#sorry for spelling errors
gdp03 · 5 months
The Current Status of Schmelly (in my Opinion)
Warning: this post has ship talk from the "Five Nights at Freddy's" fandom. Don't like it, don't read it.
A lot of stuff has happened since my last post. The offical novelization of the movie has been released and, boy... what a show.
The book seems to heavily imply ("imply" is an understatement, really!) that Mike has a crush on Vanessa. Don't believe me? Read it for yourself. If you don't wanna (or if you can't read it at the moment), some people have posted screenshots of the book that contains pure ship fuel, such as these two posts from @sofia-08ts.
"He prefered the warmth of Vanessa." "The interior of the car smelled like Vanessa." (this isn't the only time that he mentions scent!) "Troubled by the puzzle of his feelings for this woman..."
Those are just glimpses of all of the stuff there. If this isn't telling enough, then I dunno what else would be.
Hope it goes without saying that I'm now pretty much confident that Mike isn't an Afton. I mean, c'mon, you really think Scott would ship bait us like that? Then again, it is Scott we're talking about, so...
To answer the title's question, I'd give Schmelly, at the very least, a semi-canon rate, though it's starting to climb up to the canon one. Let's just see what Scott's going to cook with these two in the future (hopefully no MC deaths, please).
TL;DR: Schmelly has taken a big W this time. Fuck the haters.
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beelsfridge · 10 months
Goodbye (For Now)
Nightbringer Spoilers Ahead (maybe a little ooc)
(I’ll adjust everything in the morning)
(Pt 1/2)
You knew you weren’t suppose to stay in the past for that long. You knew you didn’t belong there. You had to get back to your time eventually.
And even if the brothers were warming up to you again, you had to say goodbye. The worst part was that they would never know why you really left.
“You can finally go back home MC.” Solomon tells you with a smile as he holds your hands with joy,”Back to your time. You did it.”
“Yeah!” You say with relief,”I can go back, back home where the people I love are waiting for me.” You can’t help but feel your heart flutter at the warmth and comfort of the brothers and everyone else you longed for.
“There’s no time to lose! It’ll happen just as quickly, Just as before-“ Solomon says ready to perform the ritual before you find yourself hesitating.
“Wait-“ You say,”Shouldn’t I say goodbye?” You ask conflicted.
“Say goodbye? MC they can’t know where you’re from. We talked about this already-“ Solomon said,”You need not to worry about these versions of themselves anymore.
“Yeah but…” You say as you look to the House of Lamentation,”But even if they don’t know it’s me yet…this version of myself..I’m still their friend. They deserve to know, that I won’t be coming back ” You tell him.
“Oh MC…”Solomon looks at with with what you feel is pity,”These are not the brothers you know…chances are they probably won’t even care or notice you’re gone..”
You look down at the floor, a saddened expression taken place,”Yeah..you’re probably right..they probably didn’t really even care..”
Solomon sighs deeply as he contemplates your words. After a few moments he squeezes your hand reassuringly,”I think…you should do what you desire… if you believe Lucifer and his brothers deserve sort closure then I suppose I can’t stop you. Just hurry back…for my sake.”
Your eyes light up with joy as you hug Solomon lovingly,”You’re the best!”
“Obviously.” He says patting your back before you break away.
“Alright! I’ll be back real quick alright!” You say as you hurry to the House of Lamentation.
“I’ll be waiting.” Solomon says watching you scurry off.
Normally, at least in this timeline, you wouldn’t really go to the house of lamentation without proper reason and permission.
So you hope Lucifer or someone would at least let you in.
Does the house look a lot bigger or have you just not seen it in a while?
You look back at the door, hesitantly you knock three times. You wait anxiously for any sort of response and when time passed and nobody answered you felt quite defeated.
“I guess…Solomon..was right..” You mumble to yourself a bit disappointedly. Just as you were about to walk away the door cracked open.
You hesitantly reach for it and peek inside.
“H-hello?” You say not wanting to intrude more than you have to.
Nonetheless you step into the house fully. Despite it looking just slightly different, it still felt like home to you.
You take a breath of relief before a voice startles you.
“Ah? - Oh! It’s you, ya weirdo what are you doing here?!” Mammon stares at you confusingly,”Who let ya in?”
