#so that magnus archives really is a podcast huh?
bratniadusza · 2 years
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my academic year just started, you can’t do this to me
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crabussy · 1 year
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jonathan sims (random guy who looked exactly like him in every way imaginable) was on my scuba boat. naturally I was completely normal about this <- lying
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 1 month
Paper cranes
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dIW263U by NohaIjiachi “...Sure,” Martin replied glumly. He wondered if this is how all those french people felt, back in the days of guillotines. “Huh— How do you think I should introduce myself to this Archivist, anyway? They are going to be my boss, technically speaking, so I suppose I can at least try to make a good first impression…?” The look Tim and Sasha shared was… Certainly something. “I don’t think introductions will really be required,” she said, delicately. “Right. Ok. Sure. Do you know what their name is? I ought to at least know that, right?” Martin pressed on, voice tinted by desperation. “Mr. Bouchard wouldn’t say—” Again with the look. Martin was going to scream. “Don’t you worry about that, bud,” Tim said with a very forced, nervous little grin. “The Archivist is just The Archivist. Just get in there and… Godspeed?” ---- Moved by desperation, Martin accepts a job he's perfectly aware is bad news, but maybe... It won't be as such for long. Words: 5085, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, AU, Monster Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Mystery, Canon Typical Horror, Canon is my sandbox, and I can do what I want with it read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/dIW263U
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hartenlust · 3 months
reading gods worst article on tma (Narrating the (Queer) Gothic in the Podcast The Magnus Archives, Maria Juko) and its so bad that its funny. btw this got published in a book (Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality, edited by sarah faber and kerstin-anja münderlein, 2024) and I can only assume the editors didn't listen to tma themselves because good lord what are these takes. come with me as I read this mess
strong start when it claims the entities seek to torture and destroy humanity. patently untrue. we know they have some sentience, but the focus on humanity does a disservice to gerry explicitly saying "you think people are so special its only our fear that counts?". also "destroy". how are you going to get fear if the entirety of humanity is destroyed. we know what the entities wanted (or at least what the web wanted) it is explicitly stated in mag 200. it says so right there so explicitly that I find it impressive if Juko missed it.
calls the beholding the antagonist? if you want to call Any fear the antagonist id go for the web, but even then, antagonist is not the role id ascribe to a lovecraftian entity
"with the podcast’s final season set in a world dominated by the Eye that Jon et al. ultimately overcome to save the world" / "The world comes to depend on [jonmartins] relationship, with the two of them becoming queer heroes." save the world??? heroes?
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4. stupidly funny implications. interesting citation for georgie but that's not important right now. the point is the fight against evil and the reading alleging tma says being queer will get you Heroic Powers. Juko's forgetting about the queer characters that get Evil Powers (all of them. all of the powers are evil. that's the point.) did the archivist utilize ace and bi power when he became the lynchpin of the apocalypse and tortured strangers
5. "As a case in point, inclusivity starts at the level of casting: female police officer Basira Hussain is voiced by Frank Voss, who uses they/them pronouns." very true but idk. frank voss and jonny sims are just pals, ill allow Some implications from this but the author is using it to imply more intentional focus on inclusivity then I think jonny was doing
6. "First, the podcast’s main character, the asexual biromantic Jon, is bestowed with supernatural powers, challenging not just heterosexual but all sexual norms of society." BESTOWED? stop using the word bestowed here oh my God. he is not a superhero!! did Juko listen to the entirety of tma without any moral grayness happening here??? also ?? jons bestowed supernatural powers are in no way related to his asexuality & biromanticism??
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7. christ. this isnt a bad tma take but it is reminding me why I wanted to quit my literature analysis bachelor
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8. did jon utilize ace and bi power when he betrayed martin. did martin utilize gay power when he stabbed jon. jesus christ what do you mean humanity's salvation. the apocalypse isnt fixed at the end by the power of love.
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9. i guess? if you felt like it? tma really isn't a queer narrative in my option but I guess?? you could read it like that. if you wanted to. I'm unsure if you should though because these people are deeply unwell
10. "And particularly in the first seasons, Jon and his colleagues often fail to control the evil entities, losing for example colleague Tim at the end of the second season, which leads to a rift between some of the Institute’s members" yeah because truly they were thriving before that. they were the bestest of friends before tim died. they all held hands and danced in circles
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11. unsure how much longer i can take this. this isn't the X-Men
12. "[Jon] could be defined as an asexual biromantic who uses his love for Martin as a form of power to save the world." no he couldn't. next
13. "With this in mind, Jon’s exploration of the Archives becomes a metaphor for accepting his (a)sexuality." HUH. NO IT ISNT? jons asexuality isn't relevant narratively At All. go home.
