#so what if I like the idea of couples abandoning their weddings to spend time together??? sue me
polyklok · 9 months
Hi! What's your HC for how each band member (and Charles too, if you can) would be like on their wedding day?
Ohmygosh I am such a sap, I’m having way too much fun with this prompt and I haven’t even started writing yet!
The Wedding Day
Nathan Explosion
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Leading up to the day, Nathan becomes more and more of a nervous wreck. He’s terrified of something going wrong, the day being completely ruined and you leaving him forever because of it. No matter how much you reassure him that you plan to marry him no matter what, he is dead set on making sure that the wedding will be perfect and that you’ll have the best day of your life. While metal and brutality are what he strives for most, he also has a sense of traditionalism that seeps into the wedding plans. He talks to his parents a lot during the whole process.
The morning of, he wakes up and is suddenly calm about the whole ordeal. His chest is bubbling with giddiness and he has a small smile that he can’t wipe off of his face as he begins to get ready. He’s excited to see you, to say his vows and to hear yours and put rings on each others fingers and become officially married. The word sounds really good to him.
Dethklok are his groomsmen, with Pickles as his best man. You’ve already been in their favor for a long time, so they’re equally excited on Nathan’s behalf. The dressing room is loud and crowded, but he lets the chaos roll off his back as he thinks about spending the rest of his life with you.
Eventually, he’s suited up and the guests have poured in. Shortly before the ceremony, he’s with his dad, who is making small adjustments to Nathan’s appearance and pumping him up for finalizing the greatest decision he’ll ever make.
“Ready, son? This is it.”
“Fuck yeah.”
The ceremony is fairly large; Klokateers line the walls, he’s facing all the friends and family that could’ve possibly been invited, his bandmates are behind him. But he’s only wanting to see you. He can’t possibly take much longer, he feels like the butterflies are gonna rip out of his gut and start devouring the guests. Suddenly, music starts playing, and he laser-focuses on the aisle.
You’re gorgeous. Everything about you; perfect. You’re glowing from the inside-out. Nathan doesn’t even notice the hot tears that begin to stream down his face, he’s entranced. As soon as you reach him, he takes your hand into his and squeezes them like he’ll never let go. His lips move like he wants to say something, but he simply cannot find the words to describe how brutally in-love he is. His head is dizzy with happiness.
He doesn’t even hear what the officiant is saying. When the time for vows come he just…shakes his head, keeping eye contact with you. You giggle, the guests chuckle. Don’t worry, you’ll get to see what he had planned to say later, and it’s very sweet. But Nathan can’t bring himself to say a whole speech right now. He just wants to kiss you.
And, boy, does he kiss you! Nathan’s kiss is hot and passionate and you feel like you would fall off the edge of the world if it weren’t for his right grasp. Nathan feels a lot of intense emotions, many of which he keeps bottled up. But when he kisses you on your wedding day, you can suddenly feel all of them and it’s wonderful.
After the ceremony, Nathan is thrilled to be married to you, it’s adorable. He does his best to compress it down for pictures, purely for image’s sake (these are the photos that are gonna be shared publicly, after all). In most photos, he holding you with his signature pissed-off expression. But there’s a few with a glimpse of his eager smile.
After photos? He’s completely loose. Nathan is an absolute goofball when in the right mood, and being married to the person he loves most definitely does the trick. He stuffs his face, drinks a drink or three, laughs loudly at Pickles’ best man speech, and doesn’t even complain when his parents embarrass the hell out of him.
The dance you two share is a bit clumsy, his feet taking random steps as he presses his forehead into yours. You both incomprehensibly compliment each other and exchange various, “I love you”s. But none of it needs to be said; Staring in each other’s eyes like this already makes it the best day of your life.
Soon after the height of the party, Nathan gives a half-assed goodbye to his band and his parents in order to drag you to the limo that’s already waiting outside, getting an early start on your honeymoon.
Pickles the Drummer
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I’ll be honest; Pickles is not sure if this whole thing was ever a good idea. His proposal was last-minute and completely unplanned. He is constantly changing his mind, keeping you on edge. One minute, he’s infatuated with the idea of holy matrimony. The next, he’s saying he just wants to get hitched in Vegas. The next, he‘s calling the whole thing off. He knows that he loves you and he wants you to be happy but…it’s a big commitment. Especially for someone like Pickles. Please be patient with him.
But the date, despite the pushbacks, finally arrives. He hardly sleeps the night before. He convinces you to stay with him until the last minute, afraid he’s gonna scare himself into running off. He lays in bed for a solid hour after waking up, just letting your sleeping form cling to him. He desperately wants a drink and he hates himself for it. The only thing keeping him from spiraling is your warm weight and the pace of your breathing.
The morning is slow and heavy as the two of you get ready. You ask him a few times if he’s okay and he always says “Yeh, ‘m gud” despite the look on his face; scared and unfocused. You don’t push it. Instead, you give him a kiss on the cheek before you leave to get into your outfit.
Despite the coaxing from you and Dethklok and even Charles; Pickles had invited his family, at the very last second he possibly could have. And they show up pissed. His father is silently judgmental, his mother is nagging, and his brother is all kinds of rude. The ceremony hasn’t even started but they’re already on his ass about everything they can think of. He’s nauseous with anxiety, desperately trying to block out their voices. Nathan has to drag them away when Seth makes on a comment on you, seeing how Pickles was one second away from beating the shit out of him again.
So his wedding starts with Pickles in a miserable mood. He just wants the day to be over. He’s at the altar, avoiding eye contact with his mom and sweating bullets. When you do finally make your way down the aisle, he gives you a small smile. He feels guilty for being so overwhelmed with dread rather than happiness. At the very least, he does think you look amazing, even if it’s hard to tell beneath his unease.
You can see him shaking, trying hard to not hyperventilate. When the officiant asks if anyone objects, he squeezes your hands and his eyes dart over to his family. Luckily, they stay silent. And so, you’re married. Once Pickles kisses you, there a small moment where he’s calm again. He’s attached to you by the lips, the warm sensation of love pouring over him, the same love that made him propose in the first place.
Until it ends. He suddenly hears the cheering, realizes that the two of you are surrounded by people and he immediately looks to his parents, mortified by their unimpressed faces. You take his hand with you, back down the aisle as he stutters an apology for looking like an idiot.
But you don’t go back to the dressing room. Instead, you drag him right out of the venue and push him into a car.
“Wha’dder doin, babe?”
“Getting you outta here.”
You ditch the wedding. You’re already married, there’s no point in staying there just so he can stew in his anxiety. For a few moments of the car ride, he still afraid that you’re mad at him for not being more enthusiastic about the ceremony. But he eventually relaxes and thanks you, at ease for the first time in weeks. Later, there will be a huge freak out and Charles will berate you for leaving so suddenly. But right now, you pick up some fast food and hit up a random park. The two of you take some edibles he conveniently had in his suit pocket and spend the rest of the night eating and cuddling under the moonlight.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
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The day Skwisgaar proposed to you was magical. It was romantic, it was beautiful, he was vulnerable and extremely sweet. After? Nothing. He was still your Skwisgaar, affectionate with you and ever-so-slightly teasing. There were no changes to him. But he had practically no involvement in the wedding planning, never even brought it up. When you asked for his input on something, he always told you do to do what you want. Even on inviting his mother;
“If you thinks she shoulds be theres.”
The only thing he actively contributed was picking his clean, white suit, which Charles had to nag him into doing last minute. The night before, you asked if he even wanted to do it at all, since he was so aloof about it. He gave you a simple,
“Ofs course I does.”
The day comes. Skwisgaar wakes up with a heavy weight on his chest. He really does want to marry you. He’s changed a lot about himself and his lifestyle in order to be committed to you, and he is happy about it. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him, better than the thousands of groupies he used to occupy himself with. But the word ‘Husband’ used to be something to mock in his eyes, a lame dildo who’s given up in life and probably isn’t even happy. But that’s about to be him, your husband. He isn’t upset, but it’s a strange thing to become someone you once despised.
So, as he gets ready and as his groomsmen tease him mercilessly for his dedication to you, he’s quiet and neutral. Even for Dethklok, it’s hard to tell what he’s feeling at he moment, but he shows no signs of backing out, so they continue on.
Once he’s in position, Skwisgaar sees what you’ve been working on for the past several months. And it’s gorgeous, you did a wonderful job. The guest list was very minimal, a detail he greatly appreciates. He briefly scans over them, but stops once he spots blonde hair the same color as his own. Then, he focuses on the aisle, waiting for you, keeping his head clear from the awful clouds of thoughts that he doesn’t want to hear right now.
You walk down, the two of you make hard, intimate eye contact. His first thought is that you are the most beautiful anyone has ever been, especially for him, and he can’t believe you’re real. His second thought is how wonderful you’d look if all the clothing were to be removed. His third thought is praying that the intense ache on his eyes don’t spill over into tears.
He says his vows quietly, speaking to you in a hushed tone. He couldn’t care less about the small crowd watching him as his life permanently changes, he prefers if they didn’t hear him anyway. This is for you and him exclusively. And when he kisses you…
Skwisgaar has a horrible tendency to always leave you wanting for more. He’s an absolutely addictive kisser and it’s completely unfair to you. Your wedding kiss is no different. He gives a light chuckle when you follow his lips as he pulls away. He decides to keep the gesture quite conservative for now. Don’t worry, you’ll get plenty more later.
From then on, he’s attached to you. He doesn’t leave your side for a second, completely ignoring the guests just to stare at you with a refreshing, loving gaze in his eyes. While drinking champagne, cutting the cake, listening to speeches; you’re the only thing occupying his world that day.
He says very little until your first dance, in which he thanks you for all the work you put in. But really, he would’ve been happy next to a dumpster. He leans his close, lips grazing your ear, and whispers exactly how he’s going to thank you later when the two of you are alone. Even as your husband, Skwisgaar is a man of seduction and absolute tease.
Toki Wartooth
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He bought a ring, like, a month into seeing you and had to be tied down by Charles just so he wouldn’t immediately propose. Toki LOVES the idea of marriage and goes to ask you as soon as his manager is sure that you won’t accidentally tear apart the band. There are no words to describe how absolutely giddy he is to be your husband, he counts down the days every single morning.
Unfortunately, he’s sort of awful at planning. He has so many ideas that are a messy collision of traditional, brutal, and decora aesthetics and he’s constantly spouting them off to you. It’s gonna take a while to find some balance so your wedding doesn’t immediately cause a seizure to anyone in the vicinity. The day before, he gives you hundreds of kisses, squealing and giggling about how happy he is and how wonderful it’s all going to be.
The two of you separate that night, wanting to get ready individually so you can do a ‘first-look’ before the ceremony. Unfortunately, it has been a very long time before Toki has had to sleep in a bed without you and he is forced to remember how cold it can be. He barely sleeps, staring at the ceiling, desperately missing you as his heart pounds with anticipation to marry you.
Turns out, not sleeping before your wedding day isn’t a great idea. The entire morning, he’s sporadically dozing off, needing to be herded around by Dethklok so he can get ready. The whole day is spent with him either smiling like a huge goofball or half-asleep as he showers, eats breakfast, gets his hair done, and suits up.
At some point, he hears that his parent/s didn’t actually show up, despite being invited. His chest buzzes with the usual strange feelings he gets whenever talking about his family, but he pushes foreword. Never was there a groom so determined.
As he waits at the alter, he’s bouncing on his heels, fidgeting with his hands, grinning so hard his face hurts. He’s dreamed about his wedding day for years and years, in love with his soon-to-be spouse before he even met you, and the best moment of his life is mere seconds away from happening. What would happen next, after his happily-ever-after? He doesn’t know, but he’s happy to spend it with you.
And here you come. The music plays, you walk down the aisle…Toki is easily prone to sobbing, but he has never ‘happy-cried’ until this moment. It’s almost concerning, how shaky he is with pure, unfiltered joy. The last thing you need is for your husband to spontaneously combust.
While Toki had put a lot of thought and effort into writing his vows, they’re practically out the window. He slips in a few preplanned lines, but he mostly rambles about how glorious being in love is and how wonderful you are, slipping between Norwegian and English and laughing at himself the whole way through. It’s a messy speech, but it’s one full of passion.
He kisses you a minimum of three times, each more lovely than the last as your guests clap and cheer. You’re lifted and twirled all the way to the car meant to take you to the reception, squeezed into the back seat as he attacks you with affection.
At this point, Toki had been running on adrenaline and very short power-naps the entire day. He’s still flooded with delight to finally, officially, be yours but he has never been one to run well on sleep deprivation. His head slowly leans into your collarbone, humming through his comfortable smile and looking up at you lovingly with half-shut eyes.
“Toki, are you alright?”
He yawns through his words, half-heartedly insisting that he can enjoy the rest of the evening just fine but not objecting when you tell the driver to just head to the hotel and tell Charles about the change of plans. It’s not long before the both of you are passed out and tangled within each other, your outfits only half-removed before the sun has even set.
William Murderface
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William had never thought he’d get married. At some points, he thought that love was simply not for him, that he was forever to be unwanted. But even has you entered his life, took over his heart and made him realize that he was worth something…it still never crossed his mind. It seemed like something that cliché assholes do just to prove a point. It took a lot of work from the both of you for him to truly believe that you cared; what did a dumb certificate have to prove after all this time?
Several years into your relationship, and the two of you have fallen into a comfy routine, both brutally thrilling and cozily domestic. He’s not only in love, but living in long-term happiness. It’s bliss. Until, at some social event that he was only attending out of requirement, some random dildo insists that it’s really about the time you two get married.
You laugh it off and Murderface promptly tells the guy to suck his dick, mostly out of instinct. But later, when you’ve practically forgotten, the concept is still on William’s mind. Was it about that time? Would two little rings really transform his relationship, one of the greatest things to ever happen to him, to something more sacred? Did you want to? You seemed to brush it away so easily earlier…would you not be willing to marry him?
You notice his behavior change over the course of a few days, clearly pondering something deeply but unwilling to tell you what. It isn’t until a very late night, when you’re already in bed with him, eyes closed and brain only half-on;
“Would you wanna get married?”
“To me. If I aschked, would you schay yesch and marry me?”
“Sure, Hun. I’ll marry you.”
Two weeks later, he is stationed in the middle of Mordhaus’ living room, wearing clothes that are only slightly nicer than his usual.
Pickles, once again, asks him if he’s only doing this to prove some dumb point. William, once again, tells Pickles to fuck off. Nathan, as his best man, pokes him in the back and says he could’ve made the ceremony a bit nicer at the very least. William insists that the both of you liked this way best.
Skwisgaar is lounged on the couch, guitar in lap as he begins to strum the first song that comes to mind. Toki enters and haphazardly throws around some rice he recently hijacked from the kitchen. You follow, also in slightly-nicer-clothing, and holding one of Murderface’s many knives rather than a bouquet. The smile on your face is the brightest he’s ever seen and everything feels right to him.
Charles reads from a document he had just printed out that morning. With you looking into his eyes at this very moment, William is baffled at how he could’ve possibly waited this long to do the bare minimum of marrying you. Because he wouldn’t want it any other way. With Charles’ short, law-required speech done, he declares the two of you a wedded couple.
The kiss is intense, wrapped fully into each other as the commitment is finalized. There’s a brief amount of clapping from Dethklok and the surrounding Klokateers, but the celebrations last less than an hour before you and Murderface are shoved onto a plane for your honeymoon.
The first few days in Las Vegas are a blur of alcohol, drugs, gambling, and intense sex. The next few days are spent with long, romantic moments, intimate conversations, sensual cuddling and…still lots of sex. William practically melts every time you acknowledge him as your new husband.
It was rushed, it was messy, it resulted in rice being vacuumed out of the living room carpet for months and the biggest blackout of your life…but your wedding day was nothing short of perfect.
