#should i make a writing blog??
ne-nene-ne · 1 year
Imagine being Nagi’s crush and Reo getting jealous, unsure whether it's because you're taking Nagi's attention or because he also likes you
seishiro nagi × fem!reader × reo mikage
- nagi is the primary love interest while reo has a one-sided crush on you (mostly from his pov too)
- includes a smidge of angst I'd say, (well actually not just a smidge teehee)
When Nagi was developing a crush on you, Reo was the first to notice. You were classmates, and you caught Nagi’s attention by playing the same mobile video game he did.
As Nagi was walking through the school yard with Reo, his ears perked up when he heard the familiar sounds of attacking noises and fanfare from his beloved game. Following the source of the sound, he found you, sitting on the bench and indeed playing the same video game that he did. You seemed so happy in your own little world that he didn't want to bother you. Instead, he would often peek behind your shoulder at a distance to see your progress. Your gaming tactics interested him.
Reo found the whole thing amusing at first. He elbowed Nagi lightly, "Why not just approach her and ask her about it instead of watching her like a creep?" Reo wouldn’t have encouraged him if he knew how this would eventually play out.
Nagi took his advice and approached you during those rare moments when you were having difficulty defeating a boss. You were incredibly concentrated on your phone screen, with your brows furrowed and teeth subtly biting your lower lip. It was an unusual sight to see that he finally felt the need to step in.
"Use that spell and use that attack at the same time, he'll be much easier to defeat", he says, earning a startled reaction from you as the silver-haired boy seemed to appear out of nowhere. Yet, you do as he says and end up finishing off the boss with ease.
You say your thanks, introduce yourselves, and segway into talking more about the game (and also exchange player ID's). The two of you began talking to each other more often.
This would be the beginning of Reo's 'dislike' for you.
Reo's irritation would increase when Nagi noticeably had you on his mind constantly.
Even with Reo next to him, Nagi's mind would still wander off to you. “I wonder if she’s online…”, he'd mutter and frequently check his phone, hoping that your active status would be green. The fact that Nagi would check nearly every 2 minutes particularly pissed him off.
In class, Nagi would come over to your desk, pull up a chair, whip his phone out, and you two would play the video game together. Poor Reo would be off to the side, sulking while his eyes were drilling holes into you. He'd be muttering to himself.
So what if you liked the same game as Nagi? What made you so special? Was it the way you'd sweetly smile at him whenever you saw him coming? Or was it the way your eyes lit up whenever he gave you a helpful tip to win? And that soft laugh whenever you thought he was being a bit silly. How annoying… Your blatant 'flirting' was irritating the hell out of him.
Reo was cut off from his thoughts when you suddenly called his name, beckoning him to come over with that same sweet smile of yours. And for a reason he couldn't comprehend, it made his heart beat a little bit quicker. What did you possibly want from him? He swallowed thickly as he approached you two. Turns out you wanted to learn how he and Nagi got into soccer as you noticed them practicing on the field after school.
'Is this your attempt to be nice? How dare you try to act so considerate when you're the root of the problem. I don't need your pity', Reo would think. Yet, he found himself answering all of your questions so willingly. Your eyes, brimming with genuine curiosity, were getting to him as he spoke that he ended up inviting you to watch their practice without thinking. Of course, you said yes.
Before he could come up with something to change your mind, the teacher came in and began class. He mentally punched himself. What was he doing? You were the enemy and he invited you to spend more time with them. But those eyes– It was those bright eyes that gazed at him while he spoke of his passions that got him carried away. He wanted more of it. You found his weak spot and he hated it.
And so you'd show up to their practices to watch them play. The moment both boys saw your figure waving at them, they'd instinctively try to show off. For Nagi, he hadn't realized it himself until he thought it odd that he wanted to put in a little more effort that day. (but that was just the effect you had on him). And for Reo, well, he just reasoned that if anyone at all was watching him, there's no doubt he'd want to look great.
But halfway through practice, he questioned himself. What was the use? You were looking at Nagi most of the time and not him anyway.
