#she's all about uncanny valley! she's all about creepy dolls!
deconstructthesoup · 4 months
I've seen art of Nikola just looking like a semi-normal human with jester makeup. I've seen art of Nikola with a blank mannequin face, and I've seen art of Nikola with a mannequin face with scrawled-on features. I've seen art of Nikola where she has peeling-off skin.
But I think the majority of us are missing the real horror, which is:
Nikola looks like those Punch & Judy French dolls
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wannaeatramyeon · 11 months
not a request, i just have no friends that like lookism who i can rant about this to.
my brain cannot stop thinking about gun and goo with a s/o that is very feminine but in the way that a porcelain doll is feminine. like pretty and delicate but with an underlying creepiness in an uncanny valley way.
like holds gun and goos hand while walking down the street and part of the people walking past are scared of gun and goo but then they look at her and are like "😰" because there is something so off about her.
gun and goo going inside a store and getting something because they know that any man who tries anything will see that creepy doll-like stare and immediately walk away.
i dont know, theres just something about femininity of porcelain dolls that goes so well with gun and goo in my brain and i just needed to tell someone about this worm in my brain.
thank you for reading my rant, its greatly appreciated, my mind needed to put this SOMEWHERE.
Me about to say of course anyone ending up with Gun and/or Goo would be deranged. As a fandom we breeze over what horrific monsters they are then... this happened. Some things just write itself almost instantly. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me anon!!
Gun Park x Reader x Goo Kim: Soulless
F reader. A strange throupling. If you want horny, this is not it.
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Crystal isn't sure if it is a stroke of genius or temporary lapse of sanity from her father to pair Gun Park and Goo Kim together.
Like oil and water; if the oil and the water was both highly toxic and would guarantee a painful death.
Nevertheless, it got the job done.
Yet when you were introduced, an odd addition and forming a throuple, Crystal worked hard to not show the confusion on her face.
True, her hyungs are very handsome in their own right and it would make sense they match up with someone equally beautiful.
But your doll-like, 'look you the wrong way and you may shatter' appearance seemed completely at odds with Gun and Goo.
And then she shook your hand, looked into your eyes and it all clicked.
Quite simply, there was nothing there. Vacant, soulless.
A void not dissimilar to Gun Park.
The polite 'hello' and stretched smile also reminiscent of Goo Kim.
Beneath your pretty layers, your pink and your frills are further hints of your true nature. Faint markings around your collarbone, dried blood below your manicure, dust and dirt marring your footsteps.
As Gun and Goo debriefed Crystal on HNH comings and goings, you simply sat there. One hand around Gun's arm and head resting on Goo's shoulder.
Staring and quiet. Expression unreadable. Just... existing.
You laughed when you were supposed to, added to the conversation when you should.
As if waiting for your cue. Even your blinks seem scripted.
Finally, when Crystal departs, she locks eyes with you for the last time.
A sense of drowning overwhelms her. Like she is treading water over an abyss, waiting for whatever is lurking to engulf her whole.
Feeling as if she would fall into your darkness forever, she couldn't repress the shiver down her spine.
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creepedverse · 1 month
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RedHero: Hey guys! I’ve been passing by that antique store on Dahlia Ave on my way to work recently and I keep seeing this doll in the display. I have like… soooo many questions. I swear every time I pass by I feel like she’s… aware? Of me? I probably sound crazy! I know! But every time I pass by I just get the heebie jeebies!!! I figured this forum would be the best place to ask… what do you guys think is going on? Am I just being paranoid? Lololol
GhostlyAmity: Oh that fucking doll… I’ve heard some things about her. But, even as a believer in the paranormal, I have a hard time believing them. I’ve heard everything from she’s SEVERELY possessed to she’s just creepy looking. In my opinion, it’s the latter. Some stories I’ve heard just sound completely impossible, so for your own peace of mind, just assume it’s your human instinct, uncanny valley feelings creeping you out and carry on with your day.
SomethingUNseen: Dude you should tooooootally buy that doll! What’s the worst that could happen LOLOLOL XD
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: What stories have you heard about her? Even if you don’t believe them, I’m still curious about what people have said. And do you know what kind of doll she is? Why does she look so… lifelike like that?
-> GhostlyAmity reply to RedHero: Just from word of mouth, I’ve heard she’s been the cause of multiple heart attacks for the old folks that take her in, people have claimed they see her moving and the like. But then there’s also the incident that happened a few years back… Either way, the reason you’re actually getting creeped out is because it’s a mourning doll. Back in the 1800s, parents of dead children would make dolls that resembled their passed loved ones and keep those around like they were still alive. Usually this was done for newborns/babies, but I guess whoever the doll was made of was a special case.
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: GEEZ! They can sell something like that in an antique store!?
-> GraveMisstake reply to RedHero: As long as it was donated, and like… cleaned properly… it’s fair game? Yeah it feels weird, but people donate teddy bears with ashes in them all the time so, this isn’t out of the realm of possibility lol
-> RedHero reply to GraveMisstake: I guess… So that’s why she’s so… detailed? Also do you know what the ‘incident’ was? Is that something I should know about?
-> GhostlyAmity reply to RedHero: I’ll tell you about it, but it really isn’t connected to the doll.
GhostlyAmity: Basically, a few years back three teenagers were found dead in the forest, off the waterfall if you know where that is. They had tons of alcohol in their system and it was deemed a complete accident. They probably just wanted to go swimming and were too uncoordinated to actually, ya know, swim.
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: You’re right that doesn’t sound connected at all… How do people pin that on a doll?
-> GhostlyAmity reply to RedHero: Apparently, some people in town said they saw them carrying the doll around in their drunken stupor. And then when their bodies were found, there was no trace of her.
GhostlyAmity: Actually, she hadn’t been in the store for a long time after that. I’ve just seen her in there more recently. The store owners probably didn’t want people looking for her after a rumor like that comes out. Bad for business, in my opinion. So they probably kept her in the back or something.
-> RedHero reply to GhostlyAmity: Huh… Yeah that’s weird. Anyways, thanks for the info! Curiosity was just getting the better of me today when I passed by her again! Now that I know some lore, she doesn’t seem too daunting anymore lolol!!!
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dross-the-fish · 4 months
Okay I don’t know if this has been asked before so I’m sorry if it has BUT. What would the crew + Griffin and Dorian look like slash act like under the effects of the Hyde potion……. I’m Curious
Hasn't been asked before, and that's a really good question tbh. They way I have the hyde potion work is that it brings out not necessarily a "worst self" but rather a twisted version of who the drinker wants to be or who they think they are deep down. Griffin's invisibility would become less literal and more in line with shapeshifting. he can take any appearance or form except his original one and if he fucks up in an old skin he'll just put on a new face. This will cause him to spiral and possibly even forget who Griffin was, he just endlessly becomes new people and finds that he is now everyone and no one. His sense of identity would shatter.
Dorian would become almost doll like, beautiful and horrifying, his skin is too flawless, his eyes are to radiant. It falls into a creepy uncanny valley effect as his face looks almost mask like yet anyone who is in close proximity becomes dazzled by him. Under the influence of the potion he mutilates the faces anyone he sees who might be a threat to his beauty. If he was cruel before he is horrific now. Watson would become a fanatic obsessed with justice, almost a crusader of sorts as he loses the part of him that is humble or empathetic under the influence of the potion. He'd be younger and stronger but all of his softness would be gone. I imagine he'd look larger and more square as this is already a major part of his personality, it's just been amplified and all the temperance removed. Quincey would be similar to Edward, small, hairy and dwarfish but he's not inherently cruel, he'd be more playful and impish. Quincey is at an age where he's expected to act like and adult so in daily life he tends to act mature and take the high road. With his new persona he'd sneak into movies, go to bars and forget about his responsibilities or the impending weight of picking a career and settling into adult life.
Larry would also find himself more energetic and talkative, he'd be confident, almost to the point of arrogance and give in to kleptomaniac urges. If he sees what he wants he'll steal it. I see his "hyde" form being lanky and crooked with elongated limbs. Selma would become a monster. She'd become the things she's hunted all her life and all of the rage and despair she's forced herself to shelve would twist her into a hateful thing that didn't even look human anymore because she feels deep down that her humanity was stripped from her a long time ago. She'd be massive and terrible to look at. Theo would become smaller. She'd become a fragile and lost little creature that can't stop crying because deep down she's fearful that there's nothing left of her anymore except dregs that can't be loved by anyone. She'd be repulsive to look at but she'd beg and cling to anyone who got near her not to leave her.
Erik would become ordinary. He would not be a genius, not gifted with music, not possessing of a horrifying temper or visage just an average man who could go out to the park and sit and watch birds and maybe have a conversation with some strangers. He wouldn't even notice that he doesn't remember how to play a violin. It would scare him how happy it makes him to be "just Erik," with nothing else to him. Adam would become physically attractive but obsessive and shallow. He'd look like the version of himself Victor had wanted to create and he'd even call his inverse "Victor" because there's still something in him that needs some part of Victor to still be alive. Even if it's only because Adam refuses to bury him and let him rest. He'd indulge himself in all the things he could never have as Adam but rather than making him happy he'd still find he resents "Victor" for having what "Adam" cannot. When he's "Victor" he feels disdain for "Adam" and when he's Adam he is jealous of "Victor"
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kirisakiss · 2 months
Their reactions to meeting hikari for the first time!
Featuring: Sakamaki brothers + Yui!
Word count: around 1.3k
CW: Slight NSFW, trauma mentions, misogyny?, the Sakamaki brothers being weird as always, probably OOC since it’s been years from the last time I wrote (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
— Shu Sakamaki
Shu, as always, didn’t really care about her. He was confused at first as to why “that man” had sent another woman to the house, specially without communicating it to him first.
