#so i cant even imagine what it was like for this ghost to haunt u through so many people around u so strongly
darrengrave · 9 months
Absolutely fascinating social phenomenon that every year on sept 11 following 2001 for YEARS we replayed extremely graphic footage of the event all day in schools with little to no actually teachable context for the students who were too young to remember it, unintentionally creating these odd aftershocks of trauma for people who weren't alive for it.......compared to today where the hot topic in school is banning books deemed """"inappropriate"""" for kids
Another fascinating phenomenon I've noticed just this year is that lot of people too young to remember for some reason seem absolutely SHOCKED that yes we actually did see everything happen live in front of our eyes as it happened and remember it clear as day, which fascinates me because I know a lot of them are old enough to have experienced the first phenomenon and if anything I would have thought we're MORE plugged into catastrophe as it happens with social media and cameras in every pocket on every street around the world. The only thing I can think of is we lost that unity in broadcast journalism and now they can't wrap their heads around it??
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hajihiko · 2 years
Seeing as ghost are canon in danganronpa, how do you feel about Junko ghost AUs where she haunts the remnants or first game survivors?
It is almost literally my favourite narrative take (tight behind found family / they love each other) I am SO about it you have no idea. It's the tastiest I go nuts
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grendelsmilf · 6 months
ur post was abt physical illness alone so maybe this is over the line or irrelevant but would u say dementia also falls under that category of illnesses young ppl r glib about bc it wont affect them anyways. also i agree w u so much on the lack of imagination bit ive been thinking a lot abt it also since i was diagnosed w lupus n imo most healthy / young ppl technically know that they will age and their bodies will ‘fail’ them (they think it will happen later rather than sooner as u said) n they will die but they dont really believe it / cant imagine it. ig nothing makes death a concrete reality like being told u have substantially less time than everyone else😭 (so sorry btw for how long this got)
yes i think this is a very salient point/response to my post. just as people cannot truly envision a certain kind of pain unless they have experienced themselves, it is difficult to confront your own mortality, as ubiquitous as it may be for us, without actually having to concretely confront it. the ephemerality of the body and of the soul is both universal and omnipresent, and completely foreign to us as we try to avoid and/or transcend it in our society. even when it is blatant and unavoidable, such as during a global pandemic, people who are not overtly affected by health and morality risks still attempt to skirt around the issue for their own comfort. the disabled and/or elderly are categories that, unless you belong to them, can be discarded for the sake of insulating oneself in a happy little bubble, because their proximity to this terrifying ephemerality is discomforting, and should thus be shunned to the fringes of society, dichotomized in a false binary that posits the young and healthy as ontologically opposed to the old and sick, as if these distinctions are not simply traits that all affect the same body.
at the end of the day, everyone wants to be spared the suffering that is almost surely inevitable as a consequence of being human. everyone foolishly dreams that against all odds they will be the one to live forever, to achieve eternity (as they say in utena). and the knowledge that this is simply not possible, that we are bound to suffer and die even if we have yet to, haunts us, because how could it not? those privileged few who can still bury their ghosts out of their field of vision are understandable in their myopia, because what lies beyond their safe little room is a gaping maw beckoning to swallow them whole, just as we have been consumed. but they do not know that with time, we too learn to find comfort as we navigate the gory innards of this cold, uncaring animal. we learn to make a room for ourselves all over again, perhaps less safe, but certainly wider.
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theloversclubhouse · 3 years
incorrect losers club quotes as things my friends and i have said pt. 4
stan: i will blast sweater weather till i die.
bill: have fun with that
mike at bev: REMEMBER WHEN U TOLD EDDIE THAT OLAF DIED AND HE GOT SO MAD AND IM LIKE “cant y’all mfs just fuckin build him back?”
stan: i’m gonna die and haunt u all.
stan: see this is the exact reason why i’m haunting you first.
mike: can we make a poop army
bill: we already are one
bill when pennywise blames him for georgie’s death: AND HOW IS IT MY FAULT SWINGS HEAD AND STARES
ben: people are getting more of like- what do you call it-
stan: stupid.
richie: i remember i spilled all the food at the wedding AND I FLIPPED THE FOOD WITH ME FLIPPING WITH IT AND BEV U DIDNT HELP ME AT ALL
bev: it’s not my fault you don’t know how to walk.
stan: istg if richie tries to even fucking talk to me or just tries to breathe the same air as me i will back hand slap him and throw him into a dumpster
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firebuug · 2 years
for the weird questions for writers thing: obligatory 6 9 4 and 20 bc funny. but for like actual questions 17 and 18
do not test me i will answer them all. my answers r below the cut LOL
6. What is your darkest fear about writing?
tbh? that people read it and go “oh. uh. this is uh. cringe” or that they totally read it thru the wrong lens. like if someone looked at a piece where i poured my inner anxieties and feelings into and they went “wow so they just wanted this character to be whiny for a sec huh.” bc tbh in the end ya thats what it is its a silly character saying funny thing but also like i never ever do that. if i do that and SHOW U that writing then i am trusting you with my life and my cringe and my life essence a—
also just being obviously inexperienced lol. i dont write professionally and dont intend to its just for funzies but am still self conscious anywayz
9. Do you believe in ghosts? This isn’t about writing I just wanna know
yes ever since i was little i tried to let any ghost who may live in my house know i am its friend by sticking my foot out before bed and promising i wouldnt tell anyone if they could read my mind. my aunts had a haunted house and they went full investigator mode and somehow came to the conclusion it was their relative who wanted a last birthday party, so they threw a party for the ghost and all poltergeist activity stopped in their house
also related to writing but my friend’s WIP rn is literally titled He Doesn’t Believe In Ghosts
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
ive been writing the word Prestidigitation a lot bcuz dnd and i fucking HATE THAT WORD i cant even pronounce it i hate it die die die. also medival or mideival or whateve rthe fuck its spelled i hate that word
20. If a witch offered you the choice between eternal happiness with your one true love and the ability to finally finish, perfect, and publish your dearest, darlingest, most precious WIP in exactly the way you've always imagined it — which would you choose? You can’t have both sorry, life’s a bitch
. ok so im not a big writer so the only wips ive got goin on are a self indulgent band au psychoanalysis piece, a hypothetical comic con murder mystery and the forever cancelled zombie apocalypse story i wrote from elementary to middle school w my ocs. and tbh i would kill to see the comic con murder mystery completed just to read it myself so i would take that offer. but also it isnt a WIP but if i could have that witch rewrite the juggernaut event for me as the epic cinematic arpg video and writing combination thing i pictured it as id give her my life
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
UM um well. i dont have any plot for murder mystery and my band au is just. oc story that i can ramble about whenever but . my zombie apocalypse was the funniest shit. i played this for serious and i love how apeshit my imagination was back then. the lore was that a zombie virus happened bc the ceo of an evil company’s fail brother locked himself underground on accident and in the period which he was stuck in there tried to make himself a friend. but it corrupted and became a zombie and killed him and escaped. and the world got so bad that the scientists found a planet and named it Earth 2 and everyone got on there except for a bunch of everyday average people including our cast. and now. they r forced to survive. i published it frequently on deviantart journals and still have it on my google drive, sometimes i used to read it to get inspired to make apeshit stories for fun, but i havent in a while
8. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
does. does this mean like a snippet from my own writing? UHH a lot of my writing is oc stuff that i work into their stories but let me try and pull up something old that actually has a chance of having backstory to it HAHAJK
ok all i found was this from a Splatoon writing which i thot was funny because of the context of Buggy seeing a totally abandoned, empty subway station and still INSISTING on not hopping the ticket scanner or whatever. help. like i dont have any commentary i just wanted u to see this. :
“Just hop over it,” he remembered Skuggy telling him, “nobody cares.” Buggy felt too bad about it, though, and got him to lend him his old card anyways. He reached into his pockets for the said card and stuck it into the slot. The little dusty screen on top of the gate showed a little spinny loading circle before a light shone green and he was let in.
