#solved by a smile a friend and true love's kiss?
s-aint-elmo · 1 year
no thoughts head empty the oppressive stagnancy of legacy in ever after high dragging me round the block yet again
it's such a shame that we get so little explanation about the actual mechanics of destiny, which is the entire premise of the show, bc it's so juicy. like what power does destiny hold when you rip away milton's lies and centuries of assumptions and traditions. esp bc despite raven signing herself as the evil queen in the real storybook of legends, when the snow white fairytale actually happens in dragon games she's playing one of the seven dwarves and her mother has reprised her role. like how much of that was because of the characters' actions and how much was destiny pulling on old, familiar threads. keeps me up at night.
a lot of this is probably just like, plot holes and writer hot potato but i like making it that deep, that's half of the fun. my personal interpretation is that fate is a wild thing that desires repetition and they developed the system of fairytale legacy bloodlines to keep those repetitions predictable and contained, instead of wreaking havoc whenever and wherever they please. 
which lends itself to some really juicy exploration of how legacy is a duty as much as it is a privilege, and how to be a princess or a witch or a hero or a dragon is to be the same thing in the end: the lamb destiny slaughters on the altar to sate the ever-ravenous narrative. to keep the flock safe. keep the unknown that prowls beyond the beaten path at bay. because if a there is always a mother who will be cruel, or a maiden who will fall into a sleep like death, or a child who will become a bird, isn’t it better to know who, and how, and when? isn’t better if it’s you, who has known your whole life that you must be eaten, be poisoned, be stripped of your humanity, rather than anybody else, who wasn’t raised to see it as an honour instead of a great and terrible injustice?
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b00tyliciousbabe · 6 months
himbo bf x male reader
summary: spending time with your boyfriend and his family for the holidays. some fluff, lil angst, bad jokes (i apologise in advance), and minimal smut of course.
notes: merry chrysler! hope y’all pretty people are doing amazing. notoriously indecisive in true bootylicious fashion, i settled on one of my fave typa men - gentle giant himbos. think danny wheeler from baby daddy. now, i would never call my men dumb, but always be saying real stupid things. there’s a specific kind of wonder that you can see in their eyes…i’m whipped.
disclaimer: i also tried to keep it as open to as many tastes as possible, so a lot of who he is, you can do create yourself. but i had to make him a bit of a redhead, they too fine.
y’all better gass me because the way i wrote this 3 hours before the end of xmas day, enjoy babies <3
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saved in his phone as gingerbread - he’s a ginger, and you get bred xx
you always loved spending time with your boyfriend’s family, almost as much as they loved you. his mother was the first to catch Y/N fever, mostly because you reminded her of herself and it was a relief to know that someone could handle her son’s antics . then it was his brothers, they loved how mellow you made him, as if all of his struggles melted away when you waltzed into his life. they felt like your guardians, wanting to protect you because they knew how much you meant to their baby brother. and his sisters…they’re lowkey your best friends. when you first met, y’all got on so well with one another bonding over fashion, pop culture, and weirdly philosophy.
his dad liked you as a person, believing you were a kind soul, but not the person for his son, because of how different you two were. they were a quiet luxury kinda family, which didn’t necessarily coincide with how connected you were with celebrities. this was until he saw how well you worked together. whilst working on a huge project for the family business, your boyfriend was stressed in the office. you walked in, ready to go on a date after he’d finished. ‘hey baby, you look hot, where you going?’ he’d forgotten, but you never held it against him. you loved to see the cogs turn in his head as he came to a realisation. ‘shit. it’s date night.’ he groaned head in hands. ‘I’m so sorry Y/N, work’s just been so busy, the clients wanted to move the order forward, the contractors needed more data on the financial markets, and…’ you sat down on his desk, holding his chin so you guys exchanged eye contact. ‘babe, it’s all good, i know it’s a really busy time for you.’ you stroked his face reassuringly, a sigh of relief emitted from his lips. ‘i ain’t leaving your side, we’re in this together,’ you said as you went in for a kiss. it was deep and sensual, and if you didn’t stop when you did, you would’ve left that room walking side to side. ‘so, what can i help with?’ you responded, looking at the documents on the desk. he stared up lovingly, ‘i don’t deserve you,’ he admitted ‘too good to me.’ which garnered a little chuckle from you. his dad saw how supportive you were, pulling an all-nighter for the benefit of your man. you were so tired that the two of you spooned on the couch in his office, and slept there. early the next morning, the two of you were met with a breakfast course on the coffee table and your respective starbucks orders. you kissed your bf goodbye, so he could work, and just as you were about to leave, his father stopped you. ‘good morning Y/N, did you enjoy the food?’ he questioned as you entered the elevator together. ‘it was lovely sir, thank you.’ you replied hesitantly. ‘the only thanks due is to you, i appreciate how you’re always there for my son.’ you smiled inside, longing to prove yourself to him. ‘I love him sir, he needs to know that any problem he has, automatically becomes our problem to solve together.’ he knew at that moment, you were the perfect fit.
one of the core memories of your relationship was the weekend in the alps. your boyfriend thought this would’ve been the perfect opportunity to have some alone time with you before the new year. with award season coming up, many celebrities needed to be styled, you legit had no time to see him, it was going to be amazing. you stayed in the chalet his parents owned, but neither of you knew that it’d be an entire sibling getaway. the two of you snuggled under the blankets, drinking hot chocolate, whilst listening to some quiet smooth jazz in the background. revelling in how cozy and warm it was, he was dozing off whilst cuddling and you decided to follow suit, but not before a quick kiss on your bf’s nose - he’s so cute. unfortunately, like most precious things, this didn’t last long. there was a huge clatter at the door, awakening you two. ‘what the fuck are you guys doing here?’ your man blasted at them. ‘oh hey lil bro,’ one of them said as the others made themselves feel at home. ‘we heard you lovebirds were here and wanted to see Y/N again, we missed him.’ they all waved at you. you blushed and immediately got up greet them all with hugs and squeals. ‘omds, i haven’t see you guys in ages, we have so much to catch up on.’ you blurted out in an excited frenzy. your love, on the other hand, didn’t share the same energy. whilst you had walked to his sisters, his brothers playfully punched your bf to cheer up. ‘you idiots, have the worst timing, he said as they got ready to get some wood for the chimney.
it was just you and the girls, as you gossiped about the drama that went down during fashion week as they ate up every word. you mostly had done a lot of listening to their relationship dramas and work lives, as you shared a couple giggles. you has made gingerbread men, as his sisters watched the master at work. ‘Y/N, these are delicious, how are you so good at everything?’ they praised which made you blush. the boys had returned, with your man wincing with pain as his brothers carried him in. ‘the dummy tripped on the snow’ they said snickering as you walked to help him. ‘how many times have i told you to be careful out there?’ you said, concerningly staring at the bruise on his hip. you touched it gently earning a wince from him as he pushed away your hand. ‘sorry babe.’ he stared dead in your eye and looked away, giving you the silent treatment. ‘what do you need?’ he continued airing. ‘i’m gonna get some bandages’ you said, unsure of what you did to hurt him emotionally.
‘the fuck is wrong with you?’ his sisters protested, thumping his head. ‘ow! what do you mean?’ ‘that boy loves you, so much so that he puts up with all of your shit and stupidity.’ they come to your defence. he looks to his brothers for help, but to no avail. ‘dude, I’ll be real, you fucked up.’ one says. ‘he was just trying to help’ another adds. like the youngest, he continues to deflect ‘well, if you guys hadn’t come, i wouldn’t have gotten hurt, and me and Y/N would have been happier. he finally admitted. ‘oh damn.’ their faces became gentler as they circled in on him. ‘I just never get to see him now, with work and everything, and i don’t want him to get used to not seeing me’ he started to get teary but hid it behind a scowl. ‘bro, you are meant to be with Y/N, i see it in your eyes every time he walks into a room, like he’s the only one there.’ your bf smiles at the mere thought of your face. ‘see, he ain’t even here and you’re cheesing so bad rn.’ they all laugh. ‘i don’t know how to tell him, he’s so good at communicating his feelings, i just, i just can’t do it the way he does.’ his heart begins to beat faster. ‘that’s the thing though, he knows you better than you know yourself.’ the eldest brother says ‘there’s nothing that he won’t be able to understand because the two of are so connected.’
you enter with the bandages and medical supplies. ‘here’s a chance to fix that’ his twin sister says as they leave and move to the other side of the mansion, locking the door behind them as they wave you bye for now. you sit beside him on the sofa, placing a hot compress on his bruise. ‘Y/N, we need to talk.’ you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine by being stand-offish ‘speak then.’ you say glaring into his eyes that made you melt every time but now. ‘i am so sorry for my rude behaviour, i know you were just tryna help my stubborn ass.’ you continued tending to his wounds, with an apathy rivalled only by the unconditional love you have for him. ‘whatever.’ you muttered. ‘aw, come on baby, don’t be like that.’ he grimaced. ‘like what,’ your voice growing in confidence ‘like someone who, as hard as they try, can never get their boyfriend to fully open up?’ you admitted. ‘you know that’s not the whole story.’ he looks down. ‘mkay’ you say, tired of arguin, he just needed to cool off. he takes a deep breath. ‘Y/N, you know i love you more than anything ’ your boyfriend boldly states, deepening your eye contact. ‘and you know i love you the same, but sometimes love is not enough,’ you struggle to get the words out, getting choked up as you hold his cheek for stability. he turns to kiss you, it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. he caresses your thigh, as your tongues dance for dominance in the warmth of your mouth. you pulled back. ‘here goes nothing, babe, I’m afraid, afraid of losing you.’ he admitted desperately. ‘we barely ever see each other and I’m scared that it has, um, like, maybe, um’ he failed to articulate his thoughts, angering him further. ‘calm down love, i hear what you’re saying. you’re worried about the possibility of us being comfortable with rarely seeing one another and what that means for us.’ you always knew how to soothe his heart. ‘exactly, you’re just so good at letting me know what we need to do to make this relationship work that I’m clueless at asking for help.’ he smiled earning a chuckle from you. ‘we’re in this together boo, you won’t ever lose me.’ as he sneers into another smooch. ‘fuck.’ he moaned into your mouth as a tent forms in his boxers. ‘your voice always gets me going.’ you looked down and immediately dropped to your knees.
you hadn’t sucked your boyfriend’s cock in what seemed like forever. you pulled his boxers to his ankles as his thick cock sprung up, throbbing in the cool air of the room. you grabbed his pole, gaslighting him into thinking you were going to start at the tip. instead you began to massage his beefy, low-hanging balls in your mouth. ‘Y/N, fuck, that’s where the spunk is stored, not where you drink it from’ he snickered, removing them from your mouth. ‘you’ve got to st-UGHHHH’ you deepthroated with ease, loving how his dumb, naive nature was still translated to your time in the sheets. ‘that’s it baby, good boy’ he praises, looking at the slobber that made his dick glisten. ‘shit.’ he cums without warning, giving you an impromptu facial. ‘sorry darling, i came as soon as i saw you slap my dick on your thick lips.’ your boyfriend helped you to clean up, pushing his hand all over your face and fingering your mouth with his nut.
you moved to undressing, as you straddled your man. ‘i know you wanna pound me into tomorrow, but you can’t,’ gesturing to his bruise. he whined and cooed. ‘however…’ you whispered into his ear, jerking him of with a mix of his cum and your spit ‘imma help my man out tonight.’ as you sank onto his schlong with ease. his hands immediately grabbed your globes, as he licked his lips salaciousy, enjoying your physique. ‘so fucking hot.’ your bf mumbled. you started bouncing on his cock as he slowly rutted in you from beneath, your hole was already sore.
it was gonna be a long night…
@gayaristocrat imma save your fantasy for dacre, that man is 90s fine fr
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sirzeldrizz · 4 months
♡a small collective of acts of love of a wide variety. It comes in many forms and isn't always truly apparent. Depending on personality, preferences, and mannerisms. Tried to make sure they're gender neutral & well balanced for the different tropes ♡
Helping them put on jewelery, a muted rosey hue tinting their cheeks as their fingertips graze the others skin.
Taking the others perspective into consideration when making big decisions. They don't want to upset or cross any lines the one they admire may have.
Respects any and all boundaries of their partner, even if they can't quite understand them. Is every patient with them, and will try to understand the best they can.
Gives specific gifts that will invoke the best reactions. They get so giddy when their partner or friends are happy.
will sing around them, even if not the greatest at it.
remembers the finest of detail about their partner. will even write it down if they fear they will forget it.
uplifts them whenever they are feeling low, encourages their dreams within reason so not to provide any false hopes.
will hold the other accountable for their own good and will also help solve any problems that arise because of said accountability.
packs things they know the other will likely forget when going on trips.
includes them in their favorite activities, showing them their own tips and tricks for it.
let's the other passionately ramble on about whatever has caught their attention, without judgment, and will engage regularly with questions or shared curiosity.
will record their favorite TV shows so when they visit they can still watch it if they want to.
shares their favorite books/songs/things together
platonic kisses and hugs
tidying shared spaces so the other doesn't have to worry about it
cooking together (bonus if they're learning a new recipe together)
very appreciative of the others' efforts (even if they fail. almost especially if they fail because at least they attempted for the good of their behalf)
will cover the other if they find them sleeping, and sometimes, will relocate them to a more comfortable location/position.
protective of the others' hopes/dreams/beliefs
stands up to anyone who threatens the other, even if unmatched. How dare someone think they have the right to insult someone so close to them without consequences?
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avoids topics in conversation that make the other uncomfortable or irritable when possible.
buys them things that they've noticed has piqued their other's attention or that they might need.
is the "HE SAID NO PICKLES" type of friend/significant other.
takes the time to look into and learn about things that interests the other, even if they don't quite enjoy it to the same degree. Likes to be able to engage with them about anything possible.
lighthearted teasing to make the other smile.
holding the others' sleeves when drowsy, or needy.
makes secret wishes on stars for the others' hopes to come true.
subconsciously straightens the others' attire or accessories. somehow, it became second nature to them.
making the other their "only exception" for just about anything.
letters of appreciation
writes a song/scripture/book inspired by the other
dedicated their achievements to their partnership and expressed their gratitude for their role in their life
might get angry when the other endangers themselves but apologises when they realize it isn't helping. They don't mean to snap. They just scared their soul for a second. Don't do that. They can't bear to see/let it happen.
invited the other to family events, even expects them to show up so makes sure to have enough for them too.
randomly brings the other food to ensure they are properly eating
casually "accidentally" orders things and "happens" to think the other would like them.
crafts the other trinkets or art
patiently hears the other out no matter what. Even if it's hard to hear because they want to fully understand.
Disbelieves rumors that damage the others' reputation and will set the record straight if possible. Will always let the other know if something is brewing and offer a solution (How they go about it is dependent on the character)
sends the other messages whenever they're thinking of them or remembers something they know the other will reminisce with them over.
takes care of the other to the best of their ability (pampering/caretaker/gaurdian)
learns a new language so that they can better communicate with the other if they're not fluent in their tongue.
quick to give the benefit of the doubt to the other, even if they know it might not turn out how they hope. They want to only see the good if they can.