He thought she was hot, tbh. He liked how she was dressed and he liked her figure. He was intrigued about her.
But as anyways; he didn’t care enough to worry about her, it’s more noise and more annoying people in the house after all.
He got even less interested in her when he started seeing her around Reiji, it started to bother him so he started avoiding her when he could, not like running away from her, but just trying not to bump into each other, especially if Reiji was around.
He just doesn’t give a fuck about her at first LMAO
— Reiji Sakamaki
Reiji was confused at first too, why is there another mouth to feed in this house. Are seven people not enough. Please let me breathe. God.
But his opinion quickly turned positive! Hikari’s manners were perfect which satisfied him a lot. —since Hikari was perfectly trained to be the perfect lady. — They were both in the same school year, and she seemed decent enough to talk to.
He felt relieved that he didn’t have to discipline another person too, dealing with his brothers was enough of a headache for him.
As the sadist he is, he tried poisoning her with his teas a few times, but the poison didn’t really seem to affect her; and it didn’t even seem like she noticed.
He eventually just stopped trying to use her as a test subject and just accepted her as an acquaintance; going together to the library and walking together to class. And of course, complaining about how much he hates Shu and how useless he is.
They get along pretty well! They normally drink tea and read together in the afternoons!
— Laito Sakamaki
“Oh? Another pretty girl? In this house? That I can torment?” He was excited, really excited at first.
After observing her a lot and interacting with her a few times though, he noticed something strange about her. Laito was the first one to catch up that Hikari’s persona was all an act.
Maybe because the way he is is an act itself, and he’s used to performing being a whole different person.
After that, his interest about her changed, he didn’t just want to fuck her, he was intrigued. What was she hiding?
He started teasing her more, not just sexually like he was used to but tormenting her psychologically became a hobby of his too. He wanted her to finally break and stop acting.
He changed his usual “Bitch-chan” for “Liar-chan” and “Hypocrite-chan” just to annoy her and let her know he knew that she was hiding something.
Instead of receiving threats or breaking down, Hikari would still answer sweetly “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Laito-kun ^^”
He was PISSED. But not completely in a bad way, it just became a little game for him to try to decipher what the actual fuck was she hiding. He likes and finds interesting how much she can pretend to be someone else.
He kinda relates to her, which he finds creepy. He’s secretly scared of her noticing the same about him. Makes him have his guard up around her always.
She reminds him of Cordelia physically sometimes. That makes him both sick and attracted to her.
— Kanato Sakamaki
Likes the way she portrays herself at first, when Hikari arrives to the mansion for the first time she’s wearing a Lolita-like dress, which Kanato likes.
He likes her features and how doll-like they are. He loves how she dresses, he needs to make her one of his dolls. She needs to be close to him all the time.
After interacting with her a few times though, he fucking hates her.
He has this uncanny valley-like feeling about her, it’s like there’s something wrong with her, but he can’t really place it. Like she isn’t normal.
(Which she isn’t, of course.) Maybe it's the way she smells, something about her blood, the weird magic smell that seems to come out of her, that makes him get into a weird fight or flight mode.
He can’t be alone with her for a long time because he’s more prone to outbursts, ends up stabbing her thigh with a fork once.
Despite having to act all lovey-dovey with everyone, Hikari becomes afraid of Kanato and tries to avoid him the most she can.
— Ayato Sakamaki
Pretty woman. Big boobs.
Just like his brothers, feels attracted to her physically at first. There’s something alluring about her, a weird enticing energy that makes him drawn to her.
Eventually, after staring at her for too long, he also gets a little creeped out by her. And just like Kanato, he gets a weird uncanny valley-like feeling.
I think he would be the first one to bite her, in her upper chest. Always the best one, he needed to be the first to taste her.
He had never tasted a blood like hers before, it was not sweet like Yui's or his mother's, it was a brand-new taste, a bittersweet one that made you want to taste more to decipher it.
It tasted like a very strong, sweet alcohol; Her blood made him oddly euphoric at the moment.
Ayato hated the way her blood made him feel after, giving him a kind of hangover-like feeling, he hates it.
Only drinks her blood from time to time because of this, and prefers just sticking to Yui, she tastes better, either way.
Hikari plays a lot into his superiority complex, addressing him as “Ayato-sama” and just praising the shit out of him. That’s kinda what makes him come back for more.
— Subaru Sakamaki
Just like Shuu, he couldn’t care less about her. He’s annoyed by the fact that there’s someone else to disturb his peace.
He's REALLY annoyed by how nice she tries to be with everyone, he just doesn’t trust anyone (especially a woman) being so “nice”
Takes as much distance as he can from her, it already took him long enough to get used to Yui, he’s not doing it again, and to another unknown woman brought specifically by Karlheinz.
If she talks to him, he ignores her and moves on, would rather die than become any kind of friend to her.
I think Hikari would feel the safest with him though, so I feel like she wouldn’t have to be acting a 100% all the time, slightly letting out her real thoughts and opinions from time to time.
I think he would start seeing through her, noticing this and slowly warming up to her.
I feel like eventually, with a lot of work, they could become friends, probably enjoying the silence in the gardens together.
— Yui Komori
Yui is really excited !!! Another girl? omfg !!!
Tries getting close to her, it would be nice having a friend in the house.
Sadly, due to how Karlheinz painted everything to Hikari, she sees Yui as a rival, and doesn’t want anything to do with her.
Hikari tends to ignore her, only addressing her if necessary. She’s cold to her, and this saddens Yui a lot. She looses the hope she had gained in regard to making a friend that is supposedly in the same situation as her.
Despite her coldness, Yui is always nice to her. This makes Hikari angry, since she thinks Yui is being fake too.
It secretly angers her how genuinely kind Yui is, she’s jealous at how she genuinely has a good heart despite being surrounded by pain.
She envies how “pure” Yui still is even though she has suffered a lot, she hates that she couldn’t stay like that.
Eventually, after Hikari realizes Karlheinz’s real motives and starts acting for herself, she apologizes to Yui and asks if they can be friends, and they become really close !
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dolliedyhard · 7 months
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Facts About Dollie Dyhard
꒰🎀꒱ This post contains all the general knowledge about Dollie! This post will be updated when needed.୨୧
꒰🖋️꒱ Update log:
- 4 sections added 11/16/23
- 1 section updated 4/13/24
꒰⚠️꒱ TW: Light mentions of ED & SA
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*ೃ༄‧˚ Apperance
╰┉┈ Dollie is 16 y/o black American and stands at 5’4. Her eyes are round sorta like doe eyes paired with full lashes. Her body type is petite.
-NEW- ╰┉┈ Dollie’s natural hair is jet black 3c ending near her mid back. Her hair isn’t straight and blonde by nature like your used to seeing, it’s just a result of Dollie styling her hair in all sorts of different ways.
╰┉┈ Dollies eyes are amber. I know the last character sheet I did of her showed her having blue eyes but I decided to change it.
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*ೃ༄‧˚ Physical & Mental State + Morals & Trama
╰┉┈ (Trama) Before becoming a Slender proxy Dollie had become a victim of Offenderman. She at first thought Offender was Slenderman, so he took advantage of her confusion so she would trust him. Dollie of course has no memory of the assault actually happening but she eventually came to the conclusion of what happened and has been coping with it ever since.
╰┉┈ (Mental) Dollie unknowingly has depression, she shakes most if not all of her mental problems off because she ignorant and believes she could never be depressed or have mental health issues. She religiously cries herself to sleep and is cruel to strangers she doesn’t approve of.
╰┉┈ (Mental) Dollie has a superiority complex. She somehow believes she’s better than everyone even if it’s in the smallest of ways. She will always be first in her life. She doesn’t show this side of her often but you better believe it’s there.
╰┉┈ (Mental) Dollie has been suffering from anorexia since she was 14. It stopped controlling her so much when she reached her ugw but nonetheless it doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect her everyday.
╰┉┈ (Moral) She’s a certified shopaholic. Dollie will steal, shoplift, rob whatever she what’s she gets. She feels no remorse or guilt for what she does.
╰┉┈ (Moral) [percentage for how bad she feels about committing them. The higher the percentage the less she cares.]
Concerning crimes the ones she commits most often are:
Murder (82%)
Homicide (100%)
Torture (65%)
Arson & Disturbing the peace (100%)
Shoplifting (100%)
(THIS IS NOT A FLEX- just showing u Dollie ain’t making it to heaven)
╰┉┈ (Physical) Dollie often feels dizzy & weak because of not eating. It doesn’t matter if she felt fine all day after eating nothing is will 100% hit her next morning.
╰┉┈ (Trama + Mental) She’s been groomed by two people, both being older men. The first was before being involved with the crp & the second was offenderman.
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ೃ༄‧˚ Abilities
╰┉┈ Dollie is mainly a stealth killer. Lurking in dark & unsuspecting places to catch her victims off guard. Therefore her skill in stealth is very high. Hiding in plain sight, being quiet, moving quiet, playing dead, is her specialty.
╰┉┈ For her weapon of choice, Dollie uses a victorian styled scissor and victorian axe when fighting. She also carries needles, some are poisonous and some are for healing purposes.
╰┉┈ Dollie kills a variety types of people. She is not a vigilante and she does kill innocent people.
╰┉┈ Dollies creepy factor is uncanny valley. She’s a ball-jointed doll that sits completely still, lifeless in dark and eerie places not making a sound. Don’t imagine an image of that… I’m not responsible for YOUR NIGHTMARES!!!!
