#so it wasnt the most enjoyable experience
One thing that really annoys me about science in school is that it really didn't go very deep with describing ecosystems
Kansas is home to the largest stretch of tall grass Prairie in the world. I live in Kansas. Did they teach us that??? No. Did they teach us why tall grass prairies are important??? No. Did they teach us about all the different types of plants and animals that exist in tall grass prairies??? NO.
And the things they did teach us, they only ever went over in early elementary school. So even if they DID, no one could actually remember it anyway. And its not like anyone ever said "hey if youre interested in this these are the types of classes you should take in highschool" so it may have been talked about in science in highschool but if you didn't know that you should take those classes then they're not much help.
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ducktracy · 1 month
reminder that if you're not watching Crayon Shin-chan then you are living a hollow and empty life. this is not edited. this ripped straight from the movie (Movie 8: Jungle That Invites the Storm, highly recommend for fellow Masaaki Yuasa lovers)
if you need further convincing: these monkeys run an animation sweatshop
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#i've made this disclaimer on another post but will again since i've seen a lot more of the movies now#the movies are VERY good and very enjoyable but unfortunately the first handful are bogged down by transphobic/homophobic/okama stereotypes#they kind of vary in their severity. Movie 5 i think is the biggest catalyst because it features the stereotyped characters the most#prominently. Movie 3 doesnt really have caricatures per se but saves a very backhanded reveal for the end#Movies 1 and 4 are a bit more tolerable if my memory is correct. Movie 2 i think is kind of comparable to Movie 5 with its caricatures#in that the characters have similar roles in both movies#i admittedly can't remember what caricatures there were in Movie 6 or 7. 7 i think barely had anything#RAMBLE RAMBLE BASICALLY: these jokes are within the first 7 movies or so 5 being the zenith then reducing down and down. by movie 8 it's sa#e#i give these disclaimers because these movies are all very enjoyable and i would not recommend them if i didnt think there wasnt any merit#o them. they are all very much worth watching. Movie 5 still has a lot of very enjoyable stuff in it (there's a showdown in a supermarket!!#but i just want to make sure that is clear and established since transparency is good to have and i dont want anyone's viewing experience t#be ruined because they weren't given the proper warning#if it's any consolation it's my understanding that even the directors hated doing the jokes#iirc Keiichi Hara really didn't like doing the jokes and i think had a talk with the mangaka Yoshito Usui and was like 'uh dude this is#gonna age horribly can we maybe not'#ironically Hara's first film is Movie 5. which is again the biggest offender#BUT! that is my spiel. my understanding is that it's contained to those 6 or 7 first movies and i think is strictly just a movie thing#so please do give these films a watch but just be mindful at the same time#if anyone needs recommendations my favorites have been movies 4 and 9 but i genuinely really enjoyed every one that i have seen#i've seen the first 11 and a half movies (need to finish 12) and movie 22. the worst i've felt about one is 'oh that was pretty good!'#each film has its own merit and is very very very much worth watching#22 was the first Shin-chan anything i watched and all my Shin-chan expert friends say 4 is a good introductory piece#in case that influences anything/makes it easier to break in#so. thus concludes my spiel#csc#vid
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martyrbat · 1 year
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world's finest (1990) #1
[ID: two in-universe drawings from two different orphan children talking about their heros. The first one is by Ann Gray, who's eight years old. She drew a surprisingly decent photo of Batman in front of a yellow background and wrote, ‘My hero — Batman. He is strong and fierce and he can beat anyone. He is very tall. He wears a cool suit with a bat on. He is not afrade of bullits and he saved my life (true). No one nows his reel name or address. the biggist crinminel in all the world could not make him sorender. Batman keeps gothum city safe for everyone and pets.’
The second drawing is by Zachary Sikes who's 12 and a half years old. He drew a photo of Superman using his heat vision as he flies. He wrote, ‘My Hero — Superman. My hero is Superman. He is able to fly and I have seen him lift up a car (with 2 peeple in it). If you hit him in the face then he will just laff. Every one likes him and he saved my life once. The big S on his shirt is for his name (Superman). He lives in Metroplis (where I used to life also). He keeps everything there in law and order.’ END ID]
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newfeeling77 · 7 months
i wish i wasn’t capable of physically feeling the presence of someone in a building even when i can’t see them. i know i sound insane but theres like 4-5 people i have a psychic connection with whether i like it or not. im sitting in a cafeteria with like 100 ppl n im by a hallway that leads to a door on the side of the building n someone will go in or out every 5 minutes or so n you know bc its a loud squeaky door. n like the 7th time i heard it open the guy i had planted myself here specifically to say hi to i had the impression it was him before he even like emerged from the enclosed area. and it was of course. its almost annoying i dont want to be so aware
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👁️👁️ do you still play tf2?
👁👁 a little! i don't play much of Live TF2 these days, only because my computer would rather explode than allow me to run it at a good enough framerate, though there's a few settings ive only experimented with recently on other source games.
i deeply love tf2 as what it is still more or less, it's mostly my laptop that's always been a problem is all :(
#ask#anon#and it wasnt always that way! i use to have a REALLY good laptop (granted it was a generic dell laptop of some kind)#but it burned out back in 2017 and i couldnt fix it <- knows nothing about fixing laptops and shouldnt have attempted it himself#i miss that laptop dearly you have no idea.......#i could run so much stuff on that badboy.....#anyway because of my laptop (and internet) i dont play a lot of games as of late#last few games ive played are Runescape. Crash Team Racing. and a sourcemod name of Pre Fortress 2.#ive been playing that last one on and off because i have a lot of fun playing a somewhat beta recreation of TF2#but i have to warn you that if you want to play it. turn off voice chat and text chat. theres only usually one populated server#and most of the people ive had to play with there fucking suck nuts and bolts#if it weren't for that id reccomend it more or less.#i get a lot of enjoyment out of the gameplay changes they make. from the grenades. the armour system. and some changes to weapons#if you play PF2 on players muted and with sprays disabled? id say its a fun experience#all classes are a little more mobile due to all having grenades. heavy less so but yeah#you can definitely tell how much grenades distupts the core of TF2s gameplay. but i like the option of having both games#theres no loadouts in PF2 though. youre restricted to the beta loadouts of each class.#and its not necessarily a ''Pure Beta Recreation'' since they have engineer hauling and upgradable buildings#but i dont mind personally. the grenades are a lot of fun to experiment with#dispensers also deal damage when exploding. and ive used that a lot on 2fort while guarding intel#sometimes an enemy rounds a corner and doesnt see it. and im notified on my HUD and i instantly blow them into gibs#fucked up a medic and heavy's uber push because they werent expecting it#exploded the dispenser in front of the heavy so the heavy lost 80% of his health. shot him with one blast and dead#then chased down the medic before he could even really process what happened to be able to uber#its really fun to experiment with dumb shit and see what you can get away with#just the playerbase sucks really. keep VC and text off and sprays disabled and you might have a fun time#youre also a lot tankier due to the armour system so thats kinda neat in a way#anyway thank you for the ask anon :)#id like to play TF2 more if it werent because my laptop
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bogkeep · 1 month
grousing about ai art stuff
every time i open twitter (my mistake) there's a new thread on how to spot ai art or ai photos by finding all the mistakes in it, and like obviously this is useful and it's good to watch out because they kEEP SHOWING UP EVERYWHERE AHHH HELL WORLD HELL WORLD, but it's also a little depressing that we're training ourselves to nitpick all kinds of details within a piece of art.
like even before the artifically generated image boom randos on twitter would reply to fully finished illustrations with the most asinine unsolicited advice possible. art's gonna be flawed sometimes! i'll draw someone in a weird pose because of vibes! i'll wing a hand! i don't fucking know what a house actually looks like!!! like yes of course the way a human artist creates flawed art is different from the way an algorithm doesn't actually know what anything looks like because it has no mind. it doesn't know shit. so it's not that it's UNRELIABLE but it's like. it's like... i've been telling myself and others every time i'm struggling to make something look Just Right that actually nobody i going to be staring as hard at my art as i am while making it. if i don't point it out people aren't likely to notice unless they are going through it with a fine toothed comb BUT NOW WE ARE DOING THAT APPARENTLY. WHICH IS ANYONE'S PEROGATIVE AND FAIR ENOUGH! PEOPLE CAN LOOK AT MY ART HOWEVER THEY WANT IT'S FINE
but it's ALSO so depressing to consider having to analyse every single piece of art you come across like that my goddddddd i just wanna enjoy it!! i wanna enjoy art!!!! i mean the main reason i finally stopped going on twitter regularly was during the NFT boom and i got so tired of having to vet every single artist i came across to make sure i wasnt retweeting nft stuff. like that really ruined my previously enjoyable experience of LOOKING AT NICE ART ON MY FEED WITHOUT PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE.
god another thing that happened during the dark nft times was how certain art styles tended to be nfts. and i don't mean the ugly apes and stuff, like of course there's those, but there were a lot of artists who sold their souls to crypto and there was just a certain Vibe to a lot of those styles. like i got a sixth sense for it, i would see a piece of art by an unknown artists and when i checked - yep, that was a crypto guy now. and you know what!!!! i hated that!!!! i hate that it ruined entire art styles for me!! AND NOW ARTIFICIALLY GENERATED IMAGES ARE DOING THE SAME!!!!! like what tends to tip me off is less because i spotted some wonky hand or a weird flap but because the style is a popular one for the ai bros to imitate. you know what i mean right!!!!!! it's kind of how the ai photos look a bit too clean and crisp and smooth in an unsettling way. it just pings the brain a bit.
