#sorry for any grammar issues
gifti3 · 1 month
guess who's back, guess who's back? me and i brought more arranged marriage AU writing. the last post was this one.
this post is shorter and features Asmo and Luci this time. Cause i needed to get some complaining Asmo in here. Anyways thanks for reading, hope you like it :] (and happy early birthday to Asmo!!! 🎂🎉 sorry for putting u in situations lmao)
"Asmodeus stop hanging off me."
Lucifer tries to pull his brother off, but he doesn't budge. Asmodeus who was currently kneeling next to his study chair, continue to hold on to his arm with surprising strength.
"But you have to help me! Pleaseeeee!"
Lucifer lets out a deep sigh, continuing his work and looking through documents as if Asmodeus isn't there. "I already told you, Father's word was final."
"But-But there has to be a way to talk him out of this! And you're the only one he might listen to!"
"Trust me, the one suggestion I made was completely rejected. He's completely resolute about this marriage."
"Then make another suggestion!"
"Can you at least meet MC first before you throw a tantrum like a child? From what we've seen they're polite and mostly keep to themselves. So getting along with them should be easy for you as long as you don't do anything foolish."
"Hmmm…they sound kinda boring."
Lucifer pinches the bridge of his nose. He could feel a migraine coming on. "Behave when you actual meet them Asmo."
Asmodeus huffs and finally releases his older brother and instead begins pacing in front of his desk.
"But why does it have to be me? I know I'm a catch, but last time I checked, other people in this family weren't married!"
"I already explained this. Father expects you to be more involved in the socioeconomic affairs of the family. Which you've managed to avoid for years."
"Pssh but am I the only one though?"
Lucifer doesn't even bother answering him.
Asmodeus looks off to the side. Maybe he wasn't that involved in the more "serious" aspects that kept their family on top, but at least he went to all the important social events unlike Leviathan. That must count for something.
Though the idea of Leviathan getting married was definitely something he couldn't see happening any time soon. It might overload him. Only recently did his older brother start showing his face in public consistently….and it would be nice to see Levi fall in love naturally one day. Maybe he could convince him to go out on the town with him… Baby steps, baby steps.
Mammon was already married (surprisingly). Which much to his dismay, really cut a lot into their nights out. Though he would never admit it to his face.
Lucifer and Satan could probably avoid marriage if they wanted to, considering all they do.
All that left was Beelzebub and Belphegor. Shoveling off marriage to his younger siblings didn't feel right though.
Asmodeus visibly deflated. He sighs and flops down in the chair in front of Lucifer's desk. Even though he was doing this, he already knew it was over before it even began. It didn't stop him though. In fact, he had complained to Lucifer the day before.
And the day before that.
He'd cried to Satan and even bothered Mammon, who gave him terrible marriage "advice" that he made sure to tune out.
But it wasn't like him to not be at least a little persistent and complain when things weren't going his way!
And this was something worth complaining about. Him getting married? There's certain things marriage entailed right? Wouldn't he be expected to stop with his current lifestyle? Partying and playing around? Sharing his beautiful existence with the world? It just wasn't right!
He wouldn't do it, especially for a stranger.
Asmodeus crosses his arms. "….Are you sure I can't get out of this?"
"Asmo for the love of God. Father was serious about getting in this family's good graces, and this is a sure-fire way to do so. As you said so humbly, out of everyone here you're the most practical choice. And even if one of your brothers were picked instead, who says it won't be you the next time?"
Asmodeus's frown deepens. If he wanted to continue living such a comfortable life, he couldn't really just go against Father either. Even if he was okay with giving it all up, it was too scary.
"Meet them first. Now can you go find someone else to whine to. I'm busy."
Guess that was the end if the today's discussion.
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littlemizzlinguistics · 6 months
Studying linguistics is actually so wonderful because when you explain youth slang to older professors, instead of complaining about how "your generation can't speak right/ you're butchering the language" they light up and go “really? That’s so wonderful! What an innovative construction! Isn't language wonderful?"
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mtndw-whteout · 1 month
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Chapter 3 is now up !!
Rip Ritsu.
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snezario · 3 months
Sub-Optimal; Ala/stor & Vo/x
based from an idea that @sneezingfetishftw posted. I kind of want to expand on that beginning part with a prequel ficlet of Alastor being sick but idk if I'll actually get around to it... I think this is the longest one-shot I've ever written... somehow this turned out to be 1.7k words?
Alastor leans against the headboard of his bed and takes a sip from his mug, grimacing as the hot liquid travels down his throat. Coffee was probably not the best choice right now. The warmth of it was nice against his sore throat. Of course that wasn’t the only unfortunate telltale symptom of illness he had awoken with a couple days ago.
He had been pretty good at hiding the whole illness thing under wraps for the first half of the day, that is until he had to sneeze. Usually he was good at stifling them into oblivion, but this particular cold seemed hellbent on disrupting his ability to control his faculties. The first unstifled sneeze caused all the lights in the hotel to flicker, which wouldn’t have caught much of anyone else’s attention. It was the second, third, and fourth ones that well, almost destroyed it.
It was after that whole fiasco that he was banished to quarantine in his room because according to Vaggie Who the fuck knows what other chaos his sickness will wreak havoc on the hotel? Normally he’d be holed up in his radio tower, but his quarters within the hotel are not half bad. Hence, him still being in bed to begin with. A sharp prickle in his nose reminds him how miserable being sick makes one feel.
He tries to keep it contained, lest he face Vaggie’s wrath. Not that she’s much of a threat to him really. As Alastor recovers, he’s interrupted by a loud BANG! His bedroom door swings open to reveal Vox standing dead center in the door frame. Alastor rolls his eyes at the other Overlord.
“Do you mind?”
Vox ignores Alastor’s question and breezes past the threshold, plopping himself on a red armchair by the fireplace. 
“I was just passing through the area and a little birdy told me you were feeling a bit… under the weather.” He scrolls on his phone as he speaks, although the wide grin on his screen makes it obvious how much he’s relishing this moment. Alastor narrows his eyes, an unlikely story— Vox would never pass up the chance to taunt him, especially in a case like this.
“Well, I’m not quite on my deathbed as you can see. I didn’t realize that you missed little old me so much that you just had to come by and visit. It is flattering that you stopped by, in any case.”
Despite how awful he’s feeling, Alastor flashes Vox a cheeky grin, knowing full well just how to push the other demon’s buttons. The entertainment value of seeing Vox absolutely lose his cool is almost limitless. Although the pesky tickle is urgently becoming more than a mere annoyance. Alastor would much rather listen to Pentious’s Egg Bois spew nonsense to him for hours on end than be seen like this. Vulnerable and weak, in front of Vox no less. But it’s not something he can avoid at the moment.
Vox wasn’t someone who shied away from physical contact. He never denied himself the opportunity to encroach on someone’s personal space when he saw fit, it was mostly a tactic he employed to assert dominance or to emphasize a point. Or in this case, threaten his rival. Leaping off the chair, he’s in the radio demon’s face in a heartbeat, clenching the collar of Alastor’s pajamas in his hand.
“You arrogant prick, you think that I give a flying FUCK where you’ve been—”
Vox pauses when Alastor inhales sharply, no doubt to make a scathing retort. The radio demon raises a fist to his face and angles himself away from the other Overlord.
hhzh—hhh’ZTCHhiew! hih! ihĨ̴̢̛̘̠̪͍̠̣̪̪͗͒̓̃̎̀̓̕͜Z̵̪̝̱̪̘̺̣̗̘̍Z̷̡̜͔̱͖͉̰̭̽̽̎̆̿̉͝͝T̴̨̧̼̫̜̤͈̖̬͈̈́̄̒̓̾̀̎͠͝S̷̨̱̭͚̬̻̬͐̑̐̏͆͝ͅḨ̵̣͍͈͙͈̝̜͑̓͋̉͊͛̀̑̚H̵̤̯͔̱̓̎̈͘̚̕uu!
The space around them crackles with Eldritch energy, tendrils of which encompass the room. Vox’s screen glitches and completely shuts off.
“What the actual fuck?” The lights flicker back on and Vox’s screen illuminates again. He gives in to a full body shudder (not of his own accord though) as the static shock between them fizzles out. He jumps back from Alastor, his eye spiraling intensely. Alastor sniffles into a plain cloth handkerchief.
“Oh dear, pardon me. I’m not quite in control of my faculties at the moment.”
“I hope you fucking choke on your own mucus,” Vox snarls at him before storming out of Alastor’s room.
It’s humiliating but because the hotel has Alastor as its facilities manager, there is very little modern technology at Vox’s disposal. Meaning, he has to walk… out the front door like a common sinner. The hotel is located quite a bit away from the main hubbub of Pentagram City, which is both a blessing and a curse, depending on who you talk to. Vox makes his way to the edge of the city, a chaotic and desolate area and at the first sight of a screen (an old television set sitting in the window of a dilapidated pawn shop), he transforms into electricity and travels back to the Vees’ penthouse.
What kind of weird voodoo magic did the smiling freak do to me? Vox sits alone in his penthouse suite, glaring at nothing in particular as his eye dilates as he fumes about the outcome of his interaction with Alastor. One day, that pompous bastard would find something more than coffee in that stupid mug of his.
He idly rubs a hand down his screen as a fleeting fuzzy sensation runs through the circuitry in his head, almost like an itch he can’t quite reach. He proceeds to take a long sip from his mug, the coffee in it is only lukewarm but it’s the caffeine boost he wants anyways. Vox is feeling more drained from engaging with Alastor than he thought. It’s not entirely out of the question, but it does surprise him a little. Nothing a little caffeine wouldn’t fix. He downs the rest of the drink and settles into the sofa, turning the plasma screen television screen across from him on with a simple thought. The ambient sound immediately soothes him and the incident with Alastor floats into his memory archives to be forgotten.
