#so i was in math class and the teacher was saying some stuff i dont even remember anymore
raindrvq · 2 months
ive spent like 4 hours just staring at my math homework LET ME OUTTTT
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
btw i should be able to hold every single bird i see . like a hamburger
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fawnprincessblog · 3 months
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idk about you guys, but i've been heavily obsessing over 2017 tom. Or 2015, whatever. like, not the bearded tom, but the stubble tom. not too beardy, but not too bare, just right. this specific looking 25 year old tom, with the stubble.
and um...i know this is like, really disgusting, and i'm gonna get cancelled by some people, but um, i keep on imagining this tom as a teacher. like MMH.
so, tom is a 25 year old math teacher (or any) and he's super strict and well sophisticated and stuff, but he kinda loses it when he gets with one of his students. like, idk maybe a 17-18 year old female student (me obvi). like, teacher × student trope IM SORRY OKAY? IM HORNYYYY
like they just have sex in private in his office during class breaks, or recess, like really hardcore sex but at the same time, he's also such a caring man. since he's older and stuff he's just so good cause like yk he's older and smarter and she only goes to him because they love each other even though everything is definitely wrong. only he understands his sweet little girl.
"daddy...i'm sorry..." you frown, "i didn't mean to get into trouble..."
"it's okay, just promise me you'll be a good girl from now on," he says.
i want to be his little good girl! his favourite student! the only one he'll care about!! 🥺💔 YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THIS NEED.
im sorry. unfollows are understood. love you guys 😚💋💗
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gimmeyourlovepls · 5 months
Can you do some Miles morales headcanons of how is he when he shares a class with his girlfriend?
ok!!! love it when i get requests 😍
so first all, before the school year starts he's so excited to find out yall share a class
like he's lowkey already plotting how to get you to always be in a group with him
and when school finally starts, after not even a week of sitting next to eachother he gets moved
yall were talking too much 😭
but that doesnt stop him
cause he's gotta communicate with his girl come on
i think he'd be the type to pass notes
maybe even make u learn a secret language to write or do out loud so the teacher doesnt catch him
i think he'd be really good help in classes
especially art
and my opinion is he'd be good in math and science too
cause of the different dimesions stuff
so you always have a study buddy
(even though yall dont get as much work done as u should during these "study sessions"
i think he could also use his invisibility skill to help during presentations
like he'd "leave to go to the bathroom" then go back and stand beside you whispering in your ear on what to say
you guys would definetly have a playlist for all the classes you're in together (you share airpods)
here u go, hope this is ok!!
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
Ok so can I maybe get greasers headcanons with an absolute academic weapon s/o (think Rory Gilmore/annabeth chase/Devi Vishwakumar) who’s parents like make them get all A’s and they are very Ivy League bound, always dressing in blazers/looking very sharp and corporate and super ambitious? (Probs academic rivals with pony lowkey 💀) Thanks so much lmao I think Dallys is going to be 🔥🔥
YESSS 🫶🫶 i myself am an academic weapon🧐(JK LMAO ap physics has made me lose my will to live) ANYWAYS
yall are actually so cute together ngl
like you guys study for tests together and do hw together
cause you guys are in the same honors classes and stuff
some days pony will get cocky and be like “i’m so much better than you at bio” or smth like that (🙄)
and then you guys get into competitions to see how many times you can get correct answers in class it’s actually crazy
everyone else in class is like 😟 LMAOO
soda is a little on the dumber side😭
im sorry i feel like its canon that he’s a lil slower
but he’ll try and watch you do hw and then get bored like instantly
that or confused
he always says “i was good at math til they added letters🤓☝️”
and you’re just like🥱
LMAO you guys are good for each other tho
cause you convince him to prioritize some form of learning
and he helps you let loose
he is honestly really sweet🫶
like understanding when you turn down hangouts cause you got final exams and you cram like crazy
but he also loooves just chilling in your room while you do homework
his catchphrase is “just ask the teacher tomorrow, man”
and you’re just like “🧍‍♀️ it’s a friday night”
anyways he’s just really supportive and proud when you come back with all As on your report card🙏😜🤩
he is real supportive
hes all abt that grind as we know PLUS he canonically gets on pony for his grades
so he’s glad that he don’t gotta worry at all abt that for you
he’s so proud and happy when you get a good score on a test you were worried about and yall go on a lil date night🫶🙏
he couldn’t care less i’m sorry😭🥱
hes secretly like super impressed and proud to have a smart asf s/o
but he gets butthurt when you blow him off cause you got a test tomorrow and you’re going to bed early
dal never really had the internal motivation to actually put stuff into school so he just doesn’t get it
whenever you try and include him w your studying/homework he tries to help w flashcards
and whenever you get the answer right and it’s super specific he’s just like 😟
and you’re like “right?” and he’s like “…yeah”
MY GUY IS SCARED cause he knows you could just totally destroy him intellectually🧐
also cause he’s scared you’ll realize you’re too good for him
but its okay 🫶🫶
he thinks school is boring like bruh is a total super duper senior just for the friends but the academics
meanwhile it’s like a major part of your life
hes really impressed
whenever you get some academic award he’s always like “WOOOOOO”
you guys have really funny fake arguments
which you destroy him in
youre just like “that’s a fallacy…and that’s a fallacy…bandwagon”
boom roasted asf
you tutor him kinda on yiur school subjects
yk the study method where you explain a concept to someone else to help you remember it?
