#slavery as an internship
ausetkmt · 11 months
Tampa Bay Times: Florida history lesson: Slavery as an unpaid internship? | Editorial
Should American slavery be considered an unpaid internship of sorts? That’s absurd and offensive, but it’s not an outrageous question, given Florida classroom guidelines adopted this week by the State Board of Education. We wish we were kidding.
The guidelines of the new “African American History Strand” say that classroom instruction should include ”how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.”
It’s just one phrase, but given the political climate in Florida, skeptics are closely monitoring every sentence, wondering why it’s in the guidelines about teaching African American history and worrying how slavery’s full story will be taught in Florida’s classrooms. And they should. The GOP leadership of the state has brought such scrutiny upon itself, and the level of trust is low.
The guidelines also say that teachers’ lessons should “examine the various duties and trades performed by slaves (e.g., agricultural work, painting, carpentry, tailoring, domestic service, blacksmithing, transportation).”
Fair enough. Some slaves did, in fact, perform trades and learn skills. But these guidelines de-emphasize the back-breaking, life-shortening fieldwork on the cotton, rice and sugar cane plantations as “agricultural work,” just one of many “trades.” In all cases, this was forced labor required of Black people who were enslaved. That should never be downplayed.
Trying to humanize slaves and showing school children that enslaved people had inner lives is important. But teaching students that enslaved people could acquire skills doesn’t really do that or help students explore anything about their hopes, their dreams or their fears. In fact, teaching that their skills could sometimes be “applied for their personal benefit” rather misses the point. It runs the risk of making slavery seem somehow more benign than it was.
Yes, some slaves were skilled artisans who could earn wages and buy a few things of their own. But they never owned their own bodies. They belonged to the slave master.
Think of the enslaved Sam Williams, a skilled ironworker in Virginia in the mid-19th century. When he surpassed the iron production quota required of him by his owner, he earned money that he used to buy his wife a pair of buckskin gloves, a shawl, a silk handkerchief and other presents for his four daughters, his mother and father. A valued and skilled artisan, he still never learned to read and write. He was a family man with a full life. But a slave.
Much good can come of teaching details and nuances of slavery, such as Mr. Williams’ story, discovered through ledgers kept by the iron forge where he worked. An accomplished teacher could bring a slave’s humanity alive. Think of Frederick Douglass, who was 20 years a slave and nine years a fugitive until English friends raised $711.66 to buy his freedom in 1845 after he was already a famous orator, author and abolitionist. As a boy, he had seen bloody whippings of fellow slaves. He was taught to read by a woman who inherited him and had never owned a slave before. He became a strong man who helped to build sailing ships. When he had the chance to escape, he took it. Though he had learned skills as a slave that could be “applied for (his) personal benefit,” the thing he wanted most was to be a free man. Widely considered the most photographed American of the 19th century, he never smiled in a portrait because he wanted to fight the popular myth of the “happy slave.” That’s why a single phrase in Florida’s educational guidelines can be so fraught. Sensitively used, “personal benefit” might help build a more complex picture of an enslaved person’s full life. But it could easily be seen as a ham-fisted attempt to minimize the horror of slavery.
The blowback against the new teaching standards has been fierce, including from the vice president of the United States. Supporters of the new guidelines are doubling-down in defense of them, which is exactly backward. They should instead be listening to the concerns and adapting to the legitimate worries of the critics. But this is the distrusting political and cultural climate in which we live. That’s too bad.
The real truth and what should be emphasized is that slavery was an abomination that was beyond redemption. That people built their riches on the backs of people they literally owned.
Even the slaveholder Thomas Jefferson called slavery a “hideous blot” and “moral depravity.” In an early draft of the Declaration of Independence, he blamed King George III for helping to perpetuate the transatlantic slave trade and wrote that in supporting slavery, the king “waged cruel war against nature itself.” Today, we’d call that a crime against humanity. Jefferson, the country’s third president, who fathered children with his own slave Sally Hemings, understood that slavery was an unalloyed, corrupting evil. Florida schoolchildren should, too.
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evil-beatles · 2 years
Anyways ive kind of made a personal break through…… im SO done with uni that i actually feel ready to graduate and start a career 😐
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goodmiffy · 3 months
hope this doesnt come off as bad faith but what do you think of this quote??? i dont like it but ig i cant properly articulate my thoughts on why https://www(.)tumblr(.)com/librarycards/187079810359/librarycards-anti-prostitution-feminists-and
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I also don’t like it and don’t agree with it, it would take a lot of dissecting and articulating to really express why, but I’ll try my best with the main reasons.
