#everyone else in the class was literally screaming while i just
jp---v · 3 days
I don't need to, but I'll explain my Bakugou hate because I want to.
Long post. Beware
When I started reading the series I was the same age as the characters. Looking at my interests you can probably guess that I was bullied, but instead of getting all sad, I got angry at the people treating me poorly.
So as soon as Bakugou was introduced, I didn't like him. Seeing someone my age verbally threaten and physically attacking people without being punished just really put me in a bad mood whenever he showed up.
Then certain parts of the fandom got incredibly toxic, and suddenly the author is pandering to the worst of them
But the problem keeps getting worse. The entire world warps to kiss his ass. He got everything he wanted at every turn. He deserved nothing and got everything.
Immediately established as a long-term bully. His bullying is then retroactively justified by the world itself saying that Midoriya is worth less than Bakugou as a person.
Why did Aizawa, who was famous for expelling students, not so much as give Bakugou detention for trying to attack Midoriya on the first day of school?
Why didn't All Might punish him for using that gauntlet in the Battle Trials?
Despite all of his actions so far, just since being accepted into UA, the other students still want to be friends with him. They actively choose to spend time near him.
Why is it never mentioned how him(and Kirishima) attacking Kurogiri and getting in Thirteen's way is a large part of why the USJ played out how it did?
His speech at the Sports Festival
Everyone wanting to be on his team, but he doesn't know any of their names or quirks.
Trying to make an unconscious Todoroki fight back in the finals
Aizawa constantly excusing all of his behavior, circling back to my point about the world itself justifying Bakugou's shitty behavior
Attacking Midoriya in the Final Exam.
How did Sero fail his exam by being carried out but Bakugou passed?
At the Training Camp, he actively tried to go fight the villains that have openly stated were trying to capture him. Making himself an easy target and hindering the people trying to protect him
During the Rescue Operation he somehow managed to hold his own against the majority of the League of Villains on his own? Really?
He forced Midoriya to break curfew and just starts attacking him until Midoriya fights back. It's caught on camera and Midoriya somehow gets in the same amount of trouble?
And for some reason he gets let in on the secret of One for All after being such a monumental asshole since forever, despite the fact that even Inko doesn't know? Or literally anyone who would be, like, supportive of Midoriya?
He failed the Provisional License Exam, but don't worry there's a special make-up class just for the people that made it into the second half. Everyone who failed in the first half will have to wait for the next exam.
Oh wow, flawless victory in the Joint Training Arc by displaying teamwork out of thin fucking air that was really just him barking orders at the others.
For a while we just get his usual brand of egotistical asshole-ery and now being needlessly shoved into places where Midoriya's actual friends should be. Or even any of the other side characters. Horikoshi, give them some screen time
But then the war arc and the vigilante Deku arc all just get down on their knees to suck his dick so hard that his quirk evolves and his heart explodes. And I finally get a glimmer of hope for the series to finally stop shoving him down our throats, but no.
Edgeshot decides that this one kid is so important that he will sacrifice his own life to save Bakugou specifically and no one else is on his level of importance.
Going back a step; That apology was pure fucking lip service. Not a single goddamn thing changed in the way he acted afterward. He had a couple of "soft" moments when he wasn't actively screaming and cursing, but that's it.
And Horikoshi keeps fucking doing it.
Somehow each and every thing has to include Bakugou or be about how it's effecting Bakugou or has to mention Bakugou.
The majority of the (much more interesting) cast has been completely forgotten, and Midoriya's characterization got taken out back, given three rounds to the head, skinned, washed in bleach, and hung out to dry, but Oh Wow! BAKUGOU'S HERE!
I said it before and I'll say it again, I'd throw a brick at him.
These are only the broadest strokes of what happened too. If I reread the entire series I could write a massive in-depth character analysis, but that's too much even for me.
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
btw i should be able to hold every single bird i see . like a hamburger
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sistertotheknowitall · 3 months
Some Guy on Fear Gas (can apparently turn invisible)
“Danny was supposed to be in class today.”
There was a round of sighs in the coms. See Danny didn’t react in the same manner as the rest of the population when exposed to fear toxin (or in general, but they were mostly used to that). See Danny didn’t scream, he didn’t cry, he didn’t get violent. He got unnervingly paranoid.
He got so unnervingly paranoid about being watched, specifically by the government if the muttered and whispered words were to be believed. His eyes tracked nothing while he slowly moved around invisible people. It wasn't like dealing with someone in an active hallucination experiencing a psychotic break. It was like dealing with someone in a paranoid delusion. He wouldn't let any of the bats near him and often took off, disappearing into the chaos.
Four months into seeing this kid everywhere and their suspicions were confirmed when he literally disappeared after the second time being poisoned.
Danny was a meta and he was afraid.
That’s not the reason for the exasperation felt by this family though. It was what always happened after. The first time he ignored every vigilantly when they tried to bring it up. After the second time he attempted to avoid everyone, extended family included.
(He had asked Kate if she was also Batman’s kid. “More like their aunt.” “Oh okay so it really is a family business. Like that show Unnatural. You don't happen to have also lost your parents at a relatively young age and now go on to fight a dark presence in their honor, do you?.” Kate had stared passively at him, the others had warned her. “….. okay… are you more of a Zuko honor type?”)
However, it was like the universe conspired against Danny. Even Bruce agreed that there had to be some god or being doing this (nothing is ever a coincidence). They kinda felt bad for him. He was very obviously trying to avoid them and he was either really bad at being evasive or a deity was laugh at him. Once he had thrown himself behind a lamp pole smaller than himself and closed his eyes to avoid Stephanie.
(It was very awkward. He could turn invisible and knew they knew so why…..? She had politely continued past so not to embarrass the poor guy further. Cause this was embarrassing and they both knew it.)
Finally it was Duke who pulled them all out of limbo. He had come across Danny on the roof of another bank. A lesser known capital union closer to crime ally this time.
Danny hadn’t been avoiding Duke in the same manner as everyone else. He still stopped to give Duke food but he never spoke and he ran after. Duke thought it would be weird to chase him but it was also weird to turn around, have an orange shoved into his hands then watch his friend run away.
However, this time Danny didn’t run as Duke approached so Duke sat next to him. Pulling out a granola bar, he handed it to Danny, “that’s why you feed me all the time right? Cause you know how many calories we need as metas.”
Danny had laughed, “no actually, that was a bit that morphed into a habit. I just thought it was funny.”
“Don’t get me wrong, now that we’re friends I am more than happy to feed you but yeah. The first candy bar was a thank you and then the second time I thought ‘I have fruit.’”
“….. wow… okay.” There went his plan of empathizing. They sat in silence as Duke tried to reorganize his thoughts.
“I’m sorry for avoiding you all.” Duke turned his head to face Danny, who kept his eyes forward, “you know no one cares that you’re a meta.” “Obviously. It wasn’t the invisibility that I was upset about," Danny said.
“The muttering. The paranoia.” Danny grimaced and didn’t say anything.
“You don’t have to tell us till you’re ready, man. Just let us know if you need help. Please, are you safe?”
Danny nodded and Duke nodded back and they had both continued to sit. When they parted ways Danny handed Duke a small bag of chips.
Danny had apologized everyone one at a time even though they had heard it from Duke. Danny never explained nor did he want to talk about his it. His power of invisibility was also a subject off limits. All of them were worried but they didn’t want to force him to talk about it. They had to trust that he would one day feel comfortable doing so with any or all of them. (Still, it was hard seeing their friend so paranoid that he flinched back from them. )
Post Six
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 months
This page from the adventurer's bible makes me want to cry
Like basically any neurodivergent dungeon meshi fan, I see a lot of myself in the Touden siblings. But I was blindsided by just how much I suddenly related to Falin in this little comic from the adventure bible's complete version.
It's about the Touden siblings' differing relationships with their parents, and why Laios still holds their treatment of Falin against them, while Falin herself doesn't.
We know that Falin was isolated and ostraziced by their village after she saved Laios from a ghost, displaying her uncanny affinity for magic. Her parents, instead of defending her, sent her away, which angered Laios so much he ran way himself before Falin even left for magic school, hoping to make a living so he and Falin could live together alone.
He tells Marcile this, but when she goes to Falin, she says she sees things differently. Her father sent her to magic school to protect her form the rest of the village without having to cause a conflict. He didn't explain that, and we actually see her burst into tears when he says it.
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But, well... Laios was gone for a year before Falin went to magic school, and everyone else in the village avoided her. The understanding Falin has with her parents to me looks like one borne out of necessity, she literally didn't have anyone else to talk to.
And this is where we get to the page that made me want to cry
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Like I said, I relate to the Toudens because I'm neurodivergent myself. that feeling of suddenly realizing you're disliked, but not knowing what you did wrong or what you should have done instead? Yeah... that's one I recognize.
When I was around 9 years old, the same age Falin is in this comic, a bunch of kids in my class decided to make a "game" where you lost if you touched me. It was basically the 'cheese-touch' from diary of a wimpy kid, except I always had it and couldn't pass it along. They'd pretend I was poisonous or disgusting and run away from me screaming or gagging. The point was to make fun of me. But my autistic little 9 year old ass thought "Oh I get it! It's tag but I'm always it!" So I... played along. Running at a boy and having him fall on the ground screaming in fake pain because you tapped him is, in isolation, pretty funny.
It wasn't until months into the "game" that I realized it was meant to be meanspirited. That the reason I was the one who was always 'it' wasn't an arbritrary rule but the whole point. Because I was weird and gross. I wasn't in on the joke, I was the punchline.
Falin may have come to understand her parents' intentions, but she didn't always. The adventure bible actually tells us that she at first didn't even notice that the rest of their village disliked her. She clearly knows now, but she had to be told. So when her mom tried to exorcise her, she just saw it as an activity she got to do with a mother she usually didn't get to spend much time with because of her poor health. It's only Laios who notices something is wrong.
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(Sidenote, Laios being hyper-aware of people's poor attitudes towards Falin but completely blindsided when he's in the same spot, like with Toshiro, is also very relatable as an eldest sibling)
It probably also took Falin months, until after her brother had left and she had no one but her parents, to realize why her mother had been doing all those things.
And I know they're not the same. Even misguidedly, Falin's mom was trying to help her, not make fun of her like those boys in my class. (Though, as a queer person who also cares a lot about the queercoding in Falin's storyline, a parent trying to 'exorcise' their child of a fundamental part of them the parent thinks is evil or corruptive? yeah... that's not perfectly wholesome)
But do you know what I did, when I finally figured out the game was always meant to make fun of me?
To me, it looked like I had a choice.
See, those boys eventually figured out I didn't understand that they were being mean to me. I'd laugh every time I managed to catch one of them, I was visibly having fun. And while it no doubt only made me more of a weirdo in their eyes, they never informed me that I shouldn't be enjoying myself. That the point was for me to feel hurt.
So now that I did know, I had a choice. I could either get upset, and let the insult land as it was supposed to. That wouldn't stop them, because making fun of me was the original goal. Or I could ignore it and go on as usual. They had already accepted that I didn't get it, and they weren't gona stop me from having fun, so why should I?
And the thing is that I had... one friend, in that whole class. One person who actually liked talking to me and hanging out with me. I was lonely. And the 'game' provided me with another social interaction, mean-spirited as it was, that I desperately needed. And it was so delightfully simple. Navigating actual friendships as a kid with autism and adhd was so fucking complicated, and I'd never know when I might break an inivisble rule. But I knew the rules to the game perfectly!
Sometimes, if I was chasing one of them, the others would trap him and hold him down so I could tap him. In those moments it actually did kind of feel like I was playing with them, rather than against them. And it didn't change much, they didnt start actually liking me. But they were willing to roll with the fact that I wasn't upset, and I took advantage of that because I needed to.
So you can look at Falin seeing the best in her parents as her being naïve, but I look at this page and I see myself, at first unable to differentiate between playing and being made fun of. And then later, when I did see the difference, deciding not to get mad about it because that'd mean losing that social interaction, and I couldn't afford to.
Like I said, Falin probably first realized this in the year she spent with her brother gone, and everyone else avoiding her like the plague. If she refused to talk to her parents, like Laios did, she'd have no one left.
I see a lot of people relating to the fight between Laios and Toshiro. that frustration when you realize someone you thougth was your friend actually hates you, and they never said anything, never gave you a chance to fix it because you had no idea that you were even doing something wrong! And I can see that, too. But sometimes, when people don't fully hate you, it feels better to go along with the pretending. Because adressing it won't fix it. Because the problem isn't a specific behaviour, it's you. And if they're willing to tolerate you, despite the fact that it's you, then you'll take it. Because other people do hate you, so this is the best you'll get.
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captain-joongz · 2 months
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A little show
Pairing: Min Yoongi x f!reader
Genre: uni au, pure smut with a dash of plot, some fluff, strangers to lovers
Word count: 9.6k
Summary: Who knew that getting off in the uni bathroom to get away from the world's most boring lecture could lead to getting absolutely railed by a cute postgrad student... but third time's the charm, right?
Warnings: slight exhibitionism, masturbation in a public bathroom, sex in a public bathroom (for once they're even using condoms lol), yoongi is a little shit but he'll rock your world, dirty talk, slight choking kink, dom-ish yoongi, who am i kidding he's a fucking beast, fingering, backshots, rough sex, some begging, biting and marking, they literally don't talk to each once before fucking
A/N: oof this was totally unplanned but i cannot be held responsible for anything after seeing the d-day concert movie, this is all yoongi's fault. also it ends surprisingly fluffy for the filth that's contained within
credit for the divider to @saradika-graphics, thank you so much <3
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I blinked rapidly, trying to keep myself awake while the lecturer droned on, his nervous slightly stuttering voice carrying through the classroom and lulling everyone into a half-asleep haze. Every Tuesday I had to sit through 90 minutes of this man stumbling through every topic, trying to connect with the classroom full of people while anxiously stepping around the whiteboard projecting his presentation.
I was fully understanding, this was his first year teaching and he still hasn’t shaken off the stage fright, but that didn’t stop me from wishing I had never enrolled into this class and rather spent the time doing literally anything else. It didn’t help that it was an afternoon lecture, dragging on until 5PM, which was usually the time I was already completely fried.
I looked around, noting the other students similarly fighting off sleep or browsing internet on their notebooks, some valiantly still trying to keep their attention on the lecturer and failing miserably. I watched the girl in the row in front of me order a cute sweater, deliberating between two colours for about ten minutes before choosing strawberry pink. I approved.
My body was screaming from being bent over the desk in my boredom, back bent so crooked when I straightened out it cracked vertebra after vertebra like a xylophone from nightmares. I sighed, squirmed around, checked the time. Only 5 minutes have passed since I last looked. I barely suppressed a groan. I couldn’t sit still for longer than a minute, leaning back then pressing forward, folding and unfolding my legs, just trying to find a comfortable position to spend the next 40 minutes in and failing.
After 5 more minutes I reached a boiling point, playing with the thought of just booking it halfway through, but instead my unoccupied brain started entertaining itself by slipping into a territory that it deemed more fun. I started thinking about what I’d rather be doing, where I’d rather be, flushing slightly from embarrassment but surrendering to these thoughts as they presented at least some form of entertainment.
I made it barely 10 minutes before I was so painfully wet and aroused I definitely couldn’t make it through the lecture anymore. I had to do something about it, now.
I wasn’t shy about the fact that I occasionally enjoyed wanking in some more public spaces like bathrooms, the thrill of someone possibly coming in and having to keep quiet was getting to me. I didn’t indulge in it often, just when I got really bored and my brain immediately went to “let’s get off to entertain ourselves” instead of doing something normal like other people, just when I was sure there was only a slight chance of someone actually coming across me.
But thinking all that, I realised I’d never taken such liberty while I was in the uni building, probably just thinking about getting out of there as quickly as possible, but fuck, this lecture was getting to me. Somehow it felt more morally wrong than some other random ass places, but I deliberated on it. We were in a secluded corner of the building, it was really high and there was no elevator, the classrooms were smaller and above there was construction going on, which resulted in this place usually being totally deserted except for those unlucky souls that still had lectures here. I was pretty sure there was no other class going on here right now and the chance of someone from here going to the bathroom at the same time was slim.
On a whim I decided to take the risk, my body heating up knowing I was about to give in to the need. I quickly stood up, grabbed my phone and made my way outside. The hall was empty except for a single guy sitting by a table directly across from the bathroom door, but I figured it would be fine. He was wearing headphones anyway, head bobbing to a beat I couldn’t hear and fingers nimbly clicking something on his laptop and toying with the mouse. I slipped past him quietly and went straight for the bathroom door.
Inside was quiet, as if cut off from the outside world, the only two toilets both empty and door wide open. I went to the further one, not that it made much difference with how small the room was, but it still made me feel a little better.
With the door closed and locked for better feeling of security, the excitement finally got the better of me and I rushed to stick my hand into my skirt to pull down my tights and panties, fingers immediately finding the slick folds.
I bent over, the stall small enough to allow me to lean on my elbow on one wall while my ass pressed into the other, fingers going straight for my clit and wasting no time in pressing on it and circling it desperately. Quiet sighs of pleasure spilled from my lips, body trembling with pleasure heightened by the fact I was in a public space.
I barely even touched myself and I could already feel how fucked out I was getting, knees shaking and the pleasure mounting dangerously fast. In my mind I imagined myself bent over the toilet and a warm presence behind me, getting fucked good, strong hands gripping my waist hard, pulling me back on the cock like a toy while telling me to shut up, laughing at me while I bit my fist trying not to let the whole university know how good I was feeling.
My orgasm was approaching embarrassingly quickly, the pad of my finger furiously toying with my clit while my knees were shaking with the mounting pressure waiting to snap. I was so wet I felt my juices dripping down my thighs, dripping onto my hand and making my finger slip all the time as I tried to get myself to cum as fast as possible.
That didn’t seem to be that hard as I could already feel myself hurling towards the edge, cunt spasming around nothing, desperately wishing to be filled, as my ass pressed harder into the wall and my back arched. I could feel a little cramp starting up in my wrist, but I didn’t let up, keeping the pace on my clit as I felt the start of an intense orgasm, the sensation bursting through me like a tornado and I let out a moan muffled into the crook of my elbow. My knees buckled with the force of it and thank god that I was still leaning on the wall otherwise I would have for sure fallen down.
My whole body relaxed, thighs and knees still shaking as I tried to get my breathing back under control. The bathroom was suddenly eerily quiet now that there wasn’t blood rushing through my ears and I wasn’t blinded by my own ecstasy, and I flushed in embarrassment but still couldn’t stop myself from a little joyful giggle leaving my lips in breathless wonder.
I took my time getting myself back into order, cleaning myself up and righting my clothes again. I was in there for only about 15 minutes, so there was no reason to rush. I did notice that my legs had a little boneless swagger to them as I suddenly went from high strung in boredom to perhaps a little too relaxed, a stupid little grin pulling at my lips as I swayed my hips leisurely.
But that changed the moment I walked back out onto the hall. The second I was out of the bathroom I immediately found myself in direct eye contact with the sole student sitting out there. I only had a second to note he was very attractive before I realised he was watching me with the air of amusement, eyes darkening and a smirk forming on his lips as he leaned back and gave me a once over.
I flushed under his heavy gaze, freezing like a deer in headlights. It was obvious he knew what I’d been doing in there, something in my demeanour must have given me away. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, his eyes lingering on my hands clutched together before amused grin set onto his face.
I broke out from the daze suddenly and set into motion again, escaping his hungry eyes and entertained aura, hurriedly scurrying back into the classroom where I sat stewing in my own shame for the rest of the lecture.
When I walked back out after we were dismissed, the hall was empty, to my great relief.
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“Come on, you should come tomorrow at least for a little bit,” Jungkook whined, pouting at me and hands tugging at the sleeve of my shirt. I gave him an unimpressed look, firmly resistant to his charms, which probably made me the only person in the world that was capable of that.
“I told you Kookie, I’m not feeling it this week,” I said for the fifteenth time that day, “Maybe next time.” The dance major cutely stomped his foot and tugged on my sleeve again. His wild hair flailed around with the wind, probably getting into his eyes, but he ignored it in favour of annoying me.
“But the next party won’t be for god knows how long,” he whined, giving me his ultimate puppy eyes and blinking cutely, “Come on Y/N, you need to let go a little.” Now, I would lie if I wasn’t swayed a little bit, but the exhaustion was weighing on me and I was looking forward to just having a quiet evening in ignoring all of my responsibilities and pretending I have no essays due and there aren’t any deadlines I was missing.
“I’m sorry Kook,” I softened my tone a little to convey I truly was apologetic, smiling at him gently, “I promise I will definitely go to the next party.” The man brightened and straightened out, letting go of me and setting out on the sidewalk leading out of the campus.
“I have your word! No takebacks!” he shouted excitedly and I ran after him laughing. I knew he wouldn’t let me forget it, so I just resigned myself to going to the next party even though I quite disliked them. I had nothing against partying, but I just preferred to go clubbing and dancing, not spend my evening sitting on a stained couch in someone’s living room listening to total strangers get zoinked out of their minds and talk about assignments. But I would go for Kookie. Just once though.
We walked side by side for a moment, just enjoying the awakening spring. It was still pretty cold outside, but the sun shone more often and the temperatures were enough to wear just a light jacket instead of coats with shawls, so I soaked in the atmosphere. People were beginning to filter outside, sitting around on the green grass, talking and studying, and it was nice to see.
Looking around I suddenly froze, standing still in the middle of the path while Kook continued for a few more strides before he realised I wasn’t following. He gave me a confused look, but I was already fighting an embarrassed blush and didn’t pay him much mind.
On the grass by a big tree was quite a familiar looking student, his long wavy dark hair similarly pushed around by the wind as he bobbed his head to music presumably playing in his headphones. He was wearing all black, standing out as a sore thumb in contrast with the green lit up by sun, but he was fully engrossed in his laptop and paid no attention to anything going on around him.
“Hey Kookie,” I called out to my friend, finally looking at him, “Do you know who that guy is?” I discreetly pointed in the man’s direction, hoping I wouldn’t draw anybody’s attention by being a fucking weirdo. Jungkook was a social butterfly despite his shyness and he seemed to know half the university (probably a side effect of hanging out with Jimin all the time), even people from majors that had nothing in common with his, so I was pretty confident he would be able to correctly identify the menace of my life.
“Who?” he started confusedly looking around, eyes jumping around the students just living their lives. I tried pointing again, hoping he would see where I meant without having to outstretch my arm fully. “There, that guy in the black sitting under that tree.”
Jungkook’s eyes finally locked onto his figure and a recognition immediately lit up his face. I chuckled. Of course he did know him.
“Oh sure!” he exclaimed, “that’s Yoongi hyung. He’s a little bit university famous.” I looked at him in shock and then glanced back to the expressionless man sitting on the lawn.
“Famous? Famous how?” I pressed for more info, this time it was me who way playing up the cute act, hanging onto Jungkook’s arm and batting my eyelashes at him. He gave me an amused smile, seeing right through me.
“Well, he’s handsome and yet cool and mysterious, girls love that shit,” Kook played it up, flipping his hair sassily and fluttering his lashes, making me scoff at him amusedly, “Plus he’s a rapper and sometimes performs in the local clubs and bars, so he’s pretty popular.” I turned us away from the black-clad student who was still unaware of anything going on around him and pulled us back onto the path.
“I see,” I hummed noncommittally, not giving him any indication of why I would suddenly ask about Yoongi, but based on the amused looks Kookie was giving me, he must have had an inkling why the sudden interest.
“He’s actually in the same year as Joonie hyung, they’re interning together at the same studio,” Jungkook continued, keeping his eyes on me to gauge my reaction. I hummed again, not saying anything anymore and just sending him teasing looks.