You had gained more of their affection when you brought them their favorite drinks and snacks once practice was over. Nagi would definitely eat most of the snacks you brought while you and Reo had to scold him to not eat either of yours. A muffled, "Thanks for the snacks, y/n" would come out of Nagi's mouth, now full of chips, and Reo would mutter a small "...thanks" (If you tell him to speak up or that you couldn't hear him, you'd get a rise out of him for sure, hehe)
And this would sorta be your routine with them. You would watch and wait for them to be done with practice and you three would hang out together afterwards.
Rather, in Reo's pov, it was more like you and Nagi hanging out while he was basically just third-wheeling, no matter how much you attempted to include him in your conversations with Nagi.
The interactions you two had were just different. The looks, smiles, and light touches that you'd give to Nagi weren’t the same ones you'd give to him. It was frustrating that what he wanted was right there but he could never have it.
And so maybe he could finally admit to himself that he's just jealous– Jealous that you were stealing both his best friend and his heart.
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stoopidstapler · 10 months
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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I'm personally blaming @starbiology and everyone who has reblogged or commented the other piece for this.
Bonus comic featuring my grundo:
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avvail · 8 months
prompt #79
The mercenary digs his fingers into the vigilante’s jaw, enough so that he has to surpress a pained hiss on his bloodied tongue. Behind the mask, the mercenary’s voice is cold, and venomous.
“Been looking for you, boy,” he drawls under his breath, and the vigilante’s feet stagger when he’s pushed back, hitting the wall with a groan. He still managed to straighten up, breathing through the aching pain in his ribs.
“Why?” He forced a bloodied smile. “Miss me?”
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Ominis Gaunt all grown up 🐍
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Why the fuck are people on Twitter upset about nonbinary robots. Transformers are aliens, why would they follow another species gender binary based on reproduction when they don't even reproduce sexually. If anything, ALL the robots should use they/them.
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Dangerously close to plotting a real Skyrim/Lord of the Rings crossover for after Keeping Count because my secret desire for Leara/Glorfindel has reared its head again
Shhh Don't question it.
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so, just realized that since I'm getting fairly good at writing in (if not casually speaking) Old English, I can absolutely make, write and say aloud the type of spells used in that Merlin show
um yeah
idk what do w that information
besides. make some spells. for fun
I don't rly go here
...if anyone in the Merlin fandom writes fic/rps/etc and wants custom spells, hi, I'm here, I would do that.
EDIT: apparently the BBC Merlin magic system also uses Ogham script? ok weird but sure I like the vibes... anyway, while I can't speak ANY form of Gaelic (or Latin btw. I speak OE and thats IT), I can write in Ogham script, like the writing system itself, in either modern or Old English. not sure what language is being used re: the Ogham in Merlin tho
...but if u want that. I can also do that.
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anantaru · 1 year
i want to hear them beg and whimper
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
grab me by the hips and pull me close to ur chest. wrap ur arms around my waist, hold me tight, like u dont want to ever let me go. keep a hand on my lower back, the other coming up to rest on my cheek to pull me into a kiss. kiss me like u need it, like u need to be as close to me as possible to even exist, like im all that matters. run ur hand over my side and my back, tangle ur other hand in my hair, keep me as close to u as u physically can. and please, please, don't let me go just yet.
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throwaway-yandere · 4 months
Hello! I'm so sorry for this— I really didn't want to ruin the festivities— but I need to open yandere fic emergency commissions; my target is 15 USD. My school uniform has been torn to shreds in the machine and I can't exactly budget this week's allowance since my university is rather strict based on the manual. I'd do my best to write a minimum of 3k words + a drawn GIF header similar to these
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[I honestly don't know wtf I'll eat this week at this rate kinda panicking rn cuz my scholarship stipend still hasn't arrived for months hahahahahha. To put it in perspective, the uniform I need costs 8 USD why are they so damn expensive when the fabric has the lousiest threads in the planet, and I have F2F classes for 3 days straight starting this Monday to Wednesday, then again at Friday to Saturday and I usually budget my meals to be 1 USD. I'm SEAsian, I'm just converting the amount to USD but I eat those 1 cup of rice + hotdog every lunch but of course the university canteen closes at night and it's a bit more expensive outside hAHAHHA 😭😭😭]
I write for: genshin impact, honkai: star rail, fire emblem: three houses. Can be x reader or OC character [please provide information for the latter]. Here are some samples of my writings...
