#so so so looking forward to seeing them in this tournament <33
the-kipsabian · 2 years
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12 notes · View notes
heavenlyvision · 6 months
Word count: 9.3k
Pairing: Liu Kang x F!Reader
A/N: This is a bit different to my other works so far, at least it feels different! I am stoked about the people who encouraged me to write this!! You guys have been the kindest to interact with and really encourage me to keep writing <33 (P.S. If you're having trouble picturing the position in the smut scene, it’s pretty close to the full nelson, hopefully you can picture it with just my description though 😅😅)
Summary:  Through a series of unfortunate events, you find yourself befriending a God and making his life more difficult, it’s just a bonus that he’s friendly, kind, and really hot.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, fingering, grinding, p in v sex, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, creampie, dirty talk, Liu Kang might be a little ooc and I am sorry but he’s hot and I had to write for him.
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Living in the temple with Liu Kang is an odd feeling, you’ve been here for a while now, but you still feel out of place. Maybe because there isn’t any real reason that you’re here, you know he has plans and is a Fire God and something about a tournament with another realm, but you don’t fit in to any of that. You’re just some person he felt bad for after making friends with and is now allowing you to stay in his temple????
To be fair, he didn’t really befriend you, he asked if you were okay and then you held him verbally hostage. He looked friendly and so you started talking to him, something you would usually be too reserved to do. Having conversations with strangers isn’t something you’re in the habit of, and you especially don’t start them, but you’d had a series of unfortunate events happen to you in the course of a week and he looked nice. You think he was too polite to ask you to stop talking to him, but he eventually engaged in the conversation.
It was a little cafe not far from where you used to live, Liu Kang had been there by chance, he tells you now that there was something he had to take care of in that area, but he kept coming back after that first encounter. Every time you were there, he was also there, and he listened to you.
When you first met and spoke with Liu Kang you complained about how your partner broke up with you but actually he was cheating on you and had been for months, so you had to leave his apartment, which was originally yours before you were both on the lease. But you didn’t leave by choice, he locked you out and left your stuff in front of the building, which obviously, some of it was missing.
Whether he kept it or if some of it was taken by strangers you aren’t sure, but it sucks either way, you didn’t tell Liu Kang that last thing at the time though. Being kicked out of your own apartment and cheated on was embarrassing enough, he didn’t need to know you were also robbed.  
While visiting that café everyday hoping to see Liu Kang, your personal circumstances kept getting worse, you didn’t keep bombarding him with your issues though. He was nice and funny in a polite way, and he was becoming a friend to you. So, you didn’t say anything to him but the friend you had been staying with turned out to be who your partner was cheating on you with, so you had to rush to find another place to stay, which you managed. And things would’ve been okay from there if you hadn’t lost your job due to cutbacks in that same week, so not only were you living off your quickly depleting savings, you were also trying to find a job, while living in a shitty, tiny apartment, an apartment where, if you had all your furniture, you wouldn’t be able to see the floor.
The only thing you looked forward to were the afternoons in that café talking to and getting to know Liu Kang. It was unfortunate luck when your ex-friend and ex-partner walked in and saw you talking with him. They didn’t mind their own business, and that was how Liu Kang had found out how much worse things had gotten for you in the few months you had been meeting with him.
After he learned about the extent of things he brought up living with him at the temple, he said it would be more for him than for you, claiming to need help and that you were perfect for it. But you knew he didn’t really need any help; he’s a literal God and you’re just a person. So, you kept declining, he’d bring it up once a month and you would tell him no every month, determined to make things work for yourself.
But eventually, you were fed up with all the dead-end jobs and being dismissed after only a few weeks, you were looking down the barrel of eviction and you caved, asking Liu Kang for help. Something he was more than happy to provide.
It felt odd, making friends with a stranger, only to find out he was a God and then that God feeling so bad for you that he offers to make your life easier by letting you live with him at his temple. You can’t help but feel pitiful about giving up all your responsibilities and running away but there wasn’t anything left for you in that city.
Staying by Liu Kang’s side has introduced you to so much beauty, it’s expanded your small world, and you don’t feel even a little bit of regret for leaving, not anymore. Though you still feel out of place, your heart is at peace.
Currently, you’re drinking tea with Liu Kang, it’s something you two do every afternoon and it reminds you of the café. Even though he’s busy, he always has tea with you, every afternoon.
Conversing with him always starts the same way, you say something completely random or make an observation and he sighs at your inability to sit in silence for more than a minute at a time.
“You know, I think he still has my favourite book.” You say in reference to your ex.
There’s a book you owned, and it was a classic, not worth anything, but you had annotated it to high hell and the love you have for it is shown in your scribblings and all the sticky notes. It’s something you immediately noticed was missing but never said anything about.
He has a confused look on his face, “What? Why didn’t you ask for it back?”
“He’d just say that I lost it, or that it got stolen when he left my boxes outside the apartment,” You shrug at him.
“He… left your belongings… outside of the apartment, where strangers could rifle through them… and steal from you?” He questions, his tone is calm but the pauses in his sentence display contempt.
“Did I not tell you that?” You wonder.
He’s looking at you, eyes squinting, scrutinising you and trying to determine if you were purposefully keeping that from him, “No… you have not mentioned it.”
In all honesty, you thought you had already told him that. You aren’t trying to hide it anymore, it’s already done. You just feel a bit sad about your favourite book, you’ve been wanting to reread it lately and you like reading the notes you’ve made previously as you do.
“I was just thinking about the book, it was annotated,” you sigh.
“I can take you to go get it, if you’d like?” He offers.
“He probably won’t even admit to having it, let alone give it back but thank you.” You offer him a smile, he’s always so kind to you, a gentle God.
He considers you for a moment, “I have some books, if you’d like to read them.”
“I found your library months ago, read a bunch of them but it isn’t the same.” You appreciate his suggestion, but other books can’t compare.
He sips at his tea, before saying, “You’re picky.”
“No, it’s just that I cultivated that book with all my thoughts and feelings on the story and now it’s gone,” you huff out.
Liu Kang frowns a bit, thinking about your words, “I do not like him.”
“Neither,” you laugh, “You know, he wasn’t even worth it, never made me org–” you stop abruptly, realising what you were about to say… to a God, “Uhm what I actually mean is, he was a… bad partner, not… attentive?” It comes out like a question, but you aren’t asking anything.
He chuckles and shakes his head at you; he always seems to find you amusing, “That’s a shame,” he mutters.
You want to question him on what he means but he speaks again, “Why did you stay with him?”
“After a while, I felt… trapped,” you sigh, “He was kinder in the beginning of our relationship, but he grew colder, meaner, he didn’t talk to me… he didn’t like talking to me, always saying I talk too much,” you give him a wry smile.
He hums, “I like listening to you.”
You feel flush at his words, he does this sometimes, says something innocuous without realising how the kind words have you falling for him. But, it’s a feeling you don’t let yourself indulge in, for a number of reasons but mostly because you feel unremarkable compared to him. You feel small and your feelings feel unimportant, so you don’t entertain them, not wanting them to grow stronger with nowhere to put them down. He makes it hard though.
“I like talking to you,” you reply.
Relationships aren’t something you’ve had much success in, your only one that lasted longer than a couple weeks being the one where you lost your apartment, belongings, friend, etc etc.
“I sometimes wonder if he ever loved me,” you confess to Liu Kang.
You stayed out of obligation and convenience, leaving was too much effort, but why did he stay for so long, only to do what he did. Sometimes you feel sick thinking about it, because if he never showed you love then what does it look like? And are you capable of recognising it in someone else? In yourself?
He puts a hand on your shoulder, “I can hear you thinking from here, stop it.”
“You can hear thoughts??” You’re a little worried as you say it.
He restrains himself from rolling his eyes at you, “Not what I meant; I cannot actually hear your thoughts.”
“Oh thank god, don’t say things like that.” You place a hand over your beating heart.
“Why would I be able to read minds?” He queries.
“I dunno, you’re a God, you can’t say stuff like that, I’ll take you literally,”
He hums, “Noted.”
Both of you sit in the silence, normally you would say something else but for once you’re a little lost for words. Still wondering if you’ve ever been loved, properly. An ache fills your heart, and you aren’t really sure what it means.
Liu Kang’s grip squeezes on your shoulder, drawing your attention back to him, “If he never loved you, then he is a fool.”
And there it is again, something meant as comfort said so tenderly to you that your heart feels like it might implode.
“Thank you,” you say, hand coming up to rest on top of his.
He looks deep in thought for a moment, “I think you should learn self-defence.”
It’s abrupt, the way he brings it up, you pull your hand away and turn so you’re facing him properly, “Why?”
“I think I would feel better about you being a part of this world, if you could defend yourself.”
You consider his words, your lips pouting in thought, “I’d rather not.”
His response is to frown at you, “Why not?”
“I’d rather not, just ‘cause I don’t wanna have strangers train me or whatever, don’t like the idea of being touched by them,” you say it flippantly, waving a hand as you do.
You know he would want to take you to that academy or have someone specifically train you, but you aren’t fond of strangers, and you especially don’t like the idea of their hands positioning you and such, it’s a very uncomfortable idea.
Your face must be betraying how much you dislike the idea, “Stop making that face,” Liu Kang sighs.
“Sorry,” your face drops into a neutral expression, you hadn’t realised you were making one.
“Things are going to pick up soon, I would feel better if you’d consider it.”
You frown again, this time on purpose.
He looks into your eyes, it feels like he’s trying to stare you down, “That won’t work, I don’t like being touched,” you remark.
He raises a brow at you, “You let me touch you.”
You look away from him and mumble, “That’s different.”
“How?” He inquires.
How nosey of him, “It just is…” you shrug at him.
“What if I teach you self-defence?”
You look back to him, “Maybe.”
If you had a choice, you’d rather not be taught any kind of self-defence, but you guess if it’s Liu Kang teaching you, you could be amicable to that, eventually.
Both his brows raise, “Are you going to make this difficult for me?”
You repeat your previous answer, sly smile on your lips, “Maybe…”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It’s been almost a full week since that conversation with Liu Kang, you keep putting off training with him. He’s a patient man but you think you’re slowly chipping away at it. His concern for you growing the more you put it off.
You understand that things will be changing soon, with his champions and what not, but he keeps you fairly separate from all that anyways. You know of the Lin Kuei and their involvement, along with the brothers but you’ve not met them, and he’s not asked you to. So, you aren’t really sure why he’s become so caught up on getting you some kind of training.
It’s late in the evening and you’re walking to the library, which maybe you shouldn’t be, but you feel the need to read something. Get your mind off of everything that’s been happening. Maybe you’ll find a new favourite book and annotate that.
But because you have the luck of someone who’s broken a mirror every day, it starts bucketing down rain. Usually, you enjoy rainy weather and a good book, but this isn’t that. You’re walking the temple grounds one minute and the next you’re fully drenched, down to the bone. Clothes soggy, shoes filled with water, and to top it off, the torrential downpour is making your visibility awful. You can’t make heads or tails with all this rain; it would probably be just as bad even if it wasn’t dark out.
Just your luck, there isn’t much you can do but stumble blindly through the grounds, hoping you’re going the right way. But predictably, that is not a good idea, you’re about as wet as a person can be, shaking from the cold breeze, you need to find shelter somewhere soon.
Some of the buildings are recognisable, you think? You can’t really be sure, but you think you recognise the building Liu Kang resides in. Hobbling up to the door, you knock on it, hoping that some higher power takes pity on you and that Liu Kang is home… and also awake.
And wouldn’t you know it, he’s not home, the only solution you can think of is to sit under the small shelter surrounding the building, to at least prevent yourself from getting any more wet, not that that’s even possible at this point.
The rain doesn’t stop, the rate at which it’s coming unchanging. Spending all night here is not a feasible option, sadly, you will have to move again and hope you find your own quarters or somewhere open you can tuck into. It’d be embarrassing to sleep on Liu Kang’s doorstep only for him to trip over you in the morning.
You decide to try knocking one last time, maybe he didn’t hear you. Wrapping your knuckles against his front door, you knock harder, wishing for him to be home and that your first knocks went unheard.
Waiting a moment before you give up, he’s obviously out doing some God business or whatever, you don’t really question his movements. Turning your back to his door, you look out at the rain, working yourself up to going back out into it.
Just as you step out into it again, you feel a hand grab your upper arm and pull you back, bending your head back to look up, you realise it’s Liu Kang and a relived smile breaks out across your face. You turn around to face him properly and he lets go of your arm.
The look on his face is one of complete confusion, “What are you doing out in this rain?”
“I was looking for the library but then it started raining… and I got lost but I recognised your building, and I knocked a couple times, but I thought you were out, so I was gonna look for somewhere else to try and get warm.” You’re shaking like a leaf in front of him, teeth chattering as you talk.
He frowns at you and grabs you again, pulling you inside. The escape from the unforgiving wind is very welcome to you.
“Why were you out this late to begin with?” His eyes are firm as he looks at you.
You look away from him, feeling like you’re being scolded, “I… wanted to read a book… can’t stop thinking and I can’t sleep.”
You’re standing in front of him and staring at the floor below you, still shivering involuntarily, a puddle of water being created on the wood, “Do you have a towel, your floors getting wet.” Your head nodding downwards to the puddle.
“I am not worried about my floors,” he sighs, “Come with me.”
You shuffle down the hall after him, you feel like a wet cat who got caught outside when they’re meant to be inside. There’s a trail of water droplets trailing after you, you feel bad getting his floors all wet, you’ll have to remember to clean up for him.
Following behind, you properly look at him and notice his upper half is bare, only in pants for bed, you can’t help but stare at his large frame and muscular back. It’s a very human display, for him to be shirtless and in sleep pants, his hair down, he looks good, but he always looks good. You feel like a silly mess.
He leads you into his bathroom and hands you a clean towel, “Have a shower, get warm.”
You stand there looking at him for a moment, “What will I wear?”
Liu Kang walks past you and further down the hall, you briefly wonder if you’re meant to follow him or start showering. You decide to pull off your jacket and slip out of your shoes while waiting.
His footsteps are coming back towards you, “Here,” he offers you some of his clothes.
You think about whether the shirt would even close, he’s always wearing shirts that show his chest and they don’t exactly look like they’d offer you any modesty, even if you do it up. You unfold the shirt and you’re thankful to see it will, in fact cover you.
“Something wrong?” He asks.
Shaking your head at him, you say, “No, I was just wondering if you gave me one of those shirts that doesn’t actually close properly.”
He sighs at you, “Have a shower, then we will talk.”
You drop the shirt down from in front of you to look at him but he’s already walking away and shutting the door behind him.
The showers heat is what you imagine heaven feels like, or maybe getting really high. Muscles that you hadn’t even realised were tensed finally relax and you feel like you could melt into a puddle on the shower floor. You hadn’t noticed just how cold you were, if you had stayed out all night you might’ve actually turned into a popsicle.
After you’ve washed and dried yourself off, you look at Liu Kang’s clothes, he gave you pants but you’re worried they won’t fit. Which is troublesome because you can’t put on your wet underwear, not unless you wanna squirm in place all evening.
Closing your eyes, you huff out a sigh, considering your options. Telling him that you have no underwear is a mortifying thought. So, you pull his shirt on and do up the buttons, it comes down pretty far on your body, which shouldn’t be shocking; he is a large man but seeing it come more than halfway down your thighs makes you remember the size difference.
Considering how far it comes down on you, you wonder if you even have to say anything. You decide it might be better not to say anything, the risk of whatever conversation would ensue undoubtedly would embarrass you to death.
Which, before you met Liu Kang, you never really got all that embarrassed but the effect he has on you makes you feel self-conscious of all your choices and little mannerisms.
Padding down his hallway, you meet him in his living area, he’s sitting on his lounge. Rounding it, you hold onto the hem of his shirt, you feel nervous; like he’s about to give you the ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’ talk. It always worked on you as a kid, it’d probably work now too.
When he looks up to you, his eyes skate up your body slowly before he meets your gaze, “What’s wrong with the pants?”
“Don’t fit,” you mumble.
He nods at you, and you go to sit next to him.
“You smell like me,” he notes.
You had noticed that, his scent is overwhelming you, making you feel warm.
You change the subject, “Thank you, for the shirt and shower... and for letting me in.”
He looks concerned, “Why would I not let you in?”
You shrug at him, you aren’t really sure why you said it, maybe it’s the being locked out of your own apartment memories haunting you again. You fidget in your seat a bit, uncomfortable from both not wearing underwear and this conversation.
You change the subject, “Do you have a mop or another towel, I can dry your floors.”
He shakes his head at you, “You do not need to do that, I’ve already done it.”
He readjusts his position, moving to the side, one leg crossed on the couch and an arm coming up to rest on the back of the couch. He’s facing you completely now, you’re sitting forward with your knees touching, looking into your lap and toying with the hem of his shirt, conscious of the fact you aren’t wearing underwear.
“I would have done it,” you mutter.
“I know, that is why I did it first.”
You don’t say anything, which is out of character and it’s starting to concern Liu Kang.
“What were you going to do tonight? If I hadn’t answered my door,” he questions you, his tone concerned.
Your lips pout and you look away to the side, staring at his now very interesting wall.
“I dunno, I mean, I was planning to go back out and try and find my place or somewhere else warm at least, I wasn’t just gonna sit on your doorstep all night,” you shrug, still not facing him.
The couch cushions move as he shuffles a little closer, “That would have been reckless, your lips were almost blue before, you need to have more concern for your wellbeing.”
“I care about myself,” you turn to look at him, he had moved closer than you expected, you stumble over yourself a bit at his proximity, “…I do care, I didn’t know what to do and I made the best choice in that moment, it’s not like I wanted to go back into the rain… I knocked again… just in case you didn’t hear the first time…”
He looks at you intensely, it’s making you nervous and you look away from him, eyes turning downwards to your lap again, legs rubbing against each other as you continue to squirm.
“Look at me,” he says gently, you turn your head to look at him properly, he continues, “I am so aware of how human you are, and I worry about your safety because of it, you do not inspire confidence in me when you do stuff like this.”
“I think you’re taking this too seriously; I didn’t know it was going to rain and–”
“–That is not my only concern,” he gives you a pointed look.
“And we are back on this?” You ask.
He nods in response.
A deep sigh is pushed out of you, “You know, you are quite persistent… pushy even.”
“If you give in now, it would save us a lot of time,” he replies, making his stance clear, this is not something he is willing to compromise on. At least, not any more than he already has.
“I don’t understand why you want me to do this so bad? You’ve kept me separate from everything so far, so why would I need any kind of training?”
“For my peace of mind,” he says, rather abruptly.
Taking a deep breath in you let it all out at once, “You really aren’t going to let this go?” You ask, double checking.
“No,” he confirms.
“Then… I suppose… I will allow you to train me,” you huff, you’d cross your arms, but you’re worried about his shirt riding up your thighs.
He lets out a sigh of relief, “Thank you.”
You hum noncommittally, “This is such an unlucky night for me.”
He chuckles at you while getting up from the couch, “I am going to put some tea on, can you watch it?”
“Yeah,” you also get up from the couch and follow him to his kitchen.
Opening cupboards, he pulls out everything and puts the kettle on, then he wanders down the hallway leaving you to watch it. You don’t really know what he’s gone off to do, you’re a little peeved that you’ll have to be training for a possible threat, not even a tangible one. Plus you think he’s not telling you everything, but he seems to be a bit touchy right now, so you won’t push it.
Especially since you seem to be the reason why he’s being a bit short. But everything that happened tonight was just a series of unfortunate events, which at this point is par for the course for you. You don’t want to try and argue your case again though because, well, you were walking around an area you aren’t completely familiar with in the middle of the night, so you might be a little in the wrong.
Mindlessly, you watch the kettle, it feels a little ironic considering that old phrase, ‘a watched pot never boils’. From behind you, Liu Kang’s footsteps stop, you turn around to look at him.
“What were you doing?” You ask him, before you realise he’s holding all your wet clothes, including your underwear, the underwear that you are currently not wearing. Underwear that you should be wearing.
“What are you wearing underneath my shirt?” His gaze is even, unreadable.
“Uhm, well… like, r-right now?” You ask for clarification, your eyes wide.
“Yes, right now,” his tone is equally unreadable.
You suck on your teeth uncomfortably, “Well, right now… in this moment… I guess… nothing.”
“Right, thought so, considering I found these,” he holds out your underwear with one finger, showing them to you, “amongst all your other clothes.”
“Okayyyy, but you see…your pants didn’t fit and well, I didn’t want to put on wet underwear…” you avert your eyes from his, feeling exposed, “so, I decided, not to wear any…” You trail off, not really sure where to go from here.
He hums at you in understanding, “So, while I was telling you to care more for yourself…you were sitting on my couch, squirming because you chose to forgo underwear, is that right?”
You look upwards, feigning deep thought, “Mhm, pretty much, yeah…but I wouldn’t say I was squirming.”
“You were squirming, I thought it was because the conversation was uncomfortable.” He retorts.
“Well, it was…just in multiple ways,” you smile innocently at him, “Uhm, can I have those?”
“Are you going to put them on?” He asks.
You nod at him, “I was considering it, wearing wet panties has to feel better than this.”
His eyes close momentarily at your words, he intakes a breath. You feel ashamed to admit that this conversation is working you up, it would probably be for the best if you cover yourself properly.
Walking over to him you go to grab your underwear, but as you reach up to pluck them from his hand, he reaches further up. Not completely out of arm’s length but if you do reach up, you would be exposing yourself completely.
“That’s not nice,” you huff.
“It isn’t nice showing up on my doorstep just to get into my clothes and then sit on my couch with nothing underneath them.” His eyes are full of mirth.
“Can I just have my underwear…please?”
He pretends to be in deep thought, mimicking you from earlier, “Do you really want to put on wet underwear?”
“…Yes.” No. You don’t really want to, but not wearing underwear around someone who knows you aren’t wearing any is…horrifyingly revealing.
“So, you were fine not wearing any underwear when I didn’t know, but now you’d rather be uncomfortable in wet panties, instead of being bare?”
“You’re asking me too many questions,” you’re frowning at him, but he doesn’t seem to find it menacing, his eyes still playful.
“You normally enjoy talking,” he jests.
