#silverusso au
theweirdcobrakaifan · 11 days
Been thinking of a Bridgerton au the one with young King George and young queen charlotte and all I’m thinking of is silverusso especially those even days scenes 👀
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ziltoidcoffee · 1 year
CK Drabble: Mail-Order Omega
(A Silverusso drabble based on old photos of Ralph where he looks absolutely bratty.
Daniel is an omega whose mother signs him up for an alpha-omega dating agency. Refusing to marry some random alpha, he tries to sabotage himself, but an alpha named Terry Silver is still interested. When the alpha flies to Newark to visit him, Daniel is forced to go on the date, but he spends the entire time trying to get Terry to hate him. It doesn’t quite work.)
At nineteen years old, Daniel has no interest in getting married.
He just finished high school and has his whole life ahead of him. Only he’s an omega, the rarest of the second genders. This means nothing really, except that he has a heat every other month and got picked on by every alpha growing up. Thankfully, he started reading about karate sophomore year and was able to fend for himself—at least for the most part. But being an omega also means he’s a very eligible bachelor.
Most particularly to alphas, who are almost as rare. Therefore, omegas are often arranged to marry and mate them, and their families are given a hefty paycheck. But Daniel wants to marry for love, not money. Always has, always will.
Yet he’s riding the bus on his way to an arranged date with an alpha he’s never met before.
It’s all his mother’s fault. She signed him up for this arranged marriage agency through the mail. Not against his will. Daniel agreed. But not without a fight. At first, he refused and threatened to move out. Then she revealed how far behind they are on the mortgage payment. She got let go from her job a month ago and hasn’t been able to find work since.
Daniel didn’t want to lose the family house, the one his father bought for them. So he tried to help, applying to hundreds of jobs around town. But apparently, an omega is worth more as a fiance than an employee. Especially one with no experience and only a high school diploma.
He kept searching though. Cause there’s no way he was marrying some random alpha, no matter how much they were willing to pay. That’s what Daniel told himself. Then he walked in on his mother crying over a picture of them with his dad.
“Fine, ma. I give up. Call the agency,” he told her at the time. “But I doubt anyone will wanna marry me.”
That was two weeks ago.
Since then, his mother found a new job, and they’re no longer behind on mortgage payments. So Daniel assumed she’d drop the idea. But his mom played the guilt card and begged him to go. She claimed she wanted Daniel to have what she and his father did. That world for like a minute—until he had to pose for photos and fill out some long-winded survey. He felt like a piece of meat up for sale.
Disgusted with himself and the whole idea, he took the worst photos and gave the most annoying answers, guaranteeing no alpha would want him
Except one stupid alpha did.
His mother broke the news to him last night. A wealthy, older alpha from California was interested in Daniel. So much that he apparently flew in last night and arranged a date at the most expensive restaurant in Newark. He begged his mother to cancel the date, explaining that any alpha who wanted him was probably crazy. But after accidentally revealing his plan to sabotage, he gave her fuel to guilt trip him into going.
Only he wasn’t going to “behave” like she urged him when he stomped on the bus. Daniel’s going to make this alpha hate him, even if he had to embarrass himself in front of the entire town.
Because there’s no way he’s marrying this alpha. He wants to mate with someone he loves—not for money or status.
Daniel’s plan begins when he arrives at the restaurant. The bus dropped him off a block away, but he doesn’t walk in the door until his date’s already been sitting there for ten minutes. He almost feels bad. But after clocking the snide look from the hostess at his cheap suit, he’s reminded why tonight has to be a failure. This alpha isn’t from his world, and after tonight, he’ll know Daniel isn’t made for his either.
Yet the alpha seems completely unbothered when the hostess leaves him at their table. He smiles wide, stands up, and offers his hand. “Hello, Daniel,” he greets. “Terry Silver. It’s so nice to finally meet you.”
His voice sends a shiver down Daniel’s spine, as does the alpha’s rich, intoxicating scent. He smells of the ocean on a sunny day with hints of cherry blossoms, leather, and sandalwood. It’s so strong that he can hardly think and even takes a second to respond.
“Uh, you too,” he manages and shakes the alpha’s hand while trying not to stare. Because if the scent of him wasn’t enough, Terry is one of the most handsome men he’s ever met, with his dark blue eyes, statuesque proportions, and charming smile.
But this changes nothing.
Terry may be an attractive alpha, but he’s still willing to spend money on an omega he doesn’t even know. Clearly, there must be something wrong with him, and Daniel isn’t willing to marry him to find out. He sits down across from Terry and brings his attention to the leather-bound menu, preparing to launch into plan a: acting like a rude, spoiled brat. Hopefully, the restaurant staff will forgive him, and if not, it’s not like he’s coming back
“Did you already order?” he snaps, changing his tone entirely.
“Oh, no. I assumed you’d want to order your own meal.” When Daniel glances up, he half expects the alpha to be laughing. They’re known for walking all over omegas, some going as far as controlling what they eat. Yet Terry is smiling innocently and adds, “Please, order whatever you’d like. This is all on me, of course.”
Daniel scoffs. What a typical alpha, assuming he has no money. He might not. But he should at least get the opportunity to split the bill. At least he doesn’t have to pretend to be angry. “Of course? Because I can’t afford it?”
Terry frowns. “Would you like to pay for your share? I’d love to treat you, but maybe we can get dessert somewhere after where you can pay.”
His eyes go wide. He must be joking. “What?” Daniel never expected some wealthy, older alpha from L.A. to suggest eating somewhere in Newark—beyond their finest, most expensive restaurant.
The waitress arrives before Terry can answer. She asks what they’d like, and he orders the most expensive dish, tagliolini pasta with lobster and truffles. Daniel doesn’t even like seafood, but it's worth pissing off the alpha. Or he thought so anyway. Terry smiles and says he’ll have the same, along with a bottle of red from their top shelf.
He grits his teeth. Maybe the alpha is being polite, or he doesn’t know the price. It doesn’t matter though. Daniel is straying from his plan. But Terry beats him before he can even speak, asking, “So, how was your day, Daniel?” His tone is so friendly that a real answer almost comes out of Daniel.
Instead though, he crosses his arms with a pout. “Shit, I hated it.” Simple but effective.
Terry frowns. “Why? What happened?”
God, that sounded genuine. Daniel pretends to be unphased. “Oh, nothing particularly. I just fucking hate it here. Everyone sucks, and there’s nothing to do.” Which is such a lie. “You wouldn’t understand.” But that isn’t.
“I have bad days sometimes too,” Terry tells him. “Yesterday, I had a difficult work meeting, and then I sat in two hours of traffic.” Daniel rolls his eyes. Like that could even compare. “I remember you said in the letter that your favorite place is the Bahamas. Have you ever been there?”
Shit, he completely forgot everything he wrote. Now he’ll have to come up with an excuse that isn’t “I picked somewhere expensive and impractical so you’d be annoyed.” Daniel shrugs and says, “No, just thought it sounds—I don’t know…peaceful. Why? You hate it? Or been there too many times to count?”
A laugh rumbles out of Terry. The sound makes Daniel’s heart flutter, more than he wants to admit. “Only once or twice. For business. That’s how I’ve done most of my traveling. Or with a friend if he isn’t busy.” His lips draw into a smile. “But I would be open to doing more traveling, preferably with a mate to enjoy the trip with.”
Daniel hates how amazing the idea sounds, being able to see the world with someone you love. “Sounds nice.” The comment comes out before he can restrain himself, and his tone is hopeful, nothing close to rude.
Terry’s smile widens. Before either can speak, the waitress returns with the wine. She pours them both a glass, sets the bottle in ice on the table, and notes the food will be ready soon. Once she leaves again, the alpha lifts his glass into the air with a smile.
“To a wonderful evening,” he cheers, and Daniel smirks at the perfect opportunity.
“We’ll see,” he mutters and ignores Terry’s toast to take a drink.
The wine is fine, really. Not that much different from cheap stuff Daniel’s had at family gatherings. But that answer isn’t rude enough. He’ll have to take it up a notch. “Ugh.” Daniel slams his glass down with a groan. “Gross. It tastes like cheap grape juice.”
Any decent person would be annoyed. Instead, Terry hums and stares at the bottle. “I think you’re right. Perhaps she got the order wrong.” He looks around the room with a frown. “I’ll ask the waitress to double-check when she comes back around.”
Oh God. The last thing Daniel wants to do is get someone in trouble. He’s fine pissing off Terry but not a hardworking innocent woman. “No, don’t,” he blurts, then remembers he’s supposed to be rude and crosses his arms. “She’ll just fuck it up again.”
For a second, he swears the alpha’s lip quirk up, almost looking amused. But whatever was there is gone in a flash. Terry frowns and glances toward the back of the restaurant. “I just hope the food is acceptable. This was supposed to be the best place in town. I had my assistant Margaret check.”
Terry did research for their date? Did he care that much about trying to please him? Daniel’s heart flutters in his chest, but he ignores the feeling, remembering his mission.  “We should’ve gone to the city.” He slouches against the booth and lets out a loud groan. “God, this town’s going to the dogs.”
It hurts Daniel to talk trash about Newark, but at least his performance is successful. Everyone nearby turns to stare at them, and Terry looks less than enthused, glancing around the room. Daniel pretends not to care, sipping his glass of wine. When silence follows for several minutes, he’s ready to declare a victory. But then a hand settles over his on the table, bringing the alpha’s scent closer, and his gaze jumps to Terry who smiles back.
