#so when i came back to sleep he had brought me home. i was worried my mom would be worried i was gone bc i forgot my phone so i called her
oneforthemunny · 1 day
What would a fluffy sweet morning with Nepotism!baby, Rockstar!eddie and baby Persephone be like? Because I am in the mood of some dad!eddie and sweet baby sephy moments after rereading the vacation one shot
also in a fluffy domestic kinda mood so enjoy <3 everyone's favorite rockstar dilf!!
"Babe, look." Eddie's laugh floated through the kitchen, wrapping around you and leaving you warm with affection.
You followed his soft laughs and coos into the living room, finding Eddie and Persephone on their tummies. Persephone on her little mat, bright eyes looking up at Eddie's.
"Look at you. You're gettin' good at this, Sephy." Eddie cooed, a waterfall of curls hiding his features, but you knew he was grinning, features bright and beaming.
"What's she doing?" You hummed, sinking to your knees.
"She's holding her head up longer." Eddie grinned proudly, eyes dazzling when they met yours. Seeing him and Sephy side by side like this, you could really see all the features she'd gotten from him. Her Daddy's twin, that was for sure.
"Is she?" You gasped, features lighting up in an exaggerated way that had Persephone gurgling, lips rounding in a baby grin.
Five months had flown by. You and Eddie both were so sure, when you first brought her home, that you'd never survive the newborn stage. Now, she was growing at light speed, "growing like a weed" Wayne had declared the last time he came to visit, just a few weeks ago. He wouldn't believe how much she'd grown since then.
"Watch," Eddie smiled, a tattooed finger reaching out to tickle Persephone's pudgy little chin. "Are you gonna show Mama? Show her how big and strong you are." He babbled.
Your heart swooned, deep dives of adoration. You knew Eddie would be a good dad, but even then, he'd exceeded your expectations. Fatherhood was made for him, you'd decided. He embraced it so naturally.
Your hand slid down his back, warm from sleep, watching Persephone push up, lifting her little head to look at both of you. "Say something." Eddie muttered towards you.
"Look at you." You coo, waving your fingers to capture her attention. "The strongest baby in the whole wide world." You grinned, eyes cutting to Eddie's.
He grinned, a half smirk, eyes cutting back to yours. An inside joke, one between the two of you from Persephone's first hours on earth. Laid up in the Malibu home bed, after the home birth, fawning and admiring the tiny bundle of joy that was all yours. She'd reached out to grab Eddie's finger, tiny hand curling around his ring finger. Eddie, still delirious with emotions of the day.
"She's got a fuckin grip," Eddie declared with a watery laugh. "The strongest baby in the world, holy shit. I'm not kiddin', Ifeel like newborns should not be this strong."
You'd laughed until you cried, delirious and exhausted and so, so in love. The joke had stuck long after that.
"She is." Eddie beamed, hand sliding over your knee affectionately, squeezing your calf gently. "She's trying to roll too. She wants to."
"Does she?"
"Yeah," Eddie nodded, clapping for Persephone when she put her head back down. "See? It's a record. She's going for the baby record. Gonna break it."
You giggled, Eddie picking up Persephone, rolling onto his back, placing her on his chest. She let out a deep baby laugh that had you both giggling, her tiny hands slapping against Eddie's chest, going straight for his hair.
"You two look just alike." You hummed, brushing Eddie's curls back, letting Persephone grab your fingers instead.
"No way," Eddie shook his head. "Looks like you, baby."
You scoff. "You don't have to lie to me." You mutter, leaning closer to Persephone. "You're your Daddy's twin, aren't you? Look just like him. I did all that heavy lifting and you look just like him. How's that fair, hm?" Your voice lilts into a high pitched baby talk that has her going crazy, squealing and babbling back on Eddie's chest.
"Don't worry," Eddie bounced Sephy, tilting his head back to look up at you. "Next one will look just like you, babe, promise." He winked, leaving you blistering.
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angstigone · 21 hours
𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩 (𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩)
the title is a lyric from 'enter sandman' by metallica
𝗥𝘆𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝘂𝗸𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲! 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 (𝗠𝗼𝗱𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗔𝗨)
(A/N): hello there, lovelies!
before going any further I'd like to tell y'all that this might be turned into a series if I feel like it and if you'd like to see more, pls don't forget to comment and reblog especially. such a thing always has me reading and writing faster and better!
(also this is based on a low key true story - not having an hot neighbor - but me being unable to sleep).
have a nice day!
SUMMARY: there's something sketchy from the apartment beside your own, with a child constantly wailing. when you finally get to confront your neighbor you find that he's tall, big and especially... hot.
«… I am your… neighbor». «I could have gathered that» he commented grumpily and flashing you a sharp smile.  Shit, his canines were… quite sharp.  You wondered briefly whether he went around ripping people’s throat with those, as dread set in your gut. Maybe he was just a serial killer who used children’s cries to prey upon his victims and you were there - sleep deprived and in a Mermaid Melody pajama - looking death in the face. «… saw you around».
WARNINGS: suggestive (sukuna makes some sexual jokes to reader), this is just banter, I had such a fun time with them bantering, modern au, afab character, she/her pronouns, pre-relationship, getting together, baby yuji being the fussiest baby ever, slight angst towards yuji's family situation, sukuna is a wrestler.
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To say that sleep didn’t come easy to you would be an understatement.
As a light sleeper living in a crappy apartment complex on the middle floor, you were either startled awake by the early morning maintenance work or the crazy lady one floor above you who didn’t understand that she’d have saved up on neighborly glares if she had only finally gotten some hearing aids instead of blasting her TV at full volume either late in the night or early in the morning.
As if this situation wasn’t traumatic enough, somebody moved in the apartment next door and while the previous inhabitants had been students with a poor taste in music and too little money for good alcohol, you were by now sure that the fussiest baby in the whole world had moved in their place.
Everytime you came back home, he’d wail for a few hours - preferably late in the night - till you heard an ushering voice cursing underneath his breath in a clear indication of frustration.
Well, if his father was frustrated, you were ten times more and a bit worried: what could make a child cry so much? 
Was it possible that despite the good reputation of the neighbor, somebody a bit… sketchy had moved?
The thought had you shuddering but your common sense was definitely weakened by the lack of sleep you had gotten since the wailing child had moved next door and you thought to confront the situation.
If anything to assure herself that you had at least tried. 
You struggled with confrontation although - on the card at least - you were a fully grown adult and such an action would get you so many points with your therapist, although you needed a good pep talk and the reward of a steaming cup of hot cocoa in the morning before you brought yourself to knock on your neighbor’s door at one a.m. in the night.
You heard a curse and thought for a moment to bolt and blame it on the musician a few floors above who’d come late through the night from his ‘concerts’ - a pitiful ensemble of ten people, half of which his family, in a less than proper bar - but you eventually thought to hold your ground. 
You were in the right: a few days of crying were normal especially with a younger child but it was by now a few weeks not to talk about the fact that it was past twelve and according to the apartment’s reglementations - which you hadn’t ever read but searched out to assure yourself you’d be in the right - it was by far an infringement of the laws against loud nois…
«What is it?».
You shouldn’t have been so taken aback by the rudeness with which you were greeted as a mountain of a man showed up, opening the door only halfway and regarding you in the - less than flattering - light of the hallway. 
You realized only then that maybe showing up in your comfy pajama hadn’t been the best idea but it’d have been weird if you showed up fully clothed for work, wouldn’t it?
«Ahem… good… good morrow…» where was the whole discourse you had rehearsed while staring at the roof of your bedroom while the damned child kept on crying in the room right next to your own. 
Or so it seemed.
«… I am your… neighbor».
«I could have gathered that» he commented grumpily and flashing you a sharp smile. 
Shit, his canines were… quite sharp. 
You wondered briefly whether he went around ripping people’s throat with those, as dread set in your gut. Maybe he was just a serial killer who used children’s cries to prey upon his victims and you were there - sleep deprived and in a Mermaid Melody pajama - looking death in the face.
«… saw you around».
Well, you hadn’t, and you doubted that you wouldn’t have noticed a man that was past six foot, with bright pink hair and a body that had you feeling things, that weren’t just fear and unease. 
At least, you’d die horny, you had to admit.
«Oh» you shifted awkwardly thinking that it wasn’t too late to simply move back and pretend such a conversation hadn’t happened. 
He might be thinking it was a whole dream when the cries quadrupled in intensity and you inwardly cringed as a buddy headache pressed on your temples. 
Still, it had you regaining your strength and determination: this dude might be a serial killer, but you’d have committed a murder if he didn’t quieten the piercing noise.
«… listen, I don’t mean to… prod into your business…».
«Then don’t» he said, crossing his arms over his chest for a brief moment, before his hand went to the handle of his door, obviously intent on closing it «… it’s one a.m. in the late night. Some people do intend to sleep».
The slightly haughty tone - as if you were the one that made it impossible for this entire floor to sleep - was enough to send precaution to the wind as you adjusted your posture and came closer to the threshold of the apartment to block him from closing the door.
«Listen, whoever you are, I fucking need you to send that baby to sleep».
You expected, once your crass words left your mouth, to be at the very least flipped off because if this man seemed true to his own nature - a tatted body and crazy light in his marron eyes - he’d have at the very least cared little about your comment.
Still, it had you feeling lightly although it didn’t help with the noise in the slightest as the cries went further.
And yet, the man didn’t usher you away - nor threaten you - as a slight tired light shone in his eyes while he ducked his head low but for a moment of weakness, pushing his hands from the crossed hold over his chest onto his hips and squaring up, defensively.
«… if only it was that fucking easy».
«I do believe that it can’t be, but…» but had it been you, you’d have tried everything in the book - and on the Internet - to quieten a fussy child, while weeks were passing by and the sole improvement you got was wearing your noise canceling handcuffs throughout your nightly routine «… if I go another night without sleep, I swear that I’ll finally kill that bitch of Mark from accounting».
Although you were sure you might have sounded like a crazy person to anybody else, the man in front of you cackled at your bluntness and you should have definitely taken this as a sign that he wasn’t mentally stable.
«You think you are the only one who hasn’t been sleeping, sweetheart?» oh not the condescending petname that had you lightly clutching your thighs, and hadn’t you been sure that it was a trick of the light, you’d have believed he had noticed it much to your shame «… you don’t fucking live with the little screecher gobling».
«I live right next door and the walls might as well not exist» you protested not wanting to transform this into a pity competition.
«… well, they do exist or things would be funnier».
Had this arrogant asshole had the audacity to check you out? 
In your Mermaid Melody pajama? 
You were unable to fluster at the intensity of his gaze although you were quick to pout for his further amusement as he added.
«… I know that you won’t believe me, but… I have fucking tried anything. It’s like that fucking goblin has been set into crying mode since birth with no button to switch him off or lower the volume».
Well, if that wasn’t bad news and probably noticing your less than enthusiastic face the potential serial killer shot you a bawdy look:
«Want to have a go at trying to pacify him?».
«Well, it can’t be worse certainly».
You had meant it sarcastically, although again the lack of a filtering system between your brain and mouth due to your sleepy mind was enough was enough that the man grabbed your wrist - much to your protests, although you were aware that you were the soles ones on this floor and you doubted that anybody would have heard you in the floor above as they were all sleeping soundly - and brought you inside, closing the door behind you.
«Hey!» that’s how you died, because you had been a noisy neighbor. It seemed like the start of an Agatha Christie book and that was your sole consolation «… don’t… don’t fucking manhandle me!».
And you were far more startled when he was quick to release you at once as if burned by your genuine fear as he huffed lightly waiting for you to follow him as he set his marron eyes upon you with an hand on his hip, as a bothered mother waiting for her uncollaborative toddler. It definitely felt insulting and it did work in goading you to follow after him as you took notice of a tiny but cozy apartment.
Serial killers weren’t definitely ever what you expected.
«… maybe he needs a woman touch» your neighbor muttered as he came to an halt to a second bedroom - you had passed by his own on the house tour, noticing no dark walls nor altairs to some forgotten divitiny to which you’d be sacrificed later - as he opened it to reveal an actual child sleeping in an appropriate crib with also a fish-shaped lamp holder still lighted up as the child fussed around.
Although that little shit was the reason why you hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep in the past few days, you couldn’t help but feel your heart clench at the sight, as he obviously looked at discomfort and then an idea passed your mind while you turned accusingly towards your neighbor:
«Did you… did you kidnap him?».
It was the sole solution, although you did notice that the baby and him shared the same soft tuft of pink hair.
«What?!» he seemed so offended that you thought you’d be pushed out of the house with a single shove «Fuck no!».
«That’s what a kidnapper would say!».
«If I had to actually kidnap a child, it wouldn’t be the one that can’t keep his mouth shut» well, that wasn’t ominous in the slightest although the man’s quiet rage turned into something different as he passed an hand on the back of his head as if to pacify himself «… it’s my brother’s child. His wife is… she is not doing well… gave birth to the child and is now in the hospital. He’s staying with her and he, obviously, had me babysit it!«.
«That’s now an ‘it’» you felt offense on the child’s part «… that’s your nephew!».
«Tomato, tomato» your neighbor promptly shot back «… alright, want to have a go or are you just satisfied with having cleared up that I am not a child kidnapper?».
«The jury is still out on that one» you humored him although you did believe this weird stranger with arms that could easily choke you was the child’s nephew since as the baby was within your sight you could see the similarities «… can I… can I pick him up?».
Although he might not be a kidnapper, you still thought it’d be rude to pick up the sweet child - when he wasn’t busy wailing he was quite cute - without the adult’s consent, although you received a simple grumble of assent as the sole answer and you moved to gently cradle the child in your arms, startled by the sudden realization that you hadn’t ever hold a baby.
Cousins and siblings had been passed around to you but you hadn’t ever taken care of a baby with the closest being when you had babysat a few neighbor children through a date their parents had gone on ‘to save the marriage’. 
Code for they were swingers who needed a night out and for their children not to know.
So, you couldn’t help but tense up immediately as you reminded yourself to hold the frail neck, while your eyes shot out to the one of the other adult in the room who didn’t seem to have any sarcastic comments for you especially as the child’s loud waning seemed to become far stiller till it became a soft breath.
«How the fuck…».
«Don’t curse in front of the child» one moment with that child and you were already feeling protective of his scrunched up eyebrows and sweet nose «… and I have no clue! I haven’t ever taken care of children that are so little!».
«… well, for a first-timer you are a miracle worker» the pink haired man commented, as he looked down at his nephew «… he never went under that swiftly».
A moment of silence - an awkward one - passed that you took as your cue to leave and go to your bed now that the little threat had been subdued, thinking that it had been a simple chance. Still, the moment that you made to lay down the baby in the crib it started fussing again and threatened to use his powerful lungs again.
«Shit» you cursed as the other man sent you a slight smirk before mouthing “don’t curse in front of the child” «… what… what are we going to do?».
«You have to hold him still he falls further asleep» well, thank you captain Obvious.
«I can’t» not only your arms would have fallen asleep but eventually the child would have realized that you weren’t… well, you weren’t his mother nor an angel. Or a miracle worker.
«Don’t tell me that you have plans right at…» and he shot a look at his watch «… one and half in the morning on a lovely Tuesday night?».
«Aside from being in my bed and sleeping without a wailing baby?» you shoved back the sarcasm as you also cringed at the realization that already half an hour had passed in what you had perceived as being such a little time «… not really, no. Thank you for asking, though».
Although he had been but a cocky arrogant asshole, your neighbor finally broke his pretense as he pushed his hands in the hair promptly mushing it all up in an adorable mop that mirrored the one on the child’s head. 
They were relatives without a doubt.
«… this is… this is the first time… in days… that he stops crying so… I’d… I’d appreciate it if you could stay… at least half an hour. The morning coffee is onto me».
«I don’t drink coffee» whether it was true or not, you were delighted in his surprised expression although you quickly surrendered to his idea. 
Not that you were any eager to spend the time with him, no matter the fact that past the threatening appearance he was quite handsome, in a ruggish way that was simply aided by the fact that he took care of his nephew.
«… but alright. I guess… not that I have much choice».
«If your arms fall asleep, let me know, I’ll switch you for a bit» well, wasn’t he thoughtful and also quickly sufficing you with a chair as you adjusted the child swiftly in your arms to be a bit more comfortable and he hadn’t yet stirred «… by the way… not that this can’t get any more awkward, but I am Ryomen… Sukuna… and this is Yuji, my nephew».
«Lovely to meet you, Yuji» you acknowledged just the child while a light huff of annoyance appeared right on his face «… I am…».
«Nice to meet you, neighbor» it was probably the nicest he had ever been, although the asshole held out his hand quickly daring a look at you holding his nephew as if he expected you to do the two things at once «… saw you around».
«You have already said it, and it doesn’t make you sound any less creepy» you ushered back «… do you make it a habit to lure women into your cave with your cute nephew?».
«Not really» again that shitty smirk that made him at least ten times more attractive «… you are the first one falling for it».
«… in all truth, he is more of a huge cockblock» he went onto adding «… can’t bring women home if he’s all whiny».
«You shouldn’t bring women home at all, with a child!» you were probably the least proper person to give indications about being a parent, still, it felt quite obvious «… please tell me that you have other relatives that can take care of Yuji».
«Obviously if the burden has befallen onto my shoulder it can’t be that way» his grin was slightly more grim and bitter and you did feel a bit guilty at the suggestion «… my grandpa is a bit too tired to raise another child after my brother and me, especially»,
«Can’t blame him».
«And my brother’s wife’s family isn’t that near to Tokyo, so I am forced to take a break from fighting till Kaori gets better or that spineless of Jin gets a grip» he added harshly, as your mind zeroed on a thought.
