#so even though its an A name just reading off a baby naming book until they find it isn't going to work
bitchfitch · 1 year
Thing I want to draw when i have the time and hand mobility:
a short comic of Adonis and Ione at the grocery store. Ione is carrying the basket which seems to mostly have meat candy and booze in it.
Adonis picks something up off the shelf.
I: Oh wait. Check to make sure it's not sugar free, i can't have a lot of types of artificial sweeteners.
A: How do I check?
I: It's usually written on the box? Look for something that says 'sugar free' or 'artificially sweetened.'
Adonis holds the box up and examines it closely before looking back up at her.
A: I can't read.
I: Ah.
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gay-dorito-dust · 4 days
(If you’re not up for it simply ignore. I love your work and hope you’re happy and healthy and taking care of your own mental health ❤️)
The bat boys with a reader who has really low days and really just wants to be held?
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I just wanted an excuse to add Kyle Rayner as a bonus cuz I’ve been wanting to write something for him but dunno what. Plus I’ve been needing something like this after the week I’ve just had lol.
Dick would smile softly as he held you in his arms, tightening his grip on you as he peppers you in kisses however he could.
He knew that days like these were the hardest for you and he wasn’t going to hold it against you, not in the slightest as he would softly hum a song to you as he carried you to your shared bed, Hayley hot on his heels as she was worried about your change of attitude.
Speaking of Hayley, she never leaves your side, in fact when she sees Dick hold you against him , she immeditly joins in and tries to wriggle her way in between you both in hopes of covering your face in comforting licks. She wants to see you happy and she’ll gladly cuddle up with you if that’s the only way to do it.
Dick would spoil you rotten with cuddles, kisses and words of encouragement when you felt as though all hope was lost, for the last thing he wanted was for you to feel as though no one had you back when he did this entire time of being together.
‘You’re amazing baby and I’m so fucking proud of you, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise you otherwise because you outshine them without having to try.’ He says while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
Dick would gladly make a fool of himself if it was to make you feel better but holding you, kissing you, and praising you will have to do for the meantime as he could hope that he has given you the strength needed to get out of this dark place that you’ve found yourself in.
He believes you can do it but until then he’ll gladly hold you until you could stand on your own two feet again.
Jason doesn’t need to be told twice as he was well aware of what you want the moment you came through the door of your shared bedroom.
‘Come here sweetheart.’ He would say as he sets aside his book and held out his arms for you to burrow into as you rested your head on his chest, arms latching onto his waist with an iron like grip.
He didn’t need to ask about the day you’ve had for he could feel the fatigue and weariness within your body and the deep sigh that left your lips that told him you have been holding in for a long while. Your body practically radiated with tiredness in all its forms that made it impossible for him to ignore even if he tried.
‘Rest your heavy head and your weary eyes chipmunk,’ he tells you as he begins to rub up and down your back soothingly, ‘I’ll be right here when you wake up, so just relax for me okay?’
You hummed out a small and a tad muffled ‘okay’ and Jason presses a kiss to the side of your head as he tightens his hold on you. He’d even read passages of his book to you in hopes the tit would take your mind off of things quicker as he knew how much you liked the sound of his voice.
Jason knows there’s want much he could do when you experienced days like these but all he could hope was that he was making enough of an effort to make you feel just that little bit better.
Tim makes sure he has everything you could ever need during days like these such as your favourite plushie, blanket, comfort foods, and some water just to name a few as he wants you to be comfortable and taken care of if he was to not be moving away from the bed anytime soon as he held you in his arms.
He just wants you to be okay and doesn’t want you run in on an empty stomach.
‘We’re human, we have limitations and breaking points that tell us to stop and take a break for ourselves, but yet we have been made to think that we shouldn’t and that we should neglect our health and well-being for temporary achievements and successes; almost as if that’s the only thing that should mean something to us.’ Tim tells you as he cuddles you against his chest as a movie played on his laptop as background noise.
‘You’ve done so well for yourself and now your more then deserving of a rest, we’ll return to reality in our own time, we’ve got enough of it that it shouldn’t matter whether we’re still here an hour or two later.’ Tim continues as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
And he meant it, Tim didn’t care how kind he’d have to wait for you to get better because he understood that it wasn’t going to be as easy, having had shit days where he couldn’t be bothered to bring himself to do anything other then lay in his bed, wondering to himself about what he could’ve done to feel such deep pain and isolation.
He knew that it would take time for you to feel even remotely better and even when you did you’ll still need all the help you can possibly get, and he’ll be there for as long as you’ll need him there too.
Damian isn’t well versed in the art of comforting someone but with you, suddenly he’s an expert as he lets you flop against his side as he holds you protectively.
He doesn’t trust his words enough to bring you any comfort as he wasn’t given much himself when he was growing up, so Damian instead just lets you cling onto him and watch in silence as he draws whatever in his sketchbooks: in this instance it was quick sketch of you, him and all of his pets on a field somewhere.
Damian knew his drawings were somewhat therapeutic to you as you got to watch him go through every step he took to make the perfect drawing, no matter if it was heavily detailed or less so, that and he was proud of his artwork that he doesn’t mind showing you some of his precious works and telling you the stories behind them.
Titus joins you, obviously, as he could tell something was wrong with you and will lay in your lap to provide you with some comfort until he’s fallen fast asleep, rendering it impossible for you to move but you didn’t care and neither did Damian as you were surly to follow the Great Dane into dream land where you would be laying in that field that Damian drew.
You were a lot more stronger then you let yourself believe in Damian’s eyes but that didn’t mean he wasn’t more then content in holding you in comfortable silence until you felt better, even if it was just a little bit but even then Damian was determined to outdo himself and find other ways of helping you no matter what.
He just wants to see that smile he loved so much again that told him that everything was going to be okay.
Random Bonus character: Kyle Rayner
Kyle hates seeing you so down and will do absolutely anything and everything he could even if it meant only getting a little smile out of you he’d take it wholeheartedly!
Anything was better then that distant, solemn look on your face as you stared out the window as though life didn’t look as bright or pleasant anymore as it did before.
He’d conjure up anything your heart desired if that helped even by the smallest amount, any amount of progress was better then none. Kyle just wants to see your eyes light up again with childlike wonder again, even if it was momentarily.
However he doesn’t mind if him holding you in his arms was the only way to achieve such a thing as he could keep you close and squeeze you tightly as he tries to pour everything encouraging into your ears in low hushed whispers.
‘You’ll be okay,’ Kyle begins, ‘whether that’s within days, weeks or even months, you’ll be okay. You’re not missing out on anything nor are you going about life at a slower pace compared to others, you’re going at your own pace and that’s okay, you’ll get where you need to be in due time so there’s no point in rushing yourself to get there quicker.’
Kyle would even do some silly little doodles for you just to hear you chuckle or even let out an amused huff. He’d gladly make himself look silly if it meant brining a little light to your heart and life back into your eyes.
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
Doubt, Spencer Reid
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Word Count: 1k~
I've noticed Spencer avoiding me lately and looking rather sad. He doesn't reject me when I give him attention, but its almost as if he never returns the favor. I commonly see him reading a book for a few minutes before losing focus or interest in the work of literature and putting it down with a sigh. It's unusual for Spencer to lose interest in something so quickly, and it's strange for Spencer to not talk to me as much as he usually would.
After returning from a day of work at the BAU, Spencer does what he usually does and places his bag beside the door along with his shoes before stripping off his coat and hanging it up. Walking over to me, he plops down on the couch beside me and plops his head beside my legs. Happy to see him, I smile at down him, moving my hand to lightly drag my finger across his cheek. He doesn't smile at this, but he doesn't pull away from my touch either. This is my moment to ask him.
"Spence, baby," I say his name, causing him to glance up at me. "Are you okay?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. "You haven't been your usual self, and I'm kind of worried."
Staring up at me, Spencer stays quiet for several seconds before sighing and answering me. "I'm okay, yes," he answers, sitting up. "I've just... I've just had a few things on my mind lately," With his back facing me, I move closer to him before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into me, his head laying back on my shoulder.
"Then tell me," I say to him, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Tell me what's on your mind."
Spencer shakes his head in a way that says he doesn't think it's a big deal; we've been dating for so long that we know what each other's movements mean. I know when he purses his lips and shakes his head that he doesn't think something is a big deal. I also know that when Spencer's eyes stare straight ahead instead of meeting mine that he's afraid to tell me something, or he's a bit hesitant in what he's about to say. Even though he's doing all of these, I don't stop asking him until he finally sighs and begins to speak, his voice low.
"I'm not good enough for you," Spencer tells me, making me a little confused. "I can't do a lot of things with you like travel or take you on planned dates without stupid work cutting in," he sighs, closing his eyes. "Besides, I'm never home with you for more than two or three days. Not to mention I'm socially awkward and I sometimes don't know what to say... sometimes, all I can think about is how you're too good for me, and you deserve someone so, so much better."
After hearing his confession, I don't know what to say. I wait a few moments to respond as I slowly process through everything Spence just admitted. I never knew he thought this way, but now it all makes sense. The way he's avoided me for the past few days... the way he constantly apologizes for silly mistakes even though it's not that big of a deal... it all pieces together now.
"I wish you wouldn't say such lies," I finally answer him, placing my hand on the side of his face. Turning him toward me, I push my lips against his, smiling as he kisses back before pulling me into his lap and close to his chest. It's moments like these that I live for, that I dream about. I crave these moments day and night, and when they happen, nothing around me matters. All that matters is my lips on Spencer's, and his heart beating against my own.
Pulling away from the kiss, I rub my thumb against his cheek before finishing my sentence. "But you're all that I've ever wanted in my life," I continue, sighing blissfully while tears come to my eyes. "And if I'm being honest, you're perfect for me. I know that sounds selfish, but-"
Before I can keep on, Spencer's lips reattach themselves to mine again before his hands find their way into my hair. With Spencer finally making the move to kiss me after what feels like forever, I tearfully smile and wrap my arms around his neck, linking my hands together. Soon, we're both lying down on the couch with my body beneath Spencer's own perfect body.
Pulling away to breathe, Spencer smiles softly and sweetly at me, the entire room lighting up as he does so. "You're perfect for me too," He confesses, his voice gentle and calm. "I can't live without you. If you'll have me, I-I'd like to marry you one day," Spencer further concludes, making my eyes widen as everything around me comes to a halt.
"Are you asking me to marry you?" I ask, staring up at him with wide eyes. In response, Spencer gently smiles and nods.
"I don't want it to seem like this is a split-second decision I'll regret later because it isn't, and I know I'll never regret this," He begins, taking my hand in his. "But this feels so right. When thinking about being with you for the rest of my life, I thought maybe you wouldn't want me, but now... it just seems like the perfect moment to do this,"
Leaning back down, Spencer's lips hover over mine as he continues, my full name falling from his lips as I smile with tears in my eyes once again. "If you'll let me, I'd like to make you (Y/n) (M/n) Reid instead," he confesses, smiling. "The only thing I'd ever want to change about you is your last name," his comment makes me giggle before leaning up and attaching my lips to his, holding him closer once more.
"Yes, Spencer," I answer him, pulling back to stare into his beautiful hazelnut orbs. "A million times yes," I add, placing my hands on the sides of his face before kissing him again, my fingers running against the light stubble of his cheeks as his hands find their way to my waist. Once again, my lips are on Spencer's, and our hearts are beating against each other's, although this time, it feels as if our heartbeats are one in the same.
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myfictionaldreams · 1 year
I can’t lose you // Mafia!Stucky x fem!reader
Summary: Being the girlfriend of the Mafia leader and his second in command had its dangers but for years, you'd never had to experience this. Until now. How will the boys react when you're put in danger?
Requested by: @tinkerbellasstuff​ (thank you so much for the request!)
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, threesome, dom/sub, hostage, threats of violence, angst, fluff, hurt, size difference, double penetration, protective steve/bucky, anal and vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, daddy kink, praise kink, begging, subspace, pet names, not beta read
Word: 5.6k
my masterlist 📚 AO3 Link
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“You know, this feels more like a treat for the both of you rather than me”, you explained watching Steve and Bucky skim through the dresses on the rack around the store and pile their favourites in front of you. Dating the leader of the Rogers mafia had its perks, Steve knowing all the right people had managed to book out the entire store for you to look and purchase anything that you wanted, something he liked to do on occasions to treat you. However, you always hated spending his money, the situation almost feeling wasteful so the shopping experience usually felt like you were being Bucky or Steve’s shadow as they searched through the clothes that they thought you would like or want you to wear which you much preferred to do. Especially as they both had a very good eye for picking out the most beautiful clothing, even though they seemed to be eye-watering expensive.
“If you bite that lip one more time hot mama, I’m going to take it out myself” Bucky muttered as he placed a suspiciously short black dress in front of you, not taking his eyes off of yours as he backed away, disappearing into the mass of clothing rails. Releasing the lip that you hadn’t realised was between your teeth as you shook your head, looking at the article of clothing now in your hands.
“You know, I might just let him”, Steve then whispered into your ear, making you jump not having noticed that he was close. It was now his turn to pass you a deep maroon silk dress. Both of your cheeks warmed at his words, something Steve seemed to notice as he leaned to peck your cheek and smile against your skin. “I love how easy it is to make your flush, baby”.
“I’m going to try some on!” you declared, standing quickly, holding the two dresses tightly in your hand, brushing past the Blonde mafia boss, ignoring his chuckle at your reactions as you moved into the empty changing rooms.
Breezing into one of the cubicles and shutting the curtain behind you, a few seconds passed as you decided which dress to try on first before finally going for the maroon dress. As you were about to ease the jumper up and over your head, a noise was heard on the other side of the curtain, stopping your movements. Smiling to yourself whilst simultaneously rolling your eyes, you shouted, “Steve, I’ve not even tried the first dress on yet, give me some time”-.
