#so I’m going to move on with my life and unfollow and stop supporting the people I need to as more info is shown
jrwiyuri · 2 years
Hey so.. idk what’s going on rlly. But I will probably not be posting much about the dsmp as of right now. Especially with anything in regards to dream or people close to him (dteam). Soooo. yeah.
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thief-of-eggs · 22 days
Do people not know how to use the block button anymore? Or the back button for the askers that came here from AO3?
Holy fuck, you curate your own experience. You (hate anons) are choosing to continue to make yourselves and those around you miserable instead of shutting up and moving on. You’re the ones that keep reaching out and actively sending on hate, fueling this cycle of misery rather than using the damn block button or unfollowing the blog/tags/whatever is putting this on your dash.
I’ve been quietly watching this whole thing go down and haven’t been compelled to say anything until now because Egg and the others seemed to have it handled but if for some reason this saga bothered me as much as her content seems to bother you, I would have taken my own advice by now.
I will never understand why people go out of their way to be miserable and to drag others down with them.
Anyway, sorry about the anons. (I’m not sure if there’s more than one or if there’s just one person with wayyy too much time on their hands. I’m also not sure which one sounds worse.)
I haven’t gotten to read a whole lot of your stuff, but what I have read so far seems cool. The anons have bad taste as well as poor internet literacy.
100%, the internet is vast and the possibilities are endless- meaning that you are completely and fully responsible for what content you engage with, especially on platforms like this.
It’s is so easy to block creators you don’t like. To click the back button. To not engage.
It reads as incredibly insecure to need to share with a creator how much you dislike them and their work. Like, you cared that much that you couldn’t just let it go and move on with your life? It took up enough of your brain space that you needed to come to my blog and tell me to my face what you don’t like about me?
It’s just incredibly immature, in a world where our experience is our responsibility.
Thank you @fanby-fckry for your encouraging words <3 it is nice to see a few kind messages in my inbox amidst all of this. I don’t know why this suddenly provoked all the attack dogs, but everyone is jumping on the hate bandwagon and as you said- whether it’s one butthurt person or many, it’s just… not a jazzy experience?
Anyway, thank you again, your support means a lot <333 This is a general message to the rest of you to stop being so silly, it’s not that deep. You can very easily block me, I promise the world won’t end if you do
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topguncortez · 1 year
The whole Glen Gigi Sydney thing is kinda hilarious with people jumping to conclusions and acting like they know everything. If it’s true that’s on him and Sydney. People in the comments on Glen posts on Instagram saying “you had a 10 and cheated with a 4.5” people do realise when men cheat they don’t go with better they go with easier? Right? I personally think it’s a whole pr stunt to get people to watch the new film, apparently Glen and Gigi broke up because she couldn’t do long distance relationships anymore - it’s sad if that’s true and it’s a PR stunt because he’s being branded a cheater (going on like no one in hollywoods ever cheated, Arnold Schwarzenegger had an affair and a child with the the housekeeper) I don’t think he did because he honestly doesn’t seem to be that type of person but I guess that’s just me not wanting to believe the rumours. But then it doesn’t help that Gigi is kind of hinting that the rumour is true.. But in the same breath it does not and will not ever have anything to do with me it’s not my life, I don’t know them, I’ve got my own shit to worry about.
People do need to calm down tho, telling bloggers who write FAN FICTION of an actors character that they are “supporting cheating” I mean come off it!! I don’t like reading cheating fics that’s just because im an emotional wreck and take things way to heart, but it doesn’t stop me from reading fiction about that character.
Nobody knows the truth and it’s Hollywood so that means no one will ever know the truth even if all three came out and said it was a PR stunt, nobody will believe them anyway.
Now, I hope you have an amazing day - I’m currently in hospital waiting to get a cast put on my leg after I fell down the stairs and broke it. I’m more upset that I dropped my pizza more than anything.
I agree with you that this is a whole PR nightmare/mess that could have easily been avoided. There are so many things that we don't know, and that we will never know, and we don't deserve to know. Celebrities lives are already blasted enough as it is everywhere, that the last thing they need is to have something as personal as a breakup running rampant.
As far as the cheating thing goes, I agree with you in the fact that I don't think Glen cheated. I think if he did, we'd be hearing more from Sydney's side of things (I'm thinking about Olivia and harry for this one. . .). I will also agree that I do not like the way that Gigi handled things. I understand being petty and being hurt, however, you need to have a solid reason for that. She really didn't help the situation one bit, and it's not only making herself look bad, but it is hurting Glen and Sydney, and I don't believe that Gigi would want something like that to happen.
The comments on Glen's photos are heartbreaking. It really hurts to even read through them and to even really think about. How are you not only going to say harsh things to someone you don't even know, but how are you going to drag another person into this?? We don't know all the facts so people are making nameless claims off of fucking cryptic posts and unfollows.
There's two sides to every story, it's just that simple. I'm not picking a side. I feel bad for every person involved because break-ups are never easy. And honestly, the ones that hurt the most are the ones that are caused by distance or not seeing each other enough. Because the love that you have for one another is still so fucking strong, but they are just not there enough to make it fair to spend all that time and energy. (Speaking from a personal experience, I was more gutted and heartbroken after a break-up with an ex who moved from Kauai to Maui than my ex-husband cheating on me). As for the fanfic stuff, if you can't separate your feelings. . . then you need to go take a walk. There is no need to send mean shit to people who are writing about a fictional character. And there is no need to send mean to shit to people who are writing RPF. it's fiction for a reason. let us live in our happy shiny bubble.
I really, really, truly hope that this isn't a PR stunt because there is no need for this. Like I said, it gives DWD PR stunt, and because of all that mess, it made me and so many others not want to watch the movie. Which is honestly a shame, cause there are so many other actors besides the leads that get affected from shit like this.
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solitalien · 2 months
If I Can Be Selfish 🔞
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Trigger Warning: Topic of Abuse
I just want to put this out there that I am trying to stay as neutral as I can be with evidence put it out there. I will not be lying if I said that this is not completely destroyed my mental health. This is about Shelby's recent stream and what I’m seeing here on Tumblr. It is completely broken, my heart, but someone that I love so much and admire, possibly be someone so disgusting and hurtful. It hurts I don’t mean to sound selfish but if you let me, please. I don’t know what to do.
I wouldn’t be lying if I said that I wasn’t diving for evidence and proof on this whole thing to try and prove this all was wrong, but what can you do? I saw that Shelby has unfollowed the person and the person has unfollowed her. They have both untag each other in posts that have each other in them.
It sucks because I don’t want it to be true.
From what I’ve heard from her stream, I am so sorry that she had to go through that. There was one part of the stream, that just completely broke me, and I wish she never had to go through that.
I hope that this person becomes a better person.
If you look back on videos that contain this person with Shelby, you can see that it’s from a few years ago. You can see that they are together and a lot in these videos and during certain time periods that were about two years ago.
As Shelby has stated this person stop talking to her after they broke up. The person has not interacted with her as far as we have seen online. Within the period that they broke up. After a while I heard that this person was therapy. I hope that this person is in therapy because they woke up and they are trying to better themselves. I hope that they see the damage that they done, and they are trying to fix it.
I can’t deny that this person had a really big place in my heart because they done so much for me. I know it may sound cringe, but this feels kind of like a breakup. It’s the only way I can describe it because you know it’s someone who I love and admire and dedicate part of myself too. I just want to be home and wait till I can see a response from them so that way I can take it in and, not have to be a mess from what the world is moving around me.
It’s not fair every time I experience something like this from someone I care about, I only want the best from. I don’t know what to do and I can’t tell anybody else about it. Because honestly, I don’t think they care. I want this person to be the persona that they were online even though they’ve said many times that they lie online but for their protection. I don’t want this to be because they want their protection I want to be because they’re too who they are and not hide everything fucking thing they are wrong for.