«You… you fight?» oh that was definitely going to go well.
«Professionally, sweetheart» oh the patronizing petnames how little you had missed them «… you have in front of you one of the best wrestlers in all Japan. Used to be the champion of my category…».
«And then what happened? Broke a leg and that’s your villain origin story?» no way you’d have stroked this man’s ego, although this explained his huge muscles.
«You are a smartass, aren’t you?» he shouted back less amused «… maybe that’s why you get along with the shithead in your hold».
«Would it kill you to be nice to your blood relative?».
«Would it kill you to chill out?» he shot back as you simply regarded him with sarcasm.
«It’s the lack of sleep».
He grimaced letting you have the last laugh.
 For the moment.
An awkward silence filled in as you couldn’t help but feel like maybe the banter - and the patronizing pet names - had decidedly been better than the awkwardness that spread especially as Yuji lightly fussed in your arms, turning onto his stomach adorably as he smushed himself into you.
«He tends to sleep a lot on his stomach, like Jin» you were startled by the slight fondness that filled Sukuna’s voice as you saw a tiny bit of affection «… this also means that when he farts and you are nearby to check onto him you get hit by a deathly gas».
«You are downright horrible».
«Ever been farted by a baby?» you shook your head «… then you can’t talk».
«I am holding your baby» and then swiftly realizing what you had said, you added «… I mean… well, I… oh well, I mean your brother’s baby».
Another silence threatened to loom onto the two of you as he begrudgingly spoke again.
«… what… what about you?» and at your confused look he added «… what do you do?».
«Research» you explained briefly unsure whether to give the story of your life to this weird stranger who got you flustered and annoyed «… library systems and such and before you say, I am - indeed - a nerd».
«I was going to ask whether you were a sexy librarian or a regular one considering what I have seen you wearing» you risked jostling poor Yuji at the startle due to his bold words.
«I am a boring librarian» you shut him down promptly, although he had by now noticed your embarrassment and was smirking openly «… and don’t try to make fun of it, full-time nanny».
That got him exasperated.
«… I told Jin it’s only temporary! A few months!».
«Whatever makes you sleep at night» you said without thinking at your words and lightly laughing at them, alongside Sukuna, only realizing right now that throughout this conversation your whole body had relaxed and although Yuji was starting to become heavy in your arms, your hold on him felt… natural.
«By the way» you were startled by the terrifying news that you were starting to fall for this ‘concerned uncle’ facade «… are you sure you never held a child? I… I’d say you are a natural».
«Is that you way of recruiting me as your personal nanny?» you retorted, a bit flustered by the praise.
«I could pay you good» he went onto commenting as you raised an eyebrow.
«I don’t take payment in nature».
«It shows» your ears felt heated as you fixed him an angry glare «… what? Just saying you are so wound up, pretty girl. I wouldn’t be surprised if you just needed…».
«Little ears are listening to us!» you protested promptly, going to gently cover Yuji’s ears «… God, he has no chance with such an uncle».
«I am actually the fun uncle, I’ll have you know!».
And your whole night proceeded like this, and although you were tired, slightly irritated and with a heavy baby - what did Sukuna make him eat? - in your arm, for the first night in weeks you fell asleep right on the chair with your neighbor plucking Yuji from your arms to set him in the crib again. 
By now the child had fallen deeply asleep and he didn’t startle. 
Neither did you when Sukuna adjusted a blanket around your shoulders as he wasn’t sure whether you’d be able to walk back home although your apartments were one against the other.
And you looked far too peaceful in your slumber, compared to the harshness that marred your features through your verbal spar. 
Not that he minded, though. If anything, it was almost… reinvigorating to talk with somebody who could hold up his barbed wire, after having to deal with his nephew for the entirety of the day.
He gently shot Yuji one more look as he went to go to his own bedroom not wishing to startle either of you.“You scored a cute one, nephew” he muttered amusedly “... can’t believe that this is what I have been brought to do to get a girl’s attention”.
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credits for dividers: @/saradika-graphics
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harryspet · 2 months
bambi eyes (6) r.cameron
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[Warnings] soft!dark!rafe cameron x reader, daddy!rafe x little!reader older!rafe, crimeboss!rafe, DUBCON, dd/lg, sugar daddy rafe, spoiling kink, unprotected sex, forced? age regression. little editing, barry doing barry things 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
A/N: Enjoy!
word count: 4.5k
In which your Daddy finally takes you to the country club.
You were reading—slowly but surely. You took each sentence of the chapter book word by word, sounding out each syllable until it made sense to you. With a pink highlighter, you marked over every word you didn’t know the meaning of. You’d ask Rafe about those later or spend some time flipping through the dictionary. You flipped around in the cloud of linens you called a bed, attempting to find another comfortable position. You were reading about a girl with cat-like superpowers and the adventures she went on with her pet cats. 
Lana had told you about all the stray cats she feeds out by her house and how a lot of them will let her pet them once they’ve been around her long enough. You’ve been doing your absolute best to stay on Rafe’s good side, knowing the next thing you’d ask him was if he’d let you get a cat. You knew there were plenty out there that needed good homes, just like you did at one point. 
You didn’t ask him to take you anywhere unless he invited you. And after that lady had that outburst at the grocery store with him, his invites became less frequent. Every week, he took you to ballet practice and straight home. You reminded yourself to be grateful even for that experience since it kept your boredom at bay. When your Daddy called, you came straight away. When he told you to stay in your room, you stayed. When he held your wrist so hard that they bruised, you kept tears from escaping your eyes. When he brought you a present, you thanked him with your words and happily with your mouth. 
A knock at your door caused you to sit up straight. You didn’t ever need to respond with “come in,” as the knock was just a warning that he was coming in, not a request. Rafe eyed you, the crinkles in his eyes letting you know he needed sleep before he looked down at his expensive gold watch. “If I’m not mistaken, I was invited to a one-o’clock tea party and lunch, and my host has yet to retrieve me.”
You palmed your face, your cheeks heating up. “I lost track of time, sorry.” You closed your book, stood, and straightened out your short gingham dress, “Everything should be ready though. Bunny is dressed. I just need help carrying all the guests.”
Before you could leave your book on the bed, Rafe said, “Bring it. I want you to read me somethin’.”
You agreed although the idea made you nervous. You grabbed Bunny, who was dressed in a matching gingham outfit, and then directed Rafe over to your mountain of stuffed animals. Impressively, he grabbed the six stuffed animals in one fell swoop, “Got ‘em, let’s go.”
Now that it was starting to get nicer outside, Lana suggested turning your tea parties into picnics on the front lawn. She’d laid out a floral linen sheet and placed a beautiful flower centerpiece in the middle, along with a wicker basket. You took your stuffed animals one by one from Rafe’s hand, placing them perfectly along the edge of the sheet, “And you sit here, Daddy,” You directed him and waited for him to get comfortable, “I’ll go get the sweet tea and finger sandwiches!” 
“Don’t run!” Rafe shouted after you as you hurried back into Tannyhill. As soon as you were out of his line of sight, you picked up your speed, looking to find Lana. 
You found Lana in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the array of desserts, “These look beautiful, Lana!” You exclaimed as she finished piping pink icing onto the cupcakes. You opened the fridge to grab the pitcher of sweet tea. “Did you make sure to add extra lemons? He really likes extra lemons-“ 
“Yes, I did, I know,” Lana responded, “Don’t be so worried, it’s just Rafe.” 
You set the pitcher on the counter, taking a deep breath, “He wants to hear me read my book, Lana.”
“So? You’ve been doing so well in our lessons! You sound great to me when you’re reading and you’re only going to get better. The long, fancy words will come later,” She lifted the tray of sandwiches and desserts and you took it into your hands, “You’re a smart girl.” 
“I am?” Lana smiled warmly, making sure you were carefully holding both the pitcher and tray. 
“Yes, you are,” She assured you, “Go enjoy your lunch. Afterward, you’ll help me with the laundry, right?”
You beamed back at her, “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” 
When you made your way back to the front lawn, Rafe was where you left him but his phone was pressed to his ear. As soon as he saw you, he said, “---Everyone has dirt. Everyone has a weakness. Find it. I gotta go, I really don’t want to hear about this shit again.”  You carefully set down the tray and pitcher, Rafe having intense conversations over the phone having become very natural to you. 
Rafe let out an annoyed breath, setting his phone down, “Doesn’t it look delicious, Daddy?” You asked, cutting through the tension. 
Rafe nodded, “It does. This is the highlight of my day,” He admitted, “You’re the highlight of my day, Bambi.” 
Your nervousness slowly turned into eagerness as Rafe looked at you. He always looked at you like you were something precious, even if you felt the opposite, and you found that you could easily be yourself around him. Although it seemed you were figuring out who you were every day that you were at Tannyhill. 
You poured Rafe’s drink into an antique-looking glass, one that Lana had entrusted you with taking care of, “Made just how you like it,” You handed it to him and promptly began to hand out the rest of the dishware, making sure Bunny and your stuffed animals had tiny replicas of them. With small tongs, you carefully placed sandwiches on your and Rafe’s plates, “I like pickles now. They aren’t so bad.”
“Oh, thank God,” Rafe responded with his mouth full, already halfway through his first sandwich, “I was really worried there for a second.”
You giggled, “You were worried?”
“I was as soon as you tried one and said you didn’t like it,” Rafe said, which made you laugh more, “This just confirms you’re perfect. And open-minded. And beautiful.”
“Me liking pickles means that I’m beautiful.” You were trying to follow his logic, your cheeks heated in embarrassment, but he interrupted you with a messy kiss.
As you finished up lunch, you found yourself entangled with Rafe, your legs over his lap and leaning against his chest as you opened up your book. You hoped starting with chapter one would make it easier, knowing you’d read it at least five times this morning. Luckily, you now had someone who could tell you the meaning of the words you had the most trouble with. Rafe used the strategy of not only defining the word but using it in an example sentence. 
“Every time you walk into a room, you illuminate it with your beauty.” 
“It would be very hazardous to get between me and my Bambi.”
“Seeing you naked gets me extremely frustrated.”
“I thought you said it meant to angry,” You countered, and you could feel him grinning. 
“Words can mean different things,” He spoke cryptically, “Hey, you know, I’m really impressed with your reading, Bambi.”
You straightened up and turned to look at him, “You mean it?”
“I’m really proud of you,” he nodded. “I wasn’t sure if Lana could help you all on her own, but I think you’re making good progress.” 
You wrapped your arms around him, immediately needing to physically express your satisfaction, your weight effectively toppling the two of you over. Pride was a new feeling that you were getting used to. “Does this mean I could go to a real school? Like in the movies? Maybe law school? Like Elle Woods?” You straddled Rafe, his hands gently exploring the backs of your thighs.
“Are you talking about Legally Blonde?” Rafe’s eyebrows raised, his eyes undoubtedly flashing to a past memory, probably related to his sisters, “Did Lana show you that?”
“It was really good,” You nodded, “How far away is Stanford?”
“Far,” Rafe stated, and you got the feeling he wasn’t explaining as much as he could, “Let’s not  — uh, let’s focus on just reading a chapter book. Once you’re reading like Shakespeare and shit, we can talk about college.” 
“Okay,” You agreed, pressing your nose to his, “How many books do I have to read before we get a kitty cat, Daddy?”
“I see what you did there,” Rafe stared you down. You gave him a mischievous look as you pressed your lower half closer to his. “I think Daddy’s going to need a lot of convincing on that idea as well.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt Rafe’s fingers trailing over your panties, “What can I do to convince you, Rafey?”
You saw the lust in his eyes. That was one nickname he seemed to like even more than Daddy. “Slide those panties to the side and take Daddy’s cock out.”
“But the guards–” You rushed out, and Rafe’s grip tightened on your thighs. 
“You didn’t seem to mind when you climbed on top of me,” Rafe countered, “C’mon, you have to finish what you started, little girl.”
After those words, you tried to ignore the idea of one of Rafe’s men catching a glimpse of what the two of you were doing. You did as Rafe said but as timidly and covertly as possible, sliding your panties to the side and then undoing his zipper. Like Rafe had taught you before, you spit into your hand, rubbing the liquid against your hole and using the rest to lubricate his tip. 
You looked Rafe in the eyes before he could command you to, and Rafe gave you the same proud look that he had on his face when he complimented your reading skills. Rafe sat up on his hands, and as you placed him against your entrance, you made sure the skirt of your gingham dress was fully covering your ass. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you slowly enveloped every inch of him. 
You whimpered into his ear, already feeling overwhelmed. Your thighs burned as you tried to move up and down his length, and you couldn’t help but feel like you were doing it wrong. You and Rafe didn’t often have sex in this position, and if you did, Rafe would just end up pinning your hips in place and thrusting up into you. In this position, you were almost in complete control, and it made each sensation feel even more heightened. 
“Grind into me,” Rafe spoke huskily, “It’ll feel better that way.”
You started to roll your hips against him, and instantly you felt something building within you. With that motion, you could feel your clit rubbing against him. As you controlled the speed and how deep he was inside of you, you adjusted it entirely to your liking, and it surprised you how good you made yourself feel, “You gonna make yourself cum on my cock, Bambi?”
You gave him a shaky nod, “Y-Yes, Daddy.”
“Good girl. Cum for me.”
You whimpered into his ear, suddenly burning up even though you were directly under the sun. “Thank you, thank you,” you muttered breathlessly. “Thank you, Rafey.”
“Look at you,” Rafe said, “My grateful little girl is squeezing me so good. Keep going, baby.”
Rafe squeezed you tightly in his arms like he was hugging you as you felt him fill your insides. “Fuck,” Rafe grunted in your ear, “Didn’t know you were so good at that.”
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Rafe was doing something he promised himself he’d never do. 
Maybe this would’ve been an option at the beginning of their relationship when he wasn’t so attached. The idea of doing this now … every fiber of his being was telling him that this was wrong. “Everybody has a weakness. You told me that, right? I did some digging. Some super fucking deep digging,” Barry had started. 
Atlantic Crest Properties is one of Cameron Development’s biggest rivals both on the island and the mainland. Nathaniel Sterling, the CEO, was one of Ward’s closest friends, but since his death, Rafe had struggled to maintain Nathan’s favor. In fact, he disliked Rafe so much that he was purposely starting to poach Cameron Development’s construction laborers and spreading misinformation about the company’s financial status. 
Rafe had worked hard to dig the company out of debt, and Sterling was preventing future investors from giving the company a chance, “There’s this high-end bar on the mainland that he always visits, placed called the Platinum Parlor. This guy is there every weekend, at least. One of my boys tells me that the place is basically a front for a swingers club. They won’t let you in unless you’re a member, and there’s like secret codes you use to, you know, get access to what you’re looking for.”
“Get to the point, please.”
“Basically, he’s a freak. He always asks for a girl named Venus. My boy was telling me this, and I realized I knew that girl; she used to buy from me. I rode over there looking for her before her shift started, and I offered her some powder for some information. She couldn’t tell me everything, but he’s shown her videos of him doing some stuff, and he always asks that she wear pigtails, a plaid skirt, glasses, the whole school-girl look …” Rafe listened as Barry delved further into all the debauchery he’d heard. 
“...what are you implying, Barry?”
“I’m trying to say you have the perfect tool to solve yo’ problem. This is the only thing the dude gets off on, and I know his wife ain’t home dressing up for him. You have the most innocent girl in the world, and she actually likes wearing her hair in pigtails.”
“I know you’re not telling me I should let him fuck her–”
“No, no, Rafe! I’m saying that you can let him think that he can for as long as you need him to. That’s your in.”
“Fuck, I don’t wanna do that.”
“It wouldn’t be the worst thing you’ve ever done, country club.”
Barry was right about that. 
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You liked the way the Kooks dressed, and they all seemed to exude happiness. They matched and coordinated every piece of their outfits, and even the ones playing sports had at least one piece of expensive-looking jewelry on. 
Rafe’s black polo and khaki shorts were nicely pressed, and he looked every bit like a seasoned golfer. He also gripped the golf cart’s wheel in one hand, carefully and quickly navigating the expansive green course. 
After you made your first stop, Rafe started by showing you the basics of acting as his caddy. He pointed at the clubs he would most likely be using and made you practice grabbing them. He also placed you in charge of keeping up the scorecard, slowly explaining all the numbers you were meant to help keep track of. You quickly learned this was a more complicated game than you imagined, and you weren’t sure how much fun it would actually be to play it.
Still, you were overjoyed that Rafe had even invited you out of the house to the country club, of all places. You spent a total of two hours deciding what to wear that morning until Rafe ultimately made the decision for you, choosing a short-sleeve, collared white dress. He also helped you tame your hair into two high ponytails wrapped in pink bows. As soon as you saw how cute you looked, you made sure to ask Rafe if they made golf dresses in Bunny’s size. 
You watched intently as Rafe stepped up to the first tee, positioning his feet and adjusting his grip on the club with practiced ease. With a smooth swing, he sent the ball soaring through the air, landing neatly on the fairway with a satisfying thud.
“Wow,” Your mouth hung open as you watched, “That was amazing, Rafey!”
“You wanna try it?” 
Hands behind your back, you nervously stepped closer, “Relax,” Rafe said, “I’m gonna help you.”
The actual golf club was much heavier than you were expecting and probably too tall for you, but Rafe adjusted your position accordingly. You felt him pressed against your back, his strong arms enveloping your frame and his hands wrapped around yours. “You’re always going to start with a tight grip, and then it’s all about your stance.” Rafe placed his leg between yours, kicking your feet apart until they were about shoulder-lengths apart, “Bend your knees for me, sweet girl.” 