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minhosimthings · 5 months
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I wanna be yours
Request: could you a friends w benefits fic with lee know x black f reader? like lee know got jealous bc of you hanging out w your guy best friend ( could be any one of the members) and lee know just fucks all his jealousy into you!!
Pairings: Minho × fem!reader
Warnings: smut MINORS DNI, fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex (not recommended), overstimulation, swearing, degradation (sorta), dirty talk, fwb with Minho, dom!Minho, sub!reader
A/N: thank you for the request babyy. Alright I don't really write for any specific skintone even though I have dark skin myself, so I didn't give much of a description of skin tones or anything in this if you don't mind anonnie!
Lee Minho was an enigma, a sphinx, a puzzle you could try forever to solve but never can. And to read his emotions? That was simply an imposible feat.
And it surprised you how much you knew exactly when he was angry, or joyful, or even hiding that he had a fever.
It surprised the other boys greatly. You? A girl Minho met at dance class when he was perhaps 16? A year before he would go on to become dance leader of a world famous 4th gen boy group knows as Stray Kids? Yeah no way.
But you seemed to know Minho more than he seemed to know himself. You were- What was it called again? Oh yes.
Friends with benefits.
It enraged you. It maddened you. It drove you crazy. You craved him so much, to touch every part of his body. But you did that every night anyway. You wished fervently to touch his soul instead, to tell him, 'hey I like like you'.
So it was a mystery as to how you never noticed how petty and jealous Minho got whenever your skin was tainted by literally anyone else.
And he knew.
He knew that he probably shouldn't do it. You were a person of your own and he wasn't your boyfriend so why should he have any control over your personal life?
And yet a fire of jealousy burnt in him, when he found out that you had hung out with Hyunjin all day, instead of staying home with him. He had wanted to bake something with you, maybe those Ghibli cookies you had seen on the internet, but you had gently refused him, saying that you had promised to go get your nails down with Hyunjin. To say that he was offended would have been an understatement. Hyunjin? Over him?
But then again, he didn't own you. He wasn't someone you could kiss everyday and call your boyfriend. And that's why psychology is a powerful subject. To know about the feelings of people who called one another 'just friends' and yet had a magnetic force against between them, to have an urge to address each other not only sexually, but emotionally, that is true power.
"Well that was a nice trip." Hyunjin blew on his nails as his car stopped infront of your house, "Wanna do it sometime later?"
You smiled up at Hyunjin as you got down from his car, slamming the door shut and looking at his through the window.
"If Mr Lee Minho doesn't react like a sourpuss everytime I don't want to hang out with him, yeah I can hang out."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes at your statement. "He's in love with you!" He said in a sing-song voice before driving off, leaving you shaking your head and inserting your keys into your house's front door.
The familiar scent of cologne hit your nose as soon as you opened the door. Minho's cologne.
"And what the fuck are you doing in my house?" You deposited your bag onto the table, and marched upto the brown haired man sitting promptly on the couch and watching tv.
"Can't I visit your house?" Minho replied, not taking his eyes off of the tv, "I have a key."
"For emergencies Minho, you have it for emergencies." You sighed, taking the remote and shutting the tv off.
"I was watching that!" Minho glared at you, getting up to snatch the remote from your hands, which you quickly withdrew before he could.
"You have the biggest tv at your house, go watch it there." You grumbled, putting the remote down on the table.
You barely had any more time to process anything as Minho hands landed on your hips, maneuvering your body to fall forcefully against the couch, with him on top of you.
"Hyunjin's a handsome guy isn't he?" Minho said, brushing his fingers across your bra and carefully removing your bra, "So why don't you just go date him?"
Your scoff earned you a tight squeeze of your hips as Minho's hands worked fast to remove your leggings.
"Why would I want to date him?" You quizzed Minho, trying hard not to whimper as his bulge pressed against your panties.
"I don't know you always hang out with him."
"Jealous are we Minho?" You cocked a grin on your face at Minho, who glared at you and furrowed his brows.
Something about those four little words sent him into a tizzy of laughter. Pure, high-pitched, glorious laughter. You loved his laugh dearly, but you wouldn’t flatter him now. Not when you had him in the palm of your hand. At least, for the moment.
"Why should I be jealous of someone when I know you like me far more than you do him?" Minho shot back, his brows furrowed.
Your fingers traced his neck, his pecs, abs, until you felt his cock in your hands. He grunted softly, beautiful eyes fluttering as you touched him.
"You think I like you?" A blatant lie escaped your lips, making Minho's land on top of them. His kissed were always sweet, akin to something a bride would receive on her special day, but you never questioned it. He could have kissed you rough, aggressive, like the people in those porn videos do, but he never did.
He leaned in once more, this time, pressing a chaste kiss to your jaw, effectively silencing you. You tilted your head back, giving him better access to the crook of your neck. You sucked in a shaky breath as you felt the points of his teeth grazing feather light across the sensitive skin, goosebumps erupting on your skin and heat settling in your lower stomach. You could practically feel him smile against you at your reaction, always proud to make you putty between his hands.
"You're such a pathetic slut for me aren't you kitten?"
You threw him a half-hearted glare, not trusting your voice to deliver a retort in case it proved the point he was already trying to make. Instead, you pulled his face towards your own, locking him into a passionate kiss. You earned a particularly delicious groan as you gently dragged your tongue along his lower lip, silently prodding for access.
You whined into the kiss, causing the man to chuckle darkly, “What’s the matter, kitten? Needy are we?” He teased.
Minho's fingers went between you legs and he began rapidly playing with your clit. You moaned his name is cries loud enough for the neighbours to question.
"Oh?" Minho raised a brow at your actions, "You can't keep quiet for me can you kitten?"
Minho's finger flicked out against your clit, making you yelp and squeeze your thighs against his legs. Your grip on his curls tightened and you used them to try and pull him closer to your cunt. This time he ran his finger up to your clit and then back down and into you. You moaned, rocking your hips into his. Minho laughed, digging his hands into your hips, uncaring if he broke skin.
“More,” you moaned, wiggling your hips uselessly.
"Don't worry darling we'll get there." Minho chuckled, amused at how much you craved his touch.
The pace of his fingers fastened, as his middle finger drove across your clit, repeatedly assaulting the place Minho knew drove you crazy.
"Min- Min ah fuck!" A string of broken moans escaped your lips, as you felt the knot in your stomach tightening. Your mind has forgotten all about the fact that you were mad at him, your attention now only on the way his fingers fit inside your pussy, like a glove.
The knot in your stomach tightened quickly, making your hips jerk erratically against Minho's hand. Your breathing was heavy as choked sounds escaped your lips.
"You're so adorable kitten you know that?" Minho pressed a kiss onto your chest, "Always such a good whore for me."
When an answer didn't come from your mouth, Minho leaned down to you, his erection pressing against your pussy, making you whimper.
"Do you need me that bad kitten?" He growled into your ear.
"Say it, say you need me."
The pressure on your pussy was too much for you. You had the urge to refuse him, to tell him to just pick himself up and fuck off. But your mind was currently being controlled by your pussy.
"I need you.." you let out a low mumble
"Couldn't hear you kitten." Minho made his way to get up, making your hands fly to his collar and pull him back
"Yes- fuck I need you Min!"
"Then have me." He answered simply.
You hurried to undo his belt as he was fondling your breasts while placing kisses along your collar bones. He lifted his hips just enough for you to pull his pants down. He took a nipple into his mouth as you palmed his bulge through his boxers.
You freed his rock hard erection from his boxers and stroked it a few times. Minho let out a soft moan at the pleasurable feeling.
Minho settles between your legs again, sliding his hands under your thighs to gently manipulate you upwards. His bare cock slides through your slick folds, the head catching on your clit and making you groan in unrestrained want. You reach out to grab his body, dizzy with desire, dragging your hand down his abdomen to angle his cock right towards your aching hole. 
“ah-ah Minho....” You lift your hips and slowly begin to sink down on his cock. His fingers dig into your skin, you place your hands on his chest.
You start to rock back and forth and up and down, just the way you know drives Minho mad. He doesn’t bother to hold back from moaning his approval. You lean down after a few minutes, so your lips are almost touching his ear, and with each movement of your hips, you say his name like a prayer.
“You’re all nice and wet for me huh sweetheart? You treat me so well” Minho hummed as he ran his cock through your folds. You nodded dumbly, your eyes trained on his cock as he teased you with a dumb smile on his face.
“Please Minho-” you whined as he watched in amusement. He hushed you as he pushed into you slowly, a heavy moan leaving his lips as he bit his lower lip. He furrowed his eyebrows as he felt you clench around him but before you could tell him how good he felt, Minho began to pound you into the couch.
You moaned at his heavy slams, each of them knocking the wind out of you as he bullied your cunt. Animalistic moans filled your ears as Minho rambled to himself.
“Why’d you have to feel so fucking good, huh? Makin’ me feel like wanting to be your boyfriend?” Minho groans. His hips drive into yours sharply, the tip of his cock hitting your g-spot with each move. He finds a rhythm with ease, sinking deep into you with each stroke of his body. 
"Min ahh-ahh fuck-fuck fuck!,” you babble, unable to string together a coherent sentence as your body takes it all in — the heat and pressure of his body on yours, his hands roaming up your body, the feeling of him inside you, so deep that your pelvis is flush against his. You can feel your slick dripping to your inner thighs, to his balls, making a mess of it all. Worth it.
Minho could see it on your face, you were close. He was already learning what each scrunch of your eyebrow and the pitch of your moans meant. “you're mine and mine only got it kitten?” he huffed, "No one else gets this."
You clench around him as you feel yourself near your climax, and Minho groans, but his rhythm remains unfaltering, relentless in his pursuit of pleasure— both yours and his. He thumbs at your clit, pushing you over the edge as an orgasm spreads across your body.
"Minho 'm cumming!" You scream.
"That's it, cum for me baby, cum all over my cock." Minho groans in response. God, he really did love you.
Pulsing warmth spreads from your cunt, drowning you in waves of pleasure as your vision whites out at the edges.
You couldn’t help but let out a deep sigh as Minho plopped down next to you. Once again you were buried in his arms, both of you a mess as he ran a hand down your shoulder.
"Were- were you really jealous of Hyunjin?" You asked him, a cheeky smile decorating your face.
Minho stayed silent for a minute before answering. "It's childish of me, but yeah I-I was."
Silence filled the room, as you relaxed into Minho's hold and he did the same thing, neither of you willing to say anything.
"Baby?" Minho spoke up at last, to which you hummed in response.
"I really do love you you know that right?"
His words brought shock to your mind, but you simultaneously felt a wave of relief wash over you.
"I love you too Min."
"A date tomorrow then?"
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Hard to say- pt. 3
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overview- you and the sturniolo’s have been best friends since you remember, but you’ve always had a thing for Matt. When a new girl, Abby, moves into town, things between you and Matt change.
warnings- crying and a little angst.
pt.2 pt.4
it’s been about a month since Abby came to the school. Somehow her and Matt have become closer.
thankfully Chris had been there to comfort you. He would say ‘he’ll come to his senses eventually,’ or ‘he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.’
but did he really?
Like, Abby was looked like a goddess in human form. You couldn’t blame Matt if he did like her.
still, the thought of the two of them together made your stomach clench.
You were at the triplets house right now. You and Chris were supposed to have a ‘study session.’
you knocked on the door and Matt answered. “Oh hey y/n.”
“hey,” you said. “Is Chris home?”
Matt tensed a bit at Chris’s name but you didn’t notice. “Yeah he is. Come in.”
“Chris y/n is here!” Matt yelled. You sat on the couch. “Why don’t we study together anymore?” He asked.
You shrugged. “These days you’re always with Abby. Whenever we make plans you always just blow me off.”
Matt felt bad after hearing this. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. You shrugged again. “I’ve gotten used to it.”
“So… you’ve been hanging out with Chris a lot lately.” You smiled at his name.
“I mean yeah. He is one of my best friends after all.” Matt’s heart sank a little. Did you even still consider him as a close friend anymore?
“Hey y/n/n!” You looked up to see Chris grinning at you. “Hey Chris. You ready?” “Yeah let’s go to my room.”
you got up. “Nice talking to you Matt.”
you sighed as you entered Chris’s room. “I’m not sure if I can do this anymore Chris. At this point he doesn’t even know he’s avoiding me. It’s like Abby has him on an invisible chokehold.”
Chris gave you a sad look. “I’m sorry y/n. I wish he would open his eyes and see the amazing person you are.”
you sighed and shrugged. “There not much that can be done now. Now, where is your science notebook?”
when you got back to your apartment, you saw your mom sleeping on the couch.
after your dad died, she had made sure to work extra hard to provide for both of you. She was your true best friend.
she would always listen to your problems and help you solve them. She deserved a break.
you kissed her forehead and walked to your room.
when you walked into English the next day, you already saw Matt and Abby laughing about something.
you decided to expand your social boundaries and sit with someone new today.
you scanned the classroom until your eyes landed on a boy looking at his computer with an EarPod in.
you walked over to the desk and sat down next to him. He glanced up at you, a little confused.
“um, I’m just gonna sit here today. Is that okay?” You asked. “He just shrugged. “Do want you want, I don’t care.” He went back to watching his screen.
you couldn’t help but look at it. “Are you watching bridgerton? I love that show.”
He looked up at you and smiled. “Really? I just started watching it recently.”
“oh,” you said. “What season are you on?” “Season one. Episode 4 to be exact.”
“oooh. You have a long way to go.” He chuckled in response. “Y’know, I haven’t seen that many guys watch bridgerton.”
he shrugged. “I don’t know. I like it.” You laughed. “What’s your name?” “Logan. Yours?” “Y/n.” “Y/n..” he repeated. “I like that name.”
you and Logan continued to laugh the rest of class period, gaining attention from Matt. He felt jealously bubble in his stomach.
You didn’t laugh that way around him anymore.
he shook the thought from his head. Why was he thinking about you so much all of a sudden?
“I feel like we have other classes together,” Logan said. “Yeah me too.. I think we have this class, history and science together?”
“yeah that’s it.” The bell rang. “I’ll see in our other classes, yeah?” You smiled at him. “Yeah.”
in Math, you were sitting with ally. Abby and Matt were sitting at another table.
“Matt, I have something to tell you,” Abby said. “What?” He asked curiously.
“it’s about y/n.”
his eyes widened slightly. “What is it.” She hesitated a little before speaking. “I’ve heard her talking to a guy in the hallway the other day… apparently she pays guys for sex.”
Matt’s eyes widened. “W-what?” “It’s true,” she continued. “That day she was practically begging the guy to fuck her. Apparently she’s done it with a lot of guys in this grade.”