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14. for the love of god can anyone hear me. its so dark in here. were the beholding and jonah magnus asexuality allies when they helped jon become an avatar. the sentence after this calls jon the hero of the narrative again btw. patently untrue
15. "Only by accepting his power can Jon save the world." jon didn't save the world.
Juko discusses melanie & georgie but her takes on them are pretty normal and decent in my opinion. if anyone wants a pdf of this horror let me know & ill send it. I'm so annoyed I'm considering writing an email about this. btw it called jonmartin "enemies to lovers" trope and also said their relationship "starts heteronormative and changes to a more equal footing, whilst retaining heteronormative elements". about the gay couple.
to conclude: I don't know which podcast juko listened to about a heroic narrative about queer love that saves the world, but its not the magnus archives. did you know that the eye is an asexuality ally?
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itchyeye · 4 months
You are hands down one of my favorite blogs especially as someone else who REALLY doesn’t like JM and has no one to vent to about it so I hope you don’t mind me venting a bit of like
Why are JM shippers so violent 😭 I haven’t had ANY problems with any JoneElias fans, they’re so chill and stick to their own lane but JM shippers seem to go out of their way to insult JE fans so gruesomely at times even when you stick to your own tag ; (not like the main TMA tag is SWARMED with JM- even Jon’s tag is nothing but JM).
The fandom is so hostile if you’re not on the same page and it’s really hard to make friends if you’re not also a JM fan smh…
(It’s also funny HOW JM fans attack JE fans- like excuse you guys for enjoying… horror and fucked up aspects in a fictional pairing? From the horror and fucked up podcast? Uh…. Huh?)
Sorry if this is annoying feel free to ignore LOL I just have so much to say about this ship that I loathe and you’re so spot on with your posts 👌🏻
pleeeeease do not apologize this is so sweet of you 🥺
and tbh i don't know. i don't understand the vast majority of the fandom that surrounds this horror podcast because they are just very very very clearly people who hate horror and don't want to engage with it and to whom it brings no joy
one thing i will say about my little corner of tumblr at least is that while i very often see this sort of behavior, i have never had someone approach me directly to harass me. that is much more than i can say for the huge number of JE enjoyers/writers/artists who get regularly harassed over playing make believe about two imaginary men kissing. but at least speaking to my own experience, i have never been harassed for hating JM and loving JE. i attribute a lot of this to my ten-mile long blocklist!
but yeah i find basically any tag to do with the podcast completely unusable... even the elias bouchard tag is overrun with children posting about how much they hate "elias BITCHard"
shrug i guess!!! i don't tag any of my perfectly valid anti-JM diatribes i don't see why people feel the need to tag their sentence-fragment text posts about how much they hate elias with #the magnus archives #magpod #tma #tmaelias #elias tma #elias bouchard #elias bitchard #jonah magnus #the magnus institute
anyway if there's one thing i love more than tma, more than jon, more than elias, more than jonelias... IT'S COMPLAINING!!!!!
so if you ever have something to bitch about my ask box is wide open to you and i will be happy to accept your righteous anger at my doorstep xo
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annimoose · 2 months
Me Podcast Listy List:
A list of podcast I'm looking into and adding my thoughts on.
Got any recommendations, feel free to comment or reblog with em. Im wanting to find more. 👍
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Malevolent- ✅️
Going to listen to Alice in Chains after that new episode.
Red Valley- ✅️
I am also in shock and confusion. Dipshits deserve it lolololol. Season 3's theme fucking slaps
Deviser- ✅️
So,, humanity really is a bitch huh? I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight, in fact i will be having an existential crisis.
Thanks Harlan. 👍
Wolf 359- ✅️
Yep, I definitely just lost a piece of myself. I will not recover from this. 10/10 would cry again 👍
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Archive 81- starting ep. 23
Proving my point that men CAN be made breedable
The Magnus Archives- starting ep.13
Ep.6 edit: What sex does to a mf.. 🙄
Old Gods Of Appalachia- starting ep. 3
Finally, a podcast narrator who's an old sounding southern guy, funny too.