“This feels … hazardous,” You tried and you felt Rafe’s chest vibrate as he chuckled. 
He stepped back from you, “Try bizarre,” You nodded, mouthing the word quietly, but kept your stance, “But you look great. Now, for the backswing. When you swing, you’re going to keep your arms straight and shoulders relaxed, and I want you to turn your upper half until the club is all the way back.”
You tried to follow his list of instructions, but Rafe ended up grabbing ahold of you again to demonstrate the motion, “You’re going to let the club flow naturally through the ball,” He guided you until you were ready to entirely give it a go, “You got this, Bambi.”
You obeyed Rafe’s final instruction and were surprised that you actually hit the ball, although it landed about five feet in front of you. “Look!” you jumped from excitement. 
“You did it,” Rafe grinned, “Wanna try again?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but your voice trailed off as another golf cart approached. Instinctively, you closed the gap between you and Rafe. 
“Mr. Cameron!” An older gray-haired man, maybe in his 50s, approached, grin hidden partially by a thick mustache, “So lovely of you to grace this fine club with your presence after so many years.”
His deep and commanding voice soon matched his stature as he climbed out of the cart. A shorter, younger man was riding in the passenger side. A gold name tag was pinned to the left side of his chest. “Mr. Sterling,” Rafe greeted back, and you looked up to see a tight, slightly painful grin on his lips. “From what I’ve heard, you frequent this place a little too much. Do they have a reserved parking spot for you yet?”
Mr. Sterling let out a pinched laugh.
“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” 
It was then that the tall man made deep, soul-searching eye contact with you, “Bambi, this is Nathaniel Sterling. He owns Atlantic Crest Properties, which operates here on the island. Nathaniel, this is my girlfriend, Bambi.”
Nathaniel reached out a hand, and you officially felt you’d been thrown into the spotlight. You hadn’t interacted with anyone outside of Tannyhill or your ballet class. Rafe nodded slightly, signaling that it was okay to accept his hand. The man’s grip was strong and calloused.
“It’s nice to meet you, Bambi,” He greeted you. 
“Hi,” You spoke softly, “You do work like Rafe does?”
“Oh, yes, and much better, sweetheart,” You smiled, believing he was trying to make a joke, “I saw your swing on the way up. With some more practice, I can see you becoming a pretty good player.”
“Really?” Your eyes widened. 
“Rafe’s gonna have to get you your own set of clubs,” Nathaniel smirked. “Or maybe you can have my daughter’s since she only uses them sparingly anymore.”
“That would be–” The words came out faster than you could stop them, “That’s a really kind offer, Mr. Sterling.” 
You looked up at Rafe, excited by the offer, “I’m sure I can afford a new set,” Rafe stated. 
“Anyways,” Mr. Sterling coughed to clear the tension, “If the two of you aren’t too exhausted after your game, you should join me at the Steakhouse for an early dinner. Why waste the opportunity for us to catch up.”
You got a similar feeling to when you were around Barry and Rafe, like the two of them were having a conversation with their eyes. Mr. Sterling seemed intimidating, but you couldn’t deny that you wanted to see more of this place. 
“Sound good,” Rafe agreed, which you were grateful for, “We’ll see you there.”
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After playing a few more holes and Rafe finishing your crash course on golf, he started showing you around. There were two Olympic-sized pools, a spa, daycare, and gym, and they even offered horse rides along the beach on special occasions. The two of you explored a women’s boutique—well, you explored it while Rafe had a conversation over the phone with Barry. You noticed Mr. Sterling’s name come up a few times but became distracted when you saw the perfect dress. 
Although you thought Rafe might say it was too fancy for dinner, Rafe immediately called the attendant over so you could try it on. It was princess style, with short sleeves tied with cream-colored ribbons and a skirt flowing out in three tiers. The attendant helped you into the corset, and you were practically locked in by the time you showed Rafe. 
He was already leaning against the payment counter, black card in hand. “We’ll take it; she’s going to wear it out,” he said as you twirled around. “You want anything else?”
“No,” You spoke breathlessly. “This is perfect. Thank you, Rafe!”
Rafe entwined his fingers with yours and held your hand throughout the entire walk to the restaurant. You found Mr. Sterling waiting for you at a table in the corner of the restaurant, with large windows on either side of him that looked out onto the beach. As he waved you over, Rafe leaned down to whisper to you, “You don’t have to say anything or answer any question you don't want to.” 
“Okay,” You said softly, knowing he was just looking out for you. 
“Rafe, Bambi,” He said as the two of you approached. You took the seat closest to the window after Rafe pulled it open for you, “How was the rest of your game?”
Despite the words he just told you, Rafe looked at you first as if he wanted you to answer, “It was really good,” You replied, trying to maintain a certain level of confidence, “I learned a lot and, uhm, the weather was just really perfect today.”
“I agree, it’s a beautiful day, and let me also say how beautiful you look in your dress, Bambi,” You had to glance away, a reflexive gesture to hide the embarrassed gesture that reached your face. You smiled despite the fact that your face was trembling, “It’s new?”
“Y-Yes, thank you. That’s—" You remembered the menu sitting on the table in front of you, and then you realized you were far too nervous at that moment to try to read it. “Do they have ice cream here?” you blurted out. 
Rafe’s lips parted, but Nathaniel interrupted, “I think you’ll be quite happy with the dessert selection. Order whatever you like,” You felt Rafe’s hands suddenly on your thigh. He was trying to hide how tense was, but it wasn’t working. 
When the waiter approached, Rafe ordered for you, which you were grateful for: chicken fingers, mac and cheese, and apple juice. He then went ahead and ordered you a dessert called strawberry crunch ice cream cake. 
Rafe and Nathaniel bantered for a while about business and things related to Kildare that you didn’t fully understand. For the most part, you focused on enjoying your food and addressing Nathaniel whenever he addressed you. Some of your nervousness washed away because the man seemed to smile and laugh in reaction to every word that you said as if you were the most amusing thing in the world. 
Halfway through the dinner, you leaned over to whisper in Rafe’s ear. 
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“I need to go potty.”
Rafe nodded before pointing across the restaurant where he knew the bathroom was, “It’s over there. Go straight there and come back, please,” Rafe felt you squeeze his hand before you got up from your seat. 
Usually, he’d love to watch you walk away, but his eyes were entirely fixed on Nathaniel, who was watching you intently. 
“She’s quite … cute,” the man said sincerely, as if he were thinking deeply. “She’s so pure … hard to believe she was a whore when you found her.”
Rafe squinted, nodding his head, “She was never a whore, Nathaniel.”
“She knows how to fuck, doesn’t she?” 
“She comes from unfortunate circumstances, yes, but I’d appreciate it – greatly – if you didn’t call her that,” Rafe tone was sharp as he leaned closer, elbows on the table, “I really want to work something out with you, Nathaniel, but you’re not going to treat me like I’m just Ward’s son. I want something from you, and you want something from me. I’ll respect you if you treat me the same.”
“You’ve grown attached,” Nathaniel seemed to brush off Rafe’s intensity, “I apologize. Really, I’ve spent a short time with her, and I’m already quite enamored. I admire you, Rafe. You’ve trained her quite nicely.”
“She’s a good girl,” Rafe tried to set his emotions aside, and the feelings he had about you that seemed to make him go crazy. He needed to be cold. He needed to be the Rafe who’s able to pull a trigger and not feel any remorse, “She’s under tight lock and key. She’s under my watch, and I know exactly where she is 24/7.”
“Cameras?” Nathaniel’s interest peaked. 
“In her playroom,” Rafe shrugged.
“Huh,” The man’s jaw clicked, “I want pictures and videos, at the very least.”
This is what Rafe wanted but he couldn’t help but feel pause. The man in front of him was desperate. He could own Nathaniel with the knowledge he was giving up and the secrets that you could probably draw from in. It was dangerous involving you, but what Barry said was true, you were going to open doors for him. 
“At the very least?”
“Yeah, everything after that we can negotiate.”
Rafe could only think for a minute because you were happily skipping back towards the table. Your hands were cradled together, open towards him and holding peppermints, “Look, Rafe, they had a whole bowl of free mints in the bathroom,” You chirped, “I’m going to save some of these for Lana if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, baby, that’s fine.” Rafe smiled at you. “I was just telling Nathaniel about the amazing tea parties you like to throw.”
As you plopped down in your seat, your princess-style dress puffing up and then deflating like a balloon, your eyes widened. “It’s really fun!” you added. “Next time, I want to paint tea-cup handles. You should come, Mr. Sterling. Is that okay?”
The two men exchanged glances before Nathaniel narrowed his eyes back on you, running a hand over his face to smooth down his mustache, “That sounds delightful, sweetheart.”
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reblog with a comment letting me know what you think to be added to my tag list!
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starkwlkr · 5 months
Love your baby Leclerc series! ❤️ If you're into the idea, maybe you'd like to write about Charles' little girl being sick and him being all worried and taking care of her? 🥺
my baby | charles leclerc
note: i am not taking requests, i am just posting my drafts
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It started in the middle of the night when Ruby woke up Charles. She had her favorite blanket wrapped around her with her bunny slippers on her cold feet. She stood beside Charles, who was snoring. She called his name several times, but he didn’t wake up so she tried poking his arm until he woke up. When that didn’t work, she remembered the story that she overheard the other day about something that Charles had shouted.
“Box! Box!” She raised her voice slightly.
It was like a trigger word for Charles that instantly brought bad memories and anxiety. The driver woke up immediately and saw that his daughter was standing in front of him.
“What time is it?” He wondered as he rubbed his tired eyes.
“I don’t know, but I’m hurting, papa.” Ruby whined.
“What’s wrong, my Ruby Jules?” Charles asked.
“My head is hurting and I’m cold.” She whispered.
Charles pressed his hand against Ruby’s forehead and felt it warm. She was getting a fever and you weren’t home. You were on a trip with Mathéo to your home country to visit your parents. Ruby had school so Charles stayed behind since he had a break from racing.
“You wanna sleep beside papa? I’ll get some medicine so you can feel better.” Charles uncovered himself and stood up from his bed . He took Ruby into his arms and laid her onto his bed then covered her with the blanket.
“Papa, Floppy is alone in my room! He doesn’t like being alone!” Ruby gasped.
“I’ll go get Floppy, just stay here.” Charles said then kissed Ruby’s warm forehead. His first stop was to get medicine from the cabinet in kitchen. He read the directions on the bottle then grabbed a spoon. His next stop was Ruby’s bedroom where he retrieved his daughter’s favorite stuffed bunny named Floppy.
“Floppy!” Ruby called out as Charles made his way back into his room. He carefully set the bunny on the bed for her to grab.
“Time for your medicine, mon amour,” he sat on the edge of the bed as he started to open the bottle of medicine.
“I don’t want that.” Ruby used Floppy to hide her face.
“Ruby Jules, if you want to get better, you have to drink your medicine.” Charles said. Ruby hesitated, but sat up so she could drink from the spoon filled with medicine that her papa had poured.
“Does it taste like candy?” She asked.
“I don’t know, how about you taste it and then tell me.”
So she did, but instantly realized that it did not taste like candy.
“Yuck!” She made a face at her papa wondering why he even bought that disgusting liquid into the house.
“Okay, you did good. Scoot, your papa wants some cuddles.” Charles got under the covers then brought Ruby closer to him.
Morning came and Ruby was still sick. She had a stuffy nose and her fever had gotten worse. She didn’t even feel like getting out of Charles’ bed so when it was breakfast time, he brought a plate of pancakes and fruit to her.
“Papa, it hurts.” Ruby groaned as she hugged Floppy. Charles was starting to question if he should take her to the emergency room. He had texted you early in the morning about Ruby’s condition. You replied that you would get on the next flight to Monaco, but he assured you that he could handle it.
At least he thought he could.
“I know, Ruby, I know,” Charles placed a kiss on her cheek. “You know, grand-mére told me that taking a bath makes you feel better. I’m going to fill the bath, okay?”
“Can you put bubbles and the toys?” She mumbled weakly.
“Anything for you.”
After getting the bath ready with bubbles and toys, Ruby got in. The water made her feel slightly better, but blowing bubbles and playing with rubber ducks with her papa made her smile ten times more.
“Hello mister duck, you look nice today!” Charles tried doing different voices for each duck. “Thank you, little duck!”
“The ducks should have names, papa.” Ruby said.
“You’re right, what should the ducks be called?” Charles asked.
“This one is called Arthur and this one Lorenzo.” Ruby laughed as she pointed to the two ducks that Charles had in his hands.
“I guess that just leaves Charles the duck.” The Ferrari driver grabbed the third duck that was floating in the bubbly water.
“No, papa! His name is Floppy two.” Ruby grabbed the duck from Charles’ hands and played with it.
“Floppy two . . . I guess he can be called that.”
When bath time came to an end, Charles let Ruby get dressed by herself, something she always wanted to do. As Ruby got dressed in her room, Charles prepared dinner for them. Before he could finish the mac and cheese for his daughter, the doorbell rang.
He walked to the front door and opened it revealing his brothers Lorenzo and Arthur, along with Lorenzo’s girlfriend, Charlotte. “Where is my favorite niece?” Arthur asked.
“Hello, Arthur, it’s so nice to see you. I’m doing good, thanks for asking.” Charles rolled his eyes as he let his family in.
“How is Ruby?” Lorenzo asked.
“She’s better. She just took a bath, that definitely helped a lot.” Charles explained.
“Papa! I can’t put my shoe on!” The Leclerc heard Ruby shout. She walked down the stairs with a pink tutu, purple leggings, a Barbie shirt and one shoe on while she held the other in her left hand.
“Interesting choice of clothing, Ruby.” Arthur laughed.
“It’s called fashion and Ruby is a pro at it, Arthur!” Charlotte playfully hit Arthur’s arm. “I’ll help you, Ruby, come on.” Charlotte led the little girl to the living room.
“Yeah, Arthur, it’s called fashion!” Ruby sassed.
Arthur cringed. “She just called me Arthur.”
“That’s your name.” Lorenzo replied.
“Yeah, but she’s my niece. It’s weird hearing it from her.”
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piichuu · 11 months
ft. toge inumaki, nanami kento, fushiguro megumi, yuta okkotsu, gojo satoru, geto suguru, itadori yuji
WARNINGS: it’s my first time writing yuta so might be ooc, gn!reader, fluff
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the two of your are staring at each other. toge is sitting on the floor, right by the couch as you’re on your side, head on a pillow and a blanket wrapped around you. the reason for this is a fight you two had via text, all about the fact that he’s never home these days because he’s been too busy with work.
it had taken a toll on you that you weren’t able to see him and it eventually snapped, but it wasn’t exactly his fault. he wasn’t the one who chose to to spend his entire days at work instead of home together with you, it was his boss who decided that and he had nothing to say about it. he’s been dying to see you, but he didn’t expect you two to not spend time with one another when he finally came back home and actually had the time.
but you soon realized that sleeping on the couch wasn’t the most mature choice, so when he entered the living room and sat by the couch, you whispered a small “i’m sorry,” before getting down on the floor and wrapping your arms around him, allowing toge to pull you into his lap so the two of you could hug each other close. “i know it’s not your fault, i shouldn’t have spent the only time this week we had together, not being with you because i was mad because of something stupid.”
he shakes his head and kisses your cheek while eventually standing up to then take your hand and lead you into the bedroom so the two of you can sleep together. he can’t communicate with spoken words, but as he puts his arms around your waist when you lay down under the covers, you know that it will all be okay, you’ll get to spend more time together again.
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“darling, you don’t have to sleep out here. come to bed and we’ll talk about it there, okay? let’s not be mad at each other,” your boyfriend says while leaning against the doorframe leading into the living room. he’s wearing a pair of sweatpants as he’s just about to go to sleep, but he won’t if you aren’t there with him.
you’ve just made a bed for yourself on the couch as he talks to you. his voice is soft and comforting, like it always is, no matter the amounts of fights you’ve had. maybe that’s what’s most frustrating, how he can forgive you so easily after you’ve been yelling at him and the fact that you’re the one who’s trying to avoid him when he’s been nice to you all day.
you allow a sigh to escape your lips. nanami is still standing further away from you, not wanting to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable in case you’re still angry with him. you were jealous, you had seen him with someone else when you walked past a cafe on your daily walk home from work, but it had only been a coworker of his that he had a meeting with since they were new and needed guidance. but you couldn’t help the fear that took over your entire body, the fear of losing him forever.
“i’m sorry, kento,” “it’s okay, i know you were just scared. but you never have to worry, because there is no one else for me, no one else. okay?” he steps closer to you, allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck to hug him close. nanami can’t help but smile to himself, putting his own arms around your waist so he can pull you as close as possible. “we’re okay, darling. let’s just go to sleep now, hm?”
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he sighs from where he’s standing right beside the couch. you’re already asleep, but no matter for how many hours he tried, nothing seemed to work. he regrets how he raised his voice at you when he got home. everything in his life seemed to have brought him to frustration and just seeing that you hadn’t picked up some clothes you left on the floor caused him to break. if it was a usual day, that wouldn’t have bothered him. he would simply just pick them up and put them on a chair or in the washing machine, but today was different.
you had gone to sleep on the couch in case he would still be mad at you, but he had calmed down as soon as night fell and regret had washed over him, causing his sleep to be disturbed by his own thoughts, which is why he’s here, by the couch, not knowing what he’s supposed to do with himself.
he bites the inside of his cheek as he carefully lies down beside you. he would never want to admit that he can’t fall asleep without you in his arms, but it’s the truth. he needs to know that you’re there, that you won’t leave him, that he can make it all up to you no matter how long it takes. megumi would allow you to beat him into a pulp if that’s what it took for you to forgive him, he never wants to look at the dried tears on your cheeks ever again.