whatever. anyways instead ill spit fun fax about the juggernaut story writing event arpg thing bc i um. i um. i . i. i . @im-hiding22 its bad compared to my writing now but it was sillyfun
- i did not actually intend for buggy to kill farrow i intended for it to be a fake-out and for farrow to scramble to life right when the juggernaut approached or whatevs. but when all my friends went insane like he did die i thought “wouldnt it be funny if he died fr”
- i was intending on mendel to be the first death under the jugg’s hands because itd be cool for the creation to get revenge in its creator and for the story to be everyone trying to fix mendel’s mistakes themselves and possibly bring him back. but i could not imagine anything thatd reverse his mistakes in a satisfying way so i scrapped and rewrote it
- literally only wrote the stupid loredump radio broadcast cuz i had finished reading the nightvale novel
- 80% of the most fun i had from that and the most story-impacting decisions came from my friends sending asks, and seeing my friends actively wanting to participate and speculate on something i was writing was literally the most touching thing i have ever felt in my life. im reliving that high by running a dnd campaign in which now i can focus on telling my friends’ stories and intertwining them with my own
ok bye. this was 3 years long, im giving you a brownie if you read this far because youre incredible! all of the old writing i posted here can be found under the ;writing hashtag which will be tagged here :D if u. ever wanna see cringe splatoon or town of salem oc fanfic LOLL
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x9
Thoughts While Watching
Spoiler Alert!!
Aw no poor bess. AW PLATANCHOR ACE! Oh besties so cute. Poor bess oh no
Odette coming through with the pessimistic vibes about the day. Me. Always. “Nickolas” HAHAH Odette please. She’s so sassy. “No I’m not au-revoiring, you are.” Nick pls. GEORGES TATTOOS- George is gonna die omfg. Pls Nick is the only logical one here. OF COURSE IT WAS GONNA GET STOLEN YOU PUT IT IN YOUR DAMN LOCKER.
oh it’s probably Gil, not Grant. Sorry I thought you were a murderer grant. NOT THE PIE. why’d ace sound so sad about the pie. TELL ME STONER BOY DIDNT SNITCH.
AW ACE THE LIL FLOWER. “Aw Ace I’m so happy for you :) now I’m gonna die :)”. I think that Grant is an informant or something.
Sassy thief bad boy, I like. But I also don’t bc he’s tryna kill george. PROTECTIVE NICK! Detective Nick 😏. OH ACEMANDA, okay. Ohh
Okay wait I kinda feel bad for Gil. But mans is still going to end george. Oh Nick is v hot okay. Protective Nick. I love him. And Gil is kinda noble despite the whole killing george and theft thing ngl.
Carson coming thru. Of course, king Carson thanks babe. “Ok can GEORGE weigh in?” Pls george you’re funny.
BESS OMG WHAT R THOSE? TONGS? Carson and Bess moment funny. “Are you alright?” He sounds so fine with it but also so concerned. AW CARSON FATHERING BESS TOO PLS I LOVE HIM. The Drew Crew is now Carson’s Crew Of Baby Ducks.
Okay I mean at least Amanda didn’t spill. She’s so pretty too!!! Okay but I kinda like the bobseys ngl. Sorry guys. Gil is also very hot. I bet their mom either isn’t dead or is gonna show up as a ghost?? Okay but I feel bad for them no. Oh do I smell an Acemanda scavenger hunt?
Oh is that b dead? No nvm they’re still breathing. OH GIL JUST DIPPED. Patience impaired- MOOD. OH THAT WAS HOT “wasn’t this more fun than picking a lock” WOAH THERE BUCKO. YEAH BUT WOAH.
“Am I crying too loud” BESS IS A MOOD. Aww Carson is trying to distract her, please omg. Dad Carson is so cute. LAWYER BESS, LAWYER BESS.
HE STASHES THINGS BESIDE THE POLICE STATION- WHAT?! I love that. Acemanda could be cute though? Maybe? Idk I need to decide if I can share.
ODETTE IS BACK. Nick is so over it. WHY IS SHE SO SALTY ABT BEING STUCK IN GEORGE LMFAO. PLS “granite, limestone. Be done with it” ODETTE I CANT. She’s outta pocket. “Oh, well. Odette called me an idiot.” PLS NICK AND ODETTE ARE SO FUNNY.
Oh it’s just drawings, I thought it was a body. Poor Gil :( wait I actually feel bad. Ok I’m here for Gil but he’s pissing me off with this whole shroud thing. DONT KILL GEORGE, U HOE. Mommy’s ghost is boutta show up. NO WAIT WHAT IF SHE WAS KILLED BY A GHOST. she totally was. HAHA nancy got caught. I laugh but that was awkward.
KILLED BY GHOST, OBVIOUSLY. “We’ve heard great things about your restrooms.” PLS. Ace knowing nothing about art. NANCY ITS UNKOWN THEYRE OBVS NOT GONNA HAVE THE NAME.
Dad Carson aw. Pls besties Bess and Carson. AWWW THERE WASNT EVEN A HEARING. Carson should just adopt the entire Drew Crew. LAWYER BESS! LAWYER BESS! I WANT LAWYER BESS! Dad Carson please adopt me too. REASSURANCE. I LOVE.
“Technically they sold it to nick” “What?” PLS NICK/ACE IS SO FUNNY TO ME. besties are so funny. SHES NOT DEAD I TOLD YALL SHES NOT DEAD. IF GEORGE DIES I WILL RIOT.
GIL YOU NEED TO CHILL. SIR. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT. DONT DO IT. Oop Nancy is already there. SHES STILL ALIVE I TOLD YOU GUYS. please poor Gil. Aw, I feel so bad. She was definitely actually being haunted, but I digress. No please poor Amanda. “Why would she tell you but not me?” HIS VOICE GOT SO SMALL. TWIN MOMENT. okay but Amanda coming thru for the Drew Crew. WOOHOO GIL REDEMPTION!