“I well- I knocked and the door opened so I wasn’t really sure if I could come in or not or if someone let me in by mistake so I walk in here to see if there was anyone but I didn’t see anyone so I was gonna leave but then -“You begin to ramble before Mammon cuts you off.
“Oi, quit ya yappin. I don’t care.” Mammon tells you.
“Right.” You say,”Sorry.”
“You’re so weird.” Mammon says shaking his head disapprovingly,”But I guess you’re here for a reason eh? What can the great Mammon do for you? Ya need to see Luci or sum?”
“Well yeah- but also I came to see you! Also everyone else.” You tell him.
“M-me?!” Mammon says with utter confusion. It seems he decided to skip over the part you said everyone else as well.
“Yeah, there was something I needed to tell you-“ You tell him.
“T-tell me ? “ Mammons head begins to swirl,”Me? Why me?
“Well Mammon, it’s just that I’ve came ti say go-“You tell him before getting caught off by another voice.
“MAMMON!” Leviathan screams out as he approaches,”Where’s my damn money!”
“Jeez Levi, could you be any louder?!” Mammon scolds,”I’m in the middle of something here!”
“I don’t care - gimme my money!” Levi says before realizing it’s you.
“Huh?? MC?! You’re here?!” Levi seems surprised by your visit,.
“Oh! Levi! This is great- I needed to tell you both that-“ You say before yet another voice cuts you off.
“Ah~ what’s with all the yelling~ you’re all bound to get wrinkles like that- oh- MC?” Asmo says coming into view as he looks at you curiously,” What are you doing here?”
“Ah you’re here! Perfect ! - I came to -“ You say before Mammon cuts you off.
“Cant y’all see MC is trying to have a proper conversation with ME? Butt out.” Mammon says
“Mammon, you’re so full of yourself.” Levi says bitterly.
“Ay! Watch what you say!” Mammon says.
“Ugh you guys, MC is trying to say something. “ Asmo says
“Right..thanks Asmo..I was going to say that-“
“Can you all kindly shut the hell up?” Satan says marching into the room,”You’re all irritating me! I can hear shouting from halfway across the house.”
“Everything was fine until Levi and Asmo came in tryna be nosey!” Mammon tells Satan.
“I don’t care! Just shut up already-“Satan says before looking at you and his anger briefly replaced by confusion,”It’s you?”
Before you can say anything another voice pops in “Oh would you look at that Beel. I told you they were arguing. “ Belphie says yawning tiredly,”Could recognize Mammons annoying voice far that much of a distance.”
Beel Hums in agreement as his stomach growls,”Mm yeah, it sure does seem that way. I suppose since MC is here that’s why they’re arguing.”
“Oh- you’re right. I didn’t even see MC til you said it.” Belphie says with a chuckle,”What brings you here? Normally Lucifer would’ve thrown a huge fuss anytime someone came over about being on our best behavior. So I assume he doesn’t know you’re here.”
“R-right-“ You say as they all look at you curiously. Suddenly it feels a little harder to say what you have to.
“I don’t see why the rest of ya need to be here. MC said she wanted to speak to me and-“Mammon starts off but gets cut off
“She did not say that you liar!” Levi says,”She clearly said me.”
“That’s not what I heard!” Asmo says as they all start arguing once more.
“I’m hungry.” Beel says.
“Is that really the only thing you’re concerned about right now?” Belphie asks.
Why does feel…so familiar to you?…it almost ..feels like when-
“So why are you here MC?” Satan asks (demands) gathering the attention of the others and knocking you out of your thoughts.
“Oh that’s…..right…” You says.
“Well spit it out, we don’t got all day now.” Mammon says growing increasingly impatient.
You look at all of them as they stare at you with such a familiar twinkle in their eyes. One that you thought you’d never really see again.
“I’ve…”You say bowing your head down,”I’ve come to say goodbye.”
It’s grows eerily quiet.
“Uh…okay?” Mammon says shrugging his shoulders,”You going on vacation or sum?”
You shake your head,”No, I’m leaving Mammon.”
“For how long?” Mammon asks again not quite grasping your words.
“I ..well-“ You say unsure of what to tell them as you twiddle your fingers together.