you do that for him but he’s just like 😀🧍‍♂️
“and that’s pretty much what mitosis is!”
and hes like ”…i’m glad😀”
he’ll also try and teach you abt cars and car parts
which is just a bit of a struggle🤏😀
TYSM FOR REQUESTING🤩 my inbox is open! i’m really trying to get to everyone’s and some take more thought for me to plan than others so sorry if they take a while🥰🤪‼️
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v4mp1r3c4t · 9 days
C. sturniolo (fluff/series
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.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-chris' pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
It was lunch when nick came up with a idea
" hey guys" nick talks " how about we play kiss marry kill?? " nick suggests " thats cool! " nate chimes in " chris kiss marry kill" i was shock " WHY ME? " i shouted " shut up chris " matt rolls his eyes sarcastically "anyways, chris kiss marry kill madison, alahna and y/n" nick placed a hand on his chin while i try to figure out whos y/n " who the fuck is y/n? " nate asked nick " the girl in our matt class" matt says " ohh, her" i says " well kiss madison marry alahna and kill y/n" i finished what i said and nick looked at me " what? I dont really know y/n" i say
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-Y/n's pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
I was eating my lunch with madi when i glanced over the Triplet's table and madi noticed that
"Oohh! " madi giggles " are you interested in one of themm? " she laughs "not nick tho! " she was serious in a second and i looked at her confuse "hes gay! " she answered me " well i dont like him tho, i like chris. " i said while eating carbonara "HIM? " and some eyes were on me so i shutted her "its not like i have a choice madi" i sigh "oh yeahh, he likes the cheer captain" madi looked at me apologetic
We had the same math subject so we were walking there together when we saw chris talking to his coach and our math teacher
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-chris' pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
"Christopher, as much as we love you in the team and would appreciate you to be in the game. You cant. " i heard coach grayson as he puts his hand in my shoulder and i looked to mrs. elliana " you have to join the free tutoring session Christopher. " she says " and you have to get atleast a straight bs to join " i sighed " not even a c? " i asked " no, almost all your test are e and f" she says. " you have 2 months to fix ur grading "
I bid my goodbyes and went to math and sat at the back, i saw the y/n girl nick mentioned in our dumb game " She is very pretty though " i thought to myself
After math class i saw y/n approach me " hello" she greets me with a smile " hey? " i responded " uhmm, im your tutor.. " she whispers to me and i smiled at her " are you free after school? " i asked her, while she thinks i scan her looks, she was above average. She was really pretty. " hello? " i heard her say " did you hear me? " she asked shyly " oh god no sorry" and the first time i heard her laugh was now " i can go, but where do we meet? " she asks while giggling " can you go to my house? " i asked her and she says yes
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ after 3 weeks✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
.・゜-: ✧ :-.・゜-: ✧ :-chris' pov-: ✧ :-゜・.-: ✧ :-゜・.
I was chatting with y/n when nick talked to me " you've been hanging out with y/n, chris " nick smiles and i responded "huh? Oh yeah yeah. Shes my tutor and shes great at it! I keep getting As and Bs! " i said happily " enough with academic stuff! " nate interrupted "are you guys going to Madison's party tonight? Chris ella will be there" i rolled my eyes at nate and said " cant, im taking y/n to the beach to show my gratitude " i said smiling "you like her dont you? " matt says while smirking " no no! " i hesitantly said and they look at me not believing me " fine! I like her okay. " i blushed as they all smiled
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This took so long to publish😭
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luxiem x reader || as fathers
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a/n : YALL LIKE MY LUXIEM HCS MORE THAN MY OTHER ONES SO HERE U GO LMAO 😭 ill feed u guys some more luxiem content before mysta graduates [sobs louder]
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but minus the yelling and stuff
hes just pretty damn strict but like he loves you all the same
if you get an A+ in maths, GOOD JOB, HE'LL TREAT YOU TO ICE CREAM [and maybe a magic show WWWW]
if you get a D-, he'll probably say something along the lines of : " try harder kiddo! you can get a higher mark next time! do you want me to help you study? "
he will definitely show up at all of your events and stuff like that to cheer you on
b a n a n a
omg he would accidentally get banned from ur school games bc he keeps helping you with his witchcraft stuff
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hes the type to bring like the BEST FOOD during those potlucks ur school has
will panic if you bring math homework to him for help AJSHD
if he cant go to ur school events, HE WILL SO FIND A WAY TO GO, EVEN IF IT WAS JUST FOR A MOMENT
ur little sibling would deadass be a dog.