If the Pedestal Is Beautiful... (Zhongli)
Apotheosis Upon Your First Feast (Scara & Pantalone)
Classical Conditioning (Dottore)
I Got Reincarnated As A Server NPC (Diluc)
The things I don't write are: full NSFW smut scenes & adult/minor pairings
I'll put the commissioned fic a priority above all my other works. Please message me if you're interested. Thank you so much for taking the time to reading this, have a blessed February!!!
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fwoosheye · 7 months
*sighs* Not again
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Okay so it's another LU idea and can someone please adopt it so it will leave me alone? Anyone? I have too many projects already. Someone please save me!
Anyway. This is a "Legend is the last one to join the chain" idea. He was practically raised by Fi after he pulled the Master Sword for the first time (was it @bokettochild who came up with that? I know I've read some really good fics with that but I'm not sure I remember by who correctly. Please correct me if I've mixed people up), and it takes place on Lorule's Death Mountain. Link is a regular at the Treacherous Tower, because it's an easy way to earn money and with the Triforce restored the monsters aren't as mindless as before so he actually befriends them (though I hc the monsters in the T-Tower were the least mindless to begin with (at least the ones in the audience, maybe the ones one fights were caught mindless ones), probably around the level of Blind the Ex-Sage the Thief, and that they just became more "stable" and better att communicating when the Triforce was restored). Anyway when the story takes place, Link is actually filling in for the final boss because the Purple Moldorm is sick and their new Union demands sick time or something.
When the chain appears in Lorule it's fairly near the T-Tower and when they ask the Devilish Girl about the Hero and learn he's the final boss, they realize someone will have to get up there and defeat him for his shift to end. She will only let one of them enter, so Sky, Warriors or Wild traverse the Tower with the Master Sword in hand (and I'd pick one of those three because they're aware of Fi's presence. Wild might be post-TotK Wild).
When Sky/Wars/Wild finally makes it to Legend there's some brief chatting, and when they attempt to attack each other they simultaneously get their hands burned and Legend accidentally hisses an undignified "Mom!" at Fi making the other Hero realise this teen was practically raised by a sword (and yes this is the scene that gives me the urge to write this, please save me). It becomes a sword-less battle, because Legend shift won't end if he's not defeated and his (magical?) contract don't permit him to hold back more than making it non-leathal. Tri-Force Heroes might've taken place before ALBW for this fic so Legend actually can use doppels/doppel medallion/etc so there 3v1 for a bit. Surprising move from Sky/Wars/Wild eventually sees Legend defeated and he meets the rest of the chain. He probably offers to guide them to the Castle to talk with Princess Hilda, if it doesn't turn out they've managed to get the information they want from the monsters on the audience while they watched. Maybe the chain are chatting about different friendly/civil monsters they've met during their adventures while descending the mountain. And/or Sky/Wars/Wild asks Legend why he addressed his sword as mom.
And because I am utterly incapable of keeping a story idea short, I was also considering to make it so Link is stuck in Lorule because the bracelet only had enough power left to send one of them home to Hyrule and both Link and Princess Hilda agreed Princess Zelda should be the one to return. Ravio would in that case likewise be stuck in Hyrule because he didn't have enough magic. He had probably managed to sneak into Hyrule's Sacred Realm trying to go home and met Zelda as she came back so he knew Link had won, though he might've left before Zelda made her wish (or even woke up?) and thinks Lorule and Link is gone. Maybe. It has some sweet juicy angst potential to let Ravio think his home and hero are destroyed. But also including this would for sure make it a longer fic...
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ladynicte · 1 year
Nico who has been deified after his death. Nico who's sure, after all this time, he's finally managed to let go of his older sister's death, of course, it still hurts, and of course, he will never forget her, but that fiery hatred and overtaking sadness, has finally been put to rest.
Nico knows and understands that his sister chose to move on without him, and that's okay, no it's never gonna be okay but he's made his peace with that too, and now, that he's an inmortal himself he never expects to see Bianca again.