“Like a couple months or ?” Mammon waits for your answer.
You could feel everyone’s stare bore into your skin as they await your answer.
You hear Satan sigh,
“They mean forever Mammon. It means they’re never coming back.”
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spiritednug · 5 months
Could we have had a cohesive understandable indigo disk while still being kind to Kieran?
Think of it this way:
We could have had a choice. Defend Kieran and show him people can be kind (standing up to his sister), or go with Carmine’s plan and encourage her ego (vilifying Kieran in the process). We already know the latter as were forced into that option. But let’s discuss the former.
We stand up to Carmine and tell her off for what she’s done to Kieran. We give Kieran the attention and respect he deserves, undermining Carmine’s sense of control over everything. Suddenly her status is threatened, and she starts to panic.
We still fight Kieran for Ogrepon, but he and you come to an agreement and Ogrepon has no hard feelings, he knows they’ll meet again. Carmine, seeing her brother in such high spirits and being RIGHT despite everything, fumes and fights you only to lose, and she swears she will make it out on top, that you are NOTHING compared to her.
Flashforward to Indigo Disk, and the whole school is feeling her wrath. she is on top of it all, the queen of the school, and Kieran just wants her to be happy again. Sure he’s seen her in her anger and abuse, but family dynamics are complex, and he misses the small moments of peace and joy between them.
You cut her down to size, show her ego that she’s not nearly as strong as a trainer as you, and take her crown away. She’s broken.
It’s similar to the original through the rest of the questline, except it’s Carmine who gets over herself. It’s Carmine who forces Terapagos out of hiding and catches it to prove she’s better than you. It’s Carmine who, at the end of the day, realizes that NO ONE is strongest on their own, and she needs to let go of her ego and help others with an open heart in order to go far in life. You and Carmine save the day, and a new beginning for Carmine lay on the horizon, figuring out what life is without social status, what she can be now that she can just…be herself.
I think that could have been beautiful. I think that could have been much more meaningful than what we were given. I think it would have made me actually like Carmine.
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febreze-can · 1 year
Re-draw of a drawing of season two gem (first/left one is the old one, newest one is the second/right! Three month difference!!)
(My artstyle is non existent I open up a new file, black out and then I wake up with a completed new art piece)
Most of my head-cannons are the same from a post a while ago, but I do have some new ones (and by new ones I mean ones with jimmy, their bestie dynamic is extremely underrated imo)
Like for example her earring is a poorly made gold bee (it has ragged edges and it’s paint job looks like it was done by a five year old) made by jimmy as a gift of ally ship, Jimmy is terrible at jewellery making but gem still wears it with pride
When she first got her butterfly wings, Jimmy came running to her a couple days later, uncontrollably sobbing, completely incoherent and full body shaking from his tears, when Gem asked him what was wrong he responded with “Butterfly’s only live 15-29 days gem! Your going to die!” She was in-fact, not going to die in 15-29 days but it did make her very paranoid for the next month
Her and sausage are 100% gossip buddies, if you got a secret? Then it’s also gem and sausages secret as well. If it’s spoken in the dead of night with no witnesses? Then the next day it’s going to be spoken in their gossip session. 
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stangeranfanficion · 2 years
I have no access to discord right now cuz my phone broke & I am sending you this pigeon mail to tell you this weird idea, what if Saxton made like one big dating reality show Bachelor style & forced all the mercs to participate cuz he's trying to get Admin laid. And Sniper won her heart solely for the fact that he is the only one who's even remotely interested in that gilf
Its ok gamer and now this idea really caught my eye considering the aesthetic of 1960s game shows and Saxton canonally having a thing for admin too could make this be really fun.
Time for an idea dump-
What I'm picturing is Saxton wanting another shot with Admin so he gets up all his contracts with the mercs and Admin and force them into a game show. The show is very cleary rigged and him compared to the world's most least fuckable people? He made sure he would win.
Admin was also aomehow dragged into this. She sees everything happening behind the scenes. She is commending over all of this as the events go on.
First it's starts off with the world's worst round of trivia, only about the life and times of Saxton Hale- their was some facts about Australia so not everyone got kicked out (tho only Medic, Engi, Sniper, Demo, and surprisingly Scout who cheated where left)
Then it's battling a lion head on. Engi and Medic both leave before they had to deal with this shit, Saxton wins flawlessly, Sniper is able to tame it, and Scout almost gets mulled to death.