As of now, as much as this might hurt some of you, I’m staying neutral, because I truly can’t be anything else. It makes me nauseous to try and cut this person from my life and they’ve been such a big part of it. I’m not going to say that I fully support them though. I just been quiet.
This may sound cringe, but I don’t know why things that I love are always the things that hurt me most. They always turn their back on me and make me feel like no matter how hard I try it’s not going to matter. But I will forever believe that all are capable of changing. Although they are a big part of the internet supposedly. They are still human, and as human we make mistakes, and we learn from them. Hopefully they as human can move on and be better. And hopefully and selfishly be the person that I hope that they are. And until the moment, not this moment, will forgive them.
I hope Shelby is okay, and that she and this person hopefully never have to interactive again and that she will find someone who will treat her the way that she deserves and 100 times that. I knew her back when she was collabing with other content creators that I enjoyed. She is just as lovable as I remembered her, and although I do not watch her content now. I know that she is just as amazing and if even more than I remember.
I’m sorry for being selfish and if none of this makes sense.
Please feel free to take it or leave it.
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scarlettriot · 1 year
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Hey all, this is another political post, the last I intend on making for the time being. I’m just facing some really strong feelings and need to get them out. I completely understand if you don’t want to read this so I’m gonna put all my feelings under a read more.
You shouldn’t keep reading if:
• You do not support equal rights (unfollow me if you don’t support equal rights, actually)
• You don’t want to read about abortions
• You don’t want to read about adoptions
• You don’t want to read about the possibility of assault/rape
• You don’t want to read about vasectomies/tubal ligation
• You’d just rather pretend the world isn’t turning into an absolute dumpster fire
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I understand a lot of the nation had success in these midterms and I’m so thankful for that! Even though I live in a state that went completely red, I’m not disappointed with the overall results, they’re better than I expected, honestly.
Still though, I now have to plan and prepare what my future is going to look like because I now have complete whack jobs in control over my health care and body.
Fun fact about me; I’ve always wanted kids. Like, for as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a mother. But, we moved around a lot, money wasn’t totally there for it, so it hasn’t happened yet. Then everything with Roe V Wade went down and we had to take a hard look on what we wanted for our future.
Instead of having conversations with my husband about starting a family, we have had and are still having talks of how NOT to have kids. What we can do to make sure I am safe.
It started with him suggesting he gets a vasectomy which I’m on board with. But, there was this tiny sliver of light. We said if our governer becomes a democratic, we’d consider holding of on him going through the procedure. Well, ha, jokes on us.
I mentioned to him how I’m looking into tubal ligation now. And he said, “But, babe, I’ll get a vasectomy. You don’t have to worry about it.” Bless his heart.
Fact is, I DO STILL HAVE TO WORRY! What if the worst of the worst happens and I’m raped and a pregnancy comes of it? The government doesn’t give a flying fuck. I know the chances of that happening are slim but I never really thought I’d be sexually assaulted in my life and, gee, that’s happened to me twice!
I know I’m not alone in these statistics either, I know some people have it far worse than me. Some people have lived through that exact traumatic experience and worse.
So, my husband and I have had to take a good look at what’s best for us personally. We weren’t getting our hopes up though and we’re starting to accept that kids probably weren’t gonna be in the cards for us. Between my safety and the state of our country, it just doesn’t feel like it’s the right thing for us to do. I mean, no disrespect to those who choose to have kids/still want them, this is just what we feel is best for us.
The thing is though, before this ban went into place, we were still very much considering starting a family of our own. And then the government stepped in and removed those laws that made me feel safe and secure. They’re okay such a large roll in this massive decision in our lives. And I think that’s so fucking shitty!
And then, my state votes go out more of these narrow-minded twits in office to continue this destruction! I just— fuck, man— I can’t.
However, the hope is to eventually be able to adopt because I still would love to be a mother and raise a child. (Yes, this is where the very self-indulgent Kiri post came from). I might not feel safe having my own child but I hope that does not stop me from being a parent someday.
I guess I really don’t know where I’m going with this. It was just a lot of feelings and I’m still processing it all.
There’s this baby shower I have to go to this weekend and I’m happy for the parents but I don’t wanna go and listen to family do the whole, “when are you gonna have kids?” “Oh, you guys are gonna start a family soon, right?” “You’re almost thirty, better get to it!”
• the above quotes are just a few of the statements that’ve been said to me recently •
And I want nothing more than to rip their forking heads off and tell them it’s none of their damn business when I’m having children or, better yet, tell them exactly why I don’t have them yet!
Maybe someday I’ll have them, I still hope I will. But I’m now living with the very real possibility I won’t. And I’m on a journey to accepting that if I don’t, it’s totally okay. That my husband and I are no less a family, that I am no less a person. We do not need to have kids to live fulfilling lives.
I never thought it’d be such a hard lesson to learn… hell, I never thought it’d be one I had to learn.
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sinfulduck · 3 months
Self therapy session with Duck
Me: I was just rejected and utterly humiliated online. I can’t move on from it and I’m paralyzed.
Duck: hey, rejection and humiliation are part of life. Many people experience it online. You should accept what happened and forgive yourself. That will help you move on.
Me: you’re right but how do I do that?
Duck: well what happened?
Me: I posted in a sub Reddit to voice my opinion. People did not receive it well, I was ridiculed and I felt so humiliated I deleted my account.
Duck: why did you post on there?
Me: I wanted some support I guess. I thought more people would share my opinion. I was dead wrong though and now I feel so hurt.
Duck: it’s human instinct to want to seek out community. I understand why you wanted to do that and there is no shame in wanting support. What we have to remember is that online communities are not always supportive. Can you think about the other perspective? About why they responded this way?
Me: yes… I was dramatic, I am dramatic. I mean… I’m talking to myself right now. I think I worded it wrong as well, I’m not sure my intentions were communicated clearly. I can understand why someone would react negatively, not everyone thinks the way I do. But I also don’t think they read the entire thing. That may also have been due to me wording it wrong. But really did have the best intentions.
Duck: do you think you can rectify the situation ? Can you talk to them ? Clarify your intentions ?
Me: no… it’s Reddit…. I mean I want to. In many ways the response confirmed everything I said. I had a parasocial relationship with these people and they didn’t actually care about me, the community as well I don’t know them personally. In many ways, they are right. But no, I can’t try to rectify things. Reddit is scary.
Duck: so you are feeling humiliated, what else ?
Me: hatred toward myself. I feel small, like I want to disappear and run away. I feel alone. I felt like I was part of something bigger than myself but now I’m flying solo I guess. And intense regret for doing that.
Duck: why do you regret it?
Me: well… I guess it’s becuase I wish i could’ve avoided these consequences. I don’t regret what I said. I stand by it. I will not support companies that do not denounce genocide.
Duck: so you wish you left quietly, not posted, just unfollowed them.
Me: yes and no. I do not believe in going peacefully into the light. I am kinda proud of myself for making a bit of a stink. I mean… I really pissed some people off. There were so many comments. I hope this starts a discussion, I hope the guys see what I wrote, I hope others will take a stand. But at the same time, I feel awful.
Duck: hey bro, you tried doing something really hard. Activism isn’t easy, despite what people may think. It involves being vulnerable and putting yourself out there. Yes you may not have done it perfectly, but be kind to yourself. You’ll get the hang of it eventually, and no matter how you word it not everyone is gonna agree with you. But that’s okay! Because you don’t need other people to validate your opinions.
Me: you’re right. I know you’re right. But I still feel terrible.
Duck: don’t deny your emotions, don’t try to intellectualize yourself out of it too. Yes, talking like this is better than just rotting away in your bed, but you should tell someone about how you’re feeling too. Talking will help you process your emotions.
Me: and if I have no one ?
Duck: treat yourself with some compassion broski. You def have people. You don’t have to do it right away. Take a few days if you have to. Shower, do your skin care, this will stop you from overthinking the situation. Go to the gym, practice mindfulness, and talk to me. Your imaginary duck therapist.
Me: you’re right. I think I will take a shower. But I can’t stop thinking about it.
