#shockwave is one evil mech
aether-antics · 1 month
Gonna post some of my robots from Deviantart
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Twins in my AU have gone through some pretty bad stuff, so I drew it :3
And yes they are able to remove their armor unlike most
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Is it possible for a shockwave with cybertronian reader who's a neutral/autobot and sneaks into the nemesis to visit him and hang out.
Of course its possible! You guys all seem to really like Shockwave. I mean who wouldn't like a big purple space robot who has no emotions and is a scientist. He kindaaaaaaaaa, I hope its okay if this takes place in TFP! anyways ENJOY :)
Pairings: TFP! Shockwave x Reader
Warnings: None,
You smiled, the nice feeling of the Nevada night air fanning your face plating every now and then. Your servo up in the air doing waves with the breeze. You sighed, optics scanning the sky looking for the familiar big ship, which seemed to not be in its usual spot. All you saw was the moon, casting down pale light onto rock formations and you.
It wasn’t until you stood up that you heard the buzzing of someone, Your optics finding them quickly. They seemed to be in a hurry, maybe that's where the Cons were. You could follow them, or you could just save your trip for next week, but knowing you hadn’t seen your scientific bot in a while, you decided to follow. Keeping your distances and sound down as much as you can, the Con seemed to lead you to a mining depo. Blue energon being moved from one spot to another and then up to the ship you have been looking for all night. Now all you had to do was get on the ship, which normal Neutral bots wouldn't do. 
You waited for a bit, watching to see any pattern, watching for anything that can get you on that ship without being detected. You watched as someone walked from their post by the entrance, leaving one of the side openings clear. You made your move, leaving the humid summer air for cold stale air and metal. The contrast between inside and outside this ship will always have you wondering, does Megatron just enjoy the smell of stale air and cold metal?
That might be the simple reason as to why you didn’t join the cons. Maybe it was just because they were boring and evil, who knows. The only thing you knew for sure was your dislike for both Decepitcons and Autobots, their constant need to bicker like siblings. Cons had high egos and Bots had the urge to always be a hero, Which made things worse. Pick a side is what everyone you knew did, except for you, Running from your home planet just to get away from a fighting that didn’t settle with you, too bad you're now sneaking in and out of Decepticon bases just to see someone. 
You were on autopilot, pedes caring you around corners and into shadows as you made your way to a lab. The sound of a swooshing door breaking you from that trance, the back of the mech you have been looking for coming into view. He was working on something, servos deep in some contraption as he worked, not turning around to see who was there to bother him. 
“Shock, Whatcha been up to big guy!”
He still didn’t turn around, servos still deep in whatever he was working on. It wasn’t until you walked next to him, leaning on the table he worked on did he finally stop and look up at you. His optic glowing and casting a small red glow on you, you simply smiled. It was almost like he wasn’t expecting you to be there, but he was at the same time. He simply passed something to you, inviting you to join him in doing whatever he was doing. You joined him, taking the time to talk about with him or just enjoy the silence.  
“I still thought it was pretty weird they said that. I mean, yeah join whoever you want but don’t bring me into it.” 
You had just finished telling him about some random story, when your optics started scanning the lab, its familiarity but also unfamiliarity seemed to finally strike you. Each time you come back there’s something new. Either a body part, or some random devices that range in sizes. You didn’t bother asking what they did, larger ones probably being some sort of torture device, and smaller ones being bombs or spyware. 
The night went by quickly, catching him up on what's going on in your oh so boring and neutral life. You spoke about everything, simply because you missed him. You missed his presence, he may not talk all that much with you, but it was enough. He didn’t seem to mind that you talked as much as you did either, you seemed to be the background noise he needed. While he was the listener you needed, and that's why your relationship worked so well. You helped him when he needed it and he provided support if you needed it. A rock, a rock in a war that keeps trying to take over your life, a rock that just so happens to be on a difficult side of the war. 
Your time was coming to an end, the sound of the lab door swooshing was loud, louder than it should be. You ducked behind the table, the sound of footsteps and then a grading voice. 
You recognized the voice, Starscream. 
“Lord Megatron is looking for you. You should hurry, Shockwave.” 
“A logical conclusion, Starscream.” 
It went quiet, Starscream didn’t leave immediately, instead opted to stand and look around. Red optics scanning the room for anything out of the ordinary, until he spoke. 
“I could have sworn I heard someone else talking in here.” 
He paused, servos interlocked behind his back as he stared at Shockwave, waiting, watching, listening, but he heard nothing. Just the whirling of whatever gadget Shockwave had running and the air system running through the Nemesis. 
“Be ashamed if you were hiding someone, Lord Megatron would not take kindly to such betrayal.” 
You heard his footsteps retreat, the door swooshing open. You swiftly stood up, recognizing your time is up, it’ll be a while before you can see Shockwave again, since Starscream seems to be catching on. 
“Alright Shock, I guess times up. I’ll see you around the big guy!” 
Never saying goodbye, never allowing for the universe to recognise your farewells. You finally took your leave, the door swooshing like always as you retreat back into the humid desert air, and away from the large ship. A simple thought on your processor, Until next time Shockwave.
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
You've heard of "This could've been an email"
Now get ready for: "This should've been a meeting."
I give you:
(TFP) Shockwave comes onto the Nemesis and Megatron assumes this is when things start getting better for him. Lo and behold Soundwave instantly chooses to rekindle old adoration that turns into love due the spy learning new aspects of emotions from human culture
The two fuck off one night and the next day (a week after the omega lock is destroyed) Megatron realises he got a message from Soundwave:
||My mate is pregnant and I want to live my life. You have 30 cycles before the Nemesis and spacebridge slagging explode unless you crack sucker and the godsent patriot fix yourselves. You've both done nothing but destroy my life and I hope you both rust.||
Megatron is pissed and confused on when Soundwave started feeling this way and he offers peace with Optimus only because he wants to try and make amends with his old friend (and maybe he gets character development for once)
—💃🏾 anon
Oh that should indeed have been a meeting
Soundwave babygirl babygirl, that is one hell of a message. How damn far they pushed this mech, he's been done with their bullshit for so long and this was his opportunity to GTFO and live with his he/him big titty goth girl.
You know considering the zombie stuff and the nearly causing the earth apocalypse twice stuff aND THE GODDAMN EVIL SHIP— yeahhh I can see why he said fuck that. Soundwave's back is goddamn tires from carrying the faction
Any peace talks had after the Omega Lock stuff have to be so crunchy tbh
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candychameleon · 8 months
TFA Shockwave is my fav Shockwave by a looong shot there is. so much to say on him. but ultimately one of the things I love the most and find the most interesting is the sort of backstory reversal that he and Perceptor have like I'm not sure which continuity it stems from. TFP or IDW maybe? (in which case it wouldn't rlly be a reversal bc TFA pre-dates TFP and probably the issues of IDW that this was revealed about shockwave but UM. IDK) but its USUALLY like...Shockwave who deleted his personality to make room for science. in TFA, its Perceptor who did that, and Shockwave finds that unsettling
which i think is fascinating but i'm going to try to not open the can of "the autobots in TFA are evil" worms on this post bc otherwise we'll be here forever LMAO Shockwave is just..so interesting in TFA though!! his role as a spy, his design (how can you not love Deer). his voice (yes i know its just his g1 voice actor but TFA Shockwave just hits different). the fact that he is equal parts menacing and funny (thinking abt him pointing and laughing at lugnut. or "lying lying liar" hfldskjhf can't believe this is the same mech that viciously mangled Ultra Magnus)
just the ominous presence of his single red eye, which once you notice it on longarm you can never unsee it. a headcanon i have is his eye emits a low, ominous, almost threatening hum. one you wouldn't really hear unless its dead silent otherwise, like the high pitched sound a TV makes when it's on but not playing anything as for ships...i think my biggest ship w him has gotta be Shockwave/Blurr obviously. i do like the idea that it was a relationship carried over from Longarm. got too in-character, accidentally caught feelings for an autobot. sometimes you panic and smash your bf into a cube its fine. he got better
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Transformers Theory: If TFA Got Season 4 & 5, It Could Reveal That Ultra Magnus Is Megazarak (And Theory About Hatchlings...)
[Note: Mature Audience Only, cause at some point this will talk about how Hatchlings hatch from oval energon chrysalises....and a cybetronian version of “going into labor” which would be slightly different from human version...also one more thing...
Please Don’t Reblog This Without My Permission.] 
okay, there are some info on Season 4 of TFA, of what it could of been...
and well, there is the Fan-Made work of it on Youtube, which I think is awesome, and well there being more than one of them.
of course I’m still gonna view Ultra Magnus as being Megazarak, and thanks to Drift, who use to be a Decepticon but became a Autobot...
my theory about Ultra Magnus really being Megazarak, could prove to be correct. and he might not even be the real Ultra Prime.
Megatron had exiled Megazarak, the original leader of the Decepticons, first before Ultra Prime became Ultra Magnus.
also, it is still possible that besides Sari being Megatron’s daughter, and maybe it was caused by the Allspark...
Sari’s protoform is too small to be the same as the other protoforms, which makes the protoform that was Sari, a Hatchling.
Hatchlings, could be kept in a type of energon chrysalis, and once they are ready, they will hatch from their energon chrysalis.
Sari was born on Earth, in the lab that Megatron was being kept.
those who are in charge of a Hatchling Nursery, would probably have to form a energon chrysalis around the newborn protoforms that are born from mitosis.
it could also be possible that a Sire or Carer or Mentor, can have the choice to carry their new hatchling, which once again one of the versions of Scorponok had ended up making that go from Fanon to Canon...
a Carrier can be either a Mech or Femme or Nonbinary Cybertronian.
Cybertronians who are Junxies, could have one of them go through the mitosis, and the other could end up carrying their sparkmate’s protoform/hatchling that they had mitosis, and act as carrier until it is time for the hatchling to hatch from their energon chrysalis.
if TFA got a Season 5, then it would be in that season that it would be revealed that Ultra Magnus is not only a Imposter, and that he was Megazarak this whole time, but it would reveal that he is evil, and he had the real Ultra Prime locked up and placed in stasis, and when Ultra Prime is brought out of stasis, he will look around about the same age as Optimus Prime.
I mean come on, only a corrupted Mech who was kicked out of the Decepticons, would try get that Decepticon Registration Act and even the purpose of the Omega Project was to make a weapon of mass destruction on the Decepticons.....and who was harmed by Shockwave, has got to be secretly hiding something and secretly evil....even if not everyone has to agree about the theory.
but TFA Season 5, should reveal about the biggest plot twist that Ultra Magnus has been secretly evil this whole time, and he was kicked out of the Decepticons by a young mech Megatron.
it could be possible that Megatron, was no older than Bumblebee when he became the new leader of the Decepticons, and kicking out the former leader out, who was corrupted and would cross lines Megatron and the other Decepticons would not.
TF-G1 and TF-EarthSpark Optimus Prime, are both Himbo Primes.
oh yeah, and Transformers Prime version of Optimus Prime, he is also a Himbo Prime.....TFA Optimus might make some mistakes, but he isn’t a Himbo Prime like those three are......he is more of a precious cinnamon roll that needs to be protected, and if he has himbo moments, it be like the good kind of himbo.
oh, and TFA-Optimus, is like a helicopter dad, or like sire.
because of the time when he was listening in on Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Sari when they were trick or treating.....
we could also call him a helicopter carer, cybertronian version of a helicopter mom, but it might be correct to say that TFA-Optimus was being a helicopter sire. XD
it would be correct to call a Femme, a Carer, seeing as a Carrier can be either a Mech or Femme, and Scorponok had made it canon.
the names of the early plans of TFA Season 4, was this "Trial Of Megatron", "Mirror Mirror", "What a Tangled Web We Weave", "S.T.E.A.M.", "Land of the Mini-Cons", "Total Devastation", "Bumble Prime", "It Came From Cybertron", "How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Energon Farm?", "Arachnus Prime", "Predacons Unite"  and there is also the whole the "Trial of Megatron" from Part 1 to 3, and there being the other versions that still keep some of the same names as the original plans for TFA Season 4  "Turf War", "This Is Why I Hate Organics", "Mirror, Mirror", "Gremlins in Gears", "What a Tangled Web We Weave", "S.T.E.A.M.", "It Came From Planet Cybertron", "Triple Threat", "Allspark-alypse Now!", "Process of Elimination", "Megatron Must Be Destroyed!" which that last one, is suppose to be two parts....
though if anyone should be destroyed, it isn’t Megatron....
it’s Megzarak who goes by “Ultra Magnus”, he ain’t fooling some fans, we know who he is now, Frag The Autobot Elite Guard! XD
TFA Season 5, could reveal that the Autobots were always in the Gray, and how they treated the Decepticons was wrong, and they should of piece to together before, that Ultra Magnus was corrupted, and that he wasn’t really the original Ultra Prime, and he was Megazarak who was the former leader of the Decepticons this whole time.
it could be possible that Unicron could play a big part in TFA Season 5, like it turning out it being a bit like Transformers Prime.
like he is inside of the Earth, which of course was thanks to a Space Bridge.
Ratchet from TFP, might be wrong on how Unicron and Earth became one, and it might be possible it was caused by the Thirteen Primes using a Space Bridge, when they took Primus/Unicron’s good half and placing it into the planet of Cybertron, when those Thirteen Primes had betrayed Primus/Unicron, possibly thanks to listening to Quintessa.
it was possibly the Feminine energy of Earth in TFP, that kept Unicron asleep for so long until certain events that started to happen that will let him start to wake up. if it were possible, maybe it wouldn’t really be Unicron in the Earth, but a Femme Goddess, that needs to be 100% canon.
some info did say that Primus and Unicron had a long lost sibling, who was named Atlas, who needs to go from Semi-Canon to fully canon.
in a Steven Universe x Transformers Crossover, if both Gem, Human and Cybertronian were in a type of Ark ship and watch Atlas having to once again, slap the stupid out of Primus...
Amethyst could cheer by yelling “yeah, kick his butt, Dad!”
which those who were in the same room as her, both Autobot, Decepticon, Human and Gem could all turn to look at her and be like confused as to why she called Atlas, the younger sibling of Primus and Unicron, “Dad”....
but then they remember how some of the Gems made were “born” on Earth, and they would technically be the daughters of Atlas, so yeah....
the info about the Transformers Vs G.I. Joe comic, that Atlas appears in.
was that Primus was going to consume the Earth’s Sun, but was stop thanks to Atlas who had sucker-punched Primus.
in a Crossover between Transformers and Steven Universe, the Diamond Authority wouldn’t of known that Earth was Atlas, and that by making new Gems on the planet, they would also end up causing Atlas to technically the Father of all those new Gems.
if there can be Atlas, then there can also be a Femme Goddess who could team up with Atlas and fuse together and kick both Primus and Unicron’s butts.
it could be possible that both Gems and Humans, do actually have Sparks.
the Sparks of Humans, might look like how Cybertronian own Sparks but like what is seen in Beast Machines, they come in different colors.
like if I had a Spark, my Spark would be a Violet Color.
it is possible that in Transformers Prime, it was never Unicron in the Earth, but it was Atlas, and he was just infected by his elder brother’s dark energon, because some Cybertronian just had to bring it on to the planet and cause Unicron to influence his and Primus’s baby brother.
if TFA had a Season 5, it could be revealed that Atlas is the Earth.
if it turn out that Primus, Unicron and Atlas had a Mom who had mitosis those three, she would possibly be a few inch taller than those three and be able to transform into a planet as well, that would be a interesting thing to see, well I think it would be interesting.
it be interesting if it turns out, there is a thing that Unicron does fear...
and that would be the wrath of his, Primus and Atlas’s Mother.
her optics could be a green color, and she could give off this whole maternal energy about her, and it could turn out she has been in hibernation.
even if it might not really be possible for there to be a TFA Season 5 in the canon, but if there was, then it would end up having the Autobots and Decepticons working together with the humans, to fight Ultra Magnus who is really the former Decepticon leader, Megazarak.
Omega Supreme is like the Cluster from Steven Universe, just like how Tigerhawk from Beast Wars is like Garnet.
cause Tigerhawk is a relationship, and I had realized that he was the first romantic fusion before Garnet and Steven Universe series.
of course the bodies of Tigatron and Airazor were forced to fuse together by the Vok, but when the two found their way back to their now fused bodies, they had chose to fuse their sparks together and then enter their fused body that was now Tigerhawk.....so yeah, Tigerhawk is a romantic fusion and is a relationship.
Tigerhawk isn’t two people, and he isn’t one person, he is a experience.
when Autobots or Decepticons, end up combining, they are forming a type of fusion, and some can be platonic and just for fighting other Cybertronians.
but for some like Tigerhawk, it can be romantic reasons and those who choose that path, can choose to stay in their combined forms if they so wish.
and just like how Peridot is, but got use to Garnet and understanding that Garnet is like her OTP from Pinning Hearts...
there could be some Cybertronians, both Autobot, Decepticon, Predacon, Maximal or even Neutral...
that don’t feel comfortable about combining, and refuse to do it.
Peridot is Aroace, and for Gems, being Aroace can be slightly different from how it is for Humans, and Peridot isn’t really interested in fusing and she has expressed discomfort of it, but did want to try to fuse with Garnet but changed her mind because she didn’t feel comfortable about it.
and Garnet was happy and proud of Peridot, and she even had to explain to Peridot why she is fused all the time.
if there can be Nonbinary Cybertronians, then there can be Aroace Cybetronians.
the Autobots can’t truly be seen as 100% the good guys, and they are in the Gray in a few different timelines.
plus with how some Autobots are in TFP are, like willing to offline Vehicons...
and how Ratchet is only seeing like half the picture and not getting that Megatron wasn’t always a Monster....it isn’t surprising that he is a clueless mech, who doesn’t get that Megatron and the other Cybertronians have a right to be mad at the corrupted leaders, and Orion Pax/Optimus Prime was probably too clueless to even understand at the time on how corrupted things were, even if it was Alpha Trion who got him picked to become a Prime...    
well, it isn’t just the Decepticons who are responsible for what happen to Cybertron....and some Eon-Boomer Autobots need their afterburners kicked.
