#shua x reader
mirisss · 8 months
Whispers of Moonlit Hearts
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Fairy crown prince! Hong Joshua x afab! Fairy! reader
Wordcount ≈ 3.7k
Warnings: forbidden love = sad, I think that’s it though. 
Genre: fantasy, royal, fairy, forbidden love, 
Summary: In the mystical realm of Elaria, a prince and an elusive fairy form a mysterious connection in the Enchanted Forest. Their unspoken affection blossoms amidst the magic in the heart of the enchanted realm.
A/n: This was inspired by fall and Halloween, exactly how, I don't know. Also, I tried a new style of writing for this one so please let me know if you like it more or less than my usual style.
When something is bolded it means it's like a new chapter.
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Third person POV
In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, nestled between ancient towering trees and glistening waterfalls, lies the mystical kingdom of Elaria. The air is always sweet with the scent of blooming flowers, and the soft glow of enchanted fireflies illuminates the night. Elaria is a realm where magic weaves through every whispering breeze and dancing sunbeam, and mystical creatures roam freely under the benevolent rule of the Fairy Council.
At the heart of Elaria, a grand palace crafted from shimmering crystals and adorned with vines of glowing blossoms stands tall. It is here that the handsome young fairy prince, named Joshua, is soon to be crowned king. 
Joshua possesses a kind heart, his eyes as bright as the morning sun, and his laughter as melodious as the song of the forest birds. He is loved by all in the kingdom for his compassion and wisdom, traits that are said to be gifts from the ancient magical beings who once roamed the land of Elaria.
As the day of his coronation approaches, the kingdom buzzes with anticipation and excitement. The creatures of the land, from graceful unicorns to mischievous pixies, all eagerly prepare for the grand celebration. The palace gardens are alive with vibrant colors, and the sweet melodies of fairies practicing their enchanting songs fill the air.
Deep in the midst of the Enchanted Forest, where the moonlight weaves through the leaves like silver threads, there dances a young fairy named (Y/n). With eyes as bright as the stars, she possesses a spirit as wild and untamed as the forest itself. (Y/n) is known throughout the realm for her graceful dance and playful laughter, which can rival the melodies of the forest's songbirds.
She flutters through the woods with delicate wings that shimmer in shades of iridescent blue and silver. Her laughter is infectious, drawing mystical beings near with its joyous cadence. Around her, the air seems to sparkle, and flowers bloom in her footsteps. (Y/n) is a friend to all the creatures of the forest, from the elegant unicorns to the mischievous sprites, and she spends her days in the company of these magical beings.
In the soft glow of twilight, you can find (Y/n) dancing amidst the fireflies, her movements a symphony of grace and light. With each step, she weaves spells in the air, casting a magical aura that enchants all who witness her dance. The mystical beings of the forest gather around her, joining in her playful games and reveling in the enchantment she brings to their lives.
Under the silvery glow of the full moon, (Y/n) danced amidst the ancient trees, her movements as fluid as the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves. The forest was alive with enchantment, and little did she know, it was about to become even more magical.
As (Y/n) twirled, her laughter tinkled like chimes in the night, drawing the attention of Prince Joshua, who happened to be exploring the woods in disguise, his royal garb concealed beneath a cloak of twilight shadows. Intrigued by the joyful sound, he followed the melody of her laughter until he spotted her in a moonlit glade, surrounded by curious woodland creatures.
Joshua hid behind the creatures, enchanted by her dance just like the fireflies who danced with her in the night. Her wings sparkled as if they had been adorned with diamonds. Joshua was awakened from her charming spell as she suddenly came to a stop and looked right at him. 
“Hello there, nightwalker,” Joshua was surprised that she had seen him for her shining eyes had been closed during her dance, yet she knew exactly where he had been standing for the last couple of minutes admiring the beautiful fairy’s dance. “Hi, you must be the one they call ‘Lady of the Moon’, or am I mistaken?” Joshua walked over to the moonlit space where the girl had been dancing previously, all to take a closer look at the fairy. “That is true, they also call me crazy for only socializing with the woodland creatures rather than the other fairies, so take your pick,” Joshua couldn’t help but snicker at the fairy’s remark, everything about her so far intrigued him like no one had ever done before. 
“And who might you be, nightwalker?” (Y/n) slightly flapped her wings as she floated around in the air around the boy whom she had never seen before. Though he was mostly covered by a dark cloak, she could still see part of his handsome face and proud stance. Indicating that he was from the city, a noble fairy. The cloak might have been dark but the material was thick and expensive, not something just an ordinary woodland fairy would possess. 
Joshua was conflicted over whether to reveal his identity or keep it hidden. He deeply desired to know more of the dancing fairy in front of him, though as crown prince of Elaria, he feared that she wouldn’t wish to speak more with him. Carefully, he lifted his hands and lowered the hood of his cloak, revealing his face to the girl who fluttered her wings and danced around him. 
“My name is Joshua, what is your name, Miss Lady of the Moon?” (Y/n) gasped as the mysterious man revealed his face and his name. The man was crown prince Joshua of Elaria. The man who would soon be the ruler of the Enchanted Forest. (Y/n) immediately fell into a bow. “Excuse my manors, your highness. My name is (Y/n),” “Please don’t bow to me, (Y/n). I am not here as your prince, I am simply a nightwalker wandering the forest, you may call me Shua,” Joshua extended his hand toward (Y/n), offering to help bring her out of the bow. 
(Y/n) hesitantly took the prince’s extended hand and raised herself. “Thank you, Shua. It does feel wrong to call you by such a name though if it is what my prince desires I shall obey,” “How come you’re out here dancing in the moonlight?” (Y/n) flapped her wings once again, slightly rising from the ground, twirling in the light breeze. “It’s peaceful, most of the time it is just the woodland creatures and I. No one here to judge us, meaning we are free to do what we wish. And also, I enjoy the Enchanted Forest during nighttime a little more than during the day, I can’t explain why, it is just how I have always been,” 
Joshua removed his cloak, revealing his wings. Prince Joshua’s wings were a marvel to behold, reminiscent of the dawn sky kissed by the first light of day. They were expansive, stretching gracefully from his back, and shimmered in hues that shifted like the colors of the morning horizon. The base of his wings was a deep, velvety indigo, reminiscent of the twilight sky, blending seamlessly into shades of cobalt and sapphire as they extended outward.
In the moonlight, his wings took on an ethereal glow, casting a soft luminescence that illuminated the night around him. Delicate patterns, reminiscent of intricate constellations, adorned the membranes, their silvery lines glowing softly, enhancing the wings' otherworldly beauty. Each movement caused the patterns to dance, creating a mesmerizing display of light and shadow.
(Y/n) gasped in awe as Joshua revealed his magnificent wings, their iridescent splendor catching the moonlight in a dazzling display. Her eyes widened in wonder, mirroring the sparkle of the stars above, as she took in the breathtaking sight before her. The enchanting patterns and delicate shimmer left her utterly mesmerized, her heart skipping a beat at the ethereal beauty of his wings.
A sense of reverence washed over (Y/n) as she realized the true nature of the prince standing before her. She sensed the depth of his royal lineage and the immense responsibility he bore. Yet, despite his regal appearance, there was a warmth in his eyes and a gentleness in his smile that put her at ease.
Unable to contain her admiration, (Y/n) stepped closer, her fingers gently tracing the intricate patterns on his wings. "They're... they're extraordinary," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "I've never seen anything so beautiful."
Joshua’s eyes softened with gratitude at her words, appreciating the sincerity in her gaze. He extended his hand, inviting her to touch his wings, a silent gesture of trust and friendship. As her fingertips brushed against the soft wings, a subtle, magical energy tingled in the air, sealing the bond between them and marking the beginning of a remarkable friendship in the heart of the enchanted forest. “May I dance with you?” Joshua asked as he smiled at the girl who admired his wings. (Y/n) answered with a smile and a little nod. 
Under the luminous embrace of the moon, Prince Joshua and (Y/n) took flight, their wings carrying them gracefully into the night sky. Their movements were as harmonious as the melody of the forest, twirling and spinning amidst the stars, leaving behind a trail of stardust that shimmered in their wake. The enchanted night seemed to come alive with their dance as if the very essence of the forest was celebrating their newfound friendship.
With every dip and soar, they laughed, their voices mingling with the night wind, creating a joyous symphony that resonated through the trees. The woodland creatures below, drawn by the magical aura surrounding the pair, watched in awe. Deer peeked from behind ancient oaks, rabbits paused in their midnight nibbling, and owls hooted in rhythm with their dance, adding a natural melody to the enchanted evening.
Joshua and (Y/n) shared a connection that transcended words, their laughter echoing the shared secrets of the forest. They danced with a grace that mirrored the rustle of leaves and the flow of streams, their wings flickering like shooting stars as they spun and glided through the night. Their movements seemed effortless, guided by an invisible thread of understanding that bound them together.
As they descended back to the forest floor, the woodland creatures approached, their eyes filled with admiration and curiosity. Squirrels chattered excitedly, and butterflies fluttered around them as if offering their applause to the charming pair. Joshua and (Y/n) greeted their audience with smiles, their laughter blending with the night sounds of the forest.
In that magical moment, surrounded by the wonders of nature and the camaraderie of woodland beings, Prince Joshua and (Y/n) found solace in each other's company. Their dance in the moonlight had not only enchanted the forest but had also woven the beginnings of a timeless friendship, destined to be celebrated by both the mystical realm and the hearts of those who witnessed their extraordinary bond. 
