#sorry bree's is type short
dolladooley · 11 months
the dooley davenports x black!reader | general hcs
contains: adam, bree, chase, leo
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a/n: this will get zero notes but idc i am pioneering ts for lab rats. gif credit goes to him (me. bc i am him.) 💯
i have always been very loud about my belief that adam marries a black woman or man in the future
and i mean LOUD
he 100% does
the first time he meets u he's like woah
he likes watching how your hair bounces as you descend the stairs or even just walking on flat ground
he likes how u speak to him
you call everyone lil nicknames so whenever u say "baby" he's like 😃
u help him with school stuff
bc you smart 💯
okayyyy scholar 😍😍😍
he loves seeing u
you anchor him
keep him from doing ridiculous shit that can get him hurt yk
turn into ur mom fr
he fidgets with his fingers a lot so he be playing in your hair
gently pulling strands so they spring back and wrapping em around his finger (ESPECIALLY when they're freshly moisturized and wet)
y'all are just saur cute to see
he's a big hugger so he rests his cheek against ur head and ur lil curls tickle him
and bonus points if you're significantly shorter than him
it's an adorable image when u hold hands
bc ur this lil person that is clearly able to easily escape restraint and u got ur tall white boy that's a lil dumb but happy to be here with u nonetheless
i love adam lawd
bisexual queen
u guys become friends very quick
she complimented ur jewelry (a lil gold necklace) and u were like "aw thanks gang"
and from that u sparked a conversation and became very good friends very fast
she introduced u to her brothers, allat
u guys meet in the library every morning or u go to the nearby coffee shop before school starts
get some polite lil drinks and just.. talk :)
if you guys were to pack ur own lunches every day, y'all would do snack trades a lot
you defend her a lot against her brothers 💀
the first time you said "boy shut up" to chase she got hearts in her eyes fr /hj
when she realizes she might have a lil crush, she doesn't act too strange but she is a little bit different
she hugs for a little longer than normal, just to enjoy the scent of ur moisturizer and ur hair products
when y'all have sleepovers she always cuddles close
she loves to cook with u
u show her recipes you got from ya mama and she enjoys them every time
she stares at ur lips when u eat
and talk
do anything at all
they are very kissable what can she say
he's infatuated
he only knew leo so he had no idea black ppl could be so fine /j
the first time he sees you, a little notification in his eyebawl goes off like "heartrate rising. entering cooldown." and it's SO LOUD to him
turns out you and leo are already friends
which is NOT helpful
because now whenever you're at the house he's frantic as hell
either trying to interact with you (extremely awkwardly) or hiding in the lab so he doesn't embarrass himself further
bree would come down like "just go talk to them loser" and he's like "I CAN'T 😭😭😭😭😭😭"
when she finally forces him to quit being a punk and at least say hi, he comes upstairs to see u looking out at the view
the sun shining through their big ass windows glows gold on your skin and to him you look like a god
he flees /hj
he eventually pulls himself together and soon feels like a fool
because talking to you is SO EASY ?
you exude a charm he has never seen heard or experienced from anyone else before
the way u speak to him makes him melt
that being said never call him a pet name
a simple "sugar" or even just "baby" will make him overheat and shut down
i'm already laffing
y'all are funny as SHIT
you were classmates before the davenports came in but you weren't really friends until after they did
you helped leo show them around the school and the two of you cracked plenty of jokes along the tour
many that the bionic trio did not understand LMFAOO
you two are so fun together and everyone can see it, even the trio who be fighting for they lives whenever y'all are speaking to each other /j
leo probably tells u ab the whole bionic secret after you witness one too many close calls and the way you handle it makes his baby crush grow exponentially
you guys share hair information and you bring home hotel shampoo's for y'all to share LMFAO
he let you give him waves once
it was comedic
tasha loves you
she didn't know you for a while because leo never brought you up when y'all were just classmates but after y'all became actual friends, you'd get mentioned here and there
the first time he has you come over is to work on a school project
she meets you and is like omg hai i'm leo's mom
and he's kinda like 😐 pushing her away like he did in the avalanche episode with janelle LMFAO
you like "why you so mean to yo mama" and it makes him sweat /j
you like tasha too and you guys often have tea together when leo is late for y'all's lil hangouts
she gasses you up to leo all the time like he didn't know you first
"your friend, [name]? they're cute!!!" "i know mom" "go ahead and ask that out" "MOM"
he eventually does (it was actually you but he tells tasha it was him)
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lolahauri · 26 days
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Jealousy, Jealousy
Ship: Bree Van De Kamp/Reader
Type: F/F, Smut, One Shot.
Contains: Canon Divergence, Dom! Jealous! Bree, Sub! Reader, Arguments, Make Up Sex, Mommy Kink, Oral, Face Sitting, Smut.
Words: 1.1k
Requested?: Yes.
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A/N: My first couple drafts weren't working very well, so I ended up making this one a little short and fast paced. Hope it's not too OOC!😭
You yawned and rubbed your eyes, reaching for your house keys. It'd been another long night at Lynette's, you'd spent the last 2 weeks babysitting her children while she worked overtime to be able to afford the divorce she was currently facing.
Usually you wouldn't mind helping a friend in need, but you were staying at her house nearly all day. First watching Penny once Lynette left for work, then watching the twins and Parker after school, and then you'd almost always end up staying to help her with chores around the house.
And since you'd never had experience with kids like this before, it was becoming draining very fast. All you wanted now was to get home and go straight to bed.
As soon as you stepped inside though, you were surprised by Bree sitting on the sofa, arms crossed and a sour expression on her face. She glared at you once she heard the door close, standing up and walking angrily towards you.
"Where on earth have you been!?" you winced at her tone, "For God's sake (Name), it's nearly 10pm!"
Guilt was starting to creep up on you. "I know, I know. I'm so sorry hun, I was stuck helping-"
"Lynette?" She finished the sentence for you, giving you an accusatory look. One of her hands reached up to grab your cheeks, "You know, I really don't appreciate how much alone time you're spending with her lately."
A warm, tingling sensation began to spread over you. You weren't used to seeing this jealous, dominate side of her. It made you both very turned on, and a little scared. You eyes darted from her eyes to her lips, and back to her eyes. Her gaze was practically piercing through you.
"Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Her head tilted as she asked you, her hand moving your head to force close eye contact.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to ignore you." Your breathe hitched a little, quickly trying to squeeze your thighs together to relieve some of the growing arousal.
Bree smirked at your response, she knew exactly what she was doing to you. "Hm. I suppose that's a good start. But I think it'll take more than that to make it up to me."
You nodded slowly, "Okay, right. What do you, um, want me to do?" It was honestly embarrassing how fucking horny this was making you, but you just love when she takes charge.
"Why don't you just let me show you, hm?" as soon as you agreed, she grabbed your arm and lead you to the stairs. Butterflies swarmed your stomach as you got closer to the master bedroom. Tonight was going to be fun.
The second she locked the bedroom door behind you, you were all over each other, feeling so sexually starved that you didn't want to waste any more time. By the time you two reached the bed, you were both in nothing but your bra and panties, leaving all your clothes to be scattered across the floor.
Her hands were running all over your body, never taking her lips off of yours. Every little squeeze and grab was making you gasp into her mouth, gripping her hips and pressing them into you.
She eventually pulled her lips away to edge you towards the bed, telling you to lie down. Both of you were panting and stripping the last of your clothing off. Your cunt already soaked and throbbing at the sight of her fully nude body climbing on top of you. You weren't sure what to expect yet, but you didn't really care at this point, you just needed to fuck her already.
Bree leaned down to your ear, talking just above a whisper as she took one of your tits in her hand, kneading it just enough to make you squirm. "Be a good girl and let mommy use your face, okay?"
"Fuck, yes." You're already turning into a moaning mess for her, "Please, use me mommy."
She laughed a little at your desperation, leaving a few lingering kisses on your face before crawling up. Her cunt was soon hovering just above you, thighs on either side of your head, fully caging you in.
"Open wide for mommy." She cooed, slowly lowering herself down after you stuck your tongue out. You both sighed once contact was made. She tasted like heaven, it was almost making you dizzy.
You moved you hands up to grip the front of her thighs, pressing her down onto your face. She moaned out in surprise when your tongue started to swipe up and down her cunt like a zipper, barely grazing over her clit.
Seeing how eager you were, she took charge again. Rocking back and forth on your face. Letting your tongue explore her hole while grinding her clit across your nose. She was moaning and gasping loudly now, feeling a knot steadily tying up in her stomach.
Your mouth and chin was nearly dripping in her juices already, only becoming more soaked as she sped up her actions. She was putting all of her weight on you now, grinding harshly and crying out so beautifully from the pleasure.
It was clear she was getting close already.
You moved your hands from her legs to her ass and hips, squeezing roughly. Bree moaned louder with each rough grip on her ass, orgasm building up more each second.
It only took a few more rolls of her hips across your mouth before her climax erupted. Almost screaming as her juices flooded out onto your tongue. The electricity shooting through her body got stronger as she felt you lapping up every bit of her orgasm.
Once she began to tremble from overstimulation, she slowed down to a complete stop, taking deep ragged breathes and lazily pulling away from you, lying down at your side. Both of you stayed there in content silence, still trying to catch your breathe.
After cooling down for a moment, you turned and reached over to the nightside to grab a napkin, assuming Bree was doing the same when you heard the one near her open as well.
Instead, you were suddenly pinned down onto your stomach, making you let out a shocked gasp. You heard some shuffling behind you as she pressed a hand into your mid-back. Though your mind was still foggy from the lack of sleep and excess work, you knew exactly what was coming.
Your lower abdomen burned with aching arousal, whimpering out when you felt the cool silicone toy brush against your ass cheek. Bree pressed it against you harder as she knelt back down your ear.
"It's your turn now, dear." Her voice sounded sickly sweet, almost in a mocking tone.
You knew now it was going to be a long night.
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pokeslut-breeder · 1 year
Hello Bree! I'm here to ask because I am most curious, you see I have a shiny Gallade with me and I just wanted to ask what does his cum feel like considering he's a fighting and psychic type! He's been rather horny this time of year and I'm scared (but also turned on) because im the only female here! All my other Pokemon are male too!
Bree: Male Gallades are popular for multiple reasons. One they can send you horny messages into your mind and the amount of cum they can produce is amazing. Since they are fighting you will get an egg inside you and that's guaranteed. Also get ready for the surge of power as well since some psychic types can actually transfer a bit of power through the cum. So fighting and psychic will make you basically a superhero for a short time... Sorry for rambling hehe just kinda getting excited myself. I hope my rambling helped in any way and good luck~
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crayonverse · 2 years
Lab Rats S214.5
a short script fic about what i think is a missing scene in canon . where the davenports talk about marcus a bit.
any comments r appreciated ! this is my first script-ish writing project that hasn't been for school work, so i let myself take some liberties with the formula i got taught.
featuring: Chase, Bree, Adam, Leo, Tasha, Donald + Mentions of Douglas and Marcus. Possibly OOC since it’s been awhile since i’ve re-watched s2
(Marcus is referred to with they/them)
Adam is sitting on a chair in the corner of the lab, applying bandages shabbily to his own wrist. Donald is tending to Chase and Bree’s wounds, while Tasha is taking care of Leo.
TASHA: I just, can’t believe it...
CHASE: About the fact we aren’t Mr. Davenport’s children?
TASHA: Yeah, well it... Everything. Everything is unbelievable. I thought Donald didn’t have any other family.
DONALD: I thought I didn’t too.
TASHA: I can’t believe... Marcus too. They’re... the kids brother.
CHASE: (Pause) What?
TASHA: You said that Marcus and ... Douglas, right? (She looks over at at Donald, who nods) Right, was father and son? And if the kids are actually Douglas’s biological children, that would’ve made Marcus their brother.
Chase seems shocked. He pauses for a second, taking in the information.
CHASE: Huh. Right. Marcus was our... Brother.
LEO: Well, sucks to be related to that psychopath.
Tasha kisses Leo’s forehead.
TASHA: I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before, honey. I guess I just didn’t want to think that someone would want to kill you.
LEO: (Hopefully) You could make it up to me by letting me see Monster Truckers 8?
TASHA: ... I’ll think about it.
Leo pumps his fist discreetly. Adam looks his bandages in confusion. Bree notices.
BREE: Did you want help with that, Adam?
ADAM: No it’s just... uhm, Marcus isn’t related to us though, really.
TASHA: Huh? What do you mean, they were... (Uncertain) Douglas’s kid, weren’t they?
ADAM: But Douglas said that Marcus was an android.
Tasha looks over at Donald in surprise and slight annoyance.
TASHA: What? Were you... going to say anything about that?
DONALD: Well, didn’t seem that important... considering Marcus got crushed.
BREE: It’s... kinda weird. On a technicality, Marcus is and isn’t our brother.
Everybody pauses for a moment.
LEO: Weird. Makes everything Marcus did to me feel off...
CHASE: Do you think... Could Marcus have been sentient?
Chase looks over at Donald, who hesitates, then shrugs.
DONALD: I hate to say it, but Douglas designed the androids first. He never let me look at the blueprints, so I have no clue how he designed Marcus.
BREE: So... Was Marcus the equivalent of like... a weapon?
DONALD: Probably. Wouldn’t make much sense if Douglas gave Marcus the ability to feel things. Would’ve made missions much harder.
ADAM: But, when we had our band and stuff... Marcus seemed like they enjoyed playing with us.
LEO: They definitely looked like they had fun torturing me for months.
DONALD: Maybe Douglas gave them artificial personality traits? He’d probably get lonely and start talking to himself if Marcus wasn’t a little entertaining.
Donald pauses, thinking over something.
DONALD: Douglas did mention that Marcus was apart of the Drama club.
BREE: ... None of us were in the Drama club, though. Did Marcus just... join a club for no reason?
CHASE: So, either Marcus was a cold, unfeeling machine designed with artificial traits to be entertaining... or...
DONALD: ... Or, was an android Douglas gave human feelings too and raised by himself. (Pause) Yikes.
Donald shudders.
DONALD: If that’s what happened, I feel a little bad for Marcus. (Chuckles) Douglas is not the ‘caring father’ type.
ADAM: Neither are you, yet we turned out great.
BREE: Ehh...
LEO: You know, let’s just stop thinking about this at 1am. I’m tired as hell, my bones ache, and I have a movie to catch in the afternoon.
Leo stands up from his chair, Tasha patting his shoulders.
LEO: Maybe in the morning we can continue this moral crisis, or whatever.
He begins to leave the lab.
Leo turns on his heels and kisses Tasha’s cheek.
DONALD: Leo’s... He’s right. It’s too late to be thinking of this right now.
ADAM: Too bad, I’m going to have nightmares about Marcus for awhile now.
BREE: What are they going to be about?
ADAM: I dunno. I haven’t had them yet.
CHASE: Goodnight, Mr. Davenport. Uhm. Goodnight... (Hesitant) M-Mom?
Tasha gives Chase a smile.
TASHA: Goodnight Chase. Goodnight to you two as well. Love you. (Blows kiss)
Tasha and Donald exit the lab, conversing quietly to themselves, with Donald pointedly being upset at not being called ‘dad’.
As Bree and Adam enter their capsules for the night, Chase looks over the lab. His eyes land on an old invention of Donald’s, a robot prosthetic. He seems sad for a moment, but pushes it down and goes to his capsule.
Lights dim.
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thesecetlesbo · 3 years
Tea and Sweet Kisses
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff X Reader
Summary: You a painter, share a soft evening with your wife Natasha as rain pours against your cottage in the woods.
Warnings: Slight mention of smut at the beginning but other than that pure fluff
Word count: 750
Sitting in your large bed, filled with many blankets and plush pillows, hands wrapped around a book, no longer reading it just aimlessly scanning the pages as your mind starts to wonder. Thoughts from last night with one of their hands wrapping around your neck, their mouth leaving bites and marks all over your torso and their other hand slowly sinking below your waistline. You snapped out of your thoughts by a clap of thunder, rain started to crash against the window of the bedroom.
