts
#nickapocalypse - 7 posts
#goncharov - 6 posts
#the king's affection - 4 posts
#kdrama - 4 posts
#spoilers - 4 posts
#theater kid - 2 posts
#ehhh - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like that was maybe 30 minutes ago in movie. you smell like alcohol and puke why would he kiss you just hygienic wise not even consent wise
My Top Posts in 2022:
>attempts to pick up order, walks towards building
>building has gates pulled together like it's closed or something
>maybe it's a new security measure, keep walking
>door has little sign that the location is closed??
>man sitting in car calls out to me "You tryin' to go to [store]?"
>"I'm in the phone with her, she'll be right here."
>sit in car, perplexed
>write tumblr post
>she is right there.
1 note - Posted January 7, 2022
this is probably taboo but I really like this post and OP (whose name and comment I deleted) turned off reblogs because people were being "annoying" (?)
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2 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
anyone else have a nightmare about being stalked, harassed, and blackmailed by a terrorist organization that forces you to be an accessory to murder like half a dozen times and then have a second dream about you and some of the other victims teaming up and finally killing the head of the organization dnd style with magic and swords but your new partymates get upset after you actually take his life instead of turning him in because you know he has internal connections and would get off free and keep harassing all of you? and then they force you to clean out the house you grew up in of any sign you lot or your loved ones were ever there but in doing that you find some old fanfic your mom wrote and you start crying because you'll never be able to see or talk to her again after you all go on the run for murder? and then you wake up filed with just an immense sense of loss and dread and your throat hurts so much because you're sick? and then when you can't fall asleep you go downstairs and grab water and just sit and type this? no? just me?
3 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
I don't know if people consider 10 Things I Hate About You to be like problematic or bad but I just finished it and you know what? If my partner bought me a guitar anytime they screwed up I would absolutely stick around. Do you know how many guitars that could get me? So many. I could have enough guitars for all the picks I have. That's the dream, baby.
3 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
nick cage
9 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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matan4il · 7 months
Daily update post:
After Hamas were the first to say yesterday that the break in fighting will start today at 10 in the morning, as part of the hostage release deal, it turned out that wasn't possible, since they didn't sign the agreement. Then it was reported that Hamas didn't, because they wanted to negotiate some of the details. According to one report, Hamas suddenly insisted the hostages will leave Gaza in Egyptian ambulances rather than Red Cross ones. Getting into bed with the devil surely feels like this. Despite the delay, Qatar has now announced that the break in fighting will begin tomorrow at 7, and the hostages would be released at 4 in the afternoon.
I saw people wondering regarding yesterday's daily post, whether Hamas really doesn't know where all of the hostages are held. So obviously I can't tell for sure, but keep in mind these two things. First, Hamas' rule of Gaza is dictatorial. If they want to find out something, they can and they will. If there's something they don't know, it can only be if they aren't interested in finding out. Second, a part of the deal says that the hostages that won't be released, will get Red Cross visits (finally. They should have had those all along). But how would Hamas take the Red Cross representatives to see the hostages, if Hamas doesn't know where they are?
Hamas has been using civilians to lure Israeli soldiers into ambushes. Despite that, there have been several incidents reported here, about IDF soldiers risking their lives to help Gazan civilians. Today was an especially moving incident, when the soldiers rescued an old woman from underneath rubble, and she asked them to find her autistic daughter, too. Here the two are, after their rescue:
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After the president one of the Belgian parliament refused to screen the 40+ minutes of footage showing Hamas' crimes, calling it propaganda, a Belgian party did so instead. Twenty seven members of the Belgian parliament watched the footage. One of them said she was expecting the worst, but what she saw was beyond that.
This vid is 9 mins long, and isn't the full one (which is 15 min long), but it gives you an idea of how developed the system of terror tunnels and bunkers under the Shifa hospital in Gaza is, and how closely tied the tunnels are to the hospital. For example, the hospital was providing the tunnels with electricity, which means there's no way the people running the hospital didn't know about it.
