#some Tim and Dami bonding ok
ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Damian and Tim are trapped together in a cave system.
That itself wouldn’t be too bad (or too out of the ordinary) if Damian hadn’t been injured in the initial collapse.
Now he’s alone, with their comms transmitting and receiving nothing, with the pretender he’d been trying to kill on several occasion.
And Damian is only all too aware that grandfather’s “favorite detective” would have every right to kill him in retaliation. And the perfect opportunity to get away with it.
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kasonkodd · 1 year
mother selina. yeah. ohhhhh she adores Bruces kids. Even the oldest ones!!!
with Dick it was a little… hm, tricky?? she never EVER wants to insert herself into these boys lives if they choose to not want her. dick hated it in the beginning. he had just lost his parents and was now put into this situation with his adopted father and his klepto girlfriend. she was sweet, yeah, but she wasn’t his mother. nobody was going to replace his mom. but.. then.. selina started coming around a lllot more.. she would make him.. hot coco on cold snowy mornings.. and watch movies the movies Bruce would never watch with him… and would take him back to school shopping… and would bring him soup and fuzzy socks when he got sick…. and FUCK man, she gave the best hugs and the warmest snuggles. OKAY! you got him, he adored his adopted mom. and he started calling her mom, even into adulthood. she stepped in without forcing herself onto him and that was exactly what he needed. she was there for him when no one in the manor was. bye crying.
as if that wasn’t angsty enough…. Ahem. Selina was there the moment Jason was taken in from the streets. she watched this skittish, curious boy turn into the snarkiest back talker. she watched him train to be robin and saw the excitement glisten in his eyes every-time he went out and kicked ass. she saw his quiet moments where he sat and did homework or read by the fireplace. they never really had a relationship, he acknowledged her presence and never turned down anything motherly that Selina would offer. he was stand offish with women and she knew that. so she never forced anything onto him and he appreciated that. but ooohh when Jason died. her heart shattered into pieces. he didn’t deserve what happened to him. we all know that. the manor always felt way too big after that. There wasn’t a kid around for aaawwhillee and she hated what happened to Bruce afterward. now when Jason came back and started to be cool with the family again?? THATS when they started their bond. theyll go out for lunch or grab coffee. he’ll rant about things and ask for help and she always happily listens. everyones sure jay is her second fav fs.
i’ve said this before ok…. but Tim is her favorite. its never outright said but the entire family kNOWS!!! She 100% spoils him, she’ll steal buy him clooothes, fooood, other silly things he needs or wannnts. its cute. before she moved in and married Bruce, she used to have Tim over for like girls nights and shit. they’d stay up and talk, gossip while mean girls plays in the background. they still do this after she moves in but its not as frequent. i also feel like tim hangs with harley and ivy. like they’ll all have girly nights and talk!! harley does timmys naaaillls while they giggle about random things. if tim is having an issue with his s/o, ivy will try to console him and give her best advice. selina will pipe in here and there. i love that hc specifically cus auntie harley n ivy own my heart.
Damian obviously has the biggest issue out of all of them. he cant stand another woman trying to squeeze her way into his life. he hates it. he respects her, of course. but he simply does not treat her like a mother. it breaks Selinas heart simply because she hasn’t done anything for him to outright hate her but she understands where hes coming from and always backs off. he opens up just a little later on but is still very.. side eye! they share a love for animals and like a few of the same movies. once, Selina took Dami out for boba ^_^ he actually loved it so much but never told anyone. i dont have a lot on her and damians relationship becauseeee i just feel like he really doesnt have much to do with her? they have their sweet moments but other than that, they don’t interact much.
im getting into Cass’s story so be prepared for some girl dad bruce hc’s soon
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batfam bonding
Ok! So! if you know me you KNOW I am THERE for transformation fics, its my favorite trope~ but I think about how many magic enemies there are in DC and yes there are plenty of full on transformations into animals in fics. and there is the cannon of the batman vs tmnt movie and spliced in batman beyond. BUT you know what is not as common? Just barely there slow burn transformations! enough that, when it starts no one really realizes it, it's all mental instinct, its weird but not enough for others to realize it, the transformie doesn't think too much at first either. There might not even be a visible change, if there is its just the bare minimum, until all shit breaks loose! 
Anyway prompt! Could be a villein could be Klarion, heck could be Billy or connie as a prank to get back at one of the birds, but someone decides to spell them into acting like their namesake, it was supposed to be subtle, it was supposed to be just one of them picking up tiny little instinct tendencies like chirping, catching bugs and possibly walking into glass. But we all know magic is weird and easily misreadable. So whoever it is possibly doesn't realize how it can advance without his explicit boundaries or something. and he knows he messed up when, it wasn't just his target affected. In fact all of them started it, Dick, Jay, Tim, and Dami, basiclly anyone in the family who used an animal related name at any point. and it gets worse as time goes on! They are preening each other, flocking close together more than normal, building nests to sleep in, extra flighty, and taking their perch habits to the next level, not that anyone believed that was possible until then XD And when one (or all) of them ends up in a bad fight and very hurt, Supes is called in to pull off Bruce who nearly goes full man-bat rage mode on the villain. and has to stay with them now cause he's the only one who can keep track of/herd them all.
Bonus, since he wasn’t even like that a full five minutes in the episode.. as hard as Old Bruce tried, Terry still had lingering effects from being spliced as heavily as he was, thankfully it wasn’t all that noticeable, his teeth were a little sharper, his hearing was more sensitive- not superman level sensitive but enough that he can catch a wider range of sounds to the point he would panic when it was far too quiet or get headaches when overwhelmed, with the unfortunate specifics of the species he needed more iron in his diet. thankfully he dosen't need to eat actual blood, just add some extra strong vitamins. And the occasional urge to bite whoever tries to punch him in the face, but all in all it was manageable.
Until he gets an impromptu vacation to younger- possibly alternate- Bruce’s time and hangs with the fam for a while, though the biting tendency has gotten him in trouble from time to time when getting hazed by his ‘older brothers’ no one really thinks anything is off except for his ‘iron deficiency’, but Bruce knows, Bruce always knows. Hell old Bruce probably sent a file to himself on specifics of Terry’s care, including pictures of the incident itself, and hid it in the suit before he signed the permission slip, just cause he knows his kids are just as bad as him!!
But then one day walks into Bruce clicking of all things, seeming distressed when the others don't seem to understand what he was doing or if they even heard it.
Even worse is Terry responds which he didn’t even know he could do! He never felt compelled to answer the cave bats. But then again they didn't exactly try to talk directly to him either.
aka- Bruce is low key distressed at being the only actual bat when his chicks/pups are all birds who arent listening to him while under the spell and makes a closer bond with Terry because of it. Also Terry was not with the group when it happened,-maybe he was sick that day?- so they know he was not affected so secret out, maybe he and Alfie are the only ones who KNOW something weird is going on at first but they cant figure out what and it's the clicking that really slams home what happened or at least what the base problem is cause Terry. has. BEEN. THERE.
Also it isn't necessary for Bruce to be a vamp bat, they are highly specialized and only like three subspecies actually exist, most bats are fruit or insect eaters. I imagine him being more of whatever species lives in the cave. Terry is specifically a vamp bat cause it was said in the episode and he doesn't tell anyone cause he gets enough monster movie teasing from Max about it at home.
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batfoonery · 3 years
Binge-worthy (Batfam Headcanons)
My brain has been on the fritz, so binging shows and completing fiber craft wips has been about the only non-classwork activity I can handle.
Doesn't often binge watch shows, if ever. He doesn't like feeling like he's wasting time in front of a screen when he could be out there working a case, doing a job, saving a kitten from a tree or helping an old lady with groceries, etc etc.
Sometimes he can't sleep though, and there are two shows that are always on somewhere in the variety of his cable package: Law & Order SVU and Criminal Minds. Sometimes Dami snuggles up with him and they share ice cream and cry over SVU stories that hit a little too close to home until dawn comes to cleanse the morning.
He's seen just about every episode of each. And he has a Lot Of Feelings about SVU.
Be the Olivia Benson that you want to see in the world.
You cannot tell me this child does not love nasty TLC dramas. Say Yes to the Dress (he likes Atlanta best, but the og is also *chef's kiss*), Seeking Sister Wives, I Love a Mama's Boy, 90 Day Fiance, My 600lbs Life.... He's seen them all.
There are some days where it is too icky out for villains, so he holes himself up in a safehouse with snacks otherwise banned from the mannor, and alternates between trashy tv shows and classic lit.
Steph, Cass, and Babs usually break in and they all end up falling asleep screeching at the tv together.
No one ever sees her actually watching tv or streaming any shows online, but she's always up to date with the popular programs.
Knows all the good B99 quotes, and always deploys them with the best timing. It drives Tim crazy because he's always trying to watch them with her but they're always too busy.
The secret is she watches everything with Bruce. It's their bonding time, snacking on Alfred-approved pre-patrol snacks and having peaceful time before patrol.
Kinda watches things? But kinda doesn't. He plays things in the background while doing other things. So he gets the stories, but doesn't always get the details.