“If you come to the party tomorrow, Yoongi’s for sure gonna be there,” Kookie mentioned seemingly casually, watching me out of the corner of his eyes as he pretended he didn’t care mischievously.
I only shot him a glare and pulled on his arm, leading us out of the campus towards the café where we were supposed to meet Jimin and Tae, Kookie’s friends who graciously adopted me into the group after I got befriended by the shy giant.
For the rest of the afternoon I could feel Jungkook’s eyes on me, his lips pulled into a barely concealed smile as he fought the impulse to tease me in front of the boys about what he must have thought was an embarrassing crush on the school’s resident heartthrob. I ostentatiously ignored him, only shooting him warning glares here and there to which he always responded with shit-eating grins. Jimin and Tae kept giving us confused and entertained glances but ultimately decided against asking what was going on, much to my relief.
God, if they only knew the truth about why Yoongi even was on my radar in the first place.
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The next Tuesday I walked into the classroom again, fully determined to sit through the whole lecture and not move even an inch from my seat. This time I chose a chair in the back, where I could comfortably be on my phone and distract myself from the thoughts of last week, from the attractive man and his smirks. I wondered whether he was sitting there again today, listening to what I now assumed was his own music, laid-back and effortlessly hot. I began to squirm in my seat again, but I quickly tempered it down, scolding myself gently for having such a one-track mind.
Once again I made it through an hour and with 30 minutes left, I began to face a crisis. The boredom was getting to me and I needed to use the toilet, my bladder screaming for help and making me shift around on my chair in discomfort. I thought that I couldn’t really face the bathroom without getting extremely embarrassed, but in the end I lost the battle to nature and got up.
Only, stepping onto the hall, I looked up and lo and behold, there he was – Yoongi sitting peacefully by the window and clicking away on his computer, his big black headphones firmly on as always. The movement by the door must have registered at the corner of his field of vision and he eagerly looked up.
The moment his eyes laid on my figure, frozen once again in the hallway and heating up under his stare, he smirked widely like he won the lottery, leaning back and making himself comfortable on the chair. With his gaze following my every movement I hurried into the bathroom, cheeks blushing and knees turning into jelly.
On instinct I went to the furthest stall and locked the door behind me shakily. Having taken care of my business I paced the stall nervously, already feeling myself bend under the tension. I promised myself I wouldn’t do it again, knowing Yoongi was sitting outside fully aware of the nature of my little trip last week, but his demeanour, the winning smirk and dark eyes made me want to break that promise.
Embarrassingly enough, I could already feel myself getting wet again and I begun to lose the conviction to just walk away and go sit back into the classroom for another terrible 30 minutes. The thoughts of Yoongi waiting in the hallway, hungrily watching the bathroom door and thinking about me with my hand up my skirt were getting to me and I finally broke.
Swiftly pulling down my tights and underwear I didn’t waste anymore time in sticking my fingers between my folds, gathering the wetness and rubbing the swollen bud begging for attention. I couldn’t hold back the little sighs and moans of pleasure, my body hyper-sensitive and the lust coursing through my body more intense than I could remember ever feeling.
It didn’t take long before I was choking on the moans I desperately tried to stifle on my arm, knees shaking and close to buckling and pussy clenching on nothing, feeling so empty and so desperate for anything I was losing my mind.
And if I was deliriously cumming on my fingers only a moment later while imagining Yoongi fucking me roughly in the uni bathroom, that was only my business.
With trembling fingers I quickly cleaned myself up, blushing when I realised I was so wet the whole top of my thighs was covered in my sticky juices. Putting myself back together I rushed to scrub my hands clean and soon I was standing behind the door, taking a few deep breaths but the excitement still getting the better of me and I eagerly walked out, expectantly looking for Yoongi’s reaction with a little sly smile on my face.
And I was not disappointed.
The second I stepped out, his head snapped in my direction, confirming that he really was waiting for me to come out. His cheeks were also lightly dusted with pink from excitement, his eyes as dark as midnight with his pupils blown wide with lust. He immediately licked his lips, eyes raking over my form and taking in the shaky knees and trembling hips, the blush on my face, both from recovering from an orgasm and shyness, hair a mess and lips bitten red.
Yoongi suddenly stood up and I realised that he packed up his laptop and headphones, all his stuff probably stuffed into his neat backpack that hung off of his shoulder. He side-stepped from the table and leisurely made his way towards me, black dress pants nicely hugging his form, white tee tucked into them accentuating his slim waist and a thick black oversized shirt hanging off him in a way that made me slightly feral.
But there was something else he wanted me to see, and I clocked it as soon as he got close enough, cheeks absolutely blazing red and my pussy valiantly clenching again even after such an orgasm.
He was hard. When my eyes slid down again to appreciate how the pants fit him so perfectly they landed on an unmistakable bulge, the front of his pants tenting in a tell-tale sign of how much he enjoyed my little show. I gasped and suddenly all confidence sapped from my body and I was left aroused and aching, willing to do anything. He watched me with a mix of condescension and arousal, knowing how easily he won over me and loving how receptive I was to just a light teasing, how the blush spread down to my collarbones and my mouth opened subconsciously, eyes glazing over and brain no doubt filled only with the thoughts of his cock.
But with an arrogant smirk he passed right by me, heading for the door of the men’s bathroom. Only when he was halfway through the door, he threw me a look over his shoulder, winking at me and his grin turned wild and rough. Then he disappeared inside.
I was left in the hall gasping for air, body ravaged by tension and lust and head full of images of Yoongi standing in the bathroom stall and hurriedly yanking at his cock, the red tip wet with pre-cum, the liquid getting smeared all over his length by his eager hands trying to get himself to completion as fast as possible. I imagined him grunting, head thrown back and mouth open but still curled into that annoying smirk.
A door opened somewhere a little down the hall and a mess of voices flowed out, startling me out of my reverie and I realised I had been just standing in the middle of an empty hallway staring dumbly at the bathroom door. I felt the bashfulness catch up to me and it sprung me into movement. With one last look at the door I scurried back into the class and spent the last 15 minutes staring into the wall with flaming red cheeks.
When I walked out after the class ended, Yoongi was back to his place, sitting completely relaxed into his chair and grinning lazily when his eyes caught mine. I felt my whole body jerk with a bolt of lust, but I ducked my head and quickly ran down the stairs, rushing out of the building and towards the café where the boys were already waiting for me. Jungkook stared at my flustered face with an unreadable expression, and I let him think whatever he wanted, too preoccupied with fighting the image of Yoongi cumming all over himself just twenty minutes ago thinking of me masturbating just a wall over.
Later that week, after many orgasms, much deliberating and a whole lot of shame I decided I needed to hear his voice. I kept thinking back to how Jungkook mentioned he was in the same year and major as Namjoon and that he was a performing rapper, and I knew Namjoon put his stuff online. And if Yoongi really was a known name in the bar scene around the area, he must have too.
Asking Jungkook about his stage name would be too humiliating, so instead I decided to rake through Namjoon’s insta because he must have his friend’s account there somewhere, hoping Yoongi would forgive me a little social media stalking. Firstly I scrolled through Namjoon’s posted pictures, but he rarely tagged other people. Most of his pictures were of artworks or Joonie doing something silly and living his best life.
So I switched to the pictures that others tagged you in. It took a while, but I was able to see that most of them were from this guy Hoseok that I had seen around but haven’t really spoken to. I knew he was a double major because he did dance like Jungkook and Jimin, but I had never realised he was also in the same major and year as Namjoon. He seemed to post a lot from the studio, often with Joon hunched over his computer in the background, but after some digging I was able to find one that had them all in it.
It was also from the studio, it must have been the one the boys were interning in, presumably all of them together. Hoseok’s face was grinning in one corner as he was taking the selfie and even though it was dark, you could clearly see two men sitting at a table together and discussing something with serious looks on their faces. A laptop sat between them and one of them had his hand lying on the pause button. It was Yoongi and Joon. Only their side-profile could be seen in the photo, but it was unmistakably them. The description only said “hyung is scolding joonie again” but tapping on the photo it showed that both of them had been tagged. Bingo.
Yoongi’s account was full of mostly dark pictures, some from the same studio and some were of him on stage mid performance, but there weren’t as many as Namjoon and Hoseok had on theirs. I scanned some of them quickly, but even though he looked super hot and the photos were extremely well done, it wasn’t the reason of my searching.
I checked the name of the account again – it was Agust D. And there was a link in the bio. Without thinking I clicked it and was transported to Spotify, Yoongi’s entire career laid out clearly in front of my eyes in the form of three albums.
I spent the evening listening to them, letting his music wash over me and losing myself in the beat and the lyrics. No matter what I was looking for when I wanted to listen to it, I got everything and more. I suddenly understood all those star-struck students that according to Kookie trailed hopelessly after Yoongi, the man had a real talent and an aura that just sucked you right in, like a fly getting trapped in a very smug spider’s web.
His voice was surprisingly lower and rougher than I anticipated, the songs had no shortage of him growling or screaming, emotions pouring off of his voice in waves that just swept me along.
And I couldn’t wait to find out what he sounded like when he was getting his rocks off.
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The next Tuesday I climbed those 4 floors of stairs confidently, wearing a short skirt and cute heels, gingerly picking a spot in the class that would allow me to slink off in the middle of the lecture again. Yoongi wasn’t sitting in the hallway yet, but I believed he’d show up soon enough.
The anticipation was coursing through my veins, making me jittery and giggly. From the corner of my eye I could see a classmate giving me a strange look, mouthing at me if I was okay and I nodded hurriedly, giving her a smile, hoping she wouldn’t pay any attention to me when I had to leave.
If the two lectures before were unbearable, this one took the cake. I could barely contain myself, squirming in my seat, trying to make myself comfortable while I checked the time every 2 minutes, wishing half the lecture had already gone by and always getting disappointed at how early it still was.
My mind was going into overdrive, feeding me ideas and fantasies, replaying last week’s encounter on loop. I couldn’t see anything except for Yoongi’s lopsided smirk planted firmly on his face as he made his way into the bathroom to jerk off, his face as he came thinking of me.
The minutes ticked by slowly, and I was absolutely losing my mind, thighs pressing together and hands tangled into the fabric of my skirt, bunching up the material. I made it 40 minutes before I grabbed my phone and sneaked out onto the hall.
Yoongi’s head shot up immediately, already sitting by the window waiting for something. This time I didn’t freeze up, instead I was the one who smirked at him and confidently walked up straight to the bathroom. He watched me raptly, something predatory glinting in his eyes as he leaned forward on the table. Couldn’t help but notice that today he didn’t have his laptop out, he just sat there and watched me, but I moved forward not giving it much thought.
I raised my eyebrow at him and winked right as I disappeared into the bathroom, the door falling shut behind me and sealing me inside in the calm and quietness. I rushed to the furthest stall, shutting the door behind me but not bothering to lock, too horny to think clearly.
I couldn’t believe this was getting to me so much, but the moment I managed to slide my tights low enough and ran my hand through my folds, I was already so wet it was astonishing. I laughed at myself in disbelief as my finger found my clit and circled it. Who would have thought this would become my weekly routine, jerking off in the bathroom while a guy I’ve never even talked to sat outside smirking.
But not today it turned out.
Just as pleasure began coursing through me at the ministrations, pleasured sighs leaving me freely as I got cocky not getting caught until now and the squelching of my wet pussy getting played with rang through the quiet space. Then, I heard the door open.
Immediately I froze, hand stopping but still stuck between my thighs. Slow silent footsteps made their way towards the stalls and I hoped whoever this person was, they would take care of their business quickly and leave right afterwards, but they seemed to be taking this in a really leisurely manner. I was holding my breath, counting the seconds, ears straining to catch any kind of sound coming from them.
“Don’t stop on my account, kitten,” a gruff voice suddenly piped up, the footsteps stopping right outside my stall. Relief and lust rushed through me at his appearance and I couldn’t hold back a desperate whimper, the fingers on my clit going back to work. There was a chuckle behind the door and then he was pushing it open.
I must have been a sight, underwear and tights pushed under my ass, skirt bunched up around my hips, bent over with my back arched leaning on the wall as I desperately played with myself, mouth open and eyes glazed over.
Yoongi’s eyes raked over me and he hummed lowly in appreciation. He made his way in lazily, shutting and locking the door behind him before leaning on it and just watching for a moment. I tried to put on a show for him but I was truly gone, the three weeks of built up arousal carrying me high and my body racing towards the edge in record speed.
I watched him back, watched his dark hungry eyes, his tongue peeking out to wet his upper lip, the way his hands flexed by his hips, twitching with the need to grab himself. I could see his bulge clearly, the tight black jeans barely able to contain it, and I was going crazy for it. When my eyes jumped back to Yoongi’s face, he was smirking at me knowing where I’d been staring at. What I wanted.
Suddenly he pushed himself away from the door and stepped towards me. Startled I straightened out, fingers stopping once more. He descended on me hurriedly, pushing me into the wall with his body, caging me in. Our faces were suddenly only breaths apart and Yoongi took his sweet time, teasing me by getting closer and pulling away with a laugh. I whined, my clean hand coming up to tangle in his hair and he let me, watching me from above as I writhed against him, wordlessly begging for any touch from him.
Finally, he took pity on me and with a cocky grin smashed our mouths together, immediately prying my lips open and licking inside, claiming me roughly and thoroughly. I moaned into him, body arching into his and he pressed closer, pressing me into the wall again and our bodies touched from our heads to our toes. His hand went to my neck, wrapping around it lightly and grabbing my jaw to keep me still as he kissed me with all his might.
Now with both hands I grabbed onto him, one going around his neck and one around the waist, and he broke the kiss to laugh at me quietly, turning my face with his hand so he could kiss around my ear.
“You’re such a little tease, you know that kitten?” he whispered, voice gravelly with arousal, “Coming in here every week… playing with your pussy… making yourself cum… and then coming out and giving me those eyes, cheeks still flushed from your orgasm and yet playing so coy and shy… you’re such a minx.” I tensed, eyes rolling back as he started nipping at my neck, laying wet kisses and bites all over any skin he could get to.
I didn’t even notice when Yoongi’s other hand found its way between my legs, fingers roughly pressing onto my clit. I choked on a moan, head falling back and hitting the tiled wall, hands flexing into his clothes. He bit my shoulder enough to leave a mark, chuckling at my loud keening before pressing his lips to the shell of my ear again.
“Last week I thought I would go crazy sitting there,” Yoongi continued, almost growling into my skin as his fingers twisted meanly around my sensitive nub making me tremble, “I couldn’t focus on anything, not when I knew how much you wanted to give me a show. Almost went to jerk off at least five times but I held off until you came out to repay the favour.” He chuckled again, hand tightening a little on my neck as he leaned back to look at me.
I tried to get my breathing under control but I was stuck with my mouth hanging open, noises flowing out freely as if this wasn’t a public bathroom. Yoongi didn’t seem to mind though, quite happy to watch me come undone just from a little teasing.
“It was the same for me,” I whispered, looking into his eyes and this time playing coy very much on purpose, licking my lips and batting my lashes to play it up, “Had to sit through the rest of the lecture while thinking about you in here. Was hell.” He snickered darkly, immediately catching onto my act.
He hummed, finger dragging across my lower lip, fascinated for a moment before he snapped back to himself, mouth pulling back into a smirk.
Without a warning his other hand moved lower, fingers tracing my entrance before two of them plunged inside. I moaned out, body seizing up at the sensation. I was wet enough that they went easy but there was still the pleasurable sting of being stretched out on two digits.
Yoongi certainly wasn’t the type to waste time. He hummed satisfied, watching me with those dark eyes, testing the waters with a few shallow pumps before he started finger-fucking me earnestly. Just like everything else, even now he wasn’t gentle, flicking his wrist up and pushing his fingers as far as they could go, curling them to scratch at that one magic spot that had me seeing white.
I whimpered loudly, hips gyrating to ride the motions, already feeling the stirrings of a powerful orgasm lurking on the horizon. Like a shark sensing blood Yoongi chuckled and twisted his fingers on the next thrust. I keened, hands flying up to tangle into his clothes and hair, hips jerking and chasing after the feeling.
“So selfish, kitten,” he tsked at me, still keeping his cool even though I could see his erection attempting to burst through his pants, “only thinking about your own pleasure. No respect for others, huh?”
My first instinct was to apologise, but I got choked up on the words when he started up his pace again, so instead I decided to be a woman of action. Slowly trailing my hand down his torso, feeling him up on the way, grabbing onto his chest, his slim waist, until I finally reached his crotch.
With the first touch he let out a light groan, fingers stuttering and eyes falling shut for a moment, then he was suddenly back onto me, kissing me wildly while his hips fucked into my hand, letting out gruff groans and sighs into my mouth, which I accepted gladly.
For a moment we were just lost in each other, not caring about the noise or the place, just pleasuring each other, touching, feeling. Then Yoongi was tearing away, hand flying from my pussy and stepping back. I couldn’t stop the pathetic whine that left me, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment at his amused face.
Instead he grabbed me and turned me around until I was leaning on my arms on the wall behind the toilet, one leg up on the closed lid for support. I shivered in anticipation, knowing what would come next. Yoongi was moving about behind me, clothes shuffling and rustling. Then his sweater hit the floor. I turned my head to watch just as he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a silver packet. He grinned at me and winked when catching my eye, then reached out to me, condom in hand.
“Can you hold this for me for a second, darling?” he asked as sweet as honey, but there was something devilish twinkling in his eye.
“Of course,” I answered him. I meant for it to be sassy, but it came out on a breathless whisper as I took the packet and watched Yoongi’s hand run through his hair before setting on his belt. He unbuckled slowly, attentively watching my eyes soaking in every second as he pulled the belt through the buckle and out of his pants. Fingers toyed with the button before popping it open, tongue wetting his lips and hungry eyes eating me up. I trembled under his attention but held still, not even breathing as his fingers grasped at the zipper and pulled it down.
Tired of playing, he pulled his tee out and put the hem between his teeth, revealing his taunt stomach and pretty waist. Winking at my obvious gawking, he finally pulled his jeans and underwear down, his erection springing free. The sight of him shocked me to my core, standing there with his t-shirt in his mouth and a smug glint his eye while he leisurely fisted his flushed red cock. I could feel my pussy gushing and clenching around nothing, desperately calling to be filled up.
Yoongi plucked the condom packet from my limp hand and made a quick work of putting it on. He lined up behind me, hands finding my waist to pull my tee from the skirt, making contact with bare skin.
I gasped when I felt his cock slide through my wet folds, but quickly keened and arched into it. One of Yoongi’s hands tightened on my waist while the other disappeared to grab his length.
“Easy now,” he chuckled at my trembling body, my hips chasing after his cock and trying to entice him into fucking me.
“Please,” was all I could get out of my mouth, “please Yoongi, just fuck me.” His hand tightened again and there was a beat of silence before he snickered.
“So you naughty girl do know my name,” he teased and I froze for a moment, embarrassment flooding me. I turned to him again to see him smirking at me, tee hanging off of his form. “I heard it around,” I whispered sheepishly. He hummed, raising his eyebrows at me.
“Not really fair, is it?” he teased some more, a mischievous expression taking over his face, “Is it, Y/N?” I narrowed my eyes at him jokingly and he grinned.
“Now, what’s your excuse, mister?” I asked him sassily, “Not like I’m a campus celebrity… unlike someone here.”
“May or may not have asked Jungkook cause I saw you two hanging out,” Yoongi admitted easily, laughing at me when I paled.
“God,” I groaned, “No wonder he was getting so cheeky whenever you came up in a conversation.” At that Yoongi raised his eyebrow again, amusement dancing on his features.
“That happen often?” he asked impishly, leaning against me and once again letting me feel his cock sliding through my folds. I gasped a little and blushed even darker. “You’re Namjoon’s friend, so occasionally,” I bold-faced lied straight through my teeth and from the look on Yoongi’s face, he was aware but let me get away with it.
There was a moment of silence where we just stared at each other, mischievous little smiles on our faces, and then Yoongi hummed, pulling his tee back up to his lips and biting down on it. I shuddered, the lust once again taking the fore-front seat in my mind. This time he didn’t stop for anything, grabbing himself with one hand and the other going to my waist to hold me in place.
The tip of his cock circled my entrance and I subconsciously clenched, a gush of wetness leaving me. I whined and wriggled in his hold and he tsked at me again before sliding inside in a single thrust with a light condescending giggle. I groaned, pussy immediately squeezing around the intrusion, feeling every inch and ridge. There was a hitch in Yoongi’s breaths, both hands migrating to my waist and grabbing so tightly I felt his nails digging into my skin.
He barely gave me a second before pulling out and thrusting in again, setting a rough pace from the get-go. All I could do was bury my head into the crook of my elbow, biting into the soft flesh there to keep myself from moaning loud enough for the whole school to hear.
The stretch of his cock was exquisite, the slight burn heating up my already sensitive body to a near boiling point. With every thrust there was a tiny twinge of pain that left me breathless, desperate to muffle any noise that could cut our meeting short.
Yoongi didn’t seem to care much about noise, hands on my waist mercilessly pulling me back onto his cock and fucking me with so much force I felt my whole body twitching with the overdrive of sensation, the slapping of our sweaty bodies against each other and the wet squelch of my weeping pussy getting filled to the brim loud enough to substitute for our own sounds. He was grunting gruffly, the noise seemingly leaving his mouth involuntarily and getting muffled by the tee.
I turned my head slightly to look at him, and god, he was a vision with his head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut and face the picture of ecstasy, body rippling with the motion of his pumping hips and strong veiny arms and hands gripping onto me hard enough to go red with the force. I couldn’t hold back the moan and he toppled his head forward to look at me, a tired self-satisfied smirk tugging at his lips at seeing my fucked out expression.
“Take your fucking shirt off,” I gasped out breathlessly, chuckling at his teasingly narrowed eyes, “You have such a dirty fucking mouth, can’t stand for it being shut.” Yoongi laughed, throwing his head back in delight. Within seconds the piece of fabric joined his sweater on the floor and he leaned forward, hands picking on my own shirt with a mischievous expression.
“Shouldn’t you even the score?” I loved how deep and gravelly his voice became with arousal, even when he was being mischievous I could hear the growl in it and it drove me crazy. I scrambled to listen to him, tearing the shirt off and flinging it behind us. Yoongi’s hands immediately travelled up, playing with the edge of my bra before swiftly undoing the clasp and dragging it off. I gasped lightly at his skilled handiwork and giggled, but Yoongi was already preoccupied with kissing along my shoulders and shoulder blades.
His hips angled better and then jerked them into me again, cock sliding even deeper now. I groaned and arched into him and that was his que to start fucking in earnest again. In this position I could hear the strained sighs and grunts every time he slid back inside, the rough deep pace taking a toll on us both.
The back of my thighs was burning from standing bent over and straining my hips for this long and it added to the mix of feelings running through me. I could feel my orgasm catching up with me, Yoongi’s cock now hitting a spot on every thrust that made me want to scream with pleasure, sliding in so deep I swore I could feel him in my belly and it was so good my head was spinning, and all that came out of me were raspy moans. Yoongi bit into my shoulder, grunts raising in octave, hands pulling at my body to meet his thrusts.
I prayed to god that the walls were thick enough to keep the sounds from escaping onto the hall. I knew that if someone stepped inside now, there would be no masking what was going on, we were both too gone for that, just chasing our pleasure.
I was so close, the weeks of build up and the foreplay and teasing making me delirious. There in that moment I just wished I could stay like this forever, to feel this delicious ecstasy for the rest of my life, but I was so close to snapping I just needed a little extra push even though my head was so high in the clouds wishing to be never brought down.
