#so like we overstep All these celebrities boundaries
emptyjunior · 3 months
Hey Shohei Ohtani is getting married!
He's a baseball pitcher from Japan and has a huge fanbase, yes cause of sports stuff, but also cause he's admittably Gorgeous and has eligible bachelor superstar Icon status.
And he's announced his engagement to a woman he won't name (although people have many theories out there.)
But I just wanted to take the time to say the people who love Shohei,.. keep it fun 🫵
Because maybe less than a year ago we had another announcement, Yuzuru Hanyu got married.
Beloved figure skating icon, the inspiration for the character Yuuri Katsuki, generally agreed upon heartthrob.
And he got married and received a lot of joking jealous messages,., And then a lot that were Not jokes.
Just a whole campaign of people saying noooo whyy you can't do this, private messages and letters, the media following them everywhere, the media actively STALKING the couple and digging things up about his wife and her past and her life.
And then because Yuzuru Hanyu loved his wife, he divorced her. To protect her and release her from all that pressure.
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And that's the end.
Well now that occurred, I have been seeing a lot of comments under Shohei's stuff and it's mostly lighthearted.,, But it looks a Little too familiar for my tastes.
Kind of the same tone of last time, and lots of conspiracy stuff of who the woman is.
And just wanted to say whether or not we get a name, whether or not she's already a famous person or not,, let's leave her be!
And where you might be tempted to write "I'm so sad" "no don't take him away from me" maybe just a casual "Congratulations!" Is in order instead.
These are people! These are people doing jobs who want to have lives and be married and literally nothing bad has happened around Shohei Ohtani's announcement yet, nothing but happy news, and I want to keep it that way.
For him and the one after him and maybe for one day if Yuzuru Hanyu feels safe enough to try again, let's keep it light and fun and Normal 🫵
So thank you everyone! Take this as a PSA and enjoy being a fan, just remember the responsibility of being a fan, do not take it lightly.
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satoruin · 1 year
➣ a new year’s kiss
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pairing: ayato, albedo, alhaitham, aether x gn!reader
summary: the countdown begins and you unexpectedly have someone asking to be your new years kiss
notes from lee: this one goes out to all my introverts and people that don’t like parties. i don’t either but there’s no new years kiss waiting for anyone sitting in bed at midnight yk + idk what even transpired while i was writing this and idk if it’s ooc since it’s been a hot minute since i’ve written anything so enjoy? AND wishing for all of you to have an amazing new year! i’m super thankful for all of y’all to be supporting me on this blog and yeah! love you guys immensely 🫶
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it’s not normal for you to be at a party new year’s eve but your friend has insisted. saying “new year, new you!” and promptly whisking you away to some party.
you know nobody and the whole party seems to drag on for far too long. the countdown is closing in on zero and most hold their partners close in anticipation for the new year’s kiss tradition.
you know that there probably wasn’t anyone here that would ask to kiss you and you’re much too shy to ask someone yourself. but unknown to you, there’s someone making their way across the room right now, determined to ask you for a kiss.
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you stick to the wall with a cup in hand as the countdown starts. you expect nothing because that’s how it’s been every other year, but unexpectedly there’s someone cupping your cheek
“do you mind?” he asks and you shake your head no and as the tv and people scream happy new year, the stranger places his lips on yours
it’s a short peck but you enjoy it nonetheless. you look up at the man who had just kissed you to find it’s kamisato ayato
he’s extremely gorgeous and the frequent topic of discussion amongst your friends for his looks and money
you think you’ve maybe had a class or two with him but nothing to ever warrant getting to know him
“thank you for making my new year memorable…” he trails off as a way to ask for your name
“on contrary i should be saying thank you. i’m (y/n), it’s nice to meet you or should i say kiss you?” you laugh at your own joke awkwardly and you’re ready for him to leave and go back to his friends at this point
however, he continues to talk to you, “you know, there’s a common saying about sharing a kiss on new years. it’s something along the lines of having a good relationship with the person you kiss.”
he pauses to take note of your reaction before continuing “so i believe that means we will have a good relationship ahead of us, that is if you will go out with me?”
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you’ve been sitting out on the patio waiting for your friend to be finished because archons knows you were done the moment you got here
parties are not for you. they are overwhelming and teeming with people you don’t know and awkward social situations. you wish you had stayed at home and celebrated by yourself, if at all
it’s cold outside and unfortunately you left your coat inside but it’s too much work to go in and come back out. so you sit with your knees tucked into your chest and wait
that is until someone drapes a coat around your shoulders. “you looked cold. sorry if i’m overstepping your boundaries.”
you turn to say thank you, but the words don’t seem to come out as you can only focus on how pretty the boy in front of you is
“it seems like parties aren’t your thing either. i’m albedo by the way. i’m not fond of making friends at these kind of things but…” he trails off unsure of how to finish his thoughts
“no, no i get it! you never know what types of people attend these things.” you laugh awkwardly before sticking out a hand for him to shake and introducing yourself, “i’m (y/n). and thanks for the jacket but i would feel terrible if you were cold too.”
you shrug off the jacket and fold it over your arm for him to take but he just smiles and pushes it back your way. “i don’t get too cold actually. i just take it so my friends don’t worry and to offer to pretty people.”
you laugh in disbelief but don’t say anything. you put the coat on again, thankful that it is providing some warmth
you look inside as you hear people start to countdown and steal a glance towards albedo
you would ask him the question but you’ve just met him and you know you’re not bold enough to ask even if he had been flirting with you just a moment ago
luckily you don’t have to do anything. albedo reaches out to find your hand, “may i have the honor of being your new year’s kiss?”
normally you would say no, he’s a stranger after all, but even being at a part was not normal for you, so you nod
he leans down to where you sit and puts his face close to yours waiting until the countdown reaches zero. and when it does, his warm lips meet yours and you can feel the smile on his lips as he kisses you
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you’re in the kitchen when he approaches you. he looks over at something before saying anything and you’re almost tempted to just leave
“hi. i’ll get straight to the point. i made a bet with my annoying roommate that involves kissing you at midnight. i’m getting $500, a night of peace, and a bottle of wine. if you agree, you get half. if not no worries, i’ll find another way to kick him out.”
you almost want to laugh at the comical situation you’re in. there’s no way this is real, a good looking guy offering to pay to kiss you? “is he that bad? and i don’t know you, what makes you think i would agree?”
he raises his eyebrows and smirks, “i’m alhaitham. i attend the sumeru academia and am double majoring in ancient history and linguistics. i like to read and i work at the library on campus. that should be sufficient, no?”
he ends his little summary of himself and looks back once again and this time you follow his gaze. he’s looking at the tv to see how much time is left in the countdown.
you only shake your head at him, with a slight smile. what harm was there in letting an attractive guy kiss you and then pay you for it?
“i expect my pay by the end of the week.” you tell him and his eyes seem to light up if only slightly at your agreement
when the countdown reaches zero he doesn’t hesitate to press his lips onto yours. his lips are warm and pull away quicker than you would like.
you can definitely hear a mortified “NO” over the shouts of everyone else and alhaitham only laughs instead of searching for the voice
he takes out his phone and hands it to you so you can give him your number and you do the same. “$250 and a date, yeah?”
you tilt your head in confusion, a date? he said nothing about that earlier
he smirks once again and explains, “i did say half of my earnings and half a bottle of wine shouldn’t be enjoyed alone.”
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he’s knelt on the floor when you almost step on him, either knocked down or looking for something, but you try not to question it
“oh my archons, i’m so sorry! i didn’t notice you, um is there anything i can help you with.” you extend a hand out for him to grab and help pull him up and he takes it
“sorry, i’m looking for my sister. i didn’t notice where she went and was just a bit worried about her.” he reaches his hand back to scratch at the back of his head.
he introduces himself and then describes what she looks like and as you turn to help him look he grabs your wrist and turns you back around
“i’m sorry, that was a lie. she’s standing with the rest of my friends who told me i need to come over here and talk to you. they’re sick of listening to me talk about how pretty you are.” he sighs and is flushed red at the confession and moves his gaze to the floor
your eyes widen and you don’t even know what to say. “seriously? good thing i think you’re pretty cute too.” you smile and he picks up his head
he looks anywhere but you and is still flushed. “would you mind if i kissed you at midnight then?”
you just shake your head at the shy boy, but you still agree. when the countdown reaches zero his kisses you and you can hear his friends chant his name and cheering him on
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Too Good To Say Goodbye pt3
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader, Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
warnings: cursing, more shit talking
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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“I’m sorry mate, WHO SAID THAT?!” all sense of calmness decimated from Lando’s demeanor.
Everyone’s gaze bouncing between Lando, Logan, Zak and Me. The only thought in my mind throughout this whole altercation ‘Where did Zak get that I wanted Logan back’
Zak’s face went pale as he obviously wasn’t expecting to be outed like this. “N-no that-that’s not wuh-what I- We just had a conversation about their daughter and she”
The glare of Lando’s face was enough for Zak to stop talking. Zak knew he was in the wrong for butting into something that had nothing to do with him.
“You have NO RIGHT to talk to my girlfriend about how she lives her life! We're happy and that's all you should care about!" Lando should've known better than to yell at his CEO but Zak was way past overstepping a boundary and Lando was having none of it. "C'mon mate! I won't my first grand prix, I'm supposed to be out here celebrating with my lovely girlfriend and the rest of you guys and YOU'RE RUINING IT ZAK!"
The whole bar now is paying attention to the incident happening. People are whipping out their phones to record the whole thing, some even try to crowd around us hoping to provoke a fight between the two.
"DAMN BRO, YOU GON LET A BRIT TAKE YO PREGNANT GIRL? I WOULDN'T TAKE THAT SHIT IF I WAS YOU" some random dude yelled, phone in hand recording with the flash on further aggravating Lando
"Mate, this has nothing to do with you so just walk away." Lando said smacking the phone out of the random dude's hand, which then prompted him to start swinging in Lando's direction.
The guy was fairly tipsy so instead of any of the punches he's thrown landing on Lando, the guy lost his footing resulting none of his punches landing on me and THAT prompted Lando to start throwing hands with him too.
A crowd quickly formed around us, everyone was so busy trying to get the best angle for this bar fight laid out in front of them that none of them realized that they were literally trapping a just about 8 1/2 month pregnant woman in a sea of people.
The grid was too busy trying to pull Lando off the guy but once one guy got hit they started swinging until another one of the drunk guys friends jumped in and then it became a big mob mess. Some of the WAGS that were there retreated out of the bar, before realizing that a very much pregnant Y/N was not with them.
"GUYS! WHERE'S Y/N??" Alex shouted looking around hoping she just missed her and that she was out here safe and not in the middle of a literal bar fight.
After no one seemed to have an eye on Y/N, Alex peaked inside the window of the bar in hopes of finding Y/N before she gets trampled. No more than 15 seconds of peaking through the glass, Alex spots Y/N and the big crowd of drunken men fighting around her.
Back on the inside of the bar, I'm surrounded by men throwing punches and I'm trying so hard to not get hit again. I feel a hand pulling on my arm which prompt me to whip my head to see who it is.
"C'mon Y/N/N, you're gonna get hit again, it's not safe. Not for you and our daughter." I turn and see Logan attempting to shield me with his body as he yanks me up and protects me as he's guiding me to a safer part of the bar, pulling out a stool so I could sit down and he could evaluate whether or not I had an injury. Before I could even sit down on the stool, I feel a gush of wetness between my legs.
My eyes widen in horror as I look down at the mess I’ve just made as a contraction hits me “OH MY GODDD. NOT NOWWWWW” I hurl over in pain as Logan places both of his arms around me to steady me.
“Okay pretty girl, we have to get you to the hospital. let’s go, nice slow steps” Logan says as he rubs the small of my back, before looking back at Lando still mid fight.
Alex, who was watching my every movement like a hawk, quickly opens the bar door “OMG YOUR WATER BROKE? GET IN MY CAR” Alex and Logan both guided me into the “LILY, GO GET LANDO AND MEET US AT THIS HOSPITAL”
I was sat in the back seat with Logan as he was helping me breathe through my contractions and letting me squeeze his hand when the pain became too much.
I’ve been in active labor for 2 hours which means with every contraction I think ‘this is it. babygirl is coming right now’ and each time it’s a false alarm. Something about this contraction felt different, Logan could sense it too given that the way I squeezed his hand for this contraction was very much different from the ones prior.
Although this is my second time giving birth, this one felt so much more different then when I was giving birth to my son. After an excruciatingly long 2 minutes of this contraction I heard the door burst open and in runs a sweaty, bruised/cut open nose Lando with the facial expressions reading “please don’t tell me you had her already”
“I didn’t have her, don’t you worry. I would’ve kiAHHHHHHHH LOGAN SHES COMING. SOMEONE GET THE NURSE, I CAN FEEL HER COMING” in one swift motion Logan helps me sit up and breathe through this contraction while Lando yells for a L&D (labor & delivery) nurse.
“Hi honey, she shouldn’t be coming yet but let’s see how dial- OH MY GOSH HALF HER BODY IS O-” the poor nurse tried to be so calm and nice about this but when she lifted up the blanket she was met with my baby halfway out of my body and in one last push, mine and Logan’s daughter was born.
