#sorry i've been slow asf
smuttyassholes · 4 months
Enhypen reaction to you touching yourself when they told you not to?
Sunghoon: *Amused, he'd press his tongue against his cheek before pushing your hand away to rub circles slowly on your clit. Causing you to moan louder*
“Keep acting like this, I’ll be sure to tease you all night..”
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Jungwon: *Bends down and spreads your legs, taking a closer look. Slowly rubbing your inner thigh*
"How did I know you were not going to be able to wait for me?"
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Jay: *Annoyed, he'd stand by the doorway watching until you notice. Deciding how he's going to punish you*
“No.. Keep going. I didn't say stop."
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Heeseung: *Signs loudly, catching your attention. Ready to wrap his fingers around your throat and pound you endlessly, even after a long day of practicing* 
"Did you not hear me the first time? Turn around.."
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Jake: *He'd smile finding your desperation cute before going to a serious demeaner. Taking full control*
"Get up and take your clothes off, then get back on the bed. You're in for a long night."
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Sunoo: *Cutely yells for you to stop and runs to quickly grab your hand. Holding it up in the air*
"What are you doing?! You promised me! Now you have to be punished. I didn't want to have to do this, but you asked for it."
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shadowisbored · 2 years
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Double Saturday posts today cuz I forgot last week and I absolutely adore this vlog!!!
I love him more then anything I swear eeee!!!
I hope you all have a fantastic day!!
(are y'all gonna watch enchanted 2 or hocus pocus 2? Im gonna watch both and im so excited 👀)
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unholyhelbig · 3 months
oversight request if ur down! what if nat’s enemies captured ronnie? how would nat get her back? (i love seeing this darker side of nat… she’s hot asf when she’s mad 🥵) thx !!
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Title: We Have Your Daughter [An Oversight Oneshot]
Ship: Female!Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Summary: When Veronica is taken from a friends house in the middle of the night, it's clear that reader and Natasha will stop at nothing to get her back and get revenge.
Warnings(PLEASE READ): Gun use, kidnapping, use of gags & zipties, broken glass, threating statements, knife use, strangling, and horrible grammar.
[a/n: This one wasn't my favorite thing I've ever done, but I was way too far to scrap it. I might take a small break from Oversight oneshots so I can clense my pallet a bit!]
Check out the full Oversight universe
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
The phone buzzed against the mahogany table on Natasha’s side of the bed. You were in a haze of sleep, something so cloying that it was hard to distinguish what the noise was. There were four monotone vibrations and then a silence so thick that you nearly drifted back into unconsciousness. But then, it started again, louder this time, it seemed, as the phone fell from the nightstand and to the carpeted floor.
An alien blue light filled the room and you groaned softly against the side of Natasha’s neck. You’d ended up laying fully on top of her; legs tangled. Your hands were under her, holding her as close as possible. The rhythm of her heart picked up when she stirred from her own sleep.
She blinked a few times before reaching blindly to the carpeted floor and retrieving the phone. It had stopped ringing again, but soon amped back up. The number was unknown, which formed a small marble of dread in the pit of your stomach.
Natasha sat up carefully and you shifted to the side to give her more mobility. Both of you shared a frowned look of confusion. It was three in the morning, and a stranger was calling. That was enough to arise panic in anyone, but with your profession, it seemed to echo further than most.
“Romanoff,” Her frown deepened, then. You couldn’t hear much, just the warbled and panicked voice of another. “Wait, slow down.”
She flipped back the duvet and stood up, flicking on the bedside lamp. You winced at the sudden brightness but tracked her frantic movements all the same. She was pacing. It often helped Natasha think. All trace of sleep had left you both.
“No, no. We’ll be right there. Thank you.”
When Natasha hung up and her eyes met yours, any hope of a peaceful existence had been sucked from the room. The words ‘I’m sorry’ seemed to be on the tip of her tongue. But she didn’t’ say it. Instead, she threw the cell phone on the end of the bed and moved her hands through her messy russet locks.
“Natasha,” you said, almost viciously. “What happened?”
“That was Luke. Someone broke into the house. We should… get dressed. We need to get dressed and get over there.”
Her words were broken, causing you to rise despite the wave of nausea that overtook you. Unsteady on your feet, you closed the distance between and grasped onto her shoulders as if to stabilize you both. Natasha’s eyes threatened to boil over with tears, they were red-rimmed and oh, so broken.
At thirteen years old, you both had deemed Ronnie mature enough to start having sleepovers with the other kids in her class. Of course, you’d meet with the parents first, and give them all the emergency contact information. Never tightening the reigns there.
But the Jones family were trusted more than most. Ronnie and their daughter Dani had been close since diapers. You’d spent days by the pool together and even took a family vacation with them to Niagara Falls this past summer, despite how ‘lame’ Jessica’s son deemed it when they dawned the yellow plastic ponchos.
“Is she hurt? I know we told Luke and Jess to call us first if something like this happens but if she’s hurt we really should get over there right away and get to the hospital. Call an ambulance maybe? God, please tell me she’s not hurt.”
Natasha’s hand cupped your cheek, and she peered into your eyes. There was sadness behind her stare that was incomprehensible. You couldn’t stop your thoughts from rushing at you in all different directions. Her touch quieted the noise, if not for a moment.
“She’s not hurt,” Natasha frowned, backtracked. “I don’t know if she’s hurt. She’s just… gone.”
The man said his name was Grant. He didn’t give a last name, and Veronica did not ask for one. Grant would do just fine. He looked like a Grant; his eyes were beady and black, his hair combed in various directions with a generous amount of gel. He was trying to look effortless and cool.
Veronica thought he looked like he was trying too hard. Of course, she didn’t say that, but the fact remained the same. The gag that had been nestled tightly against her mouth tasted stale, like the way a thrift store smelled. Maybe it was the carpet in the trunk of the car that lodged itself into her lungs.
She was calm and collected; prepared for something like this. As much as her mothers had poked and prodded and huffed and puffed when she suggested she start to learn basic things (like how to get out of zipties, or what to do if you were trapped in the trunk of a car), they had yielded.
Really, her aunt Lena had Yielded. While she still was discouraged from the heavy-hitting stuff, she did know how to break free of most contained spaces. She could also throw a mean punch if she put her entire body weight into it. But she had been sleeping when Grant shattered the window, and groggy when he hit her temple with the blunt end of his pistol.
The selfish part of Veronica knew that her mothers were scared right now, and reveled in it, for only a brief moment. She’d let out a grunt from being jostled when the car hit a particularly bad speedbump. Her teeth bite down harder on the gag, releasing a sordid taste that did not settle her stomach.
Even at the age of six, which Veronica remembers in bits and pieces, she knew that something wasn’t right with her mother. It wasn’t wrong, either, but it put her on edge and kept her voice trapped in her chest like a music box without a key.
You’d come home smelling metallic, sometimes like the salt of the earth itself. It was much less palatable than the sweet coffee that often graced your collar. She used to inhale the familiarity of it, but had stopped when you’d begin to get bruises and deep red gashes against your skin.
It was something that you’d try to hide from her, from Aunt Darcy, but in the deepest moments of your sleep, the fabric of your shirt would lift and expose the camouflage markings on your ribs or the crack of flesh on your back that Veronica was certain hadn’t been there before.
Then there was Mama.
Natasha. Natalia. Romanoff.
She’d heard every variation of the title. The name was spoken with a certain type of urgency in some, fondness from you, and fear from most. It wasn’t until Veronica was eight and paid more attention to those around her that she realized Natasha was the source of the un-well scent on you.
“Your moms whack people,” Dani had told her one day as they played up in her room. Veronica was meant to stay the night but there had been a heated and insignificant argument about who got to marry Malibu Barbie.
She’d whined back, “They do not,”
“They do too! I heard the other mommies at the playground talking about it. They whack people and it makes everyone else afraid of them and you.”
“You’re lying!”
Veronica had felt the tears prickling at her eyes. Not because Dani’s words were too much, they were just the right amount of hurt. Deep down, Veronica knew that something was fucked up about her family. And while they tried to shield her, it never stopped people from talking.
She would get looks from the parents of her schoolmates. Once that reeked of worry, and sometimes pity. It fed her anger, stoked the coal fire that burned within her. She shouldn’t be angry at her moms, she knew it was unfair. But as she clenched the barbie in her little fist, anger was the only thing she could truly feel.
“They don’t hit people!”
“That’s not what whacked means, dummy.” Dani seemed to catch her bearings, lower her voice to keep her own mother from hearing the accusations. “People that are near your family are never seen again. That’s what Cassie’s mom said. People that are near your family die.”
