#so delusional
cryiling · 7 months
idk what's worse, being delusional about loki or being delusional about lokius. or both, which is the state i'm currently in
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dirtytransmasc · 11 months
Miles 42 loves animals.
he has maimed someone (many someones) for using glue/snap traps. whenever he sees a trap he destroys it, leaving a warning that they better replace it with a human trap, or they'll be having further issues. when he sees an animal stuck in one, he takes it home and will try for hours on end to get them out safely, tearing up the whole time. there have obviously been a few times where it was more merciful to put them down, and it breaks his heart every. damn. time very apologetic, he does promise they will be avenged. susscful rescues do mean he takes care of them until they can go back out on their own. Rio can't say she loves it, but, she supports her son regardless and will do rodent first aid if its needed (tired mum who would do anything for her son is so real of her)
he sits with cats in alleyways and on top of buildings, he attracts them like a damn magnet, they always wanna sit on him and are rubbing on his leg, purring, the whole nine. gets cats out of trees and off of poles and light posts.
will stop and pet dogs no matter what he's doing. he may be more of a cat person, but he still loves dogs.
feeds pigeons while talking to the older folk in his area. he names them all too.
he is a bit of a scaredy cat about bugs, but they have to be put outside, no matter what they are, or he will sob. he would cry as a kid if his parents squished a bug after he asked them to get it out of his room, and genuinely held a grudge with them for a long time, while feeling so guilty cause he felt like it was his fault. forms pacts with the spiders in his room that if they stay in their corner, he'll stay in his.
he does not support the killing of animals for simply being small (he hear that poem and literally almost died of heartbreak)
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mondaymelon · 11 months
Random question:
How much do you love Xiao?
you do not know
how long i have been waiting for this question.
anon. you have barely seen the surface of my love for him. it cant be called love, at this point. no, its something more dire. something more consuming, a something that swallows one whole.
perhaps you think that you've seen enough, and perhaps, for you, that is the truth. but for i, it is merely a speculation. my "love", as you call it, is something that cannot be described with mere words. no, the very idea of such a feat is simply unthinkable. it's to the point where i am spending my time writing a bible, for xiao. come to the point where i write countless fanfictions, where i close my eyes at 4 am hoping that i may dream of his warm embrace. it is with such delusion that i am able to survive the hell we call existence, and through his presence that i am able to feel fulfilled. i dream of him, dream of his every action, waiting for the day where i may feel his hand in mine and his warm touch. awaiting the day, the day, the day...
some may say ive gone mad.
are they correct? nonono, they are not. i am sound of mind, sound of soul. if you search enough, there shall be no doubt about this fact. there is merely a difference between those who love xiao, and those who "love" xiao. it is apparent that i belong to the latter. as stated previously, a simple 4 letter word cannot express the endless wells of the affection, the obsession that i hold for such a man - nay, the perfect and godly being, he who goes by the name of "xiao."
do i believe? yes. i believe. and i shall stand here, sit, whatever it may be... i shall breathe my inhale and exhale until he appears before me, until i may be satisfied for what i have done in this lifetime... and then i will take his hand. i will take his warm hands and he will clasp his fingers amongst mine, and he will smile at me, the slightest smile, as his pristine lips begin to move as he speaks. as he forms words with that seamlessly smooth voice, one that sways the resolve of the deities themself. "you have done well. i have waited for you."
it is then that i shall cry in his arms.
but none shall witness such a sight excluding the golden eyes of his very own.
delusion? insanity? id like to think that i havent descended into such voids. it is reasonable, to hold such attention for a being as flawless as him. his name is one that holds power, prestige... one that causes the shortness of breath and the racing of hearts. he is powerful, in that way, and many others.
his beautiful eyes that resemble the warm colors of the sun, or perhaps the gilded glow of gold... something as valuable as him deserves something more. something more precious, more priceless. his gliding soft hair that ruffles in the soft breeze, the way his highlights are so striking yet appealing... how his every calculated movement stirs the hearts and souls of the masses. how his stature is fair and his demeanor is graceful. should i go on? surely you have not all the time in the world for such rambling, but thus is the truth. an undeniable truth that none should dare to refute.
and should they... to put it simply, they may just find a knife at their throat... spilling the blood of the one who dared speak ill of such a holy entity.
the pure and faultless him, xiao.
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katzluvs · 1 year
where you and jack champion are on set for scream and he has to kill your character off but he cant bring himself to get past the scene because you keep kissing the ghostface mask and he’s a mess under.
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
carats are so annoying they somehow managed to accomplish reverse racism
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pynkhues · 1 year
Me after my sister asks me to draft a new legal letter to her ex-husband for her lawyers to approve.
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bvlletproof-heart · 5 months
It is getting genuinely exhausting hearing a new development to The Situation. He's simply just trying to avoid this truth within himself and admit he's wrong. Always playing victim.
It's getting so fucking exhausting having to correct his lies bc now he's saying shit like "well we weren't even together when this happened."
Yeah, my guy, we were. Just another example of trying to find a way to make yourself the victim.
I'm so exhausted having this information brought back to me because people are asking questions.
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buckysurvived · 8 months
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holy shit they're holding hands wtf wtf wtf
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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hngghh domestic......
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akascow · 24 days
hey uh not for nothing but uhhHHHH
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blue... and red ? alrighty
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yuzuuu4 · 2 months
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(post 2.1 quest) unexpected
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starsm00n · 4 months
Is he a scary man covered in blood? Or is he my baby girl? Spot the difference
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clouvu · 3 months
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Father-Son bonding moment ✨
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Dp x dc idea: Haunted House
Danny goes into a haunted rollercoaster ride and unknowingly sits next to Tim Drake. They take off and Danny gets so scared at some point that he phases right out of his seat. It’s sorta ok since they’re in the dark and stuff so nobody sees him, but the ride is over before Danny can get back on and he just goes like "welp fuck this, imma dip and hope for the best". Tim finishes the ride and realizes the guy that was beside him is gone. Like the restraint and belt is still there but there’s no more guy. And Tim is like "am I going crazy right now??" And the workers don’t remember Danny coz they do this ride like 100 times a day. Maybe later on, as Tim is walking around the amusement park in a daze, he sees Danny walking around like normal but there’s so many people he loses sight of him in the crowd, and once again nobody can corroborate they even saw Danny coz y’know it’s a crowd. 
So now Tim’s convinced there’s a ghost haunting the amusement park and he’s determined to solve the murder(?) that may or may not have happened here and give the ghost some peace.
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isolabellz · 4 months
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in another life
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twinstxrs · 5 months
brennan reintroducing the bad kids with genuine titles they hold in canon like “archdevil” “captain of the owlbears” & “risen saint” but adding “holder of the tin flower” to gorgug’s intro because of how gorgug offering his tin flower to fabian, even after they fought, so effectively represents the type of person gorgug is (a kind one).
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