All words were cut off as the curtain was yanked to the side, revealing a deranged-looking man that you recognised from a few weeks ago. Not even daring to breathe as your heart pounded violently in your chest, staring at the man that you couldn’t quite remember his name, not that you could even remember your own when you noticed the gun being lifted to point directly at your forehead.
When you and Steve first started dating, he had spent hours going over how to react in different scenarios whether it was kidnap, being tied to a chair or being held at gunpoint but you’d never been in this sort of situation before, Steve and Bucky having never left your side for you to be in any danger. Trying your hardest not to allow fear to take over you completely, thinking hard over what Steve had taught you. The first was to show you were no threat, most of Steve’s enemies were triple the size of you and rather than trying to fight them off, you’d have to make them feel like they were in control so, you raised your shaking hands palms up, showing your surrender. Next was that you must follow their orders if and when necessary until help arrives, try and find out as much information as possible from the threat but as you looked into the desperate man's wild eyes, you didn’t want to risk upsetting him anymore by asking for his name. So you stayed in silence, as you heard Steve and Bucky talking close by, internally begging that you both stayed in there, you couldn’t even think about either of the boys being hurt but luck wasn’t on your side as he waved the gun in the direction of the boys, a silent command for you to walk ahead.
Exiting the changing cubicle, still facing the man, you took slow, steady steps backwards toward the main area of the store. “Turn around”, your heart dropped at his words, hating the fact that you had to have your back to the man with the gun.
Doing as commanded, you held back a scream as his arm was suddenly around your throat, not fully restricting your airwards but enough to make you struggle and grip his forearm to try and ease the tension as the cold tip of the gun was now pressed against your temple. He now led the way with his body behind yours, pushing you forward and entering the store once more. Your eyes desperately flicked between Steve and Bucky who both had their backs towards the two of you, still idly looking at clothes.
“Hands up!” the stranger shouted suddenly, making you jump, breath coming in shuddering bursts as you watched both of your boyfriends instinctively reached for their own guns in the holster attached to their chests but stopping when quickly when they turned and saw your predicament.
“Steve” you pleaded, hoping your voice wouldn’t annoy the man behind you but he didn’t say anything, only pushed the gun further into your temple causing a slight whimper to come out of your lips. 
“Don’t you fucking dare,” the man demanded at Steve and Bucky’s movements. “Do you want me to blow a hole in her head, is that it? Both of you slowly, take out your guns and slide them over to me and if I hear either of your safety being clicked I can guarantee I will shoot her before you shoot me”. Both men stopped their movements instantly taking a second to contemplate the man's threats before slowly undoing the strap holding their guns to the belts and then sliding them across the floor until they knocked into your feet.
Now it had been a few minutes, and you had contemplated trying to disarm the man exactly how you’d been taught to do but now with the added pressure of both potentially being in the firing line and your increasing panic attack trembling beneath the surface, you decided against it. Instead, you tried to tug on his arm away from your neck as his rising anger only meant that he was cutting off your airway more.
Steve managed to catch your eye, seemingly not even blinking, almost like he was trying to communicate with you and for the most part, it helped you to steady your breathing. Your trust in Steve and Bucky was much more than the fear you held over the man holding you hostage but with their weapons now at your feet and they couldn't approach any closer, only the negative outcomes were consuming your thoughts entirely.
“Paul, don’t be stupid, point the gun somewhere else”, Steve’s voice remained calm as he addressed the man behind you, his name now sparking the memory of seeing him only two weeks ago in the boy's office, he looked just as angry then as he did now. Even as your body continued to tremble, you tried to hold eye contact with Steve’s unnaturally calm face, a clear comparison to Bucky’s when you had briefly glanced over and seen unfathomable rage, his body shaking slightly.
“Oh, should I? Did you do the same when my brother pleaded for his life a month ago?” Paul’s snarled, voice breaking slightly as if he was on the verge of tears. The hand holding the gun began to tremble with his heightening emotions but then he seemed to study himself, pressing it in further into your temple causing both pressure and pain to leave you gasping and knees buckling.
Steve and Bucky both shifted forward at hearing you in pain but Paul continued to shout, “stop! Hands-on your head, both of you. Did you really think you could get away with killing my brother? That there would be no repercussions for your actions, Rogers?”
You weren’t sure when but you’d begun to cry, wetness pooling down your cheeks, a sight that seemed to make Bucky flinch before he decided to speak up. “What do you think you’re going to achieve doing all this Paul? You kill her then what? We let you leave? Do you really think you’re going to get out of this situation without being skinned alive”. His voice was dripped with venom as he spoke and you could feel Paul shake slightly at the threat before he righted himself, standing to his full height which only caused you to stand on your tip toes from his grip around your throat.
“Maybe you’re right Barnes, I won’t get out of this alive, but what makes you so certain that you will?”
“No!” One moment the gun was pressed against your head and the next it was being pointed at Bucky and it was almost on instinct that you released your hold on his arm and reached for the gun, pulling it back to point at you. It was like a reflex, not fully comprehending what you’d done but judging by the dark looks in Steve and Bucky’s eyes, they weren’t happy with it.
What shocked you next was a chuckle coming from the man holding you, his mouth moving to your ear which only caused more rage in Steve’s eyes. “Do you really want to die for these murderers?” he whispered.
“Yes”, you answered honestly, without a moment's hesitation. Pauls's arm tightened around your throat with more strength, cutting off any chance of you breathing in. Struggling against his hold, eyes now closing as the overwhelming pressure increased in your head, white noise pounding in your ears.
“Have it your way then”, Paul continued, the cool tip of the gun once again pressing in against your head, if you’d opened your eyes you would have noticed Steve and Bucky make a move to step forward when the deafening bang of a gun firing echoed throughout the store.
Almost in an instant, the arm around your neck loosens so that you were able to suck in the deepest breath you’d ever experienced but it only caused you to cough violently, trying desperately to take more and more breaths as your knees gave way. A warm body caught you before were able to collide with the floor and Steve’s urgent voice was whispering in your ear as he was able to drag you across the store.
In the rush and panic of the store being raided by other members of Steve’s gang, you were able to spot Paul lifeless on the floor with blood pouring from the fatal wound in his head but Steve was quick to cup your cheeks and turn you away from the scene. “That’s it baby keep taking nice long breaths for me, in and out. Are you injured anywhere else? Are you ok?” You’d never heard Steve fully lose control like this before, no matter the situation he was always level-headed but he seemed just as close to having a panic attack as you were.
As he spoke, he continued to move you throughout the Store until the sun was beaming down on you and the car door was being opened for him to place you into the backseat. Steve’s thumbs brushed away the tears that had stained your cheek, you were able to respond. “Steve, I’m ok, I think, I’m-I’m fine” your fingers rubbed against your neck, something Steve was quick to notice.
His fingers lingered on the sore spot before leaning his face closer and fiercely kissing your forehead, taking a deep breath in, almost like he was trying to memorise your smell before swiftly leaving and shutting the car door behind him and walking back into the shop. Muffled, you were able to hear him shout to Bucky, “take her home, now!”
The brunette was out of the store and into the driver's side of the car in only a few strides, engine on and the store was far in the rear-view mirror. In the shock of suddenly driving off without Steve, your tears had ceased and concern had replaced fearful feelings as Bucky drove harshly through traffic, definitely going over the speed liit as he swerved around cars. “Bucky please slow down, we should have waited for Steve.”
��Put your seatbelt on”, was his only response, blue eyes unblinking as he stared ahead at the road. You couldn’t sit in the back and not be close to him, not after everything that had occurred so made the decision to quickly climb into the front of the car and into the passenger side seat.
“You need to put your seatbelt on as well”, you tried to tell him, fumbling with shaking fingers to clip in your own. Bucky didn’t say a single word as he kept one hand on the wheel, and the other helped to click your seatbelt before quickly doing his own. The two of you didn’t speak another word, even though you wanted to talk, tell him how much you love him, how scared you were, how thankful you are to him and Steve and the gang but every time your mouth opened, all thoughts dispersed.
Finally giving up on the words, you watched him carefully. How painfully his jaw was clenched, the metal hand that was holding the steering wheel so violently you could see the material was beginning to bend and he was sat so still you were sure for a moment that he wasn’t breathing.
So lost in watching Bucky, you’d not noticed that the two of you had arrived at the gates of your home until the car stopped directly outside of the front door. The silence was almost deafening as you swallowed thickly but Bucky’s thoughts seemed to be somewhere far away. Deciding to make the first step, you unclipped both your and Bucky’s seat belt.
“Don’t you ever point the gun at yourself and risk your life for me ever again, do you understand?” His voice was only just above a whisper, cold and full of passion as his eyes finally snapped to look at yours.
You weren’t sure what to respond with, on instinct wanting to disagree, having made the same decision a thousand times more but with the panic and hurt in his eyes, you weren’t sure you could have this conversation right now.
“Yes, I understand”.
“Good… because I can’t lose you” Bucky’s voice cracked as well as your heart as his eyes became glossy with unshed tears.
“I can’t lose you either”, you couldn’t hold back your emotions as warm tears escaped the corner of your eyes as the two of you reached for one another. Bucky opened his arms as you climbed across the car until you were straddling his lap, the steering wheel uncomfortable against your back but you didn’t care as he held you close to his chest. Finally, you released the pent-up emotions, sobbing into his shirt as he comforted you with soft whispers and delicate strokes of his fingers through your hair.
Eventually, your cries calmed and a soft buzz hummed through your veins, muscles relaxing into his hold, the warmth from his body consuming you thoroughly. “It’s ok, I’ve got you, no one’s going to hurt you now, I’m never letting you go”, Bucky continued to whisper comforts that made you feel safe.
A knock at the car window had Bucky shifting but you paid no attention to it, wanting to only be with Bucky, unsure of even how much time had passed. The sound of the door opening filled the silence, and then Steve’s voice was floating to your ears. “Is she asleep?”
“No I don’t think so, are you sweetheart?” Bucky asked before kissing the side of your head.
“I’m awake, sir” you were able to mumble, feeling even fuzzier, mouth dry and head spinning slightly. “I feel funny”.
“Lets’s get you inside baby” Steve encouraged, working with Bucky to ease you from the car and once more half-carrying you into your home.
Promptly you found yourself being placed onto the couch, your body melting into the cushions. Steve knelt before you as Bucky walked into the kitchen, returning a moment later with a glass of water, handing it to you which you gladly drank. The two men waited patiently for you to finish drinking before Steve took your hand.
“What happened today, I can promise will never happen again.” Bucky took your other hand as he sat next to you on the couch, looking at you just as intently as Steve was.
“I know-”
“Please let me finish. What happened today, I don’t know how that little weasel managed to sneak his way into the facility or get as close to you as he was able to hurt you. But please know, you will never be in harm's way ever again. If another person so much as looks at you wrong, I promise their lives will be quickly ended. In fact, I’m slightly annoyed that Sam ended that fucker as quickly as he had, he deserved to feel everything I had planned for him” Steve spat with venom before taking a quick steadying breath before continuing.
“I love you, Bucky loves you and I know you love us. Nothing like this will happen again, can you forgive us?”
“Forgive you? There’s nothing to forgive, you couldn’t have helped what happened. I knew what loving you both would be like, the danger I wanted to put myself in and I’d never blame you, I love you and nothing can change that.” The truth spilt from your lips in a blur, every word the truth and you wish there was a way that you could prove this more but you found yourself completely exhausted.
You tried to smile at the men who seemed still just as tense but as you caught each of their eyes with your own, they seemed to relax, squeezing your hands before Steve smiled back. “How are you feeling now? Does your neck still hurt?” 
“Slightly, but mostly when I touch it or move my head, otherwise I’m ok, still feeling a little fuzzy” you admitted.
Bucky nodded your head, stroking a hand now your cheek to cup your face tenderly. “Did he injure anywhere else?”
“No, nowhere else”.
“Do you mind if we check?” Steve asked seriously, a slight crease appearing between his brows. 
“Yes, of course, but you have nothing to worry about”.
“I still just want to be sure”. Each man sat beside you, your head turning in each direction causing you to wince at the movement. “Look forward Doll, we’ve got you”.
You did as instructed, trying to peak from the corner of your eyes as Steve and Bucky moved with the same idea in mind, inspecting a hand each in their lap before kissing each of your fingers delicately when they deemed there was no injury. Next, they turned your arms, looking at every inch of skin and then leaving a trail of kisses as they moved along the limbs. The tenderness in their movements had you shivering in anticipation, especially as they reached the shoulders and their heavy gaze was felt on your burning face.
Steve leaned forward first, the touch of his lips against your cheeks causing your eyes to shut in calmness. Then as Bucky’s lips connected with your other cheek, did Steve lean in to kiss you deeply, all emotions from the day, the love, everything went into the kiss and it had you moaning and almost wanting to cry and all too quickly he was pulling back and Bucky was taking his place, the metal hand stroking a stray of hair behind your ear.
As Bucky too moved back, you made to follow but the brunette paused your movements, his chuckle deep in his chest, “we still need to check the rest of your body first, mama”.
Steve's fingers gripped the edge of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head, leaving in just a simple lacy white bra that displayed your already perked nipples beneath. Their eyes, followed by their lips moved to your shoulders, causing a shiver to spark down your spine and goosebumps to litter your skin.
Steve moved back first as he reached the edge of your bra, “stand up for us baby”. He held up his hand for you to hold as you stood, turning you slightly so your front was facing Steve and your back was facing Bucky who was too now standing. Your breaths were coming out in short bursts as you tried to not look down as Steve knelt before you, hands resting on your hips, searching your body before leaning in a licking a single strip from your navel to the band of your bra.