The sun began rising from its sleep as the newfound friends sat on the ground admiring the song of the birds as they too awoke from their sleep. Shua hastily stood from the ground as he realized just how long he had been out there in the forest. (Y/n) followed after the prince, standing up though the girl was confused over why he seemed so distressed. “Is something wrong, Shua?” 
“I have to leave, I should have been back at the castle long ago,” The prince hurriedly put his cloak back on and he began to leave. After taking a few steps he stopped and turned back to the fairy whom he had been dancing with all through the night. “I’ll come back to visit you as soon as I can, I promise,” “I’ll be waiting for you, here in the meadow,” And so the two parted ways, dreaming of the next time they would see one another. 
As the moons waxed and waned, Prince Joshua continued his visits to the Enchanted Forest, drawn back by the irresistible pull of (Y/n)'s laughter and the warmth of her spirit. Each encounter deepened their friendship, and with every shared moment, the bond between them grew stronger.
In the quiet glades and under the starlit canopies, they talked about their dreams and fears, shared stories of their respective worlds, and discovered the depths of each other's hearts. Their friendship was a sanctuary, a place where they could be their true selves without the constraints of titles or responsibilities.
Unbeknownst to each other, their hearts were entwined in a tapestry of emotions. Shua found himself captivated not just by (Y/n)'s beauty but by her kindness, her laughter echoing in his dreams. (Y/n), too, found herself thinking of Joshua when the sun dipped below the horizon, his smile lighting up her thoughts like the first rays of dawn.
As the seasons changed, the forest bore witness to stolen glances and lingering touches, both hesitant yet filled with unspoken affection. Their secret feelings, like the delicate petals of a rare flower, unfolded slowly, revealing the depth of their connection. The enchanted forest, with its ancient wisdom, seemed to embrace their burgeoning love, its rustling leaves and melodious birdsong serenading their hearts.
In the quiet of the moonlit nights, Shua and (Y/n) found solace in the shared secrets of their hearts. They longed for the courage to confess their feelings, yet the fear of changing their precious friendship held them back. Little did they know that the forest, with its timeless wisdom, was gently guiding them toward a love that was as boundless and eternal as the enchanting realm they called home.
A moment suspended in time, a culmination of unspoken words and lingering glances, set against the backdrop of the Enchanted Forest. The air was thick with anticipation, charged with the magic of the night, as the prince and (Y/n) stood beneath the silvery canopy of leaves, bathed in the soft glow of the moon.
Shua’s heart beat like a drum, echoing the rhythm of the forest around them, as he gently cupped (Y/n)'s face in his hands, his touch as tender as the caress of a morning breeze. His eyes, deep pools of emotion, searched hers for permission, and finding nothing but trust and affection, he leaned in slowly, his lips meeting hers in a soft, hesitant kiss.
Time seemed to stand still as their lips touched, a gentle and innocent connection that sent shivers down their spines. It was a kiss filled with the sweetness of friendship, the warmth of unspoken love, and the promise of something more. The world around them faded away, leaving only the sensation of each other's presence, the softness of their lips, and the shared heartbeat that echoed the depths of their feelings.
As they pulled away, their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, they acknowledged the depth of their emotions. A tender smile curved on Joshua’s lips, mirrored by (Y/n)'s, as they realized that their friendship had blossomed into a love that was as boundless as the Enchanted Forest itself. At that moment, the entire magical realm seemed to celebrate their love, with the rustling leaves and twinkling stars bearing witness to the beginning of a beautiful, enduring romance, destined to be etched into the tapestry of their hearts forever
“Come with me to the castle, (Y/n),” (Y/n) looked up into the eyes of the boy she loved dearly, tears silently filling them. “I can’t, Shua. I can’t leave my home here,” “Please, darling, you can always return here, if you come with me to the castle, you can attend my coronation ball and I can introduce you to my parents, if we do that, we can be together forever,” (Y/n) walked a few steps away from Joshua, turning her head to look up at the moon. The winter sparkles slowly fall around them. “Why can’t you stay here with me?” 
“I have a duty to my kingdom, (Y/n). I’m the crown prince of Elaria. I can’t just leave the throne, I have no brother or sister who can take it for me. I am the lone heir to the throne,” “I need some time to think, Joshua. I have lived in this forest my entire life, I don’t think I can bear to part with it or the woodland creatures who have spent countless nights with me dancing under the night sky,” With that, the lovers parted ways, for the first time, their goodbyes were laced with sadness and hurt rather than overflowing with love. 
The night of the coronation ball arrived, and the grand palace of Elaria glittered like a thousand stars. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, and the soft glow of enchanted chandeliers illuminated the magnificent ballroom. Velvet curtains, rich in hues of midnight blue and silver, cascaded from the high windows, creating an ambiance of regal splendor.
Noble fairies and mystical beings from all corners of the realm gathered in their most resplendent attire. Joshua, now dressed in royal garments adorned with intricate patterns of silver thread and sapphires, stood at the entrance of the ballroom, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of excitement and responsibility. His crown, a masterpiece of enchantment, rested upon his head, symbolizing the weight of his new role as the king of Elaria.
The ballroom was alive with music, the melody of harps and flutes weaving through the air, inviting couples to dance in perfect harmony. The guests twirled and swirled, their laughter and conversations filling the space, creating an atmosphere of joy and celebration.
Amidst the grandeur, Joshua’s eyes searched the crowd, longing for the presence of (Y/n). He felt a pang of sadness, a void in his heart, as he realized she wasn't there. Despite the festivities, his thoughts kept drifting to her, the absence of her laughter and her smile casting a subtle shadow over his joyous occasion.
Unbeknownst to Joshua, (Y/n) had chosen not to attend the ball, her heart torn between her happiness for his achievement and the ache of unspoken emotions. Instead, she stayed in the quiet depths of the Enchanted Forest, her thoughts with the prince even as she danced beneath the moonlit canopy with the woodland creatures. The stars above seemed to reflect the sorrow in her eyes, mirroring the bittersweet nature of their relationship.
As the night wore on, Joshua fulfilled his royal duties with grace, his laughter mingling with the melodies of the ballroom. Yet, in the midst of the celebration, he couldn't shake the feeling of incompleteness, a yearning for the presence of the one person who held his heart in the gentle embrace of her hands.
After the glittering coronation ball, Joshua couldn't shake off the lingering sense of emptiness that enveloped him. Fueled by an overwhelming desire to find (Y/n), he ventured into the Enchanted Forest once more. The moon hung low in the sky, casting ethereal shadows among the ancient trees as he searched, his heart pounding in his chest.
With each step, he called out her name, his voice carrying through the rustling leaves and the whispers of the night breeze. "Y/n!" he cried, his tone filled with a mix of urgency and longing, but there was no reply except for the symphony of the forest.
Alone in the fading light, (Y/n) clutched the letter that would change everything, tears staining the ink. Each stroke was a reminder of a love that was slipping away, leaving her stranded in a sea of heartache. As she heard the cries of her lover come closer she hurried to leave the envelope on the ground where they shared their first kiss before she left, seeking shelter in the deep dark forest she called her home. 
Finally, he reached a familiar clearing, where he had often met (Y/n) under the moonlight. There, beneath the soft glow of the stars, he found a delicate parchment bearing his name, placed gently upon a bed of moss. His hands trembled as he unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning the elegant handwriting.
"My dearest Shua," the letter began, its words imbued with both love and sorrow. "I cherish the moments we shared, the laughter, and the unspoken bond between us. But I must follow my heart's path, even if it leads me away from you. Know that you will always reside in the deepest corners of my soul, and our memories will be my guiding stars."
Joshua’s heart sank as he read her words, realizing that his beloved had chosen a different journey, one that didn't include him by her side. He closed his eyes, a mixture of grief and understanding washing over him. The forest seemed to echo his pain, the leaves whispering their sympathy in the night.
In the quiet of the Enchanted Forest, beneath the sorrowful moon, Joshua stood alone, holding the letter to his chest as he let the reality of her absence settle in. Although he couldn't hold her in his arms, the memory of their shared moments, the warmth of her smile, and the echo of her laughter would forever be etched in his heart, a bittersweet reminder of a love that had once blossomed in the magical depths of Elaria.
"My love, my heart aches with every step you take away from me. I wish I could rewrite fate, but the burden of the kingdom weighs heavily upon my shoulders. Please know that my sacrifice is not a measure of my love for you, but a testament to the duty I must uphold. May time heal our wounds and bring you the happiness you deserve." Joshua said out loud, wishing that the wind would carry his heartfelt words to his lost lover. He then left the forest, throughout his long reign on the throne he never once returned to that sacred spot in the forest too scared he would find (Y/n) dancing with someone who was not him. 
