#sollux enjoyers especially!!
beescake · 6 months
you invented solkat I think
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ACK i am goop. i am merely a student trained by the og solkats of the past decade
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how i would write erisol rant because im gay (bi) and find enemies to lovers extremely interesting in the concept of vacillating between the pitch and flushed quadrants (which is how I personally ship erisol)
Okay so to start off the most important part of their dynamic to me is that at the beginning Sollux does not like Eridan at all. In any quadrant. Or even as a friend. Having a certain level of respect or fondness for your partners good qualities is important for any quadrant, including (and maybe even especially) for kismesis, because if one has no respect or admiration for the kismesis’ good qualities this could lead to a very fucked up Tavris situation with one partner trying to mold the other into something they’re not. Being a kismesis (which is the relationship that i normally see erisol entering before they start to vacillate) is all about wanting to push your partner to be better. You see their potential and you see good qualities in them, but their negative qualities far outweigh the good in your opinion and you want to push the other to improve (at least this is how I see the dynamic, I can also see kismesis as rivals who oppose each other in a lot of ways and find enjoyment in fighting each other. i dont think these two interpretations are mutually exclusive tho maybe theyre just both important parts of the pitch dynamic. anyway-). If Sollux sees no good qualities in Eridan, hes not going to want to put in the time to help him improve. Just as a side note here Eridan already has pitch feelings for Sol, at least thats how I see it, judging by the fact that he tries to get Sol into a kismesis relationship with him at least twice, three times if you count pesterquest. But since Eridan really just wants a relationship with anyone, development here would be him finding genuine attraction toward Sollux other than just really wanting a kismesis and thinking their hate friend dynamic would be the easiest to turn pitch.
So basically I think a huge part of developing their relationship would be for Sollux to slowly start seeing good qualities in Eridan. For example, if Eridan gave Sollux the whole gender rant that he gave the MSPA reader in pesterquest, Sollux would see that Eridan actually thinks very deeply about things and isn’t only an annoying incel. He’s three dimensional baby. Seeing that Eridan is intelligent about subject matter that he cares about and thinks about shit, but just chooses not to most of the time, might spark some drive in Sollux to want push him to be better and start doing this more. I read this one fic that I can’t remember he name of but the main focus is all about Erisol having these deep conversations about the nature of the universe and slowly starting to catch feelings for each other through these arguments. Sollux at the beginning of the fic has been outright avoiding Eridan, but he starts to enjoy their conversations more and more as time goes on just because he’s seeing a more intelligent and thoughtful side of Eridan that he’s never seen before.
I feel like kismesis relationships and matespritships can easily vacillate between each other. If you’ve been pushing you kismesis to improve and they actually do to the point where you now think their good qualities outweigh the bad, you can easily catch flushed feelings for them. I think erisol would flop between the two, as they find each other’s qualities very attractive and still enjoy their rivalry but also sometime times just want to be in a softer sweeter relationship. 
Anyways I don’t really know where I was going with this but I’ve been thinking a lot about quadrants recently and how I view my favorite homestuck ships so I wanted to get it out somewhere. Thanks for reading my word vomit lol.
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askaniritual · 10 months
hs is probs the only thing i have done Fandom Type Activities in where i don’t have any one relationship i am particularly fixated on. like i mean i care abt that stuff less n less the older i get n in general i feel very like. you can sell me on anything if the writing is good. but hs especially i think avoiding davekat fics has given me a valuable lesson in the wide variety of stuff that the fandom has on offer.
if we’re talking canonverse tho i am a davekat enjoyer if only because i think it’s charming that they’re canon fr. like it’s fun! those crazy kids really did it etc i do not care for karkat/john but i think that’s mostly bc john in general slides off my brain. sorry to that man. but for like literally every other quadrant for karkat i’m like go crazy go stupid. oh also karkat<>kanaya is cute but it is hard not to feel like they only ended up that way because they were the only trolls left at the end of the comic lmfao
if we’re talking non-sgrub or any other non canonverse au without the humans don’t rlly have any strong opinion altho i do get the sense that ppl keep trying to slide karkat/terezi in there but there’s not actually much canon justification for the relationship besides karkat being into her since the start of act 5 n i think most fic also kinda fails to sell me on it in that sense. kinda how i feel abt sollux and aradia like they r often paired only because canon established that they were together without providing rlly any sense of what their relationship was like. i also am not like. the worlds biggest fan of tavros/gamzee if only because i think a lot of fic makes it rlly weird and one sided in a way i find more stressful than compelling. and i have spoken at length abt the lost potential of equius and nepeta
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tmos-time · 1 year
the song Strange Timez motivated me to ask whether they'd like Gorillaz because it's got some kind of energy I feel like Eridan and Sollux might both kind of dig, based on your HCs!
oooh, im giving it a listen right now; especially once it hits the halfway mark it DOES sound like something they'd both appreciate in their own ways; i think eridan would focus on his enjoyment of the vocals, and sollux would probably like the sound of the music-- not something i'd think to pick for them, but a nice branch out!
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davekat-sucks · 2 years
On a semi-related note to the whole "Eridan and Vriska" thing going on rn, let me just throw my own two cents in on these characters in general.
I am firmly in the camp of "Vriska did a lot of shit wrong, but if she was allowed to live, she probably would've tried to atone for it in some manner." Let me be perfectly clear: No, you cannot say Vriska did anything wrong, and keep the backstories for Sollux, Aradia, and Tavros the same. Those two are inherently incompatible. As for the second part, I ain't using the post-retcon shit as evidence. (because the retcon and all its shit are where the comic just lost my already dwindling since Cascade enjoyment. But that's a whole other issue.) Honestly, that just seemed to be where her character development seemed to be going, and would've made sense from a writing standpoint. (Also you can pry Spider8reath from mY COLD DEAD HANDS-!)