Charges against a Palestinian man and his three sons were filed today, for having tried to kill a Jewish man about a month ago in the Binyamin region.
This is 26 years old Arnon Benbenisti-Vespi.
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His mom lost her father in the 1973 War, when Israel was attacked by 3 Arab armies on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for Jews, when most of us fast. She then lost her brother in the 1982 First Lebanon War, when Israel went to fight the Palestinian terrorist organization the PLO, which was attacking Israeli civilians from Lebanon, including a notorious terrorist attack where they infiltrated Israel, and took over a Children's House in a kibbutz, targeting the kids inside. She named her son after her brother, but the other day, Arnon was killed in Gaza. May his memory be a blessing.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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xtruss · 7 months
Journalistic Independence Isn’t a Human-Resources Exercise
A free and independent press is vital to preserve, but doing so requires the people running media companies to take that idea out of mothballs.
— By Jay Caspian Kang | November 10, 2023
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Rashida Tlaib, the Only Palestinian American Member of Congress, on Tuesday Was “Censured in the House of the Scrotums’ Lickers of the God’s Fucked-up Terrorist People, The Zionist Cunts” For Her Statements on the War in Gaza. Source Photograph By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call/Getty
Of all the Signs of the Death of Free Speech—whether the raft of anti-protest legislation that passed in state houses across the country after the summer of 2020, or the much-cited polls that show that free expression is not a primary concern to young people—none should be as concerning as the relative silence around the legitimate free-speech crisis that has unfolded over the past month.
Nearly every corner of American life has felt the chill. On Tuesday night, the House of Representatives voted to censure Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American member of Congress, for her statements on the war in Gaza, including amplifying the phrase “from the river to the sea.” In the corporate world, there has been a bizarre multi-industry campaign to either reprimand current employees or refuse to hire people for participating in a protest or signing their names in support of Palestine.
The media business has seen numerous firings, resignations, and hastily implemented new policies on employees making political statements. These include the firing of Mike Eisen, the editor-in-chief of the biomedical-science journal eLife, after he retweeted a satirical article from the Onion; the firing of David Velasco, the editor-in-chief of Artforum, after he signed and published a letter that expressed solidarity with the cause of Palestinian liberation and called for an immediate ceasefire; and the resignation of the Times staff writer Jazmine Hughes after she signed, in violation of a newsroom policy, a different Palestine solidarity statement, which several New Yorker writers also signed. (The board of eLife said in a statement that it had had broader concerns about Eisen’s social-media use, among other things.) Hearst Magazines also made a truly draconian move to crack down on any political speech expressed by its employees on social media, including “liking” other people’s posts.
Within the news media, these types of censures are seen, by the people and institutions who perform them, as a necessary bit of housekeeping—a way of projecting a type of objectivity. (Some of this is understandable: large newsrooms with reporters spread across the globe have legitimate concerns about how political statements from their employees might cause difficulties for their colleagues.) But the disciplinary actions are best understood as acts of desperation from institutions that have lost much of their power to shape public opinion. Strong media organizations confident in the righteousness of their mission do not need to offer up their employees as sacrifices to an angry mob. They do not need to hide behind weak, semantic rules against “political” statements that restrict and silence their own reporters, yet do little to convince outside observers that they are truly impartial. Journalistic independence—the production of factual accounts free from outside influence—cannot be a public-relations or human-resources exercise, nor can it be maintained through pledges to stop tweeting about “politics.”
Most of us who work in the industry know this. It would be hard to find anyone who truly believes that the censure of political social-media statements leads to a neutral newsroom. Most, I imagine, believe that their former colleagues were fully capable of doing their jobs with dignity and care. Although there’s genuine disagreement about whether explicitly political statements might compromise the integrity of media institutions, or whether the published statements have been sufficiently sensitive to the people who have been killed in the conflict, a strong industry would turn that into an ongoing and transparent conversation and not a top-down censorious action that brings up way more questions than it answers.
