#so i fear that ness leaves him and instead of admitting oh maybe i do care kaiser snaps
caluette · 22 days
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the truth
#blue lock#blue lock fanart#alexis ness#ブルーロック#art#fanart#blue lock manga#my art#michael kaiser#in spirit#i think about scenarios where ness leaves kaiser#whether just to pass to isagi or for good#and i believe this is the key to kaiser's awakening#given that his “identity”/ego first appeared not out of malice but out of the desperation to protect the one thing he cared about (the ball#and of course his monologue in 260 about how he treats the ball explicitly parallels how he treats ness#which makes me believe losing ness or the risk of losing ness is instrumental in kaiser's reawakening#BUT.#kaiser is a deeply sad angry person and he cannot let the world know he's weak#so i fear that ness leaves him and instead of admitting oh maybe i do care kaiser snaps#because ness can't leave him if he pushes ness away harder right?#kaiser telling ness exactly what he was to him#exactly why he approached him in the first place#you're nothing but a dog#an experiment#because fury covers up the hurt (hurt that kaiser is even angrier that he *has*) and so the damage is done#so that's what this doodle is based on el oh el#and ness is left reevaluating every moment they've ever shared and wondering if it was real at all#(because even if kaiser did care he doesn't have the capacity to realize he did-- i do believe his behavior in 243 was genuine and proof he#-cares for ness in the only way he can he just does not understand that yet because he fundamentally does not understand kindness)#and he won't before it's almost too late
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astrosye · 10 months
How about some bullets for a Traveller!reader who gets along spectacularly with Itto? Absolute chums. Paimon is not pleased with Bull Chuckers ability to lower the collective intelligence of the room.
➻ astrosye
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a/n⇶ I love this request so much omg I'M GONAN HAVE FUN WITH THIS 😈😈 also im alive now😘 changing my theme in a bit, be patient 4 me babes🤍 GIVE ME SOME CRITICISM SINCE IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I WROTE😞😞
cws/tws ⇶ platonic, swearing here and there😋 kind of a crackfic?? Both modern au and regular teyvat ykyk!! Just a lot of chaos
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⌗ scene I — modern AU (college or highschool students)
♡ now, this could go both ways: If you have a personality that contrasts Itto's, he would be a great ally and protector to you- but if you had one that matches him more,, the both of you are skipping school, driving motorcycles, and possibly getting dumber each second. Though,, if you do have a more quiet, and reserved personality- far from Itto's- it could still lead to the same result as the other one! Maybe..
♡ anyway- with both results, Paimon is very much displeased from you and Itto's relationship. PAIMON SAYS STOP HANGING OUT WITH ITTO AND HANG OUT WITH HER INSTEAD, HE'S MAKING YOU DUMBER!!! <— the exact words paimon said.
♡ both you and Itto get a lot of tutoring from the person whom has the highest grade in your class — Kokomi Sangonomiya. With you being around Itto- he practically just affected you with his dumbass-ness! You have no choice but to get a tutor..
♡ but if you managed to resist the dumbass-ity, you tutor him instead! Just a warning, he's annoying as fuck, but you already know that.
♡ anyway- with you tutoring Itto,, it seems he finally got that one math question correctly! (The math question was literally 4th grade math..)
♡ but studying under the wing of Kokomi.. Itto will act like a total smartass even though he's the exact opposite😭 He's more knowledgeable about the subjects, yes, but does that mean he's not an idiot anymore? NO.
♡ but even if he's still got pretty low grades.. you have to admit, you're proud of him for improving!
♡ ^and he WANTS you to show him that you are.
"[name]! I passed my science test! Aren't ya proud of me?"
he boasted about his paper with a winning smile -- despite him having a score of 37/60, you can't help but smile as well.
"Right, right! You're amazing!--"
⌗ scene II — modern au
♡ there are times the both of you are separated; as horrible as it is, this is a big school, you can't help it!
♡ so as soon as the both of you learnt that the both of you were in different sections.. you were all bawling your eyes out!
♡ ^cue paimon dragging the both of you away
♡ but apart from that, the both of you always meet up at the cafeteria to do whatever it is that you both please!
the straw was stuck in itto's nostrils - as disgusting yet hilarious that it was - a pathetic attempt that made you laugh.
"pfft — bwahaha!"
the loud laughter echoed throughout the room, as itto gave you a wide grin,
"you're an absolute idiot, itto.."
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♡ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
⌗ scene I — teyvat
♡ the oh-so popular traveler, walking around inazuma in search for another adventure — they'd eventually find that adventure as they come across a small village, seemingly terrified for their lives.
"t-the monster.."
♡ the villagers would mutter, a feared look flashing across their eyes.
♡ when you ask what happened, they'd stumble to find words- muttering as you make out the words, "white-haired.. oni.." leaving you and paimon to wonder, what oni?
♡ deciding to ask more about the situation, the villagers had finally said it in a full sentence, 'a red-horned monster that dwells among the village, allergic to beans, and with a strong, muscular build.'
♡ an elderly man asked if you would be kind enough to find and get rid of the monster, and being the kind traveler you are: you accept.
♡ venturing off to find the oni, you and paimon camp nearby the village to try and find the monster.
♡ what you didn't know, was that the so called monster was just some silly guy that screamed at the sight of you holding red beans.. and that your personalities would just click..!
♡ paimon was quite displeased — we were supposed to fight him, not gossip with him!
"traveler!!— weren't we supposed to throw the stupid bean things at him and tell him to leave the village?!"
"oh- right, yeah.. just lemme finish talking to him, then we'll fight!"
♡ upon your ignorance, paimon tugged at your sleeve, "c'mon!!"
♡ it had seemed that you had forgotten your quest, and managed to befriend the monster..
⌗ scene II — teyvat
♡ upon realizing your mistake of chatting for too long, paimon sighed in relief - 'finally..' she'd mutter under her breath, as you now explain to itto about the situation,
♡ he took it well!
"ah- right, yeah— sorry about that!.."
♡ he understood the situation, but you eventually introduced him to the villagers not as some kind of monster- but like a normal person!
♡ it was clear he was grateful that you didn't treat him like the others did, which only heightened your bond!
♡ after that, the both of you we're just absolute buds, two peas in a pod! (or three if you include paimon)
♡ the both of you would so often join each other on these little ventures into the forest, searching for onikubato bugs for your next fights -- always flexing on how "mines bigger!" "no, mine is!" like little children bragging about their toys.
♡ oftentimes, the both of you get into little dog-fights as a joke, whether it's about some puzzle the both of you had bought, or whatever!
♡ but other than that, the both of you really just chill in each other's presence.
the both of you laid on a rock, arms behind your head as you leaned into the grass. the both of you laid besides each other in peace, silent chatters exchanged among you two as you both gazed at the sky above,
"remember the first time we met?"
the both of you talked about whatever, whenever.
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another a/n ⇶ grabe.. it's been so long since i wrote HAHAH!! i so missed writing oml.. i had SEVERE writers block, man, it's so good that i can write again even if it's not as good as before😭😭 CURRENTLY WORKING ON OTHER REQS I GOT DURING MY HIATUS WHAUAHAH slow process but it's going pretty good so far😼😼
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wthzoe · 4 years
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chapter 6 - love can make the world go round
'cause in a world where everybody Hates a happy ending story It's a wonder love can make the world go 'round’
series masterlist - here
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a/n: i was hesitating to post this because i saw other people deciding not to post anything for blackout tuesday(?) but i really wanted to update for those who were waiting. was this a bad idea after all? is it too insensitive? also, i honestly don’t know if this chapter’s written well as i’m not in the best condition emotionally but as i said, i wanted to update. i promised i’ll get better soon and i’ll deliver better updates. i hope u still enjoy this :)
               A week has passed since Kuroo’s last encounter with you and every single day had been hell for the male. Every passing second tortured him with the feeling of missing you. He longed to see your face, hear your voice, make you laugh, play with the boys and the sorts. How he wished everything went back to the way it was but instead he had to face the reality of living the rest of his days without you.
               He drove to school as usual, went through classes as usual, practice volleyball as usual then go home as usual. This was how everything was like for him before meeting you but he couldn’t believe how empty it felt.
               He shut the door behind him and sigh, planning to sleep immediately just so the next day would come quicker. Drying his hair with a towel, he walks out to the kitchen to grab a can of soda. Just as he raised the can to take a sip, he heard a series of knocks on the door. Confused, he opened the door ever so slightly before fully swinging it open.
               The past week was filled with what seemed to be never-ending tears. Though you didn’t show the boys how utterly down you were, they felt that something was wrong with their Mama. You hadn’t gone to school but you did go to work. The three were also wondering where Kuroo was but they never tried to ask in fear of making you even sadder.
               Everything felt so empty for you. You felt guilty to admit it to yourself but even being with your boys didn’t make you feel any better. You thought that you were hiding your emotions well. Forcing yourself to smile when one of the boys talk to you and playing with them like you always do. Unfortunately for you, the boys were smarter than they seem, especially Kazuo.
               That night you were so focused on trying to act normal that you didn’t notice Kazuo call his brothers before huddling up with them, whispering something among themselves. Next thing you knew was Masao tugging at your apron while the other two were behind him.
“Yes, baby?”
“Mama, we want to go to Kuroo.”
You choked on your own spit when you heard his request. You were about to turn it down when you saw how determined his expression was, as if this was something he absolutely had to do. That goes for the two as well. You sighed defeatedly. How could you say no to those faces? You also thought that it wouldn’t hurt to make up with him, even though there was no fight in the first place.
“Okay. But only if you promise to behave.” They all yelled a ‘yes!’ in chorus.
So, there you were, standing in front of Kuroo’s door, totally not gaping at his muscles. His hair laid flat on his head, dripping wet while a towel hangs loosely from his right shoulder. He seemed like he’d just taken a shower which explains why he was topless.
“Did we come at a bad time?”
He stared at you for at least another minute. “(Y/N)?”
“I mean, yeah? Who else could I b-“ You were cut off by him suddenly pulling you towards him. Heat rushed to your cheeks as soon as you felt his muscular body hugging you. “K-Kuroo?”
“I missed you. So much.” Your heart swelled upon hearing his words.
“Me, too.”
Kuroo spent the rest of the night playing with the boys while you watch them with a smile on your face. You’ve never seen the boys this happy except for when they’re with Kuroo. It made you lowkey jealous yet happy at the same time. Nothing could ever make you happier than seeing your little angels happy.
Soon enough they were sleeping in your arms, having played too much. Kuroo offered to carry Kazuo and Masao while you carry Takeo. The short walk to your apartment was silent but not awkward. It was comfortable. When the boys were tucked into their beds you both stand back, watching over them. Seeing them sleep with smile on their faces left a warm feeling in your heart. Out of nowhere Kuroo grabs your hand.
“I have something to tell you.” You tilt your head, silently telling him to go on. “I like you. No, scratch that. I love you.”
You were sure your face turned into the brightest shade of red. Thankfully the room was dark so maybe he didn’t see. You wanted to say ‘I love you, too’ right then and there and make the two of you official but the extra-ness inside you wouldn’t allow this to be how you two start.
“I’ll get back to you on that. Is that alright?” Kuroo pulled you into a tight hug once again.
“It’s more than alright.”
You thought about how to make things official between the two of you over the weekend. None of your ideas satisfied you, though. To say you were stressed was an understatement.
The weekend passed by quickly and before you knew it you were in front of the university. The fear you felt was overwhelming. The thought of having to walk through those dreaded hallways scared you to your core. You were just about to turn around and leave but Kuroo grabbed you by your backpak before you could even take a step.
“It’s gonna be alright. I’m here for you, okay?” Your heart calmed down unbelievably fast when you heard his words.
You took a deep breath. “Okay.”
Pretending to be okay during classes was easy but it would’ve been easier if Bokuto, Akaashi and Kuroo were there with you. Especially Kuroo. Unfortunately, they have a match later on so instead of attending classes, they went straight to the gym to practice before leaving. Now that you thought about it, you’ve never seen your friends play. You pull out your phone to text Kuroo.
To: Tetsu
at what time is ur game?
You were about to set your phone down, not expecting him to reply so quickly.
From: Tetsu
around 3, depends on the previous match tho. y?
To: Tetsu
i’ll bring the boys to watch
From then on you couldn’t stop watching the clock right above the whiteboard. Other people would’ve thought you were listening intently to the professor but no. You were waiting for the clock to strike two. When it did and the professor dismissed the class, you were out in no time.
Your boss and the triplets’ teacher were surprised when they received your call but were glad that you seemed better than you were for the past week. Walking into the arena, you were surprised to see so many people there. You thought only the professional games got this much supporters but now you see even college ones do, too.
You quickly find a seat then settled down before looking for Kuroo. Soon enough you spot him practicing his serves. Just as you were about to call him you heard some girls from behind you.
“Triplets? Geez.”
“Wow, she’s so brave bringing them along.”
You felt your mood drop upon hearing their words. You didn’t want your boys to hear such words and hurt them so you glance at them. Thankfully, they were too busy watching Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi warm up. Seeing them enjoying their time made you feel better.
The sound of the whistle was heard throughout the arena, signaling the players to go to their respective positions. You see Kuroo look around, probably looking for you and the boys so you help him by waving your arm. He smiled as soon as he spotted you, giving your boys an enthusiastic wave.
“Boys, Tetsu is waving at you, look. Cheer him on.”
You expected them to shout at least a ‘good luck’ but instead, “Go, Papa!”
Your eyes widen at their cheer. Both you and Kuroo were not expecting it, seeing how both of you turned bright red. You felt stares burning through the back of your head, probably from the girls earlier, causing your heart to beat even faster.
Unbeknownst to you, Kuroo had just gained even more reason to win. He can’t afford to lose now knowing he had the four of you cheering for him.
“Oh? Papa, eh?” Bokuto teased from behind him.
“Shut up, Bo.”
With that, the match started. Kuroo almost scored as much as Bokuto did due to the unbelievable amount of motivation he got from you and the boys. For some reason, winning seemed to be ten times easier with you being there for him.
When the match ended, he immediately went to where you were. You smiled at him as he approaches, about to give him a hug when the boys beat you to it.
“So cool!” Kazuo exclaimed as Kuroo picked him and Takeo up.
Meanwhile, you pick up Masao. “Teach me!” He chimed.
“Me, too!”
“Boys, hush. Give him a break.”
Kuroo chuckled before whispering something in their ears. Masao, being left out, tilted his head.
“Yes, Takeo?” The three of them glanced at each other before he speaks again. “Can Tetsu become papa?”
You choked on your own spit. Déjà vu. You struggled to find the right words to stay, becoming more aware of the people who could hear your conversation.
“Takeo, I-“
“I don’t mind being their papa.” For the second time that day, you turned bright red. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down then smile.
“Me, too.” You walk closer to him, giving him a peck once you were close enough. “Be their papa?”
“Of course.” Kuroo answered before reconnecting your lips.
“Eww!” The boys exclaimed, causing the two of you to separate. You both laugh at them then went home to have your first official family night together.
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Story Headcanons: Fuyuki (Finale ~ Sections 9-11)
Oh boy, this is gonna be something. This final bit of Fuyuki was an absolute treat to write, especially Section 11. Part of it was likely the writer’s high I get between 10:30 and midnight, but I’d imagine it’s also just that I really resonated with those bits story-wise. Prepare for something a bit more intense than the last 2 parts! And thank you to everyone so far who’s supported this little writing project! It means a lot to me that something I’m doing for fun like this is enjoyed by other people!
And, of course, spoilers!
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Section 9: The Dark Cave
Eva does not like being in a cave. She isn’t particularly claustrophobic or anything, but between the tiredness, the anxiety, and her injuries, she just really doesn’t feel like hiking through a cave to fight evil servants. (Something she would normally be very up for doing.)
Panics just about as much as Olga when Archer shows up, and does her best to dash behind Mash, hiding her limp. Sadly, the grail mud has corrupted him way too much for her to even try to guess who he might’ve been beforehand. If they’re going to fight, they’re going to have to go in mostly blind as to how powerful he is - the exception being anything Caster already knows.
Now that Mash has her phantasm, Eva’s actually regained some confidence in giving orders during fights. While she was struggling before, during their fight with Archer, she manages to stay behind Mash most of the time and call out her orders confidently!
It takes a while, but they eventually manage to take down Archer after taking hit after hit after hit. Eva’s very grateful that Mash is a Shielder, because she’s pretty uniquely equipped to have drawn-out fights against long-range attackers like this.
Going into her fight with Saber, she’s actually really confident that she’s going to be able to win, so long as she has Mash tanking blows and Caster attacking. One might say she’s actually just a bit too confident…
Section 10: Facing the Greater Grail
Stopping right before the grail, Eva still doesn’t have any doubts, and honestly, kinda wants to just rush in there and get stuff done. Caster’s affirmations that that’s the right attitude only spur her on.
But she gets tricked into resting again beforehand. (“Oh, I guess I should let everyone else rest,” she tells herself because she must justify every break as something other than giving herself a break.)
She’s not that surprised to learn about how her magic circuits are being stressed - she’d pretty much identified that issue already herself. Despite this being an obvious chance to mention that ankle injury she’s been neglecting… She’s actually forgotten it’s there at the moment. She’s so hyped up for this last fight that she can’t feel it at all, and is just naturally shifting her weight off of it when she needs to. 
She’s never going to turn down tea, though! She actually puts a worrying amount of honey in hers - enough to make the others stare in concern. (“It’s fine, I’m just trying to keep my energy up and all that!” “Senpai, the tea already has caffeine in it.” “...I like honey?”) She doesn’t admit it to herself, but she really needed this break. By the time they’re all done and have packed things up, the lingering bits of anxiety, regret, and fear are gone, leaving only her determination to finish things.
That said… Olga I’m glad you finally acknowledged her but couldn’t you have saved it for after the final battle? All of this praise is really going to her head. And she needs it. But she also needs to go into this remembering she isn’t going to automatically win… It’s good though, that she’s had this chance to regain her wits and laugh a bit at Olga’s tsundere-ness. 
Those skeletons that show up? Bold of you to think she doesn’t know how to deal with them by now. *cue fight sound effects*
Section 11: Grand Order
Eva is astonished by the sheer size of the Greater Grail when she first sees it. She’d read about it in correspondence to Holy Grail Wars back during her research, but no amount of reading can prepare you for seeing something like that in person. She’s snapped out of it, though, when Saber notices their group.
Upon learning that Saber’s strength is mostly in her magical output, Eva’s confidence is bolstered once again. She may be trash when it comes to physical capability, but she knows magic. If Saber’s attacks are powered by magic, there’s a chance that they won’t even have to take her down the normal way. Maybe there’s a way to find a loophole in how her magic works! That would certainly be more efficient. 
It was very wrong for her to be as confident as she was going into this fight. Things start off pretty well initially, with Mash guarding against each and every strike. But there’s a big difference this time. Saber’s large attacks may be magical, and long-range, but she’s also bombarding them with lots of close-ranged physical blows. While the shield is still somewhat effective, it quickly becomes too heavy for Mash to easily move to block every strike.
As soon as Saber gets her first hit in, everything goes downhill. She’s through their defenses now, and starts forgoing attacking Mash in favor of taking out Caster, their offence. Luckily, with a bit of a magic assist from Eva, Mash manages to get back on her feet and draw Saber’s attention again when she bashes her with the shield.
Mash manages to hold out for longer before getting hit this time, but eventually, her defense is broken yet again. Eva starts reciting a healing spell again, but Saber catches her this time, rushing towards her in an attempt to take out the Master. Eva just barely manages to dodge her, tripping over her own legs, and further spraining her ankle. She tries to get back up and keep running, but she finds she can’t put any weight on her right foot now, not without pain too great for even the adrenaline to get rid of.