You rise from your comfy nest, to go close the blinds and to make you and your wife a cup of tea. Paws scratching your hardwood floors, your dog, bree, approaches trying to steal your body heat as you walk through your long hallways filled with grand bookshelf’s. Each shelf scattered with nicknacks and small treasures. You wife hated the idea of clutter, but that never seemed to stop you, with you mess from your art studio slowly creeping into the rest of the small cabin.
“Nat dear, I’m putting on a kettle did you want anything” You ask as you just reach her home office, with a grand mirror, yet more bookselfs but this time neatly organised with fewer pictures filled with smiling faces of her friends, Yelena and photos from you wedding reception everyone drunk with smiling faces, two couches facing each other with a large oval coffee table littered with books. Behind one of the couches was your wife’s grand walnut desk, littered with paper and coffee mugs. With your wife’s head focus on her computer typing and no answer to your question you walk towards her desk. Once your within eyesight she looks up to you with her tired eyes but with a bright smile.
“Oh hello dear, sorry I didn’t hear you come in. I was trying to get this mission report done for Fury” She states apologising to you. A cold breeze runs down your back as you turn around and release her window cracked open and starting to let the rain in. You close it.
“Don’t you get cold in here dear?” Natasha shakes her head slightly. As you picked up cold coffee and empty mugs. “I’m putting a kettle on would you like any tea” Her face brightens up to that idea.
“Only if you're offering darling” You laugh as a response, as you leave hands full of mugs you see Bree jump up onto one of Nats couches, curled up trying to stay warm. You walk into the kitchen and place the mugs into the sinks and fill up the kettle to place onto the stove. You grab a glass and fill it with tap water and begin to water the plants you had showered along the windowsill above the sink, knowing you didn’t do this almost enough to your poor herb garden, you were almost certain it was only alive thanks to Natasha.
The kettle screams with steam as you finish finding the mugs and picking the mixture for tonight, a cozy green tea. As your tea steeps you walk over back to Natasha's office, careful not to trip over any of the dog toys laying on the floor. You place both cups onto her desk where there was little room before going over to pat Bree as she started to fall asleep.
“Thank you Y/N” Nat purred, holding her cup in her hands rereading her mission report before sending it out. “What did you do today love?” She looks up to you just above her laptop screen.
“Oh, I just finished that one commission I was working on lately and started to read a book. I couldn’t get into it though, but if the weather stays like this I might give it another try tomorrow.” You said calmly while walking back to her desk and picking up your tea, taking a slow sip.
“That sounds wonderful dear, i was wondering since I don’t have anything with work tomorrow and this mission report is about to be sent if you wanted to do something tomorrow together”
“Like what dear?”
“Drink tea by the fire, watch you paint or just have a lazy day dear, it doesn’t bother me along as it’s with you” She looks up at you longing, you wanted this life for so and you finally had it, it made you so happy in unbelievable ways. You lean down and reach for her face, she leans in, you share a kiss, not too long and not to short, just enough to know that you have each other.
“I would love that dear.”
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bciwasinlove · 3 years
how would you analyize or interpret the song walls?cause i‘ve heard a lot of people say it‘s a break up song as it‘s written in past tense and basically saying he‘s stronger now after a break up (maybe even from a toxic relationship), he‘s risen above it and it doesn‘t really sound like a love song about an ongoing romance, does it?
Hi anon this is going to be a long one bc there is no quick answer to this so just know you asked for this.
First let's get one thing straight the ones who claim Walls [the album in general] is a break up album are the "Rads" short for Radical Louies. Essentially they are toxic louies who once were a larry shipper [not even a real larrie] but now hate Harry bc their mad Louis hasn't gotten the same promo and solo opportunities Harry has and some how in their eyes that's Harry's fault. They don't see it was Syco trying to sabotage Louis and in no way is Louis being sabotaged Harry's fault. Rads try to twist the truth and believe Harry left Louis for fame so since they hate Harry they have twisted the meaning of Walls to in their head a break up from a toxic relationship. They also really want LT2 to be a HUGE SHADE break up album which is 100% not the case so don't believe their crap.
Tho I heard you may have sent this same ask to others [who probably ignored you] so there is a chance you are a rad trying to find out what larries believe. Either way if you are a confused larrie or an undercover rad you probably need this info that no one else will bother giving you the time of day to tell you but I myself thought why not I'll answer you.
Second Louis and Harry have been happily in love for 10 years and have not officially broken up. Yes they have had issues like any couple does but it did not stem from eachother their issues stemed from them being forcibly closeted, the stunt gfs and their labels thus their songs are not break up songs but songs about not being able to be free and forced to fake date others when all they want is to publicly be with the one they love.
Now that that is out of the way here's why Walls is about Louis loving one person and one person only since he was 18. I'm doing the whole album [minus TOU] bc it is impossible to state why Walls the song is not a break up song without mentioning the others like Too Young [which rads also claim as a break up song] bc the album as a whole paints the whole picture.
Bree's analysis on Walls
Kill My Mind:
You kill my mind, raise my body back to life and I don't know what I'd do without you now.
KMM is definitely the sexual song of Walls [not No Control type sexual but just we click right from the start sexual] It has the I just met you and we are figuring one another out vibe [both physically and just as people] and how right from the start Louis craves Harry and his attention. It has a similar vibe to Watermelon Sugar which Harry said is about the euphoria of falling in love and the way the other person makes you feel right from the start. Louis in KMM is saying I've just meet someone and they are now all I think about, crave and I don't know how I would be able to live without them.
Don't Let It Break Your Heart:
And I know you left apart of you in New York under your bed in a box, but your doing better.
Flashback to HS1 "Ever Since New York" seems like they both love to mention something happening in NY with their lover. We may never know what happened but it's always a funny coincidence when they mention the same places in their songs almost like their singing about the same situation.
Life gets hard and it gets messed up when you give so much, but it's not enough when the highs to high and the lows to low when you love somone and they let you go.
As I stated before their issues involved the stunts [fake dating women] so when Louis says love someone and they let you go he means when his lover gave into what they were being told to do for the sake of their careers. As young as they were when this all started it's hard not to think they may have fell for the lies being fed to them. So Harry let "Louis go" by being seeing with a ton of women gaining himself the brand of "lady's man" while also being forced to watch Louis be with someone else [Eleanor] and publicly act like that was the one he loved. Harry wrote the song Just a Little Bit of Your Heart which is a prime exactly of those feelings. Harry loves Louis so much but he only gets to love him privately while Eleanor gets to loves him publicly and as Harry wrote a little bit of your love is better then none.
Were driving down a one way road to something better. What hurts you is going to pass you'll be doing better.
This shows they know the pain all the bad things thrown their way won't stick around forever. They will overcome this and one day they will see the light at the end of the tunnel or the rainbow after the storm.
We Made It:
Cause we made it, Underestimated and always underrated. Now we're saying goodbye waving to the hard time yeah it's gonna be already.
Do I need to explain it I would say the title alone and this chorus makes it very clear. Break up who when where how? They had hard ships but NOT from their own doing. WMI is about how decpite all they were put through they made it. Flashback to Harry HS1 tour with Kacey in a rainbow dress at MSG in front of 36k people singing "[their/where] still together still going strong." They want you to know nothing will break them apart no matter how hard anyone tries. We are keeping the bad in the past and moving forward to a better tomorrow.
Share a single bed and tell each other what we dream about. Things we'd never say to someone else out loud.
This reminds me of their Xfactor days or early 1D tour days bc in 1D interviews it was always made clear they would share rooms and also how on the bus Louis bunk was filled with his junk so where did he sleep then? Also there are many former Xfactor contestants that have come out and said they were forced to be in the closet on the show. Flashback to an article claiming the people in charge of the 2010 Xfactor season tried to hide and keep a same sex couple apart wonder who that was? That line is about when they were young and the late nights they spent together wondering how their future was going to go. They were still just big smiles, wide eyed, oblivious young boys when they imagined only good things to come of the future with them and the band.
We were only kids just trying to work it out. Wonder what they'd say if they could see us now?/ Don't know why they put all of this on us when we're so young. Done a pretty good job dealing with it all.
We were only kids [when Louis fell in love with said person] and we're so young reminds me of Harry's song To Be So Lonely where he says "Don't blame me for falling I was just a little boy." They both mention falling in love at a young age and both mention how after all this time they are still just as in love as back then but just a little less naive/oblivious. They are both hinting at a higher person [their label/management] who didn't approve of their love and telling them it wasn't going to work out. Harry going you can't be mad at me I was only a boy and Louis going wonder what would happen if they saw us now meaning look we didn't let you win. They tried so hard to separate Louis and Harry but it didn't work and Louis wants us and THEM especially to know they are still very much together, they handled it as best at they could and they weren't going to let them keep Louis and Harry apart.
Meet you at your uni, cheap drink, drink em all night
This is what we call a stunt line to push a narrative. Harry does stunt songs [Carolina and Cherry] while Louis does stunt lines. This line is suppose to allude to the album being for Eleanor [bc she went to Manchester Uni] but the rest of the album is so clearly not for her. If this song was about a break up from Harry then why would they bother adding in a stunt line about Eleanor when the public story is El and Louis are happily still together with Louis planning to marry her? Unless Walls isn't a break up album and it's very loudly Louis declaring him and Harry are still happily together and they wanted to try and force the image that Louis is happily in love with Eleanor. Also funny how this album is gender neutral and has no she pronouns in it unlike Zayn's new album having she pronouns.
Too Young:
We were to young to know we had everything. Too Young, I wish I could've seen it all along. I'm sorry that I hurt you, darling, no we were to young
This song is all about how when Harry was only 16 and he was 18 [Louis himself saying the song is about meeting the one at 18] he was to young to realize he had the best lover he was ever going to have, he had it all. As I said before issues in songs = management/stunts and this is Illuding to how Louis let them minupulate them and do what it was they wanted aka stunting and forcing Louis to be with Eleanor and Harry have a "lady's image" since he was only 16 and Louis now looking back and realizing he should have fought harder. Louis at the time didn't realize how much all this would hurt Harry having to share Louis [once again Just a Little Bit of Your Heart is Harry's feelings about that] and its once he's older he realizes what he did to hurt the only one who he ever truly loved and it pains him to know he put his lover through that even if it wasn't Louis fault Harry went through that.
I've been looking back a lot lately me and you is all I've ever known. Oh I can't believe I gave in to the pressure. When they said a love like this would never last. I didn't know no better now I realize yeah I realize.
So similar to before he's saying Harry is all he's ever known and him giving in to the pressure was about agreeing to fake date Eleanor and allow them to be heavily closeted. Reflecting back on those days he regrets so much what he agreed to do. They said a love like this wouldn't last is their management/label not agreeing with them being together and how two boys in a boyband marketed towards young women won't last, they won't sell records as an out gay couple with Louis believing their lies for a bit and he now regrets ever thinking they were right. This is a reflection song of not understanding what he had when he was so young but he sees it clearly now and he will never let THEM win he loves Harry and won't ever let him go ever.
These high walls, they came up short now I stand taller then them all. These high walls never broke my soul and I watched them all come fallin down for you.
The high walls he refers to is all the assholes who tried to break him, break Harry and tried to ruin his career out of spite. This is towards the ones who told him they would never succeed being as they are a committed gay couple. Louis for a time believed them when they said their love wouldn't last, no one will want to listen to their music as a gay couple but eventually he realized they were wrong and those walls he had up filling him with doubt and insecurities were broken down. He allowed his "high walls" to come down because Harry was worth the effort it took to bring them down.
So this one is a thank you for what you did to me. Why is it that thank you's are often bittersweet? I just hope I see you one day and you say to me, Oh.
This is what one calls a metaphor he does not mean a physical person he means the walls he had up for a long time making him feel so insecure bc of how some of the people around him that made him feel so worthless crushing his spirt for so long. The metaphorical person he is thanking for helping him become the person he is today is the wall he broke down. The hardships he dealt with when he was younger got him to where he is today.
For every question why you were my because
Why am I still fighting?
Why have I not given up yet?
The because to his question is his lover HERE is where he directly refers to his lover. Harry is someone who is worth fighting for and will always be one of the reasons he hasn't stopped fighting. He loves Harry more then anything and will fight until the day he can publicly hold his hand, publicly post pictures of them together, publicly go on dates and publicly declare his love for him.
You're the habit that I can't break, you're the feeling I can't put down, you're the shiver that I can't shake, you're the habit that I can't break, you're the high that I need right now.
Written over and over throughout the song these are some of the most important lines he wrote about Harry. It's Louis way of saying even if he wanted to, even if it would be easier for him and Harry he can never let him go. Harry's version of this is in Adore You when he sings "You don't have to say you love me, you don't have to say nothing and you don't have to say you're mine. I'd walk through fire for you just let me adore you like it's the only thing I'll ever do." Harry is saying even if publicly you can never say you love me I know you do and I will do anything for you because I am madly in love and could never let you go. They both would go through hell along side each other then being partially happy and the other not being by their side. Harry is the only one he ever wants to spend his life with and no matter what hardships they are put through there is no scenario where being without each other is a better alternative.
I took some time 'cause I've ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I'm supposed to be but honestly, I don't have to choose anymore
The line of all lines he took time away bc he was tired of the facade of faking what makes him happy, faking loving some girl, faking being anything but himself. He's back now and knows without a doubt who he is and is proud of it. No more confusion, no more lies he loves a curly haired dimpled boy and no one will tell him he can't love him. Harry's version of this is the chorus of Lights Up "All the lights couldn't put out the dark, runnin' through my heart. Lights up and they know who you are, know who you are. Do you know who you are? Shine step into the light, shine so bright sometimes, shine I'm not ever going back." They both tell you they have figured out whi they are and are very proud of who they have become and no one will tell them they can't be anything but themselves. They WILL scream it out loud and proud letting everyone know who they love one day [as if 16 and 18 year old H&L didn't already do that.]
And it's been ages, different stages come so far from Princess Park. I'll always need ya in front of me, in front of me
Oh the line that shocked every larrie I know. When he first sang this song and we first heard this line at a live concert everyone was shocked because we all knew what their was only one meaning to it. It was such a drastic line that the Elounors tried to claim he sang Starbuck [until the official lyrics came out.] Princess Park is the name of the apartment/flat complex all of the 1D boys lived in after the Xfactor BUT Niall, Liam and Zayn had their own apartment/flat while Louis and Harry shared one and they always made it very clear to everyone they met that they lived together.
So in a love song Louis sings about how him and his lover have come so far since their Princess Park days and his lover will always be the one he needs. Putting Harry's fav love song Sweet Creature plus Louis line about his lover together it would read " And, oh, we started two hearts in one home, come so far [since] princess park. I'll always need you in front of me. Wherever I go you bring me home" you do the math here. Their lyrics sink up just as much as their tattoos do.
Always You:
I went to Amsterdam without you and all I could do was think about you and oh-oh-oh I should've known
The Amsterdam line one of those lines that can be fact checked and proven to not be for Eleanor. So Louis took Eleanor to Amsterdam for her birthday at a gay bar no less back in July/August of 2017. Then a week or two later wrote the song Always You leaking a snippet of it to us where the lines of him singing about how he went to Amsterdam without his lover and his lover was all he could think about were heard. If he went with Eleanor then clearly that isn't his lover but we know this. Fast forward 2020 Walls comes out and we FINALLY hear the full song of Always You.
Louis said he only put the song on the album because the fans wanted it but if it was just because of us and the song wasn't THAT important to him why did he leak those lines back in 2017 that could easily be fact checked that the lover he sings about isn't Eleanor? It's like he wanted us to know it's not for Eleanor this line is important. So the fact that almost 3 years later he still put the song out shows the song means a lot to him and even in 2020 the meaning of the song still resonates with him and how it will Always be THIS one person that means everything to him. Funny though how his loudest, easily fact checkable songs [to not be about Eleanor] are the ones he downplays the most about importance to him.