These panicked decisions come at a time when the fractures between what some would call “the mainstream media” and the public have clearly expanded. This divide is very real, yet none of the relevant terms can really be defined. What, exactly, is mainstream at a time when so many people get their news through a mélange of social-media posts? And if there is, indeed, bias in this undefined mass media, which way does it lean?
Back when Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman wrote “Manufacturing Consent,” their 1988 study of the “mass media” and how it both spread propaganda and suppressed dissent, the average American’s news diet consisted of the nightly news and a newspaper or two. Opinions could be formed over time and choices could be made within a competitive marketplace. If you lived in North Carolina, for example, and found yourself annoyed by the Raleigh News & Observer, you could pick up the North Carolina Independent, or, in rare cases, you could go read the New York Times at the local library. These choices might have been illusory under some broader context, but they reflected a real consumer choice, one that the consumer took quite seriously and believed said something about themselves.
Today, those affiliations have been boiled down to a handful of legacy outlets, most prominently Fox News and the Times. The former acts as a partisan divide and does not make many apologies for feeding their audience exactly what they want to hear. The Times certainly has its own defenders and critics, but its function is a bit different from that of Fox News: because the Times is seen as the most storied outlet for the news, it also doubles as the fulcrum around which criticism of “mainstream media” spins. Every errantly tweeted headline, every questionable bit of phrasing, and every possible bias in its reporting gets dissected and then disseminated as proof of everything that’s wrong about the press. An Opinion piece published by a columnist that expresses one viewpoint becomes a stand-in for the paper at large, even if a dissenting opinion gets printed on the same page.
These legacy outlets, as a result, have taken on an almost unbearable amount of scrutiny, which, in turn, has created an existential anxiety inside their newsrooms and within management. It is true that the magnitude of the criticism can be unfair: the Times Opinion page could print ten pieces, five on each side, and everyone would swear it was 9–1 for the other guys. It is also true that there is nothing that the editors, reporters, and producers at these legacy outlets could do to convince a critical mass of people that their coverage was balanced, objective, or whatever other vague criteria you might throw their way.
The problem is that the people running newsrooms don’t really know what to do about any of this. In this moment of confusion, many of these institutions have scrambled to create seemingly random policies, fire people, and rarely consider what all that scrambling will do to the morale of their reporters or to the trust that the public will have in their ability to freely express themselves in a truthful manner. You can demand that your reporters present a sober, strangulated public-facing front, make a few high-profile firings, and hope that the clock will magically turn back to whatever version of the past you have in your head, where reporters did the work and the public engaged in a lively, respectful debate based on the trusted facts you presented. Those times—if they ever existed—are long gone. A free and independent press is still vital to preserve, but doing so requires the people running media companies to take that idea out of mothballs and trust that the public does not want a silencing of any expression of “politics” but, rather, a robust and healthy discourse where the totality of disagreements lead somewhere toward the truth. ♦
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 9 months
Several other things are happening here in Charlotte county and yes today
-we're going through people and grabbing them for the crimes that they're committing on a daily basis. And we are arresting them and holding them in over and over and taking their stuff and we're making sure that they pay for what they have been doing. There are a few other things happening mostly we are going to go after them for the crimes they're committing elsewhere in the world with international warrants and we're going after them with local warrants we don't care for what they're doing out there it's terrorists and stuff I was going to put them down for it it's terrible stuff and they're going to get arrested for terrorism. Mostly the people near him are the worst and they're absurd we are also going after the clones we'll shoot to kill orders here and we're going to take them down and we're going after the ships last night they went after the weather machine actually and they did not get there but they're getting there now they anticipate being at the machine and probably one or two hours from now. But here in Charlotte county there's some changes occurring
-they are releasing selectment and councilman from their jobs and it is about 10 of them from each City and total and it is going to be a big day because these people are very busy so you have to do it by election and they're going to be arrested there's going to be about 30 left in Port Charlotte and 20 left in punta Gorda. They're going to arrest the representatives because they disobeyed an order they came from the people who are running the state no it came from the federal government and it's because of their terrorist activities they go to work there and they organize and they don't want them to and the FEDS are organizing outside of Tallahassee and they're going to go ahead and pull them out and they're actually pulling people out now to get to the idiots in the middle.