As for Eridan, well frankly, I'm just gonna go ahead and say I don't like him and think he's kind of a whiny prick. Also, him killing Feferi I'm calling bullshit on. Feferi, by all rights, probably could've lived through that, by virtue of seadwellers being much tougher physically speaking than landwellers. Shit, she jumped up to her first gate by herself while underwater! And water has ridiculous pressure, especially given how deep she tends to go to feed her lusus. But I'm getting off-topic.
TLDR; Vriska did wrong, probably would've done better if she wasn't killed off (before coming back because pffffffffffttt---), Eridan can go dance with the angels (he-he. Nobody will get that reference...)
If Act 6 and post retcon didn't happen, I definitely would see Vriska being redeemed. It probably was the plan that she and John would be a thing too. I would have loved to see that particular Vriska go on living. The Vriska we see now is her without the character development and the ones the nu-fans adore. All they care about his being this huge 8itch and being trans because some dumb whore author projected herself in a fictional character. I think that is part of the problem for the Homestuck series. The characters we saw from Act 1 - Cascade versus the Act 6 and onwards are separate beings. That's even saving the very different ones that happened once Post Retcon started. I call the Dave that we see now after Post Retcon as Jimbo. He's an impostor Dave. So when referring to certain characters, some think it is one in the same, when it is different. As we see in the Dream Bubbles that those who died may have lived the same lives, but are cut off short as another timeline version lives. Yes stuff like Pesterquest, Epilogues, and Homestuck^2 are all dubious canon and shouldn't be taken with any grain of salt. But with being exposed to this in public, new audiences or ones that like to project, would think it is part of the base character itself. Like Vriska as trans thing only came from Pesterquest, but people applied it to the base webcomic to give her more sympathy. The meta bullshit that comes upon being Ultimate doesn't help if said person is able to view the memories of their past selves and some mistaken it is them fusing with their Doomed selves. When it is not really the case. It only happened to Rose in that moment. Fair enough on Feferi should have lived through that. Hope powers would destroy anything, but knowing it only knocked out Sollux, Eridan probably didn't tap in his Prince aspect to really destroy or kill someone. I would say the same when it happened to Her Imperial Condesce in [S] Collide. Her being killed by just a stab through the sword is just anti-climatic. Especially after we see her in GAME OVER with incredible powers. Bitch fucking controlled a planet to collide with another.
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autumnblogs · 3 years
Day 13: Double Mobius Reacharound
Of all the characters in Homestuck, Sollux’s self-hatred is probably the most exaggerated, exacerbated no doubt by his role in the death of his girlfriend and his psychic brain. I like him, he’s an alright guy, and I wish I had more to say about him to be honest. I guess if there was one thing I was going to say about him, I think I said it already - Sollux serves as a mirror image of Dave, and Sollux’s decision to bow out early probably foreshadows the way that Dave will eventually decide that fighting is not for him.
More after the break.
How does Paradox Space know which angel to use? This is a bit of an odd moment. Maybe I’m missing the refrance, but I’ve never quite understood why Terezi reacts this way, with all of the additional periods. Sollux seems quizzical, but Terezi doesn’t react.
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Also, this is the first in a serious of lines I’m going to be examining in relation to Aradia. Keep that on the back of your thinkpan.
Sollux and Aradia have a very sweet, tragic little relationship, and even though it doesn’t last into the longterm, I’ve always enjoyed these two together.
Whether retroactively, or intentionally, the sensual scantily clad fairies in Tavros’ room are a lot more noticeable on re-reads. Tavros has a pretty unassuming demeanor, and I’m not here to trash him pointlessly, but I think that Tavros has some pretty troubling patterns of behavior that can go unexamined because of the fact that he’s a victim. More on that as we go.
Far from a passing fancy, Tavros’ interest in animals does seem to be genuine. I wonder if he had a little farm with a bunch of these critters. We never get to see much of his other Fiduspawn if he has any.
Karkat and Tavros both do this, which I think is interesting because of the fact that they have opposite relationships with sleep and dreaming - Tavros spends most of his time in game asleep and dreaming of Prospit, Karkat has horrible insomnia.
Our very first conversation with Vriska has her tune in pretty much entirely to bully Tavros. The interesting thing is, while Vriska’s treatment of Tavros is pretty objectively bad, the way that she harasses him is actually pretty closely in line with the way that other trolls treat their friends, mutual aggression and nastiness. Vriska’s aggression isn’t addressed at someone who’s responding in kind though - Tavros is gentle where other trolls are vicious, deferential where other trolls are assertive. It’s this contrast that makes the shamefulness of Vriska’s behavior obvious to pretty much everyone but her.
Gamzee and Tavros are a ship tease that didn’t really end up going anywhere, but one of the things I think is interesting is the way Gamzee’s language goes from extremely lackadaisical and chill to kind of energetically violent around Tavros. Most of the time, Gamzee’s pretty laidback, but there’s a lot of language relating to murder in Gamzee’s enthusiasm here.
While Terezi’s Dragon doesn’t really have much of a choice in terms of its relative absence from her life, the sparse communication between the two and emotional distance is, I think, a parallel with Rose.
Because of the fact that we don’t get as much of a look into the Trolls’ home lives, it’s less easy to narrow down what their “finer” anxieties are, but it’s clear that they follow the same pattern of having their sleeping selves wake up as a result of internal synthesis of some kind - confronting their subconscious anxieties, and consciously accepting a part of their reality that they’ve been deliberately shutting out.