1. “work is being constantly re-inscribed as something so personally fulfilling you would pursue it for free”
This is working on the belief that having sex is or can be considered ‘work’, but the argument we make is that sex isn’t work, and work can’t be sex, because:
sex is by definition mutually involved and consensual, and that consent is freely given. that is a basic feminist understanding of what separates sex from rape. remember the idea that rape is not a ‘type of sex’ any more than drowning is a type of swimming. rape is antithetical to sex, because sex requires freely given consent. if the only reason you would agree to sex is through the offer of money, that consent isn’t freely given it is coerced. “B-but all labour is coercion through money- that’s the point” yes except coerced manual labour is coerced manual labour, coerced ‘sex’ is rape. anyone who claims these are the same thing, or that being penetrated to earn a living is the same as hauling pallets, is being completely disingenuous and has a vested interested in encouraging the idea that it’s the same thing (they want to convince women it’s the same so they will do it!). so essentially the reason i think sex cannot be ‘work’ is because sex cannot be coerced, and work is essentially coercion. ‘sex work’ is an oxymoron.
so no, we don’t all enjoy our jobs, we need to earn money to live and that’s why we work, sure. something being ‘work’ doesn’t necessitate wanting to do it for free, but sex absolutely does. that’s the principle of sexual consent.
reason 2: the false dichotomy being made between paid ‘sex work’ and unpaid labour. positioning these this way kind of implies they’re the only choices for women, “hey at least I’m being paid! the alternative is an unpaid internship which i can’t afford” but we would say well, both of those things are bad. neither is a good solution for women, neither empowers us or helps us enter and stay in the workforce. yes maybe it’s hypocritical that Equality Now, an anti-prostitution org advertises unpaid internships, however that is because it is a non profit, thus they rely heavily on volunteers and donations, and an internship is essentially a contracted period of volunteering. they might be a big organisation but it doesn’t mean they have money to spare, and that’s a sad reality for non-profits. it’s not the same as multi million dollar companies having internships. the same goes for the anti-slavery charity. it’s a fucking charity??
“The result of these unpaid and underpaid internships is that the women who are most able to build careers in the women’s sector – campaigning and setting policy agendas around prostitution – are women who can afford to do unpaid full-time work in New York and London. In this context, it is hardly a surprise that the anti-prostitution movement as a whole has a somewhat abstracted view of the relationship between work and money.”
yeah, it probably does mean that only women with some financial safety net can volunteer their time to work for these non-profits and charities full time. is that a bad thing? that’s the reality of most volunteer work, most people cant afford to not be paid to work. most who do volunteer do so part time, usually very few hours a week or even a month, and that’s very awesome of them, right? so women who have the capacity to volunteer full time (because that’s what an unpaid internship is in essence) choosing to do so, is just as fucking awesome, right? isn’t that good of them, so why are they being villainized (we know why). they could be doing anything with that time and they’re choosing to use it to help vulnerable women have more options in the workforce.
I don’t understand how that translates as an ‘abstracted’ view or lack of understanding of the relationship between work and money. it’s a very clear understanding, which is why they don’t want women to have to endure unwanted sex acts just to make a living. that’s why they advocate for better options for women. anti prostitution in those contexts doesn’t begin and end with making it illegal, in fact it doesn’t mean that at all. it is about creating opportunities for women in prostitution so they can leave, or criminalising soliciting rather than prostituting, to enforce the message that it’s wrong to buy and sell women, but women are not at fault for needing to resort to this to earn a living in a patriarchal misogynistic society. the work-money view is not ‘abstracted’ it is simple, everyone should be paid fairy for the work that they do. but to purchase ‘sex’ from a woman is to rent her body as though she is nothing but a sex object. and that is immoral. men who solicit are not employing women to work, they’re paying to use her for masturbation. if a landlord offered decreased rent in exchange for sex, most everyone would see the clear immorality and exploitation of that situation, but a woman agreeing to unwanted sex for pay because she needs that money to pay her rent, that’s different somehow? no, it’s still exploition. anti-prostitution is as much about men’s choices in exploiting women as it is supporting women in exiting the sex trade.
so i think fundamentally that quote has the intentions of anti-prostitution all backwards, they see it as prostituted womens’ livelihoods being taken away, but we’re advocating for a world where women do not need to be prostituted to earn a living and have opportunities for better, safer livelihoods. women should not need to endure unwanted ‘sex’ as a livelihood in the first place, and if there were more opportunity for women in the workforce, they wouldn’t need to. in essence they’re arguing that /of course they don’t enjoy it, but who enjoys their job? we do it because we have to get paid/ and i see that i totally do, but constant unwanted penetration is not a job, it is assault of the body and mind. it comes with constant misogynistic abuse and harassment and the risk of STDs, some of which are life threatening. it takes a physical and emotional toll that no other manual job can compare to, and if those women could earn a decent living doing something else, the vast majority would. and the first hand evidence from prostituted women supports that notion.