I went to Tokyo to let it go. Drink after drink, but I still felt alone I should've known
When it comes to this song the Amsterdam line is Louis speaking [because he went to Amsterdam without Harry] while the Tokyo line is Harry speaking [because Harry went to Tokyo without Louis] and after Harry came back from Tokyo, Japan Louis was seen wearing a ton of new clothes from Japanese clothing brands. This is both of them saying I may be in a wonderful new place but it's not the same without you here. They are sad and alone and would rather be with each other then traveling around the world.
I'm wastin' my time when it was always you, always you. Chasin' the high, but it was always you, always you
I think this is self explanatory he sees no reason to even think about being with someone else because he knows without a shadow of doubt [thinks he always knew deep down] it was always Harry. There was never going to be anyone else for him but Harry.
I went from LAX to Heathrow. Walked through my door, but it felt nothing like home cause you're not home. Waiting to wrap your legs around me
LA and London are their two main residences and places they tend to go back and forth a lot. When he "goes home" if Harry is not there Louis feels as though it doesn't really feel like home because home to Louis is wherever Harry is. They can travel all around the world, meet a ton of new people but no place and others will ever make them feel fully satisfied unless their lover is by their side.
Cashin your weekend treasures, for a suit and time a second wife. Now I'm not saying that you could have done better just remember that I, I've seen that fire alight.
The first line is a nod to the industry itself and how to get your "weekend tresures" [be famous and earn a lot of money] you have to put up a fake facade, acting and looking the way they want you to because in their eyes if you are not the conventional person Hollywood wants they believe you will not make them the money they desire because we all know they only care about money nothing else. At a cost of the real them they must put on a fake smile, go out there sing doing nothing unconventional and they will get money and fame.
The second line yes they are happily together and Louis doesn't want or believe Harry will find someone else but he has seen Harry when all of this gets to be to much and when Harry puts up a facade of I've never had an issue with all of this Louis reminds him that I've seen you when your not fine, it's ok to not always be fine and I am here for you when things are not rainbows and sunshine.
Tell me do you still remember feeling young? And strong enough to get it wrong in front of all these people? Just for tonight, look inside and spark that memory of you.
Refering back to Xfactor and early 1D days he's asking Harry if he remembers those days together back when they hadn't really gone through hardships yet and all the strength they had during their youth willing to take on the world together. He's asking him to bring that strength back and remember the younger version of himself. He's asking him to not give up because the younger him wouldn't want him to. It's been 10 years and they are still fighting, fighting as hard as they did when they were merely teenagers not knowing what lied ahead but wer happy as long as it meant they had each other in the end.
Now if happiness is always measured by the life we design, the car on the drive then you should feel better then ever but you know as well as I it's all lies.
This line speaks volumes as stated before with Fearless we have references to the industry and even just life in general. From the outside looking in they got money, fame, material things, they have it all and if deciding who is more happy in life was based on those things then they would win but Louis is telling Harry we both know that isn't the case. The industry isn't sunshine and rainbows, they treat people like shit and strip away everything about a person if they don't think their real self will sell. They only want to make a profit off them and don't care about how they feel about any of it. Everything is a lie the truth must be counseled.
Perfect Now:
You say to me your jeans don't fit, you don't feel pretty and it's hard to miss. I wish you could see my point of view as someone staring back at you.
This song is personally underrated to me I love this song. This song is so uplifting when you are feeling insecure and negative about yourself. Louis personally had a certain curly haired boy in mind when he wrote this. He's talking about Harry's insecurities with himself and Louis wishes Harry could see things from his view and how amazing and perfect Harry is to him.
Cause everybody is looking at you now. I guess some queens don't need a crown and I know why. Even when your tears are following now still someone, you're perfect now.
One of those it's definitely not for Eleanor moments. We all know [especially during fine line era] everyone was talking about Harry, knows his name and eyes turn to him when he walks in the room. Louis is so proud of Harry and is happy everyone else sees what he sees but Harry doesn't always see what others see in him and during those times where he is not already Louis is saying I will be right there with you. I am with you through the good and the bad because even when tears are running down his face Harry is still perfect to Louis.
Cause you're the only one when it's said and done. You make me feel like being someone good to you. Even at your worst you steal the scene.
No matter where life takes them, no matter how hard it gets Louis is reassuring Harry he will always be there by his side. At the end of it all when the final act is over and the curtain is closeting he will still be there because there will never be anyone else he wants to be next to at the end of all of this. Louis looks into Harry's eyes he watches all he does and is intrance wanting nothing more then being the one to be there when he is down and always being the who makes the pain go away even if for a moment.
I hate to say, but I do we're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams. We walk up early morning and they're still under our sheets.
*Sigh* this is reality setting in things aren't perfect. In their line of work, being who they are, being a closeted gay couple things aren't going to be perfect 100% of the time. Most of the time they would rather ignore all the shit they are forced to indure but Louis realizes just ignoring it all won't make it go away he will wake up each morning next to Harry knowing those issues will always be around by neither fault of their own. He hopes one day they will get to be a happily open couple who posts pics online, goes out on public dates and gets to live the domestic life they always wanted but right now that just isn't their reality. Their reality is I can only look at you for more then 5 seconds or touch you when no one is around to notice.
Been up all night, all night running my lines but it's only the truth. Been up all night not sure how to say this right got so much to loose. / You just keep on building up your fences but I've been so defenseless.
Another metaphor here Louis wondering how to bring this up to Harry and not upset him. The last thing Louis ever wants is for him to be the reason Harry has a frown upon is wonderful face. Harry is more the one to bottle up and ignore the negative things while Louis is the more practical one and he knows he has a ton to loose [Harry and his love] if he doesn't go about this situation right.
No you don't have to keep on being strong for you and me acting like you feel no pain I know you do. And I can't get inside your head when you're lost in your pride but you don't have a thing to prove.
Harry is the one who bottles up his pain, puts on the fake smiles, and makes everyone believe he is perfectly fine. He acts like he can handle what he is forced to indure 100% of the time but Louis sees through that and just wants him to open up more. He knows Harry feels just as much pain as he does and wishes he wouldn't hide it and pretend everything is always fine. Louis wants to be able to help Harry through the pain and to let know he will always be there for him no matter what so don't pretend your always fine just to make others around him, make Louis feel better.
I hope I'm not asking to much just wanna be loved by you. And I'm to tired to be tough just wanna be loved by you.
Louis is tired of pretending, wishes everyone understood, wishes what he is asking for wasn't to much. All he wants is to be loved by Harry and live the domestic life he always invisioned with Harry and no one else but his live is not that simple.
Only The Brave:
Pour mercy, mercy on me, set fire to history. I'm breaking my own rules, I'm crying like a fool. It's a church of burnt romances and I'm to far gone to pray. It's a solo song and it's only for the brave.
I'm sure you understand Louis is gay but if you didn't this line right here is all you need to understand that. No straight man is going to write or sing those lines. He's gone down a path of self discovery and figuring himself out he knows he is and he is to far gone to turn back now but he has no desire to even if he could turn back. He is proud of who he is and doesn't care what anyone else thinks of him.
If the truth tell, darling, you fell, like their ain't enough dying stars in your sky. It's a tell tale and it's only hello, hello, no goodbyes.
It's only hello no goodbyes meaning the confusion, the is this for life between Louis and Harry questions are gone. They aren't turning back, they aren't saying goodbye, they are only saying hello to what lies ahead. The truth is clear, their story is clear, they fell for one another and Harry metaphorical speaking fell for Louis in a way where his star shines brighter then ever just by being with him.
Pour mercy, mercy on me, I'll fall upon my knees and they'll say, I told you so come on when you know you know. All the lonely shadows dancing from the cradle to the grave.
When you know you know they knew right from the start it's me and you until the end. Some won't agree but in the end that does not matter to Louis because he only cares about Harry being by his side. He will not apologize for falling in love he loves who he loves and that is it.
We Made It Directors Cut MV:
If the lyrics alone don't tell you the full story then the music video mini movie should. It sums up everything I explained. Louis being forced to do things he doesn't want, it effecting his relationship to the point their drowning [Harry in Falling MV] but manage to survive. Louis lover never speaking but the girl with ties to the evil one in charge does until eventually Louis breaks free from the man in charge controlling him and Louis finally gets to run away with his lover because he made sure they would make it in the end.
Walls is about self discovery, learning to overcome your insecurities "breaking down your walls" no matter how hard it may be and Louis understanding he met the one at 18 and how Harry will always be worth fighting for, THEY will always be worth it bc they knew even as young as they were they were going to get married, have kids and grow old together. So you still want to tell me how any song on Walls is about a break up or Louis moving on from Harry because I certainly don't see it. Walls is Louis perspective on their 10 year relationship and his support and love towards Harry if you want Harry's perspective and his support and love toward Louis you would have to dive into HS and FL but that's a whole other analysis.
They have not given up on each other even if at times it would have been easier they didn't so I will never give up on them. They continue to fight I have been in this fandom supporting them for 10 years watching their continous fight and I will be here another 10 years supporting them if that is how long it takes for them to get the life they knew they wanted when they were only 16 and 18.
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trashy-goblin · 3 years
type: one-shot
title: The Four Joys of a Bee        02. The Joy of Two - Diplomacy
fandom: Lord of the Rings
summary: Once disagreement breaks between elf and dwarf at the doors of the Mines of Moria, Teremir reminds them of a song both their cultures sing with fondness, which only reminds Aragorn how much he admires her queenly qualities.
characters: teremir (oc); aragorn; boromir; legolas; gimli; frodo; sam; merry; pippin; gandalf;
pairings: aragorn/teremir;
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a/n: i admit this one is not as good, but that is because I hadn’t writen for this series for months, it was a bit hard to come back to the same rythm and quality.
wordcount: 2174
Although there was no more snow that could make their bodies cold and the floor slippery, fatigue still lingered on the fellowship, and even Aragorn was glad when Gandalf came to a halt in front of the great walls of the Mines. While Gandalf faced the elegant doors of Moria, trying every possible phrase, word, and spell he knew, the others rested their cold aching feet, and Aragorn and Sam took all the baggage from Bill, the pony.
Sam uttered a soft ‘Bye-bye, Bill’, which did not go unnoticed by neither Aragorn nor Teremir. Although the ranger knew it was not meant for him, his heart beat softer when the lady assured the hobbit that the pony would reach Bree safely with a sympathetic smile.
Yet it took less than a glance for Aragorn to know she wasn't at peace, and a little more to understand why her gaze moved from Sam only to become fixed on the horizon. She only didn’t tap the place beside her for the hobbit to sit because Gimli and Legolas already occupied both sides, and their discussion would not provide any kind of tranquillity.
“It may seem distant now,” the dwarf spoke with a note of hope overlapping a small one of embarrassment, “but I’m sure we will be welcomed, and soon we’ll be feasting.”
“I’m sorry I cannot have the same hope,” said the elf, titling his head as he glanced past Teremir, at Gimli, “for I am sitting by the doors of Moria still waiting for all the praise you give to these Mines to meet reality.”
The short sigh that left Teremir went almost unheard as Gimli grumbled at Legolas’ words, yet Aragorn heard it, and Boromir heard it too. Though Aragorn noticed the slight trembling of Teremir’s hands before Boromir did, the ranger caught the soldier’s glance on him before he started to walk in his sister’s direction, and so he decided to stay put moving his eyes to the rocky floor.
“And it will meet!” Gimli added a new note of to his voice, “You will be surprised at how you’ll be received, despite your nature, and regret your initial thoughts!”
“You’re mistaken, dwarf” Legolas elegantly shifted in his place and looked ahead, with a sarcastic smile meant for Gimli “What I feel is disappointment, yet not surprise.”
Aragorn observed Boromir approach Teremir from behind. The man had a soft expression as he went to remove his cloak to put over her shoulders, but the dunedain already knew she would kindly refuse, for her trembling was not from cold but irritation.
It was then that both elf and dwarf seemed to suddenly realise there was a person between the two who borne their argument.
“I apologize, my lady Teremir,” Gimli nodded, a little more self-conscious, yet hope remained, “once we enter, we shall have all the comforts...”
Teremir decided to preserve her majestic posture and nod as an answer, avoiding looking at the dwarf as she looked up, and soon her eyes met Aragorn's, who had been observing her.
The dunedain gazed at her expression. Though Teremir’s voice was a perfect vessel for her heart and mind, Aragorn had learned it was her eyes that spoke her hidden thoughts and feelings better; And so, like when Teremir’s expression grew in horror while she observed her brother holding the One Ring, the dunedain could see what she felt.
He could swear Teremir, perhaps unconsciously, asked for rest and some encouragement. His heart meant to offer her comfort with his own expression, but the sound of stones being thrown to the water stole both their attention.
Aragorn glanced at Merry and Pippin, his mind thorn between the murky waters and Teremir's eyes. He grabbed Pippin's arm just before he threw another stone, warning him not to disturb the waters. Before he even looked back in Teremir's direction, Aragorn felt Boromir's glare.
The ranger merely glanced at the woman before looking away, and noticed she never seemed to be bothered by her brother's vigilant eyes like he was. Although the dunedain knew Teremir was old and bright enough to look after her own heart, he almost dared to wish she did worry about Boromir’s wary glance from time to time; for it made him feel vulnerable, that she would chuckle at his discretion.
But even so, he didn’t mind feeling vulnerable for her and only her. Much less if it made her smirk, even if it only lasted for a few seconds.
Gandalf stepped away from the doors, muttering to himself, and took his hat as he sat bedside Frodo. Merry and Pippin shared a look and avoided looking at Gimli, unlike Legolas, who gazed directly at him, making the other groan. Teremir inhaled deeply at the loud sound beside her, patience growing smaller, though Aragorn noticed the trembling had stopped.
“Gandalf will surely remember the opening words…” Gimli hoped.
“Should dwarves be less stubborn,…” Legolas muttered.
“Should elves be less unpleasant,-”
“Should you two be more quiet,…”
The sharpness of Teremir’s voice demanded attention.
“… and perhaps Gandalf would be able to remember the password.”
Aragorn looked between the elf and the dwarf and was impressed to see them both avoiding the woman’s eyes like a pair of misbehaved children. Yet, upon seeing the two had been called to reason, even if her eyes remained severe, it seemed to the dunedain that Teremir added a more amused note to her speech.
“Should you two bond over how much you hate each other’s cultures,” she glanced between Gimli and Legolas, “you would become the best of friends.”
Aragorn held his chuckle better than Boromir, but still had to look away once he saw how Legolas furrowed his brows and Gimli widened his eyes.
“I am sorry to disappoint you, my lady,” said Legolas, “but I’m afraid there’s very little to nothing we could ever bond over.”
Teremir rose her eyebrows ever so slightly, questioning if either them were aware of where they were. Nevertheless, a ghost of a smirk appeared on her lips. Aragorn glanced at her in curiosity, only to close his eyes in appreciation as Teremir started to sing softly.
The fellowship looked upon her with surprise, for it was a rather strange occasion to sing, yet none of them seemed to complain. Aragorn felt his heart buzz like a small bee, as if spring had truly returned with his joy, although he wasn’t the only one happy with Teremir’s voice. Legolas and Gimli also felt a wave of joy, - though it was different from the dunedain’s – one that mingled with saudade from their land, and had them both join the lady’s singing, much to their surprise.
Now welcome summer with thy sunne soft, Now welcome summer with thy sunne soft, That has this winter’s weather overshade, And driven away the longe nights black.
Both elf and dwarf stopped competing for once. Legolas’ fresh melody and Gimli’s warming tune had gradually adapted to better suit Teremir’s spring voice. Aragorn noticed the small curve on Teremir’s lips upon hearing the two contrasting voices sing so harmoniously but she did not look at neither of them even if they regarded her with surprise.
Yavanna Kenmentári, that art full high on loft, Thus singen smalle fowles for thy sake: Now welcome summer with thy sunne soft, That hast this winter’s weathers overshake.
Gimli tapped his foot at the rhythm of the song while Legolas waved his head, but Teremir rested in her natural majesty. Her smile only grew as she glanced at the dunedain, who casted her a complicit look, for he understood her play.