Bonus: Charles
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I’m doing a rush job of this because I’m still not 100% sold on his businussy
I think you would originally get married in bare-minimal circumstances, probably for potential tax benefits or political reasons. Either way, he slips a plain band ring on your finger and gives you a brief kiss. It’s less than a romantic gesture and more like a business deal.
Later on, as the two of you grew closer than he has with anybody else, he realizes just how improper your official wedding really was. So he conducts that a proper one be planned. It’s much more extravagant and he splurges to make sure you get everything you want.
That’s all I have to say about that it is 3 Am I am so sorry offdensen simps love you
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atom-writings · 3 months
hello! how would netherlands, luxembourg and russia like to spend their honeymoon with their s/o? or, what would the wedding look like?
hetalia netherlands, luxembourg, and russia wedding / honeymoon headcanons
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0.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: guys im trying to get back on schedule :sob: i have asks from almost a year im so sorry
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When it comes to Abel, neither his wedding nor honeymoon would be big.
For the wedding, there’s no more than, like, 5 people invited. He would’ve preferred a sudden in-and-out wedding if it weren’t for how public it was, regardless of how un-romantic it is for you.
Instead, you can invite people if you want, and you’ll be having a quick, private ceremony in the woods. Probably only with nothing, except like, 2 chairs for “an emergency” (He won’t elaborate on that.)
He also wouldn’t dress up either way, unless it were vitally important to you. He wants to be as true to who he is when he vows to be with you for as long as you live, and he is not a tuxedo guy.
Weirdly enough, it’s how much he cares about the wedding that makes him so weird about it. It’s very important to him, and that means everything has to be as authentic and intimate as possible. So, that means a weird awkward wedding.
Of course, that’s just if he gets his way. But he’s surprisingly lenient with his S/O with most things (as long as it’s not too expensive.)
For future reference, he is most susceptible to puppy dog eyes and “pretty please.”
As for the honeymoon, there’s no way he’s putting any effort into it. You can plan it, but he’s not paying and he’s not helping you guys get there. His ideal honeymoon is a night in and watching a movie he pirated, but whatever you want is fine too.
What he wants to do though is a lot of cliche boring stuff, like going sightseeing, hiking, and visiting museums. Notice how all of it is free? That’s the main idea here. Although, he does love camping regardless of how cheap it ends up being. Lets him show you how much of a man he is <3
He’s not travelling though. Leaving the country is out of the question. The important part already happened, why are you making such a big deal out of it?!
The exact opposite. Laurent is renting out a significant chunk of his capital city to throw the biggest, most extravagant, most expensive modern wedding in the world! He may be a busy man, but he’s always willing to put away plenty of time for his beloved.
If you like planning events, you two will work together for many months making sure everything is perfect. But if you don’t, he’ll take it all on himself to ensure everything goes perfectly.
But with that, he’ll become really stressed. He wouldn’t snap at you (because after all, it is all for you,) but he’s no fun when he’s that worked up. It’s better if you help.
Especially since he wants your wedding to have great symbolic meaning. Having it represent the shared vision of your future together is his first- well… second priority.
The honeymoon afterwards would be much the same, although he also wouldn’t want to travel too far. Once the spectacle is over, he just appreciates the excuse to do nothing but spend time with you without any pressure.
Preferably trying a bunch of new food, going shopping, and going to stereotypical couple-y activities, like dance classes.
He may seem upbeat, but Laurent is surprisingly melancholic around the time of your wedding. For as excited as he is (which is very,) he can’t help but feel worried about how much time he’ll have with you.
But it shouldn’t get him down too much. He's still riding the high of seeing you in your wedding attire <3
Ivan would want a very, very, very traditional Russian wedding if you’d be fine with that. Unlike a lot of other nations, he’s never been married before, so he’s very stressed about getting to do every single thing he never got to before.
You’d swear he abandoned you for months before the wedding as he’s panickedly running around the country trying desperately to throw everything together. Half the ceremonies he wants to do haven’t been done for centuries, and he really doesn’t understand why he can’t have live cannon fire at his wedding!
Maybe just pat him on the head and tell him you’ll love him even if you can’t sacrifice 20 goats during the ceremony.
But once the stress (and awkwardness as all of his former friends are forced to attend,) is over, he’s whisking you away for a months-long vacation. Preferably somewhere bright and warm but really; he doesn’t care where you want to go, anywhere is alright, as long as it’s far away from everything you two have to worry about regularly.
His favourite things to do with you while on vacation are really stereotypical, like going to the beach, going to scenic locations, and falling into every tourist trap.
He tries to be as romantic as possible through all of that, but he can’t help being awkward and giddy after you two are finally married.
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angryschnauzer · 8 months
I realised two months have gone by since i last updated you all, i'm not even sure if anyone is interested anymore. I know i haven't been on much, perhaps sporadically coming on and mindlessly reblogging Henry stuff just for a little escape, but its intermittent at best. I had hoped to be back to writing by now, but life is still a huge pile of shit.
I'm run ragged trying to pay the bills. My wedding decorations business is halfway between slow and dead; the cost of living crisis means weddings aren't really happening, and if they are most of the items i do people are making themselves. My side gig in ebay flipping is quiet too but at least its trickling by. I don't mention this much as people get a lot of abuse over 'thrift store flippers' (Charity Shop resellers here in the UK), but right now its what's keeping my family fed. I buy clothing for £1 from the stinky dregs bin in a charity shop, wash it, mend it, resell it for £4. I'm not making millions or even thousands. I'm lucky if i'm bringing in £150 a week which barely covers our weekly food shop. Its draining that when i do eventually mention this to my friends they immediately start moaning at me that i'm the one 'ruining' charity shops and why its pushing the prices up. But when i calmly tell them its that or i don't eat they go quiet. I'm not the one pushing a 2nd hand coat for £25 which was only £20 brand new which most high street charity shops are doing. Do i like doing this? No. Do i have to? Yes. Because i sure as ain't cute enough for onlyfans.
But the majority of my time over the last couple of months has been spent caring for our son. He's 8 and has type 1 diabetes, and since school started back in September one little shit in his class has spent every waking moment bullying him. This little shit has been stabbing my son with pencils, poking him in the kidneys with whatever he has to hand, laughing and sneering at him at every opportunity even when he's just walking past. Having the adrenaline and cortisol in my son's bloodstream affects how his insulin works, and he builds up an insulin resistance because of all the other hormones in his bloodstream. I've had so many meetings with the school, and have had to get the board of governors involved because when your 8 year old kid says quietly to you "It would be better if i wasn't alive as then *Little Shit* wouldn't be able to bully me" your heart breaks into pieces.
He needs my support more than anything, so every single other thing has been put by the wayside. And its tough. He acts out at home, messes around with his dinner because he feels he needs to be able to control something, but that in turn messes up insulin dosing so i'm spending half the night dealing with highs and lows for his blood sugars. I get at most 5 hours sleep a night.
I have no more energy left. I'm not eating, because i just can't stomach it. I'm 43 and hitting menopause, but my doctor doesn't want to know because "You just need to loose some weight" (don't get be started on fat bias from the NHS).
So i'm filling my time with volunteering at school so i can be 'around' for my Little Dude. He knows that if he's having an awful day, he will find me in the office sorting through paperwork for our next fundraiser. Its not what i want to be doing, but its what i need to be doing.
One day i hope to get back to my writing. I miss being creative and i hate that i have so many stories part written/published. As the months tick by i actually end up seeing stories written by others that have the same characters/plotlines. This is no-ones fault that two stories exist on the same synopsis, it would just seem that they and I have taken the same inspiration from media at some point. But it makes me scared that if i now publish a story i started 2 years ago, i'll be accused of stealing an idea. I don't know what to do. So i just leave my WIP folder abandoned.
For everyone that has stayed with me thank you. For those that have moved onto pastures new, i wish you well and hold no malice.
I do love you all
Mama Schnauz
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Heal My Wounds
Horror Movie Marathon (part 31)
Rhea Ripley x Reader
Summary: You are in a toxic relationship with an abusive man but manage to run away. A tall, black haired woman picks you up from the streets just in time so your ex doesn't get you. But who is she and why does she seem so familiar to you? As you get to know each other you start to notice weird feelings you never had before whenever she's around.
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"Hey Rhea, there's a package for you" you shout in the direction of the living room. "Did you order anything?" you ask and hear her hurrying towards you.
"Yes, yes don't open it!" she says and takes the package. "Okay okay, chill" you giggle and she pecks your cheek. "any plans for today?" you want to know.
"none that I'm aware of but we still got a lot to do" Rhea states. "ye.. True.. God why does planing a wedding have to be so.. Ugh.. Stressful" you huff and walk back into the living room.
Your girlfriend laughs and goes to hide the package in her closet. She didn't order anything except the tailor made suit, so it had to be that.
She comes back to you and sits down on the couch next to you. "Okay, let's get some sort of organization in all of this. We'll start with choosing a location, okay?" she looks at you and you hum in agreement.
"Do you wanna go for a more private wedding or make it public in like the arena or so, having all the fans watch you know?" Rhea asks. "I'm not such a big fan of big crowds so I'd be thankful if we keep it fairly private" you chuckle nervously.
"Okay, uhm.. I know we're both not very religious and stuff, but what if we do it in an abandoned church or so and make it all spooky?" Rhea seems pretty excited about this idea of hers.
"well, it would be a very unusual and unique wedding, I'm in!" you grin at her.
You keep setting plans for another two hours before making a quick break to get something to eat and then continue. You didn't think that planning something this serious could actually be this much fun.
At the end you both were pretty tired and exhausted but happy. It was totally worth the effort, at least if it turns out the way you want it to. But that was a problem for tomorrow, for now you've had enough and decide to chill for the rest of the day.
Either spend some couple time or invite the boys over to play some video games. You weren't completely sure yet.  
"Okay, so Finn just texted me, asking if we wanna hang out today as it's his last free day before he has to leave for a match" Rhea says.
"Sure, why not. Wanna invite all of them and make a horror movie marathon?" you smirk at her. "What's gotten into you lately? You're so hyped for horror stuff it's scaring me" your girlfriend laughs.
She quickly messages the boys about your plans and soon enough you were all settled onto the couch, cuddled up together under some blankets. Rhea on the outside, you next to her, Damian in the middle and then Dominik with Finn on the other outside.
You decided to start with the Conjuring series as it wasn't thaat creepy. You spent your hours, watching the movies, ordering and eating pizza in between and cuddling closer even more as you and Dom were little scaredy-cats.
It eventually got so late that your friends decided to stay the night. The couch was only big enough for two people, so Dominik slept in the bed with you and Rhea.
Part 31, I have only one more part planned, any ideas for more stories?
Taglist:@babybatlover @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thatonepansexual2000 @nox-fire
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desertfangs · 1 year
DA here, oddly specific poll for the ages!!! I mean the dancer thing lives in a penthhouse in my mind rent free because that's a WHOLE person they took care of for an undefined period of time like... what did he look like? what was the nature of their relationship with him? did they have any memorable nights out together? have they kept in touch with him or attempted to track him down in modern times? I have SO many questions. Anne was wild for that. But also! Armand gifting Daniel expensive jewerly, diamond tiara included (imagine Armand putting in on Daniel's head for the first time), them collecting "specimens" (I'm guessing animals/insetcs/spiders of some sort? plants?) and microscopes and obsessing over them, them just randomly interviewing people on the street (an overly excited teenager and a young reporter stop you in the middle of the street and start asking you insane questions?? for seemingly no reason??), Armand filming all kinds of weird shit ahem 👀🔥, them hanging out in Latin America for a while, going to fortune tellers/tea readers(?) in NYC... it just goes on and on and on jfc chapter of all time😭 
Oh my gosh, right, it really is a The Chapter of All Time. I fully admit I crowd-sourced some of the options for the poll and there are so many that I might have to do a second one!
The Dancer thing is so wild to me. It's just this throw away line and yet it could mean so many different things! Was it just some dancer they financially supported, Armand leaving envelopes of cash on their doorstep? Was this person a friend who hung out with them sometimes?
I'll tell you, I think it was someone who ran in the same social circles and I like that idea because as hectic and chaotic as their life together was during those years, I absolutely believe they had social circles in the art scene, people they routinely saw at galas and shows, people whose parties they attended, bars they frequented enough to be regulars. I spend so much time thinking about the connections they made, and even if they kept people at a distance, imagine the number of lives impacted? Of people who knew Armand and Daniel as that slightly odd couple who love art and music and conversation, even if one of them is often sneaking off to smoke a joint or hit the bar? I definitely think they left their mark. (And imagine how many of those people read QotD and thought like... how funny, aren't they like that couple we used to know who ran all over the city to see all of our art shows? I wonder if the author knows them?)
But that dancer, oi! That has kept me up at night for sure.
The tiara thing is so funny, I like to picture Daniel wearing it around for the rest of the night before he has to turn it in for cash. And like at that point, Daniel had been existing with and living with a vampire for what, 6-7 years? Like it's hardly the weirdest thing ever but having your boyfriend hand you priceless works of art and piles of jewels so you can fence them during the day... Daniel deserves whatever wedding ring Armand gets him post-canon.
The specimens and the science stuff is gold too! We talk a lot about Armand and gadgets but what about Armand and entomology and astronomy? Daniel and Armand did so much weird science! The camera thing is so funny too, like what I would pay to see those tapes (not even necessarily the smutty ones... but I'd also like to see those, thanks! 🥵) Just the idea of them standing on the street corner interviewing strangers and Daniel being like "I used to do this a job and now it's my immortal boyfriend's hobby." I think he enjoyed it though. Honestly I think Daniel enjoyed most of this stuff and had a blast with him, and it's part of why Daniel loves him.
The South America stuff too! The treasure hunting! The mansion in Florida they abandoned for the Night Island. All brilliant tidbits.
You could write a hundred fics to try and flesh all this stuff out and never be done. How Anne managed to pack so much into those pages is a mystery and an incredible feat for sure!
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juneandnick · 2 years
5x05 : Fairytale (My POV)
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Lily explains to June, Luke and Moira: Our friendly is right there in No Man's Land but he cannot get across. Canadian Border Patrol's really stepped up. Luke surprises everybody saying: I am going across. June looks at him and shakes her head worriedly but he insists. Then she seems to be looking at him with wonderment and declares: I am going with you. Which does not seem to enchant Moira.
After S4E10, I think we all wanted to see more of the badass couple what are June and Nick. Especially after this powerful kiss in the woods in front of Fred. But it seems, the writers tried something with June and Luke. The idea is less appealing.
As night falls, June begins to have flashbacks, remembering the day she ran into the forest with Hannah to escape the Gilead guardians. It seems like last time, they have nothing to defend themselves. It is as if they had learned nothing.
In the early morning, still in the forest, June and Luke meet a guardian and follow him to his hideout: A bowling alley. They exchange backpacks and talk about plums. We learn that they are like princesses. Subtle wink to the episode's title.
Surreal scene: Luke and the young guardian enjoy bowling. Which worries June since the two men are not discreet. I do not know how old is Jayden. But is he supposed to be the same age when Nick was "recruited" by Sons of Jacob (SOJ)?
What is wrong with Luke? Lily told them: No name. Names are dangerous. This guy does not listen to anything. Although I agree that Jayden seems harmless but the instructions were clear. For safety, no name. Is it too complicated?
Luke sits at the keyboard, he tries first Yankee Doodle, then O Susanna before Let's Stay Together. A statement to June: Loving you. Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad. Could this be some sort of reminder of wedding vows? It is true that the lyrics were written by Al Green, a pastor. But it reminds me: For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish ...
Maybe it is also a parallel with S4E06, when in a flashback Luke tries to reassure June: You are not gonna disappoint me. I will just love whoever you turn out to be.
June is through by a kaleidoscope of emotions and feelings. But I notice something, when he sings the line: And I want to spend my life with you. She lowers the eyes and her head. She does not really seem to share the same feeling. And she seems to feel guilty. That is when Luke gets up and invites her to dance.
Interesting fact about the Christmas lights thanks to Resistancerising56.