like no shit, this man would want a dog
and that dog is ur sibling
he and his mafia men would be the ones to raise you [FUCKING BONUS POINTS IF ONE OF HIS MEN IS A WOMAN AND SHE IS UR MOTHER FIGURE]
" oh, don't worry kid, you'll get it next time!! if you're ever feeling down, just know your dad thinks that you're pog! "
you dont know how to tell him that saying pog as a [however old he is] man is a little cringe, but you love him for it (IN A FAMILIAL WAY)
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a very chill dad when it comes to homework and grades
unless it was english
if you get a low score in english
but if you get tired of it, he'll let it go
i feel like he'd be the parent who IS your teacher at school
oh boy, you should dread first day if he's your english teacher
" class, i'd like you all to know, im only fucking one of your mothers. " [all jokes LMAO he wouldnt embarrass you like that..... or would he?]
if you get a low score in any subjects or like if you flunk a test, he'll hug you and say:
" don't cry, you've made me proud already. i love you kiddo, and none of those test marks will change that. just tell me if you ever need help okay? i'm always happy to help you with those. "
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the most laidback out of all the luxiem guys about homework
doesn't mind if you flunk it, as long as you did your hardest, it's a pass in his book
he cant physically help you with homework
its a british debuff /j
like he would stare at the pythagorean theorem and go 'uhm....'
there to listen to all the GODDAMN TEA!! like how dare jessica cheat on james like that with ryan??
dude is like the communal dad if any of ur friends dont have a father figure, he'll be there for them too
" oh you flunked your math test? it's alright!! you'll get it next time. they give you too much tests nowadays you guys are all probably burnt out... how about we watch a movie? your mind needs to destress. "
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also that one dad for some reason everyone likes
hes like pretty strict, but its because he wants the best for you
hes the demon you and ur friends would try to summon at sleepovers
" kid, please, i love you and all, but dad needs to fucking rest. please stop summoning me. "
anyways, hes pretty damn smart so hes gotchu covered when it comes to homework help
unless it was history.
history pisses the fuck out of this ancient man.
he will rant about how incorrect the history books are and you'll get nowhere with homework
" oh, darling, it's alright. i'm not disappointed in you and i won't be when it comes to homework. i get it, sometimes it's hard and you don't understand it, but that's when you ask for help, alright? i won't ever shame you for asking me for help. "
a/n : i hope yall r fed this took me 30 minutes to shit out and clean up also i think its obvious whos my favourite in luxiem LMAOO
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cluelylikesporn · 7 months
okay exam update cuz im actually really pissed off.
so im autistic + adhd, and only been diagnosed relatively recently, so i havent really been getting assistance until now. (autism diagnosis last year, adhd 2 years ago.)
my last exam was (still is) this period, and im going home once i finish it. one of my other exams i was sent to special ed (it’s called different things in australia and other schools but i dont wanna get doxxed) and the chick helping me (we’ll call her charlie) told me she couldnt even read the questions out to me… like i legit get more help in my normal exam conditions.
she told me WHILE HAVING A PANIC ATTACK “i think i know why your so upset, because you know you dont listen in class and just sleep and draw on your hand.” cunt, what..?
i literally have spent my whole life wondering why i cant listen in class and hearing “just reread it.” or “your not listening hard enough.” is so fucking tiring. maybe explain it? she refused to help me because i “wasnt approved” to have a helper
the school knows im autistic so why do i have to be approved to get the help i need? like you dont have to make up all these forms and files. you have teachers who can help me literally in the building who could help me but you refuse.
okok i got rlly off topic but tldr on what happened today:
my teacher sent me to the special ed area to do my exam (last time he did they told me to go back) also shout out to my english teacher hes a legend. he gave me my sheet, i took a ritalin, said bye to the people i liked and left. (i used to take ritalin daily but now i jst take it to focus better in exams and shit)
i went to se and saw a couple kids i knew. one i hated and didnt know why he was there, one who has some mental problems so i understood why he was there. hes a sweetie. and some chick i knew who broke her wrist and had to write on a laptop.
so one by one they were assigned a teacher who would sit with them and help them/ read out questions and then the lady said “oh chloe your not supposed to be here, you have to go back to class.”
are you fucking kidding me.
i completely understand its not her or my teachers fault im not meant to be there, but im allowed to be a little frustrated. i asked why i kept getting sent here and why i couldn’t get help.
same shit about documents and boring stuff.
keep in mind i get ndis funding so i thought that would impact my education experience but nope, literally nothing. i also understand there could be things my mum hasnt done and that’s completely ok she has her own life, but also THE SCHOOL KNOWS IM AUTISTIC. that should be enough. its like i only get the help if i start ditching class and become an eshay or some shit like i shouldnt have to become a troubled kid to get help.
so the lady said my only benefit i even got from the school is like 5 minutes extra time. and she told me i could either go back to class or do my exam here( which means i could get no help/ questions read to me.)
ngl this was dumb of me but i said ok bc i didnt want to go back to class after saying bye to everyone😭
so i sat there with one airpod in, a pen that didnt fucking work, the only help i could get was eavesdropping on what the assistant teachers were saying but they were so quiet. i did manage to write some stuff but it was pretty fucking stressful. i couldnt stop thinking about what charlie said (the lady helping me with my maths the week before.)