“Cheer up Boss.” IF BESS DOESNT KEEP CALLING NICK BOSS ILL BE UPSET. “There’s still an old timey French lady living in my girlfriend.” AW OMG. ODETTE NO-
GEORGE NO. NONONO. oh thank god nick and Bess got there. Bess coming through with the lawyering. Nice. Bess crashing and burning here. “If you do this to george I wont have to imagine it. George deserves to live.” NICK- FANSON- CRYING. CRYING. OMFG HE LOVES HER. NICK I LOVE YOU. FANSON. HUG HUG HUG SWEET CUTE WOW. tag yourself, I’m bess crying in the background.
Nancy and Ace- “says the guy dating his twin sister” HE GAVE HER HIS HOODIE. I AM JEALOUS NGL. I’m very immersed in this, don’t Judge me. NOT THE BANANA CREAM PIE, NANCY PLS. oh they’re holding hands???
Acemanda on the boardwalk, the writers are stealing my ideas, smh. See: The Dumpster Fire I Call Life (linked below) OMG “I only need one” THAT WAS VERY CUTE AND I HATE IT. PLS STOP. JEALOUSY. CUE MR. BRIGHTSIDE- TPAIN SANS LE T- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. ITS HIS BROTHER?! DO I SMELL FRANK HARDY?
Sister’s Thoughts:
“Why is Ace dressed like a fifth grader?” (It was the blue jacket with the green zipper that made her think that lmao)
“I’m just me, without any secrets,” Carson said.
“Except for your secret boyfriend.” My sister is the number one Caryan shipper.
“Aw Nick is the ghost possessing your girlfriend bullying you? Poor muffin.”
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darksber · 3 years
I was really hoping to just use the fact that work is keeping me too busy to explain why I feel so sad and tired and dejected and alone and invisible all the time but like work has been fine actually?? I feel like I'm mostly just going through yet another identity crisis and existentialism so much I feel so detached from my body like I can't even FEEL being where I am. every time I realize who I am and what I do and what my place is in this world--or what my place isn't--it just makes me feel like I'm living in another skin or like I need to leave myself bUT I FUCKING CANT!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to blame it on this pandemic for forcing me to live with myself more but also like on the other hand it’s a good thing that it happened because I DO know who I am more but at the same time it comes with the doubled edged sword part of realizing that who I am is so f u c k e d  i n  t h e  h e a d.
why do my irl/online friends put up with me??? like I just don't get it anymore. I hate myself so much because I literally don't do anything worth remembering or celebrating or its not special like I just can't see it. I'm always gonna see myself pitted against the world or other ppl and it just feels literally so impossible to convince myself otherwise that I'm????? special????? idk
I can't bring myself to gif anymore without it feeling like a chore. t and if I do gif its bc I can't escape some sense of obligation to my followers/ppl to make sure they don't hate me for not creating/creating bad stuff. its stupid I know but imagine how much I hate feeling like it for being a creative person. the notes/recognition/imposter syndrome is bigger than itself now too. it’s everything that comes with being a creative person, and then some. I could just quit my job already bc I know I'm just gonna fuck something up eventually. i don't like talking to anyone in person/online anymore bc it just triggers my social anxiety and that itself makes me feel small and unimportant and invisible. like I have to say something funny or memorable for ppl to like me enough to want to stay. feels like every insecurity I've had since high school is just coming back to haunt me. like anything that comes out of my fucking mouth is pointless and it just makes me think of all the times I hung out with my (irl) friends and like why do I even bother being there. like what's the point. like what's the point of me being there. . I'm talking to this really too sweet/nice of a guy on this dating app I met and like every time he says something nice I feel like fucking crying and ghosting him bc like eventually he’ll just find out how fucked up I am and I literally can't do that to him it’s so unfair. I drink almost every night now, even during when I work. 
I know some of you have seen some of my more concerning posts and just wanted to say I've read the messages ppl have sent me and I just wanna keep them in my inbox for rainy days cuz they're just too kind like I'm so bad at taking compliments so I know I sound like a broken record to those of u who’ve reached out to me. 
it’s like the more ppl try to convince me to see the way they see things, the more I just want to disappear just to prove them wrong. my real question is how do you not exist anymore without ppl remembering you did. I don't know what went wrong with me. feel like I'm on autopilot 
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raisinchallah · 3 years
ok u know the almost round about evidence for the fact haunting of hill house is super gay is that the 1963 movie the haunting which i just watched for fun and curiousity so clearly and specifically heterosexualized all the gayest parts except theo who was too gay to contain and so they made her kind of a meaner person and kinda obsessed with eleanor lol but like the backstory of the house that the like feud between these two sisters that was honestly easy to assume was just blatant homophobia the younger sister harassing her older sister who lived in the house with her female "companion" to death and harassing the poor companion even after her sisters death because the older sister left the house to her companion instead of her horrible sister and they changed it to just be a single child and her companion was strictly a caretaker in her old age who like let the poor old woman die cuz she was busy making out with a man which is like honestly incredible extremely funny actually im obsessed go take out every hint of gay subtext u can and then they made eleanor straight and homophobic!! she calls theo natures mistake my god... and then like had a similar progression of her relationship with theo in the novel just swapped for the dr.. like so many of the beats are the same like that she feels more comfortable and at home like she belongs and starts getting implied romantic feelings for the dr in the movie and even only use the journeys end in lovers meeting line only once in the whole movie just when she sees him when in the novel its both something she repeats often but is pointedly said when she arrives at the house but also when she first meets theodora and again she feels the most strongly connected to theo and opens up both to her and well the house like the clear theme of repressed desire is constant in the book and movie but the object of desire is different they even like have her final breaking point being when she realizes they have lives outside of her and partners and cant just be with her.. when theo says she has a "roommate" and cant just live with eleanor and she realizes how fleeting her community and belonging are and then when the drs wife shows up in the movie like its fascinating how much they like copied from her relationship with theo in the book like too many beats that were moved over to eleanor and the dr to be a coincidence like ok u saw it was gay too huh you know eleanor was into theo thats why u made her kinda mad and weirded out by theo a lot in the movie and all the subtext was concentrated in the only character too gay to stop lol truly interesting god what id do for a proper long explicitly gay adaptation created by women that also i think leaves the nature of the supernatural stuff more up to imagination like truly i think it was super weird and disappointing that the drs wife ended up getting captured by the house so explicitly and wasnt like a clear parody of people who like concise explicit answers to their ghost stories and full explanations of whats going on like how she was trying to contact spirits and heal them and was also completely unaware of the actual supernatural phenomenon was suuuuuch a great angle and i really missed that cuz idk so much horror likes to show its hand too much or explain too deeply and i love that its so deconstructed in hill house
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sargentr · 4 years
my fave drarry fics of all time, part one
so, after discovering i’ve officially been reading drarry fanfic for 4 years now, i decided to show my (quite big) list of favorite drarry fics. there are 46 in total, but i’ve listed 10 down below. the first three are my absolute favorites but the rest are equally as good
most of my notes are fresh from when i wrote them post-reading. i’ve changed some, seeming less like a crazy unstable bitch, but fuck these were all emotional as fuck. enjoy
ps: i dont really know how to tag people i dont follow. i cant try and tag the authors later. soz!!