Hand in hand, in the middle of the night, June and Luke follow Jayden into the woods which brings them closer to the border. Unfortunately, the latter steps on a mine and loses his leg. If they try to help the young man, June and Luke abandon him when guardians approach. They run but they get caught…
Elisabeth Moss says: I think there was a period where June was not the June that Luke married. They do not reconnect like they were in the past. They connect again in the present. The worst is to hear Moira saying to Lily: June and Luke do not quit. Through all the shit they have been through, they just keep fighting for each other.
I find it surprising that they found the need to show us footage of June and Nick at the end of the video below. Except they cannot ignore what the fans really want.
In a prediction, NickJuneSource had guessed perfectly a part of the story:
We think it is possible that June and Luke will briefly reconnect and have a few charmed moments, possibly because Luke is becoming braver and being more rebellious. But fairytales are not real and so reality will come crashing down.
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Call me crazy lol. Here are the ingredients of a fairytale in this episode and not only.
- A forest: Which June and Luke across,
- A house / A hiding place: The bowling alley,
- One or more villains: People working for Wheelers, the protesters in Canada,
- Songs: Luke at the piano,
- Characters rarely have names: Lily said No name. Names are dangerous,
- The transition from child to adult: With Hannah who is now a plum,
- Magic items: Could it be the USB key?
- A witch: Serena,
- A fairy: Holly is in Canada with Rita who is her godmother,
- The innocence: Jayden,
- Above the counter where they rented the shoes we can read: "Kingsway Family",
- A castle where terror reigns: Where June and Luke will be detained in S5E06,
- A Prince Charming: Nick who kisses his Sleeping Beauty in S5E10.
Music by Adam Taylor
- June Remembers Hannah ❤️
- Captive Children ❤️
Source Pictures: Screenshots (by me)
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
Abandoned (Jay Park AU)
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- Torn -
Sophia saw the candid photos of Jay and the woman from the wedding party in the newspaper first thing in the morning and instantly became furious. How did she ever think she could be someone special to Jay? The man obviously didn’t care about her feelings at all.
“Good morning.”
Ho-Seok’s soft kiss on her cheek brought her back to reality. It had only been a couple hours since Sophia received Jay’s text. Her phone lit up in the middle of the night and her heart raced knowing it could only be him. But his text immediately put out the fire the mere thought of him had ignited in her.
Where are we with our project?
Sophia scoffed and put the newspaper down, rushing to get her husband a cup of coffee. Ho-Seok wasn’t a project to her. Not anymore, at least.
“Did you wake up with a temper today?”
Ho-Seok chuckled as he watched his wife’s expression. Silently, Sophia opened the newspaper in front of him.
“He’s running the business to the ground and all he cares about is his girlfriend.”
Ho-Seok stared at Sophia intently before he broke out in loud laughter.
“Relax! Running the business to the ground? Who told you that?”
“Dohyun. You met him at the wedding party.”
“Lim Dohyun?”
“Yes, we keep in touch.”
Sophia was expecting a follow-up question but was relieved when Ho-Seok didn’t press her on.
“Instead of uniting the family and expand the business, instead of reaching out to you and your father with ideas for a cooperation, he spends his days going on dates. How pathetic!”
“Whoa! Cut the guy some slack! He’s been single his whole life. Now he finally met someone he wants to spend time with.”
“Since when are you on his side?”
“Since I got married. I guess I became soft and want others to experience love too!”
Love? Jay? Sophia never thought about the possibility of him falling in love with that woman. Was that what was happening? Sophia couldn’t ignore the sting she felt in her chest.
“Whatever. Not our problem, right?”
Ho-Seok met with his father later that day, surprised when the old man started talking about Jay and the woman he had been photographed with.
“Do you know her?”
“I know of her, but we’ve been met. Is the interrogation over?”
Ho-Seok’s father raised his arms up defensively and quickly changed the subject. After their meeting ended and his son had left, Sang-Woo pulled his phone out, making a call.
“Well done. I know my son and daughter-in-law will be dinning out tonight, why don’t you convince Jaebum to take you out to dinner as well? I’ll text you with the exact location as soon as I know.”
Sophia was looking forward to dinner. Ho-Seok surprised her with a new dress and took her out to the fanciest restaurant in Seoul. She was about to take a sip of her champagne when she saw two figures approaching. Instantly, her mood shifted.
“What a surprise! Mind if we join you?”
Ho-Seok looked at his wife who just shrugged, so he pointed to the empty chairs. Jay and his date sat down and the female introduced herself.
“I’m Bora.”
Sophia was initially very uncomfortable. On top of having her romantic dinner crashed, it was none other than Jay and this woman who disturbed their peace. Still, she put on a smiling face and cozied up to her husband, demonstratively putting her hand in his.
She could see Jay’s anger rising and continued to pay attention to her husband only.
“So what do you do, Bora?”
“I’m a curator.”
Sophia nodded politely but found Jay’s date shallow, boring and unappealing, wondering how Jay ended up with someone like her.
After dinner, Sophia ordered an espresso while Ho-Seok absentmindedly caressed her face. It drove Jay crazy that’s why Sophia smiled affectionately every time Ho-Seok’s fingertips made contact with her skin.
“Babe, do you want to share a dessert?”
She proceeded to ask Ho-Seok, loud enough for their company to hear.
“No, you have it all. I know how you won’t be satisfied if you don’t have dessert.”
“We can have dessert later. At home!”
Bora drew in a sharp breath, while Jay cleared his throat but the two lovebirds seemed immersed in their own world.
Sophia could tell by Ho-Seok’s genuine smile that he cared a lot about her. Something resonated in her, maybe she would just stay married to Ho-Seok and try to influence him in a positive way rather than manipulate him.
“I think we will call it a night.”
Ho-Seok announced, helping Sophia get up. Together they walked out, leaving a perplexed Bora and a fuming Jay back.
At home they quickly got rid of their clothes and almost didn’t make it to the bedroom before Sophia hungrily jumped on Ho-Seok’s lap with him lining his erection in front of her entrance.
Exhausted but delighted, Sophia later rolled off Ho-Seok, still panting.
Her husband laughed nervously and playfully hit her arm.
“Much better than dessert, huh? And you don’t gain calories.”
Sophia propped her head up in the palm of her hand, intently looking at Ho-Seok. She would be lying to herself if she claimed to be unaffected by his charm. He was attentive, loyal and caring, every woman would fall for him, Sophia was no different.
“I love you!”
They said almost in unison, and laughed, pulling the covers over their bodies, gearing up for round two.
A week later Ho-Seok whistled absentmindedly, as he entered his father’s office.
“Someone’s in a good mood.”
“Got every reason to be! Life is good.”
“Are things with Sophia going that well?”
“They couldn’t be better!”
“In that case, you should better sit down.”
Ho-Seok furrowed his eyebrows but complied with his father’s demand.
The old man had an unreadable expression on his face, and though Ho-Seok took notice of it, he didn’t seem to be worried.
“Jaebum and Sophia are secretly dating.”
His father started off and immediately Ho-Seok jumped off his chair.
“I won’t sit here and let you slander my wife. She ha-”
“Sit down! I knew you’d react like this, so I brought evidence.”
He handed his son an envelope. Ho-Seok took out the photos someone shot of Jay and Sophia in front of her old apartment. Sophia’s mother appeared in one of them too.
“That’s it! That’s your evidence?”
Ho-Seok scoffed at his father, smiling triumphantly. But his father wasn’t done. When Ho-Seok reached for the doorknob, the old man spoke again.
“Last week when you accidentally ran into Jaebum and his date, it was no coincidence. I actually orchestrated that.”
Ho-Seok let go of the doorknob and turned around, facing his father. He took it as a sign to continue.
“I’ve been keeping tabs on Jaebum for a while now because I never saw him with any women. Then someone introduced me to Ms. Bora, saying that Jaebum pursued her in the past but she turned him down. With your wedding party as a perfect excuse I instructed her to contact him and so he brought her along as his date. I wanted to see how Sophia would react, seeing someone else by Jaebum’s side. How he would react, seeing the two of you acting affectionately towards each other.”
“Not that it’s any of your business, father, but Sophia and I are doing very well!”
“Those American women can be very conniving. How do know she’s not secretly seeing Jaebum too?”
“I just know!”
“Because I trust her!”
“Then you’ve already lost the fight. She knows you trust her, so she knows you would never suspect anything.”
“I’ve heard enough. I’m leaving.”
“I told Bora to seduce Jaebum and have sex with him. After he saw you and Sophia bring all loved up in the restaurant. But he refused. She said he looked tormented and absentminded. How can a sex-deprived guy resist a woman throwing herself at him? Huh?”
“I don’t know! Maybe he’s meditating!”
Ho-Seok yelled out before slamming the door behind him.
Sophia immediately knew something was wrong when Ho-Seok came back and threw a fit in his office.
“Is everything okay?”
He took a few deep breaths and walked up to his wife.
“I don’t know, you tell me!”
Sophia smiled, but furrowed her eyebrows, brushing a loose strand of hair off her husband’s face.
“Why don’t you come with me to the gym?”
Ho-Seok took a step back, examining his wife. She had her gym clothes on and wore no makeup. This wasn’t someone who was about to go see her secret lover.
“I have stuff to do, you go ahead.”
“Okay. I won’t be long!”
Sophia stood on her tiptoes, kissing Ho-Seok, before she left their apartment.
As soon as she stopped in front of her gym, her phone pinged. Thinking it was Ho-Seok, she quickly read the message. It was from Sang-Woo instead.
Let’s have tea together. Are you free?
Of course. I’ll drop by in an hour.
I’m not at home. I’m on the countryside. I’ll have a driver come and pick you up.
Okay. Give me his number. I’ll text him the address.
Soon after, she received another text from Sang-Woo with the driver’s number on it. She texted the address to him and started her workout.
While on the treadmill, Ho-Seok facetime’d her. Smiling, she picked up the call.
“Does working out make you that happy?”
“Of course! It releases endorphins. But to answer your question, no. Your father texted me earlier, said he’d like to have tea with me.”
Ho-Seok’s eyebrows furrowed but as he watched his wife’s excited face, his suspicions faded.
“Why? Are you jealous?”
“Of the man who gets to spend one on one time with you? Of course!”
“Don’t pout! As soon as I get home I promise to spend some quality time with you too.”
“That can be arranged!”
She winked and waved, ending the call.
About the same time as Sophia got in the car Sang-Woo had sent, Jay received an ominous text from an unknown number. It was an address. Jay wanted to delete it but decided to show it to Minsoo first. Not many people had his phone number, maybe this was something important.
“No idea, Boss.” 
Minsoo shrugged when Jay showed him the text. He recognized neither the address nor the number that sent it.
Annoyed, Jay put his phone down only for it to ping again.
If you want to see Sophia alive, you better be there!
Instantly, the blood froze in Jay’s veins and he stormed out of his office.
- Strategic Decisions -
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lifewiththelulus · 8 months
I'm so sorry about this- When Kindlin lived with her mom She'd be happy as hell on days she'd be home from work It was a chance for them to have some quality time But one too many times she's come home to a note on the door saying "be back next week, left some grocery money on the table."
She stays with Cirrus a couple days after the wedding then she goes back and finds a note on the door. They decided to go on an impromptu honeymoon. Obviously this makes Kindlin upset. She was just so bubbly and happy talking to Cirrus until she seen the paper, then she just got quiet and stared at the door with a million things running through her mind
Cirrus has no idea and thinks she's still just tired from all the wedding planning, so she takes her out to lunch to her favorite restaurant in hopes of lifting her spirits.
Kindlin grabs at the chance to not be left home alone. She doesn't say anything about the note though and stuffs it into her pocket.
She'd probably be all nervous when it starts getting late though because that means Cirrus will leave. She comes up with dumb excuses to stay doing things together "Oh wait we can't end this yet! We haven't uhhh we haven't had dessert!"
"We get all the dessert we want everyday, it's getting late."
"But we can do anything! Let me take you on a bike ride! Let's go hang out in that abandoned building again, like we used to!"
Cirrus would like to spend more time with her, but she doesn't like leaving Breeze alone at home for too long. When Kindlin makes one too many excuses, she gets a bit annoyed and asks her what her deal is.
Kindlin stops and shrinks away from her at her annoyed tone and says she's just restless, then quietly offers to drive her home. After she drops Cirrus off she says I love you and goodnight, but still isn't looking at her when she says it then drives away as quickly as she can.
Cirrus yells for her to wait, she has something she needs to say
She probably doesn't hear her over the engine and her own thoughts so drives off anyways
Cirrus's shoulders slump as she slowly walks back to the house. She was going to ask if she wanted to stay over at her place tonight.
Kindlin would have taken her up on that so fast
Unfortunately she just ends up going back to the bakery. With it being closed for the week there was no work to do, nothing to keep her busy while she was alone. She ended up just sitting in the same spot Birch found her in. She felt too weird going into the bakery alone.
Oof so she probably fell asleep there for a little while. When she wakes up she texts Cirrus to apologize for the way she was acting All she mentioned was that her brain was being stupid and she should probably spend some time alone. It was the last thing she actually wanted but felt like maybe Cirrus needed space after the last couple days.
A few minutes later Cirrus shows up at the door to the bakery. She had called Bog over so he could watch over Breeze, she hopped on a bus and headed over. (It's hard for her to leave things the way they are, the idea of losing her freaks her out.)
Kindlin had stayed in the same spot with her face buried in her knees So she probably didn't see Cirrus go to the door She looked up when she heard her knock tho and peaked from around the huge potted tree with a little "Cirrus? What are you doing here?"
Cirrus is a little out of breath from panicking. "Look I know you probably don't want to talk, and I didn't even let you know I was coming over but…" she crashes down onto her knees. "I'm sorry! Whatever I did I never meant for it to upset you. And I'm even more sorry for not knowing what I did wrong. I want to be a better girlfriend to you. But if you really want to take a break or end it.. well snif I'm sorry. sobs"
Kindlin wastes no time getting up off the pavement and running over to her. "Whoa whoa what?? What are you talking about?? Break up??" She got down on her level and wrapped her arms around her, kissing her forehead. "That's… that's not what's going on. It's not your fault.. let's go inside and talk." She doesn't take no, picking her up and bringing her into the warm bakery.
She apologized so much for the whole text and acting weird, and explained she was having bad feelings about some things and was trying to ignore it instead of handle it. She never meant to make Cirrus feel like a problem, and gives her so many hugs
They both end up having warm drinks and sitting close to the heater. Cirrus is a little embarrassed for jumping to conclusions and acting so sporadically. She apologizes and says. "I understand talking about heavy stuff can be really difficult, but I'm your girlfriend, and knowing that there's something you won't tell me makes me feel kind of.. well bad. Like you don't trust me or something."
Kindlin hesitates but leans against her and sighs "I'm sorry… I don't mean to make you feel that way. I trust you with my entire life… I just don't want to constantly be depending on you to make myself feel better. I should have been honest. I was the one being a bad girlfriend." She finally tears up and looks away. "I'm still not used to… saying things, and having them matter to someone. I wish I wasn't so messed up, you deserve so much better."
Cirrus holds her as she cries on her shoulder "Shh shh no Kinny, your not a bad girlfriend, I don't think you could ever be! …I'm so sorry we've had to live like that, thinking that you didn't matter. You of all people should feel like the most important person in the world with everything you do for everyone. If it wasn't for you I.. I don't know if I would be alive today. Hell what else could I say, you make my life so much brighter, you matter to me."
Kindlin just looks at her, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Cirrus… you never told me you…" She doesn't even finish the sentence and just holds her tightly as she can. "Promise me you'll never leave." She's still sniffling and hiccuping but manages to get the words out
She ends up shedding a few tears as well. "I-I promise." after a minute or two she holds her face and kisses her cheek. "Do you think you would be up for a staying at my house for tonight? I'd ask to stay here, but I don't want to make Granny or Bog worry."