Loves all the different Star Treks and also some older programs, like I Love Lucy, I Dream of Jeannie, Gilligan's Island, MASH.... Old sitcoms make him nostalgic, because his dad used to enjoy them.
Sometimes if he's having a bad day he'll watch one and kind of just doze in and out, not really paying attention.
On those days, Alfred sits with him if he has the time. Tim's out of it, like his brain is resetting, and Alfred will just kinda pet his head, make sure he's getting fluids (tea, non-caffeinated, or flavored water). They don't talk, and it's possible that Tim isn't even fully aware that he's there. But it's nice.
When my man binges, he BINGES. Sometimes they don't see him for days. That's how he got through all of the (modern) seasons of Dr. Who (Ten and Rose always make him tear up, but Dr. River Song is his favorite character. She's a chaotic sass machine that he aspires to emulate).
Bounces around from genre to genre. Likes fantasy, comedy, sci-fi... isn't as big on slice of life. Binging is a good way to escape, and he takes full advantage.
Famous binges have included: The Witcher, Witches of Waverly Place, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Phineas and Ferb, The October Faction, The Order, The Haunting of Hill House, Modern Family, and Sherlock.
Duke got him hooked on anime. He literally reads manga in canon it isn't exactly a big leap. Unlike Duke, he enjoys slice of life, with maybe limited fantasy. Fruits Basket, Shugo Chara!, and Blue Exorcist are all things he's watched and enjoyed, but that's about as "fantasy" as he'll get.
Found family/friends are his favorite types of story. Kabukibu! is one that he found particularly charming.
That being said, if a show has particularly stunning animation, even if it isn't his favorite genre, he'll watch it. The first few seasons of RWBY, for example.
Oh my GOD LAND OF THE LUSTROUS. Dick agreed to binge watch it with him on a whim and they ended up not emerging from the bed until they'd seen all the episodes. No food, no sleep. Just story and beautiful perfect animation. When they were seen again they were in tears and demanded that Bruce figure out how to fund a second season. He told him that he'd work on it and be the hero that we all need, I NEED MORE OK?!
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salparadiselost · 3 years
ok, so i was rereading some of your demon au because i was in the mood for it and i had a little question that might stem from me misinterpreting things or picking at it too much, but i wanted to ask nonetheless. so like, damian's at the lowest rank of their pack-thing at first, right? does that mean tim was the lowest beforehand? or was this just sort of a power play by jason to claim damian was at the bottom?
Hey! Thanks for the ask! So demon pack hierarchy is a bigger thing in some species than others and also influenced by the individual leaders of the pack. Incubi are pretty loose on it as a species, partially because they have a closer history with humans who don’t typically work into pack dynamics and partially because it’s just not in their nature. Lucifereans, however, typically have much stricter rules of pack dynamics because part of their species-specific traits are derived from their proximity to power and dominance. Luciferean pack traditions are greater influences by that, which is why Damian challenges his other pack members more (he’s an impling, so they aren’t serious challenges, though they might get more serious as he grows older. Jason is carefully monitoring it.) The Wayne pack, though, is weird and will always be kinda weird because they have humans and multiple species.  Bruce is the Head, but human so he can’t function as a normal Head would because he can’t establish bonds. He can still lead and get ultimate authority, but he can’t form/break bonds.
Which necessitates a Heart of the pack.  Jason is the Heart, which puts him directly under Bruce and as the way that the pack can form/break bonds with other members. The Heart of the pack is a more non-traditional position because most packs have one Head who essentially fills both roles. But in some cultures having a Heart along with the Head is the norm, even in purely demon packs, and it’s grown more common in recent decades as mixed-species packs became more prevalent. 
Pack hierarchy typically ranks be seniority with older members gaining higher positions over the younger. 
Jason recognises this, which is why he usually defers to Dick, even though his brother is human and therefore shouldn’t be in pack rankings at all. (By traditional demonic standards. The Waynes are weird.) The Implings, which in Jason’s eyes are Tim and Dami, are both at the lowest. Tim is higher by older sibling default, but Damian is trying to uproot him through challenges and the like. Impling hierarchy, though, isn’t very consequential and is pretty fluid as they grow up, so that’s not unusual. It gets to be more serious once imps are grown up and actually need to fight for greater pack status. 
Cass is the newest member, but also older than both Tim and Damian, which puts her right in the middle of the pack rankings.  (Also Anon I saw that you just realised that this was kinda explained in “The Wraith Comes” but I figure that people don’t mind a refresher and a lore bomb)
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aj-artjunkyard · 3 years
Batfam musical headcanons
instrument wise? Nothing, the man couldn’t tap out a tune on the piano if his life depended on it but boy that doesn’t stop him from trying
Sometimes the more musically inclined of the family will try to teach him a simple tune or beat to play in the background of a musical video they’re recording, but he’ll always forget the notes in 5 seconds and just improv when he feels it, it always sounds terrible but he’s having a blast 
Can sing though. Oh man can he sing
Doesn’t mean he sings anything other than Disney Princess songs tho 
If you were to ask me for a voice reference, I’d say Thomas Sanders
He has quite a wide vocal range but he’s better on higher notes
He sings quietly or under his breath most of the time, but then he’ll get to a line he’s confident on and he’ll belt it out at full volume
Sometimes a random line will ring out across the manor and it will 100% be Dick’s voice singing I Can Go The Distance from Hercules 
Doesn’t remember half the lyrics 
This still doesn’t stop him 
Remember that scene at the start of Spiderverse where Miles is singing ‘Sunflower’, but only knows half the words, muttering the rest and getting REALLY into the parts he knows? Yeh that’s Dick
plays a KILLER kazoo solo
no he doesn't but it does annoy everyone in a 10 mile radius so there’s an major upside here
This man has a breathtaking bass singing voice 
He claims he has never and will never sing in front of anyone, but sometimes when he’s in a rare good mood, he’ll mess around with his siblings in the music room and end up singing sea shanties with Tim and Dick (and sometimes Duke if he’s not too shy)
This is Jason, Dick and Tim. Damian is recording
Sings exclusively Hamilton, but his real talent in singing isn’t in the rapping area he just loves that musical 
Secret Theatre Nerd™
Famed for roping Tim and Duke into musicals; exclusively Dear Evan Hanson, Hamilton, Heathers and Les Misérables
One day Dick and Jason tease Duke out his shell enough to preform this with them
Would sing to himself in his safe houses and while ripping down the road on his motorcycle at top speeds
Not much of an instrument guy, but could tap out a piano tune or a drum beat if someone needed it
Keyword here being *could* bc he CAN but he WON’T
Even if someone managed to loop him into doing a backing beat for a tiktok or smthn he most definitely wouldn’t remember how to do it 30 minutes later
He claims his mind is too crammed with actually important information to remember a dumb piano tune for more than 10 minutes 
Can carry a tune, but prefers the instrumental side of music 
He’s a tenor and sings higher than Dick, but Dick has a wider vocal range and if he wanted to, Dick could hit high notes Tim couldn’t dream of. Tim just doesn’t have the same range
But he’s fantastic at instruments 
He plays a wide range due to his private lessons back at Drake Manor, including but not limited to: Piano, saxophone, drums, cello, clarinet, acoustic guitar, trombone and the triangle 
Can Timothy Drake play incredibly difficult classical pieces on almost any instrument with ease and move the listeners to tears? Yes. Will he? No. Because the only tunes you will ever catch Timothy Drake playing is exclusively meme music
If it’s a sound on TikTok, this child can play it double time guaranteed
I’m talking the Mii theme, the Subway Surfers theme, Axel F, Wet Hands, you name it
K I lied he sometimes plays fantastic renditions of pop songs or movie scores 
He also likes joining in on those “adding an *instrument* solo to a song that does not need an *instrument* solo” TikToks
This child makes quality TikToks
His acc has a great following bc has such a vast variety of content and its all peak. It ranges from music to music memes to family shenanigans to academic memes to whatever was in his mind that day
He has a sparse posting schedule but when he does post its always worth the wait
ANYWAYS back on track
Tim will 100% play saxophone on top volume outside Damian’s bedroom when the kid is annoying him
Sometimes Jason joins in but he plays his chosen instrument horrifically just to annoy Damian more 
Jason and Tim do this
ok its time for my favourite boy
Damian isn’t a singer. He refuses to ever sing in front of anyone, and he’s got the whole ‘boys’ tween voice’ thing going on too, and though he’ll probably have the capacity to be a great singer when he’s older, he won’t ever sing enough for many to find out
Instruments on the other hand,,,,
Damian does his little “*tt* I don’t care for the music, I play because it quickens reaction time and helps improve my memory and hand-eye coordination” and everyone’s just “sure Dami, thats why you were playing Merry-Go-Round of Life on repeat at 4am”
He likes orchestral and classical music, he’ll often play the song over the speakers in the music room and play along on his chosen instrument
He considers that genre more impressive for a musician instead of the pop rubbish Tim plays
He was taught violin by his mother back in Nanda Parbat, and it’s still his go-to favourite instrument, but he’s been teaching himself every other instrument in the music room