How could that be true? Things were so different here. There were different smells and Dani’s family didn’t eat around the table like hers did. The house was smaller and cozier. There were pictures on the wall that were black and white and worn with age. But there was love here, just like there was love in Veronica’s house.
A house with love couldn’t be a house where her mothers… whacked people.
Natasha held her with so much warmth at night. She read her two stories if Veronica asked and would get her a glass of water in the middle of the night. Sometimes, on the way home from school, they’d stop for ice cream even though you had cautioned against it.
Someone who let her get extra chocolate sprinkles was not a killer.
But the thought lodged itself in Veronica’s head and refused to leave. She was unnaturally quiet on the ride home, having called you to pick her up early from the wall phone. She held back tears and pressed the plastic close to her face until it was numb.
Natasha had cooked steak and mashed potatoes. Usually, it was Veronica’s favorite, but she watched as the pink runoff seeped into the white mush and quelled the nausea in her stomach by taking little sips of water.
She pretended not to notice the wary look her mothers gave each other, but it was impossible to ignore the way you cleared your throat, palming the wine glass to give your hands something to do. “Baby, is something bothering you?”
The dam broke. Veronica hated when you took that tone with her because it made her cry each time, made all of the hidden emotions bubble up until her cheeks were red and she was a sniveling mess.
This time, she blinked them back and looked between both you and Natasha. She clenched her fork in her little hand and drew in a breath. These were big emotions for such a small girl and she didn’t quite know how to swallow them.
“Why is everyone afraid of you?”
Your hand tightened on the glass you were holding, just loose enough to save it from shattering. Natasha had been mid-chew, her stare moving frantically to you before she swallowed and used her napkin to wipe the edge of her mouth.
“Sweetheart, did someone tell you that?”
Veronica seemed to tremble, shrinking into herself. She had gotten so verbal over these last few years, and this was a side that you refused to let her fall back into. You set the glass down and reached across the table. You covered her hand with yours, despite her refusal to unfurl it. It helped to ground her, had since she was little.
“Dani said that people are scared of you, and that they die around you. I called her a liar, a dirty liar, but she kept telling me it was true.” She looked up with tears in her eyes. “That’s not true, right?”
The silence seemed to answer her question, but she stared at both of you. She wanted to hear it. She wanted you to look under the bed and slay all of the monsters that were intent on grabbing her ankles and pulling her down. Natasha looked down at her plate, almost shy. You gave her hand a squeeze.
“Baby, it’s complicated.” You started, her wild eyes moving to yours. You felt her grow tense. “Your Mama and I, we want to be honest with you no matter what. This family is complicated, but that will never change how much we love you.”
They’d abandoned the food and spent most of the night explaining what they could. She was still only eight years old, and they held back from her. Each year of her life, they revealed more, eased her into it. And if she asked a question, they never, ever, lied. They answered truthfully- even if it wasn’t an answer she didn’t’ want to hear.
Veronica’s muscles had become stiff. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been shoved inside of the trunk, but light was leaking through the edges. She’d drifted in and out of sleep, her legs burning. She wanted to break free of her binds and stretch them out. Grant tied a good knot.
It was no matter, she thought, because her mothers wouldn’t let her linger for long.
Glass and blood sprayed across the back patio. Someone had clearly wrapped their hand and shattered it with sheer force. They’d cut themselves at one point or another, but it didn’t’ seem to stop them from muscling their way into the Jones’s home.
Luke, in his hulking nature, reached into the highest cabinet and got his daughter a glass of water. She hadn’t touched the muffin that was set in front of her. Luke was nesting, trying to ply her with gifts to ease the horror of what had just happened.
You felt bad, having to dredge it up when the memory was still so fresh. She had the deer-in-headlights stare. Wide eyes flicked to you and Natasha. She opened her mouth and closed it in succession twice. She looked like a fish.
It wasn’t that you hated Dani, you didn’t. She was thirteen-year-old child, after all. But, you were admittedly wary about her after she had brought Veronica’s walls down when they were younger. Kids, you reminded yourself. They were innocent, but they were also mean when they wanted to be.
“I already told you, “She said, frowning down at her untouched muffin. “We were both asleep when we heard a loud crash. It didn’t wake up mom and dad. I wanted to call the cops, but Ronnie was against it. Why haven’t we called the cops?”
The silence in the room was palpable. You were studying the edges of the glass, the dried dark blood against the edges. It was better for you to focus on that, than the fact that Veronica wasn’t here. You would spiral, then. You’d think about all the places she could be, and none of them were particularly good.
“Fine. There was a man with a gun in the kitchen and he… aimed it at us. Ronnie wasn’t scared. I don’t know how, the look in his eye was determined. Horrifying. He said that he wasn’t going to hurt us, he just needed her and then he would leave.”
“And she just went?” Natasha urged; her voice strained with exhaustion.
“Yeah, yes. I didn’t try hard to stop her, he had a gun. A gun!”
“Okay, alright. Thank you, Dani.” Luke placed his hand on the small of her back. She crumbled into him, dwarfed by his sheer size. Jessica glared at her own reflection in the mirror above the sink. She had been deathly quiet.
Suddenly, Dani looked so tiny in his arms, hugging her close. Your heart seized and you frowned at the broken glass at your feet. Natasha willed herself to continue. “Dani, I’m incredibly sorry about this. About all of this; but we need to know what he looked like.”
“I don’t know, he was tall and had these blue eyes that were just unsettling. He was sort-of good looking.”
Jessica seemed to find herself at that moment, working her hand through her hair. It was damp and unkempt with sweat. “You both need to leave.”
“Jess,” Luke interjected.
“You need to leave!” She raised her voice, turning to face the group. She kept her palms on the counter to steady herself, refusing to look at Natasha, but clocking you with a deathly stare. “We’ve ignored so much. We’ve watched Veronica when the two of you leave on your business trips, and come back looking like you’ve been raised from the dead. We pretend not to notice the guns you carry even at the fucking beach! But this is not something we can ignore. Y/n, this is my home.”
Her chest was heaving with rage but there was immense sadness in her eyes. Dani’s fingers clenched at the fabric of her father’s shirt. Natasha’s hands were in her back pockets, her red-rimmed stare trained on the ground.
“I understand. Thank you for everything. We’ll uh, get someone to come by and fix the patio door. I apologize for all of the trouble.”
Natasha moved to follow you, her hand on your shoulder. You hadn’t realized you were trembling until her firm touch was there to quell it. Her words were said with a gentle authority. “I made a few calls. A patrol call will be positioned across the street for the next week. Longer, if you’d like. I’m sorry.”
“Wait,” Dani stood from the barstool. “There’s one more thing. The man, he had on this gaudy jacket and there was a patch on the pocket. It was red and there was a skull with these tentacles coming out of it. Totally villain coded.”
You frowned, diverting your stare to the small bug light at the corner of the door. It emitted a small buzzing sound that was barely noticeable. If you stared at it long enough, the tears that threatened to spill over would eventually go away.
“I hope you find her.”
Dani had said in a quiet voice. And you hoped beyond hope that you did too.
There was ugly green tile in the bathroom. Veronica had counted them twice over, and then to check her blurry math, she multiplied the length and the height until the numbers matched. She was bored and cramped in the off-white bathtub of a shitty motel.
For the first half-hour, she had her eyes on the water-stained ceiling. There was an abnormally large roach that crawled in circles. It had the whole ceiling, why did it confine itself to one spot? She’d made up a story; the brown little bug was training for a race. He was following the imaginary track.
He’d win, she decided, tugging softly on her binds. Even if though the horsefly can move up to 90 miles per hour. They’d learned that in class and it was one of those facts that she just couldn’t seem to forget.
Veronica could hear Grant on the other side of the wall. He had made an exasperated phone call and threw it down on the bed. He’d been oddly gentle and patient with her when he removed her from the trunk and subsequently locked her in the bathroom.
After living with a family of deadly criminals for the better part of her life, Veronica toyed with the idea that she was being held for ransom. Her mama, she didn’t hesitate when it came to stuff like this. Veronica had asked her once if that was easier.
They’d been jogging along a small path that cut through the woods around the property. Natasha was used to doing stuff like that alone, pacing herself and breathing in the crisp scents that nature had to offer.
It had shocked her when Ronnie asked to join, but she was quick to agree. She’d slowed to a brisk walk when the girl started to fight for air. Natasha may have pushed a little hard, but she was content to walk with her daughter, all the same.