Nico lives easy. He works for his father, he sleeps for a couple decades at a time, sometimes he goes back to Camp, takes care of some kids during their quests here and there, but for the most part, he's a chain-free roaming God.
And then, one day at Camp Nico meets her, a tiny little girl, with how long he has lived, time has become almost impossible for Nico to really track down anymore, but he's sure this girl can't be more than 10.
And something about her eyes, her dark, void-like eyes, and her long black hair, and her proud stance. It really reminds him of somebody else.
The girl is all alone, no little brother or older sister of her own, no parents either, apparently, she's a child of Hekate, but that really doesn't matter.
Something about the girl's every move, about the way she approaches the darkness without fear, about the way she approaches him, like she's known him all his life, the way she uses her whole body when talking.
It reminds Nico of Bianca. This girl's soul is just like Bianca's.
And Nico supposes it's no longer a fatal flaw, but he still doesn't know how to let go.
Nico immediately claims her on the spot, lets her sleep on the Hades Cabin, helps her out with everything, takes care of her for years and years.
It's the first time in centuries, that Nico as a God feels connected to his mortal side.
When the little girl cuddles against him, because she's had yet another nightmare about manticores and huge robots, while Nico quietly tries to hug her, and reassure her she's going to be fine, he even starts thinking that maybe his family has grown, yet again.
And then, she's send off on a Quest, Nico loudly protests against it, because he knows how those end.
Because, he still remembers waking up screaming and trashing, in the middle of the night, inside the Hermes Cabin, surrounded by strangers and shadows, as he felt Bianca's soul perish away.
But it's no use, the Oracle of her time had already issued her prophecy, this new girl, Rachel having long since passed away, who Nico feels almost comfortable cursing in the spot, just like his father had done so many centuries ago.
The little girl leaves, and Nico now has nobody to swear to keep her protected. Nico knows it's useless to try to convince her to stay, but he still does, it doesn't work, it never has worked
But truth is, she doesn't even look scared.
She's excited, and ready, and determined, and Nico has to wonder if this is how Bianca looked like, during her last week on Earth, too.
The girl leaves and she doesn't come back.
Nico thinks, it should be easier by now. It isn't, it's never gonna be it
Hades catches Nico roaming mindlessly around Elysium, after noticing his absence from The House, for what's either days, or years.
Hades mournfully reassures Nico that Bianca is not there anymore. No, not this time, not last time, not next time either.
After that, Nico chooses to abandon Camp fully, once again, he doesn't come back for another few centuries, until Hermes asks him for help getting his children to satefy at Camp.
Nico swallows the bile, that he's sure a Godly body like his own, shouldn't be able to produce anymore, shakes Hermes's hands, and tells his cousin his children will make it through, just fine.
Nico rescues the kids, regretfully send them off to live all cramped up together at their Father's Cabin forever, but one of the boys of the bunch, just has such dark eyes, like a black hole consuming souls.
And he stands so proud, and Nico just knows once more, and all at once, because he would recognize Bianca's soul anywhere.
In life, in death, at the end of the world, in a Hekate's daughter, in an Hermes's son, it doesn't matter, the person standing in front of him, is simply Bianca in another skin.
Bianca, being a wild hero once more, and Nico has to wonder if she can see him as clearly as he can see her.
Bianca is the only one after all, who has known him all his life, Bianca knew his name before it was even his own. Nico was born knowing her.
If she can see him, or if she can't, Nico doesn't even know which one would hurt more.
Time passes, and if Nico let's the boy sleep at the Hades Cabin, because the nightmares about manticores, giant robots, and magic are too much to bear, and he can't even scream in peace inside the Hermes Cabin, well, that's only Nico's own business to know about.
Nico realizes, after a few ages of Godhood, that The Fates like repeating their own stories.
Nico knows he hates all of them, deeply and purposefully.
The Oracle comes up to the boy, Nico is sure she must be a new girl, but all the girls Apollo chooses all look the same, and she is the same, she gives the hero the prophecy that will bury him.
And, it doesn't even take Nico a glance to know, that this is where that boy's life thread is cut.
Nico wants to sneer, this would be Bianca's third death, and if a hero dies three times they get the special prize, and yet.