A scowl is pulling at you lips, “Liu can you please just,” you look away and huff, “give me my underwear,” you mumble it out.
“Is there a specific reason that you need them now?” His implication is heavy, and you are not admitting to anything, you’d sooner die.
Rolling your eyes at him, you grab your clothes from his other hand and walk over to his dining table. You place them over the back of his chairs, so they have the chance to dry.
He shows mercy and moves to you to give you your underwear. As you hold them you make a face of displeasure, they’re soaked still, and you really don’t want to put them on.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, brow raising.
“Nothing,” you lie.
He pushes, “Put them on then.”
This situation is too much for you, this side of Liu Kang paired with his bare skin is making you dizzy, your pussy getting wetter by the second. It’s incredibly embarrassing that, him knowing and teasing you for not wearing underwear, is making your skin hot and body yearn for him. Even more embarrassing that he seems to have some kind of inkling about your arousal for him.
“I will,” another lie, you are not putting these on.
“You know, your facial expressions are incredibly honest,” he observes.
You try your hand at a poker face and it has him smiling in response.
Giving in, you confess, “I don’t want to put them on, they’re too wet.”
His face is bright, pleased at his victory, “You are an odd person,” he teases.
You’re exasperated, “Can’t you just pretend to not know?”
“I can try.” He shrugs and gives you a sweet smile but it doesn’t feel sweet, not after what he just put you through.
You put your wet underwear on the chair next to your other clothes, preferably you would clean them but they’ll do for getting you back to your room tomorrow.
You huff past Liu Kang as you walk to sit on his couch again, still holding onto the hem of his shirt as you sit, not wanting it to ride up. Not willing to risk it, especially since he knows how bare you are underneath.
He makes the tea and brings it over to you, both of you sitting in silence. You can’t help but squirm a bit in your spot. Wanting to rub your thighs together for some kind of relief but that would be way too obvious. So, you try focusing on your tea, the flavours of it, the smell, the warmth.
But then your thoughts wander, and you’re thinking about Liu Kang’s arms, his chest, his tattoos, his hands, the playfulness in his voice, his eyes as he looked at you. The stern voice he used on you earlier, everything about him sets you alight, you huff in annoyance next to him.
You hear him sigh lightly beside you, “You’re squirming again.”
“No, I’m not,” a boldfaced lie.
“What’s wrong now?”
“Nothing,” you take another sip of your tea.
He grabs your mug from you, placing it on the table, “I can’t help if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t need help,” you scowl at him.
His expression is dubious and not believing you for a single second, “Come here,” he pats the couch between his spread thighs.
Your face is shocked, “What for?”
He rolls his eyes at you, “I was not born yesterday, do you want my help or not?”
You argue, “Still don’t need help.”
Both his brows drop, “You’re sitting there, bare and squirming on my couch.”
“You’re supposed to pretend not to know,” you comment.
“I can only ignore so much,” he retorts.
You look at him for a bit, his expression unchanging, seemingly steadfast.
“How are you going to help?” You’re curious now.
“Find out,” he pats the couch again.
Looking upwards and away from him, you consider it for a bit, this might not be a great idea but he’s really hot and offering to help you, so against your better judgement you move over to him and sit between his spread legs. He moves forward, chest pressed to your back, his lips right by your ear.
“Can I touch you?” He checks with you.
“…Yes, please.”
He hums in response, his hand sliding down your body, resting atop one of your thighs.
Tapping it, he says, “Open your legs.”
Your skin feels hot but you listen and open them, the outside of your thighs touching the inside of his.
“Perfect,” he mumbles beside your head.
His hand slides down, caressing your inner thigh now, his other arm is wrapped around your torso, keeping you still. The hand on your thigh slowly inching closer to where you need him most, it feels like everything he’s doing is taking a million years. He’s taking his time to tenderly touch you, working you up more than you already are.
Your own hands come up to the one wrapped around you, holding onto his forearm, “Can you just… touch me please?” You ask him, voice the slightest bit breathless.
“In a moment,” his hand moves further away from your aching heat, instead tickling up the length of your inner thigh.
Your body feels like you’re about to vibrate out of your skin, his barely there touch turning your brain into mush. Slowly, his hand travels back up your thigh, and he cups your pussy, his two middle fingers slipping between your folds.
His chest rumbles with a groan behind you, “How long have you been this wet?”
You turn your head away from him and to the side, trying to avoid his words in your ear. It doesn’t work, if anything he can get closer, his head leaning down and breathing hot air onto your ear. A shiver of pleasure runs down your spine in response, your teeth biting into your lower lip to supress the small sound you almost make.
“Probably when I confronted you, right?” He hits the nail on the head.
His fingers keep running through your folds, spreading your slick all over your pussy, the tip of his middle finger pressing into you the slightest bit, you cant your hips in response and he pulls away, instead repeating his previous motions of rubbing his fingers through your folds. His teasing pulling a huff from you.
“You know how I know?” he probes.
You shake your head at him, you’re a little bit curious as to what gave you away.
“I know because you are so honest, your facial expression, your movements, your eyes,” he practically purrs in your ear.
You shuffle against him, whether to get him closer or get yourself free, you aren’t sure but he holds you still against him. His fingers making a mess of your pussy, he moves them to your clit, giving you only the slightest amount of pressure. It has your hips rising to chase the sensation, wanting his fingers to be firmer. The arm around your torso pulls you back to him, holding you steady.
“You’re still squirming,” he comments.
“It’s –hah– your fault,” you quip.
“Mmm, is that so?” He wonders out loud.
Finally, he adds more pressure to your clit, the stimulation almost knocking the wind out of you, a small whimper falling from your lips involuntarily. Liu Kang hums appreciatively at your reaction to his touch. His nose runs up the length of your neck, tickling you.
“You seem to enjoy being touched right now,” he breathes the words against your neck.
He rubs circles into your clit, firm and even, never picking up or slowing down. Your hips wriggle against him, you want more, want him inside you.
A breath of air is pushed out his nostrils, amused at your movements, “Need something?” He’s still holding you firm, “If you do, you need to ask.”
“Want you to touch me,” you request.
Tone serious but his words have humour behind them, “I am touching you.”
“Want your finger, inside,” you whine at him, hating how desperate you must look and sound. No man ever having pulled you apart with such minimal contact but he isn’t just a man, is he?
His chest vibrates under you, his fingers slipping down to your pussy hole, middle finger pressing into you slowly. His large finger a stretch for you, his thumb rubs at your clit, trying to coax you into relaxing enough to take it.
“I don’t think you could be any tighter,” he murmurs to you.
Your hips are wanting to wiggle down onto his finger but you’re being held in place, when he does get his finger fully inside you, it has you instinctually trying to close your legs. Liu Kang tsks at you in disappointment, the hand around you briefly moving to place your legs over tops of his. You’re completely spread on him, the crook of your knees resting over top of his legs.
“This is embarrassing,” you mutter.
His hand moves back to hold you around your middle again, “You won’t mind soon.”
This man is going to be the death of you.
The finger inside you crooks up, stroking at your inner walls, the pleasure has your body writhing in his hold again. He pulls you back into his chest further and looks over your shoulder, down to where his finger is seated inside you. As his finger draws back from you, wet sounds follow the movement, and when he pushes it back inside, your cunt clamps down on it; a gasp jumping out of your throat.
He fucks his one finger into you continuously, your slick dripping from you, hips jumping against him. Eventually, you want more, want to feel fuller.
You pant out, “More, Liu – hah.”
He obeys, pressing his ring finger into you, his pace slowing to make up for the stretch, the small amount of pain not enough to bother you, your arousal outweighing it. Your hips grind down onto his fingers, taking the both of them deeper. His thumb rubs at your clit again as he fucks both his fingers into you, your head falls back against his shoulder, your eyes glazing over.
“Getting all fucked out on my fingers, that’s cute.” He observes.
His fingers are completely seated inside you; your hips grind into his hand. He allows you the small moment to rock your hips back and forth. Before he suddenly starts fucking them into you, pulling them out and slamming them back in, the tips of his fingers brushing something devastating. The feeling has your body shaking and whimpers falling from your lips, he hums in delight at your reaction and targets the one spot. Fucking his large fingers into it over and over again, wanting to have you falling apart for him.
Your insides start twisting in on themselves, panting breaths coming quicker, an odd feeling overwhelming you. You go to warn Liu Kang, “Feels weird.”
Liu Kang can feel your walls clenching down on his fingers, “It’s fine.”
You huff out at him, both from the feeling and his response.
“Poor girl, her ex-boyfriend didn’t only never get her to cum, she’s also never orgasmed before, mmm?” He questions, taunting.
If that’s what this is then you guess you really haven’t orgasmed before, you could’ve sworn you had but it never felt like this.
You gasp at his words, uncharacteristic of him and also really hot. Your brows knit together as his fingers keep moving inside you, his pace picking up slightly. The wet squelching of your wet cunt prominent in the otherwise quiet house.
“Stop fighting it love, just let it happen,” he whispers into the skin of your neck. He leaves wet kisses against it.
Your skin heats up in reaction to the pet name, your pussy spasming around his fingers, a whiny gasp of his name ripped from your chest. You go to keel forward but he holds you to him.
“There you go,” he purrs into your skin, “Doing so good, love.”
Your thighs are shaking on top of his, small whimpers leaving you as he continues fucking his fingers into you, prolonging your high. Aftershocks wracking your frame, jolting in his hold, slowly his fingers come to a stop, your head had dropped forward during your orgasm.
His unoccupied hand comes up to press against your forehead and pull your head back to his shoulder, you’re panting against him. Chest rising and falling quickly, your eyes unseeing for a few moments after.
When he pulls his fingers from you, he holds them up to marvel at them, admiring the way your cum has sticky strings falling from his fingers when he parts them.
“Look at that,” he says with the brightest tone, genuinely enamoured by the sight of your cum on his fingers.
You shy away from the display, turning your head to the side, unfortunately for your self-consciousness, you see the way he sticks his fingers in his mouth and sucks your cum off of them. The shameless display has your skin burning you from the inside out. After he’s sucked them clean, he wipes his spit off on your inner thigh.
“Can’t believe you were with a man who couldn’t make you orgasm for that long,” he says, almost out of nowhere.
You don’t respond, still embarrassed and a little fucked out, you don’t feel present in your own body. Wiggling against Liu Kang, you feel his very pronounced erection dig into your ass.
You mumble to him, surprised, “You’re hard.”
“Obviously, why wouldn’t I be?” he’s confused by your shock.
You remark, “You didn’t get any pleasure from that.”
“Love, I got so much pleasure from that.”
His response makes you blush.
“Your ex is some piece of work,” he claims.
You lift your shaky legs up and off of his, back to your previous position of outer thighs to his inner thighs. He lets you lay on top of him for a bit while you collect yourself, but you want to look at him.
Clumsily, you get up and shuffle around, climbing on top of him and straddling him, now face to face. You sit back a bit on his lap so you can see him properly.
“What’s wrong now?” He asks, feigning exasperation at you.
You don’t reply, instead lazily taking in all of his features, your eyes zero in on his lips. Wanting to kiss him but unsure if that’s crossing an invisible line. You don’t move, but you pull your eyes away from his mouth to look him in the eyes again.
Lightly rolling his eyes, he huffs out a sigh, his hand comes up behind your neck and pulls you towards him. His lips meet yours in a tender kiss, slow and sweet. At least it is until you shuffle forward and sit right on top of the bulge in his pants. You groan at the feeling of his hard cock pressed up against your bare cunt, he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.
His tongue explores your mouth, kissing you deeply. His hand holds onto your neck, keeping you in place for him to kiss you how he pleases. It’s is unlike any other, you’re realising now, you don’t think you’ve ever been kissed with so much desire, need.
Groans are pulled from his chest at the way you’ve started mindlessly grinding against him. His free hand coming up to encourage it, appreciating the friction. Having been hard for far too long with no relief. Your hands move to his shoulders, holding onto his warm skin.
You keep grinding clumsily onto his cock, back and forth along the length of it. He keeps his mouth on yours, his groans and your whines shared in it. When you pull back to breathe, his hand comes away from your throat and holds onto your other hip, using both his hands to drag you up and down his cock more forcefully.
You’re huffing out whimpers every time the head of his dick grazes your clit, Liu Kang is getting lost in the feeling of you soaking his cock through his pants. His head dropping back on the couch, you’re getting desperate on top of him. His dick is twitching under you, feeling him jerk against you has you rutting into him.
“Liu,” you call out to him.
“Mmm?” He hums to you.
“Want you inside,” you whimper.
His head shoots up to look you in the eyes, his hands stilling your hips causing you to whine pitifully. His cock jumps under you at the sound.
“Are you sure? Could barely take my fingers,” he’s double checking before getting his hopes up.
Nodding your head at him, you say, “Mhm, need it.”
His chest rumbles with a guttural groan, before he’s tapping the side of your thigh, asking you to stand on your knees for a moment. You lift yourself up and he pulls his pants down, enough to get his fat cock free.
The size of him shocks you slightly, his hands grab your hips again, pulling you down to sit on it. He starts the previous rhythm, grinding you down onto him, his cock slips between your folds, your pussy getting his dick wet and ready for you.
Gliding up and down his cock has your slick leaking from you and as you slide up, the head of his dick catches on your pussy hole, the feeling catching you off guard. You can’t help but push down onto his cock, stretching yourself on him, Liu Kang gasps at the feeling. His hands gripping your hips harshly, grounding himself.
Frustration grows in you at the difficulty of getting him inside you, so you force it and drop down quickly, more of his big dick filling your small cunt. The feeling too much, not so much pain but a large shock, your hands grasp onto Liu Kang roughly. His own body jerking forward, hips moving up on their own accord, a woosh of air exiting him like he’s been punched.
You whimper as your pussy contracts on his cock, right on the verge of an orgasm out of nowhere. Liu Kang realises this; his thumb moves to your clit and rubs quick circles into it. You’re cumming embarrassingly quick on him, his dick only halfway inside you and your eyes are teared up, your pussy creaming on him.
He growls enthusiastically at the sight and feeling of you cumming on him, only stuffed half full.
“Look at that,” he hums, “for someone who’s never had an orgasm, you cum easily.” He remarks.
You’re spasming around his cock, thighs shaking from holding yourself up.
“Sit down,” he says.
Taking a deep breath, you keep going, overstimulated and worried that him breathing on your pussy would have you cumming again. But you persevere, sinking down on him slowly, taking all of him in carefully. Eventually, you’re sitting on him, taking him to the hilt, the full feeling makes you dazed. Liu Kang’s head is thrown back slightly, his own gaze looking a bit fucked out, just from you sitting on him.
You can’t help but grind down into him, hips moving back and forth with him fully seated inside you. His big cock brushing against spots you didn’t know existed, it has you quivering on him. Your grinding gets desperate, and he lets you rut against him how you please, head leaning back and watching you squirm against him devotedly. Small grunts and moans escaping him every now and again. Your own noises more frequent and louder, your hands press into his pecs, using him as leverage.
His own hands leave your hips and instead come up and rest behind his head, holding it up. He’s leaving you to fuck yourself on his cock however you need. The sight of his torso stretched out and watching you blissfully ride him makes your pussy clench. Your clit grinding into his pelvis over and over is eventually what undoes you, cumming with a drawn-out whine, Liu Kang groans at the feeling of you cumming on him again. His self-control waning thin but he wears a large smile as you cum on him again, nonetheless.
“It’s my turn now,” he murmurs.
He manhandles you off of him, turning you so your back is to his chest, then he’s re-entering you from this position. The way he easily manoeuvred you has your heart beating and cunt leaking.
He feels different from this angle, feels delightfully deep. His arms come up and under the crook of your legs, holding them in his elbows. You’re spread so open for him; he slips deeper inside you and it has you keening. His hands hold your tits, playing with them, tugging at your nipples over his shirt. You’re practically immobile in this position, making you feel helpless.
His hands leave your tits and hold onto the front of your shoulders, his hips draw back, his cock slipping out slightly, before he’s shoving himself back inside you all at once. He repeats the motion over and over, fucking up into your immobile body, taking what he needs from you now. Your head falls back on his shoulder, whines and pants freely falling from your lips. Hands scratching at his thighs, grappling for some stability.
It shamefully doesn’t take you long again to finish, not with the punishing pace he set and the sounds spilling from his mouth right by your ear.
“Cumming again? Already?” His words are teasing but he seems overjoyed at your third orgasm on his cock.
His words have your cunt drooling on him, creamy ring at the base of his cock from all your orgasms. You’re silent when you cum this time, more pants than anything else, your pussy strangling his dick. He groans at the feeling of you shuddering on his cock, he continues fucking you through it, not stopping and holding you open.
The brutal pace he’s set is a lot for your abused cunt, the overstimulation getting to you. The pleasure shooting through you is sharp and you jump every time the head of his cock bumps up against something heavenly inside you.
“One more for me?” He asks you, feeling you getting close to the edge again.
You shake your head at him, “Too –hah– much.”
“You can take it.” He encourages, determined to throw you off the edge if you won’t go willingly, “Just one more, love.”
His words, his voice, it sends you over the edge, your orgasm is sharp and sudden. Punching you in your gut, a needy whine spilling from your lips, you’re shedding actual tears from the force of it. Liu Kang is still fucking up into you, pace picking up, chasing after his own high.
“Where do you want it?”
“Inside,” it’s barely coherent when you say it, you aren’t capable of actual speech at the moment, effectively fucked dumb by him.
A large and guttural groan is ripped from him, you can feel it in his chest. He’s cumming hard, releasing it all inside of you, he pushes you down as he fucks up into you. Holding your cunt to the base of him, grinding against you as he finishes. The sensation of being filled by him has your cunt fluttering around him.
You gasp at the feeling of his dick twitching violently as he releases inside you. He holds you to him for some time as he comes down from his own high, and then he’s gently untangling your legs from his arms. He slumps back into the couch, you’re careful to keep him inside you. Not wanting to ruin his couch more than you already have.
You feel limp against him, “You’re gonna get cum on your couch,” you warn.
He groans at you, disapproving of your observation, “Just keep me inside you.”
“That’s not gonna work…” You feel bashful as you add, “It’s leaking out around you.”
He pushes himself up and looks down from over your shoulder, wanting to see it for himself. A satisfied hum leaves him at the sight of his and your cum leaking out of you and down the base of his cock.
“Liu,” you press him.
His hand moves to your cunt and holds there as he slips out of you, holding your pussy, stuffing what’s leaking out back in. You thought he was going to keep his hand there so it didn’t get on the couch but this is the opposite of that, he’s scooping it off his pants, your thighs and the couch and then stuffing it back inside of you.
“You’re making an even bigger mess,” you worry, brows creased.
“It’s fine,” comes his nonchalant reply.
Eventually, after he’s satisfied with what he’s stuffed back inside you, he puts his dick back in his pants and picks you up. He carries you into his room and places you on his bed.
You sigh, “I would be more comfortable with a pair of underwear.”
“I have some boxers that would probably fit you,” he mentions flippantly.
“Why didn’t you offer that from the start?!” You exasperate.
“You didn’t ask, and then you asked me to pretend your bare pussy wasn’t on my couch,” he shrugs at you.
He grabs a pair of boxer briefs and hands them to you, he stands next to you so you have leverage when you stand up yourself. Your legs feel like jelly, you stand there struggling to even stand on both feet let alone one to put the boxers on.
He huffs at you, amused at your struggle, “Sit down, I’ll put them on.”
You sit back down and he slips them over your legs, after he’s gotten them up as far as he can get them while you’re sitting, you grab onto him and stand so he can tug them up the rest of the way.
You mutter at him, “Can’t believe this was always an option.”
He smiles softly at you as you crawl into his bed, you sit up against the headboard. On his bedside table you notice something. 
“What’s that,” you ask, nodding your head at it.
“That’s for you,” he says, grabbing it and handing it to you, he sits on the edge of the bed next to you. Watching your reaction.
And when you realise what it is, you feel like you might cry because it’s the most perfect gift. It’s your favourite book but Liu Kang has gone through it and annotated the pages with his thoughts and feelings. It makes you ridiculously happy.
“This is the best gift I’ve ever been given,” you tell him, giving him a sweet smile.
“Would have preferred to get your copy back but I thought this was the next best thing,” he says.
You shake your head at him, “This is better.” You’re excited to read your favourite book again but this time with all of Liu Kang’s thoughts filling the pages.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
A/N: Thank you for reading!!!! I had trouble with my characterisation of Liu Kang so I am sorry if you guys feel like I didn’t do him justice, but I appreciate any and all support!!! <333 I am down bad for this man atm so I had to get him out of my system. I have an idea for a miniseries of sorts or a part two at the very least, so if you guys like this one, I’ll write the next part <333 Requests are always open, that also goes for if you have any questions in general about me, my blog, or specific fics :)))
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pokemonispain · 6 months
Hi again! This is the same anon as the Jamil ask <33
I love your take on that so much!! Honestly i love the thought of all of the boys going through rough overblot symptoms like - take Leona next.
I imagine that adrenaline ran him through the Spelldrive Tournament and didn't fizzle out even later because Cheka came by and he finally crashes late at night in the infirmary. That's literally such a perfect set up too like - Ruggie, Leona and Jack are all in the infirmary for their wounds so the doctor/nurse let's them be on their own with their number in case they need anything.
At first Leona can't tell apart the soreness from getting beat around from the feverish aching. He refuses to eat and Ruggie, still hesitant from being attacked by King's Roar doesn't force him.
I also love the idea of Leona eventually feeling so sick that he simply sits at the edge of his bed and throws up, the sound of which wakes Ruggie up and for a moment Ruggie decides to forget that Leona hurt him and decides to help him out anyways.
I feel like Jack would also be really caring despite not really being very happy with Leona or Ruggie, because somehow he gives me very responsible little brother vibes.
Anon, anon👁️👁️ did you know that I am an enormous Leona yume/simp, (same for Azul) but oh my lord I love this just YES😵‍💫 I may need to write another fic for him😭
Leona definitely put himself through the wringer in regards to his overblot and then proceeding to do like incredibly intensive magic based sports afterwards as well.
