#she's like try me not like I'm a magical prodigy or anything
inexprymable · 1 year
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Season 2 Hackle | Hollow Wood
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thatfreshi · 9 months
"Tough Crowd" (Uni AU P. 1)
Really embracing the catty queerness of these fuckers LMAO. Anyways, here's our little intro to Ravenguard Univeristy and Tav's living situation :)
Tw - mention of alcohol
@justporo (If you want me to tag you in part two, leave a comment!)
It's finally move-in day. After getting your Associate's degree at some small-town community college, you finally transferred to Ravenguard University, probably through sheer luck. Perhaps someone dropped out of the waitlist, but you're here now, moving into the place that'll be your home for the upcoming semesters. Soon enough you're asked for your name, and given the key to your room, quickly being ushered to the elevators. The volunteering students are clearly stressed by all the newcomers, so you don't exactly blame them for seeming impersonal.
You read your key, which has deemed you to be in room 717. Sneaking your way over to the floor buttons, you lightly tap 7, and place yourself in one of the empty corners of the elevator. After dropping off a few strangers on lower floors, you finally get to your destination, and find your dorm room shortly after. When you unlock the door, you immediately hear arguing.
"I need the room with the desk! I have far too many exams to study for. Besides, you don't seem like the studying type anyways."
Two women are yelling at each other, one with jet-black hair and the other with piercing eyes and an intimidating demeanor.
"We're all here to study fool."
"Well, as far as I know, you don't want to be a doctor. Besides, aren't you just here as an athlete? Or, my bad, were here as an athlete?"
At this point the ginger is fuming, fists clenched, but simply takes the room they were arguing over and slams the door, locking it immediately. The med student slams her fist on the door.
"Just wait til I tell the RA about this Lae'zel!"
She sighs, clearly still trying to let go of her anger. When she turns from the closed door, she finally realizes you're standing there.
"Sorry about that. Roommate problems, am I right?"
The pale woman nervously chuckles. Dressed in all black, she looks ready for a funeral, well if funerals were comfy and full of college students.
"Uh, yeah. Please don't tell me you're going to be arguing like this every night."
"Well, her and I don't particularly get along. I'm surprised housing even let us be in the same room after how many issues we've had. Though I'm sure I'll learn to tolerate her better in our living situation."
The woman ponders the thought for a moment, and then her eyes light up.
"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shadowheart, and yes my parents are hippies. Most people call me Shadow since it's less cringe."
"Well, nice to meet you. Please tell me there's a room I can snag that you aren't fighting about."
"Oh, go down the hall and to the right. That one has a bigger wardrobe, but Lae and I both really wanted the desk."
Your phone vibrates, with a notification from some online magazine.
'Szarr: The Seven Models Behind the Magic'
"Why has this man been doing so many interviews?"
Shadowheart's ears perk up.
"You know Szarr, that fashion guy right? He's been all over the news, I cannot escape it."
"Oh. You may want to be careful how you talk about him. One of his precious prodigies goes here. Kind of a bitch honestly."
She makes a fake throw-up noise, rolling her eyes.
"Wait. One of his models goes here? I assumed they were all full-time."
"He's full-time alright. I've never seen Astarion pause for anything other than himself. Anyways, I suppose I need to unpack my things IN THE ROOM WITHOUT A DESK."
Shadowheart yells the last part loud enough for Lae'zel to hear, which coerces a groan from her behind the locked door. And just like that, she's locked away in her own room, leaving you with the room at the end of the hall. At least it has the nice wardrobe? You put on some music and start to unpack all your bags, soaking in the space. It leaves some to be desired, but you're excited nonetheless. You're woken from the trance however when there's a very loud knock at your dorm door. You wait for a moment, hoping one of the other two will get it, but the knocking simply continues obnoxiously. Making your way to the front door with a scowl on your face, you throw it open.
"Floor meeting in thirty minutes. If you or any of your roommates are late, I'll kill you."
You're met with the topic of your previous conversation: Astarion. While you aren't necessarily into fashion, you've seen so much about this guy as of recent, mostly from people thirsting on Twitter. You almost laugh, knowing Shadowheart will be pissed when she hears that he's the RA for their floor. He doesn't wait for you to respond and simply walks down to the next room. After closing the door, you call for your new gossipy friend.
"Oh Shadow, I have wonderful news!"
She opens her door and leans in the frame.
"Please tell me I heard that voice wrong."
"Nope. I guess if you want to complain about Lae'zel, you'll have to see your favorite person!"
She lets out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. I guess I'll just deal with her. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't."
You knock on Lae'zel's door to tell her about the meeting, but you're simply met with a yell of 'I know!'
"Geez, tough crowd."
"She's the toughest crowd you'll meet. Don't ever try to impress her, you'll die trying."
Shadowheart gives you this slice of advice while putting her hair in a black claw clip.
The next thirty minutes pass by quickly as you decorate the walls of your room. Posters, little pieces of art, pictures of friends from home. When you leave the room to go to the floor meeting, you're met with the overlapping voices of everyone from floor seven, clearly annoyed that they have to be here. You and Shadowheart sit on a couch in the common area, and Lae'zel stands off to the side.
"Okay, I'm going to make this quick."
The room gets quiet quickly as Astarion speaks up, pushing his shades down his nose slightly so he can make intense eye contact with anyone who interrupts him.
"I'm your RA for the year. No, I will not answer your calls. If I'm sleeping, you better not wake me up. I do not care if you have an air fryer in your room, but if you burn down the university I will be pissed. To make it entirely clear, I'm only doing this to make a little extra cash, so do not expect me to be, how do you say... present."
The room is silent, both pleased that he doesn't seem to care and entirely annoyed by his attitude.
"Any questions?"
Once again, no one speaks.
"Great! If you truly need something, I would suggest you go to the RA on floor eight, my wonderful friend Gale, as he actually cares about the well-being of strangers. Good day!"
The large group mutters as they all make their way back to their rooms. Shadowheart turns to whisper to you.
"Oh Gale fucking hates him, and I guarantee you he didn't sign off on being the RA of two floors. Can't wait to see that catfight."
You laugh at her comment, not noticing the white-haired man approaching the two of you.
"Who's your new friend?"
She then realizes she never actually asked your name.
"Tav. It's Tav."
Astarion makes a noise that lies somewhere between a laugh and a scoff.
"Fascinating. Well Tav, how would you like to be my plus-one to a party tonight? I would ask our emo queen here, but I'm sure she has some sulking and studying to do already."
"And I thought you'd be selling out on another Instagram post, but I guess you just really love bothering people. Have fun though, if you even know how to do that."
And with that comment. Shadowheart is back off to her room, most likely to sulk and study like Astarion said.
"Ugh, don't mind her. She just doesn't understand the hustle. Anyways, Tav was it? You seem like just the kind of person I'd love to silently drink champagne with."
You're silent for a moment, unsure if he really is as bad as Shadowheart makes him out to be.
"The champagne is free by the way."
What better way to sell a broke college student on a night out?
"Alright, guess I'm in."
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triviallytrue · 25 days
A bit over halfway through Frieren
Things I like:
I think they did a really good job with making Frieren feel immortal - the way she fritters away time and takes people for granted, and the ways it bites her in the end.
Stark is a good character, especially compared with a lot of other warrior types. I like the way he deals with fear without letting it get annoying, and I really like his willingness to say "let me go call our ridiculously powerful mage to handle the problem instead of us risking our lives." The kind of intelligence you rarely see in anime
Relatedly I really liked the episode where he impersonated that guy's kid. I think the part where he was analogizing the younger son's relationship with his dad to his own relationship with his dad (younger son of a strict father with a prodigious older brother) and he felt obligated to speak out, but then it turned out the relationship wasn't like that, was pretty interesting.
I think having Himmel be rejected by the sword was a good choice. Humans get to decide who the true heroes are and all that.
I like the ambiguous take on religion in the setting. Too many settings just say "actually god(s) is/are real in this setting" and then still import the vibes of real life religion, which doesn't work very well.
I think "this spell is very powerful demon magic" -> "this spell has become ordinary offensive magic due to human analysis and adaptation" -> "no actually Frieren taught you a ridiculously powerful modified version designed to kill demons" was a fun double bait and switch.
Things I don't like:
A lot of people have pointed out that the demon thing is problematique, but I think the worse sin is that it's just fucking stupid. Yeah man I'm sure that a village chief would try to adopt a demon that ate a child just because it looked sad and said words. This is definitely something a person would do.
Same thing with the "letting demons in to negotiate" thing. Like, okay, we've got a magic barrier and we're fighting a war. Why don't we let the demons inside the barrier to negotiate despite never ever having successful negotiations with them in the past and the fact that individual demons can be much stronger than any of the humans we have. And then while they're here we won't keep a consistent guard on them or anything either, they can just fuck off and kill people. I am very smart.
Look, it's one thing to construct a setting where xenophobia is Correct, Actually but it's another to do it in such an ass backwards way
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Your book sounds so cool!!!
AAAAAA, THANK YOU SO MUCH! It's called The Tale of the Evil Sorcerer/O Conto do Feiticeiro Maligno and it's free to read over Wattpad, but there isn't an english translation and I prob won't do that any time soon, as I'm going to rewrite it someday.
It's about an "evil" sorcerer who kidnapped a princess by accident, only to fall in love at first sight with the knight who came to save her. Things become worse when the princess figures out the sorcerer was never evil at all, but he's so bad at communication that he just let the rumors spread because it was easier than dealing with them, so she decides to strike a deal: She'll help him try to talk with the knight, who also happens to be her BFF, and in turn he will teach her how to be a sorcerer. And no, the knight has no idea what's going on, and he's also been indocrinated his whole life to beliefe that magic = SUPER BAD.
I love these three idiots so much. The sorcerer is called Meia-Noite (Midnight in english), princess is Valentyna, and the knight is Edgar. They share one (1) braincell and are all doomed by the narrative, except the story has a happy ending for everyone. The only villain who's not sympathetic is a transphobe named Joanne Atropa and she's english-coded. This is not a reference to an IRL transphobe/neonazi author, uh-uh, never! Infodump under the cut:
Meia-Noite is a gay disaster who lives in a fortress he found at age 13 in the middle of a jungle. Goth, anxious, and is actually a healer and not a shadow manipulator like the rumors say. He helps people if they get lost and need someone to treat their injuries because his duty as a healer is capable of overtaking his fear of strangers. He's tall with long dark hair but if the wind hits him a bit too hard he goes flying with it, the guy is a STICK.
Edgar is a bi knight who has trained his entire life to protect the girl he sees as a sister. He's autistic, albino and is REALLY serious about his duties as a knight (he's 17) to the point he forgot about everything else. Outside the harsh exterior he's actually a huge sweetie who loves photography and is super curious about magic, but feels super guilty and bad about it.