There’s probably a number of things that were instrumental to waking up for Terezi, not the least of which is accepting that Vriska is not the friend that Terezi thought she was - waking up to the fact that she was being used by an abuser in a co-dependent relationship. Coming to terms with her blindness could represent growth into a healthier sense of self, one where she finds validation internally and in healthy friend and family relationships. All that being said, her relationship with Vriska is still her most important relationship, and realizing that a problem exists is only the first step in solving it.
Time to stop being cagey about it, I guess. I have long viewed Aradia’s story as being one that is about surviving depression, which I say as a depression survivor. I relate heavily to the language that Homestuck uses to describe Aradia’s lack of passion and lack of enjoyment of things that she used to enjoy - especially the way that she lashes out destructively to try and alleviate her boredom and frustration.
On an unrelated note, Aradia has the Crosbytop. I believe I’m starting to remember how it got into her hands.
I’ve always thought that it’s interesting that Kanaya’s language directly mirrors Karkat’s from when he was harassing Jade, but their sentiment is almost precisely the opposite. She borrows another Karkatism almost immediately. So pretty much from the word go, we’re clued into the fact that Kanaya and Karkat have some relationship with each other that goes beyond the purely familiar, in the same way that Dave and John’s tendency to mirror each other’s language helps us to understand their friendship.
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For a girl who doesn’t feel too many emotions, Aradia can be pretty sassy.
I have a friend who’s a bit of a Vriska kinnie (and feel like I’m pretty Vriska-esque myself), and one of the things that we both do that I’m seeing in Vriska here is fill dead air with chatter. I could be reading into it a little, but I think it should be a clue that Vriska is an intensely anxious kind of character.
In a parallel to Sollux’s introduction, we can’t immediately be Vriska. We couldn’t be Sollux because he was too busy stewing in his own self-criticism. There’s a push and pull going on between Vriska’s narcissism and her over-the-top self-deprecation.
I might be pulling this out of my ass, but I feel like there’s a case to be made for Aradia and Vriska actually being pretty strong parallels to each other - the only two trolls to get the tiger, faciliitators of destiny, devil-may-care grave-robbers. I don’t actually have a fully formed thought to really draw the two together, but I feel like there’s really something there. The way that Aradia puts Sollux to sleep here in order to ensure that the Right Disasters befall him is parallel to the way that Vriska puts people to sleep at clever points to make sure that Jack is created, and so on and so forth.
Maybe in the same way that Sollux serves as a parallel to Dave and helps us to understand what the right decision is for Dave, Aradia parallels Vriska and helps us to understand that roughly the same things are good for the two of them. Much later, (Vriska) basically chooses the same path of staying out of harm’s way and trying to enjoy the rest of her relatively eternal existence.
As soon as Karkat talks about Kanaya with anyone else, he further reinforces there is a friendship between the two of them.
Another quick note, as long as we’re here, I’ve kind of been putting this off, but I suppose with the one and only use of “autistic” as an insult in the comic, it’s finally time for me to bring this up:
Homestuck has a pretty problematic relationship with victims of abuse and people suffering from mental and physical disabilities. While on the one hand like, almost all of Homestuck’s main characters are disabled and abuse sufferers in some way or another, there are a lot of ways in which it’s not so charitable to them.
Some of it is stuff like this - early Homestuck uses the word retarded a lot as an insult, and has this single instance of autistic - all in all, that kind of language is problematic but in and of itself, not too egregious - Homestuck is a product of its time in that respect.
Stuff that I take issue with is more subtle - mostly stuff surrounding Jake and Tavros. I’ll have more to say on it later, but I wanted to find a good natural time to bring it up, and now seemed like a fine time.
Nepeta and Equius give us some information that helps grow our understanding of troll culture. We’ve already had some conversation about whose blood is better than whose from Sollux, but Equius starts to help us understand that some trolls take blood color extremely seriously.
These kids may not replicate the social anxieties of earthlings 1:1 but they still have plenty of things to be anxious about. The more I read Hiveswap the more I become convinced that most of these characters were never people we were meant to become terribly invested in - a lot of the function of the trolls, from a narrative perspective, is to give us parallels to the human main characters and insight into their lives, as well as to give us exposition on just how Sburb works exactly. And then most of them are pretty promptly killed off or put on a bus once their purpose is served (or in order to serve their purpose!)
Back to the subject of the social anxieties that the trolls have to deal with, Alternia is all about hierarchy baby.
Vriska may be a born cheater, but I’ve always sort of gotten the impression, based on the killer nature of FLARPING which is alluded to plenty in other situations, that if she’s cheating here, it may be the kind of cheating that is encouraged.
Between that and the way that Tavros and Aradia were discussing the “True Spirit of Flarping,” I can’t help but remember a description of the way propaganda works from some time ago. Propaganda doesn’t usually follow the story arc we are accustomed to, where we start with a character or characters who do not yet possess the tools or abilities they need to succeed, grow to overcome their weakness, and then overcome the problem that they couldn’t before.
Propaganda, instead, introduces us to characters who are already strong, facing enemies who are weak, or problems who are easy. They are strong because they are the heroes! Their enemies are weak. And the function of it is to intimidate the enemies of the person putting out the propaganda, and to rile up aggressive sentiment in those who are on the side of the propagandist.
We’ve already talked about how, in Homestuck “roleplaying” in both its more figurative and literal uses, is a way in which characters act out society’s expectations for them. In that way, I can’t help but view FLARPING as something of a propaganda tool itself, and one that’s pretty integral to Vriska’s way of thinking throughout the comic.