Hello From The Hallowoods- on episode 7 /
to be continued
(I'm really enjoying this one, Diggory and Percy my beloved 💖)
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In Queue:
(Going from shortest to longest excluding Nine To Midnight)
The White Vault- 10 episodes
I Am In Eskew- 30 episodes
SCP: Find Us Alive- 52 episodes
(this was the first fiction podcast I ran into and had interests in and yet I still haven't listened to it aaaaaaah hahahah....)
Hello From The Hallowoods- 146 episodes
WOE.BEGONE- 152 episodes
The Magnus Archives- 200 episodes
Welcome To Night Vale- 245 episodes
Nine To Midnight- saving pod as Halloween treats :)
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I plan on going down this line but ey, it might change depending on how well I'm liking podcast or if I simply just want to switch it up a bit.
Idk guess I'll see when I start going through the queue.
Thanks for reading this poorly put together list if you are indeed looking at it. Don't ask me to fix the formatting or anything that might be misspelled or if episode numbers are wrong. I will probably come back and edit this whenever I finish a podcast.
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So I sorta refuse to listen to The Magnus Archives Season 5 because I just do not vibe with JMart and I actively dislike Martin (extensive reason for that, uh, here.) Although I suppose I have to get to season 5 because of my recent writing project.
But anyone who enjoys/ enjoyed TMA, I have some podcast recommendations for you if you didn’t find them already:
The Amelia Project
Where the Stars Fell
The Storage Papers
ETA 17/01/24:
Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
Cellar Letters
You need to be okay with swearing (loads of swearing) for WTSF and you need to be okay with Death being extensively thematised and somewhat ridiculed for TAP
Religious imagery is getting kinda weird in both WTSF and TSP but I’m so far intrigued rather than put off.
And a side-note: Season 5 of TAP is coming up (12th May) and will apparently feature not just Ben Meredith but also Jonny Sims as a guest voice actor
It might seem counter-intuitive but I wold suggest you check out the TAP Anniversary Special to get a feeling for the main character. Then you go back and start at Season 1, the story only really picks up at season 2 but trust me, it’s intriguing and will hook you!
What I love about TAP aside from its premise and story is that it’s a European podcast. It feels inherently European rather than English or French or contained to any one nationality. And this comes through quite early on and very strongly. I love that! The characters are fun, whimsical and quirky. The premise has its charme and it has a “case of the week” feeling to it even while the overarching story picks up weight. There’s really a lot I like about it.
Like, I only got into TSP and WTSF because I was antsy for Amelia Project to update again. (Sorry, no offence.) Which doesn’t change the fact that I wholeheartedly recommend WTSF and TSP. (And maybe you can get into other podcasts from the Rusty Quill Network or Fable & Folly Network; I just couldn’t yet because they didn’t really catch my interest as much.)
For WTSF, huh… I don’t know which episode I would point you towards there, best start from the beginning. Although WTSF Episode 7 is a good hook, probably. It’s a bit ‘Good Omens’-esque and very fun, even though I occasionally need the transcripts pulled up to catch everything.
And TSP was supposed to be an anthology, I think, but it very very quickly devolved into a solid storyline so best to just start with the first episode and binge a few. The story will start puzzling together and making sense.
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JJ, what do you think you’ll do now that you don’t have to follow orders? I mean, you’ll probably have to stick with the resistance for safety, but besides that. What do you want to do?
JJ suddenly stops walking, forcing Chase—still supporting him—to stop as well. The two of them are at the back of the group, along with Surgeon. Stacy is at the front while the four other adults are spaced out through the group of kids.
"You...alright, JJ?" Chase asks hesitantly.
Jameson doesn't respond right away. His eyes stare blankly as his mind searches for an answer. Chase... he finally asks. What do I like to do?
Before all this started, Jameson clarifies. I know I must've done things. But nothing is coming to mind. Nothing specific.
"Oh." Chase nods understandingly. "Yeah...Don't worry about it, Jays, a lot of people have trouble with this. I-I did, for a while. Still do, kinda, since everything I did before was very heavy on needing the Internet. Which isn't possible at the moment." He laughs awkwardly. "Well, let's keep walking while we talk, okay?"
The two of them start going again. Voices drift down from the front of the group. Sounds like Stacy is talking to someone. Chase? Jameson asks. The sign he uses for his name is C-happy.