The final challenge has Saxton, Scout, and Sniper complete head on with Admin herself, forcing her to not be behind a curtain the whole time. Scout quites because he pictured Admin as "a wicked hot, dominating, young babe." So it was just Sniper vs Saxton.
Admin basically just askeds questions about relationship and Saxton gives out aggressive and passionate answers, assuring he would give her pleasure and a life time commitment. Sniper is just upfront and kinda meek, being like "I'm not the best but I'll try my hardest."- Admin asks one final question of "Will you be always talking about feelings especially this relationship to others?" Saxton says yes and Sniper no.
Admin choses Sniper.
They are the world's best wierd ass relationship ever-
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rosiest-1 · 2 months
Just hear me out: a Marauders and co. Decendants au.
Like Regulus "as Mal"? because he might be harder to warm up to the whole being good and would spend more time trying to follow his parents wishes. Also, the drama of turning to magic when crumbling under pressure? like I just think it would be cool. (and Mal can't swim...)
Also, then James could be Ben, shrugging off invasive questions about dating a villans kid and asking Mal (reggie) to fight for/not give up on their relationship.
I'm less sure about this, but maybe Sirius as Jay because he warms up to being kind and normal faster than Mal seems to and worries less about disappointing his dad. (??) And I would love Barty to be Harry (Hook) just because of the bi pirate vibe he has, i think it would be fun. (Maybe Evan as Carlos just for laughs??)
I don't know who anyone else would be, but it's just a little idea I had.
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almondpiglet · 6 months
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serirei doodles n lil comics
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seryotonin · 8 months
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Sorry ever since I remembered that bats eco locate stuff I couldn’t stop thinking about Zatz doing this as an everyday activity
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mickeym4ndy · 2 months
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I'm seventeen going under
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nightsfeelheavenly · 8 months
entertaining myself with the idea of poly!141. price brings his equestrian wife around (who is aware of the arrangement) for her to play with the boys a bit. slow introductions to new dynamics.
is immediately surprised by how quickly she takes a leading role with the group, getting them wrapped around her pretty little fingers in no time. he’d said in the car, “no pressure for tonight. they can get a little rowdy and don’t tend to listen well.”
she’d laughed and replied “honey, i control half ton animals with my legs and weight. your bunch will be no problem.”
he’d chuckled, chalking it up to overconfidence, but no. she hooks her heel onto johnny’s hip and gives him a faint push whenever he’s being too overeager, collecting him back up into a better pace. gaz is praised with a caress to his jaw and then down his chest. ghost, even, gets encouraged forward with some light taps and a verbal cue.
he sits back and watches his wife put 141 in line and quickly comes to the conclusion that he’ll need her expertise and sway more often. after all, what better incentive (and reward) than some work with his wife post-mission?
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cerealboxlore · 10 months
you know those posts where cap’s seen as a dad figure? what if one of the reasons why the other superheroes think that way is because when league members bring up there kids or need cap to cover for them when their kids need them cap is just super understanding, empathetic and gets oddly proud of them for being with there for their kids
the actual reason why he’s like that is because billy just really values those things as an orphan and is proud to work with such great people
Whenever someone mentions or even breathes the implication of Cap being mistaken as a dad or seen as a father figure, I lose my marbles, because, oh cheese and crackers, I just can't express enough how much I adore this headcanon! I'm doin' a little happy dance :D
Billy Batson is someone who has always yearned and wished to be a part of a family again since his experience was cut short due to tragedy and made sour thanks to his uncle Ebeneezer being crusty dusty, so it's easy to see him respecting those who appreciate the family they have. He had to grow up and mature far faster than any kid his age, and compared to most adults, Billy is actually more mature and responsible than they are, unfortunately. It's reasonable to see that this would be reflected in Captain Marvel; someone who's immature at times, but ultimately a good-natured person with a golden heart and good intentions, who others can depend on anytime and anywhere (much to the sacrifice of his personal life).
