#something personal
marinusart · 26 days
This is it...
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I wanted to thank you for 100 followers, more than 550 notes on the recent post (just how?!) and activity under my AO3 fic all together. Seriously, this is incredible and I didn't expect it to happen so soon! I wish I could create something more meaningful for the case of it but exams and stuff took all my time away unfortunately. I still want you to know your support helps me a lot!
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cactiired · 2 months
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I wrote something cringe...body dysmorphia has been acting up lately and today was especially frustrating.
Also this is very Zariya coded so I suppose I've projected some emotions onto her being a shapeshifter+having a complicated relationship with her original form.
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A month ago Crunchyroll invited the international viewers of Undead Girl Murder Farce to send in their thank-you notes or fan arts to the thank-you party of the cast and crew. I sent in mine and well, I found out from Noriko Ito’s tweets, who did the character designs for UGMF, that they did read it.
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Found out that the message they chose to post was mine. Maybe I’d hide in the corner.
They even met with UGMF novelist Yugo Aosaki and Zerogo Iwamoto, the character concept artist.
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It was great to be able to talk to Mr. Aosaki and Mr. Zerogo about how we worked hard to draw Tsugaru in a cool and sexy way. ( x )
But I’d still hide in the corner. Probably.
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taz-ma-raz-skylar · 15 days
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(Picture taken by me at the Infinity Con, if someone wanna use it, please give credits, even if the Picture is blurry. Thank you)
Hey to every single one of you.
I‘m still a little in my Con bubble and real life and real world keeps me a little busy too at the moment, but I will post about my meeting this precious human up there in some days, as long as someone wanna knowing and reading it!
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romanticizedream · 1 year
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[ inspired by @honeytuesday ]
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rpgwrites · 3 months
Something personal....
I'm doing really good but I decided to share how my sugar have been. Last year I lost weight. It happened really fast. I was still overweight but not so much. I was getting thinner and thinner. I got lots of compliments and I was no longer seen as the unhealthy one. I was seen as the healthy one. I felt really good about myself. But as no one knew I ate extremely wrong. I cheated a lot. I was a bad diabetic. I skipped breakfast and still do.
The reason for this was I moved and lived on my own. Well sort of.... I rented a room in a house. I couldn't afford my diet but I also didn't care. I cut a lot back and while I could have bought healthier food I didn't. Sometimes when I had extra money and my depression got worse I ate junk food. The thing is I could have done better but didn't. It was easier not to.
Six months ago I was hospitalised with ketones and I thought things would change but didn't. I ate a lot better more healthier. But it's hard for me. Not financially anymore but emotionally.
In February one morning no one could wake me up. Luckily I was surrounded by people that cared and helped me. My sugar got really high then really low and I had to miss work. Everyone at work thought it was stress but I don't think it has been.
Then 3 weeks ago I got sick. Last week it got worse. I had flu symptoms but then developed ketones. I lost my appetite and lost weight again. I went to the doctor and she was concerned about ketones and I tested positive again. Luckily I wasn't hospitalised but the next day it got worse and I had no choice but to go.
So I missed work for a week thanks to my ketones. I don't know if it is because of my sugar that is not under control or if my flu symptoms had a part. I went home last Friday and I'm much better. I'm trying harder.
But the truth is I fell off the wagon. And it's hard to get there. I'm scared to gain all that weight again. But I will get better at this again.
I thought I could share this.
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lihiominaa · 2 years
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- Samantha, I'm a figment of your imagination. You're gonna call me 'sir'? - Old habit. Sorry. - So, are you gonna save yourself or what? - I've tried. - Just giving up, then? - I just don't know what else to do right now. - You'll think of something. - You came to give me a pep talk? - That's what friends are for. - Friends. - Hey! This is you talking here. Might as well be honest.
STARGATE SG-1 S07E13 | Grace
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moonshine999 · 7 months
A bit of a personal thing that I just want to post. I am in bit of a haze right now and kind of have barely any motivation or time to do anything except if it is involving my studies (and sometimes not even those). I don’t know when I will start posting mini fics again (as much as I would want to).