this may sound super dumb but i saw a crow fly onto a table outside and i felt like it was watching over me. like it was looking right at me. it made me feel a bit better and i got some work done.
it wouldve been fine if those fucking assistant teachers didnt keep giving me pitiful looks like bro. i know im fucked.
anyway i finished my exam (barely) and went to the bathroom to tell my friend ab what happened, caught a bus home and am about to play dbd 😾
sorry for the long post im jst so pissed😭 but ily guys and ill post i swear🙏
song of the day:
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halinski · 1 year
Tagged by @all-or-nothing-baby 🥰🥰
15 QUESTIONS, 15 (or whatever) TAGS
My mother's hs best friend basically! She lives in Bosnia so i don't know her much but I have met her
Uhh i can't remember but probably like last week or so. I dissociate too much to remember when or why lmao
Not much tbh. Im afraid of being misunderstood too much bc people generally do
Softball mostly!
My gut feeling about them, and if they might understand mental health stuff or not
Scary movies for sure. Irrational happy endings make me angry
Central europe, meh
Nature, reading, writing, sports, chilling with animals, learning stuff
2 cats! And a few past darlings in spirit
I used to always try to come up with some answer to this to please people but i didnt have one past 3rd grade bc i absolutely detested school, the educational systems and academia so fuck no, no favorite subjects. Fuck schools.
(The one good school i went to grade pre till 3rd i enjoyed also had really good pedagogists. In 3rd grade i think i loved math the most bc my teacher designed individual plans for us and my classmate and i raced to finish higher level work, in 2nd i think it was the class where we read and wrote and were creative like think tank and reading dino topia and writing our own magical treehouse, in 1st grade it was science and experementing and the frogs and butterfly class.
On my own time i watched so many animal rescue shows and nation geography and we had so many of their magazines and natyre magazines my mother got that were sorted out from the library. And i read a lot of history books about ancient and pre-historic times and different cultures and that was great. I was also obsessed with animals and read cyclodpedias and had them quickly memorized. But by the time i was 9 i was too depressed and i dont know shit anymore my brain too forgetful
and that's why i'm so mad about the school systems bc i truly loved, loved learning. But even the good school would give me failing grades for my social behavior. And without ranting even further, lets just say math used to be like breathing for me and now i can barely put 48+32 together without a calculater anymore bc my brain is so dead
So much more complicated issues yeah but school still makes me so fucking mad)
somehow i got lucky and i kinda ended up in the field of my dream job: vet tech/nurse
i wish i could save any animal i come across though. Regardless of money, laws, etc. I wish i could save nature. Fix what humanity has done to the earth and to so many animals. Relieve suffering. Give love to every stray. Make sure every living being has a home. Get rid of ownership over land and living beings of any and all kind
If you see this, tag you're it and pls @ me!
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ok so this ask is part invitation to ramble/infodump about chemistry stuff and part ask abt why u chose/enjoyed chemistry as ur major (pls idk what to do with my life lol. i like chemistry but idk if its enough to do it like as a career yknow?)
Okay. For starters I actually didn’t go into college with the intent of being a chemist. My original major was secondary education with a focus in chemistry. Aka I wanted to teach high school chem. And that was because of my high school chem teacher, he was amazing and inspired me. I felt like I learned so much in his classes and I wanted to be like him and inspire others
Obviously thats not the route that ended up happening
Throughout my first few years, I got really involved in the chemistry clubs on my campus (ACS, GSE, etc). There was a lot of community in the chemistry department and thats where I made a lot of my friends too. I had people to study with and we helped each other, there wasnt a lot of competition. Once we got to o chem we were all just trying to survive lol.
Meanwhile, in the education department, over the years I grew more and more critical of it. It felt very cold and inhospitable. I barely knew my classmates. It felt more like a job in that it just kinda wore me down. And dont get me wrong! I LOVED my kids. I loved the actual teaching part. It was amazing. I made it all the way to student teaching because of my love for those kids. BUT. After covid hit. The education world got weird. It got too political. Its not about the kids anymore, its about doing whatever administration says. And I just couldnt take it.
A month before I would have graduated, I switched my major. Admittedly, it had been something I was thinking about since my junior year. I had taken analytical and environmental chemistry the same semester and really felt like I found my niche. (Please note here: there is no chemist who is good at all types of chemistry).