Billy has been in enough foster homes at a young age to know the difference between a good parent and a rotten one, so seeing members of the league prioritize their family members and kids would make him really happy. He's the type to take on any shift or mission in the place of another member if they had something important to do with their family. What you said about him being very proud and empathetic towards parents in the league made me realize that Billy would have loved to have parents like them had his own not perished. In a way, he's not just proud of them, but a little bit envious.
This also brings up another headcanon of mine, where Captain Marvel is the unofficial designated babysitter of the league when emergencies come up. Because despite not knowing who he is/his secret identity, people trust him enough to let him know theirs. Like, it all starts with the Captain in the watchtower break room drinking apple juice, and is suddenly bombarded with a group of children or sidekicks being thrown at him by the other heroes, saying that the Captain was in charge while they were away before teleporting away.
All these kids and teenagers that he suddenly has to help look after, and while Captain Marvel is calm on the outside, Billy Batson is freaking out on the inside. Some of those kids are older than he is, and there's some hilarity to it. Shenanigans ensue in the Captain Marvel: Adventures in Babysitting day, but it all turns out okay in the end. As a kid, Billy would know how to talk to them and keep them busy with fun/educational stuff. Might even teach them a thing or two about good morals, manners, archeology, or ancient magic stuff.
I imagine some of those kids would want to be babysat by him again, and Billy would welcome it (with warning ahead of time). Captain Marvel is just someone people like being around with his good dad vibes. Some of them even ask if he has kids of his own, but are met with an empty room immediately as the man zooms off whenever people ask him questions about family.
Gosh I went rambling again, but I loved this ask!
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me every time I miss the t on my keyboard and type "rhis" or "rhat" and autocorrect doesn't fix it
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t4tails · 9 months
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ohbo-ohno · 9 months
what happens the first time Johnny comes home with some new sex toys for reader?? Cue your absolute PANIC as he pulls them out to show you, ecstatic at the thought of trying them out when Simon gets home, and then Johnny having to do damage control when he sees how he’s freaked out his precious baby :////
YOU!!!!!! Get back here!!!!!! You genius!!!!!
1.6k, nsfw below the cut. this one’s pretty long lol it really got away from me. pretend it’s a gift since i just hit 100 followers <3
Johnny’s like a dog with a bone when it comes to you - he can literally never get enough. When you don’t wake up to his mouth licking and sucking somewhere on you, you wake up to the feeling of him humping your back. On one occasion Simon threatened to “cage your little cock if it’s all you can think with, Johnny.” So like… you know they use toys. You probably should’ve expected this at some point.
But knowing they are probably comfortable using toys and staring at the goddamn spread of sex toys on the dinner table? Two very different things.
There are things you can’t even name. You spot several different types of vibrators, butt plugs of varying sizes, anal beads, nipple clamps, a few gags smaller than the ones they’d used on you a few times, several loops of rope and handcuffs, a fucking hook that you don’t even want to think about what it could be used for, and the goddamn crème de la crème - a butt plug with a fucking tail hanging from Johnny’s hand.
The bastard is smiling. Fucking beaming, like he’s found the meaning of life in a pile of sex toys.
It’s barely 9 a.m.
“Good morning, lovie!” Johnny says, pulling you towards him and placing an oddly chaste kiss on your forehead. “We’ve got a long day love. D’you know Si’s birthday is in a week?”
You can’t tear your eyes away from the cornucopia of sex toys, hardly listening to him as he prattles on.
“Bloody unfair he’s got the anniversary and the birthday so close, means I hafta get the man all sorts of gifts in just a month.” He glances down at you and shoots you a wink, twirling the tail in his hand likes it’s a fidget toy. “Some of them are for both of us, though, so I can’t complain too much, aye bonnie?”
You don’t answer, but he plows foreword anyways. “This’ll be the first part of the gift. Gonna let Simon play with you - well, both of us, but I had to buy the new stuff for you.”
You swallow dryly, hand twitching forward as if you’re going to grab one of the toys. “Play?” Is all you can manage to ask.
Johnny hums low in his throat, tucking himself behind you and wrapping both arms around you. He takes your wrists, still holding the toy in his hand, and guides your fingers across the spread in front of you. “Yeah, lass. You like playing with us, huh?”
You shake your head minutely.