But just as Saber’s about to get in that final hit, Mash rushes in out of nowhere, blocking the sword with only one hand on her shield, the other compressing the gash she’s got on her side. Saber pulls back, preparing to unleash her Noble Phantasm, while Eva desperately rushes through the healing spell to get Mash back to full capacity. She manages to finish just as it fires, with Mash activating her own phantasm on instinct before they’re obliterated. The beam reflects off the shield, weakened, but some of the attack still hits Saber. 
As Saber dies, Eva is dragged up to standing by Mash, who then lets her hold onto part of her shield as a temporary crutch. But before Saber truly fades away, Eva does her best to remember two things: Firstly, that Saber unintentionally held back against Mash at the end of the fight, implying that something fishy is up. Perhaps there’s a connection between the king and the servant Mash fused with? Secondly, she notes that Saber refers to Caster as Ireland’s Child of Light, which, combined with the previous mentions of him also being a Lancer, is more than enough for Eva to commit to memory that that’s definitely Cú Chulainn.
Eva’s annoyed with how injured her leg is, and how that’s mostly her fault, but she’s very satisfied with the fact that they won, and is grinning like a madwoman… Up until she notices Olga spacing out. She’s still riding that high from winning, but doubt is slowly starting to creep in. This can’t be the end. Something’s not right.
And so, when she hears Lev’s voice and sees him step out in front of the grail, instead of pure dread - though you better bet she’s feeling dread - her reaction is more of just a long sigh accompanied by a facepalm. She’s tired, injured, and hyped up right now. Nothing makes sense anyways so you know what, sure, Lev is a bad guy now.
She limps behind Mash again, cringing whenever she has to step on her injured leg. And then Olga runs up to Lev. And the dread gets worse. 
Eva isn’t at all confused by learning that Olga’s actually dead, even as she stands there in front of them - magically, it makes perfect sense. But she can’t help feeling sad, and guilty. The reality of everything is just now starting to fully hit her, with the adrenaline slowly draining away. Hundreds of people died in that explosion back at Chaldea. Including the woman standing in front of her. And she couldn’t do anything to stop it. She didn’t cause those deaths, but she also didn’t save a single person. And now, all that dread is mixing with the weight of those deaths, and the stress is starting to build, and the pain in her leg seems so much more prevalent now, and she can’t stop herself from breathing faster, and faster, and faster-
And then it all seems to stop. She stops breathing. She stops blinking. She stops moving. All she can feel is her heartbeat and the sharp pain shooting up her leg, as she looks on in horror as any hope she might have had of Olga surviving is erased forever, accompanied by cries of how this woman - someone with issues scarily similar to the ones that Eva’s subconscious knows she has - will never be good enough, how she’s never been properly acknowledged…
Mash has to snap her out of it, placing a firm hand on Eva’s shoulder. She starts breathing. She starts blinking. But she’s still frozen, stuck in a state somewhere in between being in the moment and the abyss of her own anxiety.
She doesn’t register most of what Lev says, only clinging onto two things. They’re all probably gonna die right now. And a name. Flauros. Something in her memory begs for her to think just a second longer, that she knows something about that name - but her mind’s not operating correctly right now, and before she can remember what it means, the panic takes over once again. They're all going to die right now.
As the cavern begins to collapse, Eva is frozen again, her mind full of panic and replays of Olga’s screams and the thought that she’s about to die without having accomplished anything and the nagging feeling that if she could just think she’d figure all of this out rather quickly. And within a few seconds, it’s too much, and her vision starts to cloud, the last thing she registers before passing out being Mash yelling and grabbing her by the waist in desperation.
By the time she wakes up in Chaldea, the panic seems to have mostly subsided, in favor of confusion. Her leg has a boot on it now, and she can remember enough to know that she injured it. And something in the back of her mind keeps telling her that there’s one detail she needs to remember, that it’ll make things make sense… But she just can’t.
In her haze, she doesn’t even really question Da Vinci’s presence - she’s just glad that she seems to be alive. And while the vague reminders that she’s got a lot of responsibility now begin to drag in that all too familiar stress… She just needs to get to the command room. Maybe someone there can remember whatever it is that she’s forgotten. Maybe she can figure out what the hell happened back in the cave after Olga-
Nope. She’s not gonna think about that.
She spends most of the briefing Roman gives her in denial. There’s no way she managed to actually save Mash back there. There’s no way that all of humanity is dead for all time. There’s no way that if it is, she’d ever be able to save it. But when she’s asked if she’ll do it… 
She says she will. Because that’s the only thing to say. Because she can’t let these few people that seem to believe in her down. All of the guilt and stress and need to remember is still in her system, but she can pretend it isn’t there. For their sake. She’ll become a Master and “save humanity.” If it’s the last thing she does.
Uh... Tags.
@contractgreen​ @panyum​ @withanina​ @campanulabell​ @delfinaschiffer​ @princessaslan​ @armageddon25​ @patproductions​ @xviicprc​
My next post in the series actually won’t be jumping straight into Orleans, but will probably come out on Friday, maybe? I’m still working on how I want to format it, but it will cover the short period of time between Fuyuki and Orleans, all the summonings that happen then, some slice of life, etc. I’d like to include at least 1 real (though probably short) fic post to go along with it, but I’m not settled on what exactly it’ll focus on. Thank you again to everyone who’s been reading these!
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calzonafan2014 · 4 years
Vanity Fic: Fifth Time’s the Charm
Fandom: Emmerdale, Charity and Vanessa
Missing Scene: Charity and Vanessa reconnect and Vanessa asks Charity to adopt Johnny
This is my first Vanity fic. I just couldn't resist trying to fill in the blanks of Charity and Vanessa talking and reconnecting.
Charity stood outside the chemo wing of the hospital with more than a bit of trepidation. If was just a week ago that she’d kicked off, embarrassed Vanessa and been unceremoniously tossed out. Now, here she stood again, still a bit unsure of her welcome even after Rhona’s reassurance. But looking through the window she saw that Vanessa was alone, no Tracy, and she looked sad, scrolling through her phone as chemo dripped into her veins. Taking a deep breath Charity opened the door and smack into the nurse who had witnessed her blow up the previous week.
“Here,“ Charity said, thrusting a box of pasties into her hands, “For you and the rest of the nurses…and volunteers. I am so sorry for last week, and I promise you, it will never happen again.“
The nurse accepted the box and gave Charity the once over before nodding slightly in Vanessa’s direction, “I think she’s been missing you.“
Charity gave a grateful smile before she turned and met Vanessa’s clear gaze, the one that had always managed to cut right through her. Taking a deep breath, Charity headed over to where she was sat in the big blue chair, chemo slowly dripping in through her port.
“Hey,“ Charity began, ignoring the empty visitor’s chair in case she wasn't wanted, “If you don’t want me here I’ll leave, no muss no fuss.“
Vanessa reached out and grabbed Charity’s wrist to prevent her from walking away, “Stay, please. I didn’t think you’d want to come.“
Charity accepted Vanessa’s hand between both of hers and sat down in the waiting chair, “Ness, I am so sorry for leaving last night. Chas told me I was being a right idiot. I didn’t mean to make it all about me… again.“
Vanessa shook her head, “No. This one is on me. I got it all wrong. After you paused, all I really heard of our conversation was you telling me you were an ’accidental mother four times over,’ and I thought that that meant I was acting just like Jai and Declan.“
“What are you even talking about?“ Charity asked, bewildered.
Vanessa offered a watery smile, “I know they were both desperate for you to have their kids. And it wasn’t ever what you wanted.“
“Those were completely different circumstances. Babe, I love you so much. And Johnny, he is a part of you. Of us now. How could I not love him to pieces?“
“You really mean that don’t you,“ Vanessa stated, still a bit stunned after days of miscommunication.
“Why do you sound so surprised?“ Charity asked. “You’re the one always nattering on about me being a good Mum. Maybe I started to actually believe it, and feel it too.“
“You are a good Mum,“ Vanessa replied firmly, making sure there were no more miscommunications, “You’re the only one I have ever truly wanted to raise Johnny. I only asked Rhona because I thought I would be saddling you with a fifth accidental kid.“
Charity started to get hopeful, “Does this mean you’ve changed your mind? About the guardianship?“
Vanessa nodded, but cocked her head thoughtfully, “What if it were about more than just the guardianship?“
“How so?“
Vanessa smiled, “Charity Dingle, I love you so damn much. Even when you’re stroppy, or embarrassing, or making the worst soup I have ever had in my entire life.“
“Feel free to skip to the good bits at any time here,“ Charity suggested and Vanessa smiled.
“You make me happier than I have ever been. You make me feel things…“
“Oh yeah, what kind of things?“ Charity teased with an exaggerated raised brow.
Vanessa laughed, “Oi, you. Things I didn’t even know were possible before I met you.“ Vanessa felt captured by the love shining out of Charity’s eyes and added, “I am so sorry about being such a mess lately, and taking it out on you.“
“I told you I could take it,“ Charity said. “That hasn’t changed. I just wish you’d let me actually help you a bit more.“
Vanessa nodded. “I think I just really hate needing you to. But I do. I can’t imagine going through any of this without you.“
“Luckily,“ Charity replied, “you don’t have to.“
Vanessa nodded, “I know. And I am grateful for that, I think I was afraid, in the beginning, that it might all be too much.“
Charity felt that. “Anyone else and you might have been right. But you…I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do for you.“
Vanessa held Charity’s gaze and felt this truth truly sink in. She had never questioned the fact that Charity loved her. But a small part of her had wondered on occasion if it went quite as deep as her own and she silently kicked herself.
“I think I really am a stupid cow,“ Vanessa admitted.
“Hey, that’s my fiancee you’re talking about,“ Charity defended, “Only I’m allowed to call her that,’ she added with a wink.
Vanessa laughed. Again. God, she had missed this. Feeling in sync with Charity. Able to truly feel their connection, and she ached over Charity’s words from a few days ago, where she had confessed that Vanessa had a funny way of showing her love sometimes.
Vanessa reached out a hand and cupped Charity’s cheek, “Charity, whatever happens in all of this, I want you to know that you are, without a doubt, the love of my life. And being loved by you is the greatest gift I have ever been given.“
Charity nodded even as tears spilled helplessly down her cheeks at the thought of the worst possible outcome. Vanessa wiped them away with her thumb and Charity grabbed Vanessa’s hand, placing a firm kiss into her palm before she stood up and wrapped a careful arm around Vanessa, kissing the top of her head, “Life goals.That’s us.“
Vanessa smiled through her own tears and nodded before she gently nudging Charity back so she could look her in the eye again.
“So,“ Vanessa began, pushing back the tears and the fears to grab onto a bit of hope for the first time since this all began, “Instead of spending all this time focused on the very worst that could happen, what if we concentrated more on our future together, eh?“
“You ready to finally make an honest woman out of me?“ Charity asked as cheekily as she could manage.
“That’ll be the day.“ Vanessa tossed back and Charity smiled as Vanessa continued, “I was actually wondering if, instead of the whole guardianship thing, we might just skip that part and make it more permanent. What do you say? Would you be up for adopting Johnny?“
Charity was stunned, “Ness, you’re serious?“
Vanessa nodded.
“Yes, yes. I just can’t believe. You mean it? This isn’t just you trying to make it up or something?“ Charity asked.
“You called him your son,“ Vanessa stated before wrinkling her nose, “Also, I’m not that nice.“
Charity smiled, starting to get excited, “Johnny Dingle. Fits right in and all.“
Vanessa nodded. “It does, doesn’t it?“
Charity quirked a brow, “You know what else this means, don’t you?“
“Do I want to?“ Vanessa asked dubiously.
“It means,“ Charity shared gleefully, “you’re never getting away from me.“
Vanessa’s lips twitched even as she offered up a long suffering sigh, ’I guess it does, doesn’t it?“  
There was a momentary pause before their shared laughter filled the room and they kissed softly, happier than they’d been months, the chemo dripping into Vanessa’s body barely a blip for this one, precious moment.
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
Warning: Long. I’m sorry. I was excited.
• First thought, I'm being forced to watch without subtitles & and it might just be me but these actors are impossible to understand on the first listen.
• "The shepherd teaches us that winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species" so....aliens? ALIE? Ascending into a 'higher' form of existence meaning either life after death (ALIE style) or these people want to become Gods?
• They "believe in transcendence" so i must be on the right lines.
• Bardo have "different plans" for the two killers. Void!Echo might be cominggggg.
• "Death is life" / "may we meet again" / "death is not the end" — "winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species"???? I’ve connected the dots.
• I'm sorry but all this hyper-focus on Clarke and being "The Key to everything" is kinda embarassing me, like 😳 it's just so odd. That this alien cult from another part of the galaxy/universe is fixated on this random teenager born on a space station around Earth. I know, I know it's to do with Becca's tech, but it's still very much sounding like the "super important special protagonist" trope which I hate and until that detail about the code/tech is revealed it will continue to make me rme. LMAO.
• "Rise and shine errand boy" OK MA.
• Indra is out looking for their friends which confirms LGBT wrath squad literally told nobody they were leaving, and since Gaia was kidnapped, there's no news from them at all.
• Emori trying desperately to help Murphy stay out of hell. At first I thought she was reassuring him, but she was explaining why he needs to do these “errands,” because she believes in his ‘vision’ of hell last season.
• "besides [Murphy's] worshipped me for years."
• Memori is the inverse of Bellarke. There, I said it.
• "You don't know me very well-" / "i know you went into that tavern to save a child at great risk to yourself..." is the pretty much the exact same scene as Murphy's with Luna in s4: "you don't know me very well" / "I know you stole medicine to save [a child]..."
• Luna's spirit followed them across the galaxy/universe this season.
• I don't know anything about chess but the fear on Murphy's face when Slim Sheidy moved his Queen makes me think Emori is in danger this season for as long as he's still alive.
• Echo indirectly preaching "love is strength"
• "You don't talk about yourself much and you're a shapeshifter"
• Dude maybe Echo really is getting an arc this season.
• "Bellamy this isn't real" implies she's had to shut “this” down before, and that there's been something between them for a while. And Bellamy literally shut her up with a kiss, telling her and us that she’s being silly. Also, Echo was the one putting it off.
• Tall girlfriend short boyfriend rights!
• The shot of the ring becoming Echo's eye. Oh my GOD.
• "I know you're in pain Echo, I feel it" what a dumb fuck thing to say LMAO what gave it away?????? The way I'm crying right now in front of you??????
• "I'm the monster from Hope's bedtime stories"
• Octavia:
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• Octavia is telling EVERYONE else what we already knew. The parallel was NEVER to Finn. It was to Octavia. After Lincoln died. TELL EM.
• "I wish I hugged him instead"
• Octecho Murphamy parallel oh jesus.
• Octavia is like "no Murphy Echo! I'm not letting you go until you admit you're not useless! it's not your fault!"
• Octavia telling Echo love is the answer, love is what she needs, not death or violence. Love is strength. Here we go bitches.
• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “YOU’RE ONE OF THE HUNDRED”
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• Am i actually right with all these Echo theories i’ve had? I’m feeling so validated.
• It’s a shame none of these scenes will be edited and made into gifsets by fandom the way other Clarke/bellarke/anti-Echo-centred ones have been them with their none-existent Finn ‘parallel’ lmaooooo, because nobody cares for Echo and Octavia.
• Everyone is yelling for Echo. I feel that.
• Diyoza is checking her nails. I feel that too.
• "THAT'S DISHES YOUNG LADY" ajaksjajsjskasjsjdkskdjdj
• I'm so sad we're back in Sanctum😔😔😔
• Emori is fr pregnant.
• Are we really doing a sexism thing, here with Shiedheda and Murphy? I thought those things didn't exist anymore?🤔
• "how you respond to the loss of your Queen will tell me which you are (a leader or a follower)" — I'm going to be unhappy if Emori dies just so Murphy can become a "leader" by the end. Don’t. Especially not after this conversation about “not liking women very much.”
• Well there goes that theory of Hope favouring Murphy from the stories because she was told he was similar to her father. Sigh.
• "I like you John, you amuse me" is a pretty good way of summarising how his character has been used this season.
• "Everyone I ever loved was killed fighting in wars. Some that didn't need to be fought"
• "I LIKE OUR CHANCES" callback.
• Men who?
• "Violence and rage will only destroy your soul"
• “Revenge is a game with no winners” motherly advice vs “They loved people too. Where does it end?” / “it doesn’t end here. I don’t believe in karma” motherly advice.
• These quotes are making me nervous about void!Echo. I hope she gets brought back from the dark eventually. Or makes the dark her bitch.
• This Diyoza-Hope scene looks paralleled to the Octecho one! Thus Echo also wants to "go back to the way things were."
• "They took my mommy away" — Like ‘they’ took Octavia's and Echo's. Two other warrior women in the same group. Clarke dealt with the loss of hers. Madi with the loss of hers. There’s Gaia and Indra’s strained relationship. Emori + being cast out by her parents. The child sacrifices. Murphy + Sheidheda’s mother throwing him in the conclave meaning he doesn’t like women. Is this season about mommy issues?
• A little confused why he’s talking about Lexa as if she directly stole his legacy. Wasn’t he in power when Indra was a child?
• Octavia is laying there staring at a blank book.
• I'm dying at Octavia monologing, completely oblivious to Echo cutting her face with broken glass behind her. LMAO. She's become so accustomed to Echo's whimpering she's not even phased anymore.
• Dying again at Echo out of nowhere just going DO YOU KNOW WHY AZGEDA WARRIORS SCAR THEIR OWN FACES?
• Octavia, again:
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• "We do it to symbolize that the pain is over. The wound is healed."
• That's such a good explanation. And here begins Echo's healing journey. As her wounds heal over the next few episodes so will she. And by the end her scars will symbolise that journey.
• Here Echo goes again being the smartest person in the room, always. "We're not prisoners, we're recruits."
• Tasya is making me super uncomfortable with the jittery, eery way Echo is moving around. I love it.
• The way Echo casually saunters out of the fucking room with not a single care in the world oh she knowsssss. AJDKSHFJSF
• Echo leading again!!! Making the decisions. Octavia following after her (literally) and backing her.
• "This is how my people show they're ready to go to war" — making everyone extremely uncomfortable and I love that for her. Also, "my people."
• Embracing her Azgeda-ness.
• Octavia understanding and jumping in to aid Echo's plan combined with the close-up of Echo's determined abliet slightly unhinged expression makes me believe Echo is leaning into her "spy" along with her Azgeda and going undercover, making them believe she's on their side when she's not. But there's still a part of me thinking Echo is spiraling and is going to war out of habit and because she feels she has nowhere else to go/ "no home." Aka, the detail to finish off the S7 O/E parallels: "this is who I am" / "I'm here for the war."
• Furthermore, her scarring herself could be a callback to Octavia telling Ilian to help her feel something.
• I love this season a lot.
• Back in Sanctum again😒
• How does a chess game take all fucking DAY?
• OH 🙂 That's how.
• Yeah it makes absolutely no sense Raven would ask about Octavia before Echo.
• Raven looking at Clarke when finding out Bellamy's dead as if she isn't the only one there who's his actual family, who spent 6 entire years with him + more. Raven Clarke-Prop Reyes strikes again.
• Clarke's like *sad confusion*
• The scene of Clarke finding out about Bellamy's death didn't feel so much about her as it did "well what does this mean for them now?"
• "From the ashes we will rise" becomes "from the ashes, through the bridge, the shepherd will rise" Gotta say, not as catchy.