“Please Yoongi, god,” I choked out, “please, I’m so close.” That seemed to snap Yoongi back into his attitude again, but he couldn’t hide how affected he was too.
“What do you want, kitten, mm?” even he couldn’t talk properly through the gasps and grunts, but still tried to sound as cocky as possible. Instead of talking I grabbed his hand and brought it down between my legs.
Yoongi pressed himself to me closer to make the reach more comfortable, his chest glued to my back as he nibbled on my neck and shoulder, giggling breathlessly when his naughty fingers started drawing tight quick circles on my clit.
My moans got louder, the pumping of his cock, hitting so deep inside of me, combined with the stimulation on my clit made me seize up, whole body shaking as the pleasure overtook me. Yoongi groaned every time my pussy clenched around him, drawing him deeper and closer to his own end. Both of us were so sweaty we stuck to each other, the temperature in the stall rising so high it was almost unbearable.
“Yoongi,” I gasped out, just repeating his name breathlessly as I barrelled to the climax, feeling the beginning of the tingling washing over me, pussy seizing up. Yoongi’s hands were like vice on my body, my waist littered with red indents of his nails, some already purpling slightly.
“I know, kitten,” he whispered into my neck, “Me too, you can let go.” The moment those words left his mouth my orgasm exploded over me, enough to blind me and send my ears ringing for a few moments. I let out a raspy groan, hands scrambling to find purchase on the wall and if it wasn’t for Yoongi’s hold on me, my buckling knees would have sent me crashing to the floor, but all I could focus on was the euphoria blooming through my body, flooding all my senses with so much pleasure I could barely fully register anything that was going on. Yoongi fucked me through the peak, hips losing rhythm and all decorum until finally he gave last few hard pumps and stilled too, coming with a drawn-out moan, hands pushing our hips as close together as they could go.
We clung onto each other as we attempted to catch our breaths again. I felt my arms slipping on the tiles as the pleasant ache started setting into my hips and lower tummy, legs screaming for a reprieve as my brain slowly came back into function. I blinked my eyes open, not even realising I had closed them at some point. Yoongi was basically hugging me from the behind, draped over me just breathing deep, faced smushed into my shoulder blade. Then he chuckled.
“You think we’re still in the clear?” he laughed, “How thick do you think these walls are?” A giggle tumbled out of me and before I knew it we were both laughing breathlessly, bodies still pressed close.
“This is officially the craziest thing I’ve ever done,” I told him, shaky knees trying to keep my weight as I started to gather my wits. Yoongi let me go easily and helped me find my balance as my whole body ached, back killing me after Yoongi railed me like a madman.
“And here I was, thinking this was just regular Tuesday for you.”
I slapped his shoulder lightly, but the blush on my cheeks revealed that I couldn’t really say anything to that. His amused snickers told me he was well aware, so I just stood there and watched him slip the condom off, tie it up and then just awkwardly stand there not knowing what to do with it.
“Guess I can’t just casually drop a used condom into a bin in the girl’s bathroom,” he stated nonchalantly, and I giggled at him. In the end he grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and hid it inside, putting in on the closed bin lid for the moment.
Next Yoongi swiftly cleaned himself up and pulled his jeans back on, but when I reached for the paper to do the same, he swatted my hand away. With a much gentler smile he got it himself, kneeled in front of me and started cleaning me up, gently wiping away the mess left on my centre and thighs. I watched him attentively, the soft look on his face making him look boyish, only the naughty glint in his eyes reminiscent of the man he was just a few minutes ago.
When our eyes met, I returned the smile, hand instinctively going to tangle into his hair. I meant to just card it through the dark wavy locks, but the heated look he gave me had me shuddering again, fingers tightening. Yoongi smirked, tongue licking at his lips sensually just inches away from my exposed pussy.
“Still thinking about naughty things, kitten?” he said, voice dark and deep, “Like the sight of me on my knees for you?” I hesitated for a moment before untangling my hand and gently pushing him with a blush.
“I see,” Yoongi hummed thoughtfully, “maybe next time then.” With a wink he stood up and when I didn’t move he motioned for me to start dressing up with a smirk, handing me my bra and t-shirt. We slowly clambered out of the stall, stretching and trying to get all the body parts to working order again.
“How about,” Yoongi drawled out, self-assured and with the attitude of someone who just got their rocks off, “you ditch the lecture you never really go to anyway and we grab something to eat?” I stopped in my tracks, shocked but pleasantly surprised at his offer. I checked the time quickly.
“There’s only like 10 minutes of class left, I can sit that out and then we can go,” I answered, smiling softly, but Yoongi smirked with all his might, something devilish glinting over his face. He leaned towards me, grabbing me lightly by my shoulders.
“Not looking like that, you can’t,” he whispered meanly and spun me around. The moment I laid my eyes on myself in the mirror, I gasped. Yoongi was standing behind me grinning like the devil admiring his handiwork. My neck was littered in little bites and spots ranging from dark pink across red all the way to purple. Yoongi let out a satisfied hum, almost sounding like a purr, his hands going across my waist to pull at the tee tucked into my skirt to reveal more reddish purplish bruises from his fingers.
I turned in his arms and slapped his shoulder lightly, completely flustered by his antics. “How can I walk out of here now? Everyone will know what I’d been doing instead of sitting at the lecture,” I whined, more embarrassed than angry, but Yoongi’s laughing face was totally free of any remorse, “I look like someone beat me up.”
The man said nothing, just pulled me closer to kiss me gently. I looked at him with wide eyes for a moment before I whined again: “I don’t even have a scarf with me today.” He burst out laughing and patted my hip softly.
“I’ll get your stuff, you wait here,” he whispered conspiratorially and with one last wink he was gone. It took him only three minutes to stick his head back into the bathroom, looking a little ruffled and a lot amused.
“I suggest we get going fast, I’m afraid a guy leaving the ladies restroom isn’t as inconspicuous as I wished it was,” he got out quickly, smirking impishly and handing me my coat. I tried to wear it in a way that covered most of the marks, but it was futile, more than half of my neck still on full display.
I walked out of the bathroom the same moment the door to my classroom opened and students started filing out. Yoongi exchanged a single glance with me before we both took off, running down the stairs like we were being chased, only stopping once the building doors slammed shut behind us.
“Jimin’s café?” Yoongi asked breathlessly, still trying to get his strength back and leaning on his knees. I grinned at him and grabbed his hand, already pulling him in the right direction.
“Sure, let’s go!”
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“Holy shit! The fuck happened to you?” Jimin exclaimed loudly enough for the whole café to hear the moment he saw me walk through the door. Jungkook and Tae, who were sitting at a small table near the counter to keep Jimin company while he had his shift, turned to look at me only for Kookie to promptly spit out whatever he was drinking.
“Holy shit!” I gave him an unimpressed look and walked up to Jimin to order.
“A little dramatic, don’t you think?” I side-eyed him sassily, but Jungkook was grinning mischievously, a knowing glint in his eye. I flushed under his gaze and looked away at which he started laughing loudly.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe you actually did it,” he giggled, properly entertained by the situation and by my embarrassment. Tae was watching it all unfold, confused look on his face.
“Did what?” Jimin asked, similarly confused.
As if on cue the door opened again and Yoongi stepped in, ignoring everyone currently staring at him and walking straight to me, arm curling around my waist to pull me closer to him. He bent down slightly to whisper in my ear: “Got rid of the evidence successfully.”
“Holy shit!” This time it was Tae who screamed, coming full circle. I gave their smug smiling faces an annoyed glare and turned to Jimin to order again, but he was trying to conceal his grin behind his hand. Even more vexed I turned to Yoongi who was smirking smugly like a cat who got all the cream, hand possessively squeezing at my bruised waist.
“On second thoughts, we shouldn’t have come here,” I said to no one in particular, then turning my narrowed eyes at the man of the hour himself, “and wipe that smirk off your face, mister.” There were giggles from the boys all around us, but Yoongi just swooped down and kissed me softly, then pushed us closer towards the counter.
Jimin cleared his throat and tried to put on a professional expression, but there was mirth in his eyes that I just knew I was going to get all the teasing later. Tae and Kookie cleared out the mess at the table and made space for us to sit down, one looking more amused than the other.
I gave them both the stink eye and ignored them, checking my phone instead, trying to reply to all the messages I’ve missed in the last hour. Around me there was silence, everyone just sitting there looking at each other grinning, before Jungkook cleaned his throat and exclaimed:
“God, fucking finally! Thought Yoongi-hyung was gonna talk my ear off about you!”
“Kookie!” There was a pretty blush spreading on Yoongi’s cheeks, a polar opposite to the cocksure man that was railing my brains out 20 minutes ago. I giggled and squeezed his arm. He gave in easily, leaning towards me.
Then he set his eyes on Jungkook and narrowed them teasingly. “We’re gonna settle that later you brat.”
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pedgito · 2 years
okok hear me out. eddie x reader literally despise each other, for no particular reason. reader just thinks he’s gross and weird. eddie thinks reader is stuck up and prissy. BUT one day reader walks into the dnd room on accident. eddies the only one in there, setting up for the new campaign ofc. and they just get into a really heated argument that ends up w reader bent over the dnd table w eddie pounding into her from behind.… PLS IM BEGGING I LIVE FOR A GOOD HATE FUCK
author’s note: this is all over the place i’m sorry lol, i can’t write hate fucks for the life of me but i tried.
cw: 18+ (minors dni) mean!eddie, mean!reader, slight perv!eddie, just a lot of harsh shit talking between eddie/reader, degrading language/shaming, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, again just straight smut and not the sweet kind, if i missed anything lmk
word count: 3.4k
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Eddie Munson was the bane of your existence, that’s one thing you knew for sure. Some of it was intentional, some of it not—but he got under your skin in the worst way. It wasn’t his obnoxious volume or ridiculous acts of show, throwing himself around in a way that was meant for amusement, drawing a few laughs from his friends and even a couple strangers—but most of it wasn’t received well and definitely not by you.
The thing was, you didn’t hate him for the same reason everyone else did. He dressed differently, sure, listened to the kind of music that has you covering your eyes from the harsh percussion and scratchy, screaming voices—but that’s because it woke you in the middle of the night, your own trailer rattling from the vibrations. The smell and smoke of his weed wafting into your open bedroom window, white cloud bellowing into the humid air of your room, it was a nightly occurrence.
There was also the misfortune of having to listen to his escapades, whether daily or nightly, and having to suffer through the sounds of whoever Eddie decided to hook up with on that particular day—the walls of your trailer were entirely too thin and did nothing to muffle the sounds shrieking from your neighbors home. But, at least he had enough respect to do it while Wayne was away—because while Eddie was the most annoying part of your daily life, Wayne was one of the better ones.
He greeted you kindly, always asked how you were—meanwhile Eddie would lazily stomp along to their trash bin, shirtless and a half-smoked cigarette tucked behind his ear, staring you directly in the eye before spitting on the pavement. Wayne always reprimanded him for it, complained about how disrespectful it was, but Eddie knew it got under your skin. It’s exactly why he did it.
He snickered at your starch ironed skirts, pleats along the front and always the softest shade of pinks and blues and purples, fitting an even softer sweater over your starkly white button ups—and if he wasn’t commenting on it as you were leaving your trailer, cigarette shoved between his lips as he leaned against his van, it was in the hallways as he approached behind you swiftly, your body smacking into him amongst the hoard of people swarming the halls.
“Might want to watch where you walk, sweetheart .” He whispers, voice low and in your ear, “Get too close to the trash and you might get dirty, right?”
You shove him away haphazardly, nose scrunching up in annoyance. You couldn’t remember speaking more than five words to him at any given time, regardless of how often you saw him. It was physically painful to be in his presence, mentally exhausting, and you shoved a forceful middle finger his way as he laughed at the gesture, throwing them back as a double.
And it felt like fate was forcing you two together despite your obvious distaste for one another; running into each other during bathroom breaks from class like they were planned, both of you sharing an awkward look in return, eyes lingering on one another.
It had to be the disgust you felt, there was no reason your eyes should stay stuck that long.
Or how he always ended up behind you in line at lunch even though he rarely ate—sometimes a couple of measly snacks, a pack of almonds or a small water bottle, mostly too enveloped in his own conversation to remember that he needed to eat until it was already too late, bell signaling you back to class.
You didn’t know that because you watched him at lunch, that was the case at all. Definitely not.
But the truth was, you weren’t much different from Eddie. In fact, if you thought about, Eddie was a lot better off than you. He had a group of friends, a community he felt safe participating in, and no shame in the way he carried himself.
But you, you were terrified—never a hair out of place, never a wrinkle in your outfit, and how dare your grades dropped lower than a B. You were jealous of Eddie, but that wasn’t something you could easily admit to his face. You envied his ability to be so careless, but in that same breath, you absolutely hated him.
You’ve also involved yourself in too many school clubs at this point, overwhelming your schedule and spending most of your days frazzled trying to keep up—so by the end of the day when you’re running back to the classroom to grab your things before heading home, it’s not a surprise that you don’t realize the flooring as you skid to a stop—the room was low lit, some song you don’t recognize set for quiet ambience and you freeze, eyes connecting with the only person in the room.
“Can’t stay away, can you?” Eddie teases, head turned up slightly, vivacious grin plastered on his face.
“My mistake,” You interrupt him, turning on your heels swiftly to flee the space, a small chuckle escaping Eddie’s chest, “I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Clearly,” He remarks, plucking the small figurines from the table and shoving them away in a box, carefully piling the other items inside, “but if you wanted to see me that bad, you could’ve just said so.”
And as much as you want to keep quiet, act like he doesn’t bother you—you can’t. It’s the one last bridge he hasn’t burned, until now. The teasing has only ever gone so far, mostly harmless, but his voice is edged with a dangerous intent—not so much toward you, but it lingers.
“Excuse you?” You ask tensely, turning back around, face pinched up in anger. “See you? Why would anyone want to spend more than five minutes around you?”
“You tell me,” He shrugs, finally managing to clear the table amongst your hatred filled gaze, resting his rear against the edge, arms crossed heavily over his chest, “you’re the one still standing there.”
“I tolerate you, at the very least.” You spit at him, finger held up scrutinizingly as you took a few slow steps toward him, “your horrible manners, the decency and respect you lack for others—if it weren’t for having known Wayne I could blame it on your family for raising you that way, but no. It’s all you.”
“Careful, princess,” He replies teasingly, “words hurt.”
The nickname always drove you mad, fist clenching in frustration.
“Good.” You say forcefully, know only a few inches from him—he smelt like cheap tobacco and old leather, nostrils flaring in disgust. “Maybe you’ll think twice before watching me change from your bedroom window—“
Eddie’s eyes widen, face paling at your admission.
“Yeah,” You reply knowingly, nodding your head as a taunt, “I know all about your little secrets, Eddie.”
But instead of giving in, Eddie doubles down and fights back just as hard.
“At least I don’t have a stick shoved up my ass,” He replies, “I guess mommy doesn’t know you’re blowing guys behind your trailer late at night—does she?”
And frankly, it’s none of his business. But then again, the same thing could be applied to you. There was too much shared anger, shuffling back and forth between hate and jealousy—you weren’t sure if you actually hated Eddie, or just the idea of him.
At face value, Eddie was attractive, likable, and had the calmest demeanor you’ve ever seen—but the moment his mouth opened, it was ruined.
“It’s no different from you fucking girls with your window wide open—half the neighborhood could hear it.”
“Oh, so you listen?” Eddie asks, disregarding the obvious problem. “Naughty.” He remarks softly, smirk settling into a dark grin.
You roll your eyes in annoyance, dropping your finger down at your side. “It’s kinda hard not to, you know?”
Eddie shrugs nonchalantly.
“And what about you?” You ask, “Doesn’t that make you a creep when you’re watching me?”
“I go out for a smoke around midnight every night,” Eddie reminds you, “It’s not my problem if you’re there—I’m not changing my routine for you.”
“So, you’re okay with peeping?” You ask redundantly, but Eddie has a response anyways.
“You’re the one sucking cock in public,” Eddie reminds, “are you forgetting that’s technically illegal?”
You shrink back slightly, lips turning down in a frown as you glare at him. “No one’s out there—at least no one but—“
“You like it, don’t you?” Eddie asks, lids shifting down, eyes lingering with darkness. “You could go anywhere—a car, in the woods—but you like the idea of being watched, being caught, don’t you?”
Your silence is telling—but you didn’t have to explain yourself to him.
Eddie hums in response, nodding.
“I think you’re doing it so I’ll watch,” Eddie tells you, like he’s suddenly got you all figured out—and so what if he did, “at least I can admit I do it for fun, knowing half of those guys won’t last more than a few minutes.”
“You’re disgusting.” You reply quietly, watching as he rises slowly, stalking toward you. “And a fucking dick.”
“Oh, sweetheart—don’t go soft on me now.” Eddie chides, “Tell me how you really feel.”
There’s a beat of silence, eyes never leaving each other's gaze. Eddie speaks first.
“And don’t act like I don’t know you like listening to me,” Eddie admits, “Why do you think I get so loud?”
“Because you’re obnoxious,” You start, “and rude, and—“
“Three nights ago, Friday, you remember?” Eddie asks curiously, stalling your attack.
“Yeah?” You reply wearily, wondering where he was taking this. “I saw that girl you let inside—you fucked her, do you want a ribbon?”
“What girl?” Eddie asked before it dawns on him, “Oh shit—Chrissy, yeah.”
You raise an eyebrow inquisitively, waiting for him to finish.
“She left five minutes after she got there—in, out. It was a quick deal.” Eddie tells you, before leaning toward you menacingly, face only a few inches away, “But sweetheart, that noise? It was all me.”
The heat rises to your face in an instant, the guilt in your expression obvious.
His tongue peeks out slightly, running along the top row of teeth, “It was good, wasn’t it?”
Your gaze is fierce, refusing to give in to his game.
Eddie takes another step closer, raising his arm—for a brief moment you expect him to touch you, bracing to grip his wrist and shove him away, but it lingers, finger pointing toward the open door as he talks to you petulantly, instructing you through his next few moves.
“Now—I’m going to close that door,” Eddie explains, “do you want to leave?”
You hesitate for a brief second, before shaking your head slightly. If Eddie wasn’t watching you so intently he probably would’ve missed it.
“And, with your blessing of course, I’m going to bend you over that table and fuck you how I know you want me to,” Eddie says haughtily, tipping your chin up briefly, touch disappearing as quickly as you felt it, “then maybe you won’t have a reason to hate me so much.”
“I’m going to hate you regardless.” You answer weakly, confirming his suspicions. You couldn’t say no. You wanted this.
“Somehow I think I’ll survive.” Eddie smirks, vanishing behind you quickly, leaving you stuck at a standstill, heart pounding in your chest. “Last chance to back out, just say the word—“
“Lock it.” You tell him firmly.
Eddie snorts softly, flipping the lock closed.
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Eddie doesn’t hesitate in his movements, shoving you harshly over the edge of the table, lifting your skirt up lazily, slipping the soft white cotton of your underwear down your legs without a word, the light jingling of his belt behind you as he stripped himself of it, working himself out of his jeans enough that his cock springs free, bouncing upright into the cool air.
“What’s got you so quiet?” Eddie harps, fisting his hand into the end of your hair and tugging, eyes connecting with your own—it was an awkward angle and Eddie was slightly upside down from where you were peering back, hip held tight in his grip. “I thought I’d at least have to get my dick inside you first.”
You shove away his wandering hands, fingers drifting over your entrance and pressing against your clit, thick juices coating his fingers briefly.
“I didn’t say you get to touch me like that.” You tell him sternly, “If you’re so desperate to fuck me, then do it. Stop wasting my time.”
“Your time?” Eddie repeats, “Princess, I’ll make this last an eternity with that mouth.”
“You don’t scare me, Eddie Munson.” You say to prove a point, holding in a ragged gasp as he presses inside slowly, a dull sting as he stretches you open, inch by tantalizing inch.
Eddie wraps a gentle hand around your throat, squeezing the tiniest amount of pressure. He’s testing your limits, already well aware of what you like—he may not be the brightest, but he’s not that dim. “I’m not trying to scare you.”
“Then?” A sudden thrust of his hips has you tumbling forward, hands forced out in front of you to keep from slipping. Eddie pulls you back up swiftly, back flat against his chest as he speaks, leaving you fully under his control, hands instinctively grabbing at the fabric of his shirt on either side of him.
“I’m just giving you what you want,” Eddie explains, “and letting you walk home full of me—“ He turns your head slightly, forcing you to look at him, bottom lip puffy and parted as he drags his finger along it, “you want me to come inside you, don’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have let me get this far.”
No response has Eddie tugging at your face, pulling you even straight, hand pressed firmly around your neck—mostly just to keep you in place.
“Answer me.” He warns, “Tell me how badly you want me to fill you so fuckin’ full, sweetheart.”
You moan embarrassingly loud as he pulls his hips back before shoving them against your backside harshly, skin slapping against skin, his own mouth parting on a silent groan as he stared down at you.
“If it will shut you up, yeah.” You tell him, earning a deep chuckle before you soften your eyes, peering up at him sweetly, sickeningly, “Come inside me.”
Eddie releases you with no warning, forcing you back down against the hardwood, resuming your previous position as you used the leverage to push back against him, creating a pace that was almost unbearable, feeling the soft string as he slapped his hands against your skin—your ass, your thighs, any exposed skin he could get his hands on, painting you with temporary marks for his eyes only—he’d make them more permanent if you let him, but that was far from possible.
Your blood still boiled in his presence, even with his cock buried inside of you.
You groan in frustration, agitated with the position, the lack of technique—but given you two were at each other like animals, it wasn’t entirely his fault—regardless, you weren’t going to leave without some satisfaction or at the very least, an orgasm.
“Stop, stop,” You urge him and Eddie doesn’t question it, letting you go immediately, “it’s not—“
“What—it’s not what?” Eddie asks with minor frustration, watching as you turned to him, scooting your ass up toward the edge of the table.
“As much as I hate looking at you, this might be the easiest way for me to cum,” You admit and Eddie smiles softly, the urge to retort a sly remark creeping up on him, “—what, why are you looking at me like that?”
Eddie shakes his head, refusing to answer before he pulls your hips flush, slipping back inside of you with ease as he crowds you space, lips brushing your own but never daring to reach out and kiss, you let out a sudden huff of air, reaching for his forearms to stabilize yourself.
“Tell me how much you hate me.” Eddie eggs you on, grinning evilly, hands balled into fists as he pressed them against the tabletop, fucking you achingly slow.
“So much,” You assure him, not missing a beat, “you’re gross, rude,” Eddie moves his hips sharply, forcing a wrecked moan from your lips, “fuck—you’re so fucking annoying.”
“Uh huh.” He agrees, eyebrow furrowing as his stone faced expression falters slightly, “Is that all?”
“No manners,” You tell him, “and no respect for anyone.”
“Oh, you want respect?” Eddie gloated, “You want me to respect you?”
“Never said that.” You reply bluntly, his shirt in a vice grip as you yanked at the material, pulling him impossibly deeper.
He ignores you, “Now, why should I respect a whore like you?”
“I’m not a whore.” You pout slightly, “Oh, fuck—that’s—“
You slump slightly, but Eddie catches you, face tight in his grip, one hand pressed into the dip in your back.
“Say it like you mean it.” Eddie challenges.
“I’m not—“ Eddie tugs your face up, cheeks squeezed between his fingers, “not—not a whore. Or a slut. Or whatever the fuck you want to call me.”
Eddie nods, not believing a word you tell him.
“I forgot—you’re that stuck up little princess who lives next door to me. Perfect life, perfect family—if they only knew the shit you got up to.” Eddie says menacingly, “Letting the neighborhood trash fuck you raw, come inside you—god forbid I knock you up, right?”
