#she's sweet she's considerate
greppelheks · 7 months
shit I genuinely have feelings for my coworker/friend....
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demaparbat-hp · 2 days
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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gremnda · 4 months
Hello. You made a post asking for some art requests.
How about some more salmon pearl? I love the design :D
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thank you so much for the request! <3
it makes me so so happy that people like my pearl design aaaahhh i'm very new to the fandom and i thought it'd be really hard to get my art out there since there's already a ton of super cool artists already but yall have been so incredibly kind to me since the start and i've met some really amazing people in here that i consider my friends :,)
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vanidrabbles · 6 months
Neuvillette: [fully immersed in a new case file, listening to classical music, occasionally sipping his water glass, very focused]
Furina: [upside down on his office's couch] Do you think lakelight lilies have feelings?
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crystalisopod · 5 months
i don't think it's one of the official symptoms or anything, but I'm pretty sure that I've heard of "difficulties making friends" as a possible indicator of autism (and some other conditions)
it's always seemed really silly to me? like what on earth does that mean exactly? friendship is a two way street, what if they are perfectly nice but the people around them just happen to be disinterested for benign reasons (or are assholes) that's just not something you control no matter how good your friendship skills are.
does it mean they have a disinterest in making friends? do we account for the reasons they're not making friends? it's such a vague thing to say and I really don't get it
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sweater-equestrian · 1 year
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post farrier grass break
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bunnihearted · 1 month
#im glad i went today to hang out with my friend c:#it was nice to just hang out with another person and talk and stuff#i also just like how considerate she is#and she's accepting and chill. i can like tell her that oh im sorry if im low energy now im just overheated bc of the weather and im feeling#sad. and she'll be like dont worry thats ok! and it also is ok she doesnt get annoyed or anything#plus she doesnt look at me weird when there's awkward pauses and i cant express myself properly lol#i overanalyze too much i know :c but anyway it is always nice talking w her so it was nice today#we walked to a sushi place and then to the library#i only stayed for like 30min at the library even if i wanted to stay longer#i realized that it's bc like she had sushi which gives her energy#but i cant afford to buy things out lol so i never eat and refresh my energy#so after 3hrs i got so low energy and just wanted to go home#i should try to find smth easy and cheap i can bring to snack on so i can stay longer!! T-T ugh.. next time!!#we also met a dog! :o she was just standing alone outside a house and stared at the gate#and we came by she walked up to us and looked at me and was like 'get me inside :)'#so my friend went around the house and the owner came and was like omgggg she ran away again!!!#im glad it was so easy to help the dog bc i could not have left her alone by a street w cars and stuff#but she was so sweet and cute and let me pet her 💗#hmm yeah! then i walked home in the heat that killed me... and now im sitting in front of the fan ^-^#im not cut out for summer!!! anywaysss it was just a nice time#i wish i could've stayed longer. i'll make sure to bring a cheap snack next time so i can hang out more
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boimgfrog · 2 months
bf is trying to convince me 2 go 2 a Melanie Martinez concert bcos he got an extra ticket for his ex situationship and Jesus Christ id rather him just go with her. I love him but idk if I love him enough to sit through a Melanie Marinez concert.
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
I would love to read more about Thenamesh and Dane. They are invited to Sersis birthday and they go to a bar or club. And Thena is tense all the time because she worries Mahd Wy'ry will crash the party.
"Happy Birthday Sersi!"
Sersi made a very good show of looking surprised and delighted as some of their friends came out with a cake and candles for her. According to her, she always avoided giving people a solid birthday for her, so that no one could ever accuse her of lying (and not aging). But she had been in London long enough now that it was more suspicious to not have any birthday whatsoever.
Dane clapped politely as Sersi blew out the candles, letting the other party goers cheer and jostle her around. Everyone was a few pints in by this point, if not well on their way to being pissed.
He leaned back from the line for cake. Cake and beer really wasn't that delicious a combination. And he was - not so officially - keeping his eye on another guest to the party.
Thena had been quiet all night.
Sersi had asked him hastily and quietly to just keep somewhat of an eye on her sister for the night. Thena had agreed to come solely so Sersi and Gilgamesh wouldn't feel the need to stay home and watch her. But Sersi knew Thena would be far from comfortable in a packed little pub, pounding music, a dance floor, and nothing but loud humans to drown it all out.