Matt was still in shock. Y/n wouldn’t do that. Would she? “I mean, she has been acting kind of distant lately..” he trailed off.
Abby shrugged and glanced at you. “I just wanted you to know.”
“hey guys,” you said as you approached your usual lunch table. You were met with hi’s and waves.
you sat down across from Matt. “Hey Matt did you get the notes in math?”
he didn’t even look up to acknowledge you. “Matt?”
“what,” he snapped. The blinked at him. “Are you okay?”
he huffed. “Can we talk in private please?” “Okay…” you said a little unsure.
you followed him into an empty hallway.
“Matt what’s wrong?”
he sighed and shook his head. “Abby told me that you pay guys for sex. How long y/n? How long have you been doing this?”
your eyes widened. “I would never do that Matt! You should know this.”
“Should I?” He asked. “It makes sense- you have been pretty distant lately.”
you laughed in shock. “I’ve been distant? You’re the one who spends every second of your time with Abby.”
Matt just rolled his eyes. “You know that I’ll only have sex with the person i love. I’ve told you this!”
Matt just scoffed. “are you saying that Abby is lying?” “Yes I’m saying that. Who are you gonna believe? Someone you’ve known all your life or some girl you meant less than 2 months?”
Matt paused for a second. He had only known Abby for a short while, but he should believe her, right?
“I don’t think we should be friends anymore y/n.”
that was enough to crack your heart. Tears started rolling down your cheeks before you could even comprehend it.
Matt looked hurt for a second, but he just walked away from you, leaving you to slide down the wall, holding in your sobs.
the rest of the day was blur.
when you got back to your apartment, your mom was on the couch watching something.
“Hey sweetie!” she said. “How was your day?”
that was enough for you to start crying again. A look of concern washed over her face as she got up and hugged you.
She led you to the couch where you cried on her should. “Don’t cry sweetie.” She hushed you and patted your hair.
she waited for you to calm down a bit before talking. “Let me guess- it has something to do with Matt and Abby?”
you sniffed and nodded your head. She cursed under her breath.
“that bitch,” she mumbled. “Mom!” You laughed. “Don’t tell her I said that. Anyways, wanna tell me what happened?”
you sighed. “Abby made some rumor about me and she told Matt. Apparently he’d rather believe her than someone he’s known his whole life.” Your mom frowned.
“listen y/n. If he can’t see the amazing person in front of him then he’s not worth it. Trust me, he’s going to see it one day.”
“thanks mom,” you said. She kissed your forehead. “Any day. Anyways, legally blonde and popcorn?”
you grinned. “Always.”
tags- v4mp1r3c4t sturniololvrrr sturnssan blahbel668 arleanka futuristicladywonderland iloveneilperry sturnstvr jetaimevous britishamerican11 alicejwebster sturnsforlife ldrloverrrrrr
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
— “ me? jealous? of course I am…”
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☀︎- pairing: Professor Eris x reader, part 2
☀︎- summary: Your secret relationship with Eris is going excellent, until Professor Jensen steps in and tries to flirt with him. Of course, you go ahead and flirt with your classmate as revenge. What do you do when you’re then caught by the same professor as youre bent over Eris’s desk, getting railed?
☀︎- warnings: smut, jealousy on both sides, getting caught, reader being called whore, public sex, PROTECTIVE READER, professor Rhysand is mentioned👀, Feyre being an amazing friend that helps reader scheme, blackmail, Eris realizing he is in love with reader, fluff, taboo relationships, both are obviously old enough.
☀︎- amara’s note: I loved writing this, reader is literally so hot in this omg, also this isn’t my best work but i really liked it anyways!! if u see any typos, your eyes are deceiving you🤷🏽‍♀️
Part 1
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Black miniskirt with a white top or the beige pants with a knit sweater?
Surrounded by clothes, scattered across your dorm, you found yourself stuck between two outfit choices. Both looked good, but as you considered where you'd be wearing them, a mischievous smile crossed your face. Opting for an even shorter skirt, you couldn't help but anticipate the classes ahead.
After the confrontation with Professor Eris, you began meeting in secret, kissing between classes, fucking in locked closets, having lowkey meetings at his house. You exchanged numbers and found yourselves frequently texting too.
Well, sext is more like it.
The exchange of messages, if discovered, held the potential to lead to catastrophic consequences. The risk heightened the thrill and danger of the secret relationship, creating a clandestine affair between you.
There had been nudes and videos, audios and links. There had been some blush inducing texting, his words always sparking something in you. Eris was a true charmer, skillfully making you feel exactly what he wrote with a magnetic touch in his messages.
Dressing swiftly and slipping on your shoes, you and Feyre head to class. The only class you shared alone with him was Advanced Literature, but you also had Philosophy together, with Feyre joining in as well.
“You're glowing, Y/N. Any particular reason?” you heard the playful tone in her voice, suspecting that she must have some inkling about someone special in your life.
Shit, you had to be more careful. Feyre was vicious when it came to solving things, and she was one of the most intelligent people you knew. If you told her about Eris, you knew she'd keep it a secret, especially since she always raved about Professor Rhysand in International Relations. She might be a little weirded out, but she wouldn't judge.
“Okay, fine, I'm seeing someone, but you can't tell anyone, promise me. He's very, um, shy and he doesn't like to be around people. Maybe I'll introduce you guys to him sometime in the future, but it's still so new,” you confessed with a half truth, hoping Feyre didn’t see through your bullshit.
Feyre looked at you curiously from the side of her eye and nodded, promising that she'd never tell anyone.
“Is he at least good to you? I mean, he must be. I've never seen you like this before. You're happier than ever. Just please tell me it's not Ilias. He doesn't deserve you, and he never will,” she expressed, concern and sincerity in her voice as she grabbed your hand.
Squeezing her hand back, you assured her that it was over between you and your ex for good this time.
“I promise, Fey. It's over with him. I actually can't believe I went back to him so many times. I literally saw him yesterday in the cafeteria, and I nearly threw up; he was icking me out. Let’s just say that the guy I'm seeing is a bit older, he's really hot, and he makes me feel super good, if you know what I mean.”
You wiggled your brows, and Feyre threw her head back, laughing at your suggestiveness. You kept holding each other's hands until you got to class, finding comfort in your friend.
You insisted on sitting at the front, ensuring a clear view of your little secret. The desks were the perfect height, and when he sat at his own desk, he'd have an unobstructed view of your skirt. Just the thought pulled a sly smile from your lips.
The big doors opened up with a thud, and his steps resonated throughout the entire lecture hall. You looked at him and immediately had to look away before a blush crept up on your face. Eris was wearing black, sleek slacks that hugged his thighs and a crisp white shirt, showing his bulging arms. His shoulders looked so fucking massive,he looked so good it nearly made you drool.
He sneaked a glance in your direction before his eyes dropped to your skirt. He huffed a small, subtle smile and looked away.
Every time your eyes met, your stomach turned molten, and your thighs clenched. One look from him, and you'd honestly do anything he wanted. Throughout the entire class, you simply scribbled, pretending to hear a word he said. It felt like your whole body vibrated everytime he asked you a question, finding reasons to keep eye contact without anyone raising any alarms.
However, your little dreamy bubble was burst when another professor came in, her heels clicking against the floor in an uneven manner.
Your stomach sank as she got closer and closer to Eris. Your pen eventually snapped from the force of your grip when she put her grubby little fingers all over his arm, fluttering her eyelashes at him as she smiled and pressed her boobs against him.
But what really pissed you off was that he smiled at her.
It felt like someone was sitting on your chest, making your teeth clench. You were seething inside, angry that someone dared to touch him like this. Even though you had been sneaking around for just over two months, you had grown a bit possessive over him and really didn’t like it when other people got so close.
A pout crept onto your face as you looked around, noticing that no one paid much attention to them. Your fellow classmates took the opportunity to chat, oblivious to the storm brewing within you.
Feyre couldn't help but notice the visible change in your demeanor as your eyes burred into Eris.
The pout on your face, the tension in your shoulders – it all screamed discomfort. With a keen eye, she observed the unwarranted familiarity of the other woman's touch on Eris's arm.
Feyre raised an eyebrow and nudged you gently with an amused smile.
“What's going on, Y/N? You look like you're ready to kill someone.”
Your eyes flickered between Feyre and the scene with Eris, frustration evident in your expression. “That professor is all over him, Fey. It's making my blood boil. I mean, we’re in the middle of class, how unprofessional and disgusting to be flirting with him. And who knows, maybe he has a girl or a wife or something. She shouldn’t just do that.”
Having had enough of the scene in front of you, you stood up abruptly, grabbing your bag with frustration evident in your movements. As you left the classroom, you didn’t spare Eris a single look as you felt his eyes burning into yhe back of your head. Glancing back at Feyre, you cocked your head toward the door, silently asking if she was coming. She swiftly gathered her things, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and skipped over to join you in exiting the classroom.
Feyre smirked knowingly before whispering, “So, you fucking the professor or what?”
Your cheeks heated up, and you stammered, “Well, it's new, and I didn't want to say anything yet, but yeah. And before you ask, no it’s not for the grade. I really like him and he likes me back. We just have to keep it under wraps at school but we’re not using each other. And how the hell did you know, am I really that obvious?”
Feyre chuckled. “Baby, it's written all over your face. Don't worry; your secret is safe with me. Now, how are we going to handle this?”
Together, you and Feyre plotted a subtle yet effective way to make him jealous. Little did you know, your friend was excited to have some drama to navigate, especially involving a professor.
Your phone vibrated for the millionth time in the past days. Eris had been persistent, trying to reach out through calls and texts, but you'd been deliberately ignoring him all week. Regret gnawed at you, and anger surged as you recalled how he allowed that girl to touch him so publicly. Hurt and frustration clouded your thoughts, envisioning what could have happened if they were alone.
A sense of unease crept in, wondering if he grew tired of the secrecy and sought someone more mature and available—someone who wouldn't risk landing him in legal trouble. The uncertainty lingered, leaving you with a mixture of emotions.
Maybe you were a bit dramatic for completely ignoring him, but who cares?
You swallowed hard and got dressed, opting for the same skirt you had on the last time. Today, you had a plan—a little revenge against Eris. Your strategy involved flirting with a classmate, and you knew just the person: Ilias's best friend, Alex, who always used to check you out when you were dating Ilias. It seemed like the perfect opportunity.
Entering the hall, you slumped down next to him, subtly rearranging your hair and adjusting your bra, making yourself look absolutely irresistible. The game was on, and you were ready to see how Eris would react to a taste of his own medicine.
He was already there, eyes tracking and narrowing when you slumped down next to Alex.
“Hi Alex, how are you doing?” you asked, tilting your body so that he’d have a nice view of your pushed up tits.
His face turned red and he gave you a shy smile.
“Hey, y/n. I’m good, a bit surprised you’re talking to me.”
Yeah, you were really fucking surprised too.
You sighed dramatically. “ Ugh, I totally understand. I mean, I really wanted to befriend you back then, but you know how Ilias is. Always so possessive. Guess he was really threatened by you. He always thought I'd leave him for you, and if I'm honest, I probably would've. You're really cute.”
Your words hung in the air, leaving a calculated impression as you watched his reaction, wondering how this little act would play into your plan.
His eyes widened in surprise, and a subtle grin formed on his face. “Ilias always had a way of complicating things, huh? Well, I'm flattered, hot stuff. I hope you're doing okay now.”
You leaned in, lowering your voice as you let your breast spill out slightly, knowing that Eris was watching your every move.
“Oh, I'm doing much better now. Free from all that drama. Maybe we should grab a coffee sometime and catch up. You know, properly.”
He chuckled, a hint of mischief in his expression. “Sure, sounds like a plan. I'd love to hear more about your new freedom.”
You blew him a kiss before you left him with a seductive smile, the plan unfolded just as you'd hoped. Now, you anticipated Eris's reaction, eager to see how he'd handle the tables turning.
Eris was visibly fuming, shooting Alex murderous glares. Throughout the entire lecture, he directed almost every question to him, knowing damn well that he wouldn't be able to answer them.
“That's the fourth question you've gotten wrong, Mr. Halsted. Are you sure this is the right class for you? Regular Lit with Professor Lunden is on Wednesdays; maybe you've gotten them mixed up,” Eris remarked, his tone laced with thinly veiled hostility. The tension in the room escalated as your revenge plan unfolded.
A small pang of guilt tugged at you as you watched Eris target Alex with relentless questioning. However, any sympathy you might have felt was swiftly replaced by the memory of Alex covering up your ex's cheating. In that moment, you couldn't bring yourself to feel sorry for him, and a sense of satisfaction lingered as the tables turned in your little revenge plot.
As the class finished, Eris dismissed everyone except for you. The lingering tension in the room was palpable as your fellow classmates exited, leaving you alone with Eris. The air crackled with anticipation, and you braced yourself for whatever confrontation was about to unfold.
“I've been trying to reach you for days. Why haven't you been answering me?” Eris questioned, frustration evident in his voice.
You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You did? Must've missed it. And besides, aren't you too busy with that professor? What the hell do you need me for?” Your tone held a mix of nonchalance and defiance, ready to confront whatever explanation he might offer.
“If you're talking about Professor Jensen, then you have it all wrong. I don't have anything going on with her. Unless you’ve forgotten, I'm yours. And you're mine, so just what the hell are you doing asking Alex out for coffee?” Eris's words were a mixture of frustration and confusion as he sought an explanation from you. The tension in the air hung thick, awaiting your response.
Oh. Fuck.
A realization hit you like a ton of bricks. You had let jealousy take over, assuming the worst about Eris without even giving him a chance to explain. Your fear of being played again had clouded your judgment, and now you found yourself in a mess of your own making.
“Really? I thought you were sleeping with her or something. I'm so sorry for not letting you explain. I have some trust issues I need to work on. But why was she so close?” Your admission carried a mixture of relief and remorse as you acknowledged your mistake.
Eris eyes softened as he stepped closer, bringing you into a hug while he stroke your hair lovingly.
“She was close because wants me to go on a date with her. I've let her know I'm unavailable several times, but she doesn't seem to understand. Professor Jensen is married as well, and if I told the dean, he'd tell her husband since they're good friends. The only reason she hasn't tried anything further than to touch me is because I keep threatening her to tell the dean,” Eris explained, his words carrying a mixture of frustration and determination. It was clear he had been dealing with an unwelcome situation, trying to maintain boundaries despite the persistence of Professor Jensen.
Your jaw clenched at the thought of her going after him despite his boundaries. You wrapped your arms around him, silently promising to take care of her.
No one would be making him uncomfortable ever again with you around.
A brilliant idea sparked in your mind. You had overheard that Professor Jensen was coming here between classes, presenting the perfect opportunity to assert your claim on Eris and make it clear who he truly belonged to. Hoping she'd understand and leave your man the fuck alone, you started mentally preparing yourself.