Him winded up in the infirmary afterwards was the least surprising thing ever😭
I can definitely picture him aching everywhere when the adrenaline runs its course and then he practically jumps crashes hard. Just kinda curls up in what comfortable position he can manage and tries to sleep through it but the pain and fever that’s setting in is kinda keeping him just awake enough.
Ruggie and Jack chatting about the match, and just usual stuff maybe while occasionally looking at their phone or something.
I can definitely imagine when like dinner arrives Leona’s eyes kinda open a bit and he glances over at Ruggie who’s like grabbing his own food, Ruggie like just sensing Leona’s eyes on him and him hesitantly looking over after a second or two before asking him if he wants some of the food.
Leona would probably just shake his head a bit close his eyes and tries going back to sleep. Eventually like managing to doze off for a bit wakes up feeling worse😭
I figure like Jack would probably be knocked out until he actually hears like Leona start puking and then he wakes up completely startled, his fur on his ears and tail bristling and everything 😭
Ruggie probably was nearly asleep as well when he hears like Leona shifting in bed, something interesting is that since Leona like using King’s Roar on him I feel like maybe Ruggie would have a tiny bit of trouble sleeping with his back to Leona, ie basically exposed, where as before that it was fine.
He may not even realize he’s doing it exactly but just that he feels more comfortable/safer that way😭
Him opening his eyes and seeing Leona moving to sit up, thinking that Leona’s probably just getting up for water or finally eating dinner til he just sees him lurch forward and retch😂
Ruggie’s eyes would be so wide before like he kinda rushes over to hold Leona’s hair and help him. Realizing he’s running a fever while Jack comes over too to help probably calls one of the medical mages over.
I can see both Jack and Ruggie being more than a little worried especially considering like Leona’s had an overblot so recently. Ahhh I love them a lot❤️❤️
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lilykenz · 3 years
Round 1 ❥Kenma x f!reader
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❥ Word Count ~ 1.6k
❥ Warnings ~ ⚠️ 18+, smut, female reader, edging, mention of alcohol, kitten play, dd/bbg.
❥ Summary ~ You’re visiting Kenma’s house for a fun hangout, yet things change -very- quickly when he catches your admiration.
❥ This is my first one-shot with the ‘you’ perspective! Please be gentle!!! Do not repost anywhere but I do appreciate reblogs <33
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“YES! HAHA! New high score!!!” Kenma roared.
The shout made you jump in your seat and jostled your attention from your switch to him.
Kenma pushed himself with his upper body away from the computer desk and slid the rolling gamer chair back. With one movement, he unfolded his legs (which had been at his chest) and hopped to his feet. This guy really sat in weird positions while tending to his hobbies. Some of which made -your- back ache in protest. How’d he do it for hours at a time?
“We should play a round next!” He strained out in that cute higher pitch he gained when he stretched.
Was he talking to his friends over the mic? Or to you??
The heaviness from your handheld sat in your lap. Muscles flexed beneath the sleeves of his baggy black hoodie. It happened again when he brought those arms forward, pulling his hoodie tight at the back. The nape of his neck clenched just before he rolled his head. Long black hair faded to dirty blond messily draped over his shoulders, which was pulled back in a loose bun.
Damn..Long hair like that easily gets tangled up in a fist…You could hear your heart beginning to race and mind slipping into what you called “the gutter” all too often. A familiar heat swelled beneath the handheld, causing you to wiggle in your seat in a desperation to quell the discomfort.
He leaned forward, the tight denim jeans he wore hugging his calves, thighs, and ass. The world slowly tilted sideways while you watched. A pair of golden feline eyes glinted over his shoulder at you. But your mind continued to roam. Your breathing quickened and came out in soft little huffs. Did he absolutely -have- to have clothes on??
“Tch. Perv”, you caught him muttering when he placed his controller down with a clack on the desk. He turned around, his expression stern and unamused.
Uh oh. I know that look. You tried to swallow and bit your dry lower lip. Kenma was no longer in his normal playful mood. Flicking his nose with his thumb, he sniffled and glanced off to his left. Your gaze slowly followed to the right and stopped at the wide open door.
The arcade room door slowly shut and you watched as Kenma’s right hand stayed on the knob. His left hand fanned on the frame for support. The muscles in his back were again visible when he hunched forward against the door. A big sigh sounded before he straightened his back and casually turned to face you. One finger wagged with a tsk noise.
His walk possessed confidence with a stroke of sass. A nervous tension rose within you, as did something else. Your legs fidgeted together to hide the growing ache. Last time and the first time, Kenma had been so shy. So gentle. You could have sworn somewhere in the slew of your regular texts over the past week that he was going to try something. Something new.
And the vibes he was giving off were -definitely- new.
Kenma picked up the controller he had previously placed on the desk, opened a game, turned the stick to where the vehicle he controlled rammed against a wall, and left it idle. He straightened again and cleared his throat, the look on his face unreadable. But his eyes. His feline gaze shook you. It wasn’t a look of gentleness. Quite the contrary…
“Do you remember last Wednesday night?” His words purred into the silence and made you shiver.
You shook your head slowly, wracking your brain for evidence of what might have happened that night. The only thing you remembered was having too many daiquiris. And texting Kenma. You remembered the action of doing so, but your words were lost in a big drunken blur. A big swallow was your answer aside from your denial and you could feel your heart beginning to race. Shit! Shit! What the hell did I tell him???
A soft purring noise sounded when he approached your chair. He’s…he’s purring?? Kenma squinted down at you, mischief clouding his golden eyes. Slowly, he lifted and placed the switch off to the side of you. He then grabbed hold of the edge of the chair with his right hand. A grin spread across his face, loosening a few bang strands.
“Need I remind you, kitten?” His words hung on a low growl while he hovered over you.
“Wait…Kit-“ you began to say, but the words were lost in a squeak of surprise. The controller vibrated against your lower thighs. All you could do was pant out nervously, feeling your face heat up. You shot a look of desperation up to meet his, only to be met with hunger. Prowess. Possession. The vibrations continued further along the crease between your thighs.
Warm breath tickled your ear, “wait? Oh no. You’re a -good- kitten, remember?” The name calling was enough to make you melt, but paired with the praise, you couldn’t help but whimper. You didn’t have to see his face to hear the grin and scoff in response to your reactions.
The cruel handle of the controller hovered just above your clit. Layers of clothing didn’t matter. Your thighs clenched together from the sudden jolt of pleasure. A gasp followed by a whimper hung in the air and your lips began to quiver behind your shaky breathing. Kenma slipped his warm fingers beneath your chin and tilted your head up in place. Soft lips just barely brushed against your own.
The controller pressed harder against your swollen heat and up into you. Wave upon wave of pleasure surged through your shaking body and you couldn’t help but gasp, moan, and whine. He edged the controller down into the crease of your thighs, making your legs spread. A purr of approval sounded from his throat.
His waist rocked just inches from your view past his gaze. A tent formed beneath the taught denim. Pulsing. Throbbing. You reached out to assist when another pang of pleasure pressed against your damp folds. Your grasp found the bagginess of his hoodie, instead. More whimpers and moans sounded out from your parted lips against his. There came a soft hum from them as he chuckled.
“I could listen to these sounds of yours all day. You’re such a good kitten. Daddy approves very very much.” The words were like a drug of ecstasy.
Gawd. Fuck. Daddy???
The title whispered just barely beneath your breath against his mouth. Something warm and wet traced the contours of your lips. Another surge washed over you. The controller dipped then rubbed up and down your pussy in between your trembling legs. It was too much. You couldn’t last another second.
The vibrations pulled away for just a moment and you caught a growl with the delicious taste of his breath on yours. “Uh-uh…Finish when I want you to.”
His words were like velvet. His stare held you captive. You needed him so badly and yet he just continued to edge you on. Each time you came close, he’d pull away. Soft whimpers replaced your exhalations. His head would tilt up each time just barely and the creases of his full lips would curl. Sounds of indulgence of his own trickled into the air. Kenma was getting off without even touching himself.
“Say it, kitten.” He commanded lowly, the velvet thick enough to send shivers through you.
One end of the handle pressed roughly against your clit, the other against your folds. You couldn’t handle it anymore. Pleading cries answered him.
“Oh? Please? Please what, kitten??” His words sounded through grit teeth and his body began to show signs of strain.
“Please, daddy? Let me finish. Please?? Please please please” you begged. Fuck your pride.
A sexy grunt sounded after a chuckle. Kenma’s lips pressed to yours; that slender tongue exploring the confines of your mouth. Claiming them. It wrestled with yours. The vibrations pressed into your sex. Rubbing.Teasing. Kneading. Your breath shortened into quick pants. Trembling in desperation, you hesitated for a moment. Your hips began to sway into the controller a few times. Just a little more. Your thoughts imagined the tool being something else. Him. All of him. You needed him. Your body tensed and a bout of cum coated the fabric of your panties.
Hums of approval egged you on when he didn’t move the controller. With each wave of pleasure, your grip on his hoodie tightened. After the third time, the vibrations at last ceased. Yet the ghost pleasure remained while your pleasure-high receded.
“Goood girl” he purred between kisses, “fuck”, the end of the curse emphasised. He pulled away and with it, your lower lip, when he bit on it and tugged. A sly grin etched on his face as Kenma stood up straight, peering down at the sight of you.
“You’ll have to come over again. Maybe for dinner, a movie, a game or two. I can show you a few tricks.” He laughed at the possible dual meaning behind the last comment.
His glance followed yours and he lifted the black hoodie to further reveal his taught jeans. A blush coloured his cute fake-shocked expression when he met your gaze again.
“Yes! You did this. I might let you take care of it next time. We’ll see, kitten. In the meantime, Daddy has a meeting in a few minutes about the next online tournament.” He turned around and sauntered back to the door, taking the controller with him. He wanted you to notice the arousal in his step. The tease.
As soon as that door opened, his demeanour changed a little. He was back in his normal, playful mood. Back to cutting up with his online friends. You slumped down into the chair cushion, trying to catch your breath. A feline stare squinted back over his shoulder at you. You tensed. Then he winked.
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Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Chapter 18 of 27: Revelations
Summary: Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially during your last year of Hogwarts where you should be focusing on exams and your future plans. However, you were just pretending. There was no way in hell you could actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy. … Right?
A/N: So many people said that they suspect drama is about to happen at the Winter Dance. lol, you all know me too well. Thank you for all the support, my loves <33
Words: 4.5k Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader, post war Warnings: mention of eating disorders, swearing
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 You saw him first.
 He stood at the end of the stairs, next to Theodore Nott. The Slytherins were laughing about a joke that got drowned out in the chatter of the other students. Still, the scene unfolding in front of you tugged at your heartstrings. Nott looked up and when he saw you, he nudged Draco with his elbow and a smirk on his face.
You came down alone, nervously lifting your dress with one hand, trying not to stumble and fall. Draco turned his head and the smile on his lips warmed your heart. At the end of the stairs, he extended his arm and you took his hand. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on it – such an old-school, traditional thing to do. Something you would have rolled your eyes at just a few months ago.
“You look …”, he began but closed his mouth.
You looked at him and wondered if he liked your dress. (And also wondered why the hell you cared about that.)
“Stunning, beautiful, gorgeous,” Nott said when Draco remained silent. “All of them are words you could describe your girlfriend with, Draco.”
You chuckled and Nott took a step forward to greet you, placing a kiss on your cheek. You were surprised by the sudden friendliness. Nott had always been more on the quiet side, hardly ever engaging in house rivalries. Yet, he used to be cold and distant to non-Slytherins. So this gesture was definitely startling.
“What he said,” Draco smirked at you. “You’re beautiful.”
“Well, you don’t look too bad yourself,” you admitted, reaching forward to touch the bow tie around his neck. “Who’s your date then, Nott?”, you asked the other Slytherin.
“Theo,” he repeated himself. “You’ve been dating for how long now? Call me Theo.”
“Okay,” you replied, even more surprised now. Had you made it into the inner circle of the Slytherins? Did they accept you already? “Y/N.”
“There she is,” Theo nodded in the direction of the stairs. “Have fun, see you later.” And with that, he left the two of you. You followed him with your eyes; how he walked up the stairs towards a girl with a smile that lit up the whole room. She wore a green velvet dress that complimented her dark skin beautifully. Theo kissed her on the cheek and said something that made her laugh. You recognized her – she was a year below you. And she was a Hufflepuff. And …
“She’s a half-blood,” you stated without taking your eyes off the couple.
Draco snorted. “Seriously?”
“Yes,” you nodded, still in awe at the simple fact that someone like Theodore Nott would even see girls who weren’t purebloods.
“Why does he always copy me?”
You furrowed your brows at the comment and looked over to Draco. “What?”
He shrugged. “I get a non-Slytherin girlfriend and now he tries to do the same.”
“Merlin, Draco,” you rolled your eyes. Yet another thought entered your mind, one that caused nothing but confusion inside of you as you didn’t know what to do with it:
He said ‘girlfriend’. He didn’t put the ‘fake’ in front of it.
The Winter Dance was everything you had hoped for – and more.
They decorated the Great Hall beautifully. Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, bathing the room in golden light. Snowflakes danced above your heads, vanishing into thin air mere inches before they would have touched you. There were tables with white and golden linens all around where students could take a break for a moment while getting something to eat and drink from the refilling plates. In the middle of the hall was the dance floor – so far, not many students dared to get on it. It was still too early. You spotted Luna and Neville, laughing and holding hands while jumping up and down.
“Can you consider this a dance?”, you leaned over and asked Draco. He raised an eyebrow in response but couldn’t hide an amused smile.
Soft music came from an invisible source around you. When you saw the small stage behind the dance floor, you wondered if there would be a band performing tonight like at the Yule Ball during the Triwizard Tournament.
“They outdid themselves,” you said.
Draco shrugged.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, come on! You must admit it looks beautiful.”
“You look beautiful, darling,” he replied.
You don’t know if it had been minutes or hours since you walked in the Great Hall – all you knew was that your hair wasn’t in perfect condition anymore, your feet hurt and you were thirsty. Draco danced like a young god. That didn’t surprise you at all, however, you didn’t expect him to do it so freely.
At some point a band whose name you had never heard before started to play. The songs changed from teacher-approved to faster and louder music. It reminded you so much of the Yule Ball, it physically hurt.
There wasn’t much talking going on between you and Draco that night. Just a lot of laughing and singing and dancing. Happiness rushed through your bodies and in those moments, no one else existed. Only you and him.
That was, however, until your best friend tapped Draco on the shoulder: Astoria Greengrass. The two of you came to an abrupt halt.
“May I have this dance?”, she shouted over the loud music, a smug smile on her lips. The Slytherin looked gorgeous in her green satin dress and those emerald earrings that shone brightly in the light of the chandeliers.
“Astoria,” Draco said, out of breath. “Absolutely not.”
The smile remained plastered on her pretty face. “Just one dance? With your future fiancée?”
You raised your eyebrows at that. Without noticing it, the grip on his hand tightened. The constant reminder of their soon-to-be-made betrothal slowly turned annoying. Draco looked at you and your intertwined hands.
“No,” he repeated himself.
What she did next surprised you: she laughed. A short high-pitched laugh. You flinched. “Draco,” she purred his name, taking a step closer. “Just. One. Dance.”
And then it hit you. Like a tile falling from the roof of the astronomy tower, the realization crashed into you. For the first time in forever, you saw her. You looked beyond the beautiful face and what you saw frightened you. She was thin. So thin that it made you wonder how she could stand upright, let alone walk or dance. Her skin was pale but not a “Slytherins-that-spend-to-much-time-in-the-dungeons”-pale. No, it reminded you of a ghost when you saw the blue veins underneath it as it stretched over her sharp collarbones. Astoria gripped her dress tightly but it didn’t stop her hand from shaking. Dark circles underneath her eyes decorated her face and her lips trembled.
Something was very, very wrong.
“It’s fine, Draco.”
He turned his head quickly and frowned.
“It’s fine,” you said empathetically.
He didn’t understand. Neither did you. But the desperation found in Astoria made you feel … pity for her. Judging by her narrowed eyes, she sensed that as well – and she hated it.
You leaned over to Draco and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Before he could protest further, you left.
“That band is amazing, how have I never heard of them before?” You dropped onto the chair next to Ginny.
“Because you live behind a rock,” she replied. Strands of red hair hung into her face, her cheeks were red and she stretched her legs in an attempt to relax her muscles. “I haven’t danced that much in years. Everything hurts.”
You groaned in agreement. Letting your eyes wander through the Hall and over your classmates, you spotted Draco and Astoria. They stood together closely and Draco had his hands on her hips. It was a slow song and they moved accordingly, swaying to the music. He didn’t meet her eyes yet you saw how Astoria stared at him, her lips moving.
“Trouble in paradise?”, Ginny asked. She had followed your gaze and watched the two Slytherins with curiosity.
You shook your head. “No.”
“Then why’s he dancing with her?”
“Have you noticed something about Greengrass?”, you wanted to know.
Ginny tilted her head. “Huh.” Then she shrugged. “Not really. I’m not looking at her that often.”
Same, you thought ironically. You had so much contact with her and yet you never noticed anything else behind her strange behavior.
“She’s thin, isn’t she?”, you pondered.
Another shrug. “Aren’t eating disorders something they inherit along with their mansions and fancy clothes?”
Normally, that comment would have made you chuckle. Now, you didn’t react and kept your eyes locked on Greengrass. Ginny watched you awkwardly and was probably very relieved when Harry appeared with two drinks in his hands.
You wondered if Astorias appearance had anything to do with her odd behavior. Then again, you couldn’t really tell if her behavior was strange or not. You hardly ever spoke to her before this school year and had kept a safe distance from the Slytherins. Most of what you knew came from Draco and that wasn’t much. Besides, Draco had been too busy with himself this school year. You were pretty sure that he wouldn’t have noticed if anything was off about her.
A second song came on. Slow again. Greengrass was still talking but this time, she inched even closer. You narrowed your eyes.
“They’re cozy,” Ginny stated nonchalantly and Harry grinned.
That was enough. You rose to your feet swiftly and crossed the room in seconds. “I think I remember something about just one dance?”
Draco took a step back. Astoria copied him. She ignored you, staring at Draco as if she waited for him to say something. His face was blank, he avoided looking at her. The loud music blaring from the stage didn’t hide the heavy tension between them. You shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another.
“Nothing, Draco?”, she finally asked. You barely understood it over the singing students next to you. “You have nothing to say?”
His eyes darted to you. The look in them caused a shiver to run down your spine. You had seen it before. After the evening in his dorm when he came to you again in the Room of Requirements. Guilt.
“Not tonight.” He straightened his back and reached for your hand. You didn’t resist. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
Talk about what? About their engagement?
Astoria scoffed. “Well then,” she shot you one last look. “Enjoy your night.”
“Everything alright?”, you asked when she was gone.
Draco pulled you closer and the two of you started swaying to the rhythm of the next song. “Sure.” His eyes travelled over the crowd as if he was looking for someone. Looking for her.
You stopped and let go of his hands. “Don’t.” Your voice was calm but firm. You wouldn’t accept this behavior. You weren’t his mother or Zabini or even Greengrass, where he could just avoid questions and give one-worded lies as answers. “We’re beyond this.”
Draco sighed. You saw it by the way his chest rose. After another brief moment of hesitation, he grabbed your hand and pulled you from the dance area. He walked until the two of you had passed the tables and leaned against a few steps away from the huge wooden door that led outside.
“Is this about your engagement?”, you wanted to know impatiently.
Draco opened his mouth and closed it again. You crossed your arms in front of your chest.
“Kind of,” he admitted. “I can’t say.”
A cold, heavy feeling set in your stomach. “Kind of?”
Draco let out a deep breath and reached for your arms to pull you close again. This time, you resisted. “Yes,” he nodded. “I really can’t say.”
“You can’t or you don’t want to?”
“I can’t,” his tone grew harder at your accusation. You narrowed your eyes.
“Look, Y/N, it’s something that doesn’t concern you. It’s personal for her and I don’t know enough to speak about this to you. She asked me not to.”
“Our arrangement is personal too and I’d like to know if it’s going to end soon,” you shot back. The feeling in your stomach grew heavier when you thought about the word end. It had only just begun. You didn’t want it to end. Not yet, at least.
To your surprise, Draco just snorted. “What we have isn’t going to end anytime soon if I have it my way,” he tried to reassure you. Again, he reached for your arms. Hesitantly, you let him pull you close. “It’s just not my secret to tell.”
You sighed. A part of you had to admit that you understood where he was coming from. If anything, it spoke for his character that he didn’t just blurt out whatever she had told him. “Since when do you care about these things?”
“Slytherin’s honor,” he replied simply and shrugged.
You raised an eyebrow. “What?” The corners of your mouth twitched.
“It doesn’t matter if I like her or not,” he explained. “She told me something and I won’t repeat it to others.”
“Because she’s a Slytherin?”
Draco nodded. “When three out of three other houses hate you, you have to stick together.”
You chuckled and leaned against him. “Makes sense. I don’t think everyone hates you though.”
“There are always exceptions to the rule.”
Late that night …
“The Weasel is looking at you.”
You chuckled against Draco’s chest. “I guarantee you, he looking at you.”
It was late and only a few of your classmates could still be found in the Great Hall; most of them sixth and seventh graders. Some of the teachers sat together on a table, watching the remaining students.
After the talk with Draco about Greengrass, you had gone back to dance and drink. It’d be lie to say you simply forgot about this even though you were certain that Draco would tell you all about it when the time came. But of course, the nagging feeling didn’t leave you. What could she have told him that was so shocking? What secrets were left in their families that he wasn’t able to look her in the eyes afterwards?
Only when Seamus slipped you one of his famous drinks did you start to relax a little and pushed the thought to the back of your brain. It was the same for Draco even though you saw how his expression would change once he spotted one of the Greengrass sisters. Was Daphne involved?
Involved in what?, you wondered when he twirled you around.
The sound made you look at the Slytherin. “What is it?”
“I can’t believe it.”
“Believe what?” You followed his gaze. Ron stood a few meters away from you, hands on Hermiones hips. She had her eyes closed as she moved to the slow sounds, unaware of her boyfriend’s preoccupation.
“I still can’t believe you let him-“
“Draco!”, you glared at him.