ULTIMATELY the absolute main method i have for filtering away ai images isn't so much looking for mistakes, but by checking sources. it's the same way i check that i'm not reblogging from reposting accounts Because That's A Thing I Care About Too - if there's no description or the description seems off and i don't recognise the OP, i check the original post/blog to see what's up. if the image gives me a weird vibe, i check where it comes from and who posted it. oftentimes the comments on posts with ai images will point it out - they're not always accurate and there's definitely been times where people are a little too trigger happy to accuse art of being AI... but it can be a good lead or confirm suspicions. on one hand, i don't want to do detective work while im having chill scrolling time, but on the other hand - i already had this habit for other reasons, so it's less disruptive to me than the alternative. it also helps that it's very rare for ai shit to turn up in my tumblr feed. i don't want to keep looking over my shoulder!!
(also for anyone who wants a little bit of optimism in the middle of all this, here's an episode of Better Offline podcast that outlines how it's very unlikely for generative ai to actually get much better. here's the part two also.)
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jelly-bean-baby · 1 month
I’m also a virgin, and I I was reading your bio. My boyfriend wants me to give him a bj, but I’m nervous. I want to, but not sure what to expect. Would you share details about your first couple of blowjob experiences. How was it? Did you make him cum? How did it taste? What would you do differently? Do the same? Have you done it again? Do you like it? Does it make you wet? How do you cum afterwards?
so uhm i only did one, and it was more of a favor ig? but i will try to answer as many questions as i can :)
the experience was different than i expected. it was, like, actually really hard. like, i knew it was gonna be hard, but it was HARD hard and i didn't expect that. it was trickier to fit something like that in my mouth than i expected, so i had to go slower than i wanted to.
i did still make him cum, so that was good. he held my head in place when he did it. i can't really compare the taste to anything but it wasnt bad. there was kind of a lot though so it was hard to swallow it all, especially with him still in my mouth.
i'm not sure what i'd do differently, but i would like to try again so i can get better at it. it was more enjoyable than i thought it would be considering he wasn't trying to make me feel good. it did make me wet though, so i kinda wish he had haha but that's alright!
uhm, i dunno how to answer the last question because i didn't cum haha after he did, we kinda just moved on from it? not so abruptly, but you know. not that i REALLY minded of course, i think most people know now how much i love edging.
but um yeah! ig that's the whole thing. i recommend it, but it's hard to know what you're really getting into before you actually do it, so yeah. idk how to end this now lol
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WARNING: 18+ minors dni, murder, stalking, creepy, kidnapping, 
i put my moonlightussy into this 
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“ i dont want to go to U.A anymore” you said shuffling your food around your plate with a fork. “What? You love U.A” your mom said in shock. “And stop playing with your food. I worked hard to make this meal and also worked hard to get you into U.A” 
You looked up at the clock on the wall only to see that it was only 6:30 p.m. The day seriously just wasn’t ending quick enough. More silence filled the air, other than the sound of your mothers fork scraping the plate as she ate. So many emotions went through you as you remembered your experience at school today and the experiences everyday since you found out that three of your teachers are bound to you. 
You rolled your eyes and slowly pushed your plate away. “It’s not enjoyable anymore mom. They prohibit me most of the time from hero training, and give me unnecessary detention. They are narcissistic, obsessive, possessive-” “STOP THAT” your mom cut in. “that is certainly not true. Your grades are amazing and you are getting detention because you are skipping classes!” 
You stood up and walked away from the table. “That was one time!” she finished her last bit of food before collecting both of the plates and heading towards the kitchen to put them in the sink. “It doesnt matter y/n. You should continue to be in U.A. I am not taking you out. END OF STORY!” 
You rolled your eyes and huffed, stomping away and going to your room. You flopped on the bed and looked at your phone only to see almost 50 messages from the trio. You threw your phone as hard as you could and watched it bounce off the wall and bust into pieces. Closing your eyes and rolling over, you went to sleep. 
You groggily wiped your eyes and yawned. You slammed your hand on the stop button of the alarm next to your bed and you reached over to grab your phone only not to see where it would usually be in the mornings. Looking over, you remember what you did to it last night before going to sleep. You got ready for school and left the broken phone on the ground and left the house making sure to avoid your mother. 
Arriving at U.A was depressing. Mostly just pep talking yourself into just accepting that this is your new life. Upon entering the building you happened to run into All might. “Oh! Hey ms. y/n” you looked up at him and shrugged. “You didn't see my messages, is everything ok? You shrugged and began walking away. “My phone broke last night.” All might turned to you and a light bulb lit up in his head. “I could get you a new one.” you rolled your eyes and continued walking. “Im good” He ignored the other students trying to get his attention and jogged up to you. “Please, I'm sure you need a phone and it will be no cost to you.” He feels excited because this is finally his time to provide for you. 
“Whatever.” you said as you waved him off and walked to your homeroom. 
“Shota looked up at you from his laptop as he seen you coming in. “hello there darling.” he frowned on the inside when he wasnt met with any response. “You know i texted you yesterday. The least my baby can do is respond.” you looked up in annoyance while unpacking your things for the day. “My phone broke last night.” shota leaned back in his chair and responded quickly “I can get you a new one baby.” you rolled your eyes. “Dont you need to save up money and provide for your husband?” Shota scoffed playfully at your response. 
 “Sweetheart its fine, i have more than enough money to get you the newest phone that just came out. Besides, it’s my job to provide for you.” 
Hizashi came waltzing in after shota said that and joined the convo while walking towards you and doing playful finger guns. “Whats up my babies?” He kissed you on the temple and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “y/n broke her phone so i opted to get her a new one, she’s declining.” Hizashi looked at you and gasped. “Your phone broke? No wonder you didn't respond to us last night. You should let us get you a new phone babes. It's our job to provide for ya. Ya dig?” 
“All might already offered to get a new phone for me.” the couple visibly frowned. Hizashi looked up at shota and cringed in irritation upon hearing the news. Shota waved a hand at him dismissing his anger as a silent way to tell him to calm down. “Let him get the phone.” 
After class and all the students left, shouta kissed you on the lips and was surprised that you kissed back. shota looked at your form walking away in awe. Hizashi came walking in and seen shota all giddy and smiley. “Whats got you all sunshine and rainbows?” shota looked at his husband and smiled. “She kissed me back.” hizashi looked shocked and nodded. “Thats great babe.” 
Shota smiled to himself and spoke. “Look zashi, i know you dont like toshinori right now and it’s understandable. But just let him try, ok?” hizashi nodded and understood. After saying that toshinori came in looking for y/n. “Hey what’s up?” hizashi said trying not to sound awkward. “Nothing much just looking for y/n, i got her a new phone.” shota looked shocked. “That quick?” toshinori shrugged. “Yeah i guess. I dont have a tight schedule today and i won’t be busy until 3pm, so i have a lot of free time.” shota looked at the phone toshi was holding. “Let me see.” toshi handed it over. It was the newest phone model that came out this year. “Let me make some changes to it first before we give it to her.” shota said walking towards his desk with it. 
“Like what?” toshinori asked. “Just some spyware and secret controls so we can see what she’s doing and who she’s talking to. You know. For safety.” Toshinori nodded and agreed. “Good idea.” shota took out the phone and turned it one and started setting it up. “Dont worry, i’ll give it to her at the end of the day, knowing that you have a tight schedule and all towards dismissal.” toshinori smiled. “Ok thank you so much” and walked away. 
The bell rang loudly for dismissal and all of the kids got up and shuffled out, like they’ve never seen daylight before. Finally school is over for the day. you sighed in relief. You have spent all day low-key dodging the soulmates. After packing your things and getting up you raced out of the class and blended in with the crowd, Only poking your head up above the sea of kids to see if one of your soulmates (old enough to be your father) were around. 
You were walking like a speed demon and spent too long staring back above the crowd to notice anyone in front of you. Turning your head to finally face forward, only to yelp in surprise when you face plant into a chest that feels like a sturdy brick wall. You slowly pulled your head away from the chest. The more you pulled back the more of the color black you saw. Immediately knowing who it was and sighed in irritation. 
“L/N” you looked up to see Shota Aizawa. His raven hair floating in the air and his eyes a bright crimson red. Irritation painted all over his face. He grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the crowd and aside into his classroom. Closing the door and locking it in the process. 
“I called you over a million times.” he said, turning to face you. He couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach. He’s so in love with you. 
You noticed him masking his nervousness with irritation. He approached you with a new phone and handed it to you. You looked down in surprise and cautiously grabbed the box. 
 “I told you all might would give me one.” Shota let out a sigh. “ call him toshinori outside of class and he did, I'm just handing it to you because he has a tight schedule.” You opened the box and took a look at the phone. “It's already set up?” Shota was heading towards his desk to sit down. “Yep, your welcome.” he mumbled while shuffling papers around his desk. “thanks i guess.”  you said shyly while putting it in your backpack. You wanted nothing more than to get away. 
As you were heading towards the door, shota spoke up. “Hey, why dont you help me grade papers?” you didnt turn to look at him as you spoke. “I have loads of homework to do, sorry” he stood up and walked to the side of his desk and pulled out a chair that belonged to your desk. You fucking hated that he moved your desk so close to him that its literally on the side of his desk. “You can do it here, i’ll even help you, sweety” you huffed in defeat and headed to sit down. He smiled and kissed your temple as you sat down. 
You played with your thumbs as you watched him sit down and start grading papers and type away at his computer. He looked down at you. “Well are you gonna get started?” you snapped out of it and got out your homework and started on it. After an hour, hizashi came knocking on the door and shota got up and walked towards the door unlocking it. You heard them speaking quietly to each other as you did your homework. You were paying close attention to your homework and trying not to look away, only to notice a tall figure wearing tight black leather pants, jacket, and boots come into view and coming closer. The sound of chains clanking on his suit every time he took a step. 