An hour passes and Vox is sleepily scrolling on his phone. He could nod off right there. That is until a buzzing in his head catches his attention. It almost feels like tiny feathers caressing his internal wiring, not so much caressing as tickling. Similar to before, he can’t seem to reach it and quell the sensation. But unlike before, it’s not just a momentary annoyance. His deliberation is interrupted when his breath hitches once, then twice before he pitches forward.
He blinks in confusion. That’s it? He just had to fucking sneeze? Again, he finds his thoughts disrupted by a familiar sensation. Vox tries to rub the tickle away but given his… specifications he realizes he doesn’t even have a nose to—eh'TZZSSHIEW! hih’IZZSHuhh!
What the fuck is happening? He sniffles. Ugh, gross. 
Between the sneezing, the developing tension headache, and the exhaustion it feels like—Vox’s screen lights up as it dawns on him. He fucking has Alastor’s cold. That motherfucker. His blood pressure skyrockets and sparks shoot off his frame, threatening to short out the electronics in the room (of which there are many). Before he knows it, he’s already electro-teleporting across the pentagram to confront the radio demon.
“ALASTOR, you pretentious manipulative fucking son-of-a—”
Although Alastor can’t determine the actual content of Vox’s plethora of insults and cursing, they do steadily increase volume as he approaches Alastor’s room.
“Hmm?” Alastor turns his head as Vox barges into his room for the second time that day. He is sitting in one of the red armchairs by the fireplace, with a book in his grasp. He wears his deceptively inviting smile as always, although it is slightly dulled down by his current illness. Vox breathing is heavy and ragged, his rage undeterred by Alastor’s placid expression actually seems to intensify as he stands face-to-face from his rival.
“YOU… you did this to me!” He jabs a finger in the radio demon’s face, mere centimeters away from stabbing him in the eye. Alastor calmly pushes Vox’s hand down.
“Careful now, unless you want to cause another city-wide blackout.” Alastor teasingly reminds him of their previous on-air encounter.
“Whatever stunt you phhhulled this m-morhhn—” Vox’s voice falters, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He sharply turns away as he succumbs to the persistent itch.
“hh—hHEHh’IZZSH! Fuh—hih…h’KSHHHIiiue! ih’Z̷͖̥̩͕͒́ͅZ̷̩̲̯̠̺̘̟̆̕T̴̛͔͆̒͌̄̚͘Ć̷̘̒̌͐͝͠H̶̥̦͖̰͙͙͙̩̠̋͛ͅH̶͍͕̪̙̦͎́́̋͝uu! ”
The lights pulsate with each sneeze from the television demon. Vox groans, leaning against the wall. That last one hurt like a bitch. 
“Oho! I see the problem. Apologies, old pal. Snf! I thought someone so advanced as yourself would be immune to such trivialities.” Despite his flippant tone, Alastor is genuinely surprised. He wasn’t actually certain the static shock would have affected Vox when he did it. He is, however, quite entertained by the development.
Before Vox can respond, Vaggie throws the bedroom door open.
“Alastor, what the fuck are you even doing? I thought we told you to—” The ex-exorcist jabs her spear in his direction and is about to go off on him when she notices Vox is slumped against the wall. Spinning her spear, she redirects the point towards him. “What’s he doing here?”
“Oh him? He’s no threat, at least not in his current condition,” Alastor makes a dismissive motion with his hand, a mischievous smile on his lips. Vaggie scowls at him, her hands crossed over her chest. Her gaze flits between Alastor and Vox.
“What did you do—Actually, wait I don’t want to know. Just… stop fucking with the lights.” She swiftly turns around and shuts the door behind her. Still smiling, Alastor turns his attention towards Vox, who’s looking quite pathetic. Well, more so than usual.
“You hear that, my dear Vox? Get a hold of yourself. Now if you’ll exhhcuse me I hh-have— (dang it, now it’s his turn) hh’iZTSHHuu! eh’D̴͚̼̊̂̒Z̵̳̥̈́̀̐͊̃̊̄͘̚Z̵̻͓̖̪̤͊͒̄̓͗́̂͑͜͝͝S̵̼̖͌̔̚HHHiew!” Unfortunate timing, but can’t be helped, Alastor thinks. He scrubs a finger under his nose and proceeds to pore over his book.
Vox narrows his eyes, adjusts his bowtie, and stands up. Vox glares daggers at Alastor, who appears to be ignoring him now. As he heads to the door, he feels an unfortunately familiar prickle at the back of his screen. NO! Not aga— heh’DZZSHHuh! Fuck. He catches Alastor smirking in his periphery.
“Gesundheit!” The radio demon calls out after Vox’s retreating figure.
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joleneghoul · 2 years
Booster Gold vs Disability
AKA, how Disability is an integral part of Booster Gold’s character
Foreword: This is a LONG personal essay and will use mostly casual language.
 This will be an analysis of the character Booster Gold from the perspective of a physically and mentally disabled reader— thus will include a lot of my opinions. I will consider only canonical moments for this essay, no elseworld or alternate universe comics will be included in this specific analysis. Every image used in the essay is described.
TW: Topics of ableism, classism, addiction, death, eugenics, and violence will be mentioned.
 Thank you for reading.
THE FUTURE, A closer look at 25th Century ideals.
    The topic of disabilities has been ingrained within the story of Booster Gold since his first solo series ‘Booster Gold volume. 1 1986’. This not only is the base point of where his character jumps off from and thus is important to any conversation to be had about this character’s past and future— but also contains the context of the 25th century society views on disability and is crucial to talking about how he would view himself. Specifically within Booster gold Volume 1 we will be looking at the “Back To The Future” arc, aka issues #13-#15. 
    Booster Gold Vol. 1 Issue 13 starts with Dirk Davis, Booster’s manager, telling Jack Soo and Trixie Collins (fellow members of Booster’s team) that Booster is dying and there is nothing they can do about it. Even doctors seem to be “bamboozled” about the origin of his illness but it’s clear it is fast acting and terminal. In order to save Booster (and repair skeets, who was broken in the previous issue) they devise a plan to travel to the future where a cure may be possible. Jack Soo calls Rip Hunter, who he knows from college, and for the first time in the series Booster actively travels back to his home, the 25th century. 
    This arc, besides being the first introduction of some notable characters to the future of Booster Gold (like Rip Hunter and Michelle Carter) gives us an insight to the society Booster grew up within. Specifically, I want to focus on how this society views illness and disability for this analysis. The first bit of information we get is a call to Booster's backstory, the fact his father had a gambling addiction that he inherited as a way to cope with poverty. 
    Illness becomes one of the main themes of this 3 issue arc. At the end of Issue 13, Booster, while dying of his own illness attempts to visit his mother but learns she passed away from an illness shortly after he left for the past. As we move into issue 14 Booster continues to blame himself for his mothers death— claiming it a result of his own greed. This shapes how Booster’s backstory evolves.
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ANIMAL, the post nuclear future and eugenics. 
    As we return to Booster Gold Volume 1 issue 14 we are introduced to yet another aspect of the 25th century Booster grew up in. While Rip Hunter and Jack Soo are searching for information of their whereabouts they find out that centuries of information has been lost due to a nuclear fallout. We don’t learn much about this future but one thing we do learn is that eugenics apparently has a place in the post-nuclear government. Eugenics, in general, is known to often have resurgences after and during global catastrophes, war, or pandemics. 
    In this issue it’s revealed that the government hunts down “Genetic Mutations” using people they strictly refer to as “Animals”. While an ‘Animal’ is sent after Booster he tells us that ‘Animals’ themselves have mutations but are raised to be unthinking, ruthless, and loyal to whoever is in control of them. While Animal is a small piece of this story over all, we can use him to look into how the America Booster is from treats people with disabilities.
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    Would I say that this character is a good representation of disabled people? Not at all, but it is clear to me what he is supposed to represent. I feel as though the way he is treated is more of a reflection of how a lot of people with mental disabilities/disorders were treated in the media at the time. Animal is shown to have either a limited vocabulary or to be partially non-verbal. When he speaks it is using grunts, made up words, or other sounds. He is large and brutish as well, all of these are tropes that were (and sometimes still are) prevalent in the writing of disabled characters.  
    Though does that mean those traits are always bad? No, of course not. I often find myself feeling the most sympathy for characters like Animal. But instances like this are more like looking at a skewed representation of symptoms me and others have than an actual mirror. It’s a matter of how it’s handled, and here I can’t help but feel torn. 
    We as the readers are meant to feel sympathy for Animal through the arc but it feels as though the narrative treats him more as a tool than a person— which very well may be the point because that’s how the world views him. Animal ends up saving everyone during Booster Gold issue #15, making sure that everyone is able to travel back to the past and escape the cops and his master. In this process Animal sacrifices himself, dying at the hands of his master. Thus he fulfills his purpose to the plot outside of being an actual character himself.
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    Furthermore, throughout this arc Booster is terminally ill and is treated extremely poorly despite it. We meet Boderick, Animals “master” and federal agent. He is a cruel man who treats Booster (on account of him stealing a time machine, which is treason in the future) in an abusive/violent manner. A notable scene is when Trixie is begging for them to get Booster help and Boderick taunts Booster’s illness, shoving him out of his chair onto his already broken arm. 