Duck: hey, that’s okays how about we reframe the scenario? Maybe there’s a lesson here, you can take this experience and help you grow. Could you do that?
Me: yes, I can grow from this. I need to stop relying on others to validate my thoughts and feelings. I need to learn that shame does not define me, my mistakes do not define me…. And I need to not be so dramatic.
Duck: that’s great! But hey, being dramatic is not necessarily a bad thing. I think a lot of people like you because of your antics. It’s charming.
Me: okay we need to stop this before I just start ego stroking. Thanks duck!!
Duck: no problem, sexy ;)
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thequibblah · 2 years
(have had this drafted for a bit and since apparently people think i’m bashing an author because i haven’t yet published a manifesto of why this trope is snoozeworthy ig I hit publish now! plus ik some people who follow me here are unaware of the conversation in the jily discord rn so let me clarify my very firm position)
right, enough is enough. writing james as a death eater is terrible. it is not interesting to take a story that is fully and totally unrelated to any of these so-called fascinating, interesting dark themes and turn it into oppressed girl/oppressor — which is what this is. it is not compelling to write a james who thinks only lily is worth saving — which is what this is. it is not romantic to write a lily who has to convince james to switch sides, see the humanity in people like her, or even just to accept that bigotry is worth fighting — which is what this does. it’s not nuanced in any sense to write a james who is conflicted in any way about where he stands — it’s sn*ly. it’s not sexy it’s not edgy it’s not clever it’s not thought-provoking it’s not shocking it’s not moving it’s not well-written it’s not thrilling. whatever you think you’re doing it is not novel. it’s not groundbreaking. it’s WASP as fuck. and it sure as hell isn’t your handmaid’s tale when you write a character and someone belonging to a hate group that targets her as her soulmate.
and it’s not cute to act like jewish fans or fans of colour are overreacting or being sanctimonious when we suggest you’re writing something that hurts us — because it does. (your reading and prepwork is immaterial. and readers of yours who are marginalised do not speak for all of us, so save your breath if you’re thinking about tokenising them.) it’s even less cute when you are the same people who talk about how welcoming and supportive the jily fandom is — because it is until shit gets serious.
this stuff is not a clinical, dispassionate, “interesting” debate to think about or explore for some of us. when i see this or hear about this — despite, let me assure you, the most strenuous, involved blacklisting I have ever done in my life — all i can think of is myself hypothetically entangled with a man belonging to a hate group, and the number of people who would appear to consider that situation romantic. i can’t imagine the privilege it means to be able to separate this fiction from reality. i can’t imagine the gall and the blindness it takes to think your purported favourite female character going through that is anything but an ugly, scarring tragedy that only ends happily with her miles away from the other half of her ship.
if you think i sound holier than thou or sanctimonious, if you think i hate fun, if you think i act superior, if you think i’m moralising — happy to accept all these labels! i’m also correct, so i don’t care about the rest of that 😊 if you read my fic and you enjoy and support this stuff, i guess i can’t stop you. but i don’t write for you. so, if that hurts your feelings, unfollow and unsubscribe, by all means. i would say i am sorry to lose your readership but truthfully the way i approach this ship is fundamentally irreconcilable with dark/death eater jily, and i am extremely uncomfortable as is with the amount of race-related allegory i put in my fic existing in the same mainstream as that.
so — i’m sick of handwringing and feeling stupidly, embarrassingly afraid of stating this opinion out of my own misplaced desire to choose tact or courtesy when these authors and these fans are vocal and proud and frankly careless, ignorant, and unimaginative. i don’t care about maintaining fandom clout; i do not care about burning bridges. i don’t care that some of these people have read my fic and been kind to me — i am apparently only worth listening to insofar as i don’t make anyone uncomfortable. so fuck that.
this is not a goodbye post because i literally will cling to anything out of spite. excited to continue writing a james worth rooting for and a lily whose story isn’t trauma porn. xo
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flosbelova · 3 years
I’ll Always Protect You
florence pugh x fem!reader
warnings: mention of death threats.
word count: 1.7k
summary: you and florence had been dating for a while. when she posts you on her Instagram, you receive a bunch of hate comments and florence defends you and your relationship.
request from @the-loving-quotes​
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Dating Florence Pugh has been one of the greatest decisions you have ever made in your life. You both have managed to keep your relationship lowkey until she randomly posts you on her Instagram. It was a photo of you looking at this mountain view at sunset from the balcony. She captioned it “My happy place.” 
Your heart started to race as soon as you saw a photo of yourself on her Instagram-- and the fact that she tagged you almost made you pass out.
You looked through her comments and let’s just say most of it wasn't what you would have expected. Some were positive-- for example, there were comments that read:
“I’m so proud of you <3”
“You guys are the absolute cutest!”
Then, there were comments that weren’t so positive. It was a mixture of homophobic comments and comments that said “Florence deserves better.”
Of course, they hurt, but you didn’t mind at first and chose to focus on the more positive comments. 
A couple days pass and you also decide to post Florence on your Instagram. As you hit “post,” your phone instantly started buzzing with notifications. Again, the comments were all a mixture of the positives and the negatives. However, you wanted to focus on the positive side and ignored the comments.
You posted Florence on your Instagram story, and you received a lot of DM’s. Although you don’t open your DM’s, you decided to check just for the hell of it. As soon as you swiped to your message requests, you instantly regretted swiping. 
“Kill yourself. You don’t deserve Florence.”
Tears started to well up in your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away when you heard Florence come into the living room.
“Dinner’s ready, darling,” she says, holding a wooden spoon.
“Hm? Oh, right. I’ll be there in a sec,” you respond.
“Is everything alright, love?” she walks towards you with a concerned look on her face.
You take a deep breath. “Yes, everything’s fine.” You clench your jaw hoping Florence would drop the subject.
She pouts and looks at you with worry. Florence knows every little detail about you. She knows that nothing is ever “fine,” when it follows with you clenching your jaw. However, Florence doesn’t like to overstep on your boundaries, so she drops the subject and figures she’ll ask you later. 
“Alright, love. C’mon, let's eat. I’ve made your favorite,” she says, giving you a soft smile.
You loved Florence’s cooking and you always made sure to compliment her dishes whenever she cooked. However, tonight was quiet. The two of you sat in silence, quietly eating your dinner. 
You were grateful that Florence knew to get off your back whenever you were in a mood. That’s one of the things that you appreciated most about her, her ability to understand your emotions and how you cope with them. 
You knew that she would eventually ask you what happened as you have both communicated that suffering in silence wasn’t healthy.
You finished dinner early and asked yourself to be excused. You headed to bed as soon as you finished your meal. Florence stayed in the kitchen to tidy up and to give you some more space.
Laying on your side, you couldn’t help but to grab your phone and scroll through your notifications. As hurt as you were already, you were too stubborn to gain some self-control. As terrible as that message was, your comment section got even worse. Not only was it filled with homophobic comments, but you were also getting sent death threats. You had checked Florence’s account and pressed on your photo. You noticed that she turned off the comments.
You felt the bed behind you dip as an arm wrapped around your torso.
“Hi,” Florence whispers, and she rests her chin on your shoulder.
“Hi,” you weakly respond. You sigh as you turn your phone off and place it on the bedside table. You turn around in Florence’s arm and face her.
Florence gave you a worried smile and she wiped the tears on your face. You were so busy scrolling through the hate comments that you hadn’t noticed that tears were falling from your eyes.
“Oh, my love.” Florence places a gentle kiss on your forehead. She then looks at you with worry in her eyes. Florence couldn’t imagine what was going through your mind.
“I know you saw the comments,” she begins, “I saw them too. As soon as I saw the hate comments, I immediately turned them off.”
You sniffled and took a deep breath. “I got death threats,” you say, your voice breaking.
“What?” Florence says, appalled. Florence could feel her heart race and feel herself be filled with rage.
“That’s it, I’m making a post, this is unbelievable,” Florence says getting up to get her phone.