Valentyna is a lesbian princess who's a prodigy at almost everything she does, but her parents refuse to teach her light magic and she's desperate to help the people of her kingdom. This girl punched Meia the SECOND she was able to do so during the kidnapping, she may not know what she's doing but somehow she is winning the game. She cares so much about everyone around her! Also adopted an albino snake and named it Açúcar (Sugar) 15 seconds after finding her in the palace's gardens.
My girlfriend also wanted to say this:
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[image id: "ALSO YOU NEED TO MENTION AÇÚCAR. lovely baby, has never done anything wrong, most important character". end image id]
Some other characters include:
Olhos de Fogo (Fire Eyes), a HUGE dumbass who's also a sorcerer. Pan king, ranked #1 arsonist over three different kingdoms, also ranked most handsome character by the readers (somehow!!!!! People love to thirst over him!) and has a "very gender" title given by me. Doomed by the narrative except unlike the trio he just accepts his fate because he's a huge loser. If this will end well for him or not it's something everyone has yet to see. My girlfriend has this to say about him:
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[image id: "i love my terrible slutty son tho". end image id.]
Angélica, Meia's adopted sister, can see the future sometimes and is also a fashion enthusiasts. Use the people in the "fortress" she lives in as test subjects for her clothes, girlie is always tired and a bit terrified of the future ahead but trying her BEST to stay positive. And failing. I want to give her a special treatment in the rewrite because I think she deserves it.
Comandante (Commander), has this name because they're the commander of the non-binary nation. Accidentally misheard Meia-Noite and thought they were supposed to KIDNAP Valentyna instead of politely taking her over for a conversation about why her parents are incompetent at their jobs, now must be the parent friend to everyone. I love them so much, they're an icon to me.
Elisabeth, a princess from a rival kingdom who may or may not be Valentyna's crush. A bit more on the gothic side, had a pretty unusual childhood and her tweenhood was pretty hard. Tries her best to look eloquent and always knowing what to do, but really, REALLY wants to be a bit more loose. She and Tyna will have an enemies/rivals to lovers arc in the rewrite bc why not.
IT/THAT THING/ANYTHING/THE ???????????. A creature that's always watching. Also may be the guy that gave Meia half of his trauma.
The NARRADORA, AKA Narrator, the girl who's telling this story. It's her first big assignment and she LOOOVES saying her opinions about what is going on, much to her professor/adopted father's dismay.
THE NARRADOR, AKA Narrator but masc, is Narradora's older brother and a lot more kept-together than her, except it's all a facade for an equally chaotic creature. Loves gossip.
THE PROTAGONISTA, AKA Protagonist, who's ALSO another narrator. Super insecure because he's still training to be a storyteller, but he has his boyfriend (Narrador) and best friend (Narradora) to help.
THE LOCUTOR, who only appears to narrate like three times max. Older brother figure of the group, a huge cryptid who seems to be the coolest thing ever until you discover he stole an one-night-stand's head for funsies and is yet to give it back.
THE HOMEM VELHO, AKA Old Man, the professor of the group. Never makes a proper apparition but I want to mention him because he's a tired dad, someone PLEASE give him a break.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Need to take a moment to percolate on Rakha's emotional hook here right now because I feel like I haven't solidified it yet. I'm really trying to lean into the idea that she really does remember nothing - she's surprised at her own magic, willing to believe she and Lae'zel could be the same race, doesn't remember her own face, and isn't entirely confident the whole world isn't like this terrible ship. Which is fun, but it's making it a little complicated to find an emotional throughline, which I want so I can get attached to her and have all the feels. XD
So... some ponderings as we move towards getting Shadowheart:
She's scared, certainly, and violently angry for reasons she doesn't fully understand. The vibe I'm getting is kind of in the realm of 'kicked dog'; she's ready to lash out at anything unfamiliar, but EVERYTHING is unfamiliar right now, and any other potential personality is getting pretty much smothered under that fact for now. She only hasn't killed Lae'zel because Lae'zel managed to provide an anchor point of absolute confidence during the time when Rakha was too bewildered to strike.
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I just now got to Shadowheart's pod and the Arcana check that a sorcerer gets to detect the magic connecting the pod to the console, and have been sitting here for a moment pondering on why Rakha would stop to help her when both her own instincts and Lae'zel are telling her to gtfo.
The answer that I'm coming up with is that she's fascinated by the magic itself - both her own magic and that in the world around her. As a sorcerer, it seems, she has a certain innate sense of its presence ("Warding runes - you feel them drawing energy from the console near to the pod.") and I think it probably stands out as an interesting contrast to the only other things she is feeling which are fear and rage.
She's also striking me as having a very analytical mind (cf. the 'listing of facts' in the first post, analyzing Lae'zel's characteristics, etc.) and likes knowing how things work, despite her INT not being numerically very high; focusing on the Cold Hard Facts is a reasonable default when the only emotions making themselves known are negative ones.
So - obviously this can and likely will change over time but my initial impression is of a magical prodigy, instinctively drawn to any connection with the Weave she encounters, constantly taking in the world around her and trying to understand it - and constantly ready to lash out at anything that threatens or angers her (or anything she doesn't know) with a level of instantaneous rage that she doesn't understand.
OK, I feel better for having rambled that out. XD We'll see how it holds up in the long run.
With all that in mind...
Rakha is absolutely AGITATING Lae'zel by stopping to figure out how to open the pod. And agitating herself, in truth. They need to keep moving. The answers will be on the bridge, not here.
But the undulating force of that warding magic is compelling; it tastes familiar, like safety. She wants to see where the connection lies, manipulate it, communicate with it.
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She examines the console carefully; her fingertips flick in an automatic motion, instinctive renderings of symbols taken from within the magic's own pulse.
[SORCERER] Inscribe the device with the glyphs you sensed from the pod's warding runes.
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Narrator: The console hums to life.
A smile, for the first time since she woke up. Just the hint of one. Good. That was good.
[ARCANA] Take a closer look at the powered-up console.
Narrator: Nothing in the appearance of the device betrays its purpose. It could do anything.
She sets her jaw angrily, slams her hand down against the button as much in irritation as intention.
Place your hand on the console.
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Narrator: Suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head. The parasite. Then discomfort fades... and another sensation washes over you. Connection. Authority...
Authority. Yes. It feels natural, it feels right, in the same way that it felt right to inscribe those runes a moment ago. And what else does she have to go on?
[ILLITHID][WISDOM] Will the pod to open.
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Narrator: You feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command... and yield to it. A shiver runs across your mind. You feel... sated...
"Ha--ahh..." she grunts, her head drawing back, pulling away from the connection with the console. Lae'zel is watching her with an irritated expression.
Rakha scowls at her. Do not look at me like that. It called to me and I answered. "Let us get the girl and go," she mutters.
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ybyag-lil · 1 month
I just... LOVE Sunshrine as a ship and have my delusions and HC's about it and I needed to put these thoughts out on WHY I like them so much somewhere other than in my fics or else I'm literally going to explode, so—
Annoyed x Annoyance. Need I say more?
I will.
If we're talking purely potential ship dynamics, we have:
Flirty x oblivious, Denial/Dense, Sunshine x Sunshine protector, stoic vs pain in the ass, optimist vs pessimist, "why me?" "why not you?", Insecure vs showers them in love.
Sun and Moon/Day and Night yadda yadda y'know the drill
Complementary colors (orange/blue) that you can correlate with their difference in personality.
But I hate reducing them to basic opposites attract and other dynamics bec they're NOT completely opposite - they actually have a lot in common!
"Two sides of the same coin" is how I'd actually describe them.
They're both trying to find their own way in life, and the paths they're taking are so fundamentally different than what has come before them.
Their voice-lines about it. Love to read into those
("I'll walk a different path this time." "I'll find my own path." "The path shapes you." "That's the path you've found?")
Potential for shared isolation issues and fear of abandonment!!!!
I feel like Kiriko's life suddenly shifting one day when Sojiro was killed and her proceeding to lose a bunch of people she held near and dear (not even counting Kanezaka itself facing major power and societal shifts) is not talked about enough. The only real personal connections she knows she has left are:
Her mom, who is forced into inaction and can't move to help liberate Kanezaka or save-
Her dad, who is currently Hashimoto's leverage/hostage and she doesn't even know for sure is still alive rn bc she hasn't seen him.
and Hanzo, which, there's a load of angst there HC and actually in-game wise for her connection with both him and Genji that would be a while 'nother conversation. I don't know if Kiriko even knows Genji's still alive, actually? More issues!
Illari's pretty self explanatory with that isolation/abandonment point. That girl's riding the, "I don't need anyone else (because I'll only end up hurting them)" train so hard. So much so that she doesn't even really feel comfortable showing any positive emotions to people around her (cheer/hello/chuckle animations anyone?).
Kiriko/Illari are both "chosen".
That one's kinda out there tbh, but my logic behind it is that Illari is already notably special. She's prodigy that was quickly predicted to be the GREATEST fucking Inti warrior of her time, whose power was so great that she turned every single other Inti warrior to ashes unintentionally.
(which, by the way, is insane if we assume the augmentations have to give you some sort of resistance to solar power to be able to wield it in the first place?)
Kiriko is where I start playing fast and loose. I'd argue her having the power of the Kitsune (which is not fucking science idc what lore comes in the future, magic exists in this fucking universe!) to such an extent makes her chosen in her own way. Like I'm assuming the teleporting around, the self healing like, and everything else is not a standard affair but no-one talks about the Shimada FAMILY being able to summon dragons so. Maybe that's just the standard in Japan.
On that note — they also both have a responsibility to their people which sort of parallel each other.
Kiriko has happily taken up the mantle of a vigilante to protect the people of Kanezaka, and, as far as we know, she has no qualms about doing it. Her way of doing things is different to how her family served/protected for generations in the past, but she still upholds the duty like it's second nature.
Pure conjecture, but I don't think Kiriko's ever felt forced to do it either. There was never a, "you must protect the town!" talk or anything like that from her grandmother/mom, she's doing it because it feels right to do.
Illari, conversely was always told she had a responsibility to her people. If you read between the lines of her lore blurb on her OW2 page and listen to what she says in her origin video, you get the sense that it was a sort of... burden? Heavy is the head that wears the crown and all that.
I compare it to the "gifted-kid burnout" precisely because of this. Illari has always been molded to follow one path, a rigorous one she didn't really have a choice BUT to follow. You're told at a young age that you are special, that there's no-one else like you, that you will grow to become a legend. How could you even begin to refuse that?