The question had caught her off guard. “Ronnie, I don’t think your mother would appreciate me answering this.”
“You’re my mom too.” She stopped by a particularly large rock, placing both hands behind her head to stretch her chest out enough to ease her breathing. “Unless you’re afraid of her.”
“You’re baiting me.”
Veronica gave her a wolfish smile. Of course, Natasha wasn’t afraid of you. She wasn’t. You would sometimes get a deep look in your eyes that made her squirm in her seat. It was the mom look- the type of look that you seemed to inherit from the moment you first hold a baby against your chest. The need to protect was deep seeded.
Natasha felt it too, especially with the girl that goaded her right now. But she knew when not to push, and when to gently suggest something to you. Right now was a terse moment that blurred the line between something you’d be okay with, and something you’d initiate the silent treatment for. She sighed.
“Sometimes, there is more to suffering than the pain that’s inflicted. Does that make sense?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Waiting for the end is more tortuous than the act of ending itself. What I mean is, putting someone out of their misery is not only a mercy in some situations, but a necessary evil. I’m not a monster, Ronnie.”
She believed her in that moment. Natasha wasn’t a monster. Not to her. She could see how some of her charges would think differently, but this was the woman who would curl up in fuzzy pajamas and watch shitty romantic comedies with her, even shedding a few tears when the lead got the girl.
Veronica let out a long sigh and slumped further down into the bathtub. An uncomfortable and sluggish hit of pain moved through her legs and to the base of her back. First the trunk, and now this.
Her body stiffened when she heard the giggle of the door handle. Heels dug into old porcelain as she pushed herself up. Parts of Veronica’s stance was numbed entirely. Her shoulders were tight with tension, and a fine layer of dust was kicked up.
Grant clenched his jaw and unclenched it at the sight of her. He’d left her to her own devices for far too long. She watched carefully as he unscrewed the cap of a water bottle. The seal cracked and she relished in the sound, praying that it hadn’t been tampered with.
He knelt down against the side of the tub, pulling her gag from her mouth. She drew in a desperate and clear breath, clocking him with a glare. Sickeningly, he smiled at that. “You must be thirsty.”
She didn’t’ dignify him with an answer but allowed him to guide the water bottle to her lips. She gulped down more than half in a hungry fashion. Spare drops soaked into her collar and drip against her jaw. He pulled away and recapped it.
“I want you to know this isn’t personal. I’m not big on the whole ‘kidnap kids’ thing. I have a son of my own, and I wouldn’t ever want something to happen to him.” He paused and resituated himself into a more comfortable position. “This is business. I do what I’m told.”
Grant was trying to relate to her, make her feel some sort of sympathy for him. She wasn’t going to fall into his tactics. Instead, she glowered at him. “I hope he has a good mom. Because when mine find you, he’s going to need one.”
“Yeah, sweetheart. I’m counting on it.”
This time, you had made sure that the gun was fully loaded. You were all for showmanship, leaning into the nickname that those who roamed the streets had given you. Even those who didn’t, a woman at the laundromat or the waitress that had replaced you at the diner all knew you as Roulette.
Once upon a time, you couldn’t push past the shadow that Bucky Barnes had created. He was the Winter Soldier, Natasha’s immoveable force of nature. She’d command him with a solid hand and anyone on the other side of that wrath was doomed.
It was a reputation that was impossible to live up to, yet somehow, you had done it. Not only could you kill with such ruthless abandon, but you had found a family along the way. Bucky would never question Natasha’s orders. But the two of you made them together, and that brought a new type of fear.
When Leo Fitz had moved for the weapon tucked into the back of his neatly pressed pants, you made sure to move with a quickness that rivaled anyone else in the room. The tip of your revolver was pressed to his temple, his gloved hands raising in surrender.
Ophelia Sarkissian smiled. Blood dripped across her teeth from where Natasha had connected her fist with bone. She was slammed up against the back wall of her office now. Her mantle shook with the force of the hit, and dust rained down from the ceiling.
“That’s the problem with old buildings,” she said, a mix of sticky saliva and russet discharge. “The aesthetics are there, but you sacrifice the integrity of the room. Don’t you agree, Nat?”
“I’m not here to discuss architecture.”
Natasha reached into her own pocket, not releasing her hold on the leader of Hydra. The little organization of evil had gotten admittedly bigger than either of you thought was possible. They’d gotten more men, more property. But they were resigned to Hells Kitchen and that was simply not under Natasha’s jurisdiction. She never found it in herself to care, not until now.
Knives were Yelena’s weapon of choice, but Natasha still found joy in the subtle bout of fear that flashed momentarily across Ophelia’s serpent stare. Leo attempted to move, but stilled when you pulled the metal hammer back on the revolver. All you had to do was pull the trigger and there’d be a new mural in Ophelia’s office.
“Natasha, would you mind calling your dog off? Doctor Fitz is a brilliant scientist. It’s not any old brain she’s fixing to blow out.”
The side of the silver blade had found its way to the edge of Ophelia’s eye, not quite touching it, but she knew that the slightest movement would spear her iris. She stopped squirming under Natasha’s threats.
“Okay, okay! What is it that I can do for you lovely ladies?”
“What is it you can do for us?” Natasha’s voice was a thick and hollow growl. Any sign of mercy had escaped her, one hand clenching the woman’s throat, the other pressing the tip of the knife hard enough to break porcelain skin. “Sweetness, I think you know exactly what we want.”
“You’ll have to be more specific, Natty. I have my fingers in a lot of cookie jars.”
“If you’re inclined to keep your right eye intact, I suggest that you lead us to our daughter. I have no trouble taking a woman’s sight.”
Ophelia laughed and it infuriated you. Rage and impatience made a dangerous cocktail. You had tolerated the woman and her lackies through dinner parties and the occasional get together. But that was the extent of your relationship.
Seven full years and she still viewed you as nothing more than Natasha’s pet waiting to be house trained. You’d long since left your probationary period. You’d married the woman who had an iron grip on the city and in turn, raised a competent daughter in your stead.
“I have no godly idea what you’re talking about. You think I’m stupid enough to steal from you? I wouldn’t take a wine glass, much less your daughter. I have some common sense. What led you to believe that I would?”
You hated to admit that you believed her, but you still refused to remove the gun from Fitz’s temple. “The symbol on the jacket of the man who took her. It was your insipid mass of tentacles.”
Fitz cleared his throat “Ma’am, it could be Ward.”
“Ward?” Natasha asked.
“I fired him months ago. He’s mostly harmless but would do anything to get into my good graces. I suppose it would be possible for him to pull a stunt like this. Last I heard, he was living at the Motel six off county.” Ophelia gritted her teeth “It’d be greatly appreciated if you both left before you do something you regret.”
Natasha mocked a pout, dragging the tip of the blade against the side of Ophelia’s face. A trail of pin-prink spots of blood rushed to the surface of her skin. “But you’d look so good with an eyepatch.”
Veronica had drifted into an incredibly fitful sleep. She could hear the world around her; the skittering legs of the bug that ran laps on the ceiling, the slow and steady drip of the sinks faucet, the football game that Grant had turned on to drown out her movements.
It was the unmistakable sound of woods splintering that had caught her attention. Ronnie forced herself to control her breathing, just like you had taught her. She clenched down on the sour tasting gag in her mouth, heart pounding violently in her chest.
The television had been turned off and Grant’s muffled voice seeped through the crack in the door. She knew that her mother’s preferred to work silently. They tried to shield her from everything and everyone that held a potential threat. But there were some things that Veronica wanted to see. Including the downfall of her captor.
She made a small noise against the back of her gag and slammed her heel on the puke-colored tub. The dull thumb was enough to halt the movement in the room. There was shattered glass, and an exclamation that could have only been from Natasha.
Grant had locked the bathroom door from the inside and closed it. There was a strong hit that rattled the weak wood. Her breathing picked up as another hit caused the door to bend like it wasn’t a solid force at all, but entirely breakable.
Finally, it gave way and you stumbled into the bathroom in a cloud of slivers and dust. None of that seemed to bother you, eyes darting directly to the tub that your daughter had been housed in for the last six hours.
Veronica was reduced to a bubbling mess of tears. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted to see you, needed to see you. There was something so warm and safe about your touch and it cut through the cold bathroom air like nothing she had ever felt before.
“Oh baby,”
Your voice cracked as you dropped to your knees, making quick work of the gag. Veronica’s jaw ached when you removed it, tossing the cloth aside. You used the very knife that Natasha had used to threaten Ophelia with to cut the zip ties that had cut dark purple bruises into her wrists.