He uses music as a release, because he’s finally starting to get that violence isn’t always the acceptable release like it was back in the League and Dick and Bruce are so happy to see him start to understand this and get hobbies that aren’t related to work
When he gets older his taste in music expands to more electric guitar and drum heavy songs, but right now he’s still a bratty rich child and not an angsty teen
Jason is the one who introduced teen Damian to TØP, MCR, P!ATD and BMTH and now they jam together at excruciating volumes, screaming lyrics and wildly strumming on bass and electric guitar and banging on the drums and everyone would gladly slap Jason if not for the soundproof walls in the music room
Bruce used to be classically trained in a few instruments but he just didn’t care enough to continue them into his teen years so he just kinda forgot them
He regrets it now, seeing all his talented kids bonding over music and thinking that it probably would be been better for him to have a hobby when he was younger 
On one rare night he has the manor to himself, so he sits down at one of his grand pianos and tries to remember one of the tunes he was taught. Alfred hears his woeful attempts and starts to teach him some easy tunes
They do this every time they have the manor to themselves 
Bruce finally masters a song and he’s really pleased with himself Alfred is just so proud of his son,,,,
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iphoenixrising · 4 years
OK but that soulmate fic? 10/10 A++. And all the fluff and angst potential you've set up with the way the bond works? *chefs kiss.* like, Tim slowly starting to open himself up to the others, but anytime he starts to feel even a smidge of annoyance or anger or apathy (or really any negative emotion) through the bond he immediately closes his side off, because maybe this is the time they realize they've made a mistake and don't want him. 1/
And he can't take another rejection and the feeling of their hate through the bond at the same time. He won't survive that. And likewise, Dick, Jason, and Damian having to deal with the fact that their soulmate doesn't trust them. They have to deal with the flash of terror through the bond whenever Jason or Damian surprise Tim. They have to pretend they don't know about the duffle bag in the back of the closet and the apartment on the edge of Gotham 2/
that he has as a backup in case Dick kicks him out. They can't help but notice that Tim never sleeps in the middle of the cuddle pile, always on the edge closest to the door, facing them. He's allowed them into his life, but he always has 15 contingencies and one foot out the door. And some days it feels like they will never be able to fix what is broken between them. But on the other hand: Tim only half conscious, nodding off at the table, feeling an overwhelming surge of love through the bond 3/
Only to look up and see it's coming from Damian, who is staring at him with the most moonstruck expression. The bond being overcome with Joy, and what is that about Dick? He and Jason are having a very serious argument about whether star wars or star trek is better, and Jason is W R O N G and also going to be pile drived into the coffee table if he keeps insulting Spock. And by god, if he feels Jason get turned on through the bond one more time from watching him perform 4/
essential maintenance on his car, he will be banned from the cave during service hours. Idk, you just have a talent for creating worlds and stories of pain and suffering and heartache, but that are also so full of love and family and forgiveness. Its really inspiring how you don't shy away from that pain, but also embrace the healing nature of coming home ❤ 5/
Holy shit, babe. Not only are you so kind to talk about that wip, and being so nice about the effort and strain I put into these works, but then you just hand me this progression that is so fucking beautiful and painful to think about.
Jason’s bad night makes him shutter closed on instinct, and that makes the Red Hood stop in his tracks, turn on his heels ‘cause the fuck was ‘at? Damian gets a dress down from Father and takes it out on them later on, sneering insults to cover up his own hurt, and it takes literally a moment for Tim to close up, get distant and short. Dick sighs when Tim is being, well Tim, and doesn’t get why the room is suddenly empty and the Bond cold. 
The awful thing is how long it takes them to figure it out. 
Six months into the process of bringing Tim back, and Damian finds the off radar safe house by pinging off Tim’s tech, gently paces inside. He finds the duffle with the contingency plans, the burner phone, the raw cash. An obvious contingency, one among the many they’ll eventually find.
(You know, family of detectives.)
 I see Jay getting curious one night when he comes in the Penthouse Perch they’ve managed to convince him to open up again, for when he comes to the city. There he finds Tim passed out at his work station, sleeping so softly that Jay is literally in awe. 
(He takes a pic or five, sends ‘em ta Sweet n’ Dickie, tells ‘em how cute their boy can be. Here’s the blackmail--ah, proof, here’s the proof.)
And he lifts their soulmate up with a smile on his face, puts their Timmy inta bed, covers ‘im up all snug, can’t help but kiss his nose before he closes the door. 
But Timmy’s system is still up n’ runnin’ so Jay brings up some info, just ta see what cases he might be working, if they could maybe weasel their way inta a few ta get closer to him. 
He clicks a spreadsheet, thinks it’s just like their soulmate to keep a list of what he’s working.
The list of addresses, the notes, the ways he can still be in on crime fighting without catching the Bat’s attention. 
And babe is it painful to watch, to feel him flinch, turn away, to know he’s running, to know he’s planning for the day they realize they’re better off. 
Things might finally start changing, start easing, when Tim finally lets the three of them manhandle him to be in the center after hours, hours, of mind-blowing, intimate, intense sex, when his limbs are jelly, and he can barely remember his own name. When he can’t remember ever being so exposed, when every inch of his body was touched, tasted, all his scars worshiped, words whispered against all of him at how beautiful he is, how much they need him, want him, can’t live without him, how they broke him down to his most naked and built him back up again.
Things start changing when he sleeps through the night between all of them, wrapped up in limbs, can’t untangle himself in the morning without sleepy kisses all over his everything. 
Things start changing when he gets calls mid-week to check-up on how he’s doing, which take-down the Titans are going to be in on this week. 
Things start changing when he gets a frustrated call from an exhausted Damian, working a case he can’t figure out, and Beloved, please. And he’s helpless to do anything but listen to the details, to fire up a video link in the Cave so he can watch Dami, text Dick on the low about making their youngest soulmate go to sleep (while he helps and works some angles to give a fresh avenue for Dami to go down when he wakes up).
Things start changing when he can feel the nostalgic fondness mixed with something more, something deeper that makes his heart skip a beat. When he can feel the stirring of lust, of anticipation, an itch to get clothes off. When he gets warring frustration and lust, a huffy tt that doesn’t sound angry at all.  
Or well, babe, that’s the way it could end if Tim gives them a chance. 
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grey-water-colors · 4 years
Missing you Damian Wayne X Reader Part 4
Part 4 is finally here! I am so sorry for the wait. I have been super busy prepping for college and then moving in. This is the finale and I hope you like the ending. I’m thinking of writing a separate part for this, explaining how I wrote this. It would just be all the research and planning that I did. Let me know if that sounds interesting. 
Warnings: WOO BOY THERE’S A FEW. Fighting. Cursing, like the F-bomb. Switchblades. Kidnapping. Trauma. Not as many as I thought, but be safe everyone.
Pairing: Damian Wayne X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1265
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3
Big thanks to @oreosmama for the title!
Patrol was slow, so Damian went back to the Batcave and train a bit before he went to bed. He knew school was going to be excruciatingly slow because Y/N was coming back tomorrow.
He saw Drake sitting at the Batcomputer watching for crime around Gotham.
“Drake,” he said coldly.
“Demon spawn,” Tim threw back.
It was quiet for a couple minutes while Damian started training and Tim went back to watching for crime, then a distress signal went off causing both of them to jump.
“It’s not Bruce,” Tim said as he picked up the signal to see who it was. “Damian don’t freak out,” Tim’s voice was strong but sounded scared.
“What? Who is it, Drake?” Damian had a feeling he knew. His heart was in his throat. He hoped it wasn’t who he thought it was, but the only reason Tim would tell him not to panic was because of Y/N.
“Y/N’s activated her emergency bracelet.”
“Fuck!” He shouted. He should have brought her home the minute he felt something was wrong the night before. He knew something wasn’t right.
“Father,” he called into the comms. “You need to get back to the cave as soon as possible. Somethings happened to Y/N”
15 minutes later Batman, Robin, and Nightwing were walking through the Zeta Tube and following Y/N’s signal. Tim, Alfred, and Barbra were back home helping to track her and be ready for when they got back.
They came to an abandoned building just outside London. An expensive car was parked out front.
Y/N woke up with the biggest headache she’d ever had. Her vision was spotted, and her ears were ringing. She tried to move but found she couldn’t. Her hands were tied to the chair she was sat in.
“So, she finally wakes up,” a familiar voice calls from somewhere she can’t see. “I really hoped I hadn’t killed you. You ran away before the first dose could fully work, but I got you this time around. I was worried I had given you too big a dose.”
A man who looked vaguely familiar walked into your line of sight.
“Wh- who are you?” your voice was groggy, like you hadn’t spoken in weeks.
A laugh and he turned around to pace the floor. “It doesn’t really matter who I am, it matters who you are.”
“Why would it matter who I am?”
“You’re a famous artist and singer,” He turned towards you with a sick smile. “Lovely voice by the way. You also happen to be dating the son of one of the richest men on earth, whether you like it or not, your worth a pretty penny.”