You don't. And when it all starts to fall apart, you start to wonder what's wrong with yourself. Illari has lived a life dedicated to serving, and now there's no-one left but her.
She def has some self worth/esteem issues stemming from having to be this prodigal kid essentially groomed (not that way) her whole childhood to be strong and nothing else. Couple that with an overwhelming feeling of regret for failing to uphold her duty as a protector and you have someone who is just completely lost - direction AND sense of self wise.
And I think Kiriko could help with that. Say what you want about her, but you can't deny that Kiri is strong. Imagine Illari meeting her and realizing that for herself. That despite how careless and foolish Illari thinks Kiriko is, she somehow still manages to protect her people as her duty.
Imagine her realizing that she's been taught a lie her whole life, that she doesn't have to just be Illari, the strongest Inti warrior, she can also just be Illari - the scared 18yr old trying to find a new purpose in life after that choice was stolen from her.
Like Zen says to her, "true strength comes to those who accept their weaknesses". Illari's gotta learn that she can't just be strong, she has to learn to balance these aspects of herself.
and who has played a balancing act between conflicting ideals before? Who has carved her own path out of what she's known? Kiriko.
Ahem, back to a few more hehe haha shipping things
They're both pretty capable as fighters, and both trained since they were kids. They're both probably very disciplined because of it.
(I was going to say "though Kiriko is reckless despite that" but I refuse to believe Illari isn't equally as reckless.)
They're both very petty, check out those revenge voice lines—
("Forgive and forget? Nah..." and, "Forgiveness? Never heard of it." Are two examples LOL)
They're both smart assess. Kiriko is Kiriko so that one's obvious, and I'm looking at your Hanzo/Soldier/Sombra/Ana start up interactions, AND your sassy ass "I didn't do it for you," ally save voice line, Illari.
And the two most important things....
They're just cute. Like seriously look at these little idiots, I love them both dearly.
And it's kind of a funny ship. I'm a firm believer that you don't need a reason to ship two characters, and Kiriko and Illari liking each other can lead into some hilarious ass dynamics, so why not?
Anyways, finished with my brainrot spew. If you've made it this far, check out my AO3 where I will be brainrotting even further in the future. Might post some dumb shitposts here about these two from time to time.
Illari and Kiriko's voice line pages for the things I quote.
(some of this, particularly parts regarding Kiriko, might be incorrect bec I haven't read a single lore comic and am going of things I can vaguely remember hearing about.)
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adorecline · 2 years
You know how you did being Natasha Romanoff’s daughter would include, if you haven’t already could you do a Wanda Maximoff version pls🥺
Of course! Thank you for requesting! I hope you like it and feel free to request again <33
Being Wanda Maximoff's Daughter Would Include...
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Wanda loves you and your brother's more than anything. You guys are her world
You might be a bit spoiled. Don't get me wrong she does discipline you guys, but she'll also give you whatever you want because she wants you guys happy
You wanna stay up and watch movies? Okay go ahead. You want more ice cream? How can she say no to your cute face?
She also totally a fun mom! A little cringe, sure, but she's super fun and amazing to hang out with
Growing up she would always play whatever game you wanted. She had a great imagination
And her magic came in handy a couple times too
She's always understanding and super easy to talk to
You can tell her anything and she'll be there to advice or give you a shoulder to cry on. Whatever you need, she's there to help
She has that warm and welcoming vibe
Your friends love coming over to your house because Wanda always has stuff for you guys to do
If you're happy, she's happy
That also means when you're sad...she's mad
As soon as she notices your mood is off, she try's to find out what happened and who hurt her baby
Protective mom mode: activated
She wants to protect you and your brothers from anything that can hurt you
But she knows she can't always do that because you have to learn from things on your own as well
But that doesn't mean she can't "accidentally" make that kid across the street who was mean to you trip or fall off his bike
I'm kidding...sort of
She also distanced herself from the Avenger life once she had you and your brothers
She couldn't risk some supervillain seriously hurting you guys
The only Avengers you know are Clint and Natasha
Sometimes you go to Clint's farm and hang out with his kids. And you've met Clint's prodigy, Kate Bishop who Wanda isn't very fond of after she taught you how to use a bow and arrow
Although you and your brothers have superpowers, Wanda does everything to keep you guys away from the Avenger life
She just wants you guys to live a normal life that she wished she had
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itsbenedict · 2 months
Bullet Proof: Postmortem
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Waaaay back in the day, when I was 19 and I'd just discovered Dangan Ronpa (back when we put the space in the title, because all we had was the Orenronen LP and we called Ultimates "Super High-School Levels"), I decided to do my own. That was the heyday of forum adventures on the MSPA Forums, and there were no standards. I didn't know how to draw, but I decided to learn. I wanted to make a thing!
I got a good ways into it, honestly! It went through a few format changes, skipping over a couple cases in the middle in an abridged format on Tumblr, but I'd finally found my groove for the fourth case, playable from the perspective of the murderer. It was going well!
Then the MSPA Forums got hacked and the admins didn't keep any backups and everything was lost.
So that sucked! And once it became clear they were never going to recover the forums due to a mix of security incompetence and not giving a shit, I didn't really have a choice but to try and reboot it. I'd lost all the text, apart from a few garbled pages from a corrupted archive snapshot.
But... I've got way too much else I want to do at this point, and it's not looking too likely I'm going to have the time to come back to it. So if you want to know everything about what happened and where it was going...
You've clicked the readmore. So you do want to know all that. Here goes! Activate theme music.
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You remember how it opened, right? It was a forum adventure, and at the time, I asked the readers to select an SHSL talent and gender as the protagonist entered the American branch of Hope's Peak Academy.
That was diegetic. "Alice Bayko" was an SHSL Impostor, or- I actually kinda waffled on having her not technically be SHSL anything, as she infiltrated the school with a false identity. She has, however, forgotten this, and her original identity and mission, leaving her with nothing but the mask. I believe there was a scene planned, or maybe a scene that did happen, I forget- where Alice would be called upon to demonstrate some sort of stage magic trick... and completely not know how to do any of that.
But what was she up to?
Well, that's a good question, with a complicated answer. Let's start pulling back the layers, here.
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Seventeen students, and of the seventeen... somewhere between six and nine of them could be considered secret masterminds. Hilariously, I seem to have ordered this old banner issue in order of who's the most technically the ultimate mastermind, which was very cheeky of me. Would've been fun if someone ever caught that.
Let's start with...
Mastermind Level 1: Disguise
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This creepy kid, SHSL Prodigy Billy Bookerton, was supposed to be the original secret mastermind in charge of the school. As came up in the adventure proper, this iteration of Hope's Peak was intended to be a safehouse from the ongoing despair apocalypse pictured in the Danganronpa canon. The son of the headmaster, he would control their Monokuma puppet and be in charge of faking to the outside world that this Monokuma-themed airship was in fact a murder-happy despair cult (like everywhere else on Earth somehow.)
This was not supposed to be a secret to the student body. And this 27-year-old man was not supposed to wake up in the body of a malnourished child and pose as a student. After events occurred, he found himself like this, with a note in his own handwriting instructing him to lay low and play this role.
What events occurred?
Mastermind Level 2: Blackmail
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Also explained in the adventure proper, since these two were culprit and victim of the playable case 4: Gwendolyn and Ursula Schultheiss, SHSL Sysadmin and SHSL Retro Gamer nothing at all. Gwen was admitted to Hope's Peak on the basis of an actual talent, and pretty quickly gained control of their computer systems, sneaking Ursula in under the guise of Sakura Aran, and learning about the plan to escape Ultimate Despair by disguising the school and taking to the sky.
She thought that plan was really stupid.
Specifically, she thought Ultimate Despair was a flash in the pan, and it was ridiculous to think that some student riots all the way in Japan posed some sort of apocalyptic threat. (In her defense, this is a reasonable thing to think! It is ridiculous! Danganronpa's worldbuilding is fucking nonsense! But unfortunately for her, we're rolling with it.)
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So she and Ursula hatched a plan to get rich. Hope's Peak is full of the progeny of the super-rich, like the Bright conglomerate. Obviously people like this would have loads of incriminating secrets, with which they could be blackmailed, and by which they would deserve to be blackmailed because screw those nepo babies. The plan was to run a Deception Game, not a Killing Game- they'd steal Billy's remote-control scary apocalypse terrorist, and pit everyone against each other in a contest to uncover each other's darkest secrets.
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Once they had the dirt, they'd pretend to lose control and land the ship somewhere safe and sound, and Hope's Peak could deal with the scandal of the Monokuma hijacking and the consequences of their bonkers overreaction to some airhead fashionista's trendy protest.
If you recall, their plan went like this:
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Each of them assumed that the other had somehow betrayed them and hijacked the school's systems on their own- Ursula retained control of the damaged Monokuma puppet, and Gwen retreated to her secret closet base to try and wrest control of the systems back from whatever super-hacker Ursula found to compromise her control. It took Gwen a few chapters (and accidentally murdering her sister) to realize that there was a...
Mastermind Level 3: Reality TV
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It all started with SHSL Heir Henry Bright, heir to the Bright Conglomerate and active vice director of the company. Specifically, he directed vice. The Bright Conglomerate, in his opinion, did things too by-the-book, and were passing up big opportunities for growth in the organized crime sector. He was fostering connections with the Hit Deck (which led to the altercation that led to his and Dominique Martine's deaths in case 2), and...
Unlike Gwen, he didn't think the emergence of Ultimate Despair was nonsense. No, it was a growth opportunity. His plan was to invite a film crew to the airship and broadcast an exciting (fake) killing game to pander to this emerging despair-based market! With illicit funds provided by his contact in the Hit Deck (in exchange for his help securing a place on the ark for the Hit Deck's boss and trusted confidantes, posing as students), he assembled a team. Bribed some students, located an SHSL Doctor and some effects artists for realistic murder effects, did some networking, and...
...well, word gets around. The team he put together had bigger ambitions. A creative vision. One that had no room for executive meddling. They cut him out of the production team and forced him into the cast.
(I'm honestly not sure if this layer of convolution was necessary- I was on the fence about cutting him from the cast. The show's team might've found out about the school just because Gwen and Sakura screwed up the school's stealth measures. He's gotta kind of be there to explain the Hit Deck's presence, though, since aside from Dom none of them were actual Ultimates.)
Realer Reality TV
Before I reveal the members of the final mastermind tier, let's go over how they did this.
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I never ended up using this portrait, but this is Davi Rossi, SHSL Doctor, though he prefers "Ultimate Necromancer". He's a graduate of the original Hope's Peak in Japan, and his technology is the cornerstone of the whole setup here- underneath the school, in the restricted areas in the body of the ship, he has a whole secret lab with vats of glowy chemicals and fancy futuristic surgical tools.