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suhnshinehaos · 2 years
love on the air : part nine
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synopsis : joshua hong wants you to know how he feels about you, but god forbid he actually say it out loud. instead, he settles on the next best thing : dedicating a song to you every week on the campus radio. too bad you’re too dense to actually figure out it’s all for you.  pairing : joshua hong x gn!reader  genre/s : non-idol au, university au, childhood friends to ???, so much pining, fluff, a bit of angst, honestly so corny and cheesy just- beware part nine word count : 1.3k
track nine : francis forever
previous  ➤  track eight : you belong with me next  ➤  track ten : forever & always love on the air ➤  masterlist
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your spot is the rooftop of the university library. it provided you with the most breathtaking view of the entire campus : the winding cobblestoned streets, the towering brick and concrete buildings, the lush green trees, the rust-stained lampposts, the students that sprinted past each other as they hurried to their next class. it’s the perfect place to clear your head, to watch sunset, to people watch. most students are unaware of this little gem in the university, accessible by an unassuming door in the very back of the biographies section. you had only told one other person about your affection for this place. 
the word leaves your lips in a breathless whisper. you knew you shouldn’t be shocked, yet you still are. warm, familiar eyes meet yours. joshua stands in front of you with his hands stuffed inside the pockets of his jeans, the most unsure smile present on his face.
“it’s me.”
even if with his verbal confirmation, you find yourself blinking back at him. taking a couple of tentative steps towards him, you can’t help but be reminded of the past couple of weeks : the picnic at sunrise, the late night movie marathons, the tight hugs in the middle of the afternoon. then again, these events aren’t exactly unique to the past couple of weeks.
joshua tilts his head to the side, the slightest hint of a teasing tone lacing his words, “did you run here or something?”
you hadn’t even noticed the thin layer of sweat that covered your forehead. the second the song he requested had finished, your feet pretty much moved on their own; mind blank with only one destination in mind. 
“are you kidding me?” you scoff, exasperated and eyes widening. is he seriously teasing you right now? what is going on? a small part of yourself knew, but you also didn’t want to get your hopes up just in case. 
he even had the nerve to chuckle, stepping forward in an attempt to lessen the space between the two of you, “oh. i’m completely serious.”
you’re at arm’s length apart and you can’t help the way your heart skipped the smallest of beats when the comforting scent of his perfume washes over you. “you’ve been sending in songs for love on the air.”
it’s a statement, not a question, leaving joshua very little room to deny anything. he nods, his voice the quietest you had ever heard it, “i have.”
there’s too much you want to ask him : why is he telling you this now? why did he deny doing so when you asked a couple of weeks ago? why love on the air? 
word after word travels through your mind in quick succession, but only one manages to escape your lips, “why?”
your voice quivers and his breath hitches. joshua’s gaze momentarily leaves yours to land on his feet, seemingly trying to collect his thoughts. the silence doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but it’s enough to send your mind reeling. the tension that’s formed between you is thick, palpable, and only broken by his eyes finding yours once again.
“remember a couple of months ago? when you sent me to the clinic because i tripped?”
you nod slowly, unsure of where he was going with this.
“you just stood there laughing at me, and if it were anyone else i probably would have gotten upset. but it was you, my best friend, and all it did was send me back to when we were kids running around that playground near our houses. you’ve always laughed at me, and i want to say that not a single thing changed…but it did that afternoon. at least for me.”
“shua…i-” you mumble. is he saying what you think he’s saying? does he mean that his feelings changed… you cut off your own train of thought. why is he telling you this now?
as if reading your mind, joshua presents you with a nervous smile and another memory, “remember when we went on the picnic and you spent the beginning of the car ride going there grumbling about how it was too early?”
“five am is too early.” you roll your eyes in response, but the corner of your mouth still quirked upwards into a small smile; something that joshua doesn’t fail to notice.
“yeah,” he laughs lightly, his gaze on you soft as he continues his recollection of the event, “but you still got up. you still grumbled your way to the passenger seat and fell asleep on the way. i just looked over at you, your mouth parted and drool slipping past your lips-”
you cut him off with a gentle hit to his arm, “that is not true! i do not drool.”
he grins before throwing his head back in laughter. you’d follow just a few seconds later; of course, he’d tease you. he wouldn’t be the joshua you know if he didn’t. the laughter eventually dies down before the grin on his face melts into a softer one, the kind that sent that indescribable warm fluttery feeling to your chest. he continues,
“i looked at you and i thought, this is the most important person in my life. i can’t risk losing them. every single time i wanted to let go of myself, of all the emotions that i’ve been bottling up, you’d look at me with those stupidly mesmerizing eyes and i’d hesitate. i can’t lose you, yn. i get overwhelmed by how much i feel for you, i didn’t think it was possible to feel so much for one person.”
joshua takes a breath, but you feel like you were holding your own. you wanted to say something, but all the words in your vocabulary got caught in the back of your throat. 
“happiness, fear, passion, frustration, excitement, jealousy. it’s crazy how a single person can bring that much out of you. i wasn’t ready for that, or for what it meant.”
he looks at you apologetically and you can’t help but reach out for his hand. your fingers intertwine with his, “it’s okay.”
you squeeze his hand softly, urging him to continue.
“then last weekend, we sang you belong with me together. even in the midst of our loud, kind of out of tune singing, or our crazy out of beat dancing, or our friends cheering us on and teasing us even after the song was over…with all these intense, overwhelming emotions that i felt in that moment, and in every moment with you, i also feel at peace. i feel content.”
joshua squeezes your hand back, pulling you a step closer towards him, “because i love you. i’ve always loved you. i’m always going to love you. something in me just clicked, i thought-”
“this is all i could ever need for the rest of my life.” you finish his sentence with a breathless smile, still unable to believe that this is actually happening. 
“yeah.” he breathes out, placing a hand on the side of your face, “am i too late?”
you can’t help but wonder what could have been if he told this a couple of months ago; if he was bold enough to lay his heart out on the line the very second he tripped. what if he was a couple of weeks early? as he went through his own journey of coming to terms with the fact that he had feelings for his best friend, you were on one too. neither of you realized the jumbled mix of emotions the other had been sorting out in the moments you’ve spent together.
a chuckle moves past you, amused at the turn of events. bringing your face closer to his, you let your lips brush against joshua’s before finally giving him your answer,
“you’re just on time.”
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from reese, with love <3 let our response be : finally !! this was a long time coming for our ynshua and i'm glad to finally be able to write this part ^^ finale coming tomorrow and i'm probably going to take a really long nap and a tiny break from writing hehe until then, thank you for reading and as always- i'd really love to know what you think :) hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves :)
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jeonginssa · 1 year
The Mud House | H.JS
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Author’s note: I wrote this really quickly but I hope you like it anyway 🙈
Word count: 500 (ish)
Content/genre: joshua x reader, coffee shop au, spot the gilmore girl’s references, fluff
Trigger/content warnings: nothing i dont think but let me know if i’m wrong
You were having the longest day. You’d been scolded at work. You forgot your umbrella and had to walk home in a thunderstorm. It seemed as though everything that could go wrong, did. So when you saw your favourite coffee shop on the way home you didn’t think twice before heading inside.
There was a warmth to The Mud House that you didn’t find in many places. You’d never quite put your finger on what about it made you feel so comfortable but you figured maybe that’s the magic of it.
“What can I get- whoa, yn! What the hell happened to you?” The barista, who you knew as Alex laughed at the fact you clearly resembled a drowned rat. You scoffed at him playfully.
“The usual, and throw in an extra shot of espresso, I beg.” He laughed and got to work.
You sat down at your usual table in the corner by the window and pulled out your laptop. You may as well get some work done. The boss had hated your recent article on The Nutcracker ballet performance that was in town and you hated to admit you could see why. It was lacking something. You just couldn’t place what exactly it was lacking.
Alex placed your coffee next to you and leaned towards you a little to quietly inform you that one of the other customers had been staring at you since you walked in and wiggled his eyebrows as he did. You jokingly pushed him away and thanked him for the coffee.
After what seemed like an appropriate amount of time you looked up from your laptop. What you weren’t expecting was to lock eyes with the most beautiful man you had ever seen. He had shiny light brown hair, dark eyes and the most stunning smile you’d seen in a long time. Wait, was he smiling at you?
You had to fight the urge to run when he got up from his table and walked towards you. Why did you have to see someone this attractive when you literally looked like you’d crawled out of a well?
“Hi, I’m Joshua,” he held his hand out for you to shake. You took it. My god, was he soft.
“I’m yn,” you cursed yourself for sounding as anxious as you felt. Butterflies flew around your stomach like they were having a battle inside you. He was even more gorgeous up close and you almost didn’t know what to do with yourself.
“Sorry, to bother you, you looked busy,” he glanced at your laptop, which ordinarily would have bothered you but he was so beautiful you don’t think anything he could do would bother you. “I just wondered if you’d like to go out with me sometime? I’d offer you a coffee but well,” he gestured at your surroundings and you couldn’t help but laugh. You couldn’t believe someone who looked like him could possibly be single but you nodded anyway.
“Sweet, can I have your number?” His smile melted any concerns you might have had and you typed it into the new contact he’d loaded. You smirked when you noticed he’d already inputted your name as “yn cute mud house girl”.
“Mud House girl, that’s a new one,” you chuckled.
“You missed out cute,” he smirked.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you blushed.
“I’ve gotta run but I’ll text you okay? Good luck with whatever you’re working on.” And with that he left.
Not a minute later your phone buzzed.
“It was nice to meet you x”
You smiled and replied, “It was nice to meet you too :)”
Maybe this day wasn’t so bad after all.