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thelastharbinger · 10 months
Did not have the U.S. government holding hearings on previously classified information and lying making confirmations under oath that they are in possession of alien bodies and ufos in order to distract from the fact that covid-19 is still the leading cause of death in children, the cost of living is astronomical, cop city is well underway despite Atlanta residents overwhelmingly crying out against it, we are experiencing the hottest & deadliest temperatures on record, the state of Florida trying to rewrite history to say that slavery was just a mutually beneficial unpaid internship, trans lives and rights are under attack, anti drag laws, FLINT MICHIGAN STILL DOES NOT HAVE CLEAN DRINKING WATER, anti-discrimination laws being reversed, Supreme Court ruling against affirmative action, Roe v. Wade undone, universal free school lunches are on the ballot, ongoing mass shootings, climate change, big pharma killing off people by withholding live saving drugs at ungodly market prices, the erasure of separation of church and state, AI surveillance being implemented to detect fare evasion for increasingly costly public transport services, the rise of fascim, proud boys showing up with military grade weapons at libraries and day care centers, the permitted attempted coup of the capital, labor union strikes happening all over the country, people dying of heat in Texas because evil landlords want to cut off cooling over an unpaid $51 utility bill, train derailments causing toxic waste spills, corruption within the highest court in the land, homelessness rates the highest its ever been, migrants and asylum seekers being kicked out of temporary housing, the cost of food, book bans, Miranda Rights no longer being stated, mayors deciding to no longer publicly disclose how many people are dying pre-trial in detention facilities, federal minimum wage still $7.25, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, oil pipeline constructions on native lands, something like 30-50% of the nation's drinking water contaminated with forever chemicals, the rich remaining untaxed, biden going back on his campaign promises to forgive all student debt, still no free universal healthcare, ICE deportations increasing under biden admin, the u.s. yet maintaining colonies, teens and women getting jail time for miscarriages and abortions, 100 companies globally responsible for 70 or 80-something percent of all CO2 emissions, we are living in a police state, diseases resurfacing after years with no cases due to rising temps, death penalty, public services being defunded to increase military and police spending budgets, and abusers suing victims for defamation cases in court so that they legally cannot talk about it, and setting a dangerous precedent in the process in my 2023 bingo card but here we god damn are.
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Enough "haha you're X years old and still live with your parents" jokes in comedy, society has moved past the need of them (in fact, society never needed them to begin with).
The job market is in crisis. Wages are below livable. The cost of living has skyrocketed so disproportionately that even the shittier box of an apartment is too expensive to pay on a monimum wage.
Getting a higher education can put you in debt for decades, and having a degree is no longer a guarantee for getting a job. Companies are demanding two-year experience in the area for internship jobs meant for students who never had jobs before.
No one wants to hire disabled people. Being neurodivergent makes it near impossible to pass a job interview. Medication and Healthcare is incredibly expensive. So is food, and sure, it's cheaper to cook your own food but do you have the time to do it between the two jobs you work to keep yourself afloat?
You have more in common with the homeless person down the street than you'll ever have with one of the handful billionaires whining about labor laws making it harder for them to exploit people to the point of slavery. You are two strokes of bad luck away from becoming homeless yourself.
I'm autistic and adhd, and I clawed my way out of a depression that nearly killed me. It's taking me years of therapy to finally stop feeling like my life is a waste just because I never worked a formal job (and I tried. I tried so fucking hard). I need therapy and medication that I would never be able to afford on a minimum wage. I cannot afford living on my own. It hurts my sense of self-worth every day.
I'm 32 and I live with my parents, and that's not a cue for the audience to laugh.
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dragonnnfly · 1 year
15 questions!
Tagged by @spyderschaos
Thank you!
Tagging @per4mancecheck @rosiethedragongeek @lilliths-httyd-blog @yenich @jgvfhl @deathgripper-venom @holonium @acamaryseinteery
1. Are you named after anyone?
Lol, no, my parents browsed through baby names and they just particularly liked this one
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like, 2 days ago… I’m very into history and is currently halfway through the autobiography of a slave girl, it’s called “the incidents in the life of a slave girl”. It’s really heartbreaking and is a cruel reminder of how cruel humans can be when they allow themselves to hate. That, along with the knowledge that it isn’t even that long ago that slavery was abolished, made me cry
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Whaaaatt??? Noooooooooooo (yes)
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
Like, part of an actual team? I was on a swimming team when I was 7, which was terrible considering that I was terrified of water. The only sports I’ve participated in since is friendly matches in football, badminton, rundbold (Danish sport), and stuff like that.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
I think it’s their smile. You can tell a lot about a person from the way that they smile
7. Eye color?
I’ve been told that it’s sea green
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I can’t handle scary movies
9. Any special talents?
Talking. I can talk for a long time
10. Where were you born?
Denmark hospital
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, watching movies/shows, baking, playing Minecraft
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have a dog
13. How tall are you?
162 cm.
14. Fave subject in school?
History! My teacher was one of those where you can really tell that she loved what she was teaching. I full heartedly believe it’s because of her that I love history so much
15. Dream job?
If I had to choose it’d be any position within a museum. I’ve already had an internship at a museum, and working with history like that is really amazing.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
I like to think that Employed Brendan holds Unemployed Brendan like his own briefcase, taking him to his jobs so his older brother might be able to find one he likes and get experience with him as an unpaid intern. Unemployed Brendan is embarrassed, being a tiny older brother, and also likens internship to slavery despite his little brother’s reassurances and encouragement.
Also, what do you think Unemployed Brendan’s book may have been about? I think it might have been about forgiveness of student loans, or something about socialism or communism and criticism of capitalism, or about his family forgiving him, or a mix of the above!
The briefcase is 100% the type of person who would force Unemployed Brendon into a bunch of unpaid internships while insisting that it's "good experience" or something
Also I think Unemployed Brendon's novel starts off as a normal book about an unemployed person trying to find a job that descends into a thinly-disguised rant about his brother by the end of it
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 11 months
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Points to the Sunshine State for teaching kids that slavery was an unpaid internship that helped build useful skills. [The Daily Don]
* * * * *
July 22, 2023
JUL 23, 2023
The Florida Board of Education approved new state social studies standards on Wednesday, including standards for African American history, civics and government, American history, and economics. Critics immediately called out the middle school instruction in African American history that includes “how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” (p. 6). They noted that describing enslavement as offering personal benefits to enslaved people is outrageous.