“I’m sorry you’re not having a good time” He rubs his thumb across Daniel’s. “If you wish, we can leave now, and I’ll take us somewhere more acceptable. I know a chef who owns a restaurant on the upper east side. I’m sure he can find a table for us.”
His tone is so sincere that Daniel almost groans in annoyance. Clearly, Terry isn’t bothered by his bratty behavior, but he’s not willing to act any more rude than he has already. Which means it’s time to switch to plan b: acting like a slut. Because while the alpha doesn’t care if he’s impolite, there’s no way he’s going to want an omega who’s slept with half the town. Only Daniel’s never been past second past—with only one beta no less. Thankfully, he’s prepared an act for this strategy too.
“Nah, might as well stay. We’re already here.” Daniel slides off his suit jacket and undoes the top few buttons of his shirt, exposing a sliver of his mating gland. As expected, this draws the eyes of Terry instantly, but his expression doesn’t change.  “It’s just—I know the chef. He might spit in our food.”
The alpha’s brow raises, eyes coming back to his face. “Really? Why’s that?”
Daniel glances back at the kitchen door. “Let’s just say the alpha couldn’t get enough of what I was serving,” he says with a smirk, and Terry’s lips press together tightly.
Jackpot. Now he’s getting somewhere. “Didn’t help that was cooking for his beta brother too.” Daniel shrugs. “But what can I say? I’m an experienced chef.”
There’s silence for a moment, as Terry simply stares at him. Daniel can’t help but curl his fist in victory under the table. He’s going to be asked to leave, maybe even yelled at. But then a laugh escapes the alpha, and he stiffens in confusion. “Well, that’s good to hear…because I can’t cook at all,” Terry says with a grin. “Maybe you could give me cooking lessons sometime. Or at least share your recipes.”
God dammit. He rolls his eyes. Is this alpha stupid or what? Didn’t he catch the innuendo? “Christ,” Daniel mutters under his breath. He’ll have to get more obvious. But before he can say anything else, the waitress returns with their food and places a dish in front of each of them.
“Looks better than I thought,” Terry chuckles, reading for his fork and knife. “Have you had this before?”
“Uh—” Daniel unwraps his utensils while he thinks of a response. “Yeah, but I don’t remember the taste much. Had too many garlic knots that night.” To punctuate the words, he winks and stuffs a helping of the pasta in his mouth.
Terry nods but doesn’t respond until he’s taken a bite himself. “I’ve never been one for garlic,” he admits. “But maybe you could convince me” Daniel coughs, almost choking in shock at his ignorance, and the alpha’s eyes widen. “Are you okay? Here, let me—”
He swallows with a gasp and pushes away his hand, wanting the alpha’s addicting smell as far away as possible. “I’m fine. Just went down the wrong pipe.”
“Good, you had me worried.” Terry smiles, and Daniel looks away, irritated at the failure of his plan. Maybe he has to be more obvious. Even though he hoped to leave with some dignity.
An opportunity arises when the beta waitress returns to their table. “How is everything?” she asks with a smile Her friendliness only makes Daniel feel worse, but hopefully, she’ll understand. He can always come back later and explain someday.
“It’s—” Terry begins, but he cuts the alpha off. “It’s wonderful!” Daniel exclaims with a smirk.
She nods. “Good to hear. If you need anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask.” “Well, there is something else I want,” Daniel purrs, leaning in close enough to smell her faint rose and vanilla scent. “What time do you get off tonight?”
He brushes his hand against her thigh, and her eyes go wide. “I—” She glances between them. “That’s—”
“That’s all.” A low, commanding voice cuts in. He sucks in a breath, snapping his gaze to Terry leering across the table. Daniel pulls his hand back, reacting to the alpha growl before his brain can catch up.
This seems to please Terry. He smiles and nods at the waitress who scurries away. But his eyes narrow again when he turns back to Daniel, still frozen for some strange reason. “Are you done yet?” he asks with a sigh, tone dripping with irritation.
Daniel blinks at him. “What?”
Terry takes another bite before answering. “This—” He waves the fork between them. “Your act.”
His stomach drops at the accusation. Does he mean—he can’t possibly know—was Daniel being that obvious? He clears his throat. “W-what do you mean?” Despite playing dumb, he can’t strip the nervous stutter from his words.
“You know very well.” Terry’s chuckle sounds more amused than angry.
Still, even if he’s not mad, there’s no way Daniel’s confessing. Not until he has to. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” he snaps, slamming his fork on the table. “I’m not doing anything!”
His rising voice earns the attention of a few guests nearby, but Terry doesn’t react more than glancing at the silverware before returning his gaze to the omega. “Yes, you are,” he declares while reaching for his glass. “But I’ll play your little game and explain—this time anyway.”
Daniel swallows, waiting for an answer. He swears the alpha takes longer than necessary to drink his wine. But once he sets the glass back down, Terry smiles and steeples his hands on the table. “Where shall I begin? Perhaps the beginning. When I first received your application.” Daniel shrugs like he doesn’t care, but his heart is thumping in his chest.
Terry nods. “First, let me be honest. I wasn’t really interested in an omega—or mating. Not in the slightest. But my assistant Margaret—she’s ‘concerned’ about me, apparently. So she signed me up for this alpha-omega matchmaking agency—behind my back.” Daniel snorts. She sounds like his mom.  “Anyway, I glanced at a few applications, but nothing stuck out. Like I suspected. I am a man of particular taste…But then yours came across my desk, and your picture alone interested me.”
Heat rises to Daniel’s cheeks. He never thought a man like Terry would be interested in him. At least not for his looks. Though that would explain why the alpha still wanted to meet him after the photos and answers Daniel sent.
“But,” Terry continues with a growing smile. “Your photos—they looked very…staged.”
The word is like a kick to Daniel’s face. But to avoid looking phased, he swallows and stares straight ahead.
“So I did my own research, of course. Or rather, Margaret did.” Uh oh. Daniel didn’t like the sound of that. “She was able to get a hold of your school yearbook. But those photos looked posed too. So I reached out to the agency, and your mother sent out some more photos the next. Didn’t she tell you?”  His jaw tightens. No, she didn’t. God dammit. He got played by his own mother. “Well, the Daniel in those photos seemed nothing like the brat you were trying to portray in the first batch—and today.”
Before he can stop himself, Daniel lifts a hand to palm his face, But once he realizes and pulls back, it’s already too late. From the grin on Terry’s face, he clearly saw everything. “So, you see.” The alpha glances at the door then turns back to Daniel. “The jig was up—long before you even walked in here and put on that act.”
Daniel’s heart stutters in his chest. He’s been caught. Terry knows everything. But wait—what about the questionnaire? He still has that at least. “Think whatever you want. But that was me, and this is me,” he defends. “Didn’t you get my survey? Everything I wrote was the truth. It’s not my fault if you can’t handle me.”
A bark of laughter erupts from Terry. “Oh, Danny-boy,” he chuckles, the nickname a shiver down Daniel’s back. When did that start? “I can handle you well enough. Even if this—” He spreads his arms wide between them. “Is the real you.” Daniel’s hand curls to a fist under the table. Fuck, he embarrassed himself for nothing. “But I know it’s not,” Terry adds. “At least, not to this extent.”
That’s a hell of a claim. “How could you know?” Daniel growls. Did his mom redo the questionnaire too? He swears she sent the letter as is.
Terry shrugs. “I did my homework, like any good businessman would.”
Daniel raises a brow. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Exactly what you think,” he answers. “I hired a private investigator to look into you. He spoke with your friends and family, pretending to be a potential employer, and they painted an entirely different picture of Daniel LaRusso. One that looked nothing like the person you pretended to be today, or in those photos, or the survey.”
A shiver runs down Daniel’s spine. He’s not sure what’s more unsettling, that Terry sent a stranger to investigate him or that the man knew who to ask and where. “I can’t believe you did that,” he hisses. “You’re crazy."
The alpha barks a laugh. “You really think I’d fly all the way here without doing a little digging first?” Daniel’s face burns with self-consciousness. Maybe he was stupid for assuming, but still, a phone call would have sufficed. “But I’m not saying that to offend you. I would do the same for any omega I was interested in.” He leans in closer, and the distance makes his scent grow stronger. “And it’s a good thing I did because all that talk about you ‘cooking’ around town might’ve fooled me. But we both know that’s not the truth, is it?”
Shame burns like a flame under Daniel’s skin. He can’t believe this is happening, that the alpha would go that far. “Jesus Christ.” He starts to button his shirt back up, feeling like a fool. “What the hell did he ask them?” Because he can only imagine the worst.
“Relax,” Terry chuckles, but Daniel doesn’t miss his gaze flickering to Daniel’s chest. “I told him to be discreet. But let’s just say…your family likes to gossip. He didn’t have to say much before your past relationships came up. Or should I say relationship?”
Daniel groans and drops his head back against the booth. “God dammit.” Having a big mouth seems to run in his family, and sadly, he’s not an expectation from that rule. They know way more than any relative should about his sex life, which means Terry was right when he said “the jig is up.” His act was a complete waste of time.
“Fine.” He slams a hand on the table. “You’re right, okay? I was faking it.” His hands come together to clap slowly and sarcastically. “Congratulations, you found me out. Can I go now?” Daniel glances around, looking for the waitress. “Maybe I can get this to go or—”
Terry’s hand on his stops him mid-sentence. He freezes and glances up at the frowning alpha. “Wait, Daniel, hear me out.” His plea sounds sincere, and he even retracts his touch, earning Daniel’s silence to continue. “I wasn’t lying when I said I was interested in you, and despite everything, I still am. So let’s start over and make this a real date.” He holds out his hand with a charming smile. “I’m Terry Silver. Nice to meet you.”