He can bring back the dead.
Well, sort of. He can do all sorts of repairs on ordinary tissues- lose a limb, get a vital organ mashed up, bleed out, he can fix that. He can make alterations to the body, too- such as surgically reverting someone's apparent age, or implanting remote-control death chips, or strategically weakening someone's skull.
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He can even fix a certain degree of brain damage- the kind of stuff that might occur if you suffer blunt force trauma or total deoxygenation, where the brain is still mostly intact.
As a result, most victims are recoverable. When someone dies, he can bring them back again and again. However: he can't fully reconstitute the brain, and he has a number of limitations when it comes to working with it:
If the brain is completely torn apart or otherwise destroyed, he cannot revive the victim.
He can't directly mind-control anyone, nor can he insert false memories.
He can delete and rearrange memories, but not read minds, and memory deletion is episodic- he can't mess with specific facts, only spans of time.
I think I... also made an exception so he could delete specific people? Which is clunky and doesn't really make sense in hindsight.
There's still a lot you can do by cutting up and rearranging the filmstrip of someone's memory- but except in one specific case, he only ever really used it to delete the last loop.
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In case it wasn't obvious, this isn't the first killing game. This show has multiple seasons. It's been going a while- and while injuries that destroy the brain are rare, they're not nonexistent, and so there's quite a few students who died before the story began. There used to be a lot more students! That's why all the dorm rooms have bunkbeds!
And there's also unfortunately the one who received a fatal injury in this loop by blowing himself up with an improvised explosive device. Sorry, Mill!
(There's actually only a few people physically present running the show, since the show's been running for years now and they found that they really didn't need more than a skeleton crew to run it- Davi and some student plants, along with Monokuma drones and countless hidden cameras, are all that's necessary for production on the ground. There's no adult film crew present on the ship.)
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(♪ Kids with guns. Kids with guns. Taking over. But they won't be long. ♪)
Davi is also responsible for rigging up the masterminds with the mental control rigs for the two Monokumas- and has a third Monokuma of his own, who was going to show up to treat Martha's injury during case 4, I think in literally the very next update planned before the forums exploded.
So who are the people in control of these Monokuma knockoffs?
Mastermind Level 5: Case 5
All that I just mentioned about Davi? You learn about this in the fifth case, after case 4 in which you play as either Sakura or Gwen after killing their sister and trying to avoid getting caught in the trial. You can't win case 4, but you can successfully stall and bullshit long enough for the trial to be interrupted by a sudden explosion before you can be executed.
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Prior to case 4, Billy has disappeared into a secret passage, trying to track down the mastermind. Likewise, Flopsy-Turvy, Alice's rabbit, has also disappeared into a secret passage. Billy remains missing during case 4's trial.
After the explosion, the Monokumas call off the trial and lead the whole class to Davi's secret lab, which is the site of a set of murders.
Davi has been murdered via various small lacerations all over his body, including a slit throat.
Billy has been blown to bits by an explosion.
If Gwen or Sakura was executed during the trial, their corpse is found on a table in the lab.
Flopsy-Turvy, who was a robot all along, has been reduced to mechanical smithereens.
Violette, not dead anymore, but unable to speak aloud due to an incompletely healed throat injury
Some completely unfamiliar redhead kid, who doesn't know jack about anything and doesn't know how he got here.
The two survivors of this scene are naked save for some towels they found, and appear to have been spilled out from a couple of big glowy specimen tanks which were broken in the explosion that killed Billy and Flopsy. More on them later.
The subsequent investigation reveals all that stuff I just told you about Davi, blowing the setup wide open. In the course of that investigation, two of the masterminds find themselves confessing their involvement. After all- Davi's dead. There's no way they can run another season without someone to bring people back to life!
One in particular confesses before the other one- she doesn't care anymore, and she's happy to watch her co-conspirator squirm to try to avoid revealing his evil machinations to the people he desperately wants to think he's cool.
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Lilakali Bhallu and Raymond Rizzini are my favorites. They suck so much. They hate each other quite a lot, and have gotten together and broken up like three different times. Their collective theme song is No Children by The Mountain Goats. They're like 25 at this point, stuck in the bodies of the teenagers they were when the show started filming and they fully agreed to be part of the production.
Why? Well, Lilakali hates everyone and enjoys seeing them turn on each other like rabid wolves repeatedly- and Raymond craves acceptance and is using his memory privileges and surveillance abilities to try over and over again to be Popular In High School (to no avail.) They're both pretty pathetic people.
Notably, they are both real students who're supposed to be here. I don't remember if I ever had Lilakali make any predictions, and she'll insist she's just making shit up, but I was gonna have her predictions all come true, because the Fortune Teller thing is a real talent. And Raymond really can make a pretty mean burger. (Cheekily, that old Tumblr post was supposed to have taken place in a previous season- you might notice Gwen in the background, who in this iteration was never convinced to leave her room for meals, instead sneaking out at night to raid the cafeteria.)
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Lilakali also has an Edgy Backstory- she grew up in the circus, apprenticed under her grandmother, who refused to let her socialize with kids her age. She was supposed to learn the family divining techniques, not dance around like some harlot with a pack of urchins! Her grandma taught her to hate the world, and herself, and accidentally also her grandmother. One day, in a moment of perfect nihilist clarity, she took a Sixlizard cigarette lighter out of the trash, wandered amongst the tents, and burned down the entire circus, killing her grandma in the process. She looks back on that moment fondly as the happiest she's ever been.
Anyway. Those two are my favorites, but they're not the ultimate masterminds. In fact... they're quite sure there's supposed to be a third mastermind, and they suspect this third mastermind of having erased their memories of them and killing Davi. They can tell their memories were edited- they're fully aware of how the tech works and what the signs are, and they can tell there's big ugly gaps and gashes in their recollection of the past. Someone was missing, and Davi was being all cagey and weird about it. And last loop...
Well, what happened last loop is the direct cause of case 5. And at the end of the investigation... the two Monokumas go dead, and one giant Monokuma shows up, furious that Davi is dead and forcing the students to go to trial one more time. This will be the final execution- catching Davi's murderer.
Mastermind Level 6: Sailing No More
It doesn't take long into trial 5 for the identity of this giant Monokuma to be revealed- it's a mechsuit with a living person in it, not a robot, and he unmasks himself during the trial without too much objection once people start questioning... that confused redhead kid who they found at the crime scene. That character introduces himself as... the Super High-School Level Pilot, Nolan Cubbins.
Wait. What?
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Didn't that guy die?
Well, you see--
--oh, shit, I forgot Tumblr has an image limit of 30 images per post. Uh, gonna have to break this up into two posts. Continue reading here!
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antihibikase2 · 10 months
Fame Checker
I wanted to do something like this for awhile- practicing dialogue by making a fic consisting of only dialogue.
[ Hilda Weiss. ]
"A battle prodigy from Nimbasa City. Eight league badges under her belt. Lost against Alder in the final battle. Currently trains at the Battle Subway, where she is rumored to have a 10,000 win streak- and still going."
"I've read about her before! She's the coolest, isn't she?! She started her journey much younger than us!"
"To lose only at the final battle.. and she didn't attempt the league again after that. Maybe she went soul searching..? I don't really get it."
"She looks familiar!"
"How so?"
"Hmmm.. I dunno! She looks like the big sister who gave me a very important-looking parcel!"
"The what-"
"Wh- Rosa, you can't just accept things like that from strangers! What if it was dangerous?!"
"You worry too much, Hughy! Besides, I think it is her! I mean, she has a Simisear, doesn't she? The pretty big sister that approached me had one too!"
"When were you planning to, you know, tell us-"
"Oh, it's not anything you two should worry about! Haven't you seen all those anime with the magical girls? Its a secret between us!"
"..not a good secret, is it? Now that you've upped and told us-"
"Specifics, specifics!"
"You're so flippant about these things, I swear.."
"But hey, isn't it strange? Hilda Weiss is so cool, she's achieved so much-"
"-and she's so smart and popular,"
"-that too! But no one's really gotten a hold of her long enough to have an interview with her."
"She's known to hide from the media at all costs. She's quite good at it too."
"No wonder her Fame Checker entry is so empty, outside of comments from other people.."
"..that'd suck, wouldn't it? To only have things about you be from the mouths of other people."
"Mmm, but it'd suck more to not have an inch of privacy, I bet. For sure, she's had enough of the spotlight- even if it wasn't shining on her long enough."
"..man, I feel kinda bad now for looking her up in here."
"Well, she has an entry here, and that's that- we can't do anything about it."
"Everything here is moderated, at least- no one's going to be slandering Hilda Weiss of all people."
"Oh! ..that's good, right?"
"Yup, yup! I'm sure the guys here will call out anyone who tries to add something fake to her entry!"
"Ah, alright, good!"
"Let's not add to the pile of losers that talk behind her back, even if she doesn't know us."
"At the very least, let's respect her privacy. I'm sure one of these days, she's gonna tell her story."
"Ah, and if she does, I hope it's in the form of a movie or documentary.."
"..you're just saying that so you can audition for a Hilda role, aren't you?"
"You caught me! It would be a dream come true. ♥"
"Ugh, Rosa, seriously-"
"Hey hey, Hugh, give me that! I wanna try!"
"Ehhh? I thought you felt bad?"
"That was a minute ago!"
[ Bianca Alabaster. ]
"A trainer from Nuvema Town. Eight league badges under her belt. Did not challenge the Pokemon League. Currently works as Professor Juniper's assistant, studying under Professor Fennel, and collaborating with Director Lenora of Nacrene City's museum in regards to the Unovan legends."
"..who's she?"
"Haven't you heard, Hughy? She's Hilda's new best friend!"
"I thought we just agreed to not be a part of the problem of guys who just talk about her-"
"No, no, look, see, the thing is- remember the thing from two years ago?"
"How could I forget-"
"-a castle rose from the depths of the league! No one's forgetting something like that!"
"Yeah, exactly-"
"Wait, what does- what's her name, Bianca, Bianca Alabaster, have anything to do with this?"
"She's one of the hero's childhood friends!"
"..the hero?"
"...ah, The Hero of Truth, right?"
"..are we allowed to call him that?"
"That's what everyone else calls him!"
"Yeah, but, he's just a guy-"
"That's what's so crazy about it, Hugh! He's just a guy, just like us, and yet-!"
"I've heard that they started their journey late because Miss Bianca's dad was a worrywart. And look at her now.."
"She's working alongside the professors and even the director of the museum to uncover the dragon stuff."
"...do you think she'll find something? ..what can she see that those other archaeologists missed? No offense, but she's not that much older than us."