Bucky was similarly doing the same except when he reached the lacy material, with one hand unclipped the clasps at the back, allowing for the material to slip from your shoulders, exposing your breasts to Steve who hungrily disposed of the material and seal his lips around one of your nipples, sucking it into his mouth. You let out an ungodly moan, back arching to be closer to Steve, hands lifting to hold onto his blonde hair but Bucky eased his own hands around you, tugging lightly on your wrists until they were in his grasp and behind your back.
Steve then moved to the other nipple, his hand squeezing the now wet and perky breast as his tongue teased the other, the sensations and pleasure pulsing to between your legs. Closing your eyes, you concentrated on his touch, the warmth and comfort that it gave you, as well as Bucky was still tenderly kissing up and down your spine, holding your hands together. 
“Steve…” sighing as you spoke his name, feeling the need increasing in your cunt, thighs rubbing together to try and ease any sort of tension. With a wet pop, Steve unattached himself from your nipple, leaving it slightly swollen from his mouth's action and once more he continued his visual and physical journey down your body.
Helping you out of your jeans and underwear in one swift motion, dragging them down your legs, Bucky helping to keep you upright as the material was removed from each leg, both socks going with it until you were in the complete nude before them both.
Once again, Steve and Bucky worked in tandem with one another. As Steve lifted one leg up to cradle, he inspected your feet, calf and thigh, kissing and licking as he moved, and Bucky did the same with the leg you were trying to stand on. Both of them doing so was a difficult feat to achieve, especially as both reached your sensitive thighs that had your knee buckling therefore Bucky had to keep you upright but never faltered in his lips journey.
Your skin was now hot to the touch, especially as you could feel the cool air around you grazing over your damp upper thighs from where your desire had spread over and as Steve and Bucky reached the top of their individual thigh, you were already moaning for whatever their next moves were.
Even though you couldn’t see him, you could feel Bucky smiling against your arse cheek as he leaned in to peck each one quickly and then standing to his full height, standing so his clothed chest was against your naked back, arms trapped in the small space as both his arms encircled around your waist.
You were about to ask what he had planned but his actions proved the answer for this as he lifted you slightly, allowing your legs to drape over Steve’s shoulders and his face to delve between your legs, right to that spot you were so desperate for him to search. Instinctively your thighs clenched around his face as his thick tongue pushed between your folds, but he seemed to like being squeezed from the deep moan he purred.
Steve didn’t miss a single drip of liquid as he licked up and down your slit, slipping his tongue into your already clenching hole as far as he could reach before pulling out and moving up to your early awaiting clit that he greedily sucked into his warm mouth. You were completely overwhelmed by his wonderful mouth, a continuous stream of moans spilling from your mouth.
“Do you like that Doll? Do you like it when he fucks you with his tongue?” Bucky asked, his face had dropped so that his lips were ghosting over the shell of your ear.
“Yes, sir” you quickly agreed, wishing that your arms were free so that you could run it through Steve’s blonde hair. Bucky chuckled at your response, kissing your temple and continuing to hold you up for Steve to continue pleasuring you.
As Steve’s tongue swirled around your clit at an increased pace, you could feel the sudden tightening in your abdomen, a sensation that was only increasing with each stroke of Steve’s. “I’m going to cum daddy”, you announced, not being able to hold back the nickname anymore, needing them to know just how far gone you truly were in the pleasure.
The mafia leader seemed to like it if the smile against your pussy was anything to go by and the next moment, you felt the tip of two of his fingers breach your cunt, stretching it out. Once again, the duo worked together, Bucky began whispering encouragements in your ear, “cum for us Doll, that’s it mama, cum all over his face”, and Steve began curling his fingers against that spot within that had you seeing stars as his mouth sucked harshly on your clit.
It only took another breath and the overwhelming sensation consumed your entire body, back arching, legs twitching and cunt convulsing and his fingers as you orgasmed hard. The pleasure was almost overwhelming as you tried to regain your normal breathing pattern.
“I want you both” you declared after a moment, wanting nothing more at that moment than to feel you all connected and to feel full of their cocks. Steve eased a few inches away from your cunt, looking up at you which you could now see as you glanced down with half-lidded eyes.
“I think we should take it easy today, we don’t want to put you under too much pressure today, you need to rest”.
You weren’t able to hold back to annoyed sigh, even if you had tried to. “Well you should have thought about that before checking me for marks, I want you both, please daddy”.
“Sassy Girl”, Bucky whispered against your cheek as he still held you up.
“Fine, but give it some time, we need to prep you first” Steve finally agreed but you were still being impatient.
“No, I want to feel it, I know I can take it, I just want to feel you both now and it was only this morning that you’d both fucked me anyway. I promise I can take it” you tried to reason with him, sticking out your lower lip for better effect as he looked up at you from his position still on his knees.
Steve and Bucky seemed to have a silent conversation with each other, something that you’d decided was taking way too long as you wiggled your hips, knocking slightly into Steve’s face. “Fine, you win baby” he finally relented, standing up and dropping your shaky legs to the floor.
Thankfully Bucky was still holding up most of your weight as you tried to hide your shit-eating grin as Steve began undressing, your eyes dropping to the throbbing cock, already dripping to be inside of you. Steve let out a deep chortle, your eyes looking up at his face to see his smile curved into a beautiful smirk as he held out his arms for you.
“Come here, sweetheart”, the mafia leader helped to grasp your hips, lifting you up until your legs were wrapped around his waist, hands that were once trapped behind your back were now gripping the short hair at the nape of his neck.
Your lips were instantly connected with his, desperately moving and pressing against his soft ones, tongue even slipping between. You were utterly breathless and only pulled back to gasp as the tip of his cock pressed against your awaiting hole, pushing in slowly, making sure to give you time to adjust to his size.
“Fuck you feel so good” he praised in your ear, teeth then nibbling the soft lobe as you moaned and tried to refrain from dropping your head back as your neck still ached slightly.
From behind you, Bucky swiftly removed his clothes, moving his hand up and down his shaft a few times as he watched you hungrily from behind, waiting for the moment Steve glanced at him and gave a swift nod and then stepped forward so his chest was once more touching your back, one hand now resting on your hip and the other at the base of his cock.
“Remember Doll, if you want me to stop use the colour code, ok? We’ll take this nice and easy hot mama.”
Bucky's voice was calm as he talked you through his motions as he aimed his cock towards your asshole. Both of the mens body heats were helping your body to relax as you closed your eyes, leaning your head delicately against Steve’s shoulders, taking a few deep breaths and trying not to tense around Steve’s cock that was still inside of your cunt as Bucky began to penetrate you.
Without the fucking session from the morning, you wouldn’t have been able to take him without any prepping as both men were significantly sized. Even with the morning, the stretch of Bucky’s cock still had you squeezing your eyes tightly, trying to remain relaxed so that it wouldn’t hurt as inch after inch delved deeper until his full cock was twitching inside, matching Steve’s.
You almost felt beyond full, your muscles between your legs stretching to the max and you were thankful that they were so tentative of your feelings, letting you take your time to adjust, taking a few deep breaths before attempting to raise your hips slightly, indicating that you were ready.
Bucky and Steve then took complete control so that all you had to do was hold onto Steve and melt into their bodies as they began slowly rolling their hips, working together to drag across every single one of your nerves that had you screaming out in pleasure.
They began slowly, making sure to still not cause you any harm but before long you couldn’t take the reserved pace. “Please go faster, I need you to fuck me harder daddies, please!”
You sounded desperate and that’s because you were, wanting to feel the rough slaps of their hips, the way their fingers clenched harder into your skin as they started to lose control of their own restraints. You needed this thought, needing to forget about the day's events, about how close you were to losing them both.
The orgasms you were experiencing were enough to make you forget your own name, only being able to scream there as your cunt and asshole tightened and contracted almost consistently around them but they didn’t relent their movements.
Maybe you were lost in subspace, the surroundings have become fuzzy, or maybe you were just cock drunk but at some point, tears began to leak from the corners of your eyes.
“I can’t lose either of you” you sobbed, head tipping back against Bucky, not caring about the pain you experienced in your neck from the movement.
Both men stopped fucking you which was the exact opposite of what you wanted as you desperately moaned, “please don’t stop!”
They did as instructed, almost trying to move closer, kissing along your shoulder and face, catching any tears that had slipped out as they put as much emotion into their fucking as you were into your moaning.
“I’m not going to let anyone hurt you, ever! I love you” Steve grunted as his hot cum coated your pussy, dripping out and onto the floor as he sloppy slowed down his thrusting.
Bucky continued to fuck you hard, your cunt already spasming through another orgasm, you weren't even sure what number it was anymore.
“I’m going to always protect you mama, don’t forget that” Bucky grunted, his balls tightening to his body as you were able to moan out ‘i love you’ as he found his own release, his cum dripping down and missing with Steve’s.
All three of you were breathing heavily, sweating glistening your naked bodies as you kept your eyes closed. Bucky and Steve had pulled out at one point but continued to hold you up between them.
“You with us baby?” Steve asked, kissing your forehead, not caring about the sweat.
“Daddy…” you mumbled, sounding half asleep.
Bucky smiled into your shoulder, kissing it once before taking a step back, “don’t worry Doll, we’re going to look after you” he promised, watching as Steve began to carry you up to the bedroom, planning to get you washed and into bed. Even if tomorrow the full extent of the day's events hits you, you knew that Steve and Bucky would be there for you no matter what.
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alexsoenomel · 5 months
Random Dean Winchester Headcanons:
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Dean not letting you drive Baby. Too protective over his car. You would beg him but he would always say no. He let you once though – on your birthday – but ended up regretting when you almost crashed into a tree. 
He loved drinking coffee with you in the morning in silence. It was your morning ritual. Coffee and then everything else. 
Loved discussing music with you, especially during road trips. He would even let you pick the next song, just because he thought your taste was awesome. 
Being overprotective and possessive. If someone hurts you – they're dead. If someone flirts with you – they get a polite fuck off. If they continue? They get a punch in the face. 
He loved the way you would look at him whenever he would wear a suit. You loved pulling his tie and giving him a sweet little kiss before work, telling him how handsome he looked. 
He loved sleeping next to you. He loved the smell of your hair and how it lightly tickled his face. He also loved being the small spoon every once in a while – he felt safe next to you. He would still put his gun under his pillow though; old habits die hard. 
Dean loved when you would play with his hair, especially before bed since sleep deprivation was his best friend. 
Random dates. He loved taking you out on random free days. Dinners, drinks, star gazing, night drives – he loved spending time with you. 
He wasn’t much of a reader, but he loved when you would read him your favorite books. Sometimes he would read it to you, the sound of his voice was like a lullaby for you on bad days when you couldn’t sleep. You would use him as a pillow as he would read to you until your light snores filled the room. 
Arguing. You would argue mostly while working. You were both stubborn and impulsive so poor Sam always had to be the voice of reason. He wanted to keep you safe and you wanted to hunt.
Jealousy. You would get jealous. Dean was a good looking man and other women would try to get his attention and of course it never worked. He would just ignore them, but that still didn’t ease your jealousy. You would grow silent, anger written on your face and he would of course tease you, making the situation worse – for him.
“Be careful, she’s going to come and steal your man,” He told you once, after a waitress left her number on a napkin. 
“Be careful,” you started as you kicked him in the shin under the table, “next time I’m kicking you where you like my face the most.” He groaned in pain and Sam almost choked on his coffee. 
Bickering. Because he was a little shit and you were his little shit. Two sides of the same coin, actually. 
Kisses, lots and lots of kisses. He loved kissing every inch of you, taking his sweet time, slow, sensual and tortuous. You would whimper under him every single time. 
Holding hands. First time he held your hand was while driving home after a ghost almost took you out. He lectured you after Sam successfully burnt its bones, told you how reckless and stupid you were for jumping in front of him. Then he realized you almost died – the thought scared the living shit out of him.
He was a switch, plain and simple. Sometimes he loved calling you his dirty little slut, making you scream his name over and over, but other times he just wanted to admire your body as you would ride him. He loved when you were in control. 
Praise kink. That man loved being praised. “You feel so good, baby,” was his favorite. 
He would smile whenever you would call him handsome.
You were his sunshine, darling and sweetheart.  He would call you by your name only when he was pissed.
He loved you more than anything, but at the same time he thought he didn’t deserve you. 
You told him I love you first, drunk on whiskey after a successful hunt. Sam was sick that day, so it was only you and him. He didn’t say anything at first, instead he kissed you and took you home. He made love to you that night and between kisses the words slipped. “I love you too, sweetheart.” 
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
our beloved summer | jjk (bonus track)
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pairing: jungkook x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: established relationship, college au, need i remind you that most bonus tracks are flashbacks, fluff, smut; swearing, oral s*x (f. receiving, mentions of m. receiving), f*ngering, d*rty talk, public s*x, unprotected s*x (don't do it ffs), cre*mpie, i guess that's it, jesus christ why do i have to tag it like this god damn you tumblr
word count: 1.3k
series masterpost / main playlist ; moodboards ; taglist
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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“Do you have a kink for librarians?” you pant, giving his hair a sharp tug as he stuffs you full of his fingers, while his mouth alternates between kissing your clit and sucking it into his mouth. It’s like he’s trying to make out with you down there, for fuck’s sake.
“No,” you feel him smirk as he says this, his big doe eyes flitting up to your face to take in your blissfully fucked out expression, “just for you.” Then he closes his eyes again - as if that helps savor your taste better - and fully moans against your core like he’s the one on the receiving end of pleasure.
You arch against the bookshelf when Jungkook curls his fingers, bumping your g-spot with practiced precision as he tongues your clit. The sounds of him fingering you open, so goddamn wet, bounce off the walls and the books. You can’t believe you’re doing this in the fucking library! After hours, but still.