He stares at the alpha’s fingers in silence, trying to decide what to do. On one hand, Terry has been creepy and manipulative, and every instinct in Daniel is saying to run, as far away as possible. But then again, he hasn’t been much better, lying and playing the alpha because he can’t stand up to his mom properly. So in a way, he feels like he owes him a genuine date, and when he was acting earlier, Terry was being a gentleman.
Plus, he’s probably the most handsome man that’s ever shown interest. And he smells ridiculously good, better than any alpha Daniel’s ever met. Even now, with his hand so close, Terry’s scent is wafting across the table, and Daniel has to close his eyes a second to concentrate on making a decision.
Ultimately, he comes up with the same answer. “Sorry,” Daniel starts, and the mere word makes Terry drop his hand. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m not really interested in dating right now, and I don't even know you. But thanks for the offer.” He tears his gaze from the alpha whose smile has faded to glance around the restaurant. “I wonder if I can get a box from the—”
A sigh from Terry cuts him off. “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this…”
“Do what?” Daniel asks as the alpha reaches into his suit jacket and retrieves a small device that he sets on the table. “What’s that? Is that a recorder?” He’s seen them a few times in movies, but that doesn’t explain why Terry would have one. “Were you recording this? Why?”
“Leverage.” Terry shrugs. “I told you, Danny. I’m a businessman, and a good one at that.”
Is he really calling him Danny at a time like this? “Stop calling me that,” he hisses. “And what leverage? Nothing I did is illegal.” It isn’t, right? “Not illegal per say but certainly against the contract you and your mother signed.” Terry slides a hand into his jacket again, this time to pull out a folded up piece of paper that he slides across the table. “Take a look at section a, sub-section d.”
With a sneer, Daniel snatches the contract and unfolds to find the specific section, which he reads out loud. “If the omega provides false information or lies on the application or attached documents, such lies are grounds for contract termination.” He shrugs. “So what? Void it? I don’t care.” That’s exactly what he wants.
Terry taps the paper with a finger. “Go on.”
He rolls his eyes but continues. “Once the contract is voided with proof of falsification, the alpha has the right to seek payment for any—” Daniels goes silent as he reads the rest of the sentence then peers up at Terry with wide eyes.
“I take it you understand, yes?” Daniel nods, still too stunned to speak. “Good. Then if you still want to end this date and void the contract, you’re now responsible for the bill and my plane ticket here.” Terry takes back the paper and winks. “And I only fly first class.”
Daniel swallows. He can pay the restaurant bill. It might be everything he has left in savings, but he can, if he has to. But the plane ticket—there’s no way he can pay for that. His mom probably can’t either.
He runs a hand over his face and lets out a sigh. “What do you want? Cause I’ll finish this date. Whatever.” Daniel points at him with a glare. “But don’t expect me to be in a good mood now. Not when you’re sitting there threatening me.”
This earns him a laugh. “Oh, the offer’s changed now,” Terry says, reaching for his glass of wine. “We’ll finish this meal, but that’s not all I want.”
“What then? What more do you want? Cause I ain’t got much to offer.”
“You’re more than enough,” Terry purrs, and Daniel hates how that warms his cheeks. “I want you to come out to California with me—for at least a week. Give me that long to plead my case, or rather, court you. And don’t worry, you won’t be responsible for paying for anything while you’re there, and you’ll get to stay in my mansion, in your own bed. I promise.”
The offer sounds too good to be true. A free trip to California where he’ll get to stay in a mansion with a handsome alpha? Daniel would say yes in a heartbeat—if Terry were anyone else. But right now, he wants to be nowhere near the man who threatened him and interrogated his family. Well, technically he didn’t, but still.
When he doesn’t answer right away, the alpha sets his glass down with a frown “Fine, I’ll leave,” he sighs, setting the napkin from his lap on the table. “The agency will be in touch with you and your mother about payment. Have a good day, Daniel.”
Terry only gets a foot away before Daniel blurts out, “Wait.” He turns around slowly and sits back down.
“I’m listening.”
“I’m probably gonna regret this,” Daniel starts, but when Terry’s jaw tenses, he rushes to finish. “Sorry. I’m just—” He sighs and forces out the words. “I’ll do it. I’ll go with you to California. For a week. That’s it. As long as you leave my mom alone…and don’t ask us for any money. That’s my offer.”
A sharp smile worms itself to Terry’s lips. “You got a deal.”  Daniel sighs in relief but startles when his plate is pushed toward him. “Eat up, Danny-boy. Our plane leaves in a few hours.”
He sucks in a breath. Yeah, he’s gonna regret this.
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So: Silverusso Xena Warrior Princess AU
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After falling out with his partner Kreese and their band of raiders the Cobra Kais, warlord Terrance Silver (or Toirdhealbhach for a more fantasy flavored name) is trying to turn a new leaf. He’s journeying back to his home village when he comes across some peasants being terrorized by mercenaries and intervenes.
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Among the peasants he saves is Daniel, a young aspiring warrior with a knack for music and spinning stories.
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Daniel is awed by Silver from the moment they meet and wants to leave his small town life to travel with him. Silver has to admit the boy is charming (and beautiful) but he doesn’t need the responsibility of watching over an innocent. He doesn’t really have a choice in the matter though when Daniel follows him anyway in the middle of the night.
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aurborsau · 9 months
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Silverusso Zombie apocalypse au when???
Daniel escapes from the QZ and finds none other than Terry silver. They make their way through the apocalypse together, and fall in love along the way
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merv606 · 2 months
Well, well, well, never thought I’d be saying this but the Sugar Daddy fic has hit 500 kudos!
Who would have thought.
What a ride this little fic has been - it was never intended or supposed to be what it has morphed into, or taken as long as it has, that is for sure lol
That some people have been following it since day one - for almost three years now! While others have told me that upon discovering it they read it all in one go is something I still have trouble comprehending.
So to celebrate this, I’m going to try to get the next chapter out this week.
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bramblesbriars · 4 months
Middle of the Night: Chapter 1
Terry Silver is a prominent business owner, who happens to be a powerful vampire leader in the LA area. From waste disposal to escort services, Terry has a market for just about everything. But when a strapping new intern arrives from the local community college, he begins to rethink his priorities.
Trigger warning: This story is filled with drugs, smut and less than pleasant situations. If these bother you in any way, please, DO NOT READ. Definitely 18+. You've been warned.
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First days were always the hardest, that’s what Mr. Miyagi had told him anyway as he scuffled from the table and headed out the door that morning. As helpful as the advice was meant to be, it only made Daniel nervous on the drive over to the place, nearly getting lost at one light. He had made the drive before, twice even, and a little anxiety was going to throw off his whole day? He shook his head, doing his best to shake it off as he pulled into the parking lot of the massive building, glancing at the sign out front.
DynaTox Industries was a well-known staple in the area, as was it’s owner, Mr. Silver. He seemed to be a pretty decent guy, always participating in charities and community programs. That was the only reason Daniel got accepted to the internship program in the first place, no million dollar company would have dreamed of taking in a pathetic community college intern unless they were showing a little pity. The entire admissions process had been intense and a little extreme though, yet not once had Daniel met the mysterious executive.
With this in mind, he wondered if he would get a chance to see the man on his first day in with the other interns. Not that it mattered much, he expected to be working with a supervisor or something in the sales departments, that was his focus anyway. It was just always nice to know who you were working for.
The building was plated in glass, reflecting Daniel’s awkward form back at him as he made the trek up to the revolving doors, heading inside. Exotic plants decorated the entry way, the teen pausing to touch a petal of one of the flowers to see if it was real. The purple flake broke into his hand causing him to panic and tuck it into the pot before he darted over to a nearby desk where a lady sat. He gave his best smile, weight shifting from foot to foot when her gaze found him.
“Welcome to DynaTox Industries. How may I help you?” The woman flashed a kind smile, hands folded over her workstation as she addressed Daniel.
“Hi, I’m Daniel LaRusso, I'm an intern” He started, adjusting the bag on his shoulder. “I was wondering where I’m supposed to be. It’s my first day.”
“Oh, right, one of the interns.” The assistant checked the index card holder on her desk. “La…LaRusso…Ah, here you are.” After a moment of reading the card, she wrote down some information on a slip of paper and passed it to the teen. “You’re going to floor three, conference room B. There should be someone there to help you.”
“Thank you so much.” Daniel nodded, rushing towards an elevator just before the doors were about to close. He clutched the piece of paper in his fist, glancing over it as the elevator ascended to his floor just to give himself something to do. Once the car paused on the third floor, he hesitated before stepping out into the hall where a some other people lingered.
A few other interns congregated in the hallway, Daniel spotting them by their dazed looks and questionable attire. Despite his best effort to smile and appear approachable, none of the others paid him any mind, nor did they speak to each other. He figured it was every man for himself around there, but still, he had to at least try to be civil. He was going to be stuck with most of these people for a few months, the last thing he wanted to do was to piss everyone off on his first day there.
Per the assistant’s directions, Daniel scoped out the right conference room, surprised to find an elderly lady waiting for him. She was helpful though, giving Daniel his name tag and a folder of paperwork. Most of it needed to be signed and returned, but the brunt of it was information on the company and its owner. The pamphlets would come in handy for his paper later on, and he did have an interest in how the company worked. He didn’t like to be superficial of others, but he wondered if the other interns actually cared about why they were there or if they only saw a multi million-dollar company and flocked to it. DynaTox hadn’t been his first choice for an internship, but they were the ones who had accepted him, and he was grateful for it.
