#shockwave x elita
bambeebirdie · 6 months
There are two things involving Shockwave and Elita-1 I’d really love to see in a transformers series (they are not compatible):
1. Them being absolutely enemies. Elita and Shockwave hate each other. They got like 4 billion years of extra war between them and they cannot stand even the sight of one another. Optimus and Megatron wish they hated each other as much as Shockwave and Elita do. They should get to be silly, terrible rivals at least once, please <3
2. Shockwave and Elita-1 ending the war on Cybertron and for a more crack version of this getting together too. Genuinely I’d be so into a series where like Optimus and Megatron establish communication back with Cybertron and the war is just over. Even funnier the war is over and their respective romantic partners are now married
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yandere-wishes · 2 months
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The more I study electronics the more I'm positive whoever came up with Transformers smut terms was studying something in the electronics engineering field.
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clownswithshoes · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day <3333
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello! It's me Again! Firstly, I want to say thank you so much and I really enjoy/love it!
If it's okay to request could you do another part of this request (Elita One's twin sister w/ Sg Blackarachnia)?
The reactions/interactions of other Cons, Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle (you can change/add Wasp or other cons, if you like);
Or reactions/interactions of Autobots (team Prime)?
(Takes place after reuniting with Optimus Prime, Autobots meeting Bot and their reactions/interactions to her)
also if it's okay to make a one of them as a separate request?
(Sorry if it's too much/complicated. Also take your time and thank you so much!)
She is back!!! Our Spider is back!!
I will be posting the second part to this request later on.
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister with SG! Blackarachnia's personality reaction to Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle, and Wasp
SFW, Platonic, Hint of Romantic, Slight Angst, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
As Megatron’s personal and only medic in the Decepticon army, Buddy sometimes had to travel where he went. From across the mountains to someone on the opposite end of the screen. That was how she got to know many mechs in the army.
“We are going out.”--Megatron
“You and I.”--Megatron
“Me? Sorry, not today My Lord. I have to work on the med bay.”--Buddy
“What needs to be done in the med bay?”--Megatron
“Not going to tell you because then you’re just going to get someone else to do it. And no one here can organize my stuff the right way. I was trying to fix Blitzwing’s servo, my tool kit was nowhere to be found. For about half an hour I was searching for it, and it was under your throne. Who puts stuff there?”—Buddy
“You have been stuck here for the last couple of cycles. I do think it is wise for you to get out and stretch your struts.”--Megatron
“You would love to see that wouldn’t you?”--Starscream
“Wait what did he say?”--Buddy
“Nothing! We are going!”--Megatron
Megatron grabbing Buddy’s servo and leaving without a word.
When Buddy met Shockwave, it was through the main screen in the Decepticon HQ on Earth.
Shockwave had all her information from her Academy records. To say he was skeptical of Buddy’s position on the team was an understatement.
It wouldn’t be the first time the Decepticons would have a former Autobot change sides. No doubt Buddy would be the last one to do so either.
In this case, however, it nearly seemed too good to be true.
Shockwave going through going through Buddy’s file before the video meeting.
“Let’s see here… death certificates with no body found… former student at the Autobot Academy…several medical certifications, impressive… Special powers? Strange... Excellent marksmanship… Former protégé of some field tech, boring… Most likely to follow the Prime status? Unexpected but nothing more…what… had connections with Ultra Magnus?!”--Shockwave
It truly seemed too good to be true, but he kept quiet about his skepticism to himself. His first step was to get close to Buddy and try and get some information on them. Maybe find out if she is a mole or any potential blackmail material.
Shockwave was expecting someone sketchy trying to fill in the stereotypical Decepticon role or an Autobot with a poor, and or, offensive Con skit memorized.
Not someone who had their own unique style that would be associated with Decepticonism and who deeply cared for their comrades.
“Lord Megatron.”--Shockwave
“This is our newest chief medical officer on Earth, Buddy.”--Megatron
“Hello Shockwave, it is a pleasure to meet you.”--Buddy
“Erm—thank you Buddy, is it? Such a peculiar name.”--Shockwave
“Yes, it isn’t a common name or one that sparks any fear into the sparks of the enemy but, that is who I am. How has your day been?”--Buddy
“My what?”--Shockwave
“Oh, sorry was that not an appropriate question to ask?”--Buddy
“I—it has been a good day as of now.”--Shockwave
“That’s good to hear. We can’t have one of the Decepticon’s top spy’s in a rough shape can we?”--Buddy
“Top spy?”--Shockwave
“Yes! I have read a little bit about your work through the reports.”--Buddy
“You’ve read my reports?”--Shockwave
“You’ve read some of the reports?”--Megatron
“Of course! They are interesting to read. And it also doesn’t help when you leave some of the data pads out in the open My Lord. Especially around my work area.”--Buddy
“Don’t you have to go and reorganize the medbay’s newest supplies?”--Megatron
“Oh yes! Good-bye Shockwave! I do hope to get to know you better and that your work is truly—”--Buddy
“All right, all right I’m going. Bye!”--Buddy
Buddy walks out of the room.
“… She seems like a nice addition to the medical wing.”--Shockwave
“… I am not looking for a relationship now, My Megatron. Anyways Buddy is not my type.”--Shockwave
Shockwave was left a bit confused after that interaction with Buddy. It only got worse once Buddy had willing gone to the screen to contact him.
“Hello Shockwave!”--Buddy
“Hello Buddy. Has something happened? This call was unscheduled.”--Shockwave
“I know but I wanted to talk to you.”--Buddy
“About what pray tell?”--Shockwave
“I’m not sure I am following…”--Shockwave
“Last call you seemed… well you seemed a little bit lonely. It cannot be easy keeping up the façade of being Longarm Prime all day, especially in front of the council, Ultra Magnus, and the entire Elite Guard.”--Buddy
“…It is not. But there are certain bots here that are a bit dimmer than the average bot. It makes things easier. One of the Prime’s has the IQ of a bag of rusty bolts.”--Shockwave
“Is that so? Ouch! Do tell more.”--Buddy
“I believe one of the Autobots are on to me.”--Shockwave
“Are you sure? Do you need back up or something?”—Buddy
“No, not at the moment.”--Shockwave
“Good, you can never be too safe.”--Buddy
Shockwave was in denial of the friendship that was forming through those calls. He didn’t need friends talking to his audial all day long!
It’s not like he looked forward to having those talks with Buddy.
Absolutely not.
It’s not like the two of them have swapped personal com lines to further talk about personal things and away from the prying optics of other Cons that entered the room.
It isn’t until one late night he realizes how deep he is in.
Longarm listening to yet another boring presentation with the other Primes, trying not to stab Sentinel’s big chin with a pen. His mind slowly wondering what Buddy is going to talk about this time when he tells them about Sentinel’s big chin.
He freezes.
Oh no…
He has a friend.
He has a good friend now.
How does one keep a good friendship like this from falling into pieces in the face of a war?!
A little while later Shockwave starts searching up ‘Ways to keep good friend’ on Bing.
Blurr opening the door, giving Shockwave just enough time to go back into Longarm form.