And the idea is terrifying, but you know it’s all talk. You had nothing to worry about, birth control be damned—but it leaves a pit in your stomach that lingers. Eddie was self aware, he knew people hated him, knew you hated him—but that didn’t change his unnatural attraction toward you, nor yours for him.
“Eddie—Shut. Up.” You emphasize, pulling him tight against you, cunt clenching around him as he hits a dangerous spot inside you, sweet but alarming.
“Well, maybe you’ll think twice about walking in here again.” He replies snidely, his faltering slightly as he lessened his grip on your face, touch stalling at the side of your neck as gave in, letting the sounds of your bodies fill the silence, hearing every soft little moan he punches out of you with his movements, becoming addicted and yearning for more. His hands move without any real direction, landing sloppily over your clit as he circled it lazily, head hung back and eyes closed.
“Fuck—Fuck you.” You sigh, whimpering quietly as his movements over your clit increased, mouth falling open wide.
The slap is a surprise, soft but enough to startle you, eyes staring up at him in shock. And you hated yourself for enjoying it so much, but the knowing smile on his face is too good to be true, and your mouth is moving without filtering through your brain.
“Harder.” You counter, eyes darkening as you challenge him.
He slaps you once more, forceful, noise crackling through the air. You huff a soft laugh, causing him to laugh in response—and truthfully, you both forget how this even started in the first place. It was all just an outlet for your own shared anger and it turned into a giant mess.
“Girls don’t—they don’t usually—“ Eddie doesn’t admit it outright, breath quickening as he attempts to speak through his unskilled thrusts, groaning loudly, “—they don’t like that.”
“Now Eddie,” You tell him, voice delicate, “I’m not most girls.”
But, he already knew that. You were nothing like the girls he was used to. You were everything he wanted but couldn’t have. You were a disease, a disgrace—in his eyes, and it made him want you that much more.
The climax hits you heavy, a gasp ripping from your chest as he tips you over that peak, following suit with one hard thrust, coming deep inside you until he can’t handle the stimulation any longer, pulling out with a weak groan.
The air is thick and tense, but Eddie helps you up carefully, slipping your underwear back into your palm. You stare at the fabric, balling it up in your hands briefly before making a sudden decision, reaching for his own hand and shoving them back at him, his pants still hanging unbuttoned around his waist.
“Keep them.” You shrug, smoothing out your skirt.
Eddie eyes you suspiciously, but pockets them nonetheless.
“This is never happening again, just so we’re clear.” You clarify. Eddie chuckles, not so sure. He can see the way your eyes linger on him, not fully believing yourself as you speak.
“I’m offended that you think I care that much, sweetheart.” Eddie replies back just as meanly, also lying to himself.
“Close your goddamn window from now on.”
“Not a chance.” Eddie smirks.
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ponderingmoonlight · 8 months
Nanami losing it completely when (y/n) gets severely injured at Shibuya
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Shibuya Arc scenarios that live in my head rent-free pt.lll
Part l with Gojo and Geto here Part ll with Toji here
Pairing: Nanami Kento x reader
Word Count: 2,3k
Synopsis: After receiving a message with your location, Nanami rushes to your side, showing no mercy with the man who laid his hands on you.
Warnings: I literally shed a tear while writing this so be prepared, sooo much hurt, comfort at the end, you wanted this and I wanted it too this is one of my favorite fics I have ever written
His gaze is empty as he stares down at the bloody shell of his friend. Severely injured by multiple blade slashes, completely covered in his own blood, his life hanging on a thin thread.
“You have some nerves…”, he mutters.
Nanami clenches his hands into fists. Whoever did this will pay for it with his own life, he will make sure of that. But right now he has to get his friend out of here, provide him with better medical treatment, check on the other assistants, make sure that they are alright, eliminate whatever is responsible for Ijichi’s condition. What if that thing hurt the others too? Fuck, how the hell did all of this happen? And where the hell are you?
“(y/n)”, he breathes out.
His heart sinks when reality starts to hit him.
You were also stationed here. After all, you aren’t a jujutsu sorcerer but a skilled combat fighter with impressive powers. You were right here, right here with Ijichi.
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be alright!”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. His strong arms lift Ijichi’s numb body up with ease, thoughts racing. If something happened to you, if these fuckers harm a single hair on you…
He runs as fast as he can, fueled by nothing but thick fear and all the emotions that wash over him like a wave. He might lose it all. His friend, everyone else, you. The love of his life, the only woman who truly fascinates him, his best friend. And he hasn’t even told you all that. No, Nanami never shared his feelings with you, not when his fear of losing you is so great. But right now, with the death of his friend in front of his blank eyes, it dawns on him.
After this night, he might lose you forever.  
“Please be alright, I’m coming for you (y/n).”
-(y/n)'s POV-
Your whole body burns like a thousand fires, blood soaking your black suit. Everything aches, you feel like fainting, your sword lifelessly lays on the crimson floor. Is this really how your life comes to an end? Through the hands of someone like him?
“You fucker”, you spit out along with some blood, fists still ready to hit him again.
“Huh, why so rude? I’m just playing a little”, he replies sweetly before beating you in your guts again, his blade narrowly missing you.
It can’t go on like this, you can’t take any other hit. Your puny figure lands on the floor harshly, body desperately screaming at you with every fiber.
But you can’t stop now. After all, Nitta and all the other assistants are relying on you. Right now, you have to be your own hero.
“Standing up again? I’m starting to get bored to be honest. Why can’t you just die already?”
One moment of inattention. One second of giving in to your pain is enough for him to stab his blade through your shoulder, slicing your flesh open with ease. You see stars, the overwhelming pain that starts to radiate through your entire body simply takes your breath away. All you can do is stare at him with wide eyes while a silent scream escapes your lips.
You’ve had so much planned. Damn, you wanted to finally confess your feelings to him. Nanami Kento, the man you admire more than anyone else on this planet, the man that showed you there’s still class, who gets on his knees when talking to you, who makes sure you feel save whenever he’s around. God, how much you love him.
Your face hardens in determination. No, you can’t die without at least telling him once about your true feelings towards him.
With a swift motion you steady yourself again before kicking him with so much force that he crushes into the wall backwards, laughing hysterically.
“Finally you show me what you’ve got!”, he screams out in please while you pant hard.
It’s obvious that you don’t have much left, hanging on a thin string. The amount of blood you’ve lost due to your countless wounds is critical, you don’t need Shoko to know that. If help doesn’t arrive soon, you’ll die right here.
You could call him. Nanami’s number is just one swipe of your finger away. You could call him and tell him where you are, that you’re in big trouble and that you need him just like he told you.
“(y/n), if anything goes wrong, don’t hesitate and call me. I can’t afford to lose you. Promise me to look after yourself.”
He stared so intensely at you back then, his words made your heart skip a beat. But you can’t call him. After all, Nanami is on a much more important mission with countless life relying on his broad shoulders. It would be selfish to expect him to save you while so many people are dying.
“I’m sorry, Kento”, you mumble to yourself, voice nothing more but a fade away whisper.
No, don’t cry right now, don’t let the enemy see that you suffer. Nanami wouldn’t want you so feel this way. Stand your ground one last time, fight back as hard as you can.
One last distress signal. One last way to warn and protect the rest of the team.
“I’ve told everyone where you are, moron”, you shout at him, a maniac grin plastered on your face.
“Ow, how nice of you! Then I’ll hang your body up uhm…right there so they can see you when they come here!”, he remarks with sparkling eyes.
“I’d love to see you try”, you bark back.
-Nanami's POV-
“It’s (y/n)’s location”, Nitta huffs while Nanami bandages Ijichi up and Nobara is busy contacting help.
His heart stops for a second. This means you’re still alive and able to use your phone. But why would you send your location?
“She must have found something…”, Nanami ponders out loud.
“Do you think she needs help?”
Nitta’s voice echoes through his mind. To be honest, he doesn’t care about why you shared your location. All he wants to do right now is find and save you.
“You both stay here with Ijichi. I’ll go looking after (y/n).”
“Can I-“
“No”, Nanami immediately interrupts Nobara’s request.
“You stay here and wait for aid.”
And with that, he’s gone again, following your location blinking on his phone. Please be safe, please smile at him like you always do when you see him, eyes lighting up and making his heart melt. God, just be save.
His feet carry him to your location with ease but let him stop abruptly at the trail of blood in front of the building you are positioned in. Nanami feels like throwing up, the worst scenarios flooding his mind while he stares at the crimson colored floor. He should have accompanied you. No, he shouldn’t have allowed you to come to Shibuya in the first place.
With his head still spinning, he storms into the building and his world stops.
There you lay, in a puddle of your own blood, completely covered in bruises while a man raises his blade against you, just about to sink it into your precious body.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.”
That voice. That all too familiar voice that brings tears to your eyes. Is he really here? Did he get the notification? A single droplet rolls down your cheek while your hazy gaze meets his. He looks so different, absolutely threatening.
Nanami rolls up his sleeves and walks towards both of you. Fuck, you’ve never seen him like this, his aura almost suffocates you. It is clear that he’s absolutely furious.
“I’ll tell you one last time. Back off.”
“Or what?”, the man above you challenges.
“Or I’ll make you regret that you were born.”
His voice makes your blood freeze. As if in slow motion, Nanami loosens his tie and wraps it around his hand.
“Huh, you’re not wearing a black suit, but I guess I’m still allowed to ki-“
He isn’t able to finish his sentence. Nanami’s fist rushes forward in god-like speed, slamming the man off you, through the window, into the next building.
“I’ll be right back. Hold on, sweetheart”, he mutters.
With one last glance at you, he steps out into the cold night, only inches away from losing his temper completely. Who does this man think he is to lay is hands on you and his friends? This is unacceptable, this is unforgivable. Nanami will make him pay for every minor wound conflicted on your striking body, he will make him regret his whole life before ending it.
“What’s the number and locations of your allies?”
It isn’t enough to only kill him. No, every single one of these fuckers will pay for what they did today. For killing countless assistants, for almost ending the life of his friend.
But most importantly, for hurting the love of his life.
“I don’t know!”, the man hollers at him, trying to slice him open unsuccessfully.
Nanami stares at him with dead calm eyes while he tries to hit him another time, his patience slowly starting to fail him.
“What’s the number and locations of your allies?!”
His hands are clenches into tight fists. One more word. One more word of nonsense coming out of his mouth and he’ll kill him.
“I don’t k-“
Enough. One punch is enough to send that fucker through the next window.
You can’t help but admire the way Nanami walks up to him, his forearms flexed in a way you have never seen before while his broad shoulders seem to crush you with his confidence. He looks absolutely threatening, like a menace.
The blond-haired man tries to escape, but in the matter of seconds, Nanami grabs his ponytail and lifts him up.
“What’s the number and locations of your allies?”
You hold your breath, eyes wide open by the sound of his voice. This isn’t the Nanami Kento you know, the tender man with cool temper that never loses it. But oh, at the moment you feel like he’s possessed with the way his muscles flex underneath his shirt, the look on his face so furious that you have to swallow.
“I told you, I don’t kn-“
Another hit and the blonde lands on the ground, a dumb smile plastered on his face. You know that look all too well, he has planned something…Where is his blade?
There it is, on its way to slash Nanami open. You don’t hesitate. Despite the way your shoulder screams at you and begs you to stop, you grab your sword and throw it, deflecting his blade deftly just before it reaches Nanami while crying out in pain.
“You little bitch, stay out!”, he screams at you.
Nanami snaps. He grabs his throat roughly, chocking him without any mercy.
“You have some nerves, calling her a bitch when I’m standing in front of you. How dare you to even talk to her, to lay your hands on her body? On my way here, I found several of our assistant supervisors dead. That was you, wasn’t it? And now you dare to raise your voice against my girl?”
“I-I’m sorry”, the blonde stutters.
It happens faster than your tired eyes can follow. One last blow of Nanami’s fist sends the man out of the building, out of sight. This killed him without any doubt. Your eyes begin to water uncontrollably when a wave of relief washes over you. Despite all the blood you’ve lost, you’re alive. Nanami is here, he saved you.
“Don’t stand up, (y/n). You’re losing a severe amount of blood”, Nanami’s calm voice instructs before he kneels down in front of you.
“Kento”, you whisper his name like a prayer, tears rolling down your cheeks as the pain becomes unbearable.
“I know, sweetheart. You did really well, I’m so proud of you. Without your selfless efforts, he would probably have claimed even more victims. I still don’t call it good that you didn’t inform me about this situation.”
His hand caresses your bruised cheek gently, making you lose it completely.
“I didn’t want other people to get killed because you were busy with me”, you cough out.
“(y/n), no matter how critical the situation is, I will always look after you. You are the greatest treasure of my life and I…”
“I love you!”, you cry out, pressing your head against his head.
All these countless nights of dreaming about him holding you, all the stolen glances, the pondering. You just can’t take it anymore. Maybe it’s the blood loss or the immense pain that seems to speak out of you, but you’ve had enough. Fuck getting rejected or losing him because of your dumb feelings, you need him to know.
“I love you too, sweetheart. When I saw you laying here in your own blood I felt like dying myself.”
All you can do is stare at him through glossy eyes. Did this words really just leave his mouth? Of all the possible answers you imagined for this moment, “I love you too”, definitely wasn’t one of them.
“Let’s talk about this later, shall we? I need to get you out of here, you need medical attention”, he continues.
“I will pick you up now, okay?”
His hands glide under your knees and back, lifting your aching body up with ease and pressing your frame against his chest.
You groan out, hand cramping around his shirt.
“Thank you for saving me. And for loving me.”
His heart skips a beat, the lovely look on your distressed face almost making him forget how to breathe. How is it possible that a perfect human being like you loves someone like him? His arms wrap themselves tighter around your body.
“Don’t thank me for that, sweetheart.”
He will never let you go again. Not at Shibuya, not anywhere else.
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pupyuj · 8 months
→ “body party.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— a cute girl approaches you about your workout routine in your favorite gym in town, and then very strange but sexy events follow...
word count: 8.7k.
dynamic: dom!bimbo!ahn yujin x sub!gym rat!reader.
content warning: smut, unnie kink?, masturbation, shower sssex 😵‍💫, fingering, oral, cunnilingus, semi-exhibitionism, voyeurism, body worship, nipple play, oral fixation, (legal!!) age gap, implied piss kink (yeah i'm serious).
requested? : nope. (just me being a whore for yuj again...)
a/n: the lack of yujin gym content while knowing full well that she's a gym rat should be a federal crime.. starship entertainment are you ready to die . anyway, SHE'S FREEEE!!! soooo sorry this took literally FOREVER ya'll but i'm happy i'm finally letting her out the drafts!! i had a lot of fun writing this so i hope ya'll enjoy it!! 💙💙 apologies for any mistakes tho,, I GOTTA GO TO CLASS—
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ahn yujin didn’t know what to expect when she entered the gym after weeks of burying herself in her homework, but she certainly didn’t expect to meet a sickeningly pretty and ferociously sexy girl like you.
yujin knew she had to fuck you the moment she laid eyes on you in the changing rooms. you appeared to have just finished working out, judging by your damp hair and the fresh set of clothes you were wearing. yujin had to be discreet with the way she was checking you out considering that you were sitting on a bench only a few ways away from her locker, so she should at least be looking at you from the corner of her eye but she didn’t even try to! she was completely mesmerized by your toned body, sculpted to perfection by nobody but yourself… yujin could swear she was drooling as her eyes locked onto your abs, so inviting…
if she had a dick, she would definitely be hard.
you were wearing a simple crop top with sweatpants and a jacket but god, yujin has never seen a finer woman in her whole twenty years of living. the headphones around your neck wasn’t helping either — you were by far the most attractive girl in town, and yujin has seen a lot of pretty girls!
yujin didn’t know you. she was pretty sure this was the first time she has ever seen you, but oh god that thoughts that ran through her mind… surely you would run away from her if she let you hear about them. she couldn’t stop looking at your face, her pussy clenching at the way you bit your lip and swiped your tongue across them. a part yujin wanted to approach you right now, but you looked like you were tending to something important on your phone. what would she even say? right now, yujin just had this raging urge to bend you over the bench you were sitting on and make you scream her name until it was the only thing you could say—
suddenly, you got up from your seat, slinging your gym bag over your shoulder and smiled. at yujin. pause. oh good god, you were looking at her.
“see you later.” you said before swiftly turning on your heel and exiting the changing room, bidding goodbye to everyone else as well. yujin was blushing so hard. she had to keep herself from running and jumping around the changing rooms. did you have to sound so cute too?! yujin swore she almost chased after you and asked for your number, but she knew she would have looked stupid.
“why do you look like you’re about to explode?” yujin’s friend, gaeul, has finally entered the changing rooms with another friend in tow, jiwon.
yujin bites her lip, “hottest girl in town told me that she will ‘see me later’.” she was giggling, earning a few strange looks from the other girls in the room.
“that’s weird. i haven’t said anything to you yet.” wonyoung, who has apparently been in the room this entire time, says while filing her already-perfect nails. 
yujin rolled her eyes at her friend before taking her hand and pulling her up from her seat, patting her ass, “let’s workout!”
it should be noted that you were in yujin’s head the entire day. she couldn’t do her routine properly because she was imagining your pretty face in between her legs… she almost fell off the treadmill for that exact reason. gaeul scolded her for nearly dropping a dumbbell on her own feet, because yujin had been busy drooling while remembering how your ass looked like it would be perfect to have in her hands. needless to say, yujin was very infatuated. there weren’t enough words in the world to express just how much she wanted you!
yujin was thinking about you even after she left the gym. she was thinking about you while she was walking her dog, while she was cooking dinner, while she was eating said dinner, while she was in her bathtub, while she was watching a cool new movie on netflix, and then… while she was trying to fall asleep. actually, she was just laying down on her bed, staring at the ceiling. and then, she slid her hand inside her pants, and started rubbing her pussy at the thought of you. it was actually unbelievable how a stranger she only saw for less than five minutes could have this much of an effect on her.
yujin fingered herself like she had never done before—playing with her clit with her own thumb, moaning so loud, bucking her hips into her own hand… hugging her pillow tightly to muffle her moans at least a little bit. but she kept going, she couldn’t stop. yujin made a mental note to approach you as soon as she sees you. and fuck, she was going to make sure that the next time she goes to the gym, she was going to get laid.
then, lo and behold, yujin’s wishes came true when she spotted you entering the gym as she was parking her car. gosh, your ass looked so good in those leggings. yujin couldn’t wait to just put her hands on you and give you the best fuck of your life. and yes, she was confident because she had quite the reputation in this gym, in this town. yujin was not only good at sex, she was fucking amazing. and she had no doubts that she would have you begging for her to make you come again by the end of this entire thing.
but first, yujin has to find a way to approach you without coming on too strong. that might have worked to the other girls she has hooked up with in this gym, mostly because they were just as much of a whore as yujin was, but she had a feeling that you were a girl with some sense of class. as much as yujin hated taking things slow especially when all she really wanted was to fuck, the idea of getting you to submit to her after she was done being all romantic sounded very enticing.
yujin watched as you talked to the male receptionist behind the counter. he was blushing, he was stuttering, and yujin figured that he must have been a part-timer because he looked young and hormonal. yujin grimaced as the boy tripped over his words and bit his tongue a few times as you made small talk with him. the slightly older other receptionist stared as the young boy sweats profusely at your presence—you had that effect on everybody, apparently. yujin crosses her arms, not at all a fan of the way the boy’s eyes lingered on your ass as you turned to enter the gym.
granted, yujin has done the same and has thought worse things about you but see, it was way different!
yujin trailed behind you as the two of you both made your way towards the locker room. everybody was staring at you, and then at yujin. a few girls waved at her, but she couldn’t keep her eyes off of you, except for the times when she would side eye a few men that looked at you in a way she didn’t like. god, yujin just had this urge to grab you right there and bend you over a barbell bench and show everyone that nobody will be able to make you feel as good as she can.
upon entering the locker room, yujin makes eye contact with wonyoung, who has once again somehow managed to arrive earlier than everyone else. and it seems like she had brought jiwon along with her. there were definitely doing something they shouldn’t have been doing together considering the way they jolted away from each other like they were shocked when yujin, as well as yourself, entered the room. you smiled and greeted the two girls before opening up your usual locker.
yujin’s eyes flicker over to your ass before she busies herself with her bag. of course, wonyoung and jiwon notice this and they approach her about it!
“real subtle, unnie.” wonyoung whispered, a smirk dancing on her lips as she watched yujin roll her eyes.
“we were calling you last night, you know,” jiwon said. “wonyoung and i went out for a little midnight mcdonald’s run and we were going to ask if you wanted anything but you must’ve gone to sleep early.”
yujin chuckled, “oh, i was awake. but my phone was on silent.” she bites her lip, remembering all of the nasty things she thought about you when she touched herself last night. having known yujin since they were little children, wonyoung had this special and amazing ability to be somehow in sync with her mind, figuratively of course, so she immediately knew what yujin had meant by that. the older girl spent the entire day ogling at you after all, what else could she have done when she got home?
“huh… were you busy?” jiwon asked, scratching her head. 
wonyoung pats her friend’s back and sighed, “i think it’s best that you don’t know, jiwonie.”
“saying that as if i didn’t just catch the two of you on the verge of pouncing on each other.” yujin bites back, and judging by the way, jiwon’s face flushed and her eyes started darting everywhere, her suspicions were right!
a locker closes, making the girls turn their head towards your direction. you give them a brief smile before exiting the room, humming to a beat and all. wonyoung herself couldn’t help but whistle at the sight of your perfect ass, thank goodness you were wearing your headphones as you left, or else yujin would’ve had to smack her friend upside in the head. even jiwon was seemingly mesmerized by your amazing body—yujin knew she wasn’t alone in all of this!
“i’m going to fuck her.” yujin said. wonyoung looked unfazed by her proposal, meanwhile jiwon’s face had warmed up at the thought. jiwon had known about yujin’s awful habit of fucking every girl she encounters anywhere, especially in the gym, but she hadn’t seen her in action just yet! she has only heard stories from wonyoung and gaeul—stories that made her want to shrink onto herself because of how flustered she got from the things yujin has done.
“she looks like a challenge, unnie. good luck.” wonyoung said, patting the older girl’s arm before taking jiwon’s hand and leaving the locker room.
a challenge, they say? well! if yujin was good at anything, other than fucking, it was having more guts than anyone and taking a leap of faith. she knew she was hot, she knew she was pretty, and she most definitely knew you were gay as hell—she can do anything! with a huff and an encouraging enough pat on the back (given by herself, yes), yujin leaves the changing rooms with a smile on her face, thinking up of a plan to approach you and to slowly make you submit to her. jiwon and wonyoung were occupying some treadmills, chatting amongst each other. maybe even flirting! neither of them have been slick after all.
yujin spots you only a few steps away from wonyoung and jiwon. you were also on a treadmill, walking at a steady pace and eyes glued towards the small screen that played your favorite television show from the early 2010’s. yujin tilts her head, smiling at the way you were so focused on the show that you nearly tripped. you were quick to catch yourself and keep on walking like nothing happened though, to which yujin chuckled lightly before someone—a man!—tapped you on the shoulder and caught your attention. the man was only asking if you were okay but nobody could blame yujin for seeing red because he was not making his interest in your tits subtle at all!
god, if yujin could make that man explode with her mind, she totally would.
“oh, i know that look,” gaeul, who just arrived inside the facility, said with a smirk. she lifted her sunglasses up and wriggled her eyebrows towards yujin. “what’s the plan?” she asked, nudging her friend with her elbow.