"Neither is the Hero of Truth or Hilda! Hilda was just ten when she achieved all those cool things, and The Hero of Truth was just fourteen!"
"I feel it in my guts- she's gonna find something that's gonna change everything we know about the heroes!"
"..we don't know much about the heroes-"
"Hm. Fair point."
"Like, what did they even do?"
"I dunno, politics?"
"They didn't include politics in the legends!"
"Well duh, it doesn't sound as cool and mythic- you think Aya would listen to me telling her bedtime stories every night if the legends actually focused on that?"
"I would listen!"
"Of course you would."
"...by the way, did I tell you guys that she's also the one who's gonna deliver my Pokemon tomorrow?"
"Didn't I tell you? Mom said that the professor called her a week ago, asking her if I was old enough to have my own Pokemon now and set off for a journey!"
"I mean, I knew about that, but her? That's- if she's the childhood friend of the hero, then-!"
"We can ask about Plasma!"
"We can definitely ask about Plasma!"
"You guys, you're always asking about Plasma! They've disbanded, you know!"
"You wouldn't know that!"
"Neither would you!"
"She definitely knows a few things!"
"Didn't she like, what, run into them a few times? She's not as involved as The Hero of Truth, you know!"
"Still involved! That's better than nothing!"
"Like, hear us out, that Ghetsis guy- really, it's just so weird if he gives up after putting in all that effort to trick most of Unova into thinking it's for the good of the Pokemon that they should be separated from humans!"
"Ugh, but he's like, old. He's a bag of bones."
"Rosa, you out of all people should know that old people are stubborn."
"...oh yikes, you're right. Hm."
"That settles it. When we see her tomorrow, we'll ask about Plasma as much as we can."
"Yeah! And I know exactly which Pokemon to pick!"
"You guys are soooo stubborn. Natey, give me that, I want a turn."
[ Cheren Slater. ]
"A trainer from Nuvema Town. Eight league badges under her belt. Challenged the Elite Four, but was not able to battle the champion due to unforeseen circumstances. Studied under Gym Leader Burgh of Castelia City, currently assigned to Aspertia City's gym as a normal-type specialist."
"Aspertia has a-"
"-gym leader?"
"See, you guys are too caught up in Plasma, you haven't even heard! I was wondering why neither of you were talking about him!"
"We're getting a gym leader-"
"And it's Cheren Slater?!"
"...let me guess, he's also involved with The Hero of Truth like Bianca?"
"More so! He's the best friend of the hero! Right, Rosie?"
"Mhm. Unlike Bianca, he's more secretive- kinda like Hilda. He hasn't spoken a single word at all."
"I'm telling you, something happened in that castle. Something they don't want us to figure out."
"Well, when The Hero of Truth went in, he followed immediately after! I'm tellin' you, they were best buds!"
"And after Zekrom left with Team Plasma's king, the media saw Grimsley carrying him out while the hero held his hand."
"Grimsley? The Elite Four member?"
"I've heard that Grimsley's the one keeping most of the league secrets- plus, out of all the Elite Four members, he's definitely the shadiest!"
"You're just saying that because he's a dark type specialist."
"Dude, there's something about him, you know-"
"Out of the other Elite Four members, he's the only one keeping his personal life completely in the shadows. Suuuuper suspicious."
"And not to mention-"
"-the Donphan in the room; they literally share a name!"
"....ah. Gotcha. So what you're saying is-"
"Cheren Slater must be Grimsley Slater's illegitimate child that he's keeping a secret from the public!"
"Are you two stupid? Are you two actually stupid?"
"Think for two seconds- how old is Grimsley?"
"He's a vampire, he doesn't age-"
"Last season's issue of Unova Monthly said he's turning twenty eight in the next summer. This Cheren guy- he's gotta be around the same age as Bianca and the hero. How old do you think Grimsley is, if that guy is his kid?!"
"..we didn't consider the age huh?"
"Back to the drawing board we go-"
"Idiots. They could be siblings. Or cousins. I dunno."
"Kinda scummy if they are. He doesn't tell the world about his bro! Couldn't be me!"
"Well, you don't shut up at all."
"Might be a Hilda situation. Maybe he's trying to protect his privacy."
"..and if he's involved in the thing from two years back.."
"..oh man, do you think something bad really went down there?"
"I'm sure. The league lost the trust of a lot of folks for a reason, you know. They won't spill what happened."
"They've dealt with Plasma along with the hero, but.. something must have happened. They were more active than ever last year, like they were trying to cover something up."
"..not to mention, if you two didn't hear anything about this new gym leader, it must have been that big of a secret."
"..who is he?"
"Hero's friend, he has eight badges, but.."
"..there's something about him, isn't there? Even more secretive than Hilda- nothing about his past, why he was scouted as gym leader.."
"Don't they have a tournament for those kinds of things?"
"Tournament, exam, half a year of prep- that's what big sis Rox said anyway."
"She hasn't told you anything?"
"Nope. The whole thing was kept on the down low. Not even she knows anything about him; she's just as surprised as I was when the league told her she had a new gym leader buddy."
"Who did she train under again?"
"Oh, Miss Elesa and Miss Skyla. She's gotten her own badge to give out, but this guy is apparently taking over the director's badge- the one from Nacrene City."
"Not even like that Marlon guy from Humilau?"
"Mhm. She says he's trained under both Mister Burgh and the triplets from Striaton- but nothing else. Even his training regime was kept a secret."
"Everything about that guy is kept a secret."
"..well, that's no surprise, considering if he's going to take a step up in the league.."
"..if Plasma still has their own running around, they could target him."
"Bingo. That's what big sis Rox thought too. She can't get ahold of this guy at all- the league has all his contacts under control."
"Plasma was definitely after him like they were with the hero and the others.."
"And if he's moving in Aspertia, this could be the chance for us to find out why."
"Find out.. what?"
"You know. If he's the bestie of the hero, he knows everything. He's gotta know what happened in that castle. Why the league is so hush-hush about it."
"..I don't have a good feeling about that, Rosa."
"You don't, huh? ...me neither."
"...Rosa, give me that, we gotta check something."
[ Hilbert Blackburn. ]
This person has no entries. To submit an entry, click here.
"I kinda expected that, actually.. that's why I didn't bother looking him up earlier."
"He's more of a mystery than Hilda herself. Fame Checker entries tend to be submitted by users, and the moderation team is the one that decides which entries go up, which comments stay-"
"But no one knows much about this guy enough to have an entry?"
"If they did submit any, they were probably taken down or trashed when reviewing."
"The league doesn't want anyone to know of what happened two years ago, beyond the fact that this guy is the name of The Hero of Truth."
"Hilbert Blackburn was such a common name to hear around Unova two years ago-"
"Yet, no one knows anything about him."
"And league efforts were apparently taken to make sure his family and friends weren't badgered about him either."
"I'm on the league's side on that part."
"I am too! It's just.."
"..it would have been nice to know more about the hero. At this rate, he's no different from the legends we were told."
"Ugh. This sucks."
"I know, but we're not supposed to know everything- celebrities are people too,"
"But it sucks! Not knowing about this guy! He's our hero, but we weren't given a chance to get to know him, before he-"
"And his disappearance definitely has something to do with the fact the league is so quiet about what happened at that castle."
"Man, what do you think even happened there? Murder?"
"That's a terrifying possibility, Natey. Did you see that Ghetsis guy? Yeah, he's old, but the scary kind of old."
"And you know how the league is. They made no secret of anything so far- and if they did, it's definitely nothing as big as this."
"Yeah, you can't really just sweep a whole castle under a rug now and pretend that no one saw it happen, huh?"
"I mean, yeah. Obviously."
"Still, you'd think they'd make a lie- or parade around the new hero some more. I mean, yeah, Reshiram chose that guy, but you'd think he'd be their mouthpiece or something. Something to get the people to stop talking."
"Yeah, but he just left."
"And that didn't give them enough time to make a lie, I guess."
"Well, they're definitely doing a bad job at keeping Unova calm if that's their goal."
"Yeah, keeping things a secret is definitely one way to get people to start talking."
"And speculating."
"And wondering."
"And maybe even conspiring-"
"Kidding. But could you imagine? A mole being in the league, knowing all their secrets?"
"That's also a terrifying possibility."
"Yeah, like, someone must been aware of all that activity in the castle before it rose up! There was definitely a mole."
"My money's on Grimsley. I definitely think he's the league traitor, if there was any."
"Mine's on Caitlin. Psychic powers should have sensed that. Remember that rumor of her being an industry plant from Sinnoh?"
"I think it's Shauntal. I dunno. She just looks like she'd enjoy causing some mayhem."
"Glad to see neither of us think its Marshal."
"Marshal is cool, and Champion Alder's student. Grimsley's a Rattata personified."
"Nate, if I didn't know any better, I would have thought you had a vendetta against Grimsley."
"Something about him makes me so mad! It's the hair for sure!"
"Smug grin."
"Gambling enabler."
"All of the above."
"...mm. All this thinking is making my head hurt."
"Let's.. not do that."
"We've thought of more than enough for today."
"Ugh. I thought checking your dad's Fame Checker would be fun, Hughy."
"Well, it was fun, until one of you suggested we look up Hilda Weiss-"
"And we fell down the Raboot hole.."
"Mannnn, they're cool people, but if you think about them too hard, it makes you question things!"
"Yeah, Natey. That's how most things work-"
"Right, right. Well, we don't need to think too much!"
"Speak for yourself."
"All in favor of not turning on this thing ever again?"
[ Hilbert Blackburn. ]
This person has no entries. To submit an entry, click here.
"Is this on?"
"It's recording! Go ahead, big bro."
"Alright, um, well.. Hilbert Blackburn.."
"He is a trainer from Nuvema Town. He participated in the league challenge and was crowned its recent champion. Currently, he holds the title of youngest champion of Unova- as well as the second holder of 'fastest to ever lose the champion title'."
"It's true though- that N guy had a good few hours in."
"Sssshh, guys, he's not done!"
"-he was chosen as The Hero of Truth by the awakened Reshiram. Currently, he's out of the region,"
"Oh no, big bro, don't cry!"
"Natey, this was a bad idea after all!"
"I'm sorry, big bro-!"
"It's alright. I'm sorry. The recording must have been ruined.. um, I can repeat it, if you want-"
"It's fine, it's fine! You don't have to, big bro!"
"Yeah, we'll live!"
"Plus, we know enough of that Hilbert guy!"
"..oh, just from that?"
"Yeah, just from that. We don't need to know anything anymore-"
"-besides the fact he's a piece of shit of a hero that makes his friends cry!"
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bluecrazydriver · 5 months
Chapter 3 - Severus drawing
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The day in the Hydes family dawned early at 7 am. Anasthasya quickly got ready after waking up and went to the guest room door. She knocks on the door with light punches.