-but here in Shawnee county Charlotte county they are pulling out Representatives that go to the State Assembly and taking them off the baluster they're not going to be listed as Representatives or listed as running for office and they are taking about three of them from each of the towns and really there's only a total of about five from each there shouldn't be but and it'll be two left from each town and those two will get beat up by the three that were released. And that's where they are now here mostly all of the idiots live here in other areas of Florida they are relieving half of them from duty and if they're in this assembly group up there in Tallahassee they're going to be held in prison they were told not to show up. This guy Tommy f has an attitude and we're going to slap it out of him. There's several others like them Lily has a terrible attitude she thinks helping us on gives her a privilege to harassing and we're going to smack her down she's such a moron. It's a few other things that they're doing here they're going around and they are firing all of those that work for any of the state or federal Representatives and they also relieving of duty about five representatives to the federal government is Florida will not be represented because they're fired it is a big day that is a huge deal he says it's massive it's saying that we don't recognize you as representatives from Florida that you no longer have control there and you would no longer going to the federal government as a liaison for the state and that the federal government is going to take control is what it implies and it is a new change and it is huge and it does make a big difference and we needed it need to see it in these fat assholes have their fat asses in the way.
And they're a few other more things happening here and they are about what you're saying and doing to our son we will get back to you on it and we are going to make you pay. I always saw what happened this morning and we know who they are and yeah those are not their bodies and we're going to charge them with crimes and they are knowingly doing it they say and yeah we're going to arrest them we don't want them here or elsewhere even though they're revealing what they're doing. We do have time to talk about it but we don't have too much salts to say they're criminals were going to arrest them.
Along with the firing of the representatives to the federal government they are resting all of the people that support them and work for them and there's five of them and they each have about 30,000 people and they'll probably not tell people in the state that they're fired and still talk and do stupid things but really the federal government is going to come down and arrest anyone and they're going to take the information and they're doing it shortly and it is the max and they don't want to transition to the McDonald's they are s*** canning that plan they say they said this morning they're just as rude and their son didn't say it Daniel it's them saying it through you still and that's annoying they do it to everybody.
And we are going to rough them up and use nukes if necessary they don't think so but they're stupid
They're a few more things in Charlotte county that are changing and they're pretty big changes they're removing the Mayors from office and it's the federal government and the local government they didn't do anything but harass our son they are toddlers and they need to be out of here they're going to fire them from every job they have until they're not doing anything and everybody is against them
And a few more things are going on and that's going on today by the way there's going to be no mayor but they're going to sit there and say they are they're going to remove the Governor from office and they sent him a notice that he is on notice and will be removed shortly and he couldn't believe it stands up and it says this isn't outrage. My son had some suggestions see and says what's the matter I suggestions aren't being said out loud to piss off people and he said I don't get it and sat down death the empire. This looks up and says I simply can't see it he said it in code and people want to know why. Couple more things they're going through the governor's office and removing all of his people it's going to make for an awkward week where they're not running the place and they don't have people running it so he's going to continue to say he is and he's going to get removed from Tallahassee over and over that's what they're up to and they're going through it right now.
These morlocks still have a group and they have numbers of people but they're going to get hit a lot and shortly they're going out to the Midwest and offer Midwest and tearing them apart and taking things diamonds Ruby's gems gold that kind of thing. Tonight.