“You’ll be shadowing our sales team.” The old woman explained. “There will be another intern joining you later this week, so you won’t be the only greenhorn around for long.” Her leathery face crinkled into a smile. “You seem like a good kid, you’ll fit right in.”
“Thanks, Miss Margaret.” Daniel smiled, but his nerves pinched the ends of it, a hand bunched at the hem of his shirt. “Where do I get started? I mean, what will I be doing?”
“For now, just shadowing, watching.” Margaret shooed him towards the door, making sure he had the file in his arm. “Mr. Silver would have a heart attack if interns touched anything.”
Mr. Silver. The name sounded so refined and regal, Daniel had to at least acknowledge that. No wonder the guy was rich and owned a nice chunk of the valley, he probably came from a prominent family with a name like that. That’s where his mind wandered off to when Margaret spoke, not where he was supposed to be or what he was meant to be doing. He blinked then when he heard his name, inhaling a sharp breath.
“Just shadow the sales team, got it. Thank you, Miss Margaret.” Daniel again grinned for the old woman, who by then had turned to walk away, going towards the elevator. He sighed, trying to recall where exactly the sales team was.
It took some trial and error, a little embarrassing, but he found the assistant head of the sales team. A balding man, who was not nearly as talkative or friendly as he was hoping he was going to be, who made sure Daniel did nothing but stand back and watch. Later he was introduced to the actual head of the team, the lady far nicer but still pretty strict. It was during this interaction that he learned what he was mostly going to be doing over the next few months.
Coffee duty.
Oh, he was seething, the mild scent of sandalwood seeping into his clothes. What was he supposed to learn by just standing and watching? That wasn’t how he learned karate, and that wasn’t how he expected to learn how to run a business. If that was the case then he guessed he shouldn’t have even gone to college. He almost hadn’t taken the risk, but Mr. Miyagi had convinced him to push himself further. Whether he would make it or not was still up in there air.
For the time being, he found himself running back from the nearest coffee shop with orders for nearly every member of the sales team. He was lucky to have a drink carrier, but hot beverages and cardboard don’t always mix. He didn’t spill any, but he stopped just short of losing the entire carrier, setting it down on a table in a waiting area. Daniel adjusted the cups and again tried to pick it up, one of the drinks tilting a bit. He was quick to set it back down, muttering a curse under his breath.
“Do you need help with that?” A voice came from next to the teen, soft and amused.
Daniel’s eyes met an icy blue stare, freezing him in place for a second. The man beside him looked so out of place, pale skin, raven hair, and eyes that just screamed intense. His clothes fit the part though, the guy decked out in a fancy business suit. He looked a little too nice to be working there though. Who was this guy?
“Oh, no, I’ve got it.” Daniel was quick to try and grab the carrier again, but the same thing happened. “Yeah, I might need some help actually. Thanks.”
“No problem.” The man picked up three of the coffees, while Daniel grabbed the other two. “It’s not easy being the intern.” The teen shot a look over at the guy who smirked. “It’s not hard to tell. You’re all over the place.”
“That easy, huh?” Daniel chewed his lip, kicking himself for looking like such an idiot. He led the way to the elevator, punching three with his elbow once they both were inside. There was something about this guy’s scent that made Daniel sway, he couldn’t put a finger on it. It wasn’t like any alpha scent he had smelt before, it was stronger.
“It gets easier, so I hear.” While he spoke, the man cut a glance over at Daniel, tracing his profile. Daniel tried to avoid the man’s wandering stare while they stood there together, but it was hard to ignore. Was it his clothes? He had worn the best clothes he had, but he didn’t have too much to pick from, hoping he could buy new stuff with his first pay check.
“I just wish people would let me do something.” He sighed. “I get I’m an intern and a student, but I can’t learn if I don’t do anything.” Daniel huffed the last part, stepping out onto the floor when the doors opened up. The man followed behind him, mouth slightly pursed and brows arched.
“So, you’re a kinaesthetic learner.” When Daniel gave the man a confused look he laughed. “You learn by doing. You’re a physical learner.”
“Oh, well, yeah.” Daniel shook his head at the strange word the man used. “I just hope this entire intern thing isn’t going to be like this the whole time.” The beta sighed as he paused at the conference room door to open it.
“If they see potential in you then they’ll give you a chance.” He set the coffees he held on a console table by the door before motioning towards it. “I better get going. Me and these guys don’t really get along.” It was a strange thing to say, but Daniel brushed it off, realizing he didn’t get the man’s name.
“Oh, I’m Daniel, by the way.” He wedged his foot in the door to keep it open, disappointed he couldn’t shake the guy’s hand like a professional.
“I know. It’s on your shirt.” The man cut a sly grin Daniel’s way as he pointed to his name tag, before turning and walking down the hallway.
The guy hadn’t even given him his name! How rude could one person be? Well, he did help him carry the coffees to the room, but wouldn’t go inside? Daniel found himself troubled by the exchange the rest of the day, zoning out a good portion of the time that the sales team were going over figures that he could barely understand. He recalled what the man said, that if they saw potential in him that they would give him a shot. But how was he supposed to show any potential by just standing around?
As the work day drew to a close, the murmurings of a get together at a bar across town reached his ears. Something about celebrating the arrival of the new interns or some nonsense like that. Daniel didn’t see the harm in it, not a big drinker but he saw it as a chance to meet some of the other people he worked with. It was all a part of the college experience, right?
Some folks went home after work to change, while the majority of others left work and immediately went to the bar. Daniel was one of those people, not wanting to explain to Mr. Miyagi why he was leaving home after getting back from work. He wasn’t exactly dressed for a night out, clad in dress pants and a sweater, but he didn’t look bad. There were plenty of other people in the bar who looked worse than he did.
Once other employees from the company began to filter into the bar, Daniel tried to strike up conversations with a few of them. Some ignored him, while others referred to him as a child and outright insulted him. There were a couple who humored the teen, it mostly being the younger women of the company, batting their eyes at him and asking how his first day was. Daniel didn’t mind the attention, it was a nice change after losing touch with a few of his old flames. The wounds were still a little fresh though, and most of the conversations died down soon after they began.
Daniel found himself at the bar halfway through the night, ordering Dr. Pepper and people watching to pass the time. He had tried to order a beer, but the bartender wouldn’t let him, just chuckling at him and giving him a soda on the house. Even when he was trying to be badass, he couldn’t win. So he sat there, drinking his soda and staring off at the other bar goers. Until a familiar voice echoed from beside him.
“Whiskey, please. Neat.”
The man from earlier perched on the bar stool next to Daniel, now dressed in blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt. His dark hair was slicked back into a ponytail, a few stray pieces curling around his forehead and ears. Daniel was quiet while he cut his eyes over at the man, the same odd scent of smoke filling his nose. It made sense that he would be there too. The guy did work at the company. But for him to find Daniel at the bar like that? It was weird. As if on cue, the man seemed to focus in on Daniel’s insecurity.
“Oh, hey, Daniel.” The man grinned, sipping his whiskey. “How was the rest of the sales meeting?”
“Boring.” The brunette admitted as he picked at his cuticles. “I did get to drink one of the coffees though. Apparently, I messed up the order.” He shrugged then, tan cheeks flushed. “What branch are you in…You know I never got your name!”
“Terry.” He held a handout to the teen, who gave it a firm shake. “Ah, I really do a little bit of everything. I’m particularly good at business management, the administration side.” Terry explained, gesturing with his hand before taking another sip of his drink. “So, you want to go into sales, is that right?”
“Oh, I don’t know yet. I just know I’m interested in business. I’d like to have my own someday.” It was the first time Daniel really smiled that evening, the once agitating scent of smoke now oddly comforting. “Not sure what kind yet, but I’d like to have my name on a sign some kind of way.”
“That’s a pretty big ambition. All you need is the drive to get there.” Terry finished his drink, nodding to the bartender for another. “And maybe some money.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m going to save everything I get from this internship…” Daniel paused when the other laughed. “What?”
“This internship doesn’t pay its interns. Most internships don’t actually.” Terry thanked the bartender when he got his drink, setting it aside. “So you won’t be making anything, Danny-boy.”
It was definitely news to him. He had specifically applied to the DynaTox internship program because it offered a paid internship and now some guy was telling him that it was a lie? It had to be a joke. But what if it wasn’t? That meant he was going to have to find some other way to save up money while also going to school, and that hadn’t been part of his thinking going into this. Daniel went quiet, pushing his empty glass around on the counter.
A hand pressed into his back then, the pressure soft against his spine. He blinked, head snapping round to meet Terry’s electric gaze and faint smile. Daniel’s mouth opened though no words left him, the strangest sensation jostled through his veins to have another man look at him that way. Specifically, to have that man look at him that way.
“If you’re strapped for cash I know a way you can make some extra money.” Terry kept his voice low, sliding his hand down Daniel’s back and off his hip. The teen tensed when the man did that, averting his eyes. “It’s totally discreet. I mean, hell, how do you think all the other interns are making their money?”
Daniel’s body warmed. Was this guy really propositioning him? He dug in his pocket for his wallet, pulling it out only to drop it on the floor. He slid from the bar stool to grab it, but a foot stopped him. A lump settled in his throat as he stared at the shoe that rest on his wallet, not daring to look up.
“Let me get those for you, Danny-boy.” Terry slid his foot off Daniel’s wallet then got out his own, paying for both of their tabs. The teen snatched up his wallet, ready to run out of the bar when a voice called after him. “Remember what I said, Daniel. Think about it.”