    Within this arc Booster is cured of his illness before his trial and his arm is healed with future technology. Which proves furthermore that they are capable of healthcare but unwilling to provide it to individuals deemed “unworthy”.  
    This story is not the last time Booster will get sick or injured, and in fact it practically becomes a running theme with the character as we move forward. As this three part arc stands in the timeline of Booster Gold, it serves as coincidental foreshadowing of his future.
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GAMBLING, Boosters backstory.
    Booster’s backstory gets retold again in both ‘Secret Origins #35’ and ‘Justice League Quarterly #10’. While this is not the first or the last time his backstory will be revisited, I find it one of the most notable. 
    Booster tells his best friend, Ted Kord (Blue Beetle II) and the rest of the JLI, that the main reason he started gambling on his own games was that his mother had a degenerative heart disease and needed to pay medical bills. Booster admits that he couldn’t stop and became addicted to everything gambling brought to him. Addiction itself is a topic that comics in general struggle to portray in a sympathetic light.
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      Often people (including writers) will use Booster’s past gambling as a piece of evidence towards a narrative that Booster is a selfish or bad person— and while Booster does have flaws it is harmful to use his backstory to further an ableist ideology. Rather, I feel as though Booster’s addiction and family history is a truthful story of how poverty, disability, and illness can make things like gambling feel like less of a choice as time goes on. 
    A line that gets repeated throughout Booster’s backstories is some variation of “I couldn’t of hurt them more if I were a murderer.” in regards to Booster and his addiction. That quote itself is a reflection of how people view addicts, and in the real world it’s not much different.
    Genetic, environmental, and mental health factors are the main causes of addiction. We see Booster grew up under abuse, lived in poverty, and had a father who also struggled with the same addiction. As previously stated societal shame plays a huge role in Booster’s decision making and view of himself. 
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    Continuing with Justice League Quarterly issue 10, within the story ‘Killing Time’, we are told about the Rubenicos. The Rubenicos are a group of sports gamblers who promised to win Booster big money to save his mother, thus kick-starting Booster’s problem with gambling. 
    Only, in this story Booster has a chance to kill Rubenico and insure that his past, in the future, never happens. ‘Killing Time’ while full of action becomes more of an internal struggle within Booster as we see him angry not just towards Rubenico but towards himself. 
    During the climax of the story Booster comes face to face with the chance of killing Rubenico, only Rubenico’s daughter is watching. Ted, stands in the room as Booster tells Rubenico that everything is his fault. But before Booster can kill the man he claims to blame the most, Ted speaks up revealing that the only person Booster blames more is himself. Booster leaves without killing Rubenico.
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    Later as the story comes to a close we get one of the most impactful scenes regarding Booster’s view of himself. A conversation between two best friends where Ted and Booster discuss what had happened previously. Booster tells Ted that he had some nerve to step in like he did and Ted explains, maybe but he’s his friend. 
    We get a genuine scene where Ted explains that while Booster may have messed up in the past, he needs to look at who he is in the present instead. Booster balanced the scales the moment he decided to be a hero. Even if it was initially for selfish reasons, as time went on he grew and his perspective of heroism changed with him. 
    The heart to heart concludes with Ted talking about second chances. He tells Booster to stop punishing himself for his past in pursuit of forgiveness— because the only person who can forgive Booster and make himself feel better is himself. 
    This scene also is a reason that in the future Booster ends up viewing being a hero as his atonement for the mistakes in his past and we will see how that challenges him when the cost of being a superhero affects his health.
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EXTREME JUSTICE, physical ability vs self worth. 
    When it comes to superhero comics and physical disability it is a real toss up of how things will be handled. These are worlds where magic, hyper-technology, and retcons are abundant. Despite being thrown through walls, beaten down, or even killed and brought back we hardly see the toll on a hero's body as time goes on. Though, sometimes there is an exception to that— and for a moment in the 90s Booster was a pretty good representation of what it’s like to struggle with a new disability and ptsd from a traumatic accident.
    During Judgement Day, an arc that takes place throughout multiple comics,the league takes on The Overmaster. Booster Gold who was a history major in his past proclaims that the league will win the battle and leads everyone into battle. In the process The Overmaster inflicts a critical wound, cutting Booster's arm off.  Later Booster dies on the operating table as the world's best doctors and his best friend, Ted, try to save his life.
    Only Booster doesn’t actually die. Instead due to all new life and all death being paused because of The Overmaster, Booster stays alive. We instantly see Booster struggle with his body, calling himself a “dead man walking” and proclaiming that because of this event everything he knows is out of the window— that he has nothing to go on for. Amidst this Ted manages to get Booster a prosthetic arm from STAR labs as he also builds him a new suit. By the end of this arc, even as the cycle of life is un-paused, Booster manages to survive because the suit Ted built him doubles as life-support— but this is just the start of this era in Booster’s life.  
    During the Extreme Justice series we get a more in depth look at how this traumatic event affected Booster. His life support suit and arm are revealed to be faulty and causing him chronic pain despite keeping him alive. Often Booster is seen hiding this chronic pain from others. There is even a scene where his life support suit stops working, nearly costing him his life in battle, and he begs Ted to not tell anyone. 
    Outside of the chronic pain there is also the mental health factor. It’s clear that Booster views his body as one of his most valuable assets. Booster in the past has viewed his ability to be a hero as his redemption for his mistakes. He has been a model throughout the years to make money alongside being a hero. Further back than that his physical ability to be a star football player is what helped make the money to keep his mother alive. For the first time, Booster is faced with his body having a drastic and detrimental physical change resulting in body dysphoria.
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    Constantly through this series Booster talks down to himself. He refers to himself as a “clock-work man” who is breaking down and considers himself a burden to all of his friends. Booster begins to internalize any jokes or snide comments from his friends that in the past wouldn’t have bothered him. As his anger and frustration with his situation builds, more of a strain is put on his relationships, especially with Ted. 
    Ted obviously doesn’t view Booster in a negative light because of his disability. He cares enough about him to have built him his suit and encourages Booster to come to him with any issues he may be having with it. There are multiple instances where Ted promises he will make things better for Booster as he adjusts to his new disability. While all Ted wants to do is help, Booster views this as once again being a burden to his friend.
      This internal struggle is not helped by the fact the main villain of this arc, Monarch, is introduced by healing a kid's physical disability. Making the kid magically able to walk again. An event that Booster is there to see and instantly begins to consider the possibility of Monarch healing him too.
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    Booster grapples to find control in his life during this time. A common experience for many people who have a traumatic event happen to them. He ends up going as far to find his old manager, Dirk Davis, who had stolen all his funds in the past, and takes over his company by force. I personally see this as Booster also trying to prove some worth to both his friends and himself internally. 
    Unfortunately this leads Booster down the road of magically wishing his disability away with the help of Monarch. And that causes problems of its own but eventually everything is fine again. While this may seem to be a happy ending to abled people it actually is a very harmful trope. The idea that disabilities can just be wished away or that someone cannot be whole with a disability is a trope deprived from eugenics— not to mention in general is erasure. I find myself wondering anytime this trope is used, what message are the writers trying to send? 
    While it may make sense for Booster to struggle with internalized ableism towards his disability, and want to wish it away, when you consider the society he grew up within. The narrative going through with this only supports those ideals instead of challenges them.
   What purpose does this arc serve when it ends with Booster's possible growth towards learning he is worth more than his physical ability is cut short? This could have been the perfect opportunity for Booster to confront both the ideals he was raised around and his internalized ableism. 
    This is an arc that is important to me as a physically disabled person and IS important to Booster’s character, but the ending never will sit right with me. 
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FISH OUT OF WATER, Booster Gold and Neurodivergence.
    When it comes to neurodivergent characters in comics, we typically don’t get a story outright putting a definition or label to a character. This is especially true when it comes to older comics. Instead Neurodivergence lies between the lines and the actions of a character or how they are coded. 
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    There is a decent amount of evidence towards Booster being ND both within and outside of the comics throughout the years. In his introduction series he struggles to fit in. He has trouble understanding the society he finds himself in. Even after years of living in the present he still struggles with social cues, so it can’t be solely attributed to being from the future. Especially when there’s other heroes from the future who don’t struggle. 
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  We also often explicitly see him not understand when things are jokes as well. In Justice League International issue 18 we see a moment where Booster misunderstands a joke Ted tells him and drops a bunch of debris in the Free’s neighbors yard.  As he gets to know Ted better he gets better at telling when things are jokes or sarcasm. I think this is helped by the fact Ted Kord is a notably autistic coded character himself.
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MODERN DAY, how is Booster’s disabled history represented now?
    Unfortunately in the modern days of comics there are far too many portrayals of Booster Gold and his disabilities that are borderline cruel in their depiction. Rather than tell a meaningful story about mental illness or disability instead some writers turn him into a caricature of public stigma of mental illness. Some examples of this are Heroes in Crisis and The Gift arc from Batman. I won't go into further details about this specific writer's works due to personal reasons, and the fact I feel the works are counter productive to representation. 
    Otherwise the topic of disability comes up in genuine occasionally for Booster still. As disability is still a core part of his backstory that gets retold from time to time, Like in Action comics’ “Booster Shot”. Booster and Superman in that story end up traveling to the future where Clark learns about Booster’s past and meets his parents.  Another occasion of when Booster’s backstory is retold is in the early 2000s when the addition of Booster’s father pressuring Booster into gambling is added to the narrative. 
    Mental health (particularly post-trauma) seems to have taken the spotlight in modern Booster characterizations. In the 52 series we see Booster struggle with stability after the loss of his best friend Ted.  Booster is not only shown to be grieving but also to blame himself for Ted’s death because he was in the hospital during the time.