“Don’t lie now,” he rumbles, and you remind yourself that he’s just as terrifying as Simon, only in a different way. Somehow you always forget to tread as carefully around Johnny, but the deep growl of his voice reminds you. “You’re soaked when we play, wailing loud enough we had to explain to the landlord what the noise was. You like it plenty.”
You whine a little, flinching backwards into his body at the reminder of your behavior at night. You don’t like it, don’t like thinking about how much you love being between the two of them, how right it feels.
“Now,” Johnny’s voice shifts back into its normal cadence, hands giving you two little taps on the front of your thighs as he steps away. “Si won’t be back until tonight, so the two of us are gonna test these out and have some fun. Excited, lass? I’m thinking we’ll start with this, work on your posture a bit.”
He picks up the fucking hook. You can’t help but lose your shit.
— — — — —
Ghost is in decently high spirits as he finally gets home. His work had been cut short hours early, and he was looking forward to spending a night in with his two precious little pets, curled up together on the couch and maybe even having a home cooked meal. He’d have to see if you could be trusted with a knife, but the idea of watching you and Johnny dance around each other in the kitchen is enough for him even if he doesn’t get to see it realized.
That all goes out the window when he steps into the flat.
He can hear the two of you, Johnny’s voice a little urgent and yours more than a little panicked. Not the most unusual thing, but the absolutely demolished living room is.
He and Johnny hadn’t decorated much - neither of them had an eye for it and once they got you they wanted to let you decorate your new home - but what little they had done is out of place. A picture frame on the floor, dining room chairs feet away from the table and knocked over, a goddamn knife stabbed into a side table next to the slightly askew couch.
And a shit load of sex toys, both on the dining room table and the floor all around it.
It barely takes a heartbeat for Ghost to piece together what’s happened. He sighs wearily, resists the urge to rub at his eyes with his forefinger and thumb so he doesn’t track paint all across the house.
He moves further into their home, heading straight for the bedroom. Sure enough, Johnny’s got you cornered. You’re slid down on the floor, back pushed as far into the wall as you can go and knees tucked up under you.
Johnny’s crouched in front of you, one hand holding both of your wrists securely in front of you and the other holding your ankles together. He’s got scratches down his face and arms, a few that are seeping just a bit of blood, and a nasty bruise forming on one cheek.
He’s also rock hard in his sweatpants.
Both of you snap your eyes to Simon when he steps in the room. Johnny’s expression is pure relief, but yours is a mix of what looks like relief and fear. There’s a little spark in Ghost’s chest at the knowledge that you see him as a helping hand here, even against what’s probably your better judgement.
He tilts his head a bit. “Johnny.” Not a question, but an expectation.
“She freaked out on me, L.t.,” Johnny says - nearly whines - eyes big and pleading.
“Because you-!” You start up, thrashing in Johnny’s grip. “You fucking bastard, I was defending myself!”
“Against me?” Johnny makes a sad noise, one Simon knows is more manipulative than it sounds, leaning in to hover over you even more. “Baby, you know I’d never hurt you. How could you think that, huh?”
“You wanted to stick a fucking hook up my ass!”
That gets a raised eyebrow from Simon. Seems Johnny’s plans for the day were far more exciting than he had let on.
Johnny can’t help but bark out a laugh, which gets a little scream of rage from you and reinvigorates your thrashing. Johnny leans more weight into you, pulling your wrists further out to keep you off balance. It just works you up more, and Ghost can see Johnny’s cock twitch in his pants.
Alright. Time to do damage control.
He steps into the corner with the two of you, lays a heavy hand on Johnny’s nape and squeezes. His boy doesn’t let go immediately, but he does go loose, leaning one shoulder onto a wall and blocking less of your body.
You’re heaving as Simin crouches down, but your eyes are dry. A good sign for the progress you’ve made.
Simon brings his other hand up to grab your chin, pulling it up and forcing eye contact. “Didn’t want to play around with Johnny, love?”
You’re a little scared - always are, when he comes home with the mask and the makeup - but you don’t tear your eyes from his. Your tiny chin quivers in his grip, but you don’t cry. He can’t help but feel a surge of pride for you and your strength
“I didn’t want him fucking with me. I’m allowed to say no,” you hike you chin in the air a little, stiff and all but daring him to disagree.