“I know there is a spy here Longarm! I can feel it—what are you looking up?”--Blurr
“Umm… engex bottles.”--Longarm
“Oh really! What years are you looking at? I personally think—”—Blurr
Longarm/Shockwave sagging in a bit of relief from the scare.
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Swindle and Lockdown met Buddy at a weapons meet.
Megatron had invited Buddy to meet his arms dealer and favorite mercenary, Swindle and Lockdown. Buddy didn’t get much information on the two, being that they were on the borderline sections of potentially ‘sell outs.’
“Lord Megatron, is there any more things I need to know about these two mechs?”--Buddy
“Lockdown will not speak out of line. He is more interested in getting the latest gadgets for his collections.”--Megatron
“Mod collector, got it. And this ‘Swindle’?”--Buddy
“Any price he tries to get you to buy is a terrible one. Leave the bargaining to me.”--Megatron
“And when you mean bargaining, you mean peacefully or using intimidation?”--Buddy
“You are impossible sometimes.”--Buddy
“Only for you.”--Megatron
“Here’s our stop.”--Megatron
Swindle had been told beforehand that Megatron was bringing someone else to meet him. The new medical chief, from what he understood.
He thought about displaying a couple more weapons for this new Con, maybe get them to buy something.
Swindle placing a big cannon on the table.
“That’s a bad idea Swindle.”--Lockdown
“Oh hush! You don’t know what he is like.”--Swindle
“First, she. Second, I did my homework.”--Lockdown
“But they could have a fascination in cannons once they see this beauty.”—Swindle
“Like I said, I did my homework. I heard around that the medic isn’t too found in weapons.”--Lockdown
“If that is true, then why would she even want to go to a weapons meet with Megatron?”--Swindle
“I don’t know—Speaking of which, look who’s here.”--Lockdown
Megatron landing on top of the platform with huge mechanical spider coming off of his back as they both transformed.
“I thought you said Earth spiders didn’t get that big!”--Swindle
“That’s the chief medical officer, numb nuts.”--Lockdown
The two Cons were not expecting Buddy.
Well, more Swindle, after all, Lockdown did do his homework.
Lockdown kept to himself while politely introducing himself to Buddy. She politely responded back with a small smile.
Swindle kept on showing the weapons to Megatron as the other two made small talk about modifications.
“Hey Buddy!”--Swindle
Lockdown mouthing ‘no’.
Megatron wondering what this was about.
Swindle wrapping an arm around Buddy.
Megatron’s optics are staring at it like it did a capital offense.
“What do you think of these bad boys? I’m sure that there is something here that has caught your attention.”--Swindle
“Oh? Sorry I’m just here to visit, I’m not interested in buying.”--Buddy
“Oh please, I’m sure we can work something out. You’re the new chief medical officer, right? How about I show you some of the tools I—”--Swindle
Lockdown coughing.
“Lockdown and I got at another exchange. Top notch and… and…”--Swindle
“Umm, Swindle are you feeling, okay? You’re looking a little bit queasy?”--Buddy
Swindle just now noticing the Death Glare Megatron was giving him, specifically at the arm still wrapped around Buddy’s frame.
Swindle quickly dropping it.
“How about this, Buddy. I give you these tools, for… free. For free, and you tell everyone at the base about the great deals you got here!”--Swindle
“I mean, I could—”--Buddy
“That’s wonderful! Here they are and here are the weapons you purchased Megatron!”—Swindle
Megatron still glaring but nodding.
“Oh! Okay, Bye Swindle and thank you for the tools. I’ll be sure to tell everyone back on base.”--Buddy
“Anytime Buddy!”--Swindle
“Good-bye Lockdown. I hope you have a good time finding those new mods!”--Buddy
“Much obliged Buddy, bye.”--Lockdown
Megatron and Buddy transforming, Buddy getting on Megatron’s back as he zooms out of there.
“… Did you soil yourself?”--Lockdown
Swindle brushed him aside and continued organizing his stuff in his chassis.
Lockdown just wondered if one day he might see Buddy again. It was nice to have someone else besides Swindle to talk to sometimes.
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Buddy met Wasp under less pleasurable circumstances.
Buddy had been taking a break from the stuffy base one night and decided to take a walk on one of the islands nearby.
They had been walking around the area when they heard noises.
Like rapid little pede steps.
It couldn’t have been the Dinobots. Their steps were a kin to a mini earthquake.
It was someone else.
Quickly, she webbed herself to a nearby tree and watched.
A small green mech appeared from the brush.
He looked scared.
But what could have scared him?
Sure, Grimlock and the others were a bit much but if they were after the mech then Buddy would have heard them.
No, someone or something else was after the small guy.
Buddy freezing.
“Wasp, I know you’re out there! Come out with your servos up!”--Sentinel
Wasp making more whinnying noises.
Buddy quickly snapped out of it and webs him up into the tree with her.
“Shh! Don’t scream, I’m here to help. But I can’t help you if you continue to scream, okay?”--Buddy
Wasp nodding slowly.
It was Optimus and Sentinel.
As much as Buddy wanted to know what was going on with both parties, her attention was on the shaky mech that looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
Wasp didn’t know what to think at that moment, but right now this bot was helping him get away from the Elite Guard so he decided to play along.
The Autobots suddenly came out of the brush.
Buddy and Wasp froze seeing them from their hiding place.
Wasp was already looking for a way out when he saw his savior start to shake.
At first, he thought it was out of anger and that they were going to pull out their weapon and start shooting up the place.
Until he saw her optics.
Big, wide, shaky, filled to the brim with fear.
He had seen those optics before. Those were his optics sometimes.
What had those Autobots had done to this Con to get a reaction like this?
Buddy thought that she had finally come to terms with everything that had happened, especially when Optimus showed up.
Seeing Sentinel there sent another wave of flashbacks her way. It was too much; it was too much. She knew that she should have been listening in on the conversation, it could drop some important information for the team.
But the flashes of Elita’s smile, Sentinel’s antics, and Optimus’s laughter filled her senses like no tomorrow.
Buddy was in such a shaky state she didn’t know it until the little green mech held her servo gently. Like one would do to their kid if something was scaring them.
He was trying to calm her down.
She slowly stopped the shaking as the Autobot’s left the area. After a bit more of waiting, the two climbed down the tree.
“Thank you. I’m sorry you had to see that. I was the one trying to help you and you ended up helping me.”--Buddy
“Wasp is glad you okay. Nice lady bot scaring Wasp a bit.”--Wasp
“Again, sorry about that… Wasp? Is that your name?”--Buddy
“Yes. This is Wasp.”--Wasp
“Well, I’m Buddy. You have some scratches on you. I have a med kit with me, I can fix those up right now if you want.”--Buddy
Wasp looking at Buddy hesitantly before nodding.
Buddy getting to work.