Was he desperate enough to consider such a thing? No, never, that was disgusting. Besides, he had never been with anyone, why would he drop as low as to have his first time be with someone he didn’t even know? And for a few bucks too? He wasn’t ready to be that pathetic. He preferred to be a broke loser than a floozy degenerate. The entire incident left him shaken and made him regret ever asking the guy his name.
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msfbgraves · 3 months
I know you mentioned somewhere that Terry doesn’t know where Daniel keeps his linens but…Is Mob!Terry really totally useless around the house lol? Like, can he help cook or clean? Does he know what curtains go with what bedspread, how to boil water for pasta if Daniel is under the weather? Can he bottle-feed a puppy, or make them lunch for school? Or is the whole sphere of domestic life completely foreign to him? Like, he would literally flop like a fish out of water if Daniel went on vacation for a week and left Terry to run the house? Is this a Terry thing, or is this an Alpha thing?
Daniel would go on vacation for a week and leave - sorry, what, haha?! ☺️😋 Both Daniel and Terry have bluescreened several times during that sentence alone. You'd have to forcibly remove Daniel to make that happen.
Terry can take care of the household stuff you can't buy easily even when you don't have servants. OK what does that mean? He can hang his clothes, polish his shoes, may remove a stain from his slacks. He can tidy, brew tea and what he thinks is coffee, can make sandwiches. He can wash out some socks and underwear and he can sweep things up. He had a housekeeper in his rooms when he was single, he left things presentable. But he can't do laundry, make beds, he has no idea what soap to use on what kind of floor, he can't iron, or polish and even if he could scrub he doesn't know how or what, he'd need a manual for any appliance, doesn't know plants. He can dress scrapes and cuts, but the sense of organisation you'd need to run a household smoothly, how to keep groceries fresh? When what is in season? He has no idea. Those little twirls and flourishes to make things not only practical but actually nice and welcoming? No. Clue. Many Alphas are so outside focused that if they live somewhere they wouldn't know why, when their living space has everything to functionally keep them alive, it doesn't nourish them... Because they don't own any plants or rugs, don't know what colour schemes they like, they don't have pets, they would never buy a blanket for in the living room, don't know how to place their photos... And an Alpha alone with pups, that is simply cataclysmic for them. Say an Alpha's beta mate dies in childbirth. The pups would of course miss their mother as a person like nothing else. But also, the home would lose all personality. Even if the Alpha, in despair, would hire a decorator or a nanny they would not know what little comfortable things their pups specifically need. I mean, juice is juice, right? They might even try to memorise which brand of juice but why their pup wants the brand (does it have pulp? Do they love the colour green? Is there a cartoon character on it?), they wouldn't even know how to ask. It's really distressing, because they love their pups and they want to care for them and they know their mother would know but they can't wrap their brains around it. It's part of the reason they would much rather die themself before they lose their mates. There's a reason why Daniel immediately called his mother to care for his elder pups while taking Gianni. Terry can make them breakfast and pour them drinks and play with them but no, he couldn't bottle feed Gianni, wouldn't know what to do with soiled diapers (that would make part of the house unlivable within two hours) he doesn't know where the special blankets are kept, it's all kinds of Not Good. Many Alphas meanwhile joke that they'll never see their married friends again.... not understanding the reason their now married friends hung out with them around the diners and pubs so much is that these places serve hot food! They don't consciously get that!
So Terry is not completely clueless and could keep an adult functioning but the first time an Alpha has a boyfriend or girlfriend over at theirs and they go out for an hour and suddenly there's coloured napkins on the table. And a little flower somewhere on the window sill. And they framed a picture of them together and wouldn't that look nice here? And they brought their snuggly blanket and would you like one too? They're thinking brown would be really nice, it would go with the dresser, they can buy them one? And a poster of their favourite sports team in that corner, wouldn't that be nice? They'll buy them a team scarf, it goes with their eyes - sweetheart? Why are you crying? Because something inside them would so physically relax at all that. O thank all the gods. But they still wouldn't exactly understand what it was that their lovers were bringing to their life, besides of course their presence.
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hanniballover67 · 3 months
“Don’t walk away from ME, Danny-Boy!”
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Terry grabbed Daniel by the waist and twisted him round so he faced him - Terry gasped at what he saw. No longer that fear in those beautiful brown eyes but anger. Determination. Freedom.
“I’m not seventeen anymore, Terence! You can’t order me about.”
Daniel threw his platinum wedding ring at Terry’s face, neither flinching when it ricocheted off the bridge of Terry’s nose.
“You can torch car lots. You can throw my stuff into the street. You can hit me again and again - I don’t care. I’ve had enough. You’ve put your hands on me too often as it is. I mean it Terence. We’re over.”
Daniel grabbed his tatty blue sports bag as he calmly walked through the study of tweets mansion. Never theirs, not even after forty years together.
Terry, for once, was overcome with a paralyzing fear he’d only ever witnessed in Danny-Boy. He meant it this time.
Terry thought about all the he’d tried to run away in the early days and how Terry had bought him a new pit of sneakers or a new Nicks jacket. Then it had become a new diamond bracelet. A new car. A new house.
Then there was the cock-cages. The monogrammed collars. The over-sized butt-plugs he’s made Danny-Boy take - Terry had a cast of his own cock made - so he knew who he really belonged to.
But tonight - tonight Daniel Silver had found his balls and was making good on what he’d threatened hundreds of millions of times before. He was finished. For good!
Terry stood still as he heard the near priceless Ming vases smash on the floor; as the original Rembrandt’s and Picasso’s were critiqued with a cheap kitchen knife Daniel had secreted somewhere.
Terry stood still as Daniel crawled into the passenger seat of Johnnys beat-up pickup and sobbed in his arms. He missed the shocked “Jesus fuck look at your face!” He missed the sobs as Danny-Boy begged him to drive before Terry’s men received the order to not let him leave. Terry had paid the surgeon enough money to “almost completely fix it” that he retired to his own Caribbean island two days afternoon the op.
Terry’s sweet, scared, lovely boy - lonely and practically all alone after he’s alienated him from Miyagi - was right. He wasn’t seventeen anymore. Terry’s hold had been greater then. He’d never actually made it out of the grounds.
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Terry was going to kill him.
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yenforfairytales · 1 year
Thinking about Terry Silver as a dad. Specifically with a baby. You know he would fall into baby talk like
-picks up baby anthony-
Terry: "Look at you! Did you kick Mr. Miyagi in the face? Yes you did. Yeshyoodid."
Daniel: "He laughed while he did it."
Terry: "Did you laugh?? Did you strike first??"
Daniel: "Pff. It was sneaky. He gets that from you."
Terry: "Nooo. We're not sneaky. We use our brains! Go for the eyes and throat, don't we? Don't we?"
Daniel: ಠ_ಠ
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puella-peanut · 1 year
If Terry met Daniel in KK1, ya'll know he would be counting down the days till the boy turns 18.
Oh, we all know that Terry would take one look at those long legs spilling out of those cut-off jean shorts, the sun-kissed skin, the doe-eyes--and would be like MINE.
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(Though, in canon, I seriously doubt he would wait till the boy was legal. I mean, Terry's the type of guy who already snorts illegal drugs, resorts to psychological abuse of kids to win local karate tournaments, and, not to mention, is totally fine with deeply shady and sinister business activities like dumping nuclear waste where he can get away with it.)
Yeah...I don't think he'd have any holdups about Daniel being underage. In fact, I think it would thrill him.
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 20 days
Silverusso au
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Terry silver (going under the name of jack blaylock after the 80s) the assassin drives a cop name (Daniel larusso working as a cop after he got order in his 40 as Nick Conforth) crazy trying catch him leaving him hints along the way with his hiding place and people he has murder under Malcom commend for the “perfect story” until one night terry(Jack) let himself be caught just to see the look on Daniel (nick)face when he think he caught him in the dark alley of a club in Japan and seeing his face again after the 80s looking finer then ever maybe a cop doesn’t always have to follow the rules right? Terry shouldn’t give in to temptation but seeing his boy again all grown up in a cop uniform well why shouldn’t he cause a little trouble
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ziltoidcoffee · 10 months
I had a dream about a Regency AU. Imagine Daniel the long-suffering social darling because he has the most suitors. Can't enjoy a party because suitors flocking around him at any given moment lmao.
(Anon, don't kill me for just now getting to this. But here's a Silverusso regency era drabble! Thanks for sending an ask <3 Also this is some AU where there's no LGBTQ hate cause I ain't here for that.)
Daniel frowns at his reflection in the mirror. His overcoat is practically swallowing him whole, and the vest beneath is way too tight, even when he undoes the top button. But Ali explained this was the point: to make Daniel look small and delicate, the perfect future groom for all his potential suitors tonight. Only the former was true though. He was shorter than most men in the village. But after learning karate, a type of hand-to-hand combat, from his guardian Mr. Miyagi, he was nothing but delicate.
And yet, his mother always thought Daniel should marry into a wealthy family, and after her tragic death in a carriage last autumn, he could only honor her dying wish, despite how much he doesn’t want to give up his independence. Mr. Miyagi even encouraged him to stay single and said he’d always support Daniel, but his guardian was growing older each year, often speaking of returning to his home in the east.
It was now or never for him to marry, and his socialite friend Ali was more than happy to host, inviting all the single, wealthy men in town to Mr. Miyagi’s manor for the evening. All Daniel had to do was show up. He just wished she selected an outfit something less stuffy. 
But as he enters the grand hall in his guardian’s mansion, his eyes widen at the large gathering of men dressed in their finest garms. He suddenly understands her persistence on what he wore, especially when they all turn to look at his entrance. 