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seokjinshuji · 2 years
uh oh….. that can’t be good. yuri get away!!!! i get why cheol and han and jun are worried about josh getting to know yn though - hopefully he gets a chance to show her later on that he is serious, even if he is just trying to be friends with her for now (which means being OPEN about his flings smh josh get on it)
cheol is not really that protective, actually… 👀👀👀 let’s just say people have this certain misconception about joshua. as for junhui, well he has another reason. 🤭
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sluttywonwoo · 5 months
I have such a gross fantasy of Joshua Hong fucking me gently in front of a fire in a cabin while it snows. That man is so romantic and sweet I have a toothache
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"warm now, baby?"
you smile and hum in affirmation as you hug your knees to your chest, watching joshua stoke the fire.
he joins you on top of the blanket he'd laid on the floor a moment later when the flames are roaring and the firewood is crackling in the hearth.
then he wraps his arm around you and kisses you on the forehead. "what about now?"
"even better," you answer. "but i think i could stand to be even warmer."
joshua raises his eyebrows. "oh yeah?"
you shrug off his arm and lay down on the blanket, pulling him with you so that he's hovering over you. he gets the hint instantly, probably because it wasn't so much of a hint as it was an obvious invitation, and kisses you on the lips. he's tugging at your thermal top in almost no time, pausing only when he remembers just how cold you had been up until this point.
"are you sure you want to do this now? we can wait."
"yes, i'm sure. i want you now, shua," you whine, wrapping your legs around his waist and locking your ankles behind his back to pull him closer.
he half laughs, half moans as you grind up into him, feeling him start to harden through his sweatpants.
"okay, why don't we keep your shirt on then? we can take everything else off."
it's not really a compromise you want to make but you settle for it anyway, too desperate to try and protest further.
joshua pulls your shirt back down over your tummy and moves on to your pants, getting them and your underwear off in one fluid motion. he whistles under his breath at the sight between your thighs.
"no wonder you were so impatient. you're already soaked for me."
you've been dating for so long that you shouldn't get flustered when your boyfriend says things like that but you feel your cheeks warm in embarrassment all the same. he smirks at your reaction which makes you even wetter, something you hope he doesn't notice.
"poor thing. i won't make you wait too long, baby. just a second..." joshua yanks his t-shirt off over his head and lays it underneath yours like a pillow before shimmying out of his sweats and slotting himself between your legs. "ready?"
"yeah, give it to me."
"so romantic," he mutters, pushing himself inside of you anyway.
it isn't often that joshua fucks you without any foreplay but the main goal today is to warm you up and anything that isn't straight-up fucking you would leave part of your body exposed to the cold. like this, he can lay his body on top of yours like a weighted blanket and keep you warm as he gently fucks into you. it's exactly what he does, draping himself over you as he starts to move.
already, you feel warmer. whether it's due to the fire, his body heat, or his dick inside of you, you can't be sure but if you were a betting woman, you'd put your money on it being a combination of the three.
he's going slow to let you adjust to the stretch but it still feels like he's splitting you in half with every thrust. it feels heavenly, though. almost too good. you swear you're seeing god every time he bottoms out and the way he's praising you like you are one is making it impossible to stay grounded.
"i love you," joshua whispers, pressing his lips to your neck. "i love you so much, you're taking it so well for me."
it's all too much. too much and not nearly enough and you want to stay like this with him forever but you also want to fucking cum over and over and...
and he looks so pretty in the firelight. the ever-changing glow flickering against his skin makes him appear radiant, like all the colors of the sunset are being projected on him in waves.
"feels so good, shua," you gasp, back arching off the floor.
he strokes your cheek. "i can tell. you're crying already, my love."
you sniffle, giggling deliriously as you try to blink the tears out of your eyes. his figure is blurred behind them and you want to see him clearly. "i d-didn't even notice. 'm sorry."
"don't apologize, baby. you know i love making you cry- well, in this context, of course. means i'm doing something right."
"you're doing everything right," you confirm.
joshua sucks in a breath to steel himself before continuing. "for what it's worth, you f-feel so good too, baby. you're so fucking warm and tight... i don't know how long i'm going to last."
he sounds apologetic about it but you shake your head and grip his shoulders like you're going to give him a pep talk. "we have all night," you assure him. "we can go as many times as we want, as long as you're here keeping me warm."
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nonranghaes · 2 months
heads up! veeery slightly suggestive ig. losers being dorks together lmao (asses get smacked)
you take a few steps back, admiring the freshly painted walls of yours and joshua's home office. they're a pretty light green, a neutral enough tone that they won't take away from the room when it's fully decorated.
"i think we're actually done," you hum. the ladder clicks behind you as joshua steps down from where he was once finishing off the top of a wall, and you peek back to see him as he heads over.
the moment he smacks your ass, you're already going in to smack his face with the hand that still has wet paint on it. he gasps as he stumbles back, palm painted green still (you knew he was going to pull this with whatever paint was leftover), his dry fingers brushing over his now-green cheek.
"okay, first of all, rude--"
"you did it, too!"
his eyes are twinkling though as he looks at you. "and?" he's beaming at you now. "it looks better on you than it does on me."
with a roll of your eyes, you pull him in by the front of his coveralls and kiss him. he smiles against your lips, hands still hovering over you.
(and then you get him back when he turns to get his abandoned roller, just so the two of you match.)
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eoieopda · 9 months
all my dreamin' | hjs
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all my dreamin' is only put to shame / and darlin', all my dreamin' has only been given a name / but it came easy, darlin' / as natural as another leg around you in the bed frame.
pairing: joshua hong x reader summary: your LA boyfriend wasn't built for midwest winters. ⇢ insp. by hozier's "to someone from a warm climate (uiscefhuarithe)" type: one-shot | fluff 'n smut wc: only 2.5k! au: established relationship rating: 18+ (minors do not have my consent to interact) cw: afab! and american!reader; cuddling (👀) for warmth; gropin’ and grindin’; k*ss*ng; slow, unprotected morning sex; p in v penetration. a/n: i love two (2) men — andrew hozier byrne and hong jisoo. idk what else you want me to say, lol. barely proofread (sorry!) 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
Slatted shades don’t stand much of a chance against the blinding white outside your window. It seeps through the cracks, sunshine refracting harshly off of knee-deep snow and stinging eyes that haven’t yet consented to opening fully. 
Even though that laser-focused beam of light hits you between your eyebrows, it’s not the reason you’re awake in the first place. The real reason is next to you with his head ducked under the covers, rubbing his flannel-coated legs together like he’s trying to start a fire.
“Cricket?” You mumble. 
Still heavy with sleep you didn’t get enough of, your head lolls to the side. If your boyfriend was still topside, you’d be nose to nose; but he’s not, and he doesn’t seem to hear you from inside the cocoon he’s made for himself. 
A little louder, your gravelly voice makes a second attempt. “Are you alive under there?”
“No,” comes the world’s most pitiful whimper from somewhere near your rib cage.
You don’t know what you expected.
With a muffled grunt of effort, you pull the edge of the covers away from your chin and wiggle your way down. In the half-light, you can’t make out Joshua’s face in its entirety. His sweatshirt strings are pulled tight and knotted, hiding most of his features from the air his breath has already started to make hot. All that’s left is the tip of his nose, one eye, and a single, loose wave between the two.
There’s also a hint of a frown in there somewhere when he peeps, “I’m cold.”
You shift even further until he’s within swaddling distance. Wrapping one leg over his topmost thigh, you pull him closer and allow him to nestle his face into the spot below your chin. From where he’s hiding, he can’t see you smirking. It’s for the best, really.
“Hi, Cold.”
You don’t listen. Instead, you snicker, more to yourself than him, “I’m Dad.”
Joshua lets out a long groan in reply, but that’s no surprise; you’re huddled so closely together that you felt it building in his chest. 
When it grows quiet again, and you’re no longer laughing at your own joke, the two of you each deflate against each other. Yesterday’s journey from LAX was exhausting in and of itself, and the several-hour leap in time hasn’t made things any easier since you landed. Neither has the weather surrounding your family’s cabin, although you’re faring much better than Joshua is.
His groggy voice comes out of nowhere, startling you. “I don’t know why people live here on purpose.”
From the sound of it, he’s already halfway back to sleep. His arm slips over your waist and pulls you closer, and you get the sneaking suspicion that he’d slip into the front of your sweatshirt if he thought for sure that he could fit. Frankly, you’re shocked he hasn’t tried. His clinginess increases exponentially when he’s exhausted.
“The midwest isn’t a choice; it’s a consequence,” you sigh. “I think being born here was a penance for crimes I committed in a past life.”
Without opening his eyes, Joshua mumbles, “Bleak.”
“Bleak indeed, cricket.”
The third time really must be the charm. Joshua snorts, much too tired to laugh any harder than that, and asks, “Does that mean what I think it means?”
Biting back a smile, you tilt your head backwards enough to kiss his forehead — what little you can see of it, anyway.
“That your self-warming violin legs kept me up all night?” Your amusement only grows when you peek down at him and find him glaring up at you. “Yes. Yes, it does.”
Lower lip poking out, he scrunches his eyebrows. As offended as he pretends to be, he can’t hide that ever-present twinkle in his eyes. “You could have saved me, you know,” he sniffs.
You mimic his tone with a smirk. “I turned the thermostat up as high as it goes, you know.”
The most you get out of him is a grunt acknowledging that he heard you. Normally, you’d accept this lack of retort as a demurrer, but then you feel his cold fingertips slink below the waistband of your sleep shorts, chilling the bare skin at your hip bone; and it finally hits you.
The thermostat wasn’t the remedy Joshua had been praying for.