She seemed to be doing okay, but Dane knew better than to assume anything by this point. And despite his initial impression, Sersi insisted that Thena liked him, so...
Dane excused himself, shimmying past people with his pint glass in hand. No one paid him much mind, much more focused on his partner--the woman of the hour. He set his glass on a tray with other dirty glasses and leaned against the edge of the counter. "Want some cake?"
She shook her head.
"I'm sure Sersi would be happy to save you a piece," Dane carried on. He found that the best way to get Thena talking was to do plenty of the preamble himself. Then, she could insert her one or two words as she pleased. "Or perhaps it doesn't stack up against what Gilgamesh makes."
He was maybe using all his best moves too early.
But Thena smiled faintly at the mention of her husband, "he did offer to make one but it seems more customary to partake in whatever someone has bought."
"I suppose, yeah," Dane nodded, still watching as Sersi did her best to cut small pieces and get them to everyone around her. She met his eyes, inclining her head in such a way to indicate that he was making the right move, according to her.
"Should you not be up there with her?"
"Ah, well," he tucked the corners of his smile into his cheeks and tapped his hands against the counter. "Just...need another pint. What about you?"
"I can see and hear her just fine from here."
She was even more tense in here than she had been on the tube.
Dane clasped his hands together on the countertop. He looked over at her, "you're doing well, for what it's worth. I know you're worried about that."
Thena didn't even move, locked up so tightly it seemed that moving her eyes over to him took effort. "If I go under for a second, I could-"
"No, no," he shook his head, discouraging the sentiment before she could speak it aloud. "None of that, now."
Thena looked at him more fully now, even if it was to express her annoyance at his dismissal. "You choose now to become abundantly confident?"
Dane put a hand on his hip. "While you seem determined to worry and think only of the negative possibilities. Have I rubbed off on you?"
She continued to glare at him.
"Is that why you're over here, sequestering yourself?" Dane looked from her over to Sersi and the party again. "Protecting them, as it were?"
"Indeed I am," she asserted more poignantly, just to shut him up.
"Come on," he insisted, though. He would have to be careful about just how far he could push the literal Goddess of War. But he leaned on the counter again, "I'm not saying you have to dance, but mingling a little wouldn't kill you, would it?"
"It is not my death that concerns me."
"You seem fine right now," Dane pointed out, and watched Thena absorb that observation from someone else's perspective. "You haven't slipped, there's no gold in your skin. I think you're okay, Thena."
"Hm." Dane was by no means an expert of communication with Thena. There were a lot of nuances and subtleties to it. But that 'hm' almost sounded...unsure. It sounded vulnerable and delicate.
"Look," he said more gently, even pulling out the seat next to her, "I know it took a lot for you to come here. That doesn't escape me, and you know it means the world to Sersi."
They both looked over again, Sersi almost glowing from sharing in the human energy in the room.
"She wants you to get out more, enjoy the world as it is now," Dane expressed on behalf of his girlfriend. She had told him all of this before, particularly from a place of guilt over not having seen Thena in so very long before reuniting last year.
"That is much more easily said than done, Dane."
"I know," he nodded, and it was true, it was. "But you're doing great so far. Why not - I dunno - run with that, a little?"
Thena looked at him with a smile furrow in her brow. She didn't always excel with modern figures of speech.
Dane chuckled, which only seemed to annoy her further. "How about this?--just a dance. Not all of these songs are going to be loud bops, and when a gentler song comes on, you can get on your feet, just for a little."
"Hm." That sounded much better than the last one!
"You and--where is Gil?"
"Hey!" he announced himself, rushing over to them with his coat on but not buttoned up despite the cold London air (just for show). "I had to go grab something."
Dane happily got up, surrendering the space next to the Warrior Eternal to the man who would truly know exactly what she needed and how to help.
Gilgamesh pulled out a tiny cake--an individual little mousse, of sorts. "There's a little convenience store around the corner and they had these in the case with the samosas and stuff."