• "please call me Bill" - No. No Bill. Only Cadogan.
• We're going back to Earth this season aren't we?
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cheriesjubiles · 4 years
please don’t look under the read more i’m just testing
Can you imagine a world where we're all represented by a font? Huh, I wonder which one I would be? sees Arial Too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. sees Badaboom Too.. uh... Deadpool.... BROADWAY! Now that's the one! Now THAT'S the one! Hello Internet, welcome to GAME THEORY, where instead of putting a joke here I want to ask you a question. If your personality were represented by a font, what font would you be? Take a moment and put your font in the comments. I'm really curious to see what everyone has to say. Maybe find a couple new cool fonts to use. I'm getting bored with ol' Calibri 11. And with that out of the way, it's time to talk UNDERTALE. Now I don't think I've ever gotten this many requests to cover a game. Well, except for FNAF. And I suppose FNAF 2. OH and there was FNAF 3. Wait a minute, should I be worried about something here? Anyway, across the board on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter, you all have wanted Undertale. And honestly, I'm glad you brought it to my attention. True loyal theorists will know that Earthbound is my favorite game of all time. So a self aware RPG in a similar style, WHOA MAN, it's like a gift from the indie gaming heavens. Undertale is a game where every character, from goat mom to grind fodder has a sympathetic design and a unique personality, motivations, goals, fears. Whether you're saving or slaughtering them, the game makes you feel something every time you enter an encounter. But to me, one character stood out amongst all the rest. SANS. A skeleton named after the font, Comic Sans, hence all the font references at the beginning of the episode. If you haven't played Undertale I'm sure that was a really weird opening. ANYWAYS, Sans is, well, there's a lot of mystery around this guy. And before we get into it, let me put up a very special spoiler warning: UNDERTALE is a game best experienced blind. So if you haven't played it, pause the video and come back after you've finished. I PROMISE YOU, I PROMISE you won't regret it. Alright, so everyone out of the pool and ready for the adult swim? Good. Because I'm feeling pretty determined to get to the bottom of Sans' mystery. So just to recap for those of you who haven't played the game and ignored the SPOILER WARNING, or just need a refresher, Sans is one of the two skeletal brothers who appears in the game. His partner is Papyrus, a loud, goofy trap lover also named after a font. But in the world of Undertale their origins are a big question mark. All you really know is what's given to us by a shopkeeper in Snowdin, who explains that Sans and Papyrus, quote, “just showed up one day and asserted themselves.” Weird, right? What's more is that, well, Papyrus is just kinda the goofy sidekick. Sans is much more complex. He likes fart jokes, but he's also incredibly powerful and deadly serious. Not only is his boss battle the hardest in the game, he's one of the only characters who has knowledge and power over space and time. He can take shortcuts around the world through ridiculous routes. Even is walking through walls. He also acknowledges that he's only one of infinite versions of himself, making self-aware commentary of the various timelines that you've played through in the game. He can even count the number of times he's killed you. He acts like an arbiter of this world, passing out judgements on the player's actions in the game, even explaining the secrets of EXP and LOVE, or EXECUTION POINTS and LEVELS OF VIOLENCE, just to clarify. In short, he just doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the world of monsters. But then, what, or who, is he? Well, the idea that he doesn't belong in underworld seems to be correct. The evidence seems to point the fact that he WAS, in fact, formerly a surface dweller. In the true pacifist ending of the game, as the group looks out onto the horizon, Papyrus asks Sans about the giant ball in the sky. Sans says, quote, “we call that the sun.”
This is important because A, the usage of the word WE, and knowledge of the sun shows that Sans has a kinship or knowledge with other humans, and B, that despite he and Papyrus both being skeletons, or, supposedly, brothers, and apparently appeared in underworld at the same time, they clearly-- uuuGGHH take two CLEARLY have two very different histories. Why would Papyrus not know the name of the sun but Sans would? We get further clues to Sans' origins as we hear him say multiple times he wants to "go home" or "go back." He says as much during his dinner date scene at the Mettaton hotel. He notices that the player wants to go home and says, quote, "i know the feeling." He then continues, "maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you." As though he ended up in the underworld by accident. AND in a genocide run during his boss fight he says, quote, "look, i gave up trying to go back a long time ago." End quote. And before you say he means going back to the surface world, that's clearly not the full story. His very next line of dialogue is, "and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either." Key word here, is EITHER. Yes, he seems to hail from the surface and wants to go back, but based on his dialogue he no longer considers it his home. It's as though the surface world he once knew is gone, as though he's from a different time. It's pretty intriguing. So we're left with a being that appeared out of nowhere, presumably from being from the human surface, but from a different time period, who seemingly has the power to teleport. That's a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here's where things get REALLY interesting. Sans has a hidden workshop that takes a fair amount of searching to find. You could say it takes a lot of DETERMINATION to unlock. Anyways, obligatory determination references aside, as you start to look for this easter egg Sans gives you a key to his room and says "it's time you learn the truth." After some searching you find the workshop which contains items that leave even more questions. A photo album featuring Sans and a bunch of smiling people you don't recognize, a badge, blueprints with illegible handwriting, and a broken machine hidden behind a curtain. In the latest update, one more detail was added. A handdrawn picture of 3 smiling faces with the words “don't forget.” so what does it all mean? Well a lot of Undertale theorists have been linking these details to a feature to a character named W.D Gaster. A ghostly character who never truly appears in the game. Honestly, covering him is a theory all unto itself, and probably one best saved for another day. Even still, none of the Gaster theories I've seen have been able to explain all the details. In particular, the photo album, and the badge. And that's what kept nagging me as I researched Undertale. A badge? That one in particular really stuck out to me. Why would such an oddly specific item to be hidden in the huge easter egg of a room? Something that supposedly reveals the truth about Sans? Badges just aren't important in Undertale. Then it hit me. What if this badge isn't from Undertale? What if this badge is from a completely different game? And was, in fact, the most important badge in the history of gaming? The Franklin badge. Now, for those of you wondering what I'm talking about, the Franklin badge is a pivotal item from the Mother series. You know, the one with Earthbound. Or, maybe you don't know that one either. Uh, you know, the one with Ness from Super Smash Bros? Yeah well, Ness is from Earthbound, and Earthbound is the second part in this larger Mother trilogy. Alright? Good. Anyway, the Franklin badge is a really important part of that series. It gets its start in the very first game and carries through the whole trilogy, saving your life multiple times in the process. It's SO important that nintendo has made it a staple item in the Smash Brothers series. So I asked myself; what if the badge in Sans' drawer was THAT EXACT badge?
Well first off, it made Undertale connected to my favorite game, thereby making it even COOLER, but that's still a pretty big logical leap. I needed more. Let me tell you, as I started looking, more and more pieces started to fit into place. At the end of Earthbound you're given a photo album, covering your adventures throughout the game. To me it's one of the best, most satisfying endings in gaming to look back on your journey in picture form. And what does Sans happen to have in his other drawer? A photo album with pictures of Sans with people you don't recognize. Of course you don't know them, they're not characters present in Undertale. And note the word that's used here, PEOPLE you don't recognize. Not underworld monsters. So that's 2 items oddly linked to the Mother series. But then, how do the blueprints and broken machine fit in? Well, in the final stretch of Earthbound, Ness and his 3 friends must travel to the past in order to have their final battle against the evil alien Giygas. To do that, Dr. Andonuts (remember him, by the way, he's going to be important later) with the help of the science geniuses Apple Kid and Mr. Saturn, create what's known as the Phase Distorter, a machine that allows people to travel through time and space. Except, it comes with a cost. It can't transport organic material. As a result, the young heroes must put their souls into robotic bodies to use the machine, and thus, save the world. I played this game back in 1997 and I'm not ashamed to admit that when I first saw this scene, I cried. It's DEVASTATING. Doctor Andonuts says goodbye to his son, these characters you've grown to love and care about are suddenly promising to sacrifice their lives. For all they know, there is no possibility of them being able to come back home. It's this incredibly dark departure in the final moments of what was otherwise a fun, quirky, and colorful RPG. So what does all of this have to do with Undertale? A LOT, actually. But the first thing you need to know is that Mr. Saturns are known for their, let's say, unique linguistic style. That would explain the illegible handwriting on the blueprints. And the machine? I think a broken Phase Distorter is behind that curtain. Now that may seem like a stretch, but it actually explains a lot. If Sans wound up in Undertale via Phase Distorter, it could provide a reason for why he's a skeleton. He used the machine as organic matter and suffered the consequences. Not killing him, but turning at least a part of him into a pile of bones. That could also explain why Sans has given up hope for going home. Remember the Phase Distorter is a time machine. By being in underworld, he's not only in a different place, but based on how he talks, he's also in a different time, with no hope of travelling back to the time he came from. But the crossovers between Earthbound and Undertale continue. When you speak to Apple Kid at the end of Earthbound, he's blown away by the astronomical odds of Ness overcoming Giygas, saying that he's going to continue studying the trait called courage, in order to harness its power. Seems awfully similar to the same experiments happening in Undertale around the trait of determination, no? Especially since so much has shown that Sans was a key player in those experiments. But I'm sure you also want physical evidence right? Well don't worry, because I have plenty. During one of the endings of Undertale, we see Undyne and Alphys hanging out on the beach on the surface world. A beach that bears a lot of similarities to the tropical resort location named Summers that you play through in Earthbound. In fact, the geographic layout of the surface bears some striking similarities to the world of Mother. When Undertale's crew of monsters are finally able to reach the surface and look out over the earth, they're met with a beautiful sunset falling across the landscape of a tall mountain, a large city, and a sandy area adjacent to water. Notice the sun's reflection to indicate water, and a lack of trees in this middle section here, hence the sand.
Well, in Earthbound you have the big city of Fourside, complete with skyscrapers, which you reach via a desert that just so happens to be adjacent to some water, and to the east, the mountain in Onett where a meteorite lands on Earth. I always called it Aw-nett. But if that's not clear enough for you, Mother 1, Earthbound Zero, Earthbound Beginnings, whatever you want to call it, it's had a lot of names, had a map laying out the same geographic landscape. A tall mountain to the east of a large city, separated by a desert, with all of it up against a coast. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like there's a definite connection between the world of Eagleland (Eagleland? Again, unclear how its pronounced.) between the world of Eagleland and the surface world of Undertale. But the strongest physical connection, one that definitely unites these two franchises, comes from none other than Papyrus himself. He wears a custom-made costume known as his “battle body”. But if you look really closely at the design on the armor, you'll notice some markings on the chest. Is it just a throwaway detail? Ohoh NO, that right there is an exact match to the ones that appear on the chests of Starmen, the most iconic enemy of Earthbound. And look at the way he stands! I always thought it was awkward until i saw the two characters side by side. Papyrus’ curved arm and hand is a DIRECT match to the curved arms of the Starmen in the Mother series! In short, we have some incredibly strong proof that the Earthbound universe is somehow connected to the Undertale world, which brings us back to our initial question, WHO IS SANS? Well, what if we took it one final step and said that Sans happened to be Ness from Earthbound? Sent through the Phase Distorter during a test of courage, carrying the Franklin badge and his photo album and his trusty backpack. Not only do all the items in the workshop suddenly fit, but so does Sans’ behavior. Remember, Sans can seemingly teleport. And Ness just happens to have the PSI ability to teleport. Now look the way Sans always stands, hands in his pockets, directly facing the camera. It's a very similar stance to how Ness is depicted standing in most marketing for the game. It even explains why Sans bleeds when you finally hit him. He is, or at least, WAS, a human. Oh and finally, Sans is only one letter removed from being an anagram of Ness. That's just a fun one. I thought it was worth mentioning. But if there was any doubt, we have to look no further than the creator's previous work. Toby Fox, the man behind Undertale, had previously worked on a Halloween hack for Earthbound. But this just wasn't a simple reskin. The Halloween hack tells the tale of Dr. Andonuts after the events of Earthbound. Remember, I pointed him out? He's the one who made the Phase Distorter. In Toby Fox’s version of the story, we see that after Giygas' defeat, the souls of the kids never return home. Instead, by going to the past to defeat Giygas, they create a new timeline that they're stuck in. As a result, Jeff never reunites with his father Dr. Andonuts. And Dr. Andonuts goes crazy with guilt, because HE’S the one responsible for creating the time machine, and extracting the souls of his son and his son's friends to send them back to what he assumes was their death. In his mind, he's killed 4 kids. And in Toby Fox's game, he's lost his mind trying to deal with that guilt. I'm telling you, this hack is DARK. that said, you see a lot of Undertale in this game. The appearance of Amalgamates, the first use of the awesome song Megalovania, the prototypes for Flowey? And the theme of having the choice to be nonviolent in an RPG, SPARING your enemies. But then why's all this matter to the theory? Well, remember, in Toby Fox's version of the story, the kids don't come back. They're stuck in the past, with no hopes of getting home. Just like Sans. And, in the hack, one character is oddly missing, with no explanation as to why. NESS. Presumably in this timeline his soul is in a different place than his 3 friends.
In short, Undertale is a continuation of Toby’s version of Earthbound, with Ness never being able to get home, adopting the name Sans, and accompanied by Papyrus, a former Starman, an alien force able to speak English and still equipped with his armor, and signature posture, but without any knowledge of earthly things... like the Sun. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Pokey/Porky and we’ve got ourselves a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!
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sweets-fanfics · 4 years
Homecoming 14
Title: Change
Wordcount: 2443
warning: Agnst
Tags: @rollyjogerjones @nokuchishika
AN: Bit of a short one so I don’t go too long.
You walk up to the Saint Denise hotel and look up to see Mary Linton looking over the edge of the balcony. She doesn’t see you, obviously. Why would she? You were not the cowpoke she thought she’d see today.
“Mrs. Linton.” You call out to her making her look down towards you. You chuckled to yourself at the symbolism. “There was an emergency at camp and I came in Arthur’s place.” 
She seems to pout and disappears into the room. You are about to think she wouldn’t come back out and began to turn to leave when Mary walked out of the front door. “Miss Van Der Linde, what a surprise.” She says very much not surprised.
“Mrs. Morgan.” You correct her with a sly smile threatening to form at the corners of your mouth. “But yes, I saw you needed help so I came to offer my services.”
“Ah…” She seemed irritated. “Well, Arthur didn’t need to send someone else.”
“Oh, Arthur was too busy to even see your letter. So he doesn’t know I’m here.” You hand the letter to her.
Mary takes it slowly and gives you a rather mean look, “Did you come to gloat?” She asks.
“Not entirely, I did actually come to offer help if you needed it.” You stepped a bit closer so only she could hear you. “But I did come to tell you that this will be the last letter you send to Arthur.” You say in an even but almost threatening tone. She looks at you angry but you can see the fear that’s hiding underneath. “What did you need help with, Mrs. Linton?” You finally say back in your normal tone.
“My… My father, he sold my mother’s broach and I need help getting it back.”
“Arthur said your father was quite a charmin’ fellow.” You sigh turning to Suzie and climbing up. You hold a hand out to Mary who looks at you confused, “Come on.” 
The two of you quietly ride down the road until you get to the area near the stables. “Why was he tryin’ to make money?” You ask as you help her balance herself as she gets down. 
“Oh, he’s been doing nothing but gambling and drinking lately.” Mary waves her hands above her head.
“I thought he was always like that?” You ask thinking back to Arthur describing him.
“You and your ‘husband’ seem to talk quite an awful lot about my family.” She sighs. “I’ll go in and get him.” She slips in the stables. You stand there for maybe only a moment until the stable doors slam open making you and a stable hand nearby jump.
“Mary, I’m a grown man, I don’t need my daughter to parent me!” Mr. Gillis erupts. 
“Daddy please just tell me who you sold the broach too. It wasn’t yours to sell!” Mary snaps back at him.
“He’s a charmer ain’t he?” You mumble making him give you a dirty look. 
“Mind your business girl!”
“Daddy, you be nice to Miss Van Der Linde she’s just here to help me.” 
You suppress an eye roll at her saying your maiden name and instead held your hand out to the man. “I’m Y/N Morgan I’m a student at Oberlin College.” Slight lie, you had been a student there.
“Morgan?” He asked giving his daughter a dirty look.
“Yes, Arthur Morgan is my husband, I heard you two were… acquainted.” Mr. Gillis made a ‘bleh!’ sound and began to walk away but you yanked his collar forcing him to look at both you and his daughter. “Listen, Mr. Gillis. Please just tell us who you sold the broach too. Would Mary’s mother have wanted this?” 
“It was mine!” He yelled like an immature child. “I gave it to a loan shark named Ashton to pay off my debt.” 
You knew the name, Ashton. He had been the man the school had sent to get money owed. “I know him.” You dropped his collar turning to Mary. “I’ll go get your broach.”
“Miss Va… Mrs. Morgan, you don’t have too. Those men have weapons,” She seemed genuinely worried.
“Mary, I’m a very good shot.” You assure her as you hop onto Suzie. Mr. Gillis scoffs at your remark.
“A good shot?” He asks sarcastically, “A woman?”
“Yes. Mr. Gillis, a great shot.” And with that, you ride off towards Ashton.
Arthur rides back into camp with Susan and a battered Tilly. When he stops the wagon the two ladies keep thanking him to which he reassured them it’s okay. The sound of their arrival makes Henry pop up from the gazebo. He runs over and hugs Tilly tightly.
“Tilly! I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you better.” He says as she smiles and hugs him back.
“Oh, I’m okay. I can take a few hits. How about you help patch me up.” 
“With pleasure!” Henry agrees before saying thank you to Arthur and the two of them walk away.
Arthur was tired and a bit sore from being socked in the face. He looked around the camp for you but didn’t see you anywhere. When he checked the horses he noticed Suzie was missing too. “Are you lookin’ for someone?” He hears Abigail ask as if she already knows the answer.
Arthur turns around and sees Abigail and John both smiling at him slyly. He walks up to them and sighs, “She told you.” He whispered.
“Nope, Abigail found out. We won’t say nothin’.” John pats Arthur’s shoulder. 
“But also, you received a letter while you were gone. Y/N read it and said she had an errand to run.” Abigail added. “It looks like she went towards Saint Denise.”
“Saint Denise…” Arthur’s voice died as he tried thinking who would send him a letter. 
“I can give you two guesses who I think it is.” Abigail puts her hands on her hips and pouts.
“Damn it. I told her to stop contactin’ me.” Arthur said in a gruff tone before heading towards Athena. 
“Where are you goin’?” John asked.
“Make sure Y/N don’t kill anyone.”
He didn’t even get that far into Saint Denise when he saw you getting off of Suzie. He started to call out your name when he realized you were talking to Mary.
“Taa-daa.” You said handing her the broach. 
“You got it?” She asks jumping up from her seat.
She looks at it in her hands and begins to tear up a bit which scares you. “What? Is it broken?”
“No… I’ve just been horrible to you… and you still.”
“I mean, yeah you have. And don’t get me wrong. I never want to see you again. But I can at least help out someone in need.”  She smiles at you kindly and pulls you into a hug. She can tell you get stiff when she does so she hugs you tighter before letting go.
“Thank you, Y/N Morgan. Arthur is a lucky man. You… You two take care.” And before you can say anything she disappears in the crowd of people leaving you alone. 
You let out a small huff when a familiar hand touches the small of your back. “Was Tilly okay?” You ask looking up at Arthur. 
“She’s a bit beat up… but she’s strong.” He kisses the side of your head. “What were you up too?”
“Mr. Gillis tried to sell the damn broach again. I had to chase the loan shark down to get it back.” Arthur gives you a proud smile.