— Severus, wake up. Time for breakfast — the girl said, waking up her friend behind the door.
Snape opens his eyes with difficulty, his body was tense and sweaty, when he looks down, he notices a scandalous morning erection between his legs.
— I'm on my way, Nana!...I'm going to take a shower and come down...— the boy explains.
— Don't delay. And don't call me Nana. "Is weird..."
She thinks.
Minutes later, Severus went downstairs and went to the dining room. The sunlight illuminated the room, the smell of the delicious breakfast on the table provoked Snape's empty stomach and he sat down next to it.
Everyone was already eating, except Simon, Georgina and Thomas who was not there.
— Mrs. Hydes...I mean, Paola, where are the others?— the young man asked Mrs. Hydes, who looked at him carefully.
— The Ministry of Magic is upside down, they had to rush there at dawn — she replied, then taking a sip of the orange juice in her glass — I'm glad I don't work there anymore, otherwise I'd have a headache too.
From an open window, a brown owl approaches and delivers a newspaper to the table next to Paola. The black cat, called Misft, tries to play with the bird that runs away from him.
— Anything new in the Daily Prophet? — Anasthasya asked, enjoying the pancakes made by the floating magic of the mansion itself.
Mrs. Hyde's expression hardened when she read the machete, but she tried to hide it.
— No, nothing very relevant — the woman says sharply, putting the paper aside — what will you do today? — she changed the subject, teenagers understand this clearly, but they are not interested enough to know why.
— I'm going to teach Snape how to ride a bike and we're going to the lake. We're not going to have lunch at home, I want to show him Angélica's cafeteria — The girl responds, seconds later she looks at Severus.
He avoided eye contact with his friend, a feeling of guilt arose in him after that morning erection. Anastasiya didn't know the reason for Severus' embarrassing look, but it was enough to make her eager for answers.
After breakfast, they leave the mansion heading to the nearby garage. The yard becomes more visible in daylight, and more beautiful.
The house was large and made of reddish bricks, the white wood in the details of the windows and balcony stood out. The beautiful backyard was flowery and full of life, with statues of people like those from the Renaissance era.
It was such a loving, familiar, cozy place. Severus would love being held captive in that house...with her.
— We're going to use Thomas and Georgina's old bikes — Hydes' voice takes Snape out of his thoughts, bringing him to reality.
From the garage, she takes a red bicycle with a basket, handing it to the visitor. Then she also takes a yellow bicycle out of the darkness with the right pedal halfway down.
The two walk to an isolated dirt road near the mansion, where they begin training.
Severus falls many, many times, scraping his knee and elbow, but Anasthasya forces him not to give up and he manages to pedal after 2 hours of trying.
— You really are a prodigy! It took me a whole month to learn not to fall — the girl said, as they pedaled on a steep dirt road to the lake.
— Well, I don't think you were hurt as much as... — Severus replies, feeling some burning in the small wounds.
— You're right, but at least now you know how to ride a bike! — Anasthasya tried to console him — You'll see, the nature of this region is so beautiful that you won't regret the injuries.
A few minutes later, Severus is enchanted by the sight. A huge lake in the middle of a small forest full of medium-sized trees, the clean air filled the young man's lungs, feeling pure and light like the breeze that moved his hair.
They leave their bikes next to where they sat, under the shade of a tree. Both felt their bodies touching, but they didn't want to change that.
Anasthasya rested her head on Severus' shoulder, who remained outwardly calm as his mind raced. He could hear her breathing, the birds singing, the sound of leaves caused by the wind and his own heart beating.
Severus closed his eyes, emptying his mind of fears, traumas, hatred and any negative feelings he had experienced. He opens it again and looks at the blue sky, that color...that color reminded him of something. "Ah yes, Anasthasya's favorite color."
The young wizard remembered the moment she said that to him. It was in the classroom, at the beginning of second year, she broke her pencil while drawing in her sketchbook. She needed any color and he gave her blue.
"Blue? It's my favorite color!" Little Snape looked at the genuine smile of the girl, who became his friend, but now matured, he wanted to be something more.
— I can't believe it... I'm going to be 17... —she murmured, with her eyes focused on the lake — I wish I was 16 forever...
— Me too. Something tells me this is going to be our golden years.
— Snape.
— Yes?
— Do you want to swim in the lake?
— With what? — he laughs — we didn’t bring bathing suits.
— We swam in these clothes.
— It'll get wet.
— So we swam without clothes — after the sentence, Severus remains silent.
The idea of ​​being naked scares them, especially in each other's eyes.
— We just... don't look down... — Severus answers, he couldn't say no to Anasthasya's wishes.
— OK then. Turn your back.
They both get up and face away from each other. Shamefully, they removed their clothes, exposing their bodies.
— Wait for me to get into the water... — Anastasiya murmured, with slow steps, she enters the lake.
The cool water makes your body relax and stay submerged from the neck down.
— I have my eyes closed, you can come in — Hydes calls him, with his vision in the pitch black.
Snape approaches in a withdrawn manner, swimming until he is on the same level as Anasthasya and in front of her.
— You can open your eyes — he says.
Anastasiya opens her eyes, smiling when she sees the boy in front of her. The girl didn't know why, but she felt comfortable around him despite the situation she put them in.
Anasthasya looked at him in an... intimate way. As if she had just kissed him or made love, she didn't know what it was clearly, but wanted more of that feeling.
Hydes starts playing water fight, attacking him by surprise with a ladle of liquid in her hand.
During that sunny afternoon, the two walked around the small town near the Hydes house, having lunch at Angélica's cafe.
"Didn't I say they were the best lasagnas in the whole world?!" Anasthasya said it repeatedly on the way home and Severus agreed with the statement.
They arrived back at the mansion around 5 pm. The girl took her friend to get to know the house better, showing him every detail of the house full of magic, the clean laundry room, the library full of books, the basement with souvenirs from the Hydes family and the recreation room with desk, chessboard, easel, etc. Every now and then, they would see enchanted objects floating through the corridors, such as candles, brooms and crystals.
She also introduced him better to the yard and garden, explained about the fruits in Paola's garden, the magical motorcycle she received from Thomas on her fifteenth birthday, her father's shed full of trinkets and Georgina's (not so secret) stash of jams.
After dinner, the two spend the rest of the evening finding old books with extraordinarily strange and peculiar names.
They fall asleep on the library table next to each other and are carried to bed by Simon's floating spell.
"I don't think they're just friends" Paola murmured to her husband, they were both in Anasthasya's room, already asleep in her bed.
"Me neither, but I value Nana's safety." Mr. Hydes answered her quietly, focusing his gaze on his beloved daughter.
"Me too...but I think Severus is a good boy." Mrs. Hydes defends him.
The days pass, more fun and joyful than usual for Severus. Seeing Anasthasya in another way made him meet another half of her, the same went for her with him.
Hydes has never seen his friend smile and laugh so much, always hiding in that rigid and isolated shell, hiding the feelings likely to cause his happiness.
It was the day before Anasthasya's birthday when they were on a hill near the city.
— Hey, pose there, I want to draw you — she asks, taking a notebook and mechanical pencil from her bag.
— I don't want you to draw me — he replies, trying to back away.
— Come on, I never managed to draw your face! — the girl then goes into emotional blackmail, pouting and crying.
— Ugh, fine! — Severus rolls his eyes, standing up and facing his friend.
- That's right! Further back... — then she starts to draw what she saw in front of her.
Focusing on the small and large details, Hydes draws the figure of Snape standing with part of the view behind him. The boy stood for about 20 minutes posing for Anasthasya. It was a cloudy day with rain forecast, his medium black hair was swaying in the wind, and she made a point of drawing the movement.
- Ready! Come here and see! — she shouts, which makes Snape approach her from behind and sit nearby — Did you like it?
— It's...very beautiful....— he murmurs, impressed by the details no matter how simple the drawing is — seriously, it's incredible... so pretty that I can't see myself there...
— Well, I only drew you the way I see you... — Nana sighed, looking into Severus' black eyes before finishing the sentence — ...pretty.
Snape turns his gaze to the girl, not surprised by her words but rather honored. Anasthasya, a person he considered one of the most beautiful he had ever seen, praised her snotty appearance. Not that she hadn't said she thought he was handsome before, but there was something different. The sparkle in her eyes, the softness in her voice, everything that happened that week...
Hydes notices a red insect on Severus' cheek and carefully, she runs her thumb over the boy's pale cheek. It was a ladybug that climbs onto the girl's finger.
— So cute... — she smiles, and ends up infecting her close friend. The young woman gently places the insect on the grass and turns her eyes to her friend — how long are you going to stay here?
— The day after your birthday I plan to go, you know... I'm worried about my mother and my cat — he explains, averting eye contact.
— I understand... — Anastasiya tears off the page from the notebook, handing the drawing to Severus — here, for you.
— But...I can't accep-
— Keep quiet, it's your gift. So that you can always remember that you are not disgusting and weird as people who don't know you say... and that there is someone who sees your beauty.
— Ana... — he accepts the gift, feeling his eyes water at Hydes' affectionate words. They hug, in an awkward but still perfect way.
Affection. It was one of the things he felt for her, no matter how rude she sometimes acted, he felt a huge desire to reciprocate all her kind words, her tender looks, her joyful and unique smile and her warm embrace with the only thing he could offer her, himself.
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AW: Hi, It's another chapter completed. This last part kind of came out unexpectedly after I made the drawing above. But I liked it, and here only my opinion really matters. <3
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Bleach but my cringe self-insert that's incapable of dying until the universe does is there and treats being "imprisoned/kidnapped" in Hueco Mundo and Soul Society as an unexpected vacation
She really doesn't care about Aizen's God complex and a selfish part of her is like "Well, if he fucks up then the universe ends and I can finally die for good. So either way I'm not too bothered." She thinks the Central 46 deserved every stab wound and tries to learn as much hidden lore/history behind the Soul Society and the Soul King out of pure spite. ("They don't want me to know, and they won't tell me why, so I'm going to find out anyway. Fuck them and whoever put them in charge")
Prefers to know people via their zanpakuto vs. actually spending time with them, since it's a manifest version of their soul. Her body and soul is easy to manipulate, so she just prefers to hop INTO a person and see their soul and then pop out. Sort of like Alice in American McGee's "Otherlands" story where she can enter other people's Wonderlands.
Her mind's more than a little wonky since learning forbidden magic and knowledge is one of her favorite hobbies. Sometimes she says things and mutters half prophecies, and she's stopped bothering to try and write them down. Aizen and a few others think they could use them, but she just gets nightmares and odd looks from it so she just tries to ignore them as they come.