“Let me show you how sorry I am, Er,” you whispered, standing on your tiptoes to kiss him briefly before pulling away. You took charge, grabbing his hand and leading him back to his chair by the desk as you made him sit down in front of you.
Standing between his thighs, you leaned forward, placing kisses on his lips, cheek, jaw, and neck. Your lips traveling over his hot skin. You had noticed how incredibly warm Eris was, it was like his skin was like a furnace.
As you contemplated your next move, the realization of your plan sank in.
You were about to fuck your professor, infront of another professor in an unlocked lecture room.
Anyone could walked in.
Suppose you just had to work quickly then.
Your eyes were on his as you bent forward, hooked your finger around your panties and slid them down your legs. You slowly stripped your shirt off, leaving you naked except for your thigh-high stockings, mini skirt, and bra.
A bit slutty for class, you’ll admit.
But whatever you looked good.
Eris's gaze dropped to your body, his hands forming a circle, signaling for you to spin around and show yourself. Giggling, you spun as you showed him your body, lifting your skirt up a bit before getting closer and plopping down in his lap. Eris’s hands automatically came around your waist, holding you in place as you unbuckled his belt, pulling out his cock.
“You’re so big, Eris. Please can I ride you?”
“What a nasty girl. Sitting in her professors lap, begging for cock. You know what were doing is wrong, yet you’re here, dripping wet, grinding all over me.” His teasing tone made your nipples tighten and stiffen, making you whimper in pleasure.
Before you could respond he lifts you up, flipping you around as he bends you over his desk. You gasp, letting out a noise of surprise at the sudden change. His presence warmed your nude back as he carefully slid into you, making your eyes roll back in pleasure as you let out a moan.
He’s so fucking big and every drag against your sensitive walls made you lose your mind. You’d never been fucked this good, ever.
“ Is this what you wanted? Getting fucked in the middle of class? The doors aren’t even locked, sweetheart, anyone could walk in and see how much of a slut you are,” he gritted out between thrusts.
And as if the universe was working with you, the doors opened and professor Jensen walked in.
She looked horrified and let out a yelp.
“What is going on here?” she yelled at you, stepping closer.
You just smirked around her, fucking yourself back at Eris who had completely stopped.
“What does it look like professor? I’m getting fucked by my man.” you emphasized the last part, staring into her eyes as your hands possessivly grabbed his arms on either side of you as you stood straighter.
She scoffed, looking smug as she approached you. “You disgusting whore, you probably did this for a grade. Poor Eris got played by someone whose only interest is a boost in their academic career. Just wait until I tell the Dean.”
You felt Eris tense at her disgusting words towards you, but before he could snap at her, you started laughing.
“Poor Eris knows I’ve been a straight-A student since his father was teaching the course. Poor Eris fucks me because he wants to. And no, you won’t go to the Dean.”
She narrowed her eyes at you, smirking.
“Oh, really? And why is that?”
It was your turn to smile as you played your trump card.
“Because the second you step out of this lecture hall, I’ll send your husband the videos of you flirting with what’s mine. Yeah, I heard your husband pays for your lavish little lifestyle, and that he’s super big on monogamy, something you’re not apparently. So, you won’t tell anyone about us unless you’re ready to lose your lifestyle.”
Professor Jensen's expression shifted from smug to shocked as your words hit her. She stammered, clearly caught off guard by your unexpected revelation.
“You can't... you don't have any proof!” she protested weakly.
You raised an eyebrow, a sly grin playing on your lips. “Oh, don't I? You see, I've got quite the collection of evidence, not just a video. Texts, emails, photos—enough to make your husband divorce your old ass in a heartbeat.”
Eris watched the scene unfold, a mixture of surprise and amusement on his face.
“Now,” you continued, “we can all go on with our lives. You won't bother us, and I won't ruin yours. Agreed?”
She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly nodding, defeated by the leverage you held. You smirked, satisfied with the turn of events.
“Oh, and if I hear a whisper of you pursuing Eris ever again, your excuses won't matter—I'll make sure to ruin your life.”
As she hurriedly left the lecture hall, Eris turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“My, look who has got a knack for theatrics. You don’t actually have any evidence do you, love?”
You smile at him, shaking your head and gasp delighted as he continues fucking you.
“N-no, it was just a bit of intimidation, oh f-fuck, h-harder please.”
Warmth spread through your body as he kissed your neck and check, whispering praises and thanks.
“Thank you, sweet one, you’re such a perfect girl. So good for me.”
He kept pounding harder and harder, pulling you in by your neck as you were held flush against his chest, hands lightly squeezing your throat as your eyes crossed at the lightheadedness.
His dirty words, whispered in your ears made you tighten around him impossibly, and it sure as fuck didn’t help when he angled his hips, hitting that spot that made you cum with just a few strokes as he rubbed your clit, sucking on your neck.
It was all too much and you were starting to get overstimulated, but you still wanted him to cum so you grabbed his fingers and sucked on them as they hit the back of your throat nearly making you gag.
Finally you felt a warmth filling you up as he slowed down, groaning as his hands tightened around your throat.
You both sank into the chair, catching your breath. The air was thick with lingering desire, and a serene haze enveloped your mind, leaving only the soft hum of satisfaction. Eris knew you had reached that fuzzy state where you wanted to be cared for, not being able to make any decisions about anything as you floated in your mind. Glancing at the clock he realized that this classroom would be filled with 200 students in about 10 minutes so he reluctantly pulled out and began dressing you both.
“I’m canceling my last class, sweetheart. Let's head to my place, order some food, and just relax,” he whispered, sealing his words with a kiss. Even if the details blurred in your mind, you held onto him, your trust unwavering.
Eris faced an unexpected challenge; your legs gave out, complicating the journey to the secret alleyway where he usually picked you up.
With gentle care, Eris scooped you up bridal style, hoping the alley would be empty today. Skillfully using back entrances and listening for any signs of intrusion, he made his way to his car. As he approached, he checked for any onlookers before settling you gently in the front seat, which he had reclined for your comfort, its tinted windows offering privacy.
Arriving home, Eris couldn't help but steal glances at you as you peacefully slept in the passenger seat. He marveled at your beauty, cherishing the simple joy of having you close.
You stirred, adjusting to find a more comfortable position. Eris gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, captivated by your peaceful beauty.
“Mm, thanks for taking care of me, baby. I love you.”
Hearing those unexpected words, Eris froze. He had known it all along, the feelings growing within him. Yet, he wondered if you were merely tired, your words slipping out without realizing what you were saying.
In the warmth of the moment, his heart fluttering and butterflies dancing in his stomach, he lifted you up, carrying you into his bedroom. There he laid next to you , nerves nearly making him want to throw up as he whispered back the words he had never heard or spoken before,
“I love you too.”
Upon hearing those words, you pulled him closer, resting your head on his chest and placing gentle kisses where his heart beat. Intertwined, you both repeated those three words, reassuring each other that this love would endure forever.
Eris had no doubt in mind, you loved him as he loved you. It was a gentle reminder for someone who hadn’t experienced love before.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 7 months
Day 31: halloween costumes
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
First I want to thank all the people who followed this during the month, I honestly never thought I would be able to join this kind of events, and I am very happy with the reception that each work received, you are incredible and made my days the best! I Hope this last one is to your liking, I send you a hug wherever you are
Deciding on an individual costume is already difficult, so you weren't surprised when you realized that a couple costume involved a bigger concern.
Halloween had finally arrived and you had practically begged Spencer to find a couple's costume for the party the FBI was hosting, something not really official, but with most of the agents, at the bar your friend David Rossi had chosen.
“Any suggestions for our outfit?” you had asked the man, once you convinced him to match his costume with yours.
Spencer thought about it for a while and although many of the options he gave you sounded excellent, there was the detail of the short time you had to get things or the disadvantage that few people would be able to recognize the theme of your costume.
“It has to be something practical and known,” you had murmured, when both of you were sitting on the couch at dinner time and a children's channel filled the void in the room.
Until, watching TV, you finally figured it out: you had the perfect option right in front of your eyes and you never saw it.
So it was that on the night of the 31st, quite happy and satisfied with the choice you made, you drove to the place and let him behave like a gentleman by opening the car door for you.
“Are you sure I look good?”
“You've never looked more handsome” you smiled at him, trying to calm his anxiety, while both of you walked hand in hand towards the entrance.
You didn't have to wait long to see your friends and, as you expected, they were comically surprised at you.
“No way…” Morgan had laughed, looking at you up and down. “Pretty boy in bell-bottoms? Now that's something I didn't think I'd see."
Shaggy and Velma from Scooby Doo. That was you two.
It was true that Spencer was wearing brown bell-bottom pants that you had gotten at a thrift store. You also searched your closet and luckily found a v-neck shirt in the perfect color. Unfortunately, your boyfriend had recently cut his hair and you wished you had thought about the costume more in advance so he could show off his long locks just like the animated character.
You had bought a few things from your all-orange outfit, but the bonus with you was that you could wear them later. When Spencer saw you, he was stunned and didn't waste the opportunity to compliment you extensively.
“What can we tell you? They solve mysteries and catch monsters, it's almost like our job”
"How nice!" murmured JJ, who had just arrived accompanied by her husband Will. Both of them were dressed as vampires “I loved Scooby Doo when I was a kid. My favorite was always Daphne.”
“I don't know why that doesn't surprise me,” joked Emily, who was dressed as the bride of Frankenstein's monster and drank from a glass with an unknown concoction.
“You should have told us and we could have done a group costume,” she smiled, while she looked at Will, hinting that they could have been the other couple on the show.
"Clear. You Daphne, him Fred and Morgan would have been the dog”
A collective laugh filled the place where even Derek, the affected one, smiled while he pointed a finger at you.
“Guess who was my favorite,” you murmured, a little more to your boyfriend than the others.
“Huh, Velma?”
“It was Shaggy!” you replied amused, while you took his arm to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“Reid looks a little like Velma if you think about it. You know, with all those facts and statistics and they're the damn nerd of the group”
Spencer blushed slightly at the comparison and didn't think of anything clever to answer because, sadly, Morgan was right this time.
You complimented the others' costumes and everyone agreed that you were looking forward to seeing Penelope Garcia and her extravagant clothes, since she hadn’t yet honored you with her presence. After that the group started talking about something else and soon the two of you were no longer the center of attention, allowing you to take the man's hand and sneak over to the drinks bar to look for something to cool your throat with. 
“Does this have alcohol?” your boyfriend asked the bartender over the noise of the music, making you laugh lightly. When he checked that the drink was safe, he took one and made sure to order your favorite cocktail afterwards.
“If you think about it a little, we are both more like each other's characters,” you murmured thoughtfully, because what your friend had said seemed to have echoed in your head. “Shaggy was always clumsy and an enthusiastic eater. Like me"
“You're not clumsy.”
"I am. But not in a bad way, not like being an idiot or something, but like something…”
“Cute and adorable?” he completed.
"Exactly. You always know what I'm thinking."
“Despite I agree, I think the costume wouldn't have worked at all that way,” your boyfriend smiled, approaching you to grab your waist. Because of the heels your height was more balanced and he only needed to extend his hands a little to reach your body.
“Don't get me wrong, but I don't think that skirt would have looked good on me at all” you let out a loud laugh at this, realizing what he was referring to “Although you, on the other hand…” while he spoke one of his hands slid down until he slapped your butt, startling you slightly “you look gorgeous in it”
“You have all night to figure out how to take it off,” you said flirtatiously. Now it was Reid who held his breath “I'm wearing something underneath that I make sure matches the rest of the outfit and that I think you'll love”
The wink you gave him was enough to make him nervous and, evidently, excited by the images that his skillful mind was already beginning to generate.
Once you got your cocktail you returned to the hustle and bustle but your velvety voice couldn't leave Spencer's mind, who couldn't wait for the night to end because he was sure that the best candy he would receive this Halloween would be you.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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storieswithvenus · 11 days
THANKING THE STARS - Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Knowing that your husband was sitting in his office filling out more paperwork relating to the case he solved yesterday wasn’t really what you had expected, especially for his day off.
You knew Aaron wanted to spend his day with you and Jack. You know how important it is for him to be running around the house chasing his son while you were in the kitchen finishing off the cookies you were meant to be making for the family picnic later that day, however - you also knew his work was extremely important too. Being unit chief of the BAU was a difficult task which you knew you wouldn’t be able to do (specifically looking at dead bodies most of the time).
Slightly opening the door, looking through so you could have a good view of your husband, his forehead crunched and his bottom lip between his teeth was an extremely sexy sight. Especially seeing him in his loose grey joggers and a simple t-shirt.
“Aaron, are you nearly finished?”, you spoke to the back of him, but as soon as he heard your voice he immediately turned around in his chair to look at his beautiful wife. You could see the defeated look in his eyes as he looks in yours, he was tired, and you knew that. “Sorry sweetheart, I don’t think i’ll be having this finished before we leave for the picnic” his voice soft and slightly cracking as he spoke. This picnic was important for you both, after the two of you had officially put a label on your relationship, he took you on a picnic to meet his son - with every year that passed you repeated this tradition, this was a day for you all to be together and enjoy the memories you reflect on.
Unconsciously, you start to walk towards your husband, stopping when you are between his legs looking down at him. His eyes tell you how sorry he is, the slight frown which was tugging on the corners of his lips another clear indication of his upset. Lowering yourself down onto his lap, your hand lying on his jaw and cheek, slightly rubbing your thumb onto his cheek, an attempt to show him you understand.
“Love, please don’t feel upset over this. You have a very important job to do, we can do this picnic another time, I promise you,” smiling up at your husband before continuing, “You are doing so well”. One thing you know about Aaron is that he is a sucker for praise, whether he admits he likes it or not.
You feel him shift below you, the slight hint of red gathering on his cheeks as he looks at you, his eyes full of love and affection.
“You are one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me,” his hand sliding down to your waist before squeezing you slightly, “I thank every star in the sky for bringing you to me and Jack, for being the best mother you can for him and being the most wonderful wife and best friend to me.”
Leaning down to give him a slight kiss before pulling back and moving my your hand to his hair, if you weren’t smiling before that - you definitely are now.
You catch yourselves staring at each other for a few seconds, but them seconds feel like minutes. The comfortable silence you two find yourself in is all you need. You know everything he said is true, you hear him talking to himself while he is looking out the window in your bedroom - doing exactly what he said, thanking the stars for sending you to him.
No matter what happens, the holidays he might miss, the birthdays, special events - he knows you are always going to be there for him. You even mentioned it in your vows to him on your wedding day, that you will always be on his side and support him endlessly. You are his angel who came from the stars, and he still doesn’t believe he has thanked them as much as he should have for sending his soulmate to him.
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
Secret PT.2
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2009 x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF SYPNOSIS: After Y/N, Tom and Bill go home, Tom has a talk with y/n, about how he acted, why he did and to confess his true feelings. A/N: make sure you read pt1 to know what's going on in this
I smiled back, placing my hand on his, intertwining our fingers. As we got home Bill headed straight to bed, drunk and tired.