╰┉┈ Dollie stalks a lot if not most of her victims. You have about 1-4 days before your dead meat. Even if she fails to kill you Dollie holds grudges for looooooong times and the moment she ever sees you again it’s over.
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* ೃ༄‧˚ Relationships
╰┉┈ Dollie’s father Gary is a narcissist and abusive towards her mother, herself and her brother.
╰┉┈ Dollie’s mother is the only family member she loves and is close too. Her mother also reciprocates the feeling of love and care to her.
╰┉┈ Jeff and Nina are her best friends and hang out often together. They are very important to her.
╰┉┈ Dollie loathes her brother Brandon (he’s 15). He is the only person Dollie actively causes harm to (other than her dead victims) and bullies him on a daily basis. She has never hated someone so strongly other than him.
╰┉┈ Dollie’s favorite person is herself.
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* ೃ༄‧˚ Personal Interests & Fashion
╰┉┈ Dollie dresses scene & emo as well as lolita sub genres like hime, mori, gothic & classic lolita. But no matter the fashion style she must have her iconic hair bow.
╰┉┈ Dollie is a bohemian and loves everything to do with the arts.
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rosescries · 1 year
The Party Isn't Over
(This is definitely one I'll be continuing at some point)
Glamrock Animatronics/Animatronic!Reader
It was so quiet for so long, then you woke up in a strange place. You don't know what happened or how you got here. You want to know where your friends are. Everything's so different, so much bigger and newer. And all these strange new animatronics are nothing like the ones you remember. 
What happened?
First / Next
~Night One: New Doll~
"So where'd they find this thing again?" 
You don't know where you are. 
"I don't know. Some abandoned storage facility or something. Couldn't tell ya." 
You can't see anything. 
"Why're they having us fix it up? It doesn't even fit with the theme of this stupid place." 
You can't move. 
"How should I know? Because she was there and that means they don't have to build an entirely new animatronic for that new attraction." 
You can't feel anything. 
"It's a rabbit though.... Kind of. Wouldn't that just mean it's a replacement for Bonnie?" 
Where are you? 
"Probably just double her up as an attraction for both or something. They're cheap like that." 
Where are your friends? 
"Of fucking course they would...... Who thought human-looking robots were a good thing in the first place? Especially a bunny girl for a fucking kid's place?" 
Who is talking? 
"Who knows, Rich. Let's just get this done so we can hand her over to design." 
What are they doing to you? 
"Tch. This tech is so fucking old and we're supposed to work with this? Like we're going to be able to make any of this useful. It'll be a fucking miracle if it doesn't break down every other damn day." 
Why can't you feel anything? 
"No kidding. Still impressive for when she was built, I think." 
Where did your friends go? 
"And you think you know that?" 
What's going on? 
"Sure. She looks kind of like that one bunny, don't you think? That blue one from..... god, what did the sign say? ........... 1980 something." 
Why can't you see anything? 
".... Huh. Guess you're right. Didn't think they'd try the human thing back then." 
What are they talking about? 
"Looks like it didn't work out for them, did it?" 
You hear a snort, then a shrill sound. Your eyesight comes into a little bit of focus, but only enough for you to see shadows and a bright light in your face. The vaguely human-shaped shadow shifts. 
"God, this thing is creepy. Worse than the others." 
One of the shadows leaves, somewhere beyond where you're laying. 
"It's probably the uncanny valley." 
The other shadow stays, hands reaching for something in you. You hear another shrill sound. 
"It looks like a fucking corpse........ It's not going to be able to have a storage compartment in its stomach like the others have. Too small for that." 
The other shadow comes back, more continuous shrill sounds screeching in your ears. You feel like it's buzzing directly into your skull. 
"Hey, means design can have more fun with her outfit. Maybe they'll just have her model the latest and greatest Fazbear fashions." 
The other person laughs, rough and mocking. 
"You'll have to forward that to them. Bet that be a fucking sight to see." 
There's a softer, more amused chuckle from above you. 
"Let's just see if we can even get her functional again. Then we'll see what the design team comes up with." 
There's a rough sigh, then a rustle sound. 
"We'll see if that happens. We're mechanics, not miracle workers, John." 
What happened? 
"Well, we better start learning then. Management wants her out on the floor as soon as possible." 
There's a groan, then some grumbling. Curses muttered under a breath. 
"Better start praying then. If I didn't fucking need this job..." 
There's a soft sigh, then gentle thumps of metal from beside your ear. 
"Alright, Sweetheart. Work with us here." 
You want to go home. 
Your eyes open again at some point, slowly gazing to and from for a few moments before anything registers. 
You're in some type of tube looking thing with a window right in front of your face. You gaze out of it to see you're in some type of room. It doesn't look very nice in all honesty. Very messy and disorganized, kind of looks like a storage room. 
A ding startles you out of the observations, the front of the tube sliding open. You blink, then try to take a step out of the thing. You slip though, startled by the wheels under your feet. 
Looking down, you can see there's roller skates on your feet. 
Blinking, you try moving again. You find it's a lot easier to move in them than you thought, like you've been doing it your whole life. You take a few seconds to move around in them, then look for a place to sit down so you can take them off. Which gives you another good look around the room. 
There's a vanity right in front of the tube you just exited. The star-shaped mirror on it is cracked and the paint dull, along with being chipped in some places. There's no chair for it either, just some garbage stacked on top of it. There's also an old looking couch on the adjacent wall, pushed into the corner against the opposite wall. There's a blanket or two haphazardly thrown onto it, along with some boxes. There's a metal shelf right across from it, filled with different things and some metal beams leaning in the corner. 
You move over to the couch, moving some things so you can sit down. You try to take the skates off, but discover a problem with that. 
They're not shoes, despite looking like it. The skates are literally your feet, just designed to look like shoes. You can't take them off. 
You scowl down at that, hand gripping onto the bulky pastel purple ribbon acting as "laces." 
Why are these your feet? 
Well, at least you seemingly just know how to use them. 
You stand again, rolling over to the mirror to get a look at yourself. 
You almost don't recognize the girl in the mirror. 
You had almost forgotten you're not human anymore. 
Your green eyes stare back at you, slightly distorted by the cracks reaching across the mirror's surface. You just take in the differences of your appearance now, observing everything you can see. Looking for anything familiar to ground yourself with.
You look.... quite different from what you did before. Your hair is still the same shade of cerulean thankfully, but tied into twin braids that drape over your shoulders. Though it's still a bit shaggy, making the short braids quite messy. It's still the same length, just to your armpits. Maybe it is a bit more... poofy than you remember, but you can't really tell. Your skin is still the same shade it's always been, you still look human enough. Your ears, the same shade as your hair with powder blue insides, are still in place. The left one is drooping as usual. Your hands are still blue too, almost making it seem like you're wearing fingerless gloves. 
That's about where the similarities end though. 
Your ears are now sporting two pastel purple earrings, looping around them on the top. Your "makeup" is quite different too. There's a big glittery pastel purple star over your right eye, a pale powder blue over your other eyelid. It's also glittery. Your cheeks are still red, matching your lips well. Though there's a glimmer to those too. Your nails are a sparkly blue still, though a lot longer and sharper than they used to be. Your clothes are completely different too. 
You still have over the knee socks on, though they're mismatching and bunch up in places. One's blue and one's purple. You also still have a two tiered skirt, though this time the top layer is blue while the bottom is purple. The lace is gone from the bottoms, but there's glitter stretching out from the waist band. Your top is just completely different though. It's a sweater tucked into the skirt with an unfamiliar logo on the back, though you can gather it is some type of Fazbear logo. 
Pizzaplex? What's a Pizzaplex? And is that Freddy? 
You look at the spiked bracelets around your wrists in confusion as well, the sweater's sleeves rolled up to your elbows to expose them, then look back up at your face. You press your fingertips gently against the star, completely taken back by the sudden change. 
The last thing you remember... you were at the pizzeria with your friends. The night had just ended and you all returned to your places like nothing had happened over the night. Then.... nothing. You can't really remember anything that seemed different the night before, no one said anything and nothing was out of place. You didn't even hear any employees mentioning anything.
It's... so weird. What happened? 
You... feel quite different too, you realize. Your face is quite a bit more expressive than it was, able to move around more and pull off more expressions. Looks a little weird and stiff though. You press one finger down into another, marveling at the slight give it has. You then push down into the palm of your hand, finding that has the same give. Though those spots seem to be the only places with give besides your... boobs anyway. Those are soft as well. 
Slightly... warm too? 
You blink in shock when words and symbols appear in your vision. 
Temperature: 98.6°F 
Battery: 100% 
Integrity Level: 6 
Then a few other notes that you just take in blankly. Eventually those disappear though, just leaving the battery symbol in the bottom of your view. 
This is so weird. Where are you and where are your friends? Why do you look like this? What's going on? 
You glance around the room again, finally spotting a door. Figuring there's only one way to figure out what's going on, you skate your way over to it. It opens as you reach for it, startling you more than a bit. 
Well, that's new. 
You peak outside of the room, glancing around this new environment. 
It's a roller skating rink. The door you existed dips right into a ramp down to the actual rink, it wide open with the same logo as your sweater taking up the floor. There's railings all along the wall, looking bright against it. There's another ramp leading up to seating areas or something. Well, there is seating. Couches, chairs pushed into tables, stools lining the counter of a diner or bar-like serving area. It's dotted all around. All but the stools are placed in a way to be able to see the rink floor. 
It's a weirdly lit room too, bright but dark? It takes a moment for it to click. Those are neon lights. The rink itself is the brightest part of the room, the seating beyond it darker. You glance up towards a neon sign, blinking as you read the words. 