“i’m sorry,” he whispers as he wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. you’re still asleep, but even in that unconscious state of yours, an arm slowly makes its way to grab his t-shirt, making sure he’s there. he places a soft kiss to your neck as he holds you tightly in his arms. “i love you, i’m sorry for being an idiot. i won’t ever do something like that again, i promise.”
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he bites his lip anxiously as he’s holding your hand, trying to hold you back from leaving the bedroom. he’s aware that you’re trying to get away from him so you can sleep on the couch on your own, but he won’t allow you to go to sleep without hearing his apologies first. he needs you to hear his apologies, even if they’re in vain.
yuta had been ignoring you today, not intentionally of course. he’d been stressed from the amounts of curses he had to fight today. it had all become so overwhelming that everything else just became a blur. he forgot about everything else and his only focus had been to fight curses and to then come home and stress even more about the fact that he could get another call that would tell him that he had to fight yet another one.
he was tired, overworked. the constant stress of not knowing whether he would get out of the fights alive or not. he knew you were worried about him and just wanted him to rest, but he couldn’t. he had to work, no matter how much it affected him mentally, but he couldn’t take it anymore and he understood that as soon as you had to yell at him to get his attention.
“i- i’m sorry, baby. i never meant to ignore you, it’s just overwhelming. it’s all so overwhelming and i wish i could spend every single minute of every day with you, but i can’t and i’m sorry about that too. just, please don’t sleep out on the couch, it’s uncomfortable. it’ll hurt your back,” he says while holding onto your hand tightly. there are tears forming in his eyes while speaking and when you turn to look at him, he’s instantly forgiven.
you cup his cheeks and stroke them comfortingly. “it’s okay. it just-it wasn’t nice being ignored but i know you never intended to, it was just frustrating. i worry about you and i really hope you’ll get a break sometime soon. you need it and you deserve it,” you smile at him softly and he nods, sniffling while burying his face in your shoulder. “let’s go to sleep together.” “yeah, let’s go to sleep together.
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“don’t be mad, baby. i know it was stupid to scare you like that, i’m sorry,” he’s sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning down so his cheek is pressed against yours while he’s speaking. every once in a while, he presses a few kisses to your skin, wanting you to know that he’s truly sorry.
earlier this evening, he hadn’t replied to any of your text messages when he was out with friends. he had seen the texts but wanted to see how you would react if he didn’t answer. this was an idea he would soon regret, he realized it almost as soon as you began calling him at least ten times per minute.
when he came home you had been crying and he’s never felt as bad as he did when seeing you like that because of something he did. after that, you refused to talk to him. he understood why, but he didn’t want you to sleep on the couch, he wanted to hold you in bed and kiss you while apologizing as much as possible.
“i’ll never ever do that again. i’m always gonna text you and call you so you know i’m safe. i don’t ever want to hurt you, i’m so sorry,” he strokes your hair and eventually, you turn to look at him, tiredness clouding your eyes as you look at him through the dark. “it was really stupid satoru.” “yes” “and you’re dumb” “yes” “and i will personally kill you if this ever happens again” “you won’t” “yeah, i won’t.”
you sigh and lean into his touch as he cups your cheek and rubs it comfortingly. “i can cook you breakfast tomorrow,” he mumbles, causing a smile to appear over your lips. “you better, and give me lots of hugs and kisses too or you’re not forgiven,” you giggle and he kisses the tip of your nose with a bright smile on his face. “i could never say no to that.”
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“stop staring at me, suguru.” “i’m not staring.” “liar” “shut up”
you don’t even know what the fight was about anymore, but you still allowed it to go on for long, so long that it’s now lead you to sleeping on the couch, but geto suguru will certainly not allow you to sleep out here. if he has to drag you into the bedroom and then lock the door so you can’t leave the room and is forced to stay in bed with him, he will do just that.
“get up from the couch and come to bed with me,” he says but you stare at him blankly while slowly sitting up. “ask nicely and i might consider it,” suguru rolls his eyes, but eventually gives in, taking a deep breath as if it’s one of the most difficult things he’s been asked to do. “please y/n, come back to bed, i don’t wanna fight with you anymore.”
you don’t even think about it and he knows you aren’t either, you both already knew you’d be ready to come back to bed with him as soon as he asked the first time, but there’s no fun in that. unfortunately you’re both tired, so asking him to call you all these pet names to make you listen to him doesn’t even cross your mind. you just get up from the couch and let him put an arm over your shoulder as he leads you into the bedroom, kissing your cheeks. “you’re not mad right?” “no, it’s all forgotten.”
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his hand is warm as it brushes over your cheek. he’s been placing kisses to your face for minutes now, wanting you to know that he’s truly sorry for getting mad at you earlier today. he wants to see that pretty smile of yours back on your face, he wants to hold you close when he falls asleep, hearing your soft breathing against his neck as you go to sleep in the warmth of his embrace.
you eventually have to put one hand on his arm as he begins to pepper your entire face with kisses, not even stopping to catch his breath. giggles soon begin to escape your lips which only causes yuji to continue. he can’t help but chuckle lightly when hearing you giggle and he looks at you fondly when pulling away, brushing a hand through your tangled hair. “i’m sorry, baby. i really am,” he whispers before leaning down to rest his head on the edge of the couch.
you turn to your side to look at him, now wearing a light smile on your face while staring into the warmth of his eyes. “did you have a bad day?” he sighs when hearing you ask that question, but he nods his head and rubs your cheek. “yeah, there was a lot to do today. i’m sorry for lashing out on you, it’s not like me at all, i’m so sorry for making you feel sad. i’m sorry for acting like that.”
yuji closes his eyes when you lean in to kiss his lips. it’s a short but sweet kiss, only filled with love. “it’s okay. maybe it’s a sign for you to take a break from work tomorrow so you can rest, one day wouldn’t hurt,” you mumble and he nods, reflecting your smile with one of his own. “yeah, a day wouldn’t hurt as long as i get to spend it with you.”
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cosmosis · 1 year
MOVED TO @seratopia
miguel o’hara x reader (fluff) - can’t sleep
you just can’t sleep without your husband next to you (i hope my spanish was okay)
Maybe it’s your cycle, maybe its just the fact that you’ve been literally working all day for the past 3 weeks, but you’re tired as shit. The bags under your eyes are almost purple, your entire body hunches over like a zombie when you walk, you barely have time to think nor speak to anyone else besides your husband. The entire building is lowkey worried you’ll snap one day. 
Even Miguel is worried. Much how you like to do to him, Miguel’s been constantly ushering you to rest a little, borderline bribing you with nice takeout or some kisses to get you to sleep. But, to no avail. your sleep schedule is genuinely fucked. 
You’re cranky, hungry, and sleep deprived. 
At the moment, Miguel doesn’t really know where you are. Considering your current state, he thinks you’re out on a mission, or at least somewhere in the office. 
He’s already tried walking through the entire office just looking for you. He checked the cafeteria, gym, hallway, etc. muttering, “Where th’fuck are they?” But, you were nowhere to be found.
So, Miguel tries something different. He pulls up his watch, scrolling down to a button that he really only should be using for emergencies, but to Miguel, this is an emergency on its’ own. 
He presses the button, and suddenly his entire face is broadcasted to every single watch in the building. Dramatically, the emergency siren turns on, and all the spider-people are on their feet. 
“If anyone sees my wife, please report back to me asap. Tell her to come see me, I can’t find her anywhere.“
The whole office can see Miguel rub a hand over his face, visibly both annoyed and tired. Everyone starts looking back and forth, tilting heads and making sure that you didn’t just happen to be around somewhere. Once the camera turns off, though, nearly the entire building starts chuckling. 
It’s crazy how much Miguel’s face utterly lights up when he sees his watch ringing without your contact photo. Literally in a split second, he presses the button, opening up a microphone icon. 
Ugh, he just loves the sound of your voice. 
“¿Si querida?“
He hears you groan, possibly the sound of bedsheets shuffling, and it pulls at his heart. You’ve been so miserable lately, he just wants to see you back to your happy self again. 
“Come home, now.“
Just the tone of your voice alone put a worried frown on Miguel’s face. (He never likes to admit how much of an impact your emotions have on him.) An ugly, anxious swarm starts to build at the back of his head, making him impossibly nervous. 
Luckily, Miguel knows what to do. 
“Of course, hun. I’ll be there in 10.“
And he turns the watch off, sighing to himself after. He’s a little bit nervous now, fearing as though he did something to upset you, or that you had something serious to talk about when he came home. 
Every step Miguel takes to your shared home brought him closer and closer on edge, worry and theory swirling through his mind. His brain ping-ponged through every single possible reason why you’d want him to come home, especially in such a cranky matter. Maybe you were just tired? Maybe it was because he accidentally gave you a raisin bagel instead of a everything bagel?
By the time Miguel was at the door, his heart was beating erratically in his chest, hands the slightest bit shaky. Stepping inside, Miguel instantly beelined for your shared bedroom, gently opening the door. 
He sees you shuffle around in the covers, his heart secretly swooning. You’re just so cute when you’re half asleep; needy and cuddlier than usual. Already at the bedroom door, Miguel practically rips his shirt off, kicking off his pants and making his way over to where you lay. He presses a soft kiss to your forehead, gingerly swiping strands of hair off your face. 
“What is it, hun?“ He coos.
You toss and turn, barely mustering a frown onto your face. Your eyes are half-lidded, tank top almost falling off your shoulder until Miguel readjusts it for you. 
“Can’t sleep without you.“ You mumble, slowly scooting yourself over and draping your arms towards him. Miguel practically swoons, cooing and leaning into your touch. How could he resist such an offer?
“Awh, baby.“ 
He tangles himself into bed with you, breathing the biggest sigh of relief. It wasn’t what he thought it was. You just wanted snuggles. Miguel takes it upon himself to spoil you extra, ghosting his touch over your back and kissing the darling skin of your temple.
Like the thousands of times he has before, Miguel tangles his legs into yours, kneading his fingers into the skin of your raised leg.  
Within a few minutes or so, Miguel feels you knock out like a light, tiny puffs of air escaping your mouth while you fist the sheets like a baby. He sighs, staring at you for a few moments while you sleep. Affectionately, he rubs his knuckles against your cheek, smooching your forehead. 
Miguel pulls a blanket over the both of you, knowing very well that by the time you’re awake, it’ll be completely on the floor. Readjusting his position, Miguel doses off to sleep, allowing himself to completely let go of all the stresses he holds. 
After all, he can’t sleep without you either. 
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© 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒔.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 5 months
Taking care of his girls (part 1)
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x reader (y/n)
Warnings: none
a/n: another girl dad Carlos because I just can't get enough
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Y/N's pov
The newborn stage is extremely challenging. Sleep deprivation caused by countless sleepless nights, lack of energy, baby crying even though she ate half an hour ago, trying to figure out the cause of her crying, colic, baby not latching, painful feedings or lack of milk production - all that and much more comes when you step into motherhood. Trust me, it is exhausting both physically and mentally and anyone who says otherwise is lying!
However, not much is talked about how demanding and tiring and difficult it is when you are burning with a fever and can barely stand on your feet, and you have a two-year-old daughter who also has a flu and who, in addition to all of that, is a very stubborn daddy's little girl and doesn't really like to listen to anyone except her dad. That two-year-old is our little girl Bea. Bea is a very stubborn and smart girl who is very attached to her dad and loves spending time with him. She is completely enchanted by him and whenever Carlos returns home from the race, she does not separate from him.
We've only recently started taking her to the races, but since she tends to run around the paddock and starts screaming when it's time for Carlos to get in the car, we've decided that we won't be able to follow Carlos everywhere he goes.
This time we could not attend the Grand Prix in Italy for another reason, and that reason was because I caught a flu, which almost knocked me off my feet, and two days later Bea was burning with a fever as well.
Being alone with her while I was sick, doing all the housework, cooking and taking care of her was very difficult and exhausting. I was very worried about her because she had a high temperature, she was very weak, she didn't want to eat much, she was crying all the time and she just wanted me to hold her in my arms and cuddle her.
Carlos returned from Italy to our home in Madrid yesterday and we both couldn't wait to see him. When he came back I could finally breathe a little, sit down and rest because he decided to take care of both of us.
It was the same today, even though I felt a little better, Bea was still coughing a lot and her nose was blocked, so I decided to go to the pharmacy to get a children's inhaler. Carlos decided to stay with her and fulfill all her wishes, and today the wish was cuddling and watching cartoons in the living room.
It took me quite a long time to get to the pharmacy, make the purchase and get back home, so I only returned after 45 minutes. The sight that greeted me when I entered the living room brought tears to my eyes, but happy tears full of gratitude.
Bea was lying curled up on Carlos' chest, his arms wrapped around her as his head fell back against the back of the couch his lips slightly parted as both of them were fast asleep while Dora the explorer begged for help in the background. Carlos tied her hair into a small ponytail on top of her head while her baby hairs were messily sticking out. For a moment I just stood next to the couch and watched them smiling and thinking how did I get so lucky?
"Babe" I approach Carlos from the back of the couch and whisper into his ear. "Babe, wake up." It took him a minute to realize they had fallen asleep and to wake up.
"Ay dios mío.." You could also hear the tiredness in his voice because he didn't sleep at all last night. He demanded that I rest and that he would look after Bea overnight.
"Let's take her to bed okay?" I say quietly trying not to wake her up.
"What time is it?" He asks.
"It's only 7 p.m. I'll take care of her tonight, you get some sleep okay?" I say caressing his cheek.
"No, no I'll do it You still haven't fully recovered amor and I want you to." He says leaving a kiss on my thumb. Just as Carlos slowly straightened up from a semi-lying position on the couch, Bea startled and started crying.
"Shh cariño, no llores." (shh darling don't cry) Carlos immediately began gently shushing her and rubbing her back as I sat next to them.
"Do you want to go sleep in mommy and daddy's bed baby?" I asked her placing a kiss on her hand. She doesn't usually sleep with us, but when she is sick we always let her.
"No" She rubbed her eyes nervously, still crying and burrying her head into the crook of Carlos neck. "Papa, mama" She whined extending her little hand towards me, but not wanting to leave Carlos' embrace.
"Está bien mi amor, mamá y papá están aquí, no te preocupes." Carlos said tightening his grip around her with one arm and with the other pulling me closer to them.
We quickly gave up on trying to talk her into going to bed because we realized it would only upset her even more so we both decided to curl up to Carlos.
"Mis princesas." I leaned my head against his shoulder wrapping my arm around our little bean as Carlos kissed both of our foreheads.
Part 2 here
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arminsumi · 6 months
S. Geto ★ Adult Store | 3
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★ Chapter index | Part 1 | Part 2
★ Synopsis : Sooo... his apartment. At six. Sex. No toys. Just you and him. Sound good?
★ Warnings : 18+ content, smut, semi-public m*sturbation (at work), sexting, exchanging nudes, dirty talk, creampie, cunnilingus, toys, solo male m*sturbation, squirting, multiple orgasms, wet dreams, mentions threesome with Satoru, "sl*t"
Home | Library | Geto works | Reblog for a cake slice! 🍰
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"Just like that... I'm so close."
Suguru moaned your name to himself and rolled his head back, pumping you full of his sensitive cock. He was so close to blowing inside your soft pussy.
But just before his wet dream got to the good part, he woke up. Grumbling awake, he felt sticky precum smeared on his inner thigh. So much had dribbled out his cock while dreaming of you. He nearly came in his sleep.
Hardly giving himself time to blink the sleepiness out of his eyes, he rolled over to grab his phone. Seeing your morning message made his lips curl into a smile.
📨 1 NEW
You: morningg 🥱 Suguru: morning pretty girl Suguru: i woke up a bit too excited 🙈💦 You: aw hope you dreamed of me Suguru: i did [IMG] You: needdd 🤤 the curve ahh Suguru: bet you wish it was inside you huh 🖤 You: yes pls You: so excited for tonight. i can't think about anything but you
Suguru got butterflies.
His head got foggier, and his boner was still throbbing hot against his inner thigh. Your texts got spicier, so he lazily squeezed and jerked his cock through his pants while struggling to reply with one hand.
Suguru: i'll buy extra condoms just in case You: oh... dw i'm on birth control Suguru: oh? 🙈 what are you suggesting...? You: you can cum inside me 🤍
Suguru let out a shuddery moan and accidentally came in his pants.
Work was slow. The adult store was quiet for most of the day. Suguru lazed around and texted you.
Suguru: this one's also a best seller atm [IMG] You: wow i wouldn't even suspect that to be a toy 😂 what is it? Suguru: it's a suction pulsation toy. you put it on your clit. You: oh? 😵‍💫 hmm sounds fun but i'd prefer your tongue Suguru: 2 more hours left of work 🥲 You: 😔💔 Suguru: glad the store is quiet tho. i'm too horny to work. You: me too. i keep squeezing my thighs together when i see your texts. you got me all sensitive and you're not even here lol Suguru: aw you should have brought a toy with to help calm you down You: yeah 😔 rlly tempted to just take a bathroom break Suguru: you could just rub yourself under your desk 👀 You: only if you guide me through it 🤍
Suguru raised his brows and felt his cheeks warm up a little. He glanced around the store. Quiet. Not a single customer had entered for over an hour.