Me and Tom just slowly made our way to his bedroom, I sat down on his bed, him hovering over me, cupping my cheeks. "You're so beautiful, so angelic" he smiled, peppering kisses on my cheeks. I chuckled "well before I was ugly to you wasn't I?" he rolled his eyes "you know I didn't mean what I was saying, if I thought you were so ugly why would we be where we are right now" he crossed his arms.
I sighed "i'm joking Tom, come lay down with me" I crawled into the bed, laying on my side, Tom also doing the same thing. He pulled me closer to him, his beautiful brown eyes staring into mine. I admired his features, his beautiful lips, nose, ears, eyebrows and oh my god his jawline. His jawline could make me cum within a matter of seconds.
He held me close, kissing my forehead. "So tell me, why did you change after puberty? We were so close and then you just became a monster" I frowned "I-" he hesitated "I don't know..I guess I realised my feelings for you and was just scared, being 13 and in love with my childhood best friend was terrifying, I just thought acting bitter and distancing myself would just make my feelings vanish" he sighed, stroking my hair softly.
I smiled "that's so cute, it only took, what, 7 years to confess your true feelings?" he chuckled and hit my arm playfully "shut up, don't remind me."
"What made you do what you did tonight? I mean you've kept it up for that long why break now?" I said, curiosity in my tone, "just, the way you were dancing with that guy made me so fucking angry, I wanted so badly for it to be me, I can't stand seeing you with other guys, even when we were younger and I saw you at parties, I would get so angry I would fight literally anyone I saw" he scratched his neck, a little embarassed.
"Really? I wondered why you always got into stupid fights" I giggled and continued "I mean i've always liked you, ever since we were like 5, even when I got boyfriends in the past, which you never approved of, I always just thought of you"
He smiled like an idiot, a huge grin on his face "reallyyyy? So all that protectiveness was for nothing?" he whined jokingly "oh shut up Tom, at least you have me now" I giggled and kissed him.
"But y/n, I do like you, like A LOT, literally ask Bill, he can sit for hours and tell you how I would never shut up about you" him saying that made my heart put back all the broken pieces together. All the years I had been heartbroken from his mean and kniving words were just solved with that sentance.
"I honestly can't imagine myself with anyone else, it's always been you, did you not notice all the girls I'd hook up with would always look very similar to you" I thought about it and realised what he said was true, literally any girl I saw him sneak into his house or run off with at a party looked so similar to me, but it didn't hint anything to me back then, I was very naive.
"What do you even like about me?" I said, his eyes widened as if he was offended. "What do I not like about you? I love every little thing you do, the way you eat, the way you sleep, the way you walk, the way you laugh, the way you talk, everything you do makes me feel butterflies in my stomach, I literally can't stop thinking about you, you're ALWAYS on my mind."
I chuckled "woahh calm down" he smirked and kissed the top of my head "don't even ask that question again, I'll make you sit here for days while I nit pick everything I love about you."
I nuzzled my head into his chest, getting comfortable. My head slightly hurting from all the alcohol I had before. "You wanna go to sleep prinzessin?" he moved my chin to make me look at him, smiling softly. I nodded and pressed my lips against his, burying my head back into his chest as he held me tightly.
"Goodnight baby, I love you" he whispered, kissing my forehead before turning off the lamp on the bedside table. Both of us falling asleep in each others arms.
I felt complete, like the puzzle piece that was missing for my whole life, the one I had been searching for in many people, for ages was finally found. The answer all along was right in front of me.
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hanniebanggi · 1 month
i love you • j.ww
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genre: fluff
not proofread ! this is so rushed, i listened to this song and just decided to write this. it 3 am here btw lol.
stolen stares, stolen glances.
that's what wonwoo and y/n were used to.
or they got used to it.
wonwoo's heart beats so fast as if he is running a thousand miles with every touch of their lips, with every romantic touch, the burning desire for each other.
"won, what are we?"
"what do you mean?"
"you know what i mean." y/n said as they lie down on wonwoo's chest, sitting on a tub full of water and bubbles. both naked and fragile.
"we're friends. you're gyu's sibling. of course we're friends."
y/n sighed as they stood up, leaving the bathtub, covering theirself with a towel and leaving the bathroom.
"really? you're unbelievable."
he wishes. oh, how he wish he could put a name to what the two of you really are.
fuck the bro code.
fuck being a coward.
he loves y/n so much. since he first saw y/n when they moved in front of his home.
he knows he loves y/n. y/n knows that as well. and its just a matter of when he is going to say it.
its been 5 years.
"5 years. five years of sharing kisses, five years of fucking. and dont fucking tell me its all normal because i know its not. im not a kid anymore. say it."
"s-say what?" wonwoo said as he followed y/n.
"be true to youself for once! you've said it to me when you're drunk. why not say it to me now that you're sober?"
tears on the verge of falling, as your hands are clenched on the towel that's covering y/n.
how he hates seeing you cry. but he hates it more when he's the reason of it.
ten seconds became twenty. thirty. a minute. no words came out after that.
wonwoo stuttered, standing in front of them with head hanging low.
"you know what? nevermind. how long do i have to wait? do i always need to beg for you?"
"im sorry."
y/n hit his chest, all the frustration, and the mutual pining that could've solved with just one word.
"i love you."
y/n said.
"that's all i want to hear from you. but it looks like i'm just wasting my time, no?"
"im sorry. im sorry." wonwoo's voice quivered, as if something pulled his heartstrings and completely broke it.
"and im tired. this is the last time im going to see you for this bullshit. i want you. but not like this! i want your love. i want it all. and i know you wanna give it to me but why can't you?"
only sniffles were heard. and footsteps leaving the house.
wonwoo sat on the bed as y/n left. looking at the piece of jacket that was forgotten.
"i love you. i do. im sorry im such a coward. im sorry. i wanna give you everything. i really do. please... please—"
his voice squeaked as he took the jacket and placed it on his lap.
" —come back."
stolen stares, stolen glances.
that's what wonwoo is used to. or he got used to.
as he clapped along the huge crowd. celebrating your engagement with his brother, chan.
as the crowd's cheer died down. wonwoo reached out for the two.
"congratulations." he said as he hugged the two.
"i love you." wonwoo muttered.
"you finally said it—" chan said after wonwoo removed his embrace.
"— for the first time in my life, i heard my brother say i love you to me,this is crazy.'
"thank you, wonwoo." y/n said.
"no problem." he said with a small smile as he looked at them.
'i love you.'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - uhhh... so i lied.
genre: angst
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d4yl1ghts · 2 months
it’s okay
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stefan salvatore x anxious, fem!reader
summary: you open up to stefan about your anxieties
You sighed as you scrolled through your phone, bored out of your mind. Your friends had gone out to the grill for the day but you decided last minute that you didn’t really feel like going. Recently you had just felt so nervous for no reason, you hated it and had no clue why you felt like this. Luckily your boyfriend was so caring that he knew something was wrong and so you heard a knock on your door and saw his beautiful hair through the blurred glass. Your parents were out at the shops with your brother so you were home alone.
Stefan smiled at you gently once you had opened the door. “Hey, how are you?”, he questioned. “Fine, why do you ask?”, you answered, dismissing the question. You knew Stefan would not believe this, he was over a hundred years old, for God’s sake. The thing you loved the most about your boyfriend was how understanding and kind he was in any situation. He would always work out a way to understand your problems and even sometimes help you come up with a solution.
“You and I both know that’s not true.”, he replied. “It was worth a try.”, you rolled your eyes as you sighed. You could never hide anything from him. The two of you made your way up to your bedroom. You sat on your bed as Stefan sat beside you. “So, what’s up?”, he asked casually. He had probably had this conversation about a thousand times due to his age but…
“Promise you won’t laugh.”, you asked with tears in your eyes. He gazed at you with concern but nodded anyway. “I just feel so anxious lately for no reason, I can’t even go to the grill with out getting nervous.”, you confessed. Tears slid down your face, you had never been great at expressing your emotions but Stefan loved all your flaws no matter what and you loved his.
“Why would I ever laugh at that, baby?”, he questioned softly. His thumb wiped away your tears as you continued sniffling. “It’s okay to feel nervous.”
“I know it’s hard to believe but even vampires get nervous sometimes.”, he added. This caused a slight giggle from you and Stefan’s lips turned upward at the sound. “We can work this out together.”
“I always help you solve your problems, baby, and you help me solve mine. We work as a team.”, he pulled your chin up towards him and kissed your lips tenderly. “I will always help you, I will always be here to solve your problems.”
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quin-ns · 2 years
Crushes, Chaos, and Confessions (Steve Harrington x Reader)
Word count: 2.2K
Summary: dustin knows how steve feels about you and he can’t stop himself from spilling his best friend’s biggest secret to you
Tags: ST4 spoilers!!, steve being all sweet, dustin, max, and lucas being chaotic/funny, dustin has a big mouth, humor, fluff, love confessions, kissing, mutually requited love
A/N: my second steve fic! I loved writing him so much the first time I had to do it again <3
cross-posted to ao3 • st masterlist • writing masterlist
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Sitting in the basement of the Wheeler house felt odd. Probably because neither of the Wheeler siblings you knew were there. Still, you had a lot of company.
Max was across the room at a desk, her headphones on as she held a pen in hand. Lucas, Steve, and Dustin—in that order—were sitting on the couch against the wall opposite to Max. And you? You couldn’t sit down. You should’ve gone with Nancy and Robin, but Steve had complained about always having to be the babysitter and convinced you that three was a crowd and to stick with him instead.
It was kind of embarrassing, how easy he could sway you. Steve had quickly become one of your best friends after he began working with you and Robin at Scoops Ahoy. That is, before the mall burned down. However, everything that happened was a very quick and strong bonding experience. Then the three of you migrated together to the video store and spent even more time together. Especially you and Steve. After your shifts or on your days off you were almost always hanging out together.
“Can you sit down?” Dustin’s voice broke through the silence and took you out of your head. “You’re making me dizzy.”
“Leave her alone, dude,” Steve muttered in your defense. “She’s scared.”
“I’m not scared,” you were quick to correct, finally stilling in order to face them. “I’m just… anxious.” It was true, you couldn’t stop thinking about what would happen if Nancy and Robin came back with no answers and Max—who you’d become fond of—was left in danger.
Steve stood from the couch and made his way over to you. He put an arm over your shoulder and pulled you against him at an angle. You allowed yourself to curl into him as he provided you with a comforting embrace.
“When’s the last time you slept?” Steve asked as his other arm came around you, hugging you. His voice was soft but full of concern.
“I don’t remember,” you admitted. After everything that happened it was hard to calm down enough to even close your eyes for more than a few seconds. You felt like you couldn’t sleep until the mystery of Vecna was solved and he was stopped.
If your head wasn’t against Steve’s chest, you would’ve seen Lucas staring at you and Steve while Dustin rolled his eyes. Steve didn’t see at first either, but he sensed the sass radiating off of his young friend. He shot Dustin a glare that translated to ‘keep your mouth shut!’
See, Dustin knew about Steve’s feelings for you. Well, practically everyone who saw the way he interacted with you did, but Dustin was the only one he actually told. He would’ve told Robin but she had already figured it out and he made her swear to forget it. There was only one person who didn’t know how Steve felt about you; you.
Somehow, you were oblivious to it. Even Steve at times was surprised you hadn’t called him out on it. Between the longing stares and constant affection, the way his mood always lit up when you were around and how often he wanted to hang out, he figured he would’ve been caught by now. But you never seemed to notice how he was so much gentler and much more openly caring with you than anyone else.
“Just try to take it easy, okay? Please?” Steve asked softly. “You know I worry about you.”
You lifted your head and met his eyes with a soft smile. “Sometimes I think you worry about me too much,” you teased him lightly.
“Yeah, well, I can’t help it,” he replied with sincerity. A light smile tugged at his lips as he stared down at you. He couldn’t hide the absolute adoration in his eyes as he held your gaze, and it took everything he had to not lean down and kiss you.
The moment was ruined when Dustin decided he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. “If you’re gonna kiss can you not do it in front of us please?” he asked sarcastically. Steve shot him a death glare and you blushed a little bit and stepped back from Steve.
“What the hell, man?” Steve couldn’t contain his annoyance at the younger teen. Looking at Steve you could see he was blushing a tad. You figured it was because Dustin had embarrassed him. It was one thing when you and Steve teased each other about your relationship but hearing it from someone else made it awkward.
You rolled your eyes and brushed off the comment. You thought there was no way it was anything more than a joke so you didn’t let it bother you. “I’m gonna go get a glass of water,” you announced, changing the subject.
“No, you stay here,” Steve decided, already walking to the stairs. “Sit down and relax for a sec. I’ll get it for you.” He gestured to the spot he’d been sitting that was now empty.
“Um, thanks!” You called after him as he ascended to the main house. You turned your attention to Lucas and Dustin, furrowing your brows at the weird expressions on their faces.
You didn’t move to the seat, unable to bring yourself to sit down. “Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked the boys.
“I wasn’t joking, you know. Before. He really does wanna kiss you.” Dustin told you matter of factly.
“What?” you questioned, his comment coming seemingly out of nowhere. You had no idea how long he’d been keeping Steve’s secret and Dustin just couldn’t not say anything now.
“He likes you. It’s, like, disgustingly obvious. I don’t know how you don’t notice,” he stated with plenty of sass in his voice. It was the tone he always used when he knew he was right—which was more often than any one of you wanted to admit.
“Yeah, he’s definitely into you,” Max chimed in, apparently having listened in to the whole interaction. You turned your head to her and saw no hint of sarcasm. “You seem like you like him too,” she added.
You opened your mouth to say something, but Dustin cut you off with more revealing information. “He’s too scared to tell you. He doesn’t want to ruin the friendship, whatever that means.”
“If you like him you should tell him,” Max intervened yet again. “He’d actually be a good boyfriend. He’s like, super romantic with you already. You just don’t notice.” The way she said it had an underlying argumentative tone.
That, of course, sparked Lucas to jump in. “And what? I wasn’t a good boyfriend?”
“You cared more about being popular so what do you think?” Max snarked back with her focus on Lucas.
You didn’t even have the focus to register what they had revealed to you before because the conversation devolved into children (okay, fine, teens) bicker amongst themselves.
“I do care about you!” Lucas defended, yelling slightly in exasperation.
“You did miss Hellfire Club,” Dustin muttered under his breath.
“And you missed my game!” Lucas then turned back to Max. “I do care about you, okay? Plus, Steve was popular in high school and now you’re his number one fan or whatever so how is that different?”
Max scoffed. “What does that have to do with anything?” she questioned. “Besides, I’m not his number one fan- Y/N is!”
“Guys—” you said, trying to get a word in.
“All I said was that they’d make a good couple because he obviously cares about her a lot.”
“Once again—” Lucas tried to argue back, but he got cut off just as you had been. This time, by Dustin.