The sound of a silence filled room which triggered me, reminding me too much of the scene I had to endure 2 years ago but before I could scream and question what was wrong with my daughter, a beautiful cry ended up filling a once silent room.
Exhaustion hit me in waves and I plopped back to rest, closing my eyes before I feel lips on my forehead.
“Thank you so much for bringing my babygirl into this world. You’re so strong. I love you so much.” Logan murmurs against my temple which causes Lando to get very upset but given the circumstances, he lets it slide.
“Okay mom, here’s your little precious bundle of joy” my nurse, Kinley whispers as she hands me my baby.
One look at her and you can tell she’s Logan’s daughter, she’s a spitting image of her dad. Blonde hair, green eyes, she even has light freckles.
“What do you want to name her Logan?” I whisper, almost afraid that if I speak any louder that this’ll all fade and I’d be that once empty, soulless mess I was.
“Yelena Ivy Sargeant” I can’t believe that Logan remembered the name I had chosen when I thought our first pregnancy was a girl, I’d only mentioned the name twice before we found out he was a boy
“you remembered” a sigh escapes my lips as I look intensely in his eyes
“I never forgot, that name made you so happy.” one of Logan’s hands found a place on my cheek before silently asking for permission to hold his daughter, which I gracefully handed her over.
“What do you think about her name Lando?” I ask as I turn my head to my boyfriend who’s stood on the opposite side of bed than Logan is.
“I have no say because that’s yours and Logan’s decision but for what it’s worth, I think it’s a beautiful name” Lando’s lips find a place on my temple while a hand strokes my hair “hey i’m gonna step outside and let them know that little miss Yelena Ivy is now apart of the family” lando places one more quick kiss on my forehead before grabbing one of my hands, kissing it too and leaving.
After Lando left, the room fell in a comfortable silence. Just Logan, Yelena and Me enjoying each other’s company.
“she’s so beautiful” Logan whispers as he plants a small, delicate kiss on the top of her head
“she looks just like you” I smile, the first genuine smile I’ve given Logan in lord knows how many months and he smiles right back at me before gently bouncing Yelena as she coos.
As I looked in Logan’s eyes when he smiled back at me before he turned his attention back to our baby, something felt different.
I wish I could capture this moment in time right here, where everything felt so right, so normal. Nothing could ruin this moment, not when I felt like I had it all. A well paying job, my daughter, a man who loved both of us unconditionally, and for a moment i did have it all except for the fact that Logan and I weren’t together anymore and that one fact did ruin the moment.
When Logan handed Yelena back to me, he whispered “You’ve given me the greatest gift anyone could’ve ever given me and I will spend eternity trying to right my wrongs and win you back, even if it’s not relationship wise, I can’t have my daughters mother, the love of my life mad at me forever” tears welled up in my eyes as one thought crossed my mind when he mentioned ‘the love of my life’
why did my heart just flutter?
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal
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matan4il · 11 days
can we get a. like i dont even know what to call it anymore but can we mention Michel Nisenbaum, an Israeli-Jewish man who was killed on oct. 7th and had his corpse held hostage until really recently. it's ok if you're too busy to do it or if im overstepping a boundary but its just that his story has really been weighting on me recently
Hi Clawdia!
You don't even have to ask me, it's a given I would talk about them, it was just a matter of when. There's so much to say, to share, to debunk, when every aspect of our existence is misunderstood, distorted and/or lied about...
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The IDF has returned the bodies of three more hostages who were murdered on Oct 7, and their corpses were kidnapped. The intel which allowed the soldiers to locate and rescue the bodies was uncovered in the last few days.
With your permission, I'll go through the above pic in the order in which we read and write Hebrew, from right to left...
42 years Chanan Yablonka was a father of two. He was last seen in security footage from the Nova music festival, walking through the parking lot, but hasn't replied to his family's calls. They knew that all of the four friends who had been with Chanan in the car in which they tried to flee the scene had been murdered on Oct 7, but no one knew what happened to him. It took 90 days to find the intel which changed his status from "missing" to "kidnapped." IDK if people understand the nightmare that not knowing is for the family. Now they do, and can bring him to his final resting place.
30 years old Mexican-French Orion Hernandes Radu was Shani Louk's boyfriend. They met abroad, and were together for almost a year. He was also the father of a little girl, and a musical producer of parties who worked all over the world. On Oct 7, his dad got a message in Arabic from Hamas, saying that Orion was alive, well, and kidnapped to use him for "political trade." He and Shani went to the Nova music festival together, and the vid of her stripped down, raped, abused body being taken to Gaza, to where people were celebrating in the streets and a boy spat on her still bleeding corpse was the first thing I saw of the massacre on the day itself. Now we know they were both murdered then, kidnapped together, and their bodies were returned to Israel one day apart.
59 years old Michel Nisenbaum was a grandfather, and on Oct 7, at his daughters' request, he went to get his 4.5 years old granddaughter from a military base in the south, where she was spending the day with her dad, an IDF officer. On the way to the base, Michel came across people fleeing the massacre, and as a volunteer paramedic, he helped several of them. When his son-in-law realized terrorists had invaded Israel, he called Michel to tell him not to come, but Hamas terrorists were the ones who answered the phone. One of his daughters said that from the moment she learned about the terrorists replying to her dad's phone, she knew life would never be the same again. At his funeral today, his former wife thanked Michel for the family that they built together, for an extraordinary friendship they had, for the way they learned to deal with everything life had in store for them, and promised him she'll keep guarding all that they had between them.
May their memories be a blessing. </3
The current number of hostages in Gaza is 125, and 39 have been determined to have been killed, which means there are 86 living hostages at most there.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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I’m probably over stepping boundaries on this one but how about Adam and Lucifer celebrating Easter or Christmas or at least Adam is trying to get Lucifer to celebrate either holiday for him
No it's not overstepping! Lol
"Come on Luci, why not?" Adam whined as he followed the King of Hell around. He just didn't understand what the big deal was, they celebrated this holiday in heaven?
Lucifer sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "For the last time Adam, we don't celebrate Easter here in Hell."
"Why the fuck not? You against bunnies?" Adam teased, he thought that Lucifer was being ridiculous about this.
"Why would I celebrate a heavenly holiday? It was created by angels for humans and since I am neither there is no point. Now let it go."
Adam can't believe he is really going to pull this card. "I'm human."
Lucifer stopped walking to turn and look at Adam. "No, you're a mortal soul. You haven't been human in ten thousand years and you weren't even alive when any holidays came about."
"So? Toilets weren't invented when I was alive either and I have no problem with indoor plumbing." Adam folded his arms. "Plus, Charlie will like it I'm sure."
"Why the fuck are you so against it? Everyone gets together for a big meal, you attempt to look for eggs that you don't find until months later, and you eat some fucking chocolate an overgrown rabbit gave you. What's wrong with that?"
"Okay fine. You want to know why? It has nothing to do with the holiday and more with what happened that day thousands of years ago." Lucifer said, it might have been years but it still hurt.
"What are yo-" Then it hit Adam. Oh. That was the day that Lucifer fell into Hell bringing sin to the earth. "Oh."
"Yeah oh."
Adam sighed. "What if we made new memories for that day instead? Replace the old of that day."
"How?" Lucifer raised a brow.
Adam pulled him in for a hug, he was still new to all this comforting stuff. "Celebrate Easter with me and Charlie. It'll be the most kick ass day of your life or your money back."
Lucifer chuckled and hugged Adam back. "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, except you didn't actually pay. What do you say?"
Lucifer thought about it. He looked at Adam and smiled. "Fine. Just this once."
Adam literally squealed with joy and squeezed Lucifer so hard the king thought he was gonna pop like a balloon. "Fucking sweet! Oh shit there's so much to do. Charlie!" Adam ran off to find the princess.
Lucifer shook his head amused. For the two people he loves most he would do anything once.
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14buddy22 · 1 year
I’ll Spend the Rest of My Life Making It Up To You Series
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Proposals, Kissing, Mentions of sex, engagements, angst, weddings, domestic abuse, bruises, guilt, mentions of death
A/n: Part 2!! If you want to be tagged in future parts, let me know! If I missed anything in the warnings, let me know!
WC: 4.2K
Series Masterlist // Masterlist
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**13 years ago**
You and Aaron were celebrating your 2 year anniversary. You had been friends for much longer than that, you were one of Sean’s friends growing up, however, you always got along with Aaron. You don’t know why, but you did. You knew everything there was to know about Aaron and it made you even better partners when you finally did start dating because of it.
When you say “celebrating” it was more like, you two just woke up that morning on your anniversary, not yet begun any festivities. It was nice that he was away from the FBI academy for the weekend so you two could just spend some time together.
You planned your 1 year anniversary, but Aaron wanted to plan your 2 year anniversary. It was nice to know that he could plan things and know everything would turn out okay. You didn’t feel the need to overstep your boundary to help him plan because you knew everything would be perfect, whatever he planned.
And it was. Everything he did plan for your 2-year anniversary was perfect.
After getting out of bed after some morning festivities with Aaron, you both showered for the day and walked to a local breakfast shop that you two both loved ever since you two were kids. It was family-run, so you only appreciated the food and hard work even more.
After breakfast, he decided to take you shopping at your local bookstore. You were a nerd for books. After Aaron let you spend more money on yourself than you’ve ever spent on yourself, you two decided to go home and curl up on the couch while he watched a golfing event and you read your book.
It was very peaceful. You appreciated every moment you had with Aaron, especially since being a lawyer had him constantly busy so you never knew when the next time was that you were going to have him to yourself with no caseloads.
He stopped watching the TV and turned to look at you. You loved that he would stop whatever he was doing to pay attention to you. It shows that he was willing to listen and that you were important too.
“What’s going to happen to us? Are we going to stay together forever? Will we get bored of each other? Will we get married? Will we have 6 Hotchner kids running around?”
“Honey, I don’t know what’s in store for us. I just know that I see myself spending the rest of my life with you. There’s no one else for me. I want you and all your perfections for the rest of my life. If we get married, we get married. If we have kids, maybe not 6, we have kids.”
“Hey! You’ve known since you and I first hung out alone without Sean that I’ve wanted 6 kids.”
“Yeah, and I hoped every day from that point on that I’d be the one to give you 6 kids.”
He smirked at you and you thought it was the hottest thing ever. He knew it was an absolute turn-on for you when he talked about giving you, kids. He was very possessive as well, he wanted your kids to be ones he helped create and raise.
“You and I have nothing to worry about. It’ll be you and me together forever. I’m crazy about you. I’d do anything for you. You’re my girl and I love you.”
As you began to kiss Aaron, long forgetting about the TV show he was watching and the book you were reading. It quickly turned into a heated makeout session and turned into something more.
It was later in the evening that you and Aaron finally began to get ready for your date night. When you finished getting ready and walked out into your living room to meet him, his eyes immediately roamed over your body. You’d seen him speechless only a few times, but the way he was looking at you, you knew if you didn’t leave soon, your plans would be ruined as would all your makeup and outfit.
“Come on, Aar. We can’t be late. Put your tongue in your mouth and stop drooling.”
When you walked over to give Aaron a kiss on his lips, he whispered, “You look gorgeous.”
He was the biggest hypeman known to mankind. He made you feel good in whatever it was you were doing. If you were starting to read a book, he’d hype you up to finish it so you could tell him all about it. If you wore an outfit that was brand new, he’d hype you up like you were the best supermodel to walk the Earth.
He truly was the best man you’d ever known. You loved Sean as your friend, but dating Aaron was just different. You got to know everything about Aaron, things Sean didn’t know.
“Are you ready to go, gorgeous?”
“Yes, Aaron. Let’s go. We can’t be late.”
You and Aaron went out to a restaurant and after sharing a meal with your handsome boyfriend, he decided to go out to a bar afterward. It was one of your favorite bars near a college town. They did karaoke on Wednesdays and Saturday nights and it was filled with a bunch of locals. The way you went, they all knew you by now, but Aaron, they’d only seen a couple of times.
He wasn’t that big on karaoke, but if it’s something you loved and he knew that. You weren’t a good singer by any means but you still did love to sing just for the fun of it. Aaron loved to see you singing your heart out with the locals.
What he really loved was just to see you happy.
He signed you and him up for a duet and when you tried to ask him what song, he kept saying, “You’ll see.”
When you looked over at him, watching him take a sip of his beer, you chuckled softly as you took his hand in yours.
When you kissed his hand, you began laughing at the friend group singing right then and there. You leaned into him and then you and he began singing with everyone else, just laughing and having a good time.
Soon, it was yours and Aaron’s turn to sing. He had chosen Love Story, by Taylor Swift. When you smiled at him, you began to sing. Both of you are love-struck with each other.
You began to sing, “I got tired of waiting. Wondering if you were ever coming around. My faith in you was fading. When I met you on the outskirts of town. And I said Romeo save me, I’ve been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head, I don’t know what to think.”
Just as you turned to Aaron, he began to sing, “I knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring”. At that moment, everyone in the bar sang the rest of the song while Aaron had a ring out and he was down on one knee.
It was a dream proposal come true. You knew right then and there you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. He picked up on little things; how you loved the bar you were at, how you absolutely fell in love with this song when it first came out.