But that specific piece of instruction in the 216-page document is only a part of a much larger political project. 
Taken as a whole, the Florida social studies curriculum describes a world in which the white male Founders of the United States embraced ideals of liberty and equality—ideals it falsely attributes primarily to Christianity rather than the Enlightenment—and indicates the country’s leaders never faltered from those ideals. Students will, the guidelines say, learn “how the principles contained in foundational documents contributed to the expansion of civil rights and liberties over time” (p. 148) and “analyze how liberty and economic freedom generate broad-based opportunity and prosperity in the United States” (p. 154).
The new guidelines reject the idea that human enslavement belied American principles; to the contrary, they note, enslavement was common around the globe, and they credit white abolitionists in the United States with ending it (although in reality the U.S. was actually a late holdout). Florida students should learn to base the history of U.S. enslavement in “Afro-Eurasian trade routes” and should be instructed in “how slavery was utilized in Asian, European, and African cultures,” as well as how European explorers discovered “systematic slave trading in Africa.” Then the students move on to compare “indentured servants of European and African extraction” (p. 70) before learning about overwhelmingly white abolitionist movements to end the system.
In this account, once slavery arrived in the U.S., it was much like any other kind of service work: slaves performed “various duties and trades…(agricultural work, painting, carpentry, tailoring, domestic service, blacksmithing, transportation).” (p. 6) (This is where the sentence about personal benefit comes in.) And in the end, it was white reformers who ended it.
This information lies by omission and lack of context. The idea of Black Americans who “developed skills” thanks to enslavement, for example, erases at the most basic level that the history of cattle farming, river navigation, rice and indigo cultivation, southern architecture, music, and so on in this country depended on the skills and traditions of African people.
Lack of context papers over that while African tribes did practice enslavement, for example, it was an entirely different system from the hereditary and unequal one that developed in the U.S. Black enslavement was not the same as indentured servitude except perhaps in the earliest years of the Chesapeake settlements when both were brutal—historians argue about this— and Indigenous enslavement was distinct from servitude from the very beginning of European contact. Some enslaved Americans did in fact work in the trades, but far more worked in the fields (and suggesting that enslavement was a sort of training program is, indeed, outrageous). And not just white abolitionists but also Black abolitionists and revolutionaries helped to end enslavement.
Taken together, this curriculum presents human enslavement as simply one of a number of labor systems, a system that does not, in this telling, involve racism or violence.
Indeed, racism is presented only as “the ramifications of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping on individual freedoms.” This is the language of right-wing protesters who say acknowledging white violence against others hurts their children, and racial violence is presented here as coming from both Black and white Americans, a trope straight out of accounts of white supremacists during Reconstruction (p. 17). To the degree Black Americans faced racial restrictions in that era, Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans did, too (pp. 117–118).
It’s hard to see how the extraordinary violence of Reconstruction, especially, fits into this whitewashed version of U.S. history, but the answer is that it doesn’t. In a single entry an instructor is called to: “Explain and evaluate the policies, practices, and consequences of Reconstruction (presidential and congressional reconstruction, Johnson's impeachment, Civil Rights Act of 1866, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, opposition of Southern whites to Reconstruction, accomplishments and failures of Radical Reconstruction, presidential election of 1876, end of Reconstruction, rise of Jim Crow laws, rise of Ku Klux Klan)” (p. 104). 
That’s quite a tall order. 
But that’s not the end of Reconstruction in the curriculum. Another unit calls for students to “distinguish the freedoms guaranteed to African Americans and other groups with the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution…. Assess how Jim Crow Laws influenced life for African Americans and other racial/ethnic minority groups…. Compare the effects of the Black Codes…on freed people, and analyze the sharecropping system and debt peonage as practiced in the United States…. Review the Native American experience”  (pp. 116–117).
Apparently, Reconstruction was not a period that singled out the Black population, and in any case, Reconstruction was quick and successful. White Floridians promptly extended rights to Black people: another learning outcome calls for students to “explain how the 1868 Florida Constitution conformed with the Reconstruction Era amendments to the U.S. Constitution (e.g., citizenship, equal protection, suffrage)” (p. 109).
All in all, racism didn’t matter to U.S. history, apparently, because “different groups of people ([for example] African Americans, immigrants, Native Americans, women) had their civil rights expanded through legislative action…executive action…and the courts.” 
The use of passive voice in that passage identifies how the standards replace our dynamic and powerful history with political fantasy. In this telling, centuries of civil rights demands and ceaseless activism of committed people disappear. Marginalized Americans did not work to expand their own rights; those rights “were expanded.” The actors, presumably the white men who changed oppressive laws, are offstage. 
And that is the fundamental story of this curriculum: nonwhite Americans and women “contribute” to a country established and controlled by white men, but they do not shape it themselves. 
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Hi, can i ask for a one shot where yandere peter parker is super clingy and is not dating the reader yet but she actually likes him but is too shy to admit. Thanks.
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As a person who is quite clingy and affectionate with her loved ones, I understand and love the idea.
