fitscientist · 8 months
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The Power of Fiber: Fueling Your Health and Fitness Journey
While often overlooked, fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy diet and achieving your fitness goals. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. Instead, it passes through the digestive system relatively intact, offering a range of health benefits. Incorporating fiber into your diet can:
1. Promote Healthy Digestion: Fiber adds bulk to your stool, aiding regular bowel movements and preventing constipation. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome, promoting optimal digestion and nutrient absorption.
2. Keep You Feeling Full: High-fiber foods take longer to digest, keeping you satiated for longer periods. This can help control appetite, reduce overeating, and support weight management goals.
3. Regulate Blood Sugar Levels: Soluble fiber, found in certain foods, can slow down the absorption of glucose, preventing blood sugar spikes. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to maintain stable energy levels throughout the day.
4. Support Heart Health: Studies show that a high-fiber diet can lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
Fiber-Rich Foods:
1. Whole Grains: Opt for whole wheat bread, brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat pasta. These provide more fiber and nutrients compared to their refined counterparts.
2. Legumes: Incorporate beans, lentils, chickpeas, and split peas into your recipes. They are not only rich in fiber but also offer plant-based protein.
3. Fruits: Enjoy the natural sweetness and fiber content of apples, pears, berries, oranges, and bananas. Remember to consume them with the skin whenever possible to maximize fiber intake.
4. Vegetables: Load up on fiber by including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes in your meals. These veggies offer an array of vitamins and minerals too!
5. Nuts and Seeds: Snack on almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds. They provide healthy fats, protein, and a good dose of fiber.
From promoting healthy digestion to managing weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, fiber plays a vital role in overall wellness. So, make sure to include fiber-rich foods in your meals and enjoy the numerous nutritional benefits they offer. Stay fit, stay healthy!
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avlasthydrocolloids · 8 months
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Guar gum powder is used in food products because it is soluble in water, low in calories, high in soluble fiber, and helps thicken and bind products.
For more details, visit- https://www.avlasthydrocolloids.com/product/guar-gum-powder
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gumarabicusa · 9 months
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A recent study made by Kaddam and his colleagues concluded that Gum Arabic has potent anti-oxidative properties in sickle cell anemia and that the anti-oxidant effect of Gum Arabic may thus favorably influence the clinical condition of this and further diseases characterized by oxidative stress. What does this mean? It means that Gum Arabic can help your body relieve oxidative stress as its a source of more than 260 known diseases. To read the entire research publication, please click the link in the description or visit the Gum Arabic Research page on our website www.GumArabicUSA.com
Link to the Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28331... For additional information: https://www.gumarabicusa.com/gum-arab...
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fastdiet · 11 months
Bile Acid Malabsorption (BAM) is a condition that affects the digestive system, causing discomfort and inconvenience. The condition occurs when the body fails to absorb bile acids properly, leading to diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms. While there is no cure for BAM, a proper diet can help alleviate the symptoms and improve the quality of life. A BAM diet involves avoiding foods that trigger symptoms and consuming foods that are easy to digest. It is essential to work with a healthcare professional to determine the best diet plan for individual needs. Some foods that are typically recommended for a BAM diet include low-fat foods, soluble fiber, and probiotics. On the other hand, high-fat foods, caffeine, and alcohol should be avoided. Following a BAM diet can be challenging, but it is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With the right food choices and lifestyle changes, it is possible to manage BAM symptoms effectively. In this article, we will provide tips and food recommendations to help individuals with BAM improve their quality of life and enjoy their favorite foods without discomfort. 🍎🥦🍌🍓🥕1. Understanding Bile Acid Malabsorption and Its Impact on DigestionBile acid malabsorption is a condition where the body cannot absorb bile acids properly, leading to digestive issues. It affects up to 1 in 100 people. Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, and bloating. It can be caused by various factors, such as Crohn's disease or gallbladder removal. When bile acids are not absorbed, they can irritate the lining of the colon, leading to diarrhea and other symptoms. Bile acids are essential for digesting fats and absorbing fat-soluble vitamins. Without proper absorption, these nutrients can be lost in the stool. It can also lead to malnutrition and weight loss. Diagnosis involves a SeHCAT test or fecal bile acid test. Treatment includes medication, such as bile acid sequestrants, and dietary changes. A low-fat diet and avoiding trigger foods can help manage symptoms. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized treatment plan. Understanding bile acid malabsorption is crucial for managing digestive issues and maintaining proper nutrient absorption. 👍👍👍2. The Role of Diet in Managing Bile Acid Malabsorption Symptoms🍎 Diet plays a crucial role in managing bile acid malabsorption symptoms. Limiting high-fat foods can reduce diarrhea and abdominal pain. Increasing fiber intake can help regulate bowel movements. Avoiding spicy and acidic foods can alleviate heartburn and reflux. 🥦 Incorporating low-fat and non-acidic foods can improve overall digestion. Probiotics and fermented foods can promote gut health. Drinking plenty of water can prevent dehydration and constipation. Consulting with a registered dietitian can provide personalized recommendations. 🍌 It's important to maintain a balanced and varied diet to manage symptoms. Keeping a food diary can help identify trigger foods. Eating small, frequent meals can prevent overloading the digestive system. Supplements such as calcium and vitamin D may be necessary for those with malabsorption. 3. Top Foods to Include in a Bile Acid Malabsorption DietWhen it comes to a bile acid malabsorption diet, there are certain foods that can help alleviate symptoms. Here are some of the top foods to include: Oats: High in soluble fiber, oats can help regulate bowel movements and reduce diarrhea. Bananas: Rich in potassium, bananas can help replace electrolytes lost due to diarrhea. Lean proteins: Chicken, fish, and tofu are all good sources of protein that are easy to digest. Low-fat dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheese can provide calcium and other nutrients without aggravating symptoms. Whole grains: Brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread can provide fiber and other nutrients without triggering symptoms. It's also important to avoid certain foods that can worsen symptoms, such as: High-fat foods: Fried foods, fatty meats, and rich sauces can all trigger diarrhea and other symptoms. Spicy foods: Hot peppers and other spicy foods can irritate the digestive system and worsen symptoms. Caffeine: Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages can stimulate the digestive system and worsen symptoms. Alcohol: Beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages can irritate the digestive system and worsen symptoms. Processed foods: Packaged snacks and other processed foods can contain additives and preservatives that can trigger symptoms. 🍌🍚🍗🧀🍞🚫🍔🌶️☕🍺🥪🚫4. Foods to Avoid When Dealing with Bile Acid MalabsorptionWhen dealing with bile acid malabsorption, it is important to avoid certain foods that can worsen symptoms. Here are some foods to steer clear of: High-fat foods: These can increase bile acid production and worsen diarrhea. Avoid fried foods, fatty meats, and full-fat dairy products. Spicy foods: These can irritate the digestive system and worsen symptoms. Avoid hot peppers, chili powder, and other spicy seasonings. Acidic foods: These can increase the production of bile acid and worsen symptoms. Avoid citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar. Caffeine: This can increase bowel movements and worsen diarrhea. Avoid coffee, tea, and energy drinks. Alcohol: This can irritate the digestive system and worsen symptoms. Avoid beer, wine, and liquor. By avoiding these foods, you can help manage your bile acid malabsorption and reduce symptoms. Remember to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian for personalized dietary advice. 🍔🌶️🍊🍺🚫5. Tips for Meal Planning and Preparation for Bile Acid Malabsorption DietPlan ahead: Create a weekly meal plan to ensure you have the right ingredients on hand. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Consider meal prepping to save time and ensure you have healthy options available. Read labels: Avoid foods high in fat, caffeine, and spicy ingredients. Choose low-fat dairy products and lean meats. Avoid processed foods and opt for fresh, whole foods. Experiment with substitutes: Try using non-dairy milk or plant-based protein sources. Experiment with different spices and herbs to add flavor without triggering symptoms. Consider using low-fat cooking methods such as grilling or baking instead of frying. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water to aid digestion and prevent dehydration. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, which can worsen symptoms. Consider incorporating herbal teas or low-acid juices into your diet. Consult a dietitian: A registered dietitian can help you create a personalized meal plan. They can also provide guidance on supplements and medications that may be helpful. Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek support from a professional. 