“Oh, my baby, I’m so sorry.”
She gripped you with a strength that reminded you of the first day you’d dropped her off at kindergarten. She’d cried then too, wetting the collar of your shirt with nervous tears. Veronica had clung to you and wicked her fingers into its fabric. It broke your heart to let her go then.
You’d had a meltdown in the driver’s seat of your car with all the other parents that had emotional attachment issues. It was where you met Jessica for the first time. She’d dropped Dani off. Her second child so it was easier this time. She brought you a beer and told you that everything would be okay.
“Mom,” she whispered, over and over again, gripping you to make sure you were real. She was much too old to carry, but you didn’t give a damn in this moment. You scooped her up like she was six years old again and she wrapped her legs around your waist without any protest.
You tucked her head into the small of your neck. “Keep your eyes closed, baby girl. You’re safe now.”
Veronica clenched her eyes shut and dug further into you. She tried to ignore the noises she heard in the single-bed motel room. The choking sounds that Grant let out as Natasha did what she did best with the electrical cord of a lamp.
She kept her eyes shut in the freezing stairwell, and even when the warm mist of an early-morning dew coated his skin. She waited until she could smell the familiar leather of her mother’s car, and even then, she held you in a vice grip that you weren’t willing to let go of anytime soon.
You’d taken your jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. She curled into herself in the backseat of the car. It only took a few more minutes for Natasha to exit through the same service door that you did. Her hair was disheveled, a long gash against the side of her arm that you were certain would need stitches later.
Black blood dripped from the wound and pooled from her fingertips in small splashes against the pavement. She didn’t’ seem to notice, her adrenaline screaming loud enough to quell any pain she would have felt.
Natasha gently urged you to the side before she climbed into the backseat wordlessly. Ronnie seemed to let out a long breath of relief. She launched herself into the woman’s arms. Natasha grunted at the force but squeezed her as tightly as she could, letting her cry.
“Mama, I’m so sorry.” Veronica sniffed “I shouldn’t have gone with him, but he was going to hurt Dani.”
“Do not apologize moy malen'kiy strelok.” She pressed a kiss to Veronica’s temple, fighting back tears. “Never apologize.”
[Taglist🕷♡: @dumbasslesbi, @lostremind, @toouncreativeforausername @autorasexy @eringranola @mikookaaaaaao @marvelwoman-simp @pacmanmiles @mostlymarvelsstuff, @mrsrushman, @milfsandtittyenthusiast, @random-raccoon4, @ravenromanova, @mysticalmoonlight7, @ahintofchaos@cowboyboots236 @lissaaaa145, @natsxwife@a-spes, @kyleeservopoulos]
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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Self-care day
"Hello, my beautiful lovely people. It's your girl."That's how you start the videos?" I turn around and look at my girlfriend with a stank face. "Ma'am, I know you didn't just sit there and interrupt me in the middle of my into."
She smiles and shakes her her head. "No, I'm sorry, baby, continue. Finish your intro pretty baby, go on." I suck my teeth, cranning my neck to look back at her since she is trying to persuade me by grabbing my hips. I move myself on her lap because there is more space and cause, why the hell not. "You lucky I love you." I peck her lips before turning around to look at the camera again. "So, like I was saying before, I was rudely interrupted. It's your girl taylor back with yet another video as I promised. And today we have a very special guest, give all you applauds to my girlfriend. I'm gonna like totally insert the audience thing that used to creep me out when I was a kid Kayoung."
"Anyways, today, instead of doing a vlog because it's cold asf in Korea. And I'm from fucking Texas therfore, you know my ass ain't made for the cold. Yea, we will be doing a self-care day with us, and mainly because I just got my period." Chocol starts to chucked behind me, trying to hide from the camera. "Yall have seen my baby Kayoung on camera before plenty of times, so I don't know why she was behind me playing games and shit." I say to the camera, causing her to laugh and wave to the people. "Are yall usually like this? Like, do you curse and tell them all this stuff, babe?" She asked me genuinely, and I wanted to hear my opinion on the matter.
"Baby, I've had a YouTube channel since I was in middle school. Me and my followers and I practically grew up together. On some real, shit they probably know more than you." I tell her playfully, trying to get under her skin, until she starts moving me back and forth on her thigh. Shit I forgot I was sitting on her lap. "I doubt anyone of them know you better than me." She says though I can tell if I don't stop her she will turn this video into a fucking sextape. "OK, ok, you're right. You obviously know me way better. Now stop before they end up seeing me naked. "She stops the playful expression glancing at the camera before she takes notice of the strap of my shirt had fallen down. And pulls it up before kissing my cheek allowing me to continue.
"You promised to behave. I'll edit that out, though." Then we continue on with the video when I grab a clay face mask starting to apply it on her skin. "Baby, your skin is good. See yall, that's what being with me gets you. Clear skin and good sex."I say laughing at the camera, stopping when Kayoung slaps my ass. "Behave." That's all she has to say to get me to be quiet. Eventually, the silence starts to roll in, so I suggest we do a Q&A segment. To add a little seasoning to the upload. While applying her face mask, I hand her my phone, showing her some questions people have asked for over some time. She starts to read them out loud so we both can answer them.
Chocolsrideordie1- How long have you two been dating?
"We've been together for about 5 years now. To be honest, it's 4 years if you really think about it, cause it took one whole year for Kayoung to fucking get me." I tell everyone before she speaks up. "She kept making it seem like I was bothering her by asking about her day and just trying to get to know her. I mean, it took me a while because I really wanted to talk to her but thought she was straight." She says while looking at me. "Yea, everyone she thought I, a national walking gay flag, was a straight woman. Crazy shit." We both start dying of laughter before looking at the next question.
Taylorsbuggest- who is the princess in the relationship?
We both kinda sit there confused. After a while, I finish chocols masks. She starts to do mine now, and we are still trying to understand the question. "It's the way we both don't get it. That's throwing me. Not us both being slow." She looks at me, trying to concentrate on the mask and hide her smile. "So, if you mean like youngest, it's obviously me. But if you mean whole leaders towards the role of like just going with the flow and being babied. It's kinda both of us, I mean, people see her on camera and think she is all intimidating and mean and shit. Which I can understand yall, I got a resting bitch face too. But we both enjoy being each other's support system and like to be the baby." She starts shaking her head, trying to deny what in saying. I smile and grab her to pull us closer. "I promise yall this right here is my baby, and she loves it." I read the next question.
Lovingonfood123- What's it like dating someone younger?
"Well, I sometimes find it hard to believe taylor is younger than me. Compared to how we act. I'm not saying I'm childish, but when I first met her, I thought she was way older than 25. She was just so put together and gave me the vibe of someone who had an old soul. She gives the best advice, and it makes me question how many lives she has lived. In a sense, she acts older than me, so typically, I forget she isn't." She finishes up my mask before I grosn in pain. She finishes up my mask beof4 I groan in pain. She looked at me trying to find exactly what area was hurting until she realized my period was still on. She immediately starts rubbing my abdomen.
"Wanna continue, baby, or just lay down?" I contemplate it. I wanted to continue the video before she gave me a look. Knowing I can't refuse. She continues to rub my stomach, further persuading me to cut the video and call it a day. I managed to push through and get her to do two more questions before we call it's quits for the night. She reads the next question, and I can see it in her eyes she is worried about my pains.
Puppylover56-whats it like being a dancer?
I look at her while she starts to explain in detail. She is so passionate about her craft and I love that so fucking much about her. Whenever you mention here, the world lights up. Obviously not as bright as when you mention me, but you get the idea. "It's amazing, I've been a hip-hop freestyle battler for a long time, and I love every second of every competition I've been in. Whether I win or lose, it's always an experience for me, getting to learn from other dancers. Watching them transform on stage, hopping that's how people see me. I want to continue to battle. Going on street women fighter 2 has taught me more about choreography. Before, I didn't worry too much about creating dance moves, I just went with the flow. Wherever music took me, I allowed my body to just go with it. But now I have learned it can be fun to create dances as well. "
Yourbabydaddy34- What's it like being a country that doesn't really accept the lgbt+ community?