Suguru: stroke your middle finger up and down your pussy Suguru: very gently make it almost ticklish You: okay 🤍 Suguru: cup and squeeze it too for me pretty girl Suguru: how's it feel? You: really goodd 🤤 Suguru: yeah i bet. Suguru: rub circles on your clit nice and slow. just take your time. You: okayy You: this is rlly risky 🥺 Suguru: but you're turned on aren't you? You: yess Suguru: slut 🖤
Your clit got puffier and more sensitive as you started following Suguru's instructions over text. Every now and then you had to stop for fear of someone spotting you getting off under the desk.
Your chat with him got filled with spicier messages. Suguru kept turning you on more and more, making your clit buzz.
Work? What work? It was playtime.
Suguru: good girl. don't worry about anything just get those panties wet for me. You: are you stroking yourself too 🥺 Suguru: mhm. wanna see? You: yes please Suguru: [IMG] Suguru: all for you 🖤 You: omg You: need you inside me so bad :( Suguru: uh huh bet it sucks to clench around nothing You: meanie You: go faster with me please
He'd abandoned the checkout desk and went for a "bathroom break". Suguru stroked himself faster, imagining you touching yourself with him drove him wild. And the fact you were doing it under your desk while at work?
Suguru: i'm close 🖤 You: me too please cum with me Suguru: ok pretty girl. let's cum together.
His heart fluttered at your message, and he quickly felt his orgasm build up in his cock. Suguru threw his head back and bit his lip to hold in his moan while cumming a thick load.
Suguru: oops i made a mess brb You: lol 😂 Suguru: was it good? You: really good 🤤 thank uuu Suguru: mhm. see you later 🖤
He was practically shaking from desire while making out with you against his apartment door; moaning into your mouth then sucking on your tongue, eagerly squeezing your hips with his veiny hands.
He was breathless, "G—good to see you." he said.
"Y—yeah. Good to see you too." you replied.
He had you pinned against his front door. Yup, immediately after having arrived at his doorstep and walking in, the two of you just lunged for each other like two pathetically horny people.
He felt delightfully dumbed by the sexual friction between you and him. His hard-on pressed flush against your body, you could feel him already leaking precum.
You kissed, he backed away playfully. You followed. Then he kept backing away to tease you.
"Are you luring me like a fish?" you chuckled.
He backed into his bedroom door and opened it swiftly.
Leaning down to kiss you, his hands cupped under your ass and felt it up while you slid your hands under his shirt.
"Take this off, please."
"Take it off yourself." he teased.
Suguru's tummy flipped when you took his shirt off. Your eyes caught on his pecs and he noticed, so he took your hand and placed it on them.
You were a little taken aback. A shyness showed on your expression as you felt how firm his body was.
"Don't be shy; touch wherever you like. Just feel my body."
"But I'm kinda..." you giggled shyly.
"Shy? It's okay, I'll fuck the shyness out of you soon enough." he said.
Yeah, you'll be too full of my dick to be able to think, let alone be shy.
While he rubbed his cockhead through your slit, his stomach tensed up in excitement.
Fuck, and there I was just telling her not to be shy... and now I'm so fucking nervous. What the hell... why does it feel like I'm losing my virginity all over again?
Suguru prepped you a bit more, he slid his fingers into your hole and stimulated your G-spot with ticklish circles.
Finally sinking his needy cock inside you felt like heaven. He slid in a few inches deep, and shuddered at the feeling of your shape, the ridge and texture, the little squeezes of your walls.
"It’s not too big for you, right?" he asked caringly.
Nah. She's gotta be lying. I can feel her cunt struggling to take me.
Yeah, you were lying — he was so thick that the stretch was all you could focus on. Your lips formed an erotic O shape, expression turning slutty even though he wasn't even bottomed out yet.
"You sure?" he smirked down at you, two veiny hands at either side of your hips, denting the bed with his weight.
Suguru inched inside until you gasped.
"Fuck! Oh that's — mmm! — big!"
Suguru groaned softly, feeling your ring of muscle constrict around him. He slid in and out slowly to get his cock soaked.
"I don't know if I can take it..." you moan.
His cock curved up into your G-spot and you let out a shuddery moan.
"Don't worry. I'll stretch you out." he purred before giving you a hard kiss. "Just hold onto my arms."
“Fuck! Right there!” you screamed into the pillow.
Suguru softly grunted and focused his eyes on the sight of his cock moving in and out of your pussy. You fisted your hands into the messed up bedsheets.
When he felt his orgasm start to build up, he suddenly pulled out of you.
“Nooo, put it back in!” you cried, kicking your feet.
“Just a second, baby.” he murmured sweetly.
He smirked down at you and planted a hard slap on your ass, causing you to jolt forward and groan.
Sliding back in made him momentarily close his eyes, because your walls hugged him so perfectly.
“Mmm!” you kicked your feet around again when he started up his thrusting again.
Suguru wasn’t merciless with how he fucked you into the mattress, but he really wanted to be. He was holding back so hard just to make sure you could enjoy yourself completely.
Sometimes he’d start pounding into you and then self-consciously eased off when he heard you whimpering.
“Are you okay?” he giggled into your ear.
“Y-yes! Do that again, please.”
He flipped you onto your back and pushed your legs back, splitting them wide open for him.
Suguru fucked you into a quick orgasm and his own followed immediately after he felt your pussy milking his cock.
“Oh my god…” he giggled into the crook of your neck, “I’m so sorry. I thought I’d last longer than that…”
You laughed with him. Suguru hovered over your back, his bangs dangling over his eye, and he kissed from your shoulder down middle of your back. His two hands roughly grabbed and pried apart your ass cheeks, thumbing into your creampied pussy. Some of his cum dribbled out.
You hummed and wiggled your ass for him.
Fuck. I think I just fell in love.
“Do you want to take a shower?” he asked softly.
“Yes please. I feel so wet and sticky.” you laughed.
He smacked your ass again and slowly slid off the bed, scouring for your panties before his boxers. He helped you slide them back on.
While you went off to shower, Suguru dressed up and went into the thin kitchen.
He checked his phone.
📨 3 NEW
Satoru: stop ignoring me hoe Satoru: ARE U GUYS STILL HAVING SEX OMG IT’S BEEN 3 HOURS??? Satoru: WTF KINDA STAMINA DOES SHE HAVE Suguru: lol u sound lonely Satoru: omg finally 😿 Suguru: i think i wanna marry her 😔 Satoru: WAHT WAS IT THAT GOOD???? Satoru: UR STILL MY BEST FRIEND RIGHT?? Suguru: yes Satoru: is she down for a threesome???? 👀 Suguru: wtf satoru 😂 Satoru: JOKING 🙄🙄 ask her tho Suguru: i'm blocking you Satoru: babyyy don't b like this!! sharing is caring!! 😍 Suguru: 😑
When you got out the shower and clothed yourself, you smelled something good cooking. Suguru wasn’t in the bedroom anymore, so you went to the kitchen.
The tiny round table by the window was dressed up with a white cloth and a single candle in the center.
“What’s this, a dinner date or something?” you asked.
“Yeah, well, I just I thought you might be, uh, hungry…” he said shyly. “… after all that exercise, you know.”
You gave him a flirty look, then sat down to eat.
He was giggling hard. His cheeks were hot.
“So, what’s for dessert?” that’s what you had asked to fluster him.
“What if I eat you out right here on the table?” he suggested, and you both went silent.
Suguru tilted his head at you and waited for your response.
Your response? Spreading your legs on the table for him, of course.
Suguru nuzzled his face deep between your thighs, dark hair tickling your skin.
He placed worshipping kisses on top of your pussy, then swiftly stripped your panties off. They dangled on your ankles while he nosed in your pussy, kissing and licking it like it was his dessert.
Of course, Suguru Geto was the type of boy to get hard from going down on a girl. His cock pulsed and twitched in his loose sweatpants.
You gasped when he sucked on your clit and nudged it with his tongue.
He looked up at you through his messy hair, sharp eyes observing your reactions to his skilled-tongue fucking. Your juices gushing down his chin drove him nuts.
“Oh, shit that’s good!” you cried, grabbing a fistful of hair and eliciting a moan from him that you felt vibrating on your clit.
He gasped for a breath, pulled away momentarily but then dove right back in as if he didn't need air as desperately as he needed pussy.
As soon as you started squirming around, Suguru hooked his arms around your body to keep you firmly in place.
His back muscles flexed while he ate you out. Yes, his knees hurt a bit from kneeling on the tiled kitchen floor for an hour, but it was worth it to get you squirting all over his pretty face.
Suguru withdrew from your pussy and wiped the streak of your juices off his cheek with a swipe of his thumb.
“Thanks for dessert.” he murmured, “Tasted really good.”
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★ Tags : @ackachii / @qmsvpx / @aydene / @seaweedsaiki / @sadisticmfqueen / @vanyareads / @katsukis-lilbunnywhore / @mp3playerblog / @223princess / @collectionofdolls / @chimmysoftpaws / @halloweenmedic / @roronoaslover / @cherrymoon4 / @nctstrcngencugh / @nitskilanara / @thirtykiwis / @xxbuckpoppi / @dswdo / @p1nkfluffysocks / @yooniesweetheart / @crmdlls / @grimreaqueer / @mmeerraa / @witchbybirth
Please message my inbox or comment on this fic to be added/removed to the taglist for updates.
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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hazelfoureyes · 1 month
A Doe in Fall (part 6)
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⟢HumanAlastor x FemaleBurlesquerReader - A Doe in Fall
Part 1 - Pretty in Red smut💦 Part 2 - Liar smut💦 Part 3 - A Tragedy smut💦 Part 4 - Enough Part 5 - Too Much Part 6 - Learning smut💦 Part 7 - Recognition smut💦
Part 6 Learning
Another night in bed with Alastor, but one that doesn’t feel quite right. You’re both learning about each other still. Unfortunately, it seems you’re not alone in finding out new information.
「Warnings/Promises: Human Alastor x Fem Burlesquer reader, smut, blowjob, riding, swallowing CUM, mostly sex honestly, greenhouse , discussions of murder and dead bodies, nervous smoking, a nervous Alastor, tenderness, plants」
The tag list is broken, it wont let me copy and paste them as actual tags so I am manually adding them 😭
Minors DNI 🦌 🚘
You reached for the chain of the ceiling fan light, Alastor removing his clothes except his boxers as it was still too warm for pajamas. He pulled your clean slip from the drawer before making sure the window was locked but the curtains open. The bed softly illuminated with moonlight. 
Oh no. It felt strange. You would think this was a scene you’d seen before, perhaps in a photo beside the definition of home.
“Dear?” Alastor pulled back the blanket and sheet, “Everything alright?” You arm was still extended and holding the chain.
No. I’m too comfortable here already. I don’t feel like a guest.
“Come to bed.” He patted your side of the bed. You got changed, feeling him watching you.
“It’s nice to get undressed with an audience in a…boring way.” You huffed, the ache in your feet still with you. 
As you lifted your dress to unhook your garter, Alastor asked you sheepishly, “Would your stockings and garter be uncomfortable to sleep in?” You opened your mouth to answer before you realized what he was actually asking you. Fingers stopping, you let them be. 
“Not terribly, no.” 
When you slid into the bed in your slip and garters you caught how he grinned at you and suddenly you felt so shy. He always made you feel like it was your first time alone with a man when he looked at you with that smile, with those sharp eyes. You felt naked, deeper than just clothes.
Alastor scooted closer to you, arms wrapping around your waist and dragging you to meet him in the middle. Kisses to the side of your face until you turned, lips captured. As his hand came to your neck, large palm resting on your upper chest, you willed your heart to calm down. 
His mouth was hungry, tongue reaching for yours. You tried to breathe through your nose but couldn’t find the timing. When he pulled away, your mouth still open, he let his nose rub at yours. “I want to spoil you.” His hand slid down your front, fingers making a line through the center of your torso before coming to rest below your belly button. It was more intimate than you thought he realized. His hand sat heavy. “We can do as little or as much as you’d like.”
“Are you sure? I’m happy to cuddle in your fancy—,” you stretched your arms, “two person bed. Don’t worry about me.”
He kissed where your jaw ended, breathing into your ear a husky,  “I don’t want to cuddle. I want to make a new memory in my home.” In truth, he was desperate to feel you still wanted him. Despite what had happened.
That was all you needed. Throwing your leg over him you straddled his lap. You reached down to make sure his soft member had room to grow. His hands came to your hips but you brought them to your face and leaned down to continue greedy kisses. Hips rolling forward against him, your little moans into his mouth earned you sighs in return. 
You knew exactly what you wanted to do. You felt him growing under you as you rubbed against him. Catching his bottom lip in your teeth you gently tugged.
Leaning back, you took his hand and sucked one finger into your mouth. Pulling it out you added another, your teeth coming to rest well past his knuckles. A raspy groan coming from deep in his chest. Your hips kept rocking, tongue twirling as you slowly pulled him out of your mouth again. He fought the urge to say thank you. 
“Fellatio, Alastor.” You maintained eye contact, hips grinding as his golden brown eyes became wide, “Can I?”
His cock was twitching against you, but you needed a verbal yes before giving it your full attention.
“I’m not a huge fan of feeling my release on my skin.” He was frowning.  An honest to god frown like a bummed out child. You couldn’t help but find it cute. He was usually smirking so the frown felt like seeing the Easter bunny smoking. Just, so out of place.
“Well hun I wasn’t planning on giving it back to you.”
A gasp, he opened his mouth to say something about your unsurpassed ability to surprise him for the nth time, but his mouth had gone dry. He was sure you could feel him growing harder against the silk of your slip. He squeaked out an “Okay, yeah. Let’s try.”
You kissed his cheeks, feeling his blush heating your lips. Finally, you could be the one making a mess of the other. Moving down, you settled your own warm cheek in the crook where his thigh met his hip and let your hand lazily stroke him. 
Dicks were remarkably ugly things, possibly done so animals would bury them every chance possible to avoid having to look at them. But Alastor’s cock was pretty. Tan and pink, long and slender with a slight curve up that seemed biologically strategic. It was a shame he didn’t show it off more, but that was none of your business. 
“I missed you.” You cooed.
Alastor lifted his head from his pillow, he had been trying to not look at you because he already knew it would be too much. Sure enough, your barely lit face was looking at up from his lap. Eyes aglow with the dying summer moonlight and hand so tenderly touching him. What was he doing again?
Oh that’s right. You’d said something.
You kissed his tip, “I wasn’t talking to you.”
His head fell back down, making a noise that almost sounded like a word. Another peck of a kiss. Then a longer one. Your lips parted and his hands lightly gripped the sheets. Hot and wet, but a different version of wet heat you’d already allowed him to lose himself in. A firm palate and soft tongue running past his head and down his length.
For the life of him he couldn’t understand why you wanted to do this. The truth was you were already soaking through your panties, his little hip ruts and sharp inhales going straight to your core. You’d never wanted to please another person so much in your fucking life. Pornography made sense now, you’d pay to see photos of him spread out with a lusty face. But luckily your cost was minor, an express ticket to hell. 
You took him down to the base before lifting your head again.
“I want you to make the pace.” You brought his hand to the back of your head. His normally sharp features now soft and squiggly. “Fast or slow, little bit or all of it, you can stop me entirely whenever you want.”
His hand was riding your head as you bobbed on his cock. Tongue running along the underside, pressing up as you moved. A muscle twitched in his thigh which you found impossibly arousing. Every time you took him all the way into your mouth you couldn’t breathe and it only made you think of how deep he’d reached inside you before. 
Doting on his swollen head you licked his leaking precum from the slit. The look in your eyes promised to devour him as you sucked in your cheeks and made shallow moves, letting your hands slide down his shaft and balls. The weight of them in your hands had you twitching around nothing. 
Alastor’s breath was rough and strained, but his moans soft. You released him with a pop.
His eyes were focused on the ceiling, fingers stroking mindlessly at your hair. “Yes?”
“Are you not comfortable with moving my head? You’re just petting me. We can stop or—?”
Alastor let his hand come down to your chin, thumb running over your bottom lip, “No, no I don’t want to stop,” the look in eyes made you believe that. “I don’t know how to set the pace. You just want me to move your head? I’m not used to this and my brain is completely empty. Tell me plainly what you want and I’ll do it.” It sounded like a plea, almost begging for you to give him instruction. Because he was. He was pleading for you to tell him how to make you happy in new ways. “I want to do it.”
Plainly? Okay. This was one area of life you could manage to be completely straight. “I want you,” you kissed the tip of his cock again, “to guide my head on and off your cock,” a kiss down his shaft followed by another, “until you come in my throat.” You kissed the dark hair around his base, taking a moment to enjoy the scent of his manhood. “I wanna do it at your speed.”
A whimper, his dick bouncing up with a twitch and hitting your cheek, “Fuck.” He nodded, “I won’t last long when your mouth is so skilled verbally and physically, my dear.”
You hummed as his hands guided you back down, was this still letting him take the lead? The lines were blurred of who was leading who. But that was fine, maybe two people could move forward in tandem.
It made your pussy clench with a need to be filled when he finally pressed your head all the way down. With some difficulty you kept your teeth from scratching him while hollowing your cheeks again.
Hands busy cupping and caressing his balls, you let him quicken his pace.
A pleasant surprise as his hips began to buck up with his increasingly strident groans. You moaned around his cock, taking quick breaths through your nose whenever you were pulled off before his thrusts and pushes choked you again. Your eyes were watering, glossy as you tried to focus on his face. Looking down and across his tightened stomach his eyes met yours. The way his mouth was open was one thing but the moan of your name as his eyes lolled back made you feel feral. 