Nico begs the boy to not go, because they both know he's not gonna make it back.
Bianca never has. Bianca never does. This is Bianca's fate. She was already dead before the story even began.
But the boy doesn't even break eye contact with Nico, as he tells Nico that he's very kind, and that he loves him too, but no way.
He's gonna go, and so, the boy does.
The boy leaves and he doesn't come back, and Nico has to crawl at his Godly skin, and remember the sensations, of back when there was human flesh, and blood running through his veins.
And that's just the thing isn't it, that Bianca is never going to stay by his side, because she doesn't want to.
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tragicotps · 11 months
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Modern Masriel AU: in which Asriel forgets to buy Marisa a birthday present and makes up a fantastical story to make her laugh about it.
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silverskye13 · 4 months
In which Mato strikes
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sionisjaune · 11 months
No plot all vibes cokehead Nico ficlet that needed to come out tonight...
Nico shakes out a gram, cuts a line with a card pilfered from Lewis’s wallet, and snorts it straight from the dashboard. It’s his car—the Ferrari he was racing when Lewis first met him—so Lewis doesn’t have to worry about trace amounts of cocaine left over. Nico pinches his nose and shuts his eyes, and then he crawls back into Lewis’s lap. 
Lewis’s fly is still open, his dick damp and recently tucked inside his boxers, and when Nico settles his weight on Lewis’s thighs, his pulse spikes like he could go again given a few minutes and an incentive. It doesn’t help that the inside of the car smells like leather and fuel and Nico’s sea-salty cologne and the sour sweat drying on his own neck. Lewis is hardwired to respond. It’s hardly his fault anymore. 
Nico wraps his arms around Lewis’s neck and rakes his fingers across the short hair on the back of Lewis’s skull. He can’t help but groan and tip his head back against the headrest and gaze at Nico through the curtain of hair falling in his eyes, the ends curling delicately on his cheeks. Lewis brushes a strand behind Nico's ear and pulls Nico flush against his chest so he can listen to the arrhythmic hammer of his heart. 
It’s pitch black outside the car, and the windows are cold and damp with perspiration. Lewis’s Corvette is parked around the corner, where he abandoned it to congratulate Nico for almost—almost—beating him. Then Nico shoved him against the door, wrangled him inside, gave him sloppy, desperate head before pulling a clear plastic bag out of the back pocket of his jeans. 
Lewis leans up for a kiss, cupping Nico’s cheeks to keep him where Lewis needs him. Nico opens his warm, wet mouth to Lewis and sucks on his tongue. It's easy to imagine that Nico’s mouth is a direct line to his bloodstream, and everything intoxicating in him is flowing into Lewis and causing the woozy, lead-limbed sensation that’s been creeping over him. The last time he saw Nico, Nico asked if Lewis wanted to take an edible with him, and Lewis walked directly out of the hotel room and spent half an hour seething in the parking lot. Nico was gone when he went back. He should have taken the fucking edible. 
“Stop. Stop it,” Nico says. His palm is on Lewis’s jaw, pushing his head to the side.
Lewis blinks, and Nico’s bright shape resolves in front of him. Nico isn't still kissing him, which is a surprise.
“Slow down for a second,” Nico says. He’s talking like normal, but his pupils are completely blown, irises blacked out. “My mouth is dry. We’re not going to be teenagers about this.” 
Lewis swallows. His throat clicks. He sets his hands on Nico’s hips and grips too tightly. It’s good for him, and it’s good for Nico, who needs to be held down sometimes for his own good.
Nico leans off of his lap, twisting so that Lewis can see the curve of his spine through his thin shirt, and pops open the glove compartment to dig around. He comes up with a crumpled pack of menthols that he tosses on the seat, a miniature bottle of whiskey, a silver box that rattles, a string of seashells that might be a necklace, a jagged shard of mirror, and, finally, a plastic water bottle, half empty. 
After a long swallow, he licks his lips and offers the bottle to Lewis, dribbling a small amount down his throat. It's tepid and flavorless in a revolting way.
“Here,” Nico says. He screws the cap back onto the water bottle, tosses it on the other seat with the rest of his junk, and seals his lips to Lewis’s again.    
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