“You are doing such a good job at staying still Wasp. Most of my patients like to move a lot. You’re doing so much better than they are right now.”--Buddy
“Wasp doing good job?”--Wasp
“Yes, yes you are Wasp.”--Buddy
“Buddy bot too nice to Wasp.”--Wasp
“No one can be too nice Wasp. It’s just that sometimes… sometimes empathy can get lost in wars like this.”--Buddy
“Wasp don’t like Autobots.”--Wasp
“I feel you Wasp…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Buddy bot? Hurt Buddy bot bad?”--Wasp
“…Yeah, you could say that…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Wasp too.”--Wasp
“I’m sorry to hear that Wasp…”--Buddy
“Wasp sorry for Buddy bot…”--Wasp
“Welp, I finished fixing those scratches and dents.”--Buddy
“Thank you!”--Wasp
“…Would you like to come with me to the Decepticons? That way you’d be safe from the Autobots.”--Buddy
Wasp pausing not sure what to answer.
“Listen, you don’t have to answer that right away. That’d be selfish of me to expect that from you right now. This is my private channel, if you need me, just call me.”--Buddy
Wasp in amazement simply nodding.
“You take care okay, Wasp.”--Buddy
“Bye Buddy bot!”--Wasp
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healix17 · 6 days
Choose wisely
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ghost-spark-odyssey · 2 years
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I found a UK site selling 3rd party Transformers toys and picked my faves 😂
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The reason I want more ShockOp content is because I want Megatron to just be there looking from a corner and seeing how his boyfriend chose the big chest scientist over his poems
that's all, have a very happy Christmas!!
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random-fandom1984 · 2 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus Megatron Bumblebee Elita-1 Soundwave Shockwave Tarantulas Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Recently added
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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I am once again asking YOU... to help me brainstorm a fic to work through my ongoing slump. I'm on a merformer kick right now so I'm running with that, but can't decide which Earthspark bot to write in, so please vote and share! I'm imagining some scientific shenanigans result in the bot of choice gaining a third altmode with a tail.
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wyrm-with-a-why · 4 months
Ahem, and now a Tfa X dead cells au!
Optimus - the beheaded
Ratchet - The collector
Ultra Magnus - the king
Jazz - tutorial knight
Prowl - mentor knight
Elita one - time keeper
Blacksmith - Bulkhead
Hand of the king - Sentinal
Giant - Shockwave/Longarm
The Queen - Megatron
Conjunctivius - Lugnut
Concierge - Starscream
Scarecrow - Blitzwing
Blacksmiths assistant - Bumblebee
Guillian - Sari
Collectors intern - Soundwave
Scarab lady - blackarachnia
Other characters to be added : the tailor and his daughter(could be swapped for Isaac and sari), the modifier Guillian and the rude scribe, the sailor, mama tick, the servants
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Double swap au
Megatron will correct anything about the decepticons that was taught wrong or Optronix will tell him something that he learned in the academy and Megatron will call out its bias nature
I'm imagining now where Megatron starts fighting Elita and he brings up something he had learned and Elita just freaking out, how does he know that? And then she realizes that Optronix must have told him
Optronix helps Longarm/Shockwave to keep his identity hidden longer. How do the decepticon know x? Obviously it's from Optronix and now Megatron has two sources of intell on the autobots and the opinions of a bot who was one of Magnus chosen Primes
I think Magnus of pretty horrified when he discovers that Optimus has become a technorganic and a decepticon. He's distraught to find out one of his chosen is a traitor
Oooo yes yes, Megatron absolutely will not stand for slander unless it's him saying the slander
The fights between Elita and Megs have gotta be so cool, and yes. Megatron is pulling out all these facts and Lita doesn't know what the fuck to think about it
Yessss on Optronix helping Shockers keep cover and relaying even more information
Yess on Mags being horrified, I wonder if that ever happened in canon considering BA? she's also one of his chosen after all.
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lavender-jukebox · 9 months
Hello Friends!
Requests: Open 🟢
🔶️ Currently, I’m only writing for Transformer: Earthspark 🔶️
What I will write:
- Character x Reader
- Maybe Character x Character, depends
I will write for any gender
- Fluff
- Angst
- Headcannons/Oneshots/Imagines
📖Characters I will write for✏️:
(More characters will be added as the series goes on...hopefully)
Autobots: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Arcee, Elita-One, Wheeljack, Grimlock
Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream, Swindle, Hardtop, Soundwave, Skywarp, Nova Storm, Breakdown, Tarantulus, Shockwave
Humans: Dorthy/Dot, Alex, Agent Scholder, Agent Croft, Mandroid
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS: Twitch, Thrash, Nightshade, Hashtag, Jawbreaker, Frenzy, Ravage, Laserbeak
(If I missed anyone let me know or you can ask for them!)
🚨What I will NOT write for 🚨
- Pedophilia
- Rape
- Smut (I’m not comfortable writing that kind of stuff sorry)
That’s all for now! If I missed anything I will add on me I will update if requests are opened or not!
I hope you Enjoy!
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elfdragon12 · 6 months
So I know that the general perception of the Decepticons in the original G1 show is that they're "evil for evil's sake" and how there's been this ever growing trend in having the Decepticons be victims in their own right and that the Autobots tend to either be complacent or complicit in a corrupt government system.
However... When you go back to watch the first G1 series... There is a strong implication that the Autobots are the group of freedom fighters against an occupational military force.
The very first time that Optimus (as Orion Pax) and Megatron meet, it's as a dock worker (manual class/blue collar) being manipulated and attacked by the leader of military group. In the first episode, Bumblebee and Wheeljack are running for supplies behind enemy lines and are waylaid by a patrol of fighter jets. Elita-1's girl squad is a guerilla force against Shockwave's surveillance. There at least a couple of different times where the the Autobots end up helping other aliens from Decepticon military oppression (besides Earth), usually involving enslavement.
This is made extra clear in the Marvel comics as we see what Cybertron looks like under the rule of the Decepticon Strax(x)us.
Perhaps a little something to think about before the next "the Decepticons are actually right" story?
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What i will write for:
-Fem reader
-poly relationship
-AU's(just not A/B/O)
What i will not write for:
-Character x Character(depends on the character and show, if their a couple in one of the shows then I'll accept it)
Shows and characters i will write for:
-Transformers Earthspark: Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Elita-1, Megatron, Wheeljack, Robby Malto, Agent Schloder/Jon Schloder
-Transformers prime: Optimus Prime, Megatron, Breakdown, Bumblebee, Shockwave, Ratchet, Wheeljack(i don't write for them anymore)
-Transformers ROTB: Optimus Primal, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Mirage, Noah
-Batfamily: Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas
-Titans: Garfield Logan, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake
-Httyd/Drtte: Hiccup Haddock, Fishlegs, Snotloud
-bayverse ninja turtles: Ralphel, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Mikey, Donnatello, Vern, poly! Turtles brothers x reader(I don't write for them anymore)
-Mayhem ninja turtles: Ralphel, Leonardo, Mikey, Donnatello (i don't write for them anymore)
Arrow verse: Oliver Queen, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon
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autoacafiles · 11 months
So this has been something that's been asked for a few times, so after a long times work, here we have it! A hypothetical voice cast for the characters of Autobot Academy. If there's a character you don't see, it's as we don't want to rush figuring out a character. We may update this list in the future, however it'll be in our own time, so we won't be taking any questions about specific missing characters. And hey, if you have your own voices that don't match up with these, then feel free to stick with that!