Lets go!!!
I added some dark background to fit some things that have happened in Peter's life (like the fact that nobody knows who he is now, because of what happened in the last movie), to mask his Yandere behavior.
(TW:Mention of Thanos snap events, human trafficking, slavery, corrupt society).
Your eyes were closing. So tired, so droopy, and everything around him seemed so comfortable. Would it be too much to fall asleep for a few hours?
Well… yes, it would be too much.
You had been finishing a 3D animation on your computer for hours, it was your final test for your modeling course and it had to be perfect if you wanted to be a viable candidate for a possible internship recommendation at an advertising production company. No pressure… ironic.
You didn't really need it to be perfect. All of your previous modeling during the semester had willingly demonstrated that you would be given the chance for the recommendation, even if you didn't turn in this work. But you wanted to look good for the professor, and there was no way your perfectionist brain would let you rest if you didn't do the work.
Everything would be easier if your computer wasn't on its last glimpses of life. It seemed like at any moment it would crash and burn out on its own if you weren't cooling it manually or plugging it in with a fan that your roommate had been kind enough to give you.
Not to mention that you had to watch that the files could be processed in real time properly. Any failure or element that was not quickly linked would completely ruin all the hard work you had done for months. As you said, no pressure.
The only thing that comforted you was the company you had with you.
Peter had been one of those valuable friendships that you never expect to find in your life.
A true blessing.
Shy, innocent and really quiet when you didn't know him at all. After a couple of encounters in the general cafeteria their friendship began to forge.
Peter was everything a person wants to be and have in their life. Protective, intelligent, strong, insightful, intuitive, with a heart of pure gold, an open mind and a willingness to discuss and then give an objective opinion.
He had beautiful, lovely brown hair, with beautiful, shiny hazel eyes. His skin was firm and his whole body was athletic. And if his external beauty wasn't enough, he also had a great brain. He calculated everything with such ease that he could make a fool of anyone who thought he was smarter.
And now, he was not only a good friend, but a best friend who would always be there for you when you needed him. And well, you did the same for him.
Now more than ever he needed the help of others in order to live a normal life.
After the snap and other parallel crises, people's lives had become chaotic and it was not uncommon for various "dirty laundry" in society to come to light. After half of the population disappeared, the other half did their best to search for those who were missing.
And, for better or worse, people were found… people no one knew existed in the first place.
Huge, terrifying centers filled with people who didn't even know what day or year they were there. They barely had names or "codes" to be identified among themselves. Women and children who were kidnapped, others who were abducted… even those who were born and raised in human sales centers. Men who were used as experimental toys.
Humanity had lost its half. But at the same time it had found another large number of lost ones who needed to be rescued.
After they were found, governments began to move together with other organizations to provide them with all the things that these "forgotten children" needed to be reintegrated into society.
And everything seemed great and went well for a while. The people who had been disappeared were returned to their families who had been looking for them for years. Those who had been raised in the shadows were reintegrated into society. Testimonies allowed several names to be put on the guilty lists.
And then, another snap brought the rest of the people back. The population was thrown back into chaos. Among those who were registered and among those who had disappeared, it was complicated and almost impossible to correctly register everyone. Not to tkae in count the hug amount of people that now were in jail because of the discover.
Many of the people who returned with the second snap actually had not even been able to be fully accommodated because of the saturation of the population.
Peter. Oh, poor Peter, he had been one of those cases.
He didn't usually talk about it much. Only when he feels blue, during the harsh days.
But on occasion he would mention that he had suddenly awakened from the darkness and arrived at what had once been his previous residence. If a ship camped in a box, in a semi-populated wasteland, could be considered a residence
He didn't usually talk about it. But, from the way Peter's body trembled and clung to the other people. You speculated that he was one of the frozen abduction cases.
Peter was adorable as an adult, he was probably a beautiful child. It would not be unusual for him to be abducted at a young age and transported around like that. A missing persons case that was put on ice for lack of evidence or because they paid not to be solved. He was so lucky to be found unharmed.
He made it through the basic processes, such as a name, his approximate age (which the captors had the desence to inform him of, or so you gathered), his level of knowledge and a possible nationality. That's how Peter Parker was born.
But despite that initial help, plus accommodation at the university. Those in charge of social and emotional reintegration couldn't do much because of the excessive number of users who needed it. Not to mention that Peter himself was a complicated case to categorize.
His quick reflexes among other micro-aggressive behavioral characteristics could show that he had been trained to fulfill some kind of military function. But he demonstrated a fear of strong images of authority. He had a semi-real concept of popular culture base, but was unaware of other things on suspicious levels. You had heard a classmate of yours mention that it would not be unusual if Peter had been an attempt at a new Winter Soldier.
That would explain a lot of his pain.
But now he was free. He had been semi-accommodated at the university and was taking an engineering course or two. And, to your personal embarrassment, you had met him.
And it was, at least for you, the best thing that could have happened to you. And you'd like to think it was the same for him.
The two of you had managed to form a good friendship despite all the crazy things going on in society and in your college lives. And you both took advantage of that to be able to form a solid foundation in your relationship.
You took care of Peter and helped him integrate well with other people. You helped him navigate the new post-snapping culture and were there for him in his times of sadness.