I don’t really know if this means I’m taking a break but I will be doing moodboards, hcs and a few rambles here and there…just not as often as I’d like or I used to. I am sorry if this is completely out of the blue or random to anyone who sees this but I just wanted to get this out there and apologise for the low productivity on posts that you have been (and probably will keep) seeing.
I obviously will keep working on my fics and will post them when I feel they are ready and I have the time. Thank you <3
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dinomite2 · 3 months
Almost Every time I end a talk with someone I talk to or ask a lot online I wonder to myself for a little bit
What do they think of me? do they not like me? Am I being annoying messaging them time to time?
I just wish no people that no harm comes from me and I really hope to myself that I'm going to well I don't know just give them a good time talking with Me for a bit
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cosmicdenro · 7 months
I actually learned recently that that guy in At Dead of Night doesn’t have DID and, at least according to the creator, wasnt written to have it either. It’s revealed in the super late game that he’s possessed by a ghost instead. It did kinda feel like the game was trying to like trick the player into thinking he had DID tho so yeah…
NO WAY FOR REAL?? i hope the creator actually means that jimmy was never meant to have DID because Mark in his playthrough even said that he knew this feels like DID representation wtf!
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amythesailor · 1 year
Something Personal
I never thought that I will be doing this but here I am without my armour. It's hard for me to say but I don't have a job anymore. After a lot of mobbing and hardship they decided that I was too educated for the job and wanted to separate their ways with me. Last two years 3 other people drop off their jobs in the firm and I covered their spaces for them without getting an upgrade to my salary. I was so stressed and don't want to upset them saying it is too much for me to all the job for 4 person. My husband and I made a lots of conversation about this issues and how my mental and physical health is getting worse. So after I say about my health they found my attitude upsetting and they suddenly find me too educated for the job. Actually this part is true I was the only one with university degree in the firm but my salary was less than my other colleagues.
For the first couple days i was upset, and at the same time i felt unusually free. I started to make custom content as a hobby but now I need every support.
I just want to say thank you to all of you who have been liking my creations all this time. From now on all my creations will be Free in my Patreon but kindly I am asking you please consider support me if you want.
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
noun · an act or token of remembrance
"she wrote the poem as a requiem for her mother"
i don't think i would have complained about the silly little things.
i don't think that i would have complained about how you collected so many little knick-nacks, how you always bought a different fabric but never used it, how you saved all those different craft ideas on pinterest but never really made them. i don't think i would have complained when you bought that small teal waffle maker, used it once, and then never thought about it again.
i don't think i would have rejected you when you wanted me to watch kdramas or listen to kpop so that you would have something to share with me. i don't think that i would have groaned when you decided you needed some shorts so you cut your jeans. i don't think i would have sighed when you said you wanted to go get those korean corn dogs at 9:00 pm.
i wouldn't have minded the silly little things, if i knew that i'd still be with you.
because then i wouldn't have to hear you sobbing as you called your friends for the last time. becuse then i wouldn't have to see you break, because then i wouldn't have to see my family be torn apart, because then you wouldn't be in pain, because then you wouldn't have left me.
because then i wouldn't have to hear "i'm so sorry" "she was a great person" "she loved you so much" over and over and over again until i couldn't take it anymore.
because then i would still have you. and the silly little things.
(i miss you. a lot.)
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nocompassnosign · 2 years
omg ok i regret sharing the quiz 💀
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evidently-endless · 1 month
i think we should remind musicians they can absolutely make up little stories for their songs btw. it doesn’t have to be about them at all. you can invent a guy and put him in situations to music. time honoured tradition in fact.
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romanticizedream · 1 month
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many thoughts
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mrtequilasunset · 7 months
Listen man, you guys can't be like "you guys need to be normal about asexuality" and then turn around and get weirdly judgemental when you find out someone doesn't have sex by choice. Like that's weird that some of you do that.
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