6. Incorporating Supplements and Probiotics into Your Bile Acid Malabsorption DietSupplements and probiotics can help improve digestion and nutrient absorption in those with bile acid malabsorption. Calcium supplements can bind to excess bile acids and reduce diarrhea. Vitamin D supplements can improve calcium absorption. Iron supplements can help with anemia caused by malabsorption. Probiotics can improve gut health and reduce inflammation. Lactobacillus acidophilus can help break down bile salts. Bifidobacterium bifidum can improve gut barrier function. Saccharomyces boulardii can reduce diarrhea and inflammation. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement or probiotic regimen. It's important to choose high-quality supplements and probiotics from reputable brands. Supplements and probiotics should be taken alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle changes. Don't rely solely on supplements and probiotics to manage bile acid malabsorption. Remember to track your symptoms and adjust your regimen accordingly. 📈 In conclusion, following a bile acid malabsorption diet can be challenging but rewarding. 🥦🍎 Incorporating low-fat, high-fiber foods and avoiding trigger foods can help manage symptoms. 🚫🍔 Consult a doctor or registered dietitian for personalized advice. 💻💬 Remember to stay hydrated and exercise regularly. 💦🏋️‍♀️ Keeping a food diary can also help track symptoms and identify trigger foods. 📝🍽️ With patience and persistence, managing bile acid malabsorption can become easier. 💪👍 https://fastdiet.net/bile-acid-malabsorption-diet-tips-foods/?_unique_id=6485f7bf290a7
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marishasworld · 1 year
How To Add More Fiber In Your Plate
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Fiber, also known as dietary fiber, refers to a type of carbohydrate that the body cannot digest or absorb. Instead, fiber passes through the digestive system mostly intact and provides bulk to stool, which helps to promote regular bowel movements. It is found in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and legumes.
Fiber is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system and can also help to lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugar levels, and promote a feeling of fullness, which may help with weight management. It is recommended that adults consume between 25-38 grams of fiber per day, depending on their age and gender.
Read full article on
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Hemp flour is made from cold pressing the oil from the hemp seeds, what’s left is known as a ‘hemp cake.’ This hemp cake is gently milled and turned into our heavenly, nutrient-dense hemp flour. It’s also known as hemp bran or hemp fibre flour.
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creaturebehavior · 11 months
wow i’m so relieved my cat finally ate a decent portion of food
she’s barely been eating anymore and she won’t drink water even when she asks to jump up on the toilet when i put her up there she does t want to drink out of it like she used to
her diet is now mostly liquid though and i’m starting to worry about her solid food intake. i feel like she’s been eating less and less
our vet recommended a steroid we can give her to hopefully help stimulate her appetite and also help with inflammation. it’s coming in the mail and it’s taking too long. it should be here tomorrow or friday but im tired of waiting for it
my cat has another appointment at the vet tomorrow for her last b12 shot of the 6 weeks we’ve been trying to see if it helps. but i feel like it’s barely helping. it’s better than nothing probably and im glad she’s able to get them but i just want her to be doing better
and i’m so exhausted and sleep deprived from waking up every couple hours to smash her food up and mix it with water which is a whole process in order to actually get the water and wet food to mix i have to do a smashing motion and then of course there’s the constant cleaning of the bowls. i’m so tired. so tired and stressed over her being sick. and not able to get much sleep in between. the past couple days i’ve allowed myself to sleep a little more and feed her with slightly longer intervals in between just so i don’t completely unravel
omg and she’s been constipated this week so that’s been stressful but she did finally poop i think it was two days ago and then she literally just got in the litter box and pooped right now thank god.
getting her to eat soluble fiber has been so difficult. today i gave up i just let her eat her food normal i said it’s better if she eats at all cuz she wasn’t liking the solublefiber mixed in
anyway god it’s 1am i need to sleep
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shoneycutt270 · 11 months
Trimtone works by boosting your metabolism and suppressing hunger, making it easier to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine. 💥 Plus, it's made from natural ingredients like green tea and caffeine. #NaturalSupplements #GreenTea #Caffeine
One of the key ingredients in Trimtone is Grains of Paradise, which can help activate brown adipose tissue (BAT) and increase thermogenesis. 🔥 This means your body burns more calories even at rest. #GrainsOfParadise #Thermogenesis #BodyFat
Another ingredient in Trimtone is Glucomannan, a soluble fiber that can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing your calorie intake and supporting weight loss. 🥬💪 #Glucomannan #SolubleFiber #WeightLoss
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grocery-x · 1 year
What Are The High-Fiber Food?