Now, 13 years later, you were sitting in Aaron’s office. He had just told you that you’re the strongest person he’d ever met, yet he doesn’t know half of what you went through. You don’t even know how he could say that to you when he’s the strongest person you’d ever met. He went through abuse from a parent. His wife died from a serial killer he was hunting. If anything, Aaron should have commented on how you were a coward. It took you 10 years to come forward.
“Aaron. How could I be the strongest person you ever met? It has taken me 10 years to come forward about Jake. I hid everything. I covered up what he did to me. Aaron, I had his baby. I love Mason, so much. But what if that gets passed to Mason.”
“No, no, it won’t get passed to Mason because you’re raising him. You know I grew up in that situation.”
He’s right. If anything, you were looking at a prime example of how you wanted your son to turn out. Aaron was strong. He endured the pain much later in his childhood.
“It was worse for you, Jake never touched him. I just don’t want Mason to turn into Jake someday.”
As far as you knew, Jake never laid a hand on Mason. You wanted to keep it that way. You’re just glad Mason wasn’t old enough to experience the trauma that you went through. That’s what made you realize you needed to get out of that relationship.
“Some grow up to be killers, but some grow up to catch them. I grew up to catch them because I wanted to save people like my mom and Sean. Mason is going to grow up knowing what it feels like to be loved. I didn’t feel that often until you came into my life.”
“I just don’t want Mason to grow up and be angry at me.”
You began to cry in front of Aaron again. You didn’t care. This was the first time you’ve cried in front of a man in 12 years. The last time was in front of Aaron, but in a different situation. He was the one who broke your heart. It’s funny how you cried to him about a man when 12 years ago, you were the one crying about him.
**12 Years Ago**
Aaron had walked into your shared apartment. Slowly, closing the door, he was quietly searching to see if you were in the living area or in the kitchen. When he saw you were in neither place, he called out your name.
“In the bedroom, honey.”
When Aaron loosened his tie on the way to his bedroom, it was like he was doing a walk of shame. His head was hung low, his eyes already glossed over. You wouldn’t know why for about 2 more minutes.
“Hey honey, sorry. I’m just putting laundry away.”
You kissed him and watched him walk into the bathroom. Maybe it was just a bad day. You know that it happened to him a lot, you didn’t blame him. If you were in his position, you don’t think you’d be able to handle it as well as he did some days.
You wanted to get his mind off of it so you wanted to start talking about your wedding, which was only two months away from the exact date.
“Aaron, look what came in today. The final piece for the centerpieces came. I’ve been messing around with them and there are a few ways I’d like to see them displayed on the tables. I have a couple of them set up. Can you help me decide on them?”
You watched Aaron come out of the bathroom slowly, still not sure how you were going to help him. You wanted to help him in any way you can since he’s always been there for you.
“Come here, look.”
You grabbed his hand and you felt him tense at your touch. That had never happened before. You would have noticed it before if he tensed at your touch, wouldn’t you?
“Aaron, what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry. I can’t. We can’t do this.”
You don’t know if you heard him right. What does he mean by ‘we can’t do this’. You were hoping that you’d be able to talk him out of whatever was going to happen.
“We need to break off the engagement?”
“I can’t keep you safe. My job is too much. I can’t lose you. There’s too much bad in this world, Y/n. You’re the one good thing that I don’t want them to take from it. If we break it off now, I won’t lose you. Our kids won’t grow up without a mom. I just, can’t do this. I can’t feel this guilt if something were to ever happen to you. I already feel guilty enough that I bring home my dark and gray world when it clashes with your bright, color-filled world. I don’t want to be the one who brings you down. I don’t want you to be taken from this world, you’re the only good thing in it.”
You wanted to say so much, but you didn’t. You were caught off guard. You were beginning to break down and cry, but you didn’t want him to see you like this. You silently just nodded your head, wiped his tear and he whispered, “Please say something.”
You took off the ring he’d given to you. All the memories of your time with him flooding back to your brain, the proposal, all the wedding prep, it just broke you down even more. When you packed a bag, he followed you around like a lost puppy. He wanted this. You couldn’t do anything about it, there were no words that could come out of your mouth.
“I’m going to stay at Sean’s for tonight. I’ll be back to get my things in the morning. I’ll be moved out by the afternoon. I’ll take all the wedding stuff and send it back. You won’t have to worry about anything.”
Thinking back, that was the downfall of it all. Aaron would never forgive himself. You wouldn’t forgive yourself for not fighting harder. But, he deserved someone more. You always thought he had that with Haley until she died. You realized that every time he cried after her death, it could have been you he was crying over.
The only problem was. The minute you walked into his office, clearly disturbed, he felt guilty. When you told him everything that happened to you, he felt guilty, and heartbroken, because when you two split up, you met Jake.
Your abuser.
Had Aaron never broken your heart, you would have never been abused. You would have felt love. You would’ve been safe with him. Maybe had he stayed with you, Foyet never would’ve happened. But then he wouldn’t have Jack and you wouldn’t have Mason.
You and he could've had babies running around. But no, he broke your heart. You suffered through years of domestic violence, and he couldn’t see anything wrong every time you guys met up for lunch. You were the greatest con artist he could ever meet.
He would never forgive himself for not seeing that you were in a domestic relationship. He was a profiler, being played every time you two went out for lunch. It only made him think back to a few of your lunches, trying to pinpoint where something should have been off, if you were secretly trying to tell him something, that wouldn’t have given it away to the average person but should have given it away to the one person who cared about you the most.
“Mason is going to turn out just fine. He’s going to see how strong his mother is. He is being raised by the greatest woman in the entire world.”
“And what about me? I have no one, Aaron. I have no one to help me. I’m alone, I’m scared. Jake’s got more money than I could even think of. His dad is a lawyer for god’s sake. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’m a teacher. I don’t have mounds of money laying around to get the best lawyer in the world.”
“You have me. Okay, you have me, you have my team. My team, believe it or not, is the dream team. We will take care of you. I’m going to take care of you. Right now, I need you to trust me. Please. Let me help you.”
“Okay. Okay. But I owe you everything. I owe you so-”
“No, no. You don’t owe me anything. It’s my fault you’re in this position. Had I never broken your heart, broken off the engagement, Jake would have never happened.”
You looked at Mason then looked back up at Aaron. With tears in your eyes, all you could see was your lover. The one you wanted to marry all those years ago. The one you wish would have objected at your and Jake’s wedding when the officiant said something along the lines of “speak now or forever hold your piece”.
You remember searching the crowd when the officiant said that, praying to whoever was listening that Aaron would say something. Even when you locked eyes with him, you watched him sit forward slightly, the wind looked like it was knocked out of him, and just when you held your breath, you watched him lean back in his seat, an apology filling his eyes.
“Hon-, we have to get you to the hospital. I need you to have an exam. Please.”
“I don’t want him to get to Mason.”
“He will never get Mason, I will promise you that. Please. Let me help you. You can trust me.”
“Yeah? How could I? When I trusted you, you broke my heart.”
Okay, that was really uncalled for. You know Aaron feels guilty enough, but you didn’t care. When he broke off the engagement, you met Jake shortly after. Is it your fault for not getting out sooner? Many would think it is, but it’s hard being in an abusive relationship, especially when you don’t even notice it at first.
“Aaron, I’m sorry, that was uncalled for. I know I can trust you, I’m just, I’m on edge. You wouldn’t know this.”
“Hey. Hey. Slow down. I’m not mad. I deserved that. It’s been 12 years since I broke off the engagement. In fact, today should have been our 12-year wedding anniversary.”
When he looked at you, you saw the tears forming in his eyes, slowly keeping himself together. He couldn’t break down, not in front of you. You were an abused woman, and yet he was on the verge of tears.
“I’m going to get you the help you need. My friend is taking the case pro bono. He owes me a favor, so he’s repaying me. You’re going to stay with Jack and me until Jake’s in prison. You’re not going back to get everything until he’s in custody or my team goes with you. When my team goes with, Mason will be in an FBI vehicle, surrounded by armed agents.”
“Let me help you.”
“Okay. Okay. It all started right before the wedding.”
Someone knocked on the door and Aaron’s heart slowly broke more and more when he watched you flinch. Aaron stood up to grab the door, hand on the gun that was on his hip. When he saw it was Rossi, he looked at you and said, “It’s Dave, it’s okay.”
Dave came in and you saw him holding the photo of you and Aaron.
“The tracking device is disabled from your car, we’re going to leave the vehicle at the building and give you a rental. This way, we know for sure you won’t be tracked and he can’t track the license plate.”
“Thank you, Dave.”
“Hotch, can I have a word with you?”
“Yeah. Y/n, stay here with Mason, you’re safe here. I promise nothing is going to happen to you. Stay in the office, here, Dave, help me move the coffee table so Mason can do some tummy time. I’m going to the office right next door, then, you know what I’m going to ask you when we come back. I’m going to need you to tell us everything.”
You weren’t ready to tell Aaron. You thought you were, but you weren’t.
“I’ll tell him, everything.”
Dave looked at Aaron and said, “That’s fine, you don’t have to tell me.”
“No. Dave, I’m going to tell you everything. Aaron, you’re going to have to go with your team, because, I’m just not ready to tell you yet. I can’t see the reaction on your face, Aar. It’ll break you even more than me showing up today, battered and littered with bruises and trauma.”
Aaron just nodded and you realized that was another dagger to his heart. When he walked out with Rossi, you laid Mason’s blanket on the ground with some toys and sat next to Mason. Mason was reaching for the toys and beginning to smile. It just allowed you some time to break down, without Aaron in front of you.
“When were you going to tell us you two were engaged?”
“I wanted to, but I didn’t want to tell her. Where did you even get that picture?”
Aaron took the picture of you and him from that bar when he proposed and saw the ring taped to it. Emotions and memories flooded his brain and all he could think was how bad he messed up life for you. Breaking off that engagement led to you being abused. That was two women he had lost. He lost you first and then he lost Haley. He will always have a special place in his heart for Haley, she’s the mother of his child, but you, you were and are so much more than that. You were the one he wanted to have 6 kids with. You were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with until he messed that all up.
Rossi looked at Aaron and said, “If she doesn’t want you in the room when she talks about what happened to her, you can’t be in the room. You know that Aaron.”
“She’s scared Dave. I have to protect her now more than ever.”
Aaron walked back into his office and he just stopped and admired you talking and playing with Mason. He knew you’d be an amazing mother. You were always great with the neighbor’s kids when you two lived together. You often would leave work and would pick the neighbor’s kids up from school and daycare and bring them home. Your neighbor was a single dad with three kids. You felt bad they didn’t have a mother figure, so you tried to help when you can, not overstepping. You always thought about what happened to those kids. The oldest one would be 18 now, the youngest one being 14.
Then your phone began to ring, and it broke Aaron out of whatever trance he was in. Fear flashed before your eyes and Aaron caught it.
“It’s okay. Who is it?’
“It’s him, Aaron.”
Aaron said, “You’re going to answer. Keep him talking for as long as you can.”
He opened his office door and shouted for Penelope to track the phone call. His team came around him and Penelope came into the office and sat at the desk. Aaron sat next to you on the floor and said, “Answer, it’s okay. I’m right here. Nothing can happen to you anymore.”
You picked up the phone with shaky hands. All that was grounding you was holding Aaron’s hand and looking at your son. The only two boys in the world you trusted in that moment.
“Hey honey.”
“Y/n, where’d you go. I thought you weren’t doing anything this weekend?”
“I went to visit a friend. I’m staying the night at their place.”
“No. I want you home, now. You didn’t ask to spend the night, you didn’t say anything, it also looks like we’ve been robbed. Don’t lie to me. I know where you are. You’re with Aaron. Aren’t you? Your one and only true love, huh?”
“Yes, I’m visiting him. Aaron’s wife passed away and his son is having a really hard time and so is he. I was best friends with him, Jake. You have to realize that before you, it was Aaron and I as friends.”
“No. No. You’re cheating on me, aren’t you? I always suspected it. You were a slut before I met you. You’re being a slut now. You want a reason to stay away? I’ll give you one. I’ll kill you before you even have the chance to come home.”
Before you could say anything, the line went dead. Fear had struck you. He knows where you are, he knows you’re with Aaron. The last thing you wanted to do was endanger Aaron.
You let go of Aaron and put your phone on the ground.
“He knows where I am, Aaron. He said he was going to kill me before I had the chance to come home. I’m going to die and he’ll get custody of my son, I’m scared, Aaron.”
You began to fall apart. Tears ran down your face and before you could begin to wipe them, Aaron pulled your body against his, and rubbed your back. It only made everything worse when Aaron saw a bruise on your face that your hair had been covering, the scratch mark that ran down your neck, and the words from Penelope, “He’s on his way here.”
Next Part
Tagging: @lex13cm @rousethemouse​
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mocharoll · 1 year
(Ominis/GN!Reader) The Fools
An Ode to Young Love and Recovery
Summary: Two years post-game. Your final year at Hogwarts calls for early celebrations at the Three Broomsticks as you continue to struggle with your past. Only, you're slowly starting to learn that it is not enough for you to try and bury your memories, but to nurture them instead so one day they can become trees.