I ended up taking a 5th year to finish out a chemistry degree and get a math minor as well. I was really nervous about that decision, but that last year made me feel so much more sure of myself. I took a third analytical class, quantum mechanics, and inorganic chemistry (among other things like biochem). I learned I was *really* good at those things (unlike biochem Im lucky I passed that one). And now I have a job. Doing some instrumental work and data analysis
So I guess my decision to go into chem in the first place is just because the teacher who inspired me happened to be teaching me chemistry (though I was always a fan of science at heart)
As far as liking it enough to make it a career… well… I’ve discovered that I dont think I’m personally going to like anything for 40 hours a week for the rest of my life. And thats probably because Im out of an academic environment now, but yeah. My goal is to be able to have a chemistry job part time. Because full time just kinda makes me dread it. And Im lucky to have things in the works that might let that come to fruition in the next few years, butttttttt. Thats more of a critique on society as a whole than specifically chemistry
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assiginingn mutuals random people that aliceyabusamesoneball has encountered.... (in no particular order)
acci - this one really sweet girl who was on my school trip thingy last year and we had to fly there by plane so i was really nervous.. she sat next to me on the second and she was sooo nice the airplane was divided into like. different sections for some reason and our row was the first one after one of these sections and at first i thought it didnt have a tray so i was like kinda sad but when i sat down she was like “we got the best seats!!” and i was like “we did?” and she was like yeah theres so much leg room!!! and there was and it turns out there were trays they were jjst in the chair for some reason.. she was such a sweetheart later in the flight it was at night so she was like “look out the window!” and the city lights looked so pretty and she asked me to take a picture on her phone for her.. she was so nice i hope shes doing okay  i never got her name :( or maybe i just forgot
ves - MY FRIEND DYLAN HES SO COOL we met over the summer for like asb/leadership/wjatever you wanna call it stuff and he was so nice it was lik e my first time at the school so he gave me a tour and everything and he said he loved my outfit and also that he thought my name was pretty.. we wave to each other in the halls a lot!!! ALSO hes in the show thing with me (as an understudy WHICH. IN MY OPINION THEY SHOULDVE GOTTEN CASTED... HES SUCH A GOOD ACTOR BUT ANYWAY) and hes jjst really nice he tells me about like all the theater or school stuff i dont know.. he offered to buy me boba one time (I TURNED IT DOWN BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT HIM TO WASTEHIS MONEY ON ME and also i hadnt ever tried boba at the time so..) and he was one of the people with me at the boba place today he wqs so nice 
kid - ONE OF MY LIKE CLASSMATES/MAYBE FRIENDS HER NAME IS MYAN shes super sweet and also she has the coolest earrings.. WE MET VERY RECENTLY but shes soo nice and also she always compliments my outfits and slso sometimes she rants to me about like math class or something because the teacher goes so fast for no reason... also she told me my outfit slayed today ANYWAY shes so funny AND ALSO REALLY SMART AND I CANT WAIT TO TALK TOHER MORE AND MAYBE HOPEFULLY BECOME FRIENDS IF WE ARENT ALREADY.....
archer - THE GIRL THAT SITS ACROSS FROM ME IN MATH CLASS i’m not sure if her name is anna or yuanyuan because i think she goes by both ? anyway SHES SO FUNNY HASHJNDASFJNSDF shes a little bit siriuscore.. shes really quiet but she always checks her answers with me or asks me for help like every single day it amkes me so happy because she seems pretty quiet and i am slowly manipulating her to become my friend /j (IWOULD NEVER DO THAT) also she stares at people a lot whenever she looks at me i try to smile at her and recently she started smiling back :)
reaper - SOMEONE IN MY ASB CLASS their name is mandy and theyre really quiet but i can tell theyre super sweet !! THEYRE REALLY AWKWARD SOMETIMES i remember the first time we met was in the asb thing over the summer and the teacher/leader ?? of asb made us do icebreaker things and also we had to have nametags with like some information about us and i remember i had nonbinary on mine and i think literally the first interaction we had was them staring at my nametag for a long 10 seconds and then saying “nonbinary huh? i am too” IT WQS KINDA FUNNY anyways later on we were talking about like designing shirts for it because idk school merchandise.. and the teacher told us to maybe have like notes or something about what we could put on the shirts. AND MANDY WAS THE ONLY PERSON THAT DID IT AND THEYRE SOO TALENTED AT GRAPHIC DESIGN??? THEY DESIGNED A FRONT AND A BACK AND THEY HAD LIKE EXAMPLES OF STUFF WE COULD DO AND IT WAS SO COOL THEYRE GENUINELY SO GOOD AT ART but we couldnt use them because they were too detailed or some stupid shit idk.. ANYWAY we dont really like actually talk that much but i always wave at them when i see them and i remember one time i waved at them and they were kinda looking at their phone and then they looked up and looked like really surprised that iwas waving to them and kinda awkwardly moved their hand and i feel like thats so reapercore.....
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fragglez · 1 year
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2023
- I completely forgot to do this that so here's day 1-11 in one very long post
1 April: The typical introduction question! Tell us something about yourself. If you can't think of anything, try these: What do you enjoy to do in your free time? What music or series/show do you like? Are you happy with your current living situation/the people you live with? What's one of your favourite foods?
My name is Robin and I'm from Denmark.
i love watching movies, my current faves are Cars 1+2+3, Sonic1+2 and the Jurassic Park movies
i live with my mom and my brother which is very nice, i visit my grandparents very often too
and my favourite food is Soup. any soup (without mushrooms).