He shook his head before asking: “Was he any good though?”
You snorted. Was he serious? Judging by the way he waited for an answer, he was. “I had my fun,” you finally said diplomatically.
Again, Draco shook his head. He looked back and forth between you and the Weasley. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that information.”
“Don’t ask me stuff if you’re not prepared for the answer,” you gave a half shrug.
The stones felt cold against your back when Draco pressed you up against the wall. The teachers had officially ended the Winter Dance just a few minutes earlier. Not wanting to go to bed early (or rather – go to bed separately), Draco and you snuck outside to the inner courtyard.
There was a storm raging on tonight. It rained heavily, the drops clattering against the ancient walls and the air was chilly. The two of you didn’t notice any of it. All you felt was his body against yours and his hands on your hips. He kissed you, deep and slow, with a longing that you blamed on the alcohol from Seamus. You buried your hands in his hair, chuckling as he playfully bit on your lower lip.
“Hey lovebirds! Get a room already!”, the interruption broke your kiss.
Draco cursed under his breath and turned his head, ready to tell them to leave you two alone. The words got stuck in his throat when he saw who it was.
Ron and Hermione looked at you, accompanied by Harry and Ginny. Rons stare reminded you of the one you got on your face when Moaning Myrtle would overflow the toilets again – utterly disgusted. Hermione squeezed his hand, a mixture of annoyance and nervousness written over her face. Ginny looked the same and Harry just seemed deeply confused.
“Oh for fucks sake!”, Ron exclaimed dramatically when he recognized Draco.
“Ignore him,” you said and held onto his arms. “He’s not worth it.” Despite the loud noises of the rain, the Redhead heard you.
“Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Malfoy!”
Draco’s eyes narrowed.
“Ron, please,” Hermione chimed in, now more annoyed than nervous. “Let’s go inside. It’s late.”
“Yes, why don’t you just piss off, Weasel?”, Draco scoffed.
“Or what?”, Ron spat. “You tell your father?”
You rolled your eyes but Draco was quick to answer: “No, I’ll make just sure you’ll end up in the same place as him.”
“Ron, let’s go,” Hermione insisted.
He ignored her. “Oooooh, now you really scared me, Malfoy!”
“Draco, come on.” You sensed that this would end badly if no one would step in. Your eyes flickered to the door leading inside the castle, unsure whether you wanted a teacher to come out now or not.
“Ron, we’re leaving!”
Harry and Ginny glanced at each other. They had taken a few steps back and you saw how Harry opened his mouth. Ginny hissed something and he closed it again.
“No, we’re not done here.”
Your eyes darted back to Ron at his sentence. “Not done with what, Ron?”, you barked. “Just fucking go back inside. There’s really no need for this.”
He stared at Draco. The Slytherin straightened his back and his posture told Ron without any words what he thought of him. I’m better than you, it screamed. Arrogance dripped out of his every pore. You were taken aback by it – not having seen this side of him for a long time now. You had almost forgotten it was still there.
A sense of dread washed over you when you realized: Something’s about to happen.
Suddenly, a smug expression appeared on his face. Oh-oh.
“What?”, Ron spat out when he saw it.
“Nothing,” Draco replied but the smirk stayed.
“No, you arrogant prick! Spit it out!”
“It’s just hilarious how obsessed you are with her. Still.”
Lightning struck and your blood froze. Fuck.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Draco, don’t!”, you hissed.
From the corner of your eye you saw how Hermione frowned.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Ron still sounded firm but he grew pale. You were sure that Hermione noticed it as well.
“Sure,” Draco leaned against the wall next to you.
“I don’t know what she told you but –”
Anger. The feeling that began to boil up inside of you was exactly that – the anger you had swallowed down for months now. The rage, Draco had managed to calm down at least for a few weeks. He had made you forget it was even there, turning the memory of Ron and your last summer into a distant dream. Something so insignificant to you, it made the flies living in the Forbidden Forest seem more important.
Now, it was back. Right when you realized that the coward wanted to lie about you and him again.
“That sentence better not ends with ‘it’s not true’,” you blurted out. Thunder rumbled in the distance.
“Wait, wait, what’s this about?” Hermione took a step back. Deep lines decorated her forehead as her eyes darted back and forth between you and Ron.
Her boyfriend turned to her, wanting to reach out but she wouldn’t have it. She was now outside the shelter from the roof and raindrops landed on her pretty red dress. “Nothing, Mione,” Ron said. “I don’t know what they’re talking about.”
You scoffed.
“Just help me understand one thing, Weasel,” Draco – falsely encouraged by your reaction – began again.
“Draco, don’t!”
“Is this about the fact that she’s with me now or because you’re still in love with her?”
Lightning struck again.
“Draco!”, you gasped and so did Hermione.
“Okay, shut the fuck up now, Malfoy!”, Harry finally chimed in. “Let’s go!”
“No, no no,” Hermione muttered. You hardly understood her over the storm. “Wait, I don’t get it.” She raised her hands. “Ron, what’s going on?”
“Hermione …”, you began and even Ginny, who had been quite until now, started talking. More voices mixed in together – Harry and Draco cursing at each other, Ron trying to get Hermione to listen to him.
Silence. Immediate silence followed her scream. Hermione took a deep breath. “Quiet now!”, she repeated herself. “Everyone, please.” She turned to Ron, her voice surprisingly calm and collected again: “You’ve been acting weird around Y/N for months now. Don’t think I didn’t notice. What’s going on?”
More silence.
“I … we …”, he stammered. Your heart sunk.
“Oh god,” the muggle expression slipped out of her mouth. Tears began to form in her eyes.
“Mione …”, Ron began.
“You weren’t together,” you quickly said, knowing it wouldn’t make a difference now. Yet, you had to try. “It happened over the summer when you were … on a break. He ended it because he loves you and wanted to get back with you.”
Ron nodded violently. “Yes, yes, Mione, I love you so much!”
“You lied to me for so many months? Both of you?” The look of betrayal in her eyes broke you.
There it was. The lie you had carried with you for months now. It was all out in the open. You had often wondered if the guilt would vanish once the truth would be out. Now you found out that it didn’t. No, in fact it felt even worse. You lied to your best friend, a person who’d take an Unforgivable Curse for you.
And it wasn’t the only lie you told her.
“I’m so sorry …”, you whispered.
“She didn’t want to unnecessarily hurt you! That’s why she didn’t say anything! It meant nothing!”, Ginny suddenly said. Harry’s eyes widened.
“You knew?”, Hermione croaked.
Ginny opened her mouth, then closed it again and looked down to her feet.
“Oh god, oh god …”
“Mione …”, Ron took a step towards her into the rain and wanted to grab her hand.
“No, I … no,” she shook her head, not looking at any of you. “I need … I need space.” She pushed his hands away and turned around. Hermione hurried back inside, almost tripping about her dress twice.
“Mione …”, Ron cried after her.
“Don’t.” That was Harry. “Give her some time.”
For a while, no one said anything. An awkward silence settled between the five of you. Finally, Ron cursed and left as well.
“Why was I the only one who didn’t know about this?”, Harry looked at Ginny.
“Because you’re oblivious to everything and everyone around you,” she replied.
He raised his eyebrows, knowing she was probably right. “Not cool though, guys. Not cool.”
Ginny sighed and turned to you. “You have to fix this.”
You nodded. “I know.”
Another sigh left her lips, then she took Harrys hand and both of them made their way back inside the castle.
There were no sounds except for the howling of the wind and the thunder in the distance. You kept your eyes locked on the door as if you expected Hermione to come back outside any minute now. After a while, a shiver ran down your spine. When you felt Draco putting his jacket over your shoulders, your head snapped in his direction.
“Why the fuck did you say that?!”
He furrowed his brows. “Y/N …”
“Answer me!”
He sighed. “Someone had to say it eventually and –”
“Yes,” you interrupted him. “Someone. Not you! That wasn’t your place.”
“Her own boyfriend lied to her for months now!”
“As if you give a single fuck about her feelings, Draco!”, you fumed. “Stop pretending this was about anything over than your sick need to make yourself feel superior to everyone around you!” You pulled the jacket from your shoulders and threw it at him. “By Merlin, you’re still the same fucking jerk from third grade, aren’t you, Malfoy?!”
When you heard the footsteps on the stairs, you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Fucking hell, why did he have to care so much?
About an hour had passed since you stormed away from Draco, right after insulting him. You had wandered through Hogwarts – dodging annoying ghosts and Filch until you finally hid up here on the Astronomy Tower.
You wanted to talk to Hermione. Wanted to clear the air and apologize. You never meant to hurt her … not that this excused your behavior at all. However, you knew that she wouldn’t want to see you tonight. She needed time to cool down and you wanted to give that to her. Besides, you were way too upset yourself for any kind of productive talk.
“How did you find me here?”, you asked him.
“I searched all of your usual spots,” Draco replied and sat down next to you. “You’ll freeze to death up here.” He was right. The wind on the Astronomy Tower blew relentlessly. He pulled his wand from his jacket and mumbled a spell. Warmth spread around the two of you, trying to soften your cold and stiffened muscles.
“You shouldn’t have come,” you mumbled. “You hate it up here.”
“I don’t hate it.”
“You never want to come here.”
Draco shrugged. “I used to come here quite often. Grew tired of it eventually, I guess.”
There was a moment of silence as both you watched the dark clouds in the night sky.
“I’m sorry,” Draco finally said.
You remained still.
“It wasn’t my place. I just wanted …”, he stopped himself. “I’m sorry.”
You glanced at him. He stared at the wand in his hand.
“You’re not a jerk,” you admitted. “Sorry for that.”
When you insulted him, it came from a place of misdirected anger. He wasn’t the responsible one for Hermiones pain. That was you.
“I am though.”
You chuckled. “Maybe. But you’re not the same jerk from the third grade.”
A small smile appeared on his face. You scooted closer to him and leaned against his body. Draco put an arm around you and together, you watched the storm.
A/N: A lot happened in this chapter :D Looking forward to your thoughts on it! Thank you for reading! <3
Choose Me Instead Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
Tag List:    @writerdee1701, @youareinllve, @sjmahoney, @detroitobsessed, @takura-rin, @jadam268, @wynterwind,  @renaissance-confiance, @doitforthevine67, @rinasrights, @flowerpowerpixie, @gold-flowing, @starkssnarks, @bookcornerkins, @harpersmariano, @markedsweetly, @iraniq, @pointlesscoconut, @hvrcruxes, @pillowjj, @idkatee,    @magicwithaknife, @graystherapy, @scoote-rankle, @nxstalgicnxbxdy, @sunsetsofanemoia,  @tommy-holland, @lordfxxker, @streetfighterrichie, @awaken-the-sirens, @destiels-assbutt13, @pockitparks, @just-addicted-to-bangtan, @cuddlykoala101, @zpandaqueen,  @natsiboo, @jjjmaybank, @justmesadgirl, @books-and-tings, @slytherinprincedracom, @katiaw2, @saintkore, @nctnight, @lifestragedy, @obxmxybxnk, @spideydobik , @ladylizzieofdarbyshire, @aspiring-ginger, @dracomalfoyswifey, @jpow345, @realistic-breadstick,  @abbs-is-tired, @alwaysbeanunknownfan, @niallsarmveinstho, @is-this-a-febreze-commercial​, @acciowilltolive, , @sexytholland, @faangirl101, @donttellany1iusetumbler​, @mendesmuffinsss​, @lilxnvm​, @kill-the-teen-memories​, @darkusangelus​, @itsbebeyyy​, @hesaidimcrazy​, @jenniweaslee​, @hpxpjo​, @brisbubble​, @xomaymay​, @shitnstuffillregret​, @serialkillme​, @angel-tears15​, @panicattheeverywherekid​, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything​,  @nobleking​, @tashii-blr, @ddaeing​, @randogirlo-fando-main​, @sadgirlnumber92899​, @captivateing​, @bitchyegirl​, @smiithys​, @ninipoo1​, @intheawks​,  @nothanksnyla​, @calpal-4ever​, @dracosathenaeum​, @belsandthings​, , @kiwi-sloan​, @xdmx​, @lexi-ravenclawdracomalfoy​, @kvyenxay, @live-awkward​, @babebenhardy​, @bitchysweets-blog​, @cravingmusic​, @frau-moon​, @ohissandhalasta​,  @broken-but-beautiful-cassie​, @lil-black-heart​,  @vminenthusiastt​, @dracos-sluts​, @mrmoonyy​, @saucysuazo​, @fuzzzwald​, @matsuno-nadeshiko​, @amber-arsenault​ ,  @loveableasshole​,  @spideycures​, @echpr​, @shiningstar-byulxx​,  @twinklebug2282​, @bloodiedroses​, @klthmef​, @ostorian​ ,  @bi-chai-tea​, @maddieisnotok​, @amandaluvssupernatural​, @makeoutwithstiles​,    @i-am-addicted-to-tea​, @tenclouds​, @lovingdracomalfoy​, @lannaax​, @dr-bitch-bby​,  @fallinallinmendes​, @suckerforparker​, @runninglownad​, @piercinghorizons​, @dosicas​, @yanaaaaaaa​,  @akzer300500​ @hoseokslily​, @dracofeltonmalfoy​, @emilianamason​, @tothemoonwithclifford​, @gcldreinhart​ ,  @angelofthorr​, @k-k0129​, @musicalmuffindog1410​, @andydre4m​, @mxl-foyrecs​, @seeinorange​, @vlgsqd​ , @justmimithings​, @allthevoicesinmyhead​, @pipppaaaaalouisee​, @yessirrz​, @2think2twice2​ @spencerreidisbootiful​, @find-a-little-faith​, @thatguppienamedbae​, @emmamarie7708​, @dontpanicitsdan​ @jordaangx​, @ceeellewrites​, @drxcomvlfx​, @7minutes-tomidnight​, @coldheartedslytherin​, @wingardiumdepressionosa, @perfect-storm95​, @danisaur1324​, @unlikely-y-bliss​, @trentdijklfc66​, @saptediavoli​, @treestarrrrrrrr​, @aangsupremacy​
If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know! <3
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
Hi besties - here is part 6! We are officially halfway through this fic! Part 6 sees friendships blossom, situationships struggle, and cheeky intercontinental facetime chats! I hope you all are enjoying it as much as i am! I love hearing from you after you've read it! Love always, Steph xx
Part 6 | parte sesta
warnings; a couple of tugs on the heartstrings (in both the best and worst ways)
word count; 2301
writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter.
next update; Friday 06/08 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)!
Tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven
link to fic masterlist here
Amelia had been back in Turin for a week or so, settling back into her city apartment had been more difficult than she anticipated as she was now alone for the first time in more than 2.5 months. It wasn’t very often, but sometimes she did miss the companionship of having a boyfriend. She missed someone to have breakfast with, to watch movies under the covers, to bring to official events. She still did all of these things, with a date, that was a friend, that sometimes maybe crept beyond the friendship zone and into the we shouldn’t be doing this but it feels so good zone.
Fede was someone that hung around Amelia like a fly to sugar. She enjoyed the attention most of the time. She appreciated his friendship, wisdom, talent and intellect. He could hold a conversation, talk to her about the arts, sell her the dream. She even didn’t mind it when they did cross that line a few times. Long afternoons and even longer nights spent wrapped up together in his bed sheets, her bathtub, his kitchen, her lounge room...you get the point. It was almost as though the two were in a committed relationship - committed being the operable word.
Fede wanted Amelia all to himself, and she was just that - available to him and for him whenever he wished, which was often. That’s what confused Amelia most, he didn’t want to label their situationship. He was happy to be ‘friends’ outside the four walls of their respective homes, but lovers when the curtains were drawn. She would maybe understand if he was elusive, always going out and on his phone but he wasn’t. He spent all of his time with her, there wouldn't have been enough hours left in the day if he separated those he spent with her from those he spent alone.
The Juventus players noticed this behaviour early on, seeing a noticeable difference in the way their number 33 paid attention to their tactical sessions. How he was turning up to the training centre early, with an extra piccolo for the english member of their coaching staff. Federico claimed he was helping Amelia brush up on her Italian, but having an Italian-born mother who insisted on sharing her culture with her kids, meant she was pretty much fluent in the language before arriving in Turin. His teammates weren’t stupid and neither was she.
This was the one area of her life where Amelia felt comfortable to go with the flow, she didn’t need to prepare or overthink anything to do with the charming Italian boy from Firenze. She let him take it at his own pace, she was in no need to rush. She let him take her home to meet his Nonna, she spent quality alone time with his dogs when he’s running late from training, and that’s a rare occasion being that it’s normally her there after him and he hangs back to drive them both home.
Everything was progressing at his pace, and the moment Amelia just asks for some clarification on the situation, he would get visibly stressed. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. And for a long time he could, he had Amelia's attention and affection at Juve, he even had it during their european campaign. At the end of the tournament, when they all broke up for their summer breaks, Fede conveniently waited until their final round in the shower, if you know what i mean, before pulling her into bed and having a heart to heart with her.
Amelia thought that she was finally getting the clarification that she was after, which in a way she did. Fede spoke whimsical words about how she makes him feel wanted and understood, and in turn he told her about the affects he knew he had on her. It was a conversation that would turn Shakespeare to a pile of rose petals. In the end, he told her that he wanted to continue what they had just how they had been doing it. And so, that's exactly how they left it. No labels. Friends outside of the four walls of their apartments. That was all Amelia needed to be able to enjoy her family holiday in Mykonos, guilt free, not missing the man that became the equivalent of her shadow.
The constant company she had in Mykonos compared to what she was experiencing in Turin made her more eager to return to work than she had previously. Of course, there are group chats and facetimes and phone calls throughout the days that kept her occupied, but she was missing the boys and her brother. Her friendship with Kyle was back to its old ways, memes being shared across the european continent, long phone calls to talk about their problems. Kyle knew all about the Fede x Amelia situation, Amelia having given him the sparknotes version over a wine filled zoom session one evening that same week. Their pre-seasons hadn’t gone back yet so they were able to indulge in a bit of vino, guilt free.
She was surprised about the constant contact, or lack thereof, that some of the boys had maintained with her. Ben Chilwell hadn’t once messaged or instagrammed the girl, despite being active in their group chats and liking her holiday pictures on instagram. He even made the rookie error of liking a picture so far down on her instagram, there was no way to explain his need for being there. She messaged him a couple times, assuming he just got busy with whatever he was doing, but there was radio silence on the other end.
A friendship she was surprised had blossomed so well, considering their flirtatious start to life, was with that of Jack Grealish and Tyrone Mings. There had been more facetimes than she could count between herself and the two villa boys. Whether it was Tyrone telling her about a book he had finished that he thought she would enjoy, or Jack asking her how to cook dinner, maybe even them both cooking dinner together - of course she had to have a later dinner to be able to do so, with the time difference and all...and there was no way Jack was going to be having dinner an hour early “athlete’s schedule an all tha ya’know” he would smirk down the camera, brummie accent on full display.
She met Tyrone through Jack, he facetimed the girl for outfit advice one night before going out with the tall defender and the pair hit it off. Both giving Jack the fashion advice he needed but didn’t want to hear (a Gucci two piece tracksuit set is never the answer). Tyrone immediately noticed a certain attention to detail being applied by his fellow number 10, to the tactics that were being put forward by the girl that was far too good at her job. His training was improving, his set pieces having a certain amount of flare. There was also a lack of attention being paid from Jack to other girls. Instead, much preferring to spend the evening at home watching the same netflix series as Amelia so that he could discuss it with her the next day, or better yet, at the same time.
As pre-season had commenced, Amelia had been applying the same tactics that she developed (and that obviously worked) throughout the European campaign to her Juventus club level. Having faith in the four men that were with her and the Azzurri to ensure that their other teammates were completing them accurately. It appears that her skill was widely recognised, having a few missed calls and voice messages left from English telephone numbers that she was yet to listen to. In all seriousness, she was nervous to listen to them. Worried that they would make her an offer she couldn’t refuse. A wise person once told her that you shouldn’t make any decisions whilst you're at the top of your happy, or the bottom of your sad. You should make important decisions when your life is at its constant. It's very easy to accept things that you wouldn’t normally when you're at the peak of your mood, just as easy as it is to forget the bigger picture when you're down. Who knew Kyle Walker was so wise.
“So, i’ve got a bit of a dilemma” She spoke down to her facetime camera one evening in early August.
“Hit me with it darlin’” Jack spoke back to her, getting his dinner utensils out so that they could cook together again. He didn’t like not being prepared for her tutorial, he got stressed if she added pepper and his pepper was still in his pantry. Each afternoon, when it was agreed upon what they would be cooking together that evening, she sent him a list of what he would need out on his bench to complete the meal.
“I’ve missed a few calls from English teleco numbers this last week or so”
“Ok? Do you think they’re scams? You’re beautiful Amelia but I don't think it's actually an Egyptian prince on the other end that wants to offer you 250k in exchange for your paypal info…”
“Ha ha very funny - that was one time ok and he wasn’t a Prince, he was claiming to be an investment banker and wanted to help me start up my portfolio-ANYWAY JACK I WAS 16! God just forget I even told you that story” Amelia barked down facetime, now pausing what she was doing to point at the British boy with her wooden spoon, the same way her mother would to her when she was being cheeky. All she was met with was boisterous laughter.
“Nah i’m only joking, continue with your story.”
“I began to listen to the start of one and it was a talent acquisition manager for one of the premier league clubs, offering me a job” Amelia said as she continued to stir her pasta. Tonight they were making penne arrabiata. She received no reply from the boy. Looking down to her camera to check the call was still active, she saw him looking at the camera with a serious expression.
“Are you going to tell me what the problem is before I start to get excited that you’re going to be living within driving distance from me? Oh god i’ve just realised - was it from Villa? You could be even closer than I imagined” Jack started to ramble, getting over excited with the prospect of being so close to the girl that he could physically hang out with her, instead of virtually.
“Jack calm down, I didn't listen long enough to find out what club he was from. I have 5 more just like it waiting in my inbox.”
“What's the problem then Mils?” Jack could see the girl had apprehension written all over her face.
“I’m just nervous that they're going to tell me everything I've always wanted to hear. That they’re going to make me an offer I can't refuse and I have to leave my life here.” Their pasta was ready to be dished up now, so the girl poured herself a glass of red wine and got herself comfy on her couch.