As you untie the strings of his sweatshirt hood, you tell yourself that it’s retaliation that motivates your movements — paying him back for his freezing hands by exposing his face to equally cold air. That’s bullshit, though, and you know it. The truth is that you can’t card your fingers through hair that’s covered in thick, grey fabric.
You can’t steal kisses from hidden lips, either.
When Joshua’s mouth is finally on yours, you giggle without meaning to because he still tastes like last night’s spearmint toothpaste. You’d love to tease him for it, but your mind goes blank before you can try. He licks into your mouth, and your snark turns into a breathy little moan instead; he swallows it eagerly, smiling against your lips.
Pinch me. I’m dreaming.
The sudden snap of your elastic waistband against the small of your back makes you jolt. You pull back, lips swollen and kiss-bitten, and balk. He doesn’t give you the opportunity to scold him, however.
“You’re insane for wearing shorts when it’s this cold,” Joshua insists. When you don’t bother to justify your decision — you’re not as much of a freeze baby as he is — he nips at your bottom lip. “I’m grateful, though. They’re easier to work around.”
You’re grateful that his hands have gotten warmer, the longer they cling to you, but you don’t say as much out loud — your body responds for you. His fingers knead into the flesh of your ass, and you roll your hips forward, chasing friction. You find it easily; it’s growing thicker by the second.
“Shit, sweetheart.” He’s still so tired that his words come out slurred — adorable — yet rough around the edges, which drives you the slightest bit wild. “Please do that again.”
“You just want me to do all the work.” You nudge the tip of his nose with yours. The sharp contrast in temperature isn’t lost on you; in fact, you adore it. His sensitivity to cold is one of a million endearing things about him. “Isn’t that right, cricket?” 
The half-expectant, half-sheepish look Joshua sends you confirms that yes, he does. But he asked nicely, and this isn’t on the shortlist of things you wouldn’t do for him, so you grant his wish without complaint.
It’s more than a little bit pathetic that such a lazy motion — a fully-clothed one, at that — makes you both moan in tandem. It’s haphazard, the way your fumbling fingers reach for the knot of his waistband. Your motor skills are still asleep, it seems, making an easy task infinitely more difficult. It only gets worse, the more frustrated you get.
You snag a fingernail on the stubborn flannel and hiss, “Jesus.”
“It’s pronounced Jisoo,” he supplies unhelpfully. 
To avoid the consequences of that quip, Joshua ducks his head down to leave a smattering of lazy kisses along the length of your neck. Whatever you might’ve clapped back with is replaced with a relieved sigh when the drawstrings’ vice grip on one another finally gives. 
Tugging unsuccessfully at the waistband in your hands, you pout. “Help.”
With the way he whines, you’d think you asked him to move a mountain. 
Melodramatically, Joshua’s head drops sideways. It lands with a muffled thump against the scrunched-up comforter that still surrounds you. He doesn’t move another muscle until you open your mouth to nag him; still frowning, still uncoordinated, his hands take the place of yours. His hips lift just enough for him to shimmy his pajama pants down — just enough to provide access.
You roll your eyes at his refusal to undress any further, but before he can remind you of how cold he is, you catch him by the mouth. Successfully placated, Joshua accepts your lips on his with an appreciative hum. That sound transforms into something bordering a groan when your hand claims his length and starts stroking him slowly.
Just like that, Joshua melts under your touch, like putty molding to your frame. His leaking cock is the exception; the only part of him that seems awake enough to beg for you. He’s throbbing in your hand and — once again — you can’t help but laugh. 
Joshua’s incredulous eyes widen, silently demanding an explanation. 
“Some of you is warm,” you offer with a cheeky grin. To ease that wrinkle between his brows, you envelope the crown of his cock with your palm and roll your wrist. The gentle squeeze prompts him to grind forward into your fist, making your stomach flip. “Must be thawing out a little bit.”
“Not fair,” he says, even though he’s moaning with screwed-shut eyes. “Can’t tease me until I’m adequately caffeinated. The Keurig is a million miles away.”
It’s one room over. 
The cabin you’ve borrowed from your parents is a mere six-hundred square feet.
You digress.
The prospect of coffee makes it even harder to fight off the urge to yawn, but you manage to do so. You manage to shimmy even closer to him, too, until the only barrier left is a thin layer of damp cotton. It’s his hand that drops down now to push it aside, making you shiver; and it’s him looking at you through half-lidded eyes that stokes the fire simmering in your belly.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” Joshua whispers. 
If his words weren’t invitation enough, the come hither motion of his fingers is. The brush of his fingertips against your clit is so enticing that you decide right then and there to follow wherever he leads. 
You’re the one melting when the tip of his cock replaces his fingers, flicking over that same spot, then gliding through your slicked folds. Each pass pulls another needy sigh right out of you. He takes every little sound he can tease out of you, as if he’s collecting them. 
When the target switches to your entrance, however, you go silent. Your fingers grip the sleeve of his sweatshirt, your forehead drops to lean against his, and your gasp dies on your tongue. It comes out of Joshua’s mouth instead, spearmint breath cooling as it fans across your face.
He might never say so out loud, but this is his favorite way to fuck you — holding you close against him, holding eye contact, holding his eagerness back to slide into you slowly. When he watches your breath catch, his pupils dilate; and he licks his lips, as if he tastes the moans you can’t quite vocalize.
For what it’s worth, you love him like this, too. Him and the drag of his cock; the way it makes pleasure course through you like molasses. The way he capitalizes on the angle of your leg draped over his hip, tilting up to graze your g-spot with a dizzying precision.
As hard as you try, you can’t think of anything better than this. There’s nothing as perfect as his hand’s light hold on your ass cheek, guiding you up and down his length; so fucking deep, but in no rush at all.
Mornings were made to be spent tangled up with him.
“Do you hear that?” Joshua murmurs against your lips. You thread your fingers through his hair and nod, whimpering as you cling to him even tighter. 
How could you not? 
Your arousal floods with every languid thrust, and you know without looking that he’s completely coated in you. And if his satisfied smirk tells you anything, it’s that he can feel you dripping from his shaft down to his balls. You have no reason to doubt it; your inner thighs are a mess.
Joshua takes his hand off your ass just to hitch your leg even higher up on his side. Immediately, you see stars. You can’t even articulate how fucking incredible it feels, having him this deep, so you kiss him with more desperation than you ever have; and you hope he can guess how close you are to unraveling.
It’s impossible to say whether he can read your mind or just your body, but Joshua picks up the pace ever so slightly. As he does, there’s a subtle swirl to his hips when he thrusts into you that has every one of your synapses lighting up like a switchboard. 
“Fuck,” is your eloquent, shuddered response. 
It’s the best you can offer when you're falling apart like this, clenching tightly around him to push you both closer to the edge. No better off, Joshua seems like he’s barely surviving the way your cunt grips him. His voice sounds as shaky as you feel: 
“I l-love it when you do that.” 
To prove it, he flicks his tongue along your bottom lip and begs you to open up for him. You comply automatically, earning a pleased hum from him that tingles down your spine.
You’d kiss him like this all day if you could, but the wildfire burning through the pit of your abdomen is becoming impossible to fight. Ironic, you think, given how completely you’ve soaked through your sleep shorts and how much you’re shivering.
Involuntarily, your head tilts backwards as the pleasure blooms. Joshua traps your bottom lip between his teeth — not hard enough to hurt, but firmly enough to keep you from disappearing. You know him; you know how much he loves to watch your pupils blow when you cum all over him, and that dead-set determination is crystal clear in the way he fights to keep his heavy-lidded eyes open.
He loses that battle mere seconds after your choked gasp, when your walls flutter around him and you start trembling. He’s twitching inside of you, release spilling, and now he’s the one who starts to laugh.
“What?” You’re still floating somewhere in the stratosphere, but you manage to snort, landing a playful swat on his bare hip. He doesn’t react at all, but you massage your palm into his flesh to soothe him anyway. “What’s so funny?”
In a sudden burst of energy, Joshua’s hands fly up to grab the comforter resting over your heads. With a grunt, he flings it off of you both, thrusting your unsuspecting body into cold air. He doesn’t even notice your startled yelp.
“So hot in there,” he pants. For emphasis, he runs the back of his hand over his forehead. He wasn’t lying; there’s a faint sheen of sweat on his knuckles when he pulls them away again. “Jesus. It’s like a fucking sauna.”
You reach out to unstick a strand of hair from his slicked skin, then you let your arm flop limply back against the pillows. Grinning, you tease, “I thought it was pronounced Jisoo.”
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etherealyoungk · 7 months
birthday blues no more - joshua hong
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pairing: joshua x reader
warnings: none, fluff
wordcount: 940
a/n: also @fairyhaos this is also a little bday gift from me to you bub, hope you like it <3
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you reach your apartment and step into the elevator, pressing the button and standing as the door is about to close. your eyes flutter shut and you let off a small sigh. today was exhausting like every other day, but today felt even more tiring. and today wasn't any normal day - it was your birthday.
you hear the whoosh of the elevator door opening and your eyes flutter open and you see a familiar face in front of you, joshua, your coworker. you both coincidently lived in the same apartment building, just a floor apart. he steps in, giving you a small nod of acknowledgement as he stands beside you.
the elevator ride is quiet until joshua speaks, his voice filling the space. "any birthday plans?", he asks, looking over at you. you meet his eyes and shake your head. "no, not really", you say. all your friends were busy and your family stayed out of town, so no plans, no one to celebrate with. but you were used to it, spending your birthday alone, not really doing much. you whisper a small bye as you leave, walking towards your apartment door, the keys jangling as you unlock the door and step in.