And Peter protected and cared for you in everything he could do.
He would not leave your side at any time and would not hesitate to put a firm foot down when he saw something strange about to happen. Always on guard for anything that could get close to both of you. And also, quite affectionate and loving.
He loved to hug you and keep you glued to his side, always aware of where you were within his vision radius. He would open doors for you, drop you off at your classes, wait patiently for you to help him do his more complex paperwork and never stopped making you laugh.
And, just now, when it looked like your computer was about to crash and you desperately needed a couple of minutes of sleep, there was Peter.
He had curled himself perfectly around your body, holding you and doing double duty as a little teddy bear and a baby koala bear. Your whole body was leaning against his and with little cuddles on your head he managed to keep you awake.
"How much longer?" he asked. During all the time that you were awaked, he was there, taking care of you.
"4 minutes… I'd say another 3 hours, taking into account that I put various textures on it." you answered.
"Do you want me to wake you up if I see anything weird?" he asked
"No, I'd rather sleep after I see that everything is going well. Don't you want to sleep?" you said. Offering him an option. You also looek up for his comfort, he deserved it.
"No, if I sleep I would crush you." he replaid.
He said no more. You felt him get more comfortable, then back to hitting you in his lap.
If it wasn't that it was so hot these last few days, you would be embarrassed to be caught blushing from such a sweet act.
You adored Peter, and you liked to think that Peter was equally fond of you. And at times like these, when you just wanted to snuggle up to him and he protected and cared for you so adoringly… you wanted to kiss him so badly.
But first you had to make sure your final exam was downloaded correctly. But also because you don't want to ruin your friendship.
After that, you didn't notice how Peter was looking at you as you sleep.
Or how he had managed to scare your roommate terribly into letting you rest more.
Or how he had slyly bullied your professor into considering you for that internship anyway. (He was glad to find out that his threats were unnecessary, since your work was perfect anyway).
Or how he drove away everyone he considered unworthy from your side.
You didn't notice, so it didn't matter.
It only mattered that you cared about Peter, just as Peter cared about you.
It was only a matter of time before the romantic relationship began, and he could show how much he adored you and how much he wanted to stay by your side.
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slaveofemma · 4 months
10 Years od Slavery - Ch.24
I was rock hard once again after listening Ellie's story about how she had a threesome with Dylan and Megan. I was imagining myself in the place of Dylan, and her naked body on the same bed with another girl. It was a story that is too good to be true, even for someone who is not her slave. When she's finished with her story, I shamelessly asked for one last relief. She laughed, and rejected firmly:
"It's good to hear that we enjoy my sex life together babe. But no, a rule is a rule. You had more than you deserve already, didn't you?"
"Yeah, true…"
"But you're making me proud babe. You're settling in your new role very well. Believe me, we will be very happy together."
"I am already very happy to be with you Ellie. And I'm proud of you as well. I'm proud to be with a strong woman, and I'm proud to have the privilege to be your slave."
I was really sincere with my feelings. I was calmed down, accepted my role, my fate, my humiliation and started to enjoy it. I was happy.
"If you're saying these to change my mind, it's not gonna work. But I believe what you just said. I'm proud to have you as my slave too."
"I love you Ellie…"
"I know."
The phone went silent. I resisted the urge to jerk off. And soon I fell asleep.
The end of summer was already a week away, and I was looking forward to get back to my dear Ellie. It was going to be the last year of college, so I had to start looking for a part-time internship and get myself prepared for the graduation as well. Luckily, the time I spent in the library for last 4 weeks was giving me a great head-start with the actual courses. Even though I couldn't wait to see Ellie again, I was also slightly nervous. I already had a very good idea on some aspects of Ellie's expectations from me, but wasn't sure what it was going to be like to be a full-time slave living in the same house. I was obviously doing all the chores, and "worshipping" her in our own special way, but none of those were new to me. I was also expecting Ellie to be more liberated with her dating life, but also trusting her to be discreet and cautious. I was clear that I didn't want other people to get involved in our special relationship. So, I was expecting her to respect the boundaries we set at the beginning. But I was also very aware of her temptation to push the boundaries, and my weakness to resist her. I was afraid of two most probable outcomes; first being exposed to other people and ruining my social life and reputation, ending up completely destroying my future. And second, failing to keep our relationship alive and losing Ellie (I wanted to add "to someone" at the end of this sentence, but given her very active dating life, that would be unfunilly ironic). So, I decided to have a candid conversation with Ellie once we are together again.
Couple days after I listened about Ellie's weekend getaway, I got a message from Nat. She was inviting me out for drinks with our group of friends. I didn't think she was after anything, as there were other people too and joined them. After my usual gym and library sessions, I went to our regular pub to meet with my friends.
The night was going well, we were just chatting over a couple pints of beer. Then, at some point Nat asked me to keep her company while she's going out for a cigarette. I didn't think of anything and just went along with her. Once outside and away from our friends, she asked me about how I am:
"Hey, sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable but I was worried about you since we talked about… you know what. You are hiding it very well, but you opened up for a second and it felt like you're under pressure. So I just wanted to make sure you are OK. I'm a friend, and just want to help you if you need me."