“it doesn’t involve you, unnie.” yujin replied. gaeul waved at wonyoung and jiwon before patting yujin’s bum and walking away with a wink. the younger girl sighed and looked at you again. thankfully enough, the man has left you all alone and you were once again focused on your television show. yujin scans the entire room—nearly everybody looks at your direction every now and then. eyes raking all over your body, captivated by your beauty the same way yujin was when she first saw you. all of these people wanted you, but yujin was going to make sure that she was the only one out of all of them that will have you.
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see, not a lot of people approached you. and you didn’t know whether it was because you looked intimidating or if you gave off some sort of bad vibes, but a lot of the folks that frequent the gym just don’t seem to be very fond of talking to you, which explains the countless times you have tried chatting with someone and they suddenly start acting like they didn’t know how to hold a conversation. you grew fond of the people that did try to interact with you, but immediately lost affection for them the moment you figured out that all they wanted was your body.
as in, they wanted to fuck you.
like this girl. ahn yujin, she introduced herself. or was that her name? you couldn’t really remember. you logged out of the conversation when you took notice of the way her eyes could not at all stop roaming all over your body. see, if it were anyone else, you would have smiled and made up some sort of excuse to walk away from them, but something about this girl made you stand idly by the stepmill and listen to her. maybe it was the dimples, the frequent lip-licking, the attractive sounds of her laughs, the eye-smile, but god, you absolutely just went dumb for this girl.
what were the two of you even talking about? you had no idea. all you were thinking about was the many times you’ve seen this gorgeous girl before but never once thought to talk to her. in your head, you thought she would have acted like everyone else did but if you knew that she had this much interest in you then you would have entertained her much, much earlier.
while yujin talked, you let your eyes not-so-discreetly wander. she was taller than you, and no doubt stronger than you by the way her arms were built. you couldn’t look away from her abs, which was weird considering you had some of your own and yet, it was hers you were currently obsessing over. jesus christ, she was so hot. and so fucking charming! as much as you were aware of her not-very-subtle pick-up technique, you couldn’t stop yourself from falling for it. she giggled every second, winked every now and then, and you blushed at every single action.
you probably looked like an awestruck dumbass to everyone else right now. but the men around could use this wake-up call. you were only interested in women. tall, tan, and ridiculously handsome women who had ways to talk themselves into a girl’s pants.
“do you think you could give me some pointers, unnie?” yujin smiles sweetly, tilting her head and showing off those cute dimples.
you blinked, realizing that you did not hear a single word of what she said at all. “s-sure! sure, i could. of course.” you answered, clearing your throat right after. yujin eyes shined with pure excitement and you found it so adorable that you couldn’t help but smile brightly at her. you knew damn well that she was spitting bullshit but listen, you were a simple woman!
pretty girl. have to kiss. maybe even fuck—
“so, how do i use this thing?” yujin pats the stepmill, looking at it curiously. you were so sure that you saw her using this exact machine some days ago. regardless, you taught her how to use the machine, talking on and on about specific things. you thought that yujin would get bored of you rambling about a stupid gym equipment but when you looked at her, she was intently staring, absorbing each and every word you were saying. and it was this moment when you thought that maybe she isn’t all bad!
(“she has to be joking right now,” wonyoung said as she stared incredulously at you and yujin. “is she seriously expecting a girl that hot and smart to fall for her usual antics?”
“yeah. i mean, she is yujin.” gaeul replied, smiling proudly when yujin asking the dumbest question actually got you to look at and talk to her.
“i’m not sure if the stupidity is an act anymore…” wonyoung sighed, shaking her head. jiwon was happy for yujin, actually! she was smiling as she watched you and her interact. sure, it was dumb but yujin surely did have her ways. maybe jiwon should write down some notes…)
you and yujin proceeded to chat about your workout routine as she busied herself with the stepmill. you told her everything—your warm-ups, your more intense workouts, the exercises you do when you can’t make it to the gym, your diet—and yujin never failed to listen. your heart warmed up at the gesture. nobody really listens to you ramble on for that long about that part of your life without dismissing you or switching to another topic entirely. you decided that you liked yujin! she seemed like a nice enough girl, and she was very, very pleasing to look at too.
it felt good to have a friend who would listen to your nonsense like this. well, she wasn’t really a friend yet. of course not. you weren’t stupid—you just met! but perhaps the lust you noticed in her eyes before was all in your imagination. just because everyone in the gym viewed you as some prize to be won didn’t mean she thought that too. or that was what you hoped, at least.
(you are so goddamn naive.)
“ah, sorry. i have to take this call.” you excused yourself out of the conversation and went to some corner to answer a call from one of your friends.
(back on the stepmill, yujin shoots a look towards wonyoung, gaeul, and jiwon, winking at them and shaking her shoulders in celebration. gaeul claps silently wearing a proud grin and all, jiwon shoots her two thumbs ups, while wonyoung rolled her eyes in annoyance. no doubt yujin was going to be annoying about her stupid plan working. in response to wonyoung’s attitude, yujin gives her a kiss in the air, making the younger girl grimace and look away.
“so bitter. all she has to do pay me is twenty bucks, geez.” yujin muttered under her breath.)
after a few minutes or so, you came back to yujin who was now off the stepmill, thinking that she had had enough of the machine for the day. “thanks a lot for the tips, unnie. i think i should know what to do with my time here now.” yujin says. again, you knew she had a routine of her own—and a pretty complicated one at that! so you didn’t know what exactly she was thanking you for.
nevertheless, you shot her a smile back. “no worries, yujin-ah.”
yujin couldn’t help but blush, but she was quick to cover up her bashfulness with a bold statement. bold in your standards anyway. “you’re sweet, unnie. could i have your number?” bold, because nobody in this damn place never knew how to hold a conversation with you, let alone work up the courage to ask for your number after only a solid few minutes of useless talking! 
“it’s not everyday you meet decent people at the gym, you know?” yujin steps forward, tilting her head and blinking at you innocently. “maybe we can even hang out somewhere else! i think you’re great, unnie.” she says, a sheepish smile gracing her features. oh, she really has charmed you. because before you knew it, you had her phone in your hands and you were typing down your number on it. she probably meant it as friends, right? right? yeah, probably.
“thank you.” yujin says when you return her phone to her. she stares at her screen for a bit, pretty eyes fluttering back up to glance at you for a second, before she starts typing. no doubt to send you a quick message so you could save her number on your phone. you felt your device vibrate in your pocket but you don’t bother to pull it out.
“oh, are you leaving early today, unnie?” yujin asks as you pick your water bottle up from the ground. you noticed the pout on her lips when you stood back up, and it made you smile a little.
you nodded, “yeah. i made some plans with a friend today, that ought to be fun.”
“aw. i guess i’ll just see you tomorrow, then?” yujin truly did sound disappointed. you almost wanted to ditch whatever plans you had, but you weren’t that kind of friend. you would never cancel plans just to spend time with some stranger from the gym! (you weren’t that kind of friend, yet.)
“mhm. i’m always here anyway. either to do some work or to just visit. some of the staff are my friends,” you grinned and waved at the cute female employee in the distance. yewon, as her name tag showed, waved back at you before doing whatever chore she was doing. “it was nice meeting you, yujin-ah.” you pat the girl’s arm before walking past her and approaching yewon, who took out one of her earbuds and started chatting with you.
however, during the entire time you were chatting with yewon about your plans (the very same plans she was to join later), your eyes couldn’t help but wander. away from your friend and towards the direction of one ahn yujin, who was now busy talking and laughing with her own friends. it seems like she couldn’t help herself from looking at you too. the two of you shared glances and small smiles as you talked with your respective friends. of course yewon wasn’t stupid, she noticed how your eyes never focused on her.
“what happened to never making friends with the people in the gym, (y/n)?” she asked, crossing her arms. “or will she become something more, i wonder?” yewon teased, nudging your arm and everything while wearing a smirk on her cute face.
you blinked innocently at your friend. “what do you mean?” you knew damn well what she meant! a girl as pretty as yujin staying solely as friends with you? why, that was akin to saying that hell would eventually freeze over! yewon rolls her eyes at you and walked away, saying something about doing her job and updating you of her plans later. when she left you on your lonesome, you started walking back to the changing rooms.
and of course, you spared one last glance at yujin. and it turns out that she had been looking at you the entire time.
she smiles, you do the same. and despite your resistance, your heart skips a beat.
something more, yewon said! well, after seeing those abs and dimples up close, you sure hope so.
you ended up taking a shower in the changing rooms with a bright smile on your face, thrilled for the new and exciting adventure you might have with your new ‘friend’.
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for the past few days, everything you have been doing, you’ve been doing it with yujin. but in the gym, of course. you’ve told her about your usual routine so she started following it, you take breaks from workouts together, and you talk a lot in the changing rooms before and after working out! you even got to know yujin’s friends a bit as well! other than yujin herself, jiwon might be your favorite in the little group as you often find yourself smiling and waving at her whenever you see her. but you’ve tried toning the smiles down a bit after wonyoung sent a glare your way one time. but yujin reassured you that wonyoung doesn’t hold any negative feelings about you—she was just naturally overprotective of jiwon considering wonyoung has been crushing on her for the longest time.
anyway, yujin’s friends were lovely. yujin herself was lovely. you were glad to be friends with her.
in fact, you’ve become so close that you eventually wanted to hang out with her outside of the gym! fortunately enough, yujin liked you to the point where she agreed to do whatever you want! from brunches, to visiting exhibits and aquariums, going to concerts—everything! yujin quickly became one of your best friends, but one could say that the two of you are too close. or at least that was what umji told you.
“just be careful, (y/n). people you meet in the gym have a track record of being, well, not very good!”
she was referring to your exes, but it wasn’t like you were planning on dating yujin! nor were you planning on liking her like that. ahn yujin was simply your friend. your criminally attractive friend who makes shameless comments about how hot she finds you and always seems to have her hands on you. like now, at this present time, she has an arm around your shoulders as the two of you watched a cartoon that only aired early in the mornings on your living room couch.
the two of you have become comfortable enough to be affectionate like this but recently, you’ve noticed that there’s been something in the air. and you weren’t stupid. you knew all about sexual tension but this one was simply ridiculous—it was off the charts! in your head, you blamed yujin for being so unfairly hot and charming. every cheeky grin, smirk, and wink sent your mind into a frenzy and before you knew it, she was all you thought about as you lay in your bed at night!
“the girls and i are planning on going to that fair later in the week. will you and umji-unnie be there?” yujin asked, shiny eyes landing right on yours. she realizes that you’ve been staring at her and laughed lightly, but chose not to address it since you’ve looked away with your cheeks burning. it was a normal occurrence at this point. it happens to yujin sometimes too but instead of getting caught staring at your face, it was your ass. or boobs depending on which private part of yours she chooses to drool over for the day. you try to tease her about it when you do catch her but yujin always finds a way to smooth-talk her way out of scrutiny.
damn her and wits.
“i think so. umji’s girlfriend has been waiting for that fair since she missed it last year so umji is legally obligated to go. and that automatically means that i’m tagging along.” you pulled out your phone from your sweater pocket and looked at the time. 8:43. you and yujin were going to drive to the gym soon.
“you’d willingly third-wheel? god, i refuse to be around jiwon and wonyoung unless gaeul-unnie was with me. they aren’t dating but they sure can be some saps.” yujin sighs, playfully rolling her eyes at the memory of her two best friends always playing push-and-pull with their feelings for each other.
“i won’t be third-wheeling if we just leave the lovebirds and go on our own adventure,” you tried to sound nonchalant about the whole thing as much as you could but if yujin was able to see through you, you wouldn’t be surprised. “with gaeul too.”
“nah, forget about unnie. i bet she’d love to be alone. she’s kind of weird sometimes,” yujin smiles at you. that same charming smile she always shot your way since the day she approached you. so handsome. “we should definitely just go together.” you didn’t get to say anything else because an alarm in your phone went off and yujin stood up. if you give in to your delusions enough, you could see that yujin was smiling a little bit because of your statement.
you turned off your tv and followed yujin to the door, where she was putting her shoes on and swiping her keys from some hooks on the wall. now you finally have use for that thing. after you’ve grabbed your bag, yujin opens the door for you and you walk out, relishing in the feeling of the chill morning air kissing your skin as you walk down the steps of your front porch. yujin locks your door and tosses the key over to you, and you catch it effortlessly, to which she whistles at. apparently, that was attractive.
yujin was to drive both of you to the gym today. it was a thing she always did on wednesdays. you don’t know why wednesdays specifically but they happen to be your lazy days so you were thankful for the sentiment. you settled yourself in the passenger seat and managed to snatch the bluetooth connection before yujin did, sticking your tongue out at her when you did and earning an eye roll.
when yujin pulled out of your driveway, you were so sure that it was just going to be another day with her. but you should’ve known otherwise when she put her hand on your thigh and caressed your skin with her thumb as she drove down the road with a small smile on her lips.
at that time, you didn’t know yet but yujin was going to make your week significantly better!
you started your usual routine when the two of you arrived in the gym: make small talk with the receptionists and umji, greet everybody around, head into the locker rooms to change into your usual workout attire, and start your day! and see, for the most part, the usual was what happened, you know? you and yujin did the same exact workouts, never left each other’s side as well as sights—even when yujin’s friends arrived the two of you were attached by the hip! gaeul had been smiling strangely at you the entire time she talked with you for a bit, so that made you believe yujin’s statement about gaeul being weird at times. and from behind gaeul, jiwon and wonyoung were up to their usual will-they, won’t-they antics. totally normal.
it wasn’t until some guy somehow gathered the courage to strike up a conversation with you when things took a weird turn.
you knew your way around men in the gym but for the first time, none of your evasive maneuvers were working. laughing and smiling did you not work, you actually had to say more than a few words to the guy. excusing yourself out of the conversion did not work because when you came back from whatever lie you told, the guy talked to you again! not finding it in you to avoid him any longer, you opted to stand there and listen to him go on and on about his adventures in this gym. of course, you had to share your stories too and you know what, you were actually starting to get interested in the topic.
the guy seemed genuine enough. no ulterior motives whatsoever. all smiles and eyes focused on yours the entire ti—did he just touch your waist?
ah, it was too good to be true. you should’ve known men were never going to be normal about you!
yujin apparently did, however, because the moment she saw you freeze up, she bolted to where you were standing and swatted the man’s hand away from you.
“whoa, easy. i was just—”
“just being a massive pervert. i know. screw off, fucker.”
yujin doesn’t even wait until the guy walks off to drag you somewhere far away from him. she glares at anybody who stared at the scene and stopped walking when the two of you reached the stepmills. she was fuming—eyebrows furrowed deeply, her normally soft brown eyes looked at you harshly. a heavy sigh escaped her lips and she turned her head away. it wasn’t until you tilted your head to look at her that she finally calmed down. from the distance, you could see her friends staring. wonyoung was seemingly surprised at what went down, jiwon was clearly concerned for you, and gaeul looked like she was already planning on poking holes at the guy’s tires as soon as she could.
yujin huffs, pouting at you. “that’s why you should stop entertaining the people here, unnie.”
“i entertained you. look where that got me.” you said with a smile. and well, yujin was smarter than she looked! she knew exactly what you meant; how you were aware of her intentions then and now. suddenly, her mouth was clamped shut. she looked guilty, almost ashamed. but she doesn’t say anything after that, merely muttering about punching that guy before continuing on with her routine. you don’t know why, but it was awkward after that. yujin couldn’t seem to bring herself to look at you but when she did, you could feel it. you always get chills, the good kind, whenever she stares at you so you just knew.
eventually, you wanted a break. so you briefly stepped outside for some fresh air. the breeze felt cool against your damp skin. you stretched out your sore legs and arms, you were surprisingly already tired despite having only been working out for a short while. clear proof that talking and being around men was an energy-drainer. maybe you should really take a page out of yujin’s book and pretend that they don’t exist entirely. speaking of yujin, you wondered if yoju actually hurt her in some way. it’s not like you were condemning her for having ulterior motives when she first talked to you, you did feel and were thinking the same things for her back then. so in conclusion, both of you were perverts.
a blueberry yogurt juice box, your favorite among the variety of flavors they offer in the gym vending machines, enters your vision. you turned your head and there yujin was with a bashful look on her face.
“that really bummed me out. we should just call it a day.” she says, pouting. you accepted the juice box, chuckling slightly at her for being so cute.
now, you don’t know what came over you but at that moment, yujin looked so damn delicious with her protruding muscles, her bangs sticking to her forehead, and droplets of sweat running down her neck that you couldn’t help but be brave. you stood closer to her, one would say almost too close, and tilted your head, eyes flickering down to her inviting lips. “should we hit the showers then, yujin-ah?” you asked and god, you were practically eyefucking her.
yujin doesn’t seem fazed by your sudden confidence at all. she merely takes a cautious sideways glance before leaning close to your ear, lips dangerously close to your neck, making you shiver. “i was wondering when you were going to let me fuck you, unnie.” she whispered, smirking because she knew just how you were feeling considering you slightly pushed her away and covered your face with the juice box she gave you. she was too darn handsome. it was bold of you to think that you could make her feel flustered when she basically knows what always works with girls.
you take yujin’s wrist with your hand and she allows you to drag her back inside the gym. you avoided stopping for small talk. actually, you avoided looking at anybody else entirely! and as soon as the doors to the changing rooms closed, yujin’s hands were all over you. you grabbed her shirt, pulling it over her head before you kissed her. she presses your back against the cool metal lockers, making you whimper and giving her the perfect opportunity to insert her tongue inside your mouth. she unzips your thin jacket and pulls up your top along with your bra, her hands immediately getting busy with your breasts.
you bucked your hips against her pelvis desperately, but yujin ignored you. opting to break the kiss and take one of your nipples inside her mouth instead, running her tongue over the hard bud and sucking on it while pinching and squeezing the other one. but it doesn’t take long for her other hand to slowly make its descent down your body, feeling your stomach a bit, before slipping inside your leggings, teasing your sensitive clit through the fabric of your panties.
“mhmn… yujin.. more.”
that was all yujin needed before she stripped you down to only your panties. she takes a minute to observe your body, eyes shining with pure lust as well as appreciation before tugging you towards the showers. fortunately enough, it was empty so yujin took you to the nearest stall and didn't waste any time before pinning you against the door and kissing you again. you pulled off her ponytail and threw it away to some unknown corner, letting her gorgeous hair cascade down to her shoulders. you cupped her cheeks with your hands, pulling away slightly and pecking her lips softly, earning a giggle from her.
you pecked her lips again, and again, and every time, she would smile. yujin kissed you again, she was more gentle and careful this time… until she nearly ripped your panties when she pulled it off of you. “get in, unnie.” yujin said, giving you a kiss on your cheek and a pat on your ass before nodding her head towards the shower. yujin starts stripping herself down while you turn the faucet on, sighing contentedly as the cool water meets your skin. goosebumps grow all over your skin, but were completely erased when you felt strong arms wrap around your body.
yujin was warm. from the way she smiled at you, talked to you, treated you, kissed you, and now, the way she held you. her hands explored your body as she softly kissed your neck, “have i told you how perfect i find you, unnie?” yujin runs a hand across your breasts, glides it down to your stomach and all the way down to your inner thighs before making its way around your thighs and back up your waist. 
“you’re kind, you’re sweet… you’re exactly the type of person people would wanna bring home to their parents,” yujin turns you around, moving your wet hair behind your back and smiling at you when you cupped her cheeks again. you pull her closer, hungry for her lips. it was as if all you wanted to do was kissing her until you were sick of it—as if you would get sick of it though. “and fuck, you’re so hot.” yujin bites her lip before finally giving you what you had been craving for. this kiss had the equal amount of tenderness and passion, both immediately getting taken over by pure desire when yujin’s lips start leaving a trail of kisses down your jawline to your neck.
warmth blooms across your chest as yujin takes her time leaving carefully-placed marks all over your skin. sucking and licking wherever she felt was perfect until she eventually leaned back to stare at her work, “beautiful.” and she continues to use her lips as she lowered herself to the ground, leaving a few hickeys on your chest, your breasts, your stomach, and finally, your thighs.
“open up for me, unnie. i want to see you.” and so you do.
yujin licks her lips before kissing up to your inner thighs. you couldn’t help but put a hand on her head, staring down at her with pleading eyes, desperate for her to just get it over with and make you see the stars. you were lucky enough that yujin couldn’t find it in herself to tease you. surely after months of wooing you and playing with your head she would be exhausted from all the games, and thankfully she was! yujin leans in and gives your pussy one long lick, making you whimper and grip her hair just a little bit tighter. you could see her smile at you before she proceeds on eating you out.
clearly, this wasn’t yujin’s first time. maybe on her knees, yes. she, as well as her friends, have told you countless stories of how addicted she really was to eating pussy and you could see it clearly here. yujin, with her eyebrows furrowed in concentration and eyes shut tight while she makes a mess of her pretty face by slobbering all over your cunt. like a fucking dog. you pull and tug at her hair, unable to do anything else due to the amount of delight hindered your ability to think.
“mhm.. ha.. unnie’s pussy is so—ah, delicious.. i knew it.” yujin opens her eyes just to see the look on your face. all flustered and contorted with pleasure. you covered your mouth with your other hand just to make sure that you aren’t too loud. yujin didn’t like that, apparently. she sneaks one of her hands in between your thighs and leans back a little, licking your wetness off her mouth before shoving two fingers inside your cunt. you choked out a moan and you couldn’t even say anything to yujin about it all because she immediately wraps her lips around your sensitive clit.
“ahh..! y-yujin!” again, you clamped your mouth shut, opting to muffle them at the very least! the younger girl’s mouth and fingers surprisingly well together—yujin’s digits hitting all the right spots inside your walls while she flicks, sucks, and nibbles on your clit. having no choice but to uncover your mouth and put both your hands on yujin’s head, pushing her in further and practically grinding your hips on her face. 
“please, please, baby.. keep going…! m-more..” you were desperate for release. yujin could see that much. she stares and stares while she eats you out, so fucking turned out with the way you were begging for her—almost screaming for her despite what may come after.
(this was exactly what yujin wanted from day one. to have you screaming her name where everybody else can hear you just to prove that nobody, no other man and even woman, can make you feel as good as she can. now she’ll prove just how much she can make you feel. something beyond pleasure that only she can give you.)
“mmphf…! fuck, more… more, baby..!” and so yujin increases her pace, pulling her fingers out all the way and almost painfully plunging it back deep inside you. now you were screaming, having lost control of your composure long after yujin flicks your bud with her tongue and sucks on it desperately. you were pretty sure that you were hurting her with the way you gripped her hair tightly, but you knew that if you let go, you would fall over. your knees have turned to jelly, and it was only yujin’s body that kept you standing up.
