#snek talks
taterswithranch · 1 month
i've never been so in touch with my aroace-ness than with my fellow aspecs going on a rampage on the bots hdhdjsk
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ask-spicysugarcookies · 7 months
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Welcome to the blog!
This is a blog that’s a part of my Havoc and Homework au! My main is @taterswithranch :3
The muses featured are Cresc and Angelica!
1. Please be respectful! I will not tolerate any sort of disrespect.
2. Please keep things relatively SFW! There may be some suggestive humour. Both mun and muses are adults.
3. Interaction is encouraged! Ask whatever is on your mind, whether in-character or otherwise!
4. Please be patient with me! I’m currently a college student and have my own life, so questions will be answered at my own pace. Any attempts at spam will be deleted, and you will be blocked.
Tags (will be updated)
#havoc and homework: general au tag
#ask answered: any asks answered, in-character or not
#snek talks: Out of character talk from myself
#oc: cresc: any post containing Cresc
#oc: angelica: any post containing Angelica
#interaction: any post interacting in-character with a fellow ask blog
#m!a: magic!Anons
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ask-fish-boy · 1 year
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Sooo uh, sorry for dying hsjdjsk
I know for a fact I don’t want this to be a permanent hiatus. I still hold this au very near and dear to my heart. But I’ve been havin trouble gettin back into Hetalia in general, and I don’t wanna try and force myself into anything.
I’m a lot more active on my main (on my commissions sheet), so if ya still wanna see me make things or ramble about ocs, I’m over there. I’m hyperfixating on another fandom at the moment, so if yer interested and wanna join you can. If not, that’s okay too :>
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snekthedemonnoodle · 3 months
i cant help it ok its just cause im from massachusetts
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lucifermeo · 2 years
an underrated part of stormbringer is chuuya telling verlaine "i'm not good at lying like that wily bastard dazai" while ACTUALLY LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH to buy time for adam to sneak an attack on him. like. taking advantage of the fact people see him as the brawn and dazai as the lying snek brain to lie, that's so clever (and funny af). i love skk dynamics
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illumiao · 20 hours
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i never drew again since the feb-march 2024 frenzy i only have this silly goofy draft
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secretdiaryofcrowley · 2 months
Where we left off:
Nina, purveyor of coffee, whirling into the scene like a thunderstorm, woke our hero from his precious sleep (and a weird dream) to give him - me - another telling-off.
She's quite scary when she's angry. Not demon scary, but most definitely human scary.
"Do you even understand how all of this affects Maggie?" I'm not surprised at the burst of emotion in her voice as she says the name.
"She's been worried sick about you! Trying to write to you, trying to call you, and some days even waiting by your car for you to wake up, so she could make sure you're all right."
"I'm not." How does she even find me? I drive around and park the Bentley in different places every couple of days.
"We KNOW. Do you think none of us has gone through breakup before?"
Well, maybe you have. I certainly haven't. I don't do relationships and I have no idea how to process this. Except for drinking, sleeping and curling up in a little snake ball of pain.
"Of course it's bad. It hurts like hell..."
Worse. Speaking from experience here.
"... and you have every right to be sad and mopey and angry, but stop shutting out your friends. Talk to us! At least let us know where you are and what's going on."
"I don't have friends. Never wanted friends. Completely friendless person, me."
She sighs. "Yes, you're a devil and you're evil, blah blah blah, real man solves his problems on his own. Heard all of that before, except maybe the devil part. But you've got to realize that your actions have consequences for others. You're not alone in this world."
But I am.
I've always been alone. For 6000 years on this godforsaken planet, doing the bidding of my ridiculous headoffice and trying not to go completely insane. Using every excuse to be close to my angel and every excuse not to get too close, so we wouldn't be in trouble. Missing him after every encounter, every meeting, every conversation. Sometimes positively yearning for his presence, but never ever being able to act on it.
Because that's just the way things are.
I was alone the last time I hit rock bottom. Healing one step at a time, slowly piecing myself together after my 33 years of torture. Because I allowed myself to save one human soul and got caught at it. One. Single. Human. Soul.
No good deed goes unpunished.
I never had anyone to talk to because angels are my enemies, demons are my rivals and humans wouldn't be able to shoulder all this bullshit that's been going on with me. And God doesn’t answer to any of us.
And yet, Nina has the nerve to come here, shake me awake and tell me that I'm not alone? That I’m supposed to 'talk about it'? Throw overboard all my harshly earned survival skills because now apparently, I have friends?
No, absolutely not. I don't make 'friends' with other people. It's not something demons - the word is demon, not devil - do. You can stop pretending to care now and walk away.
She doesn’t.
Instead, she throws my very own words back at me. “For once in your life trust somebody!”
~ * ~
More Diary Parts
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21
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viperwhispered · 2 months
Hot take: Overblot Jamil keeping the reader behind as a pet/slave is pre-relationship.