Rating: Mature (Implied sexual content, aged up characters)
Content: Angst, romance, humour, (self-)acceptance, trauma recovery, insights on growing up, raging hormones of young adults, a lot of fluff and a lot of love.
No real spoilers for the end of the game and spoilers for Sebastian's questline.
Link to the series: The Gaunt Who Loved
It was a mild September's evening, with the molten gold hues of the sky getting even warmer as the sun stretched over the horizon and across the evergreen hills surrounding Hogsmeade. Despite summer having ended some time ago, nature was showing no signs of grogginess so far. It's as if the Sun had not yet realised that it was indeed autumn, and missed the memo that he was supposed to be going to sleep earlier. Maybe today he wanted to watch all the ruckus that was going on, down there in the Three Broomsticks, for just a while longer. You approach the lively pub with a soft smile and tranquil spirits, having arrived a bit earlier to have a private celebration with your partner.
You are about to begin your last year in Hogwarts. It has been two years since you embarked on your fateful journey and your life took a rather jagged turn, going so rapidly in-between ups and downs that on a graph it must resemble overused scratch paper. Since all you've been through with your friends in foiling Ranrok and Rookwood's plans, the rest of your time has been quite relaxed and uneventful, at least by Hogwarts standards, so much so that one might suspect it to be early retirement.
When your fifth year had come to an end, Sebastian and Ominis were at an impass. Not only due to their strained relationship and their hesitance in approaching the other in fear of overstepping their boundaries, which was especially true for Sebastian, who did most offense albeit meaning no actual harm, but also due to Anne's refusal to have anything to do with her twin immediately after the incident. All of a sudden the boys didn't have anywhere to go. As such, it was only fair that you and your family opened your doors to your first ever friends in Hogwarts, who welcomed you with open arms when you were expecting a cold welcome as a relative outsider. Your parents, who were incredibly glad to not having to be scared witless for the the safety of their only child, who was miles away from them and in constant danger, did not hesitate for a single second to accept the fold into their home. Your friends were ever so grateful to be given the opportunity to heal and reconnect in a place where they didn't need to constantly be on their guard. Even so, everything that has happened in your fifth year seemed like a memory that couldn't stay in the past where it belonged. With every year that passed, the more randomly the remnants of all that has transpired resurfaced from your collective memory, and at unpredictable intervals.
"A year ago today I nearly became dragon kibble," said with mock indignance, petting the family cat that had just gotten used to the presence of more than three people being present at once in the house.
"Can't believe we all managed to get dragged into all sorts of trouble soon after we met you," said fondly with a twinge of melancholy, listening intently for any cues of positive or negative reactions, yet finding only melancholy palpably reflected back at him. Melancholy for what, nobody really knew. Loss of innocence? Although none of you had the innocence of what was expected in a typical teenager. The acknowledgement of lost innocence, perhaps.
"It's been two years since Solomon died," said abruptly, the monotonous tone betraying deep and persistent hurt, only a few minutes after you all had been laughing about Garreth's antics at Potions class. It had felt like someone poured a bucket of ice water over your head, freezing you with the same paralysing dread as when you realised what had happened. That Solomon had died in his sleep, peacefully.
You wince at the memories and all the lies you've had to tell in order to cover up those memories, albeit to little success. Your eyes instinctively close shut, yet it barely stops the part of your brain that is still terrified yet intent on replaying all that has happened, nor is it effective in distracting you from the faint prickling at the base of your skull that has been reoccurring in short bursts ever since you were hit by the Cruciatus curse, like a muted cascade of static electricity.
It's been getting better, you reassure yourself, because you don't yet know what to make of the other alternative, which is that you've only gotten used to the sensation. Of course, your friends have been of tremendous help as you healed, both physically and mentally, and for a while they were the one grounding factor that kept you sane. That is, after they knew how they could effectively help you better when you finally relented and told them you needed their help. You are forever grateful for them; for their support, patience and compassion. It is then you became aware of how incredibly lucky you were to be surrounded by so much positivity and tenderness. Perhaps you needed to survive such a calamity to realise how loved you really are.
"Are you intent on standing there any longer?" You hear a familiar voice ring out behind you, the musical lilts brimming with amusement. "If so, please be so kind to step aside so at least one of us can enjoy the butterbeer that you had proposed we get." You can't help but smile to yourself and at the warmth spreading out from the centre of your chest, which promptly dispels the remaining dark clouds behind your eyes. Normally it takes way more effort for anyone, let alone you, to pull you out from the eye of a storm like this, but that's just the effect this guy always had on you; the kind that passes through your defences as gently as the foam of sea waves caress the farthest edges of the sand. His influence over you has never alarmed you, and frankly you allowed for it, because you are well aware that the disgust he misplaces in himself due to his family's reputation and how utterly wary he is of his capacity to hurt others makes him that much more careful not to betray the trust of those he cares about. Hence you've never hidden your positive reactions from him when he's around, even before you were together, because your trust in him helped him build trust in himself.
With that, your eyes flutter open, your otherwise heavy eyelids showing no resistance, and you blink rapidly to clear the remaining fog to see the reflection on the door. Surely enough, you see none other than Ominis standing behind you, wand resting at his side, his bemused expression otherwise displaying calm patience.
"Hey, you!" You sigh in relief.
"Hey." He lifts his gaze from the ground and brings it up towards the direction of your voice, smiling warmly. He lifts his other arm slightly and curves his hand inwards, beckoning you to come closer.
You don't need to be asked twice. You step into his space in practiced confidence that still gives you butterflies and wrap your arms underneath his, your head landing right underneath his jaw as he wraps around you. Ominis didn't use to be too big on hugs, mostly because they startled him if a verbal warning wasn't given beforehand and, well, he's not used to the gesture all that much. Or rather he wasn't, because your inclination for showing affection through physical contact, which he found endearingly tolerable at first, became something he greatly enjoyed and eventually gladly initiated. You swear every time you tuck your head in the crook of his neck you can feel how tall he's gotten since the last time you hugged, especially considering the first time around you were almost the same height! Each hug feels a little different than the last, although the reason for that is completely unrelated to height.
After a few blissful seconds, or more (you can't really tell at this point), you lean your head back a tiny bit to look at him. Despite the mature sharpness of the lines of his face and the slight hollowness of his cheeks that was a temporary side effect of growth spurts, you could still see the softness in his features and in his unfocused eyes that were somehow able to see all of you at once. He is getting more handsome with each passing month and you'd be lying if you didn't enjoy making him blush with your attestations of just how attractive he is. As for you, while your height was guaranteed to remain the same by now, the excess fat right below your cheekbones that you irately tugged at in your early adolescence got smoothed out, just like your mother had assured, and the bridge of your nose that you inherited from your father started to get more prominent, which he had jokingly forewarned you against when you were a kid. He made light of it by telling you that you'll be able to smell things a lot better, yet given your experiences around noxious and pungent materials that were an inherent reality of the 'authentic Hogwarts experience', you don't see how that could possibly be a good thing. Nevertheless, you were glad to be growing and accepted the changes your body was going through as best you could. Besides, the way Ominis was holding you already made you feel like you were the most gorgeous thing ever.
"How did you know it was me?" Your voice is reduced to little more than a whisper.
He opens his eyes, their corners crinkling at your sudden discretion. "I was right behind you, you know." He says matter of factly, also whispering. "I recognised your footsteps."
You chuckle softly, sliding your arm out from under his, and run your fingers through his hair. "Figured as much."
"Mhm." He arches into your touch and hums lowly, grazing his nose against your cheek with a smirk he doesn't care to hide anymore. He leans in closer, his soft breaths making your skin feel hot red. That is your cue to face him, and Ominis gladly meets your lips in the middle. You stand there for a moment, entwined in each other, swaying gently with the early autumn's wind that feels like cool lemonade, and when you finally deepen the kiss you feel him inhale sharply, his brows furrowing with intense focus. His grip on your robe gets tighter as he pulls you closer until you're flush against his body and you feel him pressing tightly against your thigh.
Ever since the incident, Ominis and Sebastian have been trying their best to mend their strained relationship, and Sebastian had been focusing on reconciling with Anne in order to make up for precious time lost after he had ironically neglected her in pursuit of cheating death for her. As such, you and Ominis ended up spending more and more time together, making up for time spent chasing after Sebastian and not around each other. After getting over the shock of the revelation that you like liked each other after your admissions of mutual affection, you started to get closer and closer. The playful glances became tentative touches, and those became bold caresses as you got older and grew more comfortable around each other. And now, it just so happened that he was pinning you against a wall.
The muffled buzzing of the bar is almost completely snuffed out as your senses centre around him and nothing else, until you barely notice that you're backed against the wall and your kisses have started to get urgent and desperate. And then Ominis breaks away from the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours as he grounds himself and tries his best to calm himself. His eyes stayed closed, like opening them would mean losing the clarity of you. You gasp at the sudden loss, swollen lips gaping pathetically. You feel dizzy, intoxicated, even, and it doesn't help that his face is only a few inches from you, yet you silently hold onto him while you wait for your head to stop spinning. He's drawing this out and you know it. A part of you appreciates it, despite it being positively excruciating.
Once you've both caught your breaths, it doesn't take long for the position you're both in to finally dawn on you, and how the steps of incoming and departing patrons seem to falter, pause, then continue hurriedly in the opposite direction as you. You thought you could even hear the cheer of a particularly tipsy patron that sounded old enough for you to avoid eye contact at all costs lest you see him in class someday. A jolt of panic shoots up your spine when you feel Ominis trembling and you worriedly turn back to check on him, but you see that his shoulders are simply shaking in silent laughter. His face is scrunched up in equal amounts of delight and embarrassment, and also the reddest you've ever seen it. It's not long until you join him as well, cupping his cheek and chuckling uncontrollably. Your laughter eventually goes up the wrong airway and turns into a massive snort, which prompts Ominis to practically start wheezing.
"Okay, okay!" You plead after you feel tears collect at the corner of your eyes. "Please. I'm about to pee myself."
Ominis can only manage to bury his face into your shoulder, shaking his head as if to convey that his efforts to stop are ultimately for naught. You are left to pat the top of his head and fix his once carefully groomed hair as you look up and wipe the tears from your eyes. This is one of the things you love most about yourself. That you can find, pluck, and bring joy wherever you go. You've found that people bloom in your presence, that your friends are not only motivated to reach their potential in terms of academic success, but in being the best they could be. The most passionately impulsive guy you've known realised he could find the peace he was desperately searching simply by slowing down and enjoying the time he has with his loved ones. The reserved guy who exercised unprecedented self-control over himself to the point of neurosis is a bubbly laughing mess in your arms.
I turned out okay after all. You smile to yourself, closing your eyes peacefully and burying your nose in Ominis' hair. Ominis, who has significantly calmed down by now, peppers your neck with kisses in return of your gesture.
"That was nice," he mutters elatedly.
"It was," you brush your thumb across his cheek, "...and we can do it again, later."
He nods and turns his head, planting a quick kiss on your thumb before standing straight, hands searching for misplaced or fuzzy strands in your hair. He finds plenty, so he starts to gently comb them out with his fingers. You also fix his tieless collar and realign his dark grey vest, and run your hands through his hair one last time to ensure it looks close to how neat it look before your make out session ruined it. He doesn't seem to mind it in the slightest.
"Perhaps not outside of the single most crowded pub in town, yes?" Ominis raises a teasing brow.
"Indeed. You're ravishing, by the way."
Ominis brows shoot up at that, almost to comical proportions, but he recovers quickly enough. He instinctively checks the collars of his shirt and smooths the front of his vest.
"You don't think the vest is a bit too much?"
"I think it's perfect. And you left out the tie so it looks relaxed enough. You look like you're just here to get a drink."
Ominis nods, satisfied. "That is my intention." He tilts his head, smiling. "And you're absolutely breathtaking."
You chuckle, shrugging with quasi-modesty. "I try."
His smile turns cheeky as he traces the side of your neck with his fingers. "Really? I didn't notice."
You sigh incredulously, shoulders raising so dramatically that it makes Ominis smirk. "Shut up before I back us up into a corner again. And this time we're not stopping."
His expression shifts at that and his hand halts at the base of your jaw. "Who said I will stop?"
"Don't, please." You say without a trace of your bratiness earlier, voice thick with desire and desparation.
Ominis freezes at your tone, his jaw tensing up as he takes a few deep breaths. You realise he's doing his utmost best to not pounce on you right there.
"Later," he manages, extricating himself from you with sheer willpower. He retrieves his wand from his pocket and mutters something as he sways it gently, seemingly fixing the appearance of his trousers.
"Later." You agree, peering into the pub momentarily. "There's a lot of people."
"I noticed. It's alright." Ominis clears his throat, looking somewhat sheepish over his apparent loss of control, but later on when he recalled this moment and your initial reaction, he would think back to it with great pride. He extends his free hand. "Shall we head inside?"