I huff out a breath of air once I hear the question, ignoring the pain that shoots up in my stomach. Chocol takes notice and rubs my stomach a bit more firmly. "So, it's not secret that Korea is homophobic. Buy in my opinion, can you name a country that's not. And no, I'm not saying that's a good thing, I'm simply pointing out the facts here. The country's values and the people are two different things. Of course, it can be difficult sometimes, but no one really goes out of their way to stop us from loving each other, so why should we. A long time ago, I was terrified of the fact that I liked girls. I wasn't raised to look down on it or to think it was bad. In fact, I had gay family members, but as my mother likes to tell me all the time, she didn't have a problem with gay people she just didn't expect me to be like this. I relaiz3d that the father she tried to explain to her point of view the more I didn't want to hear it, it was my mother's way of saying she didn't accept me. Now, we are much closer since she has changed her views. But the point of this story was to tell you that at the end of the day, not everyone will like you for you. So why should you sit there and waste your breath on a hating ass bitch?"
I turn around to hear chocol applauding me in the background. "That's my girl." I smile while hugging her. Before she reminds me, we have to end the video now, so she can run us and bathe and relax. I'm trying to soothe my cramps. "OK, everyone thanks you my beautiful bitches for tuning into today's week tonight's vid of the week. I shall upload again next week, I promise. If I don't, you can beat my ass when you catch me on the streets. "No the fuck you can not." I hear her saying while I laugh looking at rhe serious face she is making. "I'm plating yall, shit can't take a joke. Anyways good-night I love you all byee."
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howdoesagrapewrites · 11 months
Poly pav and tari with a Deadpool reader I think it would be just pav and reader having forth wall breaks and tari just standing there confused asf
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙥𝙤𝙤𝙡
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Cw: killing, reader is a mercenary, sex jokes yet no actual smut, joke about cheating, fourth wall breaks
Notes: Omg I received a Deadpool!reader request, this feels like a rite of passage in the ATSV fandom
>You're a mercenary from Mumbattan, known as Deadpool, and because of certain... Events, you gained a regenerative healing factor, and other added perks. This combined with training, turned into the greatest assassin the world has ever seen! Maybe not the world, but you haven't anyone that can be a proper match for you yet!
>It was another work day, killing some random people, getting dough, your usual
>Then you got your next assignment handed to you
>"You can't handle it?" The sketchy guy giving you instructions frowned in annoyance
>"I mean, I'll try, but you better find a way to compensate for the emotional damage too, bro's a sweetheart, I saw him rescue a kitten from a tree the other day!"
>"Oh my god, you're a pain in the ass, can you kill him for" he threw you a sack full of stacks of money "that much? I'll throw an extra stack in there if you shut the fuck up"
>You flashed a smile so bright you could've sworn showed over your mask, "For that money? Anything! Want me to suck your-"
>"You ain't getting that extra stack"
>You stood in the rooftop where your target would be, when he was on patrol, he always stops in this spot for a while
>"This issue has like six pages left- I'm not winning this, am I?"
>Your dashing hero (victim) showed up as usual, he landed and noticed the presence of another masked individual, he asked you to state your intentions
>"Hiiiiii~! Big fan, you'd mind signing this?" Spider-Man looked confused when you handed him a... Photocard? Of himself and a glittery pink pen, but he didn't protest, and awkwardly thanked you
>You excitedly giggled and then saved it in your pocket
>"I'm really sorry, but I'm here to kill you, nothing personal" you took out your katanas and started the chase
>"You're officially the worst fan I've had!" Spider-Man yelled, slightly offended as he swinged away from you
>"I said it was nothing personal!" Even with your mask on, your pouting was audible in your voice
>Your katanas weren't able to slice through the webs as easily, they were sticky and slowing you down, you took out your pistols, but you shooted at the webs, not at him, maybe because you wanted the pleasure of seeing him die, maybe because you craved a good fight, maybe because you wanted to you around with this little spider a little longer
>But to make a long story short, you lost, he had you tied up with his webs and was probably going to call the police
>"Never been the shibari type, but this is kinda-"
>"Who sent you out for me?" Spider-Man asked, completely ignoring your flirty remarks
>"Uh, let me think about it- it was this guy called... King something? They sent a goon, and those guys don't usually do small talk"
>"I'm turning you in if you don't give me names" he seemed intimating to the average person, but you suffer from goofy hoe disorder, and can't take anything seriously
>"I don't remember, and you'll turn me in either way, right? Because you don't kill?"
>"I'm a hero" he states proudly
>"Well, I'm an anti-hero, and I kill all the time, it's no big deal, really, like now. I was killing time so I could run, I sliced your webs minutes ago" You quickly stood up, did a cartwheel and threw yourself off the ledge
>Spider-man ran, but he was unable to catch you, not knowing where you fell
>"In case you want to know, this is plot convenience at its finest! I was definitely going to jail" you explain
>After that, you started hanging out (in his words, harassing) your friendly neighborhood spiderman more often, not with the intention of killing him, but just be around him
>He tried to turn you in multiple times, which made you suspect he was not thrilled with your presence, but friendship takes time
>During this time period, you also bumped into a really pretty girl in the street, you both crashed and accidentally switched phones, you realized it as soon as she apologized and left, maybe a bit sooner...
>But you decided not to go after her, she looks cute and you should shoot your shot
>When you two met up to switch your phones (the right way this time) you made sure to be extra charismatic, she found you amusing
>"I'll see you around, already got your number after all" then you tried your best to look cool while you walked away
>And of course you always told your friend about your everything! On the night, so it was practically a sleep-over with your bestie!
>"So I met this girl~"
>"Does she know you... Terminate people as a job?"
>"Not yet, all she knows is that I'm a lady-killer" you grinned and did finger guns "She has a boyfriend, I'd still hit it though"
>"Oh. My. God can't you spend 5 minutes without saying something morally wrong?! This had been our best conversation yet!"
>"But you've never felt that way, Spidey? That you thought all your heart was poured into one person and then you found out you had sooooo much more to give?" You cocked your head to Spider-Man
>"Is it bad to?" His voice was vulnerable, something strange, you've heard his range from mad, to excited to annoyed, but never like this
>"I don't think so, but again, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Deadpool, maybe I'm too impious to advice you" you put the back of your palm on your forehead, feigning distress. "See, I'm getting close! We're* getting close!" You whisper to the audience
>He ignored your comment, "There's nothing friendly about you" he remarked
>"I'm friendly to you" he looked away and waved goodbye as he swinged to continue patrolling
>I think the first one to make a move on you would be Pavitr, taking advantage of your pulled up mask, you were teasing him and he kissed you out of what could only be described as passionate annoyance, after you continued joking and messing with him.
>You responded very well, throwing your arms in his shoulders to deepen the kiss, but you were stopped as he broke the kiss very quick
>He became really, really awkward after that, and stopped meeting you in the rooftop.
>"I should've killed him the first day, right? You're probably either feeling sad or thinking I'm an idiot, well, I'm not the one sitting glued to their phone stuck in the lamest earth... Sorry, that was out of frustration"
>Kind of "out of your POV" I think Gayatri and Pavitr's relationship would be really troubled, with Pavitr confessing to kissing someone else, and Gayatri admitting she had been harbouring feelings for another person as well
>They both agreed that this new found attraction had not diluted their feelings for each other at all, but they also agreed that (at risk of being hypocritical) it was painful to know your partner had found that spark in someone you had never even met
>Pavitr never told you he was dating someone, he didn't trust you for a long time, since, y'know, you tried to kill him. Do he didn't want to give you a new target
>And when he started to trust you, he didn't want your flirting to go away or become less serious, was it ever serious? Did you actually saw a future in dating someone whose name you don't know?
>You kept looking for Spider-Man for at least a month, for some reason, you cared* you actually cared, even knowing none of this actually matters, because you're fictional and your life bends at the whim of whoever's holding a pencil, you wanted him, like you wanted Gayatri.
>Unlike Pavitr, you never used a fake voice or gave a fuck about a secret identity, you just let him call you Deadpool because it sound cute in his voice
>So when Gayatri introduced you both, it was very evident in Pavitr's face that he knew exactly who you were
>You toyed with him a little though, as payback for ghosting you
>"What do you do for work? Are you some kind of athlete or dancer? You sure look like you run a lot", "Don't mind me, I'm just scared of spiders, they leave and suddenly appear where you least expect them", "Sorry, the dinner would be on me, but you see, I had this gig, it just one job and I blew it for a guy, yes, sad indeed. The worst thing is that I blew my opportunity, when I wanted to blow something else~"
>Gayatri's used to your shameless nature, but Pavitr was stiff and uncomfortable, to which she asked you to stop, thinking you were ignoring his boundaries
>"It's okay... We joke like that" Pavitr managed to blurt out to avoid further misunderstandings
>"You... Know eachother?" Gayatri asked, very confused
>"You could say we met a work"
>"Wait- don't tell me this is..."