Arcee from TFP, mentioning either a oil shower or energon shower, could point out she might of came from a the high ranked caste system.
so of course she might of been a spoiled brat before the whole war on Cybertron. even if not everyone who is high ranked and rich on Cybertron are spoiled brats, but for all we know, Arcee could of been one of them.
there can be like how some can be spoiled, not be as bad or toxic as some, but those who are, might try not to be because they still have good hearts or sparks.
even if the Autobot Eon-Boomers might act like they are innocent, but they aren’t really innocent and they didn’t truly help try to change things for the better and stop the corruption that was going on, they didn’t do jack slag until Megatron made himself known and pointed out how bad it was...
and it would be TFA-Megatron in possibly being brought back to life in a Season 5, that would have to point out Cybertron is corrupted thanks to the Autobots who are in charge of it, and them letting Megazarak be their “Ultra Magnus” had only made it much worse over the cycles.
a TFA Season 5, would be interesting and it could have some plot twists, like the whole Ultra Magnus turning out to be Megazarak, and he had replaced the real Ultra Prime, and has the real Ultra Prime in stasis, and Megazarak had reformatted himself by having his original body be infused with clone CNA of Ultra Prime, and becoming a Ultra Prime Clone.
if there could be the old plans for TFA Season 4, then there can be the idea about TFA Season 5.
and it could have other stuff in TFA Season 5, besides revealing the plot twist that Ultra Magnus is really Megazarak.
it could reveal that there is a Hatchling Nursery, that has other baby protoforms like how Sari looked when she first appeared in Professor Isaac Sumdac’s lab.
Megatron is still way overdue for that Hatchling Shower, Shockwave or Lugnut or maybe even Blitzwing, should throw Megatron that Hatchling Shower.
Hatchling Showers could work differently for Cybertronians, there could be two type of Hatchling Showers, like the first would be when the Carer or Sire ends up going through the mitosis, and the second Hatchling Shower that is held, when the Hatchling is ready to hatch from their oval energon chrysalis that is being carried by their Carer or Sire or Future Mentor.
the oval energon chrysalis, is placed in the chest of the Cybertronian, which might be a bit close to their spark.
the hatchling will stay in the oval energon chrysalis that will be in the chest of their Carrier, either it be a Carer or Sire or Mentor...
then there will be signs that the Hatchling is fully ready to come out of their oval chrysalis, like one of the signs would be them getting a bit bigger, the other sign be is that them trying to break out of their oval energon chrysalis, and the oval energon chrysalis starting to break and leak out some of the energon that was inside of it that was meant to feed and keep the hatchling alive.
when it starts to break a little, or just have some cracks and the leaking of energon starts to happen, that is when the Carer or Sire or Mentor to be, has to go to a Medic, to help with the Hatchling own Hatching out form their oval energon chrysalis that is housed in the Sire/Carer/Mentor’s chest.
what happens can be a type of Cybertronian version of going into labor, where they will possibly feel pain and electric feeling throughout their chest and even their spark, this process ends up happening when the oval energon chrysalis starts to crack and slowly break as it leaks some energon out and showing that the hatchling is ready to come out.                                                                           
the hatchlings in the live-action movie series, are meant to stay in those energon filled “eggs” until they are ready to come out, and if they are broken out of them too soon, they will be in danger of dying...
if they had such a thing happen in TFA Season 5, it could only be shown in Adult Swim, just like how Samurai Jack’s new season could only be shown in Adult Swim cause it was mature.
it be funny if when a Autobot or Decepticon, is getting ready to have the Hatchling hatch from the oval energon chrysalis, it can end up causing some other Autobots or Decepticons, to start to panic or even faint.
picture Blitzwing yelling out “get the hot water!”
which might confuse some Autobots and Decepticons, who have no idea why the Sire-To-Be or Carer-To-Be or Mentor-To-Be, would need hot water when the hatchling is trying to break the oval energon chrysalis and hatch out of it.
it be funny if Starscream, being brought back once again by a allspark fragment, ends up screaming like a little girl (reference Bulkhead from Transformers Prime.) because he ends up learning that a Autobot they had taken captive, is going to have a hatchling and the process of the oval energon chrysalis starting to break and leak energon, has already started.
like picture Starscream, running around in a panic and screaming that he knows nothing about hatching hatchlings, and he wants his Carer. XD
it would probably have to be Blitzwing or Shockwave, well most likely Shockwave...who would have to grab Starscream and slap him and telling him to get a hold of himself, and Mech Up.
even if such a idea about how Hatchlings could be ready to hatch when they are inside a oval energon chrysalis that is in their Sire/Carer/Mentor’s Chest, is like a fan idea, but it would be interesting if it became used in the mature movie versions of Transformers.
I guess it could be normal that some might be grossed out by how the whole oval energon chrysalis works and how if it starts to crack and leak energon out, it means the hatchling is ready to hatch out of it.
this was originally going to talk about the thoughts of TFA Season 4 & Season 5, but then the whole Hatchling Theory and the Oval Energon Chrysalis started to pop into my head, and how it could work, and yeah...and just in case, this will have the mature audience only tags, as well as the going into labor tag....
which of course will have to do with how Cybertronian labor works, and how it will be painful on the Cybertronian’s chest, spark and send painful electric throughout not just their chest, but perhaps throughout their whole body.
in theory, this could be viewed as one of the different ways a Hatchling can be born, even if they start out being mitosis from their parent, but have to be placed into a oval energon chrysalis that would be placed into one of their Sire/Carer/Mentor’s Chest, and they have to stay in that energon egg until they are ready to come out, and if it breaks too soon, it could place the hatchling in danger of going offline and their spark being extinguished.
TFA-Megatron probably had another reason to take over the Decepticons, and kick out the corrupted leader that is Megazarak/Ultra Magnus out and send him into exile....
and it might have to do with Hatchlings, protecting the future of Cybertron, and the other reason why TFA-Megatron needed the Allspark was to help the Hatchling Protoforms that were in a type of Hatchling Nursery.
and of course the Autobots being under the command of the corrupted leader Megazarak/Ultra Magnus, ended up sending the Allspark Mother off Cybertron...
it is possible that if Isaac hadn’t found Sari’s protoform/hatchling self in that lab on time, and without being place into a oval energon chrysalis, Sari’s hatchling self would of been offline and would of possibly turned into a liquid metal puddle, which in theory could happen to hatchlings if they aren’t placed into a oval energon chrysalis after they are mitosis from their Cybertronian Sire or Carer or Mentor.
so in theory, Isaac had saved his own daughter’s life and spark.
maybe in TFA Season 5, Megatron (who is brought back to life) and Optimus, would have to tag-team and fight Megazarak and even combine into a fusion of themselves that could be called “Megamus” this could help them become stronger and faster when fighting Megazarak.
Ultra Magnus/Megazarak fighting Megamus, could be interesting...
not everyone has to agree about theory that TFA-Ultra Magnus isn’t who he appears to be, and him having replace the real Ultra Prime before the real Ultra Prime could become a Magnus, and the Imposter that is known as “Ultra Magnus” is really Megazarak....
cause the whole forming the Omega Project and even the whole Decepticon Registration Act (which if it is like the other one from another Transformers Timeline, it would of likely brainwashed the Decepticons into becoming docile.), ya can’t not end up questioning if Ultra Magnus is secretly evil and him also being secretly Megazarak who was the former Decepticon leader who was exiled by Megatron, and probably for a very good reason.
we could come up with different Transformers theories, even from TFA, and only some of them might turn out to be correct and canon, while some will just stay in the fanon zone.
the first episode of TFA Season 5, it could reveal that not only Ultra Magnus is secretly evil and is Megazarak, but also that Unicron has secret agents on both the Autobot and Decepticon sides...that could be sleeper agents.
and it will take both the Autobots and Decepticons, to fight the agents that work for Unicron, and even right the wrongs that was caused by Ultra Magnus/Megazarak, and if Megatron and Optimus did fuse into Megamus, maybe Sari could use her allspark powers to help them synchronize perfectly with both their minds and sparks, so they can become Megamus and fight Megazarak.
Megamus fusion must become canon, EarthSpark-Optimus & Megatron, become Megamus so the ship can be canon. XD
if TFA Season 5 had one of their episodes being called “Megamus Prime” then it would have to do with Optimus and Megatron having fused and combined into Megamus Prime.
which in theory, Megamus Prime would be both deadly and charming.
Megamus Prime needed to be formed, to fight Megazarak and put a stop to him for good, and not just exile him, as that was perhaps one of Megatron’s mistakes as one of his first act of leader, and he should of just locked Megazarak away where he could do no harm to any Cybertronian.
anyway, hope some like the fan idea about a TFA Season 5, and how in the Season 5, it would have Optimus and Megatron combine and fuse into Megamus Prime.
Megamus Prime should become a real thing, and become canon. XD        
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warriorsparked · 1 year
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Name: Megatron (formally Megatronus) of Kaon.
Alias: N/A - You will call him via his name.
Gender: Mech (male), he/him.
Age:  12 million years old (mid 50's in human years).
Species:  Cybertronian.
Zodiac: N/A (he's definitely a Capricorn).
Abilities/Talents: Megatron's physical power is his resilience and brute strength. While he's also a calculating leader and strategist, he is skilled with speech and charisma, allowing others to follow him with ease. Megatron also has talents with writing, poetry, art and music. He is also a One Point Percenter, making him far beyond average when it comes to his physical strength. Even against larger opponents, Megatron's strength is rarely met, having made him an exceptional warrior in the pits of Kaon and the commander of the Decepticon forces. He is also skilled with a number of weapons, though hand to hand is where he excels.
Alignment: This is an interesting one, because Megatron has shifted alignments during parts of his life. As a younger mech, he would have been considered chaotic good, or "the rebel", but during the later years of his Decepticon reign, he definitely shifted to lawful evil, where he still followed rules and expected loyalty, but had no regard to who he hurt in his path to gaining his power. He'd become corrupted by that power and his need for freedom. Post war, I see Megatron as a far more mild chaotic good.
Religion: It's complicated. Megatron grew up in a household that was extremely religious, however, it was more like a cult. I do heavily base this religion off Catholicism. However, because of the abuse he'd suffered, and his twisted perception, Megatron's feelings towards Primus became hatred and spite. He often insults Primus, saying he is weak and a coward for the things he's allowed happen to their people. This gives off the sense that Megatron still DOES believe in Primus as being a deity in his own right, he just has no respect or love for him. He would not say he's religious, but that's not exactly true, it's just... complicated.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: This is definitely where Megatron lacks in his abilities. Megatron can speak some Decepticon held territory languages, although he has, admittedly, not perfected them. He can speak old/ancient Cybertronian, Kaonite (his home tongue), Tarnian (not perfect), and of course, the common tongue--or neocybex as they call it. Oftentimes than not, Megatron used a translator, which was generally Soundwave, or others who knew the languages (such as Shockwave who knows every language there is, and was able to install a translator for Megatron later in the war). He doesn't have the patience to learn languages, and if he didn't find a NEED for it, then he would disregard it. When the war moved to Earth, he learned a number of languages through installed devices.
Family: Megatron's mentors (or parents depending on what people prefer to use) are Angra and Puncture. Angra was killed by Megatron and Puncture is alive. His relationship with them was abusive and toxic.
Friends: He doesn't consider himself to have many friends, as his trust is not often earned. However, there are a few. They will know who they are.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other (entirely RP dependant)
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white (when in holoform) / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other (red)
Skin: pale / fair (tanned from sun exposure in holoform)/ olive / light brown / brown / very brown / black / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot (38 feet...)
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: He has old wounds from the pits, and when he was a miner, a scar on his chest under his armour from where he was burned, he has multiple cuts and scars on wiring at his thighs and around his cable, as well as inside scars from his old therapist. Most of Megatron's scars are not seen as they are beneath his armour and on his protoform.
Facial Features: Sharp facial features, strong cheeks and jawline and chin, rather intense optics when you look at them, and some age wear and tear now which is more visible than it used to be. He also has a crest beneath his helmet, saved only for those he trusts.
Tattoos: Decepticon insignia
Piercings: Prince albert
Dogs or Cats? Cats
Birds or Hamsters? Birds
Red or Blue? Purple :)
Yellow or Green? Green
Black or White? Neutral
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Ice Cream or Cake? Cake
Fruits or Vegetables? Vegetables
Sandwich or Soup? Sandwich
Magic or Melee? Melee
Sword or Bow? Sword
Summer or Winter? Winter
Spring or Autumn? Autumn
The Past or The Future? The future
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tagged by: @aircommndr
tagging: You!
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half-a-stache · 2 years
Nemesis Prime origin fan ideas
So, I had like... 3 ideas for the origins for the ol' Evil Decepticon Clone because Canon so far just didn't work for me.
Don't get me wrong, I liked that he had an appearance in the shows and that he had some chances fighting his Autobot Original, but the feral puppet in Armada, the Soulless MECH copy in Prime and the Dark Future self in the Netflix Trilogy just wasn't enough. Those were like one-episode antagonists.
And what about the movie, The Last Knight? That version was a brainwashed Optimus Prime serving Quintessa, who didn't even have much screentime.
I wouldn't know about Scourge in Robots in Disguise since I never watched it, but I know that character inspired the idea of Nemesis Prime and that he was a reoccurring character in the show. And I'm okay with this.
Anyway, here's three fanmade origins for you:
Created by Unicron as a loyal soldier for Galvatron. Unicron would use the memories from Galvatron to make him. It's simple, it's sweet. The problem would be it would be too simple.
Optimus Prime of SG. His Autobots would be gone, the Decepticons are winning. He suddenly ends up in the normal universe with the power of Unicron or one of Shockwave's experiments. Considering how his Autobots were weak in his universe and how weak he sees them in the normal one, he joins the Decepticons who share similar ideas with him and renames himself Nemesis Prime. Not my favourite one, because this one hails from the SG Universe, but I thought of it, so it's here.
A clone made with the work of Galvatron and Shockwave. (Perhaps Arkeville if he's included) In one of the battles, Galvatron would pin Optimus down and grab his face. He would use his Unicron powers in extracting a copy of his complete personality. Shockwave would format the Protoform and Galvatron would edit and upload the personality and bring it to life. A living dark clone with an actual spark and probably a Dark Matrix, who knows how Optimus would strategise and fight, and be loyal to Galvatron and the Decepticon cause. Personally, I like this one the most.
So, that's the three fan ideas I got for him. Probably going to do something similar to other characters if I feel like it.
Feel free to comment on which one you like the most.
Or you could make up your own. #nemesis prime origins
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
under the cut bc its long but im just copy and pasting this persons abt bc its literally EXACTLY what i was talking abt.
If you've ever cried when listening to Transformers music...
If you've ever sworn to be an Autobot/Decepticon...
If you've ever compared a guy to a Transformer... 
If you still read fanfics and watch the films even when people call you a nerd...
If it broke your heart when your favorite one died...
... and you cheered like Hell itself had fallen when they returned to life...
... Post this, fellow Transfan, and know that we are more than meets the eye.
Optimus taught me how to be a leader Arcee taught me how to care for people Bumblebee taught me that no matter how young you are, you can be strong Bulkhead taught me that brains aren’t everything Wheeljack taught me that it’s ok to do your own thing Ratchet taught me that a medic is just as important as a solider Ultra Magnus taught me to have standards Smokescreen taught me to be confident Cliffjumper taught me to be brave Megatron taught me that anything is survivable Starscream taught me that it’s okay to get second chances Soundwave taught me that the quiets ones are sometimes the strongest Knockout taught me that it’s okay to want to look good Breakdown taught me to be strong no matter the situation Dreadwing taught me that family comes first Arachnid taught me not to betray the place where you are welcomed Skyquake taught me how to be loyal Steve taught me that even the minor roles matter Shockwave taught me how to be logical Predaking taught me how to be different
Normal girls (or boys) wanna marry boys (or girls), we wanna marry mechs (or femmes) [yknow for any bisexual or gays -like me-] Normal girls say good, we say Optimus Prime. Normal girls say evil, we say Lord Megatron. Normal girls say OMG, we say OMP. Normal girls Earth, we say Cybertron. Normal girls have hearts, we have sparks. Normal girls don't freak out when they see red and blue semis, we do. Normal girls say jets, we say seekers. Normal girls say aliens, we say Cybertronians. Normal girls say annoying, we say Starscream. Normal girls say sh*t, we say scrap. Normal girls drink alcohol, we drink energon. (*cough*High grade*cough-cough*) Normal girls say f***, we say frag. Normal girls say heart attack, we say spark attack. Normal girls say children, we say sparklings. Normal girls say Husbands (or wives), we say Sparkmates.
97% of teenagers would cry if they saw Justin Bieber standing on top of a tower about to jump. If you are the 3% sitting there with popcorn and 3D glasses, screaming "DO A BACKFLIP!" Copy and paste this on your "About Me" if you're that 3%. As a Transfan
-You call your computer Teletran 1. -Names enemies after Decepticons and/or Autobots. -Uses a Transformers reference whenever possible. -Whenever talking too fast, says you're talking like Blurr. -Whenever you hear the word Soundwave, you cringe. (I swear he's spying on us all! Trust no one unless you know for sure they're a Transfan or an Autobot!) -Will never look at a boombox the same ever again. (I keep thinking it's either Blaster or Soundwave) -You never try to look at a GMC Truck funny, since your afraid it's Ironhide. -You have dreams where you are in the Transformers world. (And when you wake up ur just like </3 it was just a dream) -You've watched Transformers at least 20 times, even more. -You pray to Primus. -You freak out whenever you see a cop car hiding in the shadows, thinking it's Barricade. -You don't call people creepers or stalkers, you call them Decepticreeps and/or Autoscums. -You have joined any Transformers fan clubs. -You've tried to do Jet Judo, and succeeded -You've tried Jet Judo, and failed hard core XD. -You sing the Transformers theme song everywhere and anywhere. -You were about to cry when Bumblebee was about to die in DOTM. (I actually did cry in that scene and the one where Sentinel Prick murdered Ironhide D': ) -You blame Blackout for most power outages. -You think that the world is going to end by a Decepticon invasion. (Yes I'm paranoid about this possibly happening) -You get annoyed when you say Unicron, and people think you just said Unicorn. -You think that every evil person in the world is either a Decepticon agent, or a Pretender -You think that when the Autobots win the war, it should be declared a national holiday. (OF COURSE! They deserve to be recognised for their achievements and saving all of us!) -You think the Government is hiding the Autobots somewhere. (They freaking have to be I just know it!) -You go to visit Hoover Dam to make sure Megatron's all comfy cozy in layers of ice. -You annoy your friends and family with your constant Transformers talk. (*sigh* I do...) -Whenever your friends say the worst thing happened, you ask if Decepticons attacked them. -You wish your phone was a Transformer. -You have seen all of the original G1 series and the animated movie (I own them on DVD)
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sentinelpri · 3 years
How do you think Megatron would react when he finally admits to himself he has feelings for an organic?
Man, I love writing Megatron in love. Headcanons/scenario below the cut, thanks for the request; enjoy!
I feel like Megatron would try to ignore it at first, just like he would with feelings for another Cybertronian, but much, much worse.