Kindlin nods "Of course, but only if you want me to." She hugs her and kisses her back "I can bring some treats, I'm sure Bog would love some mudcakes as a thanks." She smiled softly and intertwined their fingers "I'm glad you're here."
0 notes
Wowza. No, wowzers. I just made a DO IT FOR HER thing for Sixto to motivate him to get better at running with Kate Marsh, so Life is Strange is on the brain. Hence, wowzers, its been a hot minute since I last journaled. 4/4/22 is my last, and today is 12/10/22. Its been a good year, I suppose. James got a DUI a few weeks ago and is going to be quitting his job at the OPWDD since his license is getting suspended pending the court hearing for some reason. Total bullshit, but whatever. Maybe I can get him into 7-Eleven. He asked if we’re taking applications. It could be nice. Anyway.
A couple weeks ago my sister went on a week long drug binge, came home, had a major bipolar episode, and got 51-50′d. That was right around the 20th of November. Whatever the previous Friday was, I think. Maybe. Anyhoo, she was there for three days. The last few weeks, she’s been at home smoking pot, going wherever she wants with dad, and smoking pot with dad. It’s fucking stupid, but what am I gonna do about it? Could be worse. As if the gulf between dad and I needed to be any wider, of course. Eh, its always sorta been me and Mom, then Tessa and dad. Stressful, but I guess it could be worse. I’m slowly beginning to hope that we’re on the mend. 
Summer was Owen’s wedding. Truth be told, I love the guy, but he’s going down the wrong path. He’s got a nice apartment in Grand Rapids, him and Stephanie, but he’s going down the grifter route and I think that's a bad idea, psychically speaking. Bad karma, or whatever. I had a great time, though, generally. I did all the driving. Got stopped for speeding once on the way there and once on the way back, and only got one ticket. I made burgers stuffed with feta and mozzarella, with a topping of chives, dijon mustard, and sour cream. Corn on the cob on the side. Simple, but neither Alex, James, nor I spoke when we ate. Just mouths opening and closing. Damn, that’s a good burger. Drank three vodka crans in an hour and a half at the reception. Prayed with Owen. Flirted a little with some girl. Danced. Gay ol’ time. James and I never got any fishing done, but such is life. 
My prayer life, as of lately, is sorta in the shits if I’m honest. Its just... Hard, man. Rosaries have never appealed to me. At the same time, I don’t feel like God has abandoned me, you know? I’m trying to make everything I do a prayer. Well, alright, I’m trying to make some of the things I do a prayer. I did just finish a book called Eternity, My Beloved by Jean Sulivan and absolutely adored it. Its about a priest in France named Jerome Strozzi (called Tonzi) who essentially becomes a caretaker to down-and-outs. He hangs around with prostitutes, never evangelizing or moralizing to them. Just telling them he loves them, and that they have dignity. That’s when he speaks, which is rarely. They reform. It made so much sense to me. The best way to evangelize, to speak Christ into others lives, is to not do so at all. Just make your faith known, and then be quiet and listen. Treat others well. Thursday, when I’d finished talking to Mike about it, I got a text from an old friend from college, Erika. She asked me if I’d gone through RCIA, because she’s considering it. I passed along Mike and Leslie’s emails. God is good, even if He and I don’t always see eye to eye.
So, speaking of that. I’ve been working on a little bit of a project as of the last while. A group for young adult Catholics in the parish and the surrounding parishes. Mike used the term “faith support group” at some point, and I like that. I picture it as a sort of “ready-made friend group”? Man, my notes are all over the place on it, honestly. I’ve got two thirds written down, on paper, another half in my phone, and a bit more in my head. Gotta get this together. Anyway, the idea in short is a group of young adults, between 18 and say 35, that meet once a week or twice a month. Spend 15 minutes or so talking about the prior week’s readings - anything speak to you? Father say anything that really struck you? Hear something you wanted? Something you didn’t? After that, just open discussion. Maybe one time someone has a topic they wanna talk about - a sin they’re struggling with, or just something they know a lot about that they want to share with the group. The idea is to address loneliness. Why do we, as young adults, feel so fuckin’ lonely? We can access the width and breadth of the human experience with our fingertips but still, lonely lonely lonely. Ready-made friend group. There’s food, of course - a whole ass meal, ideally. Pizza the first couple nights, maybe. But also homemade stuff. Don’t lead, can’t. I can, but don’t want to. Its not about any of us, its just about us. Someone being an obvious leader is a bad idea. Mike said to take pointers from how AA works, actually. Gotta find someone to talk to about that. Mutual aid, mutual aid, mutual aid. We’ve gotta organize ourselves, because nobody is gonna do it for us. And if they did, we wouldn’t want it. They’d be fakers and grifters and ideologues. Kill your leaders, I guess.
I’m actually excited for this. I think its something we really need as a church, as young people, and as young churchgoers. Plan is to start it in the bulletin Jan 1, then have the first meeting end of January or beginning of February. Hopefully it goes somewhere. Lord willing and the creek don’t rise. That seems to be my prayer pretty often - “Good Lord willin’ and the crick don’t rise.” Just because I ain’t the best at praying and He and I aren’t always the best of friends (of course, by this I mean I’m not always a good friend to Him - its all on me, man, I know that) don’t mean I don’t know how, that I don’t, or that I don’t mean it.
DnD is going good with the OperatorChan guys. It’s me, Remo, Anubis, Garde, Senseless, and HingedKilljoy, a friend of Todd’s. Todd’s DMing. We’re playing tomorrow, last session before a long holiday break. Fun fun fun. 
Oh, I’ve got a few job things coming up. Civil Service Exam for Corrections Officer later this month - that one’s online - and another for Water/Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator also this month, the 23rd. Then another for Custodian in February. They all pay more than I make now, and none are far away. Here’s to a better job - not gonna stay at Seven-Eleven forever.
Anyway, I guess that’s about it. Still single, but content with it. When I find someone, I find someone. God provides what I need.
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cathygeha · 2 years
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Abandon Ship by Karigan Hale
Love at Sea #6
 Love Boat used to be one of my favorite programs when growing up…the idea of a shipboard romance, maybe working on a cruise ship, and all that could happen was rather dreamy. That said, a cruise is still something I would like to go on but by the time I do, I might be playing octogenarian Trudy rather than the younger passengers on the ship!
 The story starts with Abby having a bad feeling the night before her wedding is to take place and that feeling becomes a jilting with her fiancé leaving her with bills to pay and a lot to deal with. A few months later she and her best friend are heading out on a Caribbean cruise…the cruise Abby and her fiancé were supposed to go on for their honeymoon. The plan is to have fun, meet men, eat, drink, and be merry. Little did Abby know that she would run into her bother’s friend, someone she had a crush on in high school.
 Gray’s job is on the line, and he has to come up with a great story and photos to clinch his job and secure his future. Little does he know how important running into Abby will be to his future. He will have some big decisions to make as he weighs just what is of true importance to his future.
 Abby and Gray seem to be perfect for one another, but will the cruise provide enough time for them to fall in love and commit to one another?
 This story provides potential romance for Abby and her friend, deals with trust and how easily it can be broken, and also has Gray grappling with professional ethics and what he feels is okay as he considers his future.
 This was a nice escape and fun way to spend the day.
 Thank you to the author and IndiePenPR for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 4 Stars
 A jilted bride with trust issues. A disgraced photographer with something to prove. A Love at Sea cruise determined to distract them both. Abby: Instead of walking down the aisle, my fiancé walked out the door. So I’m taking our honeymoon cruise without him. I’ll enjoy seven perfect days of endless margaritas, pristine beaches, and island excursions even more with my best friend instead. What I need is a complete break from ANYTHING akin to romance. Complete break. That includes the tempting Grayson Hamilton, I remind myself. No matter how much of a crush I had on him back in high school. No matter how lickable his abs turned out to be. I AM ON A BREAK! Grayson: Scoring my dream job with the industry’s leading travel magazine was a lucky break. Unfortunately, I’m just about out of luck. This all-expenses-paid cruise my employer sent me on is my last chance to save my reputation. I have to stay focused despite all the beautiful, single women on this Love at Sea cruise. Yep. Focused. Focused on my job. NOT on my best friend’s little sister, all grown up and smoking hot, looking like she needs someone to help her get over her freshly broken heart. On second thought, maybe a little distraction couldn’t hurt. Maybe an offer of a no-strings-attached rebound will help get her out of my system. Then I can concentrate on saving my career before we both abandon ship. Abandon Ship is a jilted bride romance, part of the Love at Sea multi-author series. Get ready to set sail through the Caribbean on Festival Cruises’ most alluring voyage with eight of your favorite authors - happily ever after guaranteed! Experience everything the Love at Sea series has to offer. From speed dating to masquerades, guests are sure to enjoy the hot days and steamy nights. Explore hidden waterfalls, swim with dolphins, and watch as eight couples find their forever on the open ocean.
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ilalos · 3 years
Worth it (Anthony Bridgerton x reader) Part 2/2
Summary: Your arranged marriage to Anthony seems fine, until it doesn’t.
Warnings: marriage, implied sex, angst-ish, fluff, pregnancy, crying, if you notice anything else let me know :)
Word count: 2.5k
The season passed in a blur with countless flowers and conversations that filled you with expectations about your marriage to the Viscount, you truly felt like love was around the corner for both of you and it was a matter of time for that corner to be turned. He was everything you had expected and more, you could tell he was wary about letting you in but didn’t want to push him so you let him open himself to you at his own pace. The had been some stolen looks, kisses on your knuckles that had lasted a little longer than they should and hand a bit lower than what was acceptable when you danced. To say the courting had been successful was the understatement of the season in your opinion, by the time the wedding day came you were counting down the minutes before you finally became Lady (y/n) Bridgeton.
Your wedding ceremony was short and the carriage ride to Anthony’s bachelor townhouse was even shorter. The wedding night had come with a surprisingly low amount of events, your virginity had been taken the sweetest of ways, with many kisses and whispered promises of pleasure that came true. By the end of the day, you were as happy as can be, laying on your husband's chest, feeling his heartbeat slowing down and smelling the sweet vanilla scent of his skin.
When you woke up the next morning the bed was empty and he had already left to work in his study back in the main Bridgerton home. He didn’t return until late in the evening and you were waiting for him so you could have dinner together.
“Thank you for waiting for me,” he said while taking a sip of his wine.
“It’s nothing, I like that we are finally spending some time together”
Anthony just nodded and continued eating in silence.
“How was your day?” You pushed for conversation, you had been alone all day and could really use some conversation with someone different than your maid, who was terrified of speaking freely.
“It was busy” he answered simply “how was your day?” He asked after seeing the face you made at his short answer.
“It was also very busy, I reorganized the books in the library, had the kitchen staff do an inventory on the pantry, and send the maids to the market to get some flowers for the table tops” you narrated proudly, hoping he might appreciate the way you ran the home.
“Good to see you’re settling in, darling” his small praise made you smile a little.
“You don’t mind that I changed some things?” You asked somewhat concerned by his silence.
“It is your home, you’re free to do whatever you please with it,” he said dismissively.
“It’s our home, Anthony, I want to make it perfect for you too”
After dinner, he walked you to the bedroom and after a couple of heated kisses you fell in his arms once again, the pleasure he gave you was addictive. Despite his cold attitude towards you in other aspects of your life, it was in the bedroom where you felt hopeful for a future where you both might learn to truly love each other, and then he would sneak out every morning making you feel like a worthless whore.
And so your days continued like this, every night was filled with passion and every day was lonely. You couldn’t even go to the Bridgerton home, you had been taught that a married lady was not to go out without her husband, so your heart slowly filled with sadness as you spent day after day alone in the townhouse. Anthony was none the wiser because he simply thought you enjoyed being by yourself, so it never occurred to him to invite you to his family’s home or anywhere else.
A month into your marriage you found out you were with child. You were extremely happy and Anthony had shown himself to be happy as well, but then that night he didn’t come home for dinner and didn’t make an appearance in your bedroom. He was more and more distant until four months had passed and he disappeared for two full weeks before you saw him again.
It was on the day of your birthday, and he had only gone to your room because the butler told him you had been very sick that day. When he entered the room he found you seating on the bed hugging your knees close to your chest, your eyes puffy from crying and silent tears still streaming down your face. You weren’t upset he had forgotten your birthday, you had never celebrated it so it didn’t matter he didn’t remember it.
“What happened? Is everything well? Is the baby-“
“Your child is quite well, Lord Bridgerton” you interrupted in the coldest tone he had ever heard from you “to what do I owe this joyous visit?”
“I apologize for my absence, I have been very busy” he answered measly.
“I figured out that much, husband” the word was said with venom.
“Are you upset with me?” He asked offended, you had never treated him so coldly.
“I am upset with myself” you started with a pained chuckle “I don’t need you to try and comfort me because you did nothing wrong, that is the reason for my anger” a small sob escaped your lips “I was taught to be a good wife, that my only job was to give my husband heirs and to keep the house running and I understood that and I didn’t fight it because at least I would have children to fill my life with love and a husband who at the very least would acknowledge me and my efforts”
“I don’t want you to feel like you should change or apologize, this is not your fault, I feel miserable because I filled my heart with hopes and dreams of love but that’s just not how life is, at least not mine” you harshly wiped your eyes before finishing “I understand my place now, I’m nothing but a child-bearer for you and that’s fine because you didn’t even pick me in the first place” you got up from bed and opened the door for him “please leave me alone, I will be fine”
“I can’t just leave you here alone, have you even eaten today? In your condition-“
“Your child is perfectly well, my lord” your tone had turned icy once again “please go, I am tired and want to rest”
Unable to do anything else, Anthony left the room and went back to his family’s home. His mother had insisted for him to take you there that night, but seeing your state he didn’t even bother asking if you wanted to go. When he got there he was surprised to see the dining room fully decorated, his whole family dressed in their best clothes, even Daphne and Simon had paid a visit.
“Where is (y/n)?” Asked Violet.
“She’s not feeling very well” answered Anthony looking at the table that was filled with all his wife’s favorite food “What is happening? Why are you all here dressed as if you are attending a ball?”
“Anthony, please for the love of God almighty, tell me you didn’t forget your wife’s birthday!” Violet couldn’t keep his composure, how could Anthony be so clueless.
“I-I’ve been so busy lately supervising the building of the new house, it didn’t even occur to me that it was her birthday” Anthony felt terrible, as he should.
“It’s bad enough she doesn’t like us, son” Violet sighed, seating on the table “And now she thinks we don’t care for her birthday”
“Where did you get that idea, mother?” Daphne couldn’t help but ask “When she writes to us she says wonderful things about our family”
“Then why hasn’t she visited since the wedding?” This time it was Colin asking “Mother sent a tea invitation shortly after they got married and she never showed up, sent a poor letter apologizing but did not explain why she didn’t show”
“I might have an explanation for that” Simon spoke up “My aunt was a terribly strict mother, taught her that a wife was nothing more than a child-bearer and had no liberties like men do, for example: going out unaccompanied”
“Has she been out of the house since you married, brother?” asked Eloise, turning to face Anthony who was still frozen at the doorstep.
“I don’t believe so” he entered the room and sat defeated “I just thought she enjoyed being at home by herself, god!” he rubbed his hands down his face.
“I can’t believe it, the poor thing” lamented Violet.
“She hasn’t left the house in almost half a year” concluded Benedict.
“And here we were, refusing to visit thinking she had rejected mother,” said Colin.
“I would like to clarify, I never agreed with losing contact with her over one missed invitation” added Eloise, gaining the glares of everyone present.
“It matters not what we thought nor does it matter what has happened in the past” began Violet “right now I want you to go pick her up and bring her here, she deserves to be celebrated, especially after everything we put her through,” she told her eldest child, pushing him to stand and go to the door.
Anthony mounted the carriage and urged the coachman to hurry home and as soon as he got there he ran up the stairs to your room and burst through the door, jolting you awake.