I got blushed, and mumbled some words about there's nothing to worry and everything's fine. She understood how uncomfortable I am with the topic, so didn't insist. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. Even though I was accepting it and settling down, I was going through a serious situation in my relationship, which is affecting not only my present but also my future as well. And Nat was genuinely trying to help a friend. So I thought having a trustworthy friend whom I can speak with and get some advice, and maybe some relief. It could make me an even better boyfriend for Ellie, if Nat can help me with some good womenly guidance. I was also trusting her enough to keep it strictly between us. Eventually, I decided to open up to Nat about what I'm going through and get her guidance. And I texted her.
We met in a calm coffeeshop the next afternoon. She was eager to listen to me, but also kind enough to tell me that I shouldn't talk about anything that would make me upset, and we can talk whenever I want. But she also asked me to keep it stick to the reality as much as possible, so that she can understand it truly. So, I slowly opened up to her. I started with the first night -the one I came in my pants- and afterwards. Ellie's obsession about out special connection, how she loves the idea of me staying virgin for her, and in general we staying virgin for each other, and how we became a perfect couple who do not have sex but does everything on the border of having actual penetrative sex. I also confessed that I was giving her oral sex quite often, whilst never got one back except some handjobs. Then I asked about her thoughts.
"That is unusual, but nothing that is never heard of. I know many people who wants to stay virgin until marriage, or until they find "the one", but you sound like you already found each other. And you're quite sexually active. But still, it's understandable I think. If I wouldn't know what's coming afterwards I wouldn't think of it twice. But you also said that she never went down on you, but you were doing it quite often. Why you did accept such an unfair situation easily?"
"I don't know. But, it was like she was setting the rules. And being a virgin boy who found an incredibly beautiful girl was making me so weak for her, so I wasn't challenging her that much. I was happy with being on the same bed with her already. I asked for it several times, but she didn't want to. And I thought if she doesn't want to, that's fine. On the other hand, I was genuinely enjoying with my part so never thought about stopping doing it."
"Fair enough. Anyways, so far I can understand why you're frustrated but also there's nothing major to worry about it. But I guess you then learned that she wasn't a virgin at the beginning, and now having hard time accepting it?"
I stood silent for a couple of seconds. Nat raised her eyebrows with suspicion.
"Not quite like that. I'll get to that." Then, I told Nat how we moved in together and had a pretty much a great life until one day I came back from home late and found Ellie crying. Then, how she came clean to me about what happened in summer break and the depressive next couple days. I admitted that when I was back home to confront Ellie, I was already prepared to forgive her.
Eventually, I talked about how we had a fight when I openly asked to have sex since she wasn't a virgin anymore, and how it ended up by me promising not to talk about it anymore while she was making jokes about dick sizes and stuff to rub it my face. I was blushing to talk about such humiliating stuff in front of someone else, but Nat didn't interrupt me at all until I told her the gifts I got for Ellie and me -a dildo and a fleshlight and how it ended up with a huge fight where I learned that they had sex all thrughout the summer, and left the home for a couple days.
Nat was visibly shocked. I looked at her, with a hesitation in my eyes. I wasn't sure how it was looking from outside. After a brief silence, she started talking:
"Honestly, what you're telling me is horrible. I'm sorry to hear that you had to go through it all by yourself. Can understand how challenging it must've been for you, and not being able to speak to anyone. Can I be totally blunt here? I think Ellie is a horrible person. A true sociopath. I wouldn't stay in such a relationship for a second but I am not here to judge you. I'm actually here to support you and your choices. You have nothing to be embarassed to."
"Thank you, you're so kind."
"But tell me, how did you really feel? After she was evidently happy about getting a dildo and made all that jokes, but freaked out when you got yourself a fleshlight?"
"Awful. But I couldn't stay angry to her. I still can't. I don't know why. Maybe I have a screw loose, but I always went back to her, and apologised."
"Maybe that's your thing then? There are many kinks outside and this is one of them. I know people being turned on by being humiliated."
"Do you think I'm humiliated?" I was upset, but I knew that I shouldn't be, as Nat was just stating the obvious.
"Not like that. Let me get this straight; I'm not bigoted. What a person enjoys in a sexual relationship does not determines his value. So, what happened to you, doesn't mean you're humiliated. Yes it's sexually "humiliating", but it means nothing outside of your bedroom." She did the quotation mark sign with her hands while saying "humiliating".
"I get what you mean. Thanks"
"No need for thanking me. I'm not trying to relieve you I'm telling what I'm thinking. What makes you valuable is what you do for people around you, how you make them feel like. Or what you've achieved in your school, or professional life. Having a semi-open relationship, or humiliation kink, does not make you even slightly less or more valuable."
"It's really relieving, thank you. I never thought about it in that way."
"Again, no need. I also thank you for trusting me, and being open. I'm happy if I was be of any help. But I want you to be sure about one thing; Do not get manipulated. Or let's put it that way, do not let yourself to go in a situation where you don't enjoy what's happening at least some level and just feel bad about it. If Ellie tries to push something you are sure that you don't want to, but you feel like you're obliged to, that is manipulation. Have borders. Or, if you don't have any borders, think about it very carefully, and make sure that you are happy about it."
"Will do."