"I gotcha, don't worry. I'm just thinking." Chase pauses. "Well, you spent a lot of time working with your time powers, but that's not really a thing you did for fun. Books, yeah, but we never really talked about them so I can't help you there. Um...you liked podcasts. Story podcasts, I mean. God, I bet there are a million new episodes of Night Town and Magnum Archived now—"
Night Vale and the Magnus Archives, JJ corrects.
Chase laughs. "Yeah. See? You remember those. But that's not a lot of help when we can't use electricity, is it?" He shrugs. "You and Marvin played a lot of games together. D&D, mostly. It was his idea. And you spent a lot of time experimenting with tea. You told me once you liked the routine of it. Same goes for sewing. I guess there's something comforting about making blankets over and over."
Jameson nods, slowly, a little bit of light coming into his eyes. Not that strange golden light, that has mostly faded from his irises now. But an inner light. Well, we're going to have difficulty with all of this while we're in hiding.
"Ah, I bet we could find a way." Chase grins. "If Stacy could go out and buy board games, she can probably buy other stuff. Once we're all settled again, I mean."
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jamiekb · 5 months
First time listening to TMA (Part III)
Part I II
#16 Arachnophobia: This has a vibe of “well wasn’t that fucked up, anyway..”. Also horrifying thanks, I now hate spiders even more and will be very paranoid for a few days.
#17 The Bone Turner's Tale: oooh nice intervention from his supervisor or something and the beginnings of an arch. So we have the human-leather-book and the not-Canterbury-Tales-book. They’re dangerous and tragedy befalls anyone who interacts with them. Also weird that Lukas' family is patrons of the Institute, they do feel creepy and with other intentions but now I’m sure I’m missing something. Maybe it’s just not time for that yet.
#18 The Man Upstairs: huh, is this where the meat from A Father's Love has been disappearing to? (Or was that stated in the episode?) But still feels like there’s a connection, with the whole meet thing and a creature made from meat.
#19 Confession I: !!! Actual storys crossing each other. I did think that it might be the father that was called in the tree episode but I didn’t remember the names. Nice. Although that whole cannibal thing did catch me off guard, there hasn’t really been anything like that so far, but I won’t complain.
#20 Desecrated Host II: love me some religious imagery with blood and parallelism to other things, in this case cannibalism. As soon as he said it was time for the Eucharist I knew that was it of course. So good. Don’t really get the relevancy of the name of the company that gave them the cloth, but maybe I’ll get it later?
#21 Freefall: excuse what was that end?? Here I am t marveling at the fact that John seems to maybe believe a bit of the statement and then it just cuts??? What did Martin find/bring??
#22 Colony: poor Martin, he sounds like such a sweetheart. Nice to John care at least somewhat. Who is this Jane Prentiss?? Didn’t they only mention her once at the beginning. Also interesting text, I’m sure that won’t come back to haunt us later on.
#23 Schawatzwald: ok so I had to go to the transcript of the episode to make some sense of what John says at the end, cause I was getting lost in between so many names. I do find it quite interesting that the Keay family and Magnus family (responsable for the founding of the institute) are so linked. I mean this is the third time that the name has popped up with a few months according to the timeline of the podcast, also they continue to be linked to books if I recall correctly. Does this have anything to do with the library of whomever that John is worried about? Are the eyes that Albrecht found on the tomb related to the cult that was mentioned? I’ll wait and see what becomes of that.
#24 Strange Music: ok definitely creepy but the overarching story is better. So the circus will definitely come into play later on given how John vaguely recalls the name. And also that they apparently have the cala-thing at the Archive. I would be worried about it but I think once they make it to the Institute they’ve already done what they needed to. Fun aside though I thought that John kinda recorded on like a room away from everyone else but this does seem to be the case if other employees can just jump in whenever cause they can hear him (what are John’s pronouns?? I’ll use him for now)
#25 Growing Dark: I knew that church/cult would come back. And I actually forgot that Gertrude's death was never actually specified, just "died in the line of work" or something, so I’m guessing right now it’s all gonna ramp up to how she died?
#26 A Distortion: ooooo more plot! So this Jane Prentiss is apparently dangerous and a mass of worms that is now stalking the team at the Institute. This not-Michael knows that something could happen to the archivist but there is a way to prevent it. It’s all coming together quite suddenly now but there are still many things floating around or missing
#27 A Sturdy Lock: John you’re finding empathy or something, how nice. Interesting story but it doesn’t particularly stand out
#28 Skintight: creepy though I have to say my favorite part is where you can hear characters interacting. You feel the glares they’re probably giving each other. Can’t say the name rings a bell right now but then again maybe it’s something for later
#29 Cheating Death: Not bad, had to listen again for how the exchange worked but still kinda cool. Hope the guy shows up again later on.