Jamil's whole thing in a romantic relationship is equality and freedom. He wants to spoil and be spoiled. He wants his s/o safe and happy. His biggest fantasy is them loving a blissful domestic life in their own little home away from all the obligations and troubles of the world.
Jamil spent his whole life being treated as lesser and being denied his freedom. He would drop dead before even thinking of treating his s/o the same way. This is the person who has fully accepted every bit of him and given every bit of themselves in return. No way would Jamil, overblot or not, ever try to abuse that. In his eyes, his s/o deserves the universe. They're his partner, his queen, his rani, his sultana.
And this goes triple for his Overblot. Jamil who's at that stage where he is 10000% comfortable and smitten by his s/o would rip his own heart out before daring to enslave his love.
Instead, OB Jamil is rejoicing at finally having the means to grant the luxury he feels his s/o deserves. He's crowning them the Sultana of Scarabia, hosting elaborate feasts with their favorites, dressing them in fine silk designs fit for royalty (aka not a harem girl). Jamil knows his s/o very well and does everything to keep them comfortable and happy.
And that's why it's so hard to want to reason with him. Not because of some porno "he's so mean but he's hot" situation. But because OB!Jamil is still Jamil. He still cuddles, pampers, teases, and shows his unyielding love for them. Only difference is that he no longer has any embarrassment or fluster holding him back. He doesn't care if all of Scarabia is watching him, if he wants to kiss them he gets to kiss them. Honestly it's kind of cute how he shamelessly pouts for their affection. Any manipulation towards them is a familiar and light hearted attempt at getting their attention.
The only consistent argument his s/o has for him is that the overblot will kill him and they can't stand the thought of loosing him.
Interesting 👀
My reply got kinda long again so putting it behind a read more again.
I feel like this depends a lot on where Jamil is as a person when the overblot happens. And, well, if we’re going for the canonical overblot, that was not exactly a high point for his emotional wellbeing and all - not that an overblot ever is. So by definition, it already is a point where the existing rules start to crack, and once the overblot hits, it really is arguable just how much they're in control of themselves at that point.
Though it is true that it is still their feelings and thoughts and desires moving them at least somewhat, just potentially twisted by the overblot itself and/or the emotional anguish they're usually going through at that point as well.
I’m curious, do you have any particular basis on saying that equality and freedom would be the cornerstones in a relationship for Jamil? Simply because (romantic) relationships are not talked about much in twst, and with Jamil especially I have a hard time figuring out what exactly it might be that he wants, what he’d come to value over time, and what might “do good” to him even if he might not recognize it or be aware of it himself.
Though I certainly agree, being on equal footing with his s/o would be good for him. Someone he can rely on and trust in, and where they can lean on each other. A true partner rather than someone who’s above or below.
But there is also that part of him that enjoys feeling powerful, that wants to climb that ladder to not being the one just taking the orders anymore. And especially with being under the influence of the overblot, I could see that extending to his partner as well. Like, at that point he really might think that what he wants is the adoration and the submission, to finally get those things he’s been craving, even from the person he’d normally consider his partner and equal.
Though yeah, this also really does depend on what would trigger the overblot in this scenario. Like with the right circumstances, I could definitely see him going for this more adoring scenario you described. I mean, for book 6 (I really hope this isn’t spoilers for you), we saw what an overblot is like when it is born from anguish over another, rather than from more “personal” issues. So it is not that the overblot has the characters necessarily acting in a purely selfish manner, even if most of them pretty much have. Idia, however, was very much doing everything in his power for Ortho after the overblot - selfish, still, in a way, but not in the same way as the others who were basically lashing out at everyone. So it definitely could happen.
And all this being said, I do absolutely love the idea of a Jamil who’s not holding back and is going all out pampering his s/o and letting the world know just how much they mean to him. I mean, it definitely would be the s/o's turn to be the one flustered in that scenario, and it indeed would definitely make it a little harder to give that all up and to persuade him that, you know, the overblot indeed is kinda deadly.
Just, him doing all those things he’s always wanted to do, but which he’s always stopped himself from doing (consciously or even subconsciously, or simply because it has not been practically possible). It really would be kinda sweet - if not also a little unsettling in some way to have him act so out of his usual character.
(Tho ngl, personally, I could also go for the “if evil why hot” approach because, well, that’s delicious too. So many potential avenues here.)
Also hadsf the thought of him in all his overblot glory and then just pouting because you’re not paying attention to him. An amusing image indeed.
Imagine this caring, shameless overblot Jamil when he thinks someone is threatening his s/o, tho. Ngl, I kinda love that idea, too (I mean, also concerning because even more blot, but you know).
I hope it doesn’t feel like I’m arguing against you too much with these, or anything like that. I feel like we approach Jamil from somewhat different angles, and so I kinda have to work my way through what I think is going on in his head before I can really start thinking about the scenario itself.