Has no real dog in the Quincy/Shinigami fight. Again, if Ywach fails then she might get to die permanently, and if he succeeds then it doesn't really affect her. If anything Ywach might be more lax on learning more about his father and the Soul Society. Still...she doesn't care for the Quincy's mindset. An inherited monarchy doesn't really sit well in her mouth, and she's grown attached to the others within Hueco Mundo and the Soul Society.
Freedom is what matters most to her, so any group imposing their own will on others just grinds her gears. She gives Aizen a little slack since he at least follows a fair enough mindset: He believes he's right, he has the power to make his plan come to fruition, and he comes by his narcissism honestly if nothing else. She likes Arrancars because of that. Their hierarchy makes the most sense in her mind: the most powerful is the leader, and if you don't like them then you simply get stronger and kill them.
She likes characters like Kenpachi, Grimmjow, etc because of that. Essentially any character that's honest, that follows their moral code without any issues, she likes even if she totally disagrees. Conviction is what she likes.
Is a Kido prodigy but has no zanpakuto, so thus has no sword fighting experience. Kido and leaping into people's souls is what works for her so she doesn't mind not having one.
She makes money here and there doing odd jobs: bounty hunting for Hell, Kido-based projects and commissions, working on stuff for Urahara, etc.
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Funni and lore
"Do you.. like King Dedede?"
Nimbus's question makes Queen Melody pause.
She looks at the younger cat, who was looking at the queen with a tilted head. Melody lets out a soft hum and sets down her teacup onto its saucer, and she hopes that the Songbird can't see the tips of her ears turning pink.
"Well, that's an odd question. Of course I like Dedede." Melody smiles gently. "Why do you ask?"
"No, not like that!" Nimbus huff and shakes her head.
The two were seated on one of the many balconies on the castle, the one they were on facing the Mint Plains. Nimbus had asked to just spend time with the queen after 'Operation: Get Tulip the fuck away from her parents'.
Apparently Shantae made the name.
"I know what you mean." Melody taps the table. "However, try and understand this from my perspective, dear. It has been ages since I've had someone similar to me in status just be.. casual. All the other royals in this country are too afraid of offending me, while Dedede.. Dedede is himself with me."
Melody smiles, looking at her reflection in the tea of her cup. "He regards me as Melody. Not Queen Melody or Melody Luminos. Just.. Melody." She sighs softly, smiling still. "And that's something I enjoy. I enjoy the fact that, finally, there's someone who isn't worried about stepping on my toes."
The queen turns her head to look at the plains ahead. "Of course, I don't mean anything rude towards you, my dear. It's just.. it's nice to have someone around my age who doesn't treat me like I'm some dynamite about to explode."
"I understand. .. I think." Nimbus giggles softly. Queen Melody giggles softly.
It's quite between them before Nimbus speaks again, more subdued.
"What.. were my parents like?" she asks.
"Brillaint. Your mother was a beauty vocal Songbird, and your father was my personal guard." Melody responds, voice nostalgic. "It was love at first sight for those two, and it was love at first sight with you as well."
Nimbus smiles bittersweetly. "I wish I could remember them.."
Melody gently takes Nimbus's paw into hers. "My dear, I'm always willing to tell you about them."
Nimbus nods before her ears slowly pin back. "How.. how did they die?"
"Apollo, Lumiere's father, tried to kidnap you when you were still a kit. Your mother and farther defended you until their last breaths." The queen gently let's go of the Songbird's hand to lean against the back of her chair a bit. "Some strange plan about kidnapping you, raising you in seclusion, and then making you marry Lumiere."
"Wait, he's the one who made Lumiere want to kidnap and marry me?!" Nimbus recoils. "I thought he was obsessed with me!"
"With your power." Melody gently corrects. "Nimbus, Lumiere is obsessed with your power. You are a prodigy Songbird. This country has never seen someone of your talent. Your proficiency in vocal and instrumental is amazing, and being able to manifest magic through it? It's no wonder he wants that power."
"But.." the Songbird frowns. "Then why is he so weird about it? And power transfer is impossible unless you're royalborn."
"Offspring." Melody answers simply, and Nimbus gags.
"That's enough of that conversation!" Nimbus declares before she gasps. She quickly stands up. "Oh, shoot, I've gotta go. I'm going out with Ambrosia!"
"On a date?" Queen Melody teases.
The Songbird blushes. "Uh.. well.. he didn't say it was, but.." She messes with her paws. "I'm.. kinda hoping it is.."
"Then I won't keep you." Melody hums. "Go ahead, my dear."
Nimbus nods and rushes off, a smile on her face. Melody watches her rush off before she grabs the saucer under her teacup and flings it off into the distance.
The screech of a music dragon rings in the distance, and Melody smiles. It got the warning.
Seeing as Nimbus's cup was empty, the queen takes the saucer under the other's cup and places hers upon it.
Her mind drifts back to the first conversation, and the tips of her ears turn pink as does her tail. The more she thinks, a bashful smile forms.
"Hm. I suppose I do like him." She drinks from her teacup and looks back out towards the plains. "Not that I'll ever tell her, goodness knows she'll tease me endlessly."
Melody's smile, graceful yet bashful, persists, even as she's left alone to finish her tea.
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ofmoonlily · 9 months
🍪 my favorite roleplay memory 🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write 📫 my favorite type of ships
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🍪 my favorite roleplay memory
There was this lady I used to RP with when I was really young. I've always called her my RP mentor because of the lengths she went to guide me through handling a muse and how to gauge a character.
I roleplayed with her for years. From 14 to 21. She taught me so many things when it came to roleplay. I will always be indebted to her, and silently thanking her each and every day for broadening my horizons when it came to my imagination. She was so patient with me, protected me from creeps, and gave me lessons in grammar - I mean, she could only do so much as a non-english teacher, but I got the gist x"D
She is my favorite memory. I always think about her. Unfortunately, we lost contact somewhere along the way. But I pray she hasn't retired and scooped up another lost soul to take under her wing.
🎾 what type of genre of roleplay i prefer to write
VARIED. I like fluff. Anything that's cute. It's very Yuna. She is an adorable little flower who has a lot of wisdom to share for anyone willing to listen. How she enjoys sharing moments of silence and stillness with the people she holds dear to her. I love indulging in that and incorporating so many wonderful, precious moments for her to look back on. I see them as her strengths. She will recall them when she feels down.
I can seldom do angst. I mean, I WILL. But. It needs to be delivered right for me to find it fun. I enjoy spiraling out of depressing control and watching my muse feel hopeless, inferior, powerless, lost, close to death, but not ALL the time. It messes with me.
But I usually lean towards silly cracky shit. There's something fun about throwing someone as serious and naive as Yuna into something so stupid and non-serious.
She really likes to play and act silly considering, she never really had much of a childhood due to her being so close with Yevon and the temples. They saw her as a prodigy because her father's talents for summoning was passed down to her. They took that, groomed her to be their new sacrifice, and she took that willingly and ran with it. Because it was the right thing to do.
She needs laughter, joy, and fun.
HORROR. I am a horror FANATIC. The Fatal Frame series is held dearly in my heart. I love those games so much. They're definitely #2 on my Top 5 favorite games. Final Fantasy series being #1. I love being scared. LOVE IT. Give me ghosts, give me zombies, give me movie star serial killers, UGH. I would love to throw Yuna in survival-horror genres where she cannot rely on magic, but her wit.
BATTLES. These are fucking HARD to do. I love doing them, regardless. However. Writing this as a healer is probably the most STUPIDEST THING. You cannot write something that doesn't sound annoying, or weird, OR UGLY. "SHE HEALED HIS WOUNDS" just sounds so bland, fake even. Like a false priest healing the sick. but make it flowery? Try, and it just sounds ridiculous. AMIRITE?
I also enjoy some smut. I'm really REALLY trying to get the hang of it. It's incredibly hard, lord I tell you. I get so nervous writing this shit because SO MUCH goes into it. You literally have to write all five senses. Miss one, and it seems as though your muse has not been attentive enough and it makes me FEEL SO BAD. Like, I read the reply! I did! I am sorry I didn't have my muse react to that. I am stupid fhirwoafjdkf
📫 my favorite type of ships
Oh god. I love so many types. It depends on the muse I write.
I used to RP Blackfire in the Teen Titans 2003 rpc and she LOVED going for the innocent guys. Bad guys? Eh. She'd use them to get her rocks off then make their life a living hell because she wanted to. Betrayal, stealing, murdering them after she got what she wanted. Yup.
Innocent boys such as Wally West, for example, (a ship I had many years ago xD) she was FIXED on. She wanted to corrupt him and make him belong to her. She was very toxic, possessive, downright horrifyingly disgusting with her behavior. While she's trying to murder her own sister, she goes back to Wally and wraps herself around him, sinking her claws into him. She was a nasty piece of work.
Yuna? I feel like her ships are incredibly flexible because of how she is. Yuna is very likeable due to how she was raised - first by her selfless father, then an entire village of Besaid. She is patient, kind, and resilient. All she wants to do is good for everyone. Yes. That includes the man who wanted to manipulate her into giving her very life to make him become the next Sin: Seymour.
And because she has a knack for holding out her hand to everyone, I think that makes her very susceptible to form ships from all walks of life. Yuna has a pool of people she would gladly give her love to, unlike some of my other muses I wrote for previously, and I think that's wonderful. ;u;
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animeomegas · 2 years
ahh youre so good at character and world building!! if your ocs were in a show id watch it 10/10🤧
do you have any tips on that? ive been wanting to start a blog surrounding ocs and things like that but creating anything beyond personality is so hard😭💔
thank you for sharing your ocs with us btw! theyre so interesting i would commit various acts of violence for both hadrian and matthew
Aww, thank you so much!! That makes me so happy to hear ♥♥♥ Hadrian and Matthew are both so dear to my heart, so I'm glad they have people to protect them hehe.
Why don't I tell you my process for writing OCs and their stories? Hopefully something in my process will be able to help you! And if you do ever start the blog, let me know, I'd love to see it <33
So, here is how I make the original stories and characters:
One: Setting
I always start with the setting I want. Something I like, something interesting! For the sake of this list, I'm going to use an example that I'll write on the fly so you can see how it works.
So, let's go with a magical university! A secretive and incredibly prestigious and hard to get into magical university.
Two: The love interest
Next I choose a love interest that fits with the setting, I don't worry about plot yet! Feel free to rely on tropes and character archetypes here because you'll be adding more depth to the love interest later.
So, who fits the vibes of a magical university. Let's say a prodigy third year! He's aloof, cold and arrogant, not to mention wickedly smart. Those are the basics we start with.