“Come on, play the messages and i’ll listen to them with you, be your voice of reason,” Jack offered the girl.
“I should probably call Tyrone, you’re just going to reject every club that isn’t Villa.” she laughed before switching facetime to her laptop, moving to the floor of her lounge room and resting her elbows on her coffee table. With the phone near the screen of her mac, she began to play the messages.
“Hi Amelia, Shaun here from Newcastle United-” “As if you’d waste your talents at Newcastle”
“Jack! That's horrible! At least i know i already look good in the black and white striped kit”
“No, not happening. Next”
“Amelia, Hope you don’t mind but I got your number off of one of my players who knows you. Long story short, we have a position here are Arsenal” “Bloody Bukayo, needs to keep his silky mitts off ya”
“Jack, give it a rest or i’m calling Tyrone”
“Amelia White, Greg here from Aston Villa Football Club” “Get in Greggles!! That's it, stop listening, you’re taking this one”
“I need to listen to them all Jack”
“So, you’ll consider Villa?”
“I’ll consider all of them”
“You’d really go to Arsenal? Aren’t you a Spurs supporter? Shocking stuff”
“Ok maybe not all of them”
“Ciao Amelia, Mario here from Chelsea Football Club - I’ve heard nothing but good things about you. We could really use you here at Chelsea next season. Give me a call when you get a spare moment to discuss the opportunity”
“What? Nothing to say to this one, Jack?”
“Nah, sounds ok. You deserve to showcase your skills at a big club like Chelsea. And besides, you’ll have Jorginho there to look after you. Come on, next one”
“It’s the last one actually”
“Amelia, we’ve got a fantastic opportunity here at Manchester City for someone with your skill set. It would be a massive advantage to have your tactical insight to the game coupled alongside the fantastic leadership we’ve already got at the club”. “Holy shit, Pep called you himself? Kyle Walker really knows how to pull strings when he wants something”
“I am overwhelmed”
“Hey, you don’t need to make any decisions right now. Sleep on it, talk it over with your family. Speak to Jorgi, I know you’re close with him. And just let me know when you decide to pick Villa so i can start house huntin’ for ya”
“Night Jack, speak soon”
“Sleep tight darlin’, speak to ya tomorrow”
Part 7. | settima parte
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deadpcnned · 3 years
the gamble of the heart | chapter 1 (r.l.)
chapter one: certain uncertainty 
series masterlist
pairing: remus lupin x potter!reader
chapter summary: remus reflects on when he lost the person he held closest to his heart. 
warnings: swearing 
wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: hi! this is a new remus series i’m working on. WARNING it’s going to be slowburn. hope you enjoy <33
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REMUS LUPIN was never one to rely on the idea of certainty. In his sixteen years of life, Remus had gathered that the way the world worked didn’t allow for anything to be certain. For example, he could have been certain that the only peculiar thing about him would have been that he was a wizard (and really this was only peculiar to unknowing muggles). However, at the age of four, his life went off track and he was suddenly a werewolf and had no understanding of what that meant. It wasn’t always bad, however. Sometimes life was uncertain in a good way. At one time Remus was certain that a life of isolation was a fate he would have to accept, but within his first day at Hogwarts, he was proven wrong. 
And so, Remus decided that it was okay that virtually nothing was certain. He had even begun enjoying the uncertainty of life at times. He enjoyed not knowing what crazy adventure his mates and him would journey through next and he even liked the uncertainty of what subjects he would have to tackle next in his favorite classes. Which is why he couldn’t understand why he was surprised by the events unfolding now. His relationship with Y/N hadn’t even been official, yet he was stuck pondering over her recent actions instead of the notes laid out in front of him. He knew he hadn’t imagined the feelings that had been growing between the two of them and he had the image of intimate touches ingrained in his mind as proof of that. So, why? Why had she stopped looking at Remus like he held the stars in his hands? Why had she trained her sight on that lousy Ravenclaw instead? Why was she holding his hands in the halls, when the two of them had never even been so publicly affectionate? But most importantly, why was he so surprised by the uncertainty of it all?
A part of Remus - the part that resonated with his younger self most - knew he shouldn’t have been surprised. He knew it was unlikely that any girl, especially a girl as captivating as Y/N, would have been interested in him for long. Not only was he singularly boring in his opinion, but he was a monster. The other part of Remus - the part he had spent years working on - couldn’t understand why she was suddenly acting like she forgot he existed. He knew they worked well together. He knew that he understood her in a way no one else had. He knew that he was perfect for her. Or at least he’d say he was. 
“What did that poor piece of parchment ever do to you, Moony?” A voice behind him pulled him out of his thoughts and Remus’ eyes flickered down to the notes in front of him. He had been holding his inked up quill to the paper for so long it had created a hole that was getting bigger from the severity of his hold. Dropping the quill, Remus looked up to see Peter stood in the doorway. 
“Uh, must’ve zoned out,” Remus muttered, sending Peter a lackadaisical smile. “What are you lot up to?” 
“Headed to Hogsmeade. You sure you don’t wanna join, mate? I’m sure you’re not gonna do much good just tearing through your notes. Literally.” Remus ignored Peter’s poor attempt at a pun and considered his options. He really wasn’t doing much good sitting at his desk and he needed to get his mind off certain things. No better way to do that than with the three most troublesome boys. 
“Alright, yah,” Remus nodded his head at Peter who was frowning. “You’re right, Pete. No point in tearing through my notes.” Content with Remus’ validation, Peter led the two out of their dorm and down to the common room.
“YES! Prongs, we’ve got Moony on board!” 
Being at Hogsmeade during the start of the year always felt odd. Remus would argue that it was one of those things that only made sense during the holidays. He had gotten into many heated debates with James about whether Hogsmeade could be considered fun this early in the school year. James would start by explaining September was the holidays and Remus would remind him that Christmas wasn’t for another few months. But he didn’t feel like striking that kind of conversation today. Normally, he’d have Y/N to back him up. 
Remus entered The Three Broomsticks with his spirits a lot higher than they had been a half-hour ago. As much as he renounced being too sure about anything, he was certain he could never be bored when he was with his friends. He prayed nothing would put a damper on his mood, but the world didn’t work the way he wanted. He had heard her before he saw her. The familiar laugh had him looking over his shoulder and following Y/N’s figure from the door.
The Y/H/C haired girl was walking hand in hand with Mason Tomlinson as they looked for a seat in the corner of the establishment. As though she felt eyes on her, she turned to the table the boys sat at and waved kindly. Remus wanted to roll his eyes at her gesture but thought better of it. 
“I don’t understand when that even happened,” Sirius mumbled, his eyes still trained on Y/N.
“Apparently they were paired up for a project,” James shook his head slightly before turning to look back at his friends. “You’d think she’d tell her bloody cousin she was seeing someone, wouldn’t you?” Y/N hadn’t been seen by the group of boys as often as they usually did in the past few weeks and Remus could tell it was rubbing James the wrong way. Actually, all of them seemed annoyed by her absence. 
“Two weeks… I swear that’s how long the two have known each other,” Peter commented. “Remus, did she ever say anything about him - OUCH!”
All three boys were now staring at Remus with guilty expressions on their faces (except Peter, who seemed to also be holding his leg in pain). Remus simply shook his head and gave him a shrug in response. 
“I’m sorry, Remus,” Sirius started and this time Remus didn’t stop his eyes from rolling. “I really did think the two of you were going to get together.” Remus froze, halting the way he was nervously pulling at his napkin under the table. He had expected pitying looks or impetus questions, but he hadn’t expected that. Remus hadn’t expected to be confronted with the exact thought that had been haunting him. When would he learn he really couldn’t expect shit? 
“No idea what you mean, mate,” Remus spoke, trying to appear much more nonchalant than he felt. “Haven’t even spoken to her in weeks. Why would we be together?” The three pairs of eyes lingered on him for a moment longer, before Sirius began to nod. 
“Right… Well, boys, I think it's time for some more butterbeer.” Remus’ friends continued with their night, but all Remus could do was stare at the manifestation of his nightmares. Y/N had her elbow resting on the table in front of her and was running her hand up and down the length of Mason’s arm. From what Remus could see Mason's other arm was placed against her hip and he was leaning closer. Within moments Remus’ stomach was lurching forward as he watched Y/N’s lips meet with Mason’s to kiss him passionately. If it had been any other person he would’ve been gagging at the crude disregard of their surroundings, but at the current moment, it was as though he was stuck. He couldn’t look away and he couldn’t vomit the sight away. He was stuck watching Y/N crush his heart into pieces without even lifting a finger. 
“Don’t stare, Remus,” James’ words could’ve been taken as a joke, but Remus knew why he was saying them. He didn’t want Remus hurting. 
“Merlin, I don’t understand what has gotten into her,” Sirius, seemingly not learning from his prior mistake, was looking at Y/N again. “That’s not like her, she doesn’t mouth fuck people in public.”
“Sirius!” James and Remus had yelled at the same time. 
“That’s so vulgar!”
“That’s my cousin!” 
“Oh please, Moony. Like you don’t have the mouth of a sailor. James, I do apologize for talking about your very innocent cousin that way, but there is no other way to explain whatever that is.” James smacked Sirius on the back of his head and the two began to argue amongst themselves, but Remus was too distracted to care about what they were saying.
Sirius was right. It wasn’t like Y/N to get into a relationship so fast and even more unlike her to be so publicly affectionate. But then again, he wondered how much of that was dependent on who was sitting beside her. Maybe she was only affectionate when it wasn’t him crowding the seat next to her. Did they even know Y/N? Did he know her? Remus thought back to the first time he had ever felt a sense of mutual understanding between the two. 
The Gryffindor common room was quieter than usual as a group of five 3rd years faced the welcoming fireplace. Remus, James, Sirius, Peter, and Y/N had opted to stay at Hogwarts instead of going to Hogsmeade that weekend and were glad they had. Other than his friend group, Remus noted that the common room was empty which meant they could do anything without prying eyes. They seized the opportunity by playing Wizard Chess and munching on some leftover candy Y/N had from a previous Hogsmeade trip. 
“Bloody hell,” Sirius whined, as he pushed the table in front of him. “How? Again?” Remus just shrugged as he motioned for Peter to take Sirius’ spot across from him. They had all agreed they would have a tournament of sorts and whoever won would get to be the one who executed their next prank. This prank was especially exciting because it was going to be affecting anyone who was innocently spending time in the Slytherin common room next Thursday. 
“No way,” Peter tutted, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’m not playing just to lose.”
“Peter, the rules were the winner plays the next contestant,” Remus argued. He knew he was undoubtedly the best at Wizarding Chess amongst the five of them and he took pride in any moments he could use that to his advantage. 
“Moons, just let me play Peter,” Sirius started. At Remus’ look of dissent, he continued, “Come on, do you even care about actually being the one that says the incantation?” Remus considered this. He didn’t actually care, but he did want to win. 
“No,” The voice came from the body next to him and Remus looked up to see Y/N shaking her head. “You can’t make the rules and then change them just because Remus is better than you.” 
“Shut up, you Hufflepuff,” James taunted. The Marauders had often told Y/N she would’ve been suitable for Hufflepuff because of how highly she valued fairness. Even if it was something as small as a game, she wanted to see the right thing done. Remus admired that. He figured if more people did that, the world would be a hell of a better place. 
“Eh, let ‘em play. They won’t let me hear the end of it once I win,” Remus uprooted from his spot on the floor and took a seat next to Y/N. The pair sat back as they watched their friends banter and laugh amongst themselves. Remus had only known the lot of them for three years, but he knew that moments like these would be life-altering for him. He had come a long way from the glum eleven-year-old who thought he deserved to be alone. He still battled with whether he deserved the love he received, but he was slowly learning he did. And the only reason he was ever able to get this far in that journey was because of the four smiling idiots around him. 
When James began to chase Peter around the common room, Remus turned his face to the side just as Y/N did and the two of them just smiled at each other. It was like they were both thinking the same things, but Remus had no way of knowing. Y/N and he had always been friends, but they rarely spent time alone the way he did with Sirius and the way she did with James. It wasn’t weird, it was just the dynamic of their group. But at that moment, as they laughed with each other, he felt like he had known her for years. He felt like she was agreeing with him on how much these people meant to both of them. He was probably projecting, but it made him feel warm with comfort. At the time he didn’t know that she would soon grow to be one of the closest friends he’d ever have, but he found solace in that random second of certain uncertainty.  
tiny little taglist: @kitkatkl​ 
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thedivinegay · 4 years
on episode 34
Y'all know how much I love the hng drama - I think it's an amazing adaptation that stays true to the original while still doing its own thing. In my opinion everything they omitted or changed up to yesterday was either not hurting the story or even improving upon it. But I have to say, episode 34 was the first time I was disappointed by this show.
Episode 33 was still pretty great - Shi Guang's grief was just as well-done as in the manga. But the problems already started here when they failed to make it clear exactly why Shi Guang decides not to play go anymore - not because he's sad, or doesn't enjoy go anymore, but because he feels guilty.
In the original it's made very clear that Hikaru feels immense guilt for not letting Sai play, for putting his own desire to play first. He thinks that if he stops playing right then and there he can prove that he can be better, that he recognizes his mistake, that he can be selfless and go without playing in the future if only Sai comes back to him. It's an incredible display of what grief does to the human mind, and it's arguably what cemented the original as a real classic and more than "just" a sports manga/anime. All of that complex emotion is shortly hinted at in the end of episode 33 when Shi Guang says "you'll play" but it isn't nearly as clear or handled nearly as well as in the original.
This is partly due to a general lack of introspection in the drama compared to the original. Which is normal for a live-action and wasn't as important before, because until Sai's disappearance it was mostly used during games and they didn't put as much focus on those in the drama anyway. But here the look into Shi Guang's thoughts and emotions is sorely missing, and they really should have found a way to make it work.
And then, episode 34. When I saw that Shen Yi Lang returned and that they seemed to take the same route for Shi Guang's change of mind as in the original, I was happy and thought they might make up for what they missed last episode. Except they really didn't. They had Shen Yi Lang go to him, guilt-trip and scream at him for what he did in the grading tournament, and that was that.
Hikaru silently swearing to Sai he's only doing this for Isumi's sake, not because he wants to play for himself, plus the way he tries and fails not to enjoy the game after not having played for so long, was another very strong moment from the original that perfectly showcased Hikaru's state of mind during that time. But once again they decided to forgo internal throughts and emotions for external drama, and once again I was disappointed. Of course that game originally lead to him "finding" Sai as well, but we'll get to that later.
Because THEN - maybe the most upsetting scene of all. What the fuck was that conversation with Yu Liang!?? Instead of trying to support Shi Guang or keep trying to find out what happened, he basically tells him he was never worried for him, only for himself because he'd lose his rival (despite previously denying he only saw Shi Guang as a motivator) and then straight up gives up on him and their friendship, going as far as trying to erase their history and pretend they never met each other. Wow. With how much the drama previously pushed their friendship, that was the last thing I expected. If anything, I expected them to make Yu Liang the person who brings Shi Guang back to playing go. Instead, they made him abandon Shi Guang almost instantly...? I just couldn't believe it. That either means Yu Liang is cowardly running away from his own feelings or he truly doesn't care for Shi Guang, both of which doesn't match his personality and his previous actions at all.
After they passed up two perfect opportunities for the big realization - once with Shen Yi Lang and once with Yu Liang - Shi Guang goes back to his room and suddenly puts some stones on the board. For what reason, exactly? We don't know. We have no idea why he suddenly decides to play again. They threw away the pretext of helping Shen Yi Lang and nothing Yu Liang said would resolve that feeling of guilt that keeps him from playing either. So it really doesn't make any sense at all that he'd suddenly change his mind. But not only that, they also rob us of the moment where Hikaru finally finds Sai inside his go through one of his own moves, and instead give us a strange conversation with imaginary (?) Chu Ying and a cgi (?? something looked so off about it) snapback cap version of himself...? Which was probably an attempt at portraying that realization of his but lbr that was super weird and not emotional and simply didn't work at all. A bad ending for an already bad episode, and afterwards I just felt disappointed and dejected.
Okay well, I don't know why but I really needed to vent about that. Keep in mind that I'm only being so critical because I think that drama is actually stellar so I had high hopes for this particular part of the story and was saddened to see they failed to deliver. I still love it a lot and I'm really looking forward to watching episode 35 and 36 because it seems that it will return to what I think are its big strengths, human interactions and situational comedy. The fact that they messed this one thing up so badly is a pity but no series is perfect and I'm surprised it took them 33 episodes to get something wrong. I suppose I just wanted to get this off my chest so I can go into the last two episodes with a free mind.
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duhragonball · 3 years
Dragon Ball Apocrypha
I liveblogged Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z in 2019.  Near the end, a few people asked if I was going to do GT or Super and I said no, mainly because I wanted to finish in one year, but also because I don’t consider those series to be part of the true DBZ canon.  Also, I tend to think of the other stuff to be small and insignificant.
Except, there’s a lot more of it now than there used to be.   It occurred to me one day that if I did cover all the other stuff, it would probably take me as long as it did to cover DB & DBZ.    But I never sat down and added it all up, so tonight I think I’ll just do that now.
Let me be clear: I’m not planning to liveblog any of this stuff.   I may do it sometime in the future, but I don’t want anyone taking this post as some sort of promise.  I’m just making a list.
First, the stuff I actually covered in ‘19.
Dragon Ball Episode 1-153 + Four movies (Blood Rubies, Sleeping Princess, Mystical Adventure, Path to Power)
Dragon Ball Z Episodes 1-291 + 2 TV specials (Bardock and History of Trunks) + 15 movies (Dead Zone to Ressurrection F)
And the rest.   Stuff I have never seen before is in bold.
I. Major Spin Off Series
Dragon Ball GT Episodes 1-64 + 1 TV Special (A Hero’s Legacy) (1996-1997)
Dragon Ball Super Episodes 1-131 + 2 movies (Broly & Super Hero) (2015-2018)
Dragon Ball Super Heroes Episodes 1-38+ (2018-present)
I’ve seen Episodes 1-20
21-32 is the Universe Creation Saga.
33-onward is the “New Space-Time War” Saga.
Dragon Ball Super manga (2015-present)
Chapters 1-44 are retellings of the stories from the anime
Chapters 45-67 is the Moro Saga
Chapters 68-72+ is the Granolah Saga
II. OAV’s and specials.
Goku’s Traffic Safety (1988)
Goku’s Fire Brigade (1988)
DBZ Gaiden: Plan to Eradicate [Super] Saiyans (1993/2010)
Dragon Ball: Yo! The Return of Son Goku and Friends!! (2008)
Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock (2011)
Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!! (2013)
III. The Shitty Live Action Trilogy
Dragon Ball: The Magic Begins (the Chinese bootleg movie 1989)
Dragon Ball: Fight Son Goku, Win Son Goku (the Korean bootleg movie, 1990)
Dragon Ball: Evolution (the United Statesian movie, 2009)
And that’s all I know of right now.
Looking it over, I’d say enough time has passed that I could see me re-watching GT and Super and actually having something new to say about them someday.   I gotta say, though, there is not much here for me to look forward to, aside from checking boxes off a bucket list.   It’d be fun to see the smoking Korean Puar puppet, rewatching the Tournament of Power, uh, that scene where Goku holds Bee in his arms and gets his face licked.   Wow, I’m really reaching here... uh, Cell started showing up in Super DBH, so that’s probably neat?
But my original thought still stands.  You add all this up, and you have 305 episode/chapter thingies, and 12 movie/special thingies.  Not quite as big as Dragon Ball/DBZ but big enough to qualify as a franchise in itself.
Hypothetically speaking, if I actually went through all of this in a one-year span, I feel like a lot of it would just be me bitching and moaning about all the mistakes and missed opportunities in the material.    There’s some good stuff throughout, but it’s so diluted by the bad-to-meh stuff that I’m not sure it would be much fun to write or read.   The nice thing about 2019 was that anytime I complained about a bad episode I knew I had 20 or 30 awesome ones waiting for me later on.  There’s plenty of people on the internet complaining about Dragon Ball without me.   I’d need to find a way to keep it fresh.
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gdwessel · 4 years
New Japan Road Night 5 - 9/9/2020: Junior Tag Final Set; G1 Climax 30 Entrants Revealed: Jay, KENTA, Juice, Cobb, Ospreay Return to Japan, Yujiro, YOSHI-HASHI, Suzuki Back In
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The tour continued today, although it seems like the focus of the show was superfluous to why everyone was looking forward to it. That said, you can see it now on NJPWWorld, and the Finals to crown the next IWGP Juniorheayweight Tag Team champions are now set.
- 9/9/2020, Miyagi Sendai Sun Plaza Hall (NJPWWorld)
Satoshi Kojima d. Yota Tsuji (Lariat, 7:34)
Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Toru Yano [CHAOS], SHO [CHAOS] & Gabriel Kidd  d. Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] & Yuya Uemura (SHO > Uemura, Udehishigi, 14:16)
Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kota Ibushi, Yuji Nagata & Tomoaki Honma d. Minoru Suzuki, Taichi, Zack Sabre Jr. & DOUKI [SZKG] (Ibushi > DOUKI, Kamigoye, 13:33)
Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] d. EVIL, Dick Togo & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] (Naito > Togo, Destino, 9:50)
62nd IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: Taiji Ishimori & Gedo [Bullet Club] d. Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato (Ishimori > Wato, Bone Lock, 14:34)
62nd IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament: El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] d. Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] (Desperado > BUSHI, El Es Claro, 17:15)
With this, Despy/Kanemaru win the group stage phase of this tournament on head-to-head, and advance to the Final on Friday v. Los Dos Peligrosos. I guess NJPW are officially calling it the Bone Lock instead of Yes Lock now. Kawato taking two straight losses in this tournament seems like they are definitely doing a “slow burn” with him on this Master Wato gimmick after all, after having a great showing out at Dominion. SHO & Ishii continue to feud. Final tourney standings:
Despy/Kanemaru - 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Los Dos Peligrosos - 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Ishimori/Gedo - 2pts (1W 0D 2L) Taguchi/Wato - 2pts (1W 0D 2L)  
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And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: the reveal of the participants in this year’s G1 Climax, the 30th such tournament under this name.