2 April: When were you diagnosed and when did you know that you're autistic? If you're self-diagnosed, when did you first suspect that you're autistic and when were you sure?
i was diagnosed at 15 after a very long time of trying to convince my parents I was autistic. i found out very early in my life as all my friends and the people I got along with my age were also autistic (they were diagnosed at a young age). i also got bullied and called "autistic" as an insult which made me realise I might be
3 April: How good or bad is your memory for things people say? For example verbal instructions. If you're deaf: Can you lip read? Do you think your autism influences your ability to lip read?
i very quickly forget what people tell me and I often get the instructions then go "okay." and then not even two seconds later go "can you repeat"
4 April: Were/are you in special education? Regular school? Home schooled? A private school? Did it change over time? Did/do you like it?
ive done a bit of everything. I went to regular school the whole time, but i also did special education in some subjects like spelling/reading and maths. i was homeschooled in English because younger me wasn't satisfied with my teachers. i liked it but I wish I could've stayed in special education for a while as I got older and not just when I was little (7-10).
5 April: Did/do you have accommodations at school/IEP? If not, do you think it would help/have helped you?
right now I have a school assigned pedagogue who helps me keep track of my assignments and helps me with other things I might need help with. it's very helpful. i also have special rules like am allowed to have my phone in class + wear headphones
6 April: Can you understand what people say when they talk fast, or do you lose track after a while? Was it different when you were younger? Additional question if your hearing is aided: If your hearing is aided, does that trigger sensory overloads sometimes?
i dont understand when people talk fast, i take a while to understand words when they talk normally as well
7 April: Do you have other diagnoses? What are they? Do you think that some could be incorrect?
i am dyslexic which I agree with I've always had a lot of trouble with reading/spelling and grammar etc. i also have anxiety which yes agree as well
8 April: Do you struggle to read long texts or are you one of those people who can read everything with ease (Braille counts too of course)? If you're blind, do you struggle to pay attention when a screen reader reads a long text, or is it ok?
I struggle with reading long texts and especially when they have a lot of scientific words.
9 April: Did an interest ever turn into an "obsession" for you? If not, do you regularly experience hyperfocus when you engage in your special interest? If nothing applies, tell us about your longest interest, no matter if it's a special interest or not!
yes, when I was younger my interests were very intense but now I'm a bit more collected and can usually find time for interests *and* important stuff. i often hyperfocus and i find it difficult to think about other stuff.
also longest interest has been movies
10 April: Can you understand speech when there is background noise? If you're deaf: Could you understand speech when you were younger? If your hearing is aided: Does the sound make listening to speech uncomfortable to you?
not really, maybe if its very quiet noises I might understand. but if other people are loudly having conversations I can't understand
11 April: If you learned to speak as a child (definition for this post: the ability to use spontaneous speech (mouth words) to communicate in at least two-word sentences), did your ability to speak improve after that, stayed the same, decrease, or did something happen that you can't speak at all anymore now?
As a child i used to talk A LOT but it was only about very specific topics, most of my "conversations" would be reciting whole movies word for word
I have always had a stutter and other speech impediments which makes talking rather difficult and it's exhausting, but overall it stayed the same but i start to struggle with finding the correct words now when I talk
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1d1195 · 28 days
It's been a while, I love the way you explain stuff😭 Ding is so freaking amazing.
So, oh, before I forget, I do study English literature and translation ( Arabic - English) btw you're a teacher? I saw some anon I think (💜 anon?) Wishing you a happy teacher's day idk about it cause we don't celebrate that here but yeah I didn't know that sounds fun! Let me guess (English teacher?)
So you know, yesterday I had a relaxing shower and afterward I wanted to style my curly/wavy hair naturally, so I think k it's a mix of 2a and 2b and that's funny cause I really tried like I saw some pics on pinterest and some videos on tiktok that motivated me but I kinda failed? 😭😭 I just rubbed the cream into my hair and pulled it back into 2 low buns but that's funny cause just before going to bed (I'm struggling with insomnia I've been staring at the ceiling since 1am and now it's 4am😭)anyway so I just fixed my hair to bed and it looked good! Like I had put effort into it, but I didn't! I think the curls aren't gonna make it till the morning🙈
Ehhh I dont know why in the freaking freak did I just say this whole story to you but I think you'll tolerate me right?
So back to classes and huffs and puffs, my finals start on the 20th. I'm not nervous, tbh I'm excited, I wanna get over with these freaking exams to read my books in peace.
So.. Love and Other Words and The Rose Code, huh? They really sound so interesting. I'm gonna need to read them. I'm also planning on reading the Twisted and King series, and do you mind if I tell you that you need to check Interlude right the tuck now? It's so freaking good you need to read it. You'll shed many tears, istg never have I ever cried this much in my whole life in "that" specific chapter, but I just love angst! But I promise it's not like that, okay? It's just amazing amazing I'm currently reading insurgence (the sequel) it's still on going bur I just love this book so much. I hope Mikii considers publishing it someday!