Three: The MC
Now, we think about who could get close to someone like this? I picked someone very prickly and cold who isn't going to be open to much conversation, so how do I make an MC who will be in a situation to force interaction?
He ignores the other students, so she can't be a student and a teacher would be immoral and weird, so who is she?
What about a journalist who specialises in magical theory but can't do magic themselves? The university is allowing one journalist behind their doors for the first time in forever to report on the inside of the university and demystify it a little. They pair her up with their prodigy student to shadow his lessons and get an idea of life there through the eyes of their best student. She has to interview and shadow him, so they have to interact! Done!
Four: Ask a random question
Next, I ask a random question that sticks out to me from the premise and use it to start crafting my plot.
The question that sticks out to me here, is why was the MC picked to do this incredibly important and ground breaking role? Yes, she's talented at magical theory, but there must be people older and more experienced who can do the same?
Now, I answer to question:
The university specifically wanted someone young. They wanted someone at the beginning of their career that they could easily silence if they tried to expose secrets or frame the university in a way they didn't like. They also wanted someone who would be more easily intimidated into following the rules they set and bowing to the wants of the university and figured someone young would be more likely to be like that.
Five: Follow on questions
Now I expand on that question. Why are they opening their doors at all then? And why are they so obsessed with the image they're portraying?
Well, they want a good public opinion on them. People are wary of them, despite respecting the prestige, so they want people to think more positively of them while still maintaining the healthy respect. Why?
What if there was a secret faction to the university that held a good chunk of the upper staff and post graduate students? What if they were so arrogant that they thought they should be the ones running the country? What if they wanted to stage a coup, and this was their method of making the common people more receptive to them to lessen their fight?
Six: The plot
So, what we have here then, is a secretive and elite magical university which is trying to humanise themselves by opening up information to the public for the first time, but is doing so in a heavily controlled and paranoid way. There is a powerful secret society hoping to stage a coup, comprised of some of the most brilliant magical minds in the world, including many teachers and post-graduate students.
MC and the aloof but brilliant third year start to uncover the secret together because MC asks all the right questions as a journalist and the aloof student can never leave a question unanswered.
Boom, there is your over arching plot!
Seven: The bullet point list
Then I just make a bullet list of random thoughts I have to flesh it out, like this:
Student was going to be poached next year after he joined the master's programme. He was important to their cause and they are unhappy that he's pulling away and interacting with an outsider.
The story is told in a combination of normal prose, the articles that the journalist is writing, and the student's diary entries.
Most students look down on the journalist because she can't do magic, but she is so good at magical theory, she rivals the prodigy.
There's a teacher that was thought to be trustworthy, but actually isn't and is a big believer of overthrowing the government and allowing magical people to rule at the top where he thinks they belong.
Etc. etc. etc.
Then, by the end, I have enough of a fleshed out story to pick a scene and write it! While I write that scene, I try to flesh out the characters and their backstories, but you said you were okay with personality, so I'll leave that bit to you!! But feel free to ask any more questions if you want to know how I design backstories and personality x
I hope that helped in some way!! If you ever want to bounce some ideas off me, I'm more than happy for you to do so, either through my inbox or in my dms! I have been told that I am very good as a soundboard for plot writing haha.
Have a good day, anon!!
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sorcerese · 1 year
“   as long as we’re living and breathing, there’s more we can do.  we just have to be strong enough.   ”
  ੈ‧₊ 。━━━━━ ✧⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、    the  expanse  prompts. 
              the air was rather suffocating, for delthea, that is...         she didn't like dealing with big shots, not for any particular reason. she just didn't know how to talk to them for royals she was always told to act carefully; one wrong word and it’s either a maid for life or threatened at the gallows or whatever the villagers told her. she only really met the princess-queen once and it was in a battlefield which needless to say its not the best situation, but the girl has never spoken to her all that much aside from a general introduction. although she didn't know much about celica. her talent in magicks was interesting to sum it up but, what in the world is she trying to get at?  was delthea's effort not enough? didn't she already throw her life on the line for this peace they have now? didn't they survive and raised the flag of victory? what more does she have left to endure? how much more did life want to take from them? it was exhausting. she thought. no human can live this annoyingly on edge. when there is rest, one must rest... but celica seemed to not know how to pull the reins her life.  it's heartbreaking to watch, the mage's head began to ache as if she didn't want part of this anymore.     “  you say that but there's a limit to everything,   ”   she locks eyes with her fellow mage before leaning against her knuckles and lazily flipping through the plethora of scripts against parchment; like a idle distraction from her more unfiltered thoughts. 
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   “  we can't just keep stubbornly hit our heads against the gates of the garrison's for one small victory, that's like asking for a quick grave and i'm not stupid enough to keep run myself ragged for things out of my reach.  ”      the youth smiles at her rather somberly and flips the page of the anthology. praying mentally that she got some kind of message across but the second that the words 'strong enough'  fell off her lips. delthea bit her lip; knuckles turning bone white as her palms turned red. ' what a stubborn queen our land has '  she thought as she flips another page with more strength than the last. 
     “  i am... no...  WE  are far too young for the things we did. yeah, of course!  there is merit, justice, and.... honor.... and destiny or whatever other bullplop our beloved corrupted gods laid on our laps and called it our fate.  ”   her voice grew a bit quieter; laced with pity and anger; as her hands grip around the books spine as it tightens enough to shut it closed rather violently, delthea turns away from the royal. she's thought about it, many times. to discard the use of magic, to discard memories, trauma, pain. but, if she did all that she'd lose more than she's already have.   “  tsk... honestly, do you even hear yourself, you also shouldn't have to keep pushing this stupidly hard. it's so stupid ...  being 'strong enough'  never helps anyone  OR  anything. we've lost more things than gained. ok sure, we saved people in the long run, but... think about it... my village, alm's village.... every village, fields, soldiers, royals, priest, people... and i'm just a KID, my lady.  i just wanted to cherish my moments with my family, play around, have crushes on cute guys, have a fun time but i can't anymore. so here we are, lady celica.  ”    
the prodigy raises from her seat, pushing the book away from her. she begins walking towards the door. her steps come to a halt as her hand lightly brushes against the handle. she lets it go and turns back for a moment.      “  so please, don't encourage me to do more when i've done ENOUGH.... enough for my age, celica, so have you. we're done with our troubles, let it rest... just like mila's teaching. you were in the clergy right? 'let all those on this soil, return to the earth mother.' or so it goes, so let it die ━━ your majesty.  ”  
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mayasdeluca · 2 years
How to put my thoughts together...
The first thing I will say which we saw in the opening scene and then later after the call when Maya was trying to send an apology text, is that although Maya and Carina are still not on the same page, Maya doesn't nor does she want to take her anger out on Carina and is trying to get them back to good...you know except the one thing Carina says will do that.
I also agree with you and your other Anon that Station 19 has too many side projects to give 100% to any of them; jack of all trades, master of none so to speak. I wonder if the reappearance of Diane is because Vic wants to transition (like Diane did) to a firefighter therapist especially since...I mean is she okay health wise or is that something the show was like meh, we told this story long enough and dropped it?
Maya falling was not unexpected to me but I hate how the when it is convenient for the show, they ALL leave on the call and no one will be around to find her. Shouldn't someone have stayed behind and be on desk duty? It's obvious they're gonna have Jack save the day. Like he goes back to the station because he forgot something and sees they're out on a call, sees Maya's turnout on the floor, hears the treadmill going and goes upstairs to check and finds Maya. And when Maya does get better, they'd probably ask Jack for his sperm to try again for a baby because he saved Maya's life. I mean the show IS that predictable.
Onto Greys...that I sat through thinking Carina would be in more than 30 seconds or that they would bring Maya in once I saw ALL the station 19 cast in the credits.
Was it really a big deal when Lucas told the interns he was a Shepherd, no. Is he really a Shepherd, no. And by that I mean that name doesn't make him a surgical prodigy since I suspect his mom is Nancy who is an OB-GYN (which is probably why he knew Addison best) and the rest of the family are just doctors not all surgeons. Like when Meredith showed up and said she was a Grey or when everyone found out Jackson was THE Avery but no being Lucas Adams doesn't make you anything special.
Shit or get off the pot with Link and Jo, this is ridiculous now. You broke up Link and Amelia for nothing. And why are Winston and Maggie at odds, their fighting makes zero sense and is causing drama where there doesn't need to be. And all the interns hooking up with each other except for Mika and they won't bring back Helm who would be the perfect match for her.
And lastly, I just find it amusing that Harry Shum Jr. who started as just a back-up dancer on Glee with almost no lines has pretty much the biggest TV career of all the Glee alums.
I agree, Maya is definitely trying to process things in her own way and trying her best to navigate things with Carina at the same time but it's obviously difficult because it's not the way Carina wants her to and Maya is doing it on her own terms. The communication is still off so that's why they're still stuck in this mess that they're in.
Yes, they have too many characters that don't really have a specific purpose but I do like how they had Vic discover hers in this recent episode. But there are still characters that are kinda just there...like Jack and even Ben lately and Travis' whole mayor thing that just take up time with stuff that isn't necessary. I don't know how they're going to bring Diane back into it. I would be shocked if it's specifically for Maya even though I'm sure she's going to have to do a full recovery physically and emotionally before heading back to work but I'm sure Jack will have to get therapy too if he's now thinking of returning to work after working with the fire camp girls so who knows. It does seem like Vic's health issues were either dropped or are magically fixed now.
Yes it's frustrating how they always do things like that to fit the plot line/story they're trying to tell. I'm almost positive it will be Jack though because like you said they are going to make it a point to have Maya forgive him in the long run but I really hope they don't do the whole sperm thing again, that would be ridiculous and so stupid if they didn't learn their lesson the first time. I'm still hoping Carina is pregnant anyway and we won't have to worry about that.
I was super disappointed with Carina's appearance on Grey's...like that's really all they had her do? They really just don't know how to utilize her and it's so sad because they used to be able to so well. I don't get what changed. Once I saw that Danielle's name wasn't listed in the guest star credits I knew they weren't going to continue it and it was going to be a let down. All the "crossovers" between the two shows are now.
Yeah Lucas is getting a little annoying with the whole Shepherd thing. It feels like they may be doing a slow burn type thing with Jo and Link but who knows. I'm glad they dropped the idea of him with Jules but I still don't get why they messed up Amelia and Link. They clearly aren't invested in Amelia and Kai because Kai just comes and goes whenever they please. Maggie and Winston are so forgettable and the angst isn't even believable because I feel like they're just there half the time and you don't even realize. It came out of nowhere this fighting between them. Ugh I know! Is Helm gone for good or what? She forever deserves better.
Haha I know right? Good for him though because Mike Chang was so underrated and he was so underused! And now look at him.
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