“You’re holding me for a ransom?”
Another laugh. “No. I’m going to sell you. Whoever wants you, but they have to pay the right price of course. I didn’t go through all this work for it to not work out.”
“You’ve done this before?” You questioned.
“Yes. I’d call it my job. I collect young ladies like yourself and give them homes. I go to galas and charity events and scout out people, then I get my target and from there it’s a piece of cake.”
It clicked in your head. “Your from the Hotel Event in Florence!”
“I scouted you out of all the pretty girls, you should feel special.”
You spat at him. “Your a bastard!” You struggled in your seat to try and get out. “I’ll never let you do this! Someone will find me an-“ You were cut off by a slap. Your head painfully snapped to the side and your chair tipping over. You landed on your side, and you think something broke, but all you could feel was red hot pain. Your head pounded and your vision exploded in colors. The drug was still very much in your system.
Your eyes widened at the sight of him pulling out a knife, his face turning red with anger.
“You’re getting on my nerves little girl. You’ll find I have a very short temper.”
He stalked closer while you still struggled and he raised the knife, but before he could do anything, the switch blade was knocked out of his hand by a familiar looking object.
Suddenly everything was in motion, shouting and then there were bodyguards fighting some people. You tried to focus on who was, hopefully, saving you. All you saw was a black cape, but that was all you needed. If Batman was here, then Robin wasn’t far behind. You felt someone cutting your bonds and when you were free you stood up or tried too. Your head was pounding, and your vision was spinning and soon you were falling towards the ground until someone caught you.
You saw a flash of red and the yellow of a cape. Damian was fighting, specifically the guy who had kidnapped you, but if Robin was fighting with Batman then who was helping you?
“Are you ok to stand?” a voice asked in your ear. You knew that voice, but never quite so serious. Dick was almost always making puns and bad jokes when you were around, which was 98% of the time.
You shook your head and Nightwing picked you up bridal style and started to carry you out of the building. Before you blacked out you locked eyes with Robin, then darkness.
That feeling when you wake up and you aren’t quite sure where you are is terrifying, and it hits you hard. Were you still in London? Are you back in Gotham? Were you safe?
You knew the answer to the last question, the familiar hand in yours told you that you were safe. You were always safe with him. You also knew you wouldn’t be let out of his sight for at least a month.
You opened your eyes and let them adjust to the light in the room. You were in the room you shared with Damian, technically it was his room and you just had clothes, toiletries, and some of your knick-knacks. You’d had your own room at Wayne Manor for a while, but you were almost never in it, so it was put to other use.
You looked over to see a sleeping Damian hunched over on the bed, one hand cradling his head and the other holding yours. When you were sure of where you were and that you were fully awake, you squeezed his hand to gently wake him up.
He stirred slowly and you smiled. Despite what you’d think, Damian Wayne was slow waking up. You’d heard from Tim that when he had first gotten to the Manor that even the smallest noise would wake him up and he’d be on full alert. As he had gotten comfortable with being there and slowly realized that no one was going to attack him in his sleep, he started waking up slower and slower. You thought it was cute and it made you feel warm inside knowing he felt safe enough with you to not always be on alert.
“Dami,” you whispered.
He looked up at you and just stared for a while, until realization clicked in his eyes.
“Beloved! You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
You gave him a small smile. “My head hurts a little, but I feel fine other than that. How long was I out?”
“It’s been around 14 hours. Alfred said you just needed to sleep off the drug the thug used.”
Your smile fell at the reminder of what happened, and you felt Damian squeeze your hand.
“I don’t think I want to travel anymore; I don’t think I want to leave the Manor ever again,” you whispered.
Damian climbed onto the bed to sit beside you and pulled you into a hug. You burrowed into his shirt and wrapped your arms around him.
“You’re going to have to leave eventually, beloved, but I’ll be with you the whole time.”
You nodded and felt tears stream down your face. “I missed you. I missed you so much it hurt.”
He held you a little tighter. “I missed you as well, Y/N. I always miss you when you’re not with me.”
“I love you Dami.”
“I love you too, Beloved.”
@lostredrobin @random-fandom-girl-24
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dilfbatman · 3 years
who would rachel purposefully annoy in the batfam and why is it bruce wayne? 🥰 can u do headcanons I Would Like To Hear Your Thoughts
- bruce is indifferent to children annoying him to death and he’s perfected his stone cold facade but sometimes it breaks and it’s for the sweetest most softest reasons... sometimes rachel gets into hyperfixation mode and since bruce himself & the whole batfam has adhd he totally just Gets it... like rachel will speak for hours on end about art and painting and the different styles and bruce will just sit there. listening. ears wide open and eyes just so soft bc a lil fun fact about bruce is that he loves art! he tries to paint and draw as a hidden hobby so when rachel talks about it he’s like !!!!! this is so cute and i am Listening to you lil red <3
- other times rachel will just Annoy him for shits and giggles she’ll be like 😳 damn bruce um who got paint on your table??? and that cheeto dust... i thought you said you don’t eat junk food? 🤨 and bruce is like. You Heathen. How Dare You. and she just runs around pressing buttons and has bruce chase her bc what’s life about if not having The Batman chase you around his batcave for the laffs <3
- ok but rachel actually has the best relationship w damian bc they’re art buddies :’) she treats him like an equal and they gossip and talk about whatever while painting things and drawing! bruce got them a sick art set and they use it all the time :’) dami makes lil paintings for bruce to hang in his study and for his brothers to hang on their walls and rachel makes scenery art for percy, piper, will & drew! wayne manor is stunning and it’d be a shame not to capture its beauty as it is
- OK BUT ALSO. RACHEL & BARBARA!!!!! they’re both smart spunky fun cute red-headed black girls <3 her and rachel probably have the best sisterly bond like genuinely - they just seamlessly became friends -> sisters and it’s so nice for babs to have someone that is a breath of fresh air from all the batfam craziness so i think w babs, rachel is super relaxed and chill bc she knows babs needs it! babs is also so good at advice so she gives it to rachel whenever and they have lil slumber parties and max out brucie’s credit card when they’re bored and frankly? good for them <3 AND ALSO??? THEY ARE BOTH ORACLES AND WHEN THEY FOUND OUT it was like that spider-man meme <3 rachel teases babs bc she’s like damn are you gonna take my job 🤨🙄 and they both laugh about it bc they’re just Dorks like that
- bruce actually was gonna beat up rachel’s dad once bc he hadn’t seen her in a while and rachel was like it’s ok you’re like a dad to me anyways! and she said it offhandedly and bruce just stood there and his eyes were glassy??? and he just walked to her and hugged her and let me tell you. there’s nothing more better, pure, warm, and comforting than a bruce wayne hug. and for some reason rachel just couldn’t fucking let go and she started crying and bruce sat down on the grass and hugged her and held her until she calmed down. she didn’t know she had so much pent up but being an oracle is so fucking draining and bruce just held her and she ranted and vented and she looked at him and he said “you are my daughter. i love you okay? whenever you need anything you let me know. i’ll always catch you and i always got you.” and god was it so fucking comforting to hear! everyone is there for demigods but being the Prophetic One is hard bc she isn’t herself like her body gets taken over sometimes and she take everyone’s death on her head bc she gave out the prophecy! and bruce just understands completely and lets her know she’s never alone and that he has her
- but ok sappiness aside. rachel is such a light to have around bc she is just so funky fresh and blunt and so creative and is a breath of fresh air! dick & jason are protective of their lil sis and her and tim are skater buddies! dami is her art buddy and duke is her Other Half <3 cass & steph & babs have girl night w rachel along with kate kane the iconic lesbian wine aunt and listen just being around that family is a wild ride and she wouldn’t trade it in ever! bruce is her father figure and he’s like. damn i got another kid again <3 that’s wild :’)
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
I Will be Your Tim Drake for Tonight (3) (Jason Todd/ Reader)
Summary:  Preferring to do anything but your physics project, you decide to accepts Tim’s proposal. It’s simple. He does your project, you try to figure out whether Jason Sionis is criminal. Easy, right?
A/n: This takes place in a world where Jason is adopted by Black Mask. Inspired by Building Interest by Zoeleo.The events and characterization in this story are very heavily based on Zoeleo's Long Term Investment series. It is fantastic and I really highly recommend all of her fics.
a/n: For clarification, Reader does have psychic powers but it only lets her sense people's emotions physically. No mind-reading. Her power is more like an overactive sense of empathy which may force her to dissociate into someone else.
There will be violence and mentions of alcoholism (used as coping mechanism for physical pain) and chronic pain.  
As for the additional warning, an animal is harmed but it is barely described. I could not bring myself to actual describe it but the aftermath is described.
I also just converted this from an OC so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Without further a do:
Your stomach drops.
Of course, Damian just had to be the one to pick up.
"Hey baby bro, could you pass the phone to dad?"
"I'm sorry who is this?"
This little shit.