You flinched when the sound of a chair being pulled across the floor happened suddenly. The screeching sound only gets closer. In your peripheral vision you see hizashi pull up a chair and sit next to you. He’s sitting so close to you, its almost like your both sitting in the same chair. He leans over and you watch as green orbs peer through his glasses as he looks at what you're working on. The smell of his cologne is strong and intoxicating. You hate him, but fuck he smelled good. Little did you know, he wore it just for you. He ditched the original scent that he normally wore when he met you and started looking into the more expensive stuff, to really get you going. You hate to admit that it fucking works. You were too zoned out to realize that shota and zashi were speaking to you. You couldn’t help but drop your head down and sniff him. 
“This is some stuff that i can help you with, songbird, that Letter should go there and this letter should go he-woah” zashi froze as you buried your face in his neck and took long inhales while gripping his bicep. Shota and hizashi locked eyes. Hizashi’s face was full of confusion and excitement. Same for shota. You wrapped your arms around Hizashi and buried your face further into his neck. The feeling of his warm skin calmed your every nerves. But this makes no sense. You shouldn’t like him. Hizashi realized that you were trying to bring him closer, so he picked you up out of his chair and held you in his chair. 
Shota smiled as you clung to his husband like a koala. It’s amazing that he took off his speaker and let his hair down. His long blond hair falling over his shoulders. He looked fine as fuck with his hair down. His gloved hands rubbed your back soothingly. You didn’t realize that you started crying. He held your head and rubbed your back. “Shhh, its ok songbird, its ok” 
The war inside your head was loud. Both sides clashed. ‘I love him, I HATE HIM’ 
You started beating his chest and he grabbed your wrist and held you tighter. 
After you calmed down he held you for awhile more. “We should head out, yeah?” Aizawa said softly while organizing his papers and getting his things together. His husband nodded while grabbing your things and putting them in your bag while his other hand held you. You got up off of his lap and avoided eye contact and grabbed your things. “We’ll take you home sweetheart” aizawa insisted while he grabbed your hand. They both held your hands and walked through the halls of U.A. they were free to do that now, since no one was here to see it. 
‘I wanna leave, i wanna leave’ 
Walking past the windows, you noticed that the sun was setting. Your mother must be worried sick. Exiting the building hizashi got a call and he slung his bag over his shoulder like a purse and used his now free hand to answer the call. You could hear your mothers voice on the other end. “Oh! Shes with me ma’am. She stayed after class for tutoring, I'm dropping her off at home.” you could hear the sound of relief in your mothers voice. And her thanking god. He said his good bye’s and ended the call. 
Once you all approached the vehicle they let go of your hands. Shota went to the drivers seat and hizashi opened the backset door for you and guided you in. He grabbed shota’s and his bags and put them beside you in the backseat and closed the door. The outside of the car was a nice gray and the seats were soft. Shota started the car and the car started moving. You couldn’t help but look at shota’s forearms as he rolled up his hero suit sleeves and gripped the steering wheel. The muscles of his forearms were hypnotizing. You jumped in surprised when you seen his eyes on you in the rearview mirror. You didn't notice him smirk as he turned his attention back to the road. You looked over at the black bags that they take to work with them and noticed a phone sticking out of Shota’s bag lighting up. You got nosy and looked over to see that his phone was unlocked and open. He must have forgotten to shut it off. There was an app open and there was a nice, huge, and charming house on the screen, But it seemed to be far from the city. 
They must be looking to move. WONDERFUL. 
“Sweetheart, you being nosy?” You froze and looked up only to see Shota looking at you from the rearview. “N-no.” He smirked. “We’re going to move” he said with a touch of excitement and nervousness in his voice as he stared ahead, only to peak at you every once in awhile to study your expression. Before he could continue, hizashi added in. “It's gonna be great! A nice, huge, breathtaking house, away from the loud city! You're gonna love it!” He yelled in excitement while waving his hands around. He froze when his husband glared at him. Uh oh, the cats out of the bag. “What do you mean I’m going to like it?” 
Shota sighed and just told you the truth, might as well. No one would believe you if you said anything anyways. ”Toshinori, zashi, and I are getting married and moving out to a nice house away from the city with you, and eventually adding you to the marriage as well.” You zoned out with panic. The seatbelt felt tighter than usual. You let down the window for air, but it wasn't helping. The car ride seemed longer.  “Its ok songbird” hizashi reached a reassuring hand back to rest on your leg. “Sho maybe we should stop to let her get some air.” 
“We’re almost there zashi.” Once they stopped at your address, You raced out of the car and into your house. They didnt even get to say goodbye first. You raced up to your room, completely dodging your mom, and used your new phone to call izuku and freak out. Little did you know that the two men got out of the car and were invited in by your mother. Izuku picked up your call worried and you vented to him. He was just as worried as you. Mid freak out, you heard talking inside your house. You set the phone down and left your room to peek into the living room, only to find hizashi and shota sitting at the dining room table, talking to your mother as she made them tea.
Your heart jumped to your throat and you tried to sneak back to your room. “y/n?” shouta called out. “ I have to go to the bathroom!” you called racing back to your bedroom before they can call you to come hang out.
“Hello? Hello? y/n?“ the faint voice of Izuku called out on the other end of the phone from across the room where you left it.  You picked up the phone “You have to get me out of here.” 
“y/n? y/n?” your mother knocked on your door after checking the bathroom. She rattled the doorknob only to see that it was locked. After another 5 minutes of trying to talk to you, she went and got a spare key to open your door. She opened the door and saw that you weren't there. “Y/N??” your stuff was gone and your window was wide open. “Everything alright?” Shouta asked peeking his head in your room, only to see that you were gone. He put the pieces together and noticed that you ran away. “Why would she run away?” your mother was freaking out in tears and picking up her phone to call everyone she knows to make sure they keep an eye out. “Ma’am im sure she’ll return…maybe she went for a walk?” hizashi added in unsure. 
“With her stuff?” shouta glared at his husband. “It’s not safe out there!” your mother said in pure panic. “We’ll go look for her ma’am” hizashi said in reassurance. 
Izuku and you were racing down the interstate. Your in the passenger seat freaking out and trying to breathe. “It’s ok, just breathe.” izuku said rolling down your window a smidge. He’s the only one that believes you. This feels like a movie. You and a boy packing your things and running away together. You cant say that you never noticed that Izuku had feelings for you. He looked at you with a face of reassurance and smiled at you. Your heart warmed. Finally arriving at the airport you both grabbed your stuff from out of the car and went in. Thank god izuku had an app that allowed him to book flights quickly. Real life saver. 
You both boarded the plane quickly. The trip was so anxiety-inducing. When you both arrived there, Izuku booked you both a hotel room. You unlocked the door and threw yourself onto the bed and screamed into a pillow. “Hey, hey its alright.” Izuku rubbed your back. “Your safe now.” You took some deep breathes and looked out of the window and noticed that it was dark out. “What time is it?” You questioned izuku. He looked at his phone and answered. “9:37 pm” 
You thought about your mother and started panicking. “It’s ok, we’re here now.” he reassured you. You nodded in agreement and laid down and tried to get some rest. Izuku turned off the lights and watched some television. Turning to your side you could see the light of the tv on the walls. There was only one bed, so He was on the other side of you. After closing your eyes and breathing to calm your nerves, you finally went to sleep. 
Little did you know that shota and Hizashi knew exactly where you were. 
“Hey, time to wake up.” Izuku light shook you awake. You sat up and rubbed you eyes. “You hairs a mess.” he giggled. “What time is it?” he looked at his phone. “12:46 pm, we slept in pretty good.” you nodded. “Im going to head downstairs to get us some coffee’s, ok?” you nodded and he headed out. 
It’s officially been 24 hours and the heroes can finally take your missing persons case. Shota volunteered to take your case and Toshinori was assigned to help him. Perfect. Hizashi stayed behind to purchase the house and get everything set up. They werent ready to purchase the house or get married yet. But you left and they panicked. They cant have you run away like that. You’ll be safe with them. 
While you were gone they got the ball rolling. They took all of their savings and put it towards the marriage and house. Toshinori now sports an engagement ring on his finger. He was just as worried for your safety as the others were.  He thanked the gods that he was assigned to your case. 
Shota and toshinori walked into the office so they can be given instructions on the case. Toshinori was in his all might form and had an intimidating look on his face. Pure anger and worry. But tried his best to mask it with a smile. There was a killer on the loose and hasn’t been caught yet. Those kids are normally kidnapped and found in america. Shota brought that up and made a good point. They agreed and Shota and toshinori were assigned to take the case to america first, which is great because thats exactly where you were. After being given the instructions, they both boarded a private jet that was given to them and headed towards america. Shota and toshinori constantly checking your location. They thanked the gods together that with the jet, they would reach you within a couple of hours.  
You sipped your coffee that izuku gave you and thanked him. After your cup of coffee you sighed. “So what now?” izuku looked at you and shrugged “i dont know, maybe we can go out and explore.” you shook your head, too afraid to go outside. “Nah. I think i wanna stay in here just for today.” he nodded in understanding and turned on the tv and handed you the remote. 
You spent the next 6 minutes looking for a channel but nothing was really peaking your interest. 
You both spent a good couple of hours watching tv, until you got board and looked over to the window to see two men approaching the building. Your heart raced. They look like shota and the skinny toshinori. You closed your eyes and breathed to calm yourself down. 
“It’s not them, it’s not them, i’ts not them.” you whispered to yourself. Izuku looked at you confused. Before he could speak, a knock at the door erupted through the room. They weren’t nice knocks, very impatient, angry knocks. 
Your panic rose and izuku put a hand on your shoulder and shushed your panic. He got up and opened the door, only for shota to push him out of the way and walk in. They were both delusional. They thought you were kidnapped, and non of this is your fault, You’d never run away from them right? 
You jumped out of bed and to the corner of the room in shock, only to watch a huge, tall, hulking figure, that you know too well, bow his head down to fit through the doorway, walking in behind shota. He must’ve turned into his all might form in the hall before entering the room. Anger and worry clear as day on his face. Shota was dealing with Izuku on the other side of the room, getting really close to his face and gripping his shirt, Whispering profanities and threats in his ear. It’s hard to hear from the corner of the room.