There's also something pretty heavy happening here in Charlotte county they're going to reduce the public works department to almost nothing and they're going to make sure that people are not doing that job because they're going around messing things up and they're sending McDonald's around to make sure they aren't they also want them fired and they're having police come in and take them out
They're removing them from the electrical department the water the sewer and fully and that's going on today the above is going on today all of it
It's a huge day everybody we need help here we need a moment of silence to understand what it is the next 5 minutes
Thor Freya
0 notes
tobotgaming · 10 months
season 1 episode 1
Disclaimer: These reviews are just me goofing off to this korean children's show, this is not in depth in the slightest 
actual episode:
What in the powerpoint transition
Went over to the korean version to cross examine and i'm not sure which one has worse quality
Like the korean one has background voices that are loud as hell and can probably be heard in the middle of a post malone concert but at least it doesn't have arial font for the logo
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Like what the fuck is this
Idk if you can tell but this neon orange kia soul with a blue keyhole is a tobot
This one scene really shows off the korean grindset violin practice at four soccer at five AND DANCE pleASE LET MY SISTER TAKE A BREATHER 🙏
not ryan and cory gushing over a car as his dad gets kidnapped 
Also the autodrive activation is just them saying “dad” at the same time ig how could this ever go wrong
“I recorded this message because I thought it would be cooler this way” real
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>spins at moderate pace >stops spinning >leaps onto rails  >blurry as hell
i shit you not that is what just happened
Game tutorial ass explanation
first transformation and its something
stock footage looking ass
Ayy first ratemytobotfit
Its fucking great
My only real gripe is the car doors on the arms that just stick out and that the head looks kinda bald
Other than that its fantastic
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What is this medieval type beat playing in the background 
first terrorist organization of the show and its run by fucking 🤓
“They’ll treat us like babies!” *FLASHBACKS OF THE DAMNED*
Where did she just pull that dish out of
there is no way in hell that these cars are all voice activated premium plot armor
*chasing an 18 wheeler all by herself* oh my oh heavens
Dude what are you going to do catch i- oh 
Anyways tobot y
This design is near damn perfect i love this fucker wedonttalkaboutthetransformationscenewedonttalkaboutthetransformationscene
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Rating: stock footage/10
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Its That Time of Year Again - Looking Forward to Tomorrow's Boston Marathon
A passionate running enthusiast in Teaneck, Jennifer Heiner formerly served as a retail director for a New Jersey running company. She currently is an inside sales rep for a small company in North Jersey. Outside of the professional arena, Jennifer Heiner belongs to multiple running organizations including the New York Flyers, the New York Road Runners, and NYCRUNS.
Welcoming runners of all skill levels and abilities, these organizations regularly sponsor programs and initiatives to help members in areas that range from marathon training to coached speed work. The New York Flyers have recently provided two different virtual training programs through its Run SMART Project.
These programs help runners of all abilities to get ready for everything from 5Ks to a full 26.2, including the Abbott World Marathon Majors. The World Marathon Majors (WMM) (known for sponsorship reasons as the Abbott World Marathon Majors) is a championship-style competition for marathon runners that started in 2006.
A points-based competition founded on six major marathon races recognized as the most high-profile on the calendar, the series comprises annual races for the cities of Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York. In addition, each edition of the series recognizes and includes the results of the major global championship marathon held in that year, usually on a one-off lapped course. These races are the biennial World Athletics Championships Marathon, and the quadrennial Olympic Games Marathon.[1]
World Marathon Majors — Wikipedia
Next up in the World Marathon Majors series is the Boston Marathon, which takes place on Patriots Day, the third Monday in April. Many distance runners, including Jennifer Heiner, have the lofty goal of time qualifying for the Boston Marathon. How does one qualify for the Boston Marathon? BAA.org outlines the process here:
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This year's Boston Marathon features Eliud Kipchoge, who is unanimously referred to as the GOAT of Marathon Running. At 38 years of age, he is still competing at an extremly high level, winning nearly every race he enters, and shatters marathon records along the way. It will be fun to watch him tomorrow.
This weekend's Boston Marathon experience also has some somber tones, as we mark the 10th anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombings. 10 years ago, on April 15th, 2013, terrorists set off two homemade bombs near the finish line, killing three people and injuring hundreds more. A ceremony took place on Saturday to honor those lives lost, and to further enforce the Boston Strong mentality that was started 10 years ago as a result.
Bostonians remember deadly marathon bombings 10 years later – Boston 25 News
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