Organic aside, relationships aren’t really something he believes are meant for him. He’s a Decepticon leader, he can’t show weakness, and if he dares to get close to someone, there’s a good chance that they could be used against him. So generally speaking, he keeps his distance.
But then you come along.
You have a bad interaction with the Autobots; one of them accidentally wrecks your house in a battle and offers you no compensation or even another place to say, only apologizing before running off, so you do some research on Cybertronians, find out about the Decepticons, and somehow do enough digging to find their base.
Megatron is shocked when you show up one day and pledge your allegiance to him and to the Decepticon cause, but when you explain your reasoning, he can tell that you’re genuine; Autobots are martyr-complex-having, inconsiderate fools who do what they can to look good and act like they’re doing ‘right’, their council is a bunch of stuck up pricks who don’t allow anyone to be an individual or have freedom, and they all act like they’re a working part of a system instead of their own mech/femme with an actual personality. Megatron is kinda like... yeah, okay, whatever. He almost tries to blow you off, but Shockwave and Soundwave argue that you could reveal some weaknesses that the humans have and that you’re an unthreatening enough figure that you could be used as a productive spy. So, he keeps you around and gives you a place to stay on base.
At first, he acts indifferent towards you; you’re a gross, human fleshbag that he wants nothing to do with outside of work, but he sees that you and Soundwave get along since you share a lot of the same ideals about humans needing to do their own work instead of relying on robots to do it for them, and you and Shockwave are actually quite friendly. Hell, you and Lugnut and Blitzwing even make a great trio. So, indirectly, without even realizing it at first, Megatron becomes fond of you through observing your conversations with the others. You’re respectable, brave, bold, honest, and you’re fully self-aware. He finds that, unlike the other humans, he doesn’t mind you; you don’t see him or his cause as evil and actually treat him with respect, and you don’t run or cower or act shy around him either- that shit gets on his nerves.
He knows it’s a bad idea, but he starts talking to you personally. In his berth room, you two exchange intel you’ve collected, and afterwards, you always hang around for an hour or so for in-depth discussions, about your lives and dreams and hopes and philosophies. He frequently finds himself sharing ancient data tablets containing Decepticon works of literature on them with you, and eventually, the two of you have/develop a lot in common.
Not all humans are gross like he thought they were initially, he realizes... In fact, though he’d never say so out loud, you smell nice and the few fleeting touches he’s had with you are always pleasant because of how warm and soft you are.
The first time he thinks about the rapid pace of the relationship the two of you have cultivated and about his feelings for you is after you’re injured. Your cover as a spy gets blown and surprisingly enough, you mention to escape Optimus Prime and the other four members of his team, but you come back sustaining some rough cuts/gashes from when Prowl chucked his shuriken at your clothes to try to pin you to the wall with them; they’re all along your arms, legs, and a few even managed to graze your sides.
You return to the base bloodied and beaten from their attempts to detain you, and though Soundwave and Shockwave (who are easily your best friends at that point) insist that they’re fully capable of handling your medical care, Megatron realizes that he wants to do it himself- doesn’t know why he wants to do it, just knows that he does and that no one is going to stop him. So, he takes you to the med bay and uses the small amount of human medical equipment they obtained for you to disinfect your wounds as you walk him through the process verbally, stitches the ones that need stitching, and wraps/bandages them. It involves you being half-clothed, and though he certainly isn’t going to ogle you like a pervert, he can’t help how his intake hitches at being so close to you when you’re so exposed and vulnerable. It just feels very intimate, and it’s something he’s not used to; no one has dared touch him in thousands of years outside of battle, nor has he touched another outside of such context.
You have to stay in the med bay overnight so that your vitals can be monitored and you can have your dressings changed and antibiotics given to you to prevent your wounds from getting infected. Megatron is also sure to give you painkillers if you need them and keep you well-fed/hydrated so you can heal properly.
He stays by your side while you sleep even though he doesn’t need to, watching you. He can’t help but think about how fascinating it is that your body is so fragile, so prone to bloody injuries when even slightly harmed, but you’re so strong and determined and courageous; completely dedicating yourself to his work, his cause, him when you didn’t have to. Part of that was out of your spite and dislike for the Autobots, but he admired that, too. You uprooted your entire life to come help him and the Decepticons, and even though he didn’t dare say something so kind out loud, he couldn’t help but appreciate you. Him taking care of you was just paying it forward.
You sleep peacefully, chest rising and falling with every breath you take and (s/c) cheeks dusted red. Occasionally, you’ll toss and turn, but at one point, you reach out for his servo in your sleep, so he takes your hand and holds it tight. If anyone ever saw him so tender and weak, he’d be done for, but you were asleep, so he figured it was fine- no one needed to know how much he loved you, not even you.
Oh no. He loved you. As fate would have it, it all crashed down on him at once as he sat there, holding your hand. He had gone from assuming you were some disgusting human bag of flesh he wanted nothing to do with, to begrudgingly accepting you to help his cause, to respecting you, to befriending you, to... Falling in love with you. What terrible luck... Maybe it was his punishment for terrorizing organics for so many years, that he just so happened to fall in love with one.
The second he realizes it, he can’t deny it. You recover from your injuries well with Megatron by your side assisting you, but the more time he spends around you, the worse his feelings get, and he’s old enough that he’s not the kind of fool who pushes his feelings away. Instead, he wallows in them, bathes in them, drowns in them, and he drowns in you. It’s really horrible that he, a being so large and powerful and responsible for mass destruction, is so enamored with you, a being so small and delicate and honest. You’re an unfortunate soul, and if you love him back, it’s even worse.
It comes out naturally one of the nights that you’re locked up in his room together discussing some Decepticon poetry you read recently. It was one of his favorite works, and you seemed like you’d enjoyed it, too. Silence falls between you for a moment before he says, “I love you, (y/n). I never thought I’d stoop as low as to fall for an organic, but you’re the only one worth falling for, and Primus, have I fallen.”. The atmosphere doesn’t go tense or awkward, and you only smile up at him, putting the data tablet with the poem on it down on his night table before turning to him.
“And I thought I’d never fall for the leader of an alien robot rebellion, but here I am, and you’re worth falling for, too.”
It’s peaceful, nothing heated or tense but tender and relaxing as he pulls you into his arms and holds you close to him... Maybe being in love with an organic wasn’t so bad, after all.
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cybertronian-cupid · 3 years
I'm feeling really uneasy having to spend the holiday season with my family, so, if that's not a problem, could I request some fluff with TFP decepticons? Like,, comforting their s/o, making sure they feel safe and happy?
You didn't specify which ones you'd like best, so *rubs back of neck* what happened was a bit of a fluff surprise story. Hopefully it makes you smile Anon, and makes the holidays atleast a little more bearable.
*squints* though I think we should have the comfort styles of the Cons written somewhere... Keep an eye out, they'll be posted as soon as they get pieced together in some semblance of sense. ~Gregoria🏩
We hope you like it, Anon, and we hope this holiday season treats you well. You deserve nothing but happiness~Mila 💟
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Holiday Surprise Fluff: Poly!Reader x TFP Decepticons (sfw)
(Yes. All of them. That includes the troops.)
............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............
Being partners with Steve had its perks. Sure, there were some drawbacks as well, but considering how close all Vehicons were, that just meant the human suddenly had a whole lot of love and support, when one of these aliens decided to zoom into their life.
And well, when Breakdown met them and saw just how close the other guys are with them, and how nice they are treated by this fleshie, who's to blame the poor mech for falling for them too?
Knockout flirted with them once, and caught feelings when they laughed and flirted right back at him.
The rest of the ship caught feelings for the little organic faster than the cosmic rust, with the High Command being the most confused and vary over trying to express their feelings about it.
After all, their human isn't just a partner of one Steve.
They are a partner of all Steves, and soon of the Insecticon troops as well, with officers falling prey to their charms one after the other. In a sense, they have the whole ship wrapped around their tiny fingers, and soon they earn the affection of the Communications officer, Second in command and the Lord of Decepticons as well.
With ALOT of compromising and weekly reminders amongst the top three, that their human loves everyone aboard the Nemesis. The whole Nemesis.
How they manage that, remains a mystery to everyone aboard and yet, the morale has never been higher, so who is going to look a gift horse in the mouth? Noone, that's who.
Steve drives them through the groundbridge straight into the command center.
Sondwave greets them with a merry tune, Lazerbeak chirping happily as they are swooped up into familiar well maintained servos.
"Here you are, " Knockout kisses their face all over, before glaring at Steve. "If I remember correctly, today was MY turn to pick OUR lovely fleshie up"
"But you just did sir," Steve answers prompting a groan out of Knockout, before rushing off towards the barracks laughing.
"So, what ARE you guys planning?"
"We can't tell you just yet," Dreadwing smiles at them. Skyquake is leaning against his twin, nodding.
"It would ruin the surprise."
They pout and look at the ceiling.
"Not even an itsy-bitsy clue? Come onnnn, you guys have been driving me crazy for long enough."
Airachnid giggles, skittering off her perch and extending a welcoming servo for them to step on. She holds them close to her spark, heels clicking as she walks.
"Not even that. Orders from the Second in Command."
"I thought you were ALSO Second in command."
"Who isn't at this point," Shockwave points out when the femme places them in his servo, pressing a quick kiss before dragging the two warriors with her, off to who-knows-where. Being carried and placed from servo to servo was a thing that took some time to get used to, and yet, they are always handled with such care and love they can't really stay mad at their partners for too long.
They gaze up into the red optic staring at them.
"The answer is still no," his voice is firm and unyielding, but his finials are wiggling in amusement.
Whatever the others are preparing is clearly going to be good.
"Come on, can't you just tell me? " they try again, genuine laughter from the Warlord snapping their attention to the entrance. Disappointment setting in when he is not actually standing there.
>>Patience, little one,<< the recording echoes from Soundwave, who steps through the groundbridge a moment later, with parting words of
"And enjoy the show."
And what a show it was. Almost an hour of all fliers, spinning and looping around each other, acrobatics of transforming mid-flight to blow them a kiss, before transforming again and resuming what has clearly been practiced time and time again with how perfect their forms were.
They couldn't look away even if they tried, each segment of them all dancing in the air grander than the last, topped off by Predaking creating rings of fire for them all to fly through.
It was a spectacle of the kind they have never seen.
Their excitement has them almost jumping in place when all commanders return to the bridge, optics twinkling with glee at their s/o and their clear enjoyment and pride.
"That was just the start," Starscream smirks knowingly, with Breakdown presenting them with a thick coat.
"Just wait till you see what our Liege has in store for you,".
They honestly expected a gladiator match. Hardshell, Dreadwing and Skyquake against Megatron and Soundwave. Or perhaps some sort of a firing range, or anything that would indicate a show of strength, or precision and cunning. They wouldn't be surprised if the Warlord somehow decided to do it all inside of an ice cave just for the extra challenge.
They didn't expect to be taken to one of the empty mines.
They did not expect there to be decorations put up, a mix of what they know to be Cybertronian designs with different Earth influences mixing into them all and still looking stunning in their own way.
And they did not expect every grounder of the Nemesis to be present.
"What is all this?" they ask, their eyes roaming over everyone. Their frames polished, their engines humming in sync, as they all break into a song.
A song about them.
They caught a glimpse of the title one night, when Megatron forgot to put that particular datapad away.
"Oh it's nothing," he waved their question off, settling them down in their bed above his berth.
"Megs, what are you planning?"
His grin and a tilt of his helm had them laughing, the expression on their face earning them a chuckle of his own, and yet no answer beyond the teasing "You'll see".
Any questions directed at others about what they think could be in the works, were met with the same grin and chuckles of "You'll see, it's a surprise."
Arms wrap around them from behind.
"Happy holidays," Steve says, nuzzling his helm against their head.
"Care for a dance?"
Dating Steve had many perks. Dating the whole Nemesis, has around a million more. And they have all night to count them all, as they dance and laugh with their wretched, evil, horrible, no good Decepticons.
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At a house somewhere on the planet, there stands a very, very irked Makeshift, currently tangled in strings of lights, reminding himself that he is a vital part of the operation "Our Human Will Have The Best Holiday Celebration". He's been bossed around this way and that, without much rhyme or reason for a week now, and at this point, he would much prefer to listen to a certain Seeker screaming his voicebox raw, than to be listening to yet another round of 'All I want for Christmas'.
He will have someones spark if he isn't the one that gets to cuddle with The Spark of Nemesis for at least a week after his mission is complete. He knows those will be well deserved after the madness he's being put through.
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elindae-writes · 3 years
I do wonder a little. If in your fic skyfire had lived through his crash and had a scenerio similar to them unearthing him like in g1 and found him well alive, what things will occur from it?
I’ve debated having this happen in Unburied. I think I might have him get unburied (hA) but I could change my mind on that. Just assume that the scenario I’ve outlined below could potentially appear in the story, so think of this all as potential spoilers!
The Decepticons would find him first. It’s just snazzier that way. I’m going for Maximum Shuttle Angst. They discover him and they of course instantly know who he is because Megatron and Soundwave did some sleuthing work on Starscream and discovered that he was falsely accused of murdering this guy.
They’d use him to do labwork and energon refinement work. When the Autobots find out about him and are like “give him over” Megatron would then use him as leverage. The ‘Cons would threaten to hurt him if the Autobots don’t let them do whatever they want.
Skyfire would at first have no clue Starscream is even still alive and would just be told “hey, there’s a war, the ‘Bots are evil, you should totally live with us ‘Cons on the totally cool not-crashed warship that is absolutely meant to be on the bottom of the Atlantic ;).” Skyfire would join but would also sense that Something Is Up and would be unsure if his anxiety is over being displaced in time or due to there being something actually wrong.
I think I’d make his personality like that of Steve Roger’s. They both get stuck in ice for an extremely long amount of time, both experience culture shock, and are also both goody-two-shoes who gasp in horror at swear words. (Which begs the question--who would be Tony? Probably Knock Out.)
Knock Out: I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous raging cargo plane monster.
Skyfire: ...You’re a racecar covered in polish. Take that off, what are you?
Knock Out: Still quite sexy.
(Would Skyfire actually say that? Maybe not. He’d probably just silently stand there all flustered and confused and wonder where his favorite jet is. I have only seen Cap in his first debut movie and in the 2012 Avengers so that’s the version of him Skyfire would be based off of)
Skyfire would refuse to be a 50-foot tall shuttle damsel in distress and try to escape.
They would decide to get him an Earth alt-mode. Knock Out and Breakdown would break into a museum and have him scan a space shuttle. They’ve broken into museums before in this show. Fowler would march into the Autobot base angrily pointing at grainy security footage of KO and BD polishing a space shuttle as a giant partially visible mech scans it.
Perhaps Skyfire would be visible in the footage or maybe not at all. Either way the Autobots would soon realize that the Decepticons have a new massive bot on their servos and the Autobots would get really anxious. If Skyfire is in the camera frame, even partially, Starscream would recognize him in just nanoseconds.
Fowler: Prime! The ‘Cons have a new recruit. We can only see the new guy’s kneecaps in this footage due to his big size. Who’s this chonker?
Optimus: This is a dark time for us. The Decepticons are expanding their ranks and we must be prepared to face a new large physically powerful foe in battle--
Megatron is upset he isn’t the tallest bot around anymore. He seems like the kind of person to be needlessly smug about being tall. I bet he made fun of Starscream for being short (even though he’s the one who fragging MADE Starscream short by giving him a new frame!)
Breakdown and Knock Out would glomp onto Skyfire (if they haven’t already joined the Autobots that is). Picture two gay guys adopting a space shuttle.
Knock Out: This is our son :)
Skyfire: Oh, uh, thanks! But... I’m older than you?
Megatron: He looks nothing like you two charlatans.
The meeting between Skyfire and Bulkhead would be... interesting. Skyfire knows diddly squat about Bulkhead but Bulkhead on the other servo probably knows more about Skyfire than Skyfire knows about himself. Bulkhead would awkwardly explain to Skyfire the fate of the data cylinder he launched towards Earth.
Bulkhead: So, uh, you know those... logs you made?
Skyfire: You discovered my data cylinder?!
Bulkhead: Eh, yeah. It caused a skoosh of a problem.
Skyfire: A ‘skoosh’ of a problem?
Bulkhead: It maybe kinda sorta overwrote my memories?
Skyfire: ...wHAT--
Bulkhead: Eh, it wasn’t your fault, y’know? Ahhh, we all make mistakes. I once sneezed on Miko. I once drove into a tree and got stuck. You accidentally created a device that erased my personality. Just another roadbump in the road of life hahaaa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Skyfire: *panicked shuttle noises*
The public would be perplexed by him. Trending headlines would read “WHY WAS SPACE SHUTTLE ENDEAVOUR SIGHTED OVER A CITY?” and the government would have to scramble to explain why.
I need to keep a good ratio of good guys vs villains. Knock Out, Breakdown, Soundwave, and obviously Skyfire are good guys. Dreadwing will become an ally of the Autobots so he’ll slot into the good guy category as well. Megatron, M.E.C.H., Shockwave, and Airachnid will all continue to be villains. As for Predaking, I really don’t know. Then Darksteel and Skylynx come in and it’s just a lot of bots and a lot of potential villains and good guys. If Skyfire is introduced I’d make at least one of the members of the Predacon Trio a really big villain in order to balance things out. I’ll most likely pick Predaking because he could be a foil for Skyfire due to their massive sizes.
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remmushound · 3 years
Curse of the Clans part 60! @selfindulgenz @scentedcandlecryptid
Content warning: blood, injury, insults, hatred, nightmares
“Uh…” Donatello was staring at the wall—in fact, he was staring right through it— as he witnessed the truck barreling toward them. “Uh uh uh—we should GO!”
With seconds to spare, Sunita snapped out of her stupor enough to practically tackle the four others and engulf them into her form just as the truck made contact, ripping through the hull of the mech and slamming into the empyrean supply. Sunita’s body absorbed the impact and kept those within her sheltering embrace safe. The green liquid spilled out through the cracks that the force sent spiderwebbing across the glass, leaking out onto the hood of the truck that had started to blare its deafening alarm.
Sunita let everyone go once she had gotten them to higher ground and away from the spilled empyrean.
“How does truck beat alien tech?” Donatello scoffed.
“Well, the mech wasn’t exactly designed for fighting.” Leonardo pointed out.
“Guys!” Raphael pulled himself out through the window of the truck and onto the roof , taking several steps back to avoid the spilled empyrean as he pulled Cassandra free. “I got your message! It was a smash message, right?”
“Uh. Yeah.” April said, shaking her head slightly, “And you really took it to heart.”