“Look at you…” He lifts your chin and kisses the tip of your nose before leaving a soft peck on your lips.
“I mean… I still told her to never contact you again.” Arthur chuckled and pulled you into a hug. “Let’s get some food before we go back… I don’t want stew tonight.”
“That is a brilliant idea.” He agrees as he takes your hand and the two of you walk into the city. 
You both ended up at the saloon. Nowhere else really seemed to be open so the two of you ordered the dish which ended up being stew but, at least it had more flavor than Pearson’s.
“Arthur?” You ask as you finish your food. He hums softly in response, “Was… I okay last night?” 
Your question makes him choke on the bite of stew he had just taken. You giggle a bit as his face turns red. “You were more than okay, my love.” He says to you softly. “That.. umm,” He looks around a bit, “That was the best I’ve ever had.”
You roll your eyes and smack his hand, “Oh, now you are bein’ silly.”
He takes your hand and smiles as he looks into your eyes, “I’ll never lie to ya.” Now your face was the one turning red so Arthur chuckled and changed the subject a bit, “Abigail told me she found out.”
You sigh a bit, “She told me too, she cornered me when I was leaving our room.”
“Yeah, that sounds like Abigail.” Arthur laughs. “She said she won’t tell anyone but it looks like she told John.”
“I feel tellin’ Abigail anythin’ is telling John.” Arthur nods in agreement as he finishes his food. He looked up and could tell something was still on your mind. 
“Did Mary say somethin’ to you?” He asks making you look up at him.
“No… Just, Arthur what if we ran?” He looks up at you a little shocked.
“From the gang?” 
“Hasn’t my father been a bit off lately? And Micah as well..” You pull your sleeve up and show him the bruise Micah had left when he grabbed you.
“Did Micah do that?” He asked starting to get angry.
“It was a bit deserved I’ll admit. But hell even Henry has been different. I heard Hosea and Dutch talkin’ about how he killed one of the Braithwates boys.”
Arthur listens but shakes his head, “Maybe one day. But I still think there is a bit of hope left for them… Not Micah, after I see him.”
“I know you want to, but don’t. He’ll just pick on me more.”
He smiles and squeezes your hand. “For you, I’ll keep my cool. But give me the word and I’ll end him.”
“Aww, my hero.” You tease.
After eating the two of you rented a room for a bit so you could make love at least one more time before going back to the crazy-ness that was the gang. 
You both hitched your horses by the others and walked into camp holding hands. “My aren’t you cute?” Molly slurred. She had obviously been drinking. “You are so cute it’s disgusting.” She gets up to your face and points lazily at Arthur. “I would drop him while ya can. He’ll get tired of ya. They always get tired and then they do nothin’ with ya. Won’t touch ya or look at ya. And they’ll go around and flirt with the younger girls.” 
“Molly I think you have had enough.” You say sadly trying to grab the bottle in her other hand.
“Don’t tell me what to do. Just cause your a Van Der Linde doesn’t make ya able to boss me around.” With that, she bumps your shoulder and wanders off.
“What was that about?” Arthur asks.
“I need to talk to my father.” You say releasing Arthur’s hand and stomping into the house and up the stairs. 
You, not so politely, bang on the door to Dutch’s room. He opens it clearly had been asleep. “Y/N do you have any idea what time it is?” He asks annoyed.
“Yes, I do. Do you have any idea about Molly wandering around drunk outside ranting about you flirting with younger women?” 
Dutch rolled his eyes and threw his arms up walking back into his room. You quickly follow and shut the door behind you. “What is with women constantly complaining about everything.” 
“Hey, that ain’t nice.”
“All she ever does is complain and complain!” Dutch sits on a chair in the room.
“She complains because you gave her all these fantasies that you were going to treat her right.” You say in a softer tone attempting to calm him down.
“And I will! We just need money I have a p-”
“Yes, father you have a plan. We all know about your big plan on some dumb island planting dumb mangos or coconuts or whatever you think it’s going to be next week. But we aren’t doin’ so hot right now. Sean’s dead, I know you guys lost three more folks before finding my brother and me.” You can see him starting to give you that angry look you’ve only seen him give enemies. So, you get next to him and grab his hand, “Daddy, maybe Uncle Hosea is right, what if we lie low for a bit. Don’t do anythin’ with Bronte or in Saint Denise. Let’s just live for a bit.”
He moves his hand away and walks away from you. “This.” He jabs a finger out the window at camp, “Is not livin’.”
“Robbin’ and killin’ ain’t either.” You snap before turning to walk away. 
Dutch quickly yanks you back, “Now we ain’t done talkin’ I’m your father, you’re supposed to have my back.”
You get an inch from his face, “You’ve been my father for one year. One god damn year. Uncle Hosea has been more of a dad than you.” 
That snaps something and next you feel is a smack across your face. All murmuring you hear outside seems to stop as soon as they hear the contact of Dutch smacking your cheek. You can see the instant regret on his face as you hear multiple pairs of footsteps run up the stairs. 
The doors are thrown open by Hosea, Arthur, and Henry. “Dutch, why don’t you go take a walk and cool off.” Hosea (forcibly) suggests to Dutch as Arthur and Henry check over your face.
You wave them both off. “You boys are actin’ like I’ve never been smacked before.” You say trying to make them not feel worried. 
Arthur looks as if he’s about to sock Dutch in the face but Henry looked conflicted. “Arthur,” Henry mumbles, “How about you get Y/N to bed. It’s late anyway.”
Arthur doesn’t respond but begins to take you to your room. “My dear,” Dutch calls making you stop Arthur and look at your father. “I am truly sorry.” 
You aren’t able to reply because Arthur grunts and continues to your shared room pulling you with him.
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efrmellifer · 4 years
“Gods be merciful, make this quick,” Etien murmured as she opened her eyes to the Crystarium.
It was, blessedly, a simple trip into Lakeland, to the dwelling of that reclusive Nu Mou, attempting to convince them to come to the Crystarium after proving herself worthy of aid in battle yet again.
In some ways, she tired of it. Once she had been a girl who hunted only to subsist, preferring to take single clean shots and come home carrying dinner, rather than hunting large game and firing shot after shot until it came down in some desire to make some sort of statement about herself.
Another way she differed from Renda-Rae, she supposed. She had been thinking about it since Lue-Reeq told her the stories.
In many ways, they were similar. Just a matched pair of Mystel (well, here she was ‘a Mystel’) archers with gifts even other than the Echo—Renda’s hearing, and Etien’s… Etien-ness, some mix of excess empathy and unshakable tenacity that made her hard to stop.
But in this, they differed. Renda-Rae liked the notches on her belt of bigger game. Etien followed instructions and used her abilities to aid those who couldn’t do what she did. Ah, well.
She took a brief nap after returning to the Crystarium from her assorted errands in Eulmore, though the sleep wasn’t deep. More like, she laid in her bed in the Pendants with the proper amount of sunshine streaming through the window and dozed as her brain continued turning thoughts over.
She half-thought, half-dreamed about the elves she’d seen, ghost-like, in Beq Lugg’s halls, the tree branches swaying outside, her prior thoughts about Renda-Rae, and the obvious… Aymeric.
The thoughts of him were the most pleasant of her half-asleep daydreams, if for no other reason than thoughts of him were always the most comforting. Thoughts of him had gotten her through much less pleasant moments in her life.
She made her way to the Ocular at a casual pace. She didn’t want to arrive late and make people wait—people anywhere, of course—but she did want, for once in her recent memory, to do things at a pace that was comfortable for her with no pressure to be somewhere other than where she was.
Hadn’t Feo Ul told her to do something like that anyway? She could have sworn they did. Wouldn’t they be proud of her for remembering to do it on her own?
Now that she thought about it, she missed Feo Ul. She’d have to pay them a visit… or was that impossible, in case that counted as storming the castle? Either way, she would have to call for the little shard that carried her letters and had come to reassure her that day after taking down Vauthry.
In any event, Etien was let into the Ocular, clearing her throat softly to announce herself. She tried not to be too obviously disappointed by the fact that they had hit another bump in the road to bringing everyone but herself home to the Source.
She must have done a good job keeping a lid on the feeling, because everyone cheerily insisted they would keep searching for answers.
And that was good! Etien just felt worse every time a delay came up, because she knew that they all had people they might like to get home to. She wanted the same thing—for them, and for herself long-term.
Though she was still grateful enough to weep that everyone had given her permission to take her time during her visits to the Source. If she’d had to keep sneaking off just to see Aymeric one night at a time, she would have broken down long ago.
But she was being ushered back again, to fill Krile and Tataru in on the First’s affairs as they currently stood, with another little wink from Y’shtola-- who was going to argue with her?
So off Etien went again, heading for the Rising Stones.
“You sure are encouraging her to spend a lot of time there,” Alphinaud mused once Etien was gone.
Alisaie shot him a look out of the corner of her eye.
“Perhaps,” Y’shtola replied, just a bit slowly, as if she had been thinking about it. “I worry I scared her before, regarding her aether. We ought to avoid making our friend and hero cry in fear, wouldn’t you agree?”
Alphinaud considered that. “And I suppose she ought to enjoy her health and freedom while she has it.”
“Exactly,” Y’shtola concurred. “I consider my encouragement a bit like making it up to her, as best I can.”
“I would imagine she appreciates it,” Alisaie finally added. “She looked so much happier this time, didn’t she?”
Alphinaud and Y’shtola both nodded, and Y’shtola added, “But now we have work to do, instead of gossiping about Etien. So I shall take my leave and see you again soon.”
With a wave, they all went their own ways.
Tataru was almost surprised to see Etien, though she didn’t hesitate to fill her in on what had gone on while Etien was otherwise occupied, whether in Ishgard or on the First.
Before Etien could begin to unload her stories, however, she was encouraged to wait for Krile.
So she did, flopping down in a chair.
It wasn’t exactly encouraging to hear that neither the souls nor the bodies of Etien’s friends were having an easy time trying to return to being one piece, but at least what could have been degradation had been slowed enough they had time to get things sorted out.
Though, Etien couldn’t shake the feeling both teams got things done better without her hanging around, and suddenly, being the go-between felt less important and more like busywork. She was still more than happy to do it, because it was what she could do to help, but that didn’t make her feel any less like a hovering child. And that was not to mention how much better it was, then, when she was in Ishgard, sure to be safe and not bothering anyone. Well, other than Aymeric, maybe.
The person who came in was a welcome interruption from the dark cloud of those thoughts beginning to settle in her head, even more welcome when she registered who it was by his voice saying “Oh. You’re back.”
She yelled before she could stop herself, “Estinien!” She nearly reached out to hug him, too, but retracted her hands. He had his own sort of affectionate greetings, and it would be unfair of her to monopolize his attention when Krile and Tataru seemed to be just as excited to see him.
“And none the worse for wear, I see.” He added.
Fair enough. He had probably been too hungover to remember the last time he’d seen her (or even still somewhat drunk), and the time before that, she’d been still a little sick during Starlight.
So yes, much better now. She gave him a nod, eyes sparkling. Gods, she’d missed him and not realized it.
He too had catching-up to do, reporting on his journey in Garlemald and the apparent return of Zenos. The tell-tale headache was brewing above her eyebrows, and just as she lifted her hand there to allay the pressure, she was viewing the end of Estinien’s most recent time in the empire.
Oh, the Echo, blessing and curse and thing that made her friends feel odd about her seeing their memories since she’d started this little adventure.
When it was over, she shook her head, as if shaking Estinien’s thoughts out of it and back into his own.
He asked her if she’d looked into the past, and all she could do was give him a sheepish yes.
She felt bad that he didn’t know how to feel about the Echo’s effect, but it wasn’t like she wanted to be painfully forced into watching the trials and tribulations of the people close or only just relevant to her.
But at least the Empire was easing back on Eorzea for now.
At the end of that whole exchange, Estinien—gently as he could, it had to be said in his favor—refused to renew his little agreement with the two Lalafell who had hired him. He said, mysterious as he ever could be, that he had business to handle, and then quartet broke.
Estinien left, and Etien said her quick goodbyes to Tataru and Krile, being encouraged even by them to “get some rest,” then she took off after him.
Coming to a stop and panting just off the Aetheryte, she managed to snag his coat. “Are you going to Ishgard?”
Estinien gave her a look. “Obviously.”
“Well, one can never be too sure! Can I come with you? I think there’s room on my bike; unless you want to travel by Aetheryte.”
He blinked down at her. “All right.”
They went by Aetheryte, and Estinien immediately walked off, before Etien had fully gotten her bearings.
That was… fine; she was a grown woman and very familiar with Ishgard (though her mental map was centered on Saint Valeroyant’s Forum for Foundation and The Last Vigil for the Pillars), so it wasn’t like she needed help getting around.
And it was extra-fine because she had fully intended to let Estinien have a reunion with Aymeric alone. So she wasn’t sure why she had suddenly wanted to tag along. But just as well he’d taken off.
Should she even go to the Congregation? Or just kill some time elsewhere? Maybe she would see what was going on in the Firmament. Oh, but she didn’t want to go to the Brume. She could admit that she was too sensitive, but she didn’t take kindly to the matters of her heart being a source of ridicule, her “chumminess” with nobility an affront to the people in the Brume or not. Old habits died hard, she guessed.
It was none of their business, and she wasn’t going to give them the opportunity. So no Firmament.
She would just walk around the forums. The fresh air might be good for her, anyway.
She was watching water trickle through the stonework of the fountain when she heard her name, and turned to find Aymeric opening his arms for her. She bounded into them with no other prompting, content hum bubbling from her chest as soon as she was pressed against him.
She chanced a look over Aymeric’s shoulder to see Estinien still on the Congregation steps, looking a little out of sorts.
...like he had been all day. He wasn’t being mean to her; he just seemed to vacillate between his usual dry but friendly comments and being just a bit cooler with her than normal.
In truth, it was that he’d been thinking recently, and it was in no way constant, but he had been thinking about the fact that there were times that he watched Aymeric and Etien slot perfectly into each other’s arms and he wasn’t sure which of them he envied.
Etien had earned Aymeric’s interest to the point of bordering on fascination, so Estinien had already heard a great deal about her before they had ever officially met… and then when they did, she was already so infatuated with (and on the way to truly loving) Aymeric that even if Estinien had been interested, he wouldn’t have had a chance.
But she was pretty, and he liked her, and he had been glad to see her returned safe… and despite her excitement to see him, she had been more eager to see Aymeric.
He didn’t know, of course, that Etien had been home before today, and even now was wondering “why?”
The why she was asking was why she was the one wrapped up in Aymeric’s arms right now. On a base level, she knew why, of course she did. He loved her, and she loved him, and she had kept her promise and he was thrilled to see her. Obvious.
But why had he chosen her, all that time ago? Granted, it may not have been… typical, but he and Estinien were in high enough positions and good enough standing they could have done something with their relationship, and she could have been—well, just the Warrior of Light.
A weapon.
Now, she didn’t want that, but sometimes she was to the point of guilt that she may have split them up and made one or both of them very sad, when all she wanted was to make them happy. Sometimes, any way she could.
She still hadn’t figured out what exactly she felt for Estinien, which made her Echo trips into his memories or trips she took in front of him especially uncomfortable. All she knew was him looking so unhappy while she was clinging to Aymeric was breaking her heart.
She shut her eyes, leaning into Aymeric with more of her weight. Unfortunately, the thing that was hurting was the only thing that could make her feel better. “Just like I said,” she murmured, “back as fast as I could manage.”
“I see you brought Estinien with you,” Aymeric commented. “What a lucky find.”
“Oh, he found me at the Rising Stones,” she confessed, not wanting to take any credit from him.
“I see. Still, a lucky find for him, then!”
Etien giggled nervously, and Estinien looked at his boots, responding, “You could say that.”
Once she was on the ground again, though, Etien wandered over to him, end of her tail flicking in an odd, irritated rhythm.
“Can I… can I hug you, Estinien?” she asked, voice quiet in a way he wasn’t sure he had heard before.
He sighed, shoulders sinking. “I suppose so.”
Her tail stilled as her arms came around him with minimal hesitation, and she started up a purr. Oh, he could see why Aymeric loved this so much. He stroked her hair just before he froze at hearing her say, “I missed you a lot, you know.”
Aymeric had come over to the embracing duo, laying his hand over Estinien’s on the back of Etien’s head. “I missed both of you.”
Etien looped him into the hug, but stayed pressed closer to Estinien, which almost made him blush (and warmed Aymeric’s heart). “We missed you, too. Didn’t we?”
Estinien had to agree. Still, public displays of affection may have been the habit of the Lord Commander and the Warrior of Light, but it was not for the Azure Dragoon, so he groused “Now let me go.”
She did, and let Aymeric go too, for a moment. They both looked at him with such happiness in their eyes that he—well, he didn’t forget the upset, but it faded away, eclipsed by the fondness he had for them, and was seeing reflected back at him. “It’s good to be back,” he admitted. “And I’m glad we’re all… in our proper places.”
“For now,” Etien added. “Gods, hopefully for a while.”
Again, he couldn’t disagree. Maybe running into Etien was a lucky find. Coming back alone would have been a little less warm, that was for sure.