pps: most of these i read when i was really into a bottom!draco phase, so most of them contain that, some are switch tho (as it should be, yikes past me)
1. Everything That Happen is From Now On / ~43K 
After surviving a brutal assault, Draco tries to navigate the tumultuous waters of his mind, and embrace a bit of love and trust in his life. After all, the smallest steps forward can begin to heal the most fractured of souls
okay so before i get in to how beautiful this story is, i wanna say that it does touch on rape quite explicitly. i cried like an idiot reading the entire thing, because draco’s pain is navigated in the most beautiful and realistic way. it touches on a subject very risky for me, very personal, and i still can’t think of a better drarry story. draco’s very draco about it all, and harry is very harry about it all. it’s just perfect, and messy, and tender, and sad. i’ve reread it more than any other fic, and it doesn’t disappoint. 
2. Pocket Full of Starlight / ~46K
When Scorpius Malfoy and Jamie Potter meet at Quidditch camp, they take an instant dislike to each other. Then they discover their lives are more connected than they could possibly imagine.
ah yes. the magic of kid fics. the TASTE
parent trap au. i read this one recently, like 3 months back, and absolutely fell in love with everything about it, partially because the parent trap is legit one of my top 10 favorite movies of all time. its just. the essence, the IDEA, is soooo mf beautiful. i cant get enough of reading when harry or draco finally meet the other twin, or how they cant stop loving each other even after 11 years. my heart clenched throughout the whole thing. 
3. Temptations on the Warfront / ~180K
Draco Malfoy is forced into hiding with the Golden Trio and dragged into their search for horcruxes. What ensues is a journey of redemption, unexpected friendships and an unwanted, turbulent romance with Harry Potter. Warnings for swearing, sexual content, and dark themes. 
this was the first drarry fic ive ever read, and before this mf i HATEDDD this pairing. so you can imagine how much it took to convince me otherwise, bc i was 100% scorbus before this.
to be fair, horcrux hunting with draco involved is, possibly, my favorite trope ever. its unique. theres tension, both sexual and life threatening. in some ways it romanticizes the war, but fuck it it aint a real war. 
slowest of burns. amazing. life changing. long as hell. nothing else to be said except read it right now i demand it.
4. Clouding the Senses / ~58K
As everyone returns to Hogwarts for a final eighth year, some people are coping better with the aftermath of the war than others. After encountering a very drunk Draco Malfoy one night, Harry realises that maybe those that lost loved ones aren’t the only ones trying to escape the war. Blaise Zabini seems to think Harry can help Malfoy, that the Slytherin might actually listen to him. Harry is not so sure. Dependence is a tricky thing, and one addiction can quickly shift to another.
everyone that reads drarry loves 8th year fics, but this ones just kinda different from all those normal (yet entertaining) ones. draco’s an alcoholic in this, and one night harry tries to help him and whoops, one thing leads to the other and they start having casual sex. its really, really amazing how both draco and harry navigate the addiction, i really cant say it has any flaws. 
i know the author got a lot of hate on their fics and thats why they took them down, but they’re truly one of the best drarry authors out there. i’ve reread this a couple of times, and the tenderness, the love and confusion is all very on character. a+
5. Restraint / ~153K
Someone casts the Imperius curse on Draco Malfoy, and whatever the instructions may be, Harry finds himself an unwilling target. The encounter leaves him torn between pleasure and revulsion. As they fight in the aftermath, a tense game begins. Harry fights to convince Malfoy, and himself, that he was not affected by that initial encounter, or any of those following it.
Faced with a series of escalating encounters, Harry must come to terms with desiring things he never thought he could, things he wishes he didn’t respond to. They each use signs of arousal as weapons against each other in a mad struggle to finally shame the other into backing down for good. 
But it’s only after the game is over that Harry starts to understand.
this is by the same author of clouding the senses, and i read this just this week. at first, it’s shocking, because it plays around with consent in a very unsettling way. when communication comes in, and its starts getting healthier, you can really understand where the author found the idea of playing with consent. it is, in my opinion, 100% characteristic of how they would behave post-war, with that grief and confusion. it’s also dom/sub in some parts, and that’s mf hot. 
it also has my favorite tropes in it, but it’s a spoiler to say which one. i’ll probably mention the trope in the list along with a bunch others, but when u finish reading you’ll know which one ;)
6. Humbug / ~30K
Draco has been taking his casual relationship with Harry for granted. Visits from four key ghosts the night before Christmas just might shake up his priorities in life.
(felt like it was valid to just paste what i wrote in my notes app after reading this)
(FUCKKKKKK HOW TO EVEN START?!!!?? just a fucking bonus, draco is THE best bottom o ever exist i love my bottom son so much. this story isnt only amazing it’s excruciatingly painful to read, harry and draco have been sleeping together but harry is completely in love with him. draco doesnt see how much harry cares for him or how much hes hurting harry by treating their fling like its just that, a FLING. with that, draco is haunted by three ghosts. one of the past, the present and the future, AND THEY SET THAT IDIOT STRAIGHTTTT 1800000/10. the gays DO KEEP MF WINNING!!!
7. in your arms, rests my world / ~24K
Harry presses his mouth to Malfoy's forehead; he wants to tell him that he’ll never leave, that he wouldn’t dream of it.
“You make me feel safe, Potter” Malfoy whispers. “You keep me safe.”
the friends with benefits trope doesnt ever disappoint, top 5 tropes fr, especially if its also 8th year. harry and draco get into their little thing, but of course nothing ever is simple between them. by the preview, you can clearly see how much draco likes harry (also another 10/10 trope, the ‘i’ve been in love with harry potter since i was 11′ one). my only tiny issue with this is that harry fucks it up just a tad, but it of course adds up to the drama of it all, which i absolutely love.
noting it also touches on non-con/rape and, and all in all, is extremely angsty. one i was tense from beginning to end. but i am gonna say it ends amazingly and v happily.