“come all over my face, unnie…” yujin says. she takes out her fingers and replaces it with her tongue, once again making you moan loudly while she relishes in the taste of your cunt. fuck, yujin was so in love with how sweet you were, just the perfect flavor to satisfy her mouth. yujin makes out with your cunt, occasionally running her tongue over your clit and dipping it inside your hole, moaning as she did so. god, she could literally come just by eating you out alone. yujin has never been this addicted—you could probably pee on her and she’d drink it up! and she really would.
it takes another flick of yujin’s tongue on your clit before the pressure in your lower stomach finally breaks. yujin held your thighs tightly as you came, lapping up your cum diligently while she held you up. you grind your cunt against her mouth, still desperate to feel her mouth on your even though you were in the middle of your climax. yujin herself could not help but start licking again, her mind completely clouded with desire. now the only thing she wanted to do was make you come over and over again until both of you were exhausted out of your minds.
she wanted to see you lose every bit of control in your mind for her, and only her. and yujin plans on doing that very same thing today. right now.
much to your dismay, yujin pulls away from your cunt, not before giving your clit a sweet little kiss, and slowly stands up. she was only the slightest bit taller than you, but her dark eyes, alluring lips, and all the little droplets of water that ran down her toned body, you couldn’t help but go a little crazy over it all. yujin pulls you in, wrapping her lips around yours and immediately sliding her tongue inside your mouth, letting you taste a little bit of yourself before she presses your back against the wall.
while kissing you, yujin sneaks a hand in between your legs and starts massaging your clit in circles, relishing in the sounds of your muffled moans. you started moving your hips, grinding slowly on her hand. putting a hand behind your thigh, yujin pulls your leg up, wrapping it around her hips. she starts teasing your entrance, only running her fingertips over it rather than doing what you clearly wanted her to do. you whine in her mouth, detaching your lips from hers and looking at her with pleading eyes, “please, yujin. i need you.”
and how could she say no to you? yes, yujin would love to have you beg and beg for her but that was an experiment for later. right now, she wants to ruin you and have every damn person in this place know that the only girl that can take you to the stars is her.
yujin plunges two long fingers knuckle deep inside your pussy. she moans at your warmth, finding the way your tight cunt sucked her fingers in so attractive. pulling in and out excruciatingly slowly just to feel your cunt clench around her digits and soak them with your slick. “fuck, unnie… how are you so tight?” yujin chuckles. her eyes shined with hunger as she watched her fingers disappear inside of you.
“don’t tell me you’re a virgin… i’ll really ruin you if that’s the case—fuck.” yujin curls her fingers inside you, making you release a whiny moan before you cover your mouth shut. your face flushed while yujin laughed at you. you clawed at her back while she spread her fingers inside you before pushing them in even deeper. you didn’t even know if that was possible. she starts hitting the spots not even your toys are capable of reaching, her pace and force now increasing at an alarming rate, making you unable to say anything but nonsense.
you never really told yujin about your adventures in bed with other people. you weren’t a virgin of course, but what she didn’t know was that… you weren’t used to this. you knew a thing or two about being the one that’s doing the fucking, not the other way around! you somehow always had ways to be on top of the people you hook up with but the idea of letting yujin make you feel real pleasure was too enticing to give it up.
(oh, you have no idea how that information might’ve rewired yujin’s brain entirely. her obsession towards you slowly grew day by day—imagine what would have happened in here had you made her aware of that fact? she would make sure that you couldn’t walk.)
you hugged yuin by her neck tightly, hiding your face on her shoulder. a string of incoherent words leave your mouth as she steadily fucked you. it was reaching to a point where it almost hurt, but you buck your hips to her rhythm anyway, never having enough. yujin grabs your waist with her free arm, “up.” she said, tapping at your lower back. yujin momentarily pulls out of your cunt to wrap both of your legs around her waist, carrying you while still having you back up against the wall.
this time around, yujin doesn’t ease you into taking her fingers. as soon as you were comfortable, she shoves her two fingers right back inside of you and fucks your cunt relentlessly. she merely watched your face while she fucked you, grinning sickly at the way you threw your head back and gave her a full view of the mess she made on your neck. 
you were so beautiful like this—the perfect little piece of art that yujin can ruin as she pleases.
“nnngh… god, yujin—ah!” you dug your nails on her shoulders, leaning forward and pressing your forehead against hers.
“mhm, unnie’s such a good girl. it’s overwhelming isn’t it?” yujin whispers, tilting her head and leaving a quick kiss on your lips. “but you’re still taking it so well… fuck.” yujin increases her pace yet again, now fucking your cunt like it was some toy. you hug her tightly, screaming and whining at the amount of pleasure that took over your senses. it was so hard to comprehend it all, and now you believe all of the ridiculous stories her friends told you about her hookups. the thing that ahn yujin does best is sex, and good god was she fucking you stupid.
“y-yyujin… yujin…! yujin, i’m—mmgn…!”
“uh-huh. you’re coming, unnie? i got you. come. come.”
but she doesn’t let you. not immediately. yujin catches one of your nipples with her lips, sucking on it while she simultaneously fucked your cunt. she slows down her pace just by a bit, focusing her attention on your nipple just to truly make you lose your head when she thrusts inside you again. it all felt too much eventually. her fingers, her lips, her tongue, and all the things she made you feel. 
“ahh..! ah—yujin-ah, yujin..!” and then the knot in your stomach breaks for the second time today, your cum spilling all over yujin’s stomach. she shushes you as you come, kissing your shoulder softly and pulls her hand out of your pussy just to hug you tightly, caressing your back while you come down from your high. your head collapsed on top of her shoulder, and a few tears squeezed out of your eyes due to the slight pain that you felt in your groin. no doubt you couldn’t walk correctly after this. you just hoped that you could look everyone in the eye like nothing happened. not that you’d want to hide this from them anyway—yujin made you feel too good. that was something to boast about!
eventually, your breathing reverted back to normal and you lifted your head up.
“you okay?” yujin asked. she smiles as you hold her face in your hands, admiring every single one of her features for a good minute before pulling her in for a sweet kiss. your feet were back on the ground again, but you leaned on yujin’s body for support while the two of you made out under the cold water. only your soft moans, hushed whispers, little giggles, and the smacks of your lips being heard other than the running water.
“you’re not going to ignore me after this, right?” you asked after pulling away.
yujin looked at you incredulously, “unnie… i have a crush on you. why would i do that?” she said, pouting. adorable, but you still had doubts in your head considering her reputation! “especially now that i know how good your pussy tastes.” she joked, licking her lips.
you pushed her away with a smile, “perv.”
you weren’t able to get far before yujin pulled you in again, kissing you and laughing as she did so, making your heart jump several beats as it always does whenever she’s around.
of course, this was just another example of the local gym’s infamous ‘bimbo’ womanizer ahn yujin getting whatever she wants. except this time, she gets something more, something better and something real.
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celabi · 8 months
tbh, I feel like I’ve been drifting away from the original scummy scara I made when I first made the au, so I would like to let everyone know that he is a BIG freak. the type of guy you avoid because he’s just… so creepy and weird. like, restraining order, banned in fifty states type of weird.
he will steal a pen you’ve been nibbling on in class, and do all sorts of things to it that you don’t wanna know. like shoving it down his throat or something idk.
he goes through the trash and takes the gun you spat out, and chews it as if he were a man on death row. and at this point he might as well be.
he ‘makes’ you home made lunch. (which is just store brought food he put into a lunch box). awe, so thoughtful, right? NO, he passed out after cumming so much to replace the dressing on your salad.
spits in your drink, so it’s almost like you’re kissing in a way, because his saliva is in your mouth yada yada. he’s so delusional, gosh.
this man jerks off to anything. pictures of you in a bikini. pictures of your panties that he snuck a photo of from under your skirt. hell, he has even fapped it to a post he found on one of your family members facebook where you look like the most ordinary person ever. anything.
he acts like an angel around you, but the moment you turn your back, he has this dark, violent glint in his eyes at anyone who isn’t you.
he STANK. like discord moderator who manages thirty different servers. he plays video games 24/7 and eats only fast food + he lives in his mothers basement so minus points.
his mind is SO dirty too. like you could be complaining about this one girl who has been getting on your nerves recently, and all he can think about is bending you over the table and running his hands all over your body. he thinks of you when he shouldn’t, and in ways he shouldn’t, even before you knew his name.
yeah he’s so sweet, and kisses the ground you walk on. but he also would love nothing more then to knock you up and keep you as his cute little spouse who he can come home and make love to every day.
god and he’s a brat too, don’t get me started. like, throwing tantrums when you decide to sit with someone else at lunch. starting fights with people who so much as look in your general direction (ones that he loses cause he is so small and scrawny). screaming profanities at the professors who separate your seating plans in lectures, and so on.
if you’ve been keeping up with my posts, you’ll know that this man has a literal sex doll replica of you he sleeps with at night. it’s so detailed to the point where there is freckles in the exact same spot they are on your skin. (even some moles and beauty marks that you didn’t even know you had, and god knows how he does).
has a shrine of you in his closet. strands of your hair he has collected. lipgloss and chapstick he has stolen from your bag whilst you weren’t looking. accessories like rings and bracelets. nail polish, all the works. and in the middle of this shrine, in all its glory, is a pair of your underwear that he took while you were in the changing rooms. he prays to it. the holy grail.
he has been dating you in his head the moment he saw you, like, gets a little annoyed when you don’t remember your five month anniversary, but the thing is, you didn’t even know you’re dating at all.
I love him. don’t get me wrong, but he is not the man you want to get involved with, like AT ALL.
go for someone like scummy alhaitham, who has (some) self respect 👍
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koishiro · 9 months
bakugo headcannons with a shy s/o? Just cute lil moments in their relationship. Completely fine if you don't want to write it! Have a good day/night! ❤️
=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ 𝒎𝒂𝒊𝒍 : this was so much fun to write!! Thank you so much for the request nonnie! ♡
masterlist | bnha masterlist
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Everyone always wonders how you both got together
Loud and (usually) angry Bakugo with a shy and quiet s/o? How’d that happen?
It was simply really,
You would’ve caught his attention by simply sitting in the corner of the classroom minding your own business
Everyone else in the classroom is loud and annoying while you’re just trying to get through the day unnoticed
He would start lightly picking on you like throwing paper airplanes at your head, poke your side or hold your books above your head so he can watch you struggle to reach them with a small grin on his face
He wouldn’t really understand that he’s developed a crush on you for a good while though…
At first you thought he was (kinda) bullying you but you’d notice the difference between him ‘picking’ on you over the others
He’d literally scream and threaten to blow them up if they don’t shut up but when it came to you he’d lower his voice and do simple things to grab your attention
He’d eventually calm down on the ‘picking’ and would actually start socialising with you
It would take Bakugo a few months to realise his feelings but when he does he’d be unusually nervous around you
You wrap your arms around him? He’s blushing. You ruffle his hair? He’s mixing up his words. You so much as brush an eyelash off his cheek and he’s having an internal melt down
It would get to the point of someone (more than likely Kirishima) who jokes that you two act like a couple when Bakugo’s answer would be, “might as well be”
But his official way of asking you out would be in the middle of a conversation:
Sitting in the far booth of the diner, you and Bakugo had spent hours talking as he picked at your fries when he leans across the table to wipe something from the corner of your lips. "Kats," you say in a small voice, "you cant do that, only couples do that!" He stares at you blankly before asking “do you want to?”. Your eyebrows knit together as you reply with confusion "want to what?". His response is simple yet nonetheless shocking as he leans back into his seat, arms crossed over his chest; “Date” you nearly spat your drink out at this, spluttering for a reply, “what? Well-uhm, I mean-us? I suppose so-” “then it’s sorted. We’re a couple”
Expect Kirishima’s response being “finally, ‘bout time you asked them out”
Bakugo was 👌 close to blowing him up
Everyone would be surprised at how quiet and calm he is when you’re around
He could be throwing a complete fit at any time, anywhere but when you walk in? He’d zip his mouth real fast
Mina once walked into class early only to find you both cuddled up in the back with your legs on his lap, while you both watched something on your phone
She took a sneaky photo and sent it to you. You didn’t even need to look back at Bakugo to know he was red in the face.
He’s also very protective of you
A lot of people presume you’re weak since you’re so quiet which results in you getting picked on quite often;
Name calling you in the halls, pencil’s thrown at you in class or just simply spreading rumours and/or gossip around school
But when your boyfriend finds out?
It’s safe to say they won’t be bothering you anymore, not while they sport a fresh cast at least.
Expect to be paired with Bakuko for practice every single time so he can specifically watch over you and make sure no one will injure you too badly.
If you don’t have class with Bakugo expect to find him waiting for you outside your classroom so he can walk you to your next class 😌
And you best know that he’s saving you a seat if you get to class late and will practically growl at anyone who comes close.
He’ll always deny that he likes the affection you show him but will (not so) discreetly give you things that remind him of you or will get that thing you wanted just so you can pepper his face in kisses.
And don’t bring up the fact that he keeps your hair ties and the lipgloss you forgot in his bag because he’ll deny that too <3
I can imagine you just minding your own business at your locker when he drags himself towards you and leans his head on top of yours just cause 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bakugo would just be an all-round perfect bf 😩
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— 𝘒𝘰𝘪 𝘹𝘰
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ldrfanatic · 2 months
Slytherin Boys as 1989 Songs
+ bonus! the slytherin boys as romance tropes
I decided to shake this one up a bit and do all happy love songs
here's 1989 (tv ofc); which taylor swift album should i do next?
(mattheo riddle, draco malfoy, theo nott, lorenzo berkshire)
slytherin boys masterlist nav
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mattheo riddle as I Know Places
best lyric(s) - "let them say what they want we won't here it" + "love's a fragile little flame it could burn out" + "just grab my hand and don't ever drop it"
trope - enemies to lovers :)
mattheo w a crush - in love, mattheo is somewhere in the middle between being sappy and just straight up insulting you. not like calling you ugly or anything but like "damn i didn't know it was possible to mess up such an easy spell" like kind of teasing. he's one of those guys that will be mean at first and then be like playfully mean and then finally, will start being nice to you but only sometimes. he just thinks you're adorable when you're angry.
mattheo as a boyfriend - now as a boyfriend, mattheo still teases the hell out of you but god forbid literally anyone else does bc he'll kill them. like actually. also the pair of you go through a little bit of a rough patch during the war and he keeps telling you that you have to stay way from him but secretly, he's really happy that you never actually listen to him because he doesn't know what he would do without you. he just kind of ignores all the whispers and hogwarts becomes your guys' like safe little happy love bubble.
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draco malfoy as Out of the Woods
best lyric(s) - "the rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color" + "when you started crying baby i did too, when the sun came up i was looking at you" + "I walked out I said 'i'm setting you free' but the monsters turned out to be just trees"
trope - everyone can see it except for you
draco w a crush - I think draco would be the kind of guy that actively avoided his crush. like if you were sitting in the very front of transfigurations, he was sitting in the absolute furthers corner in the back. If you were going on the hogsmeade trip, he was begging his friends would leave him to simmer in his affections for you. he's just so nervous and so certain you'll dislike him that he'd rather not talk to you at all. when he finally does work up the courage, he's extremely happy and like eternally grateful that you'd give him a chance.
draco as a boyfriend - i do think though that draco is not always the best at communicating just because he always wants everything to be so perfect and he doesn't want there to be anything that he says that could make you resent him so he'd rather not say anything at all. obv, this doesn't work out well for him cause like... communicating w you is so essential. y'all get into arguments fairly regularly but you always end up making up because he's always just creating those demons in his head and it's almost never that serious.
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theodore nott as Suburban Legends
best lyric(s) - "you were so magnetic it was almost obnoxious" + "when you hold me, it holds me together and you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever" + "you'd be more than a chapter in my old diaries with the pages ripped out"
trope - hopeless romantic
theo w a crush - I think with a crush theo would be the kind of guy that just simps like a mf. like you need someone to carry your books, he's there, why would you even try to carry them yourself? just let him take care of it. or like, when you're not feeling well and you might need to spend a few days in the hospital wing, while you're sleeping theo sneaks in and leaves the notes for the classes you missed as well as your favorite sweets and flowers. (one time when michael corner made you cry, he beat the snot out of him and then the next day left this huge teddy bear outside your door with the note "y/n, that douchebag sucks. -tn")
theo as a boyfriend - theo's simp nature carries over when he's a bf so he's super freaking caring. he does literally everything for you. he'll brush your hair when you get out of the shower if you ask. or if you're like me and you have like thicker ethnic hair, he'll ask you to show him how to do your hair so that he can do it for you. he's also one of those guys that's like casually dominant. like hand on your lower back in a crowd, opening your doors, reaching up and grabbing things from the top shelf for you. naturally protective in the sense of like he always wants to sleep closest to the door in case something happens and like is also always making sure you eat and get enough water.
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lorenzo berkshire as "Slut!"
lyric(s) - "and if i'm gonna be drunk, i might as well be drunk in love" + "and i break down then he's pulling me in. in a world of boys he's a gentleman" + "got love struck went straight to my head"
trope - friends to lovers
enzo w a crush - enzo is the kind of guy who's not afraid to be in love. he actually loves it. he loves having someone to compliment and shower in gifts and win over. where mattheo would tease you, draco would avoid you, and theo would lose himself in you, enzo is the guy who would bring you inexplicable joy and make sure you knew that it was him that was bringing you joy. not to say that he wouldn't do sweet gestures and such but he's the sort of guy that will make you his best friend and then make you fall in love with him.
enzo as a boyfriend - because of this, you and enzo are like those like childhood friends turned lovers type of thing. he just knows you so well and the love between you two comes so easily. he makes it his personal mission to make you smile at least once a day. as your boyfriend, he's just really playful. things like pillow fights and tickle fights. he's also that boyfriend that will do all those little stupid tiktok trends with you but like really energetically and not just like half-assed bc if it's gonna make you smile, he's going all in.
wc 1k
taglist @moonlightreader649 @svt-dk97 @thatdammchickennugget @helendeath @fandom-life-12 @bouquetolegoflowers @maryvibess
151 notes · View notes
honeymark · 11 months
Every relationship comes with a story. This is ours.
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𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟎𝟓 ; in which you & Haechan tell your respective sides of your love story.
# 𝑫𝑼𝑹𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 :: 17 minutes (~3.3k words)
# 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 :: dark thoughts, insecurities
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『 The video opens with a shot of Haechan walking into the studio and holding the door open for Y/N. As she walks into the studio, Haechan takes her hand and leads her to the set. The set is white, with two white chairs seated across from each other, a white table, a set of white earbuds, and a set of white noise-cancelling headphones. Haechan takes a seat in the chair to the right, while Y/N sits in the chair across from him. 』
“Can you introduce yourselves?”
Y/N: “Hi, my name is Y/N, I’m 23 years old, and I'm a grad student studying social work.”
Haechan: “I’m Haechan, also 23 years old, and I make music.”
“How long have you been together?”
Y/N: “For almost 8 years now.”
Haechan: “And we’ve been engaged for 1.” (smiles)
“How did the two of you meet?”
Y/N: “We met our first year of high school, right?”
Haechan: (nods) “In the storage room on the 3rd floor.” (smiles) “Y/N was the class president, and I was the crazy delinquent that always caused her trouble.”
Y/N: (chuckles lightly, then shakes her head) “Stop telling everyone you were a delinquent. Someone’s gonna make up a weird rumor or something. The most you did was show up late to class.” 
『 Haechan shrugs. 』
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“What was your first impression of each other?”
『 The video cuts to Haechan putting in the earbuds, then sliding the noise-cancelling headphones on over his ears. 』
Y/N: “My first impression of Donghyuck...was that he broke a lot of rules.” (chuckles) “Back then, our high school had a really strict dress code; we had to wear our uniforms a certain way, and we weren’t allowed to wear makeup or dye our hair or get any piercings or use any accessories...but he never wore his uniform properly. He got his ears pierced, and he was always dyeing his hair different colors. Red, brown, blonde, silver...doing all of that left a bad impression on the teachers, but he didn’t care, and that was something I really didn’t understand. I also didn’t understand why he showed up late to class every day, or why he disappeared during lunch, or why he never stayed after to help with clean up duty. There were a lot of things that I didn’t know about him.” (pauses) “But I can confidently say that I know him the best, now.” (smiles) “The reality is that Donghyuck is the kindest, funniest, most hardworking and considerate person that I know. I wish I knew that about him sooner.”
『 The video cuts to Y/N putting in the earbuds, then sliding the noise-cancelling headphones on over her ears. 』
Haechan: “Y/N was...like an earthquake. Literally.” (smiles, softly) “Other than the fact that she was our class president, I didn’t know anything about her. We never talked in class, which, like, why would she talk to someone like me in the first place, you know? Like, we're a walking juxtaposition. But anyways, the first time I ever met Y/N was in the storage room on the 3rd floor of our main school building. It wasn’t being used anymore, so it ended up becoming my napping place during our lunch break. I didn’t think anyone else knew about it...so I almost screamed when I woke up to Y/N shaking my shoulders.” (chuckles) “I thought I was in serious trouble, but she didn’t seem fazed at all when I woke up. She just...she said that class had started...and then walked out. Nothing else.” (laughs) “She changed my world after that. Completely.”
Haechan: “What’d you think of me?”
Y/N: “You were an enigma.”
Haechan: (smiles) “How so?”
Y/N: (shrugs) “You just...went out of your way to break the rules, even though you knew it left a bad impression on everyone. I didn’t get why you did those things. Well, I do know, but back then, I didn’t.”
Haechan: “Did it leave a bad impression on you, too?”
Y/N: “No, the opposite, to be honest. I thought you were fascinating.” (smiles) “What did you think about me?”
Haechan: “I thought you were an angel.” (chuckles) 
Y/N: “You did? But you keep telling everyone that you thought you were in an earthquake when we first met.”
Haechan: (laughs) “Because it’s true! You don’t know how scared I was when you woke me up!”
Y/N: “Then why’d you think I was an angel?”
Haechan: “Because you’re that beautiful.”
『 The entire studio falls silent. Y/N stares at Haechan, then turns to the PD. 』
Y/N: “Next question, please.”
『 Haechan laughs. 』
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“How did you become friends?”
Y/N: “On that particular day, when we met for the first time, our teacher had asked me to look for something in one of the unused storage rooms, but the only thing I’d found was Donghyuck taking a nap in the corner. I didn’t think much of it; I just thought that he was tired. I got what I needed and headed back to class, but even after class had started, he still wasn’t back. I thought that he might’ve been asleep, so I went back to wake him up then returned to class.”
Y/N: “I guess he must’ve been really alarmed when I woke him up because he came up to me after class that day, which I thought was weird since he usually didn’t stay around after classes finished. He asked me to keep it a secret ㅡ the fact that he took naps during our lunch break. I didn’t really know why it was a big deal, but I knew it was probably an important secret to keep, so I didn’t tell anyone about it. I just continued waking him up after our lunch break was over.”
Y/N: “One day, when I went back to wake him up, he was already awake. I was going to go back to class, but we ended up talking for a little bit, instead. It wasn’t a real conversation or anything ㅡ it was more like small talk ㅡ but then that became a regular thing. Instead of coming to wake him up, I’d meet him in the storage room, and we’d eat lunch together. Sometimes he’d take a nap afterwards, but I’d just study and then wake him up whenever class was about to start.” (smiles) “It became our little rendezvous.”
Haechan: “I...don’t really know. It just kind of...happened. Ever since she found me in the storage room that day, she’d come by right before our break ended to wake me up. We wouldn’t even really say anything to each other, she’d just come in, shake me awake, tell me that class was starting, then leave. Like, every day.” (laughs) “I guess my body got used to it, because I’d start waking up before she’d even stop by. One time, I was already wide awake by the time she came back, so we just...talked a little bit. I asked her how she was, she said she was good, and that was pretty much it.” (smiles) “It became a regular thing. She started coming earlier and earlier, and eventually we’d just spend the entire lunch break together.” 
Haechan: “She was completely different than how I’d imagined her to be. I expected her to be really boring and straight-laced, since she was our class president, but she wasn’t. At all. She asked me so many questions, almost in a childish way. She asked if my piercings hurt and what color I was going to dye my hair next and why I wore such uncomfortable-looking shoes.” (chuckles) “It was...nice. She didn’t treat me like some sort of problem child, and she didn’t judge me, even though I was so different from her. She listened to me and respected my decisions and even brought an extra lunch for me, since I didn’t have one to bring with me. She was the first person in our entire high school to treat me like a regular human being.”
Haechan: “What made you keep coming back to the storage room after that day?”
Y/N: (shrugs) “You always showed up late to class after our lunch break, and I kind of figured that it was because you were oversleeping, so I felt like I needed to go back and wake you up.”