“No, please, you don’t have to,” you plead, “it’ll only make things worse.”
“No it won’t, Y/n, I promise you,” Florence says, already typing in her notes.
“You can’t promise me something that you have no control over,” you say coldly.
Florence pauses. She looks over at you, takes a deep breath and pouts. She stares at you for a while, studying your face. Florence is the type of person to defend the people she loves and doesn’t care if it will give her a bad rep. You just so happen to be one of the people that Florence loves, and she will do whatever it takes to defend you and her love for you.
“It doesn’t matter, what matters is that someone I love is being sent death threats, so please, let me say something,” she says, reaching for your hand.
“I really don’t deserve you,” you sigh.
“You do Y/n, you deserve every bit of me as much as I deserve every bit of you,” Florence says, caressing your cheek. 
A few days passed and Florence posted a video on her Instagram regarding the hate you had been receiving. 
“To my “fans,” who have sent a tremendous amount of hate to my girlfriend, Y/n, kindly unfollow me. I do not need your negativity towards my relationship with her. The hate you throw at her is hate you throw at me. The death threats you throw at her, are also death threats you throw at me. It is not your place to tell me who I should and should not love, nor is it any of your business. I do not appreciate the comments you have thrown at her. She does not deserve it, and nor do I. I am happy with Y/n. She makes me a better person. So please, leave my relationship alone and stop sending my girlfriend death threats. I will not ask again.”
After watching the video, you were in shock. Even if you had talked about it a couple days prior, you still didn’t expect that she would actually post it. Florence kept the comments on and fortunately, it was filled with massive support from other celebrities. You were grateful.
Florence had an interview with Jimmy Kimmel this week to discuss her recent and future projects. Of course, her video regarding your relationship was a topic of discussion. You stayed backstage and watched Florence’s interview from her dressing room.
“Okay, I think everyone here has seen the video that you had recently posted regarding your relationship,” Jimmy says.
“Yeah, I hope so,” Florence chuckles nervously.
“So tell me, if you’re comfortable, why you had said what you needed to say?” he asks.
“Did you watch the video?” Florence says sarcastically, earning a couple laughs from the crowd. “Um, I figured that I needed to. I mean my girlfriend was getting sent death threats for no apparent reason and it needed to stop.” This earned Florence a clap from the audience.
“That’s fair. God, the internet is so toxic, isn’t it?” Jimmy complains.
“Yeah,” Florence agreed. “Y/n and I had been dating for a while now and we’d managed to keep it lowkey. I just thought that when I’d finally posted her that I wouldn’t receive such horrid comments. Which is why I felt the need to address this because I hate seeing the people I love get hurt.”
A couple people from the crowd “Awwed”
“So, tell me what it is about Y/n that just makes you so in love with her?” Jimmy asked curiously.
Florence smiled as she thought about the things that she loved most about you. “Her smile was something that caught my eyes right off the bat. She has such a kind smile and I would do everything just to keep her smiling.”
The crowd “Awwed” again.
“Also, Y/n is so loving. She won’t admit it because she likes to be that “tough” person on the outside, but inside she’s a big softie. She gives the best cuddles. I also love how she makes me tea every time I come home from filming.”
“Aww, that must be nice. I think we all need a Y/n in our life, right?” Jimmy says.
The camera pans to the crowd who was cheering and nodding their heads.
“Well, too bad, Y/n is only one person and I’m the lucky girl who has her,” Florence says wittily. 
The crowd laughed and clapped.
“Alright, well it was lovely having you, Florence,” Jimmy says, shaking Florence’s hand. “And that’s all for tonight, we’ll see you tomorrow!”
On the ride home, you rested your head on Florence’s shoulders.
“You really had to call me out, didn’t you?” you ask.
“Yeah, maybe just a little,” Florence says, making a gesture.
You chuckle and look at her. “Did I ever tell you that you are the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid my eyes on?”
“Yes, Y/n, you tell me everyday,” she says, grabbing your cheek.
You smile and close the gap between you. Florence melts into the kiss and moves her hand to the back of your head, running her hands through your hair. You pull away to catch some air and Florence rests her forehead against yours.
“I love you, Flo. Thank you for everything.”
“I love you too Y/n. and don’t thank me, you know I’ll always protect you.”
The End
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shego1142 · 2 years
Hmmm…. Can I make a post that’s probably going to upset people?
I’m not fakeclaiming (because I hate that so much)
But there are a lot of people who are using their autism diagnosis to bring down the autistic community and silence the voices of other autistic people
And you’d think we’d be fucking past that in the year 2022
But I keep seeing a lot of people saying things along the lines of
“If you like xyz then you’re a bad person! Even if you’re autistic and it’s your special interest! I’m autistic and when I have a problematic special interest I simply stop having that interest! UwU”
And then completely ignoring all the countless autistic people who explain that it doesn’t work that way for them.
I have “problematic” special interests that will not go away. They won’t stop, sometimes even if I am being harmed by them or by certain controversies surrounding them.
To stop having that special interest would stop me from being myself. Without my special interest and my ability to talk about and engage with said special interest, I am in both emotional and physical pain that drains me of my energy and general wellbeing.
Autism is a spectrum in that different aspects of it affect different people differently and whatever aspect special interests are, it affects me greatly.
And the same goes for thousands of other autistic peeps. 
For many many people, that means we can not “get rid of” a special interest. It’s there. Sometimes for a little while, sometimes for life.
That’s why I am so so so over “cringe culture.”
That’s why I’m unfollowing people who say “if you still like Harry Potter then you’re a bad person” or “read a better book”
There is not an interest an autistic person could have that would actually cause serious harm to others.
Interests are not actions you take. Interests are neutral, they can’t be inherently good or bad.
Autistic people who still like Harry Potter aren’t evil anti Semitic transphobic assholes, we’re fucking stuck with JKRoldemort breathing down our backs like some menacing monster.
We’re just as fucking pissed off, just as hurt, just as ostracised by her as everyone else (she’s super ableist too if everyone has just forgotten)
I’m trans. I have Jewish family members who also love HP like I do and many of them also have it as a special interest. I’m disabled both physically and neurodivergently.
I recognise that she is a shitty person and that her books aren’t always great. But it’s still a special interest of mine. I still love the fics and the fandom. I still love to watch the movies or reread my copies of the book.
And this isn’t just about HP, this is about literally any and every special interest ever.
Sure there are ways to reduce certain forms of harm that could potentially be done, you know, like pirating Disney shows, or not buying any officially licensed merch, etc.
All my books are bought from secondhand shops (in particularly one that supports my local library!) and when I have the $ to do so if I’m going to buy merch it will only ever be from individual small businesses ran by fans.
Like sure, watch where your money goes, yea that could be a good idea.
But honestly? Even that’s still exhausting and very fucking performative.
You’re not some holier than thou paragon of goodness just because you refused to read a book or a fic.
You’re not some amazing martyr because you’ve forced yourself to become smaller and are advocating for others to do the same.
Stop acting like you are.
And listen to people when we tell you we can’t do something or that it would cause us harm.
And if you’re sitting there, reading this and thinking “oh well my autism doesn’t affect me this way”
Then listen to me, because mine absolutely does affect me that way.
Either accept it and move on or block me and move on
but do not dare and try and tell me that I am not trying hard enough to be good enough to live up to the bullshit standards you’ve set for yourself.
I get that from neurotypical able body people enough as is and I am so sick of it.
I tried to make myself smaller, to tear myself down and hide my “upsetting” “problematic” “cringy” interests.
And I lost so much of myself in the process. I hurt myself because people on tumblr told me it was “what was right”
Fuck off.
I am not a bad person.
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parkers-gal · 3 years
yay! okay so I was thinking, what I'd the reader and Tom had a fight, could be over anything, but the reader was pregnant and a few years after, they bump into each other and they get back together. Sorry if it doesn't make sense.
this has been sitting in my inbox for a fat couple of months… sorry 😭
wc: 1.7k ! <3
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“No, because you’re selfish and you can’t handle the fact that my life doesn’t revolve around you and your needs.” Tom spits out the words angrily, viciously, voice harsh and crisp.