You shifted your hand to pumping his unsheathed length faster as he focused on his head hitting and sliding up the back of your tongue. You were confident he was almost at his peak. Seeing his eyes roll made you hungry to bring him to orgasm. The characteristic lost rhythm of his hips was a dead giveaway as much as the slowing of his hand bobbing your head that you were on the right track.
When you rolled your tongue Alastor loudly moaned in earnest, he seemed caught off guard by the sensation and his own response. The sound made you whimper around him. You wanted to make him make more sounds. More glimpses of him enjoying himself without restraint.
“My love… please,” he sounded like he was holding his breath, “Can I?” He felt insecure, he’d only entertained fellatio twice in his life and both times he found the sensations bordering disgusting and the aftermath humiliating. One partner dribbling his cum back onto his stomach, the other spitting it into his handkerchief. No one seemed happy with any part of it. But your mouth didn’t feel wrong. No part of you made him feel like a chore. Nothing about you ever made him feel put up with, instead in that moment he felt like you enjoyed him. He felt delicious in your mouth.
One hand on the back of your head pushing your head down onto him quicker as he was just at the cusp, the other where your jaw and ear met lifting you off him slightly slower to languish in the drag of your tongue over his cock.
You hummed an affirmative and braced yourself, a thick and salty shot of his release hitting the back of your throat with force. You took him down to the base again, swallowing around his head as much as his size allowed. He hissed, hips rising off the bed. You didn’t stop swallowing despite his whines and spasms, shoulders jerking up and off the pillows as he folded in over your head. The silence of the night interrupted by his overstimulated gasps spilling out around you.
Only when he stilled, body no longer twitching as he lied back down, did you let up.
He was almost scared to look at you. Flashes of a long forgotten face of disgust behind his eyes. 
“Alastor?” Your voice was so sweet, more so than usual. He dared to look.
A smile that reached your eyes. No mask, no grimace, no disappointment.
“You okay, doll?” You took his left hand and kissed his palm before setting your cheek against it. “Was it too much? Uncomfortable?”
What a silly question. He was the one who pulled you into murder, who left you vulnerable to dangerous men, who hadn’t ever considered how loving someone like him could put you at risk of terrible heartbreak. You had never been too much, he was the one spilling out of his canvas and staining you.
“We don’t have to do that ever again, okay?” You kissed his hand again, misreading his face entirely. Odd, you were usually so keen to the finer details of his mood. But when it came to sex, to his preferences, you knew you were better left always giving him room to ask for more, not less. Never make him need to ask you to stop. Never push past an absolute certainty of comfort, or put him in a position where he felt obligated to continue.
You’d decided some time ago you’d close your legs for good if it meant sharing a blanket with him. Your list of needs were rearranged the moment he pushed you into that bathroom, not that had known at the time or that you’d admit it was so early in your meeting.
Alastor smiled, finally, “No, it wasn’t.” While it wasn’t his favorite way to spend his time, he didn’t hate it. He wanted to ask if he was okay, if he was obviously inexperienced or embarrassingly quick. His eyes did that thing again, flitting around your face like he was reading a difficult but intriguing book.
You moved your body up to rest flush against his chest with your own. Silk slip cool on his heated skin. “I am very grateful you let me indulge myself, but,” a kiss to his chest before smiling back at him, your feet kicking up and knocking the blanket off, “Don’t push yourself, baby.” Your finger traced little circles on his chest.
He sat up. Slightly caught off guard, you did too. From the shadows of his bed you couldn’t see it before, but as he kissed you in an almost frantic succession of lips crashing into yours you pulled away to look him in the eyes. Blown out pupils shining back at you again. He stole another kiss, you not noticing his hand coming to his lap.
“I want to go at your pace now.” When he attempted another kiss, a pleasure soaked sigh stopped him. Your eyes traveled to the busy hand between you both.
“You can ride me, I’ve been selfish these last few times.” his hand was stroking himself, trying to get as hard as he could without getting too close to cumming a second time.
Even in the dim light he could see your face clearly, partly why he didn’t remove his glasses yet. You looked genuinely concerned. His free hand’s index finger and thumb came out almost like an upside down finger gun, a promise, “I want to feel you come undone around me.” You hooked your index with his, thumbs touching. It almost made a heart. “You can use me as you need, I just want to make you feel as good as you make me feel.”
You’d accepted him but he wanted more. He wanted you to need him. He’d be happy with just a night of neediness, really. Just confirmation he could keep you happy.
A blush spread up from your chest. There wasn’t anything to say. He left no room for doubt with his purposeful request. Leaning back again he slid a hand between your thighs and into your underwear. “Oh, you really did enjoy yourself didn’t you?” He brought his shining fingertip to his mouth and let those love affected eyes take you in as he licked his digits clean.
Unkindly beautiful. He was upsettingly ethereal beneath you, skin a glow in a way that rivaled the sun’s own bloom. His soft hair uncharacteristically messy, glasses fallen just a bit down his nose. The usually confident and sure Alastor was demure and needy between your legs. You’d never seen him look like that, even the first time was a different sight.
How lucky you were to get to devour him twice in one evening. You lifted yourself up and kept your eyes glued to his face as you pulled aside your panties and filled yourself with him. 
A moment of pause when you bottomed out, letting you both adjust. A confession of his own, “I’ve never let anyone on top before.”
You tightened around him, “You skipped straight to eating women out in bathrooms?”
A quick correction by him, “Not women. A Woman.” 
You tightened again, knees riding up over his stomach. “Well, I hope you’ll trust me with every first.”
Fighting the urge to bruise your ass on his hips, you took a gentle pace at first, knowing he’d just orgasmed minutes before. He was still sensitive, evident from his hisses and jerky movements with every bounce. His mouth was hanging open again with already heavy and loud breaths, eyes glued to watching himself disappear into your cunt.
Leaning down, you switched to rolling your hips front and back and kissing at his clavicle. You worked up his neck, pausing to whisper an ask, “Does it hurt?” into the bruised skin of this throat.  He said it was fine so you continued kisses up and then along his jaw. When his mouth reached for yours you dodged and kissed his nose. Another whiny whimper, hands rubbing down your hips and running over the place your skin met your stockings. His fingers ran up the straps of garters and back down again.
You kissed his cheeks, then the corner of his mouth. He looked at you like you were hurting him, like it pained him to not have your mouth on his. A moan pulled his expression from torture to ecstasy.
Alastor felt good, his ego unfurling in his chest with the sight of your pleasure. It was as if he were being worshiped and in worship of you at the same time. Your kisses were an offering, his moans a prayer.
No one had ever doted so sweetly on him during sex, perhaps he never let them. The very notion briefly floated by of past lovers kissing at his neck and it just as briefly made his skin crawl. Though he deeply enjoyed kisses when everyone was dressed. 
Much like small beds, affection was made comfortable by your presence. He wanted to be possessed by you. He felt he would be stronger somehow if he was wholly yours. 
Resting your forehead on his in the most loving act you’d ever offered a man during sex, you used his shoulders as a sturdy support to resume riding him in earnest. A workout you actually enjoyed, lifting your weight off of him and making a controlled descent to impale yourself again and again on his heated member. His swollen tip was sliding past your g-spot but it wasn’t hitting it as hard as you needed. But before you could move, you felt Alastor bring his arms up.
He used his hands like you’d taught him and grabbed the back of your head to bring you into a kiss. Lips on lips, his tongue teasing its way into your mouth.
You broke the kiss to sit back up, giving your thighs a burn as you tried to create enough friction to build up your orgasm. 
Often times you closed your eyes during sex, not because it just felt so good, but because you didn’t know where to look that wasn’t terribly uncomfortable. But not now, your eyes were locked on Alastor’s, every time he bit his bottom lip and every furrowed brow sent tingles that rolled down your shoulders , slipped along your ribs and settled in your stomach. 
You didn’t want to blink and risk missing a single reaction. The soft slap of your ass on his lap became more obscene as you got wetter. Slippery was the best word for it, Alastor trying to compare your mouth to the feeling of your twitching cunt. As you moaned his name and clenched around him, he knew he liked this more. Your mouth was free to make pretty noises for him. Sounds that made him twitch in you. 
How you could be so soft and yet gripping him so tightly he couldn’t understand. He began to realize how little he understood about any of it. Normally not actually paying attention this much during sex, but he let deeper thoughts go and just focused on the way you looked riding him.
A moment shared between you both as your eyes caught again; static shock without the contact.
“Could you cross your legs? At the ankle.” You reached around and made sure his still heavy balls were safely above his legs. Alastor did it without asking questions.
You needed a new angle, but there was no way in hell you’d turn around. Leaning back with both hands on his thighs, you could angle his cock head to graze that bundle of nerves his hands worked so well in the past. Heavy breaths morphed into deep moans as you worked him into that spot repeatedly. 
When you let a hand come forward and flick at your clit you had to sink down onto him, unable to keep your body up the same way. Shorter movements but a quicker pace to match your finger. Alastor tore his eyes from yours to watch your hand work, studying the way you moved so he could master pulling orgasms from you with his own.
Quiet, so softly you gasped and mewled as you quickly raised the tension in your lower belly. No more lifting, no energy or focus to offer, just grinding against him until you felt that snap of pressure and your muscles rolled around his cock. Alastor was quick to watch your face as he recognized the spasms making his thighs twitch again.
As your orgasm waned, the pleasure dying, you felt a clarity you couldn’t before. You looked down over Alastor, and found yourself worried. A small sense of dissatisfaction. You couldn’t put your finger on it so you let it go. Learning about Alastor carnally would take time, and you needed to allow that to happen naturally.
He was the one who suggested it, but it didn’t feel as satisfying as before.  Even with his orgasm, you felt like you’d gotten more from the interaction. And you weren’t sure what that something was or what that meant. The feeling in the air the first time wasn’t there now, and you weren’t sure why. You planted a kiss on his lips, trying to feel if anything was missing. His lips moved against yours and his hands rubbed at your thighs. He felt just like Alastor.
“Feel good, my dear?” He didn’t open his eyes, instead kissing you before you could reply. You hummed into his mouth.
“I feel good anytime I’m near you.” 
The right answer.
His smile widened, “That’s all I want.”
With a deep sigh, you unseated yourself and lied back in your spot. Your slip was sticking to your skin in various places from sweat, it was uncomfortable but you were too tired to even ask him about showering. He took off his glasses and rolled to face you so you rolled too.
Lying there and looking at each other, Alastor’s eyes adjusted to the shadows to see your face. “I feel like…women often over-act during sex. You don’t though. Or you’re a great actress.”
You nodded, “Yeah I can see that. I definitely have. Also I’m a performer, professionally.”
A nervous smile spread on his face.
“I actually really hate touching you.” You laughed. Alastor placed his hand on your shoulder and you faked a gag, “Disgusting. So strong and yet soft. The worst.” 
“Unfunny.” Alastor quoted you.
“No, I don’t do that with you.” Your hand touched at his, “Lots of other people though. I guess we feel like we have to make the guy feel like he’s doing well.” You hadn’t thought before speaking and suddenly worried you’d said something unattractive. There was a relaxation to the way you were talking with him that reminded you of being backstage at the theater.
“I have definitely been on the receiving end of that.” Alastor grimaced, “Feels like making someone a meal you don’t even like, just for them to pretend to eat it and hum loudly with every fake bite. Why push for sex and then just pretend.” Alastor mimed bringing a utensil to your mouth, “Here’s that fried catfish you love darling.”
“Lostsa reasons. And I hate catfish.”
He dropped the fake fork, “Thank God for that, catfish is disgusting.” 
Chewing on your bottom lip you just jumped into the fear, “Did it bother you, when I said ‘lots of people’ just now?”
“Why would it?”
You reached out and touched his cheek, “Just checking. Tell me about your day. If I fall asleep it’s a compliment to your voice and not an insult.”
It had been a boring day, save for his worry about you seeing his home. He rambled about work as boringly as he could until he heard the soft and deep breathing of a sleeper. And then he told you about how he cleaned, and changed the bedding, about how he swept the porch and stared into his fridge.
When he ran out of details, he rolled onto his back and closed his eyes. The sound of your breathing was a new noise for his room. It was nice. His hand slid under the sheet until it found one of yours. It didn’t take long for his mind to settle and for him to fall asleep.
And then his eyes opened and it was bright in the room. He was on his side now, facing away from you. Alastor wondered if he was asleep still, but your breath behind him was evidence enough this wasn’t a nightmare. He was awake. He’d slept through the night without a terror or stressor plaguing him for the first time in, well, he couldn’t remember.
But the torment waited for him to awaken, a tinge of embarrassment washing over him from head to toe like a chill. Had he asked you to ride him? To use him? What the fuck was wrong with him? He was mortified, pulling the pillow over his face. He hadn’t even been drunk. He sounded like some horny teenager desperate to be touched. Not at all what he had been hoping to convey.
He managed to hide it well enough, through breakfast and to the patio where he could finally put his attention fully on something else.
“This is where I bring the bodies.” Alastor walked you to greenhouse doors. “There’s no one in there now. But,” he cleared his throat, “You don’t have to go inside if you don’t want to. I’ll never have you help with this part.”
You looked at each other, his eyes taking in the places where you’d been bruised before. Bruises he could still see in his head. Your eyes staring at the blooming purples of his neck. You hadn’t seen them before, his normal collar hiding them well enough. But he wasn’t headed to work yet, so you got see him in a clean white t-shirt tucked into his usual pants. Only he could make that look like a state of undress.
You jiggled the handles, looking past the hardwater stained glass to barely visible green beyond, “If you don’t unlock this door right now I will break in.”
Alastor laughed, pulling the key he’d grabbed earlier from his pocket.
You considered making a joke about your skills with rocks but thought better of it.
When the doors opened, you were surprised to see plants.
Not because they were in there, but that it was all you saw. Alastor walked past you and to the left, “Most people naturally turn right when they enter a room. Buys me a little time just in case someone comes in.” You followed him past long and tall shelves of various potted plants and flowers.
“And most people would consider a shed more suspicious than an all glass greenhouse. Nothing nefarious about glass. The plants help obscure the sights and the hard water takes care of the view from ground level.” He pointed up and over to the house, “You can see it perfectly well from the second floor.”
“Aren’t you worried about neighbors?” He turned right to step through some plants then stopped in front of a large metal table.
“Nearest neighbors are at least several acres away on all sides, we don’t interact.” His finger slid across the clean and shining surface, “Dismember, drain, back in the car to then disappear them far away from here.”
Your short heel sank down into the dirt, a memory of Tommy at better times taking your attention away from where you placed your weight. 
“The ground soaks up the water and blood. Bugs take what I miss. And it stays pretty warm even in winter, so the ground stays soft.”
Morbid. You couldn’t pretend it wasn’t morbid as your eyes sank to the soil beneath your feet. Turning around you looked for anything out of place. You saw gardening supplies like shears, axes, hand saws, tarps. Plants everywhere, pretty flowers and small trees. It was a very full but very normal greenhouse. Approaching the table you lowered yourself  to look underneath. Empty clay pots, bags of dirt, seeds. Clean and dry. 
“It looks like a functional greenhouse.”
“No I mean— it, not a single trace of,” you searched for a good word, “impropriety.” You’d heard that shouted at you before. “Even the plants are cared for. How much time do you spend keeping this room perfect? When do you sleep?”
His head tilted, “I don’t sleep much. So, I have time. The long nights are just the ones when I have someone in here.”
“I promise my praise is coming but first — Alastor.” You stood, “Ya know you could have just slept last night. Like, a full night's sleep. We didn’t have to stay up. That’s two nights already you barely slept. On top of…years? Of this?”
A suddenly nervous energy, Alastor’s hand rubbing at the back of his neck as he looked away. Oh no, that was a first you hadn’t considered. 
Had you been too harsh? Sounded too much like nagging wife? You felt like one. 
“Sorry. It’s not my place to speak on.” You sighed and set your hands on the waist height table. His back must hurt, he was so much taller than the table, he must be bent over quite a bit when he worked. You couldn’t stop imagining him, tired and hunched.
Alastor came to stand beside you, hands mirroring yours, “No, that’s exactly it. It’s become your place, hasn’t it? But I’m still acting like I’m alone.” You bit your tongue. “Yes we should have slept. I was tired. But, you did a lot recently. For me. Selflessly.”
Ah. His fingers on his left hand intertwined with your right, eyes searching for something in the scratched grey blue of the workspace.
“I want to provide for all your needs.”
A tinge of fear again ran through him. He needed you to need him. So you wouldn’t leave. He wanted you to see how he could give you everything.
You could have screamed in the best way, somehow feeling a spark in your lap, provide for you? Why did it sound like an act of service when he said it and not a threat to your autonomy? 
“You’re already giving me so many things I need. Phone calls in the morning and kisses after work. Respect for my job and myself as a human, not just a woman. Your voice when I’m falling asleep,” you cleared your throat now, too saccharine of a speech already, “Someone to lick the blood off my face. An alibi. That kinda stuff. Ya know?”
“I’m not joking.”
The muscles in your back locked. You gripped his hand, you could feel him staring at the side of your face but didn’t want to see what expression he had. Unfortunately he knew you too well already.
“Look at me.”
Your natural reaction to being given an order was to do the opposite. But you couldn’t muster the petulance. You finally turned to look back at him.
He’d never looked so serious. Eyes brighter in the sun than you’d remembered them being bore into yours. Locked, you were frozen in his stare.
A deer in the headlights.
He wasn’t studying your face this time, he was staring into. Not through you, no, you could feel his gaze being soaked into the back of your skull.