 He puts all his energy into sponsorships and being a public figure. There’s one point in the story where Booster has a public meltdown in front of the press and superheroes because things don’t go as he planned. His relationships fall apart as he struggles with coping and putting up a persona, often having outbursts towards others. These are all signs  of C-PTSD.
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    The exploration of Booster’s ptsd continues in Booster Gold Volume 2. Throughout the series Booster uses time travel to effectively re-traumatize himself over and over multiple times. He tries to save Barbara Gordon repeatedly, failing each time, being traumatized and beaten each time. He attempts to save Ted’s life, destroying the timeline and being forced to see all of his other friends die horribly, then in the end loses Ted once again. Later on Booster continues to visit Ted in the past, hurting himself emotionally in the process by reopening trauma. 
    Booster has multiple public outbursts during Booster Gold volume 2, most notably in issue 39. Booster runs into a 16 year old on the street attempting to be a Robin Hood type vigilante. Booster starts to have a ptsd episode, reminded of Ted. He begins to yell at the kid as if he WERE Ted, about how he kept hoping Ted would come back to life like other superheroes but he never did. He shoves the kid to the ground before flying away in the midst of an episode.   
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    There are still times when Booster is shown to be physically disabled also. When we have gotten a glimpse of Booster as an older man in modern comics and each time he is depicted as being physically disabled. He has a missing eye and uses a cane for mobility purposes to the point in DC Comics: Generations he uses a metal pipe as a cane in one scene as a backup. He uses a cane as well in the Cybernetic Summer special.
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    Overall I feel as though it’s important to remember Booster Gold when talking about disabled heroes. He has been depicted as being some form of disabled since his introduction to comics in the 80s. To ignore this fact is to let DC comics get away with cruel and ableist modern depictions of the character and other disabled people as well. Disabled people should be allowed to see themselves in hero media as much as abled people are allowed to.  
    I wanted to write this to bring attention to all of the ways Booster is an impactful character, at least to me a disabled fan.This was also a way for me to just infodump and get all of my thought’s i’ve had onto paper.
    Booster Gold is one of my favorite characters ever, next to Ted Kord who is also a canonically disabled hero. One day I might write up an analysis on him as well! 
    I hope that anyone who reads this enjoys this analysis and if you made it all the way through thank you so much!
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
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i've mentioned here and there that i made a relationships/dynamic spreadsheet. i have finally put it to use. look on my Works, ye mighty, and despair.
-extra note: i am not omniscient and i cannot watch every stream. i may have missed a sibling declaration or two.
-extra extra note: i currently speak only english and used google translate for the rest. if theres a translation error I'd love to know- i wont be able to go back and fix these, but im always so curious about how accurate google translate can be
extra extra note pt 2: do. do other languages use guardian as in "legal guardian" as in "not a family member but still Primary Caregiver of child" because i am suddenly aware those translations might not be correct. on the other hand tho if google translate decided that the parents are guarding warriors of the eggs im not going to argue
#qsmp#i should have added a ??? line for fit and philza tbh#look at just how beloved forever is <3#his dynamics have dynamics#he and richarlyson are also part of The Issue when compiling a fucking. whatever the hell this si#maybe a chart not a graph it is currently 4 am and im gonna schedule this#anyway i did legitimately consider making one of those classic family tree charts and just sticking richas in the centre so he wouldnt caus#too many lines to overlap but i think this worked out fine#absolutely delighted i thought of the columns it saved my ass#this server is Three Months Old#look at them founding those families#philever stans i see you and im sorry#if i included a heartbreak line then this would have been completely incomprehensible#fun fact to translate the silly 'king what are you doing' i made google translate#'chad what are you doing' instead so there would still be the grammar of a proper noun#but i wouldnt trick it into thinking king is an honourary title#i might not know the grammar of any non-english language but Oh Boy i know there are Traps#or maybe english's traps have just made me paranoid#either way#also. richas was added to bad's family art wall and bad baghs and forever have called each other family enough that#i made the executive decision to just adopt richarlyson out to the other two#richas called bad basically his mom tonight i can do what i want#and baghera gets to be part of that line because. honestly i wasnt thinking about him being Extra Canon Nephew#and i refuse to change it for reasons above re: it is 4 am; they are family#tho the thought of bad having three children separately attributed to him is hilarious.... maybe if i ever remake this ill do that#also note: i do know that foolish and bad had a kid called jimmy However i do not know what a jimmy is#so#scheduled post
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
No, hold on, I'm actually mad about this now (again).
Like, I just want everyone to stop and think about how completely nonsensical this version of Leon that's being pushed actually is.
So, he's a blonde second-generation Italian guy (despite the fact that him being so aggressively American is a running gag in OG RE4) named Scott Kennedy (because that's not ridiculous on its face already. Also he spends literally every single moment of his adult life outside of RE4 making sure that his roots never show because ??) who is the most naive motherfucker on the planet going into RE2 despite the fact that he grew up in a mafia family. Said mafia family, by the way, was murdered by a rival gang, and the only memento Leon has of his late father is a Zippo lighter that he then, later, as an adult, got the RPD logo engraved on. Because fuck sentimental value, actually, I guess.
He hits on every pretty woman who crosses his path, except it's just a joke and for funsies and he doesn't actually sleep with any of them or even want to, and when he tells Shen May he wants to take her out and doesn't care that she has a boyfriend, that's completely innocent and in no way reflects badly on him as a complete and total scumbag. His arrested development at age 21 and his brain being frozen permanently in 1998 paired with his extreme loneliness caused by forced isolation are just accessories for window dressing, actually, and have absolutely no bearing on his personality because he's just a clueless well-meaning introvert at heart who accidentally stumbles on the scummiest shit to say to women sometimes, but it's ok because he's doing his best.
Also, despite being an obnoxious do-gooder and perfect student, he was late to his first day of work at the RPD because he irresponsibly got drunk over being dumped by a girl that is never mentioned or even alluded to at any point during his character arc.
But he's definitely not a slut.
Not only that, but he's said to be one of the smartest people in the cast ("practically a genius," Ada calls him in a report) and yet he hero worships and unconditionally trusts and respects the man who kidnapped him off the streets outside of Raccoon City and held a gun to his surrogate daughter's head and ruined both of their lives.
All of this makes sense. This is definitely 100% the true intended interpretation of Leon S. Kennedy and is in no way a bunch of bullshit slapped together with no evidence for it in canon.
This absolutely makes way more sense than the interpretation of:
Leon has no canonical backstory but is so aggressively American that it's a running gag in OG RE4 (he's literally called "The American pig" at one point), so chances are he had a really mundane upbringing by parents who are part of families that have been in this country for several generations past already. He was an honor roll student who got top marks in police academy and specifically chose to apply to and join a police force in a city that had a gruesome serial killer investigation on-going because he has something to prove.
(Also, he's only blonde in one singular title out of the ten that he's appeared in because his natural hair color is, in fact, actually brown.)
In his stubbornness, he pushes Claire away because he's still trying to prove something to everyone and also himself by insisting that he'll be fine taking care of Sherry on his own. This hubris born from insecurity bites him in the ass when he gets snatched off the street by faceless CIA goons and forced into being trained to and actually performing the government's dirty work.
His captivity, forced isolation, and personal failures in and just after Raccoon City have dealt a massive blow to his sense of self-worth and his self-image, creating a desperately lonely man who has the maturity of a 21 year old well into his late 20s and 30s. This causes him to pursue superficial, physical relationships with women, because he fears being vulnerable enough to actually open up to anyone emotionally. Unfortunately, all of these little details culminate in some self-sabotaging and scumbag behavior, up to and including being an outright homewrecker, unconcerned with whether a woman he's trying to fuck has a boyfriend or is married or whatever -- as evidenced by his interaction with Shen May.
His self-isolation and depression get even worse later in life when an outbreak occurs in Tall Oaks, and he's forced to shoot and kill one of the only people who's ever cared about him -- a military officer turned president whose goals and values align with Leon's own, and who genuinely values his company and expertise and takes his (Leon's) emotions and trauma seriously. Adam Benford can't undo the damage that was done by Leon's capture and forced servitude, because he can't go back in time and he wasn't even there when it happened, but he did give Leon hope for a brighter future.
^^^^^ THIS??? ^^^^^ is using information that is strictly found in the games and CGI movies -- and does not conveniently omit any other details about him (other than the whole Ada thing, but like -- that's irrelevant to the point I'm trying to make). It is the whole picture of Leon as the games paint him and nothing else. THIS is what the intended canon for him is.
NONE OF THAT OTHER BULLSHIT is in the games, because none of that other bullshit makes sense -- which should be really fucking evident to anyone paying attention, especially now that it's been written out in full.
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artsysurvivor · 1 year
Don't Touch Me, I'm Scared
So, I've had this head-canon for awhile now and this prompt reminded me of it.
I find it highly doubtful that after being almost drowned Halt would get on a boat right away to sail to Araluen. No chance, nonzo. But I also think that his instincts would tell him to get to the docks as quickly as he could to get away from the guards and stuff.
So, he doesn't really let himself process what really happened, because 1, it would slow him down, and 2, it's painful emotionally, and frankly he didn't know how to deal with it. (Because he was never taught how to deal with emotions in a healthy manner)
Now, I also head-canon that Pritchard had trained him on the way there, and just generally did dad™️ things, or at least tried to. At that point, Halt was pretty distrustful of basically everybody, so he did what he was used to and shoved all his emotions down.
Until they actually got to the docks.