You’re both frustrated beyond belief, and the bubble that had been overblown had finally popped, splattering your relationship and all the joyful aspects of it. Right now, you felt as if all that was left was the toxicity of two unbearable people who happened to love each other. You knew, deep down, that you loved each other enough to get through this, but with every passing moment, with every exchanged word, you realized at least one of you wouldn’t survive the damage.
“No, Tom. You’re selfish. You’re conceited and you only care about being a goddamn movie star. What happened to the family man, huh? What happened to staying tied down with me and your brothers?”
“Nothing happened to him! I’m still that person. I am a family guy.”
“Not to me, you aren't.”
“Well you’re not family!” He seethes through his teeth, anger radiating off of his short-tempered demeanor. You don’t even know how to react, so you spend the time soaking in the situation and how you should respond instead of actually doing it.
“You’re a fucking jackass. I asked when I could spend time with you and now you don’t even consider me as part of the family.”
“No,” He’s clear and concise even through the anger. “You asked when I’m going to stop living my life.”
“I said no such thing.”
“You didn’t have to! We both know that’s what you meant.”
“You’re not even on the same page as me anymore,” You scoff, arms crossing. “Seems like all this time in Hollywood made you forget that you’re not always the main character.”
“Fuck that, Y/N! Fuck! That!”
“No, Tom. Fuck. You.” You over-express your emotions, and after two more minutes of unbearable silence and screaming, he’s leaving your apartment just as fast as he arrived. You’re in shock, fingers shaking while you clear your throat, which is frayed and sore from all the yelling.
You sit back, elbows on your knees while your hands smoothen out your forehead. Tear after tear escapes your sobbing body, and eventually, you fall asleep on the couch.
In the weeks to come, you’ve realized the blow-out of a breakup could’ve been handled so much differently, but Tom hasn’t seemed to cool down at all — he’s petty enough to unfollow you on all social media, and you figure it’s time to let the hatred be mutual. You don’t touch your imessages, however, letting the love in those texts linger for a little longer.
Before you know it, you’re throwing up into the toilet boil, coughing violently at the action and spitting the bitter taste as best you can. You clean up, and when you check your phone, a small notification from your period tracker app alerts you that this is the second period in a row that has gone by without a hello.
Worried, you call Aisha, your closest friend and confidant. She’s over in no time, bringing along her girlfriend while you rant on the phone about your worries. They stop at the drugstore on the way.
The cause of your problems is discovered that day, and you collapse on the bathroom floor in agony, hands wiping at your face — through all the anger and fear and worry, you still love Tom. So much that Aisha even attempts to call Tom. But, alas, it’s sent straight to voicemail, and you realize he might’ve gone to extreme extents in blocking everyone.
You’re stuck going to the ultrasound with two lesbians and a frail old cat. Aisha is as supportive as ever, but as the doctor explains the process of each option, you feel sicker and sicker about the idea of getting rid of the fetus. In the end, you choose to keep the child you’re bearing, even if your ex-lover isn’t even in the picture.
Inevitably, the months pass, and as baby Charlie is brought into the wonderful world, you realize life as a single mother isn’t as scary as you thought it would be. In the first few months of your pregnancy, you’d kept tabs on what film Tom was doing and which was coming out next, but after the hormones and cravings, you’d decided to let the past sizzle and fade out in the way it was meant to all along.
It’s been almost three years since that fateful breakup, and Charlie is just reaching two and a half years old. You’re still single, and you’re okay with that. Charlie is all you need, all you’ve ever wanted, and the most important thing in your life. He’s young, and school is still a couple years away, but you enjoy having the toddler by your side, walking hand in hand with you because you’re his guardian, his provider, his only parent. You make him your only priority, because you don’t want him to grow up without anyone to love, or anyone to love him.
It’s hard, though. It’s hard because he’s a constant reminder of what didn’t happen, a constant reminder of what went wrong and of what you no longer have. You miss Tom more than words can express, and Charlie’s mop of brown curls reminds you of all the moments you’d run your fingers through Tom’s hair. You reminisce more than you’d like to, about Tom and your past, and though Charlie is technically half of the Brit, he’s one hundred percent yours. Because you’re the only one here, and that’s alright.
“Mummy,” Charlie tugs on your shirt’s hem while you move the shopping cart forward through the aisle. “Can we get the goldfish with superheroes?”
You jutt your lip out in a smile, nodding happily. “Of course we can, bub.”
As you step forward, you pit stop in the aisle, nearly tripping on the cart. You make direct eye contact with the man you used to love with your entire heart. The man who walked out with your heart and never gave it back. He’s staring right back at you, curls looking as fluffy as ever, face still a soft glow. Your breath hitches, and it’s then that you realize Charlie is still talking.
“Mummy?” He asks, and it’s just loud enough for Tom to hear. Harry, who’s beside Tom with an arm full of crackers and chips. Tom moves forward a few steps, hastily in an attempt to get more information.
“Uh, hi,” His smile is tight lipped as he stands at the other end of your shopping cart. Charlie shies away from strangers, standing behind your leg and holding your shirt with his grubby hands.
“Hi,” you return his awkward, reserved demeanor.
“Mummy who’s this?”
“‘Mummy?’” Tom has a follow up question for everything, and you internally panic, unsure on how to approach this.
You’d spent so long deciding how you should tell Tom that he was a dad. You spent hours debating on if you should pick up the phone or drive over just to tell him a truth you’ve kept inside for so long. You’ve abandoned social media, only sharing aspects of your life you can afford to post. Charlie is only occasionally on your page, but it’s not like Tom would see that, not after all that’s happened.
Your mouth opens and closes while you debate on how to reply. You’re physically incapable of saying your response, and it makes you even more nervous. You’re nervous on how he might react, what he’ll say, but most importantly, if he’ll stay.
“Is this…?
“My kid…” You fill in. “I- I mean our… our kid.” You pull your bottom lip between your rows of teeth, and you watch as Tom’s face undergoes thousands of expressions all at once. He’s surprised, shocked, happy, afraid, uncertain. You want the world to swallow you whole, suck you up so you don’t have to go through any of this again. But you don’t. Instead, you hold Charlie’s hand a little tighter.
“Our kid?” He drops a can of soup and you flinch at the loud noise.
“Mummy, who’s that?”
“That’s…” You don’t know how to answer his question. Instead, you lean down to his level, comfortingly and gently. “He’s a man.”
“Who’s that man?”
“He’s… your daddy.”
“I thought… no daddy?”
You purse your lips and furrow your brows. Tom’s watching the entire encounter from his place, but after a few beats, he steps forward, entering your bubble. Charlie doesn’t cower away this time, but looks up in curiosity.
“Hi, Charlie,” Tom extends his hand, adjusting his jeans so he can lean down just as you are, kneeling beside the young boy.
You look down, avoiding your worries and Tom’s gaze. He’s tearing up, and you want to cry too. You’re in a fucking supermarket, for god’s sake. This wasn’t how you envisioned any of this planning out, and though you’re mentally kicking yourself for letting it happen this way, you can’t help but feel like maybe this was meant to be. Written in the stars or whatever the folks say — you’re just grateful Charlie has at least a sliver of hope for two parents. Not that you can’t handle it, because you can, but you know someone like Tom wouldn’t want to miss something as important as this.
“I’m To- I’m…” He swallows thickly, making brief eye contact with you before looking back at Charlie. “I’m your dad.”
“Do you love my mummy?” He’s not shameless, but he’s still that shy little boy. “My friend says daddy’s love mommy’s so you must love mine, right?”
Tom lets a tear fall while he exhales a chuckle. He swipes the drop with the tips of his fingers, and the hand gripping Charlie’s squeezes it a little tighter. A glance in your direction is all it takes for him to answer Charlie’s question. “Yeah, buddy. I do.”