“And here is the young bachelor in question tonight,” Ali announces, appearing at his side with a grin, and Daniel gives them all a formal bow before turning his back to glare at his friend.
“There are far too many men here,” Daniel hisses, but his smile has returned before he turns back around.
Ali chuckles, wrapping her arm around his to lead him across the room. “Not enough in my opinion.” She leans in closer so no one can hear. “Johnny invited far too many associates from his gentlemen’s club. Be sure to steer clear of them.”
Daniel nods, sweeping his gaze across the strange men. “How can I tell?”
She releases his arm and points at her wrist. “They’re all likely wearing their gold cobra cufflinks. If they aren’t, be on the lookout for the name Dutch at the very least. He’s the worst of them. Not sure how a man like that joined the gentlemen’s club.”
He snickers at her joke before taking a deep breath. “All right,I’ll go socialize then.” There was no backing out now. “Wish me luck?”
“You won’t need it, Daniel.” She gives him a wink then catches the eye of another woman attending who she falls into conversation with.
Meanwhile, he’s left standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, feeling like an untrimmed branch in a perfectly pruned bonsai. Like the one outside the window of the hall that draws his attention. The temptation to go outside is strong, but before he can plot his escape, a man approaches Daniel and introduces himself. At first, they share small talk, boring details like job titles and town of origin. Then he begins to talk about their future together and how he sees Daniel fitting into his life. Apparently, he expects them to adopt right away, have Daniel raise the children at home, and of course, there’s no mention of his career or goals.
This repeats several times before he finally escapes. Each man has a similar story, presents a boring plan for their future, then Daniel moves closer to the window, only to be stopped. Eventually, he manages to step outside away from the crowd, and thankfully, Ali blocks the door, telling everyone the next course of dinner is being brought out.
“I’ve never been so jealous of a plant,” Daniel says to himself, staring at the bonsai in the center of the courtyard. “No men to bother you out here, are there?”
“Perhaps I should leave then.” The unfamiliar voice sends a shiver down his spine, assuming he was alone, but when Daniel glances up, a strange man appears from around the tree. Like most of the men tonight, he is dressed in expensive clothing, and his long, dark hair is tied behind his head into a formal bow. 
Though unlike the others, he appears older than Daniel, perhaps by at least a decade, and as he draws closer, his taller height becomes clear. It’s almost intimidating when paired with the easy confidence the strange exudes, but Daniel doesn’t show his trepidation. Nor does he show his attraction because the man has to be the most handsome person he’s ever seen since moving to the valley.
He clears his throat and glares up at him. “Perhaps you should. As I do not know how you got out here. Guests were told to stay in the ballroom.”
For a second, the stranger smirks, almost appearing amused. This is quickly replaced by a frown and a bow. “I’m sorry, Mr. LaRusso,” he says and gestures at the tree. “But I was admiring your beautiful bonsai. I could not resist a closer look.”
Bonsai. He actually knows the name. Daniel can’t resist a smile. “You have heard of bonsai?”
“Indeed.” The tall man grins. “I have a fascination with the far east. I have several bonsai in my manor, along with many other treasures I brought home from my time abroad.”
“You traveled to Nippon?” This is the first time he’s been genuinely interested in something a man has said tonight.
“Yes, and to several other neighboring colonies.” He twirls a cane Daniel didn’t notice before in his hand, and the glow from the outdoor oil lamps danced off the silver snake wrapped around the edge. “All for business. Though I would gladly return. I found much pleasure in the culture there.”
“Me too. I mean—” His cheeks grow warm. He’s not sure why. Talking to all the other men inside never made him this flustered. “I traveled there last spring when my guardian’s—Mr. Miyagi’s father passed. But I suppose we were technically in Ryukyu.”
“Ah, yes. Ryukyu.” The stranger nods. “I’ve heard the islands are lovely.”
Daniel’s smile widens at the man’s appreciation, and he realizes then they have not been introduced. “Sorry, uh—I’m Daniel LaRusso, Mr. Miyagi, the ambassador’s ward.” He bows before releasing an awkward laugh. “Though I suppose you could have assumed that.”
“Terrence Silver,” he introduces himself, followed by a bow. “But you may call me Terry. Or Mr. Silver if you really prefer.”
The permission to use a nickname sends more heat to Daniel’s cheeks. They were already on familiar terms. That had to be a good sign. “And you are here to meet me?” he asks because there’s no way this man is still single.
And yet Terry nods. “Correct. I was invited by Mr. Lawrence,” he explains. “His mentor at the gentlemen’s club is a close friend of mine. He mentioned your party in passing.” Daniel frowns at the mention of Sheriff Kreese. He was quite rude to Mr. Miyagi when he first arrived, only changing his tune once he learned the man was an ambassador.
“I see,” Daniel says shortly.
“Oh, I do apologize if John was rude to you,” Terry suddenly apologizes, as if he can read his mind.. “He has never been the same since the war. All the death you see—it changes a man. But worse yet, when he came home, his bride-to-be died of tuberculosis.” He blinks in confusion. Johnny never said the sheriff was in the war. That and his fiance’s death would explain much of his rudeness. “He has never been the same since we returned.”
His mouth drops open. “You were a soldier as well?” Daniel could believe him. He looked strong enough. That much was clear. But he acted nothing like the sheriff. 
The question pulls a frown at Terry’s lips. “Yes, John and I met as comrades, and we only grew closer after—when we both discovered our love of karate, which was what inspired by travels to the east.”
Daniel’s eyes widen at the familiar word. “You know karate?” The older man nods. He can’t believe his luck. Not only is Terry attractive and interesting, but they share similar hobbies. “I know karate as well. Mr. Miyagi taught me last summer.”
“Oh, really?” Terry’s grin sharpens. “What a convenience.” He chuckles. “And to think I almost did not attend. But lucky for us, my father has been insistent that I marry since I took over his business. I thought I would at least appease him by attending.” 
He frowns. Of course, Terry wouldn’t come out of serious interest. “However, I am very glad I did.” The older man steps closer, and Daniel sucks in a breath. “As I was able to meet such a charming, cultured young man—one whose mere sight took my breath away, even before he spoke.”
For the first time tonight, a man’s advances has sent warmth to Daniel’s gut, as well as his cheeks. He’s not sure what to say, but a chance never comes as a soft knock behind them turns his attention back to the door.
Ali stands with a grin on her face. “Sorry to interrupt.” Her eyes dart between the two men, and Daniel’s face burns with self consciousness.
“Yes, Ali? What is it?” He tries to hide the annoyance in his tone but is unable to.
She chuckles. “I was simply coming to inform you the next course is almost entirely gone already. Perhaps it would be best for you to come in and have a serving, or you may spend the rest of the evening with hunger pains.”
Daniel snorts. His friend knows him well. “Yes, that would be best.” He turns back to Terry with a smile, but the older man’s expression does not match his own. Annoyance has twisted his handsome face, and an apology is already at his lips. “Excuse me for leaving in such a hurry, Mr. Silver. I can be quite irritable if I don’t eat.” He lets out a forced laugh at his joke.  “Would you care to resume this conversation shortly?”
Terry nods. “Of course.” His smile returns as he heads toward the door where Ali still stands, and Daniel follows after, only to stop when Terry glances back. “I will find you at a later time tonight. I would very much enjoy getting to know you, Mr. LaRusso.”
His face is lit aflame again. “Yes, and I you, as well,” he stammers, and Terry smirks then disappears among the crowd of guests.
But Daniel doesn’t get farther than a step before Ali grabs his arm. “What?” 
Her face is etched with concern. “Do you know who that is?”
“He told me his name is Terrence Silver,” he answers with a shrug. “Said he was acquainted with Johnny’s mentor. But unlike that awful sheriff, he was—” So many words come to mind, but Daniel settles for, “Amazing.”
She blinks at him. “Did he show interest?”
He doesn’t understand her disbelief. “Yes, why? Do you not think I’m good enough? Weren’t you the one who threw this party?”
“Relax, Daniel. You are worthy. I promise. ” Ali says with a smile. “He’s just—don’t you know who that is?” Daniel shakes his head. “That’s Lord Terrence Silver, the Earl of San Fernando.”
“Oh my god,” he gapes, unable to take his eyes from Terry—no, Lord Silver across the room. “You must be mistaken, Ali.”
Her laugh tickles his arm. “I’m not.” She pulls him closer. “And if you marry, you would be Countess Daniel.”
Daniel runs a hand over his face. Why did he let her talk him into this party? And why did the only suitor he liked at the party have to be a noble?
Well, Countess Daniel Silver didn’t sound too bad.
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aurborsau · 6 months
The Auction
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Content warnings: omegaverse, NSFW, porn with plot, cunnilingus, medical kink, slight angst, vaginal sex
Paring: Terry silver/Daniel LaRusso
Word count: 2.8k
Summery: EIGHT IS ENOUGH AU ~ After the tragic loss of his mother, Daniel becomes a ward of the state and is forced to participate in an auction for unclaimed Omegas.
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After his mothers untimely death. Daniel found himself with no place to call home. His father (whoever he was) remained oblivious to his existence, and his aunt callously turned him away. Left with no where to go, He ultimately gets sent to an overcrowded group home, where he had to keep his true identity as an omega a secret, the only other person who knew was his mother, and he had hoped the secret would die with her, but as fate would have it, the other boys in the home began to catch onto his scent and before he knew it, he was packing up his things and being sent to a facility for unclaimed Omegas where his fears of being mated to some Alpha jerk would become a reality. Soon enough, he would become simply a commodity, auctioned off to the highest bidder for them to do god knows what with him.