30 minutes later, you've changed and you're sitting on the couch, scrolling through your phone as you try to decide what you are feeling like eating for dinner when you hear the doorbell ring. you furrow your brows as you get up and open the door slightly, only to see joshua standing outside. you immediately straighten up and greet him with a small smile. in all the time you knew him, he'd never come up to your house, so seeing him at your door tonight was a surprise.
"oh hi!", you tell, opening the door wider.
"hi", he replies, giving you a small smile back.
"have you had dinner yet?", he asks, a hopeful look on his face. "no, i was just about to order something", you respond and he nods, a smile playing on his face.
"will you let me take you out to dinner?", he prompts and you open your mouth to say something but close it, words not forming. he must've seen the confusion on your face and speaks up in a rush. "that's the least i can do. i wouldn't want you to spend your birthday alone", he adds, running a nervous hand through his hair. he looks at you, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes.
"yeah, okay", you say softly and he smiles. "great! i'll meet you at 8?", he asks and you nod as you watch him walk away and you close the door, resting your back against it, and you found yourself smiling.
as you get ready, you think about joshua. he was your co-worker but it wouldn't hurt to say that he was cute. you put on a the best outfit you can match in the given time and check your appearance in the mirror one last time before you hear the doorbell ring again. it must be joshua.
you hurry out, slipping into a pair of boots and you open the door. you're almost caught staring too long at joshua, because wow, he looked really good. the car ride is quiet and to be honest, you were nervous. would it seem weird that your co-worker was taking you out to dinner? did this mean this was a date or just a friendly dinner? your mind was racing.
joshua was an absolute gentleman the entire night, engaging in conversation and you both talked about things you'd never talked about before. you got to know each other more than just as co-workers but as friends. the more you got to know him, the more charming you found him.
"how come no special plans for your special day?", he asks, sitting opposite you as you both wait for the food to arrive. you shrug, eyes looking down at the glass of water in front of you. "friends are busy", you mumble out, looking back up. "i don't know, i don't really feel the need to celebrate my birthday", you add and he nods, contemplating.
"but it does need celebration! you've made it through another year around the sun, that's a big feat", he says, giving you a smile, a smile that almost melts your heart. you chuckle at his words. "well, i'm happy to be celebrating with you right now", you tell and this makes him smile wider. "i'm glad you feel that way", he says. he surprises you even more with a cake that also happens to be your favourite flavour - fresh cream and strawberries. he softly sings for you as you make a wish and blow out the candles, feeling content and delighted. "what did you wish for?", he asks and you give him a look, titling your head to the side. "if i tell you it won't come true", you reply and he chuckles. "wouldn't want that now do we", he adds as he helps you take off the candles from the cake before the wax drips onto it.
that night, after dinner, you're lying in bed thinking about joshua. you giggle and smile to yourself, burying your face in the pillow. that's when you realise that this was the first time in a while that you had opened up to someone, that this had been the best birthday in a while and you wished it wouldn't end. you hoped your newfound friendship with joshua would continue to blossom and grow. that was what you had wished for.
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taglist: @daisycheols @naaaaafla @slytherinshua @weird-bookworm @idubiluv @qaramu @n4mj00nvq @joshuaahong @itsveronicaxxx @fallingforshua29 @frankenstein852 @lvlystars
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ceebit · 2 years
do me a favor and don’t think about vernon waking up to wander into your kitchen and hug you from behind, cold nose burrowing into your shoulder, and pressing kisses to the skin that peeks out of his (stolen) shirt as you make pancakes for breakfast…
don’t think about the way he clings to you in his semi sleepy state, hair a mess but uncaring as his fingers curl around the hem. do not think about the mindless way he searches for your warmth every time your body moves without him, light frown shifting back into content when he’s able to wrap his arms around you once more.
definitely don’t think bout how he opens his mouth at your gentle prodding to taste the first pancake, chewing slowly and thoughtfully before humming him approval and breaking out in a happy grin. or about the way he steals the sliced strawberries off the wooden cutting board when he thinks you’re not looking. (you definitely are, but you let him have it.)
and don’t you even dare think about vernon mumbling something about marrying you because you make the best pancakes he’s ever had after his mom’s. your heart trips and stumbles at the admission, eyes widening, and he blinks and asks you what’s got you staring at him weirdly, unaware that he’d basically uttered something akin to a proposal at ten am on saturday morning.
did you pass? :)
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toruro · 1 year
sucking jun off in a parking lot before he has to leave for a concert 👀
i know i asked for this but fuck you!!!
"baby—baby," jun gasps as you sink to your knees on the bottom of the car, settling between his legs as he leans back in the seat. "what are you—" he sucks in a breath when you quickly unbuckle his belt—"i wanna fuck you."
"there's no time for that," you murmur, pointing at the dashboard behind you. jun knows you're right but he just—fuck—he really wants to feel you around him. but glancing at the time and hearing his phone buzz from texts from seungcheol, jun is aware that he's already stretched out his luck as much as he can.
he groans, throwing his head back onto the headrest as you free his cock of all restraints, not wasting a second to wrap your lips around the tip, tongue scooping up any precum off the slit. burying a hand in your hair, jun grips at the crown of your head and you hum at the feeling.
hollowing out your cheeks, you begin to slowly push down, jun's hand steadying your head until your nose is almost pressed against his pelvis as you struggle to breath, his cock hitting the back of your throat. "fuuuck," he drawls out, and even while you feel like gagging, your eyes roll to the back of your head from just how fucking sexy he sounds.
you press your tongue flat against his length, feeling up every single vein, every curve as you drag your head back, not breaking eye contact once. you make sure you don't stop watching him pinch his eyebrows together, shut his eyes tight, and bite down hard on his bottom lip when you force your mouth down again, the sight sending waves of pleasure down to your own core as well.
so you do it again. and again. and again, until jun is moaning so loud that if you were in your right mind, you'd be scared of someone getting suspicious. your future self thanks the gods (actually you should thank minghao—this is his car, after all) for tinted windows.
and jun's so close—so fucking close—that he doesn't care one bit when his phone rings. cheol is calling, probably asking him where he is, and you take that as your sign to speed up.
it's not really difficult anymore—sure it hurts to breath and his cock is constantly battering your mouth but fuck, jun knows how to face fuck you and he knows how to do it good.
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luvvannie · 4 months
✮ joshua hong as your boyfriend. sfw!
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✮ looooong walks down the coast in the spring,, hand-in-hand ALWAYS (don't let go he'll get sulky) and pit-stops every five minutes whenever you both see something pretty. coming home with flowers in your hair and empty ice coffee cups and the sky on the brink of midnight AAAA
✮ he LOVES taking photos of you, just documenting life yk?? he's always like 'baby smile!' with his phone every other second its SO SWEET (also his lockscreen is always a picture he's taken of u, but it's constantly taking bc there's always a new 'favourite y/n pic' AKAkAA)
✮ kbbq every week!! he knows all ur fave combos with the sauces and meats (not me making it sound like a video game GIRL) and he will do all the cooking the whole time while u sit beside him and watch and make all those 'ooo aaaa' sound effects HYPING UR MAN YK (he needs the cheerleadering its not an option bbg). you get the first bite everytime ofc PRINCESS TREATMENT WBK
✮ the two of you are always babysitting for your friends and it's the MOST CHAOTIC THING EVER bc ure constantly asking each other 'baby... where did the ACTUAL baby go..?😰' but it always has u giggling and kicking ur feet by the end because OMG HE'S SOOO HUSBAND THE WAY HES SO GOOD WITH KIDS... mayb this is my inner cheol bias coming out as well but after seeing how he was with ahrin and ahyun i think he secretly prefers babysitting the daughters (girl dad shua WE KNOW WE KNOWWWW) JUST A THOUGHT OKAY!!!
✮ and then one day after one of the kids you were babysitting went home, you saw that they left their colouring book at your house, and you would just curiously go over and try colouring in one of the sections... and then shua would come in and see what you were doing and wanna join you AND THEN BOOM ITS BEEN AN HOUR WHAT FUCKING DRUGS ARE IN CHILDREN'S COLOURING BOOKS??? after that day, the two of you started buying your own colouring books and then spending your afternoons together colouring while you ate dinner.
✮ GIFT-GIVING! he's not a basic bitch either. flowers and chocolates are for unoriginal LOSERS 😡❗️ (but he does get u those too...) he loves getting u cute pyjamas and slippers the most I DUNNO I THINK HE JUST LIKES BEING COMFY WITH YOU IN GENERAL
✮ on the topic of being comfy... day naps. you've practically burned it into ur brains by now, you both immediately start getting tired when it's about to be naptime... and then as soon the clock strikes three in the afternoon YOU'RE BOTH DEAD. for the next two hours at least.
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lvlystars · 8 months
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veni, vidi, cecidi (ad vos) — h.js
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pairing. uni student!hong jisoo x fem!reader
genre. fluff :3
summary. lost in translation...i guess? (i'm so bad at writing summaries wtf)
warnings. none. just joshua being bad at latin? mentions of wanting to jump off a building but it's unserious. jeonghan's a bit of a lil shit. im nayeon (she needs a warning entirely bcus it's nayeon <3). second-hand embarrassment incoming ‼️‼️
a/n. i didn't edit this. at all. i rushed this so pls bear w me 🏃‍♀️💨
wc. 934
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“y/n, i heard some guy from our year likes you.” nayeon teases, lightly pinching the girl’s arm as she hisses, rolling her own eyes at the bunny-toothed girl. y/n rubs her arm as she shoots nayeon an annoyed look, completely missing the way a certain boy was practically melting at the sight of her as she makes her way through the bustling cafeteria within the campus.