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taterswithranch · 1 month
i. i think we won
edit: nvm they're back 💀
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ask-spicysugarcookies · 7 months
Gonna queue up stuff from main hdhdjsk
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ask-fish-boy · 5 months
Hello, you dont need to reply to this or anything but i would like to say, thank you! I know you don't post as much anymore but you really motivated me to continue art back when you still post alot here haha :]
I found your art really cute (i still do) i hope you never give up on doing art anytime in the future. I stumbled upon this account again after i went back to hetalia ( I never left, just kinda focused on other things). Please keep doing what you are doing.
Oh this is so sweet ; ; This really warms my heart, thank you so much!
I do intend to come back here some day. I really hope y’all decide to stick around, maybe also join in the chaos on the main where I’m still makin a lot more stuff and got so much more plans! I don’t intend to quit arting anytime soon :)
Thank you so much for this. You stay cool and have a great day :>
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snekthedemonnoodle · 1 month
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queenofapeacefuldawn · 8 months
Rudy's favourite nickname for Mini is jaan. It means life, but it's also a reassurance for the daughter of death. A child who's so well-acquainted with her father in one of the worst ways. She's surrounded by death every day— she sees it in her patients, she herself had to protect them from death several times. He could see it wearing down on her, that shadow of death dimming her bright spark of light, so he decided to whisper that nickname. In an unguarded moment, when she laughed freely, hiding a perpetual sadness. She was confused, and she asked her question with a laugh: "Why that nickname? I hope you're aware you sound like every main character of every Bollywood movie,"
He just smiles and buries his face in the crook of her neck, saying, "Well, it's true, you are jaan."
She just snickered, calling him sappy and cringey, but he couldn't help but notice how she brightened every time he called her that. Like a spark turning into a new flame.
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snek-panini · 11 months
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Book time! This is On the Subject of Nests and Happiness by Nonesensed. I don't typically go for nesting fics, they tend to get a little silly for my taste, but this one is an old favorite. They put some very nice worldbuilding into it and I really liked their OCs, which is kinda unusual in fandom, at least for me. So I wanted to give it the book treatment, and it turned out really well! The cover is cardstock, with book cloth on the spine, neither of which were actually bought for this project but they looked so good together that I couldn't resist. The title is HTV and it was an absolute nightmare to get all those tiny letters to stick properly. Worth it, though. More pics under the cut!
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Endpapers are scrapbook paper, also not bought for this book, but just. Look at them. They look so good. I had actually intended to make my own end bands on this project, but they fought me so hard that I gave up. And I already had these black-and-white checkered ones that matched, so it's not so bad. You can kinda notice my tendency to make covers too deep in this shot. I used to think that was a flaw but as I go on I'm kinda liking it. I get more wiggle room when casing in, and they feel nice when I read the books. View from the top shows how thick this one is. It's the longest word count I've done at this size and I want to do more like this. The textures and proportions make it very pleasant to hold.
Have some interior shots:
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Title page, first page of first chapter with summary, and first page of actual chapter text. All the images came from rawpixel with minimal manipulation on my part to make the one in the third photo. I don't like working with images, I've never been that kind of artist, but I do very much like how things turned out. It's got three chapters and they all have a first page with the wreath image and short summary, then the actual text of the chapter starts on the following page.
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This fic has so many footnotes. More than any other fic I've set type for so far, and some of them are very long. I discovered in the process of formatting them that footnotes are a pain in the ass to typeset. Again, though: totally worth it, they look so good even if they do make the line spacing a little weird. I think a lot of my frustration with them comes from trying to make Word do things it was not intended to do. It won't stop me doing more footnote-heavy fics in the future, but at least now I have a better idea of what I'm getting into when I do them.
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Fun thing about this: I waxed and burnished the cardstock before I attached the cover, and the last thing I did after casing in was the title. I have a cricut mini press, which is shaped like a tiny iron, and when I was pressing the HTV it left an iron-shaped dark patch on the front cover. Cue panic. It looked so stupid, and it was already cased in so I was stuck with it. I think what happened had to do with the wax coating? Thankfully, pressing it again all over (instead of just where the title is) covered up the dark patch, but the result is that the front is a slightly different color than the back. Whoops. I may go back later and press the back too, to get the color even, but for the moment I actually kinda like it? Shows me what I'm learning. Another fun fact, thankfully less visible than the last one: while I was making the cover, I gave myself the worst papercut ever while working with the cardstock. There was actual blood, and right on the tip of a finger on my dominant hand. I had a mark there for weeks.
I'm very proud of this one. That's probably why the post got so long and ramble-y, but I just keep coming back to it. Colors, textures, size, nice sharp groove where the spine connects to the front. I'm just really proud of it.
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didderd · 1 year
if i may
make an unwarranted recommendation
of a fic i just read
bc i feel like it
There's a snake in my bed! by Little_old_lady on ao3
's very good. mafiafell sans x reader. 4 chapters
if u like easily flustered fells, u'll love it :>
(@sans-guy i know at least u love easily flustered fells 👀)
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