Well have they cause for to gladden oft, Well have they cause for to gladden oft, Since each of them recovered hath her make, Full blissful may they singen when they wake:
As the song ended, Aragorn found himself smiling at Teremir, and a soft sigh left his chest as a wave of appreciation came to him along with one of affection.
Now welcome summer with thy sunne soft, Now welcome summer with thy sunne soft, That hast this winter’s weather overshake, And driven away the longe nights black.
Although he didn’t know the song, the ranger admired how Teremir had used it to stop an argument between two rival people so smoothly. He wondered if her diplomatic manner was ever taught to her by Denethor, or if she picked it up from books about kings and queens of old, for it seemed so natural he couldn’t help but feel as if he looked upon one of those great queens.
“You say there’s very little to nothing you could bond over, Legolas, son of Thranduil” Teremir gave the elf an elegant knowing look before turning to the dwarf with the same expression, “yet Gimli, son Glóin, sings this song with the same fondness as you.”
Legolas avoided her eyes in embarrassment while Gimli huffed through his beard.
“There is no shame in being mistaken, my friends, much less in a matter such as this” she told them with a smile, “Now tell me, how come both dwarves and elves sing the same song, up in the North?”
Elf and dwarf glanced at each other sideways as if posing the same question between them. Teremir waited patiently for them to speak, though Aragorn knew she already knew the answer, otherwise she wouldn’t have sung. Legolas knew that too, if her knowing eyes were anything to tell, and so he sighed before he spoke.
“Regarding to dwarfish culture, I admit I do not know” he glanced at Gimli, “The Woodland elves sing it through springtime, to celebrate the end of a cycle and welcome the beginning of another.”
“The dwarves of Erebor sing it every spring” Gimli looked at the elf, “To celebrate the melting of snow, and the growing grass and plants on the Lonely Mountain.”
“The end of a cycle and the beginning of another, indeed” Teremir smiled at the two people beside her, and dared to add, “Should you two become friends, a cycle of mutual hatred would end, and another of friendship would begin.”
Teremir’s voice was intelligent as a prophet, yet warm as a mother – once again, the voice of a queen. It only made Aragorn’s chest grow with affection, for as he took in both her form and her words, he couldn’t help but imagine a new cycle for Gondor: one where Teremir would be queen of her people, and he would be king himself as well, bringing peace to the kingdom with kinder acts than the wielding of their swords.
Aragorn was brought back from his vision by Teremir’s own gaze upon him. Their eyes met for a moment and both lips curved in an understanding smile;
But their reverie didn’t last long, as Aragorn felt the weight of Boromir’s wary eyes on him from behind his sister. The ranger turned to look at the dark water, at first to avoid his glare, but as the sound of Boromir’s feet stepping the rocky floor got closer to him, he noticed a movement in the water.
The man behind him must have noticed it too for he stopped beside him without a word. They both kept their eyes on the water. Teremir noticed it as well and stood up to move closer to the hobbits, only taking her eyes from the water to glance at Frodo as he spoke.
“Friendship…” the hobbit muttered before standing up, “It’s a riddle. Speak ‘friend’ and enter” then he asked “What’s the elvish word for ‘friend’?”
“Mellon” Gandalf’s answer echoed.
At that word, the heavy doors of the Mines of Moria opened before Frodo and the wizard, who smiled in admiration and relief. Teremir ushered the other three hobbits to enter and called Boromir and Aragorn to the doors. The Captain of Gondor obeyed to his sister’s calling, but not without casting one last look at the ranger who followed him.
Aragorn did not fear Boromir nor his eyes, he gazed back at him with a neutral expression, ready and vulnerable to his judgement; Yet he was surprised to see the man’s features had softened, though the dunedain wouldn’t do more that slightly raise his eyebrows to show his thoughts.
Boromir stepped into the Mines, but Teremir waited for the ranger at the doors,
“How do you know that song?” Aragorn casually asked her as he joined her.
“King Brand, of Dale, came to Gondor once in springtime” Teremir answered him, “He sang it to me and my brothers, and told us the three kingdoms of Erebor, Woodland and Dale sang it to celebrate the end of winter and the approaching of summer.”
The woman felt her lips curve into the smallest of smiles which Aragorn found himself copying.
The second good joy of Aragorn was to witness Teremir’s diplomacy. It was a reflection of her intelligence as well as her patience, and he couldn’t help but love it for it made her kind yet fierce nature more visible.
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eulersfeverdream · 3 years
All’s Fair in Love and Calculus - Chapter 10
A PP high school AU.
Read here on AO3.
Chloe's phone let out a hushed buzz from beside her, the soft fabric of her comforter soaking up and silencing most of the vibrations that leaked out from the device's body. She picked it up and tilted the screen towards her. As the screen lit up the sight of Beca's name quickened her heartbeat. The book Chloe had been studying fell to the bed beside her hip, forgotten, as fingers hastily danced to unlock the screen.
QT Math Whiz: Hey, I just got home. Wanted you to know I was safe, or whatever.
Beale: aww, thx!!!
Beale: i miss you already
QT Math Whiz: I miss you too. Thanks for inviting me to stay for dinner. I had fun.
Beale: well i do make the best puttanesca
QT Math Whiz: Not quite what I meant.
Beale: no? well wut did u mean?
At the bottom of the conversation the telltale ellipses popped up and disappeared several times next to Beca's name. Chloe couldn't help but grin as she pictured Beca typing and retyping nervously. After a few moments with no progress Chloe giggled to herself and decided to take pity.
Beale: if you meant the kisses then i had fun too
QT Math Whiz: You are the worst Beale.
Chloe leaned back onto her pillows, wiggling her shoulders to sink into a more comfortable position as her weight settled against the headboard beneath. An image of Beca's grumpy pout and the soft smile that the tiny woman was powerless to fully hide too hold in Chloe's imagination and the thought filled her stomach with a warm, tingling sensation.
Her fingers drifted over the screen as the two settled into conversation, the time vanishing as the night aged outside her window.
 After a time the muted chimes from the clock in the front hall made their way through her bedroom door signalling midnight.
Chloe looked up at the clock in the top right of her phone's screen in disbelief, cursing softly that it was so late. A handful of notebooks peered out of the opened zipper of her backpack in mute accusation. She let her head fall back heavily her pillow as her chest deflated in a long, frustrated sigh. After indulging in a few seconds of self-pity she shifted to sit up and eyed her phone, missing Beca just at the idea of saying goodbye.
Beale:i just realized its after midnite. gtg. see you tomorrow babe!!!xxx
QT Math Whiz:Okay, good night. Have good dreams.
The chat blinked away, quickly being replaced by Chloe's favorite study play list. As soon as the music started pouring out of her wireless speakers Chloe locked the phone and blew a raspberry at the blank glass, plugging its charging cable into the bottom before sending it sailing onto her bed in a gentle arc.
She eyed the backpack, mentally organizing her homework before deciding to tackle the most important assignment first. A pen and her history notebook soon joined her phone on the bed, followed by Chloe with her textbook in tow. An afghan over her lap completed the arrangement and Chloe set to reading the chapter her teacher had assigned, humming along to Dirty Paws as she did.
Beca cracked her eyes open to the chirping singsong of fake sounding birds coming out of her cell phone. She blinked rapidly, willing her eyes to focus as she tried to pinpoint where the sound was coming from. The usual corner of her dresser where her phone should be was a void.
Puzzled she turned her head one from side to side, trying to localize the insistent chirps. The sound was coming from her sheets. She sat up and rummaged her hands through the folds of cotton. Eventually her fingers bumped into hard plastic, the offending noise pitching up in intensity as it was freed from her bedding before falling silent as Beca muted the alarm with a groan.
The previous night swam back to her and she recalled that she had been drifting to sleep with her phone in her hand, thinking about Chloe's last messages. She played through the previous night in her head, a silly smile spreading across her face. Memories of warm lips and the weight of Chloe as she leaned into Beca. The reverie was interrupted with a series light but resolute knocks on the bedroom door.
When no reply seemed forthcoming the voice of Beca's mother came through the door, muffled by the obstruction. "Beca, honey, are you up?"
Beca eyed the door, feeling a prickle of irritation. Her mother was probably going to tell her she'd have to work late again tonight. Another extra shift to help a friend. Beca nodded without thinking, then sighed as she reflected that her mother had no way of seeing her. Not feeling very much like shouting, Beca rose without saying a word, sucking in a breath sharply as her feet touched the cold faux hardwood floor. She quickly crossed to the door, scrunching her toes in order to arch as much of her foot away from the cold as she went. Opening the door Beca spotted her mother, neatly made up for work and smiling.
"Yeah mom, I'm up," Beca said, her voice husky and tired. "What do you need?"
Beca covered her mouth as she tried to stifle a yawn, apologizing quietly under her breath as she waited for her mother's answer.
Smiling, her mother said, "Melissa needs me to cover her night shift again tonight. It's the last time, but her husband has been stuck on jury duty and she's had a miserable time trying to find child care."
Her mother smiled apologetically as if she realized she had been rambling before she finished. "Anyway, I'll make it up to you, I'll be home for the rest of the week."
Beca shrugged in answer to her mom's expectant expression, understanding the decision. She didn't even know if she could have explained what bothered her about the recent string of lonely nights. Beca was always quiet, barely talking even when her mother was home.
Yet even so, Beca missed her mom's presence. Even if it was just quietly watching television together or listening to her mom recount her day while she enjoyed the dinner Beca made, at least she was there. Lately it felt like her mother was just missing.
"Yeah, sure mom," Beca said. "Whatever."
As soon as the words slipped off of her tongue Beca realized they were sharper than she meant. Her mother's hopeful smile fell slightly and Beca grimaced, not quite sure what to do about the strike of guilt she felt. Her mother tried to gather herself and leaned in for a quick hug, used to Beca's stiff reception.
"Well, have a good day honey. Do you need any money for dinner?" she asked, earning a silent shake of Beca's head. Her mother nodded and stepped away, turning towards the stairs and the first few steps of her commute.
Beca closed the door, her shoulders slumping as she played the conversation over in her mind, wishing she'd offered her mother more patience, or apologized. Her thoughts soon turned to school, however, and Beca was mollified as she realized that she'd get to see Chloe in choir today, and the thought made it very difficult to dampen the smile that threatened to dominate Beca's face.
Chloe came to a stop at her locker, bouncing up on her tiptoes as she did. Her fingers made short work of the lock, four years of muscle memory making the action almost subconscious. She tugged upward on the metal tab above the notched wheel after the last number was set, the door swinging open against the adjacent locker with a clang.
Chloe let her bag swing around her, the weight balancing on shoulder so she could swap out the books and notebooks she wouldn't need today and trading them for the binder of music for choir. As she slid it carefully into the now vacant space in her backpack Chloe angled her head to peer lower, looking her hair over in the mirror. She felt silly, it was the end of a long day at school, but she still wanted to make sure her hair looked tidy.
"Hey there stranger."
Chloe didn't have to turn to know the face that was connected to the honeyed, sing-song voice beside her belonged to her best friend Aubrey.
"Hey Bree," Chloe replied.
She decided to ignore the stranger remark. It was true that she hadn't seen Aubrey outside of school in almost two weeks. Between her tutoring and all of her classwork as they inched towards graduation she hadn't really seen anybody. Instead she opted for flattery.
Chloe turned to face Aubrey and asked, "Is that a new blouse?"
Aubrey looked down at the yellow silk that fell from her shoulders into a flattering but conservative neckline.
"Yes and no, I think it's the first time I've worn it, but it's been in my closet for a while."
Chloe nodded, slipping her free arm through the vacant strap in her bag and sliding the bundle onto her back. She gestured with a nod toward the direction of the rehearsal hall and Aubrey fell into step beside her.
They chatted as they walked, Aubrey regaling her with some of the comings and goings of their friends at school. Chloe nodded along but kept finding herself distracted, looking for a messy brunette bun hiding under bulky headphones as she walked through the thicket of students. She registered a change in Aubrey's tone of voice and met her friend's eyes, clearly lost.
"Are you even listening to me?" Aubrey questioned, the naked irritation in her voice unmistakeable.
"Yeah, sorry. I just zoned out. Run that by me one more time?"
Aubrey rolled her eyes and let out a huff.
"I said that Stacie and I are going to Luke DeLaney's party tonight. Should I have Stacie pick you up, or do you want to meet us at my house?"
Chloe vaguely recalled being invited, frowning as she thought about it.
"I don't know about that Bree. I'm so stressed with classes and applications and everything, I just-"
Aubrey cut her off with a dismissive wave of her hand, her vibrant pink fingernails flashing.
"All the more reason to come! You need to let loose and relax."
Chloe tried to fight the grimace she was sure was trying to take hold on her face. She had a hard time pretending she didn't hear hints of her mother in Aubrey's tone of voice, and it didn't take much imagination to picture her mother insisting that Chloe should go out, rub shoulders with people. Invest in the connections that supposedly made the world run.
"I don't know, I've got my tutoring and then I think I'll just stay home."
Aubrey recoiled as if Chloe had told her that she was planning to spend the night dissecting small animals.
"I don't know what's up with you Chloe, but you need to figure out your priorities."
Without another word Aubrey picked up her pace, leaving Chloe in her wake. Chloe allowed herself a small sigh, wishing she could figure a way to make Aubrey understand her.
Choir rehearsals were about halfway done and Beca stood patiently in her section flanked by a few other altos. They had just finished the first section they were practicing today and the director, a sympathetic looking man named Mr. Walsh had told them to take a five minute break while he excused himself to take an emergency call in the office that butted up against the front of the rehearsal room.
As soon as Mr. Walsh had closed the door students started milling around, like gas atoms expanding to fill the volume they were in. Beca stood still, casually watching as everyone drifted to and fro. She gripped her sheet music, the familiar feel of the heavy paper stock grounding her. Beca liked the routine nature of class schedules, it made things simple and organized, and she couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable with the interruption. She didn't like the confusion that swept in to replace their teacher.
Beca turned toward the section where she knew Chloe would be, craning her neck as she stretched onto the tips of her toes. She looked for the telltale shock of auburn hair in the sopranos that would mean she'd found Chloe. The idea of her bright, cerulean eyes made something inside Beca's chest flutter. They had said hi for a few moments before class started, but Beca found herself eager to see her smile all the same.
Without warning someone bumped into Beca from behind, impacting her shoulder painfully and sending her music to the floor. Beca crouched down to pick up the bound sheets up.
"You should be more careful spaz."
Beca turned around as she rose back to her feet. A tall, imposing blonde loomed over her, talking Ashley, the alto who stood behind Beca. Recognition flooded into her brain as Beca recalled Chloe talking about this girl and how long they had been friends. What was her name? Abby? No, she thought. Aubrey. Beca ground her teeth for a moment, not happy with the situation.
"You walked into me," Beca said quietly, her voice flat.
"What did you say?"
Aubrey had turned back around, clearly unhappy, although Beca didn't really understand why. The taller woman squared herself to Beca, both hands poised haughtily on her hips.
"I said-" Beca paused, taking a breath as she tried to figure out what was expected of her. It was obvious to Beca that she couldn't have done anything to avoid their collision. Had the girl not seen her? Beca frowned, wishing again that Mr. Shaw hadn't left so she wouldn't have to worry about people who walked into her.
"I was just saying that I couldn't be more careful," she repeated. Hoping to clarify she quickly added, "Because you walked into me."
Aubrey scoffed, eying Beca up and down. Beca spun her thumb ring, feeling the polished inner metal glide over her skin easily. She dropped her eyes to the floor to avoid Aubrey's glare, noticing the girl's shoes instead. They were clean and barely showed any wear. They looked expensive, the same as her clothes.
"What's with your voice?" Aubrey asked. The abrupt shift in topics confused Beca.
"Your voice," Aubrey repeated. "It's like you're a robot, your voice never changes. It's distracting"
"What? I don't-" Beca began stammering, completely unsure of how to respond. Aubrey just stared, her eyebrows creeping higher.
"Does she even sing?" Aubrey asked, turning to Ashely who said nothing but snickered.
"I sing," Beca said, her voice becoming strained.