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There are two type of fiber:
Insoluble fiber: Fibers that don’t dissolve in water are called “insoluble.” It helps add bulk to the stool and keeps the bowels moving regularly. Wheat bran, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains are all good sources of insoluble fiber.
Soluble fiber: Soluble fiber dissolves in water and turns into a gel-like substance in the stomach. It makes digestion slower, helps keep blood sugar levels steady, and lowers cholesterol levels. Oats, barley, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, and psyllium husk are all good sources of soluble fiber.
High-fiber foods as below:
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b. Fruits and vegetables : guava, avocado, apples, berries, oranges, and pears, as well as vegetables like daikon radish, broccoli, spinach, carrots, and Brussels sprouts.
c. Beans, lentils, peas
d. Nuts and seeds : pine nuts Almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds
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Fiber is an important part of a healthy diet. The amount of fiber in fruits and vegetables depends on the type and how they are cooked. Eating a variety of high-fiber foods can help you get enough fiber and other important nutrients.
link : https://www.digistore24.com/redir/449013/Grocery-X/
#HighFiberFoods #FiberRichFoods #Fruits #Vegetables #WholeGrains #Legumes #NutsAndSeeds #Popcorn #SolubleFiber #InsolubleFiber #HealthyEating
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thenutriguy-blog · 5 years
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That’s right when you peel that apple you are literally wasting 50% of that fibre goodness. The average medium apple contains 4.4g of fibre. Fibre is a complex carbohydrate (type of sugar) but unlike other carbohydrates, which are broken down by the body to provide fuel in the form of glucose, fibre cannot be digested by the human body. We gain no nutrients or energy from fibre. However, it provides an important function in the body; it is essential to a well-tuned digestive system and can help the body remove potentially harmful waste. This is just a excerpt, check out the full article on my blog/website. It gets more interesting and I share a few hints and tips. Link in bio or below: https://thenutriguy.com/blog/ Tag 🔖 or share with all the apple lovers you know, that includes your mum, your uncle, your nan, your cousin, you neighbours brother etc, that's everyone 😉 #thenutriguy #aguidetohealthandhappiness #health #happiness #apples #eattheskin #applepeel #appleskin #applesauce #applepie #fibre #fiber #insolublefiber #solublefiber #carbohydrates #antioxidant #fullerforlonger #digestion #weightloss #bloodsugar #cholesterol #fitness #exercise #wellbeing #vegan (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsOd-BGl-Rl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=114ap5xt7w8zw
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✅ #体重管理 #weightmanagement 🥴🤧🥱忙碌的我们,难免时常在外用餐, 而多数是比较高胆固醇与脂肪。通过 #营养免疫学,知道人体一天所需要的纤维是 38克,例如:100克🥦西兰花,就有 3克纤维~大约等于 1.3公斤 的纤维量才足够(有视觉化吗?) 🟢只要每日摄取足够的纤维和多喝水,再加简单的运动~更是最佳!午餐的 1-2小时之前,会来一杯 #纤语❤️ #忙碌但不忽略身体所需! 🌿 #纤维,纤维,更多纤维‼️ 🌿 #水溶性纤维 #非水溶性纤维 🥴🤧🥱 Busy as usual, we often dine out, and most of the foods choices are relatively high in cholesterol and fat. Through #nutritionimmunology, i learned that our body needs 38 grams of fiber a day, for example: 100 grams of 🥦broccoli, have 3 grams of fiber ~ therefore it's about 1.3 KG to have enough fiber of the day (able to visualize the amount?) 🟢As long as we get enough fibers and plenty of water daily, plus some simple exercise~ definitely the best! And 1-2 hours before lunch, have a cup #FiberTalk❤️ Busy but not neglecting our body needs! 