"And please don't have any doubts about me. I won't tell a soul. So, is that all or will this story get more interesting?" She said with a smile on her face. I was also much more relaxed knowing that she is not judging me as a person, and I am not doing anything wrong. I was feeling like accepted for the first time.
"Well don't doubt that it'll get more interesting." Then, I told her the rest of the story. I couldn't believe that we were laughing together how silly I must've looked while I was kissing Ellie's foot and begging for her to fuck someone else. I was thankful to Nat.
The summer break was about to end.
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What I'm Doing...
I just have so many questions
Like how and why.
I remember sitting through my summer internship last year, expecting to find something unexpected in my studies. The "unexpected" I hoped to find was a newfound interest in learning about the history, art, and culture of pre-colonial Africans. The institution I was interning for seemed to have a grasp of these kinds of issues, but they didn't move in any meaningful direction with any meaningful sense of urgency.
Here is what I know. Black art in antiquity exists but we'll never see it in the mainstream because, like the institution of slavery itself, it is too controversial.
While I wait for the opportunity to pursue this research in a formal academic institution, I want to investigate who these Black Europeans were. I want to find out what their occupations were, what their religions, customs, and culture were before colonization transformed the African landscape, and, eventually, the perspective of the people who traveled halfway across the world to exist in Europe before their choice was taken away.
My reading is as follows;
Black Tudors by Miranda Kaufman
African Europeans by Olivette Otele
The Black Prince of Florence by Catherine Fletcher
Balthazar by Kristen Collins and Bryan Keene
Black in Rembrandts Time/ the Rembrandt House Museum
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Anon thinking unpaid internships are slavery is almost comical. I am studying tech, and the primary reason that tech students take internships is to get experience.
With no experience in the field, there is very little you can do to actually pull your weight in a company. You get an internship to show that you have authentic experience in the career you want, or possibly get hired by the company you're interning for.
I did a full-time internship this summer and I did very little actual work - a lot of it was learning the company software, sitting on meetings with the employees, and learning about what several people did and getting a taste of what its like to have their jobs. Not much of what I did would actually generate profit for the company.
If you can't afford to go full-time without being paid, there are countless part-time internships to take part in that you can work for money alongside with. Internships are kind of an optional step before you get your actual degree that qualifies you for jobs in the field. I think it's naive to assume you deserve to be paid for what's essentially an extension of your classes.
Agreed and I would ask if they believe college professors should be paying students to attend, but based on how some of these individuals advocate for subsidized education...I don't think I will like their answer.
It's like going to a fisherman and asking, "Will you teach me how to fish?" and then the fisherman saying, "Sure!" and you asking, "Great, but how much will you pay me to learn?"
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minmaneth · 11 months
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White Supremacy vs. Black Legacy
Drinking coffee while walking down the street. The thoughts came as I listened to the podcast Kelechi Okofor’s Say Your Mind. I stood in the cold and wrote… The fact that enslaved people were repositioned to work as internships apprenticeships etc after the abolishment of slavery with the slaved families getting compensation for their black bodies nullifies the act and undermines the totality…
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mathsbian · 2 years
Reminder that unpaid internships are illegal and even if they weren’t an internship that is offering pay is going to be a better experience anyways. If they can think of you as “the unpaid intern” they will treat you like a gopher and not give you much opportunity to explore your own ideas. An internship that recognizes you will be contributing before they even hire you will respect your time and ideas more.
The best job experience I had was a very well paid internship at a software development company. They made sure to have me work with a few different teams to both give me the experience and to see where I might fit best as the internship was intended to evolve into a salaried career. I got to work on securityware, API testing, CLI testing, GUI testing, and ended up being asked to restructure an entire massive code file to handle command line instructions a little more cleanly. I was involved in all the daily meetings and was given a clear picture of how the work I was doing fit into the company at large. It was an incredible experience, and it wouldn’t have been the same if the attitude of the company going in was “you’re being compensated with experience”. In that case, they’d have no reason to see how well I worked with various teams of programmers because I wouldn’t have been writing new code in all likelihood, and if it was unpaid why would they think of it as an investment into me becoming a better fit for their company professionally and not just the exploitation of a college student? I would have been excluded from meetings and would have been handed the least important things to work on, because I wasn’t getting paid and they might not expect as high a quality of work from me if they’re not paying me.
Value yourself. Unpaid internships are illegal but are also just plain not worth it. It isn’t like tagging along to one music gig to meet new people and line up gigs for yourself (where you aren’t actually working the gig you’re literally just their to rub elbows with other people in music and hand out your business card and maybe hold some cables for whoever let you tag along), or going to a set for a few days to similarly socialize with people in your industry. It’s modern day slavery.
There might be an exception when the internship is also getting you college credit, but in those cases the company usually also has to report on your progress there to the organization setting up internships for students at your school, and that oversight helps protect you from exploitation. I was blessed that my internship was both subject to review from my university and paid twice minimum wage. Your time and effort have value. Don’t let shitty companies use you up and spit you out.
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studiokultuurscape · 1 month
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Chaos of options: who am I?
uncertainty/ flexibility
language barrière/ language bath
no wage/ scholarship
internship/ modern slavery
nuance/ diplomatic
experience / paper pushers
architecture/ ivory tower
choice/ fait accompli
home/ Home
~ the erasmus intern
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