Oh, the both of you would be in so much trouble if anybody found out…
Then again, you’d be lying if you said the possibility of being caught didn’t make you just a tiny bit excited.
“Jungkook… nghhh, I’m gonna-”
“Yeah? Gonna make a mess?”
You nod fervently, bucking your hips against his face to chase your high. “Yes, yes, right ther–!”
You’re prepared for the wave to crash over you, to overwhelm your every sense, like lightning when it strikes.
But it never happens.
Jungkook pulls you back just as you’re about to tip over the edge, removing his fingers from you before he stands up with a cocky look on his face. The skirt you’re wearing falls down to cover your lower half again. Your mouth hangs open in shock, in frustration, and for a second there you burn with unfiltered hatred for him. You clench painfully around nothing, but before you can hiss at him, he’s crashing his lips against yours.
An involuntary moan slips from you when you taste yourself on his tongue. Jungkook works on undoing his belt as he kisses you, pulling down his boxers and trousers just enough to set his hard cock free. He breaks from the kiss to sneak his hands under your skirt, grabbing the back of your thighs and urging you to jump.
“Up,” he commands, and you obey. Your legs wrap around his waist, holding him closer until you feel the swollen head of his cock between your sodden folds. You whimper at the bare contact and so does he. “Put me in, baby,” he says huskily, squeezing your thighs while he leans forward to nibble on your earlobe.
You reach for his cock, giving it a few slow pumps and smearing his precum all over the length, before you guide it to your entrance. You let his tip tease you for a minute even though you were about to bite his head off only minutes ago from not letting you come, and your breath stutters when it kisses your clit deliciously.
“Oh god,” you pant when his cock finally makes its way into you. “Oh fuck, Jungkook…” He buries himself to the hilt, the base of his cock rubbing against your clit when he bottoms out, making the stretch feel infinitely better.
Your arms settle around his neck as he starts fucking you against the shelf, his hips rolling into you slowly at first, and then he’s picking up the pace, pounding you with purpose.
Forgive me, you think in apology to the books surrounding you, witnessing this unholy act unfold before them.
But it feels so good. It feels too good that you can’t help crying out his name with every thrust, his cock grazing your g-spot and pushing you toward the bliss that he previously denied you.
“Good girl,” he grunts, and the sound of his voice dropping low has you oozing with lust even more. The added slick allows him to fuck you better, his entire length pistoning into you, making the room echo with skin-slapping and your wet squelches. “Letting me do this to you in the fucking library. You like it, don’t you? You’re taking me so well, baby.”
“Shut up,” you manage to say while trying not to lose your goddamn mind over how wonderfully long and thick he feels inside of you. “S-stop running your mouth and make me come.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, but chuckles anyway. “Bossy,” he says, pecking your cheek sweetly like he isn’t about to make you cream all over him.
His hips momentarily pause so that he could adjust the grip he has on your thighs. He holds your body, firm against the shelf, and what happens next is anything but sweet.
When he moves again, he manages to be even faster than before somehow. His cock hits every single spot inside of you that paints stars behind your eyes, and the moon, and Saturn, and every glimmering indicator of light that adorns the galaxy.
His thrusts, deliberately hard, rattle the shelf for a second and it makes your heart fucking leap into your throat. You yelp, and hold him tighter, but he never falters. Jungkook fucks you like he’s got something to prove, and it’s not until the giant wooden structure you’re propped against stops protesting that you can calm down.
“I’m gonna come… Jungk–” you cry, your desperate cunt clenching around him. You actually do cry, but you don’t realize it until the single tear has already rolled down to your jaw and detaches itself from your skin.
“Yeah?” he asks, hopeful. “Look at me.”
You force your eyes open despite how difficult it is. You always try, for him.
Warmth spreads over your chest when you find him gazing at you with a tenderness that would make your knees wobble if you were standing. This time, you burn with unfiltered devotion.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got you,” he says. “I love you.”
You grip his shoulders but let yourself fall over the edge. You come hard around him as his name slips from your lips in a drawn-out moan. You feel your release soaking his cock as he fucks you through your orgasm, prolonging the bliss for you until he has to chase his own high too.
You pull him in for a kiss, mumbling against his mouth, “Love you. I love you. I love you.”
And then he’s coming, whining against your lips as his hips stutter. Hot ropes of his cum splatter across your walls endlessly, making you tingle all over.
He pulls out and sets you down on unsteady legs once he’s empty, and you immediately cringe from the feeling of your combined release dripping out of you. Jungkook goes to grab some tissues and your panties from the floor. With gentle hands, he helps clean up the both of you, and finishes you off with a soft kiss.
You look at each other when he pulls away, his hand lingering on your waist as you adjust your panties into place. Then you both burst out in a fit of giggles.
“I can’t believe we just did that!” you exclaim, pressing your body to his once again to hide your flushed face in the crook of his neck. “You seduced me,” you accuse with affection.
“You wore that skirt!” he says in defense, and you feel the rumble of laughter that reverberates from his chest. “Besides, don’t act like you weren’t getting all sloppy on me just a couple weeks ago, right by the philosophy shelves.”
You rear your head back to glare at him, punching him in the chest even as you say, “Fuck off.” But it’s light, and completely endeared. It’s uttered with a fondness that he knows how to translate.
Fuck off means I love you.
Shut up means I love you.
I hate you means I love you.
Jungkook shrugs, then squeezes you into his side. A bunny smile peaks through, giving way to shallow dimples that dig into his cheeks cutely. “Let’s go home,” he says. “I got you that tiramisu you like.”
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all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 17.05.2023]
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maybxlle · 1 month
✧˖°. 𝐢 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞, 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞
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masterlist | home | rules
contains: a daughter of aphrodite panicking over our favorite white boy. and vise versa (jason grace x daughter of aphrodite!reader)
warnings: shitty ass writing, language, use of yn, and CRINGE. it's pretty bad, read at your own risk ⚠️
author's note: first fic! also, its probably gonna be bad (because i'm a shit writer 😃) im SO sorry about all the cuts! i cannot write. [send in requests y'all!] ALSO if you see any incorrections, no you didn't.
special mentions: thank you so much @canonfeminine for helping me come up with the joke percy says and @hopelesslyromanticshark because i kinda stole her formatting and her amazing advice (love ya coves!)
final word count: 2,098 words
now playing 𓏧 down bad by taylor swift
jason grace was walking outside cabin 13 when he heard you tweaking.
it was only 11am and it sounded like you had been up all night.
"y'all, you know that one song from taylor's new album? down bad? that's so me about superman." you sighed, "i don't even think he cares about me. not even a little."
"now i'm down bad, crying at the gym. everything comes out teenage petulance. fuck it if i can't have him. i might just die, it'd make no difference." you sang under your breath.
jason peeked in the cabin. he saw you hanging off hazel's bed upside down, piper was on the floor painting her nails, while annabeth was sitting in an armchair, reading, and hazel was at her desk, writing a letter to chiron about why they should have state of the art, gold-plated horse feed. they were only in the hades cabin because nico was with will in the infirmary. (awww <3)
"ma'am, we know all of this before. you never shut about hi-" piper began.
annabeth made a condescending mom face. "yn," she said gently. "maybe you should go to sleep."
you just glared at her until she looked back at her book (rolling her eyes).
"maybe he does like me! he just doesn't know it yet." you triumphantly said.
piper snorted. you got up, and whacked her with your pillow until she fell over.
"ok, geez, i get it. cough cough bitch." piper um-coughed out.
hazel finally looked up, innocently, from her crazy letter, "ok, girls, let's calm down?"
you and piper obliged, scowling at each other.
"anyway, bACK TO WHAT I WAS SAYING. maybe he is in love with me, he just doesn't fucking know it yet!"
"wait, isn't superman jaso-"
jason took that as his cue to get the fuck out of there.
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our favorite white boy RAN to his boys.
he gathered them in percy's cabin. "guys, i just overheard something."
"what? that the superman theme song plays wherever you go?” percy snickered.
while percy and leo... snort-laughed, frank actually asked what happened.
"basically, i was walking past cabin 13 and the girls were in there, right? so i overhear yn saying something about 'superman' and how this song -down bad i think?- relates to them or something."
suddenly all the boys had their thinking faces on.
"what if she's in love with the actor of superman?" frank suggested.
leo had this eerie look on his face. "grow a couple of brain-cells chinese canadian baby man. she's in love with jason."
everyone just looked at leo. "ok, think about it. who the fuck else flies here? only jason. who else flies? superman."
jason thought about it. "that would make sense since piper was about to say my name when yn cut her off-"
"i didn't think that yn would ever like me back." he said matter-of-factly.
to be fair, jason had a crush on you since he arrived at camp. you were so pretty but you were so lively too. your personality was bright and radiant and maybe a bit crazy. just a bit though. but in a good way!
you just radiated positivity as if you were the sun. to him you could've been.
jason didn't realize he zoned out until leo was about to shove a shoe in his mouth.
"oh i got him back guys! you like... died." leo said.
"so you were going to resuscitate me by shoving a shoe in my mouth?"
"yeah, basically!"
jason didn't know what to say to that so he didn't say anything!
"can we get back on track?"
"yes," percy answered. "we shall."
"first things first, we already know that you love yn so much from the bottom of your heart. but how are you going to tell her?" frank asked.
jason was at a loss.
"don't worry, i'll sleep on it."
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"hey sparky!" you exclaim.
"oh h-hey yn." you side-eyed him, wondering if he heard your gods-awful conversation yesterday.
then you slapped yourself. (mentally?) of course he wouldn't do that! he's your sweet little superman who you are hopelessly in love with!
"do you wanna race to the top of the lava wall with me? don't be shy, you always lose!" you asked.
"um, i don't think i can today yn, sorry."
you were a little lot disappointed. you just really liked him and he fucking rejects you??? what if you tell him how you feel and he doesn't feel the same way? what if you become the laughing-stalk of camp? “k, bye jase.”
after he left you sprinted to your girls.
hazel slowly raised her hand. "just don't mess it up again. if piper doesn't want your foot in her face, don't put it in her goddamn face. ok?"
you scowled at her before sprinting to hazel’s cabin.
you guys took your seats from yesterday.
“what the- wHY ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT ME?!” piper screeched.
annabeth spoke up, “you were the one who practically said jason’s name.”
“annie. you just said it. SUPERMAN ONLY BITCHES.” you said.
“what if that did happen?” hazel asked. “he’s not a pretty, perfect, goody-two-shoes princess? like you think he is. ”
annabeth, piper, and hazel all just looked at each other, tired with your shit.
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"i think she's onto me." jason said to his little boy band.
percy looked up from his game of chess with frank and stroked his chin, "why may that be?"
jason scratched his neck sheepishly, "um, she, like side-eyed me?”
“this is yn we’re talking about. she side-eyes everybody.” leo said.
“BUT NOT ME!” jason panicked.
frank tsked at percy, “what move you gonna make?”
“oh, shut it frank. i’m invested. what else did yn say?”
“i… don’t remember.”
all the boys collectively looked at him.
“SHUT YOUR BLOODY MOUTH!” leo exclaimed. “we need a fucking plan.”
“do you have a plan leo?” frank asked.
“i actually do, frank. gather round children.”
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after some meticulous planning, and a couple phone calls, a plan was set.
a prom dress, a boom box, and taylor swift.
exciting right?
it was two days after that stupid conversation (that jason totally didn't overhear).
annabeth, piper and hazel came to drag you from your seat at the docks where you were reading an angsty romance (like the sad emo girl you were after being rejected by the love of your life).
"what the fuck do you whores want?"
"ok rude," annabeth replied, "but you have to come with us."
"we have something exciting for you!" hazel said enthusiastically.
you looked at hazel, "haze, 'excitement', does not exist for me anymore. ever since the love of my goddamned life rejected me- "
piper cut you off, "ok shut up yn. first of all, he didn't even reject you. he just said he can't climb the lava wall with you. just come with us. please don't make a big deal about it."
you looked at the girls suspiciously, "what's in it for me?"
the girls shared a look, "that's a secret. but believe me, everything's in it for you."
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"i look like a fucking bratz doll!" you screeched.
piper was doing and messing up your makeup while annabeth and hazel were looking for a good outfit.
"also miss bitchy," you said, "why am i wearing this much makeup? and why is annabeth and hazel trying so hard to find an outfit?"
piper could see that you were clearly becoming suspicious. she just gave you a small (knowing) smile, "oh don't worry about it sweet."
you were about to jump her when hazel and annabeth came holding ... a prom dress and two inch heels?
“are you shitting me? what the fuck is this?” you asked.
“yn, just put it the fuck on! no. arguments. ” piper said.
you weren’t someone to refuse looking good. (even if piper messed up your makeup.) “fine, but i’m watching y’all.”
they nodded while you went to the bathroom to change.
you came out and hazel to do the back. “ok, how do i look?” you asked, deadpan.
“yn! you look stunning!” hazel exclaimed.
you looked decent. you had an old prom dress that the aphrodite cabin just happened to have and slightly crusty heels.
“this will definitely work. he’ll be drooling all over her.” piper said to annabeth.
you were so confused, what the fuck is happening?
"excuse me? what's going on? cause i am about to shit my pants." you said.
annabeth, hazel, and piper just looked at each other and said, "don't worry about it dear." and burst out laughing. (about what? that wasn't even funny???)
suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
"oh my fucking gods, who is it?!" you shout.
piper looked at you. "chill," she opened the door, "hey leo."
"why is leo here?!" she ignored you! leo pulled her outside, when she came back she nodded to annabeth and hazel.