“Don’t say smash if you don’t mean SMASH!” Cassandra cheered, thrashing about in Raphael’s grip like an excited toddler.
“Point taken.”
Sunita made extra arms to be able to carry everyone across the quickly flooding room to the truck that was rapidly becoming a landbridge.
“Dad!” Raphael noticed the old rat and immediately ran forward, taking the burden from Leonardo and easily cradling his unmoving father in two hands.
“He’s alive, but he’s hurt— we have to get him back home.”
Raphael nodded, his breath quickening. He looked back up at his gathered clan, doing a mental headcount of all gathered. “Wait, where’s Mikey?”
“He’s up there with Krang—“
“You left him with Krang?!”
“Guys, this mech is going down!” Donatello said, and his words were true as the mech started to fall apart at the very foundations all around them.
“We have to go now!”
Sunita snared everyone including Raphael, dragging them out of the mech and away from the danger zone.
“No— we have to get Mikey!”
The mech stumbled, the last of the empyrean spilling out and taking the mech down with it. It took one final step and then powered down, collapsing on top of several structures and sending a shockwave that tore up asphalt and ripped through nearby buildings, some breaking apart into a cloud of suffocating dust. The first few seconds all Raphael could do was cough, covering his mouth with one arm while trying to keep his brothers behind him, as if he could spare them the choking pain. Donatello squeezed his eyes shut, clutching to Leonardo who had braced similarly and was holding his breath.
Raphael ran to the mech; Draxum was there first, vines and fists ripping through the rubble, tossing pieces the size of boulders as if they were pebbles. He didn't care that the rocks he threw nearly struck those behind him several times, Leonardo and April having to duck out of the way of the flying stones. Raphael knelt to join him, throwing the stones with just as much fervor but more aware of his family. Everyone else knelt to join, but there wasn’t much they could do with the heavy rubble, some half the size of their body or even bigger.
They cleared a path; a small space that Sunita was able to squeeze through, entering the dark mech below. Her slime gave off the slightest glow to guide her, dimmed greatly by the invasive dust accumulated in her fragile microbiome, but it was enough.
“Mikey? Mikey!” She saw him, little more than a shape. Unmoving. She hurried over to him, to the discarded bricks pinning him down, but she couldn’t move them. “He’s in here!”
More space was made; enough for Donatello to press himself through. He was able to lift the bricks that Sunita had been struggling with, tossing them aside so Sunita could grab Michelangelo and pull him free.
“Mikey…” Donatello took Michelangelo from Sunita, cradling the younger turtle with the affection one might show to a baby. He gently traced a hand across Michelangelo’s cheek and that made the turtle smile, just slightly, and raise a hand up to meet Donatello’s.
Michelangelo was more gray than green, dusty debris covering him in a thick layer that Donatello quickly worked to clean off. When his hand went to brush off Michelangelo’s plastron, it came back wet and red. Donatello stared down at the hand in growing horror before he shook his head, working to clean Michelangelo off faster before crawling carefully through the debris to pass him through the cracks and to Raphael, who handed him just as quickly over to Leonardo.
“Hey… hey hey hey little bro…” Leonardo said; April passed over her coat immediately for Leonardo to wrap Michelangelo inside, shushing him gently as he assessed the injuries to Michelangelo’s plastron. Cracks, a lot of them, and though the amount of blood spilled was very little, Leonardo winced at the thought of how painful such a sensitive area would be. It didn't help that Michelangelo was covered in dust and shivering from the shock of it all.
Raphael looked up from his two youngest brothers to watch as Sunita and Donatello crawled out to join them. Then he looked into the darkness beyond them, to the vague shape looming.
“Get back!” Raphael gathered everyone up in his arms, even Draxum, and pulled them away just as Krang busted free.
The utrom seemed worse off than Michelangelo had been, his slimy body bruised and battered purple, leaking a bright pink substance from his injuries. Several of the spines littering his body were bent or broken completely and some of his tentacles were drawn close to his body instead of being sprawled out like the other ones. His body was borne into the air by a small, floating platform that seemed just barely big enough to bear his weight, the hoverpod bringing him out to face the clan for a final stand.
The chakras all stood ready, weapons in hand; at least, those still able to stand were. Raphael held Michelangelo in his right arm, drawn tight to his chest so he could bring his tonfa forward to protect his baby brother. One by one the lights all blinked to life inside of each of them, soft heats blipping where their chakra were located. Sunita and Draxum, though they had no chakra of their own on display, stood just as strong in the face of pure evil.
Krang wasn’t easily deterred. Frowning, his thoughts escaping his controlled grasp, he closely considered his next move. There were seven of them, sure, but were the right seven? The orange and the indigo were missing and that made Krang grin. They were strong, but they weren’t enough, and in each of them he tasted the weakness that they buried inside, some deeper than others. The sweet taste radiating from Donatello was the strongest, most familiar to Krang much to his delight. The soft-shelled warrior.
Donatello’s mind was weak, just like his stance, and his grip on his weapon. When he looked at Krang, he saw many things; food rotting away in his grip, the water he drank running red, flowers wilting into dust. Cold, hunger, thirst, and most importantly pain. Glorious pain. When Krang looked at Donatello, all he saw was an easy target, and the first on his list to snuff out those irksome lights.
“Huh?” Donatello frowned and looked around. That was Leonardo’s voice! But… where was Leonardo? Then again, where was anybody? From what he could see, he was floating on a solitary island all his own, no brothers no friends no Draxum or dad. Just an empty void, surrounded by smoke. Then the smoke took shape, and from the shape came Leonardo. “Leo!”
Donatello started to run to him, but quickly slowed. There was something strange about the atmosphere, a cold chill that he still had imprinted in his mind. Cold tentacles gripping and squeezing and ripping through the very atoms of his being. Leonardo’s approach only quickened, until his hands slammed against Donatello’s chest and shoved him to the ground.
“You’re so selfish, you know that?” Leonardo’s voice was his own, but empty.
“Wha…? L...Leo…” Donatello could only say as he stared up at the image of his brother with the cold eyes staring back at him, like someone had molded a life-like Leonardo out of clay.
“You just waltz around barking insults and sarcastic comments and hole up in your room all day while we do the real work!”
Donatello tried to back up— and backed straight into Michelangelo. He looked up, and Michelangelo’s eyes that usually held love were nothing but hate.
“You’re a narcissist!” Said the dark clone, “You literally altered us to be more like you and got upset when we were more like you!”
“I… I didn't think…” Donatlelo tried, and his eyes were burning and so was the rest of him as he tried to explain but the words wouldn’t come out.
“That’s exactly your problem! You think too much one minute and then not at all the next!”
Donatello stood up and tried to run, but Raphael stood in his way. “You don’t know when to stop and you just keep pushing all our buttons! You want to change us!”
“N...no! No, I love you guys!”
“Love?” This time it was April’s voice and it hurt deeper than all the others, “What would you know about love?! For someone with such a soft shell, you’re so insensitive and cruel! I ask a simple task of you and you have to go above and beyond and not in a good way.”
“You’re pathetic!”
“The only thing you’re good for is your tech!”
“And even that only works half of the time!”
“If it wasn‘t for your enhancements…”
“You wouldn’t even be on this team!”
“You’d be where you belong.”
“Behind a desktop…”
“And far away from us.”
Leonardo saw Donatello’s light flicker out, and he saw the distant look in his brothers eyes as he stared out at nothing and cried, mouthing words that came out silent. He immediately knew something was wrong, and he reached out with a hand to grab his brother and tether him to reality. Donatello blinked, and the nightmare was gone as he looked upon the tender eyes of Leonardo.
“He’s lying, Donnie!” Leonardo said, “Whatever he’s doing to you isn’t real!”
Then Leonardo was lost in a nightmare. An island of smoke, his senses little more than a distant memory, as if they had all been plugged with foam. His brothers came to him, shapes of hate and spite as they spat their words of discouragement and fraud.
“I can’t believe I ever trusted you.” Raphael said, “I give you the slightest taste of control and you rub with it like it’s your destiny.”
“It’s not.” Splinter was there, and he was whole—not injured. “Winning the Battle Nexus was just dumb luck, like everything you do.”
“And you never trust us to do anything, but expect us to trust you with everything!” Michelangelo this time. All of them were advancing on Leonardo and trapping him with their insults like dark storm clouds closing in.
“You couldn’t even made a portal to save our lives after you put us in danger!” Donatello said, his words most horrible to the slider for that was his twin. “You’re so hung up on being a champion that’d you get us all killed to boost your self esteem! And they call me soft!”
Raphael was next in line and next to grab Leonardo’s hand and pull him back down to earth before being lost to the darkness himself. Shadowed figures, nowhere to hide, surrounding him.
“You’re an animal. A vicious, violent animal.” Did it matter who was speaking? No. Not when then words were all the same to the snapper. All things he tried to tell himself were lies. “At the drop of a dime you could hurt any one of us.”
“Or kill any one of us.”
“And all the people of New York.”
“You try to convince yourself that it’s just a different persona…”
“But it’s not.”
“The savage you is the real you, and this facade you put up is the true persona.”
“Because you’re lying to yourself.”
“Raphie…” Michelangelo whined softly, gripping Raphael’s hand with his own; it was dwarfed by the size of the snappers hand, but he didn't care. Raphael was brought back down to earth, and Michelangelo was sent up.
“How could you be so childish in a time like this?”
“Earth to Mikey, you’re supposed to be focusing!”
“You’re fourteen— you’re not a kid anymore, but you still act like an eight year old!”
The words rang out in Michelangelo’s mind relentlessly, like a broken record.
“You’re so lazy! It’s not hard!”
“Why can’t you just be normal?”
“Just pay attention!”
“You’d be so smart if you’d just just—“
“Put in the effort—“
“Mikey!” Cassandra grabbed Michelangelo’s hand and took his place. Krang grinned as he neared the last light dropping out; just yellow and green left to go...
“It’s all your fault.”
“You’re to blame!”
“Their blood is on your hands!”
And the blood was— had hands were red and she tried to wipe them off but the red was growing all around her like a Red Sea— dark silhouettes swimming in it. The ones she had hurt, the faces of those she’d killed imprinted in her mind and coming to her every time she’d blink!
“You saw me burn up!” Mother Jones said, turning the blood to fire— and she was on fire!
“You watched her die!”
“You could have saved me!”
Cassandra backed up and collided with her foot masters.
“We raised you better Cassandra.”
“You betrayed us!”
“And your teachings!”
“And you were such a promising student!”
“No no no no…” Cassandra backed into Raphael, “Raphie help me…”
“Raphie?” Raphael laughed, “You think I like being called that? You think I like you?! Please, you were just the means to an end that overstayed your welcome.”
“Cassandra, those nasty words aren’t true…” Splinter’s grip was weak, but he forced himself to grab her. The evil, nasty lies rung just as clearly in his head as they did in Cassandra’s, and he couldn’t stand for that. The angry words came to him next, his sons and his mother and his grandfather and his ancestors, a suffocating amount of them.
“You failed us.”
“You were content to destroy us!”
“To never have children.”
“To abandoned the legacy of our clan for fame and fortune.”
“The best thing you ever did for thid clan was be expirmented on.”
“You didn't train your sons…”
“You didn't remember the stories…”
“You let Shredder live and walk again!”
“I’m sorry mama…” Splinter shrunk into himself, almost believing the words true until April grabbed his hand and pulled him out.
“Stay with me Splints…”
April was lost now, the turtles surrounding her with their cold, empty faces.
“It’s been months, April. Months! Yet still you refuse to recover.”
“You tried so hard to ignore the past that you almost destroyed the future!”
“The only good thing that came of you was being a vessel for Karai.”
“But your importance has quickly waned.”
“You’re not one of us. You’re human. You don’t belong in a mutant world.”
“You belong with your own kind.”
“Even though you should have died like Karai did.”
“Like we’re going to.”
“Like the story goes.”
April took those words and several more, but even as the brothers advanced on her to fill her head with fibs to rip her apart, she never stopped smiling. Even as she cried, she smiled, and when the images ran out of things to say, she looked up at them. Her heart was glowing brighter than ever before, the green enough to swallow her in its pulsating light. Those were all things she had told herself, over and over, so much that had lost their meaning to her.
“That’s a lie. It’s all lies. Karai never died.” The words pushed back the darkness, and she kept them coming. “She was only lost. Lost to the nightmares, fighting the darkness. The Shredder. I… I was lost after my fight with the Shredder too…”
“What are you doing?” Raphael’s voice slowly melted away into Krang’s.
“And I still am lost. Lost with this new power, lost with this pain that won’t seem to leave me alone. I’m lost but I’m still here, and every day I find another peice of myself to fix the puzzle. Who knows if I’ll ever find them all. But I know one thing I have found; why I’m still here. My purpose. Destroying you.”
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https://www.tumblr.com/transingthoseformers/751086022108086272/after-being-defeated-by-megatron-tarn-is Ohhh, I just have multiple versions of this plot. When I was writing down this idea I considered that yes, unfertilized eggs are possible but they do not hatch. That means Tarn's is fertilized. If there are fully-formed sparklings inside eggs and not just sparks (but I love spark eggs!) then the hatchling will come out resembling both pre Empurata Damus and Overlord. Megatron doesn't know how Tarn's original form looked (I hc it didn't look exactly like Glitch, like Shockwave has nothing in common with his senator form) but oh he knows how Overlord looks. And the similarity is horribly obvious, Megatron can't even look at the sparkling w/o seeing just another result of his crimes. 💔 I low key want to see Megatron getting over this thoughts and learning to see a child and learning that there is a little difference between them and cold constructed mechs like Getaway who also were born as a result of his crimes. I also wonder how Tarn may be feeling about having an offspring. It was a surprise, he didn't know that just a moment of weakness could result in this. Like his emotions were a mess after Megatron's betrayal, Overlord took advantage of it. The mere idea of carrying from this mistake must disgust him but strangely he desperately wants to know what happened after the guards took the egg away. Did they put it into garbage disposal? Was there even a chance for it to hatch? No one is telling him.
That's gotta be hard, but also an evil part of me is intrigued on what happens next? Especially if, we've established, Megatron was there for the hatching (was Tarn? Does he still not know what happened by that point?)
I feel like there's always a lot of discussions to be had about Getaway and Megatron, and it's interesting how Megs is lining up mecha in his mind who he "created"
oh tarn.
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the-odd-job · 3 years
Harem AU Chapter 19 - Don’t Own Me
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Category: Other Fandom: Transformers Relationships: Megatron/Sideswipe Characters: Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Megatron, Skywarp Additional Tags: Rape, Sticky, Forced Orgasm Words: 14580
( Previous )
Knock Out was at the doors to his medbay the moment they stepped into the harem wing, beckoning them in for one very thorough inspection. He berated them for the damage their paint jobs had suffered from getting tied down who knew how many times, as if it was their fault they hadn’t considered things agreeable enough to just submit themselves to the treatment. Still, most of Knock Out’s frustrations seemed to be aimed at Shockwave, rather than them. The medic made sure they were in perfect repair, which they weren’t according to him, not before he’d straightened some things out in their chests.
They didn’t want to open their chestplates for him, honestly, but this was Knock Out. Knock Out, who had never done anything weird, despite how many times he’d fixed injuries that would’ve been so easy to make weird.  
And for sure he had never expressed any particular interest in their spark.
So… After a long internal debate that Knock Out waited impatiently through because he wasn’t willing to force the matter, they did eventually open their chassis for inspection, and he fixed what needed to be fixed. He didn’t request access to their spark, either. Rather the medic was perfectly content to use their frames’ built in diagnostics to find out the state of their spark.
The verdict was that there was some strain, but nothing that wouldn’t fix itself if they left their damn spark alone and didn’t put it through who knew what.
They asked about merging. Knock Out admitted to being no expert when it came to split-sparks—big surprise there, who was—and in so many words told them to do what felt right to them. The logic seemed to be that things would feel uncomfortable if they were exerting their spark further.
Which made sense enough. Wasn’t it sensible to assume that their spark would give them a bit of a warning before flickering out?
And then came their curiosity over why Knock Out seemed so… Concerned wasn’t really the right word, but aggravated.
“Because I’m your physician, and if something is wrong with you, it’s my hide on the line.”
Not Shockwave’s? Technicalities, Knock Out called that. They weren’t in Shockwave’s care anymore, were they? So it was back to being Knock Out’s responsibility. 
They weren’t sure about that logic, but who were they to argue.
It wasn’t all the way to evening when the medic told them to go rest and they left the medbay, grateful for… What? For being back here?  
Yes. The harem was a prison, but so were Shockwave’s clutches, and they rather had this familiarity over the sterile chill of Shockwave’s area of the tower. Nothing about the harem wing was sterile in the same way. Here there were smells to bring life to the place, just as lush as the warm colors everything was dressed in, and comfortably shadowed corners from the lights that didn’t aim to banish all dark. Megatron continued to loom over them as an inescapable threat that could pounce them at any moment—just one summons and things could go to pits, and there’d be nothing they could do about it… But if nothing else, Megatron had never poked and prodded at their slagging spark. 
But he had given the permission for Shockwave to do that, so… He wasn’t any better, really. Of course he wasn’t. How could he be?
So why did they still feel, right now, like they’d rather get called to Megatron’s berth over another round with Shockwave?
Primus, things were so messed up. Enough shit was being thrown at them that they were starting to prefer getting raped over other things, and not just that, but raped by one specific mech rather than anyone of his “court”, or whoever else. 
How had this become their life? And how the frag had Megatron managed to position himself as the lesser evil over enough things that it was downright disturbing? There shouldn’t have been anything they’d prefer him over! Not after everything he’d done to them. 
Here they were anyway.
They hit the washracks first, deflecting the questions of the mates they passed, their concern over how they were doing, and curiosity over what had happened. None of that was anything they wanted to talk about with anyone, but luckily once they picked showers from a further corner of the washracks, they were left to their own devices despite them not being the only occupants of the room. With nothing to say between them, they washed themselves and each other in silence, ridding their frames of the scents and smudges of Shockwave’s lab, before they went to shine themselves. Their scuffed portions were undone by their work, and then… It was like nothing had happened.
On the outside, anyway. Their spark still felt wrong, like its halves didn’t really fit into their individual chambers properly anymore. They couldn’t really blame it after everything Shockwave had done.
And mentally, emotionally… They were slagging well exhausted. They’d had enough time to themselves in the tiny ass room they had been provided with, but it had hardly been enough to balance out the stress of Shockwave’s tests and straight up experiments. It didn’t help that it wasn’t… Familiar. Not the way the harem wing was. They knew how things ran here, at least mostly.