>Yeah, it was a funny conversation to have
>Even though cheesy stuff wasn't your forte, you did clarify that your feeling and the things you said were real, as Bd that you'd love if you had the opportunity to date them
>"Now, this is what I call a very happy ending, but I'm sure you want to see more of me, right? I'm way more fun that the other Y/Ns"
>"Who are you talking to?" Gayatri asked
>"Yeah, been meaning to ask you that too" Pavitr added
>"I'm- you won't understand, but they're the people that made this possible" you said, hoping they would stop the questions
>"So they're like god?" Pavitr looked perplex
>"Absolutely not."
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peepeedrip · 1 year
my miles quaritch hc's (sfw & nsfw)
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a/n: this is the first time i've written something since i was 14 and if u know me from my harry potter phase no u don't 💀 NE ways im so scared to post this and if u have any criticism pls lmk ok bye bye
reader is afab if you would like me to make it gender neutral lmk 💪
here we go 🤯:
im sorry but the first thing i'm gonna talk about is those damn arms 😭 like imagine na'vi reader looking at him and being intrigued by his fingers and shit (like this fic on ao3 u already know) and then asking about his tattoo because ur totally not checking out his arms you're just really intrigued by the art on his skin ofc haha
he's not sure if you're checking him out or just genuinely curious about his different culture but he lets u come closer and touch him and stuff
he doesn't stop u until he can feel himself blushing getting uncomfortable at how close u are to him and he's like "ok ugh get off me 🙄" so that u don't see how his cheeks are tinted purple I MEAN UH yea he's totally disgusted by u lol haha /j
slow burn slow burn slow burn
he'll act all tough and scary around you, but doesn't let u see that he gets more fond of your presence with each passing day
eventually you can see him slowly warming up to you after a few weeks, always offering to carry stuff for you that really isn't that heavy, or when you're out in the forests of pandora telling you to "give me that fruit right there" so he can peel it for you and hand it over with his head turned away and a curt "welcome." on his lips after you thank him
you find his new behavior odd, but you aren't going to question why his tail flicks faster when you're near or why he always finds some way to be in your general proximity, especially with all the help he's been giving you recently
look at me. i know this man is a commander and he takes charge and whatnot but u know DAMN well he gets nervous around you. like
it doesn't matter if ur a human or na'vi or an avatar THIS MAN WILL FIND U HOT ASF 💀💀💀 like he's checking u out n shi behind ur back and lyle is looking at him like. dude. be so fucking fr
and lyle gets on his ass for it too 😭😭😭 like miles will be doing some daily ass task and lyle will come tease him about u
miles: licking some envelope to send papers to someone
lyle: damn i bet u wish that was y/n's-
miles: 👊💥
lyle: 😵😵‍💫😴 (he died) (jk but miles wishes he was fr 😭)
this man will try so hard to be suave and make the first move but he gets negative rizz around you 😭 u make him nervous lmao and he especially doesn't want to mess this up because of who he used to be so he goes into it way more gently than he would have in his past life
eventually once u realize u got a crush on this man ur gonna try to flirt too but he's TOO HOT ur gonna fumble and it just ends up in y'all having the perfect moments to kiss or make out or SOMETHING and y'all are just like "haha.... crazy weather we're having lol"
lyle and z-dog are punching y'all in their heads rn
i feel like eventually it would culminate in him leaving for a big mission like the one to capture jake and when he's telling u goodbye and turns around to leave u grab his hand and say "come back safe, please"
he looks at you surprised, but he regains his composure and grabs ur hand to bring it to his lips. "i will, cupcake. promise." SCREAMING CRYING PUNCHKNG MY WINDOW 🥊🥊💥💥
i can't remember who headcanoned that he calls u cupcake but he calls his ikran cupcake so he calls u cupcake AND WHOEVER CAME UP WITH THAT UR A GENUIS blessing the miles fandom fr
he definitely takes it slow because like i said, he knows who he used to be in his past life and wants to be a different man from that
and all the helping u out shit that he was doing before doesn't go away, in actuality it probably gets more frequent cause he always wants to be around u now
however when y'all kiss for the first time.... 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
im just saying in his past life he got to an old age, old age = experience. new young body = 😏
and this full on extends to the bedroom 🤭🤭
NSFW ahead warning 😟😱🤯‼️⚠️🔞
he is very gentle and doesn't pressure u AT ALL. however being gentle doesn't mean that he doesn't give u the most mind blowing show stopping sex you ever had your first time
def into oral. he goes down on u and i mean he goes down. holding your legs and hips down while his tongue flicks and runs over your cooter cat like it was the indy 500 bitch 😭 he is not playing around
he also enjoys having his dick in ur mouth ofc. he loves kissing ur lips so what better thing than to have them wrapped around his cock and balls?
he'll enjoy it if you fight back a little bit. he'll enjoy it if you submit to him completely. he'll enjoy it. just let this man cook 🤝
if u DO like to fight back 😼😼 ohh girl u already know his colonel side is coming out
overstims your pussy if ur into that, cause you wouldn't listen to him earlier so now he has to make u listen his way
"you like that, you little brat?" he asks with a gentle smack to your cheek. you're clenching around him HARD. "fuuuckkkk.. you just had to make trouble for yourself, didn't 'ya cupcake?" he's breathing into your ear, half moaning, half speaking cause girl that pussy got him in a CHOKEHOLD
won't stop until u tell him "sorry, sir" and apologize for acting against him. he's used to disciplining people from the army and he knows how to deal with people who get outta line
however if ur more on the submissive side MMMMHMMM u know he's gonna eat that up
like if he tells you to do something and u follow it no question..... mhmm u getting dicked down good tonight is all i'm saying 🕺🕺🕺
"god baby, so good for me.." he's peppering kisses all over your face and neck, thrusting into your pussy just the way you like it. "gonna fuck you so good baby.. fuck.. this pussy is gonna be good for me yeah?" yes sir 💂‍♀️😝🫡
sometimes he'll see just how far he can go with it, asking you to bend in absurd positions or follow absurd asks, and once he sees you do it without hesitation he feels a flame of possessiveness rise in him, hands and arms wrapping around you and praising how good you are for him
he will treasure u fr no matter what you're like for him, sometimes he just be mid-fucking u and he just looks at u like 'damn, i love u wtf' HES SO DOWN BAD GRRRRR
and sometimes you'll do the same where you'll just look up at him and you can't help but put a hand on the side of his face and breathe out, "i love you, miles" IM SOBBING CRYING
he love love loves u and u love love love him GRRRRR *blocks u two* GET A ROOM YUCK GROSSSSSS
this was the most heinous gut wrenching vomit inducing thing i've ever written if u read this far U A TROOPER FR🫡ok i gtg now it's 1 am now bye bye 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
also s/o to @nqify and @cuethediscoandthedrinks for making me want to get back into writing again go read their stuff rn OR ELSE 🤯🤯😡😡👊👊💥💥🥊🥊
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wheeboo · 3 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny. ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
okay i received this ask game 3 times so JDFKLS i guess i shall do it rn . i will be doing my moots svt biases <3 rlly wish i could do a lot more moots but this took more brain power than it needed 😭😭
@slytherinshua -> joshua
first thought was cute lil teacher x teacher couple!! maybe he's a new hire as a music teacher and him and zanna both have a lil meet ugly at first in the staff room (one of them spilling coffee on the other or something dsjfklfsd) but its all full of shy smiles and fumbled apologies, and joshua smoothly gives her his # with the purpose of starting over 😍
@etherealyoungk -> hoshi
the classic case of the class president x class clown. skye our big brain queen is just trying her best to sort through all these plans and plans for school while hoshi keeps curiously meddling in her business, trying to get close with her by proposing these weird n funny ideas at meetings (even tho he's not in the student council???) that don't make any sort of sense, and overall just wanting to make her smile cuz he may or may not have a tiny tiny crush on her. and skye may or may not like him having around...