"ok yn! time for your surprise!" hazel said, knowingly.
then, hazel blindfolded you, annabeth and piper grabbed your legs, while leo grabbed your arms. while you were screaming to satan.
next, y'all went on your merry way going gods-know-where!
suddenly you were dropped straight on the fucking ground so hard your ass hurt and all your bindings slipped off.
you were in the middle of the fucking woods. and you could distantaly hear hazel, piper, leo and annabeth running away.
really where you were dropped was gorgeous. you were at a clearing in the middle of the woods. it was around sunset so everything was lit up with the golden sunlight streaming through the leaves. you could hear the faint sound of a creek in the distance.
all of sudden you heard footsteps. you got up of your ass and cursed under your breath when you realized you have no knifes because somebody took them from you.
you turned toward the sound when you saw him.
jason, all dressed up in a matching suit.
"oh, h-hi jason. whatcha doing here?"
"oh, just waiting for a pretty girl so i can give her a dance."
you looked around confusedly. "jase, i think you went the wrong way. all the pretty girls are back at camp."
he chuckled, then pulled a boombox from his ass. "would you give me this dance milady?"
you were so so so baffled. what was happening? but your heart belonged to him. "um, sure?"
he clicked play on the boombox and 'you belong with me' by taylor swift started playing. he grabbed your hands and placed them on his shoulders. (TRUST ok? they're waltzing to "you belong with me", but its fine.
you felt like your heart was going a million miles a second but in slow motion at the same time. you were panicking but you felt so content.
the bridge was playing and you realized how much the song relates to you and jason.
you guys were best friends before you something happened two days ago.
y'all knew each other better than the back of your hand.
he would bring you ice cream when you were on your period and when you weren't.
anytime he had to go on a quest without you he brought you souvenirs.
you told each other about your crazy dreams. like when elmo was chasing you down rodeo drive.
the song ended.
"i-" you looked up.
"um-" jason cut you off.
"you go first." you were terrified, your heart pounding in your chest.
"well, i've had the biggest crush on you, yn. since i arrived, really-"
you cut him off, pulling his mouth to your own.
you were in euphoria for a minute until you both pulled away.
"soooo?" you were giddy, "what now?"
jason looked thoroughly confused, you were too. "i don't know but we'll get through it together."
your cold heart melted a little at that.
"i have a question," you asked, walking away. "did you have a crush only because of my fat ass?"
"oh my gods, yn!"
author's note: so yeah um... there it is. it sucks, i kinda hate it but i thought it was a good idea and i wanted to start writing.
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romancefranaticstay · 4 months
˜”°•.˜”°• The Other Side •°”˜.•°”˜
Catgory: a҉n҉g҉s҉t҉
【Warning】: ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ
A/N: Hyunjin is your bestfriend. He recently got a new girlfriend. She seemed very nice towards others, but she shows her other side to you. You didn't care about her, untill she tried to destroy your friendship with Hyunjin...
Part 2 --->
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It was a normal day...
you went to get some coffee. You sipped your coffee and sat on a seat by the counter. Hyunjin wanted to introduce you to his new girlfriend. You were pretty excited.
'Y/N!' you hear him from a distance shouting. You turn around and wave towards him. He is holding hands with his new girlfriend and he is leading her towards me.
'Whats up Hyunjin.' you gave him a high-five.
'This is Brittany. Brittany this is Y/N.'
'Hey.' she smiles shy.
'Hey.' you smile back.
'I am going to get some drinks, what do you want babe?'
'For me an espresso.' her voice sounds very cute.
He went off and she turned to me. Her face went from 'cute/kawaii' girl to a 'bitch-face'.
'So how long do you know mine man?'
'We are childhood friends, so pretty long i guess.' you laugh. She clearly didn't like that.
'Yeah okay, so you ever had feelings for him?'
You laugh: 'Me? No never.'
'What is so funny? What is there to laugh about?'
'Nothing, so... uhmm you have any hobby's?' you ask.
'Not interested in talking to you, sweetheart.' she says.
You are to stunned to speak for a moment. You want to comment on her sentence but then Hyunjin comes back.
'And? What are you two girls talking about?'
You want to say the truth but then she says 'Oh we are talking about mine two dogs. Right Y/N?'
Her smile is fake. It is like plastic. Just awfull, that Hyunjin can't see through her is beyond you.
'Yeah we were having a wonderfull conversation about her 'two lovely dogs'.
'Oops baby, its alreaddy 8 am. Can we please go, mine baby bear?' she says with the sweetest voice.
'Uhmm yeah sure, babe. Bye Y/N.'
'Yeah bye-bye.' she drags him out of the coffee-shop as fast as she could.
'MiNe BaBy BeAr.' you mock her voice.
Some hours later you text Hyunjin to hang out, like you always used to do.
*Hey Hyunjin, today is our game-night. You bring the snacks, i prepared the drinks. Do not come late, i swear Hyunjin. Not like last time.*
You wait for his reply. You wait and wait and wait. Still nothing. After a hour you still got nothing. Tommorow you had to go fill in some papers so you could not be late. You turned off your phone and went to bed.
"Why isn't he replying?" you though.
You read some pages of your book before you went to bed. You dimmed the lights and fell asleep.
It was morning. You slept well, maybe thats because you always would stay up late with Hyunjin.
You checked your phone and found this message.
*I am sorry Y/N. I can't come tonight. Brittany wants to watch a movie, i am sorry.*
You aren't mad at him for choosing his girlfriend over you. Its normal.
*It is okay Hyunjin. I slept like a someone who slept good ;)*
You click on send. Even tho you respect his choice to hang-out with his girlfriend. Deep inside you feel like garabage.
You went to work and focused on doing your job. Your boss wasn't a very nice guy, so you should problaby give everything you've got.
Today you 'accidently' threw coffee on him. 'Accidently'. You were actually pissed off by him. His name is Changbin.
*He needs to be happy he is cute. Because if not, i would have kicked his ass by now.*
you smirk.
'Is there SOMETHING funny Y/N?' your boss Changbin yells.
'No sir, mine apologies for this mess.' you were laughing in your head.
'You think this is funny, don't you?'
'Never sir, i would never find this funny.'
He looked at you with hawk-eyes and he left.
When your were driving home, you first wanted to ask Hyunjin to hang-out.
You tried texting him but apparantly he blocked you?!
You looked at the words 'cannot deliver'.
You don't believe he would block you just like that, so you decide to stop at his appartament.
You run up the stairs and knock on his door.
'Hyunjin, its me!'
Instead of him, Brittany opened the door.
'What do you want darling?'
'Uhmm, i am here for Hyunjin. I want to talk to him.'
'No you cannot.'
'Excuse me?'
Suddenly she starts screaming 'OMG Y/N THAT HURTS, HYUNJIN.'
'What the hell are you doing?!' you ask
She screams for Hyunjin. He come's running over.
'She hurted me.' she fake cried.
'Y/N why would you do that?!'
'I did absolutely nothing, you have to believe me.'
'Hyunjin.' she cried
'I did NOTHING. Stop the dam crying.'
'Hey you do not talk to mine girl like that. Get out!'
'What?' you ask.
'I said get out of mine face, now.' you were to stunned to speak. Hyunjin never yelled at you like that.
'I did nothing.'
'Yeah right i 'believe you'.' he says sarcastic.
'Wow, you really believe her, don't you.' you say sad. You cannot believe it, this moment.
'Go away Y/N.'
You looked at him, sadness growing in your eyes. You will not cry where he is standing. You turn around and leave. This could be your last -best friend- interaction.
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stnexus · 8 months
thinking about…a little weekend nap with satosugu!
general audience — fluff
satosugu x blk!fem!reader
warnings: l-bombs, pretty chill
with the recent ep. and chapters. i need this, WE need this. established poly relationship between satosugu + reader
names used(?): baby, princess, lover(s)
word count: 650+
the distant sound of birds chirping and and playing about in the trees was one you had grown accustomed to every weekend. it was the one time where everything was perfect. no responsibilities, no stress. there were three thick blankets padding the ground of your fenced back yard, the sun was covered in a flurry of clouds — stopping it from hitting you directly. a slight breeze in the air shook the leaves on the trees.
with a book in hand, you lay on your stomach your mind barely grasping the words in front of you as your eyes threatened to close. the book slowly slipped from your single handed grasp, landing with a slight thud next to you. hearing the crunching of grass under the weight of someone’s feet you didn’t even attempt to move. already knowing it was just one of your lovers. it was like every part of their being had been engraved into your memory.
“well don’t you look comfortable,” gojo’s voice rang through, you didn’t have to open your eyes to know a little smile played at his lips. you forced your eyes open though, tilting your head up and taking a glimpse at the man standing above you. his white hair swaying gently. grey sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips, and a black tee baggy covering his lean build.
“hey ‘toru,” you attempted to smile drowsily, “i feel like i’m about to fall asleep actually.” your confession was pretty much obvious to gojo as he moved to sit on the blankets, slender hands moving to gather your splayed out braids and wrap them in a temporary bun. the hair tucked into itself for security.
“we can take a nap together,” gojo spoke softly, his blue eyes tracing your face — white lashes framing them beautifully. “sugu is inside reading. i’m sure he’ll probably join us at some point.”
a hum of agreement fell from your lips as you moved closer to your lover as he laid down. moving somewhat underneath you, gojo laid your head on his chest, fingers gliding along your clothed back. one of your legs as hitched over his waist, and in no time you caught yourself drifting off again as the birds chirped.
it was only a matter of minutes before geto had made his way outside. his hair pulled into a messy bun, some strands loose and framing his face. the gray basketball shorts that he wore moved with every step and so do the white muscle tank that he wore. as he neared you both and took in your sleeping forms he felt his heart swell.
the sight was the most gorgeous thing to him. his two partners cuddling and fast asleep with not a care in the world. the bit of sunlight escaping from behind the clouds highlighting you both perfectly.
“you two would fall asleep without me,” he mumbled jokingly to himself as he began to lay on the blankets as well. geto wrapped an arm around gojo’s waist, and maneuvered himself with his head on the other side of his chest. his face right across from your own. reaching over he glided his hand gently across your cheek and paused as you stirred in your sleep.
“hey, suguuu baby…” you called out half asleep. the way you knew who was who without opening your eyes was always astonishing to them. something that drove them crazy about you.
“hey princess, go back to sleep,” he spoke as his hand continued on with its motions. the brown skin of your cheeks smooth under his fingertips. “i was just joining you two. ‘noticed the house got quiet.”
a hum sounded out as quietness began to envelop you all again. geto was sure you were asleep again, until he heard you speak in a mere whisper. sleep playing at your voice as you didn’t move an inch or attempt to open your eyes.
“i love you two.”
“and we love you too baby,” geto responded gently.
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bugaboo25 · 9 months
I Will Forever Love You Chapter 3
Masterpost Prev
Thanks for all the kind words everyone, it's really helped keep my motivation up even though my schedule is absolutely crazy!
On to chapter 3:
Damian woke from his slumber as soon as the sun came up. Instead of remaining under his covers, he made his way to the restroom to prepare for the day. It was Saturday, yes, but weekends never meant relaxation for those in Wayne Manor. He grabbed his toothbrush, and, after lathering it to perfection, he began brushing his teeth. Slowly, Damian’s green eyes made their way to his reflection. His hand slowly came to a stop, and so he pulled the toothbrush from his mouth. His lips twitched down, so he stopped staring, stopped searching for a boy that shared his face and simply finished his morning routine.
            Once he was dressed, Damian sat on his bed. He reached underneath his mattress, pulling out a well-worn book. Damian allowed his fingers to trace the title: Cosmos by Carl Sagan. Even though he had no interest in the subject, he had read this book dozens of times. He flipped open the cover and stared at his neat handwriting, the last words his brother had ever spoken to him stared back at him. He sat in that manner for a good ten minutes, before flipping to the page that his bookmark currently resided on. He allotted himself twenty more minutes before he once again closed the novel. Damian never understood Danyal’s obsession with stars and the universe, but it was now the only way he could be close to his twin. Before he could carefully put the book back in its resting place, there was a knock on his door.
            “Baby Bird, I know you’re up!” Richard was knocking incessantly, so Damian placed his most prized possession on his desk, just out of sight of anyone that stood in the doorway. He opened the door, and Richard was immediately in his personal space. “Come on, the family’s going out for breakfast this morning, Alfred’s orders.” Damian cursed internally, if the butler had ordered they be seen in public for breakfast, then there was no possibility of not going. He allowed himself to be pulled out of his room, but not before shooting Danyal’s book a look of regret. He would have to place it back under his mattress when they returned, he just hoped Richard had not seen it.
            Dick pulled Damian down the stairs, not letting him go until he was under Alfred’s watchful eye. He laughed to himself, knowing there was no way for him to slip away now. He pulled out his phone, already setting his plot in motion. He shot off a quick text to Tim.
            Dickie: wanna mess with Dames?
            Timber: always
            Timber: what did you have in mind?
            Dickie: there was a book sitting on his desk, cosmos or something
            Dickie: I gots to know if he’s got a thing for astronomy
            Timber: dude
            Timber: no way, it’s worn and there’s writing in it
            Timber: I am not getting attacked by demon brat again
            Dickie: ugh fine what’s it say?
            Dick opened the picture that Tim sent, and he had to stifle the sound rising in the back of his throat. I will forever love you -D. What was that doing written in one of Baby Bird’s books? It was his handwriting, that’s for sure. But Damian never said I love you, none of them did. Which, okay, maybe he should put some effort into that, but there’s no way that book was meant for anyone. It was old and worn, and Dick could make out what seemed to be a bookmark at the top of the picture. Did he get it from someone? He must have, but the only person whose name started with D in this family aside from Damian were Dick and Duke, and he didn’t give him the book and Duke sure as hell didn't give it to him. He came to the conclusion that this would require further investigation, then sat down and waited for the rest of the family.