The question of how NJPW were going to fill twenty roster spots ended up having a simple answer: they are just bringing in guys early and are seemingly having them self-quarantine for 14 days before the tournament starts. That’d be the easiest explanation, although I would have thought travel restrictions might come into play here. Nevertheless, Jay White, KENTA, Jeff Cobb, and Juice Robinson (who was also out for an injury, which is why he’d not featured on NJPW Strong as yet) are all making their way from the LA Dojo back over to Japan to feature in G1 Climax.
The elephant in the room here is Will Ospreay being back, in these post #SpeakingOut times. For those not in the know, Ospreay featured prominently during that movement, as he and his partner Bea Priestley were involved in blackballing British womens wrestler Pollyanna for the crime of reporting one of Will’s mates as sexually assaulting her. Indeed, during #SpeakingOut, it transpired most of BritWres were either perpetrators, or complicit in, sexual abuse, assault (sexual or otherwise), grooming, abuse of power... the works. It was pretty grim. Probably not coincidentally, Priestley and Jimmy Havoc (someone else who was prominently named) have since lost their jobs with All Elite Wrestling, whilst Marty Scurll has been demoted from his job as Ring of Honor head booker “pending investigation” after it was long rumored but finally revealed, his relationship with a minor.
Therefore, there are quite a number of people who aren’t thrilled to see Ospreay come back to NJPW, myself and my co-host among them. And his proclivity for being a total shithead on Twitter doesn’t help matters. Unfortunately, these sorts of cries tend to fall on deaf ears at NJPW and Bushiroad. If it doesn’t directly affect them, they tend to do nothing about it. Witness the inaction they took regarding the allegations of domestic abuse by Kiyoko Ichiki against Tomoaki Honma, a wrestler the company had fired in the past (pre-Bushiroad). Michael Elgin continued to have a job with NJPW for over a year after allegations he’d covered up a sex assault by a student of his wrestling school had been made, and his duplicity about the matter on Twitter; despite this, NJPW definitely knew about the controversy, and kept him off their USA cards because of it. 
(And for the record, once more  -- the accuser did settle out of court, withdrew their original accusation, and indeed was named as an abuser/groomer themself. Regardless of all that, Elgin outed himself as a sex creep in numerous other ways, even if this particular case was not one of them. As well as a two-faced shit, to boot.)
Indeed, it seems as if Ospreay cheating on his partner would bring about more action from Bushiroad, as Taichi and TAKA Michinoku would tell you. Although, that seems to have its limits as well, since Tetsuya Naito had been accused of it in the past. Katsuyori Shibata was in the midst of his own cheating scandal when, well, Sakura Genesis 2017 happened and made it all a moot point.
Be all this it may, Ospreay is back in NJPW for G1 Climax, for ill or for good.  I daresay we will have more involvement from all 5 men now going forward, as the roster begins to regain its former shape pre-pandemic.
Also back this year in G1 Climax, for the first time since 2015, is Yujiro Takahashi. Let’s face it, he’s been a lower card wrestler pretty much ever since then, if not before, and it was only through his being there when they needed a warm body to feud with Kazuchika Okada on returning to active shows that’s earned him this spot. YOSHI-HASHI and Minoru Suzuki are also back in, for the first time in two years. David Finlay is left out in the cold yet again, whilst Satoshi Kojima will seemingly never get his final G1 run that Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi and Hiroyoshi Tenzan were afforded. IWGP US Heavyweight Champion Jon Moxley, after ripping it up last year, also out of this year’s tournament. And of course, no shock outsiders this year either.
Block lineups:
A Block: Kota Ibushi, Jeff Cobb [FREE], Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS], Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], Will Ospreay [CHAOS], Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables], Minoru Suzuki [SZKG], Taichi [SZKG], Jay White [Bullet Club], Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club]
B Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson, Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Toru Yano [CHAOS], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS], Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables], SANADA [Los Ingobernables], Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG], EVIL [Bullet Club], KENTA [Bullet Club]
As of this writing, the full schedules have not yet been released. We do know that the Block matches will be the only matches on these shows, so we will not have the endless prelude tag matches this year. We will keep you posted on this.
The next show is on Friday, and the full card has not been released yet. However, there will be the junior tag finals, as well as a NEVER Comedy titles match on the show, for your entertainment.
- 9/11/2020, Tokyo Korakuen Hall (NJPWWorld)
62nd IWGP Juniorheavyweight Tag Team Championship Tournament Final: Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship: Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] © v. Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano & SHO [CHAOS]
More TBA
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crescentharborrp · 3 years
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Name: Lara Christina Winter.
Gender/Pronouns: cisfemale, (she/her).
Date of Birth: April 13th, 1987.
Age: 33.
Hometown: Seattle, Washington.
Length of time in Crescent Harbor: 33 years.
Neighborhood: Bywater Park.
Occupation: Social Media Manager.
Faceclaim: Satomi Ishihara.
BIOGRAPHY (trigger warnings: implied drug abuse, implied alcoholism, overdose, foster care)
“The world goes on, stupid and brutal, but I do not. Can't you see? I do not.” —Jennifer Donnelly
The Winter family have always been the exact opposite of the image their name would invoke, a family that instead of being frosty and detached, were a warm and loving bunch with as many troubling trials and mishaps as any family next door. ‘There is no such thing as perfection’ Mrs. Winter would remind her children, a mixed bunch of adopted and foster kids that belonged as much as her biological children did. ‘But what matters is that you try.’ Mr. Winter would finish. And though such words of encouragement were only meant to help and not hinder, Lara Christina would not be first nor last to realise that their name isn’t inspired by the literal cold, but the ceaseless strength of such a season that endured, even in the most silent, most dread-filled moments. 
Lara was one of the middle children of the Winter brood, identifiable by the blonde hair almost always set in braids with her cornflower blue eyes perpetually set to the distance. With a penchant for adventure it was she who would be the last child inside for dinner with dirt on her hands and knees and leaves in her pocket, she who by the time she was fourteen would steal weekends to stay with friends or adventuring into the city, even taking up hiking eventually when she convinced her elder siblings that she could keep up with them. 
Her parents used to say that her restlessness would lead her right out of Crescent Harbor one day, and by the time she was sixteen she had dreams of walking through the halls of Versailles, of backpacking through Italy, and taking a photo outside of Buckingham Palace (and maybe even meeting Prince Harry), maps and brochures taped to her side of the bedroom she shared with her siblings. There was no question about it: their adventurer was made for a world beyond Crescent Harbor, and she had every intention of making her dreams come true. 
However, those same dreams had not included a child by her high school sweetheart at a young age. They’d talked about it of course (it, being what they wanted to do in the future), getting out of town and being able to travel as they grew older, maybe even applying to a university out of the state and studying for a semester out of the country. But Lara had fallen pregnant over New Years break her junior year, and early into her senior year of high school, they’d welcomed their little Mason Hawthorne into the world. 
It should be known that they’d both tried to do the right things. Not only for themselves, but for their infant son. Without either of their parents’ support, they moved in together, trying to balance raising their son between Quinn dropping out taking on multiple jobs to keep them afloat and Lara working part time and staying in school. There was nothing easy about it. Lara can’t remember how many times she’d cried, still nearly a child herself as she tried to settle their son down for the night so she could trudge her way through a calculus assignment and Quinn could rest. But what mattered at the end of the day was that they made it through each day, and that every day they tried even more to give as good as they could. As her parents had instilled in her, it wasn’t that they had a perfect life. But that they put in the effort. 
What she didn’t expect was how difficult it all could become; how being a young adult, a young mother would test her mettle. They weren’t perfect, but they were happy. Or, at least, she tried to convince themselves they were until the fighting had become too much and seemingly out of nowhere, she stopped trying temporarily. Lara had left with their son on her hip and returned home. Their adventurer, their dreamer returned to her safe place to land with her head down and tears in her eyes. Her dreams, hers and Quinn’s promises had not only frayed at the edges, but finally cracked like a mirror. Reflected in her gaze were those ideas shattered. So she’d begin again, under the safety of her parents’ roof, with the help of her siblings as she slowly picked herself up: she enrolled in a local college, worked full time — and in a way that only a Winter could, Lara tried, again and again with Quinn. 
Perhaps a better girlfriend would have stuck it out; a better partner would have been able to support him better for his sake and hers and Mason’s. In a way, she will never forgive herself for not being able to do so; as regrettably with each relapse, after every promise that he was clean and stable and better for them and their son was broken, that same shattered yet enduring love wore away with the sea that lapped at Crescent Harbor’s shores. His overdose at the age of twenty-six, a scene she (much to her horror) had discovered with their son, was the last straw. After being raised to not stop trying, to endure and persevere, to not prize perfection but the effort put forward, Lara stopped entirely. 
Instead of attempting again to try and raise their son together as a family, to heal what was so obviously fractured between the both of them, Lara Christina Winter stepped away, for once embodying the unforgiving, frosty invocation of her surname. She looked critically at her jobs and career trajectory, dedicated herself to her son: her dreams would no longer be based on a family of three, but two; the trips and little escapes from the monotony of life would be for her and Mason to enjoy. She’d give their son the stability a child would need, a soft place to land if he fell, and after failing Quinn, the promise on her own life that she would never stop trying for him.
In the next handful of years, it would be she and Mason on a trip to Disneyland and Universal Studios, to Hawaii, and after landing a new job three years ago as a social media manager for an eSports organisation based in Seattle, she’s finally been able to afford the both of them a short trip to France and Italy, and has flown with Mason to trips across the United States to attend the professional league tournaments of the video games he loves. 
Although she’s finally had the adventures she’s dreamed of by the age of thirty-three (and lived many more that she could have never imagined) it’s only through her new occupation that she’s had an inkling how much she has to regain. Between her career, Mason, and still lukewarm-at-best relationship with Quinn since his last overdose, it’s been seven years of hard work without letting anyone into her life to access those same vulnerabilities and dreams that Lara had for herself. Mason is sixteen now, and the ‘what if's' of a bigger family, of having a partner or another child have popped into her mind thanks to the younger demographic of her workplace. She’s been reminded time and time again (and the reminders have now begun to come from Mason, too) that she’s still young, and still has the world of opportunities to enjoy. She has to remember she’s more than a mother and co-worker— Lara has to try for herself, too.
+ creative, self-sufficient, dedicated.
- protective, escapist, repressed.
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the-blomster · 3 years
Jello Biafra VS the Forces of Corruption 33
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and all relation to real individuals is done purely for parody purposes. I am not associated with any of the people named in this work of fiction and this is not intended to reflect negatively upon anyone. 
Chapter 33: The Punk Rock Tournament Showdown Part 10: The Finale
    We find Jello awakening from a long, tumultuous slumber. But not just a literal slumber, but also a metaphorical one. Jello had had many deep, meaningful epiphanies, probably. And now, he had emerged from his cocoon a better and stronger person, probably. There is probably no doubt in my mind that Jello has grown a lot as a character. He’s probably learned a lot of very important lessons, such as… um… well I’ll get back to you once I can think of a single lesson that Jello has learned thus far. Either way, I’ve written a lot of words, so there has to be some importance to it, probably. There’s no more getting sidetracked for Jello. He’s failed one too many times. Is this truly the end of Jello’s career? Jello has already failed once, thrusting him downward into the losers bracket of the tournament. He’s already fallen so low. Could he really pick himself back up? All while in a state of delirium? All by himself, cold and alone like a stray dog out in the rain? Alas, in his time of need, Jello’s one true friend returned, bringing with him that which Jello needed the most; hope.
    “Jello?” A familiar voice spoke. “Jello are you alright?”
    “K… Klaus?”
    “That’s me.”
    “Klaus… I’m sorry I ever doubted your judgement.”
    “It’s ok Jello I forgive you, as long as you know how important what you’re fighting for is.”
    “I do. In my state of delirium, I had an epiphany. When I was a young lad, I never quite fit in, and that seriously damaged my ego. But I’ve realized my purpose now. I need to write aggressive, pseudo-intellectual songs in a failed effort to fill the multitude of irreparable gaps in my psyche.”
    “That is precisely correct Jello.” Klaus replied.
    Suddenly, a voice boomed over the loudspeaker. “The fight between D.H. Peligro and Jello Biafra will begin in five minutes.”
    The two looked at each other in misbelief.
    “Well Jello,” said Klaus, “All the belief I had in you just went completely out the door. You’re fucked.”
    “Shit,” Jello replied. Jello moped his way over to the stadium. The announcement was made for the combatants to emerge from their respective waiting rooms. The dejection was visible on Jello’s face. He tiptoed anxiously onto the field, but much to his surprise, Jello’s opponent was nowhere to be seen. An announcement was made. “D. H. Peligro has 30 seconds to make his way to the stadium before he is disqualified.” But nobody came. Those 30 seconds felt like 30 hours, with each second more stressful than the last. Then, just as the time was about to run out, and Jello about to breathe a sigh of relief, a red dot appeared in the sky, being pulled by a herd of reindeer. It was… Santa Claus, also known as… D. H. Peligro!
    “You didn’t think I would skip out on a fight as good as this? Did you?” D. H. Peligro asked as he gracefully landed his sleigh just a few feet away from Jello.
    “I was kinda hoping that you would.” Jello replied sardonically.
    “Got your hopes up eh?” Santa sneered.
    “I guess you could say that.”
    “Well prepare to have more of your dreams crushed!” Upon saying this, Santa leapt off of his sleigh, hitting the ground with such veracity that it instantly caused a 6.2 magnitude earthquake, resulting in the collapse of one of the stands, killing several hundred spectators. The foolish sheep above believe that the cause of all of California’s earthquakes is the shifting of tectonic plates, but really, it’s the untamed wrath and hatred of Santa Claus(D.H. Peligro)! Santa stepped toward Jello, each step resulting in a 1.3 magnitude earthquake. That’s the real reason Santa rides on his iconic sleigh. He can’t even take a step without causing a natural disaster! 
And as Santa lumbered toward Jello, his heart sank further into the depths of fear with every step taken. But Jello stood firm nonetheless. He had faced many opponents before, and he wasn’t about to let this one defeat him with fear alone. 
And so it came time for the first punch to be thrown. This honor was given to none other than Santa Claus, and so Jello buried his heels and crossed his arms in front of his face so as to block the oncoming blow. Jello’s block proved effective, for while the punch pushed him backwards about 3 meters, Jello remained standing and unharmed. 
Santa went in for another punch. This time however, Jello did not block in time. Santa inched closer and closer. The audience could only look on in fear, as though they were witnessing a terrible tragedy, one which would undoubtedly end poorly for our protagonist. 
But then, at the last moment Jello effectively did a Dark Souls dodge-roll out of the way, causing Santa to miss his mark and sending him flailing forward and falling flat on his face. Jello, on the other hand, successfully completed his roll and landed cleanly on his feet.
This embarrassment sent Santa into a blind rage and rushed toward Jello, fist at the ready.
Jello smirked. “I’ve already won.”
“What did you just say to me?” Santa replied.
“You see, when it comes down to pure strength, I’m no match for you, even one as brash as me could recognize that. But when it comes down to speed, I’ve got a definite upperhand. No matter how many punches you throw, I can simply dodge all of them, and eventually, you’ll be too tired to throw another punch. That’s when I’ll go in for the kill.”
“Nonsense! Nobody can defeat me!” Santa threw yet another punch.
Again, Jello dodged swiftly, this time throwing a punch of his own that hit Santa square in the jaw, launching him into the air, landing 7 meters away after which he slid across the ground for another 3 meters.
Jello stood menacingly above Santa. “I told you Santa. I’ve already won.”
Santa smirked. “Don’t be so hasty.” Santa placed his thumb and index finger on his lips and let an -ear-piercing whistle. Suddenly, a parade of reindeer noises rang out throughout the stadium. From the sky descended hundreds of thousands of reindeer from every corner of the earth, heeding the call of Santa Claus. “Get him! Attack Jello!” Santa shouted. The reindeer all zoomed toward Jello.
If Jello didn’t come up with some sort of plan quickly. His signature roundhouse kick would be enough to cover his sides, but what about his head? Jello knew what he had to do. He would perform a series of upward jabs whilst also performing his roundhouse kick. Maintaining his balance while doing so would be difficult. But he had no other option. He began performing the bizarre move. Reindeer after reindeer fell, but with each passing reindeer, Jello felt himself getting weaker and weaker. At the second to the last reindeer, Jello lost his balance, and the final reindeer impaled Jello in the stomach. Upon receiving this injury, a blast of adrenaline was sent through Jello, and he punched the final reindeer so hard that it flew upwards and collided with the stadium ceiling. After this struggle, Jello had single handedly brought the conservation status of reindeer from vulnerable to endangered.
But the fight was not complete yet. Clutching his stomach, Jello faced his opponent confidently. Santa could only face Jello with a look of pure fear. He had lost. Jello punched Santa square in the face, sending him flying to the opposite of the stadium. The crowd stood silent.
“...Jello wins!” Uproarious applause. Jello had overcome what could arguably be considered his most powerful opponent yet. Jello’s victory was so stupendous that he almost failed to notice his own injury. But the adrenaline of the moment was wearing off, and Jello was slowly returning to reality. And the closer he came to reality, the more his vision faded, until soon it had faded to black.
When Jello awoke, he found himself in a hospital bed yet again. There, waiting at Jello’s side, was Klaus.
“I knew you could do it Jello.” said Klaus.
“But just earlier you said that I was completely and totally fucked.” Jello replied.
Klaus glared at Jello. “I was lying.” Klaus lied.
“That’s kind of a strange thing to lie about… Why did you lie about that?”
“It doesn’t matter Jello,” Klaus explained dramatically, “That’s all in the past now…”
“I mean it was like an hour ago…”
“Still technically the past.”
“I mean I guess it’s technically the past, but…”
“Alright alright!” Klaus interrupted, “I get your point, now let’s just cut to the chase, can we?”
“Good. Here’s the deal. We’ve both made it real far in this tournament. Now we each only have one opponent left… And that’s each other. I may have been helping you up until now, but shits about to get real, real soon. Once this is over, we can maybe go back to being friends, but for now, we’re rivals. You’ll be getting no more help from me.”
“...I understand...,” Jello replied, “... That you’re a petty little bitch!” Jello leapt out of his hospital, shoved his former friend out of the way, and ran out of the door all in one swift motion. Klaus could only manage a bereft sigh.
Jello ran down the hallway, crying, feelings of betrayal streaming through his mind, infecting his being like a disease. But as Jello fled like a distressed animal, he felt a presence; a very cool and epic presence. It was… 6025!
Jello immediately stopped crying. “6025, what are you doing here?”
“I should ask you the same question.” 6025 replied.
“So much has happened…” Jello let out a dejected sigh. “I’ve come so far only to be betrayed by my only friend.”
“Were you really betrayed, or is that just how you feel?”
“It’s not just how I feel. He said it to my face. He’s not going to be my friend until this fight is over.”
“Maybe your friend is just looking out for you. Have you ever considered that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Maybe he’s concerned that if you view him as a friend, you’ll hold back. Maybe he just wants to draw out your true potential.”
“Wow I never thought of it that way,” Jello admitted.
“Well, sometimes when tensions are, it can be difficult to think rationally.”
Jello nodded in agreement. “Thank you for your advice. I’m feeling a lot better now.”
“It’s no skin off my back.”
And so, Jello returned to Klaus.
“What do you want?” Questioned Klaus. “I thought I told you that I’m not gonna be all buddy-buddy with you anymore.”
“I just wanted to let you know, friend or not, that I’m not going to hold back against you tomorrow. The thought never even crossed my mind.”
Klaus smirked. “Good.”
And so the two began training for their fight tomorrow. Who will win nobody knows for sure, but one thing was certain, this was going to be Jello’s most difficult fight yet, and moreover, he was going to have to go head to head against his closest friend. Yeah, it was really difficult… and stuff. But soon, tomorrow would come, and the two found themselves stepping out onto opposite sides of the battlefield. Every second the timer counted down, they glared menacingly into each other’s eyes. And then the countdown hit zero.
The two sprinted toward one another, reeling back their fists for the most powerful punches they could master. When their fists collided, the forces cancelled out, sending them each flying backward in an identical manner. They continued to throw punches in such a manner, and honestly it was kinda epic, but soon all this fighting stuff had caused the two friends to grow tired and weary. And just as the two were about to collapse from exhaustion; losing focus and vision fading, from the sky descended East Bay Ray, laughing maniacally.
“I couldn’t possibly give up on two musicians as skilled as you two,” said East Bay Ray.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jello questioned.
“You both win. You both get to join the band.” East Bay Ray explained.
“So that’s it. It’s just over?” Klaus asked. He seemed disappointed.
“Yep. Get off the battlefield now. It’s over.”
Klaus turned to Jello. “This isn’t over.” He walked off the field.
Jello, taken aback, found himself unable to respond, and so he too exited the field.
And here we leave Jello, now a member of the Dead Kennedys, but strangely more alone than he has ever felt before. Now that the tournament is over, with Jello successful, what is to come for our protagonist? What awaits Jello in the Dead Kennedys? Will Jello and Klaus ever conclude their battle? Find out in the next chapter of Jello Biafra VS the Forces of Corruption!
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lovisaselander · 4 years
Women’s U18 Day One Game One Recap - CAN vs RUS (December 26, 2019)
okay so i don’t know how well i’ll keep up with this but i’m going to be trying to do recaps for each day of the Women’s U18. I missed some games today and couldn’t pay attention to the ones i did watch but hopefully starting tomorrow i’ll be able to put more detail and work into this.