You happily take his hand, swaying them gently before resting them at your side. "Right this way, then." You step forward to open the door and a cacophony of rowdy chatter and trills of laughter bursts out in a giant tide, hitting you straight in the face like the heat of an oven when you first open its door. It's as if you turning the handle was but only a simple catalyst for this vibrant eruption, and you feel giddy at the sensation. You look over at Ominis and see that his brows are slightly furrowed due to the sudden loudness, but is too basking under the warmth. By now the Sun had already started to give in to fatigue, and blinked at the people of Hogsmeade one last time before setting to meet with them the next morning as he so promised to the Earth at the dawn of the universe. You step inside right after Ominis, tapping your feet against the magical rug that gladly gobbles up the dirt from your weary shoes.
It's not going to be the easiest job in the world; moving forward, reconciling with your restless memories, your occasional sleepless nights and your survivor's guilt. But it is going to be easier than it otherwise could have been, with your loved ones at your side. You will just have to remind and allow yourself to take it one day at a time, not only because that's the right thing to do given the traumatic circumstances you have faced at such a young age, but because that's the only thing you can do. Step slowly but surely into the future, staying together, acknowledging the importance of your combined strength to overcome whatever difficulties you might face from the past and beyond. Perhaps that is all you really need.
Ominis slips his fingers between yours, brushing his thumb over your knuckle, as if he could tell that you had gone elsewhere and wanted to remind you that he was there for you. You squeeze his hand in return.
I'm back. I'm back and I know you're here and I couldn't be happier to have you.
The tenseness in his brows completely dissipates as his expression lights up and he blinks softly at you with great affection. Sometimes you really wonder if he can hear your thoughts, or whether your boyfriend is actually a cat. You chuckle at your thoughts and nod at him, tugging your hand in the same rhythm to say you're ready to move. Ominis smiles and moves ahead as you slip inside into the centre with him, the door shutting gently behind you.
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mayuichi · 6 months
“... I couldn't let you be sad, could I ?„
Columbina x Reader ༄ No warning: pure fluff!
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Columbina's official art.
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December. What a sweet month. The snow, the scenery, the hot chocolate... Just the idea of being cozy at hom, especially with your girlfriend. She was so... Caring of you. You love her so much. Perhaps you found the perfect one... And even if not, you'd never want anybody else.
You knew she doesn't care much about Christmas compared to you. You didn't wanted to overstep her boundaries. You just don't want to ruin everything after three years together.
It felt weird to be the lover of a harbinger. Even more so she's the third one. You knew she could kill you any moment but.. Would she ? Probably not. However, it meant she would get home late most of the time.
Yet, at just 6pm, you heard the front door cracked open. Looking up from your book, you saw the prettiest face ever. Her black locks fading to pink, her fair skin, her wings like those of a seraph... Standing up to greet her, you gave her cheek a kiss, which made her smile.
A sigh left her lips, as her hand gently reached to take yours. In the sweetest voice, she whispered; “How about we set our tree?„
Your eyes lit up in excitement. In a mocking tone, she added; “You truly are so predictable, dear.„, followed with a soft chuckle. Leading you back in the living room, she gestured for you to wait.
And so you did, for a few minutes. Just as you were about to check on her, she came in with a medium sized tree. A gasp escaped you. Once she placed it right, you went with her to bring the boxes in which the Christmas' balls and garland are in.
Setting the bright one first, a question struck you. “Columbina... How did you got those ? Didn't you...„
“Not celebrate Christmas?„, she cut you off.
“Yes...„, “Well, I saw the look on your face that day.„
She placed a garland quietly. Then, in a soft, almost sad whisper, she went on, “... I couldn't let you be sad, could I ?„
You blinked a few times, in disbelief, “You found the time to buy that... With your work?„, she nods.
A wave of warmth spread through you, and you couldn't help being speechless. All you could do was decorating the tree. It quickly became a true Christmas tree. Soft light, colorful garlands and balls. You picked the star, turning toward Columbina. You sighed, glancing over the floor.
“... You are so perfect for me.„, you shyly smile, “Come on, let's place it together.„
She giggled, her hand over yours on the star. Slowly but carefully positioning it on top. She scooted closer to you, her head falling on your shoulder.
“To our first year living together, my love.„, she breathed out.
“To our love, darling.„
She closed her eyes on your love filled words.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋ mayuichi’s property. Do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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dulcesiabits · 9 months
hope i'm not over stepping my boundaries but i am curious. you said that there are some tactics you use in fanfics that cannot be used in "serious" writing. what are some of these things? or what do you think the differences between fanfic and "serious" writing is?
Hi!! This isn't overstepping at all! I'd be happy to elaborate on my thought process, but I do want to make several caveats!
I think "serious writing" wasn't a really good term for what I meant, so I regret that wording! A better term would be original writing instead. I do take every piece of writing I do seriously, even if it's considered "lowbrow," and I didn't want to imply that fanfiction was less serious or important to me. Every piece of writing deserves respect and love, because an act of creativity should be celebrated!
These are my personal thoughts, and mostly pertain to my own style of writing, so the advice I give here might not be applicable to everyone. The issue with creative writing is that there are no real rules as to what makes a piece good; it's all subjective. There might be some general guidelines for good writing, but every rule has exceptions, and can be broken if done right. This is partly why it's so hard to write, haha.
But let me answer your questions! Let me start off with your second question, just so it can set the groundwork for the first.
What do you think the differences between fanfic and "serious" writing is?
There are a lot of different categories for writing; an instruction manual is writing, just as much a piece of poetry or a short story can be. When I say "serious" writing, I meant my original writing, or my more "literary" works (said with quotations because even the very definition of literature can be debated endlessly; what gives a work merit? Sorry if I keep giving vague answers! These ideas can be approached from so many different angles that I want to give it justice and acknowledge the various complexities).
(Original writing might not be the best term, either, because non-fanfiction genres are so varied... YA, adult, literary, sci-fi, fantasy, etc... but I'm trying to keep this as general as possible).
In this case, I think that both fanfiction and original writing have their own merits; they're just different subcategories of writing, and it's like comparing apples and oranges. They're both fruit, but the flavors, taste and growth process are different, even if they share similarities. So, they're both forms of creative writing, but the skillsets that they require are different.
There are some similarities, though; they both require knowledge of prose and how it functions, characterization, the use of literary devices (similes, metaphors, etc), an understanding of pacing and how plot moves, and so on.
However, one of the major differences isn't even the craft of writing itself: it's "public perception." Fanfiction is seen as lowbrow, or embarrassing, and "original writing," while it can also be mocked, is seen as a bit more "highbrow" (not a hard and fast rule, as I'm generalizing here). Because fanfiction draws on a source material, people assume it's not as creative, silly, or requires less effort, when fanfiction writers know that's not true.
Some of the major differences between these writings involve characterization and world-building. In original writing, you'd need to build these completely from scratch, but in fanfiction, these worlds and characters are already there. Instead of building a character from the ground up, you interpret and translate an existing character into your own work (I use the term interpret and translate because all fanfiction writers are analyzing and writing their own versions of an existing character, so no one interpretation is more correct than the other (unless you completely disregard the source material), because none of us are the original author. If we were, it wouldn't be fanfiction). At the same time, fanfiction authors might build off existing characters and world-building to formulate new understandings of both (ie expanding a character or world beyond what we seen of them in a story). Both forms of writing require the ability to analyze and understand characterization and world-building, but apply them differently (creation vs interpretation).
Additionally, there are certain conventions to original writing and fanfiction writing, respectively, and the troupes utilized in both are different because they're different forms of writing. In fanfiction, you're working with a world and characters that your audience already recognizes. They already have context for the world, which means you can focus on other aspects of the narrative. "5+1," drabbles, headcanons, "AUs": these are all structures of fanfiction writing that we're familiar with, that are made possible precisely because the material you're working with is fanfiction. You couldn't necessarily do the same thing in original writing, when the audience doesn't have an attachment to or understanding of these characters.
In original writing, however, your audience doesn't know who these characters are or what the world is. Since you're working to build that connection, you have to develop the narrative as a whole, instead of taking pieces of it. "Insta-love," "boy next door love interest and brooding dark haired love interest," "secret evil religious institution," "it was all a dream": these are also some troupes that take place in some forms of original writing, which happen because original writing follows different patterns from fanfiction writing, but nonetheless, still have their own patterns and structures (which vary from genre to genre).
I do want to recognize that there are still similar troupes in both original writing and fanfiction writing! Forced proximity, pining, etc... these are used in both forms of writing (though potentially applied differently), because sometimes original writing can be just as self-indulgent or wish-fulfilling as fanfiction writing, just like how fanfiction writing can be just as literary and thoughtful as original writing.
Another difference is that, structurally, fanfiction can be shorter than original writing. You can write drabbles, snippets, and even multi-chapter fics that take years to complete, if they finish at all (I'm guilty of not finishing my own multi-chapter fic). But in original writing, you have to build the narrative yourself. You decide the plot, the character arcs, the ending, and the whole course of the story and its characters. Especially if you want to get published, you can't drop a story halfway through like you can with fanfiction (though there's no shame of getting bored with a WIP and dropping it), and there's no fandom to build your world for you.
You said that there are some tactics you use in fanfics that cannot be used in "serious" writing. What are some of these things?
When I said this, I was venting a bit about the frustrations in my own writing! I found that in my original writing, my literary writing, I'd skipped over the foundations of world-building and characterizations. I'm the sort of person who writes from the top down: I tend to focus on themes and motifs first before I decide on characters and individual scenes, and plan the end goal before I plan the details. But when I do this, sometimes the details get lost and my piece loses strength because I focus more on making my characters symbols instead of people. Fanfiction ties into this because I'm used to not having to build context for my characters and world, and when I don't do this, it's disastrous for my original writing. In fanfiction, people already know who Lyney and the Fatui are without me explaining it, but in original writing, people have no clue who my OCs or world are! If I forget to establish fundamental details of my world (like rules on how magic works, explaining the roles of certain institutions etc), it messes up my overall execution. I focused too much on the forest instead of individual trees, so to speak.
I also have a habit of making clean little sections in my fanfiction; I might do several drabbles that, together, make up a whole story, and I can skip scenes I don't want to write. However, sometimes my original writing requires that I write an extended scene, including all the "boring" set ups and character-building moments. Instead of certain context being built in, I have to write the context myself, which means I can't just skip around from emotional bit to emotional bit; I have to do the proper build-up for it (ie like how in my ruggie fic, I don't have to elaborate on what happened with Leona, and I jump around from emotional point to emotional point. But in original writing, I'd need to build the context for their relationship, why it fell apart, what made both of them act like that, their respective pasts, what NRC is, how the magic system works, etc).
When I write reader-inserts, I can be vague with details on who the reader character is, to make sure anyone can self-insert into them. However, if I were to use second-person POV in original writing, I'd need to think about intent (why this POV and not other POVs? what's effective about it? what purpose do I use this for?), and ensure I make the reader-character their own distinct person; you're not always supposed to self-insert in the reader-character in original writing, because the reasons for using second person POV are different.
In fanfiction writing, I can "let loose" and not worry over motifs or themes or other literary devices. I can just write for fun, but with my original writing, I'm more conscious of those things. Each detail has a purpose (my purpose in fanfiction is usually self-indulgence, but my purpose in original writing might be, say, to do a piece on the nature of grief, and as such, I have to pay more attention to the structure of my writing the devices I use).
Additionally, when it comes to fanfiction writing, I can lean on troupes (if I write a royalty AU, for example, there's no need to establish too many rules for the world because it's more about the characters playing different roles than the world itself), but in original writing, troupes are used with more care and purpose. Leaning on troupes and refusing to develop them beyond troupes can, in my opinion, lead to flat and uninteresting writing (if they're royalty, why? What's the world like? The system? Is there opposition? How does the government work? What's the history of the world? How does being royalty affect their interactions? Why did I make them royalty?). I can't do "short-hands" (ie leaning on troupes) in original writing, not if I want to be successful.
Also, in fanfiction writing, I can get away without a proper resolution. I can write a series of events, and explore a character's motivations and backstory, and never make it an actual "plot." But in original writing, I need resolution and a plot. I can't write a series of events, where we jump here and then there because I want to; I need those events to link together (or not link together) with a purpose (resolution is used loosely. If it's an ambiguous ending, or one where nothing changes, why? What's the purpose of that? What am I trying to express through a lack of resolution?).
So, the skills I've picked up from fanfiction writing have helped me become a better writer, but some of those skills don't translate quite as well to original writing.
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putschki1969 · 5 months
Hello beautiful Sarah, I would like to ask you an unusual question. Today I want to ask your opinion on what you think about people who fall in love with their artists. In this case, let's talk about the Kalagirls. I tell you that I have never dated anyone nor do I pay attention to people in that sense (if I explain myself) but when I was 16 years old in 2016 I began to notice how charming Miss Wakana is, what attracted me the most to her. It was that beautiful smile, I feel that she is a person with beautiful feelings and I like her not only physically but also as a person because of the little she lets us know about her life, I like how fun she is, I like that. She fights for her dreams, I like that she loves nature and animals, etc. She is very charming. It must be very nice to know her or work with someone like her. Maybe it seems ridiculous to you but that's how I feel and I know that unfortunately I will never be with her but I am happy for all the good things that happen to her and I always wish her the best. Sorry for telling you this, maybe I'm boring you hehe, I just want to know your opinion about the fools in love with their singers.