You’re either someone who is strong, or someone who is weak, and if you’re strong, you’re one of the victors, if you’re weak, you’re one of the losers, and you deserve whatever the victors decide what to do with you.
What I guess I’m building up to here is that there are real world societies that Troll Culture seems like an exaggerated parody of - particularly the more militaristic aspects of the Romans, and the Spartans. I’m going to wait for another time to write down all my thoughts about them, because this is turning into a bit of an essay, but suffice to say, it’s probably going to coincide with the one about Patriarchy whenever I get around to it.
There’s an interesting thing going on here between the way that Tavros is drawn (nearly identical to his imagine spot about flying around on Prospit), and the way that his erratic behavior isn’t actually all that different from the way characters normally do absurd and dangerous things here.
I’m by no means excusing what Vriska is doing here, but I think that between the fact that Tavros already wants to fly anyway, and the fact that again, characters do this kind of self-destructive thing in Homestuck all the time anyway, although to less of an exaggerated degree, Andrew is drawing a parallel between the narrative prompts from the Exiles, Vriska’s manipulations, and the intrusive thoughts that we already have on our own anyway.
Vriska manipulates Tavros the way that Doc Scratch manipulates her, although considerably clumsier, by getting him to do what he already wants to anyway.
That’s really all there is to say on the matter.
It’s like poetry, they rhyme.
In the same way that Bro manipulates Dave by imposing an idea of what it means to be a man on him - someone who can be beaten within an inch of his life, or beat someone else to within an inch of his life without batting an eye - Vriska tries to manipulate Tavros throughout his arc, and this kind of so-called “tough love” is just the start of it.
There’s a lot of supplementary material that delves deeper into Vriska’s rationale for her mistreatment of Tavros, but she makes it clear herself as we go through the comic that she at least justifies her mistreatment of Tavros by telling herself that the purpose of it is to toughen him up (so he can be one of the strong people, a winner who gets the girl.)
As he often is about what’s going on with other people when he’s distracted from thinking about himself by his own agitation, Karkat is probably right about Vriska - girls like her are a dime a dozen in the upper classes, and that’s the point. The point of troll society is to produce people like Vriska amongst the highbloods.
Let’s dig into Vriska’s self-stylization as an apocalypse buff for a second because it’s not something I think gets talked about a lot.
Apocalypticism is, in my estimation, kind of a form of generational narcissism. There are doomsayers in every generation, who claim that this is it - this new catastrophe, this new social situation, is the most important thing in the world to ever happen. The end is here. All of world history culminates in this.
I don’t mean to downplay the actual existential threats of our generation of course; climate change, late capitalism, that sort of thing. But I think Vriska’s Apocalypse Buffery fits pretty well into her need to be the most important person in Paradox Space all the time.
On another note, Luck in Homestuck is very closely related with a few concepts like Agency in Homestuck through the Aspect of Light. Terezi will later assert that luck doesn’t matter at all. What’s up with that?
Maybe Luck and Karma are two sides of the same coin (ha!) Both of them are pieces in the puzzle of Theodicy, that is to say, the metaphysics question of why there is bad in the world.
Someone like Vriska (at the beginning of her arc) would say that it’s happenstance - bad things and good things can happen to bad and good people, there’s no greater meaning behind it. Vriska has a hard time taking responsibility for her own actions - her locus of control is external, for the most part.
Terezi on the other hand mostly attributes everything to a person’s actions, hence the need to punish bad people, and reward good ones. Terezi would say that good things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people. Her locus of control is internal.
Maybe the answer is both motherfuckin’ things.
Just as Vriska’s introduction is through a conversation with her victim, so Doc Scratch’s introduction is through a conversation with his victim. Or at least, his most immediate victim.
It’s like poetry, they rhyme.
Kanaya pretty well sums up here what I was getting at when talking about Terezi and Vriska’s different locuses of control.
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There’s no real good or bad luck here. Good luck for someone is bad luck for someone else, often enough. What “good luck” means to Vriska is that events go down the way that she personally wants them to.
And so, by seizing control and power in situations where she is helpless, the Thief of Light ensures that she always has all the luck.
Kanaya might not be right, by the way, not 100%. I’m not a stoic. You can’t just magically wish away suffering by deciding that actually, you’re 0k with it, anymore than Aradia can. Like I said, the truth probably lies somewhere between Luck and Karma.
While the terrifying violent monitor and the emotionally abusive manipulator are bifurcated, Vriska has a lot of the same emotional responses to her guardians as Dave does to his singular guardian - notice the similar, self-soothing language that Vriska’s narrative employs compared to the way that Dave self-sooths when trying to convince himself that the way Bro treats him is just fine and normal.
Equius to me is a super interesting character, because on the one hand, he’s a joke character Andrew uses to antagonize the audience by being gross but Andrew also uses him to say the quiet part loud - Homestuck is already, to begin with, a pretty lewd webcomic full of horny characters whose emotional hangups and destructive relationships with societal norms sabotage their chances at happiness. That’s all Equius is. His entire function from start to finish, aside from a source of ribald humor, is to draw attention to the fact that everyone in this comic is looking for comfort in someone else’s body, comfort from the way that unrealistic societal expectations and their attempts to live up to them don’t match up to what’s inside of their heart. Equius is a parody of Homestuck inside of Homestuck. Absurdly overpowered, ridiculously horny, all twisted up inside.