Your attention snapped to toshinori when he spoke to you.  “y/n pack your things.” you shook your head and all might sighed began packing them for you. “I know your scared, but do not worry, Because I AM HERE.” He zipped your bag closed and approached you slowly. He doesnt think for a second that your scared of him. He believes that your scared of izuku. His hulking figure crouched down to come face to face with you. The hand not holding your bag, comes up to brush the hair out of your face and wipe your tears. He whispers calmly to you “it’s all ok now, i am here.” he rubs your arm and shushes your cries. “It’s ok y/n, im taking you home now, where you’ll be safe, sweet pea.” 
Toshinori looks over to shota who is busy with izuku. “Sho” toshinori calls out to catch his attention. Shota looks over, and the pair nods at each other. They must have a plan of some sort. Toshinori grabs your hand and begins to guide you out of the room. You're hesitant and try to stand your ground. He looks at you reassuringly. “It’s ok now, you're safe with me, shota is taking care of him.” he really believes that you're scared of izuku hurting you if you leave. Shota notices and comes over to you and kisses your forehead, and plucks a hair from your head. “Go baby” he whispers to you calmly. You're still hesitant. They think you're too scared to move. Toshinori takes his free arm and swoops down, and in one swift move you’re on Toshinori’s hip like a baby. He holds your tight and begins to walk out of the door. 
Tears fill your eyes as you look back and see shota staring at you lovingly, as izuku is behind him on the ground. Closing your eyes and breathing  you look forward and watch as your carried out of the building with a strong securing arm around you. Confusion fills you as toshinori walks behind the building quickly and puts you back on your feet. He looks at you before speaking. “Can i trust you to stay by my side? I’m turning to weak form” you look at him and barely above a whisper you ask “why?” he looks at you after poofing to his weak form. Smoke fills the air around you both as he coughs and grabs your hand and begins walking. “Because im not fucking around right now, I dont need attention on us when im in my All Might form.” he grumbles. Bony fingers gripping tighter around your hand as he guides you to the car that drove both him and shota there. You look up to his bony face and see that theres a dead serious look on his face. Theres no point in running. Even in his small form he could easily catch you. Dont mistake his skinny arms for being weak and frail. They may be twigs but they can still break every bone in your body on a power level people could never comprehend. He only calls it his “weak” form because it has a slightly lower power level than his bigger form. 
As you both approach the black car, a man steps out of it. A professional looking man, wearing an expensive suit. He approaches the both of you and rounds the car, opening the car door for you both. Toshinori nods a ‘thank you’ and the man nods back, while taking your bag from toshinori’s hands and letting toshinori get in beside you, shutting the car door. You watch in the rearview mirror from the backseat as the man rounds the car again and opens the trunk and puts your belongings in there. The car bounces a little from the loud ‘thunk’ of the trunk being closed. The man walks past your window and opens his door and gets in. He looks in the rearview mirror and looks at toshinori. “Where to sir?” toshinori squeezes your hand reassuringly and speaks. “Back to the airport.” the man nods and follows instructions, starting the car and beginning the journey there. 
The car ride was silent, except for the occasional coughing fit toshinori has. His hand resting on your thigh, lightly squeezing here and there. He notices your anxiety and he turns on the tv screen that was back there. Its a high end car. “Here, watch something.” he says to you. You turn your attention to the tv screen and watch whats on it. Occasionally changing the channel until it landed on a animal documentary. You watched as the baby cats were shown on the screen. It did little to ease your nerves, but at least it did something. “We’re here” toshnori said as the car parked at the airport. The driver rounded the car and opened your doors. When you exited your side, toshinori quickly rounded the car and grabbed your hand so you wouldn’t run away. He grabbed the bag that the driver handed to him and thanked him while turning into his all might form. In another swift move, you were once again on toshinoris hip. He then jumped high into the sky until he reached the destination of the airport he wanted. It was terrifying being so high. You couldn't help but hold on tight and scream. He shushed you gently as you both landed. You were at the privet jet that was assigned to both toshinori and shota. He turned to his small form and boarded it with you. The journey felt like it lasted forever. He offered drinks and occasional board games to play. You ignored him. He lets it slide, thinking that you're still processing everything that happened when you were “kidnapped” by izuku. You look out of the window when he reaches across the small table you both were sitting at and intertwined his fingers with yours. Occasionally rubbing his thumb on your hand lovingly. You cringed as your finger could feel the ring on his finger. The ring that shota and hizashi placed there. 
Finally landing in japan and going for another agonizing car ride to the new house. Constantly rejecting toshi’s offers for snacks and drinks when you make break stops. Toshinori is very persistent unfortunately. Setting aside the water he gave you and closing your eyes, you sighed. “Should drink that, its good for you” He mumbled as he took a sip of his own. Ignoring him, you  fell asleep and were woken up an hour later by huge gates opening for the car you and toshi were in after the driver put his ID in and was approved. There were vibrant, tall, green trees for miles. Your attention flew to what was behind the miles of trees, A tall brick wall, surrounding the property. The place was huge. The driveway was at least 5 minutes long before reaching the house itself. The front yard was practically a field. A Huge garden in the front yard, along the house. The house was big enough that it looked like it should have an elevator inside. 
Hizashi came out onto the porch excited. Uhauls were everywhere and men were carrying things into the house. You took some deep breaths as you got closer to the house. The driver parked outside and opened your doors. Hizashi was ecstatic as he approached the car, watching you step out. You looked across the car to see that toshi was stretching with his arms in the air, and then taking your bag from the drivers hands with a ‘thank you’. 
Hizashi and the driver nodded to each other in thanks and the driver got back in and drove off. 
“My baby!” hizashi squealed while trapping you in a tight, suffocating embrace. He grabbed your shoulders and looked you over with a smile. You also took the time to look at him. He was wearing casual clothes for once. His hair in a loose bun and wearing casual glasses. He wore a white and gray flannel shirt that was rolled up to his elbows, with a tight, white shirt underneath that illuminated his abs pretty well, and Light gray jeans, with a casual black belt, and black boots. You also took the time to notice that he had little earrings. You looked at his forearm and noticed that he had a tattoo for shota on it. It said “Shota” on it with a symbol under it that looked like his hero scarf. 
“Lets bring ya in yeah?” he said happily as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder and guided you up the porch steps and into the house. You looked back and seen expensive cars sitting in the huge driveway, at least 4 of them. You weren't surprised to see a whole team of people there decorating and setting up the house. Hizashi paid them well and also paid them to keep their mouths shut about you. He guided you to the huge kitchen. 
“Want something?” he asked as he opened the very expensive fridge and bent over inspecting the inside of it. He looked back at you and frowned when you shook your head. He shrugged and grabbed sparkling water and handed it to you anyway. You grabbed it hesitantly. “Why?” you asked. They looked at each other before answering. “Isn’t it obvious? Your safe with us” hizashi said like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. “I want to go home.” toshinori sighed at your response and added in. “your already home. Your going to be here with Hizashi, Shota, and I” he said rubbing your back. “No, no, no, no what about my life? What about school? What about my mother?” you asked frantically while stepping back away from them. Hizashi rounded the counter and followed you.
 “Hey hey hey hey, it’s ok. No need to freak yourself out there songbird, you're safe here. No need to stress yourself out in the real world anymore. No more arguments with your mom, no more in person school. You’ll do online school if you want to do that, no having to work because we will happily provide for you, and there are many rooms here for your hobbies. You have everything you could ever want here!” he said with his arms in the air and happiness on his face. 
He visibly frowned along with fiance, toshi when tears welled in your eyes. Something snapped in you and you threw your sparkling water at hizashi’s face. He stumbled back a bit and toshinori stepped in front of him in a protecting manner. “Now, y/n that was very rude. You shouldn’t hit your boyfriend like that. Keep that up and we will have no choice but to restrain you.” He looked at you very seriously. Rage surged through your system. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the pair. 
“Toshi it’s fine” hizashi mumbled while getting out from behind him and making his way towards you with his hands up in front of him like he's calling a truce.“Sweety pie, it's ok. Please don't do that again. We’re trying to help you.” he says calmly like talking to a ferocious animal. While toshinori picks up the sparkling water and sets it back on the counter. “Fuck you” you snarl at them. “That language will not be tolerated here. Apologize right now!” toshinori said to you with a booming volume. Making you jump a little. You took your shot and swung at hizashi. You honestly should have expected to lose. He’s a pro hero after all. He dodged it and grabbed your arm, twisting your body in the process until your back is against his chest with both of your wrists trapped in his strong hands. “GOD DAMN IT Y/N, PLEASE!” hizashi growled in irritation. 
That didn’t stop you. Your arms and torso may have been immobile in the moment but your legs and feet weren’t. You jumped in his arms and kicked his legs behind you. “FUCK” he let go of you and stumbled back while grabbing his calves. You took the opportunity while he wasn’t looking and punched him. Before you could turn the other direction to run. Two Huge arms caught you and body slammed you. Your head hitting the floor quite hard. Your whole body immoble. Looking up you see a very angry all might seething with anger. In the background you hear hizashi ranting angrily while the sound of kitchen cabinets and drawers are opened violently and slammed shut. He's looking for something. “I really didnt want to this. But you pushed your fucking luck” He seethed angrly while limping around the kitchen and destroying cabinets to find what he was looking for. “GOD DAMN IT, WHERE THE FUCK DID THE STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS PUT IT!?” he yelled while violently slamming a cabinet door closed. Referring to the people setting up the house. All might continued to stare coldly into your frantic eyes. You couldn’t see anything besides him. His huge body caging you between him and the floor. You couldn’t see anything behind him, you could only hear and it doesn't sound good. You’ve never heard hizashi so angry and heartbroken. He continued speaking. 