            Tim came into the kitchen after Duke, Cass trailing behind him. He caught Dick’s eye, but he simply raised an eyebrow as he made his way to the coffee pot. The door flung open, and if the people in the room had been any other family, they would have jumped. As it was, five sets of eyes turned to look at Jason as he wore a large grin. As time continued forward, the Pit Rage had calmed to a point where he only had episodes a couple times a month. With the knowledge that he had better learned to control it and it was happening less often, Jason had once again started hanging around the manor. Alfred must have invited him to breakfast, as he joined everyone else in waiting for Bruce.
            Slipping into the limo with the rest of his family, Tim allowed himself to take some time to consider what he had done that morning. He had been so ready to use Cosmos to tease Damian, but as soon as he saw the state of the book and the neatly written words just inside the cover, he had decided against it. Obviously, the novel was important to Damian, but due to the lack of anything else related to astronomy in his room, he had to guess it was for more personal reasons. If the youngest of the Bats was anything, it was less than receptive when it came to talking about personal matters. He also didn’t want to give Damian any reason to start attacking him again. Sure, it had been years since the last time he was on the stabby end of his katana, and they had gotten to a point where Tim was comfortable teasing him, but he didn’t want to risk anything. If it had only been a book that showed the beginnings of a new hobby, then he would’ve gone to town on the annoying big brother role. But it was obvious from the old, definitely overused pages, that it was something more than that.
            Dick would try to pry. He always tackled opportunities to get to know more details about any of his siblings; but Tim would stay out of this. Honestly, he just hoped that he had managed to get the book back exactly as it had been left. Damian was perceptive, and he would definitely notice if his possessions were left even a centimeter out of place. They all would.
            “Allioop!” Dick came flying through the door, sprawling out across Tim and Jason, who had sat in the space beside him. Tim swatted at Dick’s hair, and Jason started lightly slapping at his stomach.
            “Get off, Dickface! Sit like a normal person, next to met not on me!” Jason was grumbling, a scowl sitting on his features. The fondness that was in his eyes was covered, but not unnoticeable to anyone that was in the vehicle. Tim took that second to check and sure enough, everyone had piled in during his musings. Cass, Damian, and Duke (who was snickering into his hand, the traitor) were sat on the opposite end of the limo, and Bruce was sat in the passenger seat next to Alfred.
            Dick pulled himself off of his brothers and threw his arm across his forehead, leaning against the seat and the door. “Oh woe is me, no one appreciates my fun.” He cracked an eye open, and the look he shot towards Jason and Tim was one filled with mirth and amusement.
            “I would refute, Richard, but your ‘fun’ often ends with you acting as a if you are a kicked puppy.” All eyes shot to Damian, because holy shit he just dissed one of them in a non-demeaning way. And was that a smile tugging at his lips? It was barely there but – oh my god, it was. Tim’s mouth dropped, because was the demon brat acting like part of the family? “Don’t strain yourself, Drake.” Damian’s tone was biting again, but the ghost of a smile was still on his face, so all Tim could do was make a choking noise as he snapped his jaw shut and looked out the window.
            Well, maybe breakfast wouldn’t be a complete disaster.
            Bruce made his way to the grandfather clock once they were back at the manor. He allowed himself a small smile, thinking back to the way his children had bickered and teased each other at the restaurant. He was delighted when he had seen Damian having to hold back a laugh after Dick’s fork had been drenched in syrup curtesy of Jason. He was finally beginning to feel as though his family was almost whole with the return of Jason and the breaking down of Damian’s walls.
            After slipping into his costume, Bruce set to work. He wanted to sigh, but Tim and Dick had just walked into the cave, whispering at each other. He raised his eyebrow at the hushed tones that stopped once they were in earshot of him. He would have to look into that later, collaborating in whispers between his children never led to positive outcomes.
            “Whatcha working on?” Dick never was one to be subtle, but he welcomed the olive branch. He would need help with this case, his suspect was eluding him at every turn, and it was starting to wear on him.
            “Vlad Masters.” He already had his files pulled up, so he clicked on the tab that had a picture of the man. He glared at the screen, hoping that the missing piece would reveal itself by just staring at the picture for a little longer. “He’s gone from low millionaire to high billionaire in just under two years. None of his business partners remember their meetings, only that they signed away at least half of their company before he was gone.”
            “You think he’s drugging them? Or maybe mind control?” Tim was taking his spot at the batcomputer, already starting his review of the files. Dick was watching over his shoulder, and he hoped that maybe they could find something they didn’t.
            Suddenly, Damian was flying over the edge of the stairs and hurling towards them. Bruce simply turned to look, and Dick was ducking away from the 16-year-old’s fist. “Did either of you imbeciles go in my room?” Damian’s tone was angry, though he didn’t attack again. He was getting better at controlling his temper, it seemed. Though, with the way Tim’s shoulders were ever so slightly tense, he guessed that he was the culprit.
            “Uh, yeah. It was me. Sorry, Dames, I wandered in this morning on accident. No sleep last night and no coffee yet. You know me. I think I nudged something on your desk, and that’s what kickstarted my brain. I left as soon as I noticed.” Tim’s voice was cool, but Bruce could detect the way his voice was just barely higher than normal. So, he was lying about the reason, then. He would have to ask later.
            Damian visibly relaxed, though he was still holding himself with respect. “Fine. Just do not repeat that mistake again in the future, or I will have your fingers.” With that, he was leaving the cave as quickly as he had come down. No doubt Alfred was forcing him to do his homework before he began any work in the cave.
            Bruce turned towards Tim with a raised eyebrow and the question on his face. “I saw something I shouldn’t have.” Huh, he must feel pretty guilty about it if he wasn’t even going to try to lie. “Just a book with a message. No big.” Tim was once again looking through the files on Masters.
            “Have you looked at any of his connections yet?” Bruce grunted, a silent yes. “What about those from college? It doesn’t seem like he has that many friends, though there’s a couple he used to spend his time with while he was getting his degree.” Another grunt, this time signaling that no, he had not checked his college friends out just yet. Tim opened another tab and pulled up a picture of a large man with black hair next to a shorter woman with ginger hair. They were both wearing ugly jumpsuits. Tim continued to scroll, and it was only a couple pictures down that they stopped.
            It was a picture of the Fenton family in a lab. Their daughter, 17 at the time of the picture if Bruce had to guess, was a perfect mix of her parents. She was tall, probably close to 6 feet, with teal eyes and the same hair color as her mother. It was the son that had garnered their attention, though. Because staring at them through the screen was Damian, but a Damian with eyes the exact same shade of blue as Bruce’s and a large grin. His hair was longer, and he was wearing a black hoodie with stains and a ghost symbol hovering over the word ‘Boo!’, but there was no mistaking the skin tone, or the eye shape, or the nose. That was Damian’s face with an unknown expression and different eyes, and it took the three men in the room longer to collect themselves than it should have.
            “Please tell me you’re seeing what I’m seeing.” Dick was the first to speak, his eyes shifting between Bruce and the boy on the screen. “Please tell me I’m not going crazy and seeing Dami in the place of a completely different kid.”
            “You’re not going crazy.” Tim’s reply was shallow, garbled by the confusion that laced his features. Bruce wasn’t sure what to make of this situation, but Tim was already tapping away, pulling up all the information that he could. “Daniel James Fenton. Age 16. He was adopted by the Fenton family seven years ago… today. He didn’t give anything other than his first name. Just wandered into Amity Park, Illinois with a… with a sword?”
            “Hn.” Bruce wanted to lean towards the clone theory, but what would the League of Assassins have to gain with creating a clone of Damian and then sending him to American for seven years?
            “It could just be a coincidence, you know.” Dick was calming himself down, his breathing was slowing. “There are supposed to be seven people in the world that look like you.”
            “Yeah, plus, look at his eyes. They aren’t the same color!” Tim was almost screaming now. “Totally just a coincidence.”
            “Yeah, but that blue is the exact same as Bruce’s…” Dick was leaning forward onto the chair now, careful not to knock Tim off balance. “We… we have to look into this. What if Bruce has another kid!”
            “Yeah, but the age… Dames would’ve told us if he had a twin, right?” None of them could answer that question. Damian was a lot of things, but open about his past was not one of them. If the documents were real, then that means that Daniel was out of the League a year before Damian. There was no way to know for sure, and Bruce was positive he would not get the answers from his son.
            “Where are the Fenton’s now?” The best course of action was to try and find Damian’s lookalike. They could do DNA testing once they did that.
            “They’re… on their way to Gotham for a convention?” Tim had pulled up security footage and the Fenton’s public schedule. “The Paranormal Physiology and Biology Convention, to be exact. It seems both Maddie and Jack, the parents, have doctorates in paranormal ecto-biology, and the daughter, Jasmine or Jazz, is currently attending Gotham University for a degree in Psychology.” Okay, they were on their way to Gotham. So, getting a DNA sample to run would be easier than originally anticipated, unless he was trained by the League. That would make this plan more difficult than anticipated.
            “Find out where they will be in Gotham. Then I want you to try and get a DNA sample so we can run tests and figure out whether he’s a clone. If we’re lucky, he might be willing to help us build a case against Masters.” Bruce was heading for the batmobile now. He needed to think. Either there was a clone of his son living in Illinois for the past seven years, or he had another son that had been free of the League.
            He isn’t sure which one would be better.
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b0ther · 8 months
i can still see it all (in my head)
lisa has always liked a challenge. this time, though, she just wants you to be easy.
pairing : lisa minci x reader (masculine pronouns. amab) rating : explicit, not safe for work (sexual content) type : one-shot tags : royalty-sorta!au. age-gap age-gap age-gap (older man and younger woman), reader is a general and a divorcee AND a dad (he also has a big dick),description of the length of reader's hair, porn with feelings, semi-public sex, cowgirl position, mating press, breeding kink, lisa gets manhandled by reader, there is an emotional scene at the end word count : 2208
author's note : title from 'daylight' by taylor swift. in my head, lisa just looks so good with an older guy,,, also this is a chance for you all to be the dilf you've always aspired to be. also note that i don't know at all about military hierarchies 💀 i really do be writing whatever
( masterlist │ ask/request │ ao3 )
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Lisa doesn’t know what to think of the new scout assigned to the library.
After bringing home a glistening victory for the crown, there was a couple of months where he was not seen until he once again reemerged in a ball celebrating the Crown Prince’s 17th birthday. Lisa did not see him fresh off battle, but she heard stories. Of his shagged face, hair overgrown to his chest.
She did, however, see him on the ball. And he was full of glory: dukes and duchesses scramble to part the sea of royalty for a man to whom they owe their lavish life to. His hair was trimmed at the appropriate length—just above his ears—and his face clean shaven.
Lisa finds it odd, though, how after that day, he lounges around her library—a gift from his King, she heard, to be dismissed of all duties relating to waging wars and protecting the city. It would be inane for the King to award him with less than whatever he wanted after the almost-decade-long battle cost him his handsome face and his obnoxious wife. It’s good for the King that he didn’t want much. Just for a quiet life of defending the palace instead of the city.
Lisa personally thinks that he should have asked for more; tranquillity does not erase the profound scar down across his left eye, after all. Even if it added to his allure. Even if Lisa spends her day daydreaming about running her fingers along its length.
So, instead of being the ravenous, cruel war general that he is rumoured to be on the battlefield, he sits with his leg crossed on top of a knee and reads thick volumes of exhausting diction and verities between the shelves of her library,
The first few weeks, Lisa greets him with a warm smile as she would do to everyone. She does not indulge herself in calling him sugary-sweet pet names—he was far older, after all, and way above her ranks. Dear lord, what would he think of her?—and instead, calls him General, not even daring to mutter the sound of his surname following it.
He is helpful to her. With his swords clanking against the stony floor, he would walk after her and grab the mountaining pile of books from her arms. Wordless. He then would place them on the higher shelves, ones that she could not possibly reach without the help of some wooden steps. He looks like he has the filing of the books and reports memorised like the back of his own hand—Lisa thought that she knows this library most, but he looks like he melts right into the scenery, like he is a part of the breathing, living room.
Once, he came into the library just in time to catch her wobbling body from crashing against the cold ground. Her careless feet had misstepped, and Lisa is certain that if he wasn’t there to catch her falling body, she would have died. And maybe it was her racing heart, or maybe it was the way his wide palms grabbed her skin, fingers digging into the flesh of her thigh and almost circling her waist, but on that day, Lisa decided that she must have him.
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She knows what to call him, now, when it’s just the two of them. A series of provoking “General” or “Baby”—even his given name, when she gets bold enough or if the night gets dark enough.
She would ride his cock, never really getting used to his size, as she pressed her palms against his stomach, mouth hanging open, drool spilling free, and her knees bruising from the friction against the stone underneath them. He’d call her all sorts of pretty names, cooing at how good his little librarian is milking his dick dry, thumb grazing over her perky nipples, jugs glistening with sweat.
Just as he would shoot his thick seeds up her womb, filling her hot cunt with strings of white juice, he would push himself to press their lips against each other, cursing at god at how perfect her pussy is for him.
She knows that he likes being on top—folding her in half with her scarred knees pressed against her tits. She has seen the way he licks his lower lips, watching the way sweat sticks her champagne hair to her face and chest, drilling into her tight hole with his thick length. He loves the way she rolls her eyes back whenever he hits her spot just right—loves feeling her warm walls wrapping around his dick, seeing her clenched cunt stuffed with his cream.
But he is too nice. He knows she chases that feeling of control whenever she pushes him back against the chair—or the floor—and rolls her hips. He lets her take control at times, just sitting there with his thumb rubbing against her sensitive bud, watching her body shudder at every wave of orgasm she gets just by him toying her clit. This isn’t what he is used to, she supposes, but Lisa can tell that he also enjoys the view of seeing her tits bouncing at every squeeze of his cock.