Yuri Lowenthal - Hot Shot/Excellion II/DF Hot Shot/Ben Tennyson
Ashley Eckstein - Lightbright/Maxima/DF Lightbright
Tara Platt - Artillery/Maelstrom/ CG-11272017
ThunderPsyker - Bumblebee/Mjolnir
Morgan Garrett - Arcee/Diabla/Spidarcee
Nick “Lanipator” Landis - Rampage/Shockaract/Straxus
Brianna Knickerbocker - Transmutate/Transmutate X/Transmutate IX
Sam Vincent - Side Burn/Darkburn
Rick “Rice Pirate” Lauer - X-Brawn/Wrenchit
Chris Hackney - Mach Alert/Infernox/Lio Convo/Galva Convoy
Tiya Sicrar - Moonracer
Christine Marie Cabanos - Nightracer/Wipe-Out
Ashley Johnson - Glyph
Kanono - Tap-Out/AlbinoBug
Lizzie Caplin - Tremor/Shockblast
Erika Ishii - Sonar/Noisemaze
DoktorApplejuice - Armorhide/Armorbreak
Josh Keaton - Sideswipe/Firebreaker/Sunstreaker/Mismatch
Alejandro Saab - Steeljaw/Shatter-Pattern/Phantomjaw/Hellhound
Chris Miller - Thunderhoof
Sumalee Montano - Lodestar
Max Mittelan - Hosehead/Contagion
Sam Regal - Bomb-Burst
Kyle McCarley - Longshot
Ben Diskin - Misfire/Missilefire
Lucas Gilbertson - Saber/Dark Saber/Devcon/DF Devcon
Li Ming Hu - Hightail/Ravager
Mike Ginn - Gridlock/Ravager
Erica Mendez - Galaxy Flare
Michelle Ang - Riptide
Vanessa Marshal - Strongarm
Jill Harris - Nautica/DF Nautica
Courtney Ford - Muzzle
Nicolas Cantu - Wasp/DF Waspinator
Erin Fitzgerald - Convex
Archie Kao - Roadblock
Connor Kelley - Sky High
Haven Kendrick - Hot Rodimus/Raze
Michelle Yeoh - Windblade
Shannon McCormick - Rung
Elizabeth Maxwell - Chromia
Edward James Olmos - Fortress Maximus
Travis Willingham - Rollout
Andrew Francis - Scorch
John DiMaggio - Kup/Nitro Zeus/Leadfoot
Kyle Herbert - Star Convoy/Orion Pax/Toxitron
Mark Bonnar - Starscream
Paul McGann - Perceptor
Jake Johnson - Devaron
Herself Sarah Wiedenheft - Saperion/Arcrunner
Debra Wilson - Elita-1
Nicolas Cage - Overload
Nathan Fillion - Silverstreak/Killstreak
Ian MacKellen - Alpha Trion
Tara Strong - Slash
Bryce Papenbrooke - Leobreaker
Matt Mercer - Bigfight/Death Convoy
Tom Gliblis - Break
Aleks Le - Stampy
Jack DeSana - Whoop-Kong
Roger Craig Smith - Bound Rogue
Charlie Day - Rattrap
Ashly Burch - Whirl
Heather Watson - Minerva
Ratana - Stiletto
Cherami Leigh - Skyburst/Stormclash
Rachel Robinson - Surge
David B. Mitchell - Silverbolt
Jamie Chung - Flare-Up
Ron Botitta - Amp
Jason Marnocha - Megatron
Isaac C Singleton Jr. - Soundwave
Kathleen Delaney - Thunderblast
Vincent D'nofrio - Motormaster
Laura Bailey - Drag Strip
Shelby Rabara - Wildrider
David Kaye - Gnashteeth
Marc "Ganxingba" Soskin - Thundercracker
Ian Hanlin - Skywarp
Ryan Reynolds - Deadlock
Kaley Cuoco - Flamewar
Todd Haberkorn - Stonecrusher
Maurice LaMarche- Cryotek
Josh Powell - Onslaught
Corey Burton - Shockwave
Sylvester McCoy - “Doc”
JK Simmons - Horntrap
Cameron Monaghan - Beta Maxx
LaMonica Garret - Great Convoy
Peter Dinklage - King Atlas
Lydia Leonard - Black Convoy
Sam Witwer - Venator
Colin Baker - Jhiaxus
Billy West/Michael Dorn - Dion/Umbra Convoy
Greg Cipes - Carjack
12 notes · View notes
TFA x Steven Universe Theory: Similarities & Autobots Have Been The Bad Guys This Whole Time And Decepticons Are “Crystal Gems” in TFA Part 1
[Note: Do NOT and I mean it, Don’t EVER and I mean NEVER reblog this without permission.]
okay some might disagree, and that’s fine...
but I think it’s thanks to Steven Universe that allows me to view the Decepticons from TFA Universe & Timeline in a different light....
besides Blackarachnia hurting Blitzwing, she did seem to have a willing test subject in the form of Shockwave, who she had helped get into the Autobot Boot Camp, appearing as a Autobot and he would then be given the name "Longarm"
by Sentinel Minor (before he became a Sentinel Prime) we also know that Blackarachnia was once Elita-1 and she became Techno-Organic on a Planet that she, Sentinel and Optimus was forbidden to go to, the Planet's name being Archa Seven....
but even before she became Blackarachnia, it is possible that Elita-1 was always a two-faced b*tch....
and she had been Two-Sparking this whole time, the word “Two-Sparking”
is what I view as a Cybertronian word for “Two-Timing”
the Cybertronian word for “Two-Timer” would be “Two-Sparker”....
one of the reasons why Archa Seven was possibly forbidden to visit, possibly because it is on the list to colonize, and only Autobots who have been around a very long time like Ultra Magnus, would know the truth about the planets that they make into Autobot Colonizes, and that they “get rid” of the organic life that lives there....
and if Archa Seven is on the list, that would include getting rid of the spiders from the planet so those higher-ups can get it ready for colonizing and to use the metal to use to make more of those mannequin protoforms that would then be given a spark from Vector Sigma...
Cybertron, is part of the Autobot Commonwealth...
the planets that became part of the Autobot Commonwealth, that wasn’t originally Cybertron or Cybertronian Autobot home planets....
were possibly home to organic life until they were conquered....
it might be possible that before the Allspark was thrown into space, and very far away from Cybertron...most of the Decepticons and Autobots back then before the Autobots stupidly send the Allspark away....
were all given Sparks from the Allspark, and it might be possible that only Autobots and Decepticons, who were given a spark from the Allspark (and NOT the Vector Sigma) are able to go through the budding stage.
it could be possible that Vector Sigma could of had this abilities, before being tempered with and given a type of sterilization program, causing those Protoform Mannequins to not end up letting any of the Autobots be able to go through the budding stage, and not give birth to newborn protoform hatchlings that would be the size of a human baby, and will be liquid metal body.
and let’s not forget that just like how the Homeworld Gems use to do, when making more Gems, they end up hurting a planet when doing so, possibly taking too much without letting the planet heal itself and regenerate.
this can be true for Cybetron, the Autobots (well most likely those who are super higher up in the ranks.) end up misusing their planet, and not giving the Sonic Canyons time to properly heal and regenerate...
it might be possible that Ultra Magnus, would be the White Diamond of TFA...
the only difference is that White Diamond changed and was redeemed...
both Blackarachnia and Megatron would be like Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz...