“I am so sorry, love,” ha said kneeling on your bedside “I never knew you didn’t leave the house because you thought you couldn’t, you are free to do as you please, darling” he grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles “I didn’t mean to make you feel trapped in your own home, and I am sorry if you felt like I abandoned you” he caressed your face and wiped some tears that had fallen without your notice.
“You did abandon us,” you said, trying to pull your hand from his grasp with your other hand protecting your belly.
“I was merely supervising the building of our new home, I was hoping I could surprise you before the baby arrived” he explained, now seating by your side “I can’t possibly ask my family to leave their home but I know how much you love that house, and so I chose to build a similar one not too far from here”
“You are building me a house?” You asked incredulously, hardly anything could justify his absence but this was in fact a reasonable explanation.
“Yes, love” he once again caressed your face “A home for our family” at that your eyes filled with tears, this time from happiness.
You sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck, crying with your face buried in his shirt. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and shushing you softly to calm down your cries. You spent a while holding each other until he suddenly broke you two apart, remembering his family that was still waiting for you both to show up.
“My beautiful wife, I must take you out of the comforts of your bed” he began, apologetic “My family is expecting you in their home to celebrate your birthday with a lavish dinner”
“Heavens! You should’ve started with that” you ran to your door and called out for your maid “I don’t think I have a dress for such occasion, non that would fit me now, that’s certain”
You opened your trunk and began taking out your chemise and all other items you had to wear under your dress in such cold weather. You took off your nightgown not caring Anthony was there, he had seen it all before, after you had put on your chemise your maid ran in and help you put on the rest of your garments and helped you squeeze your small baby bump in the dress you had worn for one of the first balls you attended when Anthony was courting you. She put your hair in a quick updo and even managed to coerce Anthony into putting on your stockings and your shoes while she did your hair. With all that rush and hard work, you managed to be ready in under an hour and still made it to the dinner at a reasonable hour (half past 9 is reasonable, right?).
At the Bridgerton home, you were welcomed with warm embraces and merry wishes on your special day. You all sat around the table and ate the feast that had sadly grown cold. Colin didn’t seem to mind as he devoured everything in sight, prompting Violet to chastise him softly. You, however, ate small bites because the pregnancy had caused your stomach to be upset easily and you didn’t wish to offend anyone by running out of the room to empty your stomach. Anthony watched you eat and held your hand atop the table, smiling as he watched you laugh and converse with his family.
“Is the food not good enough?” Asked Violet seeing your plate almost full.
“It is just perfect, my stomach has just been iffy since the start of the pregnancy” you answered smiling apologetically, Anthony choked on his wine because he realized at that very moment that he had forgotten to tell his family about your condition.
“You’re with child? Those are wonderful news!” Exclaimed Violet with a large smile “When did you found out?”
“Four months ago” you turned to glare at Anthony “I assumed your son had told you”
“How could you conceal such joyous information from your mother?” Violet then noticed her eldest daughter had become quiet, as well as her husband “Did you know, Daphne?”
“I was aware of it, yes” Daphne admitted ashamed “I too assumed Anthony had told you”
“You assumed my eldest son had told me about his wife’s pregnancy and I had decided not to mention any of it in our letters?”
“I-I’m, yes?” Benedict and Colin snorted with laughter hearing their sister’s answer.
Violet only shook her head with a small smile, her children were truly a wonder. Anthony was nervous that you’d get mad at him for not telling them, but one look at your laughing face told him he didn’t need to worry.
Later that evening you both laid in bed after yet another passion-filled encounter, your breathing slow and even making Anthony think you were asleep. He was caressing your naked back with feather-like touches, kissing your sweaty forehead every few minutes.
“I love you” you sighed, kissing his chest “You need not feel the same, I just want you to know how I feel”
He took a shaky breath before answering.
“I also am in love with you, darling” he placed a finger under your chin and tilted your head so you’d look at him “sometimes I’m scared of just how much I love you” he kissed you slow and deep, pouring all his love into the action.
The kiss was unlike any other you had shared before, this one was full of promise and hope. It filled you with love and certainty, you were now sure that no matter how difficult the road to Anthony’s heart had been, even if you didn’t want it at first, it had all been worth it.
Hi! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you like it let me know.
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aquagustd · 3 years
influence - KSJ | M
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pairing: seokjin x reader
summary: take each day as it comes, one fake smile at a time but what happens when a certain someone sees through your act, a certain Kim Seokjin, your fiancé’s cousin.
genre: angst, fluff, smut
word count: 5K
warnings/tags: strong language, strangers to lovers, mentions of domestic violence, Y/N has an abusive & controlling fiancé, soft smut, explicit smut-dirty talk, tongue sucking, fingering, unprotected sex, cockwarming, post-sex cuddles
a/n: seokjin = hubba hubba
“What is this?”
He gestures to the neckline of the jumpsuit you’re wearing.
“You said I could pack this outfit.”
“No, I don’t think I would’ve let you bring it if I knew that everyone would be able to see your fucking boobs if you wear it!”
Obviously, he’s overreacting, the neckline exposes your collarbones and just the tops of your chest, your cleavage is barely visible.
“Here,” he tosses the floral bolero jacket that was kept on the dresser, “wear this, and make sure to button it up.”
You should’ve known that even on your first vacation together as an engaged couple, he still won’t give you a break. In fact, you didn’t want to come in the first place, but you were forced to abandon your responsibilities at work and attend his cousin’s wedding in the Maldives. This would also be the first time that you will be meeting a few of his extended family members who couldn’t make it to the engagement.
Arm in arm, you walk through the entrance, the beautiful smell of fresh roses and coconut fill your nostrils. This jubilant atmosphere might help lighten up your mood, so you plaster on one of your best smiles and let the laughter and chatter from the crowd around you drown out the reality of the arm that’s holding you down both literally and figuratively.
“Let’s greet everyone, and remember don’t tell them about our plans, hmm?”
He speaks through gritted teeth, and you nod, expecting him to walk forward with you when you’re unceremoniously tugged back into your previous spot next to him.
“Did you hear what I said?” Teeth still gritted, eyes still drilling into your own.
“Yes,” your voice monotone, eyes holding his, knowing he hates when you break eye contact.
You walk around, speaking to a few of his family members that you’ve met before. Most of them ask what’s your plans after the wedding, but you keep your mouth shut and let him do the talking, knowing that if you utter one word that won’t sit right with him, you’d have to bear the consequences later. And you don’t want to spend hours color correcting and concealing your face before the wedding.
“Ah Y/N, you remember my aunt, you met at the engagement.”
A beautiful lady, who doesn’t look a year over fifty, gives you a dazzling smile, capturing you in a warm hug that makes you miss your own mother at home.
“Y/N, how are you? You look beautiful today,” she holds your hands and surveys your outfit.
“I hope he’s taking good care of you,” she cocks an eyebrow at her nephew, who grabs your arm again as soon as she lets go of your hand.
“Of course I am,” he grins, “it isn’t that hard to keep a woman happy.”
She gives him a discerning look, then starts to crane her neck over the crowds.
“Oh, you must meet my son. Where is that boy?”
You and your fiancé help her look, even though you have no idea what he looks like.
After a few moments of scanning the crowd, she waves over a tall man with tan skin.
“Y/N, this is my son Seokjin.”
Your fiancé envelops him in a hug, patting his back for a while then letting go.
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you! Still globetrotting?”
The tall man rubs his neck and opens his mouth to speak, when he is cut off by your fiancé.
“Remember when we said we’ll fuck one girl in each city,” he nudges the tall man in his ribs and you grimace at his words, glancing at his aunt who is engaged in conversation with the bartender.
“Ah, I’m done with all that now. I plan on settling down. Starting my own family,” he spots you, “this is your fiancée right?”
Dipping his head, he takes your hand in his, “nice to meet you.”
But your hand is ripped out of his hold when your fiancé grips your waist and pulls you into his side, “yes my fiancée, Y/N.”
“Sorry I couldn’t make it to the engagement,” his eyes meet yours, “I had some important business at the time.”
“But you,” he punches your fiancé’s arm, “how did someone like you land someone like Y/N?”
You stare up at your fiancé, seeing his lips purse and eyebrows furrow. You fiddle with a loose thread on your bolero, knowing how he reacts to comments like these.
“Y/N would you like a drink?”
You lift your head to look at the sweet lady, eyes crescent-shaped as she smiles.
“Yes, please…Uhm…Piña colada?”
She turns to give the bartender your order when your fiancé taps the counter and catches the attention of everyone within a one-mile radius.
“Virgin. Virgin piña colada.”
You stand there awkwardly, exchanging smiles with Seokjin and his mother, as you wait for your drink.
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You meet the bride, who turns out to be Seokjin’s sister. You’re trying to figure out how someone like your fiancé could be related to such welcoming and humble people. But you think back to when you first met your fiancé, what a load of shit he pulled on you.
The emcee announces that the dancefloor will now be open, you just sit back and take the last few sips of your drink, knowing your fiancé won’t bother. A large hand blocks your view.
You look up to find the Seokjin, smiling down at you.
“May I have this first dance?”
You look to your fiancé, seeing him down what must be his fifth drink for the night. He just shrugs and you take it as your cue to place your palm in Seokjin’s awaiting one.
The first song is a slow one, the lights dim and he places his palm on your waist tentatively, you place yours on his shoulder while the other still holds his hand in the air. You sway to the beat for a while, until he leans in close and whispers in your ear.
“Your smile doesn’t fool me.”
You step back a bit to look at his face, seeing the blank expression that paints his features. He stares down at you, watching every inch of your face and you do the same, suddenly aware of how he has the facial structure of a prince.
The beat of the slow song stops, quiet murmurs fill the air and you look around, seeing the lights turn back on and a more upbeat song starts to play and he lets go of your hand in favor of wiggling his own, bending his knees and doing some sort of weird octopus dance and you have no time to think of how quickly his demeanor has changed when you burst out laughing at his weird chicken dance.
He grabs your arms and moves them with his, asking you to join in, so you do. Copying his movements and waving your arms in the air, clapping along to his dance, your hair coming loose from how hard you’re laughing. But obviously, all good things must come to an end and soon, your fiancé weaves through the crowd and grabs your wrist. You stare at Seokjin as he drags you away, like a mother berating her child for playing with the naughty kid in the park.
His eyes don’t leave yours until you’re out of sight, the same blank expression on his face.
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You sit at the same bar later, a little after midnight, the bar is closed and all the lights are off, except for the few torches that line the corners. Hair down to cover your right cheek, tears blur your vision as you think of the exchange between you and your fiancé from earlier.
“Didn’t I fucking tell you not to tell anyone about us moving away after the wedding?”
“I didn’t tell anyone.”
“Don’t fucking lie to me! You told my mother.”
“I didn’t even see your mother today!”
“Don’t you dare fucking raise your voice at me. One asshole will give you a bit of attention and you think you can talk back to me.”
You place your hand on your cheek, the burn still the same as it was when it first landed on your skin.
“I’m done, I can’t do this anymore. This is over.”
You run your thumb over the new bare spot on your left ring finger.
“Where will you go you fucking bitch. You’ll come back to me like you always do.”
“Can’t sleep too?”
You whip your head to the sound of the voice, seeing Seokjin stand there with a white loose shirt draped around his shoulders.
Quickly blinking away the tears, you dip your head lower to make sure your hair covers your face. Knuckles brushing against your other cheek to wipe away the tears that fell from your lashes.
It’s quiet for a while, the only sound being the soft whistle of the water from the beach not too far away. You almost forget he’s sitting there until he sighs, catching your attention.
“You know, my cousin, he was spoiled from the time he was a baby. Always got what he wanted, never heard the word ‘no’ in his life before.”
You keep your eyes on the wooden edge of the counter, wondering where he’s going with this.
“We were in the same college, you met him after he graduated and took his father’s position. He worsened as the years went on. With women, especially.”
You lift your eyes to look at him, seeing his hands clasped in front of him, his gaze on your face.
“So when I saw you…I just knew and, and obviously I’m not someone to meddle in other people’s affairs especially when it comes to my cousin. Having experience with what it’s like when you come between him and his women,” he chuckles, the sound leaving his lips emptily.
“But I’m telling you this, as someone who knows him far better than anyone. Than his own parents, really. Get out while you can, before he-“
Your eyes glaze over, not leaving his, even when his hand stretches over the short space and tucks your hair behind your ear, seeing the bruise on your cheek.
“I’m done,” your voice shakes a bit and his eyes soften when you speak.
He grabs the legs of his chair and scoots closer to you, patting your back as you sob.
Maybe it’s the fact that he’s the only person in his family who sees through his ‘nice guy’ act. Maybe it’s because for the first time in years, someone saw through your act, your fake smiles and laughs.
But you find yourself trusting a complete stranger, someone who knows so much and so little about you at the same time.
“It’s alright. Uhm, I have my own chalet not too far from here, it has two bedrooms. I know how this might sound but if you want you can-“
“Okay,” you sniffle.
He searches your eyes, his cologne wafting over to you when a particularly chilly breeze passes by.
“Your things?”
“He must be knocked out by now,” you begin to rub your eyes when he pulls your hand away from your face.
“Don’t do that, it’s bad for your eyes,” he scolds, “trust me, I have my own optical issues.”
You give him a teary smile, dabbing with the sleeves you pull over your palms.
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“Welcome to my humble abode,” he switches on the light and guides you to a room, similar interior to your hotel room with a few splashes of pink and purple here and there.
He sets down your luggage on the rug, you move to the sliding door, admiring the breath-taking view of the ocean. You sit at the edge, holding your knees to your chest. He sits down next to you too, knowing your conversation from earlier isn’t over just yet.
“How did you know?”
Your voice is soft, as soft as the waves that splash against the stilts. He turns to look at you, lips in a pout.
“How did you know that he-“
“I think anyone could see it, although my mother and I know what signs to look for.”
Your eyes widen a fraction at the mention of his mother, “your mother?”
“Yeah she knows. Well,” he crosses his legs and faces you, you mirror his action, your robe riding up your thighs.
“My sister, she, uhm, had this best friend in college and he had spent years trying for her attention but obviously, she didn’t give in, knowing his experience with women. Somehow, he had won her heart and she fell madly in love with him. But he messed things up. Big time. I think I don’t have to tell you in what sense…”
You nod, flashbacks of your own making your breath quicken.
“When my mother had told her sister, they just swept it under the rug.”
“Like everything else he does,” you add.
Adjusting your position, you feel your leg start to cramp and when you put your legs straight ahead of you, next to his body, his eyes catch on your inner thighs, that particular spot. When you see him looking, you draw your legs back but he catches them, eyes glued to yours.
“That’s why it makes me so angry,” he lifts the hem of your shorts, any other time you would have slapped his hands away and then his face, but you know what he’s referring to.
Your lips start to quiver and you hate yourself for letting your emotions spill out so easily in front of this stranger who probably thinks you’re so pathetic, but the look in his eyes tells you otherwise.
“It makes me so angry that he got away with Ria, and he’s still getting away with it.”
Your eyes don’t leave the two angry scars on your inner thighs, biting your lip to keep the tears from spilling.
“But Ria is happily married now, and I don’t want you to be deprived of that happiness too.”
He speaks in a hushed tone, like it’s a secret just for the two of you. Maybe it is.
Your eyes meet again, tears brimming over his too.
You don’t think you’ve ever seen your fiancé show any emotion except anger towards you.
A lone tear rolls down your cheek and he catches it, his index finger smoothing over your cheek. You’re unable to recall the time someone touched you so tenderly, tears welling your eyes even more at the gesture.
“I don’t want you to miss the chance of finding what you deserve, Y/N.”
You’re full on crying now and he scoops you up into his arms, rubbing soothing circles onto your back with his fingers, the thin material of your robe and nighties allowing for his body heat to burn into your own skin.
When you pull away, your eyes stay on his chest, not willing to look at him in fear of your emotions taking over you again.
“How did you get those scars Y/N?”