When they had entered the boarding area, the first thing they smelt* was fish and shrimp. Halt furrowed his brows and set his lips in a fine line. (Why let a little smell get to you? You're so close!) Pritchard asked if he was ok, and he replied by moving through the crowd. Pritchard sighed and tried to catch up to him, noticing that Declan was more visibly nervous than usual.
There were a lot of people hauling around supplies needed for their short and long trips ahead. Children ran, played, and screamed. Halt focused on the path ahead of him, trying to block out the people surrounding him. Before he had gone into the crowd, he got off Declan, leading him around by the reigns. While that drew less attention to him (the thought of being noticed was obviously pretty anxiety-inducing) it also made him feel more sweaty, and worse, more trapped. He grit his teeth and pressed onward, having to tug on Declan's reigns slightly to get him moving.
He finally made it to the boat, handing the captain a pouch of coins. He stared at the boat in front of him. He took in the rocking of the boat, and for the first time in a while he hesitated. He cursed himself and forced his feet to move. This time, Declan didn't, and instead neighed and kicked his feet (you know, the stereotypical freak out for a horse).
Halt paused on the deck and tried to calm him down.
As he did so, he could feel his heart pounding faster,
He smelt the shrimp, now a stronger smell than before.
and faster,
The rocking of the boat beneath his feet.
and faster,
Declan would not calm down for the life of him.
and faster.
The final nail in the coffin, so to speak, was when some of the ocean water splashed over him.
That's when he froze. His chest felt like it was going to burst open, his breathing was labored and he swore his lungs were closing up. The noise around him became blurred, as did his sight. His mind swam with disjointed memories from his past, and he was lightheaded.
Something—someone touched his hand, springing his body into motion again. He ran back to the woods.
Pritchard watches him run off, then grabbed Declan. He asked the captain for the refund, giving him a few of his own coins.
He had to do a double take when he saw him, deep in the woods, sitting next to a tree with his knees drawn up with his arms wrapped around them, his cloak almost completely sealing him from view. Pritchard got off his horse, Quinn, and knelt down beside him, hesitating. As much as he wanted to comfort him, he had no clue how to.
Hell, he didn't even know what exactly happened. Halt had gone far ahead, and he lost him among the crowd when he finally managed to get over to the ship that was heading towards Araluen, the boy's chest had already began to heave more frequently, and he seemed to become slightly more clumsy. Then, some water splashed on him, and he stopped moving, his hands resting on his chest and throat, and slightly hunched over. And, Pritchard didn't know if it was on purpose or not, but he had been staring at him. He pushed past the captain and tried to talk to him, but he didn't seem to register what was being said. He reached out his hand, making it brush against Halt's.
Panic lined his facial features, even more so than before, and he screamed something around the lines of "Don't touch me!" before bolting off.
The sun had been setting way too fast for his liking as he was trying to find him.
Quinn reacted before he did, sniffing the top of Halt's messy hair.
Halt looked up at them at the sensation, red surrounding his deep brown eyes, the source of the tear stains on his cheeks. He looked so small against the world, and Pritchard was reminded of how young he really was.
A broken voice came out of his mouth as he tried to speak. Pritchard knelt down beside him, looking up at the sky as to not stress him further. Halt swallowed and tried again, to avail. He squeezed the fabric of his pants tighter in frustration.
"It's alright, Halt. Unless you need something," Pritchard said, turning to face him. "Do you?"
Halt bit his lip and looked away.
"Listen, you're not bothering me if you do. I want to help you, I really do," Pritchard said. "So... do you need something?"
Halt shook his head.
"Are you sure? You've said this before, and-" he gestured vaguely. "It didn't turn out so well."
Halt thought for a moment, squinting his eyes. His brain was still foggy; it was hard to think straight. He nodded.
"Alright. I'll be setting up camp, so if you come up with anything, you can..." He felt pressure and warmth around his waist, the force of those things knocking him back. He had to catch his breath before putting his hand on the back of Halt's head, combing through his hair with his fingers, his other hand a securing weight among the boy's back.
After a couple of minutes, Halt pulled away slightly, taking a deep breath and swallowing.
"The boats," Halt said, his voice cracking. His eyes filled with exasperation among the already present fear. "Ferris, the guards..."
"We'll worry about all that once you've rested. For now, though, I promise you that everything will be ok."
Halt raised his eyebrow. "Promise." he said sarcastically.
"Over optimistic."
"What, do you doubt my skills?"
"Sometimes," Halt teased, pointing at him. "You're old with creaky joints."
Halt yawned as Pritchard stared at him. The old man sighed good-naturely. "What am I going to do with you?"
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knifefightandchill · 1 year
Okay so I’ve been biting my tongue but figured I might as well get it out already.
piers and chris vent under the cut
I feel like it’s important to point out that Piers was Chris’s lieutenant. He was directly under him. So yeah, he was a higher rank than the rest of the team, but not higher than Chris. And definitely not a high enough rank to have any sort of sway with the brass. If they want Chris back on the field, there’s absolutely nothing Piers can do to fight it.
But besides that;
Piers looks up to him, he cares about him. Hell, Chris scouted him, trained him. They were friends. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if he jumped at the chance to find him and bring him back.
He’s also a 26 year old soldier, I doubt he had any idea the extent of Chris’s mental issues. He’s drunk when Piers shows up after all. In fact, I doubt the BSAA cared or had the time to do a full psych work up on him before flinging him into Lanshiang.
Chris is unhinged, he’s reckless, he’s blinded by vengeance. But his actions are still his own fault. He shouldn’t be out in the field in any capacity. In fact, I feel like he shoulda been sedated and brought to a hospital. But he’s clear headed enough to know what he’s doing, he just doesn’t care about the consequences. He’s got tunnel vision. That’s not an excuse, that’s an explanation. He’s still responsible.
He tries to blame it all on Carla, but the blood of his own team in Lanshiang is also on his hands.
In fact, Piers points that out! “If you hadn’t been blinded by vengeance, we could have prevented some of those deaths.” Shit, they then get in a whole fight over it.
There’s another time I can think of off the top of my head where Piers points out he’s being reckless earlier on in the game. Chris shuts it down with the whole soldier thing.
So, if Piers knows something is wrong, why does he keep following him?
1; that’s his friend, 2; that’s his captain, and 3; if Chris goes out there on his own in the state that he’s in he will get himself killed.
I’m tired of this idea that Piers is some sort of powerful asshole that forces Chris into bad situations and is therefore responsible for all of Chris’s actions. It’s so dumb.
Piers isn’t some stupid manipulative person. From what we see he’s genuine, loyal, and even caring. He cared about continuing to fight the good fight, to help end bioterrorism. And he cared about Chris. He sacrificed himself for both. For the future.
I can understand loving a character a lot, but you can still recognize their faults. I love Chris, I do, but he did stupid shit and that’s on him. And that’s okay! Because fave characters aren’t always pure and innocent. and that’s fine! 
If you don’t like piers, then don’t like him. but don’t mischaracterize him to make others look good.
don’t make up some long-winded reason as to why and put it in the character tag for fuck’s sake. also talking about people who write him is unnecessary.
Because it’s rude to those who actually like the character. I thought that was an old tumblr rule to keep discourse out of the tags??  It feels so inflammatory. Which I’m sure it is. But it irritated me to the point where I bit the bait. fandom is supposed to be fun, if you’re gonna be negative like that keep it to yourself. 
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tlcartist · 1 year
JoJo and the dichotomy of fate vs choice
There's a recurring tension throughout the series surrounding to the conflicting ideas of destiny and free will and how they impact the story. Araki manages to walk the fine line between the two that's just really interesting to me and leaves a lot of room for interpretation on the part of the viewer.
On the one hand, we have characters who seem destined to experience certain loss, trauma, or pain. They're quite literally doomed by the narrative and any actions they make to try and change the course of fate either land them back in the same spot or have no effect. The most obvious examples of this being Oingo/Boingo, Hayato, and FF's fight with Kenzou. These are moments where the story is grabbing you by the shoulders and saying, "See nothing you do really matters!"
Though Araki doesn't just explore this concept in such literal ways throughout the story. We also see it in character arcs over a longer period of time. One could argue that George Joestar was destined to die in the carriage crash along with his wife and child, and that Dario saving their lives was only delaying the inevitable. Or that Jotaro or Bucciarati's deaths were destined to happen in spite of actions (either intentional or not) taken in an attempt to avoid that fate. This could very easily have taken a sharp turn into bleak nihilism. "We all have a role to fill and deviation from that path is forbidden." And yet it doesn't.
Because, you see, more than anything, what Araki really wants the viewer to believe in is the power of coincidence and the lack thereof. Fate may set the stage but at the end of the day what really acts as the catalyst is coincidence, and coincidence isn't always random. It can be influenced and swayed. Josuke and Koichi just happening to walk by the Nijimura house at the specific time they did leading to Koichi getting stand abilities was a matter of chance. Hayato using his intellect to make the decision to call Josuke to make sure he'd arrive in time to hear Kira's confession? That was a deliberate choice.
Time and time again we see characters using their sense of agency when it's most important and taking their destiny into their own hands. Bucciarati choosing to use the loss of his senses to his advantage in his fight with Secco. Josuke's refusal to leave Okuyasu behind leading to Okuyasu later saving his life. Emporio using Weather Report's stand disk to defeat Pucci. The pivotal moments within the story are generally but not always instances where the protagonist regains control of the narrative.
And yet, in spite of everything, all of this still begs the question, what is choice? At what point does free will end and fate begin? Were any of these the purposeful actions of characters or were these also preordained? More importantly, does it matter?