Shockwave’s area was a big unknown that had only had answers of unpleasantness. It wasn’t as if the harem was devoid of unpleasant things, far from it, but it was still the familiar. They knew the mecha here, more or less. They had comparatively much freedom to do whatever the slag they pleased. They weren’t locked in a single room—just, you know, an entire wing. Like that was so much better. Psh.
The others were sure to be curious over everything that had happened to them during their absence, but they still didn’t feel like talking about it overmuch. So, instead of hitting the entertainment room, they instead slipped by it with just a wave at the occupants on Sideswipe’s part, before they hurried to the berthroom—and more than that, to their own cots at the very back of it. The library would have been more private if privacy was what they were after, but the… Quiet. They didn’t need more of that right now.
The berthroom wasn’t quiet during the day like this. No, there was conversation between a few mecha, the words they exchanged and their laughter, and—of course—fucking.  
Complete with all the clangs and moans and encouragement that could be expected to accompany a solid foursome.
They walked by that scene and the length of the room, and sat down on one side of their combined cots, their backs to the rest of the room, but then, even that—the vigorous interfacing they couldn’t just unhear—was… Something. It should have bothered them a thing fierce, but it was the kind of lively noise that belonged in the harem wing, in a weird way. It had its place here just like all the friendly conversation did. It lulled them back into what their normalcy had become.
Sideswipe leaned against Sunstreaker’s shoulder and felt him do the same until they were propping each other up. The wing was at such complete odds with what their last orn had been like, that… 
He was relieved. He was damn well relieved to be back here.
Even better would be if he was just out of the whole damn palace entirely, on the streets, but that wasn’t achievable just yet. It needed a bit more work. 
In the meantime this just had to be good enough, and it mostly was. Just as long as Megatron wouldn’t demand them anytime soon. They could handle the rest. Rest, recover… And to start with that, they sat side by side, without a word, letting the sounds and smells wash over them and begin to bury the memories Shockwave had created.
They’d get over that whole thing yet.
Admittedly, they recharged better that night than they had the previous few nights. Slept in a bit, too, and were on the sluggish side in getting up even once they awoke. There was no one telling them they needed to go there or do that, and no one came to disturb them even once they were obviously awake. That was a nice touch.
And maybe their previous day’s refusal to say a peep about the whole Shockwave thing had clued the others in on them not really wanting to answer questions about it, because once they were up and about, they were only wished good morning without any further prodding. They could still feel everyone’s curiosity, and for sure they would probably need to hand out even some answers eventually lest someone die from their curiosity, but for now they were content to just… Not do that. 
Even Skywarp only left it at a brief, “You okay?” when they ran into him in the dining hall. Their Seeker friend’s concern was obvious, but it looked to be assuaged a little by Sideswipe’s smile.
“Yeah, we’re fine.” It was only half a lie, too. But if Skywarp recognized its partial untruthfulness, he didn’t say anything, just nodded and gave a smile in return.
“Awesome! Hit me up in the entertainment room once you’ve had breakfast, yeah? I’ve missed playing with you,” Skywarp said with a poke at Sideswipe’s shoulder.
Sideswipe laughed, made his promises, and they parted ways for them to grab cubes for themselves. Ones they’d actually chosen for themselves, with all the taste they wanted them to have.
It was a really nice change of pace to not have their energon just handed to them. Honestly, they hadn’t even realized how much they appreciated the dispenser. Distance really did make the spark grow fonder.
Sideswipe could say he wasn’t still in the chattiest mood, but also, he probably wasn’t going to start feeling better by avoiding all social contact. So instead of withdrawing with Sunstreaker, he made the effort to go sit with one of the small groups that had gathered in the room and joined in on the conversation. Sunstreaker sat next to him, but held to his silence. That was just normal for him, though.
Sideswipe tried to act his own normal, too. And… It did make him feel a little better to chat and laugh as they sipped on their energon. Moping around would’ve been tiresome anyway.
He could do this.
And he had a date with Skywarp to get to afterwards. Once they made their way to the entertainment room, the flier immediately roped them into a familiar strategy game that they still sort of sucked at no matter how many times they’d played it.
You know, at least compared to everyone else who had played it way more times. They were a little outclassed.
It was still fun, though. They played it smart afterwards too, and excused themselves fast as they came once the game was over and everyone could be trusted to get down and dirty because the mates for sure hadn’t changed during the orn they’d been away. 
Out of the room and free of interfacing just left them with the problem of now what. Distractions were welcome, but not in the form of fragging, thanks.
“Hit the library?” Sunstreaker suggested. Sideswipe made a face.
“Too boring for me.” That was no distraction at all. What else was there to do? Something in the berthroom? He hadn’t really gotten into crafts yet, and honestly, those weren’t guaranteed to be any more interesting than the library–
Sideswipe’s optics brightened and he snapped his digits. “Isn’t there a kitchen here, too?” A door at one corner of the dining hall, no? “I wonder if we’re allowed to use it? That could be fun.”
Sunstreaker cocked an optical ridge at him, then shrugged. “Go ask someone. I’ll be in the library.”
Alright then, apparently that was them deciding on what they wanted to do. Sideswipe snorted, but nodded, and Sunstreaker set down the hall while Sideswipe took the turn into the dining hall and marched from the doorway to the back left corner. There was a nondescript door there. Not completely hidden like the servants’ entrances, but not meant to draw attention either.
He opened it carefully and peeked inside. The kitchen’s lights came on for him, revealing every nook and cranny of the… Very, very well equipped room. Sideswipe didn’t know much about kitchens to begin with and could recognize, like, one fourth of the stuff around.
He’d probably blow the whole place sky high if he tried to use this stuff, but… 
Sideswipe pulled back from the door to cast a glance around the dining hall. There weren’t exactly many other mecha present anymore, but Sideswipe waved for the attention of one of the mates anyway. “Are we allowed to use the kitchen?”
He got a nod in return. “Yeah, it’s here for us.”
“…Are we supposed to know how to use it? I mean, it looks pretty fancy…”
“Oh, there should be a datapad… Somewhere there, if you look around a bit. It has a whole host of recipes on it, complete with instructions on how to use all the appliances required for them. That’ll get you started.”
Ooooh. That was going to be helpful. Sideswipe said his thanks before he slipped into the kitchen entirely, letting the door close behind him.
From there it was just about hunting down the datapad, which turned out to be very easy because it was just sitting on the counter in one corner, all by its lonesome. Poor thing. Sideswipe turned it on and perused its contents. There was… A lot. Hell of a lot. He could scroll all he wanted and yet there was always more.  
Chances were, then, that if he wanted to find the instructions for something specific, they’d already be somewhere on the datapad. He wasn’t going to run out of things to try probably ever, if cooking was something he wanted to spend more time on.
He wasn’t sure he did want to, yet, having never actually tried the whole thing, but he did love new experiences. Figuring out how to make something that would hopefully be delicious seemed like a pretty nice thing to try. 
Lucky for his inexperienced self, there was a way to order the recipes based on difficulty. Sideswipe did so, looking through the easier ones first. Maybe not the easy easy ones, there wasn’t much to even do with those, but… 
Aha, crusted energon thingies with a soft center. That sounded good, and didn’t look too complex. He’d need a few things, but Sideswipe only had to walk around the room and locate everything he needed. Everything else was already done for him, basically, with how step by step the instructions went.
Probably for the best, seeing his current experience level.
Sideswipe copied the recipe into his own systems and set the datapad aside to instead read the instructions internally and set to work, happy to lose himself in the task and… And not think about things. Get the energon he needed, the additives, the utensil, turn on this device and that to this heat and that, combine and mix and make little shapes, cook and roll the results in this thing and then that, cook some more–
The voice from the doorway had him jumping, and the mate snickered at his spook before he got to the reason for his interruption. “Megatron summoned you. Three breems and he wants you in his wing.”
Whatever good mood Sideswipe had managed to scrounge up quickly evaporated. They’d barely… Pits, they’d barely gotten back from Shockwave’s tests and already Megatron wanted one of them? How was that fair?
Nothing about this whole damn place was fair.
Biting his lower lip, Sideswipe looked at his in progress creations, but before he could ask the mate what he was supposed to do about those, the other was already gone. Did he just… Need to leave them most of the way but not quite done, or something? That couldn’t be right. Besides, they were so close to being all finished.
But he was on a timer here himself. Sideswipe hurried over to the doorway and looked into the dining hall. “Runamuck!” he called once he recognized the particular grounder. Runamuck looked up at him and Sideswipe gestured behind himself. “Megatron, uh, wants me, but I was kind of in the middle of something, so do you mind taking those out of the oven when the timer’s done?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Alright, so that was that taken care of. Good. “Thanks!” Okay, then what? He was going to leave a mess in the kitchen, but someone could probably clean that up for him. He’d return the favor somehow.
Next. He didn’t want to go to Megatron dry, that’d just hurt. He didn’t have a hell of a lot of time, but with someone who knew what they were doing, it should be just enough.
And he was familiar with someone who knew exactly what they were doing on that front.
Not that that wasn’t basically everyone here.
Anyway. Sideswipe hurried out of the kitchen and dining hall and set out on a search for a pair of wings. As ever, there weren’t very many hidey holes in the wing, so after the entertainment room proved devoid of Skywarp, the next stop of the berthroom already contained him.
Skywarp was in the middle of a frag with two others, but still took notice of him even before Sideswipe had a chance to try to get his attention. The flier waved at him cheerfully. “Hi Sides! Wanna join?”
Usually the answer would’ve been pit no, but… 
Ugh. “Megatron sort of summoned me?” Sideswipe as he walked over to the three of them, gesturing vaguely in the direction of Megatron’s wing. “Like, on really short notice?”
“Oh.” Understanding dawned on Skywarp—and everyone else—right away. “Wanna get ready? We can help you.”
Sideswipe barely had the time to nod before two pairs of hands reached for him and practically yanked him down. His undignified little yelp went blessfully unheeded in the midst of all the Primus damned groping that got going right after. Someone’s servo, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to know whose, found its way over to his valve cover. Despite his full frame shudder, Sideswipe let that slide aside. Digits invaded his frame right away, but when there was really no lubricant to speak of, they were replaced by someone’s mouth and glossa. 
As he had trusted, the other mates were proficient as ever, and it didn’t even matter that it wasn’t Skywarp behind him, since he was kind of sprawled on the Seeker’s lap. Skywarp wasn’t the only one who knew how to ‘face and make it good.
It also just happened that with him in Skywarp’s lap, the flier’s very erect spike was uncomfortably close to Sideswipe’s face. There was no inconsiderable amount of anxiety regarding if he’d be asked to do something with it, even past the distraction of the mouth that did things at his valve. That threatened to scatter his thoughts all over again every time he managed to gather them. 
But no, Skywarp didn’t ask for his help with his spike. Instead all the Seeker did was run his servos along Sideswipe’s frame, and while he would’ve rather maybe not had that, he couldn’t deny the trace of Skywarp’s claws along his seams was lighting up his sensors pretty badly. His vents were growing hotter by the minute, his hips wanting to nudge back against the glossa finding and exploiting all of the sensors in his valve—and all of that was pretty good because he’d need to be going soon.
But, he didn’t want to go to Megatron frustrated and already on the edge of an overload. That was just… No. No no no.
So, it would be preferable if he got an overload right here and now, despite the fact he was probably already wet enough that he wouldn’t have needed to worry about Megatron hurting too much.
The act chafed, but Sideswipe gave in to his frame’s urge to jerk back against the face of whoever was performing oral on him. That whoever purred at his partial reciprocation and Sideswipe had to hide his grimace. He really didn’t need any of the mates thinking he was into this, ever, despite the fact they seemed completely oblivious to any hints that he wasn’t, which probably made it a moot point. But still. The last thing he needed to do was encourage them.
Here he was anyway. Sideswipe buried his face against Skywarp’s thigh as the charge built in his systems, steadily on the path to an overload. Not a mighty big one, a pretty rushed one rather, but that was all the same. As long as he wasn’t tip-toeing that line in front of Megatron.
It wasn’t actually the oral that did it, but rather, Skywarp reaching along the length of his frame and… Grabbing his aft. That did it, and his charge released abruptly to a surprised gasp from Sideswipe. His frame tensed, there was pleasure–
And then it was already over. The crest was short and not very high, as he’d predicted, but it did the trick. His valve was plenty ready enough that Megatron shouldn’t hurt, and he wasn’t teetering on the edge of an overload he didn’t want, but that his frame sure did. 
Right on time. Sideswipe released a big ventilation he hadn’t realized he was holding before he leveraged himself up on his arms. “I gotta go. Thanks.” Manners?
“I can walk you,” Skywarp offered right away. Everyone detangled themselves, Sideswipe and Skywarp put their equipment back behind their panels, and he was wished good times by the other two as he followed Skywarp. Sideswipe ignored the how the pit was he ever supposed to have a good time, and waved his goodbyes back before they were out of the room and walking down the hall.
Sunstreaker was standing at the doorway to the library, his face shrewd and optics sharp. Sideswipe reached over to squeeze his servo as they passed him and got a barely perceptible nod in return. “I’ll clean the kitchen after you,” Sunstreaker said, and that was that concern taken care of, at least.
Sideswipe nodded too, and from there it wasn’t far to the main doors, through them, and then the way to the doors to Megatron’s wing.
Skywarp parted ways with him when the guards opened those for him. “Have fun!” he said chipperly, unexpectedly parroting the overarching sentiment of the harem. Sideswipe was significantly more lowkey about it when he smiled back and waved his byes before the doors closed between them.
He was never going to understand what was ever so fun about Megatron’s attention. Alas, he was about to have it no matter how much he didn’t want it. Sideswipe’s shoulders slumped before he could stop them and he couldn’t quite dredge the will to regain all of his posture before he walked down the hall, past the doors on both sides that just seemed perpetually closed—did Megatron even use them?—and through the open ones at the very end.
Megatron was present, naturally, but so was Soundwave and… Onslaught. All three looked up when he entered, but only Megatron acknowledged him.
Unless you wanted to count the quirk in Onslaught’s mouth that looked a hell of a lot like amusement, but Sideswipe tried not to read too much into that.
“Go to the berthroom,” Megatron told him, and to Sideswipe’s relief his tone wasn’t… Annoyed, despite the terse and very direct command. That probably meant he was in a decent mood.
Thank Primus or whoever.
Sideswipe nodded, but after having managed to take only two steps in the direction of the berthroom, Megatron’s voice had him freezing in place. “What do you say, Sideswipe?”
If his posture had had any time to regain itself, all of that was swiftly undone. “Yes, my Lord,” Sideswipe murmured, loud enough that he was sure he would be heard, but no louder than that. He dared peek in the direction of the three Kaonites, just to see Megatron nod at him, because Megatron could get away with all the nods he wanted to while Sideswipe needed to be all respectful and slag.
Onslaught rumble was definitely amused this time, Sideswipe didn’t need to read into anything there. 
But with Megatron’s go ahead, he hurried the rest of the way to the berthroom door. It opened for him and he all but escaped the lounge and its occupants, as much as the berthroom wasn’t going to be much of a safe space for long.
“How obedient. Do you have plans for him today?” he could hear Onslaught say, but the door closed on his heels before he had the time to hear Megatron’s answer.
He too would’ve loved to know what Megatron had planned for him, but he was going to find out sooner or later anyway even without asking, unlike Onslaught.
Slag literally all of them.  
Not really sure what he was supposed to do while made to wait, Sideswipe did… Nothing. One of the worst things to ever be doing if you asked him, but the berth didn’t particularly call to him and there wasn’t that much else in the room.
So he stood a few steps from the door all awkward like. He could only hear the most muffled sounds from the lounge, not enough to clue him in on more than the vague assessment that someone was talking. How long would they be doing that for before Megatron was free to have his way with him? His guess would’ve been not long since Megatron had specifically had him show up at this particular time, but pit if he knew.
His guess was right, though. It wasn’t even half a breem—that still felt like way too long—before the sounds died down. Sideswipe stared at the door, and sure enough, it opened to admit Megatron after minimal delay. By what brief glance he could have past the tyrant’s bulk, he couldn’t see anyone else in the lounge anymore.
“On the berth.” Expected, and preferable to ‘under the desk’, Sideswipe did as told and hauled himself up on the forever too high berth, scooting away from the edge to give Megatron room to follow him when he made a move to do so. “Bare your valve,” was the next order. Also expected, and Sideswipe followed that too, letting his cover retract. Thankfully, not to the tune of fluids seeping out of him. He wasn’t that wet and no one had come in his valve anytime recently.
He suspected his valve still looked wet enough for the good guess that he was all prepped, while simultaneously suspecting that Megatron probably didn’t really give a damn about details like that. Either way there was no warning before three of the tyrant’s digits had sunk straight into his valve, prompting Sideswipe to twitch with the desire to just beat it the hell out of there. 
He didn’t follow through with that urge. Megatron began pumping his digits at a decisive pace that didn’t feel bad, and Sideswipe would have let his helm roll back in part because a curl of pleasure lit up his systems, and in part because he just didn’t want to look.
Would have, but that plan wasn’t allowed. As soon as his helm was so much as straight instead of drooping all over the place, Megatron’s servo came to grab it and tilt it forward with enough force to function as a clear warning. “Optics open.”
Right. He didn’t want to look at the way Megatron’s digits dipped deep into his valve only to come back out glistening wet, before pushing right back in. He already had to feel it, the way his rim wasn’t really tested by the width of three of Megatron’s digits combined, the brush against sensors inside, back and forth.
And yet he had to look anyway.
Frag this.
He wasn’t convinced the sight wasn’t negatively affecting his rising arousal, but uncomfortable to look at as the whole thing was, his frame still very much responded to the stimulation. Megatron didn’t really even work for it. Even with the state of his calipers—too loose and too wide—the tyrant’s digits were plenty big enough to touch. Just the constant in and out motion was enough to reach enough sensors that his frame took interest even as his mind, as always, tried to deny the whole thing.
It didn’t matter this time any more than any past time, and Sideswipe was squirming in place before long, undecided on whether he was trying to move away from the digits or into them, and succeeding in doing neither.
Likely for the best. He didn’t exactly want to frag himself on Megatron’s digits, even by accident.
“Whose servo is it touching you?” Megatron unexpectedly asked. Sideswipe would’ve glanced up, if just the slightest attempt to lift his helm hadn’t had the servo keeping a hold of it tighten just a little. That order clearly hadn’t gotten rescinded.
But what was he supposed to answer to that? What was Megatron expecting to hear? There had to be right and wrong answers to this. Weren’t there always?
When he dallied with his indecision too long, the servo tightened again, though Megatron didn’t speak up. Sideswipe thought quickly at that, not too eager to push Megatron too far, and answered with the most obvious thing he could think of: “Yours.”