“dude, if you’re head over heels for her, then why don’t you go for her?” jeonghan snickers, catching the younger boy off-guard. joshua shakes his head profusely, attempting to hide his reddening cheeks by pulling his hoodie over his head and pulling at the strings, effectively engulfing his face within the soft material. jeonghan simply chuckles at his friend’s lovesick state. “don’t you take latin? why don’t you confess to her in latin? i’m sure she won’t get it, right?” joshua groans as he buries his face into his arms as he leans onto the cafeteria table.
“then she’ll be stuck on that note, wondering what it means, and basically that means you’ll be on her mind!”
“nuh uh.”
“yuh huh, she won’t easily forget you if you give her a little challenge, you know what i mean?” jeonghan nudges the boy, completely oblivious to joshua’s despair.
“what you guys talking about?” seungcheol, the older and more mature of the three, asks, sitting down and setting his tray on the table. “shua’s head over heels, and i’m trying to give advice, but this baby won’t fuss up the courage to do it!” seungcheol snickers as he eyes the latter, observing how he looks absolutely dead at the moment. “how come you easily flirt with 20 different girls in our biochemistry class, but you can’t even utter a single word to the one girl you like?” jeonghan huffs, leaning back as he crosses his arms in irritation.
joshua sits up, taking off the hood of his hoodie as he fixes his tousled hair, sighing as he stabs his fork into the salad he picked out, shoving the greens into his mouth before he chews, the crunching of the leaves drowning out the chatter of the many students sitting in the cafeteria. joshua thinks to himself, pondering over the idea of confessing to the love of his life in latin, despite the fact that she’s in his latin class.
“fine, i’ll do it.” joshua sighs, making the other two boys freeze as they slowly look at joshua.
“you’re serious?”
“yes, i am. and i’m going to do it now. watch me.” joshua pulls out his phone, pulling up google translate before ripping out a page of his bullet journal and scribbling something on it. as a final gesture, he nods to himself, getting up and marching his way over to y/n’s table, where she was busy chattering along with her friends.
right before the boy could even utter y/n’s name, joshua trips over his own feet, falling right in front of her.
“oh my god!” y/n gasps, rushing over to the boy and helping him, completely unaware of the fact that his cheeks were flushed bright red of embarrassment. clearing his throat, he fixes his posture before turning to her.
“are you-”
“this is for you.” joshua shoves the note into her face, surprising the girl. she slowly reaches for the note, grasping it and giving the boy a questioning look before opening the note, smoothing it out before she reads the 5 words written down, make her crack a smile as she reads the same words over and over again. soon enough, she breaks out into laughter, making the boy shrink as he wonders what’s so funny about the note. is it too corny? did it not make sense? was he not her type? is this stupid? wh-
“i’m sorry, that probably came off as rude. it’s just-” y/n breaks out into a fit of laughter as she bends over, catching the eyes of her friends.
“wh-what’s wrong?” joshua asks, making her calm down before she talks again.
“you wrote veni, vidi, cecidi ad vos, right?” joshua nods his head slowly, making the girl giggle before continuing. “you wrote, and i quote word for word, ‘i came, i saw, i fell to you’, in the context that you like me?” y/n asks again, and joshua nods again, the confusion arising more within him.
“well, cecidi is fall, just…not the fall used in the context of feelings…but the fall used in the context of, well…actually falling.” y/n giggles, making the boy’s eyes widen as he realizes his mistake, making him whine as he shoves his face into his hands.
“i knew this was a bad idea,” he groans, refusing to look at y/n in the eyes in the moment.
“the reason why i was laughing was because, you did exactly that, joshua.” joshua perks up at his name, the realization clicking in that oh shit, i did do exactly that, then further realizes that oh shit, she knows my name.
“i, uh, wow i’m actually going to jump off a building right now.” joshua sighs, y/n giggling to herself as joshua just stares at her, admiring the fact that she is just so pretty up close. being able to see her smile lines, her grinning lips, the way her eyes light up, and the way she just looks so happy as she talks to him—it gives him intense butterflies. what catches him off-guard is what she says after.
“please don’t, because if you do, then who’ll take me on a date?”
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ⓒ lvlystars
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suhnshinehaos · 2 years
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*ೃ  love on the air
synopsis : joshua hong wants you to know how he feels about you, but god forbid he actually say it out loud. instead, he settles on the next best thing : dedicating a song to you every week on the campus radio. too bad you’re too dense to actually figure out it’s all for you. pairing : joshua hong x gn!reader genre/s : non-idol au, university au, childhood friends to ???, so much pining, fluff, a bit of angst, honestly so corny and cheesy just- beware dfghjks
track seven : shrike ( + daylight )
previous  ➤  track six : say next  ➤  track eight : you belong with me love on the air ➤  masterlist
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from reese, with love <3 ngl i just want a love like hozier song sighh not ynshua asking each other to wait ,, happy bestie anniversary to them ig >_< anyways, this is it for this week’s love on the air- i'll see you all again next week ! as always, thank you for reading and i'd love to know what you think :) hope you are all doing well and taking care of yourselves :)
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gyuwoncheol · 8 months
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Pair: Joshua x gn!reader
Genre: loss of a loved one
Summary: Joshua’s nightmares are suddenly better than his reality
Warnings: pain, sadness, nightmares, mentions of physical illness and death— Please don’t read if these things trigger you. Your mental health is most important! (No, Joshua does not die.)
WC: 1.5k
Author’s Note: this was so painful to write but also oddly healing after. Special shout out to darling Lina @seokminkisser for reading through this and assuring me I still made sense 💛 THANK YOU!
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“Hey, I'll be okay.” Joshua heard you call out faintly before he shot up from the bed, startled, out of breath and a cold sweat breaking on his forehead and back.
He looked at your empty side of the bed and he shuddered in fear before tears began to prickle his eyes
“Baby?” You cooed very softly from the love seat that was positioned right by the window in your bedroom. Joshua blinked once to clear his vision from the tears that threatened, then twice to refocus his gaze. By then you had already stood up from where you’d been adoring the moon that peeked on your window to make your way to the bed.
The way your cold hand cupped his very warm cheek had him feeling a chill down his spine, his eyes stared blankly at yours despite the very dim glow of the moon and the nightlight in your bedroom.
“Another one of your nightmares?” You asked
Joshua was still shaking, his brain still trying to wrap around everything, you saw his lips tremble, his eyes getting glossy again. You let your free hand grip his right one, squeezing gently like you do when you tell him you love him.“I’m here, hun. It’s okay.”
You didn’t bother asking him what he dreamt of, you already knew what it was about. He had it all the time, a recurring nightmare where he loses you. It always started the same way: him running into your hospital room as you gave him a smile full of love. It's weak, but it still reaches your eyes. And he always brought flowers, the most colorful ones he'd see in the shop. It was his way to brighten those 4 walls that always smelled of alcohol and sterilized devices. But his flowers weren't actually the only pop of color in the otherwise very bleak, very white room. You still had your multitude of bright metallic balloons, a handful of stuffed toys, and of course, all the get well soon messages written in very colorful papers that your boyfriend stuck on the wall, some even had glitters. Even though he was the ‘hobbyist’ in his group of friends, it actually really surprised him just how artsy those group of very rowdy, very loud and very tall boys got. Unfortunately for the both of you, despite the rainbow presence everyone tried to bring in, the fact remained the same: you were losing color as you laid in that gurney. He should've gotten used to the image of you with all those machines hooked on your frail body, it had been your 3rd month there anyway. 
In soite of having dreamt this almost every night, and he means every. single. night., he still can't remember the part where it all takes a bitter turn for the worst. One moment he's fixing up your blanket, and then the scene completely jumps to you convulsing and then every single machine starts to beep an abnormal amount. He'll literally see you gasping for air and then in the blank of an eye, he sees you take your last deep breath before the notorious green line on the screen completely flattens. 
Tonight though felt oddly different, not at all like any of his past nightmares. You didn't die. In fact, it was the first one he had where you spoke to him, telling him you'd be alright. He should be happy, right? First nightmare that actually had a good ending? But he wasn't. He weirdly wasn't. So maybe he did get used to his nightmares, because why was this infinitely weirder than all the others that had you dying. 
"Josh?" you called to him again.
Did he really just hear you? So you really didn't die this time? Now it was just all feeling like a fever dream to him. He thinks he felt you brush his hair away from his face, a very gentle gaze in your eyes as you looked at him like he was so fragile. You wish you could change his nightmares, wish he never had it to begin with. But alas, there's only so much you can control. You saw how he shuddered in his sleep, grunting and wincing in pain as he battled his subconscious. You tried to shake him awake, call his name repetitively but neither one worked. So you waited, wide awake— not that you could sleep anyway— knowing he'd eventually startle himself awake. 
Your thumb continuously caressed his cheek, hoping it would help him snap out of his daze and bring him back to you. "Baby, I'm still here. Breathe," you coaxed slowly as you saw him close his eyes shut, as if willing himself to listen to your voice. To your dismay, you only saw his lashes get wet before a stream of tears finally flowed down his cheeks. The blanket that was initially strewn when he woke up had now found its way clung tightly to his chest. You felt at a loss with what to do, you just wanted to comfort him, wanted him to know you were there for him. You just wanted him to feel you. 