He shot to his feet. “Hey! Quit it!” he yelled to Max and Lucas, causing them to fall quiet. They seemed startled and honestly you were too. All eyes were on Dustin as he firmly reminded, “this is about Y/N and Steve, not you two.” Dustin then looked at you. “Do you like Steve?” he pushed for an answer, causing you to feel flustered. You felt like a spotlight was on you.
This was not how you expected to admit you had feelings for Steve Harrington…
Then, to make everything even more… you didn’t know the word for it. Weird? It didn’t matter. Point was, Steve appeared all of the sudden and questioned, “I heard my name, what’s going on?”
Well, at least he hadn’t heard everything. “Um,” you didn’t know what to say.
“We told her you love her,” Dustin announced, causing both you and Steve to whip your heads towards him.
“What!?” You and Steve exclaimed in unison. You were both shocked, but in different ways.
“Why would you tell her that!?” Steve demanded an answer from Dustin.
Your eyes found Steve. “You love me?” you asked. He looked down at you, his cheeks flushed and his face still wearing an expression of surprise and confusion.
He swallowed, trying to regain his composure. “I thought he said he told you.”
“He didn’t say love,” you told him. You still couldn’t believe it as you said the words. Steve Harrington loved you… that was a lot to take in.
“Well, he does love you,” Dustin confirmed.
“Be quiet, Henderson!” Steve shouted in frustration at the boy.
“No, I’m tired of you staring at her and always talking about her but doing nothing about it!” Dustin argued, somehow sounding just as frustrated with Steve as Steve was with him.
“I thought you said you didn’t want them to kiss earlier,” Max quipped.
Dustin looked at her and she tilted her head, easing her brows. “They need to kiss and get it over with, just not in front of me,” Dustin clarified.
“Okay!” Steve shouted, holding his hands up, signaling for silence. Then he took a breath before letting out a deep sigh. “Y/N, can I talk to you for a minute?” he addressed you calmly. This wasn’t how he wanted you to find out. Hell, he wasn’t planning on you finding out. But if he did tell you, it would’ve been… well, not like this. Now he had to explain himself and hope you didn’t reject him too harshly.
Given the situation with Max, you figured the both of you leaving the room wasn’t the safest and Steve agreed. You found yourselves sitting on the stairs next to one another. You were towards the middle, still in the eyeline of the other three but (hopefully) out of earshot if you talked quietly.
“Here,” Steve murmured, pushing the glass of water he had been holding into your hand. You dipped it, muttered thanks, then set it aside.
“So…” he started off. Steve wasn’t looking at you, but at his hands as he fiddled with his hands. “Henderson told you everything?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “It was a lot of information all at once,” you recalled through a small chuckle. The chaos that had ensued was admittedly funny in hindsight.
“And what do you think of that information?” he asked cautiously, finally looking up and meeting your eyes. Steve was so anxious and he was sure you could see it. Maybe he’d get some of your sympathy so you would let him down gently.
Instead, you surprised him. “I wish you had told me sooner,” you admitted. You had no excuse not to tell Steve everything now that you knew he felt the same. “I feel the same way.”
Steve’s brows raised slightly and a boyish smile crossed his face. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that,” he replied, a huge weight lifting off of his shoulder. His heart still raced but in a different way now.
“I guess I was better at hiding it than you,” you teased. “I mean, I didn’t know—but they did.” You gestured to the kids with a tilt of your head. “Seems like I need to pay better attention.”
You both laughed at that. “I should’ve just said something. I didn’t want to screw things up,” he confessed. Steve then chuckled to himself. “I can’t believe Henderson told you.”
“I guess he did us a favor, huh?” You suggested.
“You’re welcome!” Dustin called over to you. Great, so they had been eavesdropping. It was naive to believe they were actually minding their own business.
“Hey, Dustin?” Steve spoke up now that he knew he was listening. You threw a glance towards the boy and saw he was looking at you guys now.
Steve smirked to himself before saying, “Close your eyes.”
Dustin furrowed his brows at that, not realizing the callback Steve was making until he leaned in to kiss you.
The kiss was sweet and full of love and god, his lips were so soft. You smiled against him briefly before returning the kiss with just as much passion.
“Oh, come on,” Dustin complained, likely averting his eyes.
“Leave them alone! This is a big moment,” Max defended you and Steve. You couldn’t help but laugh and the two of you pulled apart, both with smiles on your faces.
“I can’t believe the first time I got to kiss you was in front of,”—he gestured to the teens—“them."
"Me neither," you and Dustin replied at the same time.
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thepersonnamedsam · 5 months
he needed more than me - dr3
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x gn!reader
tears over beers - modern baseball
not strong enough - boygenius
iris - goo goo dolls
warnings: s/h, sui$ide, bad mental health
!don’t read if you feel triggered!
word count: 1k
note: don’t ever feel like there’s no one that cares, there’s always someone that does, even if it’s a stranger on the other side of the phone call.
masterlist / taglist
pls, for the love of god, if you ever feel like this is the end, talk to someone
if you are american, you can call/text 988
if you are australien, call 1300 659 467
if you are from the uk, call 0800 689 5652
if you are from the philippines, call 0917-899-8727
if you are german, call 030-44 01 06 07
these are all suicide/crisis hotlines, free and confidential, open 24/7
reach out for help, even if it’s just a friend, you can always talk to me too
He was my one true love, you know? He was my everything. And even though I couldn’t see him as much as I’d liked, or hold him through the night, I still knew, he was the one that I loved and I couldn’t ever let him go.
He was the sunshine in my life, the life I never quiet lived. But he brought out the best in me. The warmth spreading through my body as he smiled at me. Nothing could ever replace that feeling inside my body.
„I love you“, he murmured against my skin. Tattooed hands softly scraping my thighs. Goosebumps arose on my body and I shivered. He quietly chuckled. His laugh warmed my soul. „I love you more.“
And it was true, I loved him more than anyone ever did. My love for him was like warm milk with honey on a cold winter day. My love was all I had for him.
But it was never enough, at least not for me. I can’t speak for Daniel, you know his head, don’t you? Always smiling and never letting his true emotions shine. I just hoped he had some piece of mind with me.
„I’m so proud of you, honey“, I whispered and he squeezed me tighter to his body. He toward over my frame, a small smile playing on his lips. „So, so proud, you don’t understand.“
„I do“, he whispered back, lips against lips. I smelled his perfume on his skin. I felt his beard scratch my cheek. I felt his smile on my lips. I felt everything, his every atom, his every emotion; everything. It all felt too much, but I’d feel hell for him.
„I’d do everything for you“, he told me, softly kissing my lips. His lips tasted of honey, my favourite chapstick, that he stole once again.
„I’d do more for you.“ He never once argued over my statement, because he knew it was true. He’d kill for me, but I’d die for him.
Even when it all became too much, with all the hate and all the emotions involved, I still stayed. Even when I didn’t feel myself, even when I only felt him if I bled. I still stayed.
He was my one true love, and even though I couldn’t see him as much as I’d liked, hold him in my arms all through the night, I still knew he was the one for me.
But I wasn’t strong enough, always an angel, never a god.
The blood always hidden inside my body, his eyes never touching it. He didn’t know, or he didn’t tell me he knew.
Either way, I’d do anything for him, even if it meant, that he needed more than me. I wasn’t strong enough for him.
My skin etched to be bleeding, my thoughts begged to be stilled. He was my one true love, you know. I’d do everything for him.
Like the Goo Goo Dolls said: „Yeah you bleed just to know you’re alive.“
I’d give up forever to touch him, I knew he’d understand and feel me somehow. I knew he’d solve the puzzle and riddle me a new one. I knew he’d understand, even if he didn’t.
You know Daniel, he wouldn’t ever cry, not once did I see him cry in front of anyone but me. He saw me cry thousands of times. Held me close in his arms and whispered sweet nothings into my ears.
„You got this, beautiful, just hold on a little longer. „We’re gonna buy a house outside any civilisation, with a big garden. Vegetables and fruits, so I only have to go into town once a month. It’s gonna be great, I’m gonna put a diamond ring on this finger and we’re gonna hold a small wedding in our backyard. You just have to hold on a little longer, please, just eight minutes until the paramedics arrive“, he begged and begged and begged.
But my body was so tired from all the fighting, from all the hate, from all the pain. Eight minutes was too long. And I knew I hurt my love that day. But I couldn’t stand to live much longer.
Always an angel, never a god.
And when I tell you, that he finally cried in front of other people, my heart skipped a beat for my one true love. He was opening up. That was an other reason why he needed more than me.
To Daniel,
I may not get to see you as often as I’d like.
I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night.
But deep in my heart I know, you’re the one that I love and can’t let go.
Don’t ever hide your emotions. Please Daniel. Don’t ever only be the sunny boy, just once in your life, be the boy crying.
Time, you just need time. You needed more than me, trust me. Because time can be two things;
The healer
The killer
and I’m the latter.
And as Lorelai so beautifully said;
in between
„hello and goodbye“
we loved.
Don’t ever doubt my love for you, as I always said: I’d die for you and I did. I did, because you could’ve never kill someone. You would’ve never lived with the consequences. So I died for you, took my life, so you don’t have to take any others. I took away your decision. I took it away to make your life easier, believe me.
So, stop starring at the ceiling and breath in and out. I’ll always be your angel.
Love you always and forever.
@ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @biglittlesecret , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21 , @youkissedareaderinthedark , @mikauraur , @thybulleric , @lpab , @fdl305 , @mellowarcadefun , @teti-menchon0604 , @vildetry06 , @bibissparkles , @aurora-maria , @lunnnix , @sya-skies , @Buckywifeyy , @dakotali , @rechtrecht , @noncannonships , @1eclerc16 , @pitlanebabe , @sopheeg , @avengersheart , @thatsadsmallchild , @peachiicherries , @idkiwantchocolatee , @callsign-scully , @mehrmonga , @badbatch-simp24 , @lissyontour , @din0nugs , @elliegrey2803 , @gay-for-victoria-de-angelis , @10vely-yutazen , @daggersquadphantom , @azriel-the-shadowsinger , @i-love-scott-mccall , @darleneslane , @mikauraur , @heartmetaphor , @ellswilliams , @thxtmarvelchick , @nataliambc , @dontjudgeabookbythecover , @hockeyboysarehot , @thehistoryone , @zimm04 , @woozarts , @mellowarcadefun , @deephideoutmolkshake , @grimeslvrr
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rosie-b · 24 days
True Blue
Chapter 13: A Nightmare Situation
Marinette only knew Emilie through what others said about her. She knew what she looked like, both from the painting and the short visit to her healing pod in the basement.  
But neither M. Agreste nor Adrien liked to talk about her, so Marinette didn’t know much about the woman she was trying to save. Was she as warm as she looked in her painting or as reserved as M. Agreste was? Had she played with Adrien when he was young, or had she had a nanny take that responsibility for her? 
All of this was left as a mystery to Marinette. But perhaps the woman standing in the middle of her room could solve it for her. 
You can read the rest on AO3 or below!
That night, an akuma attacked. It was after Marinette had finished the work Nathalie had assigned her, after she’d answered her parents’ concerned questions (apparently, word of The Kiss had spread) and assured them that she was okay. She’d reluctantly gone to bed, following Nathalie’s advice and Gabriel’s orders to rest.  
At first, it went well. She’d only thought of Adrien, Golden Bug, or the kiss a few times— okay, maybe “a few” meant a few dozen here, but could you blame her? It had been a very long, eventful, frighteningly revealing day. Her main concern now was staying friends with Adrien and avoiding the depressing thought that he couldn’t love her, not really, because she wasn’t just Marinette. She was also Bluewing, and when she’d checked up on him in that form earlier... well, she’d be happy to never see that particular look on his face again. 
No, Adrien wouldn’t love her if he knew she was Bluewing. He only had a crush on Marinette, and that would go away soon enough. 
Marinette had rolled over after that thought, glowering at her pillow and feeling upset that Nathalie had spilled his secret to her and ruined Marinette’s innocent belief that she and Adrien were just normal friends. 
But... Adrien did look at her in such a strangely soft way sometimes. And when his father offered to give him a reward, all he’d asked for was more time with Marinette. He’d waited up for her when she was late for school; he’d shown off in the fencing match for her; he looked for her approval and told jokes to make her smile. And he smiled, too, whenever she gave in and laughed at one of his silly puns.  
Maybe she was a fool for not putting the pieces together by herself. 
But that didn’t change the fact that she was in love with Golden Bug. 
It was easy to see that she’d fallen for the wrong boy. It made no sense for her to pursue her enemy, not any more than it would make sense to let the broken Miraculous continue poisoning her rather than reversing its effects with the cure. 
She had to give up on him. She had to move on. 
But she couldn’t exactly date Adrien, either, unless Nathalie convinced M. Agreste to change his mind. And she refused to use him as a rebound. He was too important to her. 
As the sky darkened and the streetlights outside turned on, Marinette gave up on figuring out the situation and closed her eyes, determined to get some rest. She hadn’t asked for a break, but even she could admit that she needed one. It would be good for her to get some extra sleep tonight, at the very least. 
Soon, however, it became clear there would be no sweet dreams for her tonight. 
There weren’t any warning signs; no screams sounded from on the street, no blasts of light and smoke lit up the sky. For once, Paris was as peaceful as the city could get. 
No, the only warning Marinette got as she slipped into a fitful sleep was the gentle sound of a lullaby reaching her ears. 
And after that, it was already too late. 
Marinette only knew Emilie through what others said about her. She knew what she looked like, both from the painting and the short visit to her healing pod in the basement.  
But neither M. Agreste nor Adrien liked to talk about her, so Marinette didn’t know much about the woman she was trying to save. Was she as warm as she looked in her painting or as reserved as M. Agreste was? Had she played with Adrien when he was young, or had she had a nanny take that responsibility for her? 
All of this was left as a mystery to Marinette. But perhaps the woman standing in the middle of her room could solve it for her. 
Emilie Agreste wasn’t supposed to be here. She wasn’t supposed to be awake, much less out of her pod. But she was, and when Marinette realized who the woman with the golden hair and gentle expression was, all she could do was stare for a moment. 
“Hello?” she asked. Her voice came out creaky and tired. 
Emilie nodded at her. “Marinette. I heard that you broke my son’s heart today.” 
Marinette gaped. “What? No, no, I would never hurt him! I love Adrien!” 
Emilie’s lips thinned. “Not enough. And I thought you’d be better. You’ve been given such power, and what have you done with it? You fell in love with the boy keeping my son from getting his mother back. You dress up like a hero, but you might as well be on the other side. What good have you done?” 
Emilie raised one hand, beckoning Marinette to stand in front of her. Her face was beautiful, but cold. There was no sympathy in her eyes as she stared down at the one who had failed to save her or protect her son. At her shoulder, Gabriel appeared, glaring down at Marinette with his wife. 