“Who am I?”
That… Wasn’t the wrong answer, then? But more questions?
Who was Megatron?
What did he want to hear? What did he think of himself as, deep down? Did he believe in the propaganda the city spoke of him?
Who did Sideswipe think Megatron was?
No one flattering, that was for sure. 
He thought fast, again, before Megatron could prompt him further, and went with one of the obvious answers, again. “The leader of Kaon.”
“Who am I to you?”
Sideswipe faltered. It was already getting harder to think by the moment due to the pleasure he couldn’t fully deny in favor of lucid thinking, because Megatron never once stopped moving his servo and his frame never once stopped appreciating it. Megatron didn’t hurt. It just felt good.
It was a little depressing to know that even if Megatron had been using his spike instead of just his servo, the situation would’ve been pretty much exactly the same. The tyrant wasn’t exactly in the habit of being bothered by things like interfacing. 
Question. Answer. 
What the pit was he supposed to say?
The thing he said was probably the last thing he was supposed to say. “My rapist.”
If he’d expected a violent rebuttal to disrespect, honesty like that, he was mistaken. Megatron didn't all the way laugh, but it was a close thing. He was amused by Sideswipe’s accusation—no, Sideswipe’s statement of fact. Did Megatron even really disagree with it, or was he just not the type to care?
“Am I now?” Megatron asked instead, but it didn’t look like he was wanting or expecting an answer, because he chose that moment to speed up. He was still careful with his claws, careful not to hurt or even cause discomfort, but the pace of his digits became swift in the worst of ways. Sideswipe gasped when the building pleasure in his systems suddenly flared. “Optics open,” Megatron repeated, leaving Sideswipe wondering how the pit did he even know he almost closed them in the face of the growing torrent of charge–
But details like that didn’t really matter when the effect was that he was still forced to look Megatron finger fuck him in ways that felt far better than they had any right to.
Pits, was he even really forcing him to look? It wasn’t like Megatron was physically keeping his optical shutters up and optics online. What would’ve happened if Sideswipe had just closed his optics anyway?
Nothing pleasant, that was for sure. He didn’t want to find out.
So he watched and felt every second of Megatron manipulating his frame like it wasn’t even meant to be under Sideswipe’s own control. His ventilations stuttered, then stalled, then came back to life, then repeated that cycle at an ever increasing pace, and slag, he didn’t want to, but he knew there was jackall he could do about the overload Megatron was herding him towards with absolute certainty. “Optics open, Sideswipe.” Again, how did he know?
Sideswipe watched all the same, gasping through every uneven ventilation until he was whining on the cusp of an overload he didn’t want slag to do with. He was teetering, holding back with sheer force of will he didn’t have nearly enough of–
“Overload, Sideswipe.”
That wasn’t what did it, pits, of course that wasn’t it. It was the one final push in, followed by a deliberate hooking of Megatron’s digits that caught right into one sensory cluster and pressed and stroked against it until he had no choice. Sideswipe violently silenced his vocalizer as the charge finally burst, traveling across his frame but centering at his core. It tingled along his plating, tightened every part of him, and still he could feel Megatron infernally rubbing against his sensors until the release was only extended far past its natural course.
He didn’t want it.
If it wasn’t for Megatron still holding his helm, he might’ve plopped straight onto his back once the tension abruptly left him. As it was, he slumped in place, venting heavily and wondering what Megatron’s game was this time, because it really felt like there was one and this wasn’t just Megatron fragging a pretty mech for the sake of fragging a pretty mech. 
It would’ve been all the same if he’d flopped onto his back without Megatron, because as soon as Megatron let go of him, it was just to… Push him down. Onto his back. Sideswipe went down without resistance, not in small part because he still didn’t feel like holding himself upright under his own power. He allowed his legs to be spread further, too, because Megatron moved between his thighs after fetching his digits, and from there it was the obvious course of things. Megatron released his spike, lifted Sideswipe’s aft a bit, and pushed into his valve in one smooth stroke.
His valve that was still feeling just a little sensitive after a not so insignificant overload, and that was now definitely well lubricated enough that there was absolutely no discomfort with Megatron’s entry. 
Surprisingly, the pace Megatron set wasn’t… Rough. It wasn’t gentle, either, but there was something languid about it, like he was ready to take his time with things, and by Primus he could take his time if he wanted to, that much was well known. Sideswipe, not so much. He didn’t have the supernatural ability to just deny his frame until the end of time, especially not right on the heels of one overload that hadn’t really even dissipated entirely. Charge reared its head all over again in no time at all, ready to climb that mountain and make him all the more miserable for the ever betrayal of his body. 
He was looking forward to just laying back and letting things happen, to stare at the ceiling or maybe close his optics entirely, but of course Megatron had other plans. When Sideswipe’s gaze began to wander, a firm servo caught his chin. He started, his optics returning back to Megatron even before being told so, though no doubt that would have come within a few seconds if he hadn’t done it himself. 
Megatron stared at him. His expression was once again aggravatingly unreadable, right along with his field, giving very few clues as to what the pit he was up to this time. Every time Sideswipe tried to shift even just his optics away, nevermind actually turning his entire helm, Megatron’s hold on his chin tightened, a clear indication that no, he wasn’t to look anywhere but at him—and then that hold would loosen back up when he looked at Megatron like he was supposed to this time, when sometimes optical contact like that would have read as defiance. 
He couldn’t say he really enjoyed the staring contest with Megatron, though, especially when he got the distinct feeling he was being judged and measured in some way. But, if nothing else, his discomfort on that front partially distracted him from the utter lack of discomfort at a particular other front. Not enough to stop his frame’s steady march towards another entirely unwanted overload, but at least it slowed it down a bit.
It was just postponing the inevitable, but fraggit, he’d take even that much.
“Who am I to you?” Megatron asked again, as if his first answer hadn’t been satisfactory. Sideswipe frowned, then bared his denta, then squeaked when the next snap of Megatron’s hips was unexpectedly harsh.
Still not in the way to outright hurt, but he was definitely meant to feel that one. And he did, so kudos for that. 
“The pit do you want to hear?” Sideswipe asked back, proud of himself for managing to growl it out. “That you’re the love of my life or something? Hate to break it to you, but you ain’t.” They were supposed to be trying to earn Megatron’s favor here, but confusion, frustration, and the very real hatred he felt for the damn mech really made that attempt a tall order right then.
Megatron still didn’t take offense, or, didn’t do so as violently as he could have. He did react, though, by considerably speeding up the motion of his hips and putting enough force behind every thrust that Sideswipe almost felt like denting.
Maddeningly, it still didn’t hurt. Maybe it was dancing right on the edge of that, but he knew Megatron could have gotten even rougher very easily, and yet he refused to employ enough of his strength to make it into something other than just pleasure.
Sideswipe didn’t want the pleasure. He fragging well didn’t want the way his vents stalled at a particularly deep thrust that pushed against his uppermost sensors, or the shiver in his thighs as his array was assaulted with things his frame definitely didn’t consider negative, and he didn’t want the tightening in his core that heralded another overload in the very near future. 
Megatron drove him towards it pitilessly, even as it looked like he was refusing to be affected by any of this. It got harder to keep his focus on Megatron as his frame steadily demanded more of it, but for sure Megatron didn’t look to be having similar difficulties.
And still he ordained that Sideswipe look at him. Every time Sideswipe’s attention threatened to move too far inward, the servo on his chin would tighten, calling him to look the damned mech in the optic even as he fucked him onto the cusp of an overload–
“Overload, Sideswipe.”
–And past it until Sideswipe was again tensing, again cutting his vocalizer before he could moan or groan or whine or whatever the pit else, and again charge danced along his frame.
Megatron didn’t come, so of course it didn’t end there. In fact, Megatron never once stopped moving his hips, and through that distraction it was only distantly that Sideswipe could feel the grasp on his chin leaving just for his entire helm to be grabbed instead.
He might’ve recovered quicker if Megatron had given him a slagging break, but as things stood, it took him an embarrassing amount of time to gather enough of his wits to actually focus on the outside world again. As soon as he did, Megatron bent his helm forward, applying enough tug that to spare his poor neck Sideswipe saw it best to prop himself up on his elbows–
And then he was back to staring Megatron frag him, just with his spike this time.
He might’ve preferred the digits over the sight of a spike that should’ve been too damn big for him disappearing into his frame without any of the resistance there was supposed to be. The thing’s size was still terrifying.
He didn’t want to think about how many times it had gotten jammed up this hole or down another for him to have gotten used to it, at least mostly. 
“Who’s inside you?” Megatron asked.
Sideswipe grit his denta, from pleasure as well as distaste, and responded on the same vein he had before. “You are.” There was a shake in his frame he didn’t like one bit. The pleasure he felt built atop what he’d already felt, and this coming overload felt even closer than the one before when he hadn’t been given any chance to even properly climb down from it. It did nothing to aid his thoughts run smoothly.
They didn’t run smoothly at all anymore, but he still tried to keep them on a straight path to have even a fighting chance at whatever this was. 
What was this?
Pleasure. Megatron was providing him with undiluted pleasure with every move of his hips, the back and forth as well as the little things he did to change things up a little—hit different sensors, delivered just a little different sensation, always in a good way that only drove his charge higher.
And Sideswipe had to not only feel it, but watch it too, because every time he tried to close his optics or his optics tried to close, Megatron would tell him to open them. 
“Who am I to you?” he asked, again, once Sideswipe’s overload was already so close he could fragging taste it and all of his thoughts fired in different directions. It was near impossible to think, to try to figure out what the pit Megatron wanted to hear, what he’d do if he didn’t hear it–
Sideswipe just didn’t know. So, he asked again, far less sarcastically, “What do you want to hear?”  
Megatron didn’t answer him. He just fragged him until Sideswipe’s frame tensed and–
And Megatron pulled out right before the final release. Sideswipe vented, confused, staring at the full length of Megatron’s spike, every inch of it wet with lubricant. Dripping, really, and the same fluid seeped from his valve from the amount of it, even without anyone’s transfluid having gotten added to the mess.
Just as soon as the overload he’d so barely avoided tapered off enough that he wasn’t on the edge of it, Megatron pushed in again, without fanfare, and continued right where he left off.
The charge built back up within moments. “Who am I to you?”
Sideswipe clutched onto the berthtop, his frame aroused to the last, but he didn’t have an answer and right when he was again about to overload–
Megatron pulled out, left him on the edge, then waited until he’d climbed back down just a bit.
Only then he’d push in again until he was toeing that line again, almost, almost there–
“Who am I to you?”
When Sideswipe didn’t answer quickly enough this time either, Megatron pulled out, and Sideswipe didn’t want to feel the frustration he did, his frame’s slowly increasing desperation for the overload he was kept away from.
He felt it anyway. But it was just his frame. Not his mind, and definitely not his spark. Those wanted nothing to do with this.
But his frame wanted, and still he didn’t have an answer. What was Megatron supposed to be to him in Megatron’s own mind? What did he want to hear?
What was the right answer?
The damned mech pushed his spike back in. “Who am I to you?” Megatron repeated. His hips moved at a steady pace, at a fast pace, pleasuring his frame–
He was on the edge of an overload again, and Megatron was about to pull out and leave him hanging. “I don’t know!” Sideswipe rushed to say, just to give even some answer in the hopes it would be enough–
And Megatron pulled out and denied him the overload.
“Who am I to you?”
“What do you want to hear?!” He didn’t want this! He didn’t want the pleasure Megatron provided when the natural conclusion of that was a climax he wasn’t allowed to have, when he wasn’t granted the release that should’ve been there, that his frame was telling him in no unclear terms he needed to have because being brought to the edge over and over again to never actually go over was–
Megatron didn’t answer him, but kept him from an overload, left him hot and frustrated and waited until his arousal had tapered off just a little–
Tears rose into Sideswipe’s optics when Megatron thrust back in him this time, knowing he’d only be edged and then denied again unless he answered right.  
But he didn’t know what was right! What was right? What did he need to say?
“Who am I to you?”
It was so hard to think with the arousal jumbling his thoughts, but it wasn’t going to get better unless he thought and thought fast and gave Megatron what he wanted to hear–
What would he want to be to them?
He wasn’t fast enough. Megatron pulled out, left him hanging, waited–
And when his spike returned to his valve this time, the tears ran loose.
He was so confused.
“Who am I to you?”
What would he want to be to them?
What did he think he was to them? 
…Was that it?
He was so close to an overload, he didn’t have the time to spend forever on this because Megatron would deny him the overload again, and he was going to pull out any second now because Sideswipe was so close, so close–
“My mate,” he gasped, desperate for the right answer because he was going to lose his fragging mind at this rate, but he didn’t want to give Megatron what he wanted but he needed–
And Megatron rumbled in approval and didn’t pull out. 
But he stopped. He stopped moving, and while the presence of his spike was enough to keep his charge from lowering again, it alone wasn’t enough to push him over the edge he just wanted to be over already. Sideswipe’s frame moved despite himself, trying to get the necessary stimulation on its own, but Megatron’s free servo, the one not keeping a constant hold of his helm, caught his hip and forcibly stilled him.
What more did he want?
Sideswipe wished he hadn’t found out.
“Who do you belong to?”
He was sobbing, he was outright sobbing, because he knew the answer to that—the answer Megatron wanted, and that wasn’t really untrue as things stood.
He didn’t want to say it out loud, he didn’t, but he needed… And when Megatron moved as if to pull out all over again, Sideswipe rushed to it. “You,” he said, ignoring the way his voice cracked as he told himself that was only temporary, that it wouldn’t be the state of things forever– “I belong to you.”
He was rewarded. Megatron’s hips snapped forward in that instance and Sideswipe’s back tried to arch against the bend it was held in, and, “Overload, Sideswipe.”
He did, but only because Megatron angled his hips differently for the thrust he timed those words to, only because the sensation from that was enough to finally, finally let him go. Sideswipe’s cry broke into static as all of that bent up energy was let loose in one violent motion, exploding outward and inward and in every direction in between and shattering his whole world until there was nothing but the pleasure–
And Megatron’s spike, moving through it, making sure Sideswipe couldn’t crash all the way back down, that he was held falling forever and ever, every second extended beyond all rational sense–
And he couldn’t reach the ground again. Megatron wouldn’t let him, because he fragged him straight towards the next overload that he couldn’t deny any more than he had been able to deny any of the others… Sideswipe moaned, in pleasure, in pain when the charge became too much and turned against him–
–He did, but only because Megatron came too in that very moment, and the heat of fresh transfluid against sensors beyond primed shoved him over the edge whether he liked it or not.
And he didn’t like it.
He didn’t. It didn’t matter that his frame claimed this felt near the levels of arousal during the orgies, that it made the interfacing, the overloads, just that much better, more rewarding, fulfilling… It was just his frame’s claims.
It had nothing to do with reality. He didn’t want this, and he didn’t like this.
Megatron kept their hips flush together through his own overload, didn’t move, and it finally gave Sideswipe the chance to gather some of his scattered senses. He was on the edge in all the worst ways, physically as well as mentally. He was nervous and tense inside and out, because Megatron was playing with him in all ways. He was making his frame do what he wanted it to do, and the mind games. Sideswipe wasn’t blind to them. He wasn’t stupid. 
But he still didn’t know what Megatron wanted to accomplish with them. He wasn’t that smart, or pit, so deranged he could have gotten into the head of someone as heinous as Megatron.
It left him wondering, worried, and above all, confused. It was impossible to prepare and steel himself against everything that would still come when he had no idea what that would be.
No. He just had to remember, all he needed to remember was that all of this was temporary, that he’d just need to withstand all of this until the moment he and Sunstreaker could escape. Just until then. Not indefinitely.
He wasn’t sure anyone could’ve taken this indefinitely without… Changing.
Megatron started thrusting again once he’d enjoyed his own overload, clearly not done with this whole thing yet. Sideswipe gnawed on his lower lip, still propped on his elbows, Megatron still holding his helm, still forced to watch the repetition of thrust in, pull out as Megatron began to build another overload in him. In the both of them, maybe, whenever Megatron willed to overload again himself.
Sideswipe didn’t get that many choices.
“Who’s inside you?” Megatron asked again, like he was stuck repeating the same questions, but Sideswipe couldn’t laugh at him for that—not with knowing it was for a reason. Everything Megatron did was for a reason, even if Sideswipe didn’t know what it was right now. 
“You are,” he answered, quietly, but it didn’t look like his volume mattered so much because Megatron didn’t tell him to repeat himself.
“What’s my name?” he asked instead.
And Sideswipe grew even more confused than before. “Megatron?”
“What is my title?”
Bewilderment. That’s what Sideswipe felt right then, still and quiet because his thoughts were running too unevenly for him to try to make sense of any of this within a reasonable timeframe. Megatron continued to move, and Sideswipe continued to watch every single time his spike sank back into his frame, feel it split him open, only to pull out a moment later, and repeat.
Repeat until he was verging an overload all over again, his frame shifting restlessly, and still he needed to think, because he needed to answer with something.
Megatron didn’t rush him, this time, but Sideswipe got the distinct feeling he was also stalling Sideswipe’s overload. His thrusts slowed down, turned more shallow.
So, no overload before he answered, apparently. It was debatable how much Sideswipe even wanted that overload, but his frame very well knew it wanted it. The arousal was real and just too great for comfort, and it wasn’t going to go anywhere anytime soon if he didn’t dissipate it. Especially not with Megatron still fragging him, even if he wasn’t fragging him enough.
But what was Megatron’s title? Didn’t he have quite a few of those? What was his official title?
Sideswipe didn’t know these things. He tried one anyway. “Lord?”
It seemed to be the right answer. The movement of Megatron’s hips sped up all over again until Sideswipe was gasping for any and all cool air. “Overload.”
Megatron changed the angle of his hips again, hit a different sensor cluster again, and Sideswipe overloaded with a strangled groan, his hips jerking into the continued, never once stopping thrusts into him. Megatron didn’t overload, or slow down, or anything.
Just fragged him.
Sideswipe was panting when he only barely passed that peak because the next one was already looming by Megatron’s will. He couldn’t wind down, could barely regain his thoughts, and his frame was so fragging hot and ready there wasn’t a shred of peace to be found.
“Who am I to you?”
Again? “My mate,” Sideswipe responded after just a moment’s delay this time, because he didn’t think not answering would’ve earned him anything.
“What else?”
…That wasn’t enough?
What else?
“I- I don’t know.”
“Who do you belong to?”
Now he knew.
“You,” Sideswipe whispered, gritting his denta at the next, deep thrust that was probably meant to be his reward. It and the following grind before Megatron’s retreat sure had his frame singing praises.
“What else am I to you?”