Aubrey crossed her arms, her dusty green eyes locked onto Beca who squirmed under the continued eye contact. She scoffed again, disapproving and cold. "Bullshit," the older girl said, hovering far too close for Beca's liking. She took a half step back out of instinct. The move seemed to embolden Aubrey who grinned like a hyena leading a pack to close in on a kill.
She started to repeat the first line of the piece they were practicing, her voice held in a monotone. The imitation was met with laughter by a number of the closest students.
Beca glanced around before dropping her eyes to the floor, her breaths coming shorter and faster. Several of the other students laughed at Aubrey's impression. Beca started nervously plucking at the edge of her choir notebook, the slightly rolled plastic edge catching in between her fingernails.
"See? That's not singing," Aubrey said icily. "Why don't you just leave so we don't have to listen to your weird robot voice," Aubrey questioned.
Beca squeezed her eyes shut. Her chest felt like it was being crushed and all she wanted to do was get away, but she couldn't get her legs to move. She couldn't do anything, it felt like she was trapped in time, watching herself from outside. Aubrey uncrossed her arms and reached out, her finger harshly tapping Beca on the forehead twice, her fingernail catching Beca's skin. She flinched at the unwelcome contact.
"What, are you deaf too?"
Beca's stomach tightened into a knot, and she hated herself for feeling the bloom of heat on her right cheek as a tear crept down it.
"What the fuck Aubrey!?"
Beca and Aubrey both jerked their heads to the side in the same moment, turning their attention to where Chloe was standing a few feet away.
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Can i get Bucci gangs reaction to finding a small but extremely intelligent dragon that can be trained to fight along side them please ? Also the dragon acts like a mix between a dog and a housecat btw.
So my friend and I have been talking about trying a JJBA tabletop rpg module we found on the internet but only if our current dnd game ends. And he was like “hey Bree what kind of Stand would you want if we play?” So I like thought over it for a few days and I just couldn’t get this one out of my head and suddenly an entire character came to me, long story short I wish we could play both the dnd game and the jojo game bcuz I’m very excited
The Stand? It’s called Imagine Dragons. Obvious reference. But the Stand is TWO DRAGONS. Idk it kinda freaked me out when I read your ask but also this request is really cool so here u go 🐉
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- Was probably the one who found and befriended the dragon first. He likes snakes, thought it was a snake, went to check it out... oops sorry Bruno, a dragon followed me home, can we keep him?
- Honestly it also probably likes Giorno best and follows him around everywhere
- Constantly screams at him until Gold Experience gives it a plant or a critter to eat
- Giorno takes it for walks a lot, with it just chilling around his shoulders usually.
- Dragon knows his secret dream is to overthrow the Boss. Pets are the best at keeping secrets
- Besides Giorno and Fugo, he is probably the main one who recognizes this is a PET and you have to take care of it
- Has yelled at Mista and Narancia on multiple occasions for trying to feed the dragon cake and pizza
- Turns a blind eye to Abbacchio spoiling the thing
- The dragon recognizes Bruno is the leader, but sometimes elects to ignore that fact
- Has a great move with Bruno where Sticky Fingers puts it in a zipper space, opens a zipper somewhere else, and surprises their enemies with a goddamn motherfucking tiny dragon
- The dragon will sometimes curl up on Bruno’s desk while he’s doing work exactly like a cat, will roll on top of the paperwork if it wants attention
- Abbacchio is absolutely the type of person to be like “I don’t care about that stinky pet” to everyone, but gives it all the treats and belly scratches when no one is looking
- Bruno found the dragon asleep in Abbacchio’s room one night and snuck a picture because it was so cute
- a little salty the dragon loves Giorno so much
- Dragon will protect Abbacchio at all costs. For the treats
- Tries to teach the dragon dumb shit. Unfortunately for Mista, it is smarter than him.
- However, it loves fighting alongside the Sex Pistols since they’re about the same size. The dragon and the Sex Pistols come up with cool maneuvers to use in battle (idk I’ve decided this dragon has a Stand or can just see Stands idk the fucking turtle had a Stand). Mista is only filled in on about half of them
- However Mista is the one who naps all the time. The dragon will curl up on top of him and nap with him.
- “CAN WE KEEP HIM?” with Giorno, but louder and with puppy eyes.
- Has the dragon race Aerosmith. Swears he will win one day. It’s never gonna happen Narancia.
- Narancia is dumb like Mista but the dragon likes him better. Narancia will never let Mista live it down.
- Ropes the dragon into stupid stuff like messing with Fugo or getting snacks that Abbacchio and Mista hid from him on the top shelf.
- Hes the one guy in the group that doesn’t really get along with the dragon
- Like he absolutely sees the tactical advantage it gives them! He and the dragon respect one another. They just aren’t pals
- Dragon saved him from getting hurt in a fight once. Fugo still doesn’t understand why it did that
- it was to get a treat from Abbacchio, but Fugo doesn’t need to know that
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crazy-loca-blog · 3 years
Hi there! This week’s newlywed’s round will be a short one (but hopefully a fun one). This week we’re playing:
What Would They Rather?
Note: The setting is back to Ethan x MC being married/together. They have to guess what their partner would choose from the options. Dialogue is entirely up to you!
MC, what would Ethan rather?
Beer or Wine
A Cruise or Camping
Horror Movie or Chick Flick
Stay at home or Go out in the rain
Get up early or Stay up late
Ethan, what would MC rather?
Cook dinner or Do the dishes
Diamonds or Pearls
Live in the city or Live in the country
Walk on the beach or Dance in the club
Travel overseas or Explore locally
A/N: Thanks a lot for these questions! I'd be lying if I say my two fools can't wait to get them every week!
Ethan: Sweetheart, Bree's questions for this week are here!
Casey: Look at you! Who would have thought a few years ago that you'd be so excited about receiving these weekly questions?
Ethan: Do you remember the first time we met Bree? It was so embarrassing... and uncomfortable...
Casey: I don't know what was more painful... if answering her questions or trying to convince everyone, including ourselves, that we had no feelings for each other... Oh! See! She sent us a message!
Bree: Hi guys, it's Bree. Sorry for not being there with you this time but I have a trip waiting for me. This week, I have the following challenge for you. I want to know how much do you know your partner by putting yourself in their place. The question is simple: What would they prefer? Enjoy!
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Casey, what would Ethan rather?
1. Beer or Wine
Casey: Wine... he is the type of guy who knows how to match his food with the best type of wine for it, so...
Ethan: We also took some wine tasting lessons, so it's nice to make the most of them...
Casey: Agreed... finding ways to get drunk while learning something new is a whole experience...
Ethan: Well, the idea was not to get drunk, but you didn't want to eat anything before the class... that wasn't your smartest decision...
Casey: After a few drinks everyone in that room was at least a little tipsy... including you...
2. A Cruise or Camping
*Casey looks at Ethan in silence, like studying him*
Ethan: What?
Casey: I'm trying to imagine you camping...
Ethan: What about you?
Casey: What do you mean? I love it! But the question is about you.... nope... it has to be a cruise...
Ethan: Why?
Casey: Easy... you're a city boy... you wouldn't last 5 minutes camping without at least complaining about mosquitoes...
Ethan: Do I need to remind you that I lived in the Amazon for two months?
Casey: No, thank you... I erased that chapter from our lives a long time ago... we should go camping though...
Ethan: Then I'll take you on a cruise...
Casey: Deal!
3. Horror Movie or Chick Flick
Casey: Horror movie to cuddle, chick flick to make out...
Ethan: I don't need a movie to cuddle or to make out with you...
Casey: I know... it's still a good excuse though...
Ethan: *smiling* You're avoiding the answer because you don't know it...
Casey: Of course I know it! If I have to choose one of them, it would definitely be the horror movie... there's still some mystery-solving air to them so they'd still may be appealing to you. But the right answer would be none of them.
Ethan: *smiling* I could see the panic in your eyes for a second...
Casey: I won't ever admit it...
4. Stay at home or Go out in the rain
Casey: Stay at home. I don't know why he hates the rain so much, it's not like he's going to multiply as a Gremlin or something like that if he gets wet...
Ethan: I don't hate the rain, you just love it way too much... Casey is probably the only person in the world who doesn't have an umbrella since she was 15...
Casey: Admit it, you enjoy the view when I get home and I have to take my clothes off in front of the fireplace to get warm... *winks*
Ethan: Trust me, it's not the only thing I enjoy... *smirks*
5. Get up early or Stay up late
Casey: Actually, both... we usually go to bed late... and it's insane how early he wakes up... I never in my life needed to set an alarm after moving in with him...
Ethan: I haven't heard any complaints on my waking up skills though...
Casey: Don't worry babe... I wouldn't dare... *winks and smirks at him*
Ethan, what would Casey rather?
1. Cook dinner or Do the dishes
Ethan: Do the dishes... we usually cook together, but most of the time she is the one who does the dishes... mostly because I hate it... and because she spoils me...
Casey: True... it's funny that you admit it in public, you never do...
Ethan: What? The fact that I hate to do the dishes or the fact that you spoil me?
Casey: Actually... both... it's cute...
2. Diamonds or Pearls
Ethan: Is it okay if I say none of them?
Casey: Are you sure?
Ethan: You always say that you love jewelry, but the fact that you work at a hospital and can't wear it on a daily basis makes it something you actually don't care much about having or not having.
Casey: *smiles* my husband will get jealous if he knows how much you know about me...
Ethan: Your husband must be a lucky guy...
Casey: *staring at Ethan* He is as lucky to have me as I am to have him... but you have to choose one... or maybe you are the one who doesn't know the answer this time?
Ethan: Honey, of course I know it... diamonds, and more exactly... small diamonds... you find them more delicate than the big ones...
3. Live in the city or Live in the country
Ethan: In her ideal life, Casey would be working in the city and living in the country.
Casey: I love the city, but sometimes it's just too much for me to handle.
Ethan: At the end of the day, she needs a moment to disconnect from the world... and it's hard to get that at a busy place as Boston...
Casey: True... but at this point of our lives, commuting every day as Naveen did is not an option...
Ethan: Especially because it involves waking up much earlier than you do now *he smiles at her*
Casey: I won't rebut that point...
4. Walk on the beach or Dance in the club
Ethan: Actually, she'd prefer the mountain over both of them. But, if I have to choose, it's definitely the beach...
Casey: Never was a club girl...
Ethan: Says the person who goes to Donahue's at least 4 days a week...
Casey: I'm not the one who has agreements with Reggie... also, Donahue's is a bar, not a club...
Ethan: Touché
5. Travel overseas or Explore locally
Ethan: Some time ago we made our mission to discover the city and we've almost there. So... it has to be overseas.
Casey: True... it was after we realized we didn't have to hide anymore... it sounds silly now that I say it... why were we hiding?
Ethan: Your professional development...
Casey: Oh! And your insecurities! What a waste of time... anyway, you still haven't told me where you're going to take me... I remember you told Bree about it...
Ethan: And I'll keep it a surprise until the very last minute... patience is a virtue, Dr. Valentine...
Casey: After three years waiting for you to decide whether you wanted to date me or not, I think I've more than proved that I am patient...
Ethan: *smiling* I love you...
Casey: *smiling* I love you too, babe...
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romace-tea-cup · 4 years
Imagine being a rose quartz goddess and being mated to felix Part three
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Today was finally the day of the battle , after a week of training me and bree decided we would not be fighting , we got ready and dressed for the " Battle " bree left before i did because i had some business to take care off . This was my outfit for the new born battle vs the cullen's .
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I found out i am able to feed of ice , it filled me up so now i was walking my way where the battle was gonna take place , i took a short cut so i would not have to get wet so i was glad .
Fast forward to the battle
I was hiding behind a bush with bree and then a blonde haired man and a brown haired woman discovered us and i noticed bree stiffen up so my older sister side jumped infront of her and i summoned my shield and sword and they looked shocked and their eye's widened .
" Hey , you are okay , we won't hurt both of yall , my name is carlisle "
I then knew they were telling the truth so i out my guard down .
" My name is y/n and this is bree , we do not have anything to do with the fight "
" Okay , just stay behind us and we will protect yall the volturi will be arriving any minute now "
" Them again ? Really ? Im getting tiered of all if this already "
" You know about them ? "
The woman with brown hair spoke to me
" Yes , they saw me ans my powers and they confronted victoria and Riley and they asked about me but did not want to follow me or even track me down . "
" that's weird , they normally track down or confront someone who has catched their eye or breaks a law "
" Well i don't know either but we have not broken any laws because we have not engaged with the others or let ourselves be discovered by humans , not even me since i do not fed off any type of blood just ice . "
" You are extremely gifted y/n , there is no doubt that the guards will want you in their coven "
" Leah no ! "
I saw a silver wolf attack a new born then i saw a brown haired wolf being beaten by the newborn and then i went to rescue the wolf but he broke his ribs and i grabbed the new born and i slammed him on the floor and used my sword and i decapitated him . The others just stood there frozen after witnessing my powers .
" There here ! "
Me and bree stepped right behind the cullen's after the wolf got taken by his pack . I saw the vampires i had seen days ago , a short blonde girl that had an innocent look , along her side on her left there was a boy that was just as young as her and look identical as her with medium height and brown hair and look pretty hot honestly , on the girls right there was a very handsome man , he was really tall infact he was the tallest one out of all of them , he had an olive complexion and his hair was cropped he was just pure perfection ! Lastly a man who had beautiful light brown hair , he was also tall abd looked like a womanizer honestly along with the other tall guy so i did not get my hopes up .
Jane : Impressive , i have never seen a coven if a magnitude result intact .
Carlisle : we were lucky .
Jane : i doubt that .
Alec : it appears we missed an entertaining fight .
Jane : yes , its not often we are rendered unnecessary .
Jane : you missed one .
Carlisle : we offered he silence exchanged for her surrender .
Jane : it wasn't yours to offer .
Jane : Why did you come !?
Bree then falls to the floor and now i use my shield and i protect her with my sword and everyone's eyes goes towards me and the giant is just staring at me motion less he looks so cute ! Ugh y/n keep it together !
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Jane : It's you .
Alec : never expected to see you again , what is your name ?
Y/n : what ever it is its not on the list of your next victims .
I hissed at them .
Jane : it seems like generations these days do not know how to dress decently , you should cover up .
Y/n : My body my clothing baby im sorry ... Im not sorry .
Alec : What is your name pink girl .
Y/n : y/n
Then the dude next to the human let out a loud laugh that caught all of our attention .
Edward : It's amazing to me that part of your mission was to see if my mate is still human while one of yours has found their own mate .
Y/n : Sorry honey what ?
Edward : share with us felix wont ya ?
The tall man lets out a growl to be hared directing it to edward obviously but then his attention goes towards me .
Jane : is that true felix ?
Felix : yes i feel my mate bond pull me towards her .
Alec : master aro would love to meet your mate especially is she has a such strong power .
Suddenly a black wolf emerged from the shadows and bent down and walked towards me now i was sitting in the wolf and so was bree and the wolf took off running as fast as it could , bree was convinced had just been saved from her death and so was i but i wanted to be close to the man , i needed him . As the wolf was running i hared the tall man growl and yelled
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And that was the end before we were half way away from the battle field .
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whenitcounts33 · 4 years
Join Me pt.3
Alice hated sunny days, hated being stuck inside when she didn’t want to go hunting or running. There was an America’s Next Top Model marathon on, but Alice remembered everything and that made re-watching shows tedious and boring. She closes her eyes instead, focusing on her gift instead and letting it settle over her like a blanket.
Alice had promised Edward that she wouldn’t look into Bella’s future, and Alice tried. Truly, she did. But sometimes her abilities showed her things that she didn’t need, want, to see. Like when, before she and Jasper had joined the Cullens, she had gotten a sneak peak of Rose and Emmett’s sex life. There had been feathers and Alice swore Rose had been topping.
This time, the intrusion was about someone Alice had considered her sister before her brother ruined everything. She saw Bella, a vampire now, running through a forest, on the heels of a small black-haired girl, laughing. Victoria, Alice always thought of the red-head with a shudder, was behind the pair with a tall boy, smiling fondly.