“Your lucky Shota isnt here right now. Your lucky beyond a level you could never comprehend. Your ass would have been done for.” He seethed. He sighed in relief when he found the cabinet with the medicine in it. You heard him grab a bottle of pills and open it. 
“I didn’t want to do this, I really fucking didnt. I wanted you to get used to the house and everything. But no YOU just had to make this a big fucking thing. You're seriously lucky that Sho  isn’t here right now. I honestly should have just listened to him when he told me to lock your ass up in chains in the basement the second you step foot in here.” He mumbled in pure anger. The sound of pills falling out of the container and into his palm can be heard before he closes the pill bottle and slams it on the counter, walking towards your trapped form. 
“You got her toshi?” he asked while squatting down. “Mhm” toshi said while forcing you to sit up and wrapping an arm around your torso and the other around your shoulder with a hand holding a iron clasp grip on your jaw forcing it open. Hizashi cupped his hand over your open mouth, popping the pills into your mouth. Toshinori forces your mouth closed and tilts your head up, while hizashi starts massaging your throat forcing you to swallow the pills. After you swallowed them he put your head back down and continued to hold you. You watched as Hizashi stared at you angrily. His gaze softened after a minute. “I know baby, I know. Things will get better.” he said as he pet the side of your head, moving the sweaty hair out of your face. He smiled gently at you as your world began spinning and fading. Toshi hummed as the back of your head rested against his chest and your body began to grow limp. He held you tightly until you blacked out. 
Meanwhile Shota sits in the chair in the corner of the hotel room with his fingers intertwined. Thinking, and brainstorming. Izuku is long gone. Shota had him sent back to japan with a friend of his. The friend came and did Shota a favor. He cloned you with the hair that Shota plucked from your head while he was kissing you goodbye. Your clone's body is dead on the floor. Shota tries not to look at it. It hurts him too much, it’s like looking at your actual dead body. He couldn’t handle seeing his babygirl dead. 
He zones out and stares at the tv as it plays. His attention is snapped to his phone as it rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and sees that it’s his boss. “Hello?” he mumbled into the phone. “Aizawa, how are things going?” his boss asked. “Uh things are going ok. All Might and I found them. Izuku is still alive and was sent back to japan to the investigative team and y/n’s body was found in a hotel room. The team are on the way.” aizawa said to his boss. 
“What do you think happened Aizawa?” his boss asked, intrigued. “I dont know. It seems like the killer struck again. She’s dead the same way all the others died.” shota said, deciding to go easy on Izuku and not blame it on him. “Ok, well thank you for letting me know Aizawa, do you need a ride back here?” “yes.” “ok i'm sending a jet your way.” “thank you” “no problem.”
With that Shota hung up. “Jesus it's already 6 a.m. I must’ve stayed up all night zoning out.” 
“I'm free, I'm finally free” you sighed as you ran away from the house. The crisp cool air hitting your face as you run. The speed you were running caused your hair to lift into the air as you ran for your life. The smell and taste of pure freedom. ‘Wait? Whats happening?’ you thought as your running slowed like molasses  and the world began fading into nothingness. You looked around as everything faded into the abyss. Your body is then lifted into the air and thrown all the way back into the house.
You jolted awake. The light of the sun peaking through the open curtains and hitting your face in a blinding way. “Good morning sweet pea” you looked over and seen toshinori sitting on the couch looking over documents. You were sitting in the corner of the living room next to the staircase. You shuffled and tried to get up but your legs and back hurt from being body slammed yesterday. You looked down when you heard a clunk. Chains. Your ankles were in chains that were wrapped and locked securely around a small pillar near the staircase. Fuck. 
The smell of food filled the air. It smelled amazing. You looked to your right and could see into the kitchen. Hizashi was in a tight pair of pink boxers and was shirtless, wearing a white apron. His jumped back a bit when he got popped with whatever was frying. He looked over and seen you awake. “Songbird im glad your awake, how was your sleep? Shota should be back very soon, just got off the phone with him.” he said with glee. You groaned and slouched back against the wall. “Foods almost done.” he called out. He put a lid over the pot and walked over to you and crouching down.
“Sorry about this.” he whispered to you while pointing to the chains around your ankle. “It has to be done. Maybe when your being a good girl, we’ll let you out, ya dig?” he smiled at you. He stood up and went back to the kitchen. About 5 minutes later he came out with food. 
Toshi pecked him on the lips for a thank you and begun to eat. “Wish you could eat at the table with us babe.” hizashi said was he put a tray of breakfast in front of you. The tray has a bowl of rice, miso soup, boiled veggies, kimchi, and some fried salmon. Fuck it smelled amazing. You were too hungry to deny it. You began eating and almost died from how good it was. Even though you werent at the table. The pair still tried to hold a conversation like you were. “Is it good baby?” hizashi asked as he noticed you drooling over the food. You felt heat rush to your face as you avoided eye contact and continued to eat. He shoveled food into his mouth as he spoke. “ I kinda overdid the dosage of the pills. Sorry about that.” he said in between chews. 
All of your heads snapped over to the front door as the handle moved. “Sho must be home now” toshinori said as he took a mouthful of rice. The sounds of keys jingled on the other end and the door was pushed open. In came a very worn out Shota. He took off his scarf and put it on the coat rack. He kicked off his shoes and hugged hizashi who practically ran and thew himself at him. “Isnt it such a lovely home?” hizashi asked. Shota looked around and smiled. “Yeah it is” he looked over to you and walked over and crouched down. He rubbed the top of your head and pecked your lips. He sat down next to you and held you. The smell of sweat was very strong on him, making you wince. “Hey baby” He was staring into your eyes in adoration and appreciation after having to look at your clones dead body for hours. He was shaking lightly. He was nervous, you noticed. 
Toshinori cut in. “why dont you take a shower babe, the food will be waiting for you when you come back” shota stood back up and nodded in agreement and headed up stairs but not before shooting you a loving look and pecking you on the lips. 
Toshinori cleaned up everyones plates as they finished eating and turned the television up when something on the screen caught his attention. Shota came back downstairs freshly washed and in his boxers. He grabbed the plate of food that hizashi made for him. He ate like a man starved. 
His and everybody else’s attention snapped to the screen when toshinori turned on the news. 
“The case of the two missing children has been solved, with izuku midoriya being found alive, and the body of y/n being found on the ground of a hotel room in america. Thanks to the special help of All Might, Izuku made it back to japan safe and sound. unfortunately what happened to y/n’s body seems to look like the work of japan’s active serial killer. We are hoping to find them soon. That is all the information we have on this case so far. Thank you for listening.” 
Shota looked proud and hizashi and toshinori seemed relieved that  everyone believed what they said. You look down to the floor in confusion and fear. Everyone now believes im dead. What am i supposed to do now? 
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fipindustries · 2 months
in art there is an inherent tension between nature and nurture. is the conflict between those simple executions that are known to work, that stimulate base parts of our sensorioum and brain and thus of massive appeal, easy to grasp and enjoy; against things that are dense in technique, and concept, for which one has to develop a language, a technical understanding and a taste, hermetic and not easy to grasp at once.
i think most of the public expects most art to fall on the first cathegory to some degree or another. a painting should look "pretty", whatever pretty means, a song should be "catchy", food should be "tasty", a joke should be "funny", a movie should be "entertaining". either way, the point is that art should "feel good" or rather it should "click" in a quick sensory way. that when you watch a movie its quality should be as immediatly appreciable as when you eat a good meal. and when they hear experts try to explain more advanced pieces they are expecting to hear an explination that makes it so that those advnaced pieces stimulate those simple buttons that more simple stuff so easily satisfies. but of course they never get that, instead they get a bunch of theory that does nothing to make the art any closer in a purely sensorial way.
the idea that in order to appreciate something one has to first develop an understanding or appreciation of it feels counter intuitive, it feels like enjoying art with extra steps, you have to force yourself to extract joy out of something (which is not a pleasant experience, there is always that frustration of the excercise not feeling genuine, not feeling true and emotionally potent, it feels like an affectation) in order to extract the joy and entertainment that one could get much easier from something more direct and simple.
for some people having fun listenting to a catchy jingle made with the classic 4 chords or eating a nice chocolate cake feels more "natural" than listening to prog rock or reading infinite jest. its almost teleological. our tongues were Made to enjoy sugar, that is how things are meant to be because that is how nature designed us. in a sense the studying of art techniques is basically the analisis and compilation of the formulas that work, of the buttons that one has to press to stimulate the human animal in the correct way. we know how the pentatonic scale works, on almost a biological level, we have color theory, we have composition, we understand the three act structure.
so one might ask, why even bother with the weirder stuff, the stuff that is hard to appreciate? the stuff that we kind of have to shape ourselves into enjoying? its artificial, its purely a social construct. is not real, humans were not made for this.
well, the truth is, humans are much more versatile than that, and whilst we are all born with some basic buttons that anyone can push to satisfy, it is also in our nature the capacity to develop more buttons, more complex and intricate. buttons that start to crave for layers, for nuance, for the weird and ecclectic and unique. people DO develop a taste for special, particular old wines that were cultivated in such and such a way, people DO get a lot of meaning from the works of john cage, people DO have fun reading ulysses and these things are not necesarily an affectation. and this is a process that will happen on its own the more we are exposed to more and more art.
i do want to clarify, i dont believe in teleological arguments or appeals to nature. even if that last paragraph wasnt the case, that wouldnt change anything for me, but still, it is the case and i think its worth being said.
now, a lot of people see the developing of their taste as a challenge or an obligation, which can make it an imposition and rob the enjoyment out of it. god knows i forced myself to watch some movies simply because i thought they were the kinds of movies i was supposed to like if i wanted to consider myself a cinephile. i dont think this is a good approach, experiment and push yourself out of your comfort zone, yes, that is how you discover new things. but dont force yourself to stay there if its just not doing it for you. i came to terms with the fact i will probably never understand pollock no matter how many of his paintings i see or how much i study on the subject. but i have come to discover i do like donna tart's the goldfinch quite a lot.
and this doesnt go just for the higher forms of art, try those "trashy" things that come from spaces that are not your scene at all. i was convinced i was never going to be able to enjoy cumbia or trap or bachata and yet i kept my ears open and ended up finding songs in all of those genres that i cant stop listenting to. there are so many buttons inside of you and you dont know what is going to press of of them by surprise one of these days.