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Hi there anon! No worries, you are fine! You are not boring me at all. Sorry it took me so long to write this reply, the past few weeks have been crazy.
Hikaru's Q&A video from earlier today finally motivated me to make this post. One of the questions she received was from a fan who proclaimed to love Keiko and they wanted to get some advice from Hikaru on what to do in such a situation. The topic immediately reminded me of your ask which was still in my drafts.
I personally struggle to relate to this particular feeling since I am not the type of person to fall in love with someone else. I have never been romantically interested in anyone and I most likely never will be, I just don't have that particular desire within me to connect with someone on that level (and that's coming from someone who is getting closer and closer to the big 4-0 XD). Of course that's not to say that I don't love the girls with all my heart. As we all know, I am very much devoted to them. But I guess I am doing it in a very detached manner.
Generally speaking, I think it's perfectly fine to love an artist (or rather, the idea we have created in our minds of said artist) and to feel some sort of attraction towards them. Looking up to our idols and aspiring to be like them can bring out the best in us and make us better people. It can become problematic however, if the emotional attachment is too strong to a point where the fan no longer knows their boundaries. If a fan starts wanting too much or showcases an intense possessive attitude, I don't think that's a normal behaviour anymore. The issue of parasocial relationships comes into play here, I have actually talked about that topic a few months ago.
I will say though that it is a very common thing for teenagers and young adults in particular to have crushes on "celebrities". It's pretty much a part of growing up and most people eventually grow out of it so I don't think we should outright condemn those feelings. As long as the person knows where to draw the line and recognises that there's no chance they can ever have a relationship with their crush, it should be no problem in my opinion. I am not sure this is what you wanted to hear, hopefully I didn't discourage you. Your feelings seem genuine and it sounds like you do not overstep any boundaries so there's nothing to worry about.
Last but not least, we should all try to follow Hikaru's advice. The best thing you can do if you love an artist is to support them with all your might. So let's all continue to do that
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starshinerush · 2 years
celebrations and confessions
george russell/reader
bullet-point formatting because i hastily wrote this at 1am after seeing A Vision (???)
i don’t actually know if they do post-race celebrations but for the sake of this imagine they do and i’m also allowing them to get absolutely hammered while doing so
(can you tell i love the childhood friends to lovers trope...)
as always, feedback, likes and reblogs are much appreciated♡
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you couldn’t believe it. george russell, a formula 1 champion.
you’re a friend of his since when both of you were children, and you’ve seen his love and passion for the sport, working extremely hard and always giving it his all
through thick and thin, you’ve always been by his side
and now watching him step onto the podium brings absolute joy and pride to your heart
you couldn’t help but let the tears escape your eyes as you watched him receive the trophy, no doubt still crying out of happiness himself
the team decided on hosting a party that very night to commemorate george’s win, alongside mercedes’ 1-2
needless to say george got a little bit too excited and downed some too many drinks
by the end of the night it was you who had to drag him back to his hotel room, seeing that he wouldn’t let go of his iron grip on you and would almost whine whenever you even tried to walk away
after a very eventful trip back to his hotel room and fumbling with the door card, you managed to heave him into the room and onto the bed
as he was still holding onto you, he pulled you on top of him onto the bed with him
“george i need you to let go of me so i can help you undress and get ready for bed”
“i didn’t expect you to be this bold”
you smacked his arm, and after struggling for 20 minutes you finally got him out of what he was wearing and in a pair of comfortable pants to sleep in
you decided to let him deal with the showering part by himself in the morning
“don’t leave,” george intertwined his fingers with yours after you tried to pull away from him to get back to your own hotel room
while the both of you have had a fair share of sleepovers ever since being friends, they’ve never came close to sleeping together on the same bed before
and you, with your ever growing crush on the man in front of you, you didn’t want to overstep boundaries nor distract him from his racing career, so you’ve never said a word about your feelings to him
george lightly tugged your hand in was holding onto, and you couldn’t help but climb into bed with him, being unable to say no to his softening eyes and small pout
you both laid in silence, and it was once again george who breaks it
“are you proud of me?” he asks softly
you turned to face him and gave him a smile, “very much, george. i couldn’t be any prouder.”
he closed his eyes and smiled before moving closer until you both touched foreheads
you panicked, not knowing where this was going, and leaned away before he could do something that he would regret in the morning
he opened his eyes again and looked almost disappointed
“i love you,” he let out, like it’s the most natural thing to say
your breath hitched in your throat, did he really mean it? was it just the alcohol talking?
“i’ve always had,” he continued, looking at you as if he was expecting something, though failing to keep his eyes open as the drowsiness took over
you stroked his cheek, “we can talk in the morning, g.”
morning comes and you wondered if what george said last night was just a fever dream or not
you set some painkillers and a bottle of water on the bedside table, getting ready to head back to your own room
“you didn’t say it back.”
you froze, thinking he didn’t remember the conversation before falling asleep, that he didn’t mean it
“i love you, i’ve always had.” he repeated his words from last night, getting out of bed himself and ignoring the pounding headache
“honestly i don’t remember when i’ve not been in love with you. at one point after all those sleepovers we’ve had, i couldn’t help but think how it’s you i want to wake up next to. you’ve always been very important to me and i… i want you. i want us. i can’t imagine the rest of my days without you.”
you couldn’t help but let out a laugh as you teared up. “that’s a little bit heavy for a first confession, don’t you think?” you joked
“i’ve been in love with you since we were teenagers,” you continued “i want you so close to me it hurts”
he walked towards you and took your hands in his “i’m right here, and i won’t leave, i don’t want to”
“i love you, george.” you finally said, looking up at him
he let out the widest grin, mirroring yours, before cupping your face and leaning down for a kiss
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strawberryscorner · 1 year
Forgotten Sins Chapter 5
Series Tags: Amnesia, Stockholm Syndrome, Drug Use (Bliss), Religious Cults, Fluff and Angst, Car Accidents, Family Member Death, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation
Series Masterlist
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This had to be your least favourite day since waking up in Eli’s bunker. Today was the day Joseph had you following him around, he wasn’t fun or sweet like Faith or informative like John had been. He spent most of the time talking about himself, and why and how he started Eden’s Gate. As much as you’d hate to admit it, some of the things he said were interesting, but some things did border scary or pure show of power. He wanted you to awe at him as the others did, that much was obvious and that made you stay mostly silent during his speeches, not wanting to give him any satisfaction.
There were times he’d stop talking about himself and ask you questions about yourself, all these questions were personal and most likely overstepping some sort of boundary but since you could only answer “I don’t remember,” you didn’t bother asking him to stop. Eventually, he would get bored and stop on his own, right?
“Well, and don’t worry, you can remember this one,” he said with a mischievous smile on his face, “how was John yesterday? A decent guide?”
“Oh, yeah, he was great. Got to see a lot of both Henbane River and Holland Valley.” You answered quickly. You left out the handsy man and the way John held him under the water, something in Joseph’s eyes made it seem like this question was a test for his brother. While John seemed tense, he wasn’t bad and you didn’t want to say anything that would get him in trouble, especially not after he saved that woman. “He was a great guide.”
“Really?” he thought for a second before humming, “that pleases me to hear.”
You allowed yourself to give him a small smile then he continued his walk. People didn’t stop him like they did John, seems the Father didn’t have the same celebrity status, but they did all greet him, the women especially smiling wide when he greeted them back. Lust, how sinister of them, or perhaps Greed, hungry for his power and not the man himself. You shook your head, maybe I spent a little too much time with John yesterday.
“What are you thinking about?” Joseph asked, staring at your face in a way that made you want to take a few steps back, but you remained in place.
“John,” was all you said, causing Joseph’s expression to turn into one of pure confusion, “did he do that?” you point to someone’s ‘wrath’ scar. “He mentioned he was who people said their confessions to.”
“He is and he does it, yes, including his own and mine,” he said, gesturing to the ‘Lust’ above his waist, you quickly avert your eyes. “He’ll be doing yours too, once you remember your sins or start sinning once more.”
You looked back at him but only see his back as he walks away. You hadn’t thought about that fact yet. Well, you hadn’t really paid that much attention to the sins marking people’s bodies until now, they were just sort of there. But now, now you were noticing them on everyone’s skin and soon they’d be on yours too. Absolutely not, no sins for me thank you!
“Jacob,” Joseph said, “I trust you fixed everything yesterday.”
“Just Eli’s people messing around,” Jacob said. “Judges got most of them.”
“Judges?” you asked, and Jacob pointed to a big white wolf to your right. “Oh.” You had hoped the people were okay but if the wolves got most of them, that was unlikely.
“Well then,” Joseph turned to you, “I have some things to do so I’ll leave you in the hands of Jacob for now.” Before you could say anything, he turned and walked away. You faced the taller man in front of you. He wasn’t as intimidating anymore, not after making you laugh by the river. Now, he just seemed like a man.
“Where are we?” you asked him as he led you inside the building.
“Where we train, shot a gun before?”
You just sighed; you were getting tired of always giving the same answer.
“Right, sorry,” he said, rubbing his neck before holding out a pistol “here, we’ll find out, it’s probably like riding a bike, right?”
You took the gun from his hands; it was heavier than you thought it’d be but didn’t feel awful, “what should I be aiming for?”
He took you to a room, there was no one else there. “This room is usually crowded, where I have people practice, on…different targets. Yours will be that photograph.”
You look at the wall he’s pointing at, it’s far away and the photo wasn’t exactly big, it’d be a hard target. You look at the gun in your hands before taking a breath, I can do this, maybe. You raised the gun and took your shot.
Jacob let out a laugh once he got to the photo, “You did it! Right between the eyes, perfect shot!”
“How?” you asked, not believing him. You jog to his side and see your perfect shot.
“Like riding a bike,” he repeated. “You’ve done this before.”
“Here,” you try to give him the pistol back, but he shakes his head.
“Keep it,” he said. “Come on.”
You followed him out of the room. You were confused, you don’t think you seem like someone who would be shooting a gun, who would have even taught you? And why were you proud of yourself for making the shot? Your thoughts stop as Jacob moves to the side, letting you see what was in the room he had taken you to.
Cages, each holding someone. They were all bleeding from somewhere, looking to be in various stages of exhaustion. One of Jacob’s men bumped your shoulder on his way out, it made you turn slightly and then you saw a man you recognised in a cage.
“Dawn?” he asked, confused. It was one of Eli’s men. You didn’t know his name, or what he did for Eli, but you had seen him there. He had smiled at you before you left with Hurk.
“Shut up,” Jacob barked, moving the papers on the table in front of him. “Here it is,” he said, holding up a black box, the radio. Then he put it in your hands.
“Thank you,” you said, looking at it. You had no clue how to use it, but you weren’t going to tell him that, thankfully, you didn’t have to. He just started telling you how to turn it on and change stations to find each brother and Faith.
Another soldier walks in, a woman this time. The first woman you saw here. While Jacob was distracted with her, you took the chance to look around the room again. It was odd. Well, maybe it wasn’t, but you found you were feeling odd. First, you were proud of yourself for being able to shoot someone between their eyes and now here, surrounded by fearful people in cages, soldiers with their big guns, you found you weren’t scared, or nervous but calm. Not the same calm you felt with Faith and Bliss but still calm. It all felt familiar, in a way.
“Not the reaction I was expecting,” Jacob’s voice caused you to jump slightly. His head with tilted to the side while staring at you, like he was examining you.
“What? Thought I’d cry?”
“At least a small scream,” the playfulness from the river was back in his voice. After that though, he did try getting you to scream. He made you train. Though, by the looks of the people in cages, you knew your training was on the easier side. All you had to do was run and survive, you were being chased in the mountains and had to make it to a cabin. Jacob had told you where it was before counting to 10, that was your head start, 10 seconds before you don’t know how many men started running after you. You weren’t sure what would happen if you didn’t make it to the cabin first, but they were gaining on you and your legs were on fire. But you couldn’t slow down. Then you heard a howl, and a bullet flew over your shoulder.
“Shit,” you heard the man. He either wasn’t supposed to miss or wasn’t supposed to shoot that close, considering how important everyone said you were to Joseph. You forced your legs to go faster, and you forced the tired scream to stay inside, you were not alerting the rest of them, and you were not giving Jacob the satisfaction of a scream.
You could finally see the cabin, just a little further and then you could rest. You hoped. You didn’t actually know what he had planned for after this part. He probably didn’t plan for you to get this close to the cabin in the first place. You ran a few more steps before feeling a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a small scream escaping your mouth.
“Knew I could get a scream out of you,” you heard Jacob say.
“I was so close,” you groaned, “you couldn’t have just let me make it?”
“You were close, one day you will make it, just not today.” He called everyone to go back.
On the walk back, Jacob got a call over the radio from Joseph, apparently, he was doing another sermon that he wanted an audience for at the church. Jacob said he’d get people there.
“Wait here, I’ll tell everyone what’s happening then I’ll take you to the church.”
“Actually, I want to try going on my own,” you said. “See if I can remember the way, maybe get my brain to work right again.”
He thought about it for a while before nodding and letting you go ahead as he went into the building. You knew you remembered part of the way Joseph had taken you, it couldn’t be that hard to go back. You knew somewhere halfway there was a building you could sneak into, and hide for a while where no one could see you.