She remembered when she first saw how Bella’s future was spiraling out of control, leaving the tight confines Edward had tried to force it into. The first of them had been Victoria in Bella’s room, Bella saying yes and her screams as the venom turned her.
The only person who knew of the vision was Jasper. Edward had been in Chicago then, when he finally came back to the family Alice and Jasper couldn’t even think Bella’s name around him out of fear he would find out. Bella finally looked happy and Alice would be dammed if Edward ruined her life again.
The second vision was of Bella as a vampire, playing in the meadow Edward had loved so much with Victoria, both girls laughing. Alice had been jealous, of course she was, Bella was supposed to be her sister. It was supposed to be Bella and Alice playing around and laughing, not Victoria and Bella.
Edward let out a horrified gasp and Alice looked up in shock, thrown out of the vision with enough force she’s dizzy, staring at her brother who was gaping in horror. “Bella,” he ground out between clenched teeth, before turning and racing out of the house before Alice could even form a thought.
“Fuck,” she mutters, before racing after him, following the trail his scent leaves behind, trying to see what he’s going to do.
She can see Edward standing in front of Victoria, Bella and the boy standing right next to her, teeth bared. The small girl was right behind Bella, out of Edwards line of sight.  “Guess we both have a type, huh Bell?” The boy would say after a moment of tense silence. Edward pounces, right for Victoria, a ferocious snarl leaving his mouth, and Alice put on a burst of speed, dead set on making sure the altercation never happened.
Bella thinks there in Canada, she didn’t really pay attention to the borders and Victoria only told her if Bella asked (begged). She knew they were no longer in New York; they’d been running too long to still be in the state. The tree she just passed kind of looked familiar, but every tree looked the same to her.
Bree was running, racing Bella, only faster than the older girl because of the last of her extra newborn strength. Bella was right at her heels, groaning when Bree used all of her strength to fly past Bella, putting 40 extra yards between them. “Winner has to eat a squirrel,” Bree randomly says, making Bella wrinkle her nose in disgust. She can hear Riley laughing behind her and she glanced behind her at him, only to see him already grinning at her. “I’ll eat a squirrel with you,” he promises with a dramatic wink that has Victoria rolling her eyes.
“You’re the worst,” she says, glaring at him before looking at Victoria with pleading eyes. “Tell him he’s the worst,” she says and Victoria obediently, only to make them shut up, looks up at Riley and repeats the words. Riley pouts at her, feigning hurt, and Bella puts on a burst of speed before she has to witness them getting physical. Having to hear it was enough to scar her, she’d didn’t need to see it too.
She loved the two of them more than anything, but she didn’t like knowing how their moans sounded.
She follows Bree’s scent and finally catches up to her, knowing she’ll have to eat a dumb squirrel or have Bree tease her about it for weeks. Maybe it’ll taste better if she pretends it’s literally anything else. Bella highly doubts that it’ll work but it’s worth a try regardless.
The breeze shifts and Bella freezes when it brings a new scent with it, something vaguely familiar that brings a pang of pain through her chest that leaves her gasping. Bree stops mid step, feet leaving deep grooves in the dirt and spins to look at Bella, frowning. Her nostrils flare and Bella knows she can smell whatever, whoever, it is that Bella had.
Bree skids to a stop when she’s right next to Bella, fingers lacing through hers, anchoring her. “What is it?” She whispers, pressing into Bella’s side, eyes darting around their surroundings as they both listen to Victoria and Riley stop a foot behind them. “I think,” Bella murmurs, voice no higher than a breath, “that it’s someone I knew when I was human.”
Bella and Victoria stare at each other for a few seconds before Bella squeezes Bree’s fingers twice and Bree let’s go of her, scrambling up a tree until Bella has to concentrate to see her between the thick branches. Bree liked to wrestle with all of them, play fighting, but they all knew she wouldn’t be able to actually hold her own in a fight, not yet.
James had made sure Victoria knew how to fight and she had made sure Bella and Riley knew how to fight. Bree was still in the beginning of her “training” and the three of them would be too invested in making sure she was safe than actually fighting.
So up a tree Bree went.
Bella, Riley, and Victoria waited in tense silence as the visitor made their way over to them. Bella was reminded of another time with other vampires, surrounding her in a tense circle. Bella allowed her body to ease into her hunting crouch, vaguely aware of Riley and Victoria doing the same.
Bella counted to 678 and then she could see the vampire flying through the trees, a tiny thing with short black hair and a face so familiar that Bella turned to stone in her surprise. Bella knew that face, knew how one side of the mouth would rise before the other when she smiled, how her eyes sparkled with mischief when she was teasing. The person froze as well when their eyes met and skidded to a stop so suddenly that Bella straightened with a growl, teeth bared.
Alice Cullen froze, gold eyes wide as she stared at Bella, lips open in a silent “o” and Riley snarled, Victoria echoing it.
“No,” Bella gasped, momentarily lost in memories of her human life, of Alice being her best friend, of nights spent together laughing and watching bad movies.
But if Alice was here, did that mean -? Bella couldn’t even finish the thought without feeling sick. Victoria, who knew her better than anyone, and easily recognized the look of panic on her face, easily pulled Bella’s body behind Riley, who immediately took on the position of bodyguard.
“The rest of them?” Victoria asks, brows raised, calm and collected. Alice stood up straight, eyes trained on Bella, “Only me,” she says, and Bella believes her. Alice wouldn’t lie to her about this, Bella is sure of it.
“Why are you here, Alice?” Her name burns on the way out and she allows a vindictive stab of pleasure when Alice flinches.
“Edward is on his way here. I had a vision of him finding you and attacking him” – a jab of her chin at Riley – “and I figured I owe it to you to stop him.”
Victoria stepped closer to Riley immediately, eyes darting around the woods like she expected Edward to come flying out of them. Alice winced when Bree hopped down from her tree and curled herself around Bella, arms wrapped tight around the older girl in comfort.
Alice took a step back and swallowed hard, eyes going to Bella again. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, voice low and quiet, “I should have fought him harder.” Bella stayed silent, her throat constricting and eyes burning and limbs quivering, and she knows that she’d be having a panic attack if she was still human.
Alice shakes out her hands and sends Bella a small smile, taking a small step back that Riley mirrored, his teeth still bared, less hostile now though.
“You’re happy, I can see that. Their all better for you than we ever were. I’ll make sure none of them bother you or try to look for you.”
She was gone before Bella could even say anything and she let out a shuddering breath before Victoria and Bree had her in their arms and Riley was curled around them, holding her together with their love and acceptance.
She was okay, she knew, because she had them. She has her family and they’ll always be there for her.
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hystericalweenie · 4 years
Just Another Day at the Office - The Sexperiment
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part Five: Make It or Break It
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n is doing better than ever; she’s finally in a relationship with the man she’s been constantly thinking about, she has some great friends, and she’s thriving at her dream job. Except, there’s one problem: being in a relationship with one of your coworkers can get really steamy, and can cause a lot of sexual frustration. Her new pitch idea may solve exactly that problem, but will George be okay with it?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! **“The Sexperiment” is inspired by an actual Cosmopolitan article (here’s the link!) IM SO SORRY FOR BEING GONE SO LONG I’m here to finish this shit once and for all... I know it’s been a while, but I hold this series so close to my heart and I still have the same love for it as I did when I wrote my last chapter (I know it’s only been a few months but STILL) if you’re reading this, I just want to thank you for sticking around, you’re the best <3
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackay x reader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s NSFW content..aka smut. You have been warned. Also angst :/ srry this is kinda short
I was in the worst possible situation I could have ever imagined: I had to choose between my dream job and my dream man.
Bree arrived home about twenty minutes later by herself. My bedroom door creaked open, signaling her arrival. She frowned at my appearance, which seemed to be mascara smudged all over my eyes and cheeks and swollen, bloodshot eyes.
She sat down beside me, pulling me into her. “Y/n, I am so, so, sorry.”
I let out a croaked sigh, “I-it’s fine, he was going t-to find out eventually.”
“I’m sure he’ll come around,” she rubbed my back soothingly. “I think he’s in love with you.”
“It doesn't matter if he’s in love or not!” I exclaimed, pulling out of her embrace, my emotions arising again. “He’ll never forgive me for this.”
Hot tears began to stream down my face and I felt my bottom lip tremble. Bree took it as a cue to leave me be, so she quietly exited to her own bedroom.
What the fuck was I going to do?
This job was the job I’d been looking for my entire life; it was the job I’d dreamed about working at. 
But, George... 
George was everything. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that George would have ever fucked up the way I did. I wouldn’t ever have to question his loyalty, he’d proven to be trustworthy and honest. He treated me like a princess, a way I’d only ever been treated by my father. I wasn’t sure if I’d hurt more without him or without a job. He never failed to make me smile or laugh, and he’d ensure that I always felt safe. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever fall in love again, until I met him.
I could get a job anywhere, but there was only one George MacKay.
I had to delete the article.
I headed to the kitchen and made myself two cups of coffee before cracking my knuckles and getting to work. 
This is an emergency. If you don’t reply now or tomorrow, I’m going to be in deep, deep shit.
I didn't have time to wait for his response; I got right to work. 
What are people into nowadays, I thought to myself. Sex.
Ping. I clicked on my email.
Well, anything’s better than the fucking Sexperiment article. 
I have to write a new article. George found out. BAD. Can’t release it, I have to fix this.
Also, would you say your penis size relates to your shoe size at all? It’s for the article.
Well, I thought, here goes nothing. My fingers began typing immediately. The caffeine made my fingers shake slightly, but I was determined to write anything. I wasn’t sure how I was going to get George back, but I knew I had to. This was a start, at least. 
Knew that was going to happen. I’ll help you out, but you owe me. Can we do this tomorrow though? It’s Friday night. Uhhh and to ur other question: I don’t think so. Not going to elaborate more than that. Hope that’s good enough.
I rolled my eyes.
Fine. I’ll send you my drafts and you better respond as soon as you can.
I prayed to every possible higher power that this would work. I began conducting research, reading articles and articles about the relationship between the size of a man’s penis and the size of a man’s feet. I wrote down statistics, quotes, and scientific evidence–making sure to exclude any personal experience. I spent hours explaining the theory and science behind it and citing every single quote.
I wasn’t sure exactly what was going to happen, but I prayed that Connie wouldn’t be too pissed at me and George would hopefully see how genuinely sorry I was. I knew I’d fucked up, I got too caught up in trying to impress my boss that I practically sabotaged my own relationship in the process. I hadn’t received a single text message or call from him. I missed the way he smelt of sandalwood and vanilla, I missed entangling my fingers in his soft, sandy locks. I missed the way his skin felt against mine and his velvety voice when he called me “love”.
Tears ran down my cheeks once again as these memories lingered in my head. I stared at my computer screen, my eyelids drooping; I needed a break. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep, so I decided that I was going to be entirely committed on staying up all night. Making a sandwich for myself, I sat and watched television for a moment, attempting to distract me from my obvious thoughts. And once I felt slightly more energized, I resumed reading articles, highlighting quotes, and writing. I continued this until Bree woke up, yawning as she swung her bedroom door open.
“Jesus, Y/n,” she observed, my figure at the kitchen table still hunched over, staring at my screen. “Were you up all night?”
“Yeah,” my voice was raspy from exhaustion. “There’s a pot of coffee waiting for you.”
She smiled softly, walking behind me and wrapping her arms around me. “All couples fight, you know.”
I sighed, “I don’t want to talk about this anymore; I need to get this article done.”
She raised her eyebrows. “You’re writing a new article?”
“Of course I am,” I defended, my eyes not leaving my screen. 
She poured herself a cup of the hot liquid.
“You love him.”
My eyes began to water and I fought to blink it away.
“Damn right I do,” I muttered to myself, though I was sure she heard me.
After finishing the draft of the article, I sent it over to Dean. Bree suggested that we go see our friends to distract me, but I wanted to stay home. I needed to write the final draft, and see George...both as soon as possible. Bree stayed around to make sure I’d be okay, watching television with me until Dean responded back with the edits. Once he finally did, I was rewriting the article and using his edits to perfect it. Once I’d finally finished it for Monday, I shut my laptop, grabbed my keys, and began driving to his house.
After parking, I climbed up the stairs until I reached his apartment door. I knocked a few times, nerves churning inside my stomach as I pondered all of the possible reactions he’d have. My biggest fear was that he’d never want to see me again. The door opened, revealing himself in a t-shirt and pajama pants, eyes puffy and bloodshot; I was sure my eyes looked the same.
 “I-” I began, letting out a sigh. “I rewrote the article.”
He raised his eyebrows.
“It’s still sex-themed, but it doesn’t have any connection or correlation to you,” I explained, my voice beginning to croak. “I can email it to you, if you’d like. You can read it, see if it’s okay first.”
He shook his head silently. It was apparent that he didn’t know what to say either.
“I know I fucked up,” my voice broke and my bottom lip trembled. “I shouldn’t have come up with an article like that, it was so fucking awful of me to embarrass you in front of your coworkers.”
Tears began to run down my face and I couldn't help but hiccup.
“P-please, George,” I whimpered.
His eyes began to well with tears of his own, and he pulled me into his arms. 
“I’m sorry for yelling at you outside of the restaurant,” he whispered, hugging me close to him.
“Oh, George,” I sobbed. “That was nothing; all you’ve done is treat me like gold, and I nearly exposed our fucking sex life to the world.”
He pulled away, cupping both of my cheeks with his palms, his blue orbs staring into mine, his eyelashes thick from wet tears and the whites of his eyes red.
“Please,” he begged, his voice cracking, “don’t lie, nor do something behind my back ever again.”
I pressed my hands against the backs of his, still holding my face in his palms. 
“Never again,” I confirmed, throwing my arms around him to feel the warm embrace I thought I’d never feel again. I could inhale his scent, hear his heartbeat through his chest, stare into his ocean blue orbs, and feel the soft sandy curls on his head.
He read the article, and though it made him slightly uncomfortable that I was writing about penises, he designed simple art that would make the article pop in the magazine. Then, we laid in his bed for hours, listening to each others heartbeats, listening to our breathing rhythms, staring into each others eyes as if we were silently communicating to one another. 
We decided to take a shower together, stripping each other of our clothes slowly and meaningfully. Once the hot water was running down our bare skin, we washed each other; shampooing each others hair slowly and washing our bodies tenderly, leaving kisses on wet shoulders and necks. Once we got out and dried off, we got back into his bed and maintained a spooning position, his bare torso against my bare back, as we dozed off to the warm, comforting feeling of our bare skin touching. 
Monday morning, I sat down at my desk and sent the new article to Connie, anxiety making me bite my nails as I waited for a response back. 
Oh, no, I thought to myself.
Meet me in the conference room with Dean.
I sighed, exchanging looks with Dean–whom was reading the email over my shoulder–before we made our way to the conference room. She stood, her arms crossed, as we entered the room. I gulped, heart racing and sweat starting to form at my palms. The two of us sat ourselves, waiting for her to begin.
She joined us in a chair across from us, her elbows resting against the table.
“Well?” she began, her voice questioning. “What happened to the article?”
Dean looked at me, waiting for me to speak for myself. I braced myself before talking.
“The Sexperiment article wasn’t working for me, Connie,” I explained nervously, “I wasn’t having much luck writing it, and I wasn’t confident that it’d reach the magazine’s standards.”
I had to lie; I couldn’t tell her that the article nearly jeopardized my relationship. Dean sat next to me, silent.
She sighed, “I hope this one will reach the ‘magazine’s standards’, then,” she mimicked, before standing up and flattening her skirt. “I’ll publish the article, but this is a warning: do not change your article without contacting me first.”
And with that, we were dismissed, panic still swimming in our stomachs. Well, I thought, I chose George over my job; what else was I expecting?
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arabellaaaas · 4 years
Favourite Worst Nightmare
Part 4: Mad Sounds
|An Alexander Turner x Arabella Davis fanfiction series |
Description: When two broken hearted meet, they try and hide their past. A story about two young adults whose pasts won't let them find happiness again in each other's arms right away.