Haechan: (claps) “Wow, as expected of our class president. What an admirable sense of responsibility.”
Y/N: (smiles) “Of course I took that responsibility seriously. It gave me a reason to see you.”
Haechan: (gasps, exaggeratedly) “You had a crush on me? Oh my god! You had a crush on me!”
Y/N: “We’re literally engaged, Hyuck.”
Haechan: “Still, though! How embarrassiㅡ”
Y/N: “Next question, please.”
『 Laughter can be heard around the studio. 』
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“When did you know that you’d fallen for your partner?”
Y/N: “I didn’t realize my feelings for him until after he stopped talking to me altogether. He didn’t look at me when I greeted him that morning, and he didn’t show up to the storage room, either. It was like I didn’t exist in his world anymore. He just...stopped acknowledging me.” (pauses) “You know, I’m socially aware enough to know not to talk to someone if they stop talking to me first, but there was just something about the whole situation that felt...off. Maybe it was how heartbroken I felt, or maybe it was how heartbroken he looked whenever he ignored me. Either way...I knew that I couldn’t just leave things as they were. I think that’s when I really realized that I’d fallen for him. I wouldn’t have felt so compelled to run after him if I hadn’t fallen for him, right?”
Y/N: “As the class president, I had the privilege of reading the school announcements in front of the entire class in the mornings. So I ㅡ (chuckles) ㅡ I basically brought the class together just to say, ‘Lee Donghyuck, if you don’t come to ‘The Room’ today, I’m going to be mad at you. Personally mad at you.’ And...he showed up.” (smiles) “Looking back on it now, I shouldn’t have put him on the spot like that, but I...wanted things to be okay again.” (pauses) “So we talked about it, cleared up some misunderstandings, said too many embarrassing things...and we’ve been inseparable since then.”
Haechan: “I think I always knew, as cringy as that sounds.” (smiles) “Back then...I was going through a lot. A lot of things happened with the family business, and it ended up falling through, so I ended up having to step up and help support my family.” (pauses) “It took a lot out of me. I was only 15. I was just entering high school. And I already knew that the teachers didn’t like me and that most of my classmates were afraid of talking to me. I mean, I couldn’t blame them, though. My part-time job started after school, so I had to leave right after classes ended. And I’d always have to take my younger siblings to their school, so I usually ended up being late to class.” (pauses, again) “Well, it doesn’t matter what my excuses were; I was never someone who followed the rules. I always wanted to stand out somehow, and I guess the teenage-Donghyuck thought that going against the grain was the best way to get that attention.”
Haechan: “But Y/N saw past all of that. At first, it was...scary. I knew that I liked her, but I also knew that being with her would be bad for her reputation, so I tried to distance myself from her. I ignored her at school, I stopped going to the storage room, I didn’t answer her texts...but no matter how hard I tried to distance myself from her, she always found a way back into my heart.” (pauses) “She said that she didn’t care about what other people thought and only cared about being with me. She asked me not to push her away anymore...so I stopped. Because I knew that I’d completely fallen for her, and that she was going to find some way to end up right by my side, right where I wanted her to be all along.”
『 Haechan smiles, then holds up his left hand. On the fourth finger sits a platinum band. 』
Haechan: “And now she’s going to be by my side forever. Kind of cool, right?”
『 Y/N glances at his elevated hand, then holds up hers as well. On her fourth finger sits a thin platinum band with a beautiful round diamond in the middle. An “aw!” can be heard off-camera. 』
Haechan: “Wasn’t it troubling for you?”
Y/N: “Hm? What do you mean?”
Haechan: “I’m sure that the teachers started to, you know, treat you differently after we started going out.”
Y/N: (shrugs) “They said some really annoying things at first, but my grades didn’t change ㅡ actually, mine stayed the same, yours improved ㅡ so they stopped mentioning it to me.”
Haechan: “But you heard what everyone said about us, right?”
Y/N: “No? What’d they say?”
Haechan: “That I was bullying you into dating me.”
Y/N: “...People actually said that? How’d you know?”
Haechan: “How could you not know? They’d whisper to each other whenever we’d walk by.”
Y/N: (shrugs, again) “I was too focused on you to notice.”
『 Haechan pauses, then buries his face into his hands and lets out a short, high-pitched squeal before looking back up. 』
Haechan: “How’re you able to say something like that with such a straight face?”
Y/N: “Huh?”
『 Laughter can be heard from behind the camera. Haechan smiles, then shakes his head. 』
Haechan: “Nothing, baby. Please don’t ever change, Y/N.”
Y/N: “O-Okay, I’ll try not to.”
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“What’s it been like watching your partner grow up?”
Y/N: “Watching him grow ㅡ and also growing with him ㅡ has been so fun. He’s found the means to pursue what he really loves doing, and watching that side of him grow more and more present has been really rewarding and inspiring. He’s still a troublemaker, and sometimes he drives me crazy, but the way he approaches new challenges and navigates his problems and reaches out to other people for help is so...mature. Thinking about it even now makes me feel so proud...but it also makes me realize how far he’s come. And while I’m so, so happy for him...there’ve been a lot of moments where I had to stop myself from thinking really bad thoughts. Things like, ‘I don’t deserve to be by his side’ or ‘Maybe he’d be happier without me’...I thought about those things a lot. And it didn’t help that I was going through a slump, at the time.” 
Y/N: “Unlike Donghyuck, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I did well in school, not because I liked school, but because my parents wanted me to do well. I didn’t have any hobbies, I didn’t have any goals, I didn’t even really have any strong likes or dislikes. I just...this sounds really bad, but I felt like a waste of space. So that, in combination with all of the other insecurities I was feeling, made me feel really scared. I felt like I was being left behind.” (pauses) “But things have gotten better. I’ve switched to a major that I really like, I have a plan for the future, and I’m even engaged now.” (smiles) “I’m confident that things will turn out okay.”
Haechan: “It’s been...crazy, to be completely honest.” (pauses) “I always knew that Y/N would succeed in whatever she wanted to do. Like, there was no space in my mind where I ever doubted that. And I guess it led to...some type of inferiority complex, I guess.” (sighs) “I know that she would never compare me to other people, but I compared myself to others all the time, and I think that insecurity started getting the better of me. I was scared, honestly. I wasn’t in college, I was barely making enough money to pay for my half of our rent, I was literally just making music out of our room all day. I wasn’t like the guys in her department. I couldn’t provide for her or take her anywhere nice. I just...” (sighs, again) “Her loving me meant everything to me. I didn’t need anything else, I just needed her. But the longer we were together, the less confident I felt about whether or not she felt the same way.”
Haechan: “Luckily, things got better after I signed with my agency and started making actual money. I didn’t feel as insecure or jealous about her guy friends, I wasn’t as scared of her leaving me...things became okay again, and I think it’s because I started learning to acknowledge myself first.” (smiles) 
Y/N: “You’ve changed a lot since we were kids.”
Haechan: (smiles) “I hope that’s a good thing.”
Y/N: (nods) “It is. Even just looking at you like this reminds me of how much of a grown-up you’ve become.”
Haechan: “It’s not just me, though. You’ve changed ㅡ well, I think ‘evolved’ is a better word.”
Y/N: “Like a Pokémon?”
Haechan: (laughs) “Yeah, like a Pokémon.” (smiles) “I feel like you’re more confident in your identity now.”
Y/N: (nods) “I think so too. I at least feel like I have some sort of purpose now.”
Haechan: “I haven’t mentioned this to you before, but I think it’s really cool that we’ve gotten to grow together. Because it’s not just you-doing-you and me-doing-me, we’ve grown a lot just by being together.”
Y/N: (smiles) “I think so too. Sometimes it really felt like we only had each other, and I think being able to rely on each other like that really helped us mature into who we are right now.”
Haechan: “It’s not something that’s going to stop, either. You promised you’d stay with me for the rest of my life, remember?”
Y/N: (laughs) “I do remember. Please continue to take care of me.”
Haechan: (laughs) “Likewise.”
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“What’s something that you want to say to your partner?”
Y/N: “Lee Donghyuck. Haechan. My full sun. I...don’t even know where to start.” (chuckles, softly) “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I know that sometimes you worry about what other people think of our relationship, but just knowing that you love me already means more than enough to me.” (smiles) “When we first met, I felt like...I felt like nothing. I felt like a waste of space. But meeting you...my everything changed after meeting you. It’s like...my world became so colorful and beautiful after meeting you. And I can’t thank you enough for that.”
『 Y/N opens her mouth to speak again, but tightens her lips together before using her sleeves to wipe away at the tears flowing down her cheeks. Haechan scoots his chair closer to hers, then reaches over to take her hand in his. He offers a soft but comforting smile, which Y/N returns. 』
Y/N: “Thank you for loving me, Lee Donghyuck. Thank you for supporting me through my toughest days and for listening to my silly stories and for teaching me how to love the worst parts of myself. I love you. More than you’ll ever know.”
『 Haechan takes a moment to watch Y/N as she scrolls through her phone to choose a song. Y/N, realizing that Haechan is watching her, looks up. She sets her phone on top of the table and reaches out to hold his hand. Haechan smiles. 』
Haechan: “Y/N, I don’t think meeting you was a simple coincidence. You came into my life when I needed you the most, and you’ve changed my life in ways that I didn’t know were even possible for someone like me. To you, I must’ve been the biggest loser, but you saw past all of the ugly parts of my personality and accepted me for who I am. That meant everything to the me from back then. It still means everything to me, even now. The fact that you’ve continued to love me and somehow accepted my proposal...it means everything. I love you. I will make you happy for the rest of our lives.”
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『 The interview ends. Y/N stands up first and helps Haechan out of his chair. Haechan pulls Y/N into a hug and nuzzles his face into the crook of Y/N’s neck. Y/N smiles softly and runs her fingers through his hair as she whispers something into his ear. The two share a sweet kiss before pulling away and bowing to the staff. They step off-camera and exit the studio. The video fades to black. 』
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intotitties · 8 months
mm maybe a hazel x cheerleader!gf!reader where reader is a little taller than hazel and usually wears heels and that makes her taller and more intimidating, as if the majority of the school pisses themselves in fear every time she passes by except for hazel who only looks at her with heart eyes. Obviously all this if you feel comfortable!
Hazel Callahan x reader
warnings: cursing, mention of broken bones
a/n: it took sm time to write this bc i had 72817938 ideas at the same time but i love the idea
-ˋˏ ༻❀༺ ˎˊ-
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You were one of the popular cheerleaders who has always been told that she looks scary. When people in the school hear a characteristic noise of heels they immediately get out of the way, knowing that you are coming. Everyone feared you.. except for her.
— Morning Hazee - you hugged your girlfriend from the back in front of the girls from the fight club that she was a member of.
— O-oh good morning - she blushed at your gesture.
— Are we still up for tonight? - you pecked her cheek.
Hazel nodded slightly, her friends from the fight club looking at you both like they couldn’t believe their eyes.
You ran your hand through her hair and left to the class with a smile on your face. The only thing you could hear was Hazels friends whispering behind your back.
— I don’t know what you see in her - Britt said as she sat down on her table.
— Good, i hope no one else than me does - you winked at her.
— No but really, she’s a weirdo - said Isabel.
— You’re literally crushing on Josie, you don’t have the right to speak up - you giggled at which she just rolled her eyes.
— Anyways, are you going to train the choreography with us later? - Brittany asked.
— Isn’t the gym taken by the fight club after lessons? - you looked at your friends.
— We can just tell them that we need to practice, gyms big I’m sure we won’t be disturbing them a lot - she answered before the class started.
-ˋˏ ༻❀༺ ˎˊ-
As soon as the lessons ended, you, Brittany and Isabel went straight to the gym.
Girls from the fight club had already started and you could see Hazel and PJ throwing punches at eachother.
— Hi girls! - Isabel came closer - Would you mind if we use the corner to train our choreography? - she smiled.
— No! - Josie answered immediately - I mean.. go ahead, please - she corrected herself nervously.
She’s such a simp.
You sent a smile to your girlfriend and went to the corner with your friends.
The time passed quickly and in nice atmosphere. You noticed a lot of looks in your direction, which made you smile a little bit.
You were doing the last step of the choreography - backflip. You’ve always feared it the most of all the acrobatic stuff you’ve learned.
But instead of landing on the ground, you tripped on a ball and fell down with a scream.
— Oh my god ladies i’m so sorry, it was supposed to be them! - Tim ran to you immediately.
Of course, he wanted to eliminate the club members.
— You’re pathetic Tim - Isabel said while helping you to stand up.
— Fuck! - you hissed - I swear if you broke my arm, i will end your sad little life.
— Slay girl! You tell him! - Sylvie hyped you up.
— I said that im sorry, now you’re just being dramatic - he said.
— Yeah? So im gonna tell you something - you said quieter - I’ve got videos from the last party and guess who’s the main character? - you looked at him with a smirk on your face - you. so you better leave the club alone, and be more careful next time - your smirk disappeared with the end of the sentence.
You waved him goodbye as he left without any words.
Before you could say anything you felt Hazels body crashing into yours and her messy kisses on your lips. It took you a while to turn it into a gentle yet passionate kiss.
— Thank you so much for dealing with him for us! - she wanted to hug you but you stopped her.
— Please call a doctor first.. im gonna pass out - you said as you looked at the bone sticking out of your arm.
-ˋˏ ༻❀༺ ˎˊ-
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minimallyminnie · 1 year
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Unspoken Words.
I’m trying out a new format for my posts so don’t mind me~
Summary- When Azul focuses too much on work than you, it doesn’t go well. Will he chose work or his significant other..?
Tw: Reader being sad, Azul crying, yes there’s a fucking child
Tags: Gn Reader x Azul Ashengrotto, Gn reader, Yes you are the prefect, Azul being a silly himbo/hj, happy ending, gn child, you can imagine yourself with the kid being biological or adopted, whatever you choose
Enjoy you poor unfortunate souls…
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“Azul?” You called out into his study looking for your love
“I am very busy right now. What do you want?” He said, not looking up from his contracts
“They’re…they’re in bed, you don’t need to worry about them but, when will you come to bed?”
He voice displays no emotion as he continues on working
“Not right now. Later.”
You bite your lip and grip the door handle tighter. You wanted him to come back to sleep by your side. But work always was first place in his life rather than anyone or anything else.
“Azul…I…” You look up with a tiny piece of hope that he would look at you but to no avail. “Nevermind…I love you Azzy…” You don’t hear a response back but rather a pen scratching the paper.
Sighing softly, you head to the cold room hurt.
You lie down on the bed, underneath the blankets but yet, you’re still cold.
Taking your pillow, you hold it and just let your tears leak down.
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Azul was a smart man. Yes, he overblotted because of various things…but he’s a smart man.
He managed to get his business far and profitable. He’s successful. The Maestro cafe being much further than he’d ever imagined.
Azul has a family and a successful life…
Yes, his family wants to spend time with him but he’s trying to keep everything together so he can grow his business and provide for them.
But…he doesn’t know why his heart feels like it’s yearning for something…
Like he’s doing something wrong, but what is it?
He ends up dozing off in the end.
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Jade, Floyd, Azul and you are startled by the small child that just walked into Maestro cafe and hugged Floyd’s leg
“Floyd?! We literally took a class in biology to use prote-“
“Let’s not say that in front of the kid!” You cut Azul off
He picks up the child, expecting them to cry
“Ooh~! I could squeeze you to death little guppy!”
“Floyd! You’re going to scare-“
Instead of crying or screaming, the guppy laughs and puts their hands on Floyd’s cheeks
You put the cleaning cloth into the back of your pocket while you and Jade laugh at both of them
“Aww~! Can we keep it Jade? Azul?”
“I think we should since we need more helpers~”
“Cut it out you two, we don’t even know who’s it is!”
“You shouldn’t call a child an it…” You told your friend
Once the youngest hears you speak, they look at you and make grabby hands
And then they call out to you using their name for you
And everyone looks absolutely shocked
“I’m sorry, what.”
“Little shrimpy has a guppy?!”
“Oh great seven, you didn’t tell us this~”
Floyd happily hands the child to you and instantly, they laugh in your arms
“This baby isn’t mine! I swear on my life you three!”
And the twins start to draw closer to you as Azul looks terrified in the back
“Papa!” The 5 year old reaches to touch Jade’s cheeks
“Jade, Floyd, [Name]! Did you three have one child altogether or something behind my back?!”
“No!” “Perhaps!”
And it happens all over again…
When you four tell Crowley about it, he tells you to deal with it yourself in a paraphrased term until the baby bit his arm
He then says to keep it in Ramshackle or Octavinelle, which to keep Grim from complaining or arguing with the child, you all decided to keep them in Octavinelle
When you asked Lilia about it, he said that the baby was somehow sent to the past and that he was able to get it back at the end of the week
You silently celebrated in your confusion towards the young child. It was Monday so you only had to last until Sunday! Good enough!
After your shift at Maestro cafe, you always went to the vip room with Azul and Jade to see Floyd hanging out with the child
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Strangely enough, they didn’t seem to want to play with Azul very much. Going as far as clinging onto one of the Tweel’s or yours arm instead and a frustrated Azul not knowing what he did wrong, rereading contracts
In the middle of the week, you’re busy doing something with the rest of the first years and the twins have to make up a test so it’s just Azul and the small child that for some reason, did not like him.
The child sits far away coloring with crayons, quiet, not trying to bother him to play with them. Like…it’s some sort of burden.
Azul wonders as he writes on another contract what he did wrong
And he finally gets his guts together
Rolling up the paper, he sets it aside and moves closer to the child
“What are you drawing?”
“…My family.” They say quietly, unlike the boisterous yelling they do with the others
“May I take a look?”
“Y’never look when I wan’ you to.”
That perks Azul’s attention up
“Do you know me in the future?”
The child nods hesitantly
“You…you’re my real papa. Y’don’t like me very much though.”
Azul’s eyes widen
“I-I’m y-your father?”
“Yeah…” They stop their drawing and slides it to Azul’s side
There was them in the middle of you and the Tweels. Azul being on the other side of the paper.
“[Child’s Name]…May I ask you why ‘I don’t like you’ in your time and why I’m far away even when I’m your father?”
“Y’don’t play with me. You don’t eat with me n’ [Nickname] at the table, you…you always in your study room working on…c-cont-racts.”
A sniffle comes from the child
“I see Jadey and Flo around more than you…I can see [Nickname] being sad cause y’not there. You..you only care ‘bout work.”
Oh and how Azul’s heart shatters hearing about this. He does get with his crush and have a family, but he took it for granted. Future him took his happy family for granted. The route he’s going now, only focusing on his own profit, will only cause pain.
He cusses in his head.
“No, no, I don’t care about work. Not now.” Azul moves to the child’s side, picking them up into his arms and hugging them tightly
“I don’t know what happened in the future but, I would love you. No matter what. Future me is quite silly so do not believe in him.”
“You…you really wanna be my daddy?”
“I don’t ‘wanna’ be, I am your father. I shouldn’t have taken that for granted. To have a cute mini octopus like you in my life as well as your [Nickname] makes me feel happy. I don’t know what will happen once you get sent back but for the rest of this week, I will give you everything.”
“Pinky promise?” Azul rubs the tears away with a handkerchief as they point their pinky out. He smiles happily
“Pinky promise.” He clasps their pinkys together
After they finish crying, they turn over to the table and scratches the former paper with a black crayon before getting a new one
“Oh? Why did you do that?”
“Daddy wants to be with me! I wanna remake it now!”
“Can I draw with you then?”
Needless to say when the three of you rushed over to the vip room expecting the baby to cry or be alone, you all are surprised seeing a Azul with them in his lap, both drawing while having a conversation.
What’s more surprising?
The soft expression Azul has on his face.
Your heart beats a bit faster as adoration pops up in your chest.
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Lilia had told you all that after he sent them back, that everyone would lose their memories. With that, Azul used that to his advantage and told you three who the child really belonged to.
The Tweels spent an hour teasing you and Azul about it
When it’s time to say goodbye, Lilia is busy reading the spell while the child hugs the twins tightly
“Bye bye Jadey! Bye bye Flo!”
“Wahh…does guppy have to go…?”
“Unless you want a time paradox or something, yeah they do.” Lilia pats both of twins on the back
Fortunately for you and Azul who were watching in the back, the twins backed off and gave you a moment’s peace with your the child.
“[Nickname]! Papa!” They come up and you both kneel down to reciprocate their embrace
Your eyes lock with Azul’s and for a split second he sees you in a wedding outfit. Your left hand which was laying on top of the guppy’s head was adorned with two rings.
He blinks and sees you in the normal school uniform but can’t help but smile happily at his future family.
“Remember our promise. Ok?” He tells them once you three part
The smaller nods excitedly before standing in front of a waiting Lilia
And thus, he casts the spell. The spell replaces everyone’s memories with what should’ve happened without the child
And they start to progress again…
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Azul wakes up, flinching
He doesn’t know how but he woke up from this…strange dream.
Did…did he really only focus on work?
He thinks back to the past few months and his face retorts in horror of the realization
He has. He needs to make it up to his family before it’s too late.
Azul rushes out of his study to the bedroom to see you asleep with puffy eyes
He leaps on the bed, shaking you in near tears
“H-huh? Azul…? What is it? Do you need something—“
He cuts you off with a hug that pins you back to the bed
“Azzy?! Wha-what’s wrong?!”
“Please forgive me. I’ve been a terrible husband and father recently. Focusing o-only on work, how silly of me to lose sight of what I truly love.” His arms tighten around you
“Azul…can’t breathe…”
Azul quickly pulls off of and sits up anxiously. Waiting for you to say you don’t forgive him or divorce him but what comes next is nothing but a soft kiss to his lips.
“I’m just happy that you finally realized it. I was so scared I lost you. But just to note, I’ll kick your ass if you do this again.” You whisper in his ear as you hug him tightly
“I’ll take that anytime.” He then sneaks under the blanket with you and held you throughout the night, whispering to you that he would never leave you again.
In the morning, he asks the twins to take over for him today. They happily agreed, cheering over the phone. Seems like they noticed his change in behavior too.
He chuckles to himself before he feels your presence next to him, rubbing your head into his shoulder.
“It’s rare you cook.”
“I plan on doing this more. Haven’t done this for you two in a long time.”
You laugh and kiss him before you both hear small footsteps in the hallway
“[Nickname], I have brushed m’ teeth by myself!” They stand proud before their shock is evident on their face at Azul’s presence
“Hi little guppy,” You pat them on their head as they look at Azul with hesitation “Good job on brushing your teeth all on your own! Papa is off work today so he can spend time with us. Wanna say hi?”
You look at him and his expression is bitter at how he left you two alone. He catches your glance and sees how you just tell him to try.
He walks towards his kid as you watch the stovetop.
Kneeling down, he held the smaller hands in his.
“I…I haven’t been a good father for you my dear fry. I’m so sorry for that. To pay attention to my work more than my own family was a huge mistake. I wish to make it up to you in any way no matter how long it takes. I’ll look at your drawings, play with your toys, cook your favorite thing. I love you so much. I am so, so sorry.” He looks down sadly as he tells him
“Nuh-uh! You’re my daddy. You are my papa! You said sorry and you wanna color with me! I like that. Jadey and Flo took care of me but you’re my favorite! I love you too!” The child grins brightly at him and Azul wells up in tears again, hugging the small child’s frame tightly.
And a whisper came from them
“You kept our promise. I’m happy.” And they rush off to the table once you call for them to wash their hands and eat.
The whispered phrase nudges at him
‘Was it…truly a dream or did we both experience that…?”