Sideswipe didn’t dare close his optics, but fresh tears blurred his vision anyway so it was really all the same whether or not he looked at the joining of their frames.
He knew. “My master.”
“That I am,” Megatron mused. Casual. He didn’t sound pleased, he didn’t sound displeased. It was like he just thought of it as an inconsequential fact.
It wasn’t inconsequential. It meant… So much. So many bad things. That was what their life had become, just a string of bad things… And why?
Because Megatron thought they belonged to him, that he had a right to them, that their own desires were null and void in the face of what he wanted of them. What they wanted? Worth less than slag.
Right now, he didn’t want an overload. He didn’t want the questions, and he didn’t want Megatron fragging him—pit, he didn’t want to be in this whole damn place to begin with.
But it didn’t matter. Sideswipe couldn’t silence a groan when Megatron picked up his pace, keeping him in place, forcing him to look, as little as he saw past the veil of tears anymore. But saw or not, he couldn’t pretend he didn’t feel it–
“Overload, Sideswipe.”
–And it was like Megatron knew the exact moment when he was reaching his limit and timed his words just right. Sideswipe’s frame locked up when Megatron angled his hips just a little different and circled them in a perfect way to press against already primed sensors.
Still he didn’t stop. If he could just please stop, because the charge didn’t have the time to fully dissipate before it started to grow all over again when Megatron just kept moving—kept thrusting, kept fragging, and there was no way in pit Sideswipe could’ve ever kept up with it. He couldn’t deny his frame like that, not like Megatron could, however the slag the mech did it. 
It built, and it felt good, and he didn’t want either. Sideswipe’s vents blew wide in vain effort to cool his frame and–
–He came again. Megatron pressed into him, aiming for sensor clusters with depressing accuracy, like he knew Sideswipe’s frame better than Sideswipe himself did. He keened this time, shuddering once the peak of the overload passed, only for him to already see the next one. So close. Megatron wouldn’t let it be anything else and the pleasure mounted atop itself until barely anything else remained…
And still he needed to give more. “Who is inside you?” Megatron asked again.
He knew the answer, but it still took a pathetic amount of time for him to gather his senses enough to reset his vocalizer until he could get the one word out. “You.”
“What’s my name?”
Sideswipe tried to shake his helm, but Megatron’s servo remained and tightened until there was no hope of the motion. It was a prompting, it had to be, but Sideswipe refused.
Megatron didn’t ask again. “Overload,” came the order instead, and again Megatron played his frame until he had no choice but to do just that.
He was only crying harder after barely clearing that crest, his frame was so hot and nothing he did would cool him, his valve slicker than he thought it ever had been before, leaking past Megatron’s spike, and it melted his mind and his senses. He couldn’t combat the pleasure Megatron was forcing on him. He had no way to do that.
“What’s my name?”
“No,” Sideswipe whispered, the word breaking into static when Megatron punished him with more pleasure. This time he wasn’t denied an overload.
“Overload, Sideswipe.”
He was given too many of them. Sideswipe’s scream was equal amounts pleasure and frustration when Megatron drove him over the edge again.
And again, when he still didn’t answer that question.
He was sobbing, lost and confused in his own frame as the ecstasy became a thing he couldn’t take anymore, and when he was still allowed to do nothing else but take it. Until what?
What would end this?
“What’s my name?”
“Megatron,” Sideswipe gasped, grasping at the slim hope that playing along would– But why wouldn’t it? Wasn’t that what Megatron wanted? For him to do as told?
Wasn’t that the key? 
It had to be, because Megatron slowed down until the march towards the next overload was steady, but slower. He’d take even that much. 
“Who am I to you?”
Round and round. “My mate.”
“What else?”
“My master.”
“Overload, Sideswipe.”
It had almost been a respite, a few fleeting moments of not being drowned in physical sensation quite as badly, but then he was submerged again. When he became aware of something other than his frame’s rapture, he was fully on his back on the berth, his servos on either side and little above his helm—and Megatron was holding them, gentle like the lover he wasn’t. He was still buried in his frame, but he wasn’t moving–
Except the moment Sideswipe felt halfway lucid again, he started moving. But Sideswipe didn’t need to watch anymore, so he didn’t, even as his frame ached with the mountain of pleasure he was buried under.
“Look at me.”
He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to see, he didn’t want to know, he didn’t want to be here.
Sideswipe shook his helm and closed his optics.
One of his servos was released just for Megatron’s servo to appear on his chin, grasping it and tilting his helm until Sideswipe knew he could have met the tyrant’s optics if he had just looked.
But he wasn’t going to.
“Open your optics, Sideswipe.”
“No.” He hated how weak he sounded, like he didn’t have the resolve to enforce that—and maybe he didn’t, because Megatron began to tighten his hold, and once warnings about impending damage from the pressure started to blink on his HUD, Sideswipe relented and opened his optics.
He was right, he could meet Megatron’s gaze head on like this.
“Keep looking,” Megatron told him as he released his chin just to return his servo to hold Sideswipe’s, pinning them to the berth.
He could’ve looked away. He could’ve refused, and… And then what?
Megatron would just make him again.
“Who’s ‘facing you?”
“What is my name?”
“Who am I to you?”
“My mate and my master.”
“Do you belong to me?”
Sideswipe’s already unsteady vents hiccuped and his vocalizer clicked before producing a little burst of static.
He didn’t. He didn’t belong to anyone but himself. “No.”
Why did he have to be so outmatched? His frame rattled with the energy that Megatron’s thrust and twist released, and he could do nothing about it. But one order remained, and Sideswipe met Megatron’s optics through the release, aiming for defiance and knowing he failed miserably. His frame burned and turned his thoughts to molten sludge, and he knew without a shadow of doubt that Megatron knew exactly what he was doing—and knew exactly what he was doing to him.
“Do you belong to me?”
He did. Like every time, he did, because Megatron knew how to force his frame to feel pleasure, when… All he wanted was to be forced without consideration for how he felt. Couldn’t they go back to that? But no, Megatron didn’t allow that. All there was for Sideswipe was the energy in his frame, the sensation his body thought of as positive, told him that he had only felt this good during the orgies—but that this time, there was no signal driving his frame. Just Megatron.
Sideswipe met his gaze, but didn’t think he could’ve read it even if he had had the processing power to think past simple things. His thoughts were so jumbled and always came back to the ecstasy. Always.
“Do you belong to me?”
He was going to fry parts of him at this rate, but Megatron forced him past that knife’s edge until Sideswipe was crying out, and crying. His optics wanted to close, but a growl from Megatron’s engine was enough to make him override that urge.
Instead all he could do was stare into the red gaze of his personal nightmare, shaking and at another’s mercy in a way he could’ve never wanted.
“Do you belong to me?”
Tears ran from the corners of his optics when Megatron snapped his hips just right and Sideswipe shuddered through another overload.
“Do you belong to me?”
He wanted to close his optics. He wanted to close his optics so bad and not have to see reality anymore. His reality was torment.
Megatron drove him towards another overload. He wouldn’t be able to stop it, and there would only be more after it, and Megatron wasn’t overloading himself and when was this going to end..?
He didn’t belong to anyone.  
And yet the answer he whispered was, “Yes.”
There wasn’t another overload. Megatron slowed his pace instead, and Sideswipe didn’t know if that was better or worse because if anything, it kept him on a level of arousal he had never felt in his life before ending up here… But even if he had overloaded, it would only have landed him back in the same place, wouldn’t it?
Megatron did what he wanted.
“Do you like me inside you?” The words were punctuated by a slow, deep push of Megatron’s hips, and Sideswipe bit back his moan a split second before it would’ve been too late.
He wasn’t quite on the edge of an overload, but the pleasure. He wasn’t going to lose his mind. He wasn’t going to lose his mind.
He wasn’t going to lose his mind. “No.”
Megatron made a sound, almost like a chuckle—definitely amused. “Don’t lie, Sideswipe.”
The tyrant’s pace recovered from its languid pace until Sideswipe couldn’t keep himself from moaning. It got rougher and faster, and still it wouldn’t feel bad. Megatron drove into his frame with so much of his strength, Sideswipe was sure his plating wasn’t going to withstand it–
And it just
And once he was right at the peak, Megatron said, “Overload.”
Like all past times, he timed it just right, and Sideswipe reached his overload a second after.
When the tension of it left him, it took all other tension with it too. He had his physical limits, and Primus, they were tested. 
But Megatron didn’t come, and Megatron didn’t stop. He just continued building the next overload, and what then? The next, and the next, and the next?
How much longer could he take this? Did Megatron have no limits himself?
“Do you like me inside you?”
Was there any winning? Had there even been any winning?
“Optics open, Sideswipe.”
He wanted to keep them closed, he wanted to keep them closed with everything he was, but Sideswipe forced them back open, forced himself to meet Megatron’s steady gaze that wouldn’t let up any more than the motion of his hips would let up.
“Do you like me inside you?”
Please, just stop.
Megatron’s engine revved, the vibrations traveling straight into Sideswipe and pushing him right to the cusp of however manienth overload too many.
And Megatron knew. “Overload.”
Sideswipe sobbed through the crackle of charge, weaker than any past time, but only because his frame was starting to run dry. His batteries were nearly depleted, as his HUD told him in no unclear terms. 
He couldn’t take it. He could take it even less when Megatron finally chose to overload too, the massive burst of charge from his frame tipping Sideswipe right over the edge all over again. He screamed.
Megatron didn’t stop. The thrusts turned into little more than grinding against Sideswipe’s array for the duration of pumping his transfluid into Sideswipe, but as soon as that was over… Megatron continued right where he left off.
And Sideswipe despaired. He would have wanted to pull away, but there was no direction for him to move. He would have wanted to push Megatron away, but his servos were still held.
He wanted to escape, but he couldn’t. 
“You’ll break me,” he said instead when yet another overload neared him, meeting Megatron’s gaze with desperation, pleading. There was only so much a frame could take.
This was how much Sideswipe’s could take.
And Megatron said, “I will.”
What was he expecting? Sideswipe wasn’t sure, but the utter lack of pity still had his tears running more numerous, knowing he had no way to prevent any of this. Megatron remained between his legs, his spike continued to move in and out of him, he kept his servos pinned against the berth, and there was nothing he could do about it. He could only meet Megatron’s optics and feel every second that preceded the inevitable. The pleasure mounted, his frame shook–
It peaked, the charge burst, and there was nothing left in him.
He’d never once in his life needed recharge as badly as he did right then, and blissfully, he was allowed to have it. His chronometer said two full days had passed before his frame roused. Even so, things were sluggish to come back online, as if he still hadn’t had enough of pitch black slumber that hadn’t even included defragging. 
Sideswipe’s thoughts finally awoke and caught up fully right on the moment when the sound of movement registered as the likely cause for what had disturbed him out of his recharge. He would’ve wanted to snap his optics open, but instead of a sharp response from his systems, they flickered online far too slowly. Sideswipe directed them towards the doorway the moment he could.
He was still in Megatron’s quarters, still on his berth, and the unmaker himself was stacking datapads on his desk, two cubes of energon also sitting on the surface.
How long had he been there? Sideswipe had no way of knowing, but quickly leveraged himself up on his elbows. It earned him a glance that had him stiffening, but Megatron didn’t provide more than the mild observation of, “You’re awake.”
Yes, he was. Wow, what a truly astute statement.
But Sideswipe didn’t say anything. Megatron set the datapads to the side and picked up the cubes, walking over to the berth with them. Sideswipe sat up fully on his approach and automatically took the cube handed to him–
Only to then blink at it dumbly once its scent reached him.
It wasn’t just any energon. The damn thing was high grade.
He still didn’t say anything, but Sideswipe’s optics flicked up the tyrant only to find him already watching him. His confusion was probably written all over him, because Megatron offered an explanation without any more prompting. “You’ll need the charge,” he was told as an offhand comment and not like the answer full of implications that it was. 
Sideswipe’s optics dropped back to the cube, his digits tightening around it. So. How many more overloads was Megatron planning to give him to see fit to put some extra charge in his systems beforehand?
He didn’t want any of them. 
“Is this necessary?” Sideswipe asked quietly. The whiff of the high grade rose into his olfactory sensors. It was good quality like everything else here. Nothing like the slag he’d had back in Iacon. No doubt it would taste spectacular, but…
“Do you not enjoy it?”
What? Enjoy being forced to overload to the point of his systems straight up offlining from depleting all of their charge? Sideswipe’s servos clenched further, and a worse quality cube might’ve given at the amount of pressure he was applying. Not this one, though. “…Not really,” was the very honest answer he gave.
And all Megatron said to that was, “You will.”
His frame started to shake, and it had nothing to do with the still low charge in his batteries. His optics wet all over again until quiet tears ran down the seams of his face, but Sideswipe brought the cube to his lips with unsteady servos and took a sip. He was right. The taste was fantastic.
Everything it meant… Less so. His spark ached with the feeling of being so utterly trapped. Megatron would have his way, and was he even wrong? Could Megatron be wrong? He’d proven himself inevitable every step of the way, shown that he was always going to get what he wanted in the way he wanted. Resistance meant nothing. 
If he said Sideswipe was going to enjoy this, who was Sideswipe to disagree? 
“Drink,” Megatron prompted him when Sideswipe sat in still silence for too long after that first taste. He would’ve wanted to say no so badly. Would Sunstreaker have thrown the whole fragging cube at Megatron? Told him to go frag himself?
Sideswipe didn’t have the strength. It wouldn’t have gotten him anything in the end, anyway. 
So the cube was raised to his mouth again, and Sideswipe set to drink its contents. The charge almost burned on its way down, but the feeling wasn’t unpleasant. The taste wasn’t unpleasant. The texture wasn’t unpleasant. Nothing about it was unpleasant.
Yet everything about it was.
He dispersed the cube once it was empty. Megatron had finished his own energon by now too, and Sideswipe wasn’t entirely wrong in his expectation that he'd be grabbed right away. Megatron got on the berth and Sideswipe spread his legs for him, and though there was no outright grabbing, he was still pushed down firmly but gently, until he was laying all the way on his back, his legs spread around Megatron’s hips.
Someone had cleaned up the mess he’d no doubt left behind, and him while at it, but his valve cover was still open and Megatron took the invitation—not to shove his spike in, though, but digits instead. Just two, which wasn’t for the best. If he’d been more impatient, it might’ve even felt bad. He was dry by now.
But the caution worked to do the opposite. He didn’t want that.
“Look at me,” Megatron ordered and Sideswipe grimaced internally. The ceiling would’ve been much more inviting to look at, but reluctantly Sideswipe directed his optics to the tyrant anyway. Megatron met his gaze, his digits intent in Sideswipe’s valve. His frame was heating up, interface array taking increasing interest as Megatron played him with far too much skill for someone who so often just took what he wanted. “Whose digits are inside you?” Megatron asked.
What was with all the questions? Sideswipe still didn’t know, but murmured the obvious answer, “Yours.”
“Who am I?”
“What is my title?”
“Lord of Kaon.”
“What am I to you?”
He didn’t want to do this. Sideswipe bit his lip and would’ve averted his optics, if just the slightest motion in that direction hadn’t been enough to have Megatron’s engine rumble in warning. So he didn’t and instead stared evil in the optic as he responded, “My mate and master.” 
Just… Don’t think about what he was saying. It didn’t mean anything. It wasn’t true.  
“Who do you belong to?”
…But it was so hard to do that. Near impossible when he had to look at Megatron every step of the way, focus on him. Hear him and feel him, the things he was doing to his frame. “You.”
Megatron didn’t say anything to that, but his field held just the slightest taste of approval. Sideswipe didn’t want it, but hadn’t he earned it? He was giving Megatron what he wanted. Why?
Because he had no other choice, and because it served their end goal. He had to remember that. Gain Megatron’s trust enough to be allowed to leave the palace, so that they could escape.
He just had to… Had to survive this. Whatever this was. Sideswipe’s vents hitched when Megatron hooked against a sensory cluster and a little more lubricant joined in on what was already slicking his valve.
“Does this feel good?” he was asked.
“No,” he answered.
“Don’t lie, Sideswipe.”
He was lying, they both knew it. It only became all the more obvious when a soft scrape of Megatron’s claw twips against different sensors had him moaning before he could silence himself. The tyrant seemed to take that as a sign that he was ready, which wasn’t untrue; he was getting properly wet and he was hot. The high grade was beginning to buzz in his systems, only adding to his frame’s interest.
Megatron released his spike, but before he pushed in, he caught Sideswipe’s helm and bent it forward like before, and Sideswipe propped himself up on his elbows like before. Only once he had the perfect view of the process did Megatron slowly begin to press himself inside, and Sideswipe had to see every terrible inch that disappeared into him—feel it every time Megatron pulled a little out, then pushed further in. His calipers gave way and his mesh stretched around the tyrant’s girth, and it didn’t hurt.
He was crying again.
Once Megatron had pushed all the way inside, pressing against Sideswipe’s ceiling node, he held there for a moment… Then started to move. His pace was lazy, slow, but that didn’t help anyone. Air gushed from Sideswipe’s vents as the unwanted pleasure started to build, slow but steady.
“Who’s inside you?”
Whose spike could he see pressing into his valve, only to pull back out glistening with his lubricant—whose spike could he feel fragging him, stroking against his inner sensors and filling him so perfectly. “Yours.”
“What’s my name?”
“Do you belong to me?”
Megatron rumbled, but aside from that and the sound of their hips colliding at an increasing pace, there were few blissful moments of silence that Sideswipe spent… Trying to pretend it was… He didn’t know what. He couldn’t deny it was real when it was all around him. Not as bad as his spark told him it was? Probably that. Just make it through.
Until they could get out.
Just make it through to that point. His denta clenched as the faster, harder thrusts awakened his frame good and proper, forcing him to bite back his moans and forcing him to listen to the rev of Megatron’s engine, because for once, for fragging once the mech was actually letting himself be affected. They both were, Sideswipe just a pit of a lot more involuntarily. His hips twitched first, before they jerked into the harsh thrusts against his better sense. His vision blurred again, but pits, he didn’t have it in him to keep his frame from moving into the pounding he was receiving.
He didn’t want to find it enjoyable, pleasurable, but that was exactly what it was, and his vents quickened and stuttered just to slagging broadcast how badly this was getting to him, as if the rest of him didn’t already do that. 
But he didn’t moan, he didn’t groan, he didn’t so much as whine even as he approached his climax. It didn’t make one jack of a difference, but it still made him feel a little better.
And again, once he was just one little thing away from there, Megatron said, “Overload.”