“You hurt him,” he accused Marinette. “You will only ever hurt him. Stay away from my son. Do not listen to Nathalie’s blind optimism. She is wrong.” 
“Give back the amok,” Emilie commanded. “You do not deserve to wear it. You have already abused its power, along with my Miraculous. You will not get them back. You have failed.” 
Marinette backed up, finding herself cornered against the wall as Emilie and Gabriel approached with outstretched hands. 
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I’ll be better!” she cried. 
“Give me the ring, Marinette,” Gabriel hissed.  
Shaking, Marinette reached to pull it off her finger, but she found nothing there. 
“What?” she gasped. “No, where could it be?” 
“You lost it,” Emilie lamented. “You were never worthy of it in the first place.” 
“You brought harm to my son,” Gabriel boomed. “Now who knows who controls him? He is in danger because of you.” 
Marinette flattened herself against the wall, but it crumbled, and she fell backwards. Emilie reached out to save her, pulling her back onto the floor of her room. Once there, she pulled Marinette closer, holding onto the collar of her nightshirt and bringing their faces closer together. 
“What do you really want?” she asked, her eyes narrow as they gazed into Marinette’s, piercingly cold. “Who are you fighting for?” 
Emilie shoved Marinette into the center of the room, and she fell. When she pushed herself up from the floor, she saw that Gabriel was gone, and only Emilie was left in the room. Her skin had grown paler, her cheeks sunken, and her eyes dimmed. 
“There is only one way to save Adrien,” she said, and her voice was shallow. “Only one. Do not trust Gabriel. He is not what he says he is.” 
Emilie stepped backwards, and a glass coffin appeared behind her— her healing pod, from the basement. The room darkened, and two rose bushes sprang up from the floor on either side of the coffin, spreading quickly and cutting Marinette off from Emilie.  
“You must do the right thing,” Emilie said insistently. Now, her voice was only a whisper. “You need to wake up. Repair the damage, before it’s too late. You must save my son. Save him—” 
The coffin seemed to grow a bit bigger, and the thorny rose bushes forced Emilie backwards. She fell into the coffin, and Marinette screamed along with her. 
A lid fell onto the coffin, trapping Emilie inside. She pounded on the glass, weak but insistent, as a chasm grew between her and Marinette. The roses filled the air with their poisonous perfume, and Marinette choked on the scent. She stumbled backwards, clinging to the ladder of her bed, and watched in horror as Emilie tried in vain to escape her prison. 
The roses grew faster, wrapping their thorny branches tightly around the pod as Emilie continued pounding on the glass. Each thud came a little louder than the last, a little faster, and Marinette’s heart beat in sync with the rhythm. But soon, the roses covered the coffin, and Emilie could be seen no longer.  
The cloying smell grew stronger, and Marinette felt suffocated, like she had when the brooch’s poison was at its worst. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, couldn’t save herself or Adrien or his mother in time. It was too late. She’d failed. 
Emilie’s scream lingered in Marinette’s ears as she hid her face from the coffin, and tears fell down her cheeks. With a deafening crash, the glass shattered under the pressure of the rose, and the coffin dissolved into dust.  
Marinette sat up in bed, panting. 
She jolted as a heavy weight landed by her feet. Marinette rubbed her eyes and desperately looked around in the darkness, trying to figure out what was going on. Where was she? Had that all been a dream? 
“Marinette, please snap out of it! It’s just a nightmare. It can’t hurt you. Whatever you saw, I promise it wasn’t real.” 
The voice sounded familiar. Too familiar. Marinette’s stomach dropped as she realized that either her nightmare was still ongoing, or Golden Bug had broken into her room and was cautiously crouching on the far edge of her bed. 
“Golden Bug?” she gasped out. She pinched herself hard and winced in pain. 
The shadowy figure on her bed nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry for breaking in, but you got hit by an akuma, bad. I could hear you screaming, so I tried to wake you up by knocking at your window, and when that didn’t work, I came in through the trapdoor instead. But I tripped over a vase that was by the door and broke it. Sorry.” 
“No, don’t be,” Marinette gasped. “I think the crash woke me up. Thank you.” 
Golden Bug’s eyes flashed in the darkness. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re not affected by the akuma’s power anymore; this is a nasty one. I got hit, too, before I transformed. Hawk Moth isn’t playing fair tonight; I don’t even know where the akuma is yet. But you can see its handiwork everywhere. A lot of the nightmares, you can see what they are. I guess yours was a bit different.” 
“It, um, dissolved on its own. That was part of it.” She avoided looking at the spot where Emilie’s coffin had been. “I think it might have been close to over. Maybe that’s how you were able to snap me out of it.” 
Golden Bug nodded, but Marinette was busy. Her mind raced as she tried to figure out what was happening. He said that this was an akuma? That didn’t make sense. Hawk Moth needed her to fight with him. He was supposed to tell her before creating an akuma! 
But he hadn’t done that, earlier. Dark Cupid had been a total surprise, and look how poorly it had gone! Had he learned nothing? 
Or was this some kind of message to her? “I know you’re not ready or able to fight with me tonight, but that’s okay. I don’t need you. All you do is lose, anyway.” Was that what M. Agreste was saying with this akuma, if it was an akuma? 
“Hey, are you sure this is really an akuma?” Marinette asked. “You said you can see the nightmares. You just meant that figuratively, right?” 
Golden Bug shook his head. “No, you can really see what they are. There’s a trash can chasing some poor dude out there. And the Eiffel Tower is rocketing up into space, but at the same time, it’s right where it should be. Plus there are zombies. It’s all really weird,” he said, scratching his head. “Everyone is asleep, so there hasn’t even been an akuma alert sent out yet. Al— the Goldenblogger must be asleep, too, because she hasn’t posted anything yet. Like I said, it’s a really weird akuma.” 
Marinette was quiet for a moment.  
“Well, you won’t do any good by staying here with me,” she finally told Golden Bug. “Shouldn’t you go find the akuma?” 
Golden Bug straightened. “Oh! Yes, of course. Sorry. I just wanted to check on you, before I left. You’re sure you’re okay?” 
Marinette swallowed and clenched her fists to ignore the slight tremors that were shaking her hands. “Yes,” she lied. “I’m fine.” 
Golden Bug hesitated. She couldn’t see what he was doing, but it felt like he was staring at her, straining to see through her words. “Okay,” he said, and got up, pulling himself through the trapdoor with his yo-yo. “Be careful, Marinette. Stay out of trouble. I’d hate it if the akuma hurt you again.” 
A soft melody floated through the air, and Golden Bug looked around. 
“Goodbye,” he said, and closed the door as he left to continue his search. 
Left alone in the darkness, Marinette frantically checked her right hand for Adrien's ring. Finding it there, she let out a relieved sigh.  
Now, to get rid of the last remnant of Golden Bug's presence: the flutters he'd given her heart.
“Can you believe this idiot,” she tried telling herself, keeping herself company with her voice. “He drops in on civilians in the middle of the night and scares them awake from their nightmares. And then refuses to leave until he knows they’re okay.” She scoffed. “What a villain. I’ll be over him in no time.” 
Aggressively, she flipped the covers away from herself and crossed her arms.  
“Yeah, right. I’m just as cursed in love as I was before he dropped by.” 
She climbed out of bed and turned on the light. Then she walked over to the window, peered outside, and watched as Golden Bug and Chat Grise chased a blue-skinned boy flying on a pillow away from her roof.  
There really was an akuma. 
Marinette’s heart sank. What should she do? She was supposed to be on break, but Hawk Moth could probably use some help from Bluewing to face Golden Bug and Chat Grise. 
Maybe if she called Nathalie, she’d know what to do. She couldn’t call Hawk Moth, after all, he was clearly busy. 
Marinette unlocked her phone, quickly found the number Nathalie had given her “for work purposes” at the start of her internship, and called. After an agonizing minute, the call went to voicemail. Frowning, Marinette hung up and checked the time. It was just past midnight, but since it was mostly for emergencies, this number was supposed to reach Nathalie’s work phone at any time of the day. Had she been caught by the akuma, too? She hoped Ms. Sancoeur was all right! 
A few minutes later, Marinette tried again, just in case. Unfortunately, the call went to voicemail again. Marinette left a quick explanation of her situation and asked Nathalie to tell M. Agreste that she would’ve helped if she could have before hanging up. 
This would have been easier if she’d had the Peacock with her. 
Frustrated, Marinette put a hand on her hip and sighed. There wasn’t really anything she could do, except maybe climb down from her balcony and run to the Agreste mansion, but if Gabriel had wanted her in this fight, he should have contacted her about it by now. 
Marinette hated how useless she felt. It reminded her of the start of Hawk Moth’s mission, when she’d been terrified of the akumas and completely reliant on Golden Bug and Chat Grise to save her from them. 
Back then, she’d managed her anxiety by watching Alya’s broadcasts. Hoping it would help her now, Marinette opened her desktop and pulled the Goldenblog up. She watched as Golden Bug and Chat Grise fought off their personal nightmares — you really can see them, she thought — and then the akuma, Sandboy.  
They won, of course, and they probably would have even if Bluewing had been there to back up the akuma, but Marinette couldn’t help but wonder, in a disgruntled manner, if things could have been different had Gabriel just trusted her to help him. 
She kept watching Alya’s stream until after the heroes had left the scene, Alya had given her final comments, and the screen went black. Then she crawled back into bed and fell back asleep, tossing and turning fitfully for the rest of the night. 
In the morning, Marinette got ready for the day as if she was a robot. She mechanically selected a pair of jeans and shirt, she brushed her hair without flinching as her comb caught on knots, and she barely spared a thought for which shoes she should wear. The only time she broke the rhythm of her routine was when she paused before she could step on the section of the floor where Emilie’s coffin — healing pod — had been in her nightmare. 
She knew it hadn’t been real, but for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to set foot there. Last night was still too fresh in her mind. Plus, she hated the reminders of how powerless she’d been and of the fate that had nearly claimed her, which she still had to save Emilie from.  
It had just been a nightmare, but Emilie was right. She had to do more. She had to be better. 
Downstairs, Adrien was waiting by himself at the table.  
Feeling a shock run through her, Marinette halted on the last stair. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him, and she felt a light blush cover her cheeks as she remembered what Nathalie had revealed to her yesterday. 
If she was still processing the kiss and all that had happened afterwards, though, Adrien didn’t seem anywhere near as affected by it. Sure, he blushed prettily when he saw her, and his face seemed to light up as he smiled, but that wasn’t so different from his usual reaction to seeing her. 
There didn’t seem to be any tension or resentment coming from him at all. The only thing Marinette could spot that was any different was the way he held himself. It would be hard to identify if she didn’t know him so well, but he was a little more rigid than usual, a little more guarded. 
He knew that she knew about his crush, then. And neither of them knew how to address it. 
“H-hello, Adrien,” Marinette stuttered. Bracing herself, she stepped down onto the floor and moved to her usual seat at the table, noticing that someone had already prepared a cup of coffee and a slice of toast for her. 
“Good morning, Marinette!” Adrien responded, seemingly happy to follow their normal routine despite the elephant in the room. “I got you some coffee and toast ready; I hope I remembered how you like it.”  
Adrien watched as she took a sip of the still-hot coffee. It was exactly how she liked it, black with two scoops of sugar.  
“It’s perfect,” she murmured. “Thank you.” 
Adrien beamed. “Great! You’re welcome.” 
They sat in a mostly-comfortable silence for a while, sipping their hot drinks and taking bites of their toast. Marinette wondered, as she stole glances at Adrien, whether she should pretend yesterday had never happened or do something about it. Apologize again, maybe, or suggest a nice friendly activity they could do together to move past the awkwardness more quickly. 
Before she could speak, Adrien asked her a question. 
“How are you feeling? There was an akuma last night, and the mansion got hit. How about you, were you affected by Sandboy’s powers?” 
Marinette winced. So, Nathalie had likely been hit last night, then. But why had she still not responded to the voicemail? 
“Yeah, Sandboy got me around midnight. Golden Bug came by and snapped me out of the nightmare as it faded, though. I’m okay,” she said in a small voice. 
Adrien frowned and leaned towards her. “I’m glad Golden Bug was able to help you. But, no offense, those nightmares were not fun. You don’t have to talk about what yours was, exactly, but are you really okay? I can text you cat memes or those puns you claim to hate during free time if you need something to distract you today.” 
A lump grew in Marinette’s throat. Why did he have to be so kind? It made her feel worse that she didn’t return his affections. If only he’d fallen in love with some other girl... 
“Okay, I’m still a bit shaken up,” she admitted. “I know it was just a dream, but Sandboy’s nightmares were based on real fears, right? There was a lot of truth to my dream. I was going to have to face it anyway, but...” She shook her head and sighed. “I’m sorry, you were affected, too! Do you need something to cheer you up? An extra pastry, or something?” she added quickly before her brain could linger on the awful “kiss him” idea it had spat out for long. 
“I can’t think of anything specific right now. Except for a surprise announcement that Hawk Moth and Bluewing gave up and gave u— Golden Bug and Chat Grise their Miraculous, instead,” Adrien joked. 
Marinette thought that the grin she summoned in response probably looked a little fake or insane, but not by much. Hopefully. 
“Wouldn’t that be something,” she quipped.  
Adrien looked at her for a moment before sighing and looking down at his plate. “Yeah,” he said, almost wistfully. “It would be.” 
After a moment, he looked up again. 
“Hey, your dream last night wasn’t about Chloe, was it? I keep remembering how awful she was to you during the school tour you gave me, which I still feel guilty about, by the way. Do you need me to get some revenge for you? Make a cutout of her you can throw darts at, or something?” 
Marinette’s lips twitched. “Thanks, but no, Adrien,” she said, feeling a giggle build in her stomach. “I still hate Chloe Bourgeois. But I’m not going to try to get revenge on her. That’d be petty, and besides, you and Alya have a handle on her now, right?” 
Adrien smiled and shrugged shyly. “For the most part. She’s trying to be nicer, I think. I heard her discussing the idea of throwing a party for the class with Sabrina! With any luck, she’s going to become a better person.” 
Taken off guard by the reminder of being better, Marinette flinched. 
“I hope she does,” she muttered. Then she checked the time, trying not to show her relief when she saw how close it was to being time for her to leave. 
She stood up from the table, collecting her bookbag as she did so. Adrien watched her get ready, and his jaw seemed to tighten a little. 
“I have to go, or I’ll be late,” Marinette explained, feeling a bit guilty as she turned to Adrien. Normally, she had no problem with staying behind an extra minute or two to talk to him. Today, though, she just wanted to put some distance between her and the elephant in the room.  
Adrien stood and followed her to the door. “Good luck today, Marinette,” he said, offering her one of those genuine smiles of his that probably had all the other girls drooling over him. “Don’t forget, text me if you need a distraction or just want to say hi. I’ll answer, no matter what! Oh, and wait,” he added, grabbing Marinette’s hand. 