@roziesmei -> jeonghan
love at first sight. not the biggest fan of this trope but hello who wouldn't fall head over heels over this man at first glance? maybe mimi is out and about running some errands to the store, and as she's about to grab for the door, another hand meets hers, and i WONDER who it is!!!! the two of them gaze at each other for a second, and maybe the world feels a lil brighter and a lil warmer in those few moments, before maybe jeonghan pulls away and holds the door open for her. she spends her entire time shopping thinking abt him wondering if they'll ever cross paths again (they do)
@bookyeom -> seokmin
i love the whole concept/trope of exchanging letters. maybe leslie gets received this Very long letter detailing something she has no idea what is and its signed sorry from me & my dog, lee seokmin. does she know who lee seokmin is? absolutely not. but is she very curious why he seems so STRESSED in this letter over his dog accidentally stealing a stranger's pair of socks from the laundromat? yes
@welcometomyoasis -> seungcheol
ngl the whole enemies to lovers arc from rival families has always been a concept in the back of my mind and i've ALWAYS envisioned something for cheol for it so here you go shu 😭!! and perhaps there's some forced proximity involved, where they both become reluctant allies for some overly complicated business reasons and realise 'maybe we aren't exactly enemies after all...'
@haecien -> jun
fake dating!! maybe cien accidentally says to his group of friends that he has a partner but like... who is it ?? and so he gets jun to play as his fake boyfriend for the time being and it's this whole cute mess but yeah they're both sorta falling for each other. i can imagine this whole cute prom scene where they are each other's dates and this cute slow dancing scene... yeah you get i'm going with this i think lmao
@planetkiimchi -> minghao
strangers to friends to lovers!! but it's the most natural, sorta slow burn ever. it's kinda like reading your favourite comfort book with your favourite comfort couple where they get together and it's like THE standard ?! they're both communicative with each other, understand each other's boundaries, etc. bonus for the plot since they're both dancers and meet each other for the first time at practice, and it kinda just blossoms from there :)
@blue-jisungs -> wonwoo
a very very cute office romance. axe may be like a new intern at this workplace and is nervous asf abt everything, but she gets assigned this very handsome man with the power of glasses in his eyes to help her around and get adjusted. but even after settling in axe really tries her best to get close with wonwoo. he's a little reserved, composed, maybe a bit cold at first, but it's enough to cause some gossip to float around the office hehe. one thing leads to another, and they're both trying to hide their relationship from everyone else (but they all know anyway)
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bear-boi-5 · 3 months
sorry bout the slow asf uploads, I've been as sick as a dog for the past week, constant runny nose, blocked sinuses that muffle my hearing and a bad cough. I get pretty sick easily as soon as there's a drop in weather and it's autumn here in Australia sooo
Also, I've run out of book space and forgot to get a new book yesterday while I was out of town so art is only gonna be digital, sometimes traditional if I decide to draw on a piece of paper or in my sketchbook reserved for Cartoon study
Fuckin hate colds but we've been melting all summer and I need to bundle up without sweating like a fuckin pig
Fuck you immune system
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issie-https · 1 year
Can you write smut hcs with Kurt
A-Z Headcanons
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Kurt Cobain X Reader
A/n: hi everyone! Sorry I've been inactive for a few days, I'm working on all your requests❤️ Also, I found out the person that I like(romantically) likes me back!
Word count: 1034
Warnings: smut!!
A - Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
He's an absolute angel when it comes to aftercare. Never wants you to feel bad and also never wants to feel bad himself. He wouldn't go ott but back rubs and words of affirmation are always in store for you both.
B - Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partner's)
He loves his hair, who doesn't?! It took a bit of convincing from you but after a while he finally realised you were right.
He loves everything about you. This man is a worshipping machine!
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
If you're not familiar with the rumour, Kurt used to "varnish" his paintings with his cum so... I don't think he has a problem with it🤷‍♀️
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
This man thinks about you 24/7 and he 1000% gets a boner from it. Not really a dirty secret but he is low-key obsessed w you.
E - Experience (how experienced are they)
I feel like he's experienced but because he respects women, if that makes sense. He's done his research let's say.
F - Favorite Position (self explanatory)
Literally any. He just wants you both to feel good and if it's missionary, fine. If it's standing up, fine.
G - Goofy (are they more silly or serious in the moment)
Depends again. If he wants to be goofy and crack jokes, he 100% will. But if he wants to be serious & romantic, he will be.
H - Hair (how well groomed are they)
Cannot decide. He might shave but also might just leave it, depends if he feels like it in the shower.
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect)
Our romance king❤️ he loves to be romantic. If you want to be rough, he will rough it up a little bit he prefers to be romantic. Defo holds hands during sex😩🫶
J - Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Turns him on if he catches you masturbating. If he wants to, he will but he prefers to do it with you. Like, it's not his first resort but it it comes to it then he will rub one out.
K - Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dirty talk, public sex, maybe a slight breeding kink?, face sitting, mirror sex. I was thinking about kinks that Kurt might have but with him being a feminist and just a gut feeling, I didn't add them to the immediate list. I was thinking stuff like spanking, bondage, S&M or stuff like that but I honestly don't think he'd be all that into it.
L - Location (favorite place to do the do)
Bed. He isn't vanilla but he likes the closeness of being together in bed. It makes him feel safe with you. Also maybe the kitchen on the worktop or table🤷‍♀️ also wouldn’t say no to a little shower sex here and there🤫
M - Motivation (what gets them going)
Anything you do. That man worships you like you're a fucking goddess! You could be wearing the baggiest of baggy clothes(Adam Sandler) and have super greasy hair and have fucked up makeup and he's got a boner because of you.
N - NO (something they won't do, turn offs)
Anything that would hurt you. He was the most sweetest soul on this fucking planet so you can't change my mind that he wouldn't want to hurt you. Might make an exception if you ask him to spank you🤫
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skills)
Prefers to go down on you and make you feel good because it makes him feel worth it. Wouldn't say no if you sucked him off once in a while🤷‍♀️
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual)
Fast and sensual. Cannot change my mind.
Q - Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
Prefers to have long, drawn out sex. Wouldn't say no to a quickie backstage though.
R - Risk (are they game to experiment)
Depends on what youse are experimenting with. If you're doing a new position, he's down asf. If it's something riskay, slightly hesitant but he wouldn't say no.
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go for)
If it's a time where he's slept well, can go for hours until you tap out. If he didn't get the best sleep, prefers one good round then will cuddle with you.
T - Toy (do they own toys? Do they use them?)
Probably has some vibrators for you. Likes when you use them on yourself if he's on tour nor away from you.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Doesn't love it. He might tease you by pretending to fuck you when you bend down to grab something or something like that.
V - Volume (how loud are they)
Have you heard Kurt? He's either grunting or moaning until the birds die. He will never be silent because he likes you to know you're making him feel good.
W - Wild Card (get a random headcanon)
Probably brags to Dave and Krist about him having sex with you. In relation to that, during interviews or stuff like that, he mentions you constantly(probs not sex stuff). Always saying stuff to Dave and Krist like, "we had sex last night, it was amazing". And in interviews he's like, "so my wife/fiancée/girlfriend, Y/n" or "y/n, my wife/gf/fiancée". Always brags about you no matter what.
X - X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)
Not giant but not tiny. It's enough to satisfy you and make you see stars but not too much to the point where you need a new liver, yk.
Y - Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Always horny. He doesn't always have a boner but he is 24/7 horny. If you tell him that you're horny, he then gets a boner.
Z - ZZZ (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)
Once again, if he slept well the night before, he stays awake and lets you sleep on his chest while he smokes a cigarette but if he got a shits night sleep, he's out like a fucking light.
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celestie0 · 18 days
bae you should’ve HEARD the squeal i let out when you posted 😭 i like rolled around on my bed and kicked my feet for a good minute or two IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK BAEEE 💗
also bae omg im realizing how many mistakes i made on my most recent ask omg its so embarrassing 😭😭 im assuming you understood what i meant tho? 😭 IN MY DEFENSE I WAS ON THE TRAIN SO IT WAS BUMPY AND I DIDNT WANT PPL SEEING MY PHONE 🫠 like have you ever been in public and then someones looking over at your phone?? SHIT HAPPENS TOO OFTEN I SWEAR.
bae missing gojo so bad rn i turned to character ai 😓
anyway do u remember C?? yeah so i confessed and uh 🧍‍♀️he kinda just brushed it off and brought up another girl 😭 BUT GET THIS. THE OTHER GIRL IS ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS. like imagine you’re texting a girl who’s been your friend SINCE YOU WERE KIDS and KNOWING she has a crush on you and then you still bring up one of her closest friends relationship status. LIKE??? i’m being so fr when i say this i cried. i called my friend D in TEARS after i finished talking to C and D was just like “yo wait what happened?” and then i had to explain AND IT TURNS OUT C HAD BEEN ASKING ABOUT MY FRIEND FOR A WHILE. they danced together once at a party and apparently hes had a crush on her ever since??