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reapersynth · 6 months
I'm a certified starfield enjoyer, and I don't understand the hate for it. Does it have problems? Yes, absolutely. But it's not a flop by any means. The bethesda games recipe just works for me, and I enjoy it despite its flaws.
It reminds me of the cyberpunk discourse so much, and I can't wait for the narrative around starfield to quiet down
Yeah, I ended up having to leave the starfield subreddit bc every other day the posts are "most disappointing game in the world 0/10 bethesda is so over anyone who likes it is huffing copium" but the next day it will be "this game is actually really good, i dont understand all of the hate in this sub" and both of these posts will have like 500+ upvotes. HDJHDJDKD
I joined r/nosodiumstarfield instead. Much better experience.
One guy in the starfield sub even started this whole fearmongering post about how modders are abandoning starfield in droves and the game is effectively dead, because ONE MODDER made a post in the discord that he didnt like starfield so he wasnt gonna port his multiplayer mod over from skyrim. like. big whoop? who give a shit? but now there's mass hysteria that starfield has destroyed everything we hold dear 😭😭😭
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engelfeather · 1 month
Fangs and Fur: chapter 11
Warning, this chapter features blood and a bit off gore!!Despite being trapped in loads of soft fluff, he barely felt it brush against his body. With each step the giant took, getting away from whatever new horrors this world had to offer, he was at risk of falling out. Yet, his head didn't register it. In fact, his own mind blocked out most of the chaos, that surrounded him.His eyes, watery and blurry, stared at something far In the distance. His hands were desperately clutching Angels fur, his body tensing up, until his he had to close his eyes to bare it.
Nothing, but numbness fogged his mind. He hadn't noticed how Angel protectively covered his body with his hand.
He heard their screams again.So close, yet so distant, as if he wasn't truly there.
As if it all was just a distant memory that his mind had continued to replay. Slowly he turned his head around, catching a mere glimpse of that.. thing.
He physically gagged, when he saw how sharp teeth hungrily ripping off the flesh of one of its poor victims. Their body was twisted into an unnatural way, with the beasts aggressive nature only making it worse, presumably to make sure that, until their last breath, they suffered.
As if it felt watched, he looked up to stare at Xavier. Without another thought, it rushed after him or at least that's what he believed, as it came closer.
Xavier, unable to stop himself from staring, noticed that something started to feel off about this.. thing. Its unnatural shape suddenly began to constantly form anew, as though it wasnt able to choose what it wanted to present as. Regardless of what Xavier saw, it looked more horrifying than before. The world around it warped and contorted into bizarre shapes, causing objects, even houses, to float into the sky and shatter, like glass. The longer Xavier stared at it, not being able to break his stare, the more its visage shifted into things that were more.. personal. Faces, objects, animals, he swore he could even make out Angels face, even if it was on display for a split second. Taking forms that reflected his own fear. Its Mouth was gaping open, as if it was trying to to feed off of his fear it created. He continued to not be fully present, only capable of staring into the dark abyss, that only came closer, until he heard the giant mumble something. As if snapped out of a trance, he could break his stare. His eyes darted up, trying to make out what Angel was saying under his breath. "Don't stare at." Angel whispered, surprisingly calm, covering Xavier's field of vision from it, "It will only trick your mind into seeing your own fears.. to make you more suitable for consumption." Irritated, yet still scarred from that experience, he hugged Angels thumb, or at least tried to, shivering uncontrollably.
Angel, who thought this was some kind of out of place affection, gently caressed Xavier's head with his other hand. He tried to be as gentle as possible, as he still had to focus on running away, with the beast approaching. When Xavier didn't recoil, either out of sheer fear or enjoyment, Angel couldn't help but smile.At least his little guy was safe. Continuing to run away, trying to find a way to get away, he passed by a little child, that was fearfully staring into the eyes of the ever approaching ravaging monster before it. He halted In his tracks. He couldn't let this poor child become a victim. Taking a deep breath, he hesitantly lowered his defence on Xavier, pushing him down his chest fluff and rushed back to the shivering child. Even though he knew he shouldn't do it, he wouldn't dare let an innocent child be harmed, when he could've prevented it. After all, he didn't care about rules.
The creature, now looming over the trembling child, opened up its horrifyingly large mouth, rows of teeth circled around the inside of its maw. Black goo dripped down to the ground, like some slobbering dog, ready to devour its treat. As the monster was about to tear apart its prey, Angel rushed in between the two. He swiftly lifted up the still shaking child and bolted it into the other direction. Holding the child close to his chest, he caressed the back of their head and reassured them in a soothing manner. "It's alright... I'll get you to safety. Don't worry.. I'll keep you safe." The kid nodded slightly, closing their eyes and burying their head into Angels chest fluff.Xavier had to make sure not to be squished or worse, found by the giant child, so he tried to wiggle his body away to make space. Though he couldn't help but look into the child's teary eyes. The despair he saw reflected that of his own. He never imagined seeing such a large creature, even if it was still a kid, to cower in fear. It was obvious that whatever disturbing images they were faced with, scarred them for life. Their lips trembled, mumbling words that he couldn't quite make out. Yet he knew he didn't have to, to him the child's wishes were obvious. Just like he did, they wished for those horrifying images to be forgotten about.
Taking a deep breath, he carefully reached out and caressed the child's cheek. The child, flinched and opened its eyes wide, burying themselves deeper into Angels fur out of fear. "D-.. don't worry, I won't hurt you.." Xavier whispered in a soothing voice, "Its all going to be okay, I promise.." The kids eyes darted down to Xavier, dilating at the sight of him. Their mouth now agape, they observed him quietly. His presence seemingly distracted the child from the things going on around them.
[ Better than nothing at least. ]
Xavier thought, smiling up to the child, that stared down at him in awe. Lowering their head, their nose tried to pick up his scent. Somewhat used to it, Xavier allowed himself to be not only sniffed, but analysed in general. Even though a part of him previously worried that the kid might grab him and see him as nothing but a toy, surprisingly the child was quite gentle with exploring their curiosity. Angel continued his sprint, with the monster right on his tracks. Despite trying to lose it by running in between the crumbling buildings around him, the beast didnt seem to want to give up. As much as he wanted to be angry at himself for putting himself in this position, knowing he rescued a child, gave him the strength to continue. Looking down, he noticed how Xavier was calming down the child. A bit of panic arose in him, knowing that Xavier shouldn't be revealing himself like this, as it could get him in trouble. Glancing over to the child, he saw how interested and happy the child was, reminding him of his own childhood. It was going to be fine..
Seeing a nearby alleyway, he ran towards it, almost getting his tail bit off by the creature. Running into it, he quickly made a nearby object, a trashcan, float up, throwing it at the monster to distract it just for a second. The giant behemoth seemed to be displeased, biting down on the trashcan and shaking it violently. With the monster distracted, Angel gladly took the small time frame he had to get on top of the roof, by using some ladders. Right after he managed to reach the top, the giant had already dismantled the trashcan, slowly looming over the building, casting a dark shadow over him, flashing its distorted teeth. It let out a disturbing howl and charged at Angel with an open maw.
By now, Angel had realised he had no other option but to fight the creature, he just needed a more open space in case something went wrong. Angel promptly pulled out his gun and with extreme precision, he aimed and shot its eye, causing the monster to screech. It quickly reformed its eye in a creepy manner. Angel backed away, knowing fully well he angered it. He had to make sure not to drop the child, as he shot the creature again and again. This stopped the creature, yet not for long. It charged at Angel again, resulting in another bullet being fired at it. Angel began to get more nervous, he had hoped that the creature would give up, however not only was that hope dwindling, but so were his bullets. Despite this, he didn't have time to reload his gun, as the creature wouldn't falter.
With the creature back up on its feet, it rushed to attack Angel once more, he aimed his gun, waiting for the right moment to fire. Right as the monster opened its cavernous maw, Angel fired. Click.Time slowed as the sound resonated with Angel. Looking up from his gun, he only saw large glistening teeth, that had waited long enough for its prey, with drops of black goo dripped down its fangs.
Angel could only watch as the giant maw enveloped his arm, slowly crunching down on it. Blood splattered on to the ground and Angels body, staining his white fur with the blackness within him. His eyes twitched, feeling his blood trickle down his torn off arm. Regardless, he couldn't bring himself to stare into its hypnotising eyes. The silence, that surrounded Angels mind, broke with the small whimpers of the child, who had to witness such a disturbing scene. Like shattering glass, Angel got pulled out of his trance state in an instant. He furrowed his brow in frustration, not only did this thing take his gun, but his arm too! Not only that, it continued to frighten the poor child. With a quick motion, he placed the child down behind him.Glaring back up at the creature once more, who was about to use one of its large claws to rip into his body, he snarled, shaking his head in disdain. Stronger amounts of energy started to course through his body, his eyes beginning to glow a pinkish red. Right as the monster was about to land its hit, he casually flicked his wrist. The ground began to quiver, as all of a sudden the ground beneath it began to rapidly crack open, like a huge scar a giant claw could've created.
This caused the giant beast to lose balance in its footing, stumbling back in surprise and missing its attack by just an inch. Right as the creature regained its composure, with it letting out a haunting howl, an ominous pink glow emitted from the depths of the pit. Large glowing pink pillars erupted from the ground, shooting high up and circling around the large creature, trapping it. "I suggest you cover your eyes.." Angel uttered under quite a confident smile.