Megatron being clearly Sari’s Cybertronian Parent, who unknowingly brought her protoform into the world.
Pink became Rose, but by her own will and even if she made some really bad mistakes that hurt others, but other times her ethereal heart was in the right place, like trying to protect Earth and give Other Gems a chance to be whoever they wanted to be and not being forced into a job they didn’t like.
Megatron possibly use to be close with Ultra Magnus, and Megatron possibly had found out how corrupted the Autobot Caste System was. 
Shockwave even in his Longarm form, is the Spinel of his Universe in TFA.
the only differences are, is that Shockwave wasn’t abandoned on purpose.
and that Shockwave, as Longarm did try to get Sentinel to keep looking for Optimus’s Crew, as well as The Allspark and Megatron....
but he was ignored, this could be one of the signs that Autobots are just as bad as most Decepticons, who have no clue what they are really fighting for and may have forgot it is to stop the corruption and tyranny, which is sadly real.
sure we see some good sides of Cybertron and Autobots, but there is also a bad and ugly side, and it only gets worse when Sentinel gets all Anti-Organic and possibly spreads lies about organics that aren’t true.
also, even if Decepticons from TFA, did end up k*lling a human, they might not do it without a good reason....like if the human was a really, really super bad person...
I guess I have that thought and theory thanks to Hazformers (by Blitzy-Blitzwing)
like even if it is true that Blitzwing did some bad stuff, he might of did it for a good reason, also I’m not sure if this theory is true, but I can’t help but wonder if in Hazformers, Sari never upgraded herself and might of not found out she is Cybertronian, maybe not until her Autobot Friends who are like her Adoptive Family to her, had left Earth and never came back.
like in theory, a Decepticon like Lugnut who is like very loyal to Megatron and actually knows what they are fighting for...
he might see a abusive human parent who is being very cruel to their child, who has bruises all over their arms, legs and even a black-eye....
and Lugnut could see that the human parent is yelling at the child and starting to do harm to the child, and the other parent comes and tries to make the other parent stop, but the abusive parent slaps the other away, before starting to get ready to hit the child until Lugnut goes over to them and picks up the abusive parent up, then Lugnut tells the other human parent to take the child and go, while they take care of making them a single parent....
the other parent who is hugging their child, could be scared, but also have a look on their face and their eyes full of hope, and while picking up their child in their arms, and before taking off running, they tell Lugnut these words...
“Thank You....and show that monster no mercy...”
then after those few words of being thankful for Lugnut saving them and their child from any further physical harm from the abusive human parent...
Lugnut ends up taking the life of the abusive parent....
I mean he could of send that abusive parent to the police, but Lugnut could of known that at times even when that type of human is locked away, there will be a chance that they will be let out eventually and repeat the same terrible mistakes...
even if Optimus and his Team have done good deeds while on Earth, they might have no clue that there are some worse villains than those who are like Nanosec or Professor Princess.
and the whole thing about their Autobot Leaders being corrupted.
Jazz was able to see how messed up life was on Cybertron, or at least half of it, but he might of not of known that it was always bad, and not just when Sentinel was in charge and did that Anti-Organic mess.        
Blurr might be the Peridot of TFA, with some differences....
then again he might be a mix of both Peridot and Lapis Lazuli....
while Lapis was trapped in a Mirror, Blurr was trapped in a cube...    
The Cluster from Steven Universe and Omega from TFA, could be perfect counterparts of each other...
The Cluster was likely made to not just take out the Earth, but also any remaining Crystal Gems on it....
Omega, who was made from The Omega Project, was made as a weapon of Mass Destruction to take out all Decepticons...
and there was only one bot who truly treated Omega with kindness and treated him like he was a person, and that was Ratchet.
Ratchet and Omega, in theory had formed a type of Father-Son bond, Ratchet being the Dad and Omega being the Son, but they still formed a type of friendship and stuck together even when Omega was placed into a deep stasis.
Steven was able to form a friendship with the Cluster, and was able to help them and bubble them, of course the Cluster had help with bubbling themself as well, but we know that the Cluster wouldn’t want to hurt the Earth, and maybe with Yellow’s help, they can slowly take each of the gem pieces out and put them back together on how they use to be before they became The Cluster.
I still rather view the Rose Quartz that is Steven’s Mom, as a Pink Diamond II,
and the Pink that had left Spinel in a garden in space, was the Original Pink Diamond I, who was a ethereal heartless, insensitive b*tch....
and as soon as she got the Earth, she made a type of perfect copy that looked like her, that was Pink Diamond II, and left her new Pearl with Pink II, and went off to a far away universe that hasn’t been conquered by Homeworld, and started to make Gems on the planets that haven’t been conquered by White, Yellow or Blue, and all while leaving the new Pink Diamond she made “Pink II” on the Moon and being in charge of Earth.
but over time Pink Diamond II, wanted to go see what Earth was like, and thanks to Pearl, she took on the disguise of a Quartz.
but during her time on Earth, she learned that they were taking life from the planet, and not just making life.
and since Pink Diamond I only cared about herself and wouldn’t be back to Earth for who knows how long, maybe not until Steven leaves Beach City...
Pink Diamond II, did everything she could to get the Gem Colonization of Earth to stop, she did everything she could as a Diamond, but Yellow and Blue wouldn’t listen to her...same thing when her predecessor...
Pink II/Rose’s predecessor Pink Diamond I, wanted a colony so bad, that she kept asking Yellow and Blue, who both said No...
but when she got to asking White, who also told her No....
Pink I ended up having a very bad tantrum that it ended up both hurting and traumatizing Pink-Pearl...
even if White can be a bit full of herself, but she might still have a heart...
one of the reasons why she made Pink-Pearl her Pearl, was to help her no longer feel the trauma that Pink I had done to her.
Pink-Pearl in Steven Universe Future, kept making excuses for what Pink I did....and even if it were true that there were two different Pink Diamonds, and Pink Diamond II who became Rose is Steven’s Mom.
Pearl might know that the Pink Diamond that Pink-Pearl was talking about, was Rose’s predecessor and who put all her responsibilities of gem colonizing the Earth to the New Pink Diamond she created, so she could run away and make Gems on Planets in other galaxies that were not touched or discovered by White, Yellow and Blue...