“I’m learning. Be patient with me? And you can tell me when I’m fucking up. I want it be our places in each other’s lives.”
“Al-,” it came out a squeak, you tried again, “I’m not either. Joking, that is.” His intense look was blinked away. “I need all the little things most. I can’t get them from anyone else. I don’t want them from anyone else. The tender kisses, the hand holding, cuddling. I’m terribly happy.” A tentative kiss to his nose, “But I need you tiptop. Sleeping, eating, human things like that. Let me help you balance things. I want to provide, too.”
Arms snaked around your waist, forehead to forehead, his smile grew, small but still a welcomed sight as always, “Can I have that praise you mentioned earlier now?”
You nodded, listing all the brilliant ways he protected himself from detection. A long form good boy. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Across the parish and downtown, a nervous woman fidgeted in a worn wooden chair. She had been woken up by a loud knock at her door when she was still sleeping off her late night.
“I thought this was all done with. Did you really need to drag me down here? Not a big fan of flat foots. You understand.”
He sighed, placing his hat on the empty chair beside him. His partner would be there if his partner was aware he was even doing this. But they had already written him off as obsessed with nothing, “Of course. Just finishing up some paperwork is all, miss. So, not a single enemy? I hear he had debts.”
“Well I mean,” her high pitched voice somehow creeped up into even higher an octave with her nerves, “We all had guesses but, no, never seen him fight with anyone except a dancer here and there. Mean right hook, that guy. I’m glad he’s gone. I hope he’s dead.”
He perked up, “He hit on ya’ll?”
“Once in a blue moon. But he really let Autumn have it before he up and left. Never seen him that mad before. She was bruised up for like a week after.” She ashed her cigarette in the bowl on the table between them, “He wasn’t normally like that. Just when girls refused dates. And Autumn really wasn’t playing along, if ya know what I mean.”
Detective Brady leaned over the interrogation table, “What dates?”
ᡣ𐭩ˋ°•*⁀➷ masterlist
∰ Summoning the Horny Little Deer Cult (general tag list):
@cxrsedwxrlds , @nonetheartist , @tsunaki , @janchei , @moonmark98 , @hoebihoeshi , @pansexual-opera-house , @polytheatrix , @lorddiabigmommymilkers , @backinthefkingbuildingagain , @harley2223-blog , @poinappel , @midnightnoiserose , @spookieroz , @missmidorima a , @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @downbadforfictionalppl , @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx , @sleepylittledemon , @aether-th3-enby , @dontfuckbutimfab , @breathlessaura , @aperfectidiot , @certainlygay , @jth12 , @star-kujo-platinum @ivebeenthearchersstuff , @rubyninja1 , @simphornies
, @readergirlstuff , @berry-demon , @chirimeimei , @fairyv-ice , @olive-frog , @thonethatflies620 , @tiredkiwiii , @ilikemyteawithmilk , @whateverlololo , @psipies , @howabouticallyou , @roxxie-wolf , , @fizzled-phoenix , @phobophobular , @mariaclarade-la-cruz1 , @whateverlololo , @roxxie-wolf , @a-case-of-attachment , @multifandomfanatic02 @watereddownmilk , @bontensbabygirl , (50)
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erwinsvow · 1 month
what abt shy!reader sleeping over at rafes for the first time?? 😊😊
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you'd been so nervous, slathering way too much frosting onto chocolate cupcakes while rafe told you the agenda he'd planned for tonight's date. in between mentions of dinner at this restaurant he liked on the water and stopping to get some ice cream before the outdoor movie, he'd thrown in a sentence that made your heart thud in your chest.
"unless you wanna come watch a movie here. we can eat all this crap you jus' made." you look up, butter knife almost slipping out of your hand.
"watch a movie.. here?"
"yeah. couch's comfy. got enough dessert to get a cavity. you can sleep over. how's that sound?"
it sounded terrifying. this was a milestone, one you needed several days and a new set of pajamas to prepare for. rafe looks down at your worried eyes, knitted eyebrows. you set down the cupcake before you drop it.
"sleep over?" you repeat it softly.
"snap out of it, kid. you don't have to." though the words feel like they should be mean, they're not. spoken with a sweetness you often found yourself wondering came naturally to your boyfriend, or if you brought it out in him. you hope for both.
"no, i want to," you correct quickly, blinking fast. "um, can you bring me home to get my stuff?"
"yeah. before dinner."
you turn back to your cupcakes with a smile, one that he stares at while you finish up. true to his word, he brings you home—you drop off a few sweets for your parents, give your kitten a treat while you pack a quick bag and grab your toothbrush. you don't change for dinner, keeping the pretty dress on until he gets you back into his bedroom later that night.
you've brought clothes to sleep in, but you hover in front of rafe's dresser still, working up the nerve to ask for one of his shirts to wear to bed. you can't seem to find it, deciding just to wear your pajamas, no matter how silly they are, when rafe opens the drawer and pulls out two shirts. he hands you one.
"get changed. m'gonna go change in the bathroom. be right back." you think you'd marry the boy if he asked right now—he seems to know your every thought before you can even finish thinking it, or figure out how to articulate it.
when rafe comes back you're a vision in one of his old frat shirts, playing with your hair while you sit on the foot of his bed.
"ready to sleep?" he asks, and you look up from your knees, smiling at him the way he wish you wouldn't sometimes, the way that makes his chest hurt with the amount of love pouring through your pretty eyes.
"what about dessert?" you ask with a laugh, smiling bigger when he rolls his eyes.
"haven't you had enough? how do you still have teeth?"
"i floss."
"shut up. get in bed." you crawl under his covers, inhaling the way everything smells like him. you lay your head down on one of his pillows, staring when he gets in next to you. "you okay?"
you love that he asks, that he cares enough to make sure.
"yeah. i'm okay."
"good. get some sleep." he doesn't say anything, but he still brings you in close to his chest, head on top of his heart, an arm around you, legs tangled together. when he thinks you're asleep, you hear the quiet sound.
"night, kid."
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juniperskye · 2 months
Too Sweet.
Based on the following ask from @reidstheyfriend : Hotch x innocent/sunshine! Reader
I got this idea listening to Too Sweet by Hozier. I just immediately think of Hotch when listening to the song. I feel like Hotch would think he’s too broken or traumatized for reader because she’s so sweet and her heart is full of love and joy and that’s something he loves about her. He’s worried he would corrupt her and that she deserves better. So, most of the fic I would say it’s Hotch longing for reader but putting distance between them. Until he can no longer take it anymore. He needs her. He loves her.
I especially see the line where Hozier is talking about working late away from the phone and it makes her worry. I see reader calling/texting Hotch at late hours because she’s worried about him and he is too caught up in work to see her calls/texts.
Italics -text message
Hotch x innocent/sunshine! GN Reader
Word count: 1206
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Requests are open and feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: My blog is 18+, minors DNI, Aaron really doubting his worth, BAU canon typical violence, mention of Haley and Jack, reader has a sister, no use of y/n, no pronouns used for reader, pet names (honey, baby, sunshine) let me know if I missed any!!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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“Sunshine, you deserve so much more. I’m so sorry. I just, I want you to be with someone better, someone good.” Aaron said, his voice faltering.
“Aaron, wait. Let’s talk about this.”
Your heart broke at the sight of him. Aaron looked completely and utterly wrecked. You had a pretty good feeling that you knew his reasoning behind this conversation. Aaron had always called you his sunshine, he had said that you brought light into his life that had been long since dulled. You knew that Aaron had this fear of dulling your light, but you knew that wasn’t the case…you thought back to some of the things that had happened in the last few months that may have led Aaron here.
*Three Weeks Earlier*
Aaron had been working late, it had been a local case that was time sensitive. You knew this meant it was most likely a hostage situation or a child abduction, these cases didn’t offer a chance for the team to head home and sleep.
You had been keeping up with the case as much as the news and texts from Garcia would allow. You hadn’t heard from Aaron in a few hours, which wasn’t totally uncommon, however, Garcia had told you that the case had been solved and the team had been dismissed for the evening.
You figured he must be finishing up the reports and decided you send him a text before heading to bed for the night.
Hey baby, I know you’re working, I just wanted to text and let you know I am heading to bed. Jack wanted me to tell you he loved you when you got home, but I’m not sure when that’ll be. Honey, don’t work too hard…come home soon. I love you so much.
You hit send and set off to your room, after brushing your teeth, you slid into bed. After tossing and turning for a little bit, you hopped out of bed and moved to your dresser. You pulled out one of Aaron’s t-shirts and changed into it, adding a spray of his cologne. After taking a deep breath, your body immediately relaxed, and you climbed back into bed.
It was after three in the morning when Aaron came through the door. He made sure to be as quiet as possible as he moved through the apartment. He quickly checked in on Jack and then made his way to your room. His heart clenched as he saw you curled up in his shirt, clutching his pillow. He changed his clothes and brushed his teeth quickly before climbing into bed behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle. You shifted closer to him and he pressed a gentle kiss to your neck.
*Two Weeks Earlier*
Aaron had been home for about two hours and in that time, he’d greeted you, grabbed a whiskey and gone straight into his office. Things at the BAU had been extremely busy, this had been the first night Aaron had been home in three weeks. All you wanted was to have him by your side while you slept tonight.
“Aaron, honey, why don’t you come to bed? It’s nearly daylight.” You suggest.
“I, know sunshine, I’m sorry. I’m almost done!”
He looked up at you, finally noticing the exhaustion in your expression. He clicked his mouse a few more times, signed one last form, then got up. He made his way to you and wrapped his arm around you.
“Let’s get you to bed.” Aaron said as he placed a kiss to your temple.
Things had been like this more often than not, Aaron consistently working late, be it at home or the BAU. He’d be up until dawn, sipping his whiskey neat, going over paperwork. You’d fallen into this pattern where you’d be waking up in time to say goodnight to him. Knowing he’d have to get up pretty soon, you’d make his coffee, not that it took much, he drank it black. Aaron would get up, make his way to the kitchen, grab his coffee, and give you a kiss as thanks.
“Sunshine, you are as bright as the morning.” Aaron smiles.
“Honey...” You’d blush.
*Present Day*
“Sunshine, there’s nothing more to talk about. I’m not good for you. You have stayed up waiting for me, time and time again. You consistently have to go to bed without me, have dinner without me. I mean last month alone I missed three dates, two of Jack’s soccer games, and the Halloween party at your sister’s.” Aaron trailed on.
“Aaron, honey, it’s okay. It happens. The BAU is a busy job, you’re literally making the world a safer place.”
You could see the emotions flashing across Aaron’s face. The inner turmoil he was currently experiencing made you reach out to him, gently placing your hand on his cheek. He brought his hand up to cover your own, leaning into your touch.
“Sunshine I just want you to be happy. You should be with someone who has time to show you how wonderful you are, someone who doesn’t miss dates.”
“Aaron, don’t you get it? You have made me so incredibly happy in the time we have been together. I got into this relationship knowing full well that you would be extremely busy and that you might miss some things…but that doesn’t bother me. Honey you show me your love and appreciation every single day. You have my favorite flowers delivered once a week, that way I’ll always have fresh ones. You leave me sticky notes on the bathroom mirror with sweet notes, so I’ll have a good start to my day. You put my towel on the warmer so I can be extra cozy when I get out of the shower. You make me lunch each morning, so I don’t have to. This relationship is so much more than missed dates and waiting up honey. You are an honest, kind, loving man, Aaron you deserve to be loved.”
Tears were falling from both you and Aaron. You just wished that Aaron could see himself through your eyes. After things with Haley, he truly had never been the same, he feared that his love only brought destruction. It had taken months of dates and persuasion (from Dave) to get Aaron to ask you to be his. The longer Aaron had been with you, the more he thought that he didn’t deserve your love. You were the best person he knew; you could bring a smile to anyone’s face through your presence alone. He couldn’t let his darkness cloud your sunshine. And yet here you were, proving to him that he too had light, light that he had brought to you.
“I’m sorry sunshine. I just, I get in my head. You’re just so good.”
“Aaron it’s okay, as long as you don’t still plan on calling this quits.”
“I’m not going anywhere sunshine. I can’t promise I won’t doubt myself ever again, but I can promise that I am here for the long haul.” Aaron squeezed your hand gently.
“Well, that’s good because you are stuck with me.” You smiled.
“You’re too sweet for me.” Aaron said before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
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JJK- Late Night Calls.
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you get a call from Jungkook at 7am, struck with worry you pick up only to find your adorably tired boyfriend.
Genre: smut, fluff, Jungkook x reader.
Warning: NONE!
A/N: came up with this in 10 minuets thought it was cute enjoy :)
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The familiar tune of your phone ringing broke you from your sleep, your vision was blurry but you could still clearly read the caller ID
Incoming Factime Video call: JK ♥️
It must have been 7am in Korea, Jungkook was never awake this early. You quickly answered, a million scenarios running through your mind as to explain why he was calling at such a time and none of them were good.
He must have seen the panic in your face as he croaked out. “Baby what’s wrong?”
“I thought something happened you’re never awake this early?” You felt a small weight lift off your shoulders as he chuckled.
“I’m fine baby just couldn’t sleep, missed you.” You loved how he sounded when he was sleepy.
You laughed at the way he was laying across his bed, small rolled up pillow underneath him. “You have got to get different pillows.”
“No no I like my pillow.” He laughs, showing you how comfortable it is. “How’s London jagiya?”
You suddenly regretted being in a different country for work, the idea of morning sex seemingly more attractive than anything else. “It’s fine here, I can’t wait to be back home though. The food isn’t as good.”
“The food is the only thing?” He pouted, pulling the blanket further over his face. “What about me and bammie?”
You turned to the side, resting your leg atop the blanket. “Of course I miss you and bam too kook.”
“The bed is cold without you, empty. I think you should quit work and just be a stay at home wife.” He laughed again, although you could tell there was a sliver of hope to his absurd suggestion.
“Never gonna happen, you may be rich but I’m only half way there.” You both laughed, money was never something either of you took seriously you had always shared everything for as long as you could remember. You’d buy him dinner and he would buy dessert. He would buy you designer but he would also be more than happy if you brought him a pack of ramen. “Besides we aren’t even married.”
“Don’t remind me.” He shakes his head, before shifting to rest it upon his arms. “How many days until your back?”
“We should have the contracts finished up in a day or two and then we will have a celebratory dinner and I’ll be on the first flight back.” You explained as you watched him, his tattoos standing out against the white fabric of his sheets, his hair messy. You let your eyes wander, your imagination running wild thinking about how he would look completely naked. “are you wearing pants?”
“Come back and find out jagiya, I’m sure you’re already picturing the ways I’d fuck you.”
The sudden vulgarity of his words left you in a state of shock. “I- when I get home we are definitely doing whatever I’m thinking right now.”
“And what is that doll?” He laughed, fingers drawing circles on the sheet. “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?”
“Just thinking about how good your hand would look wrapped around my neck.” You pushed yourself further into the pillow, slightly shy.
“Too bad you’re too far away baby. We should sleep.” He closed his eyes, teasing you.
You groaned, fighting the urge to grind against the sheets. “Kook.”
“Hmm?” He mumbled, lazily.
“You turned me on.” You giggled, closing your eyes.
“I’m hard too beautiful, I’ll go to sleep thinking about good good your mouth will feel around my cock.
“Why couldn’t you call me at 8pm and get all dirty with me? Why does it have to be when I’m too tired to do anything?” You whined, wanting to cry from how much you missed his touch.
“It’s okay princess when you’re home I’ll take care of you. we should still sleep you have a meeting tomorrow morning don’t you?” You opened one eye, just enough to see him staring at you smiling.
“At six am, it’s 11pm right now. I have to wake up at 4am so I can finish the presentation.” You explained, your words slurring as you started to drift off. “Are you working tomorrow?”
“I have a few appointments nothing important, call me anytime tomorrow I’ll be there but for now get some sleep baby, I won’t hang up.”
“Promise?” You whispered, the folds of sleep covering you in a sheet of darkness.
“Always jagiya.”
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oopsdevil · 6 months
COD + Tropes (pt. 2)
which trope do they fall into when it comes to you.
"i should be home right now" was the first thought simon had when he stepped foot into that fancy restaurant. the most dangerous man of the country, scared of a date.
in retrospect, he had it coming. he knew he shouldn't have let soap set him up with someone whose face he doesn't even know. and he is already sweating, feeling absolutely exposed without his mask and-
he saw you. and his mind went quiet. his only worry right now is how to be a worthy date for you. and yes, you must think he is an idiot for the way he keeps staring, but he can't help it. for once in his life he begs to whoever is listening: let this go right for me.
and someone must have heard him, because it was the best date of his life since you told him you would have preferred a more casual place. his heart skipped a beat when you mentioned you would cook for him on a second date.
now, he loves thinking about that first date, and how the second one turned into the best first kiss, and how the third one turned into you never leaving his bed again.
kyle was never a clumsy guy, so why does he keep tripping on his porch every time he sees his new neighbor? in his mind, you had to be flawed. something! you couldn't possibly be this perfect right? oh except he knows you are. he really tried to push his feelings, but you won his heart in a very simple way. his cat, peanut.
you should have seen his face the day he saw out the window and spotted his cat, comfortably sitting at your home. he came back later that night, but gaz kept it in his mind. and he started noticing it, the way you leave water for peanut in hot summer days and a window open to enter your room on rainy nights. and he just couldn't help it. after HOURS (yes, hours) of self pep talk, kyle knocked your door, offering a nice dinner and the chance to see peanut's own home.
peanut is delighted, specially because how years later, you brought to your shared place his new orange 'sibilings': bear and willow.
loud, funny, sarcastic, cheeky. that's soap. but johnny's face couldn't possibly get any more pink while looking at his best friend's sister. he has known you for years, spent dozens of holidays with you, shared hundreds of nights at clubs.
i mean, yeah, he felt like ripping his heart out when you brought your first boyfriend for thanksgiving. and he lied once or twice saying he was close to your house to give you a ride. and now... now maybe it's his age, everything he went through pushing him to chase after the only one who ever crosses his mind, and fuck- are your eyes brighter? he didn't think it was possible.
he thought about how to tell you in a million possible ways. and it came flying out of his mouth the second you told him you broke up with your man. you blushed and gave him a peck that stayed on his mind the rest of the night month.