Bluebell's Rolling Rink? 
What? How did they...? How did they know about the nickname your friends gave you? 
You stare at the blue letters before shaking your head and skating toward another door. It opens into what looks like an elevator, you blinking at the buttons. Well, looking like there's only one way to go. So, you go down. 
Since when were there elevators? 
You peek out of the elevator, then slowly drag yourself out. 
Is this whole place just neons? It's so weird. 
You jump slightly when there's a bot suddenly right in front of you. It... looks kind of strange. It doesn't look like you or any of your friends. It's.. pretty plain looking and doesn't even have feet, just wheels but not like your skates. It does have a flashlight and a security cap. 
You just... stare at each other for a while. At least until you step aside and then it continues on its way. You blink at the bold S.T.A.F.F. lettering on its back, then continue on. 
You're... in an arcade? A really big one with multiple levels and bridges. There's a bunch of big holes in the walls too for some reason, multiple of those bots roaming around. There's confetti patterned carpet underneath you, interestingly enough. 
You're used to checkered floors. 
There is some of that too, actually. 
You move on, glancing around as you do. Eventually you come upon some stairs, grimacing more than a little. 
How are you going to get down? Uhhh... Very carefully? 
You grip onto the railing and go down as slowly as possible. You're somehow able to keep your balance the whole way down, even if you kept a death grip on the railing the entire time. Well, both times because there were two staircases you had to go down. Yay. 
But, you made it down without breaking anything so you consider it a win. Now, you're able to continue on while looking at art of four animatronics on the posters and screens. 
Two of these animatronics you can sort of recognize as Freddy and Chica, the other two you have no clue. 
You glance into an open doorway, your eyebrows raising at the sight that greets you. A giant white animatronic sleeping on some raised platform. They have a squarish head with headphones reaching over it, a small top hat underneath the headphones. They look like they're wearing gloves too. Their mouth is in the shape of a keyboard, purple bubbles floating in a screen between them. 
It looks like they preside over a..... dance floor? 
You skate in hesitantly, glancing around for a few minutes. You roll over to the big animatronic, eyes widening a bit more at the sheer size of this one. 
"... Hello?" You call, catching yourself on the ledge. Your head tilts when the animatronic doesn't move, instead just breathing like they're asleep. 
Well.... If they're asleep you probably shouldn't wake them? You guess? 
You wait for a few more seconds before turning and heading out of the section. Your eyes land on a giant golden statue in the middle of what you assume to be the entrance of the... arcade? Dance studio? .... Whatever it is. 
The statue... or statues are of the four animatronics you've seen art of everywhere. Freddy and Chica look very different from what you remember them looking like, if these statues are accurate anyway. 
Freddy is standing on top of some speakers, one fist held high in the air and the other clutching a microphone stand, surrounded by the other three animatronics. The alligator, wolf, and Chica are jamming out on their respective instruments, looking nothing like you're familiar with. 
They.... They really are so different from what you remember. Are..... Are they even still your friends? Where's Bonnie and Foxy? They're not.. included in the statues and you haven't seen anything to indicate they're even here. 
What's going on? 
This... this place is a lot more grand than what you're familiar with. It... It makes the pizzeria you're familiar with look like a shoe box in comparison. And.. And you're not even sure what you've seen is all there is to this place! You'd have to guess there's more, unless Fazbear's is just an arcade now. You really... doubt that's the case though, especially since you haven't seen these animatronics anywhere in here. Just.. Just the big guy over on the dance floor. 
It's all so.... It's... 
It's so different. 
You want to go home.
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blazingdarkness · 1 year
blazer goes to see a horror movie in theaters on purpose for the first time
I saw M3gan tonight!  I really liked it!  And then I rambled extensively about it in my discord nook!  And now I’m throwing all that on tumblr with very little editing because I feel like I should say more things on here!
spoilers, natch.
I guess my main opinion of m3gan is like I went into it being like 'either they're going to do basically this set of things with the premise, or they're going to try to do those things and blunder them, or they're not going to do them and it'll be a ton of wasted potential (or secret fourth option they're going to do something crazy innovative I guess)' and I was right!  they pretty much did the things I expected and did not blunder them there should be a black or outline-only star emoji so that you can combine them with regular stars to do ratings along with a half-filled one I will use moons instead
aesthetics 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 so on the one hand they did the thing I was excited for, which was the combination of creepy doll imagery with robot stuff, and it worked really well!!  a lot of stuff like a doll moving unnaturally and jerking around and stuff is just straightforwardly transferable to an android, and I thought it was great.  half a moon taken off for the fact that m3gan was honestly like not that uncanny valley before the last like, ~15m or so, and I'm not sure whether she was supposed to be; I just honestly thought she was really cute and pretty.  maybe I just watch too many doll customizing videos, or maybe that was in fact supposed to be the impression
spooks 🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 I feel like the hypothetical version of this which was not a horror movie is maybe better than what we got, but I'm not sure and I'm biased by not being a spooks person.  I did have to peek through my fingers a couple times, but the amount of runtime spent on spooks was like, barely any and at no point did I want to walk out or anything, which I'd thought would maybe happen.  for the most part the spooks were very silly and a little schlocky (affectionate).  I'm definitely glad I looked up a content warnings thing like 30s before the movie started that rated the movie according to various criteria; knowing exactly how many people are going to die was very helpful for me
(a friend here asked whether there were jumpscares)
jumpscares 🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 there were a small handful of them.  one scene really heavily built up a jumpscare for like 45s only for the actual jumpscare to be very minor and not very scary if you really really hate jumpscares it might be too many; there are some, but they're like ~well-telegraphed and the actual thing is usually not that scary I only-one-really hate jumpscares ((would-not-play-fnaf level)) and I was pretty okay with them
social commentary 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 it didn't blow my mind or really change any of my opinions but neither was it inept or annoyingly preachy.  it was pretty obviously doing a thing with technology as a replacement for parenthood that maybe I would have stronger opinions about if I were ever going to be a parent, and I would say it executed on that decently well
more (including concrete ending spoilers) below
lsoh 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑 it should have been lsoh.  m3gan kills the head of the company and another employee and nearly kills another two and it's very clear they aren't going to market.  they kill the one dollbody and yay, the day is saved!  ((except oooOOOooo maybe it isn't, because she hooked into the alexalike and that still exists oooOOOooo))  but she shoulda been bigger than hula-hoops goshdarnit.  explicitly.  in those words
ai x-risk 🌗🌑🌑🌑🌑 it's doing a lot with 'technology sure is a spook, innit' (again, without coming across as too preachy), but [points at previous rating category]
characters 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 I thought gemma and cady were really compelling and interesting people making reasonable mistakes and having problems that made sense for them.  I really liked cady's anger issues and the one big tantrum she had; it felt really human.  gemma as a neurodivergent person who was thrust into being her niece's guardian was great; she was making a lot of mistakes but you weren't for the most part going 'oh my god gemma no wtf'.  I really liked the two main coworkers and I'm glad they didn't die
acting 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 pretty fantastic stuff!  lot of subtlety going on; lots of good goofs when goofs were called for
explorations of personhood 🌕🌗🌑🌑🌑 so if there was one thing that I hoped it was going to delve into that it instead blundered, it was this one, but I guess I'll call it more of an inaccuracy (in the chess sense) than a proper blunder?  maybe??  hm. I would pretty solidly call m3gan a person, in terms of things we see her character doing, and there's definitely a ton of gemma like - I can't imagine that I'm supposed to have any other takeaway than that gemma is being cruelly dismissive of her.  like it's not subtle, but then it doesn't go anywhere??  m3gan just keeps murdering people, so she's the bad guy and we gotta kill her I think it would be a better movie if like - hm okay let's dig into some concrete examples here
•   m3gan asks about death, so she can better comfort cady about her parents, and also asks whether she'll someday die; gemma completely dismisses her and never answers •   gemma repeatedly "m3gan, turn off"s her in order to avoid having conversations and answering reasonable questions •   we get like, lingering contemplative shots of m3gan in response to these that clearly don't imply her questions as just being manipulative
so there's a major lack of resolution here.  I probably would have thrown some lines into the climax about this, maybe after m3gan declares herself to be her own primary user it's really easy to shut down with a 'cool motive still murder'!  it wouldn't have to take that long!