"You're such a kidder! Dami, it's me, Tim. "
“Ah yes, Drake-” You can hear Tim choke in the background. “What do you want?”
“Please Dami just pass the phone to dad, I- I really need to talk to him”
“Very well,”
“Tim?” The voice sounded like Bruce’s but the intonation was all wrong. The voice changer Tim and Babs were working on seems to have made progress.
“Hey dad, I- uh. I might have gotten kidnapped.”
Tim makes another choking noise. “Might have?”
“I was at the party. I think I had around 13 drinks. 13 ! Can you believe it? I felt like a right sailor after that, like the harbor workers, y’know? Anyway, I was taking a smoke-”
“Enough!” The large man roared, snatching the phone from you. “Send us $100 million by tomorrow or your kid’ll be shark bait!” Who says that anymore?
“Of course! Of course! I’ll have the money sometime this evening. Please don’t hurt him.”
Tim, God bless him, does not laugh. Tim’s acting needs some work but he sure does know how to act worried.
The line dies and they tie you back up to the post.
“What the hell?!”
“We have to make sure you don’t just runoff.” The large man says tightening your bonds. Truthfully, you’ve felt far worse. After all, corsets exist. However, this was still a close second.  
“Do I look like I could outrun a snail?”
“He’s got a point boss. He looks like he hasn’t even seen the sun in ages.”
This, you decide, is true for Tim. When was the last time he went out before dark? Maybe he got sunlight when he stayed over at Eddie’s place.
The large man grabs Jason by the collar and throws him to his men.
The 3 men kick and curse at him. They mock him and beat him down. They wail on him with their fists, their steel-toed shoes, and sometimes brick. Jason takes it all with a crooked grin and a sharp tongue. You watched in awe. Even on the floor, Jason looked sturdy, ferocious, and indomitable.
"They all break, sweet girl."
Jason is on a tiled floor. No, he should be on concrete. His blood is on the tile. They’re hitting him. They’re hitting him with a bat. No. They aren’t supposed to be holding a bat. They were kicking him but now they’re holding a bat. No, She’s holding a bat. There's supposed to be three of them, three men,  but their forms coalesce into her .  You can hear his ribs cracking. Next are his legs. His legs are always next. Then his arm. She'll break each bone in his arms and his hands.  He’s wheezing. His voice sounds hoarse. His voice is too hoarse. He sounds like he’s been starved and dehydrated for at least a day. They’ve only been here for an hour. That isn’t right. Oh God! Now she had a cleaver in her hands.
He doesn’t need to die. She can’t.
 The scene crescendos as the tall, dark, sinewy silhouette towering over Jason raises the butcher's knife above her head.
“Harder, daddy!”
The scene of the kitchen fades and the shit-eating grin on Jason melts into view which shifts from amusement to confusion then back to amusement.
You blink seeing his stupid grin far too clearly.
You let a bark of gut-busting laughter out as you strain against the rope. Your brow pinches with concern but based on the scowls you’re receiving they're more focused on the fact that you were laughing like a mad man.  
Jason looks like he’s about to laugh from the absurdity as well when the man in charge picks him up again tossing him into a chair. The other men tie him down binding his wrists and ankles.
"I've had worse." He spits out.
The phone rings again, the dial tone echoing. Jason looks like hell with his face swollen and bruises beginning to bloom on every surface but he still looked like he was 5 seconds from starting a fight.
The large man punches Jason hard in the gut knocking the air out of his lungs as the dial tone cuts off.  “Hear that, Sionis? Your little bitch is pretty soft.”
Oh God, are they serious?
“Who is this? Nevermind. You ok there, sweetheart?” Roman Sionis’ ‘concerned’ voice carries over the line.
They are.
“Nothing I can't handle, daddy.” Jason chuckles with the utmost casualness. You, on the other hand,  instantly want to disinfect your brain. Thankfully, before your mind could wander somewhere it can't return from,  the big man growls into the phone.
“Don't you recognize the voice of the man whose life you've ruined?!”
“You've gotta be more specific than that. I've ruined quite a few lives but I would like to know whose brain I need to put a bullet in.”
“Doesn't ring any bells.” Roman deadpans almost sounding completely disinterested. “Sweetheart, you remember anyone like that?”
“Nope,” Jason replies letting the p pop. It seemed like a strange sort of triumph before it all crashes down with another swift punch to the ribs.
You stare at the strange scene torn between amusement and horror.
“Take this seriously!” Bruno roars.
"I'm taking this about as seriously as it deserves."
A part of you thought 'yeah this is ridiculous enough to warrant nonchalance' while the other part wanted to scream.  On one hand, even you found his identity anticlimactic. Doesn’t he know just how many small-time businesses Roman has ruined? He’d be lucky to get into the top 50. It’s not like he was running a pretty ethical establishment either.  On the other hand, your freaking kid is getting the shit kicked out of him. Emote damn it.
“Jason. Don’t you worry. Daddy’s going to take care of this. Your Uncle D happens to be in town. He’s on his way to pick you up. Love you, baby. See you soon.”
The line dies. Your stomach sinks further somehow. You don’t know if the nausea is due to the fact that the line died, the threat, or the number of times the word ‘daddy’ came up. Who the hell is Uncle D? How is he supposed to help? Your gaze trails to Jason who is now lowering his head to the floor seemingly tired. Maybe that last punch finally drained the fight from him.
“You're all so fucked.” Jason barks out in a fit of laughter. The men around him, jumping from the volume of his voice.  
Bruno grabs Jason by the collar and begins to shake him as if the  “Shut the fuck up you little bitch! Whoever your Uncle D is he's-”
You feel like someone kicked you in the chest. First of all, Uncle D? Really? You guess that there are worse hills to die on. This was somehow weirder than hearing Faust and her siblings call him pops. Second of all, Fuck. You'd never gotten your asshanded to you by Deathstroke but based on how banged up the Titans looked after fighting him this wasn't gonna be pretty.  All you could hope for was that you wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Although, the image of Deathstroke grudgingly letting a kid call him Uncle D lightens your mood a bit.  
Bruno throws Jason on the floor hard enough for his body to bounce. Like Jason earlier, Bruno is radiating murder.
Just run, you thick motherfucker.
You, being the ‘nice’ Wayne kid that you are,  try to tell him as much but sadly that was halted by shattering glass. A flurry of black, orange, and metal crash through the glass and cut through the crowd of men.  
They fire at him, panic making their faces even paler. They hit him, bullets sinking into his flesh, blood splatters but none of it fazes him. He skewers and cuts them down with ease. His swords and suit are liberally decorated with their blood when it’s all done.
He steps over Bruno’s body. From the grunt that comes out, Bruno is still alive. Dumb bastard doesn’t know how to play dead. He’ll die from blood loss anyway.
“Hey, kid-” Deathstroke greets tersely,  picking up Jason’s nearly limp body.  “We’re gonna get you home.” He slings Jason’s arm over his shoulder.
Deathstroke stops sounding slightly annoyed.
Jason turns to you, who’s still unhappily tied to a post.  “We gotta get him out.” He rasps.  
“Kid, you’re the only one I’m getting paid to rescue.”  Deathstroke helpfully informs as he carefully adjusts his hold on the struggling young man. You blow out a breath somehow more irritable than scared.  “Just cut me out. I can make my way back just fine.”
“Walk in Gotham, are you stupid?” Jason hisses. The concern bleeding through.
“Which one of us charged at their captors while they were armed?”
Jason scowls at you with a petulant twist in his lips. “Yanno what,  Leave ‘im.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry and yeah I’ll be fine. I know where to avoid. Just please don’t leave me with them” you plead, throwing away any pride you held as you glance at the most likely dead bodies. Deathstroke cuts you out. Your skin feels raw but you’re otherwise unharmed.
You walk out of the warehouse and Dick practically throws himself at you. “Oh thank god, they didn’t shoot you in the head.” He mumbles into your wig.  
"Why would you think they would shoot me in the head?"
Dick pulls back and frowns at you through the domino mask.  “You aren’t exactly the most pleasant-”
“ We were model hostages.” you squawk.
Jason snorts far too loudly to be helpful.
You glare at him but you weren’t about to say fuck off to him while he has one of the world’s deadliest assassins right next to him.
Deathstroke coughs.  “Well if you don’t mind we’ll be taking our leave.”
Dick holding you protectively, glares but says nothing. Maybe he does but you faint before you can hear it.
A/n: Thanks for reading!
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rosevered · 7 years
To throw a party
(for Halloween content war, day 2: Celebration)
„Grayson, I...I require your assistance," Damian mumbled almost inaudibly, his stare fixed on a crack in the floor.
„What´s wrong, little D.?" Dick asked. Jason peeked over the book he was reading, curious.
„You know how Father forces me to interact with that son of his Kryptonian friend?"
„Uh-huh, it´s called „making friends," Demon," Jason cut in. Dick shushed him and beckoned to Damian to continue.
„So, they got this silly idea I should host him here for a Halloween party, whatever should that mean."
„Oh, that´s great! I love Halloween parties!" Dick beamed. „But I still don´t see any big problem here."