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I see a lot of people who are against Lalex, Ruke, and some other ships because they think people just want their favorite white boys to be in a relationship, and I have to say something about it.
You're not wrong. There are plenty of people who ship them for that type of reason and ignore the fleshed out, canon, interracial ships. Those who do that should be called out and deserve your criticism. But if you think that's the only reason people ship those, then frankly, I couldn't disagree with you more.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with shipping things that aren't canon. There's nothing wrong with finding a relationship where canon has moved differently. All the different ships in this fandom should be celebrated and respected because it means people are looking to this show and finding love and care. Why should you care what people ship? If people can look at Luke and Alex and see a friendship that survived starting and ending a romantic relationship, then that's wonderful. If people relate to that story and never get to see representation of happy, friendly exes, I'm so happy for them. If people look at Luke and Reggie and see chemistry, the history of longstanding friendship and having your best friend be the person you fall for, and the lack of stereotype between two boys that are traditionally masculine but in love, then that's amazing.
And so I've seen so many people think if you ship Julie and Flynn, it's because you ship two white boys together and still want to look like you care. Yes, it's true in some cases. That deserves to be called out. But to think that that's always the way it goes? That blows my mind. These two characters are teenage girls of color, living through realistic hardships and ups and downs of friendship, and just regular teenage lives. If girls just like them look at this loving, caring friendship, listen to Flying Solo, and see themselves or something they can relate to and find romantic love in it, then god, I'm proud of them.
Interracial couples deserve so much more love than get, and they deserve so much more representation in the media. Julie and The Phantoms has given us that, and it should be celebrated and loved because it's so, so, so important. Julie/Luke and Alex/Willie are phenomenal, and such a step forward in representative media. But don't assume that just because someone likes another ship means they don't like the ones we're given. If you go through life being angry at those who ship something other than what you do, make assumptions as to why someone ships something, or attack others based on what they ship, that's the most clear path to becoming a toxic, hateful fandom. That should never happen. You don't know the full story about why someone ships something. You don't need to know the full story. It's not your business. If the ship isn't your thing, then it isn't your thing. I'm glad you found a different ship that you love.
And like I said before, sometimes it truly is the case of implicit racism or sexism. And that's not okay, it should never be okay. I get mad at those people, too. It's a discussion and call out that deserves to happen. But I'm begging you, stop making it so that shipping anything but Juke and Willex is wrong. It's not. People find love in different places, ways, and forms. That's good! We should be happy about that because it's making someone else happy!
I think Juke and Willex are the best ships in the show. I love both of them with everything I have, and they're literally some of my favorite ships of all time. But I've also written for Reggie/Luke, Julie/Flynn, and I've shown support for Luke/Alex. Shipping multiple things is okay. Shipping what makes you happy is okay.
Attacking someone or being rude for what they ship is not. And that goes to everyone. It goes to those who get mad at people for shipping Ruke, Lalex, or Julynn, and it goes to people who get mad at people who don't ship those. We could all stand to be a little nicer. Remember that you never know the full story behind someone's actions. If you want to talk about why people ship something, then by all means, talk about it. But make it a conversation and learning experience, not an anger or judgemental fueled attack.
I know people will disagree with me for saying all this, I know people will get mad at me, and I know people will feel the need to respond. This is not a personal attack on anyone, and I'm not trying to call someone specific out. This is just me starting that conversation that we should be willing to have. If you get angry with me, that's cool. Block me or unfollow me. Know that I'm not going to respond to rude messages. If you think I'm wrong, that I missed a point, or that I didn't think something through, that's awesome. Shoot me a message or an ask, I'd love to hear your side of things.
Either way: This fandom is getting a little too toxic, and I'm not just gonna sit here and let it happen.
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ckneal · 3 years
So, up until the last year, I was not actively involved in fandom on tumblr. All of my fan theories and fic ideas were created for the sole purpose of entertaining me and me alone. And as such, when I happened upon the midam and angel communities, I did experience a certain amount of culture shock when I found that some of the things that I had just taken for granted from the very first viewing of the show—didn’t even need to think about it, it just seemed to be right there—were contrary to the beliefs of the overall fandom. And today, I feel like airing out one of these for fun of it.
(And warning, this might be an unpopular take.)
Before discovering the midam community, I believed that Kate Milligan was aware of the existence of the supernatural and complicit in keeping Adam in the dark.
To be clear right off the bat, I am not purposing a Mary Winchester situation. I do not think that Kate was a hunter. But I do think that the chain of events that led to Adam’s conception may have had more in common with what Sam laid out at the beginning of Jump the Shark. I have two main reasons in thinking this.
The first reason, is simply this: John gave Kate his cellphone number. She just had it on hand when Adam decided he wanted to meet his dad twelve years down the line. That just seemed really weird. John Winchester is not exactly the stay-for-breakfast type, let alone the type to stay in contact with a one night stand in a backwater town. But you know who he DOES give his phone number out to? People who know that he’s a hunter, and who might recognize the signs of the paranormal and give him a call in the future. People he expects might lead to further cases.
The second reason is pertaining to the ghoul children. How did they know about Kate and Adam? John had not been to see Adam in a couple of years by the time of Adam’s death, and is implied to have been an infrequent visitor before that. Would the ghoul children have really been staking out the town for over two years before making their move? That seemed so implausible to me, personally, upon the first viewing of the show that I dismissed it outright, and with subsequent rewatches it seems more clear—from the way that the ghoul seems to blink and search for the answers every time Sam and Dean ask about Adam’s history, and with Denise when she asks if “Adam” would like his usual order—that, no, the ghouls had not been watching Adam and Kate at length because clearly the ghoul’s impersonation of Adam was not polished. Kate and Adam were killed by amateurs.
And, to me, the fact that they knew to go after Kate only made sense because, somehow, she was part of the hunt. Not as some nurse who stitched John back together after he hauled himself away from the scene of the crime either.
What I think happened, was this. The ghoul children said that their father was not a monster, and they were telling the truth. A monster named John Winchester came to town with all the motivation of an exterminator coming to take care of a cockroach infestation. He heard about a creepy crawly feeding on the dead, and harmless though the creature was, he was there to kill it. But remember the ghoul we later met in season 13. Ghouls aren’t always just weirdos hiding in the shadows with gore crusted onto their faces. They are perfectly logical beings, capable of being functional members of society, and I think that when John showed up, the ghouls’ father was able to get by in society, maybe changing faces every now and then, but definitely capable of going undetected. I think the reason the ghoul attracted attention at all was because he had two (or three—I still like to think there might have been three) children to support. The father himself might have been able to get by sparingly by munching on the same bit of corpse for months to keep his appearance consistent, but you can’t expect that kind of restraint from children. And maybe, building off that, the ghoul kept his children hidden, because who knows how their shapeshifting abilities translate when they’re young?
But I digress. I think the ghoul found out that John was there—perhaps even met John Winchester and just barely managed to keep his cool—and decided to switch tactics, and switch faces. I think the ghoul moved from feeding out of a cemetery to a hospital morgue. The morgue, of course, is more dangerous. There are a lot more people milling around all day and night, not to mention the security cameras, but the ghoul gets a job as a janitor, using their new face and name, and reasons to himself that it was just temporary until John Winchester left.
However, things became complicated. The ghoul had planned to pull this off by switching back and forth between two different faces, by eating from two different corpses, but at some point John connected the ghoul’s older persona to the case, went to the house, and found the stash. The ghoul’s children had only just managed to escape, and the ghoul was put on edge. He started to get sloppy in his panic. With few options, he makes the decision that he and his children will have to flee—but the fact still remains that there are four of them, and this hunter is stubborn. The further they can go before stopping to feed, the better their chances of getting away unfollowed. So, the ghoul, in his hospital persona, goes back to the hospital for one last food run. He tells his kids to stay put in the car, and stay below the windows. They may look like any ordinary kids, but he doesn’t want to take any chances. 