8. Playing the Hero / ~29K
Nobody kissed me like Harry did. He kissed like he flew; he kissed like he duelled - with his whole being, not caring about anything else. I had never felt as vulnerable as I did when he kissed me, seizing all and any control I had over myself. But when Harry kissed me, I felt free...
so the thing about angst is that it ignites that mf feeling side u that even tho it hurts you cannot get enough of. this fic was EVERYTHINGGG. it made cry and laugh and smile. also another trope i absolutely adore is them breaking up and not being 100% ok with that, bc ding ding!! YALL STILL LOVE EACH OTHER!! 
i cant describe how i felt, honestly. i would just paste my notes (i wont bc spoilers) but it looks like i went thru sum shit. deadass
9. fine i’ll hold my breath / till i forget it’s complicated  / ~ 15K with the two parts
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
u know, fluff is a drug. i dont know if its beucase 90% of drarry fics are about angsty get-togethers, but i had butterflies in my stomach when i read this. its adorable. draco is so clearly in love, he jusT SMILES A LOT I CANTTT. 
its cute. i love it to death. have some fluff before starting your day.
10. Un Noël très parisien / ~14K
When Draco crossed paths with Auror Potter at a political function in Paris, he was not expecting their former animosity to change into something rather more intriguing. But he could be certain their casual flirtation would not last more than the night, couldn't he?
look. i know i named a lot of my favorite tropes here, but i cant end this without mentioning how much single dad draco affects me. i love scorpius and how much he changes draco in every fic he appears. i love parent draco and i shant be silent about it (especially when scorpius is legit just a year old in this. i died)
as it states, harry and draco have a one night stand but draco thinks thats it, that it was all he was ever gonna have. he’s wrong of course, and the path it takes, with both scorpius and harry there, just melted my mf heart.
well kids that’s all i have for now. imma work on a part two with 10 other fics i really love!1
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btsqualityy · 4 years
After Spence broke up w/her bf. Len “so I heard u broke up” “Yeah” “How r u?” “fine I guess” “dont wanna b that guy but I know u guys werent gonna last” “what the hell Len!?” “Look I dont think he right for u” “And who is?*Scoff*u?” “Ik im not the best guy out there but I think I am” “Until u figure out ur shit stop fucking around, I dont think so. I told u I cant wait” “Ik but I cant stop thinking about u!” “wha-“ “No matter who Im with, I cant stop thinking about u. when u with other guys, 1/3
makes me wonder what ifs. those what ifs made me realized I wanna b with u” He touches Spence’s face “Len stop. Don’t say these things if you aren’t ready.” “Ik but I cant changed the way I feel about u. When Im with Junior&Mia, I wonder if I have little one itd be so cute. Then your face popped up like a ghost” Spence hit Len “ouch- but that made me realized if I wanna settle down, have kids, itd be with u. “Ik that Len. And …I want it to be with u too but I just cant wait bc you don’t even 2/3 know when u’ll b ready” “Im willing to try. we dont have to get tgt now just see e/o again like before.” “like when I was one of ur girls?” “Absolutely not. just u but no label. Bc u just got out of a relationship and not ready to jump to the new one esp with me. So lets be tgt and see where this leads us.” “I guess. But u sure u want this?” “ I told u. u already haunt me like a ghost” She hit him again. So he kisses her “beside ik u miss this dick“ the hell Len !? U ruined the moment” “ 😏”
Omg this was hilarious 🤣but I can definitely imagine them having a conversation like this 😌
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abiik · 4 years
(i apologize in advance if i've asked any of these before) what does jason do for zoe on zoe day (with or without keme)? what is zoe's LEAST favorite food? does she turn into a lil dragon to make people laugh? also can she fly? for some reason i always imagined her flying around like cassie in yj. Do's And Dont's List For Intergalactic Travel? least favorite planet she's been on? also does she know that i love her?
what does jason do for zoe on zoe day?
usually, zoe doesnt like to celebrate her own birthday w a big. THING u know. a little acknowledgement goes a long way with her. so she's absolutely fine with jason showing up to have dinner with her or something, even if it's the fattest, greasiest burger in town and they're both dressed in the clothes they've been working in all day. i do think jason would like to give her a little more fanfare and THAT'S where KEME would come in, bc if u can blame the hatching of the giant surprise party on keme then you MIGHT not get punched. but i mostly think that like their lil one-on-one celebration would be something pretty muted.
(keme is a LITTLE upset bc yall went to get BURGERS when i CATERED for this surprise party. and zoe is like how the Fuck was i supposed to know there was CATERING if it's a SURPRISE party??? they both look at jason who is conveniently stuffing his face w the food at the table)
tbh, i think everytime he gets her a present, he either leaves it for her to discover bc he!! cant!! deal!! with!! that!! or if he ends up staying, he cant watch her open it bc EW 🤢 FEELINGS bc yeah. jason's gifts are probably really thoughtful like. almost everytime.
what is zoe's LEAST favorite food?
hm hMMMM HMMMM. raw tomatoes. bad texture why do they look so juicy. why do they look like that and make u want to bite directly into them and then HAVE THAT TEXTURE HUH? WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT TO SUCH AN INNOCENT LIL LADY?
also, zoe does not fuck w spaghetti i am so sorry to everyone who does. she 🤢 it makes her gag. no matter how well it's made okay. she will eat all of the lil gsrlic breadsticks tho. for free, no questions asked :)
does she turn into a lil dragon to make people laugh?
so my brother and i, when we were talking about youxiong, found out that zoe and keme's dragon forms would be exponentially BIGGER than youxiong-born people's dragon'a bc they're half-youxiong AND they were born on a planet w a different gravity. but im saying FUCK YOU to him, bc i also included cultivation magic on youxiong so~
YES. it was def a trick w the twins to make them laugh when they were much younger (that sometimes ended w her getting SQUEEZED, a LOT) but like she cant just go waltzin around in front of random ppl w a lil dragon cowboy hat on like 'howdy' and NOT have them have a heart attack, so it mostly stays in the friend/family group
can she fly?
zoe CAN fly. on earth. and most other planets. and in space. but. not on youxiong. not really anyway. it has to do w the intense gravitational pull of the planet, so instead, she and most everyone else, can just like jump high.
everywhere else tho, zoe does that lil floaty fly thingy (so YES like cassie from yj!!)
Do's And Don't's List For Intergalactic Travel?
least favorite planet she's been on?
a water planet that was. ALL water. like literally just. the entire planet was water. everyone lived underwater in lil domes. beautiful place, zoe thought it was GORGEOUS of course. but also, when you're intoxicated half the time, missing home, and haunted by ghosts of your past around every corner as you're trying to WORK it isnt a fun place to be. idk if i've shared this piece of info before but. when zoe was a kid, she almost drowned once, and it was a mortifying thing bc bellamy and kanti had pulled her out of their little pond and zoe had just seemed. fine with dying right then and there in that little pond. but its not the water - she's not afraid of water, she's actually v soothed by it, but during the space cowboy arc she's in an even darker place mentally and then to add on top of it this whole planet being underwater where she can't. GET OUT. like there's not FLYING AWAY if anything bad happens. there's packing everyone up into the ship AND THEN getting out and zoe doesnt. SHE DOESNT LIKE THAT. it's AWFUL. it's very claustrophobic, very reminiscent of a watery grave and she just wants to GET OUT of there ASAP.
does she know that jo loves her?
zoe day!!