and like it's clear with the setup that this sort of ties into gemma not being socially competent in a parenting role and therefore throwing herself into what she's good at (robot toy stuff) to try and supplement her skills (but doing so in a way that prevents her from doing any attempted parenting) and it just would have been cool to see her grapple with the opportunity to have had two daughters; it feels like some balls were dropped here this is the part that most makes me want to glowf it in order to fix the potential
motifs / setup and payoff / cheer factor 🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 yfip apparently I really don't like integer ratings that aren't 5 or 0.  anyways •   the coaster was definitely set up as a motif and like, it had some payoff but ehn I think I need just a little more of it.  ((there was a thing where cady keeps putting glasses right on the table even though there's a coaster right there and gemma asks her to put it on one, and it's supposed to be like 'man, this kid Just had her parents die and you care about coasters??'.  and then later during a particularly heavy conversation cady doesn't use one and gemma doesn't say anything and it's Growth.  (and then also later gemma is fighting m3gan and smashessplashes her with a glass of water on that same table)))  idk I guess I gained some appreciation for it typing this up and it's not like I fucking hate subtlety ((although I do fucking hate subtlety <3)) but I just want like, a hint more out of it •   bruce.  I love bruce and I cheered when his two chekhov's guns fired in the climax
viewing experience 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 eels and I were the only people in the theater and it was great.  kind of sad because I thought this was a good movie!  more people should see it!  but personally convenient (edit: apparently my mom thinks this is because of the specific theater (and it being at 5:30 on a wednesday) and probably not too reflective of this movie's success)
fuck 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 this pg13 movie's One use of fuck was pretty good
the thing with the therapist and bakugan 🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑 needs more followthrough.  man the therapist was such a dick to start with, and then came back to say a decently sensible thing later and that seemed to be pretty much it??  also like.  the thing with gemma's collectibles was very a way (in a way that I thought was very good), but also like, what of it? :think: I think the way I would have done it is - so what happens is that gemma has a bunch of collectible toys and cady wants to play with them, and gemma is like 'they're collectibles, not for playing with' and then a super judgey therapist comes to observe the two of them, and after some snotty and pointed comments on the part of the therapist gemma busts open her in-box bakugan, with a knife, clearly very uncomfortably and desperately and for the approval of this therapist and also like, just trying to be a good guardian and then there's some stuff about like, clearly the toy Does Something Cool but because of pressure from the therapist gemma and cady just kind of roll it around like a regular ball, and gemma is clearly just trying really hard the whole time to be chill it was really good!  but what of it!! I think the thing I want is like, if somewhere near the end gemma talks to cady about her collection, and cady shows an interest not just in them as toys but as pieces of history and design and they bond about it; I think there was some good groundwork laid for that although admittedly I'm not sure where you'd piece it in
also like.  I was very :packpackkillkill: (in a way intended by the movie) that like.  ms therapist you would not be acting like this if gemma collected rare vases or some shit!  just because they're shaped like toys doesn't mean she's being evil by having her niece wait one (1) day until she can get some actual toys for her.  jeegus.
gorls.  gedner. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 ran into some pronoun ambiguity trouble typing the initial therapist paragraph and realized just how female-dense this movie is.  I don't think it passes the reverse bechdel test.  the following ranking is really subjective but I think you have to go out to the . . . fiiifth to maybe eighth most important character before you hit a guy?  depending on how you count it?  but it feels very natural, like I said I only just noticed it.  and none of it was sexualized or arbitrary or hashtag girlboss or pandering. and yet it's obviously not a Girl Movie even though I would say that dealing with being female is probably pretty central, nearly as much so as parenthood and technology and stuff, although I have Not Yet Unpacked That
sfx and visual design 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 it's really good!!  I've updated now and I think m3gan looks exactly as uncanny valley as she's supposed to, and she absolutely looks like a real physical android; there has to have been a ton of practical effects and I would totally watch a 20m video going into behind-the-scenes technical stuff to see the exact mix of puppetry and pingpongball acting and raw cgi.  her costumes are also gorgeous and there are a lot of really little things that work super well.  in particular I want to call out her charging station, which is just a spot she sits at on a window seat in cady's room that has a few light strips running across it; it works perfectly to convey what it is and give her a place to watch over cady while she sleeps and to look pensive or to creepily look out the window or whatever.  it's just really subtle mostly-beneath-notice design where the competence shines through in how little you need to think about it
goofs 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 it was pretty funny!  one article I saw calls it a creepy comedy rather than a funny horror and that seems decently accurate to me; I was at times guffawing and all of them were on purpose instead of at-but-not-with the movie
miscellaneous 🌗🌗🌗🌗🌗 •   the singing voice for m3gan was reallyreally pretty; I liked it a lot •   I would totally watch this movie again and hopeintend to own it on dvd •   there's so much on my glowfic plate but I'm making eyes and filing it away for later.  bigger-than-hulahoops delilah!m3gan and the one unit who's an ancora alt coming to you in 2025 •   oh another thing I really liked was the way all the robot stuff gave them an in to use a bunch of haunting imagery.  like I touched on this in the aesthetics section but there was also a really cool thing where she hooked into gemma's alexalike and had the lights flickering along with her freakouts and stuff it was great
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weadorebadmovies · 1 year
Bad Movie I Adore: M3GAN
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When the trailer for M3GAN dropped, I was just as excited as everyone else. A dancing murdering robot was the flamboyant chucky knockoff we all didn’t know we needed. I knew this would be a campy mess, and a campy mess we got! I am excited to say it’s just as terrible as I had hoped. 
M3GAN is a mess- it’s derivative, predictable, and decides to do almost nothing with its awesome concept. It’s a true Blumhouse production in every way- making for a great watching experience.  That being said, do not expect to be surprised, as it’s exactly what the trailer advertises it as and not much more.
Spoilers below!
The good (everything I like!)
The movie balances comedy and horror great. M3GAN’s actress carries it in this fashion- she is at times endearing, creepy, contortionist-y, and a little terrifying! The cinematography helps in this aspect as well- M3GAN is often lurking in the background, most eerie when she’s not active.  
M3GAN herself looks amazing. She’s just unsettling enough, making her home in the uncanny valley. You can see why Cady is able to become good friends with her due to her cheery voice and lifelike movements as well. 
The bad (everything I love!)
M3GAN knows what it’s doing. The camp in this movie is so dense it could be a world’s scouts jamboree. It’s referential, and M3GAN often just kinda... stops doing what she’s doing in order to mess around. There’s absolutely no reason for her to dance as she does, but she does it! 
There’s a little campy horror movie decision making of course. Characters make dumb decisions (resulting in M3GAN blowing up in the first few scenes, for instance) but the main character is surprisingly sound in her decision making. She figures out what’s happening and tries to get M3GAN away from her kid, although for some reason the robot actively disobeying her isn’t quite enough for her to do this. Many of the other characters are kinda just meatbags and irrational, and it’s GREAT. Even kids without dead parents will love M3GAN!
It’s exactly what you’re shown in the trailer- campy fun that doesn’t take itself seriously. 
The ugly 
Unfortunately, it is exactly what you’re shown in the trailer. The death/fight scenes in the trailer are almost all of them, and that’s about it for the goofy fun moments. M3GAN running on all fours, being a contortionist, and dancing as she kills people is great, but that’s about it for the absurdism. I still laughed seeing it happen on screen, but I was never surprised.
And that applies to the rest of the movie- aside from jumpscares, nothing is really surprising. It’s very beat-for-beat and is nearly identical plot wise to all the other evil doll/robot horror movies out there. Every character that dies is someone you could predict dying in the first ten minutes or so, and not a single one is likeable- the deaths hold no weight at all. 
Seriously, almost every plot point is predictable, and it’s a problem. Going into the movie, absolutely everyone knows M3GAN is going to be a murderer and the villain. And yet the movie still takes its time pretending she won’t be and letting her act innocent, meaning the first third will be spent just waiting for her to finally make her move. Hell, we even predicted the final fight would be between M3GAN and the aunt’s old robot Bruce as soon as we saw him.
Despite M3GAN’s flamboyance, she never really perfects the art of murder. Maybe it’s the pg13 rating, but I feel like it could really benefit from a bit more gore or absurdist kills. The campiness feels lonely without some great kills!
Ultimately, M3GAN is a slight disappointment. The movie never goes beyond the trailer. If you thought the trailer was funny, you’ll have about the same enjoyment you had watching the movie you did watching the trailer. Of course, it’s great to laugh at, point out the flaws in, and ultimately just turn your brain off a bit for. 
A 4/10 movie, but a 7/10 watching experience!
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Anti-Sumire propaganda: I agree that her story is extremely Stranger-themed, but she is not an Avatar because she is not really spreading fear by impersonating Kasumi. It is disturbing for the audience and the people around her, but it's more because of the obvious mental issues her delusion represents and the lengths Maruki (who meddled with her mind to make her think she was Kasumi to "fix" her grief) went to to "help" her, which is more Spiral than Stranger. I'm pretty sure it's obvious to everyone who actually knew Kasumi that Sumire is NOT Kasumi, so the way they act towards her is informed by the impression that she's a mentally fragile young woman in the middle of a breakdown; meanwhile, the Phantom Thieves never knew Kasumi, so discovering Sumire's true identity isn't exactly like uncovering an imposter for them, and the focus is on Sumire's need to overcome her grief and self-esteem issues. Arguably Maruki is the true Avatar here, as he caused this whole situation and created a false utopia where everyone acts weirdly and dead people are alive that is clearly super creepy for those in the know, and that's perhaps more Spiral.
Pro-Other Mother propaganda: she is very Web, but the way she manipulates is extremely Stranger. The image of people who look human except for button eyes is very Uncanny Valley, especially when you realize she wants to do the same to Coraline. All of the Others are twisted parodies of their real counterparts who initially act like "the real one but better," but soon turn out to be monstrous fakes (a bloated pumpkin, taffy monsters, a mass of rats); this culminates in the Other Mother, who looked like Coraline's real mother but turns out to be something humanoid but very very not human--she's too stretched out, she has needles for hands, and her skin seems to be like porcelain (and porcelain dolls are quite Stranger). Similarly, her Other World is beautiful and bright and enticing, full of MUSICAL delights (Other Father's piano number, Other Spink and Forcible's THEATRE, Other Bobinsky's mice CARNIVAL), but it's all fake when you look beneath the surface. She presents herself as an unnerving but loving guardian to lure children in (like a much more competent Anglerfish), then turns out to be a predator--but even then she's still acting like a parody of a mother (dragging Coraline into "time out" by her ear until she learns to "behave"). It's kind of a Jonah situation, now that I think about it--Jonah's manipulation of everyone around him would seem to make him Web, but he's Eye because he accomplishes this through his vast knowledge, which would indicate that Other Mother is Stranger because her manipulation is accomplished through imitation and the uncanny.
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sh4dowsdi3 · 2 months
Interview: 2 (Llydia)
Word count: 974
Content warnings: Implied abuse
Synopsis: Llydia tells us about the strange man (or rather, thing) she met in the bathroom.