How you choose to view these scenarios is entirely up to you. Are you comforted by the idea that there is a set path to things or do you find it constrictive? Do you find the occurrence of coincidence to be just another facet of a binding fate or are you delighted by happenstance and its unexpected consequences? These are answers only you can find and they have applications that extend far beyond the realm of JoJo and their bizarre adventures.
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gifti3 · 9 months
Okay i wrote this in record time for me. i just got the urge and boom here it is. I wanted to get this out fast so I didn't forget about it.
I called it a CEO AU but honestly its just an AU where MC works as Lucifer's assistant and is ready to wrap up this part of their life and move on to different work.
All the brothers are mentioned in this. And this can be whatever you want honestly. Platonic not so platonic. Maybe MC is dating one of them, maybe not. I kept it pretty vague!
MC is gender neutral.
"What is this?"
You push the envelope forward. "My letter of resignation."
Maybe it was a bit much handing it to him in person like this, but emailing just felt too cold. And yea he was your boss, but you considered Lucy a friend too and wanted to leave on the best note possible.
"I know you're busy but I wanted to let you know asap so we can plan accordingly."
Surprising to you, Lucifer seems slightly caught off guard. "Did you find new work?"
You nod with a smile. "Yep! It’s pay and benefits aren't as good but it's practically my dream job."
Lucifer observes you. It was obvious that working as his assistant was a lot of stress on you. Asmodeus mentioned your frustrations to him several times. But you always pulled through in the end. 
Did he overestimate you? No, overwork you?
"When do you leave?"
"2 weeks!"
"They're literally going to the other side of the world you guys!"
“They’re what!?” Mammon responds, bewildered.
"They're moving to the other side of the world! A completely different country--this sucks!" Asmodeus lays his head down in his arms.
Unease fills the meeting room. This was new information to the rest of the brothers, including Lucifer. MC had never mentioned anything about moving and now an unwanted change had become much more unpleasant.  
"Hey MC! Why didn't ya mention ya were moving to the other side of the world?" Mammon approaches from the meeting room, wasting no time.
"Ohhh... right, I forgot to mention that part to everyone. But it wasn't really that important honestly."
“What do ya mean it’s not important. It’s kind of a big deal!”
"....Okay yeah you're right, but it honestly slipped my mind. By the way, not on the other side of the world. Asmo likes to exaggerate, I swear. Either that or his geography could use some polishing."
You continue dropping random items from inside your desk into a box. You still had a week and half left but you wanted to take all your personal non-work stuff home to avoid forgetting anything. You were honestly surprised by how much unnecessary crap had found its way into the desk. It was a stark difference compared to your first couple of months working here.
When you first started, it sucked honestly. If it wasn't for the amazing pay you would have quit fairly quick. 
The first several months were rough, but with time you started getting used to working for the overbearing perfectionist that was Lucifer. Things started to feel routine, you could access possible issues before they happened. And Lucifer’s brothers coming in and out of this building stopped being an annoyance and began to be something to look forward to. You made friends with each and every one of them. Then even Lucifer eventually came around. And before you knew it had been 4 years.
You always thought about moving on to new work but would forget about it and go back to the usual routine. But recently, you were starting to feel content--no resigned. Like "I guess I could stay here forever…" resigned. And it scared you! So you immediately started job searching more seriously and your months of work paid off.
But I'm still gonna miss this place.
Next, Asmo is out of the room. He walks straight for you and wraps you in a tight hug. "MC don't leave us please!"
"I must--AH you're squeezing me too hard!"
He loosens his hold. "Sorry."
You pat his arm.
“Aren't ya gonna miss me--us? Whatever new people ya meet couldn't measure up to the Great Mammom!”
"That’s definitely true, but I need to spread my wings and fly you guys. Hmm…that sounded better in my head."
You notice Leviathan standing off to the side listening so you give him a smile. 
"Levi, why are you standing over there?"
He jumps but makes his way over from your prompting.
"S-So you really found your dream job. It sucks you're leaving but maybe it's a good thing too…"
You nod. "It's new and a little scary, but just consider it me starting a new arc in life."
"And honestly if you guys really want to talk to me, then keep in touch. You literally all have my number."
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to help much for cheering up Levi or the other two.
Fortunately though, Satan appears before the silence becomes unbearable.
"So you're finally escaping Lucifer MC?”
"Ha! I guess you could put it that way..."
Asmo crosses his arms, his frown deepening. "Please don't let him overhear that."
Satan shows what he's hiding behind his back. "I'll miss your company but I'd like to send you off on the right foot so I brought you a couple of items."
He hands you the gift bag.
"If this isn't a book, I'll be shocked," you say.
You peep inside and realize there's multiple things.
A hardback book from a series you and Satan are currently reading (of course), a neck pillow, and a kitty eye mask.
"Oh wait there's something else."
You dig in and pull out a bracelet. But not just any bracelet. A very limited edition one. It was official merch for one of your favorite series, but you couldn't afford it at the time when it was released.
"What the heck, how'd you find this? This came out years ago!"
"Lots of online searching, and thanks to Levi and Asmo we found a somewhat reasonable price to all pitch in for."
You put the bracelet on. 
“And in such a short time too…Im.never taking this off!” 
You grin. “Well…now I gotta hug you all!”
Before he responds you're crushing Satan, managing to fluster him. You then pull (a blushing) Levi and then Asmo in for a hug, the latter eagerly returning it. 
“No way ya guys are making me look bad,” Mammon says.
"Get in on the collab next time!" Asmo quips.
“Don't worry Mammon, I'll give you a hug later.”
“What? I didn't say anything about a hug…”
“So you don't want one. Got it.”
“Hold on, wait a second…”
You smirk and shake your head. “Okay help me move my stuff you guys so we have a reason to keep talking.”
"Is Belphie still ignoring me?"
Beel nods. "Sorry MC. I think he just needs more time to process."
The other day after leaving the meeting room the youngest made a beeline for the elevator. He didn't even look your way.
"Ah he wounds me..."
"I'll talk to him. Maybe eating out together would help clear the air?"
“Oo, you, me and Belphie. Let's do it!”
Beel smiles that way you love and you give him a sudden hug. It couldn’t be helped, you had a soft spot for the two youngest brothers.”
“Beel, I’m gonna miss you so much!”
He returns the hug. "Me too. I wish you didn’t have to leave, but what makes you happy is most important."
You pull back to look at his face. “I swear you're way more mature than some of your older brothers.”
As your last day gets closer and closer, the brothers (6 out of 7 at least) accept your impending departure. And along with that came endless gifts. It was like Satan triggered a competition to see who could do better. And it looked like you'd have to spend extra money on moving all this extra stuff that had been dumped on you.
Especially after that shopping spree Asmo took you on.
Start your new life with a new wardrobe MC!
Even Belphie had gotten over his initial shock after your dinner with him and Beel and gifted you several items. 
Please make sure to answer mine and Beel’s messages right away.
Don't worry I won't miss any of you or your brother's texts!
Who's talking about those others?
You chuckle at the memory. Belphie was too much sometimes.
You shake your head and sniffle. 
….Oh god. 
You wouldn't see them in person like this anymore! These moments with them. They would be far and few between once you started your new job.
And for some reason while you're surrounded by half packed boxes in your home, it’s finally hitting you.
Your phone pings and you wipe your eyes.
A text from Lucifer.
That was the last person you expected. He hasn't really been talking to you much outside of work since you gave him your resignation, and even then it was purely professional. It made you feel bad. Like your relationship had regressed.
So you quickly respond.
L: Did you already schedule transportation to the airport?
M: of course 👍 don’t wanna wait last minute
L: Make sure you double check the dates too.
M: lucy are you gonna miss me? :3c
If you didn’t bring it up, he might not say it out right.
L: You're so troublesome.
L: But yes, I will miss you.
L: And I honestly don't understand why you're leaving.
You stare at the messages. How were you supposed to respond to that?
M: i have to. it's what i want to do with my life…
L: Okay. Make sure you're on time tomorrow.
That's it? 
You let out an annoyed sigh.
You're in Lucifer's office first thing in the morning. He looks up with you with a raised eyebrow when you barge in.
You drag a seat directly in front of his desk so he’s forced to look at you. "We are handling this right now. I want to leave here with no loose ends"
"What is there to handle exactly? Youre leaving this job in 3 days to start your new one."
"Lucifer, you're obviously upset at me and I want you to be happy for me....like everyone else."
"I'm not like everyone else."
"Obviously, everyone is different. You're all different. That's not what I meant..."
You take a deep breath, lean forward and rest your arms on his desk. "Be vulnerable with me this one time. I know you're going to miss me but I feel like that's not enough for you to be so cold towards me like this..." 
He’s quiet.
"Please Lucy?"
"...I don't want you to leave. The idea that I won't get to see you easily bothers me."
He looks away
"And I feel like I'm the reason you're leaving."
“I'm so sorry, I know sometimes I joke around with your brothers but Lucifer it's not actually you. Work like this has always been stressful for me. It's always been. And I just happened to find where my limit was in this particular job.”
“I love you and all your brothers but my final goal was to always aim for work that would be easier on me mentally in a place where it was enough to sustain me. I just got too used to being here.”
"You handle every situation so calmly though. You're always on top of everything
"Heh my acting skills are just that good! But you're starting to understand I hope?"  
He crosses his arms. “I can’t be happy about you leaving MC.”
Your brows furrow.
“But I suppose I can support you going for what you really want.”
“You know what…I’ll take it!” You rest your head on your arms.
He smirks. “Now get out, I'm busy. We can talk more afterwards.”