Xavier who had watched the whole ordeal hadn't even realised he was spoken to, as he assumed Angel was speaking to the child. Though seeing the light below starting to get brighter, he hastily obliged, closing his eyes shut and turning his head away. Right as he did so, he could sense a sudden burst of energy below him, making him huddle further into Angels fur. Taking a deep breath, Angel focused, ignoring the blood that gushed out of his ripped off arm. It merely fueled his rage, as he hissed "Sorry 'bout this, but I won't risk letting you harm a child, let alone take one of my guns." Lifting his working hand, he snapped his fingers. A shockwave of energy coming from it, as with another small earthquake, a large Lazer burst from the scar, engulfing the creature fully. The Lazer cut through the pavement and buildings effortlessly, leaving traces of pink flames in the surrounding area, destroying more than just the monster.Its screeches were barely heard over the powerful burst, as it tried to get away. However the pillars, that seemed to shoot up into the sky endlessly, prevented the creature from escaping its gruesome fate. Xavier feeling the warmth radiating on his back wondered what the hell was creating that warmth. Despite his curiosity gagging his mind, he couldn't bring himself to open his eyes, merely accepting that, whatever it was that Angel was doing, would work out. He wouldn't want to be faced with another traumatising sight. With another snap, the Lazer vanished with the pillars like dust, leaving behind nothing but a large crater and a small puddle of black liquid as the remains of the beast. Angel merely smiled in amusement, whilst the child and Xavier hugged Angel out of fear, yet still being grateful to be safe now. Hesitantly Xavier opened his eyes back up. His heart jumped a beat at the sight he was met with. The building, that Angel was standing on, was almost completely destroyed, with debris crumbling to the ground. Pink flames, which burned passionately around the large crater, licked against nearby buildings, ready to devour them in their flames. He was about to huddle back into the safe space, that was Angels fur, when he noticed something small moving at the center of the crater. It flailed around helplessly in the small puddle of the mysterious black fluid. It was completely covered in goo, trying to desperately get it off of their tiny body. Yet it seemed that they lacked the strength to achieve that, as their frantic movements ceased every so often.
Perhaps this was a surviving victim of that behemoth. Guilt trickled into Xavier's mind, feeling empathy and understanding in how terrified they must be. He hugged his shivering body, imagining himself hugging the person below in a comforting manner. He knew all too well what effects such a horrific attack could do to a person. His eyes wandered up to look at Angel, who had turned around to comfort the child.
[ How could someone be so careless about other people's lives, when they themselves experienced the same things. ]
Though he didn't need to ponder on the question for too long, having realised that he wasn't a person to Angel, nor were any of the other people he had tormented or killed. At least, that's what he thought, as Angel still seemed to care in some aspects about him, even worrying about him in some instances, regardless of if those instances were the direct results of his actions. If he truly didn't value him, he would've simply not cared.. or maybe he just wanted to get him fixed up so he could continue tormenting him.Xavier placed the palm of his hands on his eyes and rubbed them, out of frustration. He couldn't make sense of Angels thought processes or his constant whiplash in his emotions. Especially in his sudden emotional outbursts and quite wild ideas. It drained his energy and his patience, neither of which was fun to him. Feeling a sudden pressure against his body, he snapped back to reality. To his relief it was merely the child trying to see if he was alright. He smiled weakly, trying to show his tiredness and overall broken down appearance, as he gently hugged the child's finger. Somehow, the care the child showed towards him in this exact moment gave him a bit of hope. He wasn't sure for what exactly, perhaps for the future generation or that not all of them were like.. Angel.
[ Something is definitely wrong with him.. ]
With the child calming down with the help of Xaviers presence, Angel was relieved he could help out the child. He gently lifted the child back up into his, now, one arm, though he didnt mind if it meant keeping the kid safe. He carefully made his way down the buildings which was quite hard with no free arm to use. The child was clingy onto Angel tightly to avoid falling down, which only made balancing harder. Though luckily, with a bit of effort he managed to get down safely, gently placing the child back down. "There you go kiddo.." Angel mused softly, "Be more careful next time, I'm sure you don't want to get yourself badly hurt. Hah- I mean look at my arm!" He glanced down at it, smiling awkwardly when he noticed the child looking concerned. Crouching down, he hastily reassured them, shaking his hands in a dismissive manner "Dont ya worry your little head about it, I'll be a-okay in no time! It barely even hurts.. now then, go on already.. you should take some rest, this was quite the rollercoaster after all." He sighed and petted the child's head aiming to cheer up the child. "Thank you sir.." the child whispered, hugging him, then looking down at Xavier, "And.. thank you too little person.." The child giggled, with Xavier petting their cheek. With that, the child ran off, waving bye to the both of them.
He watched as the child ran off, before getting back up on his feet. He then looked down to his human. In a surprising concerning manner, Angel spoke to Xavier "Are you alright? Did the creature scare you all too much?" Xavier, slightly surprised at the perturbed tone of his voice, was unsure how to respond properly. He was bewildered and Angels sudden care for the child, even gleeful over the fact he had lost his arm, but at the same time he wss confused, scared and somewhat upset that Angel hadn't defeated the creature prior. Trying to speak up, he stuttered "I.. uhm.. I don't know. It's all... just a blur- i... wow.. you were like... kind of awesome- but.. why the hell didn't you do that.. earlier..? After all that monster almost killed us!" Angels eyes widened a bit at Xavier's words, surprised that he was complementing him, yet there was a glimmer of pain in his eyes. He furrowed his brows in slight frustration, which confused Xavier even more.
Trying to avert the humans stare, he glanced down to the crater he had created, including the destruction it had caused around the area, then back to Xavier. "Dont.. worry about it too much. Let's just say.. we have our reasons not to fight those creatures ourselves. We.. should get out of here now.. I don't want that-"
A feminine voice from behind behind cut him off, speaking up in a frustrated tone.
"Angel, what the hell were you thinking!"
Prev chapter:
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hiro-doodlez · 9 months
I like that how I found my art style, is by kinda giving up
SO, whenever I was younger (like. 9 months ago) most of my art wasnt doing too well. (Popularity wise) I thought that to counter that, I had to make it as clean and perfect as possible. I tried to replicate the more well known artists. Getting clean lines, making the colors.. realistic. And never really stepping outside of that box. That made me constantly burnt out because I didn't like what I was making but it seemed.. Correct I guess?
BUT THEN! I watched into the spiderverse
AS SILLY AS THAT IS! whenever I went into those theaters and saw those colors, textures, lining, style, EVERYTHING! Suddenly something clicked.
My art doesn't have to look clean or perfect to do well. As long as I'm having fun, people should find me and I will be happier with it!!
IF YOURE READING THIS!! RIGHT NOW! you should start trying to experiment more with colors, textures, and even the order you do your art. Try to change it into something YOU find more enjoyable to make! Make it messy! Makes it weird! I promise people will still find it, even if it's outside of the norm!
I mean, my newer process is literally sketch-> coloring (bit of lineart on the same layer)-> lighting and more color work -> textures (the fun part) -> touch ups and extra lighting -> and finally lineart. LINEART IS AT THE END!! I don't think I've met anyone that does it like that!!Experiment! Change things up! Make it different and make it appeal to YOU! Take inspiration from literally anything! And most importantly, Have fun!
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socialcarcrash · 11 months
Why do you like Hodgins so much? (I like him as well) Also, do you have any Hodgins headcanons?
Right this is gonna be so long so hang on tight:
First to preface, I strongly headcanon hodgins as trans ftm and audhd which definately influences my love for him.
To begin, when I was younger (6+) i began to watch bones and I saw myself, an undiagnosed audhd person, in hodgins so much- and not only was i full ass in love with him. I also felt understood and seen, for the first time i saw a realistic character that I could relate to in so many ways. Also he was one of my first gender envies for real!!!
Hodgins fully encompasses the autistic rage that I for sure experience and I think thats so real of him. The therapy scene between him and sweets changed everything for me, and i stopped feeling guilty for feeling so sad and angry all the time and I started to view my anger differently and instead of surpressing it i found healthier coping mechanisms.
On the subject of Hodgins so totally being autistic, I just fully think that he expresses so many of the traits I do. Most of these traits are from headcanons ive seen but then i see them again expressed in the show and it makes me happier than anyone could ever imagine. He so clearly has special interests of conspiracies and of course his entomology/botany and I also have super strong special interests that I am known for a lot! I think when you see a character on screen for the first time that you dont feel like you change anything about yourself to be more like them, and you are just them it is special! So many times have I hyperfixated on a character and changed my whole personality to be like them, but he is actually just like me!
He encourages me to try and be comfortable in myself and to openly talk about my special interests because they are part of me so I should be able to express myself! This lesson is helping me heal and become so much happier, but also helps me feel comfortable with not being okay sometimes- which is even more important.
-i think hes pretty.
- his first hyperfixation was dinosaurs (me fr) and he collected the mini plastic figurines.
-huge fidgeter and never stops stimming, he legit is never is still: its seen in canon lots! (that one episode where he does push ups when he is stressed for example). He gets that whole body thing where hes gotta move!!!
-hates oliver and pickles (angela loves them both and eats his from his burgers)
-folkpunk enjoyer as a teenager, his style would have been the coolest as a way of rebelling against his parents.
- the big light is the devil. his house has lots of lamps and small lights to avoid using the big light.
-during school/uni he carried around a sketchbook that he sketched bugs in during class when he got bored, he never skipped any years or anything as he performed only just above averagely. This was because he never got the support he needed during school so he wasnt able to meet his full potential until he found his passion for entomology. This frustrated teachers so he didnt always have the best relationship with them, but he had a few that he wasnt close with, but he found comfort and support in them as he struggled through his teenage years.
this is basically entirely projection but i love him.