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doodlefox-beta · 6 years
can you imagine a world where were all represented by a font? What font would I be? Hmmm, no, not Arial, that's too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. Too uh, deadpool.... BROADWAY! Now that's the one! Now that's the ONE!!! Hello Internet, welcome to GAME THEORY, where instead of putting a joke here I want to ask you a personal question. If you're personality were represented by a font, which font would you be? Take a moment and put you font in the comments. I'm really curious to see what everyone has to say. Maybe find a couple new cool fonts to use. I get bored with old calibri 11. And with that out of the way, it's time to talk UNDERTALE. Now I don't think I've ever gotten this many request to cover a game. Well, except for FNAF. And I suppose FNAF 2. OH and there was FNAF 3. Wait a minute, should I be worried about something here? Anyway, across the board on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter, you've all been wanting Undertale. And honestly, I'm glad you brought it to my attention. Truly loyal theorists will know that earthbound is my favorite game of all time. So a self aware RPG in a similar style, WHOA MAN, it's like a gift from the indie gaming heavens. Undertale is a game where every character, from goat mom to grind fodder has a sympathetic design and a unique personality, motivations, goals, fears. Whether you're saving or slaughtering them, the game makes you feel something every time you enter an encounter. But to me, one character stood out amongst all the rest. SANS. A skeleton named after the font, comic sans, hence all the font references at the beginning of the episode. If you haven't played undertale I'm sure that was a really wierd opening. ANYWAYS, sans is, well, there's a lot of mystery around this guy. And before we get into it, let me put up a very special spoiler warning: UNDERTALE Is a game best experienced blind. So if you haven't played it, come back after you've finished. I PROMISE YOU, I PROMISE you won't regret it. Alright so everyone out of the pool and ready for the adult swim? Good. Because I'm feeling pretty determined to get to the bottom of sans' mystery. So just to recap for those of you who haven't played the game and ignored the SPOILER WARNING, or just need a refresher, sans is one of the two skeletal brothers who appears in the game. His partner is papyrus, a loud, goofy trap lover also named after a font. But in the world of undertale their origins are a big question mark. All you really know is what's given by a shopkeeper in Snowden, who claims that sans and papyrus just, and I quote, "showed up one day and asserted themselves." Wierd, right? What's more is that papyrus is just kinda the goofy sidekick. SANS is much more complex. He likes fart jokes, but he's also incredibly deadly and much more serious. Not only is his boss battle the hardest in the game, he's one of the only characters who has knowledge and power over space and time. He can take shortcuts through the world on ridiculous routes. He even is walking through walls. He also acknowledges that he's only one of infinite versions of himself, making self-aware commentary of the various timelines you've played through in the game. He can even count the number of times he's killed you. He acts like an arbiter of this world, passing out judgements in the game, even explaining the secrets of EXP and LOVE, or EXECUTION POINTS and LEVELS OF VIOLENCE. In short, he just doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the world of monsters. But then, what, or who, is he? Well, that he doesn't belong in the underground seems to be correct. The evidence shows he used to be a surface dweller. In the true pacifist ending of the game, as the group looks out onto the horizon, papyrus asks sans about the giant ball in the sky. Sans says, quote, we call that the sun. This is important because A, the use of the word WE, and knowledge of the sun, shows that sans has a kinship or knowledge of other humans, and B, that despite he and papyrus both being skeletons, and BROTHER, and apparently both appearing in the underworld at the same time, the clearly have two very different histories. Why would papyrus not know the name of the sun but sans would? We get further clues to sans' origins as we hear him say multiple times he wants to "go home" or "go back." He says as much during his dinner date scene at the mettaton hotel. He notices that the player wants to go home and says, quote, "I know the feeling." He then continues, "maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you." As though he ended up in the underworld by accident. AND in a genocide run during his boss fight he says, quote, "look, I gave up trying to go back a long time ago." End quote. And before you say that means going back to the surface world, that's clearly not the full story. His very next line of dialogue is " and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either." Key word here, is EITHER. Yes, he seems to hail from the surface and wants to go back, but based on the dialogue he no longer considers it his home. It's as though the surface world he once knew is gone, and as though the surface he's from is from a different time. It's pretty intriguing. So we're left with a being that appeared out of nowhere, presumably from being from the human surface but from a different time period, who seemingly had the power to teleport. That a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here's where things get REALLY interesting. Sans has a hidden workshop that takes a fair amount of searching to find. You could say it takes a lot of DETERMINATION to unlock. Anyways, obligatory determination references aside, as you start to look for this easter egg sans gives you a key to his room and says "it's time you learn the truth." After visiting the workshop you find some items that leave a lot more questions. A photo album featuring sans and a bunch of people you don't recognize, a badge, blueprints with illegible handwriting, and a broken machine hidden behind a curtain. In the latest update, one more detail was added. A handdrawn picture of 3 smiling faces with the words “don't forget.” so what does it all mean. Well a lot of undertale theorists have been linking these details to a feature to a character named w d gaster. A ghostly figure who never truly appears in the game, honestly covering him is a theory all unto itself, and probably best saved for another day. All of the gaster theories i've seen haven't been able to explain all the details. A photo album, and the badge, and that's what kept nagging me as i researched undertale. A badge? That one in particular stuck out to me. Why would such an oddly specific item to be hidden in the huge easter egg of the room. Something that supposedly reveals the truth about sans. Badges just aren't important in undertale. Then it hit me. What if this badge isn't from undertale? What if this badge is from a completely different game? And was infact the most important badge in the history badge in the history of gaming? This franklin badge. And for those of you who are wondering what i'm talking about, the franklin badge is a pivotal item from the mother series. You know, the one with earthbound, or, maybe you don't know that one either. You know, the one with ness from super smash bros? Yeah well, ness is from earthbound, and earthbound is the second part of this larger mother series. Good? Yeah, well anyways, the franklin badge is an important part of that series. It gets its start in the very first game and carries through the whole trilogy, saving your life many times in the process. It's SO important that nintendo has made it a staple item in the smash brothers series. So i asked myself; what if the badge in sans drawer was THAT badge? Well first off, it would make undertale connected to earthbound, thereby making it even COOLER? But that's still a pretty big logical leap. I needed more. Let me tell you, as i started looking more and more pieces started to fit into place. At the end of earthbound you're given a photo album, covering your adventures throughout the game. To me it's one of the most satisfying endings to a journey. And what does sans have in his other drawer? A photo album of people you don't recognize. Of course you don't know them, they're not character present in undertale. And note  the word that's used here, PEOPLE you don't recognize. Not underworld monsters. So that's 2 items oddly linked to the mother series linked to the mother series. But how do the broken machine and blueprints fit in? Well, in the final stretch of earthbound, ness and his 3 friends must travel to the past in order to have their final battle against the evil alien giygas. In order to do that, with the help of dr. andonuts (remember that, he's going to be important later) along with science geniuses apple kid and mr. saturn, create a machine known as the phase distorter, a machine that allows people to travel through time and space. Except, it comes at a cost. It can transport organic material, as a result the young heroes must put their souls in robot bodies in order to save the world. I played this game back in 1997 and i'm not ashamed to admit that when i first saw this scene i cried. It's DEVASTATING. Doctor andonuts says goodbye to his son, these characters you've grown to love are suddenly promising to sacrifice their lives. For all they know, there is no possibility of them being able to come back home. It's all a very dark departure in what was otherwise a fun, colorful, and quirky RPG. so what does all of this have to do with undertale? A LOT, actually. But the first thing you need to know is that mr. saturns are known for their, let's say, unique linguistic style. That would explain the illegible handwriting on the blueprints. And the machine? I think a broken phase distorter is behind that curtain. Now that may seem like  a stretch but it actually explains a lot. Sans wound up in undertale via phase distorter, it could provide a reason for why he's a skeleton. He used the machine as organic matter and suffered the consequences, not killing him, but turning at least a part of him into a pile of bones. That could also explain why sans has given up hope for going home. Remember the phase distorter is a time machine. Based on the way he talks, he's not only from a different space but from a different time, with no hope of travelling back to the time  he came from. But the crossovers between earthbound and undertale continue. When you speak to apple kid at the end of earthbound, he's blown away by the astronomical odds of ness defeating giygas. Hes going to continue studying the trait called courage, in order to obtain its power. That seems awfully familiar to the experiments happening in undertale around the trait of determination, no? Especially since so much has shown that sans was a key player in those experiments. But i'm sure you also want physical evidence right? Well don't worry, i have plenty. During one of the endings of undertale, we see undyne and alpyhs hanging out on the beach of the surface world. A beach  that bears a lot of similarities to the tropical location summers that you play in earthbound. In fact, the geographic layout of the surface bears some striking similarities to the world of mother. When undertales crew of monsters are finally able to reach the surface and look out over the earth, they're met with a beautiful sunset with a tall mountain, a big city, and a sandy area adjacent to water. Notice the sun's reflection, hence the water, and a lack of trees in this middle section, hence the sand. Well, in earthbound you have the big city of fourside, complete with skyscrapers, which you reach via a dessert that just so happens to be adjacent to water, and to the east, a mountain on onett where a meteor hits earth. I always called it onett. But if that's not clear enough for you, mother 1, earthbound zero, earthbound beginnings, whatever you want to call it, it's had a lot of names, had a map laying out the same geographic landscape. A tall mountain to the east of a large city, separated by a desert, with all of it up against a coast. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like there's a definite connection between the world of eagleland (eagleland? Again, unclear how its pronounced.) and the surface world of undertale. But the strongest physical connection, the one that definitely connects these two franchises,  comes from none other than papyrus himself. He wears a custom made costume known as his “battle body” but if you look really closely at the designing on the armor, you'll notice a few marks on  the chest. Is it just a throwaway detail? Ohoh NO, that right there is an exact match to the ones that appear on the chests of starmen, the most iconic enemy of earthbound. And look at the way he stands, i always thought it was awkward until i saw the two characters side by side. Papyrus’ curved arm and hand is a DIRECT match to the curved arm and hand of the starmen. In short, we have some strong proof that the earthbound universe is somehow connected to the undertale  world, which brings us back to our initial question, WHO IS SANS? Well, what if  we took in one final step and said that sans happened to be ness from earthbound. He hopped through the phase distorted as a test of courage, carrying his franklin badge, a photobook, and his trusty backpack. Not only do all the items in the workshop suddenly fit, but so does sans’ behavior. Remember, sans can seemingly teleport. And ness just happens to have the ability PSI teleport. Now look at how sans stands, hands in his pockets, legs out, it looks very similar to how ness is shown on most of the marketing for the game. It even explains why sans bleeds when you hit him. He is, or at least, WAS, a human. Oh and finally, sans is only one letter removed from being an anagram of ness. That's just a fun one. I thought it was worth mentioning. But if there was any doubt, we have to look no further than the creators previous work. Toby Fox, the man behind undertale, had previously worked on a halloween hack for earthbound. But this isn't just a simple reskin. The halloween hack tells the tale of dr. andonuts after the events of earthbound. Remember i pointed him out, he's the one who made the phase distorter. In toby fox’s version of the story, we see that the souls of the kids never returned home instead, by going to the past to defeat giygas, there stuck in a new timeline. As a result, jeff never reunites with his father andonuts. And dr. andonuts goes crazy  with guilt, because HE’S the one responsible for creating the time machine, taking the souls of his sons and his sons friend to what he assumes aws their death. He's killed 4 kids, and in toby fox's game, he's gone crazy with guilt, trying to deal with that. Im telling you, this hack is DARK. that said, you see a lot of undertale in this game. The appearance of amalgamates, the use of the awesome song megalovania, the prototypes for flowery? And the theme of being nonviolent in an rpg, SPARING your enemies. So why is this important to the story? Well, remember, in toby fox's version of the story, the kids don't come back. They're stuck in the past, with no hopes of getting home, just like sans. and , in the hack, one character is oddly missing, with no explanation as to why. NESS. presumably in this timeline his soul is in a different place than his friends. Which brings us back to undertale. 3 faces, with “don't forget” written on it? Its ness, trying to remember his 3 friends. In short, undertale is a continuation of toby’s version of earthbound, with ness never being able to get home, adopting the name sans, and being accompanied by papyrus, a starman, with knowledge of english, his armor, and his signature posture, but without any of his memory of human things, like the sun. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Pokey/Porky and we’d have a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!
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sitandbreatheitout · 4 years
Day 10/40: Train Up A Child
Start at Day 1
Today, we make a giant pivot from politics to child development. When I started writing my faith journey story, I had some main topics in mind as I considered the big issues that caused me to leave Evangelicalism. Today’s topic is, just like yesterday, NOT one of the “Big Three” (homosexuality, hell, evolution). Also just like yesterday, I am struck by how this seemingly peripheral issue had such a profound impact on my deconstruction. 
Becoming a mom inspired me to look back at the “Biblical" advice that had been preached to the parents of my own generation. It’s interesting to imagine what it was like for our parents in the 1980s, before life was made so different by having the Internet at our literal fingertips. They didn’t have as many parenting tools at their disposal as we do now, but what they did have was Dr. James C. Dobson. 
Oh, Dr. Dobson. Not many men have had a more profound impact on the American evangelical subculture and the world at large. He first came on the scene in 1970, with his book Dare to Discipline. Dobson had grown dismayed at the social and cultural upheaval he saw around him in the 1960s, blamed it partly on permissive parenting, and thought he had the answer: corporal punishment. To be sure, there was more to his parenting philosophy than spanking and paddling, but he seemed to feel strongly that this specific form of child discipline was a Biblical principle, and it was this main piece of advice that distinguished him from the secular parenting experts of the time. 
Proponents of spanking (Dobson wasn’t/isn't the only one) hold to a literal-ish interpretation of Bible verses that refer to using a “rod” when disciplining a child. [I say “literal-ish” because usually the recommended modern implements include hands, belts, paddles, but not literal rods, though sometimes a wooden switch or paint stirring stick are called for, and maybe those are technically rods?] The most well-known verse is Proverbs 13:24, which says, "Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.” This is the closest the Bible gets to the popular saying “spare the rod, spoil the child,” which actually comes from a 17th century satirical poem. 
Even though research has shown how harmful and ineffective the corporal punishment of children is, and 58 countries have outlawed its use, many conservative Christians continue to endorse it. If anything, the secular world’s outcry against it just strengthens their resolve, because it makes sense to the evangelical worldview that secular (i.e., ungodly) authorities would contradict the Bible’s teachings. 
I’ve mentioned before the “high stakes” involved in evangelicalism because of the belief in hell. Step one on their path to being saved is admitting you are a sinner. This applies even to the youngest of children, because the theology of “original sin” teaches that Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden resulted in all of humankind inheriting their sin nature. We are all born inherently broken, “fallen” in spirit, soul, and body. In this worldview, it is highly important that parents remain in control of their children, because disobedient children aren’t just rebelling against their parents; their hearts are sinning against God himself. Often in conservative Christian circles, children are {jokingly? fondly?} referred to as “little sinners.” Those who espouse this theology will often point to the demanding tantrums of toddlers as proof that humans have sinful hearts from the beginning. Babies are described as selfish and manipulative because of the way they dominate their parents’ time and attention. 
[Look, I get it. Kids are hard work. Sometimes at my weaker moments, I even equate my kids to little jerks, because I find their behavior so infuriating. BUT I’M NOT CLAIMING TO SPEAK FOR GOD. I’d like to think God has more patience than I do, and looks more tenderly on all of us.] 
I’d never especially cared for the teaching of original sin, because it seemed unfair to me, but it was one of those mysteries I tried to trust God with. I grew bored over the debates about it in high school and college, partly because I disliked conflict, but mostly because it all seemed so theoretical and distant. Having a child of my own suddenly made it personal. I had to face the implications because she was literally staring into my eyes. What was I going to teach this beautiful baby in my arms about her true essence as a human being? I couldn’t bear the thought of teaching her that she was inherently polluted and broken.
But what did I know? Wasn’t I just being an emotional, sentimental woman? Then I learned that the ancient Hebrew word for God’s compassion and mercy is ra-cha-mim, taken from the root word re-chem, meaning “womb.” But of course. It wasn’t “soft" to feel deep, protective love for my baby; a mother’s love for the child that grew inside her was a reflection of how God herself looked at all of her children. [If God’s mercy metaphorically comes from a uterus, then God gets a feminine pronoun.] 
This shouldn’t need explaining, but babies cry to get their physical and emotional needs met so they can survive and thrive. The fact that my infant daughter cried for milk every few hours and that my body automatically knew to respond to those cries was a marvel of creation, not a sign of her selfishness. The idea that "needs drive behavior” doesn’t quit applying when our children grow out of the baby stage. All children (and adults!) have important needs, for things like food, human touch, comfort, safety, connection, and exploration. 
So much of parenting (and life, really) turns out to be about the stories my brain tells myself about what is happening. If I believe the child in front of me is acting out of a sinful heart, I’m going to assume negative intent to their actions instead of looking for the message underneath the behavior. Sometimes a kid throws a fit because their blood sugar is low and they need a snack (this is also applicable to adults). Consider how differently we’d respond if we recognized that tantrums are not only normal and sometimes unavoidable, but actually an important and necessary part of how a child learns to deal with their overwhelming emotions? 
As my daughter grew older, we noticed that she was experiencing higher than normal levels of emotional “out of control-ness.” That introduced us to a whole new world of therapy, anxiety disorders, neurologists, sensory processing issues, and pediatric sleep specialists. What showed up in my child as anger, aggression, and tantrums turned out to be the result of anxiety fueled by a neurodevelopmental disorder, a highly sensitive nervous system, and fearful, negative self-talk. I can’t imagine the harm to my child’s heart if we had been treating her outbursts as “sinful” misbehavior. 
I’m so thankful that I ignored the mainstream “Biblical” parenting mindset that would have utterly failed my daughter. My heart breaks when I consider all the children harshly disciplined for what their parents were primed to see as “sin,” when in reality their poor little bodies were dealing with something else entirely: e.g., sensory processing disorders, trauma responses, ADHD, and autism, just to name a few. 
It’s true that many of these conditions are things that we've only really started understanding in the last few decades, so maybe it’s unfair to expect Dr. Dobson’s book, written 50 years ago, to align with the new information we have today. That’s exactly where the idea of “Biblical” advice broke down for me. Evangelicals hold the Bible in very high regard, and many like to refer to it as “God’s instruction manual for life.” The whole conservative Christian system of belief is predicated on the idea that the Bible’s truths and morals are timeless and that’s why we should take them so seriously. 
My experience with my daughter demolished my blind automatic trust in all things labeled “Biblical.” I wasn’t anywhere near considering throwing out the Bible yet, but I was becoming more suspicious of the advice given in its name. Learning about the differing Christian beliefs about politics and child development seemed to be proving that Christians could find Bible verses to support any position they wanted to hold. If "cherry-picking” was so prone to happen, then how did we figure out which ideals and values were the ones God truly wanted us to hold? This was the question driving me as my deconstruction began.
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When the Strangers Blew In, CH. 7
Since Fiddleford can't have a Cubix's Cube in the old west, I gave him puzzle rings. Very good for fiddling.
Also I took some liberties with the leprecorns. This is an alternate universe, so maybe they’re different here.
Summary: Stanford and Stanley Pines dream of a different life. One where they’re not just tidying their pa’s shop or helping ma take care of the baby. Where they can live freely as the men they know they are, instead of pa hounding them to marry before they become spinsters. They get a taste of that possibility when two strangers blow into town, but with them comes a heap of trouble.
Pairings: Rick/Stan (stanchez); Fiddleford/Stanford (fiddauthor)
Warnings for this chapter: Some mild sexual content, but nothing graphic just a bit of implied-ness and nudity.
ao3 link
Chapter 7— The Mist of the River
Carla had a way of smiling at the twins that made them feel laid bare, as though she shined a light on all their secrets. It didn’t help that she knew practically everything about them. They were just glad she was on their side.
“You know, for two men just passing through, that Rick and Fiddleford sure have stuck around for a while now,” Carla commented, pushing herself off the fence post.
“We haven’t noticed,” Stanley waved off.
“Wonder what’s keeping them here.”
“Maybe it’s the view,” Stanford suggested.
Carla gave Stanley a knowing look. “I bet.”
“Hey, like I said before—this is just a brush. Two ships passing each other in the night.”
“How poetic,” Carla sighed, and Stanley got the distance impression she didn’t believe him. Adding insult to injury, Stanford chortled.
“Whatever,” he huffed, crossing his arms and looking away from them both.
Carla draped herself over him, poking Stanley’s cheek. “That’s a very becoming shade of red, Lee.”
Stanley shot her a dark look. She bopped him playfully on the nose.
“You two are hiding something.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Stanley denied. Stanford nodded profusely.
Carla straightened, hands flying to her hips. Right foot tapping in a way that reminded them of ma she told them, “Oh, I’ll find out eventually, you two. I always do.”
The twins gulped. Carla was a force to be reckoned with.
Suddenly new voices called out, in a tone of someone who expected to have the upmost attention paid to whatever asinine words were coming out of them.
“Ah, Leah! Leanne!”
“Just the strapping angelicas we were hoping to run into.”
Stanley pinched the bride of his nose. At least this ended Carla’s inquisition. For now.
“Do they really have nothing better to do?” Stanford wondered, not loud enough for the approaching men to hear.
“Move along, boys,” Carla called out, shooing them away, “you’re not gonna do any sparrow catching over here!”
“How rude,” Preston chided as they refused to heed her words.
“If you don’t mind we’re here to talk to these two.”
All at once the other three said, “I mind.”
Preston and Bud seemed undeterred.
“As I’m sure you’re both aware the annual town fair is coming up. You know, the celebration of how my family founded Gravity Falls.”
Stanley, Stanford, and Carla all rolled their eyes.
“Like you could ever let anyone forget,” Stanley griped.
He pressed on, ignoring the snide remark. “The fair will be upon us in no time, and I’m sure neither of you have a man to accompany you.”
Stanley bristled. “You tryin’ ta say something, Northwest?”