„Well, I´m not really acquainted with how should such a party look like. And since Pennyworth is currently busy preparing that Wayne gala, I need someone to help me with… whatever it takes."
„You mean you don´t have to be at the Gala?!" Tim stood at the door-frame, eyes bright with hope. „I´d say you´ll need some extra hand, right?" He grinned widely.
Dick clapped his hands in excitement. „Let´s make it brothers´ bonding evening! Jon is practically a family," he added as Damian inhaled, ready to retort. Jason made a noise, pretending to puke. Tim shrugged: „Anything to avoid the Gala."
„What have I done," Damian sighed.
In fact it didn´t take much to convince Bruce to let all the boys to stay at home. Dick was adult and a former secret agent after all, and Bruce was sure he is capable of coping with two kids, one teen and Jason.
Alfred, on the other hand, was not too cool with leaving the house to five boys. But after they all swore to never leave Dick near the kitchen and Jason near Bruce´s liquor cabinet, he looked at least a bit relieved.
„OK, squirts, I´m gonna prepare popcorn and bake some cookies. Remember the rule number one: No one is allowed to the kitchen." Jason announced and disappeared in said room.
„Who are you calling squirt?!" Dick answered offendedly.
„Since you are few inches smaller, he´s got a point," Tim reminded.
„Oh, I didn´t expect this from you, Timmy," Dick clasped his chest dramatically.
Tim rolled his eyes. „I´d better go and prepare the TV set. By the way, what are we watching?"
„Err, to much gore for Jon, I guess," Dick bit his lip.
„Ring?" Damian´s eyes glistened mischievously.
„I don´t know, it gave Tim a week of nightmares last time we watched it."
“Hey! It was only because Jason kept turning my TV on with a remote and played the sounds from that damn tape on repeat!”
“Yes, that was funny,” Damian exhaled almost happily. Dick eyed him in disapproval.
„And what about some Tim Burton? Beetlejuice?" Tim suggested.
Since no one was against this choice, the disc was promptly inserted into the DVD player.
„And what do we do?" Damian asked. „We prepare the nest!" Dick exclaimed.
„Is it necessary?"
„Of course it is, what would be Halloween movies watching without a nest."
„What is the nest? Is that some Robin thing?" Jon asked curiously.
Dick chuckled. „Not exactly, but yes, sort of. We simply make ourselves soft and cozy place to watch the movies from."
„Sounds like fun," Jon smiled.
„Yes, save the fact it is not. It is just annoying." Damian snorted.
„Oh, c´mon, Dami, I know you like it," Dick teased and Jon laughed.
„Quit it, Kent, or I´ll go get my kryptonite! And don´t you try to snuggle to me, or so help me!"
“This movie looks so old and crappy!” Damian complained.
Tim checked his watch. “It´s three minutes. You owe me ten bucks, Jason.”
“Thanks, Demon, I really counted on you to keep you mouth shut for more than five minutes,” Jason scowled.
Instead of answering him, Damian threw a fistful of popcorn at Jason. Unfortunately, substantial amount of it landed on Tim´s head.
“Oh, you didn´t, Damian!” Tim growled, his eyes glistening with revenge. He stuffed his hand into his bowl and returned fire.
“Boys! Boys!” Dick tried to intervene, but was hit in the face by warm popcorn dripping with butter. “Give us a rest, Goldie. Didn´t you want us to bond?” Jason laughed. “Eat this!” and he flicked a piece of popcorn right into Dick´s opened mouth.
Dick coughed and his eyes narrowed. “This means war!”
“No war in the living room, young masters!” Very calm voice with English accent froze them in place. “And I´m sure you will have a wonderful bonding time while cleaning this mess.”
“Can we please finish the movie first, sir?” Jon asked in a small voice.
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iwritethat · 7 years
Damian Wayne as a Father Headcanons
A/N: Reader and Damian are adults in these. I went all out on this, so I really hope you like the structure and everything. Feedback is welcomed. ☺️
(c/n) = child’s name
Damian as a father would include:
Pregnancy: • Damian was excited when you told him he was going to be a father, well as excited as Damian manages to express.
• He had his concerns about whether he was going to be a good father, based on his family background and upbringing he had his doubts. However after reassuring him, that he managed to change and has become a better person his worry subsided.
• Now when he goes out on patrol, he’s more cautious and careful as he now has two people to come home to and protect.
• Whilst you’re pregnant, Damian is extremely over protective with everything. You are not putting yourself in any danger and he’ll make sure of that. He understands he’s being this way and apologised, explaining he doesn’t want either of you hurt since you’re a prime target now.
• Catering to your cravings the best he can. Sort of. “Pennyworth, we need some strawberries and hot sauce?” “We’re currently out of strawberries Master Damian, Miss (Y/n) has cleared them out.” “Ugh, I’ll be back shortly beloved.” “Really? You have to leave me, I know you’re getting stuff for me but I’m kind of annoyed by that and I don’t know why.” “Hormones (y/n).”
• Trying to comfort you when you get emotional, but since Damian isn’t the best at it he comes up with other solutions. “I could punch you right now!” “Beloved, that’d be a stupid move.” “Oh really? Because I love you… a lot and I didn’t mean that!” You were still yelling and you weren’t sure why. “How about throwing some knives instead?” “What?! NO! That’s ridiculous and I’m actually willing to do it. You’re such a good partner for letting me do this.” By your last statement you were crying and pulling him into an embrace.
• Both of you low-key freaking out when the baby kicks and you’re just hugging each other with massive grins on your faces.
• Receiving visits from Damian’s family, all of which are super excited to be apart of it and looking forward to having a new member in the family.
• Dick encouraging Damian that’s he’s going to be a good father.
• Bruce still not quite getting the fact his son has a proper family that’s almost normal, but enjoys it none the less. “Bruce, you know you’re going to be a granddad right?” “Yes of course I do (y/n), Damian is going to be a father and to be honest… it all feels surreal.” “Tell me about it. It’s gonna be great though.” “It truly is.”
Labour: • When your waters broke, Damian was with you since he’d estimated the most likely time it’d happen. This man was prepared, he was still the son of the original Batman.
• Damian drove you to the hospital as soon as possible, not in the Batmobile much to your disappointment but understood there’d be no easy way to explain that.
• Panicking and being exhausted throughout labour and Damian telling you to breathe.
• “Holy shit (y/n)!!!” Damian actually yelped when you squeezed his hand during labour. “You’re not giving birth Dami!” “You’re a lot stronger than I thought.” “Yep, comes with being your significant other for so long! Ah shit!” “Breathe beloved, breathe.”
• With over 10 hours in labour you finally had your child and you were exhausted. “I did it - Dami I -” “I know beloved, you are so strong. I’m proud of you (y/n), I love you so much.” “Love you too.”
• Holding the baby and you simply can’t believe you’ve created something so pure, suddenly you forget all the pain because it was all worth it for this child in your arms.
• Damian holds them next, and is so smitten that you know this child is gonna be spoilt. He almost cried because he thought he was incapable of producing something this innocent, his family do not have a grip on his baby and they never will.
• The rest of the Batfam piling in minutes later hoping to see their new addition. Dick is super enthusiastic about the whole ordeal and sheds a few tears, whilst promising to be the best uncle ever which was open to dispute. Jason was smiling more than ever, saying “It’s up to (y/n) to make sure we don’t get another demon spawn in the family. Right now though, I’m really proud of you two.” Tim making sure you’re alright, asking about names and how much the baby weighs before checking on the others. Bruce is over the moon and is third to hold his grandchild, he’s quick to congratulate you both and offers for you to stay at the manor so they can all help to get you back on your feet. Cassandra doesn’t say anything, instead hugging you tightly with a wide grin on her face then patting Damian on the shoulder who remained by your bedside. “You’ll make a great auntie Cass.” And that only made her smile more.
General Child Raising: > Taking turns to get up in the night when the baby wakes up.
• Morning cuddles because you’re both exhausted.
• The baby getting lots of attention and babysitters consisting of Damian’s family which you’re eternally grateful for.
• Damian still being smitten as you expected, you find yourself leaning on the doorframe and watching the two interact often, a smile making its way onto your face. “Are you alright beloved?” “Y-yeah, it’s nice to be apart of this family.” You soon join the two.
• Damian teaching your child self defence from a young age and you’re not too thrilled with the idea. “Oh my - Damian! Why does (c/n) have a katana?!” “I’m teaching (c/n) how to wield the weapon beloved.” “Y-yeah, couldn’t you have started with a wooden one. A real one isn’t exactly safe for a 5 year old!” “I did. At the age of 3. (C/n)’s skills have developed since then (y/n).” “Oh my gosh. We’re terrible parents!” You yelped, throwing your hands in the air.
• Your child learning about Damian’s culture and heritage as well as your own so they know where to come from and if they want to celebrate any traditions.
• Both of you helping out with homework from school, Damian specialising in Maths.