A/N: As always, Credits to the owner of this gif!! Let me know if you all want to be tagged in here ❤
Taggs: @imagine-that-100
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What do you mean you are going to meet up with him today?!" a loud voice could be heard through the phone. It was, of course, Bree who was shocked at what her friend was telling her. What bothered her more was the fact that Arabella did not even try to let her know DAYS AGO about this. She was one hundred percent approving him by any sort, she noticed from the start that he was Arabella's type and she was clearly into him. "And you did not even bother to tell me?" she whined like a little child while running around her flat. "I am so so sorry, Bree! I-" she stopped mid-sentence to catch her breath before unlocking the grey door in her place. "I literally forgot to tell you when I came over. I am really sorry, please forgive me!" she apologetically said, throwing her bag somewhere around her couch. She ran from work because she was going to be late for her meet-up with Alexander. She could have taken her car that morning, but she forgot she had plans and did not think, not even for a second, that her work program won't align with her plans and she was risking running late.
"We spent almost two days together, Arabella!" she snapped back right off to her friend that was heavily breathing, almost chocking on the last quantity of air she could breathe. "We were high for almost two fucking days, Bree!" she reacted with her last drop of energy leaving her body.
Bree mumbled something for herself, probably some curse words for Arabella she couldn't say over the phone because it was unfair to curse her when she was actually right. Arabella put her phone on speaker after she texted Alex her address so he can come to pick her up at the time they set. Then, the chaos has begun. "Can you please yell at me later and help me think about what I should wear?" she begged for her friend's help since she was completely lost. She was looking at her wardrobe and it was like the clothes looked back at her, not knowing what to do. Bree began to explain the weather to her to help her out a bit. It was not cold considering that it was the middle of the warmest season, but at night there's still a little cold because of the breeze.
"Did he tell you where he will take you?" she asked, the answer coming right away not helping at all. "He told me he wants to surprise me" Bree could hold back her giggle. Arabella was on the edge of a crisis, but Bree's dirty mind could not chill for a second. "BREE, WE ARE NOT GOING TO HIS PLACE TO HAVE SEX, COME TO YOUR MIND".
"Okay, okay... Damn, you said you were not going to catch feelings for ~a boy you met at a random bar~, ain't it? What about your black jeans? They really make your legs look good." she was really testing Arabella's nerves, especially pointing out her body AND saying a lot of pointless things. She wasn't catching feeling, neither was she looking forward to doing it. She was just stressing out so much because it was the first time in months she was going to hang out with someone new, who was not one of Bree's lover boys. Plus, they were going to be alone God knows where. Also, she did not want to look like a complete tosser in front of a lush man. "I am not catching feelings for anyone. And what should I wear with those jeans?" That's how their conversations go all the time. They are most likely to talk about multiple things at the same time, chiefly if one of them is in a hurry. They chatted for a little bit more and Arabella finally chose something to wear, matching a sheer top with the jeans Bree was talking about.
She was going to bring one of her black jean jackets because that sheer top wasn't going to keep her warm at all. She brushed her hair and went ran her hands through it to give it a bit of shape, painted her lips with a bit of burgundy lipstick. Her makeup was already done since she did it in the morning. Even if it was a bit smudgy, she couldn't care less. When her phone indicated that she received a new text message, she told her friend in haste that she had to go and hung up the call. She took her perfume out of the bag she threw earlier and on her way to the door, she sprayed some onto her neck. She put it back in the bag, grabbed her jacket and ran out the door, after locking the door.
Alexander was waiting for her in front of the building she described through the phone. He had his glasses on, as usual, looking around him at people passing by his car trying to figure if he knows anyone. In about five minutes, he glanced at his right and saw her walk over to his car through his window. A small grin found it's way to his lips, altering into a real smile when she opened the door. "Hello, darlin'!" his greeting makes her smile bit. She looked like she ran for a marathon but still managed to look fit.
"Someone's feeling good tonight, I see" without even saying Hi, she started teasing him for smiling. She found it really cute for Mr. Mysterious to smile right away when he was always trying to keep on a straight face to impress. "It's a special occasion, take advantage of it" he softly laughs, driving toward the location he was talking about. "You look brilliant tonight" he adds, looking away from her.
She giggles, making herself comfortable in her seat right next to him. She could sense the strong scent of musk from his probably expensive cologne. It was something about men wearing cologne, or just taking care of themselves in general. It was truly odd to be attracted to the way someone is smelling, but for some reason, men really know what cologne to wear in order to attract women. "Your smile looks beautiful tonight". He gave her a short look, then rolling back his eyes. They were both really comfortable around each other as if it wasn't their first time going out all by themselves.
After about ten minutes of small talks and humming together along with the music that was playing on the radio that night, Arabella decided to ask where they were heading to, but unfortunately, he refused to answer. She noticed that they were on the road that leads to the outskirts of the town. She hasn't been on that side of the town for a long time. She didn't even know what could be so special about the place they were going to that made Turner shut his mouth about it.
"Oh. come on! Why won't you just tell me? If it is somewhere eccentric, you could at least tell me so I know what to expect" she whined, looking out her window at the sun as it was slowly disappearing into the green hills that could be seen in the distance. "Have you never experienced a surprise in your life, Arabella?" His tone hinted at the joke he tried to make, and she understood it. She never actually encountered a real surprise, but she was happy to do it now. She decided not to say anything about it and just start singing, smiling at him. It was still warm outside, maybe around 73 degrees.
As they were going uphill to a look-out place Alex knew about, they could see their city slowly lighting up. It was a big, busy city that actually never slept as the myths say. Seeing how the day-life was switching for he night-life felt like they were teenagers again and they would just now go out with their mates. Faster than she thought, Alex stopped the car in the middle of nowhere.
She turned over to face him and he had a smirk on his smile, gesturing with his head that they had to get out of the car. She did as he suggested and studied everything she was seeing with the two green eyes she had. Alex grabbed her by the arm and pulled her with him to the spot he already knew it was best. He had a few things in his other hand, he came prepared. He let go of her arm and as she was admiring the view, he sat down on the grass, handing out a can of soda to the woman next to him.
She was so impressed by the view that she did not even notice Alex's hand. He snapped his fingers, bringing her back to the world they lived in. "I suppose you relish it here?" he was anxious she would just put it up front. "I love it here!" she cheerfully exclaimed as she sat down right next to him, grabbing her soda. "What made you bring me up here?" the question made him think for a little. He did not really think in particular of a reason to bring her up here, he just felt like that was the best place for them to hang out.
To offer her an answer, he also asked "Don't you ever want to escape and run away? I guess this was in my mind. It is peaceful up here. I often come here to cool my mind when everything seems too stressful. So I wanted to bring you with me." She was really pleased with what he was saying, also flattered.
He was indeed hiding a lot, and for her to be able to discover a teeny-tiny was really something she was looking forward and she clearly did not expect it to happen so soon. She appreciated the vulnerable side of the people surrounding her. Well, that once surrounded her. As she distanced herself from them, she didn't really saw that side of them anymore. The only one she keeps seeing is obviously Bree, and she would not trade her for the world.
"To be honest with you, I always think about running away. But I cannot leave my life behind. I worked too hard on this crap to just let it get lost" Bringing a cigarette out of one of her pockets, she brought her knees closer to her chest, admiring the wonderful view in front of her. He was starring at her eyes and he compared them to a galaxy. The lights from the city could be seen in her eyes, making them sparkle. She handed her pack over to him, leaving him with a confused look on his pretty face.
"Didn't you say you wanted to try these?". When they spoke over the phone in the middle of a night, he mentioned those organic cigarettes that she keeps smoking. He laughed and grabbed one with his lips as his hands were busy opening the can. They both lighted them, sitting in silence for a moment before Alex could go on with the conversation.
"Why would you be so scared to leave this damn place? It's filthy in here" as if he actually meant it, he looked directly in her eyes, analyzing her eyeful face. "You know, I would have said this too a year ago, and I thought I might want to say it now again. But I have the minimum I need to survive. Even more than that. I am free to do what I want, to hang out with who I want and I have the best human by my side. I think the only thing I want to escape now is my feelings."
"Do you think it is good for your mental health to just run away from your feelings?" he asks right away, and Arabella answers just as fast saying "But do you think it is healthy for you to run away from everything? It's pure death" Alex just nodded, trying not to think about it so much.
In order not to make the rest of the night a bit awkward, he started asking a lot of questions so he can get to know her better. He asked her about her work and about her past workplaces, then they started to talk about the future. Probably these were the best questions to ask someone in pursuance of getting to know him\her better. People tend to answer these questions sincerely, nut trying to lie about things they would want to do or pursue. When Arabella noticed how she was the only one answering questions, she returned Alex's inquiry. "How do you want to spend the rest of your life, Alexander?" The way she spelled his name sounded like music to his years.
"I just want to settle down, work from home, but not at some big company. Or maybe the big company could be one of the options, but only if I don't have to spend the whole day working. I want to live without fear or regret. To have my own house, that I designed myself, and I want to share it with someone special. Until then, I want to live as if I am 18 again. I just want to drink when I want, run for no reason, laugh all the time, tell stories, create my own, work on music, smoke, go out, traveling... All of that stuff, you know what I am talking about. " He sighed, lighting another cigarette, this time one of his own. He moved his eyes back to the view that sat still in front of him, waiting for a reaction of some sort. Maybe he seemed crazy, opening up to someone this fast, but he felt like she was not going to tell anyone anything.
"Mind if I join your life adventures?"
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akemiozawa · 4 years
Big Sister pt. 2
And if anyone wants to see a general pic of what the twins look like, I used Picrew. Bree is the left, Brad on the right.
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After a morning of waking, brushing, grooming, dressing and feeding the twins, Trina though it best to walk them around the campus and show them what their “future school” could look like.
Trina was clad in her casual gear, yellow headphones hung from around her neck, satchel swaying from side to side. Bree skipped in her favorite pink and white gingham dress and sneakers, her hair tied in pigtails with small red ribbons while Brad ran behind her in khaki shorts and a dark blue shirt, his blue high tops thudded to keep up with his sister. His hair swayed wildly in the wind.
They had just stopped outside the courtyard where statues of the Great Seven stood proudly alongside one another.
“So! Where you guys wanna go?” She squatted to their height.
“Whatever you want, Sis!” They said simultaneously. Their eyes bright and shining in the sun, and smiles innocent, Trina’s heart melted at their adorableness.
At that, a brightly colored hedgehog came sailing through the treetops like a cannonball. With her sixth sense, Trina turned, shielding the kids, and in time to thrust out her hands and catch the animal between them, landing on her feet for balance.
“Whoa!” “Big Sis, are you okay?!” The twins ran to her as she kneeled.
“I’m fine, guys! But this little one...”
The three looked down at the red-colored creature, who was shaking before it stilled and unfurled from its balled form. It sniffed Trina’s hands, looking up at the group. Squeaking happily, it curled into her cupped hands.
“Aww!” Bree and Brad cooed. They gently pet the hedgehog, just as Ace Trappola burst from the foliage. The twins looked up and hid behind Trina, unsure of this new presence.
“Trina! Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know where he went for a second! You totally saved me!” He pushed his lips into a smile, cheeks obviously flushed from running.
“Ace! Where’d the hedgehog go? Did it get hurt?” Not soon after, Deuce Spade halted in the clearing. Before the redhead could answer, Trina snapped,
“What the hell, you two?!”
The first years were taken aback by her sudden retort. Homura’s lips were scrunched together, eyes narrowed, fists clenched. She lept to her feet with, “Nobody got hurt, for you answer, Deuce. But you could’ve put my cousins in danger!” The creature, now with the twins, wasn’t scared, neither were the latter. They could only stare at Trina with wide eyes. Even as she sped walked straight towards the two, eyes full of fire. Ace has his hands up in mock surrender, and Deuce looked ready to piss himself looking at her now glowing eyes.
“Hey! H-hold up, Trina! We didn’t know-OW!” “OW!!” The two rubbed the back of their heads from where they were slapped. But not before they were shoved to the concrete, catching themselves on their hands before they ate asphalt.
“You’re both lucky that I didn’t do worse.” She pointed out with a snark, anger dissipated. Jogging to the others, she scooped up the hedgehog carefully while introducing her cousins.
Ace smiles at the two. “Well then, BB, how’d you like to visit the Queen of Hearts herself? We’re having a small get together, and I think it’s a good opportunity for you to learn of Heartslabyul and it’s superior Queen!”
“Can we? Can we? Can we?!” The twins shouted with glee. Smirking, she looked up at Ace and Deuce.
“Why not?” A squeak of agreement from the hedgehog followed.
A couple minutes later, the main four were all seated in the Heartslabyul gardens, Trina and the twins included. Needless to say, the twins were enjoying their sweet tea and extravagant desserts.
Now, Cater, Ace and Deuce we’re running around the open grass, playing tag with the twins. Trina and Trey decided to stay to the sidelines, keeping an eye on them. As Cater fell to the ground, laughing as Brad pounced on him with a ‘you’re it!’, Trey turned to Trina.
“I have to say, Trina. I never knew you to be the sisterly type.” Trey commented, adjusting his glasses.
“Well, growing up with no older siblings was a bit difficult. How I managed is far beyond me.” Trina chuckled, entwining her ponytail between her fingers.
It wasn’t a lie. Trinity was the only child in her family. No other cousins or relatives around her age at the time. She had no figures to take after. The only figures she had to learn from were her mom, dad, and occasionally aunt Momo. It was a calamity. Her dad taught her one thing, but her mom and aunt taught her another. Often at times, conflicting with each other: Act a certain way, dress another way. It was very rarely for Trina, as a child, to have a say in doing what she wanted. But after the twins came into her life five years ago, that’s when things changed.....
Trina was too engrossed in her thoughts, she barely even noticed the twins screaming in terror.
They hugged her legs, completely snapping her from her daze. When Trina saw them, she felt her heart crack: tears glazed their eyes, frowns present and they were shaking in fear.
“Oh no! What’s wrong?” Trina knelt to hug them both. They didn’t hesitate to embrace her. She wiped away their tears with her thumbs.
“There was this scary man in red who screamed ‘Off with your heads!’ out of nowhere.” Brad blubbered.
“We didn’t know if it was meant for us!” Bree sniffled. They bowed their heads in shame like they had committed a crime.
And thank god they did.
For after hearing what happened, Trina’s head lowered, bangs covered her eyes. But inside, she was hiding how she really felt.
“BB.” She spoke in an oddly calm voice. The two looked at her, but made no comment. “Both of you stay together. I just realized....I have something important to handle.”
Ten minutes later, Trina came back, with a smile on her face.
“Trina! Where’d you go?” Cater ran up to her.
“Oh, y’know, just had to deal with something. Where the twins?” She brushed off.
“Uh, they’re with Ace right now. Why? You need them?”
“As a matter of fact, I do! I’ll need them to help me with.... ‘important matters’ if you will.”
Cater was a bit iffy about the way that sentence was said, but before he could get a word out, Trina called for the two.
“Little Brother! Little Sister! We need to get going!”
As if they were soldiers, the two said their goodbyes to the Four Cards, and scurried to keep up with Trina’s strides.
Just as soon as they reached the front doors,
The twins screamed and clutched each other in terror. Trina roller her eyes while turning to the person that barked her name.
“Hello, Riddle.” She spat his name like bile in her mouth. The Heartslabyul lead strode up to her, eyes stone cold, lips twisted into a scowl.
“What in Her Majesty’s name are you doing here?” He seethed.
“Aww, c’mon, Rose. Can’t a girl hang out with four of her amazingly loyal friends?” She pouted in mock sadness, hands held over her heart. She pouted, eyes glossy.
“Not with that attitude, you can’t.” He bit back. Trina let out a scoff of offense, but the former brushed it off, his steely grey eyes landing on the cowering children.
“And who are they?!” He swung his scepter down to point at the two.
“I-I’m Bree, and this is my brother, Brad, Your Majesty. We’re with Big Sister.” The little brunette managed to speak up, remembering what the Ace of Hearts taught her.