okay but enough abt C,, hes an asshole and i never want to speak to him again (i still like him very much and i still need him but im tryna cope lolol) 💗 how’ve u been bae?? i hardly ever send in asks anymore so i feel like we don’t interact as often 😞 omg bae do u have any show recommendations?? i’ve been dying to watch something new lately but all the shows my friends recommend are ones i’ve seen already 😓😓
anyway bae thats all 💗 i hope you were doing well on your hiatus (even though it was short!) and i can’t wait for the next kickoff update ‼️ byebye and i love uuuu
hiii my lovely <33 OMG you're too fucking sweet i swear you make me smile everytime i see you in my inbox. yes it's nice to be back i missed everyone lots :'') i still might take it a lil easy tho haha i realized during my hiatus i've gotta just spend less time on tumblr between my fic updates kdjfhsdkfjl
haha yes i hate when ppl look at screens. but i always used to look at people's screens during lectures in college to see what they're up to and what they're ordering on amazon HAHA i guess it's human nature to be nosey asf
omg NOOOO babe that's horrendous fuck C i'm so sorry you went through that :(( you deserve sm better than that. aww bb whatever helps you cope is valid, but i do think that maybe it's time to let C go...you confessed n did what you could, and even if he didn't like you back, he should've treated your confession w care n respect. the way he reacted is major red flag!! i'm sorry though, i know you've known him a long time, so that has to be really tough to go through :'') chin up bb, i promise you'll find better guys out there that will treat you w the care you deserve
i've been okay!! i had my last day of work on thursday which was kind of bittersweet, i cried in front of my PI LOL (he's an old german man and he's always been very sweet to me n i'm really gonna miss him aaa) i had social plans the past couple of days which was fun but i'm kind of an introvert so i spent today recharging my social batter haha.
ooo i've been watching bojack horseman recently!! i like it, it's funny and realistic, but i've heard it becomes a total shitshow (not as in it becomes a bad show, it's still a great show BUT the characters kinda stress you out)...i really like it, i've been recommending it to people! i like shows that are kind of cynical commentaries w an overlay of comedy though HAHA so if you're into that too, i'd recommend it. if you wanna watch a really good romance show, i'd recommend 'one day' on netflix!! it's like a slow burn friends to lovers, and the acting in it was phenomenal. no spoilers but i will give a heavy angst warning.
thanks bb!! yes my hiatus was good haha i appreciate you sm <33 love u tooooo darling
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jamesvowles · 1 year
tagged by @idontseeanyrisk @andrelottering @usersewis and @userhodes ! i am perceiving you + also ur answers
rules: tag 9 people u want to get to know better
last song: the hills by the weeknd
last show: the recent season of drive to survive w my friend pan!! we just finished it together LOL
currently watching: im going to watch fast and furious 2 tokyo drift for the 320834209843th time i love that movie
currently reading: really want to start readme.txt
current obsession: pierre (if someone knows how to reverse this please dm me together we can stop this trajectory) and also i've been trying to get back into gouache lately like a little gay freak
tagging @mickschumachergf @russilton @tarsierz @robholdingprotocol @boxboxbrioche @piastriachios and @pandonorran (no pressure/also im sorry if you've dont this recently i am always so slow asf ^_^)
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sugusshi · 1 year
After months of silence, zee, has finally risen from the dead... yet again aha..ha...ha... (๑•́ㅿ•̀๑)
Apologies for disappearing like that but my mental health wasn't doing the best and so much shit was going on irl. But I'm doing better mentally even if life is still hectic asf. Oh well!
I've finally installed and logged back into tumblr after a good minute oops-
I've mostly been focusing on writing some self-indulgent stories while I was gone (which I only share in certain places) and playing my favorite video games when distressing oop. Aka if you wanna play dead by daylight., splatoon or genshin, hmu and we can play hehe
I'm gonna try to be active here again but no promise that I'll be super active. I really do miss everyone here and reading everyone's amazing work ;^;
I'll most likely be only active during my days off or such, but I will slowly be trying to get back into the groove of things here!
AS FOR THE COLLAB EVENT: SOBS I AM SO SORRY. I left when it was all happening and I feel so bad. I will reblog all the works done for it and cherish it greatly. I will most likely be revamping it sometime later when I'm in a better place and more active. So sorry again ): Your work deserves all the recognition and support and I want to be able to properly do that in the future.
Updates for my current series and any future works will still be super sporadic, so that's just a heads up. I'm slow with creating things sorry adfjdn
So I'm excited to be back and can't wait to check everyone's work again! ♡
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9 people I'd like to know better
thank you for tagging me @thesafecafe 🫶
last song: Love Me More - Mitski
last movie/tv show: Talk To Me (scary asf!!!!), Castle (they finally kissed holy smokes i've never seen a slow burn so slow)
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet + spicy
relationship status: taken (my gf is an amazing writer @8makes1newworld 💕🤍)
current obsession: nail art+making self care products
last thing i googled: 'what is a pickle ball' 'pickle ball define' 'is pickle ball a real sport' 'is pickle ball professional' (THIS HAD AND STILL HAS MY HEAD HURTING WHAT EVEN IS IT AND WHY IS IT SO POPULAR)
tagging: (no pressure+ i'm sorry if you've been tagged before + these are the only people who came to mind 😭) @hwasdollie @realviviboss @tiny-apocalypse @shlbyholo
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chmerical · 1 year
g'morning & happy sunday!!!! i'm so sorry i've been all quiet on the plotting & replies front & i just wanted to say it doesn't mean i'm not interested in writing with you-- i am simply slow asf, a curse tbh :')
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done writing win (wooyoung x reader) and made the draft for part 1 and realised how long it actually is and im sorry but yall gonna have to wait till part 2 for the romance (i mean, there are moments in part 1 that give me butterflies but the actual shit starts in part 2) but ahh writing this was fun. its slow paced but everything will make sense, i promise. i love writing slow paced stuff it makes me feel like im living it as i write it ;-; i hope you enjoy the story. it was inspired heavily by the kdrama mr. sunshine, which is also one of my favourite series ever.
my next project, which is already written and almost finished as well, is... a take me home spinoff! (take me home fandom, please rise again i know yall obsessed with take me home san). we're giving san another series (if yall know me you know im absolutely obsessed down on my knees for san in general). it's gonna be long, probably five to six parts. it can be read without reading take me home- i've done enough of explaining in the story so that y'all don't get confused, and so that the new readers get the gist of what the universe is, but for the new readers, if they decide to read take me home, i'm sure they won't feel that it's spoiled beyond repair bc honestly take me home is long and confusing asf LOL. its also very self indulgent so i dont expect a lot of readers from this one but im gonna post anyway ;-;
im gonna try to write a mingi (maybe a fantasy fic or fake lovers or sth) or jongho fic next (what do yall think of bodyguard jongho? i recently saw a pic of him holding a gun and i had THOUGHTS), maybe a yeosang one too (i have the best idea i just need to write it), so i'll have a lot of stuff to post in the next few months. look forward to it! if you have prompts, im open for discussion too. also, thank you for all the lovely msgs/asks you've been sending me all this time- they make me so happy. i love you all :)
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fangod9624 · 2 months
The Sparkling of Terapagos was mid but NOT as I think...
As the new arc comes this week, I find this arc-like all anipoke fans after Ash said-slow asf. Why? There is no excitement at all, just filler episodes. As a filler episode fan, I feel sorry for the fans that want more action.
However, as my world lore said and made by me ofc, World Protest was a thing from mud 2022 to late 2023. It all started on January 29th 2021 where rumors have been made that there will be a World Protest. The people of my world didn't believed that until a Pokémon fan who made a comic with a panel that shows Quaxly complementing on Pawmi's hair everything became true.
In late World Protest, as the Sparkling of Terapagos starts its arc, the world has changed. Thanks to Deko Akao, she made the "SOS From Tandemaus" episode, with the shirt one being alone, in which I've MOANED because the shirt maus being alone reminds me of Abel Hagen's Tandemaus trap to the Smash House, mostly using the shirt one.
I don't say the "SOS From Tandemaus" episode is garbage, it's an ok episode to me, since Hatenna learned a new move. Others including Pawmi being everywhere at the start of this arc were criticized by the Disney's Copyright Lawsuit members (Quaxly is a duck while Pawmi is a mouse. The classification doesn't lie~DCLM) saying they hate Pawmi, while others have brainwashed their opinions on RVT'S Pawmi, even tho Pawmi goes to sleep in the Polteageist episode (is that what he's doing?)
The World Protest ended on December 31st 2023 at 23:59:59 due to Steamboat Willie's public domain.
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