She turned to face him, feeling her nerves spike at his earnest expression. Was this it? Were they going to have to talk about it? 
“I don’t know if she’ll be there when you arrive yet, but I think Nathalie might be sick today,” he said. “The Gorilla was the one making sure I was on time today. It was totally weird,” he laughed. “Let me know if you find out what happened?” 
Marinette nodded in response to his question. “I will.” 
Adrien let go of her hand, and she climbed into the car as the Gorilla held the door open for her, warding off one potential group of paparazzi with his other hand. They seemed to give up easily, but who knew if they’d gotten a picture of her and Adrien already. Marinette’s stomach clenched at the thought.  
It’s just like with Bluewing, only hopefully nicer, she reminded herself. So don’t panic. Nathalie’s working on it; this’ll blow over soon.  
Adrien waved her off as the car pulled away from the curb, and Marinette’s eyes lingered on his figure until she couldn’t see him anymore. 
As the Gorilla dropped her off at the front door of the mansion, Marinette resolved not to let the day go by without asking M. Agreste why she hadn’t been part of the plan last night. Was it just that she was supposed to be on rest, or was it something else? 
If she was feeling really confident, she might even ask M. Agreste whether she could start keeping the Miraculous with her.  
But first, she should find Nathalie and talk to her. After all, it seemed that she’d been affected last night, too, and Marinette wanted to make sure she was okay. It had been an unsettling akuma; even Chat Grise had looked shaken up by it. What if she was late to work because her nightmare had been so bad? 
She was kind of expecting it, but Nathalie wasn’t in the main hall to greet her. 
Marinette frowned. Maybe Adrien was right, and she was out sick for the day? 
Or maybe she’d show up soon, giving brusque instructions and holding her tablet like it was her only connection to order like she usually did. 
Marinette decided to try calling for her. 
She waited for a moment to see if anyone had heard her. 
There was no response. 
She walked into the study room and found someone waiting for her there, sitting at the big table with Nathalie’s tablet in hand. 
But this wasn’t Ms. Sancoeur. It was M. Agreste at the head of her private classroom. 
Marinette moved cautiously to her chair, setting her bookbag down without looking away from M. Agreste. “Hello,” she greeted him, feeling a foreboding sense sink into her skin. 
“Marinette,” he responded in a cool voice. “I am only here to deliver today’s lesson plans for you. I trust you to figure them out on your own.” 
Marinette swallowed. “Where is Nathalie?” she asked. 
“Nathalie no longer works for the Agrestes,” Gabriel said dismissively. “She had a conflict of interest and had to leave. Don’t worry, I will find a replacement for her soon. By the end of the day, if I can find someone suitably competent. But I warn you, this new secretary will not be privy to the same secrets you and Nathalie hold. Do not speak a work about our mission to them. Understood?” 
“Understood,” Marinette repeated, feeling like she’d wandered into yet another dream. “Sir, if I may ask, what was the reason Nathalie gave for leaving? She seemed determined to stay, yesterday.” 
“It’s not my business to ask why a staff member chooses to leave,” M. Agreste said simply.  
He raised the tablet, turning it on, and swiped something on it. Marinette’s phone dinged with a notification, and when she checked it, she saw he’d sent her the files for her schoolwork. She’d have to print them herself, then, 
Marinette opened them, feeling hollow. “She didn’t even give one single clue?” 
She knew she was being childish, but Nathalie had always been there; she’d promised just yesterday to help Marinette; she wouldn’t leave unless she had a good reason! 
Marinette needed to know what had happened. 
“She had other priorities to focus on,” Gabriel said in a clipped voice. “That is all.” 
“But will she still help us with... you know?” Marinette asked, feeling desperate. They couldn’t do this without Nathalie! They needed her. 
“No,” Gabriel said. “From now on, it will only be you and me working on the mission.” 
Marinette clutched the edges of her desk. “What about Adrien?” she asked. 
At her words, M. Agreste looked surprised. “What about him?” 
“Will you tell him? About you being Hawk Moth, and me being Bluewing? If Nathalie is gone, we could use someone else to help us.” 
Gabriel frowned. “No need. You and I will do just fine on our own. Adrien would only get in the way, and besides, he’s too emotional. We can’t predict how he’d react. Trust me— we’re better off without him.” 
Marinette frowned. Gabriel was wrong. He had to be wrong. About Nathalie, about Adrien... 
Emilie’s words from the dream echoed in her mind. Don’t trust Gabriel...  
She nodded brusquely. “Okay. But then it makes my next question even more important. Why didn’t you tell me about the akuma last night? Why not wait until I could help?” 
Gabriel sighed. “This was not an opportunity I could just wait for, Marinette. Such a strong emotion as the one I felt last night is rare, and besides, attacking at night gave me an advantage over Golden Bug and Chat Grise. They were sluggish at first, though I admit they won again.”
“But I still could have helped,” Marinette insisted. “If I’d had my Miraculous, I could have been out there fighting, instead of cooped up in my room with a living nightmare. Did you know your akuma struck me?” 
Gabriel’s lips thinned. “He struck many people. I had hoped he would affect Golden Bug’s civilian form, but perhaps it didn’t happen. Still, your Miraculous is broken; it’s dangerous to wear. You know that. Additionally, if you were to wear it in public, someone could steal it from you, or figure out that you are Bluewing. It is better to keep it here.” 
Marinette frowned. They were good points, but... 
“Next time, then, at least give me a warning. Or call me to the mansion; say it’s a fashion emergency. I risked my life for this, M. Agreste. The least you can do is let me help.” 
Gabriel adjusted his glasses and frowned. “You are right. Forgive me, I am still not used to working with a partner with a Miraculous of their own. I will notify you of any akumas in the future.” 
“Thank you,” Marinette said, trembling with relief. 
“Think nothing of it. Oh, and Marinette. I know you’ve had a difficult time lately; I have, too. But don’t worry. You’ll be back to normal soon, and we will defeat that pesky Golden Bug and win peace. We are the real heroes, Marinette. Don’t forget it.” 
“I won’t,” she assured him as he left the study room.  
He is not what he says he is.  
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smilesstyless · 1 year
Are the rumors true?
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Summary: Harry and y/n promoting the movie at the late night show. James confronts y/n with the rumors about her being pregnant
Pairing: singer!harry x actress!reader
Wordcount: 1,1k
Trigger warnings: none
Y/n and Harry are doing a promo for the movie, she’s pretty nervous about the interview. She’s worried about her belly. She’s walking through her dressing room to calm down. She was never this nervous before.
“You’re fine and the little one too,” he sinks onto his knees and kisses her belly. He started to call the baby little one because they don’t have a name. She finds it pretty cute how he calls it that. “I’m there, if it is too much I will hold your hand,” he kisses her forehead.
“I can’t do that h,” she mutters under her breath.
“I can’t do that h,” she mutters under her breath.
“Pumpkin you did it back then and now you will do great,” Harry looks down into his hands as he takes one of his rings off and slides it onto her finger. She just smiles at him, he thought about it. “You’ll do great and if it is too much I am there. You can tell James that it is getting too much,” Harry added, kissing her forehead. He wraps his arms around her body and hugs her tightly. She relaxes in his touch, she hasn't noticed she was so tense.
“It’s different, this time I’m worried someone will see my belly,” she mutters in the fabric of Harry’s shirt.
“You’re a beautiful young pregnant woman and you shouldn’t care about that. I know we both wanted that life but you still have the right to keep it private,” he whispers into her soft hair. “I love you,” he added.
As she wanted to say it back, someone interrupted them. Harry pulls away from her and just smiles. They were told it was going to start soon.
“It’s great having you two here tonight,” James said.
“It’s great being back,” Harry smiled at y/n, he saw how nervous she was. She played with the ring on her finger. James and the audience noticed too. Harry puts his hand on hers and she relaxes a bit.
On James’ lips form a huge smile as he sees them holding hands.
“Are you currently dating someone?” He raises an eyebrow and his smile is getting bigger and bigger.
“Tell them if you want to,” Harry whispers.
“I have a partner and I’m really happy with them,” Harry squeezes her hand. He is so proud of his girlfriend for saying that.
“That’s lovely to hear, how was filming with the handsome guy right next to you,” Harry blushes at the statement from James.
“Oh it was lovely, he's a great friend and always made sure I’m okay with the way he touches me, he even bought lunch for everyone. He also deserves some love,” she smiles at the guy next to her. Harry rubs his thumb slowly over her knuckles.
“I see, you two became very good friends. Harry tell me something about the movie,” James added.
“Ehm, it’s a murder mystery and the main character has to solve it and there is also a love story. The movie feels like a movie,” he chuckles. The audience laughs at him, even y/n did.
“Next year the movie is coming out,” y/n added at Harry’s stupid statement.
“Everyone in this room wants to know if the rumors are true, about you having a baby.” James leaned forwards to look at the two of them better.
She would love to tell everyone but at the same time she doesn’t, her family doesn’t know yet. Harry’s family also has to know first, it wouldn’t be fair if their families find out that way. She is freaking out right now, she interlocks her fingers with his fingers.
“I— I am not pregnant, if I were I would keep it private. Harry understands, I keep my private life private. I have the right to do that, I don’t want the paparazzi to ask me about these things. Sometimes I wish I had a normal life,” she says on live tv. It hurts her to say that, but it is the best for them and their child. She wants him or her to have a normal life.
“Don’t get into your head,” Harry presses kisses all over her face. “I want happy you,” he tugs a strand of her hair behind her ear. “What’s wrong?” He asks her.
“I— I don’t know why I said that. I want all those things for the little one, but I don’t know why I said I want a normal life,” she shuts her eyes, to think better why she would say such a thing. She loves her job but she is just overwhelmed.
“Did you ever think about protecting her or him? It’s normal you’re going to be a mom, I always want to protect you. You’re my girlfriend and the mother of my baby. I have to protect you from all of that and you’re doing it with them.” Harry slides his hands under her sweater, his hands rest on her belly. “You just want to protect your baby,” he added.
He knows she gets into her head way too much and he tries his best to let her forget the world and just be Harry and Y/n.
“I love you too,” she whispers. “I don’t say it much but—”
“Pumpkin, no. You show me enough love, you’re carrying our baby. I should show you more love,” he admits. He wants to be a cheesy romantic person, he knows she loves romantic people.
“Let’s get some rest, I’ll make dinner,” he carries her onto the couch and lays a blanket over her body. He turns her favorite show on and gets back in the kitchen.
“Hey sleepyhead,” Harry says softly. “I made your favorite,” he holds out a plate with a fork and a knife on it.
“I’m allowed to eat on the couch?” she rubs the sleep out of her eyes, she takes the plate and starts to eat. Harry humps in response.
Usually, he hates it when someone eats on the couch. He wasn’t allowed when he was a kid so he couldn’t let it go, they only eat crisps on the couch but never a proper meal.
“You get special rights,” he sits down next to her. He couldn’t stop smiling at her. She looks so happy, he never wants her happiness to fade, even if he has to sacrifice something.
“Thank you,” she says with a full mouth.
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lumienyx · 7 months
Why did your Tav fall?
@spacebarbarianweird thank you for the tag💙 the words just seem to never end when I write about my Tav's Feelings™️ so here goes
Tav has never quite fallen that far in love with anyone before. His one true love has always been sorcery. Adventures. Freedom. His friends. And so, the experiences with the few lovers he's had over his life seemed like nothing compared to what he feels for Astarion.
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It starts as idle curiosity. The pale, sharp-tongued elf who calls himself Astarion is the first of Tav's companions to hint at possibly controlling their tadpoles instead of extracting and destroying them on the spot. Tav is ever one to experiment—and so the way Astarion's mind works is what he immediately loves about him.
Always the one with a creative witty comeback, always coming up with cunning ways to solve a problem, disarm a trap, break into the most guarded of places. Half the group is mortified at the idea of grabbing the Necromancy of Thay, yet Astarion encourages Tav to take it. And then gets so engrossed and excited by its possibilities once Tav decides to give it to him instead of keeping it; he was never one for death spells anyway.
The both of them make quite the team.
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Yet for all of Astarion's boldness and confidence, Tav senses the fear. Not just through their Illithid connection, but in the little things Astarion lets slip. When Astarion's hands shake barely perceptibly and his eyes stare at places planes away. When he clenches his fists so hard the nails break skin which mends itself lightning-fast with vampiric regeneration... but Tav notices.
Astarion tells him more too, eventually. But their connection is what gives the most insight. The vision he gets when they first meet, the glimpse that night Astarion tries to drink his blood, the accidental connections since—and those on purpose, as they learn and trust each other enough to use their mind-link for tactical communications on the battlefield. Every time Tav touches upon Astarion's mind there's fear, raw and ugly and ever-present, scratching away at his chest and making it so hard to breathe even as he reminds himself that I don't need to breathe I don't need to I don't need—
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Tav wants to protect him.
Even as he sees though Astarion's pretty words and the poetics he uses to manipulate Tav into trusting him, he goes along with it headfirst, unsure of what he's hoping for but hoping for something. Even if it's just to be with Astarion for the time-being. Just to help, in what little way Tav can, just with his company, with his words, with his care.
Tav promises to help him defeat Cazador. Whatever it takes. He will bask in the moment he can Disintegrate that crooked smirk from Cazador's face that keeps haunting Astarion's meditations. He will relish how Astarion kills him, makes him hurt for all the pain of two centuries twofold.
Tav needs to protect him, at some point, it simply crosses the bounds of a simple desire to protect anyone he calls friend.
Tav wants him safe, wants him happy. Wants to find more and more reasons to keep Astarion smiling with that beautiful, sun-bright smile that lights up his eyes. Eyes that stare past Tav less and less as time goes on—and begin to look more directly at him, seeing him.
And Tav sees Astarion in turn.
Sees that brilliant mind, the mischief, the love he has for pure, unadulterated fun. The lust for freedom, power, adventure. The quiet longing for companionship and the silent need to uncover his full potential.
It's at the point when Tav figures out he can use the tadpole to project the image of Astarion's face to him that their minds connect stronger, deeper than they've ever had before.
Such deafening emotion flows from Astarion then, overwhelming Tav, drowning him. Confusion, shock, relief, joy, elation, hope—it all crashes down on both of them and ends up in a passionate kiss that leaves Astarion giddy and Tav weak in the knees.
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Tav thinks then, how much he loves this, this kiss, this closeness. Loves being with Astarion and maybe loves—
Tav razes the thought right there on the spot. Too soon, too foolish, not true—how could he ever even tell if he's never even felt that before?
But that's when Tav falls and keeps falling inevitably deeper into that blissful abyss of a novel emotion. He doesn't dare hope Astarion ends there in love with him—but, miraculously, he does.
No pressure tags if you want to write about why your Tav fell for Astarion (or any other companion/character!):
@ellekhen @tallymonster @satanicspinosaurus @astariondisapproves @astarions-fangs @thedreamlessnights @justporo @tigers-pat and anyone else who sees this and wants to join in💙
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