Joshua sobbed quietly, his dream still ingrained in his brain. The words you spoke repetitively rang in his ears, much louder than the ones you were actually trying to say as you desperately tried to hold his body against you. 
"Josh, please stop worrying." You repeated a couple of times, increasingly getting more concerned that this particular nightmare had shaken him so much.
It wasn't til after a more violent sob that he finally sat a little straighter and a little bit more composed. You saw him wipe his cheeks hurriedly and you couldn't help but envelope him in a tight embrace, one that had him both feeling a comforting warmth and a sudden chill through his spine. 
"I..." he started, clearing his throat momentarily, "I know you're here." The last word faltered as his lips trembled. "I can feel you." He was looking at your side of the bed and god, did you wish he could actually see you cause you are there. You're staring right at him. You needed him to see you because you actually look like how you did when he fell in love with you three years ago in that bookstore. Your cheeks now had color, your hair wasn’t flat, and your normal weight was on. You looked nothing like the skin and bones that you were in that hospital bed in your last three months on earth. If anything, you looked most alive now.
"Why'd you say that in my dream tonight?" Joshua blinked away tears as he continued, "Y-you n-never say you're okay. You never say anything at all. Why are you suddenly okay?" He frustrated. It was your turn to close your eyes, not wanting to see how pained your boyfriend felt. He had that same look he had on that fated day seven weeks ago when the doctors all but confirmed to him his most dreaded news. "Is... Is this…” he paused to inhale deeply, “do I need to let you g-go? Because you'll be okay?"
Your passing had not been easy on him. Even though you were constantly in and out of the hospital and finally resided there in your last few months, he had always held out hope that one day you'd both still happily go home happy and healthy. Ever since you left, he's looked for you day and night, but Joshua only ever saw you in his dreams. And even though he'd see that line go flat every night, he braved through all of them if it meant he could see you.
But tonight, when the all too familiar plot suddenly changed, he feared the worst. He had always worried about you, that you didn't get to live life to the fullest. You both still had that planned trip to Italy after all. He felt you had regrets, worried that you had gone too soon for your own liking. So when he heard you say, "I'm okay," tonight, he was both comforted and scared. Comforted that his worries were wrong, but so incredibly terrified your presence would now be fully gone. That's how it worked, right? Joshua thought. Most souls stayed around because they had regrets, had unfinished business earthside, but when they've finished those and have found their peace with those they’ve left, they’re finally able to cross over to the place where all good things nice and happy exist. Right?
You saw him reach out to your bedside table, picking up the small picture frame of you. His hands ran though your image, the overwhelming feeling of pain and sadness and longing just crushing every bit of his broken heart to even tinier pieces. You did your best to wipe away his tears even though it really wouldn't work, but it was all you could attempt to do. "i love you," you whispered so desperately, a hand on top of his.
"Please don't go." Joshua's voice cracked,  "Cause you might be okay, but I never will be."
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a/n: i apologize for any pain caused. Pls don’t hate me. Reblogs are deeply appreciated and my inbox is always open for feedback/chat! 🤍
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sxfthannie · 9 months
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↦ pairing: yandere!joshua x fem!reader
↦ warnings: manipulating, overprotective
↦ note: overprotective yandere joshua because it just makes sense! i feel like this isn't good enough but i don't really know what to edit either so here it is :')
↦ word count: 745
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Joshua was the epitome of perfection. A true gentleman, he was always attentive to your every mood and need, and was always there with you through the highs and lows of life. He was the kind of man that every woman dreamed of, but alas, his heart belongs solely to you.
A man who is wanted by everyone is with you so why is it that you seem unhappy these days?
“I’m going out to meet Hyerin at 4pm later.” You murmur, head resting on Joshua’s chest while he gently runs his hand through your hair. “Then I’ll come along again.” He replied, but you were having none of that. “No.” You said firmly. “No?” He repeats after you in a confused state as you push yourself up away from his embrace.
"Shua, my love, I can't have you trailing behind me like a lost puppy every time I go out." You gently expressed, watching as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I don't understand," he murmured softly, sitting up on the bed beside you. "Why the sudden change of heart? Why don't you want me by your side?" His questions made you sigh deeply.
"It's not that I don't want you with me, Shua," you explained, your voice soft and tender. "It's just that I want to spend time with my friend alone." Joshua takes your hand in his, his thumb tracing circles over your skin as he speaks. "I just want to be the kind of boyfriend who can protect his girlfriend," he said, his voice filled with love and devotion.
“No other boyfriend does this.” you retorted, your patience wearing thin. You cherished Joshua deeply, but his constant watchful eye was beginning to feel suffocating. “Did Hyerin put you up to this?”
“What?” You utter in disbelief at his ridiculous words. “You’ve been fine the first few months but ever since Hyerin came into the picture, you’ve been trying to push me away.” You scoff at your boyfriend’s words. “You’re being ridiculous right now. She has nothing to do with this.” You say as you get off from his bed. “Whatever. I’m leaving.”
You only made it two steps out of the door before Joshua was by your side, holding your hand and stopping you from leaving. “I’m sorry, love, I–” a sigh escapes his lips before he continues. “It’s just that I’m scared something might happen to you. Like that day.” He whispers the last sentence as he leans his forehead against yours, big hands gently cupping your cheeks. “And I'm scared I won't be able to help you the next time if it happens again.”
You know what exactly “like that day” means.
It was a year ago, back when you and Joshua weren’t in a relationship. You were returning home from college after all of your classes ended when 3 boys from your economics class had stopped you. They wanted to ask you about assignments, which is what you assumed, but their intentions were far more sinister. In that abandoned staircase the students were restricted from, they touched you inappropriately, but luckily for you, Joshua came just in time.
To this day, you don’t know why Joshua used that staircase that day. He never offered an explanation and you never pressured the issue either, being lucky enough that he saved you that day.
“I’m sorry I made you feel suffocated.” Joshua’s soft whispers of apology brought you back from your thoughts. “No. I’m sorry for this.” You said, looking at him in the eyes to show him you were indeed sincere with your apology. “I should’ve known how much that day affected you too.” You confess, ending your apology by pressing a kiss on his lips.
His hand makes its way to the back of your neck, pushing you closer into a deeper kiss before pulling away, breathless.
“So then, can I come along later?” You chuckle at his question. “Of course you can, Shua.” He gives you the smile that even turns his eyes into little crescent moons before pulling you into his embrace.
Jeonghan was right.
“Just try guilt tripping her.” Jeonghan, Joshua’s trusted friend said. “But I don’t want to hurt her in any way.” Joshua replied, his heart sinking at just the thought of seeing you in any type of distress. “It’s either that or you let her go out without you by her side.”
“Okay, but are you sure it’ll work?” Joshua asked, uncertain of his friend's way in this matter. “Trust me.”
Guilt tripping you hurts him but it works so damn well.
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nonranghaes · 7 months
heads up! food mentions + mentions of joshua being a lil sick
"joshua hong, you better not be doing what i think you're doing."
the scene, as it is now: joshua is curled up on your couch, a blanket draped over his lap because it's a little chilly and he's been dealing with a slight cold, so he's been taking it easy lately. you've just come home, showered, and are finally dressed in cozy clothing again after a particularly long shift. you noticed that that the last tiny bag of your snacks is missing... just as you heard the sound of plastic crinkling from the couch.
"... i'm not?"
he's not convincing in the slightest. your boyfriend is pure evil. you've always known it, but he typically spared you from most of that--he has friends who gave him far funnier reactions. but the moment he hears you running, you see him shoving something into his mouth--the tiny cookies, no fucking doubt--and lunging to hide the rest of the bag underneath him as he all but face-plants into the other end of the couch.
"joshua!" you jump onto the couch, reaching around him, "that was the last bag, you jerk!"
"i'm sick!"
"you're gonna be sick--"
"that doesn't even make sense!"
sometimes you wonder how your relationship with him turned into this. in the early days, he was a gentleman to you: always so gentle and loving and caring. and then he started letting that image down around you more and more. he teased you, he let you in on his pranks, he became much more unashamed about silly things like this. seungcheol once told you that joshua was a menace, and you'd denied it at first. and now here he is with the last bag of cookies that you love, keeping them tucked close to his chest. you know him well enough to know he was definitely going to replace them tomorrow and this was just a situation of bad timing...
but one way or another, you end up sitting on top of him, watching as he clutches the bag in one hand. he opens it a minute later, revealing the empty bag.
"all gone," he smiles at you that devilishly handsome smile. you don't know whether you wanna smack his arm for making such a big deal out of this or kiss his stupid face. "sorry, baby."
you pout at him. "jerk. why do i love you?"
"because," he reaches to the corner of the couch cushions, dragging out another bag. "it's not the last bag. i wouldn't do that to you."
you don't believe him for a second.
"okay--i wouldn't do that to you when i'm sick and can't go replace them immediately." he holds up the bag. "... split them with me?"
"no." you take it, and then lean forward to kiss his stupidly handsome face even though you know he'll get you sick. he's done it before... as have you, to be fair. "but i love you."
he snorts, and pulls you in to hold you for a moment. "yeah, yeah, i love you, too, you dork."
"mmhm. your dork." you snuggle in for a moment, giggling. truly, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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