Other Recaps From Today: USA/FIN - SUI/CZE - SWE/SVK
Brief Recap:
Canada vs Russia - 5:30am - Canada wins 3 - 2 in overtime
In-depth Recap
Game 1 of the First Day (Game 1 of Tournament) - Canada vs. Russia - 5:30am
Final Score: Canada - 3 / Russia - 2 (Canada wins in overtime)
Canada Goal Scorers: Anne-Frederik Naud (1), Sarah Paul (1), Nicole Gosling (1)
Russian Goal Scorers: Veronika Korzhakova (1), Kristi Shashkina (1)
Box Score:
1st Period:
CANADA GOAL - Scored by Anne-Frederik Naud, assisted by Maya Labad and Anne Cherkowski
2nd Period:
CANADA GOAL - Scored by Sarah Paul, assisted by Maddi Wheeler
3rd Period:
RUSSIA GOAL - Scored by Veronika Korzhakova, assisted by Polina Luchnikova
RUSSIA GOAL - Scored by Kristi Shashkina, assisted by Veronika Korzhakova and Polina Luchnikova
CANADA GOAL - Scored by Nicole Gosling, assisted by Jenna Buglioni
Russian Player of the Game: Goaltender Anna Alpatova (33 of a possible 36 saves, 0.916 save %)
Canadian Player of the Game: Forward Ann-Frederik Naud (1 goal, 66.67 FO%, 3 shots on goal)
Players to Watch Out For: If this game is ANYTHING to go on, Veronika Korzhakova has a very bright future. She was Russia’s second best player in this game in my opinion (Alpatova was just too good to beat for the best Russian player spot) getting a goal, an assist, and SEVEN shots. She’s also fairly good on faceoffs (41.18 FO%) and at only 16 already has an impressive resume, with 21 points in 43 WHL (the Russian league) regular season games, 3 points in 6 WHL playoff games, AND a WHL championship under her belt, I’m excited to see more of her!
This was a game I didn’t watch any of. Unfortunately, I completely forgot the U18s started today (thank you to @bestkesselrun​ for making the posts about it and reminding me!) so I actually slept through this game. From what I’ve gathered though, it was an entertaining game for sure and I wish I had been up in time to watch it! Penalties were abundant but even (8 penalty minutes for both teams) and although Canada dominated for most of the game, especially in the shots, Russia’s goalie, Anna Alpatova, stood tall. The 17 year old goalie made 33 of a possible 36 saves, including 11 of 12 in the first period where she managed to carry Russia through a shotless 20 minutes. Russia had 16 total shots, with a whopping 11 of them coming in their scoreless second period. Canada looked to have the game in the bag with just under ten minutes to go, leading 2-0, thanks to a first period goal from Anne-Frederik Naud and a second period goal from Sarah Paul. But 50:35 into the game (and with just 9:25 left in regulation), Veronika Korzhakova made it 2-1. Then, just 3:14 later, Kristi Shashkina tied it up with 6:11 left in regulation. It was a rough period for 16 year old Eve Gascon, making just 3 saves on 5 shots. Unfortunately for Russia, the comeback was all for naught, as 3:12 into the overtime Nicole Gosling scored the game winning goal for Canada.
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botslayer · 5 years
The questions raised in MK11′s story mode:
So here's everything as it came up in order, in my mind just as I was thinking of things, SUPER heavy spoilers ahead, I just want the fan consensus, please help a confused fan get his bearings, why does everyone praise this story mode when I'm just seeing more holes than a cheese grater? 1. If Gods are immune to Kronika's time tampering, How does she stop Shinnok's blood, which was still pouring from his neck, from flowing on that table? I know this one may be a bit nitpicky but that's just a little one that sticks out and is very visually present. 2. Where do the Kollector's people come from? Probably Outworld but pulling yet another species from thin air for that realm is kinda cheap, okay? 3. Why does everyone from the past look so different from how they did in MK9? It's like jarringly different, especially when Kung Lao JUST supposedly beat down the deadly alliance, something that is only established to happen in the reboot timeline. So what happened there? (Other cosmetic changes would take too long to point out individually, so I won't.) 4. Follow up, there must be a pretty big time gap for Johnny, Sonya, and Jax, because Jax has his mech arms but in the MK2 ark of MK9, he had to be rushed out of Outworld because Ermac blew his real arms off. 5. Follow up 2, why does Jax seem to have deaged? In MK9 he looked to be about thirty+ Whereas here he looks like a really big Twenty-something, his arms are even different. So what happened there? 6. Why does Dark Raiden vanish? The game throws out the explanation that "Immortals" operate on a different timescale, more or less, but if he's unaffected by other time distortions, how was he pulled forward in the first place? 7. Why aren't more people from either side, including Smoke, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Reptile, Ermac, Goro, Mileena, and Kintaro, ALL OF WHOM (Save for Smoke) are Loyal to Shao Kahn, not also summoned into the arena? And "She can only summon people who are still alive" isn't a workable answer because of Baraka, Skarlet and Shao Kahn himself. She later says that she's finding people not happy with the course of history, but I doubt two of the most ambitious characters in the series (The Deadly alliance) would be all that happy about being dead. Nor, I'd wager, would Kintaro or Goro, form the prideful warrior race of dragon people? 8. Why is future Erron Black completely mute? Yeah. In every scene he's in (a few different ones in the coliseum) he never says anything but past Erron has loads of dialogue. 9. How does Raiden know about there being other Temporal nonsense going on elsewhere in not just the realm he's in, but Earthrealm? I know he's Earthrealm's protector but how in the high heaven does he know? 10.As a Little one: How is it that past Johnny is sitting on the other side of the room looking at his nails and then is immediately walking by Sonya and Jax with future Johnny? She was looking in kind of the same direction but how quickly did this guy get up to pull that off? 11.Raiden says he's been getting the premonitions for "MONTHS" But MK9 established pretty roundly that he only got them night one of the 10th tournament. Now, by the time of the MK2 ark in MK9, no more than a week or two could have passed, at least as presented, so how does that make any sense? (I will elaborate if asked but this is already long enough) 12. Why does past Jade have an English accent and why does Revenant Jade not? (Other voice inconsistencies from within this trilogy would take to long to point out, so again, this is just persistent for all of them.) 13. The Cyber Lin Kuei (Who I will call "Tekunin" from here on out because I just like that better) are still a thing, Kronika pulled Sektor into the present too, I can buy that. But why not also try and recruit another realm like Seido? Imagine having Hotaru and the help of his forces. It'd make for some cool scenes, especially at the end when all the Oni are fighting Raiden's army, it'd make things a lot more chaotic, which would look cooler. Why not Chaos realmers? Zaterrans? Vampires? Centaurs? Kytinn? She brought the Tarkatans back completely so how hard would any of these other virtually extinct armies be harder to bring back and sway to her side in comparison? What about the Red Dragon? 14. Raiden apparently knows some of the history of this altered timeline which just makes me wonder how much he could realistically be briefed on, especially when he reacts with shock when he finds out that Sub-zero is friends with Hanzo Hasashi. And yes, the Cyber Initiative was a thing in MK9 but Sektor wasn't the grandmaster when that was going on or when Raiden and co were pulled from time. So what does he know and not know? And why did no one think "That crazy fire ninja is on our side" Was worthwhile info? 15. Why isn't Noob just the past one? He straight up says that he survived the soulnado, not that he's a different version. He never showed up live in the comics so it makes zero sense for him to have full stop survived. 16. How does ripping out two bundles of wire "Reformat" anything? 17. Future Kano references the idea of the Black Dragon being on top of "Not just the black market, Every market." What does that even mean? Is there gonna be a black dragon funded super corporation? That'd be cool, TBH. Shame that's never elaborated on. 18. When Kronika freezes time, is it only local? Or does it hit an entire Realm? Because in the scene where she's talking with Future Jax, and come to think of it, the one with Shinnok's head, What the hell is her bubble of influence? 19. Jade mentions Sheeva "Respecting Kitana's opinion more than anyone else's." Where, At all, in either timeline was that ever represented? Because up to now, if memory serves, their only real interactions were Sheeva telling Kitana to suck it up and die with honor in MK9. 20. What up with Jade's Retcon into being Kotal's girl? It's just kinda weird. 21. When and how did Revenant jade learn to control giant bugs? 22. What is Cetrion even the god of? Raiden, and later Kitana, mention she's a god of Virtue but why then is she able to control the Earth? "Elder god" Maybe but Raiden in the OG timeline got that title at the end of MK 4, then stepped down and he was no more powerful for it but that seems to be what happened with Cetrion, IDK. 23. How far back did Kronika have to pull Past Kano and Kabal from? Because Kabal is still apparently working for the black dragon, whatever age she got him from, but he still has his post-burn super speed. 24. What was the point of blowing Sektor up other than to just lose a major power player for your own side? 25. (Ultimate nitpick on this one) Why is Skarlet and one line from Baraka speaking Tarkatan the only ones that get subtitles? Why not just either A. Say it in English, which they seem to understand enough of, or B. Just not add these translations if they aren't translating the rest of the Tarkatan speech we see? What is the point? "So we understand it." I think you're underestimating people's ability to get the concept of "They said a thing, they did a thing, that must be what was said." 26. In the fight with the Tarkatans, How did Liu Kang and Kung Lao have the time to change back into monk clothes? Where was Kung Lao keeping his hat? 27. What the hell was Shao's last name? at a time "Kahn" was probably just the answer until it became retconned to mean "Emperor of Outworld." But what was his full name? I'm honestly curious, less of a nitpick, more of a "Hm." 28. Why does Future Kano feel a hit to the gut? I understand Johnny's Scar in one way or another, but a hit to the gut, painful as it is, especially when he's showing no sign of feeling any of Past Kano's minor injuries, shouldn't feel like anything after 25ish years. 29. Why does Future Kano have a delayed reaction to "Death by Missing hunk of brain?" The wound instantly manifests but he stands and seems to try to talk for a few seconds before collapsing into sand. Wouldn't it make more sense for him to rot into nothing really fast? Then again, Time travel is always a nightmare in any media that attempts to talk about it. 30. How does Revenant Kabal mistake Past Jax for Future Jax? 31. When Scorpion saves Hanzo, why didn't he just split D'vorah's skull with one strike? Two in a pinch? If he's putting enough force behind it to cut her stabby limbs off, or just generally be a useful assassin, why not just go for the neck even? (This one was answered on a reddit post I made, so whatever) 32. Why doesn't Scorpion just surrender when he goes to the Fire Gardens? Wouldn't it be best to just sit down inoffensively and wait for people to show up? Even if Sub-Zero wants to fight, he could just put his hands up and start disarming himself, Not beat the Holy Snot out of Sub-Zero. 33. If Kronika can just appear out of thin air, freeze all the humans in a given location, and pluck one from the ground, why not just use one of her minions like Geras or Cetrion to help kill them all while they're frozen? 34. Kronika mentions "Playing out all possible Scenarios." How many resets have you done, lady? Millions, I'd wager. How has your utter defeat not come up at least one other time? 35. Where are revenant Nightwolf, Sindel, Smoke, and Stryker during all of this? I find it deathly strange that Kronika couldn't find a use for FOUR undead super warriors. At least three and a bloke with military and police backgrounds that make things like strategy a bit easier, probably. 36.Kronika just MAKES a massive battleship or two, so what was the point of Cetrion building the bridge or asking Kharon to help in the first place? Just make a boat. Barring that, D'vorah mentioned that all she had to do was render Kharon unable to help Raiden's forces during Kharon's introduction. Why not just kidnap him, load him onto a boat, tie him to an anchor, and then just drop him in the blood sea? Rather than this "Slowly torture" BS. 37. How does Future Jax yeet himself onto the upper deck of one of the ferries? 38. Frost says that Raiden "Ignored her, her entire life." Since when is she the Tsundere of the MK universe? Or more seriously: Is this a line that only makes sense when you read the comics? 39. Why would the Tekunin be rigged to Frost's brainwaves? One good conk upside the noggin, or stab, shot, what have you, and what? Do they all drop dead? 40. Why does Past Kang live through having his own soul stolen, something that is always instantly fatal throughout the series? 41. How does Revenant Liu Kang yeet himself off a small boat and onto one of the ferries full stop?
And that's everything, any answers are appreciated. Am I being nitpicky with a few of these? Probably, Do I care? Not so much. I’m just getting sick of people praising this story when THIS MANY holes are present. 
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three-of-swords · 4 years
Animal Crossing Countdown
I didn’t find this post until today, so I have to do a LOT of questions in a very short span of time, namely for my own amusement and the two people who care. But I’m gonna put it under a read more because no one needs to see a post this long in the actual ACNH tag.
1: Do you prefer making up a new name for your villager, or using your own name?
I tend to use my nickname, because I share my name with one of my favourite villagers, so it gets confusing and annoying.
2: Do you use the first map you’re given, or do you reset for layouts?
I reset for layouts, but I’m not terribly picky. I reset more because of fruit than layout.
3: Do you use the face you’re given, or do you wait for guides and choose your favourite?
Guides. Me not knowing that your face is dependent on some arbitrary questions was the cause of me immediately restarting my first town.
4: Favourite town/island name?/Have you a name picked out for your town/island?
I’ve only ever played New Leaf, and my town’s name was Wishfall. I’m not sure what I’ll name the island yet, but Wishfall is definitely one of the options.
5: Will you be sharing with friends/family, or is your island going to be all your own?
No. Mine. Though I will be inviting people over, no one will have a house but me.
6: What’s a new feature you’re excited about?
Redirecting rivers. Terraforming. Placing villager houses. Anything that will help me maintain and mold the island into what I want it to be.
7: Favourite fruit?
Apples. Second favourite are cherries, but only for looks.
8: Least favourite fruit?
Probably pears, which is funny, since Wishfall’s town specialty were pears. I don’t like how they look, and I’m also allergic. Second least favourite would be oranges.
9: Favourite area? (Beach, campground, shopping district etc, from any entry in the series.)
The museum.
10: Where do you like to like to put your house? Do you like that level of customization, or do you prefer to have some things decided, like in older entries?
I don’t have experience with the older entries, but I know I’d prefer to make a choice on where my house goes. I like it to be a little away from other villagers, usually backed up against a cliff.
11: Favourite grass pattern?
12: Least favourite grass pattern?
Circle, but it’s not that I don’t like it. I just prefer it less.
13: Favourite villager/s?
Whitney. Julian. Pashmina. Drago. Merengue. Bam. Merry. Apollo.
14: Least favourite villager/s?
Jambette. Cobb. Chops. Frita.
15: Did you like doing Tom Nook’s chores, or did you find those to be a pain?
I mean. I like tasks. But having only played ACNL, I can’t say I HAD any chores besides “Pay your loan!”
16: Favourite NPC/s?
Kicks. Blathers. Crazy Redd. Katrina. Isabelle, obviously.
17: Least favourite NPC/s?
Zipper. Chip. Pave.
18: Do you use paths? Are you excited about the new path tool?
Yes, and fuck yes.
19: Favourite feature from an older entry?
I would have liked to see what the Celeste constellation thing was about. I’ve heard about it, but I don’t know any details. But I like the idea.
20: What was your first Animal Crossing game?
New Leaf was the first game I played in depth and actually owned, but I did play a little of a game on a DS when I was in high school. Probably Wild World. I really only remember shaking trees.
21: Favourite activity (fishing, bug catching, fossil hunting, other)?
Collecting museum donations.
22: Least favourite activity?
The arbitrary rules for the bug or fish tournaments, or the randomization of rewards given in any events at all. The events themselves would be fine, if they made any damn sense.
23: Favourite bug?
Emperor Butterfly. Birdwing Butterfly. Orchid Mantis. Oak Silk Moth. Walking Leaf.
24: Least favourite bug?
Fucking Mole Crickets. Not a fan of the House Centipede or Tarantula either.
25: A quarter of the way there! How’s the wait?
Impatience. So much impatience.
26: Favourite fish?
Goldfish. Sea Butterfly.
27: Least favourite fish?
Giant Trevally. That thing is fucking ugly. Napoleonfish, too.
28: Favourite fossil?
Fern Fossils or any skulls, but I actually don’t have any strong feelings one way or another.
29: Least favourite fossil?
Coprolite. ...Why.
30: Favourite furniture series?
Don’t really have one, though I’m partial to the Regal and Exotic series.
31: Least favourite furniture series?
Lovely. Don’t like it. Don’t like Kiddie much, either, though it’s cute for certain villagers like Kitt or Stitches.
32: Favourite soundtrack? (Gamecube, DS/Wii, etc)
New Leaf, since it’s my only experience.
33: Least favourite soundtrack?
34: Favourite wallpaper?
Lunar Horizon. The Forest Wall, too.
35: Do you have a nice memory of the games/community etc you’d like to share?
When Pashmina moved in next to me, I was irritated. I’d specifically placed my house next to Re-Tail, but not too close, and she moved in between the two buildings. ...But now she’s my favourite goat, my favourite uchi villager, and honestly, I love her to bits. First impressions apparently don’t always matter too much.
36: Least favourite wallpaper?
Industrial, probably.
37: Favourite carpet?
Palace Tile, I suppose? Though it doesn’t go with everything.
38: Least favourite carpet?
Closed Road, probably.
39: Favourite furniture item?
Whichever grasshopper it is that goes in a cute little bamboo cage.
40: Will you be buying a Switch for Animal Crossing, or do you already have one?
I have one already, sadly. I’m sending it out for repairs, though.
41: Least favourite furniture item?
There are some uuuugly ass furniture items, but it’s impossible to remember them, so I don’t.
42: Favourite flower?
Black or pink lilies, blue and purple violets, and blue and purple roses.
43: Least favourite flower?
Meh. I like them all okay. If I had to choose, I’d say I’m not overly fond of the Cosmos.
44: Favourite hybrid?
See above.
45: Least favourite hybrid?
I don’t care much for the orange pansies.
46: Favourite shirt?
Night-Sky Tee.
47: Favourite dress?
I don’t wear them.
48: Favourite accessory?
49: Favourite hat/helmet?
50: Halfway there! How’s the wait going?
51: Favourite shop?
Kicks, I guess. Even though I don’t go in there. I love him. And the sign squeaks.
52: Do you collect amiibo cards/figures? Would you like to see them used in the new game?
I have a good amount of cards, both real and fake. Some figures, too. I wouldn’t say I collect them, but I try to have them just in case. I’d like them in the new game.
53: Fishing Tourney or Bug-Off?
Fucking neither, but if I HAD to choose, Fishing Tourney. At least in New Leaf. I like catching bugs more, but it seems totally random if they’re lackluster or not. I don’t prefer fishing, but at least all you need is the damn size to tell you if it’s a good fish or not.
54: Do you like making your own clothing patterns?
55: Did you streetpass with many other ACNL players, or is it a feature you didn’t get much use of?
I streetpassed a bit but eventually turned it off after getting too more undesirable villagers from other people. Frita and Chops will always be two of my most despised villagers for this reason.
56: Favourite villager species?
57: Least favourite villager species?
58: Favourite nickname from a villager?
Darling, but I liked that Merry called me Pop Star. It was charming coming from her.
59: Least favourite nickname from a villager?
Big Y. Indeed. Big why.
60: Do you try to collect everything in the game, or just try to get your favourite bits and pieces?
I try to collect everything eventually but I’m not insane about it. I like to fill my catalog.
61: Favourite villager personality?
Smug. But it looks better on some villagers than others. Cute on Julian or Lopez, AWFUL on Chops.
62: Least favourite villager personality?
Jock, but again, while it’s cute on Bam, I loathe it on Cobb. It really depends on the villager, somehow.
63: Do you “plot reset” for villager house placement, or do you let them move in wherever they want?
I plot reset a bit, but only if they moved somewhere particularly undesirable.
64: Are you excited to wear any of the new accessories (like the bags etc shown in the E3 trailer)?
Of course I am!
65: What season are you most looking forward to seeing in New Horizons?
Fall. The mushrooooooms.
66: What’s your favourite season?
Fall, though I loved how the cherry blossoms were carried on the river in spring.
67: Least favourite season?
Probably winter, just because it starts to look uninteresting after awhile.
68: Which game’s events/holidays do you like the most?
I’m partial to Halloween. Also, I have to cheat during April Fool’s Day, but the villagers’ reactions to Blanca are cute. I also begrudgingly like Bunny Day, but I can’t say I love it because Zipper creeps me out. I love collecting the eggs from all over the place, but he gives you totally random items, so. Eh.
69: Which game’s events/holidays do you like least?
Love feathers. Hate Pave. Seriously. Can’t stand him. He’s super annoying to me. I like the feather-catching portion and that is IT. I also believe I’ve already expressed my dislike for tournaments.
70: Do you have another nice AC related memory you’d like to share (in-game, of the community, etc)?
Weirdly, this is related to Pashmina again, but once I visited her after I got my face destroyed by bees, and she gave me medicine. I know now that uchi villagers in particular are likely to do this, but I’d never seen it happen before, and I was touched.
71: Do you prefer the “live” versions of K.K. Slider’s Songs, or the airchecks?
72: An NPC you’d like to see more of?
Kicks. Sable. Katrina.
73: An NPC you’d like to see less of?
74: If you could have any piece of AC merchandise, which would it be?
I dunno. A big comfy hoodie, maybe? A mug? I’m not particularly materialistic. I like useful things.
75: Only 25 days left to go! How’s the wait?
You know, I’m really glad I spent the last few months hyped for games that came out over time. It’s been bite-size chunks of releases that were only a little ways away. Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Concrete Genie. Pokemon Sword. The Cindered Shadows DLC. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I can’t imagine this having been the only game I was looking forward to, or I would have died by now.
76: Will you be downloading the game, or getting a physical copy?
Physical copy. As much as I’d love to play it right at midnight, I like not having to wait for download time, or take up a lot of space in storage. I’m hoping my GameStop does a midnight release, but I’m not counting on it.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 33
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 - Pt 6 - Pt 7 - Pt 8 - Pt 9 - Pt 10 - Pt 11 - Pt 12 - Pt 13 - Pt 14 - Pt 15 - Pt 16 - Pt 17 - Pt 18 - Pt 19 - Pt 20 - Pt 21 - Pt 21b - Pt 22 - Pt 23 - Pt 24 - Pt 25 - Pt 26 -  Pt 27 - Pt 28 - Pt 29 - Pt 30 - Pt 31 -
- Ok, naming this one 33 because i accidentally named two chapters 22, and to fix it all would be too exhausting for me, so continuing the Triwizard Year, hope you enjoy it. :D -
You barely had six hours until breakfast and with your lovely nap you dressed in the sweater on the top of your pile tugging it to rest over your worn jeans covering your boots and tall socks coated in Nifflers. Bag slung over your shoulder shifting in each step as you drew your hair back out of your face into a tall ponytail only to pause for a moment at the Gryffindor first years whispering about your being asked to the Ball.