The language here that Equius uses - degenerate - is evocative of the sorts of right-wing authoritarian hate mongers that Equius’ ideology stands in for. Equius, of course, has doubts about said ideology, which he starts to express through transgressive relationships pretty much as soon as we meet him, like the one with Aradia. The fact that he can’t make sense of the warring ideas inside of him almost literally kills him.
Except that what kills him literally is a shitty clown.
I think what’s going on here is interesting, because if you want to read Equius as like, Homestuck in a nutshell, Equius’ ideological hangups are co-morbid with his sexual hangups, and resolving one set would probably go a long way toward resolving the other set. Equius is, for lack of a better term, a deviant. The sorts of things that excite him (here, viscerally) don’t match up with his idea of how troll society is supposed to be.
Equius and Gamzee are confronting each other with a different vision for what Troll Society is supposed to be like.
In stark contrast to the shallow and insincere hostility of Trolls who are actually friends with each other, Vriska and Equius maintain a veneer of social grace as they mutually plan to backstab each other.
Vriska is pretty clearly projecting here, but she’s also 100% right. I guess when you know somebody, you know them. Or it could be happenstance.
Her view of redemption is also transactional. “I will make things the way they were before, and things can go back to being the way that they were,” she seems to say. It’s a very legalistic view of it, and while it might have a place in a justice system, even the extremely legalistic Terezi can tell that that wouldn’t actually fix anything. Maybe the physical and emotional damage could be repaired in theory, but if the actors in the situation don’t change themselves in fundamental ways, this is all just going to recur in the future.
Forgiveness isn’t something an abuser can earn - nobody has the right to claim that they have restored a relationship that they destroyed in the first place by demonstrating token repentance.
If Andrew already had in mind that Equius should in some way be a part of the gestalt of souls that is Lord English, he’s foreshadowing it early here by comparing Equius’ voyeuristic habits to Scratch’s.
I’ll lay my cards on the table and say I think that Doc Scratch can present the facts 100% and still be dishonest. I’m a compatibilist - I think that Free Will and Accountability are compatible with the idea of a deterministic universe. Doc Scratch doesn’t have to talk anyone into anything, but the material conditions that led everyone to the decisions that they chose to make were orchestrated by Lord English. Scratch may not be making any decisions here that effect the outcomes, sure, but the game was rigged in his favor from the start.
Again, I’m not excusing Vriska’s actions here. But for the same reason that we wouldn’t blame Tavros for jumping off of a cliff just because trying to fly is something he already wanted to do to begin with, I think it’s clear to anyone with eyes that Doc Scratch is at least partially responsible for creating this little monster.
Vriska’s complicated. Let’s move on so this whole post doesn’t turn into more Vriskourse. That’s the last thing anyone needs.
You know you’re going to anyway.
I guess what intrigues me so much about this section is the gradation between manipulation and coercion.
Vriska might be a born cheater, but Doc Scratch is a sore loser.
She’s pretty easy to root for when she’s against him.
Man, Act 5 Act 1 is just absolutely lousy with conversation about choice and luck.
Part of what creates ambiguity in terms of how much Vriska’s choices are her nature versus the conditions that shaped it is on display here in her conversation with Aradia.
Vriska doesn’t really know how to interact with people positively, like, at all. Nobody’s ever taught her. She doesn’t know what it means to be a friend to someone. She doesn’t know what it means to help someone. She doesn’t know how to be loved or forgiven.
Is this like the scorpion and the frog? Or does she have free will? (I’ll give you a hint, it’s the second one.)
This whole sequence is just a delight. The trolls are really just such disaster people, and if I can be excused, it’s easy to put more emotional distance between myself and say, Equius, than it is between myself and Vriska and Terezi. Like I said, Equius says the quiet part out loud, so there’s really nothing much to analyze there.
Aradia’s inability to control the ribbits is part of a general mood of a lack of control that she has as a character. Vriska’s lack of control causes her to rage at the heavens and lash out at the people around her. Aradia is just 0k with it, and neither is a healthy coping strategy. The result is that the two of them break a lot of shit.
For the first time in his life, Karkat is not alone.
I could really be mistaken here, but the way this whole sequence is presented here really feels, on an archival reread, to be telling me, ���You do not need to care about these characters.” Certainly they serve a function in the story, but with the exception of a few of them (literally only a third of them), they serve as tools in an authorial toolbox to help flesh out the setting - not so unlike the Carapacians actually, but with a lot more personality.
Kanaya is threefold one of the few of her kind, making her extra special. While she is closest with Rose, she’s a clear parallel to Jade, who if memory serves, suffered frequent accustations of being a Mary Sue early on. Kanaya’s level of specialness (in terms of combined rare factors) outcompetes even Jade’s. Probably a part of the playfully antagonistic style of Homestuck in general.
It slipped my mind earlier that the honey on Sollux’s hands was being directly juxtaposed with Dave’s blood on his own hands, and here Kanaya’s.  All three of them are, to some extent or another, contemplating their mortality. As Kanaya said just a few panels ago though, death is confusing without the finality. Just another way that Homestuck plays with the nomenclature of endings and beginnings and intermissions and brings into question the usefulness of those categories.
I have always enjoyed the dynamic that Kanaya and Eridan share with each other, and I wish there were more conversations of her just dunking on him.
Also of note in this little conversation is the way that Kanaya and John mirror each other’s language. This is an example though where they could not possibly be mirroring it the way that Dave and John might be when they’re talking about Bec, or the way that she and Karkat might be. They have, it seems, the same penchant for mischief.
Like her counterparts from Universe B, Kanaya’s preoccupation with relationships and personal contact is made manifest through her Squiddle Lunchtop.