"oh, me and him broke up last june actually-"
"go out with me"
it was a very difficult mission: lots of planning, lots of packing, tracking, unloadings and-
this shouldn't be a problem. it has never been until now, but all he can think about are your lips while seeing you across the room. considering that you are a part of the 141, he barely ever sees you here, your relationship is exclusively civilian. so you both made a silent pact: no personal interact at work.
and it went well!... for like a day. and you really thought you could keep it a secret, but the way he looked at you and how bad you missed each other... you pushed it a little when you decided to let him sleep in your room.
now, it might be your dizzy head after making out all morning, but you forgot a very basic rule in the army; basically, no privacy. the fact that a superior could walk into your room at any giving moment is annoying, but at this point you were convinced the universe just hated you.
your lieutenant, the very overprotective man who took you under his wing, opened the door that very morning. ghost and könig looked at each other intensely for a long 10 seconds.
an hour, a black eye and a terrible lecture from price to simon later, könig still smiled. at least he didn't have to hide you anymore.
you drive him crazy. he swears everything that comes out of your mouth makes his eyes roll. every petty comment, everytime you put him in his place, how you look at him during reports because you know you make him nervous. he hates when the rest sees the way he can't stand you, and why the fuck do they keep saying is sexual tension? because he gets closer to you when talking? that's purely for intimidation. in his defense, you hate him too! except he has no idea you blush the second he turns around, or how you defend him if another soldier questions his decisions.
feelings hit you both like a train a random night of spring. he heard crying in the hall, so soft he thought he was imagining it. he saw you and instinctively ran to you. in that situation, you just couldn't pretend anymore, you needed a minute to break about everyone and everything that has been pushing you to this moment. he wrapped his big arms around you, giving you the hug and body heat you both have been craving from each other. he internally promised himself to make it right, so his heart would never have to break again at the sight of your tears.
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luvhughes43 · 5 months
sibling jealousy | dad!jamie drysdale x reader
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au masterlist💐
request: for the Lila au how about Lila starts to get a little jealous of her sibling because she thinks Jamie and mom don’t love her anymore and Jamie and mom explain that they still love her and come up with ways Lila could help with the new baby.
word count: 0.7k 
the move to philadelphia was hard enough on its own for the toddler, and with the recent addition of her brother to the household, lila was struggling to adjust to her new life. 
suddenly, she wasn’t seeing her uncle trevor anymore, and her dad wasn’t at home as often - both due to him being off IR and because his new schedule was more demanding. then, there was a new baby who was constantly crying and taking up all of moms and dads time. 
you and jamie were surprised that lila wasn’t getting along well with her brother - she had never really disliked anyone before. sure, she was shy and it took time for her to adjust to new people but… it had been months since noahs end-of-season birth and so it was shocking that lila was still struggling. she was avoiding anything to do with her brother, side-eyeing him all the time, and was throwing tantrums whenever you and jamie were tending to the baby.
it all came to a head on monday afternoon, when jamie got home from morning practice and wanted to spend time with his newborn. 
“daddy!” lila screeched, running over to her dad who sat on the couch with the baby in his arms. 
“woah! lila be gentle,” jamie cautioned, re-adjusting the baby closer to his chest. 
lila paused, assessing the situation before asking her dad if he wanted to play. to no surprise, jamie politely declined and assured lila he would make the time to play later. 
it was always later. there was always something that needed to be done with the baby and frankly, lila was sick and tired of it. the 3 year old started to tear up. 
when jamie looked up from the baby, all he saw was his daughter's sad eyes before you walked into the room and asked what was wrong.
“I HATE noah!” lila shouted, pointing one of her chubby fingers towards her baby brother. at the sound of your gasp, lila started sobbing.
“lila..?” jamie was confused, not at all sure of where this was all coming from. yes they had noticed that lila was slow to adjust to noah, but this wasn’t new behaviour from her. 
lila shook her head before voicing her worries, “you don’t love me anymore!” 
“of course we love you,” you try to assure your daughter, heart breaking at the sight of her tears. when you sit down on the floor beside her, she immediately crawls into your lap and open arms. 
jamie sets noah in his baby toy-seat, and then sits with his daughter and wife on the floor. “we love you so much lila-bell,” he soothes, rubbing circles on her back as she clings to her mom. 
lila continued crying, “no! you love no-ah now!” 
“we love you both,” you chime in, bringing your daughter closer to your body. 
lila shakes her head, simultaneously breaking both yours and jamie's hearts. 
“you don’t play anymore,” she sniffles, shifting her head from your chest so she can look at her dad. 
“i’m so sorry baby,” he responds, tears shining in his own eyes. when lila didn’t respond right away, he grabs her from your arms to cuddle. 
“i’m so sorry,” he repeats. “i love you so much, okay?” 
lila nods, finally settling down now that she was in her fathers arms. 
“‘ove you too daddy,” 
that night, when lila was peacefully sleeping cuddled up to her parents in bed, jamie and you quietly discussed how you were going to move forward. clearly, your new schedule wasn’t working.
when baby noah awoke the whole house with his cries, instead of letting lila pout in bed you and jamie brought her into the babys room with you guys. you took the extra time to show lila how she could be involved with the baby, and throughout the day you noticed her attitudes towards her brother had started to shift. she was no longer shying away from the baby, but instead was finding ways in which the whole family could play together. instead of laters, your days were filled with soft i love yous, and requests for lilas help when you couldn't get a minute away from the baby. that weekend, you found a sitter and you and jamie promised that you would always try and make time for “lila dates”, where you would spend a few hours hanging out with your girl. you never want lila to feel unloved again.
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onyxmilk · 5 months
Twilight x f!Reader; "Missing" (p3)
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notes; part three to this! tbh i wasn't planning on making a part three but here we are lolz tw; Reader uses She/Her pronouns!, child getting lost, wc; 1.5k tl; @dianexo-v @mr-underhills-things @solaeirr @lenguasdegatofan @0vendettaself @sassy-cat-in-town @dreaminmemories @not-9ok @deepdinosaurwizard @dvc4 @wr4inn
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Yor knew the relationship with Loid was fake and built on the narrative of getting Anya into school, but she could not help falling hard for the man. Between the way he cared for himself, how they looked as a family, and his gentle words when it came to Anya- it was like they were a real family, something she always had wanted. So, when she didn’t get a call from Loid’s office today explaining that he’d be late, she was a bit worried about when he would come home. Yor put Anya to bed after homework and dinner, allowing Bond to sleep with her as usual, and sat in the living room.
When Loid walked into the apartment, he was practically glowing with happiness. “Loid! I didn’t know you were going to be working late today.” Yor said with worry leaking from her voice, “Oh, I do apologize, I had a visitor today..” Loid said as he cleared his voice. He felt somewhat bad for keeping his real relationship and his real daughter away from Yor, but it could affect how the mission finishes out. So, he kept this information private, and away from her and Anya.
“Oh? A visitor?” Yor asked, Loid shook his head “Just.. a friend, her daughter needed some counseling.” he lied. Yor smiled and nodded, “Well, we had take-out, leftovers are in the fridge.” she offered before getting up and nodding in the direction of Loid. “Night..” Yor mentioned passing him, making sure to gently bump into him and touch hands. Loid just nodded his head, “Good night, Yor.” he replied before heading to the kitchen.
After eating some cold take-out, Loid was stuck in his head. He just sat back and sighed, he missed his daughter and he had hardly talked to her, but he also missed his real wife, his real bed, and his real home. Loid was beyond shocked and impressed on how his wife had been raising their daughter all by herself. He just sighed and leaned back, running a hand through his hair. He was stressed, and all he was truly craving was what his life could be with his daughter and wife.
[YourName] gently puts Lotte down into her crib, smiling down at the little one. For once, she felt happy, light on her feet. She shuts the door as quietly as she could before walking down the hallway and giggling, “He remembers me!” [YourName] cheered as she twirled before landing on the couch. Sure, she missed her husband and seeing him every day but being able to see him and be able to kiss his lips brought joy to her.
The following day would be a Saturday, so Anya didn’t have school. “I want to do something today!” Anya whined at breakfast, Yor looked over to Loid silently looking for options to entertain their adopted daughter. “We could.. Go to the park with Bond.” Loid offered, Yor nodded her head in agreement- thinking whatever he came up with would be good. Anya gasped “An Ooting!” she celebrated, “You hear that, Bond? We’re taking you out on an ooting!” the child said, turning to the big dog.
Soon, breakfast concluded and it was time to get ready for the park. Loid thought that perhaps the park would have been better than sitting in front of the TV all day. So, Yor helped Anya get ready before doing so herself, “Do you think papa loves me?” Yor asked Anya. Anya paused, she knew the truth. She knew Loid wasn’t who he was, he was actually a spy with an actual family, she just didn’t want to hurt her mama’s feelings. “Of course! Papas are supposed to love mamas!” Anya said innocently, as if she didn’t know better. “Ah, yes, you’re right.” Yor replied, getting up to her feet “Well, I’m going to get ready.” she said gently before exiting her daughter’s room.
Yor would get ready, admiring herself in the mirror before patting her flustered cheeks. She had been thinking about the possible compliments Loid would give her for dressing appropriately and dressing Anya on top of that. She adored when he complimented on her motherly tendencies and duties, it made Yor fall for Loid harder each time.
Eventually, the family headed out and to the park. Loid held Bond’s leash while Yor held Anya’s hand. Once at the park, Loid hesitated but let Bond off his leash and allowed him and Anya to play together. Yor stood with Loid, gently holding his arm, it didn’t bother Loid as it made them look like a real family- but if he’s going to be honest, he wished Yor was [YourName].
Things were going smoothly until there was a cry heard throughout the park, immediately Loid and Yor turned to where it was coming from and there sat a toddler. But not just any toddler, it was Lotte. Loid didn’t push Yor off, but he disconnected from Yor quickly and rushed to the child, gently kneeling to be Lotte’s height, Yor soon joining with Anya and Bond. “Oh dear..” Yor said, looking around, trying to find this toddler’s mother or nanny.
“Where’s your momma?” Loid gently asked the toddler, Lotte would wipe her face and recognize Loid and cling to him. “W-Work.” Lotte replied, so Loid assumed there would be a nanny somewhere looking for Lotte. Loid scooped the little one up, shaking his head, he couldn’t just ask people if they were looking for Lotte, that could easily lead to a kidnapping. So, looking over at Yor, Loid pulled out his phone and contacted [YourName].
Turns out, [YourName] was called into work for some paperwork and the neighbor’s teenage daughter was supposed to be looking after Lotte- but there was no sign of her. “I’ll be there a-s-a-p.” [YourName] said before hanging up, Yor looked a little confused as Loid put his phone away “I know her mother.. well.” Loid explained gently bouncing the small one in his arms.
Just five minutes later, [YourName] came rushing over, crying because the thought of her daughter being missing scared her. She brought Lotte into her arms before sobbing, and acting on instinct Loid brought [YourName] in for a hug too so the three of them were grouped together. Yor couldn’t help but watch and feel a bit jealous, she wanted the chemistry that was strung throughout the air when Loid hugged this stranger. Deep down, Yor knew there was more to the story but her love for Loid took over those thoughts.
Loid would finally disconnect from [YourName] and Lotte once his wife had calmed down. With her free hand, [YourName] wiped her tears and Loid smiled at her. Yor cleared her throat making Loid and [YourName] look over and it finally clicked, Yor wanted to be introduced. Loid didn’t exactly want to introduce his fake wife to his real wife, but he had to keep suspicions low. “[YourName]... This is, uh, my wife Yor and over there is our daughter Anya and dog, Bond.” Loid said, giving his wife an apologetic look.
[YourName] nodded her head slowly, offering her free hand after making sure it was dry. “I’m [YourName].” She said, Yor smiled happily when Loid called her his wife, shaking [YourName]’s hand. “It’s always nice to meet someone my husband knows!” Yor said cheerfully, and something in [YourName] broke a little, not being able to call Loid her husband or kiss him when she needed it hurt, and to know he was spending free time with the perfect, well-built family hurt a little more than she thought it would.
“I got to.. Uhm, go..” [YourName] said, spinning around and heading toward her car. “Wait! [YourName]!” Loid called out, but [YourName] ignored him as she rushed to her vehicle. The mother sat Lotte down into her car seat and sighed once she got into the driver's seat, She put her hands on the wheel and placed her head against her knuckles as she cried. She missed her husband dearly and she couldn’t take just being friends with Twilight. Even if it was just for a few moments, seconds, minutes.
Yor noticed a difference in Loid, he was trying to hide his hurt, anger, and confusion- but Yor could sense something was wrong. She didn’t want to directly ask him what was up, so she simply leaned against him which made Loid tense up. She noticed this, but decided to ignore it and hoped Loid found comfort in her ways of comforting him. The rest of the day at the park went smoothly, no other crying children separated from their mothers or babysitters were around, so Loid, Yor, Anya, and Bond headed back to the apartment.
Loid was silent for most of the night, only talking when spoken to. He made dinner for everyone, sat with them as they ate, and then put Anya to bed after she watched some spy shows. Yor was getting tired of the silence Loid was offering up, so she finally spoke up; “What’s wrong?” Yor asked finally to her husband. “It’s nothing.” Loid tried to reply, but Yor didn’t take that as an answer.
Loid finally looked at Yor, sighing with aggravation, “Fine, what’s wrong is I miss my wife and child.” he says scoffing. “What? You were with us all day, no need to miss us, Loid..” Yor explained, placing a hand on to his bicep, but Loid shook it off.
“No, my real wife and child.”
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
beside you | han jisung x reader
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pairing: han jisung x gn!reader
tags: angst with good ending, that's it i think
an: this is based off of this request, sorry it's so short!
wc: 695
A week. It’s now been a whole week since you’ve directly spoken to each other. With both of you being so stubborn to admit that either side was wrong, this was inevitable. You and Jisung had argued over something -not that either of you could remember what it was- and were now giving each other the silent treatment. To the outside it looked hilarious, the two of you living together, in the same apartment, sleeping in the same bed, and cooking meals for each other, but in silence. You’re mainly surprised that either of you could stay quiet for this long.
It all came to a final boiling point one night when you were kept for an extra hour at work. Usually, you would’ve texted Jisung to let him know you’d be home late but with the way things were going, you hadn’t. You hadn’t even checked your phone after you finished the shift, too tired to bother checking, so you’re caught off guard when you’re met with Jisung immediately at the front door.
“Where have you been?” he asks in a rush.
“At work?” you’re tone, confused. You watch as his shoulders relax and he lets out a long sigh.
“Why didn’t you respond to my texts? My calls?” His eyes are still looking you over, checking everything is still in place.
“Oh, my phone’s in my bag, I was just so tired when I left, I didn’t bother.”
“I know we’re doing the whole ‘silent treatment’ thing, but can you at least tell me if you’re working late? I was about to call the police I swear…” he trails off, rubbing his forehead. You catch him off guard by snorting a laugh. His eyes snap back towards you.
“Seriously, you’re laughing? What if something were to happen to you, huh? You could’ve gotten hurt! Or went missing, or died or something! And I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if something bad happened to you.” his rambling speeds up and you think you can see his eyes watering slightly.
“Especially with how we’ve been this past week! What if you had died thinking I was mad at you?”
“Jisung.” You try but are immediately cut off.
“God knows you would have haunted me because of it, that’s how you get a poltergeist, you know.” He’s now pointing a finger at you. You grab the hand that’s reaching towards you and the contact seems to shut him up.
“Jisung, look at me. I’m here, completely fine,” you say gently. And that’s when the dam breaks. Tears spill from his eyes and he immediately melts into your arms, you catch him easily. He is mumbling all sorts of things: apologies, pleas, more apologies. 
“Please don’t leave me. It’s okay if you’re still mad, just please don’t leave.” He heaves out. Your shirt is now a little damp, but you barely notice.
“Wait, baby, you thought I’d leave?” You ask him.
“Well, when you didn’t come back…” You look into his glossy eyes and feel your heart shatter into a million pieces. You immediately pull him into your chest, pulling him in as tightly as you could.
“Ji, I’m so sorry I worried you. I promise I would never leave like that, I’m not going anywhere, baby,” you talk into his hair. You stand in the entryway for a few minutes, soothing him gently, encouraging the tears to stop. He sniffles one last time and you use the sleeve of your sweater to dab his round cheeks dry. 
“I’ve missed you.” You brush your fingers through his hair.
“I didn’t go anywhere.” he attempts a smile.
“Yeah, but I didn’t get to talk to you for a whole week,” you respond, attempting to lighten the mood.
“It was so hard, I have so many things to tell you.” he chuckles.
“How about we get all cuddled up in bed and you can tell me everything?” You ask.
“That sounds perfect.”
It isn’t until a few hours later that the argument was brought up again, and the both of you end up laughing, because you were right, neither of you could remember what it was about.
taglist (lmk if you want added!): @lethallyprotected @lieslab
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