#30 Killing Floor: exactly as John said, more meat. Disorienting certainly and now it makes me want to see the actual process of meat plants.
#31 First Hunt: damn forget the statement I’m shocked by how defeated John sounds. Of course with everything going on who wouldn’t be. You’ve been told you and most of your time might die, your predecessor passed away under mysterious circumstances, your coworkers are being stalked by something dangerous and you can’t understand why. It’s all a bit much, but very interesting for me of course
#32 Hive: interesting and definitely laying groundwork for the story ahead. Again love how rattled John is at the end of the statement. He even breaks down a bit and admits that it doesn’t have a natural explanation.
#33 Boatswain's Call: omg are these comments from listeners from the show? The corrections from cases? How things are sometimes not clear? Also finally Tim! Is that the whole team? I think it is. Ok to the statement now. Very intriguing, again with the Lukas, the silence that follows them around and the mist.
#34 Anatomy Class: love how you can really instill horror with just descriptions and leaving some things to the imagination. That teeth-apple sounds horrifying, I hate it :). I imagine that the tidbit about placeholder name if for anyone that didn’t catch the John Doe and their dead stares. Although could these things be similar to that video recorder girl some episodes ago?
#35 Old Passages: okokok so now we’re actually starting to have all the details come together, but I’m still missing things. So this is Gerard Keay who knows many things from his mother, like the fact that Jorgun Lightbear(??) had books there. And it mentions some cases like the spiders, the burning feeling, the books from the mausoleum and by the end someone drops off a package for John, which I’m sure also happened in another statement. Also the worms/infestation is getting worse it seems. Also did the guy that dropped off the package sound like when you put together words from different videos?? Like he’s two different voices? Sounds weird
#36 Taken ill: ahhhhh you can’t leave me hanging like this!! What is that table? I can’t remember a table with a square hole. Although the zippo does feel familiar, didn’t someone have one but with an eye?
#37 Burnt Offering: ok so it was two men rather than just one, no wonder. And what’s with the table, is it because it’s related to a doppelgänger case? Poor Martin it’s not his fault. Knew it was Gertrude in the photo. Again, poor John he does indeed sound very tired of everything.
#38 Lost and Found: nice concept that it doesn’t just disappear things but it actually kinda erases they’re existence, could this be used with Janet if it were in the Archive? Also near the end of season 1, nice! Who needs sleep?
#39 Infestation: ????? Don’t leave me like that! Is this the end of Sasha? I liked her, hope we can her back. So is the table the one with the power to create not-people?
#40 Human Remains: ok love again the emotion and how you can tell each character by how they’re reaction to the situation and to John. Tim is obviously shaken up, can’t say I blame him. Elias is weirdly detached, I’m sure something will come from that. It’s not that he's malicious, but toned down, still you can tell he does care a bit, maybe. Martin is still a sweetheart and I love him a lot, great voice actor. I don’t like that we now have a Not-Sasha, I really liked her and worse is the fact that she managed to get the tape that has Sasha's experience, maybe because you can tell her mannerisms are different or for plot, either way not a fan. Poor John too, that can’t have been a pleasant experience and now he’s very shaken by everything, feels like he’s two second away from snapping. And the fact that one of the tapes missing is for the weird instrument does not sit right with me, then again that is the point. So I’m guessing next in the story is exploring these weird tunnels and see more threads start to connect with the rooms to be found there and what actually happened to Gertrude.
It’s been quite journey but I’m so glad I’ve finally given it a chance. It really has great narrative and voice acting and manages to keep you engaged with the mysteries. Loving it so far!!!
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OMg hi hello the art is of Gerard ‘Gerry’ Keay from The Magnus Archives which is a horror podcast :D
Also yes the eye tatts are very swag and fuck severely, he basically has eye tattoos on all his joints. He’s very gender to me <3
But thanks for the info! I should really listen to tma huh
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pokimoko · 3 years
Me, like 9 days ago: “You know what, I think I might check out The Magnus Archives. I’ve heard about it a bit over the years, and it’d be nice to indulge in a story with a canon ace character. I’m sure it’ll scare me a bit, but I don’t think I’ll get too emotionally attached or anything.”