Both of the main Pages in Homestuck are characters whose primary usefulness is seen through their ability to make friends and broker alliances. I suspect that being a Page in Sburb is to some extent a bit like being an ADC in League of Legends.
The ADC or Attack Damage Carry, if you’re not familiar with the nomenclature, is a character who starts the game weak, and remains vulnerable throughout such that the whole team has to play babysitter. If you think that sounds unappealing to play, you’d be right - it can be pretty hard to find someone willing to play ADC, especially with the popularity of high-risk high-reward Asassins (not so unlike a thief!) who are their direct counter.
In spite of their relative vlunerability, the ADC has absolutely dominated the meta of League of Legends for the past ten years for the simple reason that there is absolutely no substitute when it comes to controlling objectives.
Maybe Pages are a little bit like that. Frustrating to be one, frustrating to have one around, but extremely rewarding to invest in. It’s too bad nobody can be arsed to give them the emotional support they need to flourish. Too bad they have such... intractible character flaws.
Kanaya’s inability to stop mothering people sabotages her chance at winning Vriska’s affection - no doubt because Vriska has misread the situation as Kanaya being her romantic rival for Tavros’s attention. For the better, I guess, since Rosemary is my shit.
Trolls sure are weird.
Vriska has already figured out the point of Sburb, and perhaps the ultimate riddle, although she clearly hasn’t figured out the ramifications of it yet.
In any case, it should be clear how she has interpreted Sburb’s directive - authenticate your own existence through reproduction.
Being a winner, having self-worth, being able to justify your own existence means being strong enough, smart enough, pretty enough to shape the rest of existence in your own image.
She’s missing a critical detail, and its absence means she has it completely backwards.
We already know what is on the other side of the portal. Vriska is making herself out to be the final boss.
The final boss and the treasure are the same thing, in her mind.
The struggle is the objective.
The fighting is the point.
Just wanted to take a second to say that this whole sequence is so unnerving and horrible that I was sure she was going to murder, violate, and/or eat him, not necessarily in that order, the first time I read through this.
The sad reality is, this is the fucked up courtship ritual of a girl who has no idea how to be intimate with other people.
And that’s where we’ll pause for the night, having finished nearly 300 pages as promised.
Hope I wasn’t getting too lazy there at the end.
I’m enjoying my weekend.
Hope that yinz enjoy yours once it rolls around.
For now, Alive and Not Sober, Cam signing off.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Yo; It’s been a while since I’ve put up a roleplay ad, but since most of the ones I’d been continuously replying to sort of gradually stopped communicating with me (Which isn’t a terrible thing, I just want to write), and I’ve gotten into a few more subjects and fandoms since my last post, I’m gonna say fuck it, we’re doin’ it again. Cutting straight to one of the most important information pieces; I’m nineteen years old. I’ve seen a lot of ads requesting ages 21+, so I just wanted to make it clear that I’m legal, but If you prefer drinking age and above for any reason, I am unfortunately not your gal. Otherwise, I wish I didn’t have an age limit to roleplay partners, but since I do enjoy putting smut and adult themes into my roleplays, whether it be PWP or into a long-term story, I’m gonna have to set the bar at 18, or above.
Age rules aside, I'm lookin’ for three categories of roleplays, all completely chill with me;
I’ve got quite a fuckin bit of fandoms for this one; most of my roleplays, in all my 7+ years of experience, have been canon/oc-- It’s just plain enjoyable to me, creating characters you get attached to and pairing them up with characters you’re already attached to. I really love seeing everyone’s different portrayals on characters they make, as well; who they’re compatible with and all the like. It’s pretty safe to say I’ll probably be doodling a lot from whatever we end up creating; I’m a fervent shipper.
I’m up for a really nice and intricate long-term plot with character development just as much as a PWP short-term, so contact me for either at any time; even if you want to start up a long-term and later in decide you’d like to create a short-term on the side. I’m a flexible roleplayer, I love everything. And that includes kinks, too, so if you wanna throw an idea out in the character-bedroom, than shoot for it, there’s a pretty much 100% chance I won’t turn down anything you offer, as long as it isn’t mpreg. Nothing against you if you like it, you do you-- just not my cup of tea. Double-up isn’t limited to two characters on each side, either; I love adding in side characters and such, so we don’t just have to play two characters each and that’s it. Throw in somebody for a scene at any time if it makes sense to the situation, have fun with it.
m/f, m/m, f/f, whatever you want or decide to do for your pairing is fine with me. Oh, and I really would prefer partners who enjoy OC interactions if possible; I really enjoy all sorts of relationships in roleplays.
Fandoms (CANON/OC):
I’ll Play: Anyone. I’ve been in this fandom for years, and am very well-acquainted with all the characters. Beta, Alpha, Trolls, Cherubs, Midnight Crew, just ask.
I’ll Take: Dave Strider, John Egbert, Sollux Captor, Cronus Ampora, Terezi Pyrope, Karkat Vantas, Gamzee Makara, Kanaya Maryam
[Tokyo Ghoul]:
I’ll Play: Again, Anyone. Well-acquainted fandom.
I’ll Take: Juuzou Suzuya, Uta
[Ouran Highschool Host Club]:
I’ll Play: Anyone in the anime; I know there’s more characters from the manga, but I haven’t read it, yet.
I’ll Take: Kyoya Ootori
I’ll Play: There are… So many characters in pokemon that I don’t even know if I CAN say I’ll play anyone, but I’m a very big fan of the games and universe, so honestly, just ask for anyone and we’ll go from there. I can always look up characters if I have to, but I don’t think I WILL have to.