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bloodandpotionsrp · 11 months
Writing prompt: perfectionism - never being satisfied
Write a short story about your character and this trait
"No, no, no no NO!"
Haru tosses their pen to the side and groan in frustration. The sheet of paper in front of them, supposed to be a talisman, has an ink blot on it. In the bin next to them, crumpled balls of paper of failed talismans overflowing and scattered on the floor.
"Why can't I draw a damned circle?! It shouldn't be that hard! I've done this millions of times! Why is it so hard now?!"
They hang their head between their hands and look at the failed talisman in front of them. It's not even that bad, it could work. But it's not good enough. Tears fall down on the paper, mixing with the ink blot in a near serpentine pattern and ruining what was an impressive job.
"I used to be capable. I could transmute paper into silk at the snap of a finger! Why am I so worthless now...?"
They sit alone in the dark, trying and trying again to draw a perfect spell circle. Again and again, they'd ruin a very capable job with tears and regret.
No longer can they see accomplishments, only faults and failures.
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fangirlneverlie · 2 years
Even though the origin of the word queerbaiting specifies fictional characters. It can be understood in a real world context. If the word is used to describe real people then it needs to be limited to only the people who have an intimate relationship with one another because they're just about the only people who will have all the facts and coukd be negatively effected by such a façade. However, time and time again we see that when certain words ("woke", "gaslighting", "weaponize" etc) go mainstream they quickly lose their meaning and they are prone to misuse.
yeah the misuse of the term of a word has become a big issue in internet spaces
tiktok is a to good of an example so many words have been thrown around like a ball in a game
never giving that much thought or thinking before typing
it shows there are uneducated people that haven't given the time or day to learn the meaning
and it's becoming a big big issue and it needs to be address more
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thecheetohoard · 1 year
character descriptions/lore for the main leaders/bosses of Violent Tendencies  will update their TH profiles with this later but for now:
Big Daddy -  A large dragon who came to Emerald city and worked as an unground fighter to earn his keep. He made a name for himself for being the most brutal fighter and quickly rose in the ranks to be top dog. He grew addicted to a magical drug called Corazon de Diablo which is an herb that massively increases libido and pleasure senses. This caused him to be well known throughout Emerald Cities various strip clubs and every hooker in the town knew who he was.  As time went on his addiction to the drug and sex grew more and more and he eventually started buying out the strip clubs to have himself constant access to the girls he fancied.  With the prolonged use of the drug, the fighting and brawling Big Daddy eventually started making a lot of enemies. Those who he out ranked in the fighting arena and those whose business he had taken over. This lead to many attempts on his life in the form of cursed jewelry, which he wears now proudly as a fuck you to those who tried to kill him.  No one is sure how he managed to stay alive with so many cursed items on him but it’s rumored his drug use along with his own dragon magic is providing a safety barrier.  Unlike most dragons Big Daddy doesn’t use his magic much, preferring to use his physical strength. He also doesn’t use weapons when fighting.  He’s a water dragon hybrid though no one knows what his other half is, some say he’s not even full dragon but a hybrid of a more powerful magical creature.  Due to his lack of practice he can barely control small amounts of water.  In the copy of the game Vermin is in Big Daddy’s desires lead him to not only take over Emerald city but all the surrounding cities as well. Fighting and breaking down the bosses of the other regions he’s gained almost full control of his game. Most of his underlings truly despise him and are always looking for ways to usurp him.  He’s a very self centered asshole, with a constant desire to fight or fuck, sometimes both if he finds the right partner. He’s rough and violent with everyone and treats others as play things. He takes what he wants when he wants and doesn’t know the meaning of the word ‘no’. He’s a vile creature through and through and he’s not ashamed of it at all. 
King -  A beetle dragon hybrid native to Diamond city. He’s was born into the wealthy family ruling and was raised to be a gentleman. His family is in the healing business and uses the plants that grow in their hometown to create remedies for all sorts of ailments.  King was taught how to identify all types of plants and knows how to properly use all variety of foliage to get any effects he wants with his potions and elixirs. He was also raised how to use a sword and fights expertly with his long sword. King is the most gentle of the games bosses and rarely fights unless absolutely necessary. He was the first to bow down to Big Daddy when the other made a move for his land.  Because of his trustworthy nature he’s the only of Big Daddy’s underlings that he trusts.  King isn’t interested much in the sex side of his game and much prefers to enjoy time with the geishas from his village. Having tea with beautiful women and hearing them play the shamisen is more than enough for him.  He’s also the only of the cast who prefers a monogamous relationship. 
Emperor -  A massive black cobra naga who rules the Sapphire Sands. Emperor is older than Big Daddy but only technically. He was sealed away for hundreds of years in a tomb for destroying his homeland and for his work with dark magic. He was set free when explorers discovered his tomb and released him and he was back to rule his kingdom once again.  The time spent locked away had blackened his soul further and he’s become a cruel violent creature who lashes out at anything and everyone who dares step in his path.  He hoards a massive wealth and guards it with his life, some are insistent the he has to be part dragon due to his greed but he’s not.  He uses his body to wrap up his prey and usually consumes others whole.  While he has massive fangs they’re actually incredibly weak and can shatter easily if he’s not careful which is why he prefers to strangle his foes.  He dons several bits of jewelry that amplify his power over the sand which he uses as a cloaking device to help hide his home from those who would attempt to steal what is his. The sapphires also provide a cooling aura that help him withstand the blazing heat of the desert.  He goes through partners quickly as most tend to find him unbearable and difficult to accommodate. So far he’s only been able to keep Mei Mei the cyclops hare as a partner for any length of time though the two are often butting heads and arguing.  He truly despises Big Daddy and has tried to murder him on more than one occasion. Despite being bested each time he refuses to give in and when the two met it always starts a brawl. 
Her Highness - Royal ruler of the insectoid fairies that live in the Quartz Caves she’s the eldest daughter who took over the throne after killing her mother. She resembles a massive blue wasp and is fierce and cunning. Like all the fairies in Violent Tendencies she has a strong sense of pride in her ability to fight and will take on foes much larger than herself without hesitation. She governs her home with an iron fist and is quick to punish anyone who doesn’t pull their own weight.  Her preferred weapon of choice is a spear tipped with a purple quartz that was dipped in her own venom which amplified it’s toxic properties. She also uses small daggers with similar magic gemstone and toxins depending on the situation.  Her Highness was the second to fall to Big Daddy’s tyranny but did not succumb to him as easily as King. The two brawled for six days straight before Her Highness finally collapsed from exhaustion and kneeled before Big Daddy. While she has her pride she knows when she loses a fight and accepts defeat gracefully.   She like King does not attempt to usurp Big Daddy as she lost to him fair and square and holds respect for the dragon.  She’s graceful but hardworking and rarely indulges in any recreational activities though she says no when offered a drink of mead. She also has a massive sweet tooth and will instantly accept any offerings of honey. 
Mimosa - Cyclops beast ruler of the yet unnamed section of Violent Tendencies.  Don’t have much for her yet just that she’s a BIG woman (9ft tall) and is a cunning trickster who likes to mess with others for fun. She uses illusion magic as do all cyclopes in Violent Tendencies and uses it to her advantage to sneak into places she’s not supposed to be.  She’s got a sweet face but is very quick to turn on people.  She has a great hatred for Big Daddy and has made several attempts on his life over the years. 
That’s the five main leaders, there’s a few other character I’d like to post what I have written about them but this post is long enough as it is lmao so I’ll make another one with that info later. 
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satellite-evans · 3 days
Caught in the Act
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Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
Summary: Benedict and his wife, his muse, are interrupted by his mischievous sister Eloise during a private painting session.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: fluff, Eloise being a tease
English is not my first language, so I apologize if I made any (grammar) mistakes. Feedback, requests, recommendations, vents or questions are always welcome. I love talking to you guys about anything <3
Happy reading xxx
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site.
The Bridgerton residence was always buzzing with activity. Whether it was the younger siblings running through the halls or the older siblings preparing for yet another social event, there was never a dull moment. Amidst this lively chaos, Benedict Bridgerton found his moments of peace and creativity in his art studio, tucked away in a quiet corner of the estate.
It was in this sanctuary that he often invited you, his beloved wife and muse, to pose for him. Today was no different. The soft afternoon light filtered through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the room. Benedict stood at his easel, his eyes intensely focused on the canvas before him. You reclined on a chaise lounge, draped in a delicate, nearly translucent gown that accentuated your natural grace and beauty.
"Benedict," you murmured, your voice laced with a hint of anxiety, "are you sure it's not too risky to do this here? Anyone could walk in."
He looked up from his work, his gaze tender as he regarded you. "We’ve done this before without any issues. Besides, the light in here is perfect, and you look absolutely stunning. Trust me, my love, everything will be fine."
You sighed, a small smile tugging at your lips. "Alright, but if we get caught, I'm blaming you."
He chuckled, a deep, soothing sound that always managed to calm your nerves. "Fair enough."
The room settled into a comfortable silence, punctuated only by the soft swishing of Benedict's brush and the occasional rustle of your gown. You admired the way his brow furrowed in concentration, his hand moving with practiced ease. It was in these quiet moments that you felt closest to him, sharing a connection that went beyond words.
ust as he was about to add the finishing touches, the door to the studio burst open. Eloise Bridgerton, ever the inquisitive and outspoken sibling, strode in without a second thought.
"Benedict, have you seen—" She stopped mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she took in the scene before her. "Oh."
Benedict froze, his brush hovering in mid-air. You quickly pulled the shawl you had draped over your shoulders tighter, your cheeks flushing with mortification as you realized just how exposed you were.