“Only that you girls are noticeably single,” Bud cut in. “And since we—”
“How dare you!” Carla exclaimed, threading a protective arm through the twins’. “Implying they can’t find men. Honestly you two are…are…”
“Really tryin’ my patience,” Stanley finished, and Carla nodded.
“Now girls, we didn’t mean—”
“Me an’ Sixer could get any man we wanted! Trust me, our only problem is the slim pickings.” Stanley gave them a pointed look.
“Ah, the fair,” Bud stammered, “we were—”
“What, you just assume we aren’t going with someone? Well the joke’s on you, pal.”
“They were already asked to the fair,” Carla said, “by two handsome strangers.”
“What!” Preston and Bud exclaimed, astounded.
“That’s right, they’ve got themselves gentlemen callers.” Carla started to lead the twins away. “Let’s go. This company isn’t settling well with me.”
They left the pair standing there slack-jawed.
“The nerve of those guys,” Stanley groused once they were out of the other men’s range. “Just as bad as pa. What I wouldn’t give for the chance to clock ‘em both.”
“You’ll get the chance to shove it in their faces,” Carla assured.
“What did you two just do?” Stanford hissed.
“Put the two in their place,” Carla answered, looking quite pleased.
“Maybe it’ll actually shut them up.”
Stanford sighed. “Until the fair when we don’t show up with anyone.”
“What’re you talking about? Rick and Fidds’ll take us.”
“I can give you several reasons off the top of my head why that’s an awful idea.”
“Don’t focus on the negative possibilities,” Carla told him. “Just imagine the look on their faces when you two are dancing with real men.”
“It’ll be fine, Sixer, don’t—”
“Don’t worry. Yeah, yeah, I know.” Stanford sighed again. “You know we have to convince Rick and Fiddleford to accompany us, right?”
Carla smirked dangerously. “If they’re difficult you just let me get ahold of them.”
“Wait, so what exactly is a hide-behind?”
Stanley shrugged as best he could with one of Rick’s arms slung around his shoulders. “That’s the point—you can’t catch a glimpse ‘cause they hide as soon as you turn around.”
“Do they do anything?”
“Eh, not really. They’re a little annoying, but gnomes are worse. Or unicorns.”
Stanley felt Rick shift then his eyes gazing incredulously at him.
“They’re the worst. Never want to deal with one again.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
First there was a rumble that shook Stanley. Then Rick let out a laugh that echoed through the forest.
“Gee, thanks. Ass.”
Rick just laughed harder, clutching his side.
“I’m gonna check on Sixer and Fidds,” Stanley decided, sitting up. Hands snaked around his waist, keeping him from standing.
“H-hold on, hold—ha!—on.”
Stanley turned and shot him a glare. Rick was biting his bottom lip, but it wasn’t long before the laughter burst out of him.
Rick pulled Stanley back down. “You love it,” he said, pressing their lips together.
The kiss lasted long enough to leave them both breathless when they finally did pull apart. Stanley briefly considered leaving the others to their own devices for the rest of the night so he could feel Rick’s mouth all over him again. Then he remembered earlier.
“Hey, remember those two guys from the other day? When you and Fidds walked me to Susan’s?”
“The prissy boy and rejected reverend’s son?”
“Yeah, them. Wanna help me rile ‘em up?”
Rick grinned, mischief twinkling in his eyes.
“I’m listening.”

Stanford had been tinkering with the motor for nearly an hour now while Fiddleford quadruple checked their equations, then checked them again. Stanford admired the man’s careful eye. It was much different from Rick’s habit of slapping pieces together and seeing if it ran or blew up in their faces.
The latter was becoming unfortunately commonplace.
An owl hooted somewhere nearby, starling Fiddleford who jerked back, dropping the puzzle rings he had been mindlessly toying with. Stanford looked up from the motor. It was the first time he’d sat up for a while now, and he could feel every moment in the cramp shooting across his back.
“There’s nothing too dangerous in these woods, right?”
“Oh,” Stanford mused, stretching out, “I don’t suppose. There is the gremloblin, though.”
“Yes. Looking into its eyes causes you to see your worst fears. Very traumatic, and very fascinating.” Fiddleford stared at him, mouth agape. Stanford hurriedly assured, “No reason to worry, it’s a very rare creature and lives much further into the forest. We’ve avoided that area ever since the, ah, incident.”
Fiddleford gulped. “Incident?”
“We had to find out what the creature did somehow. How do the figures look?” Stanford asked, not wanting to dwell.
As if suddenly remembering they were working on something Fiddleford replied, “Oh! Well I’ve looked everything over.”
With a weary sigh he admitted, “I’m stumped. There’s something important we’re missing, but for the life of me I can’t imagine what.”
Stanford thought for a moment, peering at the motor like he expected it to give up all the secrets of interplanetary travel. Then, quite shockingly, it did. Or at leas the next step they needed.
“Fiddleford!” he exclaimed, springing to his feet.
“Stanford?” Fiddleford returned unsurely, following suit.
“I have an idea.”
Stanford started for the edge of the clearing without further explanation, leaving Fiddleford to follow after him curiously.
“Wouldja mind fillin’ a fella in, Stanford?”
“We’ve been relying too much on science! What we need is magic.”
“Oh, dear.”
He could guess where Stanley had dragged Rick off to. His brother had several favorite spots, some reserved purely for his liaisons. Stanford knew him well enough to know he should start at a little area tucked away near the mountains. Sure enough they were there.
“I know what we need!” Stanford declared.
Stanley let out a yelp and rolled off Rick, trying to cover himself up. Rick made no move to do the same, instead shooting Stanford a glare.
“Come on, Sixer, a little warning would be nice.”
“Sorry. But there’s no time, Stanley. I might have figured out what we need.”
Propping himself up on his elbows Rick said, “I-I’m listening.”
“You’re also naked,” Fiddleford pointed out, covering both his eyes and Stanford’s.
There was no rustling as though Rick was getting dressed so Stanford continued.
“Our main problem currently has been the motor. Specifically how it isn’t powerful enough and quickly breaks down—sometimes violently. It needs to be reinforced.”
“And what should we reinforce it with?”
Together Stanford and Fiddleford answered, happily and resigned respectively. “Magic.”
“You thinkin’ unicorn hair?”
“Leprecorn should do, actually. I still have those spells we took from the witch last winter. Also I refuse to ever ask those creatures for another favor.”
Fiddleford lowered his hands and looked at Stanford, disbelief coating his face.
“Yes, the one who lives in the caves. She’s not very pleasant.”
“She’s a bitch,” Stanley corrected.
Fiddleford shook his head slowly. “Gosh all hemlock, you boys are just one surprise after another.”
“More than you can imagine,” Stanley teased, winking. Even in the low light afforded by the moon and stars Fiddleford’s blush was apparent.
Rick hopped to his feet saying, “Well what are we waiting for? Let, let’s go perform some magic.”
“Please put pants on, at the very least.”
“I would greatly appreciate that,” Stanford agreed.
“Eh, I like him like this, personally.”
Rick glanced over at Stanley and made a suggestive motion with his tongue. Grinning, Stanley stood up and smacked Rick’s ass.
“No magic until you’re dressed,” Fiddleford told him firmly. Rick rolled his eyes but picked up his scattered clothes.
While he and Stanley fixed themselves up Stanford explained, “The spell calls for a few ingredients. Specifically leprecorn hair, the only thing we don’t have already.”
“What the hell is a leprecorn?”
“The child of a leprechaun and a unicorn.”
There was a moment of silence.
“You fucking with me, Stanford?”
“I assure you it’s real.”
“It’s pretty weird. I try not to think about it,” Stanley said.
Rick whistled. “Th-that’s pretty fucked up.”
He repeated the sentiment the second they tracked one down.
“Hey, no one ever said magical creatures were pretty.”
“Actually, myths either depict them as absolute beauty or absolute horror,” Stanford said.
“This is the latter,” Fiddleford decided, eyeing the strange creature before them.
Leprecorns inherited the small stature of their leprechaun parent, with the horn and quadrupedal nature of the unicorn. Their face was very much humanlike—if it was molded over a horse skull.
“Do they dress themselves?” Fiddleford wondered.
“How?” Rick asked.
The twins shrugged.
“We haven’t figured everything out about them,” Stanford admitted.
“Frankly I don’t want to. Can we just get the hair and go? These things make me uncomfortable.”
“Would you like to be the calmer?”
“Fine, but if it bites me I’m tossing you and it both into the lake.”
Stanley slowly approached the tiny creature like he would a normal horse, rounding on its front and hands clearly in front of him in a non-threatening manner.
“Hey, little guy.” The leprecorn reared up with a high pitched snort. “Sh, sh. It’s alright. Here.”
Stanley held out his hand for the leprecorn who sniffed it curiously. A little tongue darted out to give his fingers an experimental lick. Apparently liking what he tasted it nuzzled against his hand. Stanley stroked the leprecorn’s muzzle and glanced over at Stanford.
He had snuck up behind the creature. Stanley gave him the silent cue he needed, and Stanford reached for the leprecorn’s curly red mane. He plucked a few strands, and suddenly the creature went wild.
It started shrieking and bucked its hind legs. Thankfully it didn’t have as much strength as a unicorn or even a regular horse, so while it caught Stanford in the abdomen he knew the damage wasn’t severe.
That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
Stanford toppled over, and the leprecorn focused on Stanley.
“Whoa there, buddy,” Stanley soothed, backing up and once again holding his open hands in front of him.
The leprecorn whinnied and charged at Stanley, head butting him straight in the pelvis and knocking him flat on his back. It jumped up on his stomach, snorted in his face, then ran off through the trees.
“I got the hair!” Stanford proudly declared, holding up a fist where several strands were tightly held.
Rick was doubled over in laughter, one hand on Fiddleford for support. If they were hoping for his sympathy at the very least they were mistaken; Fiddleford was trying not to laugh but failing miserably.
“Thanks for the concern,” Stanley groaned, pushing himself into a sitting position. “Ah, damn, I’m gonna feel that for days.”
“You fellas alright?” Fiddleford asked, wiping away a tear.
“Perfectly—” Stanford sprung to his feet, then immediately fell face first. “Fine.”
Fiddleford and Rick went over to either twin and helped them up.
“You, you really handled that leprecorn, babe.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I’ll leave it to the experts.”
Stanford’s glasses had fallen off when he went forward, and Fiddleford handed them over. They sat crooked on his face.
“Well they’re not broken this time so I’d say this was a full on success.”
Fiddleford bent the frames back into place. Then seeing the dust that had clung to the glass he cleaned them with the end of his shirt.
“How’s that, Stanford?”
“Much better, thank you.”
“Alright, spell boy, what now?” Rick asked.
“I’ll have to take the motor home with us,” Stanford replied. “I need to disassemble it and weave the hair through the parts. After that it should work exactly how we need it to.” He peered up at the lightening sky. “It’s getting late. Or rather, early. We’d better head home now.”
“Don’t break it,” Rick advised. Stanford gave him a sour look.
“Says the man who’s hardly worked on his own project in the past week. Come on, Stanley.”
Stanley let out a quick goodbye before heading after his brother.
“Try not to get beat up by another pony,” Rick called out. A boot flew through the air, smacking him on the side of the face and knocking off his hat. “W-what the hell!”
“Shut your cock holster, Rick!”
He rubbed his sore head. “Fuck you, you’re not getting this back.”
“I don’t need it.”
Stanley hopped along after his twin.
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demonicnoobie · 7 years
can you imagine a world where were all represented by a font? What font would I be? Hmmm, no, not Arial, that's too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. Too uh, deadpool.... BROADWAY! Now that's the one! Now that's the ONE!!! Hello Internet, welcome to GAME THEORY, where instead of putting a joke here I want to ask you a personal question. If you're personality were represented by a font, which font would you be? Take a moment and put you font in the comments. I'm really curious to see what everyone has to say. Maybe find a couple new cool fonts to use. I get bored with old calibri 11. And with that out of the way, it's time to talk UNDERTALE. Now I don't think I've ever gotten this many request to cover a game. Well, except for FNAF. And I suppose FNAF 2. OH and there was FNAF 3. Wait a minute, should I be worried about something here? Anyway, across the board on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter, you've all been wanting Undertale. And honestly, I'm glad you brought it to my attention. Truly loyal theorists will know that earthbound is my favorite game of all time. So a self aware RPG in a similar style, WHOA MAN, it's like a gift from the indie gaming heavens. Undertale is a game where every character, from goat mom to grind fodder has a sympathetic design and a unique personality, motivations, goals, fears. Whether you're saving or slaughtering them, the game makes you feel something every time you enter an encounter. But to me, one character stood out amongst all the rest. SANS. A skeleton named after the font, comic sans, hence all the font references at the beginning of the episode. If you haven't played undertale I'm sure that was a really wierd opening. ANYWAYS, sans is, well, there's a lot of mystery around this guy. And before we get into it, let me put up a very special spoiler warning: UNDERTALE Is a game best experienced blind. So if you haven't played it, come back after you've finished. I PROMISE YOU, I PROMISE you won't regret it. Alright so everyone out of the pool and ready for the adult swim? Good. Because I'm feeling pretty determined to get to the bottom of sans' mystery. So just to recap for those of you who haven't played the game and ignored the SPOILER WARNING, or just need a refresher, sans is one of the two skeletal brothers who appears in the game. His partner is papyrus, a loud, goofy trap lover also named after a font. But in the world of undertale their origins are a big question mark. All you really know is what's given by a shopkeeper in Snowden, who claims that sans and papyrus just, and I quote, "showed up one day and asserted themselves." Wierd, right? What's more is that papyrus is just kinda the goofy sidekick. SANS is much more complex. He likes fart jokes, but he's also incredibly deadly and much more serious. Not only is his boss battle the hardest in the game, he's one of the only characters who has knowledge and power over space and time. He can take shortcuts through the world on ridiculous routes. He even is walking through walls. He also acknowledges that he's only one of infinite versions of himself, making self-aware commentary of the various timelines you've played through in the game. He can even count the number of times he's killed you. He acts like an arbiter of this world, passing out judgements in the game, even explaining the secrets of EXP and LOVE, or EXECUTION POINTS and LEVELS OF VIOLENCE. In short, he just doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the world of monsters. But then, what, or who, is he? Well, that he doesn't belong in the underground seems to be correct. The evidence shows he used to be a surface dweller. In the true pacifist ending of the game, as the group looks out onto the horizon, papyrus asks sans about the giant ball in the sky. Sans says, quote, we call that the sun. This is important because A, the use of the word WE, and knowledge of the sun, shows that sans has a kinship or knowledge of other humans, and B, that despite he and papyrus both being skeletons, and BROTHER, and apparently both appearing in the underworld at the same time, the clearly have two very different histories. Why would papyrus not know the name of the sun but sans would? We get further clues to sans' origins as we hear him say multiple times he wants to "go home" or "go back." He says as much during his dinner date scene at the mettaton hotel. He notices that the player wants to go home and says, quote, "I know the feeling." He then continues, "maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you." As though he ended up in the underworld by accident. AND in a genocide run during his boss fight he says, quote, "look, I gave up trying to go back a long time ago." End quote. And before you say that means going back to the surface world, that's clearly not the full story. His very next line of dialogue is " and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either." Key word here, is EITHER. Yes, he seems to hail from the surface and wants to go back, but based on the dialogue he no longer considers it his home. It's as though the surface world he once knew is gone, and as though the surface he's from is from a different time. It's pretty intriguing. So we're left with a being that appeared out of nowhere, presumably from being from the human surface but from a different time period, who seemingly had the power to teleport. That a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here's where things get REALLY interesting. Sans has a hidden workshop that takes a fair amount of searching to find. You could say it takes a lot of DETERMINATION to unlock. Anyways, obligatory determination references aside, as you start to look for this easter egg sans gives you a key to his room and says "it's time you learn the truth." After visiting the workshop you find some items that leave a lot more questions. A photo album featuring sans and a bunch of people you don't recognize, a badge, blueprints with illegible handwriting, and a broken machine hidden behind a curtain. In the latest update, one more detail was added. A handdrawn picture of 3 smiling faces with the words “don't forget.” so what does it all mean. Well a lot of undertale theorists have been linking these details to a feature to a character named w d gaster. A ghostly figure who never truly appears in the game, honestly covering him is a theory all unto itself, and probably best saved for another day. All of the gaster theories i've seen haven't been able to explain all the details. A photo album, and the badge, and that's what kept nagging me as i researched undertale. A badge? That one in particular stuck out to me. Why would such an oddly specific item to be hidden in the huge easter egg of the room. Something that supposedly reveals the truth about sans. Badges just aren't important in undertale. Then it hit me. What if this badge isn't from undertale? What if this badge is from a completely different game? And was infact the most important badge in the history badge in the history of gaming? This franklin badge. And for those of you who are wondering what i'm talking about, the franklin badge is a pivotal item from the mother series. You know, the one with earthbound, or, maybe you don't know that one either. You know, the one with ness from super smash bros? Yeah well, ness is from earthbound, and earthbound is the second part of this larger mother series. Good? Yeah, well anyways, the franklin badge is an important part of that series. It gets its start in the very first game and carries through the whole trilogy, saving your life many times in the process. It's SO important that nintendo has made it a staple item in the smash brothers series. So i asked myself; what if the badge in sans drawer was THAT badge? Well first off, it would make undertale connected to earthbound, thereby making it even COOLER? But that's still a pretty big logical leap. I needed more. Let me tell you, as i started looking more and more pieces started to fit into place. At the end of earthbound you're given a photo album, covering your adventures throughout the game. To me it's one of the most satisfying endings to a journey. And what does sans have in his other drawer? A photo album of people you don't recognize. Of course you don't know them, they're not character present in undertale. And note the word that's used here, PEOPLE you don't recognize. Not underworld monsters. So that's 2 items oddly linked to the mother series linked to the mother series. But how do the broken machine and blueprints fit in? Well, in the final stretch of earthbound, ness and his 3 friends must travel to the past in order to have their final battle against the evil alien giygas. In order to do that, with the help of dr. andonuts (remember that, he's going to be important later) along with science geniuses apple kid and mr. saturn, create a machine known as the phase distorter, a machine that allows people to travel through time and space. Except, it comes at a cost. It can transport organic material, as a result the young heroes must put their souls in robot bodies in order to save the world. I played this game back in 1997 and i'm not ashamed to admit that when i first saw this scene i cried. It's DEVASTATING. Doctor andonuts says goodbye to his son, these characters you've grown to love are suddenly promising to sacrifice their lives. For all they know, there is no possibility of them being able to come back home. It's all a very dark departure in what was otherwise a fun, colorful, and quirky RPG. so what does all of this have to do with undertale? A LOT, actually. But the first thing you need to know is that mr. saturns are known for their, let's say, unique linguistic style. That would explain the illegible handwriting on the blueprints. And the machine? I think a broken phase distorter is behind that curtain. Now that may seem like a stretch but it actually explains a lot. Sans wound up in undertale via phase distorter, it could provide a reason for why he's a skeleton. He used the machine as organic matter and suffered the consequences, not killing him, but turning at least a part of him into a pile of bones. That could also explain why sans has given up hope for going home. Remember the phase distorter is a time machine. Based on the way he talks, he's not only from a different space but from a different time, with no hope of travelling back to the time he came from. But the crossovers between earthbound and undertale continue. When you speak to apple kid at the end of earthbound, he's blown away by the astronomical odds of ness defeating giygas. Hes going to continue studying the trait called courage, in order to obtain its power. That seems awfully familiar to the experiments happening in undertale around the trait of determination, no? Especially since so much has shown that sans was a key player in those experiments. But i'm sure you also want physical evidence right? Well don't worry, i have plenty. During one of the endings of undertale, we see undyne and alpyhs hanging out on the beach of the surface world. A beach that bears a lot of similarities to the tropical location summers that you play in earthbound. In fact, the geographic layout of the surface bears some striking similarities to the world of mother. When undertales crew of monsters are finally able to reach the surface and look out over the earth, they're met with a beautiful sunset with a tall mountain, a big city, and a sandy area adjacent to water. Notice the sun's reflection, hence the water, and a lack of trees in this middle section, hence the sand. Well, in earthbound you have the big city of fourside, complete with skyscrapers, which you reach via a dessert that just so happens to be adjacent to water, and to the east, a mountain on onett where a meteor hits earth. I always called it onett. But if that's not clear enough for you, mother 1, earthbound zero, earthbound beginnings, whatever you want to call it, it's had a lot of names, had a map laying out the same geographic landscape. A tall mountain to the east of a large city, separated by a desert, with all of it up against a coast. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like there's a definite connection between the world of eagleland (eagleland? Again, unclear how its pronounced.) and the surface world of undertale. But the strongest physical connection, the one that definitely connects these two franchises, comes from none other than papyrus himself. He wears a custom made costume known as his “battle body” but if you look really closely at the designing on the armor, you'll notice a few marks on the chest. Is it just a throwaway detail? Ohoh NO, that right there is an exact match to the ones that appear on the chests of starmen, the most iconic enemy of earthbound. And look at the way he stands, i always thought it was awkward until i saw the two characters side by side. Papyrus’ curved arm and hand is a DIRECT match to the curved arm and hand of the starmen. In short, we have some strong proof that the earthbound universe is somehow connected to the undertale world, which brings us back to our initial question, WHO IS SANS? Well, what if we took in one final step and said that sans happened to be ness from earthbound. He hopped through the phase distorted as a test of courage, carrying his franklin badge, a photobook, and his trusty backpack. Not only do all the items in the workshop suddenly fit, but so does sans’ behavior. Remember, sans can seemingly teleport. And ness just happens to have the ability PSI teleport. Now look at how sans stands, hands in his pockets, legs out, it looks very similar to how ness is shown on most of the marketing for the game. It even explains why sans bleeds when you hit him. He is, or at least, WAS, a human. Oh and finally, sans is only one letter removed from being an anagram of ness. That's just a fun one. I thought it was worth mentioning. But if there was any doubt, we have to look no further than the creators previous work. Toby Fox, the man behind undertale, had previously worked on a halloween hack for earthbound. But this isn't just a simple reskin. The halloween hack tells the tale of dr. andonuts after the events of earthbound. Remember i pointed him out, he's the one who made the phase distorter. In toby fox’s version of the story, we see that the souls of the kids never returned home instead, by going to the past to defeat giygas, there stuck in a new timeline. As a result, jeff never reunites with his father andonuts. And dr. andonuts goes crazy with guilt, because HE’S the one responsible for creating the time machine, taking the souls of his sons and his sons friend to what he assumes aws their death. He's killed 4 kids, and in toby fox's game, he's gone crazy with guilt, trying to deal with that. Im telling you, this hack is DARK. that said, you see a lot of undertale in this game. The appearance of amalgamates, the use of the awesome song megalovania, the prototypes for flowery? And the theme of being nonviolent in an rpg, SPARING your enemies. So why is this important to the story? Well, remember, in toby fox's version of the story, the kids don't come back. They're stuck in the past, with no hopes of getting home, just like sans. and , in the hack, one character is oddly missing, with no explanation as to why. NESS. presumably in this timeline his soul is in a different place than his friends. Which brings us back to undertale. 3 faces, with “don't forget” written on it? Its ness, trying to remember his 3 friends. In short, undertale is a continuation of toby’s version of earthbound, with ness never being able to get home, adopting the name sans, and being accompanied by papyrus, a starman, with knowledge of english, his armor, and his signature posture, but without any of his memory of human things, like the sun. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Pokey/Porky and we’d have a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING
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soapvorer · 7 years
can you imagine a world where were all represented by a font? What font would I be? Hmmm, no, not Arial, that's too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. Too uh, deadpool.... BROADWAY! Now that's the one! Now that's the ONE!!! Hello Internet, welcome to GAME THEORY, where instead of putting a joke here I want to ask you a personal question. If you're personality were represented by a font, which font would you be? Take a moment and put you font in the comments. I'm really curious to see what everyone has to say. Maybe find a couple new cool fonts to use. I get bored with old calibri 11. And with that out of the way, it's time to talk UNDERTALE. Now I don't think I've ever gotten this many request to cover a game. Well, except for FNAF. And I suppose FNAF 2. OH and there was FNAF 3. Wait a minute, should I be worried about something here? Anyway, across the board on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter, you've all been wanting Undertale. And honestly, I'm glad you brought it to my attention. Truly loyal theorists will know that earthbound is my favorite game of all time. So a self aware RPG in a similar style, WHOA MAN, it's like a gift from the indie gaming heavens. Undertale is a game where every character, from goat mom to grind fodder has a sympathetic design and a unique personality, motivations, goals, fears. Whether you're saving or slaughtering them, the game makes you feel something every time you enter an encounter. But to me, one character stood out amongst all the rest. SANS. A skeleton named after the font, comic sans, hence all the font references at the beginning of the episode. If you haven't played undertale I'm sure that was a really wierd opening. ANYWAYS, sans is, well, there's a lot of mystery around this guy. And before we get into it, let me put up a very special spoiler warning: UNDERTALE Is a game best experienced blind. So if you haven't played it, come back after you've finished. I PROMISE YOU, I PROMISE you won't regret it. Alright so everyone out of the pool and ready for the adult swim? Good. Because I'm feeling pretty determined to get to the bottom of sans' mystery. So just to recap for those of you who haven't played the game and ignored the SPOILER WARNING, or just need a refresher, sans is one of the two skeletal brothers who appears in the game. His partner is papyrus, a loud, goofy trap lover also named after a font. But in the world of undertale their origins are a big question mark. All you really know is what's given by a shopkeeper in Snowden, who claims that sans and papyrus just, and I quote, "showed up one day and asserted themselves." Wierd, right? What's more is that papyrus is just kinda the goofy sidekick. SANS is much more complex. He likes fart jokes, but he's also incredibly deadly and much more serious. Not only is his boss battle the hardest in the game, he's one of the only characters who has knowledge and power over space and time. He can take shortcuts through the world on ridiculous routes. He even is walking through walls. He also acknowledges that he's only one of infinite versions of himself, making self-aware commentary of the various timelines you've played through in the game. He can even count the number of times he's killed you. He acts like an arbiter of this world, passing out judgements in the game, even explaining the secrets of EXP and LOVE, or EXECUTION POINTS and LEVELS OF VIOLENCE. In short, he just doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the world of monsters. But then, what, or who, is he? Well, that he doesn't belong in the underground seems to be correct. The evidence shows he used to be a surface dweller. In the true pacifist ending of the game, as the group looks out onto the horizon, papyrus asks sans about the giant ball in the sky. Sans says, quote, we call that the sun. This is important because A, the use of the word WE, and knowledge of the sun, shows that sans has a kinship or knowledge of other humans, and B, that despite he and papyrus both being skeletons, and BROTHER, and apparently both appearing in the underworld at the same time, the clearly have two very different histories. Why would papyrus not know the name of the sun but sans would? We get further clues to sans' origins as we hear him say multiple times he wants to "go home" or "go back." He says as much during his dinner date scene at the mettaton hotel. He notices that the player wants to go home and says, quote, "I know the feeling." He then continues, "maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you." As though he ended up in the underworld by accident. AND in a genocide run during his boss fight he says, quote, "look, I gave up trying to go back a long time ago." End quote. And before you say that means going back to the surface world, that's clearly not the full story. His very next line of dialogue is " and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either." Key word here, is EITHER. Yes, he seems to hail from the surface and wants to go back, but based on the dialogue he no longer considers it his home. It's as though the surface world he once knew is gone, and as though the surface he's from is from a different time. It's pretty intriguing. So we're left with a being that appeared out of nowhere, presumably from being from the human surface but from a different time period, who seemingly had the power to teleport. That a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here's where things get REALLY interesting. Sans has a hidden workshop that takes a fair amount of searching to find. You could say it takes a lot of DETERMINATION to unlock. Anyways, obligatory determination references aside, as you start to look for this easter egg sans gives you a key to his room and says "it's time you learn the truth." After visiting the workshop you find some items that leave a lot more questions. A photo album featuring sans and a bunch of people you don't recognize, a badge, blueprints with illegible handwriting, and a broken machine hidden behind a curtain. In the latest update, one more detail was added. A handdrawn picture of 3 smiling faces with the words “don't forget.” so what does it all mean. Well a lot of undertale theorists have been linking these details to a feature to a character named w d gaster. A ghostly figure who never truly appears in the game, honestly covering him is a theory all unto itself, and probably best saved for another day. All of the gaster theories i've seen haven't been able to explain all the details. A photo album, and the badge, and that's what kept nagging me as i researched undertale. A badge? That one in particular stuck out to me. Why would such an oddly specific item to be hidden in the huge easter egg of the room. Something that supposedly reveals the truth about sans. Badges just aren't important in undertale. Then it hit me. What if this badge isn't from undertale? What if this badge is from a completely different game? And was infact the most important badge in the history badge in the history of gaming? This franklin badge. And for those of you who are wondering what i'm talking about, the franklin badge is a pivotal item from the mother series. You know, the one with earthbound, or, maybe you don't know that one either. You know, the one with ness from super smash bros? Yeah well, ness is from earthbound, and earthbound is the second part of this larger mother series. Good? Yeah, well anyways, the franklin badge is an important part of that series. It gets its start in the very first game and carries through the whole trilogy, saving your life many times in the process. It's SO important that nintendo has made it a staple item in the smash brothers series. So i asked myself; what if the badge in sans drawer was THAT badge? Well first off, it would make undertale connected to earthbound, thereby making it even COOLER? But that's still a pretty big logical leap. I needed more. Let me tell you, as i started looking more and more pieces started to fit into place. At the end of earthbound you're given a photo album, covering your adventures throughout the game. To me it's one of the most satisfying endings to a journey. And what does sans have in his other drawer? A photo album of people you don't recognize. Of course you don't know them, they're not character present in undertale. And note the word that's used here, PEOPLE you don't recognize. Not underworld monsters. So that's 2 items oddly linked to the mother series linked to the mother series. But how do the broken machine and blueprints fit in? Well, in the final stretch of earthbound, ness and his 3 friends must travel to the past in order to have their final battle against the evil alien giygas. In order to do that, with the help of dr. andonuts (remember that, he's going to be important later) along with science geniuses apple kid and mr. saturn, create a machine known as the phase distorter, a machine that allows people to travel through time and space. Except, it comes at a cost. It can transport organic material, as a result the young heroes must put their souls in robot bodies in order to save the world. I played this game back in 1997 and i'm not ashamed to admit that when i first saw this scene i cried. It's DEVASTATING. Doctor andonuts says goodbye to his son, these characters you've grown to love are suddenly promising to sacrifice their lives. For all they know, there is no possibility of them being able to come back home. It's all a very dark departure in what was otherwise a fun, colorful, and quirky RPG. so what does all of this have to do with undertale? A LOT, actually. But the first thing you need to know is that mr. saturns are known for their, let's say, unique linguistic style. That would explain the illegible handwriting on the blueprints. And the machine? I think a broken phase distorter is behind that curtain. Now that may seem like a stretch but it actually explains a lot. Sans wound up in undertale via phase distorter, it could provide a reason for why he's a skeleton. He used the machine as organic matter and suffered the consequences, not killing him, but turning at least a part of him into a pile of bones. That could also explain why sans has given up hope for going home. Remember the phase distorter is a time machine. Based on the way he talks, he's not only from a different space but from a different time, with no hope of travelling back to the time he came from. But the crossovers between earthbound and undertale continue. When you speak to apple kid at the end of earthbound, he's blown away by the astronomical odds of ness defeating giygas. Hes going to continue studying the trait called courage, in order to obtain its power. That seems awfully familiar to the experiments happening in undertale around the trait of determination, no? Especially since so much has shown that sans was a key player in those experiments. But i'm sure you also want physical evidence right? Well don't worry, i have plenty. During one of the endings of undertale, we see undyne and alpyhs hanging out on the beach of the surface world. A beach that bears a lot of similarities to the tropical location summers that you play in earthbound. In fact, the geographic layout of the surface bears some striking similarities to the world of mother. When undertales crew of monsters are finally able to reach the surface and look out over the earth, they're met with a beautiful sunset with a tall mountain, a big city, and a sandy area adjacent to water. Notice the sun's reflection, hence the water, and a lack of trees in this middle section, hence the sand. Well, in earthbound you have the big city of fourside, complete with skyscrapers, which you reach via a dessert that just so happens to be adjacent to water, and to the east, a mountain on onett where a meteor hits earth. I always called it onett. But if that's not clear enough for you, mother 1, earthbound zero, earthbound beginnings, whatever you want to call it, it's had a lot of names, had a map laying out the same geographic landscape. A tall mountain to the east of a large city, separated by a desert, with all of it up against a coast. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like there's a definite connection between the world of eagleland (eagleland? Again, unclear how its pronounced.) and the surface world of undertale. But the strongest physical connection, the one that definitely connects these two franchises, comes from none other than papyrus himself. He wears a custom made costume known as his “battle body” but if you look really closely at the designing on the armor, you'll notice a few marks on the chest. Is it just a throwaway detail? Ohoh NO, that right there is an exact match to the ones that appear on the chests of starmen, the most iconic enemy of earthbound. And look at the way he stands, i always thought it was awkward until i saw the two characters side by side. Papyrus’ curved arm and hand is a DIRECT match to the curved arm and hand of the starmen. In short, we have some strong proof that the earthbound universe is somehow connected to the undertale world, which brings us back to our initial question, WHO IS SANS? Well, what if we took in one final step and said that sans happened to be ness from earthbound. He hopped through the phase distorted as a test of courage, carrying his franklin badge, a photobook, and his trusty backpack. Not only do all the items in the workshop suddenly fit, but so does sans’ behavior. Remember, sans can seemingly teleport. And ness just happens to have the ability PSI teleport. Now look at how sans stands, hands in his pockets, legs out, it looks very similar to how ness is shown on most of the marketing for the game. It even explains why sans bleeds when you hit him. He is, or at least, WAS, a human. Oh and finally, sans is only one letter removed from being an anagram of ness. That's just a fun one. I thought it was worth mentioning. But if there was any doubt, we have to look no further than the creators previous work. Toby Fox, the man behind undertale, had previously worked on a halloween hack for earthbound. But this isn't just a simple reskin. The halloween hack tells the tale of dr. andonuts after the events of earthbound. Remember i pointed him out, he's the one who made the phase distorter. In toby fox’s version of the story, we see that the souls of the kids never returned home instead, by going to the past to defeat giygas, there stuck in a new timeline. As a result, jeff never reunites with his father andonuts. And dr. andonuts goes crazy with guilt, because HE’S the one responsible for creating the time machine, taking the souls of his sons and his sons friend to what he assumes aws their death. He's killed 4 kids, and in toby fox's game, he's gone crazy with guilt, trying to deal with that. Im telling you, this hack is DARK. that said, you see a lot of undertale in this game. The appearance of amalgamates, the use of the awesome song megalovania, the prototypes for flowery? And the theme of being nonviolent in an rpg, SPARING your enemies. So why is this important to the story? Well, remember, in toby fox's version of the story, the kids don't come back. They're stuck in the past, with no hopes of getting home, just like sans. and , in the hack, one character is oddly missing, with no explanation as to why. NESS. presumably in this timeline his soul is in a different place than his friends. Which brings us back to undertale. 3 faces, with “don't forget” written on it? Its ness, trying to remember his 3 friends. In short, undertale is a continuation of toby’s version of earthbound, with ness never being able to get home, adopting the name sans, and being accompanied by papyrus, a starman, with knowledge of english, his armor, and his signature posture, but without any of his memory of human things, like the sun. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Pokey/Porky and we’d have a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!