And I've always wanted to ask! What is your favorite piece that you wrote? I read a couple of series that you wrote, but I just wanna know which one js your favorite 🎀
Thank you so much I think you're kinder and better thank you 🩷🩷🩷🩷
I'm gonna need to study 3 novels tmrw cause I promised myself to do so! (Pride and Prejudice, David Copperfield, and The Portrait of a Lady) we studied them for my finals, but i just want to start my revisions, so... to teach and please ig😭😭
Have a very wonderful day, Sam!!! (BTW, my childhood bff's nickname's Sam! We're still friends, and we still love each other the same but not bffs anymore)
Oh now I remembered that I wanted to rant about the future and how I'm afraid of it being a (soon to be 19) girl who is (soon to be a junior) trying to be independent but in reality she will cry if you dare give her a nasty look but I guess it'll have to wait for next time cause my eyes seem to be dropping finally😭😭 I'll tty lysm🩷🩷
😭 idk what I explained, but I'm glad it came out well and that you liked it! 💕
I am a teacher! A math teacher actually if you can believe it. Writing is just a hobby of mine and I love it, but it's only for me. Teaching math is much more enjoyable than teaching English (at least I imagine so). In the US we have teacher appreciation week to recognize teachers' hard work. I had one of my current students write me a letter and one of my students last year messaged me to wish me well. But it's not that exciting tbh--well, I do get a lot of coupons emailed to me hehehe
I know NOTHING about hair. (Literally had to google what 2b meant) I make my sister figure out what I need to do and then I just do what she says. I think we might have the same hair type though based on the pictures I googled! I have one curl cream thing that I put in my hair and scrunch each morning and then hope for the best (and that there will be low humidity). It's cool to experiment with your hair, even if it doesn't turn out the way you want it to in the morning! Then you know for the next trial. Of course I tolerate you--even though that's not what I would call it, I love to hear what you're doing!
I bet you're going to crush your exams! It sounds like you're ready for it! Books in peace is a MOOD. I'm excited for you!
My favorite piece I've written oh boy. Umm...I think it would be Protection. Or maybe Zipper. Idk I feel guilty picking one over the other and I love writing them all. I will tell you I think I like Protection more than Traditional which is probs sacrilege to write on my own blog because I think everyone under the sun would choose Traditional over Protection hahahaha but I liked planning Protection more than Traditional. Although Dolcezza really took hold of my heart VERY hard. Especially lately. Probably one of the three: Zipper, Dolcezza, or Protection.
I hope studying has gone/went well and you got some sleep after being up so late! You're going to have a wonderful future, I'm sure of it, and don't worry about forgetting something. I'm not going anywhere! 💕
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xi-off · 3 months
did i ttell yyall bout that time i accidentally took a quantum physics class . u should hear it. it says more abt me than my mbti ever will
my first deadly yet obvious mistake was letting my cousin* help me put my schedule together. in my defense it was my first semester ever at uni and i was taking any and all help i could get. "ur doin premed u might as well take this chem class in case u need it for ur major later" he says. "ok" i say.
*this is the one notorious for building bombs in his kitchen sink. yes he was 2 semesters from getting his bachelors in chemical engineering b4 deciding it was boring and then swapping to computer science for funsies. why do you ask
so yeah the class is named some benign thing like "intro to chemistry principles" with a large footnote that its only required for a handful of STEM degrees, but it therefore covers any and every intro chem credit u will ever need. so im like awesomesauce. might as well since this uni is notorious for idiot credit transfer policies 👍
first week or two is also fairly benign. prof mentions the class is gonna b pretty intense due to the material itself being pretty intense, this isnt really an intro course so hopefully u took ap chem, and im like sure its a 4 credit class. i didnt take ap chem in high school bc our chem teacher Sucked (2/15 ap chem kids my year got a 3 and everyone else failed) so im a little nervous but prepared to hate myself the rest of the semester. pretty cool. chugging along. i dont actually have to teach myself as much basic chem as i thought bc most of its pretty intuitive but im waiting for the other shoe to drop
add/drop deadline passes. my schedule is now set in stone
everything was still fine for a bit. but as per The Rules, somewhere around the 2nd of 4 midterms stuff starts going off the rails and im like. bestie WHAT is happening.u want me modeling WHAT in this janky software from the 90s that responds if and only if it feels like it? wtf is a pi orbital? wtf is hilbert space??? (pause) ARE WE DOING QUANTUM MECHANICS in my INTRO TO CHEM CLASS
(also side note im taking 17 credit hours this semester. the other classes included calc 2 which sucks fat nuts despite the fact im taking it for the second time…its been like 2 years bc i took it in high school… and japanese 101 which ended up being worse than the ACCIDENTAL QUANTUM PHYSICS class in many ways)
so yeah i cried a lot. i got like a 60 on my final and scraped out with a B-. somehow even with Also A B- in my calc class my gpa didnt drop below my scholarship minimum of 3.5 until i failed illustration 101 later. and then i got really disabled. and then covid happened. and now ive been on academic probation for like . hang on doing math. 3 years. and also havent been able to get that resolved to take classes that entire time. and i need to go get that figured out so i can apply to another school UUUUUUGGGHHHHHHH f my gay baka life
tldr: stay in school to draw yuri on ur notes or jesus from bible will put u on academic probation for 3 years
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megismorallysunny · 9 months
HELLO AGAIN 20/09/23