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Lisa thinks that she would make a fine wife.
She isn’t rowdy like his once-wife. She is quiet, sweet, charming. Her opinions are never uttered with such strength like the Marchioness, and she imagines that he would prefer keeping her close and showing her off.
But she is just a scholar, nothing more. She cannot give him the title that he must want, or the child that he already has.
The boy is a few years younger than the Crown Prince, and Lisa can see him in his son’s eyes. They are civil with each other, just as a father and a child of royalty would be. There are habits and quirks that she observes in his son when she tutors him—little patterns that are never engraved to someone like her.
If the Marchioness had been patient and not divorced the General, he would not have been holding Lisa the way he does now. And no matter how many times Lisa has ended the night with his cum up in her cunt, there are just some skeletons that she cannot resolve.
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Lisa often dreams about his tongue on her nipples. Her hard, hard nipples.
Just the feeling of his wet tongue rubbing, tugging, sucking on her teats. His low growl, his hungry looks. Just the thought of him catching her in his mouth is enough to make her cum most times. She starves for him, for his touch.
And she knows that he loves reaching over to knead on her tits, fascinated with her nipples as his cock is buried deep inside of her.
In his chamber, he would let her sit herself down his length, with her back pressed against his chest. He would rest his chin on her shoulder, and she would bury her nose amongst his greying hair, moaning at how he tugs at her nipples, rolling them between his calloused and thick fingers. His other hand would begin with caressing her other tit before making his way down to her belly, pressing down against her flesh. Then continuously trailing down, pressing his palm flat against her sopping pussy lips.
The friction of his palm against her clit would make her jolt. Lisa would claw at his big arms, silently begging for him to let her ride him, but he was too strong. She can’t fight his strength when he is holding her down.
“I’m getting older, Baby,” he mutters in her ear—his voice almost enough to send Lisa yipping through another orgasm. He sighs, pressing his nose and lips against her neck. “I’m tired. Be a good girl for me and sit still.”
And Lisa whimpers. Because she wants to be a good girl for him. She wants to be the best.
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Lisa doesn’t mind getting dicked down in her library. As long as it was his cock puncturing her little hole.
Though she complained that the library is the least comfortable place where they can fuck, it seems that he is interested in the notion of pounding mercilessly into her tiny cunt against her work desk, watching their cum mix and spill against the expensive mahogany.
“I’m gonna fuck a kid into you, Lisa,” he mutters, pressing his nails down her hips to the point where it hurts. Lisa whines, hands busy trying to grab the edge of her desk as her core pulsates even more with his threat. “Fill you up— shit,” he breathes as she clenches around his cock. He lifts her ass up, positioning her so that it’s easier to fuck into her hole. “Stuff you up with my hot cum. You’d like that won’t you?”
“Yes,” Lisa gasps in between her moans, her cries, her heaves. “Yesyesyes, please—”
Her cunt burns at his words, squeezing as he drags his length out, then piercing down her walls yet again. She can feel every girth, every veins of his cock. She can feel him opening her up, urging her to accommodate every single inch of him.
“Oh, Baby,” he grabs one of her arms, forcing her off her hands and against his chest. “You’re making me feel so good,” his voice trails the same time his hand goes to take hold of one of her tits.
Her throat dries. She lays her head on his shoulder as he kneads her ample jug, blabbering on and on about how she loves him and his big, big cock.
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Lisa thinks that she would make a fine mother.
She is smart, and her mother used to say that being smart is the one quality that is most important in a woman when she bears a child.
When she gets dressed, Lisa would more often than not hum before her mirror, rubbing her belly as though one of these days, he would really impregnate her with his seeds. She dreams of swinging, little baby feet; she dreams of propping her child on her chest with their chin against her shoulder. She would teach them how to read and write and count, and how to chart the countless stars in the night sky.
But her reverie would dissolve like smoke from her hot morning coffee, and she is dragged back into the world where in the eyes of everyone else, they are nothing more than colleagues.
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He isn’t mean. Lisa understands absolutely where he is coming from.
Even when he kisses her knuckles, lays with his head on her stomach, twirls her strands of hair around his fingers—she understands him. She absolutely does.
If she were in his position—in his mid 40s, tired from a long battle, is the father of a son he can barely see anymore—she would also feel his amount of shame in indulging in a younger woman. It’s not her—it is absolutely him. She senses that he wants to break free of his self-imposed chain and peck her cheeks in the royal garden instead of the strange, unseen nook of the castles, but an unseen rope tugs him back over and over again to his shame any moment he deems adequate to leave.
“Lisa,” he mutters one night when they are laying together, his head on her lap. She has a book on one hand as the other gently caresses his strands.
Lisa sets the book down, “Hmm?”
He has been staring at the ceiling, and Lisa waits until he feels as if he is ready to crank his neck. Their eyes meet—she marvels silently at the way moonlight reflects on his gaze. “I’m sorry.”
She titters, pretending to be dumb. “For what?”
He smiles at her laughter, his fingers escaping each other on his stomach before reaching out to find hers. He kisses the back of her hand. “I don’t know.”
Lisa shakes her head and feels the heat returning to her chest, throat, and ears. “You’re being silly again, General.”
“I am,” he sighs, shutting his eyes. “I’m getting old, aren’t I?”
“So am I.”
Lisa sits straight and looks down at him, fingers finding their way in between the spaces of his. She brings his hand closer to her lips to kiss. “You’re overthinking.”
“I am.” He pensively agrees, as though embarrassed.
“Everything is fine,” she tries soothing him with her head tilted. “Or am I not enough?” She gently teases.
“No,” he chuckles almost immediately. “You’re perfectly enough. You are more than enough. I am content with us, just like this.”
“Uh-huh,” Lisa nods. “Then why worry about something that is not even real?”
“I don’t know,” he turns to bury his face on her stomach, nuzzling his nose against her flesh. “Sorry.”
Lisa breathes in hard—a gust of wind from the open window suddenly reveals the perfect atmosphere for her to start crying. But she doesn’t. “It’s fine.”
He remains quiet with their hands tangled with each other. Lisa bites her lips, her other hand reaching to stroke his hair. She glances outside the window—the moon shines bright that night.
She will get through this. She breathes in deeply yet again, bending to press her lips to the side of his head. She has to.
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mixtape-racha · 9 months
beside you | hwang hyunjin
☆ part 4/8 of the 5 seconds of stray kids series ☆
words: 706 // warnings: long distance, idol!hhj on tour, hurt comfort
“my heart wants to come home, angel. i miss you.”
“oh, hyunie… i wish i was beside you.”
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the beeping of a facetime call on your computer startled you out of the book you were reading, grinning as you saw the name appear on the screen. finally, after a few long and draining days, hyunjin had a chance to call you for longer than 5 minutes.
it was hard when he was on tour, you were both such touchy and affectionate people that not being close really took its toll. not having him there to cuddle in bed after a long day, not having someone to laugh with at a stupid movie over dinner. it was tough, but so worth it. he loved his job and you’d never take that away from him.
you sat down quickly at your computer desk, a blanket wrapped around your shoulders before you accepted the call, the sight of your boyfriend appearing large across the screen. you grinned, the relief and pure joy on his face enough to have tears brimming in your eyes.
“hi, baby. missed you.” he smiled, his head rested on the pillow of his hotel bed as he laid down, taking in all of your appearance on his phone screen.
“missed you more, love.” you replied, reaching down to pick up kkami off the floor by your desk. “i think he’s missing you too. wouldn’t let me take your hoodie off the couch because he wanted to sleep on it.”
hyunjin cooed at that, his lips forming a pout as he took a screenshot of kkami snuggled into your chest.
“i miss my babies so much. it’s been too long, i need you both in my arms right now.”
“not much longer, pretty boy. then we’re all yours. every day of your break, we can spend cuddling or lounging around watching movies. anything your heart desires.”
hyunjin couldn’t hide his grin at your words, but it quickly faltered back into a pout. he sighed softly, hiding his face in his pillow which caused you to frown.
“what’s wrong, angel? talk to me.”
“i just–” he huffed, trying to carefully pick his words to get his point across effectively. “its tough. its shit, honestly. i miss you, and being away from you is so hard. i struggle sleeping without you, and even changbin’s sick of being my temporary cuddle buddy now.”
while he tried to make a joke out of it, you knew him better than anyone. you could see how exhausted he was, and not just physically. so, even though being across the globe stung, you had to be strong for him.
“hyunjin, listen to me, baby. its what– 2 weeks and 4 days until you come home. it’ll fly by, i promise. every day will be filled of seeing the happy faces of stays, and we’ll be at the airport to meet you the second you land. you’ve got this, my strong, beautiful, amazing boy, if not for anyone else, then for me and kkami.”
he nodded at your words, obviously taking them to the best of his ability. he knew you were right, after all, and you were always good at giving him confidence without dismissing his emotions. he was thankful for that.
“can we stay on the call until i fall asleep? might give me a chance of getting to sleep at a decent time.” he joked, a small smile reappearing on his face.
“of course, baby. anything for you.” you instantly responded, rooting around in one of your desk drawers for a book. “what about i read to you, hmm?”
he nodded erratically, making you laugh a little.
and so you did, reading him to sleep. you’d barely got 3 chapters in before his soft snores came through your computer speakers, which made you giggle softly. you pulled out your phone to snap a photo, before texting chan and asking him to keep an eye on hyunjin for you.
then you stared longingly at the screen for a moment, a smile gracing your lips.
“2 weeks, baby. i love you so much.”
then you hung up the call, getting up to potter around the apartment. if you kept yourself busy, the time would fly, you knew it. and before you knew it you would be reunited with your favorite boy.
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taglist: join taglists here @pretty-racha @skz-streamer @hyunjiins @backintomykpopphaseagain @demetrisscarf
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princesssarisa · 2 months
I'm now reading another of Heidi Ann Heiner's fairy tale collections. Sleeping Beauties: Sleeping Beauty and Snow White Tales from Around the World. Since I enjoyed Cinderella Tales from Around the World so much, I couldn't resist opening another of Heiner's books.
The first part of the book is devoted to the different international versions of Sleeping Beauty, the second part to the different versions of Snow White. This is followed by other tales of "sleeping beauties" that don't fit nearly into either category.
We start with the medieval Sleeping Beauty prototype tales from the 13th and 14th centuries.
*The earliest known prototype of the Sleeping Beauty story is the Norse and Germanic legend of Brynhild (a.k.a. Brunhild, Brunhilda, Brünnhilde, or other variations). This legend first appears in the Poetic Edda, the Prose Edda, and the Volsunga Saga from 13th century Iceland. It also appears in the German Nibelungenlied (although that version doesn't include the enchanted sleep), and its most famous modern adaptation is in Richard Wagner's four-opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen. The figure of Brynhild also inspired the Marvel superheroine Valkyrie.
**The Sleeping Beauty-like portion of the legend is this. The beautiful and strong-willed Brynhild is one of the valkyries, the warrior maiden servants (and in some versions daughters) of Odin (or Woden, Wotan, etc.) who preside over battlefields and bring the souls of fallen heroes to Valhalla. But Brynhild disobeys Odin by saving (or trying to save) the life of a warrior who was marked for death. (The man's identity, why he was meant to die, why she defends him, and whether she succeeds in saving him or not varies between versions.) As punishment, Odin banishes her to the mortal realm, pricks her with a "sleep thorn," and places her in a castle (or just on a rock) surrounded by a ring of fire, condemning her to sleep until a man brave enough to venture through the flames arrives to wake her and become her husband. (In some versions, she has attendants and servants who all sleep along with her.) Many years later, the fearless hero Sigurd, or Siegfried, succeeds in passing unharmed through the flames and wakes Brynhild by cutting off her valkyrie armor (or in later retellings influenced by Sleeping Beauty, with a kiss). The couple doesn't live happily ever after, however: their further adventures and eventual tragic fates are a story for another day.
**Even though it's a well-known fact that in "the original Sleeping Beauty stories," the prince (or his counterpart) impregnates the sleeping heroine and she wakes after she gives birth, no such thing happens in this earliest proto-version. If we assume that this really is the Western world's first tale of a heroine in an enchanted sleep, then it seems as if that sordid detail was a later addition.
*Next in Heiner's book come several medieval French Sleeping Beauty tales, mostly from Arthurian romances. These are the tales where we first see the motif of the heroine's love interest raping her in her sleep and fathering a child. Since few of them have ever been translated into modern English, the book simply summarizes them instead of printing them in full.
**The best-known of these stories, which most resembles Sleeping Beauty as we know it today, is the tale of Troylus and Zellandine from Le Roman de Perceforest, an Arthurian romance from 14th or 15th century France. In this tale, a knight named Troylus loves a princess named Zellandine. Then learns that while spinning, Zellandine has suddenly fallen into a deep sleep, from which no one can wake her. With the help of a spirit named Zephir and the goddess Venus, Troylus enters the tower where she lies and, at Venus's urging, he takes her virginity. Nine months later, Zellandine gives birth to a son, and when the baby sucks on her finger, she wakes. Zellandine's aunt now arrives, and reveals the whole backstory, which only she knew. When Zellandine was born, the goddesses Lucina, Themis, and Venus came to bless her. As was customary, a meal was set out for the three goddesses, but then the room was left empty so they could enter, dine, and give their blessings unseen; but the aunt hid behind the door and overheard them. Themis received a second-rate dinner knife compared to those of the other two, so she cursed the princess to someday catch a splinter of flax in her finger while spinning, fall into a deep sleep, and never awaken. But Venus altered the curse so that it could be broken and promised to ensure that it would be. When the baby sucked Zellandine's finger, he sucked out the splinter of flax. Eventually, Zellandine and Troylus reunite, marry, and become ancestors of Sir Lancelot.