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tearofaeons · 5 years
YEAH!? ABSOLUTELY. @reallyintouglyfos​
I remember when i first started playing league :0 i preferred “passive” champs like Sona and Soraka, and refused to play tanks or anything that was “front line”, so, at the time, i didn’t like him for this exact reason. I saw his kit and playstyle as a big No Thanks.
“I could never play a champ like him!! he’s too aggressive”
So i pretended to hate him while secretly thinking he was kind of interesting, but you think i admitted it? no, i was a TOTAL TSUNDERE FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS!!!
Fastfoward to the day gave him a shot in a game of bots and then uhhh kept playing him non-stop for 4 weeks ._. and uh yeah. that’s how i fell in love with a skeleton. epic fail.
but i have my reasons ok.
But under read more because i’m shy òwò
He is! so! FUN! We “synergize” so well! so to speak. I can make plays and at the same time peel my ADC, which is great!! he’s my go-to support when i can’t play Sona -v-
So, he is a very cruel specter – obviously– but i really like this about him. I always enjoyed making the enemy team “suffer” by placing wards in the right places and never letting them kill the adc, so when i’m playing with him, doing that is even more fun! if that makes sense? it’s kind of like: “Oh i’m glad you’re enjoying this as much as i am!” but you know, in a more harmless way. Sometimes, i like to think we’re kind of like a team! c: and that i “help” him collect souls or something. I know that’s very OOC (he doesn’t need anybody) but, yeah
Oh!! that’s also something i like about him!! He’s very independent– he marches to the beat of his own drum. Something that i think is great about him is that when people try to stop/kill him, he doesn’t get mad, he’s just finds it very amusing, and says things like:
“Hm, really? you’re going to do that? well, i hope you don’t regret your decision…”
he’s just… so cocky… and i hate it dkjskdjsk bUT I LOVE IT.
Our personalities are very different! He finds joy in the misery of others, and likes to be the one causing it, but me? i get sad when other people are sad– i feel their pain. He’s eloquent and graceful, meanwhile i struggle to ask someone for a favor, and the list goes on! but, that’s something i like about him and our… dynamic? that we’re so different from each other! (  -ω- )و 
He is “incredible strong-willed and methodical” (as he was described in his lore) and well– isn’t that amazing? Imagine being locked with a bunch of haunted items that insult and prey on your insecurities, and being strong enough to endure it FOR YEARS. That’s impressive!
Tragically! he ended up giving in and slowly became who he is now. While what he went through doesn’t justify torturing people, it does adds layers to his characters, and offers potential ideas.
SPEAKING OF LAYERS, I could talk ALL DAY about the way his mind/brain works and the unique way in which he sees the world! he’s really interesting and fun to write! but,, hmm… i wont talk about that..Not today at least…. >v>
And, you know, if you think about it, he’s kind of like the embodiment of those thoughts that people get when holding something that’s easily breakable: what happens if i bend this thing? what happens if i break it? And hey!? i think that’s really cute! like!! stOP skdjskghdfjg.
He’s so creative! and enjoys experimenting and trying new things! when he isn’t using this talent to torture people (that seems to be a recurrent theme ;; >o>), he can actually do and create very impressive stuff. I like to think that if he was born in Piltover or Zaun, he would had been a renowned scientist–someone who, maybe, could have invented a lot of useful objects that help people in someway.
Also, this is more of a headcanon that’s somewhat supported by canon, but, the fact that he can look into someone’s soul/eyes and instantly know almost everything about them is comforting to me, it should be creepy, but i think is nice. Like, Oh? someone who knows what i’m thinking? not having to struggle to put my feelings into words because the other person already knows what i want to say? someone who knows exactly how i feel? amazing.
Although, he prefers to take his time and get to know and understand me without using his powers, he does this because, well, it’s more natural, but, also because he doesn’t want to look into my soul without permission-- He doesn’t want to intrude into my memories by accident and make me uncomfortable. He respects me and my boundaries, and gives me space when i need it :0 (WHICH I REALLY APPRECIATE, BY THE WAY).
I COULD GO ON BUT LET’S TALK ABOUT..... his design,,,,
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(Ugh.. .. his cape looks so comfortable… i want to wear it ;v;do you think he would mind if i borrowed it?)
tbh he makes me want to give all my OCs a scythe. I mean, just look at him?? he makes scythes look so cool, especially in his attack animations (You can look at them here!). See “Attack 1mid” for example, put it on slow-mo, and just notice the way he moves his arm over his head to avoid getting hit by the chain LI KE,  H UH UH? OH MYGOD?? 
also, the way his “hair” moves is 👌 👀 *click* NICE.
His animations are pretty great in general, so feel free to look at them if you want–especially Dark Star. They’re not as polished as the newest champions, but they’re still good, imo.
ALSO UHHHHH CAN WE TALK ABOUT HIS VOICE?? is FRICKING fantastic!! both in english and spanish. The actors did an excellent job with him (imo), especially with his laugh. I mean, gosh… his LAUGH :‘v please listen to it, listen to that beautiful sound… (But be careful! it’s loud). I like all of his quotes, but my favorite ones are this one and this one.
And, for some reason, he has his own face on his scythe, which, i have to say, is really cute 💖 ;v;
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!?!?! why is he cute!?!? SDKSJDKSJ STOP!! ;o; 
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COULD I PLEASE have 20 more of these green little ghosts dudes thank u.
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grizzlyys · 4 years
i suddenly imagine what if x1 went to haunted house😭😭 let me write it down
you might thing dongpyo is the one who the most scared to enter the house. well u not wrong, but there might be 1 or 2 people who do the same thing as dongpyo.
leader swoo might be scared but he trying to hide it coz he's the older and quitely run the mission and running away from the house.
syoun will overproud abt himself and telling the others that he never get scared of ghosts. but the moment he entered the house, he screaming as he met the ghosts. then he trying to finished the mission with trembling hands. after finished the mission he running away and acting cool like nothing happened.
wooseok will pass the house quickly even he scared. he got suprised easily and screaming whenever the ghosts popped out. he might laughing at himself after screaming then he continue to found the clue and finished the mission. and he might said goodbye to the ghosts then acting cool like syoun did
yohan probably apologizing as soon he entered the room. and he get suprised when he hear something. as i said before he keep apologizing to the ghosts and giggle to himself. he also gonna said "this is really scary" "omg what should i do" he finished the mission and laughing at himself when he came out from the house
hangyul will finish the mission ASAP cause he didnt scared of the ghosts. he probably gonna said "aishh you suprised me" "aishh what is this" when he met the ghosts he'll said "im sorry, let me take this key" "did you know how to finish the mission?" "please help me" yea he talkative. thats why he passed the mission
before entering the house junho will checked the flashlight then he waving at the camera in front of the gate. well junho kinda person who will finished the mission well. he might be suprised little and he probably gonna ignore the ghosts and finished the mission. all members who watching junho will protest and laughing at the ghosts.