You clear you throat, trying to fight the constant burn in your throat that you can’t seem to swallow.
“H-He. I was wearing a dress,” you hiccup, cursing yourself at the sound, but a warm hand on your head urges you to keep going.
“It c-came up to my knees and…And he got angry. H-He said I won’t be able to wear those dresses anymore looking like that,” another sob breaks from your chest and he pushes your face into his chest, your fingers digging into the soft fabric of his shirt.
“Listen Y/N,” his warm breath tickling your ear, “you don’t have to attend the rehearsal dinner tomorrow, if you don’t want to. Take a day here to yourself. I can book the spa for you.”
You break away from his hold, finally looking up at him, your heartrate picking up again.
“You don’t have to do all that for me,” you stand, making your way over to the bed, “I can’t thank you enough for letting me stay here.”
He adjusts his shirt, shoving his hands in his pockets, making his shoulders pop up to his ears. You’re acknowledging how broad they are.
“Alright, just, let me know if you need anything. Are you hungry? I can coo-“
You giggle, the sound making the corners of his mouth lift up too.
“I’m fine, thank you Seokjin.”
“Okay, I’m just down the hall if you need anything.”
He walks to the door, switching the lamp on and peeping in through the small gap as you get comfortable in the plush blankets.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Seokjin.”
The door shuts, and you’re unable to sleep, the sensation that makes your insides feel like marshmallows reminds you of the last time you’ve felt it and the man just a door away.
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“How was dinner?”
Seokjin loosens his tie and removes his shoes, placing them neatly on the side of the door. The act doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Was fine,” he plops down on the couch next to you, “how was the spa?”
“I was mad at first then I decided to let it go. I didn’t know they do home spas here.”
He grins, “they don’t. I organized it.”
Your eyes widen in disbelief, “why?”
“Just feel like you deserve it.”
You sit there, electricity fizzing between you, his eyes not leaving yours, the book you were reading completely forgotten.
He’s the first to break it, staring at the black tie in his hands, “he was there.”
You swallow, pinching the corner of your bookmark, “and?”
“His mother was already introducing him to a family friend’s daughter,” he scoffs.
You laugh, a little shocked but also, relieved. Above all, relieved.
He pats his thighs, “I’m gonna shower and…What do you wanna do after?”
You point to yourself, and he laughs, the flash of his teeth making you lick your lips.
“No, I’m talking to the book in your hands! Yes, you!”
Biting your lip, you rack your brain for a fun idea, when you decide to settle on what you really want to do.
“I just want to stay in, to be honest,” you shrug, looking out the floor to ceiling windows, “I like the peace and quiet.”
“Alright, I’ll be out in a bit. Have you eaten?”
You smile to yourself, enjoying how domestic this all feels. You’ll bask in the serenity, however long it’ll last. This little bubble you’ve created for yourself and this stranger will keep you safe, for now.
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“So, you’ve never been on a helicopter before?”
“No, I haven’t! Is it that hard to believe?”
You giggle, “no no I’m just saying. Like, I would expect you to, after all, you’re one of the big shots.”
He shuts his eyes, and places his hands on his knees, “I get motion sickness, okay? And I’m far from ‘big shot’, I work for my father.”
“Yeah but you’re next in line, right?”
“Only if I want to,” he pulls on a tassel from the throw you share, gazed fixed on the action. You watch his face, thinking that maybe you’ve hit a heavy topic for him.
“Okay, next question-“
“Yah! It’s my turn now!”
“Okay okay,” you smile, gesturing for him to go on.
He thinks for a while, lips curving downwards as he does, your eyes glued to the pink flesh. You don’t see him look at you again, a smirk forming slowly.
“What is your deepest, darkest fantasy?”
You cock an eyebrow, “are we in high school?”
He rolls his eyes, “this is supposed to be fun. If you don’t have one, I’ll tell you mine.”
Chewing on your lip, you try to think of something that you’ve always wanted to do, something that’s considered dark, something that’s considered a fantasy. You almost want to laugh at the fact that you have none, work and him filling your life. Not really leaving much time for you to conjure up your own fantasies.
You shake your head at him, his expression remaining blank, even when he speaks.
“Well, I’ll tell you mine. I’ve always wanted to go on this vacation, to a beautiful place with beautiful views and beautiful people. Then, I meet this woman, with a smile that could break my heart but put back it’s pieces at the same time. By happenstance, she lives with me at my chalet, she’s been hurt before and she’s guarded.”
At this point, you’re shifting in your seat, looking anywhere but his face.
“I know that we’ve met for a reason and people might call me crazy, but my intuition never failed me before. And I want this sweet, classy and beautiful lady, to be mine. To let me give her all the love that I know she deserves.”
Your vision is becoming fuzzy with tears again, and you move off the couch but he catches your hand, standing in front of you.
“I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable,” he whispers, face inches away yours.
You shake your head, smiling despite yourself, “you didn’t.”
His gaze lowers to your lips, his chest heaving as he leans in closer, your eyes shut, waiting for him to close the distance.
But the soft touch never comes, your eyes open, seeing him stare at you from a safe distance away, his hand still holding yours.
“I don’t want to take advantage of y-“
You press yourself against his chest, suddenly starving for his touch.
“You’re not. You won’t,” your voice urgent, “I-I-“
He grabs your face in his palms and smashes your lips together, moving his plush lips over yours delicately, almost like you’ll slip through his fingers if he’s too rough. But you grip on the front of his shirt, pulling him down with you on the couch, he settles between your legs, tongue flicking against your lips, seeking entrance. You part your lips for him and tilt your head, letting the wet muscle slide against yours, moaning as it flicks against the roof of your mouth.
You slide yours into his and his lips grab a hold of it, suckling on your tongue noisily, drool smearing on your chin, your core throbbing. A soft whimper leaves your mouth, and he breaks away, searching your eyes for any discomfort.
“I’m sorry, was I-“
“No,” you wrap your fingers around his neck, bringing him closer and shutting your eyes, “you’re perfect.”
Your own lips wrapping around his tongue, bobbing your head a bit as you suck the wet appendage into your mouth, feeling his weight press onto you, trapping you between the couch and his body. A few more suckles and he presses his lips onto your mouth, leaving your lips with a loud smack.
He looks at your for a while, his eyes half-lidded and lips swollen. You can’t believe how turned on you are, it’s been almost five years since you last felt this hot and bothered under someone.
You squirm under his heated gaze, feeling his hard member press into your thigh, you gasp a bit at the feeling.
“Can I take this off?”
He tugs at your shirt and you nod, sitting up to make his task easier. He rids himself of his own shirt and you rake your fingers down the toned flesh of his body.
“You’re beautiful,” he smiles, leaning down to capture your lips in another passionate kiss.
He kisses your cheeks then down your neck, lingering at the soft spot under your ear. You bite your lip to stop the sounds of pleasure leave your lips. Teeth nipping at the junction between your neck and shoulder, he comes up to place another kiss on your lips, bringing his index and middle finger to pull the flesh from between your teeth.
“Let me hear you sweetheart.”
You nod shyly, thinking of how your fiancé didn’t like the sounds you made.
His fingers continue their descent on your body, his eyes watching the movement. He lingers at your nipples, your stomach shivering under his touch as he circles your navel. His eyes meet yours as he plays with the waistband of your pants, then dips his fingers in and presses his fingers against your clit through your panties, your body twitching at the touch.
“When was the last time you were touched like this? Tell me sweetheart?”
“S-So long,” you manage, feeling your panties dampen at the friction against your throbbing bud.
“Can I?”
You nod, he pulls of your pants and panties in one go, the cool air hitting your swollen folds.
Watching him lick his lips at the sight, you hide your face in the couch cushion and he presses a finger under your chin to make you look at him.
“Don’t hide from me.”
Face buried in your neck, he continues his assault on your clit, collecting your arousal on his fingers than bringing it up to coat your clit, rubbing it in circles, then side to side, breathy moans filling the quiet of his lounge. A few more strokes against your clit and he pushes a finger into you, your body lifting up off the couch, his stops his attack on your neck to watch your face.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes,” you squeak, “just,” you grind against his hand, shutting your eyes at the feeling of him pushing another finger into you, “so good.”
He places kisses all over your face, lingering on your eyelids. Curling his fingers into you, he brushes against that spot that has your back arching and crying out his name, making you grab his wrist, urging him to move ‘harder, faster’. Plunging his fingers in and out of you, his palm rubbing your clit, your body prickles with sweat, feeling the familiar heat take over your body, the squelching sound filling your ears, before-
“I’m cumming,” you cry, a loud, tired moan escapes your lips, shuddering with the force of your orgasm.
“So pretty when you come,” he places a lingering kiss on your lips.
Body still trembling from the force of your orgasm, you look down to see his bulge straining against his pants. Reaching down to run your fingers along the length, he lets out a soft groan, eyes shutting from the feeling. You bite your lip, watching how his mouth parts in pleasure, his Adam’s apple exposed as he tips his head back. Lifting your head off the cushion, you kiss up his throat, leaving a kiss on his chin then reconnecting with his mouth, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth.
Gently moving your hands away, he removes his pants and boxers, the size of his cock makes you gulp, large, veiny length bobbing against his stomach as he curls his hand around your waist, manoeuvring your body so that he can lay down next to you on the couch.
“Shit, condom.”
“I’m on the pill.”
He nods, pressing his fingers into your thigh and wrapping it around his waist. He brushes his fingers on the marred skin, your eyes fluttering shut, hands coming up to wind around his neck. Rubbing the blunt tip of cock through your folds, you moan, pressing your face into his neck and licking the skin there. Thoroughly slicked up with your juices, his cock presses into you, your breath catching as you’re not used to the girth and length that his cock provides. Giving you time to adjust, you feel him draw his hips back, pulling out of your walls, then pushing into you again, reaching depths you never knew existed inside of you.
“Let me hear your pretty sounds, sweetheart.”
Crying out as he pulls out again then slams back into you, brushing against that spot that has your toes curling.
“Fuck,” his voice a husk in your ear, you open your eyes to see his body flushed red and you think you must look the same.
He presses his forehead to yours, moving his hips faster as he impales you on his cock, breathy moans leaving your lips with each stroke of his cock into your walls. You feel your walls clench around him, knowing that you’re close, hearing the slick sounds of your sweaty bodies smacking into each other in the humid air. He’s close too, you can tell from the way his eyebrows furrow, jaw clenched as his cock twitches inside you. Reaching down to press his thumb against your clit, rubbing in quick circles, making you cry out his name and dig your nails into his shoulders, moving your hips with him now and chasing your orgasm.
A few more drags of his cock against your quivering walls, you cum, body trembling as you ride out your high. His is quick to follow, stilling his hips as he paints your walls with his seed, his hair stuck to his forehead.
Body limp in his hold, you feel him soften inside you, you feel so relaxed, thinking you can stay like this for a while but you have to clean up, you don’t want to ruin the expensive couch in a place like this.
After a few minutes, he pulls out of you, your body shivers at the action, feeling his cum seep. He jogs to the bathroom butt naked, you’re about to wake up to clean yourself too but he returns with a wet towel, parting your knees so he can delicately clean you up. You watch him in awe, the act so foreign to you.
“I’ll be back,” he whispers, going back to the bathroom to leave the towel then gesturing for you to lay back down on the couch.
“I-I’m too tired for round two,” your voice timid.
“I just want to cuddle,” he chuckles, settling in behind you and pulling the throw from the back of the couch over your bodies, strong arms wrapping around your frame and holding you close to his chest.
This all might be a dream, you’ve never indulged in post-sex cuddles before but you think it might be your new favorite thing. You smile to yourself, shutting your eyes and enjoying the last bit of this vacation that turned out to be your very own fairytale.
A prince behind you, pressing kisses on the back of your head, and keeping you safe in his arms.
You’ll enjoy it, however long it will last.
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a/n: let me know what you guys think.
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taglist: @ggukkieland
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lebenspurpur · 3 years
What about how would slashers propose their s/o? :3
How would the slashers propose:
Michael Myers
Michael wouldn't.
As funny as that sounds, I'm pretty sure Michael doesn't understand marriage and its concept at all.
After all.. who'd marry you? A deranged serial killer and his spouse.. pretty difficult to find a priest for that kind of couple.
If anything, he'd propose to show that he cares. Michael isn't the best at showing emotions and a proposal would be his personal way of showing that he does adore you.
It would probably be nothing big though. He'd just hand you a stolen ring and then march off, leaving you alone with your confusion.
Are you ever getting married? Probably not but he'll wear a ring similar to yours if you'd like.
Vincent Sinclair
Oh, Vincent will try his hardest to be as romantic as he can be.
Dozen of candles, hundreds of roses, and he'll actually wear an old suit he found in Bo's wardrobe!
His brothers will be out of town, driven out by your big lover.
He'll make dinner for you. It might taste a little interesting, considering his below-average cooking skills, but hey the idea alone is so adorable.
After dinner, he'll sink down on one knee and you just freeze.
He's super nervous too! What if you don't want to marry him? What if he's too fast and you're not ready for that commitment yet?
The ring will be from a victim but he polished and perfected it himself. He'll design it like his knives, dragons wrapping around the gemstone in the middle.
As soon as that "yes" leaves your lips, he inflates, probably ready to pass out.
Bo Sinclair
Bo.. doesn't necessarily want to marry.
But he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, that's for sure.
You're something he doesn't deserve and yet you're here, with him.
Bo won't be as romantic as his twin, that's not really his strategy.
He'll most likely blurt out his proposal while he's watching TV and make it seem like the most normal thing ever, even though he's frightened on the inside.
If you ask him what he said, he'll repeat it real quietly and you swear he's turning red.
Say yes and Bo will actually flash a big grin, a real one, not his usual smirk, finally pulling you closer to seal his lips with yours.
He can't believe someone would marry him but you wanted to, and he'd always deem that a miracle.
Lester Sinclair
Oh god, Lester will be so nervous.
He has everything: the ring, a nice suit, a romantic dinner but what if he fucks it up?
He even wrote a note containing a few words of his "speech" so he won't forget it.
So it's after dinner and he kneels down, nearly tripping on his open shoelace, and.. uh fuck what'd he want to say???
He can't find his note! Lester is now panicking.
Your reassuring smile grounds him again and he somehow manages to finish his proposal without fainting. How? Lester doesn't know, he has no recollection of what happened.
The ring will be from a victim but he got Vincent to make it prettier. He feels really bad about it as well, please tell him that that's okay!
Baby Firefly
Oh, Marriage? A big, pretty white dress? Sign her the fuck up.
Okay, being with you for the rest of her life is really nice as well.
She's probably talking to Mama when the subject first emerges and she just freezes in excitement.
She's soon skipping down the stairs, calling out your name.
You don't even have a choice, she will marry you whether you like it or not.
I doubt that she'll even ask you the question, it'll just be a determined "We're getting married." and she's gone again, probably planning for the wedding.
A ring will be there though. She probably stole it but oh well.
Otis Driftwood
Marriage? *Insert him scoffing.*
Yeah no, he's too edgy for that.
However, he is down to invent his own kind of marriage for you.
But you're not getting a ring, oh no.
Otis is showing up with a collar. And it has his name on it.
After he's given it to you, he'll just hold a 15-minute speech about how you belong to him and how this collar will show everyone.
If you say yes afterward he'll be confused. This wasn't a question.
Billy Loomis
Oh Billy has it all planned out... and it can go both ways.
It's either a super romantic, high-school sweetheart-like proposal with flowers, a cute ring, balloons, and all that boring stuff or...
He dresses up as Michael Myers and jumps out at you, scaring you to death, just to hold a ring and propose to you.
I can see him totally scaring the shit out of you the whole evening just to make your proposal a special one.
Stu also helps him which makes you question which of the two you're really marrying.
Stu Macher
Stu will propose in his own way, to be frank, everything he does is done in his own way.
He'll be quite sweet actually, taking you out on a Ferris wheel to ask the question.