“Yes!” You ran up to the empty building. It seemed to be as abandoned as you hoped it was. The door was unlocked, and the handle was broken so the door flapped slightly, never shutting properly. None of the windows had glass but it wasn’t a cold day so that wasn’t an issue, you ducked under a window and leaned against the wall before picking up your radio and messing with the stations.
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10ireland13 · 1 year
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Minneapolis September 1st 2018
The Reputation Stadium Tour!!
I am older but @taylorswift is my Hero, Inspiration & honestly my Therapist!!
Taylor is always with me!! Celebrating life & she is always the sunshine ☀️ during my storms.. 💝
Taylor has pulled me out of this darkness called depression. She saved me & I just love her!!!
We have never met, but one day I hope this dream comes true!! 🤞🏻
On that day in Minneapolis the VIP booth was right behind our seats. Before the show started we were standing & watching the action in the VIP booth. We saw Andrea!! Andrea & I made eye contact. She immediately walked over to me & just hugged me!!! 😭❤️🥰
Andrea gave me the longest hug I have ever had. How did she know I so needed that hug!!! 💝 I became emotional 🥲 Andrea then asked what my name was. She is so gracious, humble & sweet!!! 🥰 I still can’t believe it!!
The concert had started. Taylor was on the B stage singing the surprise songs. Taylor started to sing “Tied Together With A Smile”. This song has always had a special spot in my heart ❤️. I tuned everyone out & it was just Taylor singing this special song to me..😭 I was not crying but the blubbering sobbing. My favorite artist is preforming this song that always pulls at my heart strings live & in front of me!!! 😭😭😭 💝😭🥰
Andrea walked over to ask my husband & I if we would like to see Taylor up close, YES !!!! She brought us up to the 3rd stage as Taylor was going through the barricade. We had security all around us. Taylor had sung “Dress”. She started to sing “Blank Space”. Andrea & I were dancing 💃🏼 💃🏼, we were singing with Taylor like 2 old friends having the best time!!! 💝❤️🥰🫶🏻❤️🥰🥰🥰 Taylor was right in front of us!!! 😳. We had to do a selfie 😁🥰 She invited us to sit in the VIP booth!! I wish I would have talked with her. Andrea was so gracious & I didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. Why didn’t I talk with her??? A HUGE regret because maybe she wanted to talk! We are close in age & both have successful daughters. She knew I loved her daughter…. My daughter lives overseas in Tokyo. I miss her everyday!! Maybe she knew my story?
Tomorrow Friday June 23rd I will be seeing Taylor with my husband. We are in section A12 row 7. This is near the diamond on the left side. I will be wearing a long green dress 👗 We are beyond excited!!! OMG TOMORROW!!! I am going to see my favorite Artist Taylor Swift , my Hero, Inspiration & my Therapist!!!! 💝❤️🥰🫶🏻 I hope I see Andrea to say hi & give her a hug!!! I just LUV the Swift Family!!! I am forever grateful!!! 💝
@taylorswift @taylornation
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Just read that anon about the video, and I have to say it actually sounds legit. I don't see them asking for privacy unless they felt invaded and they were promised privacy at this resort in that way so it should've been respected. As far as I know, they've never really asked for stuff especially regarding privacy not even when that tik tok girl recorded them at the Crazy Horse place in Paris, and that was actually invasive. For all we know she recorded conversation and just didn't release it. That was invading for sure. I think the lack of respect we as fans have sometimes is so telling and it's sad. Two of the nicest celebrities and we can't let them alone for a little bit. And YESSS girl, I stand with you on social media. It's not everything. Someone said, Tom has changed. I don't think he has at all actually. Definitely more mature, but, still playful and loving from what I see on the outside. He's too diplomatic I think honestly, he let's people say things but doesn't really respond and when he does people attack him because they aren't use to him responding. He ain't passive, he just seems to always take the high road. Very admirable. This is about to be a married man, he is doing exactly what I would want my man to do celebrity or not. Protect me boo, and I will thank you later for it. Adore them as a couple and I hope the constant scrutiny they each endure, especially him, doesn't ruin anything. This world could really use the kindness, we see so little of it. Especially on Twitter. That's another story . Anywho, love your blog ma'am. Keep up the great work. Stay neutral and kind as always.
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Awww... thanks Anon for the kind words about my blog. ❤
In answer to your ask....I agree with everything you've said.
I promised myself I wouldn't discuss this anymore, but I keep breaking my promises..... 🤦🏾‍♀️
Anyway, I agree w/you...
I feel like the main issue in this case was the fact that they were on vacation with each other and they had more than likely chosen the place/location specifically for its privacy. So to see that someone deliberately broke resort policy and not only filmed them w/out their consent, but also went out of their way to POST it PUBLICLY for the world to see? 👀
Yeaaaa.....I can see how that didn't go over too well with either of them. 🥴
I don't blame them for feeling a little violated. It wasn't even the paps who caught them (who celebrities realize they just can't control, no matter how much they wish they could), but it was a fan/hotel guest!! 😳 Someone who doesn't even make their living trying to get celebrity photos caught them. I can see how TZ were worried that it would start to cause an influx of fans and maybe even paps to catch on to their location and snap even more pictures and post them online. 🤦🏾‍♀️
So yea, I totally get it why Tom and Z weren't feeling that too much. 🥴 I don't see anything wrong with them speaking up about it, especially if the location they were vacationing at was supposed to be private and had a strict policy against photographing guests against their consent...especially celebrities.
Re: Social media, lack of respect, etc
Yep! I agree with this also. I think social media has caused fans to overstep their boundaries a bit when it comes to celebrities. 👀 Just being honest. While I can totally understand the excitement and whatever, I think some fans need to just put themselves in the shoes of their celebrity faves for a hot second. Think about how YOU would feel if strangers did certain things to you! It might not feel all that nice.
That's not even going into the haters who post hurtful, mean and unkind things to celebrities on their posts, or tag them in tweets bashing them for no good reason, etc. 😔 Yea, some ppl can say, "well just ignore it" (and I'm sure many celebs try to), but at the end of the day, they're still human, and sometimes words hurt! Especially when you know that these ppl don't know a thing about you personally, or lies have been spread about you all over the internet and ppl are reacting to the lie instead of the truth that you know. It's just crazy. 🥴
Re: Tom...
Yea, I don't think Tom has really changed who he is as a person either! I mean, I'm sure he's seen the downsides to massive fame, and has kind of learned a bit how to be more wise with his fans and fame level. But overall, he's obviously still the nice, kind, good guy that we've always known, and fan encounters and the things that ppl say about him reflect that! 😃
And yea girl.... I want my man to PROTECT me too!! Shoot lol.... 😂 If anything, ppl could argue that he was really protecting Zendaya with that plea to take down the video, because in all honesty, Tom's back was to the camera, so he could have been any old dude walking along the beach. But it was Zendaya who's face could be clearly seen in the video, on her bikini, splashing in the water.....
I adore them as a couple too Anon 🥰, and I really wish that this world would be more kind to others.
I believe it was the Dalai Lama who said:
Be kind whenever possible. It is ALWAYS possible. - Dalai Lama
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 years
Give It a Try
Pairing- Jimkn x Named Reader
Word count- 3.7k
Includes- fingering, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, missionary, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine
@yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana
@tannie13 @borntowalkaway @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝 BTS Masterlist
📝Jimin Masterlist
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Jimin POV
"I'm sorry Jo", I answer
"Nah it's fine Jimin. It's not your fault"
"You should of told me sooner that you liked him. I would of helped you out"
She shrugs, "It's not like I was in love with him. It was a crush and I'd want to see where it went. It's not a huge deal"
"Still, I'm sorry"
I had no idea my best friend, Joanne, had a big crush on Jungkook
She never said anything to me until today
And I mean it when I said I would of helped her
I would of talked her up to him, try to set them up
But he just recently asked a girl he had his eye on out
Like he literally just asked her out two days ago
"He probably wouldn't go for me anyway", she says
"Why would you say that?", I ask, confused
She's really pretty, she's funny, sweet, awesome personality
Jungkook would be lucky to be with her
So why is she putting herself down?
"Because look at me Min. I'm no where near as pretty as the girls that are around you guys. I have a crappy job, I have a tiny ass studio apartment. Nothing like you guys are used to"
"Jo what are you taking about? Are you insane?"
She glares at me, "No Jimin. You live in this million won apartment. You are around gorgeous female idols. You can get any girl you want. Dating is so much easier for you. Why would anyone like you and Jungkook pick an ordinary boring girl when you can have anyone you want?"
I honestly didn't know she thought about herself that way
She's far from boring and ordinary
I can see why she thinks the way she does though because I'm a celebrity
But I don't just want any girl
I want a girl I like, one I could love
It doesn't matter if she's an idol or not
And it's not like I look at every idol and think they're gorgeous
Not at all
I don't like how hard she's being on herself
"Stop Min"
"What? Stop what?"
"Stop looking at me with pity"
"I'm no Jo. I promise", I assure her
But I do look at her and I don't know, maybe it's what she said about herself but now I see her differently
Like I'm seeing her with new eyes
More than just my best friend
More like a girl
A gorgeous girl
Before I can even stop myself, I lean closer to her and kiss her
I'm waiting for her to push me away but she moves her mouth against mine, kissing me too
And I can't describe what I feel while kissing her
It's better than good, better than amazing
It's perfect
She licks my lip and I open my mouth for her tongue
I gasp when her tongue touches mine, softly playing with mine and I'm loving every second of it
I don't know how long we kiss for but I don't want to stop
But of course it ends like everything does
Pulling away slightly, I look in her eyes, both of us breathing hard
I'm worried I overstepped some boundary and she's going to tell me off
To my complete surprise, she moves her arms around my neck, pulling me back to her lips
And I go willingly
We meet in another kiss, this one getting heated pretty quickly
As we kiss, our hands touch each other's bodies, roaming everywhere
Her hands slips under my shirt, pulling it up
I break the kiss, so she can get it off me, then I get hers off, my mouth back against hers as soon as the shirts are discarded
Her arms move around my body, her tiny hands touching my back, running up and down leaving fire on my skin
I reach around her and take her bra off, tossing it in my room
She drags kisses to my jaw, one hand moving to my chest, softly touching me
I close my eyes when her kisses travel to my neck, a soft moan coming from me
I move my own hands on her back, feeling her soft smooth skin
Leaning my head down, I press kiss after kiss on her shoulder, wanting nothing more than to feel her against me
Gently, I push her back on my bed, her taking me with her as she lays down
She holds me right against her, skin against skin and I fucking love it
Her hand moves in my hair, moving my head, her lips against mine
Kissing her eagerly, I move my hand around her boob, squeezing softly
"Mmm", she moans in my mouth, her hands moving down my back, to my sweatpants
I feel her pulling them down and I immediately get so excited, my cock hardening every second
Pulling away, I stand up, getting my pants and boxers off, then putting my hands on her jeans
I look at her, raising my eyebrow
She nods and I quickly get her jeans undone and down
Her panties are some tiny red lace thing and fuck it's such a turn on
I pull the strings that are holding it in place by her hips, peeling it off her
Dropping it on the floor, I get my first look of her naked
And I almost fall down
Oh my god, her body is fucking perfect
Absolutely perfect
"Wow Min", she gasps, her gorgeous eyes on my body
Wow is right
Not me, wow for her
I had no idea my best friend was the hottest girl I've ever seen on my life
Getting back on the bed, I move on top of her, leaning down
She lifts her head, meeting me, our lips in a fiery kiss
God I want her so bad
I don't know where this want is coming from but if she wants to be with me too, then I'm going for it
As I kiss her, I open her legs, my fingers brushing against her pussy
Moaning in her mouth, I feel how wet and slippery she is, turning me on
Running my fingers along her, I rub her clit and her body arches, gasping
Continuing to play with her, I pepper kisses all over her cheek, her jaw and finally her pretty neck
She smells so fucking good, not any artificial scent, she just smells like her
The scent I've known since we were babies
Licking her skin, I suck briefly but let go before a mark forms
I don't know if she wants that and I'm not pushing anything
Moving my lips down, I kiss her chest then all along one of her boobs
I wrap my mouth around her nipple, sucking softly just as I slide two fingers inside her
"Jimin!", she cries, her body slightly shaking
I move my fingers in and out, starting off gently, increasing my speed every time I go in
Her nipple is so hard in my mouth and I love sucking on her
Moving my fingers, I press down on what I hope is her spot
"Oh god", she whimpers, her cunt flooding my hand
Found it
Keeping my fingers inside, I concentrate on rubbing my fingertips on that spot
Switching to her other nipple, I lick it over and over until it's hard, then I latch on to her, sucking hard
"Fuck fuck", she moans, her hand going in my hair, pulling hard
Fuck, I love having my hair played with
Stroked, pulled, tugged, fisted, I love it all
Pressing on her spot, I move my thumb to her clit, playing while I finger fuck her
Her pussy tightens so much on my fingers, pulsing fast
"Jimin...Jimin don't stop", she whimpers
Oh I won't
I want her to cum
And I'm gonna make her
Her body starts shaking, her hold on my hair getting tighter as she squeezes my fingers over and over
Sucking her nipple, I press on her spot just as I flick her clit and she moans my name so loudly, her pussy going crazy on my fingers as she cums
"Jimin", she moans, "Jimin"
Goddamn, I didn't know that I would love hearing her call my name in her beautiful voice
She finishes and I pull my fingers out of her, sitting up
Holy shit
My fingers are covered in her creamy cum and it's so pretty
Moving my fingers in my mouth, I suck her cum off and I can't believe how good she tastes
So sweet, just like candy
I look at her, her pretty boobs rising and falling, her eyes closed as she lays on the pillow
I need more of her
Moving between her legs, I lay down, place my tongue on her and slowly lick up
"Jimin!", she squeals, sitting up on her elbows
"Please let me", I ask, swiping my tongue on her again
God she feels soft on my tongue, so wet, so good
I can't stop
"Please", I ask, running my tongue along her
"Yes Min"
I smile happily at her, then swirl my tongue, devouring her pretty tiny pink pussy
She moans loudly, the more I lick, the wetter she is until her juice is all over my face, running down my neck
Circling her slit with the tip of my tongue, I poke inside her hole just a little
"Yes Min! Fuck", she moans so softly
I take that as a cue and move my tongue in her as far as I can, wiggling while I do
Her sounds tells me she likes it so I slide my tongue up and out of her, then I go down, dipping back in
Her pussy tightens around my tongue sending shivers down my spine
Fucking my tongue into her faster, she holds me against her by my hair, her hips snapping into my face
Fuck that's so hot
We move together, me tongue fucking her, her fucking my mouth as I hold her legs wide open, gripping her thighs hard
"I'm gonna cum. Jimin", she whines
I look up at her, nodding
"Oh Jimin", she moans, her pussy throbbing around my tongue as her cum coats it completely
Goddamn, it's even better right from her pussy
I swallow and swallow everything she gives me, her cum like fucking candy to me
"So good", I whimper
"Fuck Min"
"Please give me more"
"More what Min?"