next, we have dongpyo who obviously afraid of the haunted house. before starting he even asked the staff is this necessary to do or no. and he begging to the staff that he doesnt want to enter but he keep enter the house. as he entering the room he probably gonna shouting bcs he got suprised and as soon the ghosts appeared he will screaming and apologizing. with tramble hands he looking for the clues and finishing the mission. 2nd time he met the ghosts he will tease the ghosts and said "im not scared any more" but he running away
minhee is unbothered king who probably relaxed as soon he entered the house. he might be suprised but he just said "oh" as soon he met the ghosts he will greeting politely and continue looking for the clues. and he pass the ghosts quitely and finish the mission.
eunsang is typical a soft boy who rarely screaming. when he entered the house he might walking slowly and get suprised when he heard strange voices. he'll done the samething as minhee did when he met the ghosts then smiling brightly. he finished the mission and waving at the ghosts before leaving the house. and he said to the members that he didnt scared at all then dongpyo will said "you're great. im really scared i thought im gonna collapsed"
"hwaiting" is the first word that hyeongjun said before he entered the house. he looking at the staff for a while then he entering the house. he gonna said hello politely and walking slowly through the house and suddenly screaming when the ghost appeared. he might crying as soon the second ghosts appearing. he looking for the clues while whining and screaming as soon the ghosts approach him. when he finished the mission he walking out from the house while crying. then wooseok hugged him and comfort him so he wont crying anymore.
the last one is OUR MAKNAEEE
as we known dohyon get scared easily. before he entering the house he begging to the staff and asking if he gonna be okay inside the house. after that he entering the room slowly and make sure that ghosts didnt appear. all hyung line wathing with daddy smile. when dohyon already inside the house suddenly the ghosts appeard then dohyon dolphin's scream out. he apologizing then screaming whenever the ghosts move. when he tried looking for the clue dohyon dolphin's scream suddenly out because 2nd ghosts appeard. he starting apologizing then running away without finishing the mission cause he cant take it anymore. syoun probably gonna hug him, patting his butt, and babying dohyon as soon dohyon came.
all of this are pure mine. we probably gonna get this content if x1 didnt getting d*world.
end of this blogs, gut baiii.
lets pray we'll have good news tomorrow💙
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egglands-worst · 7 years
tagged by @a5hrie7​
Tag 10 people you want to know better
Name: Blaidd, here on tumblr/most the internet (but i am called other things...  .)
Star: uhh cancer?  
Height: if i show any sign of weakness my friends will be upon me in an instant with their teasing don’t make me answer this
Shuffle playlist and list first 6 songs: (i just got a new phone so my playlist doesn’t have all the songs i want yet ;n; )
Route 66 - Sim Gretina
I Bet My Life - Imagine Dragons
On the Radio - Regina Spektor
Roots - Imagine Dragons
Crystal Kingdom - Griffin Mcelroy
... Gravity falls intro theme
Middle name: Fae (i go by this name a lot, about as much as my first name i think.)
Open the nearest book to you and turn to page 23 line 17: “It’s because of people like you that we authors have to clog our second books with all kinds of explanations.” (side note -- under this book i found a five dollar bill. this bill was canadian currency. i live in the US. i remember getting handed this bill with the order to draw Spock on it. i have not yet done so.)
Have you ever had a song or poem written about you: i suRE HOPE NOT
Last time you played airguitar: *stares wistfully into the distance* it was a lifetime ago...
Celebrity crush: N/A. i don’t get crushes.
A sound you love and a sound you hate: all of them and all of them uhh i love... soft sounds i guess. the absence of sound. i hate a lot of sounds hghjfj specifically loud or repetitive or anything harsh like crinkly paper and basically anything that is a noise skdjfl
Believe in ghosts? Aliens?: hmmmmmmm it depends, i suppose, on what you define as ghosts and aliens. do i believe the ‘spirits’ of dead people occasionally show up? sure. do i believe they are angry or are haunting us or anything else negative with them? nope. aliens - it’d be pretty unlikely that we are the only living organisms in this vast universe, but i honestly have no idea if there are other actually sentient species out there.  
Do u drive? Ever crash?: okay i admit i’m 17 and have yet to acquire even a learner’s permit haha,, ha ,   i keep on forgetting to go and take the test sdkfjlskdjfkwonm
Like the smell of gasoline: GROSS NASTY BLEh but also i think i kinda do, if it’s not very strong. it usually is accompanied by machines/vehicles/engines, and those are pretty awesome. but strong smell is Not Good 
Last movie u watched: .. huh. i can’t remem-- oh, wait, ugh. we watched Valerian a few weeks ago, i barely paid attention but it was still horrible.