Pearl when arguing with Pink-Pearl about Pink, may have figured out it wasn’t Rose that she was talking about, and it was the Pink Diamond who made Rose to replace her in being charge of Earth.
if Rose had made a new Pink Diamond as well, which would be Pink III...
this would be Steven, and Rose could of broken a piece of her light from her consciousness manifestation of light, into the Pink Diamond III, which had copies of her memories, as well as copies of Pink Diamond I’s memories.
the light in Pink Diamond III, ended up splitting into two parts...
one staying in the diamond, and the other ends up going into the human body that would be Steven’s Human Half.
and yeah, if any half of Steven Quartz Universe had to become Sans The Skeleton from Undertale in the future, it would be the human half...
and one of the ways that could happen, is if Steven’s Gem Half didn’t reform on time, which would result in the Human Half Slowly dying, as like how there is a Time Limit for Irken and how long they can go without their Pak on...
the same can be said for a Half-Human who’s body is a mix of being organic and whatever makes up a gem, they can only go for so long without their Gem Half, and they would show to be sick and very weak that is one of the first stages of being separated from their Gem Half...
if Connie didn’t help the Human Half of Steven get to his Gem Half on time, and if Pink-Steven didn’t get to the Human-Steven on time, then the Human Half would of died...
also I am starting to question of Isaac is really the human bio-father of Sari, yes we all know that Megatron is technically both Sari’s Mom & Dad, because he was possibly in the same lab that Isaac found Sari’s newborn cybertronian self in....
but we have to think about it, like yeah he got a shock and got white hair out of it.....but we have to think about it, he had been wearing gloves the whole time he had placed his hand on the newborn protoform hatchling/sparkling...
this means, that in theory.....Sari’s Human DNA might of not came from Professor Isaac Sumdac, and perhaps the other way would be that if a part of his hair ended up going from his head that got that white streak, ended up falling on to the newborn protoform and that could of been one way....
Isaac could of been married when he had found Sari, and it could be possible that his wife had found him out cold in his lab (and who was the only one he let know about the robot head that was being kept in his lab...)
Isaac’s wife found the liquid metal body, and she wasn’t wearing gloves and ended up touching the protoform, and like her husband, got a zap....
but unlike Isaac, the protoform was able to scan the DNA from her because she wasn’t wearing gloves....
Isaac never tells Sari about her Mother, so he doesn’t tell Sari that her DNA came from her, and the DNA that Sari got from Isaac, was a small bit of hair that ended up being plucked off his head when he was zap, but it was possibly not enough DNA for the protoform to scan to form into a techno-organic human baby, so it needed a very large template to scan....
thus Mrs Sumdac came into the lab, and saw her husband was unconscious, and when checking her husband, she saw the newborn protoform.
and she saw a small strange of her husband’s hair was on the head of the protoform, and while she did touch the protoform, it had shocked her and was able to scan her DNA because there was more to scan.
when both Mr. and Mrs. Sumdac came to, they ended up seeing a baby in the place of the liquid metal body.
it could be possible that Sari gets her red hair from her Human Mom...
and if it is possible that TFA Shattered Glass version of Sari, was suppose to have a Mom, who she thought wasn’t her bio-mother but it turning out she is, because her DNA was the most used in her creation...                                        
then it would make sense, if both versions of Sari were only able to absorb a little bit of DNA from their Human Fathers, it wouldn’t be enough for them to scan and become a seemingly normal human baby.
there would be a much larger amount of DNA for the protoform to scan.
thus, it would not be possible for Sari to scan the DNA of Isaac if he was wearing those rubber gloves, as it would prevent the protoform from scanning and absorbing the DNA....
and it could only absorb a little bit of Isaac’s DNA if a small hair ended up falling from him when it shocked him and caused him to go out cold....
so it would make sense that Isaac Sumdac did have a wife, who Sari got her red hair from, Sari got the most of her human DNA from her Mom, while only a very small percent came from her Human Dad....
this would mean that Sari has Three Biological Parents, that would be Megatron, Isaac Sumdac and Mrs Sumdac...
Sari’s CNA before it ended up mixing with Human DNA, came from Megatron.
while her DNA comes from Isaac and Isaac’s wife.
Isaac and his wife could of had some disagreements on how to bring up Sari, and Mrs Sumdac may have wanted Sari to go to school with other children her age and make friends, but her husband was scared of anyone finding out how Sari wasn’t like other human children.
at some point Mrs Sumdac went missing, and Sari may have only been 2 years old when her mother went missing.
Isaac when telling Sari the truth about how he found her, doesn’t tell her the whole truth and only half the truth....that when he did touch the liquid metal body that he found in his lab (the same one he kept Megatron’s Head in.)
he was wearing rubber gloves at the time, and only a small bit of his DNA ended up being scan and absorbed, and it being a small strand of hair that came off of his head when he was shocked, and before he fell unconscious, he saw that piece of hair fall on to the liquid metal body.
and when he came to, he found his wife holding a human baby.
both he and his wife figured out that both of their DNA were absorbed by the liquid metal body, but it got most of the DNA from Isaac’s wife who wasn’t wearing gloves.....
if this theory is true, this would be another thing that Sari’s Dad was keeping from her, that she had a Mom, and she got the most DNA from her.
like picture Sari becoming really mad when her Dad finally tells her the truth, and she gets as mad as Steven gets when Greg says that his parents were bad, and he didn’t get any freedom or anything he wanted when living under their roof....Greg’s parents could of explained the reasons why he couldn’t always get what he wanted, like him wanting music, but he would possibly have the music’s volume up too loud and his parents may not be able to handle the very loud volume and it could end up hurting them, and because Greg wouldn’t listen, they had to forbid him from having music...
him being made to take wrestling, was likely to help him learn self defense, and the reason why they wanted to have him have a curfew and chaperons, was to keep him safe and make sure he came back home safe and on time.
but Greg only saw the negative side of his parents, and if all three of them had sit down and talked about it, maybe Greg’s parents could of explained their reasons for why they made him do things that he normally didn’t agree with or liked...they might of been able to form a compromise, if Greg had notice that he was just as bad as his parents....
and with how Steven acted when he points out that Greg NEVER took him to the doctor once, or how he played the whole “Your A Gem and Not Like Other Kids” Card.......yeah he is part Gem, but he could of did all the other stuff that human kids did, and still did Gem stuff.....
and let’s not forget how Greg and Connie made Steven feel, when they seem to exclude him when they form a type of “human club”....
even if it might not seem that way, but Steven might of still felt that they were excluding him, and when the two of them said “Human beings.”
Steven says the word “Human beings.” to himself even when grabbing on to his shirt....
even if Greg and Steven did seem to make up at the very last episode of Steven Universe Future, it still doesn’t excuse Greg for his bad parenting, even if he did have some percent of good parenting....
I mean even if Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst may of made mistakes when raising Steven, like not making sure he got enough breaks and didn’t do too many Gem Missions, and maybe making sure he had someone at home to watch him when they needed to go on dangerous missions that were way too dangerous for him to go on....
and yeah they did once mistake Steven as being Rose, but he isn’t his Mom, and him being separated into his two halves, the Gem Half and Human Half, proved that he isn’t his Mom.
I mean if Sari was to be scan that can tell if someone was Megatron or not, then yeah, she might end up being mistaken as Megatron, like Megatron’s ship having a A.I. thinking that Sari is Megatron because of the CNA that is a part of her.
and for a while, there could be some Cybertronians who mistake Sari as Megatron until the real Megatron shows himself.
the body of Megatron, that had those space barnacles on it, might of sensed the CNA of Megatron on Sari, and thought that she was it’s missing part...
I mean even if it wasn’t a prank from my pendulum, and it did turn out that it is true Phenex of the Ars Goetia was my “soul-dad” or I guess “spiri-dad” and half the fragment that makes up me, did come from them....