“ ‘Big Sister’?” Riddle repeated the word like it was completely foreign to him. He eyed Trina with suspicion while kneeling before the two, who were commanded to come forward.
“And why, pray tell, do you call...miss Homura your ‘big sister’?” He demanded in a soft tone.
“It’s because we love her with all our hearts!” Brad intercepted. “Big Sis is like one we never had! There’s nothing we wouldn’t do to protect her!” He shouted with glee. Then at the last minute, “Uh, Your Highness!’ with a small bow.
“Is that so?” They nodded at the question. Riddle, for a minute, didn’t seem to buy the twins’ answers. Knowing Trinity like he knew himself, there’s nothing the she-devil wouldn’t do to one-up him with all she’s got. He’d rather die than admit she was smarter, and probably scarier, than him.
But after hearing the rumors of her with two kids...maybe they have potential to help Riddle in the grand scheme in Her Majesty’s name! And possibly overthrow Trinity in the process.
“Well, then!” His voice took up a more happier approach. “Since you both have followed the proper rules towards speaking to a Royal, and with truthful answers, I can see that you both have potential! Joining Heartslabyul would be the benefit of your futures! Keep that in mind!” He instructed. With a snap of his fingers, two small badges with the Heartslabyul crest floated in midair before moving to each twin. They grabbed the pins, holding them close like they were new toy robots.
“Thank you!” They smiled. A small smile was on Riddle’s lips until-
“Uh, Your Majesty!” A timid first year ran just behind him but halted when he saw his commander busy.
“WHAT?!” Riddle snapped around to face the first year, his glare as sharp as a knife. The first looked close to pissing himself.
“N-not to make you mad or anything...b-but....we have an emergency! The roses are on fire!” He was gone as soon as the word ‘fire’ was uttered.
Riddle whipped around. If he was mad before, he was definitely seething now. His eyes were dead set on Trina, who just looked back at him with an innocent smile.
“This. Isn’t. Over. You She-Devil!” And with that, he hiked up his coat and raced towards the gardens at the sound of a fire bell.
Trina only watched him go with glee, while ushering the twins out, fingering the mini lighter in her pocket.
The three were out of breath as soon as they slipped out the Heartslabyul doors. Trina looked over her shoulder several times to make sure the monarch wasn’t hot on their heels, laughing maniacally as she did so running.
However, she wasn’t looking where she was going, and just as she turned her head back, she smacked into someone, sending her stumbling to the ground.
Just as she braced for impact, keeping her eyes open, she was surprised to find herself just three inches before face planting. She craned her head up to see herself inside a teal colored bubble. Her body floated in air. There was only one person who could manipulate gravity spheres like these.
The little twin held her hand out in front of her, fingers glowing a bright green, her eyes doing the same action but were filled with fear. Her big sis nearly got hurt!
As well as the other student behind her.
Ruggie was trying to find where the hell Leona has snuck off to, only to crash into Trina (literally) sending them both in a stumble. He nearly landed on his back had it not been for the little squirt to save their asses. And was he ever relieved.
After Bree released the second years from her hold, Trina ran for Bree and scooped her into a tight hug.
“Bree! I can’t believe you did that!” Trina’s voice shook slightly. She felt so many things: anger, fear, shock, relief. But she still hugged her little cousin.
“Is Big Sis okay? I didn’t want you to get hurt!” Bree pulled away to stare at Trina with tears eyes. With one look at her, Trina felt herself tear up. She flicked her tears away before they could show.
“Yea, I’m okay.” She smiled. “But don’t do that again without me knowing! Lord knows what could happen to you if you over exerted yourself!” Bree nodded, giggling.
“Fluffyyyyyyy.” Brad cooed.
At the sound of his voice, Trina positioned her gaze to see the second twin scratching Ruggie’s ears, the latter obviously enjoying the young boy’s touch. Cheeks dusted a faint red, his tail waggling, and a stupid grin across his face was all it did to seal the deal.
Trina snickered as she held Bree closer. She silently whipped out her phone and hit the “record” button while watching the scene unfold.
“Big Sis, I’m hungry.” She heard Bree faintly whisper in her ear.
Trina silently looked at her watch. It was nearing dinner already! Luckily she knew a place that be admittable for the two.
“Don’t worry, Bree. Just a minute.” She answered, not taking her eyes off the smiling Brad.
After some time of prying away Brad from Ruggie, Trina carried the two with her to the Mostro Cafe for a quaint dinner.
Bree stayed in Trina’s arms, while Brad clung piggy-back style.
“Okay, you two.” Trina managed to slide Brad off her shoulders, and knelt to face them both. They were just outside the Cafe doors. “Now I want you both to be on your best behavior. Don’t act so rambunctiously. We’re in a public place, so be courteous. Okay?”
“Yes, Sis!” They grinned.
After lightly kicking the door open with her foot, Trina looked around the place.
Several students were dotted along the room as the sound of soft jazz played over the speakers. The windows displayed the calming waters of Octavinelle, the medium tone of blue set a serene-like tone to the place.
“Mmm. Pretty empty for a Saturday.” She mumbled, the twins stayed close.
“Then again, hasn’t it always?” A voice sung out. Trina smiles lazily. She looked over to see a postured figure stalk up to her, cane tapping the floorboards.
“Greetings, Azul.” She nodded in the second year’s direction.
“Ah, Trinity. Such a surprise to see you! You’re normally cooped up in your lair at this time, aren’t you.” Azul chuckled slightly. “Ain’t that right, boys?”
Slinking from the shadows, the Leech twins took their places beside their boss.
Breelyn whimpered as she hid behind her sis. She didn’t like the two new figures, as one smiled normally and the other grinned like a shark.
Trina pushed back her bangs in a subtle gesture, shrugging. “While that is true, I won’t deny. I’ve actually two reasons for being here.” Her eyes remained fixated on the trio, not a hint of anxiety in her stance or her eyes. “I’ve something that I’ve managed to find on the cameras. And I believe it could be of use...?” She raised one eye brow slightly.
“Is that so?” Jade walked closer to Trina.
“You’re not just saying this to throw us off, are ya?” Floyd echoed, following at the same pace.
“Because you know what’ll happen-”
“If you try to cross us!”
“Please, as if I’d try and think about crossing Azul Ashengrotto. He’s just as invested in the blackmail as yours truly.” Trina said nonchalantly. The twins were close to her, their eyes gleaming in dark mirth. Trina looked at them both, her eyes as stoic as ice. Just one movement could break the tension and-
The patter of little feet sounded. Then, the twins faces turned to pained ones. Jade let out a sound of pain as he fell while Floyd, well, did the direct opposite. “Ow!! Fffffffflounderfuck!” He grabbed his shin and hopped up and down, teeth clenched in pain.
Trina, eyes widened in confusion, looked down to see Brad fuming, a cute pout of anger etched on his lips. Apparently, the braver of the younger ones decided to take one for the team and kick both older twins in the shins. More like the crotch area, but who’s watching anyways?
“Stay away from Big Sis, you creeps!” He spat, hugging Trina’s leg as a form of protection, cheeks puffed out. Breelyn stuck her head out more, amazed at her brother’s actions.
Trina was amazed. Normally, any of the first years would practically shit themselves if the Leech Twins were near. But Brad, being a five year old, he’s not one for fear. Hell, one time, he stood up to one of his sister’s bullies with nothing a squirt gun full of deer urine.
He did get sent to the principal’s, but it was worth it seeing his sister smile.
“What the-? Who are these children?” Azul sputtered in surprise, looking at the twins.
Trina sighed and shook her head. This was gonna be a while.
A few minutes later, with proper introductions, apologies and grilled cheeses later, everything went back to normal.
The younger twins, having satisfied their hunger, slowly but surely warmed up to the older twins. Breelyn stayed with Jade. She was looking at the tri-stone earring he and his twin wore often. She stared in awe and the beautiful stones while he kept a hand on her shoulder. Brad and Floyd, however....
"Oooh! You're so high up in the air little flounder!" Floyd laughed as he held Brad above his head. "Oh no, you're gonna fall!" He said as he brought him down to his chest and hugging the boy tightly. 
“Again! Again!” Brad laughed, enjoying himself.
Trina smiles at the scene with affection, while swirling her cappuccino around in her mug. The two Octavinelle pins, with the Savanaclaw (courtesy of Ruggie) clinked together on the small dish in front of her.
“My, those two are a handful. How you put up with them is far beyond me.” Azul complimented, setting his tea mug beside hers.
“They’re my family.” She responded. “They mean a lot to me. If anything happened to them I’d never forgive myself.”
The other second year simply nodded. A small pause of silence was held between them.
“So what was it you said you found on the cameras again?” He requested, leaning forward slightly.
“One of the new Diasomnia students thought it’d be suitable to get revenge on Sebek. Called her something that didn’t stick well; she ended up cursing him. His hair changed color and his room became the next Atlantic Ocean. Wasn’t himself for a while.” She explained briefly. Azul snickered slightly, letting the conversation carry on past closing time.
One last part still in progress!
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bambagelfics · 5 years
I Know How Your Story Ends - Prologue Part 2
Prologue Part 1 / Ch. 1
Part 2! Here we go! I got a little lazy near the end cause I’m excited to get on to the actual chapters, so sorry about that.
If y’all don’t wanna read this one here’s a TLDR; Reader gets drunk, sleeps, and buys a horse named Samwise and is now on their way to the shire
Warnings; probably more swearing, don’t remember
At that point Gandalf had figured out you weren’t from middle earth at all. A quick conversation later and you knowing his name without him telling you made him realize something else was up as well.
So now here you were, he had invited you to come with him to Bree for he had someone to meet, and he planned to bring you along to what followed this meeting. If the meeting went well.
You didn’t know of his plans to keep you around though, so as you rode behind him on his horse you wondered what you would do when you made it to the town, since you still didn’t know how to get home.
Wait, weren’t you riding with a wizard?
“Hey Gandalf,” you spoke up after you two had been riding for awhile, “what do you know about other worlds?”
You don’t know why you hadn’t asked before, but better late than never.
“I know of them,” the grey wizard replied, “however I know no link between them, nor have I been to any others,”
“So you wouldn’t be able to, say, send someone to one? Even if that person is originally from said other world?”
“I don’t believe I would,”
Your heart sank, “oh,” I guess it wasn’t going to be that easy, why would it be?
“Where are you from Ms. Y/n? If you don’t mind me asking,” Gandalf asked.
“Well, I guess it’s pretty obvious by now, but I’m not from middle earth. I’m from another world entirely, I guess,”
You ended up explaining a bit to Gandalf as your journey to the nearby town continued and came to an end, and by the time it did Gandalf had made a decision.
“It seems that although I do not know how to help you right now, I must do what I can,” he spoke, “you will come with me and stay by my side until I can get you home,”
Your eyes widened as you looked up at the wizard, a mixture of shock and relief written on your face.
“Really? Oh thank god,” you let out a sigh, “or- Mahal, I don’t know what’d I do if I was supposed to be here alone,”
Gandalf hummed, a gleam in his eye as he smiled kindly at you. However, it changed to a more business look a second later.
“However,” you looked back up at him, “I have a meeting to attend to here as I mentioned earlier, and then I must head to the shire tonight,”
The shire? Why would he be going to the shire? Where even were you in the timeline right now? Dammit, you should’ve asked that.
“Business that you can not come along for, so I shall leave you here,” the wizard continued, and panic yet again rose in your gut.
“What? But you said-“
“Do not worry my dear, for we will meet again tomorrow evening. I shall provide you with money for a room at the inn tonight and a decent meal, along with money for a horse. You will go to the stables in the early morning and ask the man there for a horse, and by evening you will be in hobbiton. You will meet me at the hobbit hole with the marking on the door,”
“Wait, marking? What kind of marking?”
You were confused, but also a little skeptical. A hobbit hole with a marking on the door? Gears started turning.
“I’m fairly sure you are well aware of what it will look like,” Gandalf smiled his signature all knowing smile.
You figured you’d ask one last question as he handed you a sack of what you would assume are coins for the things he said he’d provide you for. The old man hummed as he climbed back onto the horse, this time you weren’t getting on too.
“Has Erebor been reclaimed?”
“No, it has not,” He yet again, gave you a knowing smile, “fair well, dear Y/n, I shall see you tomorrow as the sun sets. You take the western road. The journey is not too long, but it is not short either, it is best if you leave as early as when you get your horse,”
And with that he left, and you watched him go. He entered Bree and disappeared into the crowds. Though you didn’t see that part since he dropped you just outside the gate. He couldn’t have at least brought you in?
You put that aside for a second, thinking.
Gandalf was going to the shire. He had a meeting tonight. Tomorrow you were supposed to meet at a certain hobbit hole there. Erebor was not reclaimed. Gandalf and hobbits. What the hell was with Gandalf and hobbits?
You put it together, a theory at least. You had been dropped the day before the quest began, and now you had no choice but to get a horse and join.
It wasn’t the first time you panicked since you got here, and it wouldn’t be the last. Nevertheless you walked into Bree, passing the gate and scanning the streets.
You saw the bar that was in both trilogies, the inn as well. You also walked to find the stable that you would purchase your horse from in the morning.
None of these buildings were too far apart, so at least you had that going for you. Y’know, in between the waking up in a whole new world and being left behind by the wizard.
Damn Gandalf. Why’d he have to leave you? Without explaining really anything either?
You ended up going back to The Prancing Pony, you had decided now was as good a time as ever to get some food. And hey, maybe you could try middle earth’s ale?
You asked for a room as soon as you walked in, and after you were gifted your key you decided to first go up and see what type of room you had gotten.
You opened the large wooden door and saw a single bed in the room, across from it was an old dresser with a clouded mirror. Despite the fact that it all the looked old and flashes of the ring wraiths passed through your mind, it didn’t look that bad.
You went and sat on the bed, the mattress sunk a bit under your weight. It seemed surprisingly comfortable, more so than you expected. As you were thinking this you absently looked up into the mirror, and saw the state of your hair.
Frizzed, and you could spot one or two leaves in there. How had you not noticed?
You decided that that wasn’t going to work, especially if you were planning to go back down for drinks soon.
You looked through the dresser, and to your luck a brush had been placed in the top drawer. Whose brush it was? You don’t know, but you figured it was fine for one day.
You brushed it all down and decided to pull your hair back into a single French braid, wanting to keep it out of your face as soon as possible. You struggled, not being the best at braiding your own hair, and it showed with the few loose strands that dangles in your face. You decided it was still better than leaving it down.
After that slight fix you made your way back to the bar, taking a seat at the counter on one of the big stools. It was loud, people hollering and it was reaching dusk now, more people would be coming in. You ordered some ale. Drink first, food later.
It didn’t go completely unnoticed by you how some wandering stares landed on you, a woman with a sword in a bar was not a normal sight. Especially not one who looked dressed for travel.
You first pint was served, and you stared down into the brown liquid, thinking. Wondering how you were going to survive in middle earth long enough for Gandalf to send you home. Wondering if you were actually at the point where Gandalf gets Thorin to reclaim Erebor or if it was all some weird coincidence.
You took a sip, middle earth’s ale was not underrated. You drank, and somewhere in there you ordered some food.
Luckily you went through your evening with no incidents, despite the fact that people were obviously curious about the woman with the sword. You thanked whatever god was in charge here for not letting anyone come ask questions.
You returned to your room later in the evening, and crashed, savouring the only bed you assumed you’d have for awhile. The next morning you went to the stable as Gandalf instructed.
You picked out a beautiful light brown horse, one that the man said was one of the strongest he had. You figured that’d be smart if you were traveling with Gandalf. As far as you knew you’d never be anywhere but on the road until he figured out how to get you home.
You also had some money left over after all of that surprisingly, Gandalf was loaded apparently. You decided to save it for if you needed it at some point.
You had named the horse Samwise, it felt like it fit. And together you and Samwise took to the road, still fairly early in the morning.
That was when you started your journey to hobbiton, where you would meet Gandalf at a certain hobbit hole.
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