Current obsession: wELP i absolutely tripped and crashed into being obsessed with Gravity Falls at least a couple months ago and have yet to stop (i tried not to, i really did, but i couldn’t stop myself forever)
Worst injury: one time i fell out of a tree when i was about 10-12 and landed right on my tailbone, it hurt like heck and i’m pretty sure i broke it (if not, it was very close) but i never told my parents and to this day it still occasionally gets all hurt-y (note that it was a sturdy living branch i was sitting on for a while. you should’ve seen my friend tho, she freakin ninja’d out of that tree to make sure i was okay it was heckin awesome)
Hold grudges: honestly it depends ?? ?,, i do hold grudges, but they’re.. weird. it depends on what the person was doing, what kinda mood i was in, etc. most of the time i just get angry and after a day or an hour i forget but sometimes people do crappy things to my friends and i cannot let that go (cough cough zee cali i think you know a few people i might be talking about cough)
In a relationship?: haha nope ksldjlfksjdsldkfhfhghj the only relationship here is the one with my friends. i love my friends so much. tbh, i’ve never even wanted to be in a romantic relationship anyways, just the idea of all that jazz is weird and gross and unnecessary to me. why cant i just. have friends. forever. and ever. i will hoard friends until i become so old and wrinkly people mistake me for a dragon with a hoard of friends. wow this turned into a tangent oops
i tag!!! !  uhh   h hhh  @cringe-club4lifu​ @piotrekek​ @pozolegirl​ and @askull4everyoccasion
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thegatekeeper444 · 7 years
Love is loving even in the midst of destruction​ Love is loving even in the midst of not knowing what your wanting Love is something most know​ nothing of Like I , I love til the flip side of love no one wants to feel or take the time to really say they come to find new love who takes love and bends the phrase in to as many different ways to see if it stays or makes themselves feel such things I never felt or would never want to feel again, how could I say such words when in the words the answer is very much the same as it always was , is and will be . Maybe because I am afraid and know the power love has had on the past selves of souls shed in times of woes and hard blows sent to lower us even Further than it was before in the beginning in the place we replaced with storys of false victory's and ideaologys theaologys written by very deprived depressed manic psychotic desilludioned men whose minds can't find the reason why they search for the pieces they reject at the exact time they have to intercept them at the crossroads where brain requencys become crossed and grips down with strong holds on God's flows of peircing transmentions in fruition to materlize the matter between lost souls in blueprints only envisioned in mystic mysterious messegers mix in mutitided of missionary and missed sections of mental mishaped which must be mustard to morph into it's mature many doors and entrances close to majastdy and missing class acts suits and see through persriptions glasses only showing you what you thought you cant see when really cause it was brought on when they falsly and you acknowledge the word they told. I play with it like temptation sways me in imprisoned chains imagined only when crazyness takes me for a ride Take me down memory lane even for this one night I never fight the feeling I don't deny my emotions craving I invite them like cannibles prey on the feast on late nights body's roasting I'm taken notes of past time imagined hopes and ghost who died with out knowing if they where here and assured the pain was really with a solution that's heals the deepest of despair where the highest of high leap from cliffs of gradiousty imagery made in times they witness such evil distraught energy I ant right when I make my bed with creatures I give them features they may or may not like I am neither angel of Mercy or death nor life I am all as to next to nothing to know what I will later after I admit & give in to this infliction of Ill got haunting I only attend to the thristy who remain in chains we hope to make right , they are where , in land of nothing We whispers secrets failures hopes and dreams we open up more then we even mean to be only too selected few And the father's of those who lost us or left us not in disgust or in messes for any perticuler reasons except those hidden behind walls of indifferent disliked lies needing to be charged with indirect sighs of insecure inner core void of true or truth of his connection and perplexed perceptions of reasons built to add on to the broken locked empty houses on solid ground only to house the hell bound, whose only way to escape is by burning it back to the ground something of it's mysterious or memizmoring inner mix of complex intregeat projects all and any who watch with eyes behind images of conditioned energy not left to it's sweet embrace but taken on as if it's their temple house, sweeten tastes of places energy must wait and reside in I looked to the heavens and saw only fantasys I conjured through the times where darkness makes one blind , it's best left to assume both eternal immortal places lead to trails and journeys those who seek life through death they have to compley Through life they must live and give Through life they must build and honor they must carry and be one who above all things loves oneself for only by true love to thyself will one rise to find the proof of why the world attempts with ultimate knowledge most deepest Wells of wisdom to experience only the tails we come too afraid to tell our young ones when the enemies come to deminish them. We have everything and more left to materlize once we learn live and love with closed eyes The law is above so obey The law is held in courts to keep order and hold in place society In ways to be a good slave placed upon pedestals up and up higher levels of recondition reconition reckonized by members of fleshly vessels who crept up to the surface hungry thirsty , believing they need something to know if they are really worthy what you learn you earn, to reborn your title , your many metamorphosis of many lives your mourned and meet in memory's you made your motivation to not forget or miss those who missed there light To any who self promote oneself in positions of recognized and sought after heavy prices & risk to pay back with the heavest of written forever remembered lyrically acclaimed verses of pain repressed to not interfer nor dismay your much praised & most needed presence essence to continue towards perfection of the works renowned righteousness who live in lands of empires and platows of highs as much as lows Of detached lies to get by there written life's they couldn't right write even if given permission I'm indifferent to a individual who inserts such uninvited notecins , like this twist minds in need of prescriptions like the ways I flip the script in the old books of myths and legends how can I take all you hold good and memorable and show you what you didnt want to acknowledge or pass on , it's other viewed or inviewed missing which gets you when you least admit you could be the next to be replaced when it's suits their entities of mission statements and vision with empty promises for all you attempt to hold and be true of , all this will back fire to show u what ur true motivies or destiny is really yours to rule Q
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dullanyan · 3 years
tagged by @motherfucker-unlimited​ !!! thank u <33
1. Why did you choose your url?
like u know. nya
(its after an old oc of mine!! a dullahan cat)
2. Any side blogs?
a few!! ive got @fairyoctopus​ which is a flight rising (dragon neopets) blog and @polteageistplush​ which was originally a splatoon blog but ive since changed it to an in-general vidya blog! ive also got @ghost-ttype​ which is just an aesthetic side blog. basically for me to scroll thru and not be anxious
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Oof i think. since 2012-2013? i made my blog and then didnt know how to use tumblr and didnt start being active til late 2013
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i used to but now all i do is come on here, maybe reblog one or 2 things and then leave so theres not really a point! but i do have like 35 drafts which im too lazy to go thru and actually post them
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
to see what the hype for tumblr was. and then i got into some... anime that i no longer like. the remnants still exist on my blog sadly but im too lazy to delete it
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
cuz that me -_-
its my vtuber sona!! you know, for my vtuber model and hobby ive yet to actually start. the icon is fitting tho <:3
7. Why did you choose your header?
i couldnt think of anything else and this gengar face was funny :3
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
apollo animal crossing birthday and  sans
9. How many mutuals do you have?
oh man... so many?? i cant rly count. and i imagine like only half of them are still active on this site now
10. How many followers do you have?
793 but most of them, once again, are inactive!
11. How many people do you follow?
303, i try to clean out my following count sometimes for inactive blogs, but other times i keep following them just for nostalgia!
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I Mean. I Guess
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
too much </3
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i mostly block people but uh.
to keep things brief, one time someone was... Weirdly Angry about art that i made of dragons on flight rising (the ice element dragon makes hot food, and the fire element makes cold food. you know, a cute little gimmick for ocs)
and when i talked to them about it, thwy came to an understanding that it was a very uncalled-for comment. thus making me have the most BIZARRE interaction ive ever had to date
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genuinely this haunts me every day. theres MUCH more to the conversation but they legitimately sounded like an anime antagonist
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i simply do not reblog them <3
16. Do you like tag games?
theyre rly fun!!!! i enjoy them
17. Do you like ask games?
those are also very fun!! i dont rb them much anymore but still :3
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
enecoo and lmaonade definitely. also motherfucker-unlimited i consider you tumblr famous! i see quite a few of your posts float around from time to time. and cornsnoot has a rly popular snake blog !!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
a really long time ago i did. fun fact there was a period of time i had a VERY slight crush on like 3 different mutuals, all at different times ofc (none of them even use this site anymore) and like within 2 weeks of me being like ‘woah theyre cute’ they got into a relationship. 3 separate times
its just my power i guess nhjfkdnhjdfk
and now im gonna tag some ppl!! u dont have to if u dont want to!!
and @ other mutuals i didnt tag bc i wasnt sure if u would enjoy this or not, feel free to do it and say i tagged you!!
@minatheangel​ @illumeow​ @sheepytina​ @cornysnoot​ @mangotigerr​
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