(feel free to skip some of this to the point where it goes back to talking about TFA and Steven Universe...)
but doesn’t mean we would be the same, I mean I know that the other fragment half that makes up me, came from another Earth Angel....
which I guess if the color of my ethereal wings being violet, might have to do with some info about the color of a violet flowers, something about being a child of Heaven and Earth.....and if some info about some of the Ars Goetia is true...
Phenex was technically a Angel from Heaven....
plus it isn’t like he would be the only Dad that wasn’t there for me growing up....my Human Dad in this life could of visited me the other times and still went to his real family, even if I am his biological child as well...
he wasn’t there when my Mom was able to have me, he was off somewhere else and in another state or whatever....
and closes thing to “Father figures” would be my own Grandpa and Uncles...
I guess never really worried or question when I was really little, about why I didn’t have a Dad...
and I have no idea if Phenex will be a Marquess or Marquis in Helluva Boss, I guess if they do appear in the future, we will see if they will be a “Dad” or “Mom”....
I guess if it were true and not some prank from my pendulum, that Phenex is like.......technically my other parent while the other parent being a Earth Angel....
then I guess a small fragment from Phenex could of fell off when Grandpa King Solomon was summoning them, I mean it happen with Asmodeous, some info says that Asmoday because a piece of Asmodeus broke off when King Solomon had been summoning Asmodeus.
Ozzie from Helluva Boss, might be a mix of the two, or he hadn’t fragmented yet that would form Asmoday yet....well it might not even happen, as there can be some differences in that universe and timeline.
and yeah I know I am technically a fusion that is made up of different fragments coming together and technically giving birth to a new soul.
and I guess if it is true and not some prank, that Phenex is technically my parent from soul or spirit fragment genetics, would that mean I am technically a Ars Goetia...?
I think I would rather be part of a Ars Remnant...or whatever.
anyway even if it does turn out that I was born from part of a fragment that came from Phenex, it doesn’t mean I’m them.
the same goes for Sari and Steven, just because their CNA and Gem might make them seem like they are Megatron and Rose, doesn’t mean they are them.
and we can at least try not to make the same mistakes as some Eon-Boomers.
and it might be possible that if Lucifer, those angels that sided with him and even those they fought against, had stop their foolish fighting for a few minutes to realize their was a problem with the Masculine energy, and they should of tried to fix it before it got to the point it is today...
but oh no, Masculine Angels during that time couldn’t think about that, because fighting with their weapons at each other was more important than fixing and purifying and healing the Masculine side, which if they did that much sooner, then there wouldn’t of been such a imbalance between the Feminine and Masculine, and it taking a VERY long time to get to a type of semi-balance.
yeah, there is still a problem, and there is that Toxic-Feminine that comes from Toxic-Feminist and possibly other stuff that can be from Toxic-Feminine...
once again, those Toxic-Feminist would be just as bad as some men, and some of those Toxic-Men would be just as bad as them.
the Moxie Movie shows the good side of fighting for girls, and a bad side...
and if the main character hadn’t been brought out of her Toxic-Feminist Mode and found someone who was hurt and needed help, then I guess I wouldn’t of ended up hating that character, but she made mistakes at some point in the movie, and turning into a Toxic-Feminist, and she only got better thanks to someone who needed her, because of what a guy did...
plus it isn’t just girls who become victims, anyone no matter if they are a guy or gal, can become a victim.
Blitzwing is a victim of Blackarachnia, while it might be possible that Shockwave got the ability to appear as a Autobot thanks to being experimented on by Blackarachnia, but it might of left some side effects we are not aware of.
I believe that Blackarachnia, when she was Elita-1, that she was always a two-faced b*tch, but as Blackarachnia she became more open with that side to herself....
and she was possibly being given karma for two-sparking both Optimus and Sentinel, but made both promise not to tell the other that they are seeing each other.
both Optimus and Sentinel had romantic feelings for Elita-1, but both didn’t know what kind of Femme she truly was.
she wasn’t even seeing them both because she was confused or because she liked both of them, and she was conflicted...
she did it, because it was fun for her and because they were possibly “hot”...and she probably was the source to why the three of them ended up on that planet with those big alien spiders.
she likely talked Sentinel into it, and got him to talk Optimus in agreeing.
and besides those two that she was seeing, she was likely seeing Other Autobots, so she was Two-Sparking more than just those two.
even if we could feel sorry for her when she shows a softer side to herself, and she might be technically a victim from a accident that turned her into a techno-organic, but that “accident” might of been her karma, it being like Karmic Justice....
we never thought before, that maybe there was a reason that she became a half-spider half-robot, it might have to do with her two-sparking, and lying about it to Optimus and Sentinel....and who the two never even figured out that they were both seeing her.
Sentinel may have loved the Femme that she was, and doesn’t view Blackarachnia as Elita-1, but he didn’t really know the Femme that Elita-1 truly was....
and yeah not everyone has to agree about this theory, but we know that Rose before she met Greg, she had been seeing a lot of Human Men, who would come into her life now and again, and Pearl was fine with that, because they didn’t really matter, and she would still have a chance to be with Rose much longer than the human men that Rose was seeing....
and then when Rose met Greg, she fell in love with him.
Elita-1 may have formed a friendship with both Optimus and Sentinel, but possibly caring very little about them, but she was never in love with them.
she toyed with their feelings for her, and as Blackarachnia she lies about her feelings for Optimus, which of course makes Grimlock really mad and jealous.    
Elita-1 before she became Blackarachnia, had possibly hid behind a sweet and kind face and personality, but once she became Blackarachnia, she no longer hid behind that fake personality of hers....she only acted nice and flirty at times when she was Blackarachnia, but she would show her true colors even when arguing with Blitzwing and even Lugnut.
Optimus shouldn’t feel guilty for what happen to Elita-1, it isn’t his fault that she became Blackarachnia, it was a karma that was overdue...
Elita-1 being secretly a b*tch the whole time, might be disagreed by some fans, but I believe it is true....that Elita-1 was always a bad person, even before she became Blackarachnia....and while Wasp and Ironhide shouldn’t of messed with Bumblebee like they did, but half the time, Bee did kind of provoked them...
it might be possible that Wasp and Ironhide wouldn’t of did half of the terrible things that they have done to Bumblebee, if they weren’t provoked by him.
so technically Bulkhead wouldn’t be fully right about Wasp, and he could of not been as bad as he appeared, even if he did make some stupid choices on how to handle Bumblebee when he did things that got everyone in trouble.
plus with how Wasp ended up, when his optics go from blue to purple, and how he starts to talk in the third person, it is clear that it is because of how Autobots treat those who they dub as “traitors”...
Wasp was broken, and he was hurt badly, and yet he was still made to be viewed as a bad guy, even when it was proven he was innocent of the false charges against him.
this could be another proof that Autobot Leaders, and even some in the Autobot Elite Guard, are corrupt....like despite Wasp being innocent and only did some bad stuff as a bully who only bullied when Bumblebee did something that ended up hurting others....
he was still treated like he did something wrong, no thanks to Sentinel.
if Sentinel ended up in Hazformers, like in Hell, maybe one of the reasons why he ends up there is because he didn’t listen to Longarm about going to look for Optimus’s Crew, The Allspark and Megatron....