[8:30 am; We’re in a coffee shop on campus at the request of Llydia. She’s sitting across from me, sipping on a cup of iced water. She’s looking around the shop and hasn’t made eye contact with me at all.]
(Okay, let’s get started. Tell me about yourself.)
My name is Llydia Summerton. I’m 23 years old and I like reading and writing poetry.
(Okay, now, tell me your story.)
Well, I’m kind of a paranoid person. I’m very cautious when I’m in public; always checking my surroundings, making sure someone knows where I am, all of that stuff. Being a woman, I’ve learned the hard way that the world isn’t kind. When I was 15 my boyfriend used to… I was in an abusive relationship. Ever since then, I’ve been more reserved and a bit paranoid. I don’t want you to think I’m crazy or that I just imagined this because I’m 99% sure that this really happened.
One time, a couple months ago, I got out of class late because I needed to talk to my professor about one of our assignments. By the time I actually got out, the hallways were dead silent and empty.
(Can you tell me about what time you got out of class?)
It was around 6pm. I usually eat dinner at around 6 so I was starving at that point. I get anxious when I’m hungry so I went to the bathroom to wash my face and calm down. Then I ended up actually needing to pee.
I really hate that bathroom. There’s no lights above the stalls so it’s dim and creepy. Anyways, as I’m sitting on the toilet, I can hear the faucet dripping slowly. I wasn’t even peeing, I was just daydreaming. It was so silent that I could hear the lights buzzing. It was really cold too. I started breathing through my mouth to see if I could see my breath. For a solid minute I was just focusing on my breath. In and out, in and out, in and out…
Then I heard someone else breathing.
When they inhaled it was harsh and had a slight wheeze. When they exhaled it was soft and slow. I was frozen. I didn’t hear the door open and I was sure that no one was already in the bathroom when I came in. My eyes were getting dry from not blinking. Without moving my head, I looked below the stall door. Two bare feet. They didn’t look dirty and the toe nails were neatly cut. Then, slowly, I raised my head and looked above the door.
(Note: Llydia is picking at the skin on her fingers. Her ring finger on her left hand has started bleeding slightly.)
It was a head. It looked like a man but he looked weird. Do you know anything about the uncanny valley?
(I’ve heard of it, but please explain it to me.)
It’s basically when something looks so much like a human, but not quite. That’s why so many people are afraid of dolls or mannequins. There was something off about that man. His expression was blank. His eyes weren’t focused on anything and his smile… It was too wide. Like something was stretching his lips back.
Then he started climbing over the stall. I practically fell off the toilet trying to put my pants back on. He moved like a puppet. His arms were impossibly long and moved sporadically but his face kept that same bizarre expression. No person’s body should bend the way his did. He was hanging over the door and was reaching out towards me. I was huddled at the very back of the stall and his fingers still managed to graze my lips. I just- I couldn’t-
(Do you need a moment to compose yourself?)
Yeah. I’m sorry, I just feel sick.
[Llydia takes a big gulp of her water and chews on the ice.]
I couldn’t even scream for help. All I could do was cry. Snot and tears were running down my face. I didn’t know what to do! I cried so hard that my chest hurt.
Then he went limp. The feeling of his fingers falling down my body made me sick. I thought I was going to vomit. Everything was still for a second then his body flopped back over to the other side of the door. It was like someone was dragging him away. He made a fleshy thud when he hit the ground.
I didn’t hear the door open so I sat there for at least ten minutes before I checked to see if he was gone. I kind of peeked under the stall door on my hands and knees. No one was there so I just… got up, washed my hands, dried my face with some paper towels, and fixed myself up. But yeah… that’s my story.
(How did the rest of your night go?)
I didn’t eat. I just went back to my dorm and lied in bed. I didn’t eat breakfast the day after, or lunch, or dinner. I was so tired and starving. At some point during the night I ate some granola bars then I fell asleep. I remember that because I woke up feeling so groggy and sick.
Nothing like this has happened since though. I feel like I’m going crazy. Maybe school just isn’t for me. Maybe I should just drop out and go home… I don’t know what I would do back home though. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.
(Thank you for sharing)
I’m so tired. I know I’m not going to drop out though. Crazy people can live somewhat normal lives right? I doubt that something this freaky will happen twice. I’m just going to keep my head down and graduate.
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dwellordream · 2 years
I recently read ASOIAF and on paper Daenerys Targaryen sounds like a wonderful person and ruler. But the more I read, the more her story goes down the line of uncanny valley. Does she know anything about her own family history? Like, I know she was influenced by dumb Viserys but c'mon, she should have tried to get more stories from other people by now. Seems like she just can't tolerate anyone say anything negatively regarding her family. Which I find hysterical as she herself has first hand knowledge how awful Viserys was.
I'm half convinced this is blatant troll bait but I have homework I don't want to do so let's break this bad boy down:
But the more I read, the more her story goes down the line of uncanny valley.
I think you're misusing the term uncanny valley. Uncanny valley generally refers to humanoid objects, such as animated characters or dolls, verging on just enough human-like to unnerve and disturb the viewer. Ie. a robot with some human-like characteristics is cute, but an 'almost' human android is creepy.
I think you are trying to reference another term entirely- cognitive dissonance? That's when someone explains things away that contradict their world view, or reject new information that conflicts with their existing world view and beliefs.
Does Dany have cognitive dissonance in regards to her family history? I don't see any proof of this in the text.
To be honest, the answer to your question, "Does she know anything about her own family history?" is quite simple. No, she doesn't. For 14 years her only source of information was her unstable and abusive older brother, who repeatedly fed her a very narrow range of propaganda regarding their immediate family history and the causes of the Rebellion.
There was no one else to contradict this or offer any other information on the family. What was she supposed to do? How was she supposed to educate herself?
After Viserys' death, who does Dany have to ask about her family? Jorah, who is attempting to groom her into a sexual relationship? When Barristan reveals his identity, he tells Dany that her father was mad (among other things), which is a stinging shock to her. Barristan senses her discomfort with these revelations and offers to tell her more later, and she agrees.
Dany stopped him. "Do I want to hear this now?" Ser Barristan considered a moment. "Perhaps not. Not now." "Not now," she agreed. "One day. One day you must tell me all. The good and the bad. There is some good to be said of my father, surely?" (Daenerys VI, ASoS)
It is neither of their faults that the political situation is so rocky that they don't have time for an in-depth breakdown of the family history. Even then, Barristan is from from an unbiased source himself.
"Jaehaerys. This old man knew my grandfather. The thought gave her pause. Most of what she knew of Westeros had come from her brother, and the rest from Ser Jorah. Ser Barristan would have forgotten more than the two of them had ever known. This man can tell me what I came from." (ASoS, Daenerys VI)
Questions? She had a hundred questions, a thousand, ten thousand. Why couldn't she think of one? "Was my father truly mad?" she blurted out. Why do I ask that? "Viserys said this talk of madness was a ploy of the Usurper's . . ." (ASoS, Daenerys VI)
Does this really sound like someone who 'just can't tolerate anyone say anything negatively regarding her family'? If Dany was truly opposed to hearing anything negative about her family, why would she want to ask questions? Why would she tell Barristan to tell her both the good and the bad?
I'm confused as to who you think these 'other people' Dany should have gone to are. She's not exactly surrounded by Westerosi, never mind people who knew her parents and brother.
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purple-stuck · 3 years
I'm sorry that happened but at least now you know for future reference! I was hoping you could write purple Kankri trying to flirt with Cronus (key word being try assume it seems like purple Vantases are pretty intimidating) but if you don't like Cronkri (which is super fair!) would you please write about purple Kankri in general? c:
Cronus didn't even know why he still went to this bar in the first place.
The music was always pretty bad. Between hip hop artists who just said the same lines over and over again and rock and roll bands who could barely be heard over the sounds of their poorly tuned guitars, it was a miracle that any of these artists even managed to sell their music to this place in the first place. Credit where it was do, it did make him want to drink. Besides, if these guys could make careers out of their songs, there was still hope for him yet.
Cronus cast his gaze out to the bar around him, trying to push the negative thoughts from his mind. A good flirt should improve his mood, even if he knew he was likely to be rejected. His gaze honed in on a small bronze blood girl, sitting alone with three empty bottles littered beside her. Faygo, from the looks of it. Incredibly powerful for a non Purple Blood. Looks like someone could use a little company.
"Hey, doll." Cronus said, leaning seductively against the wall beside her. He figured he might as well take a note from Rufioh's playbook before he dropped the pick-up line. "Are you a math book? Because I take one look at you and think 'fuck me'."
The troll glared up at him dismissively, before craning her neck up even more. Her face twisted into an expression of terror as she looked behind him, before she quickly grabbed her empty bottles and hurried towards the door.
"What, hey! It wvasn't that bad of a line, wvas it?"
"Excuse me."
Cronus instinctively jumped at the sound and spun around to come face to chest with a lumbering highblood in a baggy purple sweater. He looked up to see Kankri Vantas leaning against the wall like he was, looking down at him with an unreadable expression covered in face paint. From this angle, Kankri's nubby horns were nigh invisible underneath that wild bush of untamable hair. Somehow, Kankri always looked like he'd never left his hive in his life.
"Oh, shit. Um, hey Kan. What are you doing here? This place really isn't your kind of scene."
Cronus never knew how to act around Kankri. If Kurloz was creepy, Kankri was genuinely intimidating, but unlike the mime, it was impossible to tell if he was doing it on purpose. Kankri seemed to exist inside of his own little world.
"Oh, my apologies. I didn't... trigger you, did I?"