The place was relatively nicer than the group home, he found solace in having his own room, even if I felt more like a jail cell then anything. The walls were painted an eggshell white that matched the rest of the few pieces of furniture, there wasn’t a window in sight. (He could guess why that was) The room was lit solely by a Recessed light, creating a somewhat clinical ambiance in the otherwise dimly lit space. He wondered how many other omegas had lived there before him, and where they had ended up.
It came the night of his first auction and Daniel thought of every excuse under the sun to try and get out of it but they explained that it was very important for him to be there tonight, leaving no room for any exemptions. The day was spent getting prepared for his new Alpha. That included getting some kind of purity exam — whatever the hell that was.
✧ ✧ ✧
The doctor began by checking the boy's vitals and blood pressure, and then demanded he undress. Daniel’s eyes went wide at the order. He outright refused at first. But with the threat of calling in security, Daniel stood up, having no choice but to remove his clothes as instructed, his eyes glued to the ground as he felt daggers being shot onto his cold naked skin. He positioned himself on the table, placing his feet in the stirrups, trying to conceal his body as best he could with his hands.
The doctor swiftly moved behind the scared boy, gently moving Daniel’s shaking hands aside and placing his own cold, gloved hands on his budding breasts. Massaging in circles gently, making Daniel gasp slightly at the tenderness of his growing breasts as he examined for anything irregular.
The doctor then sat down in the chair in front of him, slowly easing a gloved finger into his tight core, making him squirm and gasp around the intrusion. A pleased sigh coming from the doctor when he hit the hymen. Muttering a simple “you passed.” As he checked him off on the clipboard, Before cleaning up and exiting the room, leaving Daniel feeling dirty and guilty as he laid out on the padded exam table like a lamb, awaiting slaughter.
✧ ✧ ✧
Later that evening, he sat in the bathtub until the water ran cold, His mind reeling from the events of earlier. He hung his head over the side of the tub, tears falling onto the porcelain below, The sound of his sobs echoed in the empty bathroom. He was told to get himself clean for his new alpha, but he couldn’t bring himself to even touch his own body. The body that would soon belong to someone else.
Suddenly, a knock reverberated through the steam filled bathroom, one of the nun’s voice following after. “You’ve been in there far too long now, it’s time to get out. The auction starts in only an hour.”
He towels off and exits the bathroom, where she was waiting for him by his bed, holding what could only be those customary robes reserved for omegas. Only these were sheer, too sheer, with no other piece of clothing in sight. “Where are my under garments?” He panicked. “You won’t be needing those.” She hands him the robe. “Now, I expect you will get dressed and be downstairs in ten minutes.” With that she left him in his own shock, having no choice but to follow the orders given to him. He slips on the sheer white fabric over his damp skin, his small breasts peaked through the material, clear as day.
With a shaking hand, he slowly twisted the door handle open, trying to cover himself the best he could as he made his way down to the main floor where the auction was held.
He watched from the curtain as the many alphas filtered in, all wearing expensive suits and holding a glass of champagne as they mingled among himself. Daniel wondered which one of them he would be going home with, Practically gagging at the thought of having to actually mate with one of them.
They called the first omega on stage, a timid girl who got sold for fifty thousand. They put him at the back of the line, making the wait even more excruciating. His anxiety intensified as he observed others ahead of him, his heart raced as the line got shorter. “We move on now, ladies and gentlemen, to our last item for auction. Our youngest - most desired, virgin, male Omega.” In a moment of panic he was pushed onto stage, his heart racing as he walked centerstage, the lights blinding him as he tried to make out the faces of the hundreds of Alpha’s awed faces in the crowd.
“We shall start the bidding at 50,000 dollars. Do I hear 50,000?” Almost immediately, a number raised in the air. His eyes going wide at the outrageous price, all for him? The bids just kept getting higher, numbers were called out almost inaudibly fast as many hands raised. “Do I hear 130? 140?” Suddenly, a man from the back, calls out “500,000.” The words hung in the silence, Like this stranger already owned him and was just waiting patiently for his moment to strike. The room went still as heads turned to get a glimpse of the generous bidder. “$500.000, going once, going twice… sold to our esteemed Mr. Silver." In an instant, he was whisked away from the glaring spotlight, ushered into a private room where he crumpled into a corner. Like a frightened animal awaiting its fate, his eyes remained fixed on the locked door, his heart beating out of his chest.
Footsteps were heard over the deafening silence. With a decisive click, the lock turned and the door swung open, revealing three men entering the room. Two of them were burly looking security guards, and the third man was freakishly tall and dark-haired, exuding an aura of dominance in his wake.
He walked closer to the boy’s shaking figure, the strong smell of cigar smoke and whiskey hit his nose almost instantly. Trembling, he instinctively curled into himself, his head tucked between his knees.
“My name is Terry Silver.” The man knelt down infront of him. “What’s your name, sweet boy?”
His lips shook as he bid himself not to cry. “D…Daniel.” His voice wavered as he continued to hide his head. “What a nice name.” the man’s deep, raspy voice reverberated through the dimly lit room. “Can I see your face, Daniel?” he lifted his head just slightly, allowing Terry's calloused hand to graze his delicate cheek. The touch was light, gentle even, the chill of Terry's rings against his skin sent shivers down his spine. “Gorgeous.” The man appreciated. “Absolutely breathtaking.” His hand traveled down his neck and taking hold of his shaking shoulder. Concerned by the boys trembling, Terry swiftly removed his jacket and draped it over the boy's quivering frame. Daniel instinctively pulled the jacket close, seeking solace in the comforting scent of the alpha's musk. Terry then turned his attention to the guards, and with hushed whispers he pulled out his wallet and handed each man a hundred dollar bill. With a nod they left the room, closing the door behind them. The alphas scent grew stronger with nowhere to dissipate. It was overpowering, clouding his senses and judgment.
Terry pulled up a chair and beckoned for the boy to come over. Despite feeling fear in the air, he found himself compelled to make the older man happy. Terry's eyes roamed hungrily over Daniel's slender form as he drew closer, his hand firmly grasping Daniel's bony hip. "I know I'm not supposed to touch you until our wedding…" A surge of desire evident in Terry’s voice as his hand ventured further, gently squeezing Daniel's thigh, “but your body. It drives me crazy.” Terry confessed, Daniel’s scent once sour with fear, now configured into arousal, with something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. "The moment you stepped onto that stage, I knew I had to have you. I could smell you from a mile away.” Terry sank down onto his knees before him, slipping off the jacket he gave the boy and letting it fall to the ground behind him. The heat between Daniels legs grew as the Alphas large hand slid under his robes. With the touch of his skin against his thigh, Daniel came back to reality in an instant, snaking away from the man’s delicate touch. “I…I can’t.” His breathing became ragged. “Don’t be shy. I don’t want to hurt you. Just a little taste.”
reached out again, this time placing both hands on Daniel's hips, guiding him back towards him almost in a playful manner, his rough hands sending shivers down his spine. Terrys skilled fingers undid the tie on his robes, making Daniel yelp in surprise as the cool air hit his sensitive skin. “Sir, don’t.” He pleaded weakly as he slipped off the rest of his robe. “Don’t argue with your Alpha, sweetheart. I know what’s best for you… trust me.” *‘Your Alpha*.’ that word sent shivers down his spine, the idea of giving yourself over to someone body and soul, should have sounded like some kind of nightmare, but now only made the heat between his legs intensify, a choked out whimper leaving his lips when he felt himself grow wet between his legs. Terry threw his head back, absolutely reveling in the smell of his sweet Omega’s body, readying itself for his Alpha. Terry's eyes darkened as his gaze locked onto his beautiful body in all its glory. His hands moved up to Daniel’s small chest, feeling the tremble beneath his touch. "You're so responsive,”
His eyes moved down to the proof of Daniel's desire between his legs now. He groaned as his hand trailed up Daniel's thigh, teasing the outer labia of his cunt. Daniel couldn’t do more than whimper as he was fondled. He let his eyelids flutter close in an attempt to hide himself from his true desires, The sound of his moans only made Terry grow bolder. His rough fingers dipped into the slick heat of his core, causing Daniel to cry out in pleasure. "Your scent... it's driving me crazy,” His voice was rough with desire as his thick fingers teased the sensitive folds of Daniel's sex, spreading his slick up to his sensitive clit. It felt like a jolt of electricity shot through him as he doubled over onto the alphas shoulder in defeat. Terry moaned in satisfaction as he felt Daniel’s hips rock forward onto his fingers. He kept them moving, circling and teasing his little nub of flesh that had the poor thing falling apart in his hands. The pleasure was an all-consuming sensation that coursed through every fiber of his being. “I can't take it anymore, Terry. Please..." he begged, not quite knowing what exactly he was asking for. “Be patient, baby. Let me show you how good it can feel." With that, he slowly began to push a finger inside Daniel's tight heat. He gasped at the sudden invasion, his body tensing up around Terry's digit.
Terry continued to push in slowly, His finger twisted and curled, hitting his g-spot dead on. Making Daniel scream out in overstimulation. A sensation he wasn’t familiar with, but welcomed nonetheless. Terry increased the pace of his thrusts, his rough fingers curling deeper inside of him only to be taken away in an instant. “No, no, why’d you stop?” Daniel whined. “Because I want to taste you, Danny. I want to feel you on my tongue." He slowly removed his fingers and licked the juices off his digits one by one and groaning lewdy at the taste. "Now lie down on the ground for me, baby.” Daniel nodded in agreement as he slowly got down on the ground, the wooden floors cold on his back as he stared at the ceiling, shaking as he anticipated what the man was going to do next.