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nyctarian · 6 months
ok questions stolen from This Post
How many books did you read this year? Did you meet any of your reading goals? Which ones? I am currently at 156 books read out of my GR goal of 80, so I met and surpassed my goal by a lot but i include DNFs and this year i read a Lot of short books, several short poetry collections, more graphic novels than i normally do, etc
Did you DNF anything? Why? What is the most over-hyped book you read this year? Yeah lol. If i get bored if a book if something shitty happens if a book is lame etc etc. I started the year desperate for Any book to catch my interest and wasted a lot of time reading very bad romance books recommended by various instagram reels. basically all of the really dumb ig reels romance books that had bad plots annoying characters and a million fans saying it was SoOoOo SwOoOoOnY is most overhyped to Me.
Did you reread anything? What? Notable rereads includes: keturah and lord death by martine leavitt (fun but cheesy as always), book lovers by emily henry (less enjoyable but still good), and Nimona by N.D. Stevenson (which i reread for the first time since i read it in tumblr webcomic format and for the most part held up even if my recollection of what the story was and how it ended was Not Accurate)
Was there anything you meant to read, but never got to? Yeag,. I have So Many books i intended to read but either didnt want to start at the wrong time, couldnt find, or just like. Wanted to But Didnt Want to Read.
Any books that disappointed you? yeah lots. one that was annoyingly disappoint was happy place by emily henry bc shes normally a reliable Fun RomCom Author for me but i just could not get into it at all the whole premise annoyed me the characters were annoying etc etc etc. it was annoying bc i knew the plot didnt interest me at all but i was still giving it a chance bc shes a reliable author but then i hated it. there were a few others that i was excited for bc they sounded thoughtful and weird and then they were just shallow and derivative. OH and bitter medicine by mia tsai! i wanted to like it so much and large chunks of it were reallllly good but the swapping pov was just annoying and the main characters felt inconsistent depending on whether they were the pov or not. and the relationship didnt develop well which was annoying bc i really wanted to like it. the girl who fell beneath the sea by axie oh was one that i was really enjoying until the conclusion and then i was like. Oh Okay Guess That Was The Ending, which was Very Annoying to experience lol. oh also not really disappointing comma bad book but disappointing comma not for me was I'll Go On by Hwang Jungeun which just wasnt the type of story i like wasnt enough like one hundred shadows (which, my enjoyment of that one was the only reason i tried it)
What books do you want to finish before the year is over? i have 29 books on my currently reading and i do Not think im finishing most of them before end of year and there are a bunch on there that should be on my year end best list but im just. not gonna finish. this includes stuff ranging from the idiot by elif batuman, untold day and night by bae suah, open city by teju cole, house of cotton by monica brashears, and like. a lot more lol. Trust by Hernan Diaz is on my year end list and my currently reading.....
Did any books surprise you with how good they were? One Hundred Shadows by Hwang Jungeun Please Please Please read this book everyone hey everyone have i told you how much you should read this book yet hey everyone!!! a few other Surprising Faves this year but that one is my indisputable #1 book of the year. others that were better then i expected include the invoice by jonas karlsson, mona by pola oloixarac, whereabouts by jhumpa lahiri, fever dream by samantha schweblin, and lots more lol i tried to read Good Books this year bc so many fun books were bad and unenjoyable. my only standout Fun Books That My Brain Liked of the year was the Heaven Official's Blessing series by Mò Xiāng Tóng Xiù
What reading goals do you have for next year? EYE am going to be doing a Lower goal next year even tho i read the most books since i started doing the GR reading challenge but i think im just gonna maintain a baseline goal of 50 books. also i want to clear out my Currently Reading and i want to not have it all cluttered the way it has been for months.
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energyprison · 7 months
finished metro 2033 yesterday and i liked it a lot.
it was a lot better than most games at making me feel the specific way it wanted me to for a given scene, and like i said before its got sound design i was consistently impressed by which helped in that regard.
i was playing on a harder difficulty and the game was consistently a challenge, and i was very often short on or even out of supplies and ammo, but never for so long that i was in danger of being stuck on a segment. the game also deals with this in a fun way by letting you use your currency bullets as a sort of powerful reserve ammo for certain guns
i also really like all the weird little extra stuff. wiping the gas mask, checking your watch, looking at the compass, all this little stuff that truly did not have to be in the game and serves no real purpose, but just gives it a little more character
the ending i feel a bit weird about. first of all id like to say that its very common for endings in videogames (especially ones where you have a gun) to be noticeably the weakest part of the experience, but metro did not feel that way. the run to the tower had brief, enjoyable combat, and the ascent wasnt quite like anything else youve been doing so far and obviously had some satisfying symbolic significance
i can also understand artyoms view of the situation, and why he chose what he did, especially with this choice being reinforced along the way by this group of people we have known he respects and admires deeply since the first chapter. the dark ones represent this incredible uncertainty, and when he left his home was at great risk. and that uncertainty doesnt go away, with artyom questioning afterwards if it was the right choice. even if the dark ones really were the threat he thought, does that make it okay to use that sort of weaponry against anything, let alone clearly sentient beings?
the part i feel weird about is the non-canon Enlightened ending, which is difficult to get and basically requires prior knowledge, but does just provide the answer, which i feel was a bad choice. obviously the message that these sorts of choices should never be made from a position of uncertainty or fear and that peace should always be the first option one explores is a good message that i agree with, but it certainly leaves the player with a lot less to just sit quietly with while the credits roll.
anyway i enjoyed the game a lot but i will dock it a bit for how often it just broke down and i had to restart a chapter. 3/5
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chromecries · 1 year
my mcc season 2 highlights!
these are my favourite povs from season 2! im quite focused on the whole mcc viewing experience, so there will be whole vods in here, as well as enjoyable and/or high scoring individual and team performances, alongside some funny moments. keep in mind i am a jordan and enjoyer, and i expect a lot of this to be jordan and jojo focused!! (tumblr has a ten link limit per post, so the last three povs do not have a link, but they're all easy to find as they are recent as of now! just up on yt)
yellow15 is honestly one of my personal favourite teams ever. it took one game, ace race, for them to move up to 2nd from 6th, and is one of the best scoring ace races of all time. really nice teamwork from then on, and even if they got swept in db, they had great comms and lots of funny moments together. 
purple16 OHHH MY GOD this team was crazy especially in the last moments of sg- i would highly recommend the whole pov to see their bm dominance and everything else too! This events sg was one of my faves so i recommend sylvees pov of that as well, its so chaotic but funny to watch in terms of context for the rest of the game!! 
yellow16’s sot was one of my favs this season, with it being a unique team that surprisingly did well together! hbomb was a runner whilst he helped ponk who was sandkeeper on his first ever mcc, leading yellow into first place with 5k coins!! An insane run, with funny moments from george, reacted to by hbomb in his vod reviews. 
Mcc17 - this mcc is so special to me, as it is to so many other people, like the mcsr and hermitcraft community on here!! I highly recommend you watch both orange and pinks whole povs. In terms of team composition, experience and strengths, they were so different, so they had completely different feeling mccs. orange17 were Chilling and smoothly working their way to db, communicating with ease and trusting in their experience and each other.(petes ace race was so SMOOTH here too)
pink17 really went up against every obstacle to make it to db, even co-sandkeeping from zeuz and vixella to manage sot, and to top it all off a crazy sg performance from them! 
Aqua17 sg- now this one. Is not great but their pov when facing pink in skybattle is very funny
Aqua17 sot - vault clutch from jordan that got them to 2nd place! well co-ordinated :) 
rising was really nice, and i wasnt expecting to love it so much tbh! The energy around the event felt so different, with 40 contestants that were barely known to the community at the time. So many people spent hours practicing and gained whole followings from the event, notably the orange ocelots(eloise and owen now work for noxcrew, and bekyamons just been introduced to the main roster of mcc players, alongside all 3 of them being more well known ccs) yoshinom and makoinari. Owen has a great video about his time during rising that is really well put together and is so worth watching! 
pink was an absolute treasure of a team, so wonderful to watch them all pop off respectively, especially jojo and nestorio! Jojo had a great hero moment in the events most chaotic sot, and this was my first time watching nestorio, who was so sweet and positive during the event. Pink had a really lovely db too:) 
pink22 obviously. OBVIOUSLY this is here it was so crazy from their pov too. 4 corners of the community unexpectedly worked so well together, had GREAT comms, especially in pkt and meltdown! A really nice sot, as well as a clutch first place in tgttos from the one and only oli the orion sound!!
THE GOLDEN GALS OH them them them them them them them them them them i am so insane about them really. such a highlight to not only get an womens team BUT little did we know that this was the beginning of this being regular in mcc!! sylvees space race reaction was so good as well as her and jojo celebrating at the end of their run! It was so cute and i think my fave moment all season!! Jojos ace in bb, overall crazy teamwork and good vibes from the whole team. soo so good 
cyan24 had such a nice run up to the event. this season kinda sees the end of practice streams but jojo caught on to how much they help, because its about the Bonding not the Minecraft Practice! they prepared so much and it really payed off, especially with their sot!!
green25 just. So good i am so happy they won obviously they are really really strong, but they deserved it i think. There is no other pov for 25, its green till the end. Jojo continues to lead her team in such a nice relaxed way i love her
teal28 i cant believe jordan won AGAIN and its with some of The people Ever for him. Punz from yellow15(remember them) and sneeg from cyan18 and blue23(both close third places) and jimmy alllll the way back from blue3, which was the first ever 9/9 bb, and second time jordan lost a db. It felt like full circle moment for jordan to win with these three, and for teal to SWEEP DB omg. 1) jordan himself had been swept so much, and he had been swept in mcc15 with punz and in mcc3 with jimmy. 2) jimmys 1V3 i have never screamed such a scream it was so impressive
red28 crazy little sot from them to finish off the season. Jojo does it again my little shining star i love her sm i could talk about her forever and ever and ever but thats for another post
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