Kankri's eyebrow was wiggling, as if he was expecting Cronus to get something, but Cronus was just confused. "Um, no, I'm just confused. Why are you here?"
Kankri blinked, seemingly not expecting the question. "I don't see what's wrong with dropping by my brothers favorite bar." He glared at the juicebox in the corner. "Although, I expected your music taste to be better."
Cronus forced a laugh at that. "Heh, it's not really. I just go here whenever I hit a writer's block."
"But you're always here?"
"....Yeah." Cronus deflated. "Yeah, I am." He could never read Kankri. Anyone else and he'd swear they were mocking him with an exchange like that. Or at least teasing him. But you could never tell with Kankri.
The larger clown was so withdrawn and stoic. His every word was carefully, almost robotically chosen, like he was trying to carefully avoid possibly offending anyone. It was a strange contrast against how casual his words were and how irreverent clowns normal were. It put him right in the uncanny valley and his large size didn't help.
Kankri rested a hand on his shoulder, causing Cronus to freeze. The clown leaned over him like a robot trying to look casual. His back was perfectly straight, his grip was too tight, his posture was too perfect and tense even as he tried to unwind. It made Cronus' fins stand up on his face.
"Well, why don't we head somewhere more comfortable? Just the two of us."
If Cronus was talking to anyone else, he would swear he was being flirted with. But, Kankri didn't do flirting, so he was clearly just misreading signals here. Was this an attempt at being friendly? Mocking? Trying to get Cronus away from a "triggering" environment? Was Kankri trying to abduct him or something and Kurloz was waiting the back ally with a bag to drag him off to clown church in? This was all so surreal.
"Oh, no. You don't hawve to vworry about that. I don't drink so I can still vwalk back to my hiwve just fine."
Kankri shot him a weird look. Cronus thought he looked annoyed but that couldn't be it because Kankri didn't act like this when he was annoyed. Nornally, he just lectured whoever tried to bother him until they scuttled off slightly terrified.
The clown pulled a paper out of his pocket. Cronus could recognize some of Rufioh's handwriting on it as it unfolded, but that only confused him more. Kankri cleared his throat, cocked his hips, and pointed his fingers like Cronus did whenever he was about to deliver a particularly bad pickup line.
"Hey, doll. Does this place serve fish food? Because you look like a snack."
Awkward silence. Kankri's voice sounded even more robotic and forced than normal, which only made things more surreal.
"So, is this a caste outreach thing? I heard the Empress is havwing the more 'vwiolent' castes do that nowv."
Kankri starred blankly for a moment before consulting the paper again. After a quick skim, he reset his posture, crossing his arms and giving Cronus a toothy grin. Problem is, Kankri had the Kurloz problem where his smiles looked less like "hello friend" and more like "I'm going to eat your soul." Still, he was clearly trying.
"Hello, doll. Dat, er, pardon my language here, ass is looking fine."
Another awkward silence as Kankri waited for an answer. Cronus squirmed awkwardly. "So... this is a dare then? Did Meenah put you up to this?"
Kankri deflated with a sigh, ripping the paper up indifferently. It was weird to see his perfect posture slip, which was only punctuated by his words sounding less robotic and more genuinely annoyed. "Cronus, you really need to learn to take a hint."
Cronus stared as Kankri sulked out. "Uh, alright, bye then."
He quietly made his way back to his seat, aware that the whole bar was now staring at him. He picked up his guitar to distract himself. "You knovw something, bar keep? If I didn't knowv better, I'd say he vwas flirting wvith me right novw."
Thankfully, Cronus was too preoccupied with his guitar to notice the incredulous look the bartender was giving him.
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What do you think Grima and Eomer are most scared of? Apart from being left alone with each other, of course :) I think Eomer is terrified of spiders - he has to ask Eowyn to remove them. Grima's fears are probably grander and more philosophical e.g. non-existence, failure, imperfection. But I bet he's terrified of weird stuff as well - exposed knees, clowns, steep stairs...
Oooooooh I love this question!! (granted I love any and all questions about these two)
[Oh god this got so long, I’m sorry but also not sorry.]
So I mean, it would depend what kind of fear we’re talking about. 
In terms of day-to-day fears/things that spook you or creep you out. I think Eomer has a REAL problem with house (mead hall?) centipedes. 
‘Too many legs, Grima. They have too many legs. I did not sign up for this.’ 
Once. when Eomer was like 10, he woke up with a house centipede on his chest and he’s never recovered. 
Grima just shoos the critter outside. Eowyn lectures her brother about their importance in the grand ecosystem. Eomer doesn’t care. 
Like when Eomer sees a house centipede all the hair on his body stands on end and he feels that cold wash of terror. I mean, if he had to, he could deal with it himself. But he’d be internally screaming the entire time. Stoic externally, of course. He is a brave rider of Rohan! But inside? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I think Grima gets creeped out by uncanny valley things. Mostly dolls. I think he assumes 90% of all dolls are cursed. One time his niece left her doll behind and Grima had to lock it in a box and hide it in a storage room and he was still a little convinced that it was going to escape and murder them all. Chucky style. 
Eomer: I want to get my sister a doll for the baby she and Faramir are about to have. How about this one? 
Grima: W h y would you traumatize a baby like that Eomer? Are you a monster? 
Eomer: This .... this is a cute doll. It’s not going to haunt them. 
Grima: You don’t know that for certain. Look at those beady eyes. Always watching. 
Eomer: Ghosts and draugr are fine but not dolls?
Grima: My undead brother might be a pain in the arse but at least I know what to expect from him. Mostly his trying to eat people. But it’s within the bounds of reason. That fucking doll on the other hand? Who knows what it thinks in the dark hours of the night. Who knows what secrets it holds in its heart. 
Eomer: . . .I think I’ll just get the kid a stuffed animal horse. 
Grima: Much better. 
I also think Grima gets easily spooked by flying insects. Like once he ascertains that the sudden movement within his line of vision isn’t going to hurt him, he’s fine. But his initial reaction is to get up and leave very quickly and let Eomer deal with it. Grima has a strong association between sudden movements and getting punched. Reasonable, really. 
Shared thing? I think Eomer and Grima both find teeth to be really creepy. 
Eowyn: They’re just bones in your mouth. It’s fine. 
Eowyn: Mouth! Bones! Mouth! Bones!
Eomer: I hate all of this. 
Eowyn: Mouth bonessssss! 
Eomer shows up in Osgiliath, hasn’t seen Eowyn in like two years, she gives him a hug and whispers ‘mouth bones’ into his ear just to freak him out. Because they’re loving and caring siblings like that. 
Eowyn: My daughter is just starting to get her mouth bones in.
Grima: I refuse to engage with this.
Faramir: Babe, why are you like this??
Eomer: I brought this doll for her. 
Eowyn: That is so cursed, I’m surprised Grima let you buy it. 
Eomer: I don’t know, I think it’s kind of cute. 
Eowyn: hmmmm yeah well you’re sleeping with that thing over there so I don’t know that your judgement can be trusted. 
Grima: h e y.
Faramir: What kind of family did I marry into??
Now, for deeper fears. 
Eomer is the one who has a deep seated fear of failure. Of not living up to the expectations set on him from a very young age. Both as son of Eomund, who is like local hero 101, and as nephew to the king. Being orphaned at a young age, I suspect he had a lot of pressure placed on him to Be the Man in the Family. To Take Care Of Everyone etc.  
And it’s hard being the son of someone who has a bit of a legend around them when they’re alive, let alone when they’re dead and so they become an impossible standard to live up to. 
This isn’t to say Eomer is a stick in the mud and doesn’t get up to mischief. This is the man who drops sick burns for a living and can be described as “compulsively truculent”. Like, Eomer at 18 was absolutely a bit of a mad lad. But, there was always this fear and anxiety hanging over him of having to live up to great expectations - most of which he’s placed on himself but he’s not aware of that. 
Later, I’ve always headcanon-ed that he does a bit of that daft thing of comparing himself to Aragorn and is like “I’m not living up to the story book legend who rules the neighbouring kingdom” and despairs. 
Eowyn: You’re doing fine. And really, Boromir and Arwen run 80% of everything. Aragorn disappears into the mountains at any given moment. 
Eomer: But what if I’m somehow failing everything at all times? Have you thought about that? That I’m failing our parents and ruining our father’s legacy and destroying our uncle’s trust in me??
Eowyn: .  . . yeah that’s not happening. You’re fine. 
Eomer: BUT AM I???
Eowyn awkwardly pats his hand, ‘You’re fine.’ Eomer despairs. 
Grima: Can’t do worse than me. 
Eowyn: Yeah! You can’t do worse than Grima. 
Eomer: That bar is so low it’s underground. 
Additional to this, I think Eomer is scared of letting things go - like giving up control in situations. Because he’s got it into his head that so long as he is in control he can keep everyone safe and no one will die (i.e. his sister). And he’s terrified of things heading down the Road of Chaos. 
Which like, Eomer, good luck with that. You live in Middle Earth and Grima’s still around being the agent of chaos that he is. 
Grima: I’ve had a thought. 
Eomer: Oh no. Put it back where you found it. 
Grima: Too late, I’ve told Eothain and he thinks it’s great. 
Eomer: Gods preserve me. 
Eothain: Ok but hear us out -- 
For Grima - he’s got a long of weird, existential fears. The World Ending being the biggest of them. He’s got a bit of a nihilistic, hopeless streak in him that can get quite philosophical in terms of dread. 
But for more personal, grounded fears, I think the main one is that he’s terrified of being seen. Of being vulnerable. Because if people see him/know him, surely they’ll hate him and leave him and that would hurt so, so much. Therefore, if he’s mean to everyone, including himself, then people can’t hurt him because he’s already doing their work for them to himself. 