• Having to come up with crazy explanations as to why their father came through the window in the dead of night looking like Batman. “Is daddy Santa?” “Uh not exactly… It’s more like the tooth fairy?” “We are not saying that beloved, (c/n) I’m Batman - but you can’t tell anyone as this is a family secret.” “Ok Batdad.” You’re child whispered, giggling at the nickname.
• Damian ok with them joining the family business as long as they pass his training resumés. They don’t go out if they’re sick or injured no matter what as this increases the likelihood of reckless behaviour.
• Teaching them the ways of Wayne Enterprises since they’re the future heir now.
• Your child learning about the hero business when they get older and finally accepting their father isn’t the tooth fairy.
• Giving them the choice of whether they want to become a vigilante with you supporting them 100% and Damian teaching them League of Assassins techniques regardless of their decision.
• Joking with you and Damian about becoming a villain because they’re fully equipped to do so but knowing that’s not how they were brought up.
• Them secretly having a favourite uncle but only Damian and yourself know who it is and refuse to tell the others.
• Kate Kane being the go to person for anything LGBT+ related, if your child is in fact an LGBT citizen or not.
• Generally being quite an open family that comes with a few cracks but you’re happy.
If it’s a Boy: • “Looks like there’s a new son of Batman now.” “Indeed there is, I hope he’ll be my successor one day.”
• Father son bonding activities, most of which included one on one training sessions. There a lot of testosterone in your home.
• Play fights all of the time, literally with anyone of his uncles that comes over. Whether it be Dick, Jason, Tim or Duke he’s going to show them the new moves Damian taught him.
• “I’m going to be the next Red Hood. You watch me!” As your son runs around with finger guns yelling ‘pew pew’ at inanimate objects much to your amusement. “I’m going to kill Todd…”
• You’re son actually wanting to have powers like Jon, Supermans son, who visits on some occasions. Though after a long conversation about practicality with his father, (c/n) is convinced he’ll be the next Batman. “Well Superman doesn’t have a Batmobile.” “But he can fly father.” “(C/n) has a point Dami.”
• Your son imitating Damian any chance he gets since he looks up to his father more than he realises. “I am the son of the demon!” “(Y/n), what was that?” “Dick, do you really want to question it? He has Dami’s genes remember.” “That’s who he reminds me of, Damian when he was younger - such a little sh-” Covering Dicks mouth before he could finish that sentence.
• Bruce saying he looks a lot like Damian and is proud of you both for raising your son so well. (C/n) has great manners at Galas when he’s older and is a hit with the ladies. Of course, for now - you’re the most important female in his life until he finds that special someone. Damian couldn’t be more proud. “Meet my parents, Damian and (Y/n) Wayne.” “It’s a pleasure, I hope our son is treating you well.” “Yes, thank you Mrs Wayne.”
If it’s a Girl: • Literally his little princess who he loves dearly.
• Cass coming over to style your daughters hair and spend time with her. Even though Cass isn’t talkative, your daughter speaks enough for the both of them. “Can you do plaits Auntie Cass, like milkmaid ones?” “I bet you can, you’re really good at making hair look pretty.” Cass just kisses her forehead and starts braiding.
• Finding out that she isn’t going to be a girly girl from a very early age. “As I have Batdad, I get to drive the Batmobile when I’m older - maybe I can race!” “I can teach you to drive now princess, I could drive by your age.” “No! Damian, that’s illegal!” “So is vigilantism.” “…”
• Barbara and Stephanie coming over to help out and Stephanie even brought your daughter a Batgirl costume. Stephanie being so involved for personal reasons and just becoming her auntie not that there was any question. “Steph, why did you buy this?” “Why not? She’ll follow in our footsteps one day.” “I’ll make sure she knows all the technical tricks.” Barbara was quick to add referring to her way with computers.
• Kate Kane and Harper Row also visiting to check up on you both. Kate claiming that girls have got to stick together. Your daughter thinking Harpers hair is the coolest thing in the world. “Mommy, can I have my hair just like Harpers? With pink in it and can I have it rainbow?” “That would look so cool!” Came the exaggerated enthusiasm of Harper. “When you’re older, you can dye it however you want.”
• Damian gets over protective when romantic relationships come into the equation. “Father, I fight crime with you at weekends. I’m perfectly capable of handling a romantic partner.” “It’s funny you think they’ll even get a chance to get close to you.” “Mom, a little help?!”
• “Touch my daughter and you’re dead.” “You’re dad is joking right (c/n)?” Came your daughters current interest. “Haha, uh yeah… no. No he’s not joking.” “So what? Beat me to death?” “More like slice you. With his katana.” Your daughter corrected. “And that’s only if your uncles don’t get to them first (c/n)!” “Thanks for that mom.”
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wellthatjusthappend · 7 years
Flicker Beat (2/2)
Read on AO3
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Damian was sleeping soundly on the couch at last. Dick took the blood sample he’d drawn, separated it out into a couple test tubes, added drops, and set them spinning in a homemade centrifuge of sorts he’d thrown together. The baddies were always cooking up some chemical this or that and while a trip to the cave would be ideal, it wasn’t always possible.
Case in point.
The Abuse kid said something about it not affecting Alpha’s as much, which was weird to say the least. Hopefully after these samples settled properly he could get a better idea of what they were dealing with. Damian seemed to be already doing better, but that wasn’t the point. Someone had taken a good shot at his partner and it irked Dick that he hadn’t been there for him. Damian was very dear to him. If that dosage had been lethal…
Dick closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He balled up the wrappings from the tubes and went to toss them in the trash. Dick paused noticing an unopened package that was partially buried under the rest. It was flexible and had been squished up as much as possible. There was no return address, but Dick recognized Leslie’s spidery scrawl.
I know this is hard for you, but it’s not your fault. Please take them, they really will help.
Dick frowned opened the sack. Inside were a couple different bottles of medicine as well as a bottle of antidepressants. He wracked his brain trying to think if there was a reason Leslie would give these to him and came up blank. He’d call her after Damian was feeling better and try to figure why exactly these were in his trash. In the meantime he put time safely in his cupboard.
He heard Damian move around in the other room and hurried out of the kitchen again.
“Little D,” Murmured Dick kneeling by his side and feeling his forehead. No fever anymore, that was good, “How are you feeling?”
“Less than optimal.” grumbled Damian, jade eyes blinking open to stare at him blearily before scowling, “Colin, that traitor.”
“I’m glad he brought you to me.” Dick said firmly, “You didn’t know what you had been dosed with, it could have been very dangerous.”
“-tt-” Damian looked away. Dick wanted to hug him. He settled for stroking a hand through his hair affectionately.
“I’m really glad you’re here, babybat,” Dick admitted, “You have no idea how worried I’ve been.”
“Your worry was unnecessary. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself,” Damian scowled. Dick was quite sure that if he knew how much he was pouting he’d stop immediately.
“You still shouldn’t have had to.” Dick said angrily, “You’re 14 years old, you should be having to carry adult burdens. Just because you technically can doesn’t matter. It wasn’t an ok for your Dad to do that.”
Protecting Tim was one thing. And an important thing at that. But turning your teenage son out of the house was another. Dick thought Bruce sometimes forgot Damian was actually child. He had a bratty attitude sometimes, but for the most part it wasn’t like he ever acted his age much. Still.
“So why would he do it?” Damian shot back, his angry tone barely covering an edge of hurt, “Why? I’m the blood son. Me. So why would he choose Drake over…?”
“Because even though Bruce is some of the smartest men I know, he’s also one of the stupidest,” sighed Dick helping Damian sit up a bit so the Beta could sit and he could lean against Dick’s chest, “I don’t think he meant for you to be gone more than an evening, but that still doesn’t excuse his behavior. I think he thought you would just agree to stop attacking Tim and that would be the end of it but he really should have known better. He knows you, after all. You’re both so stubborn.”
“I don’t understand. Drake already has everything. Why does he insist on always messing everything up?” Damian gritted.
“Wouldn’t you say though that everyone deserves a chance to feel at home in their own skin?” Dick asked.
“Don’t be idealistic Grayson, bodies were always meant to be cumbersome things.” Damian gave Dick a look like he was stupid.
“And even so, we still all try to find our place to fit.” Dick insisted, “Tim has found his. The pack is supporting him in that.”
“Colin would fit, if he could.” Damian said suddenly, Dick looked at him quizzically, “My- the person who brought me to you, Colin.”
“The Alpha.” Dick nodded, pursing his lips at the memory. He didn’t like that such a big aggressive Alpha had been just living with his younger partner. Dick wasn’t sure what to make of the fact that Damian was calling this- friend?- by his first name either. Damian didn’t call people by their first names.
“He’s not an Alpha.” snapped Damian defensively, “He’s- he doesn’t fit correctly into the dynamics, but he would if he could! It’s not his fault. If he’s had a choice he would have and- And then there’s Drake, hah!”
Dick bit back a thousand things that came to mind in the younger Beta’s defense but he decided to let Damian vent for a little first.
“Drake fit before and now he’s just messing it up just because he feels like it. Dynamics matter. They’re everything you can’t just- you can’t just throw them out just because.” Damian tried to explain.