Thena brightened considerably at the sight of a dessert which wouldn't require her to brush elbows with the rest of the party. "It is Sersi's celebration."
Gilgamesh didn't listen, pulling her head in to kiss her temple. "She can celebrate all she wants."
Dane skittered a little closer to the empty tray of glassware again. It was actually topnotch move, and he would have to remember that for the next time Sersi seemed down about something (or he was in trouble for something).
"Another, pal?"
"Please," he smiled at the barkeep. He eyed the couple as Thena dug into the single serving mousse, offering Gilgamesh the first bite from her fork.
"Hey, it's not bad!"
"You could make better," she declared without any room for argument, even as she took a bite of the light and fluffy chocolate with a sigh.
"How're you doing?" Dane heard Gilgamesh asked her much more quietly. His hand ran down her back. "I was a little worried about leaving you, but Sersi said Dane would keep you company."
He blushed faintly, unsure of how to feel about being the designated company keeper for his very lethal sister-in-law.
Thena smiled, though, her hand on Gilgamesh's knee, "he is a fine man. I greatly appreciate that Sersi has him."
Dane jaw nearly dropped as he tried to sip his beer and pretend he wasn't listening. She had never said anything like that to him! Probably never would, too.
"Good," Gil sufficed to say, kissing her cheek again. "So, no flares?"
She shook her head, apparently feeling much more confident in it than a minute ago. Perhaps the little dessert really did that much to improve her mood. "We should dance."
Dane nearly choked on his beer, averting his eyes as he did.
Gilgamesh was definitely surprised by it too, but it didn't take much for him to agree to dance with his own partner, "don't mind if I do."
As Dane had promised, the club mix faded and a much more gentle melody replaced it. He had requested a few 'crowd bummers' himself, as it were, just to ensure that Thena had at least some relief from the pounding dance music.
He smiled into his beer as, on their way past, a hand gave the sleeve of his shirt a faint pinch. She didn't excel in expressing herself with words, but he had to assume it was a way of saying thank you.
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indigobackfire · 10 months
I started a second farm after around 200 hours on my first and my initial intention was to marry Emily but... anyway Maru is an amazing character.
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Also, plan your proposal well so it doesn't fall on somebody's birthday, also... plan your outfit so you don't end up marrying in your prized trashcan hat (the first out of five or six... trash queen).
Also made an objective to invest in fishing so I wouldn't suffer for 4 in-game years to finish the community center, and boom finished the fish tank on y1 and caught a legend fish.
I also downloaded an outfit mod (along with a few simple quality-of-life ones, and adopting dusty and having a bathroom is def an increase in quality) with an external one for Maru in specific because I don't dig the straight hair for her.
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Also in screenshooting this moment again as one does, I noticed they now look like a couple of country folk who drive monster trucks...
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Kida stole this hunk of stale bread the size of her entire head and took it under the coffee table bc she knows I don’t feel like crouching rn
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mechawolfie · 6 months
someone took ONE of my cookies.
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hoppinkiss · 7 months
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guys i like her. i like her so much
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joyridingmp3 · 7 months
i love my sister so much i will never stop loving my sister from the moment I first saw her i have known nothing but love for my little sister my entire being begins and ends with her who I am as a person is defined by my little sister i love my little sister with every fibre of my being
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teamseaslug · 11 months
Nvm it's cause she's a Swiftie and when she asked for my preferences I said "anything but Swift please, otherwise you're good" and she just doesn't know what to play now
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
NOOOOO IT IS HIS BIRTHDAY ISN'T IT😭😭😭😭😭😭I wanted to be done with at least one of my Jo pieces... BUT YEAH I have definitely thought about that too I just think it's Neat when kids end up taller than their parents (<- is taller than my mom)
RIGHT THOUGH Tsutsumi's taller than average even! I feel like a lot of key figures at RGGS are just pretty damn tall.
Also... the Jo scene I included in my video... would you describe that as a smile with teeth becaaaaause...
rgg's cast consists predominantly of blokes over 6ft its only right the rgg team Also Considerably Tall 😷
when it comes to jo and smiling seeing any kind of smirk from him's already eyebrow raising BUT BUT BUT i could def count that smile toothier than his previous grins. so. 👁️👁️
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