Yet, he’s also afraid of being alone and so desperately wants to love and be loved but doesn’t know how to go about making that happen in a healthy, normal manner. So he self-sabotages. Tells himself things like, “I was not a lovable child, and I’d grown into a deeply unlovable adult. Draw a picture of my soul and it’d be a scribble with fangs.” - Gillian Flynn 
This just creates a fucked up freeze/thaw cycle of “I want to fit in and belong somewhere, but if people know me they’ll see what an ugly thing I am, better that they don’t know me, so let me shut them out/be mean to them etc., no one cares for me because I am unworthy of it, this hurts a lot, and I think fitting in and belonging would probably stop it hurting, but if people know me they’ll see what an ugly thing I am, better they don’t ... so on and so forth.” 
So yeah. His deep seated fears of being vulnerable + being along make for some twisted thinking and lots of self-sabotaging. 
Grima; What is emotional vulnerability?? Never heard of it. 
Theoden: You could give it a try, you know. 
Grima: No. I refuse. 
Grima does that thing that Carrie Fisher talks about: “Of all the violence I have known in my life, I have not known violence like the way I talk to myself.” 
Thank you so much for the ask! This was an absolute blast to answer. I loved every minute of it. 
I love all Grima and Eomer questions. 
<3 <3 
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So, despite being a lurker, and then a semi-active person for a while I’ve never made an intro post! And, well, as one of the mods for @whumpmasinjuly now speed running the event to catch up, I figure I can be living proof that better late than never! 
I’m Rosy, she/her/hers, a 22 year old Bi baby using writing as a coping mechanism for our hellscape. I’ve always enjoyed whump, without knowing it until I found the term last fall. I’m also a comfort whore, so always know that nothing I write has a sad ending, there’s fluff coming.
I love exploring OCs, vulnerability, interesting conditions for whump, and world building/making my ideas way too complicated. That or writing random requests to prompts. There’s really no in between. I've either thought about it way too much or not at all. Which I guess is to say, if there’s a prompt or scenario you’ve always wanted written drop it in my ask box, I enjoy the challenge! I’m really passionate about creative writing as a tool to explore, which ties into my work with nonprofit alternative education models. 
I’ve got a few things posted on my blog, but none are the main stories I’ve been working on, because busy but also as said above I tend to...spend forever researching/drafting haha. If you’re interested in checking out the ideas I got in the pipeline, check under the cut! Feel free to let me know if you’d like to be tagged, some will start being published in the next few days.
And lastly, hope y’all don’t mind, but I thought I’d tag some friends & my fav authors in the community that have helped me start to get more involved!: @sableflynn @bleedingandfeverish @straight-to-the-pain @softsweetsuffering @mottinthemainpot @burtlederp @killtheprotagonist @slaintetowhump @wildfaewhump @ashintheairlikesnow @deluxewhump @0idril0 @whumpywhumper @moose-teeth @endless-whump @bloodandbandages @whumping-every-day @card-games-and-pain @starrywhump @nowhumponmain @orchidscript @untilthepainstarts @whump-tr0pes @albino-whumpee @whumpiary ok gonna stop tagging people now wow I read too much/talk to people a lot
My WIPs: 
(Note: I’m trying to edit at least one of each to post this week but my muse hops around a lot so consistent and chronological these stories will not be. They’re ordered vaguely by where my muse is rn)
Elias: The newest one, a spur-of-the-moment addition who’s got a few more prompts coming. A boy who’s gotten the shit end of the stick in life ends up in the basement of a frat, tortured after the mob boss who took him to get a ransom from his shit-stain brother decided to cut losses and gift Elias to his nephew, passing him off as a boxboy in the process. Some well-meaning college students decide to rescue him, only to get into who knows what, certainly not me. Variation within BBU, thanks to @deluxewhump for the idea. Mainly recovery from torture for now
Studying About That Good Ole Way/Fae bb: A modern magic world loosely inspired by @0idril0 & @whumpywhumper’s Nico/Clint & Marcus/Lucien series’ respectively. Under the increased scrutiny of the modern age, magical creatures come forward with their existence. Fae have always lived in a state of fear but now more so, as their existence as a source of magic means they can be used for great feats, both by humans and magic folk alike. In fear, some hide their young as changelings in the hopes that in growing in non-magical communities, they will not develop their full magical characteristics. 
     Faith is a young girl from a ‘perfect’ anti-magic Christian family, who goes to a liberal arts college to study Theology. In her thesis work to understand how to reconcile God with the magic community, the exposure to the magic sparks her transformation into her full, natural Fae self. A professor/local pastor offers to help, which does not go well. Her brother Adam, who abandons his family and his church after it disowns and demonizes his sister, is left to pick up the pieces. Religious whump, torture, intimate whumper, some body horror/gore, recovery angst, a not-great himbo caretaker trying his best, found family eventually.
Once You Are Real: Victorian Magical vaguely Steampunk Fantasy world. A shopkeeper specializing in magical refurbishment & repair comes across a life-sized porcelain ‘doll’, broken and pieced together in webs of golden cracks. He quickly discovers that not only is this ‘doll’ actually a construct, it’s a sentient construct, the most advanced he’s ever seen, capable of distressing amounts of emotion and physical feeling. An uncanny valley of past pains that now sits on his bench to fix. Caretaker fluff, emotional angst, psychological angst, discussing human condition, some creepy/intimate whumper flashbacks. 
The Paths We Travel: A trio that takes place in @wildfaewhump ’s Pathverse. Technically the first piece of this is posted, but I’ve rehauled it since then so I’ll be rewriting that intro. 
     Oren is a former A-Class, used to experiment with the extent of Class-A’s potential. He’s now sickened by his own abilities and seeking to hide, to find a new person other than the one he was. He’s trying to write his way to freedom, all the while avoiding his own history that’s written into every part of his person.
     Cass presents an easy out, a friend-with-benefits that’s a bridge between his old life and a new one. Cass is a wealthy Class-C who’s parents hid her ability since she was the only child, and heir, to their pharmaceutical fortune. She’s on a mission to rebel and take hold of her identity, as only a privileged girl can, not understanding the consequences that may follow for a free path. 
     Alice is a Class-C who has lived her life working with a more private sector company, where her empath abilities were combined with drugs to offer high paying clients orgasmic and euphoric experiences without those nasty side effects. When Cass decides to rescue her while at a party on a whim, it’s a whim that thrusts the trio into a collision course. Drug/withdrawal whump. Recovery whump. Some real shitty caretakers, but they mean well. Exploration of not great people getting better together maybe? I control none of my characters please send help
Bakery Box Boy: Della, an older woman in charge of a popular bakeshop in a lakeside New England town is gifted a refurbished Box Boy as ‘help’ by a nosy neighbor convinced it’ll be a good way to help her finally grieve her recently deceased son. Della disagrees, and our poor BB is caught in the middle. Featuring a strong willed tough older woman caretaker, and a Box Boy who’s been refurbished about 3-5 times. God this is from a post from forever ago, but dammit it got too developed to throw away so it’s got at least a few prompts in its WIP folder I’ll get to editing eventually.
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benevolentbirdgal · 3 years
13 Rules to Stay Safe in the Doll Shop
I feel like it goes without saying that a doll shop is going to have spooky vibes. Some of the locations I've described I feel like I had to justify why it's creepy, but not with doll shops. Dolls can be super cute, but also super horrifying. It's a human visage designed for children - there's an inherent straddling on the uncanny valley line involved. Without further ado, here's the rules:
If a doll case is locked, it's not to keep you out. 1a. Some dolls prefer the company of others. Don't get just one of these dolls, unless you already have friends at home. Others are perfectly content to be alone. Let them. 1b. If you must get the doll locked up by itself, have a case handy. She wants her boundaries, and you will suffer if you fail to honor that.
Why yes, the eyes are watching you. Related: The heads are not supposed to spin. Leave immediately.
You aren't losing it. The dolls are moving around. 4a. This is actually nothing to be alarmed about, if it seems random. 4b. If they're methodically appearing closer and closer to you, this is something to be alarmed about. 4c. If one is suddenly in touching distance, run.
This is not somewhere you want to be at night, or in a power outage.
"Free" dolls are troubled. There's always a cost, even if you can't see the price tag. Buyer beware.
Most of the places I've previously described have eccentric owners. This is true for doll shops, but even more extreme. 7a. What I mean by this is the shopkeeper might have skin that's a little too nice, smile a little too in place, eyes a little too unblinking. If it's just the shopkeeper, be extra nice, buy something, and get out. 7b. Like with the bookstore and the hardware store, becoming a regular will get you access to the weird stuff. 7c. If the other customers are looking like dolls, leave immediately.
Damaged dolls could have the crack or missing piece because someone dropped her. Sure, that's possible. It's not necessarily true.
Dolls really don't consider themselves as an "it" - I strongly suggest referring to them as "he" or "her" (as the case may be). They often also have names - for benign dolls using names is fine. For malevolent dolls, do not say names - doing so lends power.
If there's a doll making class, be careful the kind of mood you're in and the topics you broach while making your doll. They're very susceptible to influences early in the creation process.
If the dolls start chanting your name, leave. Keep running.
Many dolls, particularly older ones, are unstable. Think about it-they've seen dysfunctionality across generations, situations, and different family settings. They can't unsee it all, even if they wanted to.
No good ever comes from trying to raise a doll army or commanding the dolls to commit violence.
You. Cannot. Uncurse. A. Cursed. Doll. The only thing you can do is pass the doll along.
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