Me, today, after finishing MAG 200:
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buildingbirbhouses · 3 years
So I finally finished that one podcast
I think this is one of those stories that I’m going to be thinking about until I die and I’m going to start with spoilery ranting in the tags sorry
#tma#this might be an unpopular opinion but: the ending was absolutely perfect#I've been trying nonstop to reverse engineer how and why it worked so well for me it's just. so good#like I have a hard time liking tragic endings sometimes because it's really easy for them to end up making it feel like character agency#and growth and struggle didn't really matter in the end but somehow my boy jonny pulled off this impossible beautiful trick where#the stakes were impossibly big and there was no way to win and everyone's fatal flaws got 'em in the end BUT#the very last choice that the characters had the power to make. in the middle of all this horrible huge uncaring awfulness. was this just.#painfully beautifully HUMAN choice to not be alone#it was this incredible crown jewel on the series-long character arc of the archivist getting more human as he gets less human yknow?#on the wider scale of the world it should have felt insignificant but y'all the WEIGHT that that had? the way that it Mattered so much?#shit's gonna haunt me. the magnus archives sure is a podcast huh#I'm still trying to put my finger on how and why it was so cathartic. like I was warned repeatedly that this show sure does have an ending#but when it happened I just felt. light#I realized that there were birds chirping in the background of the last scene and THAT is when I happycried#(which makes. no sense in the wider context of the world. like cosmically technically that's not *really* a good thing)#which comes back to!! when there are no good choices and no way to win and nothing you do will avoid causing more suffering!#letting the choice come down to one last tiny rebellious grab at human connection?? fuck y'all this shit is going to hAUNT ME I TELL YOU#also. you'll always get bonus points from me when the last shot of the horror movie implies that the spooky thing is still out there#and between the whole. yeet the tapes somewhere else and the fears will follow thing and the fact that the last lines of the whole thing#were. if anyone is listening to this I'm sorry and good luck#I'm listening to this ohoho the tapes have landed in MY universe ohohohoho well played#it's that creepypasta thing of like. Now that you've read this the curse has passed to you ooohoho spooky#I'm a big sucker for that. just a little creepy knock on the fourth wall. delightful#overly analytical rambling about podcasts on MY blog?? in the year of our lord 2021?? it's more likely than you'd think#the magnus archives#tma spoilers#<that should have come earlier but I was having a moment and I'm not retyping all of that ^ lets hope this hellsite doesn't still do the#thing where only the first few tags are search/blockable sorry
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 3 months
Like Real People Do
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/J7qlc8W by TJWritesStuff “Statements huh?” Martin said with a small noise, somewhere between a laugh and a sigh, “Even when you're sick? You do know what a break is- right Jon?” The archivist opened his eyes, shifting in his position into an awkward pose so he could look at Martin, “Despite popular belief, I do in fact know what a break is.” He went silent for a moment, before continuing, “I think- I’ve been away from them for too long, it’s taking its toll. I thought if I-” “You thought if you could read a few it would make you feel better?” Martin finished for him, voice kind, “That Ceaseless Watcher needs to calm down, you’re sick and can't help it.” --- OR Jon is a little sick, has statement withdrawals and is overall the most pathetic man in existence. Martin comes to check in on him Words: 4953, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, mentioned Martin Blackwood & Peter Lukas Additional Tags: Sickfic, Canon Divergent, set in s5 but if yk the world didnt literally end, Fluff, the absense of tea makes me VERY upset, Established Relationship, Lonely Avatar Martin Blackwood, Beholding Avatar Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, not how the lore works, you cant stop me from making stuff up, I REALLY DONT KNOW HOW TO TAG THIS read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/J7qlc8W
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theskymahtin · 4 years
hahaha so that whole part about the villagers blaming "outsiders" for the sickness that they're all struggling with and saying "they couldn't leave us well enough alone; they wanted what we have, our perfect peaceful life, and so they dragged their sickness here and damned us all" really hit home huh....... broadcast this nationwide, let the people become self aware,,,
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hopeheartfilia · 3 years
okay you know what, my favourite part about the magnus archives is recognising things correctly. every time i hear something i remember and i turn out to be right i get so excited. its not about anything but being hype everytime i realise someone is probably gerard keay, or Oh fuck a Johan Lightner book. I like getting stuff. knowing shit. understanding things. Or at least the illusion that i do.
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heir-of-the-chair · 4 years
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