When he goes inside though, the ghoul is finally caught in the act, stuffing body parts into a black trash bag—no one would have thought twice about him hauling things off to the dumpsters. He would have been homefree, if Kate hadn’t walked in.
Meanwhile in the parking garage, the worst happens: John Winchester arrives in the impala. The ghoul children see him in the rearview mirror, and they recognize the man who had broken into their home, and crouch down deeper into the backseat of their own car, even as they start frantically whispering. Their dad told them to stay put, but he was in danger and they needed to warn him!
Inside the hospital, the ghoul had Kate tied to a chair, and he’s stuck holding a scalpel in hand, fighting a battle on the inside, because he is not a violent man. He’s just a single dad trying to take care his kids, and he’s always been so, so careful, but now he’s been caught. Instinct says to kill Kate. If she’s dead, she wont be able to give out any details that might somehow help the hunter find him. But on the other hand, he had been working at the hospital for weeks now, and he liked Kate. She was friendly, nice. They talked a lot—but that’s why she might know something that could help John find him, some detail the ghoul wouldn’t even remember sharing, but that a lunatic like John Winchester could hyper fixate on. You never knew what might give you away with hunters. . .
John barges in and finds them while the ghoul’s still agonizing over the decision—Kate seemingly roughed up with the ghoul standing there, poised to cut her throat, and it’s all over for the ghoul. He fights John as best as he can, slashing with the scalpel and biting with a savagery that he had always thought himself above in the past, but his kids were waiting for him. . .
And unbeknownst to John Winchester and the ghoul, there his kids were, watching from the air vent overhead, out of sight, the way their dad had always urged them to move when they were in danger. They saw the murder, they saw Kate, and they saw the officer, Joe Barton, show up to sweep the whole mess under the rug, never knowing that two (or three) witnesses were huddled there, waiting for everyone to leave so they could crawl away, because if they moved any sooner they would have likely given themselves away, the way that they were shaking.
And that’s why I think Kate knew. I think that Kate was there at the final showdown, or at least present enough during the case that the ghoul children would have seen her, and would have known to look for her as well as Joe Barton when they decided to take revenge. I think that they saw Adam, and the pictures of John their house, and they did the math.
I think that Kate made a mistake in keeping Adam ignorant--regardless of whether it was her idea or John’s (though I’m gonna be real with you guys, I always thought it was Kate’s; I think John would have thrown Adam in the back of the impala and driven him off in to a life and guns, alcoholism, and bloodshed in a heartbeat if it weren’t for Kate)--because she made the same mistake that Mary would have with her children, in thinking that if you aren’t part of this life, it can’t hurt you. She was wrong. 
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angelswatchingover · 3 years
It’s not about a conspiracy.
So Supernatural ended and, in usual Supernatural fashion, it went down in the craziest, most meta way possible. Two episodes before the finale, they canonized Destiel through Cas’ love confession to Dean then, in one last queerbait, didn’t give Dean a chance to respond then completely left Cas out of the rest of the narrative. Of course it couldn’t end there so a dub error aired in Latin and South America where Dean reciprocates. 
Fans, of course, lose their shit and conspiracies fly that this was the CW quashing the Destiel storyline. 
Was it?
I seriously doubt it. Not that the CW isn’t very problematic with killing gays and the movement to bring this to light is a good one. However, the script that we have seen says Dean doesn’t reciprocate. Misha said it wasn’t in the script. And the ending that we got confirms that they never intended this to be anything more than Castiel’s ending (hell, the band Kansas may have planned to get more air time ROFL). 
It’s much more likely that the whole thing is shitty, thoughtless writing. Let’s be honest, SPN fumbled their way into greatness way more often then they planned it. Let’s face it, Kripke never intended this show to go beyond 2 dudes in a cool muscle car killing things. He never meant to address the deeper issues of fate, God, angels, and free will - he has said as much. He was extremely lucky to have gotten some very talented writers like Ben Edlund who were able to make this shallow idea into a deeper, more complex story. And if it weren’t for the incredible talent of the actors who brought life and meaning and nuance to some pretty bad scripts, this should would never have survived this long. Jensen Ackles’ facial expressions can give us so much more than the words that were on the script. Not to mention a passionate and engaged fandom that could take a throw away line and latch onto it (likely to the surprise of even the writers). 
Endings are hard and writers who have to write endings often try to go for shock value and edginess over good story completion. This is why the best show endings are usually the ones that were planned as one story arc from day 1 (see Black Sails, The Good Place, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Schitts Creek, Breaking Bad). These endings were designed as the culmination of the story narrative that was built towards it. They don’t need to end with happy endings and we may lose great characters, but the narrative and overall arcs stay true and are completed. That’s why they are so satisfying. Supernatural, on the other hand, was never supposed to go 15 years and no one had any idea how to end it. Each year they had to keep going they had to scramble to come up with and idea and Chuck being the ultimate big bad was a stroke of genius that was stumbled into and definitely not planned since the beginning. 
When J2 decided it was time to move on, the writers had to figure out an ending. We know from cast meet and greets that as recently as weeks before the were supposed to shoot the finale it was still being changed and was pretty shaky.  On top of that, just as they were supposed to shoot their finales, Covid19 hit and whatever it was they planned had to be re-written because of restrictions and logistics and they couldn’t just wait till Covid was over because their cast and crew had new jobs lined up they needed to move on to. So, they scrambled and cobbled something together and, like GoT, HIMYM, and Dexter, tried to go for shock and edgy rather than looking back at the themes of their narrative to tie it all together. It ended up coming across as lazy and mediocre at best, regressive and queerphobic at worst. But I don’t think they ever planned to make this anything but a nostalgic homage to the pilot. Again, I’m sure they thought they were being clever, but it backfired. 
It was so empty and disjointed from the rest of the narrative that much of the audience watched thinking that can’t possibly be what was planned! The story must have gotten gutted by the CW or something, right? Tell me they didn’t just completely ignore the boys’ character growth and the queer storyline that had been a major thread for a dozen years! Guys, that’s exactly what they did because, in their minds, having the finale be nothing but a call back to the pilot was some crackerjack writing. They were actually proud that they would get to make everyone cry, make only 30% of fans satisfied, and be so shocking they upstaged Game of Thrones for an ending (all Dabb quotes that I don’t feel like finding and citing but you can easily). Jared even talked about all the things they put in there from the clothes to John’s journal to make it a big homage to the pilot. Sadly, that approach just made it hollow because it made the audience wonder what the other 15 years were for. But sometimes writers shoot for something and miss... by a long shot.
So I know the conspiracies' can be fun. I have had a blast the last few days laughing at the memes and the powerpoints. But please, take them with a grain of salt and don’t go down a dangerous rabbit hole. The most likely answer is right in front of our faces: shitty writing. Stay sane. Stay an SPN family. 
And by all means, keep fighting for better queer representation. Boycott the CW (I know I never plan to watch anything there again) and unfollow their social media. Stop spending money on official merchandise and support artists. Use the hashtags to bring attention to the treatment of LGBT characters in media. Make your voices heard loud that we deserve better. But if the focus is on some Spanish dub conspiracy, it will be brushed off as crazy fangirl nonsense. Focus on the actual intentional behavior that we know they did; the queerbait of Cas in 18 to gain audience interest for a finale that had no intention of paying off. Focus on the killing of all of the LGBT characters in media. And find stories of good representation and solid consistent story arcs to support (the ones I named above are a few excellent examples). 
I love you, my passionate, thoughtful SPN family. Just try to stay sane and level headed through your ire. 
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infinitecrime · 3 years
Curious to see how the conspiracy theorists are going to twist their way out of Seb directly commenting on Ale's latest post calling her his and beautiful... Maybe she has a voodoo doll that she uses to control him? Or he's being held at gunpoint?