Blackarachnia ending up in Hell, could be because what she did to Blitzwing, which might of not even been of fully of his own free will or consent.
she did terrible things to him, just so she could find a way to turn herself back to normal, but if my theory about her is true, then she doesn’t deserve it.
because of her two-sparking, and lying to both Optimus and Sentinel.
yeah she can be our favorite bad guy, but doesn’t mean we can agree with her on her actions, like how she hurt Blitzwing and Wasp in her experiments that was suppose to help her turn herself back to normal.
TFA-Blackarachnia might do it good, but BW-Blackarachnia does it better.
Predacon BW-Blackarachnia is Best Blackarachnia. XD
also I can’t help but wonder if Tarantulus might be Bi, I mean when Blackarachnia (the Beast Wars Version) first came out of her stasis pod, it did appear he showed a romantic interest in her, at least at first....
would it be weird to ship BW-Tarantulus with TFA-Prowl...?
also because of Predacon BW-Blackarachnia showing a interest in Airrazor in that one Transformers timelines....
well she sure gave off that she had a romantic interest in Airrazor...
she I guess we could view that version of Blackarachnia, that came from a universe and timeline where Alternate G1 versions of Optimus’s Team meets Primal’s Team.
but anyway, TFA-Blackarachnia could be seen as the Ancestor or Mom of BW-Blackarachnia....
Blackarachnia, the TFA version, might of always been two faced and she might of always did some messed up experiments and had been experimenting on organics to the point of torture even before she became a techno-organic.
 even if it is true that Pink Diamond before becoming Rose Quartz, did some bad stuff and didn’t think about the consequence before acting on them, but she isn’t as bad as Blackarachnia, who used her femininity and beauty to get what she wanted, even when she was Elita-1 when she used it to get Sentinel and Optimus to go to a planet they weren’t suppose to go to.
and her possibly hiding the fact that she was two-sparking them, and that she was seeing them at the same time.
even if Optimus doesn’t say that he was dating her, it is possible he was, and he wasn’t the only one dating her, because Sentinel was as well.
both could of known of the other’s feelings for her, but thought the other gave up and didn’t know that the other was dating Elita-1.
Blitzwing could of learned about Blackarachnia’s past as Elita-1 and that she was two-sparking, seeing two Mechs at the same time, without letting them know, even without her having any form of feelings for them, and she confessing that it was fun to mess with them.
Blitzwing could of found this out, from reading a personal diary that belong to Blackarachnia, that she had kept for a long time even when she was Elita-1.
and it even showing that she had been seeing other Mechs even behind both Optmus and Sentinel, even when she was dating them.
even if Blackarachnia  became a Decepticon, doesn’t mean she was fighting for the cause to stop the corruption on Cybertron, she was possibly in it for herself and to no longer be a Autobot....but who knows what her other reasons are, besides trying to do experiments on others to try to find ways to turn herself back to normal, no matter who she has to hurt in order to do so.
even Sari and the organic life in Detroit became her victims, when she tried to us the allspark key to heal herself, and it’s possible it would of healed her, but it didn’t, because it knew the stuff that she had done...
which means that the allspark key, that is linked to the allspark, had refused to heal her of her organic half, because it knew that once she was back to how she originally appeared as, she would still be that two-sparking, uncaring glitch of a Fembot.
the Allspark Key may of not meant to hurt Sari or the other organic life, but it was because Blackarachnia was misusing it, and didn’t care that other organic life got hurt in the process...
the reason why the Allspark Key couldn’t heal Blackarachnia of her organic half, was not because it couldn’t or wasn’t able to, it was because it didn’t want to and refused to, because the Allspark Key knew if they did, she wouldn’t of learned anything and would go back to hurting Optimus and Sentinel.
and well besides Shockwave being like Spinel, it might be possible that Spinel and Blitzwing could be like each other as well....
both were hurt by someone who caused them some form of damage, but there is still differences between them as well.
Shockwave wasn’t left behind on Cybertron on purpose, but he had to keep being Longarm even among the corrupted autobot leaders of Cybertron.
Pink-Pearl was also hurt by Pink, not just Spinel....
Pink-Pearl has a wound that is on her physical conscious manifestation of light that makes up her body, even if her gem is fine.
it might be both a mental and emotional wound, that was caused by Pink....who was the same Pink that had abandoned Spinel.
even if my view is more Fanon, but I like to think of that Pink that hurt both Pink-Pearl and Spinel, as not being the same one that became Rose, and the one that became Rose was created by the Pink that had hurt Pink-Pearl and Spinel.
Pink may have regretted hurting Pink-Pearl, but we don’t know if she regretted hurting Spinel and tricking her into a game that would never end....
Spinel was technically a child that time, even if Gems don’t really age physically, but we could view Spinel’s new form as her having “grown-up” even if her new form was from her poofing after her ethereal heart was broken.
and if Optimus and Sentinel ever found out that Blackarachnia was always the ways she was, even when she was Elita-1, but became way worse....
and even find out that she had been two-sparking them the whole time even before she became Blackarachnia, it might be possible they would become spark broken.
Sentinel might end up taking it far worse, even if both he and Optimus loved Elita-1, but he not knowing until much later that she had been two-sparking them and even have been seeing other Mechs behind their backs even when two-sparking them both. 
Greg and Pearl both loved Rose, and both had romantic feelings for her,            but Rose might of had some romantic feelings for Pearl, but she also loved Greg, but she ended up choosing Greg, and placing Pearl in the Friend Zone.
this could mean that while Rose may have had feelings for Pearl, even when they formed the Crystal Gems, and originally were trying to scare Gems off Earth, but in the end thanks to Garnet, had a new thing to fight for, for Gems to be free to love who they wanted and to be themselves on Earth.
but in the end, Rose ended up with Greg, and they ended up making their son Steven....but even if Rose left, Pearl was still there and she became the Mother figure for Steven, even if she was new to the whole being a Mom, but she had Garnet and Amethyst to help, and well there is Greg, but we know that he isn’t really 100% a great dad, maybe around 98 or 94% a good dad...
like there can still be good parts of Greg that I can still like, but I would slap him over the head for him not taking Steven to the doctor or even having him have a tutor come to Steven’s home if he is not able to go to school, and might have to take home school.
and I guess in a Alternate Timeline, that is in a Multi-Crossover Universe.
if Sari had met Steven first before Connie, they could of formed a type of best friend and Sibling type bond, and together they end up meeting Connie.
Sari could tease Steven about like-liking Connie, along with Garnet, Pearl and Amethyst who don’t really tease him but find it adorable that he has his first crush.
if Sari and Steven did fuse, it might be how most of his other fusions are with the Crystal Gems, Platonic Fusion that is like a Fam-Fusion.
Steven, while still being friends with Connie, before they started dating...
their fusion is like something that was formed out of their love for each other but it still being in the friend zone, because they are like best friends who do have feelings for each other, but it is in it’s early stage where it’s like in the cutie pie hand holding stage.
I’m going to make this into two parts, I will talk more about this in a part 2.
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