He's serious about the whole thing but he doesn't quite show it.
He makes it seem as if this whole thing does nothing to him so you can't see how nervous he is.
After you say yes he'll still act cool but the shake in his voice gives him away.
If you cry, he'll tease you for years so be careful.
Brahms Heelshire
The only idea Brahms has of proposal and marriage is from the books he's read. And those are either porn magazines or some old romance novels from way before our time.
He'll wear a suit. You don't even know where he got it from, it's astonishingly old.
There's no dinner or anything, Brahms can't cook and after all, that's your job.
He'll give you flowers though!
And his grandmother's proposal ring that he found somewhere in the mansion. He just can't buy his own so he has to improvise.
If you say yes he'll smile excitedly and jump into your arms. He's not getting off too, you have to carry him now.
Sometimes he forgets how tall he is.
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas will marry you pretty early into the relationship.
After all, his family is very religious and you know what they say, no sex before marriage kids. I doubt that Thomas will obey that rule but let's pretend-
Luda will help him with everything he needs, she'll even get Hoyt and Monty to leave the house with her for a night so you two have some privacy!
Thomas will be very nervous and you very confused. Thomas never stopped working unless it was something important.
You'll eat and have a nice time, you can finally spend some time with your lover and this time, not in the basement. He even takes his mask off, just for you.
After dinner he'll clear his throat and actually say the whole proposal out loud. This is important and Thomas doesn't want to ruin this just because he doesn't want to talk.
He could never ruin anything but he's insecure like that.
If you say yes he's going to grin brightly and just pick you up, spinning you around until he actually kisses you, once again feeling so grateful for you in his life.
Marriage isn't that important to him so he takes a while to even think about that idea.
Of course, a life filled with you is absolutely amazing in his opinion but he trusts that you won't leave him, with or without a promise binding you to him.
After a bit of thinking, he decides to do it just for the gesture.
He'll buy a ring that he thinks fits and then plan a nice dinner with a few candles, red wine, expensive food, all that shit.
Josef is an amazing cook so that food will be to die for.
After eating, he'll intertwine your hands with his and look into your eyes, quietly bringing up the whole idea of marriage.
If you seem interested and I mean positively interested, he'll pull out the ring, surprising you like always.
Say yes and Josef will get quite emotional, never did he think someone would actually marry him.
He might cry but one word about that and you'll get the silent treatment.
you'll get a gif, as a treat
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Amanda Young
Marriage? Uh, not for her.
Amanda hates the whole idea of marriage, stupid love-sick couples marrying just to break up and divorce a year later, leaving children to grow up in an environment that's shaped by isolation and abandonment.
However, she's not against a ring to show that she's never going to leave you.
Amanda will make one for you, yes you heard me, make.
It's so important to her, anyone else but her would fail her.
It takes a while but seeing your happy tears after she gave and explained it to you makes everything worth it.
She'll often admire it, sitting so perfect on your finger.
You're hers and hers alone.
You can't see it but she's smiling.
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daryfromthefuture · 2 years
An AU I'm currently obsessed with
...something going wrong with the locomotive or something and leaving Doc and Marty stuck in 1885?!
Marty is forced to live in a time 100 years before his own forEVEr (Here's the inspiration fic btw, 10/10 would recommend, some ideas are from there, too)
So anyway, some thoughts:
Doc is obviously in love with Clara, and now that he's stuck in the 1880s, he can...well, live with her for the rest of his life. Basically, he doesn't mind staying in his favorite era. He often goes on dates with her and spends the evenings rather with her than staying in the stable and actually try and work on plans to repair the time machine/build a new one.
Guess who doesn't like that at all? Correct: Marty. He feels completely lost and now also abandoned by the only person that is familiar to him in the Old West. He tries to tell Doc that he feels left behind, but Doc doesn't understand and tells him that it'll pass and that of course he would never leave him. While getting ready for the next stargazing date :(
Two months later, Doc is already planning on proposing to Clara. Marty meanwhile keeps his feelings to himself and bottles them up like a professional, and even manages to keep a straight face when Doc tells him about his plans about him and the schoolteacher. The night Doc is off to ask The Big Question, Marty wanders to the saloon and tries his mother's method of dealing with problems: Drinking. That does NOT go well, and he ends up being brought back to the stable by either Seamus or Chester. When Doc comes home after having recieved a "yes" from Clara concerning their marriage, he isn't pleased to find Marty drunk af.
The morning afterwards, Marty wakes up with a bad hangover. When Doc then proceeds to yell at him, he snaps. Imma write that scene out bc I have it in my head:
"Marty, what do you THINK you were doing last night?! Drinking, are you serious? You know that you're not helping yourself adjust to this century by simply trying their whiskey!" The teen sitting on the bed didn't reply, so the scientist continued his lecture: "I already have my hands full with my job as blacksmith, my now impending wedding and the time machine. Do you really have to make it even harder for me?" That was it. Marty had have enough. "What do you mean, hard?! You seem to be living your best life here! You can do something you like and try new stuff. Hell, I don't even have my damned guitar! And you got Clara, while Jennifer and my family are a hundred years in the future. I don't have anyone here, Doc. Except you. But, no, you don't need me around anymore. Why waste your time on some stupid kid when you can go and relax with a smart and beautiful lady? Exactly, there's no reason to." Doc's facial features abruptly softened. "What?" Marty cursed as he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He didn't need crying now, he had a headache already. "You- you heard me. I know you don't give a shit about me anymore, but at least tell me that." Emmett wondered if one was able to hear his heart shattering. While he had been so focused on courting Clara, and spending time with her, he had completely forgotten that Marty was here as well. While he had been trying his best at making Clara happy, and taking care of her, he hadn't done the same for Marty. And the boy was under his charge now, after all. Doc now completely understood why Marty had been drinking - if he felt so alone... He slowly sat down next to Marty on the edge of the bed. "I- I didn't realize you felt that way." Marty looked up from the floor, a couple tears rolling down his cheeks. "Maybe it's because you never asked," he said quietly, before wiping at his face. "I'm sorry, Marty," Emmett said. And he meant it. "I do care about you. Very much. Please forgive me for making you think otherwise." The teen nodded, but then broke down in quiet sobs. "I'm- I'm sorry too. I'm being a selfish jerk. You've finally found love, and here I am, jealous." "You're not to blame," Doc spoke softly, "I would've felt the same way if I was you." He gently reached forward and brought Marty into his arms, holding him tightly. "I'm here, Marty, I'm here. I promise."
(Not me totally crying over the last bit.)
Anyway, after Doc and Clara get married, Marty settles down with them in a new house. Doc is very paranoid about not changing stuff about the future, and so Marty mostly spends his time writing random songs or helping Doc with his blacksmithing. However, he starts to get bored and at the same time begins to lose his hopes of ever getting home.
About Doc and Clara's kids? Look, Doc really did NOT want kids. Not because he doesn't want them but because of the potential damage to the space-time-continuum and all that. Eventually, Clara gets pregnant and Doc panics. But then he calms down and realizes that ok, maybe the universe won't collapse.
Our boy Marty, after seemigly having made peace with the fact that Doc is a married man, is now back on his anxiety train. Doc now won't have time for me at all. Who am I to him now? Will I only be a third wheel all the time?
Aaaand Imma leave it with that. But pleaaasee ramble with me about this :0
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Tropesville Chapter Two
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Summary: Mikaela and Sy drive to the wedding, but what surprises are in stall for them when they arrive?
Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Mikaela)
Word Count: approx. 3.1k
Warnings: Implied smut (imagined smut), tropes, Sy POV
Authors note: I got a prompt from @omgkatinka and I started it as a one-shot and thought, nah, I could do heaps with this and it just kept expanding. Anyway, I hope you all like it.
Thanks to @amberangel112 @henryobsessed and @blakerogue for all their help on this.
Chapter One Chapter Three
Chapter Two
Syverson POV
For the next few days I felt a little high, like nothing was going to bring me down. I was looking forward to the weekend I couldn’t think of much else. The look on Mikaela’s face when I said it was a date was enough to keep my thoughts positive as I pottered around, cleaning and airing out my abandoned house. The least Liza could have done was empty the fridge so I didn’t have to come home to that putrid mess.
I figured it could have been worse. I could have come home to Liza herself, cold and distant like she had been for the year before I left. I should be grateful to her for having the balls to end the relationship considering I didn’t. We both knew a year ago it was over, but we held on for some reason. I don’t know why either of us had let it go on for as long as we had, we had both mentally checked out of the relationship not long after we moved so I could be closer to the base. Maybe misplaced loyalty or perhaps the dream of being high school sweethearts together forever was too romantic for either of us to give up on.
In some ways it was good that I had been away when Liza ended it. I think if I had been home I would have gone straight to Mikaela and asked her out without giving myself time to adjust to being without Liza. I had thought I’d give myself time while home too, but I couldn’t stay away. It took everything I had not to knock on her door before I even walked into mine. I told myself, I’d wait a month to ask her out, maybe chat to her a few times, let her know I was home but wait a spell to make sure I hadn’t built her up in my head as something she wasn’t. I’d seen it happen before, guys meeting a girl just before they leave then spending months thinking about her, only to come home and realise she’s not what they thought she was.
I was definitely still attracted to her, I hadn’t made that up while I away. Her hair was just as beautiful, rich brown tones, blonde on the top where the sun kissed her head. Her almost too big eyes were still the colour of the Sea of Crete and her nose was still cute, scrunching up when she laughed. And she was as easy to get along with. Although there was a little awkwardness on Sunday, it was probably my fault because I don’t know what I would have done if she had said no. Or if she had a boyfriend. She should have a boyfriend. Hell, by all rights, a girl like her should be married with babies.
Both fortunately and unfortunately, the wedding invitation on the fridge reminded me about this weekend and any chance I had of biding my time with Mika was thrown out the window. I’d forgotten all about the wedding, Liza normally would have reminded me, or at least she could have called my cousin and told him she wasn’t going. I decided I wasn’t going to go either, I didn’t need that bullshit so close to coming home. I had a couple of weeks R & R then back on base, I didn’t want to spend a whole weekend with family I hadn’t seen in over five years. I called my cousin Matt to tell him I couldn’t make it, but he freaked out saying Olivia would have kittens if I didn’t come and bring Liza. I didn’t bother letting them know Liza wouldn’t be coming because my brain instantly said invite Mika. I thought about it the whole day and by Sunday morning I had convinced myself it was a good idea.
On Thursday morning I was pumped, ready for the weekend, but I also started to feel a bit weird. I started thinking about how this was the first date I’d been on in over a decade. I didn’t feel nervous as such, but the thought of spending a weekend with Mika was making me feel all cut up. I wanted it to go smoothly, wanted her to have a good time with me, I wanted to tell her how I felt. Yeah, ok, I wanted fuck her too, but hell, I’d take a clothes on make-out session and be as happy as a pig in shit.
I knocked on Mikaela’s door at five pm exactly, chuckling as I had to knock a few times before I heard her voice sing out that she had heard me. I had almost bought her a doorbell the other day, but she really wanted her cottage done exactly as she wanted it, so I didn’t. When I heard the lock turn in the door, I found myself standing up straight, almost at attention, before forcing myself to be at ease.
Mika smiled when she saw me, a tentative smile, but a smile nonetheless. It brightened her face, that crinkle in her nose and her big round cheeks swelled in cutest way. I always wanted to pick her up and bear hug her when she smiled like that. Sometimes when we had been drinking together I’d nearly forget myself and reach out to her before pulling back when I’d see the confused look on her face. I hesitated again, instead giving her my usual one armed hug and kiss on the cheek, but I lingered smelling her freshly washed hair, my mouth near salivating from the fragrance. I wish I knew what that was.
Straightening, I grinned, “You ready, Darlin’?” Mika nodded and pulled a small suitcase and dress bag over her shoulder. I took them both off her, she started to protest, but I raised my eyebrows and with a sigh, she acquiesced and locked her front door.
As soon as she got in the truck, the cab filled with her perfume. I took a deep breath again, trying to place it. Giving up, I said, “You smell good, Darlin’. What is that?”
Smiling and maybe blushing slightly she said, “It’s just my shampoo, Shea Butter.”
I scrunched my face up, “I ain’t ever heard of that before.” I smirked, “Let me smell it again.”
“No,” Mika said laughing. Lord, she was pretty when she got all embarrassed, her eyes seemed to shine, but she always looked away. I wanted to touch her, put my fingers under her chin, bring her face to mine, but I could wait. I could be patient, despite the twitching I felt in my pants.
Chuckling with her I said, “Alright, should we make like a tree?” Mika looked at me then, and nodded. I didn’t move, torn between wanting to kiss her right now and waiting until I could do it properly, hold her in my arms, feel her warmth against me. I licked my lips and saw hers part with a gasp. Fuck.
I shook my head, ordering myself to wait. But I reached out and held her hand. It was warm and small in mine, I don’t think I had ever held her hand before and it felt real nice. I ran my thumb over her knuckles, feeling the delicate bones and said, far more breathless than I thought I would, “Thanks for coming.”
“Anytime,” Mika said, her voice was soft in a way I had never heard from her before. She gave my hand a squeeze, and not without difficulty, I let her go, turning the truck on.
Axel Rose’s voice filled the cab, both of us jumped and we reached for the volume control at the same time. My hand knocked hers out of the way, but she laughed again. “My bad,” I apologised.
“Jesus Christ, Sy,” she giggled. “How the fuck can you listen to that so loudly?”
Throwing an arm over the back of her seat and pulling out of my driveway I said, “You know what they say, if it’s too loud, you’re too old.”
“Or,” Mika said in a playful tone. “You’re too old and you need it that loud to hear.”
“I ain’t old!” I protested as I started to drive off. I was only five years older than her at 35, but this was a fairly regular banter between us.
“That’s not what your music tells me. Do you have any music in here from the past decade?”
“Now why would I want to listen to today’s shitty music when everything after 1994 was messed up by modern electronics?”
“Just admit you are old and I’ll move on,” Mika said.
The conversation continued like that for a while, playfully teasing and making subtle digs at each other. It came easy to us, and I suspect we would tease each other about the things we liked most. Well I did anyway, I teased her over her huge eyes, when all I wanted was to fall into them for hours. Eventually we settled down and started talking about serious stuff. I think Mika wanted to clear the air about somethings she was thinking about.
“Are you ok, Sy?” she asked. I gave her a confused look, I wasn’t sure what she was referring to exactly. “Like, with you and Liza.” I raised my eyebrows. I hadn’t expected she would want to talk about that. Quickly, she added, “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. It’s only that you guys had been together for a really long time and it can’t be easy to break up with someone you’ve been with for so long.”
I didn’t say anything for a while, I wasn’t sure how much she wanted to know. In the end I said, “I’m good. Yeah, it was a shock that it was officially over, but I’m honestly relieved.” Mika looked confused this time so I explained, “The relationship was over long before that.”
“But you stayed with her?” Mika asked. “Why would you do that?”
“I don’t know,” I said cautiously. Did she really want to know, or was she being polite? “What about you? I see you go on dates with guys a few times then they’re gone.”
Mika shifted a little uncomfortably in her seat. “If I don’t see a future with a guy within the first few dates I don’t bother.”
“Why not?” I asked. “No one says you’ve got to marry them. It could just be a little fun.” Out of the corner of my eye I saw her purse her lips in thought. I had probably overstepped some line, I wasn’t sure what was appropriate considering how out of practice I was with this dating thing. But also, I knew so much about her, would she tell me if we were still just friends? Was the question a problem because we were trying to be something more? I said, “You don’t have to answer, Darlin’.”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t know how much you want to know.”
I let out an amused hum because I had wondered the same thing. “I want to know whatever you wanna tell me, Mika.”
“I guess I had a bad experience with my high school boyfriend and my best friend hooking up while I went away to college. I felt like I had wasted my time on him. I don’t want to make that mistake again.”