Daniel watched as Terry moved between his legs, his heart pounding in anticipation. The older man's hands ran up his thighs, stopping just short of where he needed them most. "Look at me, Danny.”
he inclined his head weakly to make eye contact with the man before him, the fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on his pale, handsome face. He looked... hungry, almost ravenous, His piercing blue eyes were filled with an insatiable desire, like he was a lion who’s been deprived of food for days, only to find himself face-to-face with a succulent gazelle that’s been released into his cage.
Terry gently eased his trembling, legs open and slowly poked his tongue out and ran it along the small slit of Daniel's cunt.
A shudder ran through his body as the warm, wet tongue ghosted over his sensitive clit. A gush of slick running down the mans chin as he continued his torment. Daniel’s hips lifted off the floor involuntarily, seeking more contact with the invading tongue as it traced his clit. He bit his lip hard, trying (and failing) to suppress the moans that threatened to escape his throat. He threw his arm over his face in an attempt to quiet himself, but Terry couldn’t have that. Stopping his relentless tongue, he pulled Daniel’s arm away from his face, “no baby, I want to hear all those pretty noises your making for me," he commanded softly. A loud moan escaped his lips. And although embarrassing to Daniels ears, It only served to encourage Terry as he lapped up his slick, drinking it down like water. Daniel felt himself nearing the edge. His fingers dug into the floor, trying to find some kind of anchor as his body shook in anticipation. “I… I can’t. I’m so close.”
"Good, come for me, baby. Come for your Alpha," Terry purred, his tongue never ceasing its rhythmic dance around Daniel's sensitive nub.
As he felt his orgasm building up inside him, Terry moved his hand between their bodies, slipping two fingers inside him. The dual sensation was too much for Daniel to handle, and he cried out in pleasure as his body convulsed around Terry's fingers. He groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head as he reached his peak. His entire body tensed up as he felt hot liquid shoot out from himself, almost like he was peeing - it was intense, more intense than anything he’s ever experienced. Sure, he’s had orgasms in the past, but they couldn't compare to the level of intensity he felt in those few fleeting moments of bliss. The room was filled with the intoxicating scent of the Alpha’s addicting pheromones, making him feel a newfound closeness with the man he was obligated to call his mate.
Daniel's body trembled from the aftershocks of his orgasm. He was breathless and completely exposed, his legs trembling as he tried to regain some semblance of control.
He looked down at Terry, gasping at the sight of his drenched face, his collar stained with his own fluids.
"I- I'm sorry" he said softly, his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Terry chuckled softly as he wiped his face clean with an embossed “TS” handkerchief stuffed in his pocket, his eyes never leaving Daniel's. "There's nothing to be sorry about," he said, his voice low and raspy. "I love the way you taste.” He leaned in, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, Daniel could taste himself on the mans tongue, forcing itself into his mouth in a fierce, possessive kiss. Maybe… being mated wasn’t as bad as Daniel thought it was going to be, especially if it was going to be like this all the time.
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Based off of an anonymous ask: “Eight Is Enough!Daniel but make it Omegaverse. He’s not quite of the legal age, but he’s been promised to, and is engaged to, Mr. Silver: an older, wealthy Alpha who asked for his hand. They will be married when Daniel turns 18. Until then, they are allowed to meet and have supervised visits during their courtship, as Daniel is an Omega, and it is not considered proper for them to be left unattended with an Alpha if they are not married. Mr. Silver is of course very delighted and charmed by this sweet boy, and can’t wait until he is truly his, body and soul…”
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merv606 · 2 months
Just wanted to say I'm a big fan of both Mercy and Seduction and pretty much live for them lol. Thanks a lot for writing your fics and filling all those fun asks <3
Thank you so much 🥹🥹
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bramblesbriars · 3 months
Terry Silver is a prominent business owner, who happens to be a powerful vampire leader in the LA area. From waste disposal to escort services, Terry has a market for just about everything. But when a strapping new intern arrives from the local community college, he begins to rethink his priorities.
Continuing to post older chapters as I struggle with writers block 😔
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msfbgraves · 3 months
You mentioned recently that Terry will eventually get Daniel a Claddagh Ring. What if he gives this to Daniel after the cheating reveal? Almost like placing a wedding ring on his finger again, and what it symbolizes. Considering how hurt Daniel is by this reveal, and Terry actually being very worried over the state of his marriage…seems like a good time to remind Daniel that he truly does love him, though he has hurt him. Again.
Disclaimer: I do not claim that any of this has much to do with real life, but what are AUs for, right?
When Terry puts the tiny box in front of him, he sees his mate grow pale, then swallow. "Terry, I appreciate the gesture, but..."
He puts a hand on his arm. "Hear me out about this first, mo cuishle."
His smile is very faint. "Terry, can we live for a few weeks? Just, regular days? I don't want to fight, or, well, think too much. Not yet."
He strokes him. "After I've had my say. And then we don't have to discuss it ever again. If you never wear it, I won't ask."
He sighs. "Take no for an answer, will you, Terry? Just this once?"
"No." He follows up before Daniel can do more than shake his head. "Because this is not about us, that is, not only us, baby." He opens the box. "This is a Claddagh ring. An Irish tradition."
Daniel huffs, but then leans in. "It's gold," he says, bringing the box up to his face. "Red and... gold."
He nods.
"That's... not what you usually buy."
"It's not about me, baby. It's for you."
He laughs. "As opposed to all the other pieces."
Terry nods, and Daniel smiles. "OK, I'll bite. Tell me about it."
"I've never had one," he says, somewhat haltingly. "My parents had a set, but my Daddy got buried with his." He breathes, the thought making the tender spot on his abdomen twinge. "That's traditional for Alphas, you see. And Mammy left hers to Amanda. That's custom, too."
Daniel looks at him. "Why do I need one?"
He takes the ring out. "The heart stands for love, the hands for friendship, and then there is fidelity..."
"Fidelity." Daniel spits the word out like an angry snake, stands up. "You simply had to, didn't you? You're doing this on purpose, God-!"
"Not for the reasons you think!" He grabs him. "Danny boy, fight me if you have to, but let me have my say!"
"I've already told you," he Daniel says, "don't keep testing me, don't prod me like that, I swear! Are you trying to end me, per Dio, I can't take this, you want to rip me apart...!"
"Stop it. Now."
"You first!"
"Fine. It doesn't have to be for you. It can be Anthony's, or Luna's..."
"Why not Robby? Why not Eli? Or Gianni?"
"They won't be omegas."
Now he's really spitting fire. "Don't put things on our pups before they present, it's not fair!"
"Then you take it!"
"Why would I? Why now?"
"Because of what it's for!" He takes out the ring and says, "You had a token, did you not, before we wed?"
This stuns him. "How'd you even know that?"
"Well? Did you? To signal intent?"
"This ring can do the same thing." He takes Daniel's right hand, puts it on, heart facing outward. "This says, 'My heart is free and open.'"
His mate is quiet. Maybe he can see how viscerally it hurts Terry to see it on his finger like that. Terry takes the ring off, turns the heart towards his mate. "This means, 'My hand is still mine, but my heart is another's.'
Daniel takes his right hand back, cradles it with his other. "People allow that?"
"It's code. You can always feign ignorance. Some Alphas take it as a challenge, but yes, some stay away."
"So as not to openly offend. OK." He looks up, still sullen. "But why do I need one?"
Terry takes it from his finger, puts it on his left hand, heart pointing out. "This means, 'joined but not yet mated.' That's usually engaged. And this..." He puts it on Daniel's left hand, heart facing inward. 'Married and mated.' "
"Like a wedding ring? Or a bitemark? I have both Terry, why -"
"Why do you think Alphas never leave this to their puppies? Why do you think they're buried with them on?"
"Omegas aren't, didn't you say?" He bristles. "Please Terry, no riddles, this is your world."
He sits down. "Have you ever heard an Alpha who would seek another mate?"
"Yes, actually -"
"It's awful, Daniel." He shakes his head. "Before you mate, three heats are better than two, but as soon as you mark your love... Ashes. That's all you taste. It's unthinkable."
He looks pained. "You'd say that -"
"I didn't say that before, I never wanted to say that," he answers, a little short. "But mated, truly mated, Alphas can never part. You're like air to me, Daniel. Take you away and I'm choking."
"Terry, enough -"
"But for omegas it's different."
He looks at him, silent.
"Not every love lasts." He looks away. "The Atlantic has claimed so many Alphas who tried to provide for their mates..."
"Stop being morbid. Please!"
He shakes his head. "Nobody would fault a widowed mate for finding another. They'd have to, for survival's sake. So they take off their wedding ring, don't they? Give them to Alpha pups to propose with?"
Daniel nods.
"Not this," Terry says. "Not if you don't want to. You put it on your other hand and turn away the heart... But it's still there. The love meant something. Even if life broke it. It meant something." He cradles his mate's hands, kisses his fingers. "Maybe some day... you'll want to show the world it meant something."
Daniel's eyes are glistening with tears. "I can't wear this now, Terry, it's too fresh..."
"I know. I won't ask." He takes the ring off, puts it back in the box. "I only wanted you to have it."
"Thank you," Daniel says softly.
It's a rainy Monday night when Daniel helps him into his coat, hands him his hat, his gun. Then the merest glint of gold.
He gapes as his mate smiles.
"You like that, huh?" He reaches up. "I've ordered yours. It's silver. ...Terry?"
They kiss till their lips bruise.
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