🌿 #Fiber, Fiber, more Fiber‼ ️ 🌿 #Solublefiber #Insolublefiber https://www.instagram.com/p/CSlgKSppNY7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Signs & symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas and diarrhea or constipation or both. IBS is a chronic condition that you'll need to manage for long term. Panchakarma for IBS: Based on types of grahani (IBS), Panchakarma treatments like virechana, basti, dhara etc are advised to patients which helps in improving the gut motility, improving and correcting digestive fire, maintenance and restoration of healthy bacteria in gut, proper evacuation of stools etc. Customized therapies are provided to patient for full restoration of the health. For booking consultation contact us on 7506650605/ 04. #ibs #constipation #constipationrelief #fiber #pectin #antioxidants #vitamins #nutrients #ibsdiet #panchakarma #bowelmovement #bowelhealth #irritablebowelsyndrome #diarrhea #bloating #antibacterial #digestivehealth #digestivesupport #healthydiet #solublefiber #ayurveda #agniayurvedicvillage #agnihealthcare #agniwayoflife #healthiswealth #healthyliving #healthtips #healthyfruits #photooftheday (at AGNI Ayurvedic Village) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSTaAKxDwa5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nutricaobynupurjain · 4 years
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Oats are the cereals which are rich in soluble dietary fiber name as "beta glucans". Glucans not just help in lowering cholesterol but also help in aiding weight loss and managing diabetes. For more such tips follow @nutricaobynupurjain For personalised diet charts 9654302878 #oats #oatmeal #rolledoats #oatmealbowl #oatmilk #rolledoatmeal #rolledoatsrecipe #rolledoatsbreakfast #rolledoatsbreadandbutterpudding #solublefiber #dietaryfiber #fiber #dieticiansofinstagram #diet #dietician #dieticiannupurjain #nutricao #nutricaobynupurjain (at आदर्श नगर) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFkHdhbgrqR/?igshid=1ag3c2c6sl3fc
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Beta Heart : Beta glucan is one form of soluble dietary fiber that’s strongly linked to improving cholesterol levels and boosting heart health. Like many fibers, it’s available in supplement form. Beta heart is one of them. #betaglucan #fiver #solublefiber #heart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBkFoD9Aa4J/?igshid=13wsoyvyz6ftu
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waliclinic · 4 years
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دل کو صحتمند رکھنے کے لیے ریشہ دار غذائیں کھائیں. #solublefiber #oats #peas #beans #apple #citrus #fruits #citrusfruit #carrot #barley #psyllium #healthyheart https://www.instagram.com/p/CBg5YAijUX1/?igshid=uat8kz2tlc0s
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wholehealthclinic · 5 years
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~ ~~~ Succulent dates have so many health and nutritious benefits, that have been known for thousands of years. There's antioxidants in both fresh and dried dates, which enhances the necessary combinations for good health in the body. ~~~ Dates contain both soluble and insoluble fibre that supports the digestive tract and helps the body to eliminate rubbish. ~~~ Eating a couple of dates first thing in the morning can help to encourage the removal of waste products and toxins from the liver. However take care, as they are full of natural sugars, if you suffer for diabetes or wanting to lose weight limit the consumption in order not to exaggerate your intake. ~~~ Dates are highly admired for their nutritional medicinal values. They contain carbohydrates, proteins, are packed with essential vitamins such as vitamin E, K, C, B, A and minerals, • Calcium, • Magnesium, • Manganese, • Phosphorus, • Sodium and zinc. ~~~ Dates are great to maintain the body's bone mass, boost brain function, and have been suggested as a healthy and delicious way to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body, preventing heart attacks, heart disease, and stroke. When taken twice a week, they can seriously improve the overall health of the heart. ~~~ For more information contact us. . . . . #dates #datesfruit #datesyrup #medjooldates #datescake #bestdates #freshdates #chocolatedates #organicdates #freshdates #antioxidants #solublefiber #insolublefiber #livercleanse #liverdetox #vitaminc #vitamink #vitamina #vitaminb #vitamine #calcium #magnesium #manganese #phosphorus #sodium #zinc #brainfunction #ldlcholesterol #cholesteroltips #healthtips (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0y2nxlhKVX/?igshid=1qlatcou3cmyz
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