It was never the order that did it, but Megatron always timed it to something, and he did so this time too. This time it was the tyrant’s own overload, and the combination of the bloom of heat at the back of his valve and the charge jumping to him from Megatron’s frame was plenty enough to push Sideswipe over the edge. He tensed from helm to pede as his own frame followed Megatron’s lead, his valve clenching erratically around the length buried deep in him and drawing further come from the spike.
Disgust welled in him, but what could he do about it?
But if nothing else, once Megatron had climbed down from his high a little, he released Sideswipe’s helm. Sideswipe… Didn’t do anything at that, frozen in place to stare where Megatron’s spike disappeared into his frame. The tyrant spent a few more moments not moving, though Sideswipe could feel his gaze resting on him. 
It didn’t last. “Look at me,” Megatron told him again, and without ever wanting to, Sideswipe lifted his helm to meet his optics. There wasn’t anything in particular to read there, Megatron keeping his expression and field neutral. 
If it had just been possible to catch even a glimpse of what went on in his helm and spark, not just his actions… Though his actions alone spoke plenty.
He was evil.
Sideswipe wanted to squeeze his optics shut so tight when Megatron started to rock again, but he knew he wasn’t allowed any amount of escape from the situation. He could’ve tried, but Megatron would’ve just warned him, and handed out consequences if he didn’t listen. 
The pleasure built, and with it, the questions came back. Who was in him. What was his name. What was his title. What was he to him. Did he belong to him.
He answered like he was supposed to. 
He was told to overload, and something was done to make him do just that.
Over and over. There were… So many overloads. Some almost hurt, some were pure ecstasy, but he could never deny the pleasure Megatron never once allowed to abate in him. Megatron overloaded quite a few times himself, too, at least proving that he was rather enjoying this.
Sideswipe wasn’t. His frame was, but Sideswipe wasn’t.
Who was ‘facing him. What was his name. Did he belong to him.
And he was told to overload.
He didn’t offline again, Megatron didn’t drive him to that point. Maybe because he cooperated. There was no need to push him to his absolute limit, was there? He did what he was supposed to—either met Megatron’s optics, or stared at parts of Megatron fragging his valve. It was always either or.
He said all the right things, and still it just continued. He didn’t offline again, but he still needed long recharges between their… Sessions, so deep he couldn’t always even defrag during them. Megatron didn’t give him midgrade, just high grade, giving his systems that little extra boost that was always fully expended once Megatron was through with him. He never had the time to recharge his batteries fully, and still he was burning through more energon in the attempt than what he was intaking.
Whose spike was in him. Whose digits were in him.
Megatron’s, Megatron’s, Megatron’s. 
Overload. Always he said that.
Even without counting the days he spent in recharge, the time Megatron kept him stretched to an orn, then orns. He was slagging… Provided with a datapad without connection to the datanet but with games and movies downloaded on it to keep himself occupied when Megatron wasn’t present. When Megatron was present, there was a pit of a lot of ‘facing, as usual. He helped Megatron wash quite a few times too, and got at least the worst of the mess of transfluid and lubricant off his groin when that happened.
But a new mess was always made right after.
He recharged a lot of the time Megatron wasn’t around, but though he didn’t want to, he also recharged many of the nights he spent next to the tyrant, on his berth. He didn’t want to, but pit, he was tired. Increasingly so without either adequate recharge or adequate energon compared to the amount Megatron was making him use. 
Who was his mate.
Who was his master.
Who did he belong to.
Orns. So many orns the exhaustion grew until it was nearly enough to make him straight up delirious. He didn’t feel like he ever woke fully anymore, but still there was the ‘facing, and still there were the answers, spoken automatically by now. He knew what Megatron wanted to hear. He delivered.
Megatron’s digits were thrusting in and out of Sideswipe’s valve, a process Sideswipe was watching without really registering what he was seeing. It was like a waking dream that–
“Does this feel good?” Megatron asked.
“Yes,” Sideswipe answered.
–That felt good. Pleasurable.
More days, until he was surprised he remained online at all. Somehow he did, and Megatron was fragging him again, his spike alternating its pace in ways that made it impossible for Sideswipe to tune it out even in his weariness. His hips were jerking into the thrusts in fitful motions, his gaze locked on Megatron’s, and if everything else was a little hazy and surreal, the burn of the tyrant’s optics was not. “Do you like me inside you?” Megatron asked him.
Sideswipe didn’t lie. “Yes.”
He wasn’t even sure anymore. There were too many orns for him to care count them, and he was tired, and there was always more ‘facing, more overloads that were accompanied by the familiar order seconds before them.
There was one this time too. Megatron told him to overload, and at his next thrust, Sideswipe did, and Megatron did too, and his valve became an even bigger of a mess than it already was. He didn’t bother pushing himself up when Megatron pulled out and moved to the edge of the berth, sitting there to wipe himself clean.
He just wanted to recharge. If Megatron left, he’d have the perfect time to do that. 
Things went a little aside from what had become the ordinary, though. “You’re dismissed,” Megatron said, glancing back at him. Sideswipe met his gaze, a little confused.
Megatron’s optics narrowed just so in what looked like amusement. “You can return to the harem.”
And with that, the tyrant got up and… Left.
Sideswipe lay there in proper daze for a while longer before the words really registered. Even once they did, he didn’t exactly leap at his sudden freedom. It was with an inordinate amount of effort that he closed his cover, gathered his heavy limbs and scooted to the edge of the berth, dropping down and predictably not staying on his pedes. He hadn’t needed to be up in a while anyway. Megatron had probably judged he would’ve been useless as a washing aid, and hadn’t asked for that, so… Here he was, not really sure he even remembered how to walk anymore. It didn’t help that his frame was still buzzing. Every sensor felt thrice too sensitive, pinging him with pleasant little zaps that did nothing for his concentration.
But no, he needed to focus. One pede under him first, then the other. Up. There. He could do this.
He followed along the wall the whole way to the berthroom door, using it as a support, then doing the same in the lounge, and the hallway after that. There was no sight of Megatron, not that he had expected there to be. He made it to the door undisturbed, and like it wouldn’t have in a long time, it now opened to him.
On the other side were the guards, but also Skywarp that Sideswipe recognized blearily. The Seeker had one look at him before snickering. “Had a good time?”
Slag no. “Spectacular,” Sideswipe croaked, one hand on the doorway and considering how the pit he was supposed to stay on his pedes if he took a step away from it.
Skywarp was there to help, though, and stepped over to wrap an arm about his waist. Sideswipe murmured a quiet thanks and heavily used the flier to prop himself up as they made their way back to the harem’s doors. “Sunstreaker’s been really worried without you there,” Skywarp said. Sideswipe registered the words after a delay and frowned once he did. “I’ve kept telling him to fuel and recharge and take care of himself, but you two really don’t do well apart.”
They kind of didn’t, did they? Sideswipe made some sort of sound of acknowledgment, and where he hadn’t really looked forward to a return to the harem as much as he had expected he would, he did begin to anticipate getting back to Sunstreaker. His brother probably wouldn’t even be as shiny as he was supposed to be, anymore. They’d need to fix that… Later. Once he’d fueled and recharged. And Sunstreaker too, from the sounds of it.
As was right, Sunstreaker was right on the other side of the harem wing’s doors once they opened. Sideswipe could see his irritable impatience at not being allowed to step outside the wing himself, but waited just until Sideswipe had stepped over the threshold with Skywarp before shoving a cube of midgrade into his servos and taking his weight off Skywarp. The Seeker left without a word, but did give them a smile with a flick of his wings as he parted.
Sunstreaker paid him no mind, but Sideswipe did, before he realized to wonder how Sunstreaker had known he’d need energon.
In answer Sunstreaker pulsed their spark, and… Apparently he wasn’t as withdrawn from his brother as he had thought he was.
“How much did you feel?” Sideswipe asked. He must’ve gotten too tired to keep from passing everything on at some point. Considering how long he’d been in a state of constant exhaustion, that could’ve been… A while ago.
His shoulders slumped, but Sunstreaker just caught his servos and used his hold to direct the cube to Sideswipe’s lips. “A lot,” his twin answered once Sideswipe took a big gulp of the warm liquid, his frame thanking him profusely for even that much. “We’ll sync later. You need recharge first.”
Sideswipe focused a bit further inward than just his half of them and took note of Sunstreaker’s own tiredness. He wasn’t really functioning at max capacity anymore, as Skywarp had suggested. “You too,” Sideswipe noted at that. Sunstreaker didn’t even try to deny it, just nodded.
Megatron could really… Stop separating them. At least for so long.
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fandom-go-round · 3 years
Hcs about Tfp Sg Shockwave?
Shockwave loves coming to Earth. It’s so exciting to be on a planet that’s new and alive and teaming with life. He’s dedicated to learning everything he can and making this his new home. He quickly becomes a huge animal activist, helping to preserve species that are going extinct.
He’s still very serious and doesn’t talk a lot, which can give him a rep of being stand offish. Once people start talking to him, however, they quickly see that he’s a mech of actions, not words. As the back-up medic for Knockout, he’s always ready to help those that need repairs.
Shockwave believes that science should be used to help people and further sentient life. He can’t stand mechs who would use it to hurt others or try to destroy other worlds. Wheeljack is one of the mechs that Shockwave loathes to respect; he’s a sharp mech but he’s evil to the core.
He’s a little wary of humans at first, if only because they’re so small and get underfoot easily. He feels for the children in the Autobot’s ‘care’ and works as quickly as possible to free them. Shockwave grows to appreciate humans and their planet, being one of the surprising supporters of Megatron’s plan to stay on Earth.
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amaltheeia · 4 years
Another writing warmup, because Proteus gives me the creeps and I’m projecting that onto Shockwave.
warnings for: stalking, threats of violence (implied), just proteus
His first mistake is taking the balcony exit.
For those with aerial alt-modes, it provides a quicker escape from the noise that is the interim conference centre. Meetings here are rare--usually only for the select few that occupy what he’s started calling the inner circle--but the Senate building is under modification. Something to do with Sentinel and the guard introducing tighter security measures. Cameras, audio equipment, the whole brigade. 
He’s not one to lay down on these things, but Proteus has him beat. Argue against them, and you’re apathetic to the safety of the general public. As he’s pushed out of the fold, he’s had to learn some hard truths about what the future is going to be like. A lot of giving, not so much taking.
But speak of the undertaker: there Proteus is. He can’t be missed, not with his gold trim that reflects every ray of light that crosses him. He’s glowing like some kind of deity. To many, he is: he’s become a symbol of malfeasance, the protector of the corrupt.
He hopes to sidestep him and be on his way. Unluckily for him, Proteus turns just as Shockwave exits, and waves away the mech he’d been talking to, mid-speech.
“Senator Shockwave,” he calls out. It’s loud enough for everyone in the general vicinity to hear. “Come join me.”
He knows what he’s doing. To ignore him would make Shockwave look rude. Proper social etiquette leashes him, dragging him over to Proteus.
He walks close enough to be heard, and then spits out the first excuse that comes to mind. “I have work at the Academy, I’m afraid.” He forces a smile onto his face. “Another time, maybe, so I can fully appreciate what you have to say.”
“Oh shush. Spare a click, come here.” His voice hardens, as if to push Shockwave into believing it’s an order. As if to make matters more humiliating, he points down at the ground to where he wants Shockwave to be.
Shockwave tests the weight on his pedes, then walks over. He eyes Proteus with suspicion, keeping a reasonable, but far, distance between them. 
Proteus takes note with a soft grunt that pushes hot air out of his vents. The exhaust fans over Shockwave, a brief pause in the cool night air.
“I’m sure you don’t scoff and moan as much when you’re asked to speak to Dai Atlas.”
“Because Dai Atlas and I are friends.”
“Ouch,” Proteus says, smiling. “No time like the present, however.”
Shockwave can’t tell if he’s joking. To play it safe, he doesn’t chuckle. Proteus doesn’t like being made into a humorous subject.
(He’d hate hearing about the jokes the outliers make. They get pretty creative.)
He hopes the pursuing silence will convince Proteus this is a waste of time, but for the second time that night, he doesn’t get lucky. Proteus is still circling his kill.
Proteus eyes him thoroughly. “What colours are you thinking of next?”
“You scratch at the finish on your fins when you’re thinking of a colour change.”
It stabs at something deep inside of Shockwave, a fear he didn’t realize he could have until the words left Proteus’ mouth. The other Senator wastes no time elaborating on it either.
“What’ll be this time--oh, let me think,” he raises a hand to his temples, “what colour haven’t you done in a while? It’s getting hard to remember, with how often you change it.”
Shockwave pauses. It’s an odd question, one he’s not sure is asked with complete innocence.
No point in lying though. “Blue and red, if you must know.”
“Blue and red,” Proteus repeats. His mouth curls. “It’ll be hard to tell us apart.” As if it’s supposed to be a compliment to him.
“Not your shade. Something lighter,” says Shockwave, almost overlapping Proteus before he can finish.
A dark shadow passes over Proteus’ face, taking the humour along with it. The Proteus he knows from the closed Senate sessions comes out, and gone is the benevolent persona he wears for his constituents.
“I don’t see why you’re so,” he grits his denta, “hostile to me. You do all this work to counter us and always leave with nothing to show for it.” 
“You wouldn’t understand why I do it.”
“I don’t. You turn on the very system that gives you what you have now.”
Shockwave shrugs. “I’m afraid we were never meant to compromise. You see what you’re doing as justified, as I do my own ambitions. That won’t change. Respect our differences, and there shouldn’t be any trouble.”
“That’s what you choose to believe. We all have a choice.”
“Not when it’s concerning what’s right.”
Proteus’ face twists. “Cut the slag,” he snarls. “We don’t exist in a binary. It’s not good and evil, it’s just better or worse. Good mechs do horrible things all the time, but it’s for the greater good. You just never learned that.”
“Or maybe you just can’t see it, because it wouldn’t fit your vision.”
On cue, Proteus looks up at his sky spies, no doubt with a few lenses pointed at them. “You do right by the criminals and leakers that come to you for help, instead of what’s best for everyone. That’s why our visions are different. If you had your way, the whole of the Senate would collapse.”
Shockwave flexes his fingers, saying nothing.
“Speaking of criminals: that cop of yours, Orion Pax, was out by the Ark-1 Monument a cycle ago. He seemed happy to see you. How about that?” says Proteus, with only a hint of glee. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s back from the dead.”
Shockwave flinches, though he keeps his faceplates clear. “Were you spying on me?”
“It’s not spying if it’s in public, and you’re a very distinctive mech.”
Proteus has the added size to intimidate him with. Shockwave takes a step back from the balustrade.
“What I do outside of the Senate is none of your business.”
He can’t move much farther back without drawing the attention of others, which is exactly what Proteus wants. An audience only ever benefits him.
“Not when you’re a Senator.” Proteus’ voice has turned deep. “What’s the concern? If you’re not doing anything wrong...”
“It’s an invasion of my privacy! You have no right.”
“We’re living amid the Clampdown.” The words spatter like acid. “No one has the right to privacy. Since you’re always so up our afterburners about practicing what we preach, I thought you’d be pleased.”
“Pleased? Forgive me for not finding the thought of you hanging over my shoulder reassuring.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. I’m protecting you.”
Shockwave tenses up. The urge to shout profanities is off the scale, but he knows it will only give Proteus ammo.
Proteus takes over: “Call them what you will--I think Decepticons has become the universal term. Someone like you--high profile--is at risk.”
“Well, call it luck that I befriended a police chief then.”
Shockwave looks over his shoulder, trying to discern whether it’d be a good idea to depart from the conversation now.
Proteus advances on him, forcing himself into Shockwave’s line of sight. The look of satisfaction on his faceplates Shockwave’s tanks churn.
“Orion Pax cannot protect you. It would be wise to reassess where you have put your allies.”
“I don’t need the protection of anyone, thank you.”
“Really? In times like this, you need more than a police chief to be sure that those conspiring against you aren’t about to get the upper hand.”
“Meaning you?”
It tames the other mech’s expression. “Oh, come now. As I said, it’s not too late to give up this pursuit of yours.”
“I’ll take my chances.”
Proteus takes him by the arm before he can step away. Shockwave pulls, but Proteus won’t release him.
“Don’t test my patience. I’m giving you a chance here.” He leans in close. “If you know what’s best for you, you’ll darken that shade of blue, Shockwave, and accept my offer.”
“I don’t need handouts, especially not from you,” he growls, taking his arm back.
He prides his ability to keep his voice stable, considering it’s Proteus he’s talking to. There’s something larger than them that’s being propositioned here. Accepting anything he says, even something minor, will spin into some big conflict, he’s sure.
He quits while he’s ahead, turning his back on Proteus in a way he’s sure will be bruising to the ego. Leave Proteus without the last word and he combusts on the spot. 
Which he does.
“You fancy him!” Proteus shouts, as if an accusation. The words singe his backstruts. It makes Shockwave turn, out of fear someone else will hear and speculate if Proteus continues.
Proteus’ grin is not kind. He shortens the distance between them once more. “You always did have a thing for dissenters. A shame; power should be kept in the Senate.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“He’s an Autobot, yes?” Without waiting for an answer, he proceeds. “Self-proclaimed, and all. Mechs like him, they won’t last long. He’s going to keep speaking up, and it’ll be the death of him.”
The thought of Orion and death in the same sentence makes his spark ache. Anger quickly replaces it, surging up and out of his voice box before he can hold it back.
“You don’t touch him.” He shakes with fury.
“Always so emotional.” Proteus smirks. “How about I make you a deal: I don’t touch him, and in return--“
Shockwave points a finger at him. “There’s no ‘in return,’ you don’t touch him.”
Proteus grabs his hand and takes it in his own. His grip threatens to disfigure the joints. Trying to provoke him, no doubt. Or at least, that’s what he chooses to believe. The other option is a lot less pleasant. 
“You don’t call the shots here,” he hums. “So you should probably think about being nicer to me. For both his sake and yours.”
Shockwave doesn’t humour him with another word. He’s down the winding steps and headed Primus knows where before Proteus can say any more. Consequences be damned, he won’t subject himself to another minute of that nonsense.
His first thought is to go to his sanctuary, his School, but armed with the knowledge that Proteus has been following him, it isn’t a risk he’s wanting to take. Those ice-cold optics pierce him long after he’s gone, following him into the next cycle and then on.
He doesn’t know the extent of Proteus’ envy. His anger, he’s familiar with. It's made to look restrained, but can easily be minded if you know him personally. 
Envy? Oh, it makes bigger mechs devolve into an entire moral upheaval. And Proteus never had morals to begin with. He loathes to think about what he’ll do to Orion, and how he’ll justify it when the dust has settled. All in the name of a conquest.
Suffice it to say, he’s more worried about Orion than he is himself. That’s his second mistake.
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