***This tale provides some answers for questions that the traditional Sleeping Beauty raises. In the familiar tale, the king, the queen, and their court know about the curse, so why do they keep it a secret from the princess? Yes, they avoid upsetting her by doing so, but the end result is that when she finally sees a spindle, she doesn't know to beware of it. Why not warn her? And why is there a random old woman in the castle, spinning with presumably the kingdom's one spindle that wasn't destroyed, and why, despite living in the castle does she not know about the curse? (It's no wonder that most adaptations make her the fairy who cursed the princess in disguise.) Yet in this earlier version, there are no such questions: no one except the eavesdropping aunt knows about the curse, because it was cast in private, so no one can take precautions against it. Another standout details is the fact that Zellandine's sleep doesn't last for many years, and that the man who wakes her already loved her before she fell asleep. Disney didn't create those twists after all!
**The other medieval French Sleeping Beauty tales are Pandragus and Libanor (where Princess Libanor's enchanted sleep only lasts one night, just long enough for Pandragus to impregnate her), Brother of Joy and Sister of Pleasure (where the princess isn't asleep, but dead – yet somehow the prince still impregnates her – and is revived by an herb that a bird carries to her), and Blandin de Cornoalha (a knight who, refreshingly, doesn't impregnate the sleeping maiden Brianda, but breaks her spell by bringing a white hawk to her side).
*All of these early Sleeping Beauty tales are just one part of bigger poetic sagas. Maybe this explains why Sleeping Beauty is fairly light on plot compared to other famous fairy tales (i.e. we're told what's going to happen, and then it does happen, and it all seems inevitable from the start). Of course one argument is that it's a symbolic tale: symbolic of a young girl's coming-of-age, as the princess's childhood ends when she falls asleep and her adulthood begins when she wakes, and/or symbolic of the seasons, with the princess as a Persephone-like figure whose sleep represents winter and whose awakening represents spring. That's all valid. But maybe another reason for the flimsy plot is that the earliest versions of the tale were never meant to stand alone. They were just episodes in much longer and more complex narratives.
@ariel-seagull-wings, @adarkrainbow, @themousefromfantasyland
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au where at some point during their adventures in the upside down, steve gets left behind. trapped in the upside down and left to fend for himself until el manages to open another gate to get him out. and while he's in there, he finds a creature. or more accurately, a creature finds him. it's human...ish. it has a face, hair, same basic body structure (don't look below its naked waist, steve), even though as it approaches him it's clear that this thing is Unnatural in the way its joints bend and its eyes bore into him. steve's not quick enough to stop the thing from getting its fangs into him, too thrown off by its appearance, and as it pins him to the ground and he realises how much stronger it is, that he's not gonna be able to fight it off, he takes a moment to cringe at the fact that he's survived demogorgons and russians and god knows what only to get killed by something that looks like a naked nerd.
the thing doesn't kill him though. after a couple seconds attached to his neck, it pulls off. steve's light headed and definitely not in a position to get up and run off, but he's also definitely not dead. the thing stares at him for a second with its weird not-quite-human eyes, and then opens its bloody mouth. croaks out a 'stay' and walks off into the woods. steve's too weak to do anything but listen, and soon enough the thing is returning, dropping a dead baby demodog by his side with a hoarse command to eat.
and the thing keeps doing this, drinking steve's blood and then going out and hunting for him. the more he (yeah, steve lost that battle to keep his eyes above the guy's waist) drinks from steve the stronger his grasp on language gets, through some magical upside down bullshit that steve doesn't really care about, as long as it means he has some company in this hellscape and also explain that he can't eat raw demodog. apparently, steve tastes better than anything else in this dimension, so the vampire(?) has decided its in his own best interest to keep his new meal happy and healthy. steve's not gonna complain, and honestly the arrangement makes sense to him. the vampires considerate too, even if he doesn't understand human concepts like clothes or privacy while peeing. he makes the upside down bearable. steve's not sure if that's trauma bonding or stockholm syndrome or what, but he's glad of it anyway.
soon though (days? weeks? months?), el does it. she manages to open a gate. steve's about to step through, when the vampire grabs him, clearly doesn't want to let him go. steve looks at the gate, then back at him, then back at the gate, and thinks well. what the hell. and brings his new friend back home with him. introduces him to the party, and just narrowly manages to convince them not to stake him in the heart. teaches him the joys of showering (he's lost all self consciousness about nudity around this guy ages ago)((still kind of a weird moment when he insists steve be the one to soap him up, says he doesn't like how slippery the soap feels))(((says he doesn't like how the soap covers up steve's scent, how he has to press in real close to smell his blood beneath the lavender, and if steve has to try very hard not to moan when the vampire leans in close and noses along his neck to prove his point, that's steve's business)))
and most importantly, he breaks out the big book of baby names his parents had in the attic, goes through it name by name, reading each aloud to the vampire so he can find one he thinks suits him. the guy makes him go through the shortlist while looking at him, staring into each other's eyes while steve recites names like there's something in steve's face that he's looking for. and he must find whatever it is, because his dark, still not-quite-human eyes light up on the third name on the list. it's solid, suits him.
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theewokingdead · 11 months
The Princess Bride
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Pairing: Benny Miller x wife!Reader (1st Person POV; Benergy Universe) Summary: Benny always breaks into random movie references when you least expect it. Word Count: 800+ Rating: No rating but my blog is 18+ Warnings: Includes lines from The Princess Bride Notes: My husband said the Mosquito Montoya line today and it sparked a fic idea. As always, Benergy is a collection of one-shots so this can be read without having read anything else. ***If you enjoy this fic, please tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)***
Masterlist Benergy Masterlist
Having grown up in Colorado’s beautiful mountains, Benny loves being outside. So much so that sometimes he lets the outside in. Even in Florida’s sticky summer heat, Benny will leave the back door wide open behind him whenever he goes out onto the patio. I guess he figures there's no point in closing the door when he'll be back sometime between now and three hours from now.
He’s come in and out of the house at least a half dozen times in the past five minutes alone. A task as simple as grilling burgers for the four of us is turning into a hundred step process as first he forgets the spatula, then the cheese, and finally a clean plate to put the cooked burgers on. Then he suddenly decides he wants hot dogs as well.
And this man swears he doesn’t have ADHD.
A hot, humid breeze dances over my body as I stand at the sink, cleaning dishes I had let pile up. The AC unit rumbles in the distance, trying to fight off the heat creeping in, but it’s a losing battle. I've given up on reminding Benny to close the door.
Sophie, our youngest, isn't as agreeable. She's sitting at the kitchen island behind me, a coloring book and a box of crayons strewn in front of her. She whines, and when I turn toward her, I can see the tension building in her shoulders as her eyes seem to follow something around the room.
“A mosquito!” she screams. I have no idea how she's a product of Benny when she hates the outdoors, especially insects, so much.
I don’t immediately see whatever she sees, though I'm certain if our backyard wasn't covered with a screen, all of the state's wildlife would've snuck in by now. There could be a gator climbing up the wall for all I know. I’m honestly not surprised that a mosquito snuck through the netting and got into the house, but I really could not care less about playing bug catcher right now.
“It’ll be okay, baby,” I say, turning back to the dish in my hand. “If you don’t bother it, it won’t bother you.”
“But it will bite me,” she whines, squirming in her seat.
“I’ll get it in a minute, sweetheart,” I offer, hoping she’ll just forget about it and move on. “I promise it won’t bite you.”
“I don’t want it to bite me!” Sophie cries, growing more distraught. “No, no, no! Go away, mosquito!”
Exhaling sharply, I drop the dish in my hand into the sink and turn off the water. Following her gaze, I finally see the source of her fear. There, on a wall nowhere near where she is, is a housefly, minding its own business.
Knowing she won't stop whining until it's taken care of, I grab a swatter and kill it, leaving a black mark on the wall to deal with later. Better yet, I’ll make Benny clean it up, since he’s the one who invited all of nature indoors.
“There. Better?” I ask, turning to look at Sophie, hoping she's satisfied and will let me return to my task.
“Yay! You’re my superhero!” Sophie cheers, clapping and smiling giddily.
"Thank you, baby." I offer her a small smile before turning back to the sink
As soon as I return to washing the dishes, Benny walks into the kitchen, a plate full of cooked food in one hand and a dirty spatula in the other.
“Hello. My name is Mosquito Montoya,” he says with the worst Spanish accent, and I can just sense him pointing the spatula at me. “You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Sophie squeals with laughter, finding anything and everything her father does entertaining. If anything, she’s always encouraging him.
I go still, staring blankly at the wall in front of me. Sometimes I cannot believe the things that come out of his mouth.
“I swear to god I’m leaving,” I say, shutting off the water and reaching for a towel to dry my hands. He’s been in a playful mood all day and I’m just over it – well, not really, but I can’t let him know that. He’s incorrigible. “I am running away and never coming back.”
“You keep saying that,” Benny says. He drops back into the Spanish accent and adds, “I do not think it means what you think it means.”
“Jesus Christ,” I say, tossing the towel onto the counter. I throw my hands in the air, feigning defeat. “I'm done.” I walk out of the kitchen, shaking my head and biting my lip to hide the laughter. He might be annoying as hell at times, but he’s hilarious - I just can’t let him know it.
“True wuv will fowow you foreva,” Benny quotes, following closely behind me.
“Oh my God! Stop!” I exclaim, laughter creeping up in my voice. I pretend to cover my ears.
“So tweasure your wuv!” he exclaims.
“Never!” I shout, but I'm quickly breaking into giggles while trying to escape him.
“Get back, witch!" Benny finally exclaims between laughs. He reaches out and grabs my wrist, spinning me around and pulling me into a kiss before I can protest further. As his lips touch mine, everything else melts away. I surrender to the pleasure, a soft moan escaping my lips as I kiss him back with more intensity.
After a moment, I push him away, and he stares at me in confusion.
“I’m not a witch, I’m your wife,” I say, and his lips immediately twist into a more mischievous smile. He knows that I almost always go along with his nonsense. “And after what you just said, I’m not even sure I want to be that anymore.”
“You never had it so good,” he replies, bringing me in for another kiss.
I can’t argue that.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Please, Hold Me.
Vi x Reader
Author note: This is a realistic description of a dissociative episode. This does NOT have to do with Dissociative Identity Disorder, just dissociation. This can be triggering so read at your own discretion.
Warnings: Traumatized Reader, Dissociation (not DID), C-PTSD, feeling out of body, emptiness, Vi comforts the reader, crying, comfort items
Summary: You dissociate without realizing it until you’re spiraling into it and have to care for yourself. Vi is there to remind you that you’re not alone and keep you grounded.
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The room felt like it was spinning when you looked up from the book you were reading. It took you a moment before you realized that you felt strange. You looked around the living room, trying to make a sense of your surroundings, but it wasn’t connecting in your mind. Confused, you stand up and the feeling gets worse.
You take a few steps, noticing that it felt like your body was moving on its own. You suck in a sharp breath when your mind starts to feel spacy. ‘I’m dissociating.’ You think, your thoughts feeling a little far away. ‘I need to go shower. I need to shower and get into bed. I need to get somewhere I feel safe.’ You chant to yourself, doing just that.
You step into the shower, but even the hot water doesn’t register in your mind. You look down to see your body still moving, but you could have sworn you shouldn’t be. ‘Get out. Get out. Get out of the shower, Y/n. Come on. Get out of the shower.’ You convince yourself to move, stepping out and wrapping the towel around you. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the foggy mirror, you confirm that you’re dissociated from the vacant look in your eyes.
That encourages you to hurry to your room, drying yourself off as quickly as possible. You don’t put any clothes on, too concerned about getting underneath the covers. Your comfort blanket and stuffie is already waiting for you, so you crawl into bed and squeeze your eyes shut. You hear the front door unlock as you do, Vi calling out your name to announce that she’s home. You want to respond, but you feel so out of it that you can’t.
Vi comes to the room, a worried expression on her face when she sees you curled up in a position she knows all too well. She doesn’t say a word, choosing to take out the weighted blanket and laying it over you.
“I’ll be back after a quick shower.” Vi whispers, kissing your cheek and you nod. You’re not sure how much time passes but Vi slides into bed next to you. She pulls you into her arms, not caring that you’re clutching onto your stuffie.
“I’m here, baby.” Vi murmurs, tightening her grip on you, “I’m here. It’s okay.” You blink and suddenly you feel your eyes sting as tears threaten to fall. You can feel the pressure from her hug, the heat from her skin and smell the body wash she uses. Even though you feel so far away, there was something about this that made you feel so small. A whimper leaves your lips as the first tears fall and you snuggle closer to her.
“That’s it.” Vi kisses your head, “I’m here. See? You’re still here. You’re safe, baby girl. You’re safe. You’re at home and in my arms.” She squeezes you, rubbing your back to provide some comfort. She kept whispering to you as you cried into her chest, rocking you back and forth to soothe you.
“Please- Please hold me.” You choke out through your sobs, “Please.”
“I am, baby. I am.” Vi responds, pulling you impossibly close. If she could, you knew she’d pull you into her own body. Anything she could do to bring you relief from the entrapment of your own mind. It broke her heart to see you this way, but she’d always be there for you when you needed her.
Your sobs slowed down until you were breathing easy. From the way you tried to get even closer to her, Vi knew you were falling asleep, worn out from your own mind.
“I love you, Y/n.” Vi whispers, stroking your hair, “Don’t forget that.”
“I love you, too.” You whisper, “I’m sor-”
“-Shhh. Don’t. I’ll do this every day if it means I get to love you.” Vi cuts you off, “I love you. Trauma and all.” You smile to yourself as you fall asleep. Vi would never understand how much she really meant to you in moments like this.
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