I supposed that made sense, although it was the opposite to what happened with Liza and me. We had wasted a lot of time together despite knowing it wasn’t going to work. I told Mika that and she asked why we had let the relationship go for as long as we had.
“Maybe because we had grown up together?” I replied. “Maybe misplaced loyalty or perhaps the dream of being high school sweethearts, together forever, was too romantic for either of us to give up on?”
“I never thought you were the romantic type, Sy,” Mika said with a smirk.
I feigned indignation, “Oh Sugar, I’m romantic as hell. You just wait, I’ll show you.”
Mika laughed, “Sure you are, Sy. I’ll bet you’re real romantic falling over drunk and horny at three am.”
“Maybe you’ll get lucky and find out how romantic I can be at three am,” I said without thinking. Mika cheeks flushed with red and she looked away. I couldn’t tell if I had gone too far. I think that may have been the first time our flirting had alluded to actually fucking. I was about to change the subject, say anything to avoid the atmosphere descending into awkwardness, but Mika beat me to it.
Half turning her head back and tucked her long rich, brown hair behind her ear, she said, “Maybe, I’d like that.” Her voice, lilting and warm, was also hesitant, like she wasn’t sure that I wanted it to. I had been obvious, I thought, but maybe not enough. I reach over the gear box and took her hand in mine. I didn’t look at her, I kept my eyes on the road as I guided her, palm up to my lips and kissed her soft skin.
I hummed, content, her hands smelt faintly of the pomegranate soap she kept at her house. I had missed that smell. I laced my fingers in hers, now that I had her hand again, I was unwilling to let it go. Her small dainty fingers curled around mine and I rested our hands on my thigh. I felt my lips pull into a grin. This was good, this was progress. I glanced at Mika, she was smiling too.
She kept her hand there for a long time. Even when I pulled my hand away to use both on the wheel or change gears, she left it here, palm down exerting gentle pressure on my thigh, ready to hold mine again. Sometimes I held onto the wheel for longer than I had to just to get a look at her touching me. I couldn’t look too long, not just because I was driving, her pink nails invaded my thoughts and I could help thinking what those fingers would look like gripping my dick. As soon as I did that, I started to get hard, and there was no way to hide it, so I’d grab her hand again and hope she didn’t notice. I didn’t think she was quite ready to go there yet. We didn’t really talk a lot the rest of the trip. I think we both felt a growing excitement, an anticipation of what the weekend would hold for us.
As we got closer to the resort the wedding was at, I started getting jittery, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I was genuinely nervous now but also so keyed up I had to turn the music down, the thrashing metal just wasn’t going to work. I skipped through tracks until I found an old power ballad, just to calm me down before we arrived or I was going to be on Mika so fast, her head would spin.
“Wow, this place looks fancy,” Mika said, playfully using a posh accent on the word fancy, as we arrived at the hotel.
I grinned, parked the car and said, “Yeah, too highfalutin for me. Don’t expect me to take you to a place like this again.”
“I won’t,” Mika said a little teasingly. “Next time you take me somewhere you’ll have to pay. If I get something more expensive than a Happy Meal, I’ll be impressed.” She got out of the truck and made her way to the back.
Following her and taking the bags out I said, “Lord woman. A Happy Meal? That’s a little out of my price range. Which of your ex’s spoiled you?” Mika laughed and for the first time I could do what I’ve wanted to. I stepped in close to her, shepherding her up to the truck. Her laughter stopped, but her smile didn’t, and I gave her one back while I wrapped my arms around her.
She started to look away, I could see her nervousness creep in “Noah,” she whispered, her voice full of doubt.
“Mika,” I replied, unable to keep the flirtatious tone out of my voice. I pressed her body with mine against the truck. Using my index finger, I lifted her chin up until she looked me in the eye. I looked at her lips, full and scarlet, she took the bottom one in her mouth and I groaned. Fuck her lips looked sweet, I wondered what they tasted like. I held her eyes again, my hand moved down her neck, and I felt her swallow against my thumb. I wanted to kiss her so much, I leaned towards her, my breath coming in great heaves. She closed her eyes, her lips parted as she licked them. She wanted me to kiss her. I felt myself twitch in my pants, grow from a semi to a throbbing mass. I was almost scared to kiss her, what if I couldn’t stop. I hadn’t felt anything like this in a decade. I closed my eyes…
“Noah!” A voice cried.
The moment shattered and I pressed my forehead against Mika’s. “Fuck,” I snarled. The voice called again and Mika giggled. I chuckled, I suppose it was funny. “We’re going to continue this later, Sugar.” I growled, pulling her head down and pressing my lips into her hair. I quickly gave myself a little adjustment before turning to the voice.
“Hi, Matt,” I said, only slightly friendly. He was younger than me, constantly following me and annoying me when we were kids, always getting in my way. I suppose not much has changed. “Congratulations, and all that,” I said, but as Matt got closer a strange look came across his face.
“Mikaela?” he asked.
“Matt?” she asked back, looking a little off colour.
“You two know each other?” I asked.
“We used to…” Mikaela started
“Date,” Matt finished.
“Shit,” I cursed. Not good, not good at all.
“What is she doing here, Matt?” Olivia’s shrill voice announced her appearance as she followed close behind her fiancé.
“You know Olivia too?” I asked, turning to look at Mika. She looked deathly pale, like she was going to faint. Oh fuck, please don’t let it be him, the one she told me about.
Mika sighed and I knew, she didn’t have to say it, but she did anyway, “She’s my ex best friend. Matt left me for her.”
“Well,” I said, crossing my arms. “This is gonna be one hell of a shit show.”
Chapter 3
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imagineaworld · 3 years
mr & mrs smith | b.b
in which bucky and y/n go undercover
pairing: bucky barnes x reader, platonic/romantic undertones
word count: 2k
warnings: none
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undercover missions were usually fun. coming up with a character and a backstory was something y/n enjoyed doing the night before the mission. this time, however, her character and story were already decided.
“you two,” tony stuck his head around the corner of the door into the common room and beckoned with his finger. “come with me.”
y/n shared a confused glance with bucky from across the room. they had both been sat on opposite sides of the common room, bucky reclined on an armchair, head in a book, and y/n sat in the windowsill, her head also buried in a book. 
shrugging, y/n headed after tony, bucky following suit, wondering whether they were in trouble or not. when they got to tony’s office, bucky took a seat next to y/n, bouncing his leg up and down unconsciously.
y/n put a hand on his leg. “it’s alright,” she said, flashing a reassuring smile.
bucky smiled back, awkwardly patting y/n’s hand as it rested on his leg. he never knew how to respond to physical affection.
“alright you two,” tony chucked a file across the desk to them. y/n took her hand off bucky’s leg to read through it. “got an undercover mission for you. this time, i decided your aliases.”
“what?” y/n complained. “that’s no fun.”
“quite the opposite,” tony said. “you two are in the honeymoon suite.
bucky choked in surprise. y/n’s jaw dropped.
the two weren’t the best of friends, but they weren’t enemies either. y/n was always kind to bucky, and very physical in her affection. on multiple occasions, when going to bed, she would hug everyone good night, including bucky if he was in the room. bucky tried not to think of it personally, she did it with everyone of course. but sometimes it was the only physical affection he got for days. 
“you couldn’t have picked someone more compatible? like bruce and nat?” y/n suggested.
“vision and wanda?” bucky chimed in. the thought of going on a mission with y/n made him nervous, because she made him nervous.
tony shook his head. “has to be you two. this mission requires a particular skill set. you spend the night in the honeymoon suite, plant some bugs, secret cameras, y’know?”
“why?” y/n asked.
“after you two check out, a prominent member of a terrorist organisation will check in with his equally prominent new wife. see what information you can get, hm?”
y/n chucked her suitcase into the trunk of the loan car. “i’m driving,” she announced.
“why you?” bucky asked, leaning against the car, dressed in dark jeans, a plain t-shirt and a zip-up hoodie to cover the majority of his metal arm.
“you’re an old man. plus you don’t have an actual licence.”
bucky protested as y/n climbed into the driver’s seat, starting the engine. grumbling to himself, he got into the passenger seat. “here you go,” he said, handing her a gold ring. “goes on your left hand.”
“yeah, i know,” y/n muttered, slipping the ring on her finger. she held her hand out, admiring the wedding band. bucky put his hand next to hers, wearing a matching band. “i always thought if i was marrying a hundred-year-old man, he’d be my sugar daddy.”
“i can buy you a coffee at starbucks,” bucky offered.
y/n chuckled. “you know what? i’ll take it.”
bucky watched y/n from the passenger side as she drove. the pair drove for an hour until they passed the nearest starbucks, where bucky bought them both a latte and a pastry for the rest of the journey. another half an hour and they arrived at the grand hotel tony had booked for them. 
they each grabbed their suitcase from the trunk. “okay, metal man,” y/n murmured. “keep your left arm hidden behind my back.”
“no shit, captain obvious.” y/n elbowed him in the side. “yeah, that’s exactly how a newlywed couple would act,” he said sarcastically. 
“okay, newlyweds starting now.”
the two walked into the hotel, suitcases in tow. bucky’s metal hand was on the small of y/n’s back, hidden from the view of the receptionist as the two of them checked in. for him, it felt strange to be touching her like that, but y/n showed no signs of even acknowledging it.
“hi,” y/n greeted sweetly, in a voice bucky had never heard before. “we’ve booked the honeymoon suite.”
the receptionist typed something into the computer. “mr and mrs smith?” she asked. bucky and y/n nodded, fake smiles plastered on their faces. “third floor, let me just get your room key,” she headed into the backroom.
“mr and mrs smith?” bucky whispered.
y/n rolled her eyes. “must have been tony’s idea of a joke,” she whispered back.
“i don’t get it.”
“never mind.”
the receptionist had returned, handing y/n a room key. “enjoy your stay,” she smiled.
“thank you,” bucky and y/n said at the same time, heading up to their room.
inside the honeymoon suite was beautiful. there was an expensive-looking chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, gorgeous floral wallpaper adorning the walls. on the walls also hung beautiful paintings and embellished mirrors. at the back of the room, there was a huge, decorated bed. just one.
“there’s only one bed,” bucky pointed out.
of course, there was only one bed, it’s the honeymoon suite. bucky hadn’t thought of this. 
y/n abandoned her suitcase and flopped down on the massive bed. “it’s a movie.”
“what’s a movie?” bucky asked as he sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed beside y/n.
“mr and mrs smith,” she explained. “angelina jolie and brad pitt play a husband and wife who are both assassins, but neither knows about the other because they work for different agencies. until they get assigned to kill each other.”
bucky chuckled. “sounds good, actually.”
in the golden light reflecting off the ornately carved, brushed-gold headboard, y/n looked ethereal. bucky took in her exquisite facial structure, the way her hair splayed across the pillow where she had laid, how her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks as she closed her eyes.
“about the bed situation,” y/n said, snapping bucky back to reality as she opened her eyes to look at him. “you mind sharing? it’s pretty big and i don’t take up much space.”
bucky just shrugged, not really sure what to say.
“it’s okay if you don’t want to, you can tell me,” y/n reassured.
“no, it’s fine, honestly,” bucky replied, not entirely convincingly.
y/n got up from the bed, picked up her suitcase and opened it on the bed. she rummaged around underneath a bunch of microphones and cameras to pull out a bikini. looks like we’re filming a porno, bucky heard her mumble under her breath.
“i’m heading to the pool, wanna come?” y/n asked, disappearing into the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar.
bucky tapped his metal arm. “can’t.” 
when y/n came out of the bathroom, she had on a simple black bikini. she threw on an oversized shirt, grabbed her towel and her book. “alright, i won’t be too long,” she said, heading out the door.
happy to have some time to himself, bucky made his way out onto the balcony, taking a seat in a sun-lounger and started reading his book. it took him a while to get the image of y/n in her bikini out of his head, but eventually, he managed to focus on his book. in the midday heat, he slipped his t-shirt off over his head, shirtless in the sun.
he had been so lost in his book that he hadn’t heard y/n come back, or realised how much time had passed.
“whatcha reading?” y/n asked, surprising bucky. she was sat on the sun-lounger on the other side of the balcony, her shirt also discarded on the floor like buckys.
“i didn’t hear you come in,” bucky murmured.
“that’s the point,” y/n shrugged, opening up her book.
“to kill a mockingbird,” bucky answered her question. “saw it on a list of ‘ten books everyone should read’. have you read it?”
“yeah,” y/n used her hand to shield her eyes from the sun as she looked at bucky. “i really liked it. you enjoying it?”
“so far,” he said.
y/n diverted her attention back to her book, but bucky found it difficult to do the same. y/n’s body was exposed, leaving little to the imagination. bucky wasn’t yet used to the new way women dressed nowadays. he most certainly wasn’t complaining though. her hair was damp, slicked back and trickling droplets across her bronzed skin. her face was makeup-free, glowing in the sunlight. her long legs...
“what?” y/n asked, noticing bucky staring at her.
his cheeks flushed as he mumbled, “nothing.”
“i can cover up if it makes you more comfortable?” she offered, not unkindly.
“no, it’s fine,” he spoke louder now. “i think it’s great that women can wear whatever they want now.”
“you sure?” she checked.
bucky cleared his throat, closing his book. “yeah. i’m gonna take a cool shower now anyway, too hot.”
he headed inside, leaving y/n in her bikini on the balcony. 
by late evening, y/n and bucky had ordered room service for dinner and were now sat opposite each other on the humungous ornate couches. between them was a glass coffee table, holding two glasses of red wine. bucky was already on his second glass.
"so," y/n said, making conversation. "you think nat and bruce will ever make it official?"
bucky looked confused. "is it not already official?"
y/n shook her head. "nat talks my ear off about it, how she's not sure if she should make the first move or wait for him to." 
y/n wore a pink silk pyjama shirt and matching shorts, exposing her long legs, which she crossed in front of her as she sat. she took a large gulp of wine and carefully topped up her glass. bucky wore dark sweatpants and a dark t-shirt.
“why don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked, the wine giving him an edge.
y/n looked slightly amused. “what?” 
“why don’t you have a boyfriend? or girlfriend?” he added.
“i guess i haven’t found the right person,” y/n shrugged.
he contemplated this for a moment. “so, are you...” bucky cut himself off. “never mind. none of my business.”
y/n knew exactly what he was going to ask. “a virgin? no, i’m not. you?”
“i didn’t think so,” y/n said with a smile.
bucky frowned. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“well, have you looked in the mirror? you’re not exactly ugly,” she said with a laugh.
bucky wasn't sure how to interpret that. he wasn't used to compliments, nor was he used to speaking so openly about sex. did that mean y/n thought he was good-looking? perhaps he hadn't been mistaken all those times he thought y/n hugged him just a bit longer than everyone else.
he didn't say anything, just poured himself some more wine. 
"why don't you have a girlfriend? or boyfriend?" y/n threw bucky's question back to him.
bucky thought for a while. he hadn't really thought about having a relationship. he didn't think anyone would want to be with someone with as much baggage as he has. but he didn't want to share that with y/n. "haven't exactly figured out this modern dating," he said, taking a sip of wine. "don't like the idea of going on a date with someone i haven't even met." 
"i tried it once," y/n confided. "nat dared me, a few weeks ago. didn't go very well." 
bucky raised his eyebrows. "why not?"
"men are pigs," y/n shrugged, not wanting to go into much more detail.
perhaps she wasn't interested in bucky then like he had thought for a second there. ask now, he thought, while its the topic of conversation.
"there's got to be someone you like though?" he asked.
he watched her shoulders rise and fall as she sighed, contemplating. "it's not a priority for me, i guess. if i find someone, cool. but i'm not looking. i think love just happens sometimes, you can't always look for it."
"i'm sorry your date didn't go well," bucky spoke lowly. "anyone would be lucky to have you."
y/n chuckled. "you think?"
"i do."
"you're real sweet, you know that?" y/n smiled softly at bucky. "anyone would be lucky to have you, too.”
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