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11isnotanumber · 7 years
can you imagine a world where were all represented by a font? What font would I be? Hmmm, no, not Arial, that's too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. Too uh, deadpool.... BROADWAY! Now that's the one! Now that's the ONE!!! Hello Internet, welcome to GAME THEORY, where instead of putting a joke here I want to ask you a personal question. If you're personality were represented by a font, which font would you be? Take a moment and put you font in the comments. I'm really curious to see what everyone has to say. Maybe find a couple new cool fonts to use. I get bored with old calibri 11. And with that out of the way, it's time to talk UNDERTALE. Now I don't think I've ever gotten this many request to cover a game. Well, except for FNAF. And I suppose FNAF 2. OH and there was FNAF 3. Wait a minute, should I be worried about something here? Anyway, across the board on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter, you've all been wanting Undertale. And honestly, I'm glad you brought it to my attention. Truly loyal theorists will know that earthbound is my favorite game of all time. So a self aware RPG in a similar style, WHOA MAN, it's like a gift from the indie gaming heavens. Undertale is a game where every character, from goat mom to grind fodder has a sympathetic design and a unique personality, motivations, goals, fears. Whether you're saving or slaughtering them, the game makes you feel something every time you enter an encounter. But to me, one character stood out amongst all the rest. SANS. A skeleton named after the font, comic sans, hence all the font references at the beginning of the episode. If you haven't played undertale I'm sure that was a really wierd opening. ANYWAYS, sans is, well, there's a lot of mystery around this guy. And before we get into it, let me put up a very special spoiler warning: UNDERTALE Is a game best experienced blind. So if you haven't played it, come back after you've finished. I PROMISE YOU, I PROMISE you won't regret it. Alright so everyone out of the pool and ready for the adult swim? Good. Because I'm feeling pretty determined to get to the bottom of sans' mystery. So just to recap for those of you who haven't played the game and ignored the SPOILER WARNING, or just need a refresher, sans is one of the two skeletal brothers who appears in the game. His partner is papyrus, a loud, goofy trap lover also named after a font. But in the world of undertale their origins are a big question mark. All you really know is what's given by a shopkeeper in Snowden, who claims that sans and papyrus just, and I quote, "showed up one day and asserted themselves." Wierd, right? What's more is that papyrus is just kinda the goofy sidekick. SANS is much more complex. He likes fart jokes, but he's also incredibly deadly and much more serious. Not only is his boss battle the hardest in the game, he's one of the only characters who has knowledge and power over space and time. He can take shortcuts through the world on ridiculous routes. He even is walking through walls. He also acknowledges that he's only one of infinite versions of himself, making self-aware commentary of the various timelines you've played through in the game. He can even count the number of times he's killed you. He acts like an arbiter of this world, passing out judgements in the game, even explaining the secrets of EXP and LOVE, or EXECUTION POINTS and LEVELS OF VIOLENCE. In short, he just doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the world of monsters. But then, what, or who, is he? Well, that he doesn't belong in the underground seems to be correct. The evidence shows he used to be a surface dweller. In the true pacifist ending of the game, as the group looks out onto the horizon, papyrus asks sans about the giant ball in the sky. Sans says, quote, we call that the sun. This is important because A, the use of the word WE, and knowledge of the sun, shows that sans has a kinship or knowledge of other humans, and B, that despite he and papyrus both being skeletons, and BROTHER, and apparently both appearing in the underworld at the same time, the clearly have two very different histories. Why would papyrus not know the name of the sun but sans would? We get further clues to sans' origins as we hear him say multiple times he wants to "go home" or "go back." He says as much during his dinner date scene at the mettaton hotel. He notices that the player wants to go home and says, quote, "I know the feeling." He then continues, "maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you." As though he ended up in the underworld by accident. AND in a genocide run during his boss fight he says, quote, "look, I gave up trying to go back a long time ago." End quote. And before you say that means going back to the surface world, that's clearly not the full story. His very next line of dialogue is " and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either." Key word here, is EITHER. Yes, he seems to hail from the surface and wants to go back, but based on the dialogue he no longer considers it his home. It's as though the surface world he once knew is gone, and as though the surface he's from is from a different time. It's pretty intriguing. So we're left with a being that appeared out of nowhere, presumably from being from the human surface but from a different time period, who seemingly had the power to teleport. That a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here's where things get REALLY interesting. Sans has a hidden workshop that takes a fair amount of searching to find. You could say it takes a lot of DETERMINATION to unlock. Anyways, obligatory determination references aside, as you start to look for this easter egg sans gives you a key to his room and says "it's time you learn the truth." After visiting the workshop you find some items that leave a lot more questions. A photo album featuring sans and a bunch of people you don't recognize, a badge, blueprints with illegible handwriting, and a broken machine hidden behind a curtain. In the latest update, one more detail was added. A handdrawn picture of 3 smiling faces with the words “don't forget.” so what does it all mean. Well a lot of undertale theorists have been linking these details to a feature to a character named w d gaster. A ghostly figure who never truly appears in the game, honestly covering him is a theory all unto itself, and probably best saved for another day. All of the gaster theories i've seen haven't been able to explain all the details. A photo album, and the badge, and that's what kept nagging me as i researched undertale. A badge? That one in particular stuck out to me. Why would such an oddly specific item to be hidden in the huge easter egg of the room. Something that supposedly reveals the truth about sans. Badges just aren't important in undertale. Then it hit me. What if this badge isn't from undertale? What if this badge is from a completely different game? And was infact the most important badge in the history badge in the history of gaming? This franklin badge. And for those of you who are wondering what i'm talking about, the franklin badge is a pivotal item from the mother series. You know, the one with earthbound, or, maybe you don't know that one either. You know, the one with ness from super smash bros? Yeah well, ness is from earthbound, and earthbound is the second part of this larger mother series. Good? Yeah, well anyways, the franklin badge is an important part of that series. It gets its start in the very first game and carries through the whole trilogy, saving your life many times in the process. It's SO important that nintendo has made it a staple item in the smash brothers series. So i asked myself; what if the badge in sans drawer was THAT badge? Well first off, it would make undertale connected to earthbound, thereby making it even COOLER? But that's still a pretty big logical leap. I needed more. Let me tell you, as i started looking more and more pieces started to fit into place. At the end of earthbound you're given a photo album, covering your adventures throughout the game. To me it's one of the most satisfying endings to a journey. And what does sans have in his other drawer? A photo album of people you don't recognize. Of course you don't know them, they're not character present in undertale. And note the word that's used here, PEOPLE you don't recognize. Not underworld monsters. So that's 2 items oddly linked to the mother series linked to the mother series. But how do the broken machine and blueprints fit in? Well, in the final stretch of earthbound, ness and his 3 friends must travel to the past in order to have their final battle against the evil alien giygas. In order to do that, with the help of dr. andonuts (remember that, he's going to be important later) along with science geniuses apple kid and mr. saturn, create a machine known as the phase distorter, a machine that allows people to travel through time and space. Except, it comes at a cost. It can transport organic material, as a result the young heroes must put their souls in robot bodies in order to save the world. I played this game back in 1997 and i'm not ashamed to admit that when i first saw this scene i cried. It's DEVASTATING. Doctor andonuts says goodbye to his son, these characters you've grown to love are suddenly promising to sacrifice their lives. For all they know, there is no possibility of them being able to come back home. It's all a very dark departure in what was otherwise a fun, colorful, and quirky RPG. so what does all of this have to do with undertale? A LOT, actually. But the first thing you need to know is that mr. saturns are known for their, let's say, unique linguistic style. That would explain the illegible handwriting on the blueprints. And the machine? I think a broken phase distorter is behind that curtain. Now that may seem like a stretch but it actually explains a lot. Sans wound up in undertale via phase distorter, it could provide a reason for why he's a skeleton. He used the machine as organic matter and suffered the consequences, not killing him, but turning at least a part of him into a pile of bones. That could also explain why sans has given up hope for going home. Remember the phase distorter is a time machine. Based on the way he talks, he's not only from a different space but from a different time, with no hope of travelling back to the time he came from. But the crossovers between earthbound and undertale continue. When you speak to apple kid at the end of earthbound, he's blown away by the astronomical odds of ness defeating giygas. Hes going to continue studying the trait called courage, in order to obtain its power. That seems awfully familiar to the experiments happening in undertale around the trait of determination, no? Especially since so much has shown that sans was a key player in those experiments. But i'm sure you also want physical evidence right? Well don't worry, i have plenty. During one of the endings of undertale, we see undyne and alpyhs hanging out on the beach of the surface world. A beach that bears a lot of similarities to the tropical location summers that you play in earthbound. In fact, the geographic layout of the surface bears some striking similarities to the world of mother. When undertales crew of monsters are finally able to reach the surface and look out over the earth, they're met with a beautiful sunset with a tall mountain, a big city, and a sandy area adjacent to water. Notice the sun's reflection, hence the water, and a lack of trees in this middle section, hence the sand. Well, in earthbound you have the big city of fourside, complete with skyscrapers, which you reach via a dessert that just so happens to be adjacent to water, and to the east, a mountain on onett where a meteor hits earth. I always called it onett. But if that's not clear enough for you, mother 1, earthbound zero, earthbound beginnings, whatever you want to call it, it's had a lot of names, had a map laying out the same geographic landscape. A tall mountain to the east of a large city, separated by a desert, with all of it up against a coast. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like there's a definite connection between the world of eagleland (eagleland? Again, unclear how its pronounced.) and the surface world of undertale. But the strongest physical connection, the one that definitely connects these two franchises, comes from none other than papyrus himself. He wears a custom made costume known as his “battle body” but if you look really closely at the designing on the armor, you'll notice a few marks on the chest. Is it just a throwaway detail? Ohoh NO, that right there is an exact match to the ones that appear on the chests of starmen, the most iconic enemy of earthbound. And look at the way he stands, i always thought it was awkward until i saw the two characters side by side. Papyrus’ curved arm and hand is a DIRECT match to the curved arm and hand of the starmen. In short, we have some strong proof that the earthbound universe is somehow connected to the undertale world, which brings us back to our initial question, WHO IS SANS? Well, what if we took in one final step and said that sans happened to be ness from earthbound. He hopped through the phase distorted as a test of courage, carrying his franklin badge, a photobook, and his trusty backpack. Not only do all the items in the workshop suddenly fit, but so does sans’ behavior. Remember, sans can seemingly teleport. And ness just happens to have the ability PSI teleport. Now look at how sans stands, hands in his pockets, legs out, it looks very similar to how ness is shown on most of the marketing for the game. It even explains why sans bleeds when you hit him. He is, or at least, WAS, a human. Oh and finally, sans is only one letter removed from being an anagram of ness. That's just a fun one. I thought it was worth mentioning. But if there was any doubt, we have to look no further than the creators previous work. Toby Fox, the man behind undertale, had previously worked on a halloween hack for earthbound. But this isn't just a simple reskin. The halloween hack tells the tale of dr. andonuts after the events of earthbound. Remember i pointed him out, he's the one who made the phase distorter. In toby fox’s version of the story, we see that the souls of the kids never returned home instead, by going to the past to defeat giygas, there stuck in a new timeline. As a result, jeff never reunites with his father andonuts. And dr. andonuts goes crazy with guilt, because HE’S the one responsible for creating the time machine, taking the souls of his sons and his sons friend to what he assumes aws their death. He's killed 4 kids, and in toby fox's game, he's gone crazy with guilt, trying to deal with that. Im telling you, this hack is DARK. that said, you see a lot of undertale in this game. The appearance of amalgamates, the use of the awesome song megalovania, the prototypes for flowery? And the theme of being nonviolent in an rpg, SPARING your enemies. So why is this important to the story? Well, remember, in toby fox's version of the story, the kids don't come back. They're stuck in the past, with no hopes of getting home, just like sans. and , in the hack, one character is oddly missing, with no explanation as to why. NESS. presumably in this timeline his soul is in a different place than his friends. Which brings us back to undertale. 3 faces, with “don't forget” written on it? Its ness, trying to remember his 3 friends. In short, undertale is a continuation of toby’s version of earthbound, with ness never being able to get home, adopting the name sans, and being accompanied by papyrus, a starman, with knowledge of english, his armor, and his signature posture, but without any of his memory of human things, like the sun. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Pokey/Porky and we’d have a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!
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reylorowaelin · 5 years
Stranger Things: Daughter of Death Fanfiction Chapter One: Flicker Flicker
Hey guys! I just uploaded my first fanfiction on archiveofourown.com! It is a Stranger Things fan fiction with Steve Harrington and a character of my own creation. Down below I have copied the first chapter so you can get a sneak peak on this platform! If you like it, you can check out the second chapter on my archiveofourown page (reylorowaelin)! Here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20086411/chapters/47575000
Summary: Set in the fall after the third season of Stranger Things, while Eleven and the Byers family are visiting for Thanksgiving a new supernatural being enters Hawkins, with new powers that the Party haven't witnessed. Unaware of this mysterious girl's abilities, motive, and past, Steve Harrington is assigned to keep an eye on her. And as she becomes a bigger and a more dangerous threat, it is up to Steve to protect the Party. As more adversaries come into play, it is up to Steve to get the supernatural girl to become their ally in order to save Hawkins a couple more times.
Chapter One: Flicker Flicker
The Starcourt mall was almost empty. Every shop was closed, the metal gates glistening in the neon lights. It even flickered against the pearly tile floor, freshly cleaned by the janitorial staff just fifteen-minutes ago. The maddening, generic music that annoyed every mall employee was finally silenced, leaving Starcourt to succumb to a haunting quietness. Even with the heat on, the entire building was colder.
The icy chill swept goosebumps across Eleven’s tan skin—Hopper’s flannel couldn’t even keep her warm. It caused the brown hairs dancing across her arm to pause, no longer swaying to the humming of Steve Harrington’s favorite song. Instead, they became alert, aware. Eleven didn’t know if it was the cold of the ice cream parlor or of the hollowness of the mall that caused her heart to thump irregularly.
She balled her fists, pulling them underneath her orange and brown sleeves, barrowing further into the red leather booth. Steve, who had taken off that ridiculous hat and shoved it in his duffle bag, had pulled a black hoodie over his head, messing up his infamous hair. But he just ran his fingers through his chocolate locks at an attempt to add some sort of order to the chaos, really working his shoulder deeper into the canister of strawberry ice cream.
“How do I look?” Robin Buckley burst out from the swinging doors at Scoops Ahoy. Her tone was wrecked with nerves, stumbling over the rather simple sentence. Her fingers fiddled with her long tan cardigan, dragging it over her red tank top. Robin kept tugging up her loose jeans, the brown belt doing little to keep them upright.
Steve briefly glanced at Robin before plopping the last scoop of strawberry ice cream into the waffle cone. “You’ll be fine, Buckley,” he responded, completely dodging her question. Steve let out a slight grunt as he shut the cover to the ice cream canister closed, pressing his elbow against the top. “As long as you’re your usual, charming, irritating self I’m sure Mellie Fitzgerald is gonna love you.” Steve offered her a sarcastic smile, cupping his cheek with the palm of his hand.
Robin frowned, puckering her burgundy smeared lips. Waltzing forward, she tipped the top of Eleven’s strawberry cone into Steve’s face as she snapped, “you’re a real grade-A douchebag, you know that dingus?”
The teenager rolled his chocolate eyes, pushing himself off of his elbow. Grasping Robin’s shoulders, he shook her slightly, forcing her to look at him. “You’re gonna be fine, Buckley,” Steve said softly. He turned, peering past Eleven and towards the exit of Starcourt. “Go, leave for your date. We can pack up here.”
Robin let out a little groan, biting her bottom lip in between her teeth. She seemed to be having an internal struggle, smoke nearly coming out of her ears. “Fine,” she grumbled, stepping away from Steve and slinging her own duffle bag over her arm.
Eleven and Steve stayed silent as Robin scattered off, letting the taciturnity linger between them. The older boy took a towel, wiping the rest of the strawberry ice cream off his face, licking some off his finger. Eleven, who was only back in Hawkins for Thanksgiving break, chipped her over-grown fingernails against the wooden table. Earlier that day they’d been painted black by Max, claiming it was a look that suited El’s…unique personality.
But the black reminded her too much of the other place…of that realm. And of the waves that crashed along the Californian shores, the violent slapping of flesh on flesh, the cries of a terrified but very pretty women—
But then the muteness of an abandoned child. The blackness reminded Eleven of her skin getting wet with tears that were not her own and were salty like the waves of the west coast. And then anger—anger consumed the endless void and that antagonism would transpire into wrath that wrapped itself around Eleven’s bones, tangled within her muscles, plagued in her blood. But it was not her own rage, no it was foreign and far bigger than herself. And she couldn’t control it, it just overtook her like fear—
And then she couldn’t breathe, it was like the darkness gripped her throat, dragging its claws through her vocal cords. But she couldn’t scream or maybe she could, but no one heard her. She was trapped, isolated in an oblivion that Eleven wasn’t sure she’ll ever escape from—
“Eleven!” Steve shouted, leaning across the table, grabbing her face in between his hands. They were warm, unlike the goosebumps erected across her bone chamber, unlike the blackness, unlike the delicious ice cream that was now so close to her face. “Are you alright?”
Eleven finally broke free of her trance, her vision unblurring. She leaned back, disconnecting their touch. “Yes,” she replied simply, taking the ice cream cone. “Yes.”
Steve scrunched his brows together, leaning back in the booth. He slung his arm over the ledge of the chair, using his other hand to yank a bunch of napkins out of the container, sliding them over to Eleven. She only paused, peering up at him. Then, she took one, wiping a chunk of strawberry from the corner of her mouth. “Where is Robin going?”
He sighed, turning his head to the door that Robin had rushed out of nearly five minutes ago. Steve was tired, oh so tired, too exhausted to even rub the bags underneath his orbs. He had worked a twelve-hour shift, coming in earlier than he was supposed to so he could calm Robin’s nerves for her date with Mellie. And he had barely slept at all in the past three months, for every time he came home he was welcomed to his father’s bellows—the same sound that haunted his dreams.
And Steve had promised Eleven these free ice cream visits every time she came back to Hawkins. They had a…mutual understanding. She lost a father and Steve never really had one.
“On a date,” Steve said, picking at the eroding leather on the booth.
“Mellie is a strange name for a boy.”
“Mellie isn’t a boy, she’s a girl”—
“Girls can go on dates with other girls?”
“Yes-I, uh,” Steve stuttered, running his digits through his hair. “Of course,” his faced flushed with embarrassment, he was never good at having these types of conversations. “I’ll have Robin explain it later, God knows she can word it better than me.”
Eleven nodded, licking the rest of her strawberry ice cream. Words evaded them again as they sat in a peaceful calmness, mutual comfort. She didn’t know if they sat there for seconds, minutes, or even hours before she spoke, but there’s one thing she did know—her dessert never melted. “Next time, I want sprinkles.”
Steve mocked offense, tugging at the strings of his hoodie. “You’re getting unlimited free ice cream every time you come home, the least you could do is say ‘thank you’.”
Eleven let out a soft giggle, chewing up the rest of the waffle cone. However, the snickers slowly dissipated from her mouth as she got hung up on one word, one simple word, that she only knew for a year or so. A word that now seems so foreign and so distant—a faraway dream that now tastes so very different on Eleven’s tongue. “Home?”
Steve was speechless for a few moments, twirling his fingers along the crevasses of the booth. He didn’t acknowledge El’s presence as he spoke, “Yeah, I guess Hawkins isn’t really your home anymore, is it?”
Eleven shrugged, sweeping the strawberry off her face. “Hopper was my home,” she whispered, crumbling the napkin in her fist. A tear slipped out from her waterline, drizzling down her cheek. Eleven didn’t even try to wipe it away with her napkin—it just wasn’t worth it. “And now with him gone…I just feel lost.”
Steve took the cloth that was attached to his belt and smoothed it over the table, picking up any crumbs Eleven might have left behind. “I’ve never felt the feeling of home with my parents—especially with my dad,” Steve admitted, tucking the cloth back underneath his belt. His brown irises grew heavy, increasingly interesting in the fraying fabric of his navy shorts. “And I guess, well—I guess the closest thing I felt to home was with Nance, but then”—
“But then she dumped your ass.”
Steve squinted his eyes at the impact of Eleven’s choice of words, holding is hand up in the ear in rejection. “Okay, no hold up, Nance did not dump my ass; Steve Harrington does not get dumped”—El couldn’t hide her laughter at his fluster-ness, his face turning as red as Robin’s tank top. Eventually, Steve just rolled his eyes, shutting his mouth.
And again, silence consumed them both, but it was comfortable, welcoming. In the past couple years, they both had too much noise. Too much violent, nightmare surging noise.
But when Steve spoke again, something about if Mike ever broke her heart he would kick his ass, a sudden chill slithered up Eleven’s spin like a snake. It caused her back to go rigid, her blood taut with fear. Apprehension caused her movements to freeze, her bones icing over with trepidation.
And then, Steve felt that cold breeze too. It swindled his hair just as those neon lights began to flicker. It was as if they were spazzing in terror too, thrashing on and off to the beat of both Eleven and Steve’s hearts. And every time the electricity flicked off, so would the heat, making the atmosphere chillier and chillier until it was as if they were in an ice box.
Steve slowly stood up from his seat in the booth, blocking El from the breeze that was rushing into Scoops Ahoy, from the chaotic lights that could give anyone a seizure. But that did not stop the girl from peering out from behind Steve, from seeing what he saw. Like him, Eleven’s breathing caught in her throat, her heart stopped pounding her chest, as her vision landed on a beautiful girl a couple hundred feet away.
Around Steve’s age, the girl wasn’t looking at the two, but she knew they were there. They could only see a side of her pale face, could only make out her intense cheekbones and jawlines, only picked up one of her dark eyes dancing with the same chaotic neon. Her dark chocolate locks, nearly black, cascaded down her leather jacket, blowing in the wind she so obviously curated. And the more and more she pressed her hand against the countertop of the Chinese restaurant, the heavier the wind got. It slammed metal chairs into columns, flipped the tables on its sides. And even through all the ruckus, the girl did not flinch. She did not waver.
But then as quickly as she came, the girl was gone.
The newborn Mind Flayer roared in agony as the restraints electrocuted its bloody flesh. It’s verbal wrath nearly broke the impenetrable glass, its limbs flaring out in pain. But its screeches and its cries were unheard in the sealed overlook where two Soviet officers stood, arms crossed with clipboards tucked away in their jackets.
           Are you sure this is going to work? the younger lieutenant inquired hesitantly in Russian, eyes not able to peel away from the monstrosity before them.
           All in good time. The smile dancing along the elder Soviet’s lips was vicious, looking at the dangerous Mind Flayer like it was a masterpiece sent from God. The trapped is laid—and soon the young child will bring the Daughter of Death to us…He looked to his comrade, the lust for power drenched in his tone. And we will have the two powers that control the upside down…the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.
           And when the Mind Flayer thundered again, the officer laughed.
If you enjoyed, make sure to check out chapter two! Here’s the link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20086411/chapters/47575000
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