I’ll Take: Cheren, N, Guzma, Wally, Lillie, Ilima
[Invader Zim]:
I’ll Play: Zim, Gaz, Tak, Gir, Professor Membrane, Red, Blue, etc.
I’ll Take: Dib
[Diabolik Lovers]:
I’ll Play: Yui Komori, Ayato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki, Shu Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki, Subaru Sakamaki, Kanato Sakamaki, Cordelia
I’ll Take: Kanato Sakamaki, Laito Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki
DISCLAIMER: I’m totally willing to delve into this fandom, But I warn you I’ll probably make a character that’s somehow logically capable of beating the shit out of any of the vampires, because I have this weird love-hate grudge on this fandom and want to make a strong female that can put them in their place. Otherwise, feel free to request whatever you want for your side. As of this point I’ve only seen the first season, but maybe I’ll get around to forcing myself to watch the second and I can offer more characters to play.
[Black Butler]:
I’ll Play: I’ve seen every season of the anime, and have been through quite a bit of the manga; up to when Ciel brought Sieglinde back to England with him, so request anyone you like, and I’ll probably be able to work with them.
I’ll Take: Alois Trancy, Grell Sutcliff, William T. Spears
[Attack on Titan]: I’ll Play: Anyone within season one of the anime.
I’ll Take: Levi Heichou, Hanji Zoe
I’m sure I’m missing some, so if none of these appeal to you, than request others and we’ll talk.
I don’t really do this too often, but recently I’ve gotten way too into certain ships and others reappeared from the depths of my brain; so I’ve definitely got to put this here, now. There’s only certain fandoms I’ll work with, but if you’re interested in any of them, please do feel free to contact me. The same rules apply here; Short-term or Long-term, Any kinks, Lots of doodles, etc.
All I ask is that you don’t make any character OOC.
Fandoms (CANON/CANON):
Ships: Too many to count, so just talk to me-- but I’ll list some here just for idea sparkers; John Egbert/Terezi Pyrope, Dave Strider/Terezi Pyrope, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, Sollux Captor/Aradia Megido, Dave Strider/Kanaya Maryam, Karkat Vantas/Kanaya Maryam, Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam, god there’s so much just ask.
DISCLAIMER: I have characters I really don’t enjoy together, as well, like Dirk and Jake, or John with any dudes (especially the striders), but otherwise, request to your heart’s content and I’m sure we can find at LEAST one ship we share mutually.
[Nier: Automata]: Ships: 2B/9S
DISCLAIMER: I’m still in the middle of playing the game; I’ve only just beat Route A but I love these two so much that I just had to put it in just in case. If you’re alright with working with me, here, I promise you I play it like crazy and I’ll learn a lot more from this day, on. I’d prefer to play 2B, as well.
Ships: Guzma/Plumeria (there’s more ships in this fandom, of course- I’m just into this one the most, right now. Team Skull is hilarious.)
[Attack on Titan]:
Ships: Hanji/Levi
This really has the same general rules; I’m fine with m/f, m/m, and possibly f/f, but I do prefer the former two, and on terms of m/f I enjoy playing as the female a lot more. I also tend to enjoy playing dominant females. This is a completely sandbox category; If you have ideas for plot contact me, and I’m 1,000% down to put our characters in any world anyone could want. Slice of life, dark plots, mobsters, smut-oriented, fantasy, sci-fi, anything you want to do I’m cool with. I tend to make OCs on the spot for what I think works well with a plot, because It’s one of my favorite processes about roleplaying-- and I do use faceclaims.
If any of this interests you, contact me. I’m a thirsty motherfucker for writing.
Discord: Sparky #4225
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fictional-scenarios · 7 years
Hq, BB & Homestuck matchup? I am a straight female 5'3" tan skin, dark eyes, & black hair. I'm a Scorpio & INTJ Slytherin. I wear glasses & I'm considered as smart. I'm a social introvert. I value my alone time but I like talking to people. I'm described as sarcastic, salty, & blunt but I can be dorky when my fangirl side comes out. I'm very competitive & want to be the best. I can be scary at first but I'm pretty nice & chill. My interests are art, music, writing, roller skating, anime, & kpop.
ooooh homestuck! i havn’t answered any of those yet, thanks for being the first! -mod cassie
I pair you with Sollux Captor 
Introvert ². Since you’re both fairly anti-social, a large portion of your relationship is spent indoors with just the two of you hanging out alone, enjoying each other’s company and the fact that it’s just the two of you. While Sollux rarely ever has anyone over since he too values his time spent alone doing whatever it is he does, he make some exceptions for you because he finds that he actually enjoys your company and being around you. That says a lot given that this is Sollux we’re talking about, and even if sometimes you two hanging out is done in silence, the both of you left to your own devices, it’s still a shock to his friends that you’re there often.
He likes sarcastic and dark humored banter so you being on the saltier side is great for him. He can tease you and insult you jokingly without the fear of backlash from you taking it to heart. He can look forward to a witty comeback on your part, and he thrives on the moments you two go back and forth at each other. To spectators it may seem like your relationship is a tad bit unhealthy and bully-oriented, but the both of you understand each other’s boundaries. 
But then again, Sollux is sort of an asshole after all. Should he accidentally step over those boundaries and offend by saying something shitty he really didn’t put any thought into, he would not immediately own up to it. He’d sooner say you’re being over dramatic and he was just joking than acknowledge that he hurt you and own up to it by apologizing.  However, with time, if you give him the cold shoulder enough he may come to accept his fate and begrudgingly say he’s sorry and he won’t do it again. He’s being honest when he says this! He can be a jerk sometimes but once he gets past that first ‘shit, sorry I said that’ he’s sure not to tread back on that same territory so he can avoid hurting your feelings and feeling that same ‘I fucked up’ guilt.