Dick let them sit in silence for a little before carefully asking, “If dynamics are everything, where does that put your friend Colin?”
“I don’t know.” Damian admitted sounding distressed.
“What if your friend decided he wanted to fit? He’d have to go do some of the same kinds of things Tim is doing.” Dick let that sit, “If, say, he decided to transition to being a Beta, would you consider him to not be a real Beta like you’ve told Tim over and over?”
“No.” Damian gritted out, “I am aware that makes no sense, but no.”
“Ah.” Dick felt a flicker of hope. He’d always kind of been worried Damian might never except Tim. But maybe…
“I don’t know what to do, Grayson.” Damian admitted quietly, then more loudly and frustrated, “These matters are supposed to be set and very clear. The rules are in place, and those with any ounce of integrity follows them. There a correct way of doing things for each dynamic that compliments each other. If you break for that there can only be chaos and heartbreak.”
Dick refrained from asking about what Damian thought of relationships outside of a potential bond or traditional Beta/Beta relationships. He was already aware Damian thought he and Jason were infidels. Still…
“If you want to talk about my take on it all, I’d be happy to share some of the insights I’ve heard.” Dick said slowly, “But it sounds like most of all you need to think about it all some more. Don’t just bottle it up and try not to think about it because it’s hard though.”
“I know that.” grumbled Damian wiggling close. Dick smiled to himself, knowing that Damian would deny snuggling till the day he died. It was hard to resist kissing his forehead, but he doubted Damian would tolerate it.
At first Dick thought that his throat was tightening up because he was emotional. But after a couple of times of trying to clear his throat unsuccessfully, Dick got a bit suspicious. Damian seemed fine though.
“One sec little D.” Dick said regretfully shuffling out from under the other.
“Where are you going?” Damian asked looking disgruntled at having to move.
“Just gotta check something.” Dick smiled reassuringly.
In the kitchen the centrifuge had long since stopped spinning. Dick’s eyes widened at the way all of the tubes had separated and were reacting really concerningly. It didn’t say great things about whatever this new drug was.
One of the samples wasn’t sealed properly.
He started to reach for it and became aware that his hands were shaking. Hard. And more by the second. And the room was starting to pulse in an alarming way.
“Dami-!” Dick tried to call but it came out a concerning weeze. He couldn’t breathe. And everything was- everything was-
“Pennyworth! Please! Grayson has-” Damian started frantically pulling the Beta far away from the sample in the kitchen.
“I’m on my way.” Alfred began to say before Damian’s brain caught up to the situation.
“No!” He said, “Stay away. And keep Drake away too. This is a drug that only affects Beta’s, we can’t have you getting exposed as well. I’ll call the ambulance, you inform the rest of the pack.”
“As you say.” Alfred said, strain evident in his voice.
“I need you to send an ambulance. Do not send any Beta personnel,” Damian said briskly dialing 911, “My packmate has reacted to the drug called Flicker. He is no longer breathing. My address is 54th St and Adams. West Gotham, apartment 731. I expect you to arrive promptly.”
Damian hung up before they could answer and focused on giving Dick CPR. He wasn’t sure it was doing much but his brain was filled with statistics and facts about the brain starting to die after 6 minutes without oxygen.
“Grayson, you fool, you’re not allowed to die.” Damian told him, “Especially not because you were caring for me.”
The ambulance's arrival and the ride to the hospital was a confusing panicked blur. Damian tried to keep track of who was doing what and why but it was chaos.
“Stop! Where are you taking him?” demanded Damian when they tried to take the Beta away from him.
“Don’t worry kid,” one of the attendants smiled wearily, “We’re getting real good at treating Flicker victims. Your packmates going to be fine. We just need to take him for a few.”
Damian reluctantly sat back and channeled his worry into rage for the fools who dared to hurt his pack and what he planned to do to them.
“Damian!” Damian turned as his name was called to see Tim running up.
“You shouldn’t be here-” Damian started angrily. Regardless of what Drake really was, right now physically his makeup was closer to that of a Beta than an Omega which meant he could be at risk. They weren’t sure exactly what it was people were reacting to after all.
“It’s fine,” Tim waved him away, “If it was loes in the hospital then Beta’s would be collapsing left, right, and center.”
“-tt-” Damian turned away.
“Tell me what happened.” Tim said intently, and Damian knew in that moment he was dealing with Red Robin. That was fine. He always dealt better with him than Tim.
Damian explained all about the gangs and the drugs and about getting dosed and not knowing that Dick had taken a sample so he hadn’t thought to warn him about any potential dangers. Tim was frowning deeply by the time he finished. Tim nodded and quickly sent out a series of texts.
“No one can seem to get ahold of Jason, but Barbara is going to Dick’s place to get his samples. We’ll have an antidote of our own soon enough.” Tim said
“Todd is going to go on a rampage when he hears.” Damian said dryly. The grimace Tim made said he agreed.
“Where is Dick?” Tim asked, “How is he?”
“In there.” Damian nodded to the doors.
“I’m going to go talk to them.” was all Tim said. Damian let him do it. He had no patience for people caught in bureaucracy and they would likely not appreciate him hurling them over the counter when they refused to cooperate.
“This doesn’t make sense.” Tim said looking troubled when he returned, “The drug has dramatic effects. Deadly if not treated. But it’s not hard to treat. They’re telling me that it rarely takes more than a day for Beta’s to get back on their feet. If this gang is targeting Beta’s, then it can’t be this simple.”
“-tt- Perhaps they got sloppy.” Damian said.
“No, they have to know by now that people can treat it easily but they’re still producing.” Tim said frustrated.
Damian shrugged and kept his eyes fixed on the door. He and Tim sat in silence, Tim occasionally tapping away at his phone. It was the first time they’d seen each other since their fight. Damian expected to feel more resentful, but he couldn’t muster it in the face of Tim’s palpable worry about Dick.
A commotion by the entrance made Damian look up to see Jason shoving his way past personal with Colin trailing worriedly behind him. Both Damian and Tim were on their feet in an instant.
“Are you ok? Should you be out here so soon after-” Damian went straight for Colin.
“I’m fine, Jason said I already stopped scenting and I’m feeling better than usual since he was taking care of me.” Colin said quickly. Damian started to feel jealous at that but-
“Where is he?! Where the fuck is he?!” Jason yelled.
“Jason-” Tim started to lay a hand on his arm but Jason shook it off.
“No, fuck, you need to let me see him right this fucking second!” Jason spat, his eyes wild and feverish.
“Sir, calm down,” a nurse tried to calm him, “If your mate is somewhere here than I assure you that we can take you to him. The Alpha ward is this way if you’ll-”
“I’m not going to no fucking Alpha ward.” Jason snarled, “My mate’s a Beta.”
“Oh,” She blinked rapidly, “Um, well, technically then you’re not m-”
“He was just admitted here for unintentionally exposure to Flicker?” Tim cut in with a charming smile before Jason could lose his already frayed temper, “Could you tell us if his procedures finished?”
“Flicker? Oh, well that procedure should have been finished a while ago, it’s really quite quick. We don’t take names upon entrance since patients usually wake up again fairly quickly to tell us themselves. I can see if he’s in the system?” she said stepping behind a computer, “What’s his name?”
“Dick Grayson.” Tim said while Jason muttered things under his breath. Colin took Damian’s hand and squeezed it comfortingly.
“Hmm, no one here is by that name.” She hummed, “Can you give me any other descriptions?”
Tim listed off several more.
“I’m sorry, you’re sure he’s didn’t already check himself out? Flicker patience do that sometimes. The only Beta’s here for Flicker are in their teens.” she asked.
“You.” Jason rounded on Damian grabbing his shirt, “Why didn’t you stay with him?”
“I wasn’t permitted to-” Damian began to spit defensively.
“When the fuck has that ever stopped you?” snarled Jason, “You knew Beta’s were disappearing after taking this drug, why the fuck would you let him out of your sight for a second?!”
Damian felt very cold.
“Oh god.” Tim breathed, “Oh god, that- that’s very clever. They could just- and nobody would probably notice- oh god.”
“I’m going to go fucking find him.” Jason said spinning on his heel.
“I- I’ll keep looking for clues here.” Tim said shakily turning back to the front desk.
“Wait, just like that? You guys really think he’s gone?” Colin asked worriedly.
“If he’s here, Drake will find him soon.” Damian said trying to breath through- Dick, no, they couldn’t have taken Dick. Not the one person in the family who- “But if they have taken him we’ll only have a short window to intercept them.”
A window that may have passed.
“Damian, I need you here with me.” Tim said apologetically as Damia started toward the door with Colin, “you’re the one who was with him and might be able to identify those who brought him in.”
“Colin, you go help Todd. I’ll remain here with Drake.” Damian said pushing his friend towards the door, “You have the best nose out everyone besides Jason. See if you can track him down.”
“Are you sure?”
“No.” said Damian in frustration, “Now go.”
With one more cautious look, Colin took off.
“We’re going to find him,” Damian said turning back to Tim, “We must.”
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