He doesn’t play into your hands, just hums and strokes both of his thumbs - one over your chin and the other over Johnny’s neck. “You are,” he agrees, fighting down a smirk at the clear shock on your face. “But did you give Johnny a chance?”
“No-“ Johnny pouts, huffing and shifting in place.
“Quiet,” Simon growls, hand squeezing just past comfortable on his neck. “You’re already in trouble for doing all this shit without askin’. Keep pushin’ and you won’t be sleeping in bed tonight.”
That gets a whine, but no more arguing. Good.
You look a little confused when Ghost turns his attention back to you, but he doesn’t bother explaining.
“You are allowed to say no,” he starts again. “But you should give new things a chance. What if you’d liked having,” he can’t resist a smirk, let’s it seep into his tone, “a hook up your ass?”
You flinch back, and Simon bites down a sigh. You’re not in a place for joking yet, apparently.
He stays crouched there for a few minutes, petting both you and Johnny and watching as you both go limp - Johnny quickly, you with a little more work.
“Alright,” he days eventually, standing and tugging the both of you up with him. “Let’s rest for a bit, get the two of you calmed down, and then we’ll talk punishment.”
You and Johnny wear matching pouts, and Simon doesn’t even fight the smile as he tugs all three of you into bed.
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peebleswiggins · 11 months
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I relate to him in the rat creature mental illness sort of way
you get it right
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lon3rlife · 10 days
Dating Rick Sanchez Headcanons
Mostly fluff. I’m going to ramble a lot because I love him sm
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He’s extremely overprotective and would do absolutely ANYTHING to keep you safe, even if it means putting his own life on the line.
He comes and goes to your house as he pleases. You’ll come home to see him on your couch or stealing your food. He’ll also portal to your house in the middle of the night and get into bed with you without saying anything.
He’s not huge on pda, he’ll have an arm around you on the couch when you guys watch tv with the family and will hold your hand and give you a reassuring squeeze when you get anxious, but he won’t hesitate to get extremely touchy if someone is looking at you wrong.
In private though he’s a hugeee softie and will never let anyone know. If you’re working on something or cooking something in the kitchen he’ll come behind you and hug you from behind (you usually don’t even know he’s there and he scares the living shit out of you). He loves when you lay on his chest while he plays with your hair until you fall asleep, and in bed he’ll pretty much melt into you holding you tightly.
He loves your hair so much. If you’re brushing it he’ll stand there admiring you, and he just loves tangling his hands through and and playing with it while you guys cuddle.
You guys always get into the dumbest fights like if pancakes are better than waffles or that he needs to do dishes if he comes to your house and eats your food without cleaning up. They leave you frustrated and Rick pouting like a child for a few hours until you guys kiss and make up.
I think this is canon but he’s actually a really good cook. Once a week you guys make it a habit to cook a homemade meal together to get a short break from the stress of everything and spend quality time together.
If you leave for a trip for work or with friends he will be EXTREMELY clingy the days leading up to the trip because you guys spend so much time together he doesn’t know what to do with himself when your gone. (He ends up portaling to your hotel at night because he isn’t able to sleep without you)
Kisses you anywhere. On your lips, your forehead, your neck, chest, arms, you name it.
He’s definitely a bad influence 100%. He will get crazy alien drugs and take them with you, he won’t force them on you but if you don’t want to take them he’ll be like “come on baby you’re missing out don’t be lameee.” He will also take you to parties on different planets just to get completely shitfaced.
Even though he’s a night owl and stays awake most nights, his favorite time of day is the morning. He loves the intimacy of laying with you just talking about anything without any specific plans for the day, the sun hitting your face just right still sleepy and you playing with his fingers is the most special time for him.
PETNAMES 1000%. He will use the most obnoxious ones as well, usually he’ll call you baby, sugar, honey, or a shortened version of your name.
You get along very well with the Smith family, especially Morty which makes Rick sooo happy. Also you help Morty with his homework because Rick sure as hell doesn’t, and Morty looks up to you so much and trusts you enough that he’ll talk to you about anything he needs to get off his chest.
Omfg writing these are sooooooo much fun if anyone wants me to write more I will cause I have so many more but it’s like 1am and I’m tired
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