Fred, “That didn’t take long.”
“How the hell-,”
Cedric glanced at you, “You got asked already?”
“Bryt asked me but I didn’t say yes.”
George, “School seems to think otherwise.”
Rolling your eyes you sighed and turned to head to the Great Hall catching a trio of Beauxbaton girls scowling at you in their hurried walk into the hall to choose the table farthest from yours. Sighing deeply you moved to your table catching the smirk on Alastor’s face contrasting Snape’s puzzled expression hearing the whispers while Barty Jr stared at you with chin planted in his palm trying to work it all out himself.
Whispers rippled quickly and on their own way to sit by their chosen partners the Krum brothers froze and asked those in their year speaking the most English for a translation of the gossip seeming so interesting to your classmates. “They’re saying Miss Black got asked to the Ball already.”
Sebastian’s grin dropped and Krum asked, “It was barely announced last night. Surely it must be a mistake. They can’t possibly be pairing up this early when it isn’t until Christmas.”
Sebastian shook his head, “Asked or not, I have months to change her mind. Find out who it was. Show that I am the better match.”
Viktor nodded patting his hand on his brother’s back alongside their friends who all continued onto the Great Hall. Straight to Hermione however he hurried, finding her thankfully by Angelina and Alicia instead of the guys, a grin eased onto his face and over the morning juice he managed to ask her right then, not willing to risk losing the chance.
Taking the spot by you, Sebastian held his grin and asked you, “Sleep well?”
Your head tilted, “Other than the gap for Ghoul Studies ya. You?”
He nodded watching as your finger trailed around the rim of your glass filling it with juice, “Yes. It is a good dorm. Nice beds, good view. You should come and see it sometime. We have all our best posters up and our brooms on display in the common room” after a pause he asked, “Even with our games being canceled this year would your pitch be off limits for training still?”
Lowering your glass from a sip you swallowed and said, “That was something I wanted to ask you about.” Making his brow inch up in your plotting smirk as you reached into your bag on your lap to pull out the folded quidditch chart, “How would you like to build some bridges?”
The guys all leaned in peering on at the schedule you had made with growing grins, giving them a wave after assigning their ranked house teams to fill in their spaces before you moved over to let Fleur take the spot beside you curious of your note as well. A grin eased across her lips and in a quick huddle all the Beaxs had eyed the copy you had made them and agreed to the two game a weekend schedule. Leaving your bag in your seat you walked over to the Professor’s table drawing their gaze from their plates with the Krums and Fleur behind you. A quick grin flashed across your face and Dumbledore inched up in his seat dapping his mouth with his napkin, “Miss Black, something wrong?”
“Not really. In fact we have a proposition.”
“Hmm, do tell.”
You passed him a copy of the chart and said, “We would like to play this year. All the teams, for all three schools. The games are set up and we all agree. Why leave the other students to just cheering on three of us when we could all benefit from a Tournament of our own.”
In looking at the chart Minerva said, “It certainly is a possible source of mutual entertainment.”
Dumbledore looked up at you, “Quidditch could very well be the thing to lace us all together. It is an admirable schedule and I accept the notion.” You all grinned and he said, “I will inform their Headmasters and leave the workout schedules to your captains.” You nodded and turned to take your seats seeing him stand and move further down the table to pass around it greeting the entering headmasters and share the news stirring smirks of their own.
Returning to his seat in seeing that you were all in the Hall now he stood clearing his throat, “Good morning students. If I might trouble you for a moment.” The hall fell silent in looking at him, “It has come to my attention that in the aftermath of our canceling Quidditch for this year just how dividing that could possibly be, a new timetable has been made and no doubt will be added to the afternoon papers, including the teams from our visiting schools. That is all.” When he sat again you shook your copy that multiplied and flew off in airplanes that unfolded for the other house teams with a copy for each Beax and Durm team as well.
Ron, “Two games a week!”
Hermione leaned over the table to steal a glance impressed at the time chart while Oliver beamed knowing his last year would be the best as he could play against the best, already mentally working out the training schedule in his head to check with the other teams later.
In all this however your eyes kept wandering to the same trio of Beauxbaton teens scowling at you through the elated chattering from the Slytherin table drawing more than a few glances your way.
In focusing on your classes and helping the teams to mesh their workouts on the one pitch before the first set of games the next weekend after this one you would be met randomly by Sebastian and Fleur. The older teens marveling at your workload, while theirs left them ample time to explore and relax at their leisure.
Friday had come and nearly gone into a third lunch with your ever changing table of friends all skating around the lingering topic of why you were asked so early to the Ball when it seemed that no one else known to be single had been snapped up so quickly. Once Double Charms was through you took your break and paused on your way from RoR passing the same scowling trio making you turn and head for Barty’s classroom to see if he could help you figure it out.
Out of nowhere Bryt walks up to you in Barty’s doorway making his head tilt slightly in his inching closer with Snape and Alastor not far behind from their conference, “Jaqi.” He wet his lips anxiously, “Well, Mum says I should just be honest, so here’s the dill.” He said with a sigh making your brow inch up through the far from subtle lean of a group of Durmstrangs through an opening of a courtyard to listen in, “Now my Gran is friends with Evangelinne’s Gran. And we’ve been friends since infants, and her Mum and mine both heard about the Ball and hoped for another picture of us. But see, when she heard about the Ball she’d already expected she’d go with me, knowing I’d pick a silver tux so she could wear cucumber green. But now she’s heard that I asked you and that really hurt her feelings and it took me a good day and a half for her to even talk to me again so, will you?”
Holding back from shaking your head you asked, “Will I what?”
“Will you not go with me to the Ball?” In his pleading grin at you a nod came from you and he darted off, “Thank you! I’ll invite you to our wedding!”
Shaking your head you walked into the classroom through the open mouthed Professors glancing from Bryt’s path to the group of Durmstrangs darting away. Following you inside Alastor teased, “I don’t think I’ve seen that boy draw breath once since I got here.”
Snape, “I think he’s mutated above the need for it.” He rubbed your back seeing your head on the desk as you groaned into your bag you’d set on it, “Are you alright?”
You raised your head and shrugged, “Well, seeing as when he asked me to go my answer was ‘um’ and somehow in that the whole school knew overnight, and then I had Sebastian giving me crying puppy eyes over the fact he’d missed asking me, when I hadn’t actually accepted the offer in the first place-!”
You groaned and set your hands on the desk looking to Barty who said, “You are a catch Love. Besides, I bet-,” his eyes rose to the doorway seeing Sebastian slide into a stop making him pat your hand and say in a forced seemingly teacher voice, “And if you have any more questions about that extra credit, just let us know.” Passing you a blank slip of paper now reading ‘Turn Around.’
Turning around you were subtly motioned out of the room to approach Sebastian who asked offering his elbow, asking in thickly accented English, “Would you like an escort to lunch?”
You folded your hand around it in shouldering your bag, “Thank you.”
Not two steps later Sebastian asked seeing a group of male teenagers approaching from further down the hall, “I was wondering if you would allow me to escort you to the Ball.”
His brows furrowed for a moment, “Oh? Someone asked you? Already?!” a look of panic flashed in his eyes when he turned to you missing the teachers leaning out the doorway watching you.
He nodded, “No, no one asked you, or no you will not go?”
“No, I,” raising your hands you covered your face for a moment for a deep inhale and exhale before you lowered and settled them on his biceps making him smirk through a spreading blush, “No, I have not agreed to go with anyone, though Bryt did ask and then un-ask me. Anyways, I would love to go with you.”
He nodded then motioned you forward, “We should eat.” You nodded and walked with him and he asked, “How did this Bryt ask you so quickly? Do you share a common room?”
“Oh, no he caught me on our way to Ghouls Studies that night after dinner.”
“How did he ask to make you say yes?”
“I didn’t,” he looked at you, “Say yes. My exact answer was ‘um.”
You nodded, “Yup.”
“Then why did he-,”
You shook your head and shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine. But he’s going with a girl from Beauxbatons now so no worries there.”
“Let us all hope she did not just say um.” Making you giggle widening his smile.
Finishing your courses out you found your way back to your dorm to head off to sleep. Though it was Gryffindor’s time for practicing in the pitch in the morning you were still, once breakfast and your Arithmacy course was through, would be off to do some laps both around and across Black Lake.
A quick change from your usual clothes had you in shorts and a sleeveless Puff jersey over your converse joining the full team in their own workout gear and jerseys for the easy start to your year of training to hopefully keep you up to standard against the visiting teams. Curiously the crowd of varied languages swirled around you with news rippling of your group headed out for a stroll to the Lake. Through the courtyards and exits the curious visitors all watched your stop under the tree for a quick few moments of stretching followed by your lining up to jolt off parting lips at the pace you began in.
Lap after lap past the random appearance of a few fire crabs in your paths you held your pace and positions for the twelve laps, ending back at the tree where you all removed your shoes and socks then turned back to the frigid lake stirring grumbles and groans that died the deeper you got to start your laps across the lake. Two full laps across and back again had the other students leaving while you and the twins pulled lists from your sneakers of plants and supplies in the lake you had been asked to fetch for the other Professors and Madame Pomfrey you clarified. Pulling a jar out the twins both drew out a swirl of gillyweed only to look up at Sebastian in his approach with a spreading grin.
You shook your head, “No. Cushion start for the practices this year, just to warm us back up to the usual.”
His eyes lowered to the jar, “What is that?”
“Gillyweed.” Fred and George answered.
He looked to you, “We were asked to fetch some things for the Professors.”
George offered him the jar, “Care to join us?”
Sebastian quickly removed his boots and socks he left with his jacket waving his wand he drew over his clothes swapping them for a tank top and shorts. In a subtle flex of his arms he reached in and drew out a swirl he eased into his mouth and chewed it following you all into the water wondering if he had missed you eating your swirl of the disgusting plant he just swallowed after the terrible task of chewing the slimy swirl.
Under the surface he joined you trying to rein in his struggle to breathe that eased greatly when he sunk deeper at the forming of his gills. A turn of his head brought you into his sights with lips parting as a silvery blue tail sprouted under your shorts now turned into a mini skirt. Smirking in following after you he swam deeper into the water taking in all he could on the path listening to your description of each plant you passed and their uses explaining why you had to gather them. Lastly a huge supply of pearls were gathered and through his distant inspection of your curious Giant Squid he continued to swim after you towards the surface feeling himself shifting back. On the surface again you watched their coughing stroll up to the shore while you wiggled your legs completing your shift back along with the mending of your shorts from their skirt form.
Up to lunch after you had dried off with your wands you strolled through the castle passing off the collected items then you turned to head down to your dorm with Sebastian grinning in his stream of questions at all you were passing. The maze of halls in the dungeons especially interesting to him while you passed so easily through the maze complete with shifting walls and traps you had left one another in the continued battle with Slytherin at the opposite end. A wall of barrels puzzled him completely until he saw Fred knocking on one that opened revealing the door you passed through. Open mouthed he took in the homey common room packed with odd plants and random small creatures including a napping mooncalf curled up in a basket along the wall. Down the hall he followed you and inspected your portion of the shared dorm while you took your clothes from earlier into the bath to change.
Inching closer however he eyed the tail dangling from the hammock above your bed that pulled back out of his sight at the opening of the bath door. Pointing at the hammock he asked, “What-?” Looking up at it again his brows furrowed and he stepped to the side peering up at it only to look back at you when you moved past him to add your jersey and shorts to the basket of dirty clothes.
“The hammock is from a Nundu cub I was asked to take care of.”
“There was a tail.”
You nodded, “That would be Opal. She’s a bit skittish around new people.”
He nodded and glanced up at it again only for Fred to pat his back, “No worries, you’re bound to see her eventually.”
Realizing the time Sebastian held his place by your side for an escort out stealing brushes of his fingers across the sleeve of your grey sweater trying to build up the nerve to just grab your hand only to leave your side to join his brother for their own set of classes. In a trot you three went to join Cedric and the team for a session with Oliver and his team who had managed to gather up as much info on their teams as possible to strategize. Even on opposing teams it was a matter of school rivalry as well, and even in a less strenuous in structure compared to theirs, for which they were required to be in strict uniforms and follow daily stops for house meetings as well, you were determined to show you were no less skilled than they were.
Around the fireplace of the common room in a nightly smore party one of your first years peered at you curiously then asked you, “Is there a hex on the Southern Study Hall?”
With lips parted for a moment you shook your head, “No.”
He nodded then added, “Well I heard as a Morpher you can see things we can’t, and I’ve seen you avoiding it, even when everyone else goes in to look at the Goblet of Fire. And I just got curious.”
All eyes looked to you realizing they had noticed the same and had dismissed it, inhaling sharply you shifted your fingers around your still too hot to eat smore, “I, um, had a dream about it.”
“The hall?”
You shook your head, “No, the Goblet, it was an odd dream, more of a feeling really, just that it’s going to be hexed. And usually if things have been hexed I tend to be around them when it happens.”
Another girl asked, “So you’re hoping to avoid it?”
You nodded, “I doubt it would work like that, but still doesn’t hurt to try I suppose.”
The first year asked, “So you aren’t entering?”
“I won’t be seventeen till April.”
He nodded then looked around the room asking, “Who is entering?”
A few scattered sixth years and seventh years including Cedric raised their hands and you all nodded knowing each of them were extremely talented and in a great spot to represent the school if chosen.
By weeks end all of Beauxbatons old enough to compete entered along with most of Durmstrang between their courses. From Hogwarts as your dream rippled around through the houses only a few had entered publicly. Angelina from Gryffindor had done so already along with Cassius Warrington from Slytherin. The Age Line however was deemed a challenge possibly bested by a small brave few. S. Fawcett from Ravenclaw and Summers out of Puff had tried both being shot out of the line with full beards and white long hair sending them for those they knew to be the best in reversing jinxes to right the blunder quickly.
Alongside Hermione at her own request you sat chatting over a textbook she was using as cover to ask you for possible tips on topics to use with Viktor, who had agreed to help her practice her limited vocabulary in Bulgarian.
The open doors filled with chatter while you saw Cedric fresh from a meeting with the Puff paper, all of whom had joined him in approaching the Goblet. In an assuring nod from you he chuckled and stepped through the line drawing cheers, through which he stepped closer to add his slip of paper with his name and school on it into the flames that pulsed a brighter blue then dimmed again in his path out of the circle again.
Through the doors the twins hurry in cheering and waving the vials in their hands.
“Cooked it up this morning.” Under your breath you chuckled and rested your bent arms on your knees with your feet rocking on the edge of the bench in front of you in the tiered bleachers.
Hermione, “It’s not going to work.” With grins they climbed over the first bench and crouched behind her both sending you subtle winks.
Twins, “Really, and why is that Granger?”
Hermione, “You see that? That is an Age line. Dumbledore cast it himself, it’s hard to believe that it could be fooled by something as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion.”
Fred, “That’s why it’s so clever.” Climbing down they approached the Goblet.
George, “Because it’s so pathetically dimwitted.” They both stand outside the line shaking the vials, “Ready Fred?”
Fred, “Ready George.”
They link arms shaking the vials they uncorked, both saying, “Bottoms up,” downing the potions before hopping through the line. Cheers sound through the hall, “Ready?” toss their slips of paper into the goblet that lit on fire in a burst of light knocking them out of the line before they began to wrestle over their now white hair, mustache and beard.
Giggling to yourself you caught their narrowed gazes at the Goblet, hoping that one of them could have been able to enter so that if you were right and you would get sucked into this somehow they could have been there with you. Propping your chin in your palm your eyes turned to the doorway, through which the Krums and their group of friends strolled through passed the Twins, who stood and tapped their wands to their chins reversing the jinx silently. In stolen smirks sent your way the Krum brothers both looked you and Hermione over in dropping their names into the fire before turning to head back to their next courses down the hall.
In his turn however your eyes locked with Karkaroff’s and your free hand subtly clenched around your thigh out of his sight remembering the warning you had gotten from your father, uncle and Remus to steer clear of being alone with him fully supported by Barty and Alastor. The latter pair alongside Snape made it their mission to keep him off your trail ensuring he couldn’t do anything to harm you.
Daily each Quidditch team had agreed to the training schedule for as far as the pitch went, outside of that your paths blended in your stolen training sessions that brought more and more attention each time with all of you trying to rank the other as far as who would win in the first set of matches coming up.
Finally in your own first training on the pitch the stands were full as in the buildup of tension had risen once the visiting schools had traced back your team’s progress through the copies of the papers in the library you clearly were the best with near straight House Cup wins since your first year. Having meant to have won on points alone until Ravenclaw stole it away two years in a row just barely when penalty points were factored in. In a firm dominating practice up against high soaring dummies you broke off your summer month dust falling back into your groove as a team showing that even in the simple maneuvers and basic try for a practice match to forty points in your secured time you were a team to be reckoned with.
Clearly up against you it would be a hard won victory yet the cocky brothers both on D1 team met up with you in your stroll back to the castle, with Sebastian and the other Durmstrang boys all still near to drooling since you strolled into breakfast in your Quidditch uniform. Just the image alone was appealing and after your practice with skill to match the position you had claimed made you all the more appealing.
Looking you over Sebastian said, “Our team is up first this Saturday.”
You nodded and grinned up at him, “Yes, I heard B1 is missing their usual Thief so you should have a great shot for the goals.”
Smirking at you he all but purred at you, “You will be cheering for us then?”
“I suppose so. Unless you’d rather I cheer for powder blue?” Teasingly you asked making his arm reach out to drape across your shoulders under your braided ponytail.
“No. Cheer for gold and green.” Making you smirk up at him settling against his side, “We share gold,” leaning in he said, “It is destiny why cheer for blue? Plus, out of all the teams we will go easiest on you. No need in dominating all four of your houses.”
Giggling under his arm your smirk mirrored those of your team as you reached over patting your hand on his chest, “That is a very kind offer, we will see just how long you are offering it but still, thank you all the same.” In a quick peck on his cheek you caught his face light up in a deep blush and you pulled out of his hold to turn to your dorm to change while he was joining his classmates up to one of their classes, “Enjoy your class, see you at lunch.”
In your glance back at him he nodded and you giggled at the closing of your team around you with sleeveless team robes billowing behind you in your path down the hall leaving him staring after you for a moment before turning to their class.
In the hushed halls of the school while all were in class in the early morning hours a stolen moment in the Southern Study Hall brought on the beginnings of a sinister plan that went unnoticed. Lunch stirred an unsettling clench in your stomach shared by Professor Trelawney floors above you who started to consult her crystal ball in hopes of understanding what or who was coming the school’s way.
But answers were far from helpful and in your place with your Bulgarian shadow sliding into your right side again opposite Fleur on your left you were far from able to try and meditate opening yourself up to any vision that might help to uncover what was coming. Especially when the papers arrived and Sebastian grinned widely seeing your peck on his cheek having been captured by one of the school photographers. In a glance over your shoulder Draco subtly motioned it was being added to the family scrapbooks making you giggle to yourself and turn back to your meal as Sebastian folded and pocketed his copy of the paper in a grin at you.
Saturday brought with it a divided school with breakfast dividing alliances to separate tables sporting the colors of which team they represented. Across the room you eyed your supposed rival for Bryt’s arm to the Ball, Evangelinne who was a Beater for B1’s team. Reluctantly Fleur sat in support of her own school, her worry was short lived as in the path to the pitch for the game you snuck a moment at her side comforting her in saying there was no hard feelings in the school rivalry, and alliances would shift the next day either way.
A stolen kiss on your knuckles later and the Krums were off leaving you to have your arm coiled up with Hermione’s in your shared path to your seats. Anxiously you sat running your fingers through your loose curls laying over your back to hide Opal, who was climbing out the neck of George’s sweater and strolled across his shoulder to yours curling up there excited to hear the match commentated by Lee Jordan, who like the other boys seemed torn between their admiration of the Krums and the Beauxbaton team, of which Evangelinne played professionally for France as well.
The chilly air blew right through you until you settled into your seats, all of you together working as living heaters making it more tolerable. A flash of red whizzed by and on their red Nimbuses D1 raced around the pitch and took their place relaxing at the cheers sounding around them. A flash of blue brought cheers from the opposing side of the pitch with B1 entering on blue Nimbuses. Hermione beside you asked, “How do they get colored brooms?”
You shrugged and replied, “Not sure. Might be special issued from their shops in their countries, special order probably.”
Back and forth in an explosion of cheers the game was neck and neck until Viktor soared off towards the ground and captured the snitch inches from crashing bringing a wave of cheers back again. Filing out again when you hoped you had time to take Opal back to your dorm. Right outside the pitch however an arm draped around your back and in a bubbly chuckle Sebastian asked, “There you are!”
At your side however in a familiar tail coiling up to the neck of your sweater his eyes dropped and when your hand covered his mouth they snapped up to yours catching your quick grin, “Shh.”
Your hand lowered and he whispered, “Is that a dragon?”
“Opal.” His eyes met yours again and his lips parted, “She was blinded as a hatchling.”
“The school knows you have her?”
“Unofficially, yes. She’s supposed to stay in my dorm this year to keep out of sight but she does love listening to the matches.”
He smirked easing his arm around your back to continue on again towards the victory cocoa and snacks in the Great Hall, “Your secret is safe with me.” His eyes dipped seeing her nestling under your hair widening his smirk.
All day you spent with the guys between your few classes sharing more about the creatures they had heard you encountered here. Most especially they wished to know more about Tulip only to be disappointed that this year the course on observing Tulip would not be available due to the Ministry being so involved with the school this year.
Dinner again split you up again and once your choir was over you took your usual patrolling spot and then went off to bed anxious to see how Gryffindor vs D4 would go the next day.
Harry, Katie, Dean, Ron, Angelina and Alicia joined Oliver in their stroll out to the pitch after a tense breakfast. Even with your budding relationship with Sebastian he still felt the need to support his fellow schoolmates and anxiously joined them into the stands opposite yours. Even younger and less experienced as a team with Katie and Angelina leading in the scores with Oliver’s flawless protection of the goal posts it was an easy win for them leaving the other teams stunned and curious as to how your other school teams would match up against theirs.
Pt 34
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