"More cum. I want more of your cum", I tell her, "It tastes so fucking good. Please"
"You can have whatever you want Jimin"
Hearing that, I immediately lick her clit
Over and over, her moans getting louder and louder
Her clit was throbbing so hard, begging me to lick and suck it and I just have to
Wrapping my lips around her pulsing clit, I moan feeling the throbbing on my lips
My cock is so hard it hurts
But I have her pretty tiny clit in my mouth and I'm going to suck on her if my life depends on it
I start off slow, keeping my tongue on her clit too as I suck
"Min", she whimpers, her body shivering
With each suck, I go faster, harder, her pussy drenching my chin and neck
I keep her clit in my mouth, playing and tugging, just enjoying having her in my mouth
God I never liked eating pussy as much as I like eating hers
Never took my time, never asked for more cum, never kept eating after the first orgasm
I don't know what it is
Maybe because she's my best friend or maybe because she has the best pussy, I don't know but I love eating her out
I suck as fast and desperately as I can, knowing by the way she's calling my name that she's close
I hold onto her thighs tightly, waiting
She groans, coming, holding onto me, the sounds coming from her mouth so beautiful
I suck her through it, then dive into her pussy, licking all the cream I can, swallowing and moaning
My new favorite taste
Licking her pussy clean, I press a kiss to her swollen lips
Then her thighs
As I move up her body, I press kiss after kiss everywhere- her stomach, in between her breasts, her chest, her neck and finally her lips
She opens her mouth for my tongue, pressing hers against mine as her hands move around me, on my back, pulling me against her
At the same time, I wrap her legs around me, my head right at her hole
"Please", she whispers between kisses
I move my hips forward, moving inside her
I gasp in her mouth from how tight she is as I sink into her
I feel her open up for me, stretch around me just enough for me to pass through but still keeping a firm grip on my length
"All of you", she whimpers
I nod, pressing kiss after kiss to her neck, pushing all the way in until I bottomed out
"Fuck", I whimper, feeling her pulse around me
We shake against each other, her hands moving up and down my back slowly
"Oh Jimin", she whimpers, "You feel so good. So hard. So big. Fuck so big"
I Iike hearing that
I don't think I'm particularly big but maybe I am for her
Because she's tiny and I don't know where my cock is going, how she fits me inside her but she does
"God Jo, you feel amazing. So tight. So wet, so warm", I murmur, nuzzling into her neck, "So perfect"
"Please Min. Want to feel you"
"I want that too", I answer, lifting my head and kissing her
I pull out, feeling her cunt clench around me, trying to keep me inside
I like that
When I sink back into her, her pussy sucks me back in, making it so easy to fuck her
Each stroke, I move a little faster until I have a good pace and force going, bottoming out every time, pleasure filling me fast
My head brushes against a spot inside her and she screams in pleasure, "There Jimin! Please"
I experimentally thrust into the same spot getting the same reaction
"There?", I ask
She nods rapidly and I concentrate on that spot, plunging in and fucking her into my bed
She clings into me, her nails digging in my back, her sweaty skin against my sweaty skin, her face in so much pleasure
I love all of it
Rolling my hips into her, I go deep in, my pelvis rubbing her clit
"Min", she whimpers, her body arching into mine
I wrap my arm around her back, keeping her against me
He head pushes back into the pillow, exposing her beautiful neck and I can't stop myself, kissing all over
Her pussy clenches my shaft in a vice grip, pulsing so fast, her body slightly shaking
"Min", she calls, her breathing increasing
She's gonna cum and I'm so fucking excited
"Cum for me", I ask
"Jimin", she cries
I watch her cum underneath me, her face is so much pleasure and she looks so fucking stunning
And the pleasure I'm feeling is out of this world
I haven't felt bliss like this before and all I know is I want more
When she finishes, I get on my knees, hooking my arms under her legs, pushing them to her chest, the angle letting me go in deeper, hit her spot harder, her sounds getting louder
I look down, moaning when I see how much she's creaming my cock
It's fucking everywhere
It's so pretty
"So much cream", I murmur, my eyes staying on where we meet
I'm mesmerized by how her little slit opens so wide for me, how her hole takes all of me, how her swollen lips look wrapped around my cock
It's so hot
Her pussy pulls me back in with each stroke, opening just enough for me to pass through, throbbing and feeling so fucking good
I hear her moans getting louder, her pussy clenching over and over and I know she's gonna cum
I already know the signs
Shoving my cock in and out, I make sure I destroy her spot, wanting to feel her orgasm
"Make a mess on my cock baby", I demand
"Jimin!", she screams, "Oh god Jimin!"
I watch her hole strain around me, cum pouring from her as she orgasms
The pleasure runs through me, making it hard for me to keep moving because I just want to feel her
But I force myself to keep plunging into her, to make her feel amazing, fucking her through it
She screams my name so loudly, her hands twisting in my sheets so hard, her knuckles white
Dropping her legs, I move on top of her, holding her against me as her orgasm ebbs
I pound into her harder, feeling myself getting there
"Gonna cum", I choke out, "Need to get out"
She shakes her head, moving her hands to my hips and stopping me from leaving her warm cunt
"Wanna be full of cum", she whispers in my ear, "Your cum Jimin"
I groan loudly at her words
Oh fuck
I'm so close, her perfect cunt tugging and clenching on my cock
"Please cum inside me Jimin"
"Oh god fuck Jo", I moan, stopping my thrusting and sheathing my cock inside her as I shoot my cum in her pulsing pussy
Burying my face in her neck, I call her name over and over as ecstacy takes over me
I feel her playing with my hair and rubbing my back, whispering softly as her cunt milks my cock
"Yes baby, fuck Min, you feels so good. Your big cock throbbing inside me", she murmurs in my hair, "I love feeling your warm cum inside me. Give me all of it baby"
I am, emptying everything I have into her
When my orgasm is over, my body relaxes as I fall out of her
I force myself to roll next to her so I don't squish her
She turns to face me, coming into my arms, cuddling into me, her head on my shoulder, face in my neck
Her arm moves around my body, hugging me tightly
"Can we sleep Min? Please"
"Yeah baby. We can"
"Ok Min", she answers sleepily, snuggling into me
I manage to get the blanket around us as I hold her
I look down at her, her eyes already closed
She's so fucking beautiful, how did I not see it before?
Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I hold her and close my eyes
Stirring in my arms makes me open my eyes
What's happening?
"Min?", I hear her call
Glancing down, I'm surprised to see her in my arms
She sits up and my eyes widen when her boobs are in my face
We slept together and she stayed the night
And I loved every second of it
Her eyes move down, widening then grabbing the blanket putting it over her chest
Like I didn't see them all last night, didn't touch them, didn't suck on them
Like I wasn't everywhere on her body
Like she wasn't everywhere on mine
And a jolt of fear passes through me when I think that she regretted it
"Jo, uh"
"I remember last night", she mutters, avoiding my gaze
I hesitate but I have to ask
"Do you regret it?"
I don't
Not at all
In fact last night changed how I see her
"No Min. I don't", she says softly, her eyes finally moving to mine
"Did...uh....did last night change anything?", I ask, knowing my face is so red, "Any uh feelings....about me?"
Her brown eyes are huge and she doesn't say anything but she nods
"How?", I ask
"I uh....I....um", she stammers
It's ok
I'll go first
"It change everything for me", I answer, "I see you differently. Not just as my best friend"
She's looking at me intensely, waiting for me to continue
"I see you as a girl I...I like. A lot. As a girl I want to date"
She's silent and I think I may have fucked up
Until I feel her hand on my neck, pulling me to her, her lips against mine, kissing me softly
I go all in, kissing her back and pulling her against me, hugging her tightly
"I see you differently too Min", she says softly after the kiss, "I see you as a guy I like a lot. A guy I want to date. A guy who I'll be happy with"
I nod, "I'll make you happy Jo. I would never hurt you"
She smiles nodding, "I know Min"
"So...we...uh...are we giving this, us, a try?", I ask
"Yes Jimin", she giggles, "We're giving us a try"
A huge smile bursts on my face
"Great!", I say, then pull her to me in another kiss
Her mouth moves against mine and I swear, I cannot get enough of her kisses
After, I get out of bed and pull her up with me
"So let's go on a date", I tell her
"Now?", she asks, confused
I nod, "Now. Breakfast. I'm taking you out to eat. Then I have to go to practice so I'll drop you off and maybe we can hang out tonight?"
She frowns
What's wrong?
Did I mess up already?
"You uh....you don't want me to go to practice with you?"
I blink as I register what she's saying
"Of course baby but I didn't want to assume you'd want to come. I don't want you to feel like you have to"
She shakes her head, moving into my arms, hugging me
As I hug her back, she says, "I want to come Min. I love watching you dance and now that you're my boyfriend, I can oogle you"
I laugh, "Ok baby. You can come and oogle me. I promise I'll act extra sexy for you"
"Yay", she giggles, burying her face in my neck as I hold her, "And yes baby, we better hang out later"
"Yes ma'am", I answer
"And maybe do other things"
"Other things?", I tease, feeling her press her body againsty dick
"Lots of other things. I think someone needs a blow job. And to be ridden"
I get turned on hearing her and I so agree with her
"I think you're right baby"
Her hand, touches my semi hard on, squeezing gently
"Good baby"
Then she kisses my cheek and lets me go
"Huh?", I ask, wondering why the pleasure left
She smirks, getting her clothes, "But first breakfast"
What a tease
I roll my eyes but I smile, "Ok baby. First breakfast"
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
A very random question. But am I the only one who thinks Louis has ADHD? Ive got experience with ADHD from very close by and I think Louis shows a lot of symptoms and characteristics.. I almost never talk about it because I think it’s a sensitive subject for a lot of people but the constant attention on his alcohol intake at the moment is a bit concerning to me. Because people with ADHD have a bigger chance of getting addicted.. Im not saying he’s addicted now.. I’m only saying you have to watch out to not rely on alcohol too much.. And its hard because it’s a fine line between having a good time and celebrating your successful tour and constantly overstepping your boundaries. He’s getting carried away with the partying and stuff like that. People with ADHD are overcompensating a lot of the time.. They need someone to whistle them back every now and then. To me it feels like Louis is missing that someone in his team who keeps him calm.. who’s putting the attention on his boundaries.. His whole team are young men who are all at the start of this massive career. It must be so thrilling for them to be surrounded by such a big and great artist, play big venues, so many shows, after parties in VIP lounges with a lot of privileges.. only Helene is the mom and keeps him calm but she can’t be with him all the time. I think his team is having a lack of woman to be honest. Everyone is talking about Partyboy Louis and think they are creating an image for him but I think it’s sincere. What do you think?
I think the only boundaries being overstepped here are by his fans. I'm sorry but this kind of message completely baffles me, I really try to avoid posting it, but I feel this is so out of hand lately...
I completely understand the concern, but there are certain things - especially when it comes to disorders, mental health, drug abuse, etc - that is so dangerous when people start to speculate and create stories. He's a real person, we don't know him. If there's any sort of issue there (I don't think there is, I'm not into babying them, sorry), we don't have the right to talk about it just because he's a public person, it would only make things so much worse. PLEASE stop romanticising the idea Harry and Louis have disorders and addictions!! Stop trying to diagnose them
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