In all seriousness, I don't like to comment on his personal life because it s not our business, but it's time to accept they're together, they've discussed whatever elements of her past actions need to be discussed, and as someone who actually knows her and has context, he's a better judge of the content of her character than us, total strangers who have defined her by her worst ever social media mistakes from years before they even met. I'm sure if we combed through your life and chose the most ignorant mistake you've ever made to base your whole character on, you wouldn't come out smelling of roses either. I wouldn't expect your friends and family to cut you off or your partner to dump you; I'd expect them to talk it out with you, establish it was ignorance not malice, then help you learn and grow. That's how progress is achieved, not harassing someone or just cutting them off to keep yourself morally pure.
This is the only post I will very make about them or his personal life because as fans it is simply not our business, but I just need to make my position very clear: I'm happy he's happy (and he looks super happy recently), I'm accepting of his choices even if I wouldn't make the same ones. It's his life; I can't control it, I'm not entitled to know more than he chooses to share, and his choices ultimately do not effect me in any way.
If you can't accept his choice to stay with her and help her grow, and you can't support him, that's all good. But the best thing to do for your mental health, as well as his and the general fandom, is unfollow them both on social media, rebrand your blog, and leave the fandom. It's time to stop with the conspiracy theories, death threats, misogynistic abuse, constant harassment, stalking and speculation. It's time to stop harassing her family, friends, management and agency. It's time to stop the blatant double standards in the way you treat her vs men who have done the exact same thing (Chris Hemsworth would like a word...) and how you treat him vs other celebs with "problematic" partners (Chris Evans, I'm looking at you & Jenny). It's time for the total, terrifying obsession to come to an end.
Even if you've somehow justified your actions as "social justice" or "righteous" (spoiler: they're not), how does bumping up her Insta engagement with comments and follows, therefore making her more valuable as an influencer, teach her a lesson, exactly? How does keeping her name contantly in your mouth and giving her free promotion help, exactly? How does any of the xenophobic, misogynistic, bodyshaming, ESL shaming commentary help the end goal of social justice? How does stalking and abuse help those effected by cultural appropriation and how will it educate her or encourage her to publically own her fuck-ups, knowing that acknowledging it will only make everything worse? It's almost like all these disproportionate reactions have nothing to do with cultural appropriation whatsoever and more to do with jealousy?
It's time to either accept (not necessarily like, but accept) his choices or move on to greener pastures. There's no shame in either decision, but you need to make one. You don't have to like or support her (I don't), but still taking it on him in such an extreme way after nearly 9 months is getting scary. Living in denial and hatred and obsession isn't good for anyone. Pick a path. And it's not an airport, so no need to announce your departure.
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arialerendeair · 3 years
As a trans guy who loved hp (I have a personal investment in this), it’s not that you have to stop loving it.
A large part of the issue is that JK Rowling is personally funding large parts of Terf Island’s Terf policies. Purchasing things that she profits from is essentially a charitable donation to anti-trans policy in the UK, and propaganda elsewhere.
She’s also explicitly mentioned that she sees that people still love her stuff, and still buy things from her, and is under the assumption that it means people agree with her. She’s right, because they’re still funding her.
People, particularly trans people in the UK who see the direct affect she has, are going to be upset when they see someone indirectly agreeing with her, by refusing to care what she does.
There are a few ways to get around this issue, and in my opinion the best options are actively supporting trans people publicly, refusing to purchase licensed products, and generally making an effort to understand why it can hurt people. Not taking hp stuff out of the hp fandom can help a lot too.
I did remove my house from my profile (I’m a slytherin). I did move my hp stuff elsewhere, so I don’t have to look at it every day. It’s a painful reminder that someone I looked up to wants me disappeared.
Sometimes I’m still in the mood for enjoying the fandom, but these days I don’t trust it. I pop in for trans![character] weeks, and a few fics that I still love, but I can’t immerse myself in it without that fear of, oh someone here doesn’t care. Someone actively agrees with her. I’m not wanted in the space any more.
Still loving hp is okay. I do. It’s a large part of what I built myself with as a young teen. It breaks my heart when I think about it, because I love it. Understanding that it does this for a lot of people will probably help. People can and will get upset when you talk about it. People who’ve been here before should also know you do hp a lot, and should already have unfollowed and blocked you, if they know it’s that upsetting to them. It’s on you to stay in your lane, but it’s also on them to not go into your lane.
All that said, bullying, baiting and suicide baiting are all fucking god awful things. The only reason JK Rowling got any further than that is that she has a platform, money and can use pretty words. The internet is a shitty place, and even when people are rightfully upset, you deserve better than to be treated like that.
I debated for quite a while about posting this message, not because I don't love it (I do, and it's one of the most thoughtful responses I've seen on the subject, so thank you for that Nonny, it's very appreciated), but because I'm hesitant to reopen the discussion.
Quick Side Note: For the anon who wanted to know "what JK Rowling has done" this post articulates a small amount (in the vast, irritatingly long list) quite well.
The thing is Nonny - what you suggested? Refusing to buy licensed products, avoiding future releases/new product, calling her out directly, and supporting Trans people in my life and my community? Are all things I believe everyone can, and should do. But I don't think it should be presented in such a way where if you DON'T do those things, suddenly you're a raging Transphobe. It isn't that black or white - and never will be, and that's what my original reply was focused on articulating.
I understand this is a loaded subject for many - and I would certainly never say my opinion is right and everyone else's is wrong. I would say that it's a subject that has a lot more gray areas that are hard to talk about - for everyone involved. As a queer person and someone who admired JK Rowling as an author when I was younger - I can understand that upset and disillusionment with her, and while it most certainly isn't the same - I do understand in a small way.
The main reason I spoke up (and waited for the reaction I knew would come my way as a result), is because I think it's important for all of us to fight against HER and what she represents these days - not amongst each other. And that getting that support to fight against her - should not come in the form of aggressive guilt-tripping, because that won't accomplish the end result. (Punting her back into goddamn obscurity where she belongs.)
Thank you again for a thoughtful, articulated response, it was wonderfully put.
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malyen0retsev · 3 years
I have come to a conclusion, Idk how true it is but I've noticed that a lot of people who like Mal/Malina, seem to be older fans and it makes me wonder if we're all here from the old days meanwhile the "arkling" fans have just moved on but we're still here and still traumatized by the Mal-hate.
So every time I see a darkling/darklina fan page going "oh we were just minding our own business but Mal fans are nagging in the tags" or whatever, I keep thinking they must be new fans who weren't there for the hate? Like they don't know how traumatizing it all was. I mean, I left the fandom and unfollowed all grisha blogs back then!
Anyway, I just think it's hilarious if all the old-fandom-days people are Mal fans, idk
No, tbh I do think there’s a strong element of truth to that. I was just stubborn and Mal really resonated with me for very personal reasons, so I refused to stop posting about him lmao, but I was one of very few - and that’s not me being up myself about it btw, I fully understand why a lot of people stopped bc D*rklina abuse was just getting outrageous.
And also like... imo, Malina isn’t a ship you grow out of. It’s a ship you fall in love with more and more as you get older, so your theory here makes sense. If you shipped Malina back in the day, you won’t have grown out of it. Because as a teenager, I can get the appeal of this powerful person who ‘sees’ you and wants to whisk you away on this whole different life. I mean, I never shipped that sort of stuff, but I can understand the appeal. But as an adult now? My god. Malina is... everything. Give me the man who isn’t afraid to hold back from what he needs to say, even if it hurts sometimes, because loving someone is calling them out not just blindly supporting them. Give me the ending which is a soft, peaceful, quiet ending, a life of love and happiness together, with the person who is your home. As an adult, love interests who are human, rooted in reality, and represent home are the ones I’m drawn to.
On a side note though, I feel like chewing glass every time we get accused of nagging in the tags bc aklsfdbhsak I only ‘nag in the tags’ when certain people are racist towards Archie and just all round being bigoted shitheads. If they think that’s us ‘being mean’ they really have the blinkers on for their own shitty behaviour - and, like you said, probably weren’t here in the days of saying ‘I like Mal a lot’ got your inbox flooded with trolls.
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