As your inner fangirl side comes out, Sollux may roll his eyes and tease you for it, tauntingly saying you’re being obnoxious about things that don’t even matter. To him, doing things like this also ties into his whole ‘you’re being overdramatic’ but admittedly he does like to see you happy, and while watching you get excited about the things you love doesn’t exactly melt his heart he does find it cute. He may not understand why you love said thing so much but he won’t shit on your parade.
Sollux isn’t too competitive himself and mostly just sticks to talking about games and the things he knows a lot about, but if you taunt him enough he’ll get annoyed and will try to prove to you that he’s better than you at whatever it is you’re challenging. Luckily for you, Sollux is a handy guy but just happens to also suck at a lot of things. He’ll say that he wasn’t even trying in the first place should he lose.
Black Butler
I pair you with Ronald Knox
Ronald would be a fair match for you, even if his personality is a bit more contrasting than yours is. One of the biggest divides in your personas would be the amount of socialness between the two of you. Ronald is fairly high on the social scale and has no issue when he often finds himself drawing a lot of attention. It may be difficult at first to adjust to him but with time as you two grow closer, he finds that he may even be able to help you come out of your shell just a bit more. He doesn’t take you to huge events (unless you’d like to go- in that case he’d have a field day) but he likes to drag you along with him at smaller parties and gatherings. However, at times his socialness can become a problem as he has a small habit to occasionally ignore you, getting caught up in talking with other party goers and attendees. 
After these parties or whatever things you two attend he makes time for you and him to be alone so that you can unwind and relax with one another. He likes to be out and moving and would never really consider hanging out at home to be fun, but finds that with you it can be enjoyable. 
It’s no secret that Ronald is a very flirty person who likes to make the girls around him feel flustered. His flirtiness is actually a large portion as to why you two are together in the first place- at first he may have overlooked you but once you were zeroed in on he found you too attractive to let you be. No matter how scary you seemed at first and no matter how introverted you are, he found a way to work his way into your life and couldn’t be happier about it. Even after you two are together his flirts and comments don’t end, and he relishes in the times where he can make you blush over the smallest of things. He teases you a lot when his words get to you, and also loves when you reply with sarcasm. 
He adores when you get excited and hyped up over your interests. Given how intimidating you seem to people who don’t know you, in his mind it’s almost like a treat to know how you are when you’re passionate. To him it’s the cutest thing watching you go off about the things you like, and truly he could listen to talk about them for hours as he enjoys you being so open about it.
Though he himself isn’t too sarcastic or salty, he has no issue with you being so. Truthfully he finds it sort of funny when you go off on people or act snarky to them. Once in awhile if you’re sassing him he might reply back with something equally witty but that’s about it- there aren’t many times where you’ll exchange playful insults. However he is a master at fighting back with flirts as they seem to get under your skin easier than taunts. 
Ronald appreciates that you enjoy smaller things such as writing and arts, and especially music. He himself is a fan of finer arts but never really shows it, and subtly encourages you to indulge in your interests so he can see. If you’re an artist it’s likely he would want to see them even if you don’t show them to anyone. He doesn’t mean to pry but he gets excited and curious and accidentally ends up kind of forcing you to show him your skills (which he fawns over).
I pair you with Tsukishima Kei
It’s likely that Tsukishima met through Yamaguchi, who in turn became your friend once you joined their class. At first neither of you were very talkative unless it was to Yamaguchi, and he was the main reason for any of your interactions at all. He was the mastermind behind bringing you two together, and it wasn’t easy. Tsukishima can be an ass to strangers (or even his friends at times) and you’re scary at first so there wasn’t much blossoming between the two of you until you guys warmed up to one another enough to become closer, then turn into something a little bit more than friends.
He teases you to hell and back over seemingly everything. It may seem like he’s bring cruel but he only does so because he knows you can handle it and he knows you’ll bounce something back right at him. Sometimes when the two of you are trading sarcasm and smartass remarks Yamaguchi might chime in and ask if everything’s okay since it really seems like you two are sort of bullying each other, but no, y'all are okay and are just having some fun.
At the calmer times since even Tsukishima can’t be sarcastic forever, he is capable of being pretty damn romantic when he wants to be and goddamn is it a treat. He might throw jabs at you here and there but it’s all lighthearted and never really has any strength behind it. He enjoys relaxing with you and chilling out on his days off and after practice, sharing your interests like favorite shows and genres.
Music is his life so if you happen to share his music taste he’s really excited and just dying to show you all the songs he likes. On the outside he may just say ‘cool’ and react pretty mellow about it, but don’t be fooled, he’s suddenly making mental playlists in his head and all the songs he can’t wait to make you listen to. All the songs you suggest to him in turn are his new favorites and he listens to them on repeat, and suddenly he’s thinking of you while listening to those old love songs he used to zone out at.
Tsukki might tease you and poke a little bit of fun when your more dorkier side comes out about the things you love, but it’s pretty easy to deter him and shut him up by bringing up his nerdy interests (such as his dinosaur collection). Like music, if you share his passions for dinos or show taste he’ll be happy to share his favorite movies and documentaries with you and all the while he’ll try to hide his emotions and seem like it’s not a big deal when it really is. All of his favorite things are shared and they’re being shared with one of his favorite people, what’s better than that. Sometimes you two get into some pretty deep conversations at 3 am about seemingly obscure topics and Tsukki would be lying if he said he didn’t love every single minute of it (even if it costs him some lost hours of sleep).
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