ok so i said i might talk about a situation with a sub yesterday but i didnt end up writing about it, ok so our history and geography teacher was out probably bc theres a cold going around the school. anyways so we had a sub for the past two weeks and i was also out on friday which was a geography day, so this is all second hand information but its from my bestie "Diorite" nicknamed after my one of my fav blocks in minecraft. anyways so what happened is my class all got out of their seats because class was ending in under a minute. but anyways the sub gets mad and says "HEY EVERYONE SIT DOWN NOW ITS NOT THE END OF CLASS" and one of my classmates idk who says "but theres a few seconds left sir" and also its lunch next and the good things run out fast, my class is also in one of the hardest to get out of hallways so like it was completely justified. then the sub says "EMERALD YOUR STAYING AFTER CLASS" also ive nicknamed every1 in my class after a gem and emeralds a guy idk i think thats just a lil important. as soon as the bell goes emerald runs tf out and the sub RUNS AFTER HIM, he starts pushing people out of the way and yelling "EMERALD, EMERALD" apparently people from the canteen could here him, which is like far enough ish away. then the sub catches up and GRABS EMERALDS WRIST and emerald shouts at him "CLASS IS OVER SIR" and then the sub walks away, giving out under his breath. anyways the reason why i didnt say this on like saturday or whenever i said i was, was beacuse i was hoping for some kind of update. i was in school on monday and tuesday, we had first class with our tutor and she didnt mention anything but in english our teacher said "the bell doesnt dismiss you what does, emerald?" and emerald was like "uhh the bell?" and english teacher says "no emerald the teacher" also this came out of nowhere, we werent talking about anything like this before. so yeah quite confusing, and more confusing to pick emerald. on tuesday we had history first and i was really excited to see the sub bc it was gonna be really fucking entertaining. but turns out we had a different teacher. me and diorite were all like "omg i wonder what happened." diorite thinks he didnt want to sub for us anymore and admitted defeat, but i think that he got suspended. in second year a first year told on a teacher for swearing at her, and the teacher was like never seen after that. the teachers still dont talk about her or answer our questions. our history sub was weird, like proper weird, and very antisocial, like walks into other rooms to get stuff he needs during class which isnt too weird people forget things but he doesnt say hi or why hes there, anyways diorites in all my classes, bar woodwork, graphics, maths and business and while we were in history i said, "omg look at his head theres so much blood on it" and she snarkily replied with "yeah like you" (i had spots ok that sometimes bled but i hadnt had that for like 2 months so ty diorite that was luvely jubilee) then i said "no really look" and she gasped like proper gasped, she doesnt gasp not at all. so i was right yeah i know *mic drop* yeah yeah. but there was really a concerning amount of blood on the side of his head but id seen it before so i wasnt too creeped out. anyways not too much else happened so yeah hope you have a good morning, day and night. <333
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zodismegalame · 11 months
15 questions 15 mutuals
got tagged by @pensiveabstraction so ya
were you named after anyone? nope. originally my dad wanted to name me Bruno after his grandfather but my mom found a name that she liked and my dad agreed to it!
when was the last time you cried? fuck, good question. tw // suicide: might've been talking about a friend who committed suicide with the therapy group we shared which happened i'd say around a month or so ago.
do you have kids? nah
do you use sarcasm a lot? kinda. more irony than sarcasm if anything.
what's the first thing you notice about people? i can tell if i'm gonna enjoy a person's presence pretty quickly.
what's your eye color? green, although it can be more grey (or brighter) depending on the weather and lighting, apparently.
scary movies or happy endings? i like both. i enjoy bittersweet endings a shitton also, those that are more open or perhaps melancholic while not being outright "bad". sometimes a really good bad ending can be great though (Little Shop of Horrors, for example).
any special talents? i like to think im good at making music, and i do play 4 instruments (at one point i played the trumpet also but i've since forgotten). i'm also pretty flexible and can put both my feet behind my head like a pretzel. also i'm a pretty fast learning.
where were you born? the capital city of buenos aires. i dont remember the hospital's name.
what are your hobbies? listening to and making music, writing and reading, informing myself about other cultures, political stuff, learning about history, drawing (not very well, but still), graphic design, photography, film and occasionally web development.
have any pets? i have a cat who is a demonic goblin and i had a dog who is an absolute angel sent down from the heavens. the dog's still alive but she lives with my grandma now.
what sports do you play/have you played? i played football (or soccer for you filthy americans), went to swimming classes, dipped my toes into volley and i've always wanted to play tennis.
how tall are you? i think around 171 or 172cm. you do the math for imperial units.
favorite subject in school? history, political science, compsci and math occasionally. history because i like informing myself of past events cus it interests me, political science because i like politics and my political science teacher was a marxist so we vibed hard, compsci cause it was easy and we learned some programming by the end and math sometimes cus i like puzzle solving (certain parts were annoying tho).
dream job? making a living out of music, not through some big label tho. just having my own label (or being signed to an independent one), making a modest amount of money, saving up some cash to build a small studio with analog equipment and maybe owning a record shop to promote stuff i like and having a 2nd hand records system that is pretty rare where i live. helping artists i like get promoted here and conversing with labels overseas to help spread the word of music i enjoy outside of my home turf and being able to import artists i like to help them build an audience here as well.
anyways tagging @lukewarmorangejulius cus i don't have any other moots LOL
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