"Eloise!" Benedict exclaimed, clearly flustered. "Ever heard of knocking?"
Eloise's shock quickly gave way to a mischievous grin. "I didn't realize I needed to knock in my own home. But now I see why I should."
You buried your face in your hands, feeling utterly mortified. Benedict, on the other hand, looked equally embarrassed. He set his brush down and moved to stand protectively in front of you.
"Eloise, what do you want?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
"I was looking for a book," she said, still grinning. "But I suppose it can wait."
Benedict sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Yes, it can. Now, if you don't mind—"
"Oh, don't worry," Eloise interrupted, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'll leave you two lovebirds to your... art."
With that, she turned on her heel and left, closing the door behind her with a soft click. You and Benedict stared at each other for a moment before you buried your face in your hands again.
"I can't believe that just happened," you groaned, your voice muffled.
Benedict gently pulled your hands away from your face, his eyes filled with concern. "I'm so sorry, my love. I should have been more careful."
"You think?" you replied, half-joking, half-serious. "I am never posing in this house again. That was mortifying."
Benedict hugged you tightly, his arms offering comfort. "I promise, next time we'll find somewhere more private. But you have to admit, it does make for a memorable story."
You couldn't help but laugh despite yourself. "I suppose so."
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Later that evening, the Bridgerton family gathered for an informal dinner. The aroma of roasted meats and fresh bread filled the air, mingling with the sound of cheerful conversation and laughter. You sat beside Benedict, your hand resting comfortably on his under the table.
Eloise, ever the mischief-maker, caught your eye and winked. You felt a blush creep up your neck as you recalled the earlier incident. Benedict squeezed your hand reassuringly, his thumb brushing soothing circles on your skin.
"So, Benedict," Eloise began, her voice dripping with innocent curiosity, "how's your latest painting coming along?"
Benedict shot her a warning glance, but she merely raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the moment. "It's coming along quite well, thank you," he replied evenly.
"Oh, I'm sure it's wonderful," Daphne chimed in, not noticing the undercurrent of the conversation. "Your work is always so impressive."
"Indeed," Anthony added, his tone more serious. "You've truly found your calling, brother."
Violet Bridgerton, ever the attentive matriarch, picked up on the tension. "Benedict, dear, you should show us your latest work soon."
Eloise leaned forward, her tone light and playful. "I suppose it's easier to be passionate when you have such a... captivating subject. Isn't that right, sister?"
You nearly choked on your wine, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I—um, well..."
Benedict shot Eloise a warning look. "That's enough, Eloise."
Eloise just smiled sweetly. "I'm only saying, you must find it very inspiring."
Violet's eyes twinkled with understanding. "Eloise, that is quite enough. Perhaps you should leave your brother and his wife in peace."
Colin, always quick to join in the fun, leaned back in his chair. "I'd love to see the painting. It must be quite the masterpiece if it has caused such a stir."
yacinth, always eager to be part of any conversation, piped up. "Can we see it, Benedict? Please?"
Gregory, not to be outdone by his younger sister, added, "Yes, show us! We promise to be quiet and not interrupt next time."
You buried your face in your hands again, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks. "Oh my goodness," you murmured, mortified.
You truly never felt so embarrassed in your entire life.
The conversation shifted to other topics, and the rest of the family seemed unaware of the underlying tension. You couldn't help but steal glances at Benedict, admiring his composure. Despite the earlier embarrassment, you felt a deep sense of pride in being a part of his world.
After dinner, as the family dispersed, Benedict took your hand and led you outside to the garden. The night air was cool and fragrant with the scent of blooming flowers. He guided you to a secluded bench, where you both sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
"I'm sorry about Eloise earlier," he said quietly, his eyes searching yours.
You shook your head, smiling. "It's alright, Benedict. It was bound to happen sooner or later."
He chuckled softly. "True. Still, I wish we could have more moments just for us."
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. "We will. And until then, I'll cherish every second we have together, even the interrupted ones."
Benedict turned to press a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering. "You are my muse, my love. And I am forever grateful for you."
The moonlight cast a silvery glow over the garden, creating a perfect backdrop for the tender moment you shared. Wrapped in each other's arms, you felt an unspoken promise pass between you—a promise of love, support, and a future filled with countless more beautiful moments, whether they were stolen in secret or shared with the world.
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atsumulogy · 2 years
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synopsis: how he reacts to your co-worker calling himself your “work husband”
featuring: miya atsumu, oikawa tooru, & iwaizumi hajime. fem!reader.
content warning(s): jealousy, possessive boys, weird co-worker, suggestive at iwa’s part 😵 sorry my hands slipped lmao. also grammar mistakes … have mercy i wrote this kinda half asleep + use of wife
naia’s footnote: yk that work wife thing? yeah, that but with a twist with the hq men 🤭 jealous scenarios are my guilty pleasure LOL i wrote this when i was supposed to be doing smth actually productive 😓‼️also i got carried away w atsumu’s haha
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! rb’s & likes are appreciated
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#01 — WHEN COMING AS YOUR PLUS ONE IN YOUR OFFICE’S FANCY EVENT, MIYA ATSUMU didn’t want to admit it but he kind of expected to be fawned over by your female colleagues — not that he wanted them to! It’s just … expected, seeing how absolutely hot your husband is (the expensive suit and tie and all). What he did not expect was being introduced to your … what was it? Ahh, yes, “work husband”.
The absolute audacity and sheer nerve of this bastard to call himself that in front of him, the actual husband on the documents and in your heart.
Work husband. He scoffs silently, face scrunching up in irritation, poking his cheeks with his tongue instead of making a fuss in this exclusive event where lots of important people are present. As much as he cares for obliterating this man in front of him, he cares more about you and didn’t want to cause you any issues with your workplace.
(Though, if this ugly scrub touches your arm again and joke about Atsumu being the side chick, he wasn’t so sure that he wouldn’t cause a scene.)
Besides, the 24 karat gold necklace hanging around your neck with his initials attached to the chains and the elegant ring on your finger makes it painfully clear that your self-proclaimed work husband has no chance against the Miya Atsumu.
Atsumu may have acted mature about the situation while in the event, but behind closed doors he was whining and grumbling about that annoyin’ scrub.
“— like I still can’t believe he had the guts to say that in front of me!” He scoffs, face scrunching up again, his mouth forming a scowl. “Work husband… tsk, i’m yer only husband! hell, i’ll be yer work husband, house husband, and every other fuckin’ husband title there is!”
Instead of informing your husband that it doesn’t work like that, you nod to every word he said every time he looks at your eyes to back him up on his rant.
“Yes baby, I know. Now why don’t we get you a trophy with all those husband titles, hm?” You jokingly offered, patting his fluffy blonde hair.
Next week a package arrived carrying a shiny gold trophy with the words “Miya Y/n’s only house husband, work husband, and everything else in between” customized on the front <3
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#02 — OIKAWA TOORU SCOFFED AFTER SOME IRRELEVANT, MEDIOCRE, UGLY MAN introduced himself as your “work husband”, somewhat offended because someone dared crown themselves a self-proclaimed title as your work husband — like that bastard is even worthy enough to be breathing the same air as you!
He recognizes this man to be the man you ranted to him about that was inappropriately acting like he’s close with you and many other women of your office.
Wanting to do you and the other women of your office a favor, he decided to humble him.
“Last time I checked, there was no side piece. And if there were to be a side piece — which will never happen by the way! — my wife would pick someone better looking than you. As you can see she has great taste, since she married me and only me. But you should know that by now, hm? Our wedding was even on the news!” showing the ring on his finger, wiggling it even to show emphasis, his tone and his (threatening) smile was friendly, but you all know that it was anything but that.
Oikawa Tooru is an intimidating opponent, both in and out of the court.
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#03 — NEVER IN HIS 25 YEARS OF LIVING HAS IWAIZUMI HAJIME met a more annoying and repulsive person such as the man in front of him that cockily and casually called himself as your “work husband”.
You felt his beefy arms tighten around your waist, he leans in to you closely, his hot breath heating up your ears as he asked you with low voice, however still (purposely) loud enough for the guy in front of you two to hear. “Baby, do you even know him?”
You nodded, “He’s just some guy in the finance department who’s really weird, Hajime. I don’t even remember his name. Sato? Aoki?”
The man before you deflated, his cocky stance nowhere to be seen as he scoffs defensively, “It’s Nakamura —”
“— Yeah, sure, well my wife and I have somewhere else to be now. So goodbye Ishikawa-san.” He purposely used a different name — politely even, to mock him and push his buttons.
“It’s Nakamu —”
“Bye Sato-kun!” You played along with your husband’s petty antics, waving him off before locking your arms around Hajime’s before snuggling close to him as you two walked away. The both of you bursting out laughing once you guys think the guy was far away enough to not hear you two.
“Have you seen his face! He deserved that humbling experience!” You snorted, Hajime rolling his eyes as he remembers the guy.
“Okay but who even is he really? Is he always so flirtatious with you? What even is a work husband? Last time I checked, I’m the one who gave you that new last name of yours.” He grumbled, irritated at the thought of that bastard flirting with you at work when your husband wasn’t there.
“Aw, babe, you know that you’re the only one for me.” you patted his cheeks affectionately, smiling at him while giggling.
He does. He knows it, a bit too well at times. So he sighs and he lets it go. Because he knows that at the end of the day, he’s the one you come home to, he’s the one you cling onto while watching your favorite shows, he’s the one that rests his free hand on your thighs whenever you two go for a drive.
And tonight, he’s the one that will lay you down on the bed and touch you, talk to you, and feel you in ways that only he can do.
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