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My dumbass kept thinking about how this sounds like The Christmas Carol wayyy too much. Anyways best Christmas movie 10/10, fight me. @demon-lover-669 thank you for the prompt. That was delicious.
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hazelsmirrorball · 9 months
Spiderman’s Biggest Fan |  Jaime Reyes part 3
summary:  Jaime Reyes is the biggest spiderman fan. His girlfriend on the other hand is Spiderman's biggest hater. 
pairings: Jaime Reyes x Spiderman! FemReader 
a/n:  Part 3 baby! Hope you guys are enjoying this little series. There’s going to be one more part. I hope you guys enjoy it. Wrote this in my literature class. 
warning: English isn’t my main language. Angsty and kinda sad. Scenes taken out of No Way Home. Not edited
part one. part two  part four part five.
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Timing was never right when it came to Y/n’s life. Uncle Ben’s death, getting bit by the radioactive spider in the beginning of her relationship, Attempting to protect Palmera as she was surviving her teenage years. She finally wanted to scream to the world, well her world that she was Spiderman. But maybe the odds weren’t in her favor, maybe it was better if he didn’t know she was Spiderman. What he didn’t know couldn’t kill him. It was hard sometimes to understand what was good about being Spiderman. Don’t get her wrong she didn’t hate it but recently she wasn’t the biggest fan. But there was something positive about being Spiderman and keeping it a secret. Everyone was safe. Safe from danger and all the villains Palmera had to offer, but now with Doc Ock outside of her apartment she hesitated on what was actually safe for her family. No one besides the Justice League and Milagro knew her  identity. She had made it her job to be as discreet as possible making it impossible to trace Spiderman to her and her family. Aunt Marisol was the only thing she had left of the family. She couldn’t lose her. Y/n wasn’t going to lose her. 
Y/n snapped back to reality noticing who Jaime held onto both of her hands searching for her gaze to calm her down. Before Milagro could even speak again Y/n got up from the bed taking Jaime by the hand and Milagro by the arm. She led them  both as quickly as possible into their safe room, Marisol made in case any emergency would’ve happened. Ever since Uncle Ben died due to a robbery her aunt had become paranoid with the villains in Palmera city. Spiderman eased Marisol nerves, making her grateful for her doing patrol. Y/n never really thought it was important to have that, but now she was thankful of her Aunt’s paranoia. 
Y/n rushed the Reyes siblings into the room noticing that everyone else was  sitting inside panic filling their faces. As she paced back and forth trying to think what was best for them, Y/n looked towards the door and scanned the room once again, her eyes bumping into Jaime. 
“Get inside Jaime. It’s not safe outside” She responded seriously, not wanting to be questioned right now.  Right wasn’t the time for the family to find out about her secret identity but it also wasn’t the time for Jaime to get all protective. Marisol could be dead right now for all they know. 
“Get inside? Are you insane, Y/n! A literal murderer has your aunt and you want me to go inside, While you are there doing what, talking sense into him? Are you hearing yourself right now? I’m not letting you go. This isn’t a prick from your job. It’s a guy that could kill you just by blinking. ” Jaime replied, taking her by the arm. Y/n glared at him sternly. 
“I’m not asking for your input on my decision, Jaime. Now stay inside. ” Y/n responded using her super strength to push Jaime in the room locking the door behind her.  She could hear Jaime pounding on the door, but it was useless, he wasn’t able to break it down.
“Y/n! Please open the door before you do something stupid. You are going to get yourself hurt!”  Jaime yelled, still banging on the door. Y/n slipped on her suit that was hidden behind one of the bases as she heard Jaime’s bickering. 
“I’ll be back! I can’t let anything happen to Aunt Marisol.”  she said against the door before running towards the kitchen where she could see the broken windows. She slipped her body outside of their apartment searching around in an attempt to see her. 
On the other side of the door, Jaime continued to break the security door but he wasn’t able to do a thing. His family looked around in confusion, noticing how Khaji Da was nowhere to be found. 
“Khaji, I really need you right now.” Jaime replied, resting his forehead on the door stopping his constant banging, noticing the blood dripping from his knuckles. 
Jaime, Y/n is going to be fine. Follow her orders and stay here. 
Jaime felt his body drag against the door as he hid his face in his hands desperate tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. Milagros slowly walked towards him, sitting by his side. 
 “We are safe here, don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen, I bet there’s a superhero on their way soon. Y/n and Marisol will be okay. ” Milagro replied, trying to ease the tension in the dark room. 
“I am the superhero Milly! I can’t wait here if I know that Marisol and Y/n are outside with a maniac.” 
Y/n climbed the tall building as fast as she could, finally reaching the top. She looked around desperately trying to find Doc Oc but  she wasn’t lucky, her view being blocked by smoke coming all around making it quite impossible for her to see. She turned around in her spot trying to discover what was going on as she felt her spider senses tingling. Before she could even process what was going to happen she felt herself being pushed towards the hard ceiling. She looked up to see the familiar pair of eyes looking at her. Y/n tried fighting back but the hold he had on her was strong. He was getting powerful. 
“Look who finally decided to show up. I thought Mister Spiderman has gotten big for Palmera City, I see. Forgot about his little friends in Palmera. I was starting to miss you terribly.” Green Goblin yelled as Y/n attempted to swing a punch but failed miserably.  Goblin laughed as she struggled under his touch. 
“I was taking a break from your bullshit. Might I add that I personally didn’t miss it at all” Y/n muttered moving side to side. Her suit scanned Goblin in an attempt to see how he had gotten so powerful the past two weeks. Her eyes wide as Karen told her the information. 
Target has upgraded his suit and he made more contributions to his DNA. Making him at least eighty percent stronger than before. I believe you should request for backup. 
Y/n rolled her eyes as she muttered a no towards Karen, noticing how she had Batman and Blue Beetle on speed dial. 
“What a pity. I wished we got a visit from the bat, to make things a little bit more interesting than having you around. It’s too easy to win a fight and now thanks to my new upgrades you can’t even fight back. What a shame. I think that your Justice league card should be revoked. They have you fighting the Joker when you aren’t even capable of getting out of my grip. Has Metropolis rubbed on you?” Green Goblin yelled at Y/n as she moved her body attempting to get out of his touch. 
“Whatever this is. You don’t have to involve that citizen. This is between the two of us.” Y/n's voice changed as the artificial intelligence from her suit made her voice sound more “masculine”. 
“Oh you mean your little aunty? Let me tell you she isn’t just a normal citizen. She is attached to you so that means it is a perfect way to get to you and might I add you are good at covering your identity couldn’t find anything aside the fact that she was your aunt. Marisol is a beaut don’t you think? What a shame she has to die. Maybe I could’ve been your new uncle Ben.” And with those words slipping out of Goblins mouth Y/n shoot her spider webs hitting a pipe in front of her while flipping the bodies making her have a hold on the villain in front of her.
 As she slammed through a few floors she could hear Green Goblin laughing as she went down floor by floor. Her anger took over, not even feeling the bricks scrapping her body. Y/n stopped looking down at the man  as she  heard her aunt yelling spiderman. She quickly looked up, noticing that Doc oc was near but Aunt Marisol was nowhere to be found. They were messing with her and it was working. 
Before she could shoot her webs to go to the other villain, Green Goblin took her by the waist throwing her against the crystal door smashing them. Y/n ran as fast trying to avoid another hit or even more damage to her neighbors apartment.  As she caught her breath, Green Goblin clapped slowly taunting her. As he stood a few steps away from her, he laughed looking at her directly. 
“Strong enough to have it all, L/n?” He asked and before he could make the next move. Y/n shoot her webs taking a piece of the door that flew off and slamming it into him. Before It could even hit him, Green Goblin broke it.
“Or too weak to take it” He continued as  Y/n got up trying to swing a punch but Green Goblin quickly caught it, throwing her to the other side of the long hallway. Y/n could feel her body start to weaken as she heard her name come out of his mouth. Green Goblin smashes Y/n  through a window but Y/n quickly  fires webs and pulls herself  back inside only to be flung  through another window, out onto the balcony. Green Goblin pounces onto Y/n. As she lets out a whimper in pain trying to hit him with hands falling miserably she webs the balcony above to flip himself on top of Green Goblin smashing him down to the balcony below. 
“Oh no you don’t!” Y/n tries to web herself away from him. Goblin grabs Y/n’s leg and throws her through a window. 
She limped towards him as she felt her mask breaking. Leaving part of her face visible. Green Goblin smirks at her excitedly as he sees her features
“Always thought you were a dude but now your shitty fighting skills make sense” He responded laughing as his laugh echoed through her ears. She ran towards him pushing him against all the floors of the apartment complex. When they reached the first floor, Y/n took her mask off, taking the man by his suit as she spit her blood on him. 
“I want you to see how well a girl beats your ass”   She responded slamming him against the floor. As every hit got stronger, he laughed harder, messing with her head. 
‘Did you forget who’s in control here? Kill me and your little miss aunt Marisol is dead. What’s it going to be, Y/n. ” He replied, smirking at her. Y/n slowly turned around hearing footsteps behind her. She felt her eyes shut in pain as she noticed Marisol’s body from afar. 
“Go! Please Marisol, run! Marisol please save yourself” As she hears her getting closer. Goblin gripped on her neck laughing maniacally. 
“Your weakness, L/n , is morality. It’s choking you! Can’t you feel it?”  Green Goblin gripped harder as she struggled to breath. 
“Marisol…Please go” Y/n replied, barely audible as she  noticed Green Goblins familiar booms coming towards her at full speed. Marisol, noticing her niece's face, froze dead in her tracks not believing what seeing but didn't notice the bomb that was coming at full speed towards her. Y/n let go of the green goblins body  running as fast as she could towards Marisol but before she could get a step closer her body flew towards the wall as the bomb exploded. 
“L/n,L/n , L/n. No good deed goes unpunished. You can thank me later” Green Goblin said as he left. Y/n tried to move her body as pain overtook her body. Pushing past the pieces of concrete Y/n slipped her body out of the blocks lipping towards Marisol. With all of  her strength she pushed the concrete off Marisol's body trying to see what conditions she was in. Y/n leaned in trying to clean the blood off her face as she noticed the small smile on her lips.  May tries to  get up slowly covered in dust, Y/n slowly caresses her face trying to get the dust out. Y/n clutched her side in pain 
“Marisol, Marisol, I’m here”  Y/n replied while sending her a pained smile. Marisol got up and pulled her into a tight hug. Y/n could feel her tears welding up. Marisol opens her mouth to talk but before a world could come out her body  slowly gave up stumbling back. Y/n quickly catches holding her body close as Marisol mumbles incoherent things as Y/n searches her eyes worriedly. 
“Marisol..it’s okay. We are okay, right? You are okay”’ Y/n replied her breathing changing drastically making her feel a wave of anxiety.
“Yeah, got knocked on my ass” Marisol replied softly letting out a light chuckle. Y/n gave her a side smile as she brushed Marisol hair out of her face.  
“Yeah, me too.” 
“That’s all,” May replied softly, dozing off a little bit. Y/n moved her softly trying to keep her awake.
“I think I broke my ribs” Y/n said trying to gain her attention. Marisol's eyes flutter open watching her wounded side. Y/n clutches to her side wincing as Marisol looks around taking in all the destruction around them. 
“I can’t believe that our nosy neighbors haven’t shown up by now. Haven’t they noticed that they don’t have an apartment anymore” Marisol responded, trying to lighten the mood. Y/n looked around noticing the mess she had made. She scrunched up her face in disgust and disappointed in herself. 
“This is all my fault, Marisol. I never wanted to get you in danger, that’s why I never told you. I wanted to keep you safe and I couldn’t even do that'' Y/n replied, warm tears falling onto her cheeks. Marisol shook her head holding her hand for comfort. 
“This isn’t your fault, Y/n. You are a hero! You did the right thing. That’s amazing.Now it makes so much sense the fact that you “outgrew” your asthma ” She said grinning. Y/n let out a teary laugh as she shook her head. Marisol was at the verge of death and she still managed to make jokes. 
“Still, Marisol. It’s not my responsibility, I should be like a normal adult working studying, not risking my family's life!” She exclaimed  as she squeezed Marisol's hand. 
“No, no, no, Y/n. You listen to me, You have a gift. You have power, and with great power, there must also come great responsibility.” Marisol replied seriously as Y/n nodded slowly, understanding her words. 
“Yeah, I know,” She said softly as she watched Marisol get up slowly. 
“Let’s get the hell out of here. We need to check on the  Reyes” Marisol said as she got up slowly. As Marisol got up she noticed the blood on her hands, she felt her body falling to the ground. Y/n quickly leans over her inspecting her body. 
“What happened? Are you okay” Y/n replied, inspecting her body all over. She knew something bad was going to happen. 
“I’m okay” Marisol replied softly trying not to worry, Y/n. Marisol closed her eyes for a few minutes before fluttering them open to look at her niece. 
“Yeah, you’re okay. What happened, Aunt Marisol?” Y/n replied  as she slowly inspected her, not wanting her to panic. 
“Just have to catch.. Just need to… catch my breath.”  Marisol replied, taking deep breaths. As she closed her eyes. 
“Okay, well catch your breath. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. We are going to take our time, you catch your breath, and then we’ll take you to a doctor okay” Y/n said as her eyes dropped noticing Marisol's side. She slowly touches it, noticing her hands covered in blood making her heart stop
“Are you okay, mi niña?” Marisol replied softly, rubbing her cheek. Y/n starts yelling loudly for help desperately. 
“Somebody help!  I need an ambulance, please! Someone help me. Please” She replied resting her hand on top of mays looking around for help. 
“What happened?” Marisol replied, already losing consciousness of what was happening. Y/n looked at her with teary eyes.She quickly rubs her tears away and looks at her. 
“Nothing happened. You’re okay..You're okay aunt Marisol” Y/n replied trying to  convince Marisol and herself. 
“I just need to catch my breath. I need a minute” May said as she closed her eyes this time longer than the last. Y/n watched quietly not wanting to let her go. 
“I’m right here. I’m right here, Aunt Marisol…We are okay, it’s just you and me.It’s always been you and me” She whispered, holding onto her hand. Y/n how Marisol smiled softly but her face fell when she noticed her hand let go of her cheek. 
“Marisol? Marisol? Will you look at me? Marisol. Please Marisol…Marisol, please wake up and talk to me! Please” Y/n said as she shook her softly every word becoming louder than the next. Her cries became sobs as she tried to get Marisol pulse. Y/n broke down falling on top of her crying into her chest. She could hear from a few blocks away the sirens coming their way. Before she could even have another minute to mourn she heard Karen speak. 
Miss L/n, I know this is hard but it’s time to go. They can’t catch you here, I already called for backup. 
Y/n let out a sigh as she cleaned her tears turning her back on Marisol not wanting to cry here, it wasn’t the time. Right now she wasn’t Y/n she was Spiderman and Spider had always agreed with the police that “he’ would leave before they got there and this sadly couldn’t be the exception. She felt herself push her body to move to  swing her body building to building. 
With great power comes great responsibility,even leaving loved ones behind. 
part 3
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thatztyv · 7 months
Since Been
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- Kordei and Oakley high school days
Word Count:
- 1.8k
Kᴏʀᴅᴇɪ Cᴏʀsᴏ
(core-dee-uh core-so)
"Girl if you don't stop looking at that boy", Remi said hitting my leg and making us all laugh.
"KC you still staring at that white boy?", Liyah asked after taking a sip from her water.
"First off he ain't no regular white boy", I said rolling my eyes.
"He's a white boy with an accent", Kass said sarcastically.
"I don't care what y'all say. That boy is fine", I said while opening my juice box.
"I always knew you liked white boys", Remi said while eating her tangerines.
"It's something about them", I said making Liyah laugh.
"Something like what?", she asked.
"I don't know but they make my lil cooter jump", I said almost making Remi scream.
People started looking at us.
"Y'all need to stop being loud", I whispered.
"You one to talk about somebody being loud. Don't act like you wasn't just screaming west side in the hallway as if you Tupac or somebody", Liyah said.
"Alright everyone. Today is the day that we've all anticipated for in this class-", Ms. Walker started.
"Graduation today?", someone asked.
"Mane I wish BK", someone else chuckled.
"Well it's not graduation night", Ms. Walker chuckled. "Today we start the baby project. I have already picked partners for everyone. So when I call your name please come to the front."
After forever she finally called my name.
"Kordei Corso and... Oakley Caesar-Su", she said.
I walked up to her desk, along with Oakley.
"Baby name ?", she asked.
I looked at Oakley and he shrugged his shoulders.
"Tiana?", I asked.
"That's fine."
"First T name today", she said as she wrote it down beside our names on a piece of paper. "Take care of her."
She handed me the baby and gave Oakley the baby bag.
"Oh shit", I said when it started moving in my arms.
Ms.Walker arched a brow at me.
"My bad Ms.Walker", I chuckled.
"Okay now that everyone one has a baby", Ms.Walker started as me and Oakley walked to our seats. "You're all free to be single, divorced, or married parents. As long as the baby is cared for and healthy when it's time to turn them in then hey. See you all tomorrow!"
The dismissal bell rung and everyone jumped up, rushing out the class.
(It's the next day and they're in the library by the way)
"Who did your hair KC?", Liyah said as she ran her fingers through my hair.
"I did and girl you know better than anyone not to just run your fingers through my hair", I said playfully rolling my eyes.
"Wait Kordei?!", Kass gasped pulling on my jacket collar. "What the hell is this on your neck?"
She pushed my hair behind my shoulder. I just suppressed a smile as I rocked Tiana side to side.
"Girl who been sucking on your neck?", Remi asked.
"Y'all gone make me drop my baby", I chuckled.
"Fuck that baby", Remi said reaching over the table and trying to slap her out of my arms. "Stop beating round the bush bitch."
"Tell us his name and give us the details", Liyah said.
"Well..", I sighed before Oakley approached our table.
"Hey KC, you think I can get Tiana? I'm going to Mr. B's class, and he said he'd give us extra credit if we were taking care of the babies", he said, unaware that Remi, Liyah, and Kass were staring him down.
"Sure", I said with a smile and stood up.
I gently handed her to him.
"Please don't drop her. She will literally scream and won't stop unless Ms. Walker deactivates it", I said reaching down and grabbing the pink baby bag off the floor.
"I won't", he chuckled while I put the bag over his shoulder.
"See you in sixth period", he said but more so asked.
"Yeah, take care of her", I said and squinted my eyes at him.
"Don't worry I will", he chuckled before walking off.
I sat back down and all three of them were staring at me.
"What?", I laughed.
"Was that white boy sucking on yo neck?", Remi asked before crossing her arms.
"Since y'all wanna know so bad", I said and playfully rolled my eyes. "Yes, Oakley was the one who gave me the hickeys."
"Oh my lawd", Kass said falling out of her seat.
"Jesus help us", Liyah said throwing her arms in the air.
"I would rather- I would rather go blind boy", Remi sang while shaking her head.
I laughed at them and rolled my eyes. "Y'all do the most."
"Did you enjoy it?", Kass asked sitting up.
"Yes ma'am I did", I said and nodded my head.
"Oh my lawd", she said again, throwing her arms up and laying back on the floor.
"I hate y'all", I chuckled after they calmed down and Kass got back in her seat.
"So how it all happen?", Remi asked.
"I was just over at his house so we could take care of the baby together...."
"Oakley I need a bottle!", I said as I rocked her side to side as she cried.
"I'm trying, I'm trying", he said and accidentally dropped the top on the floor. "Shit."
"You can't just pull a titty out and let her suck it", he joked as he picked the top up and rinsed it off.
"One, she's not an actual baby and two, ain't no milk in these titties."
He chuckled as he finally walked over to me with the fixed bottle.
I put the teat in her mouth and she immediately started drinking it.
"God knows I wouldn't be able to handle a real baby", I sighed.
Oakley chuckled as he went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.
"You spending the night?", he asked drinking his water and leaning against the counter.
I looked up at him and saw he had a smirk on his face.
"Your brothers home? I haven't seen them in a while?", I asked changing the topic.
He chuckled before answering. "Nah, my mom took them to visit our Nana for the week."
"Got the house to yourself for a week? No wonder you asked me over."
"I asked you over so we could take care of Tiana together."
"Mmm", I hummed.
She finished her bottle and I set it on the counter before I started to burp her.
I absentmindedly started humming 'hush little baby' while walking around the kitchen.
"Good girl", I said after she made a burping noise.
"How's your music going?", I asked after handing Tiana over to him.
"It's going great actually", he hummed. "I think it's time for her nap."
We walked upstairs to his room. He laid Tiana down in the middle of his bed.
He sat down in the chair by his desk before I sat on his lap.
He put his hand on my waist, caressing it lightly and locked eyes with me.
"You never answered my question", he started before I put my head in the crook of his neck.
"Fuck", he groaned as I lightly bit his neck.
I brought my head back up and pulled him into a deep kiss.
He slipped his tongue in my mouth making me moan.
"Why you been acting different around me?", he mumbled against my lips after pulling back.
"You be acting like I'm not there", I said making him smack his teeth. "I'd be wrong if I ghosted you though."
"Don't do that....Spend the night KC", he said before pecking my lips.
He kissed along my jaw and down to my neck.
"Mmm", I hummed as he sucked on my sweet spot, making me bite my lip.
I wrapped my arm around him and leaned into him.
"Girl you really let him do that?", Remi asked cutting me off.
"Y'all should see his neck. You'd think I was beating on him. That's why he had his hoodie over his head."
"Bitch", Kass said. "I can't believe you."
"KC did y'all? You know", Liyah said and motioned with her fingers.
"Oh nah", I said making them let out a breath of relief. "We ain't tryna make a real baby."
"Wait I just realized something.. you done been to his house before and ain't tell us?", Liyah said and hit my arm.
"It slipped my mind", I said making them smack their teeth.
"You stare at this boy everyday at lunch but it slip yo mind that you been done spent the night at his house", Remi said. "Woooow."
"So today we're not going to be doing anything school work-wise. I'm just going to let you all focus on taking care of your little bundles of joy", Ms. Walker said after everyone sat down.
"You a real one Ms. Walker. Cause I don't think I could handle any more school work today", someone said making all of us agree.
I got up and moved to the back of the class, Oakley joining me soon after.
"This is getting too real. She pooped her diaper three times in Mr. B's class", Oakley chuckled as he sat next to me.
"She threw up on me this morning."
My phone started vibrating in my pocket.
Y'all bet not be back there kissing 😐
I'll come in there and drag that white boy out of that room by his ear 👂🏻🤏🏾
I got my eye on him 🥷🏿
Bet not be no more hickeys on yo neck
Kordei 🩷
Where the hell y'all at?
Look at the door 🙂
I looked up and saw them looking dead at us.
Remi did a head-cutting motion then pointed at Oakley.
"Those your friends?", Oakley asked.
"Unfortunately", I sighed.
"Should I be worried?"
"No....Anyways", I said redirecting my attention to Oakley, ignoring them still standing at the door.
"You coming back to my house tonight?", he asked.
I squinted my eyes at him.
"You know so we both can take care of the baby. We want her to grow up with both of her parents", he said making me chuckle.
"If you just want me to spend the night again just say that."
"Spend the night", he said.
"You asking or telling me?"
"Kordei just spend the night again", he sighed.
"Ok", I chuckled. "Imma swing by my house and grab some clothes before coming over."
"Seven years?! Time flies", I chuckled as I walked over to Oakley. "But one thing about it..."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist.
"You get finer everyday", I said before pecking his lips.
"You still kissing up on that white boy I see", Remi said as she walked in with Liyah and Kass.
"We be doing more than kissing now", I said, receiving a chuckle from Oakley.
"Just nasty", Kass said shaking her head.
"You know it", I said and winked at her.
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