#sorry this is hella long
wikitpowers · 1 month
kitty and merthur parallels bc i'm sad pt.1 (beware of spoilers!)
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faragonart · 2 months
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@1driedpersimmon I just thought it'd be neet if they meet hee hee~
with @pali-himbo 's Vatii Kiri~
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wolvesandshine · 2 months
When they first heard “we’ve taken what you’ll sorely miss” Sirius had joked that it would be his broom and that was that. They all had a laugh over it and James didn’t really give it much thought.
When Regulus didn’t show up the morning before - he assumed that Reg got caught up in a book. When Regulus wasn’t at his usual place in the stands - he felt a sense of wrong wrong wrong. When Dumbledore confirmed that they’d taken someone they’d sorely miss - that was when James saw red.
He didn’t sign up for this. The agreement was to put himself at risk - not someone he fucking loved.
James wanted to hex Dumbledore. Hell, a good old punch would even work.
They don’t get to fucking hurt his boyfriend.
He saves the anger for later - now he had to focus on the second task - he had to get Reg out in less than an hour.
Then he could fucking destroy Dumbledore and everyone else who put Regulus in danger.
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rotisseries · 10 months
AKAJDFJSKFKS OK THIS IS MY FAVORITE SPOTIFY FEATURE YAY!! relying on people to have uploaded things as a podcast sucks so bad because they get taken down a lot and also it breaks up the vibe because the title and artist are always something random and the little picture is just a sunset or whatever idk IT BREAKS UP THE VIBE
so you can do this from any device, (i prefer to do it from my computer though for reasons that'll be explained later) and if you have spotify premium you'll also be able to listen to it on all devices, but first thing you're going to do is go into your account settings and turn on the local files option
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once you do that, it'll access any downloaded audio files you have, and you can listen to them on that device. they'll be stored in a spotify playlist named local files, similar to the liked songs one. (i would also recommend making a separate folder for the songs you want downloaded on spotify, at least on the computer, i know you can change which folder it takes from there. otherwise you might end up with random audio you downloaded for something specific in your spotify library.)
if you have premium, you can also turn on spotify on other devices, and add the song you downloaded to an actual playlist
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and it'll sync up on all your devices and you can download the playlist on every device. if you don't have premium though you'll either have to download it on every device or you can only listen to it on the first one you downloaded it on.
now for actually getting the song. this is really simple I tend to go straight to youtube and it's usually pretty easy to find the song I want, and then I just put the link into a youtube to mp3 converter (dodging the hot moms in my area. maybe next time ladies) and then I download it. make sure it's in the right folder and boom! I now have mitski's cover of let's get married to cry to on demand! soundcloud also works though obviously because any audio file will do, and a lot of unreleased songs get uploaded to soundcloud, and there’s a handy little download button right there and you don't need an account! great if you run into a song that isn't on youtube. totally unrelated but I have phoebe bridger's cover of iris downloaded
now. reasons I tend to do it from my computer specifically.
1. most shady websites are just easier to navigate lol. it's twice as hard to deal with pop ups when things are also rotating your phone screen around. so yeah i'd prefer to hit up the mp3 converter from my laptop
2. if you have any songs where the only video for it has an annoying intro or outro, it can be easier to edit it out. like lil nas x's cover of jolene was from the youtube channel for some fucking radio station or whatever so I had to edit that out. and my laptop's native audio file player has a trimming option, so I didn't have to download extra software like I would on my phone
3. and most importantly to me, you can make it aesthetically pleasing. when you just download the audio file it won't have an album picture and it won't have an artist name it'll only have whatever the file name is as a title, which you can change obviously but it doesn't fix the rest of it. on the computer it is so easy to download a metadata editor, and you can edit the file's metadata however you want and it'll have the little artist line and the album if you want and you can put whatever picture goes with the song but this is of course not required it just matters a lot to me personally
anyway have fun!
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mysticsormr · 10 months
It seems that people seem to keep characterizing Aziraphale’s choice at the end to accept Metatron's proposal as him believing that Heaven is good or that he is supportive of Heaven’s plans, that he likes and wants to be a part of Heaven. But I feel, personally, that this is not entirely true. 
Aziraphale has been shown, both in Season 1 but ESPECIALLY in Season 2, to disapprove of what heaven believes is right/good. He, instead, actively chooses to divert heavens plans time and time again to do what he believes to be right and good.
And for most of this time, he and Crowley together work to not do what Heaven or Hell believe is correct but what THEY feel is correct. (Even if sometimes it takes a shift in POV, or potential damnation, for that event to occur.) 
So, when Metatron offers him a high position in Heaven, I do not believe he accepts it because he is supportive of the ways of Heaven necessarily but more-so that this might be an opportunity within to prevent or change the devastating actions Heaven takes (which he has witnessed first hand). 
The reason he wants for Crowley to join him in Heaven is because he wants Crowley by his side. Because that it what they have always done. For millenniums, Aziraphale and Crowley together have worked to deviate the plans of Heaven (and Hell), to do instead what is not good or right by the ideals of their respective head offices, but what the two of them believe is good or right for humanity.
He is not asking Crowley to join him in Heaven because he thinks there is something wrong with Crowley (as it seems a few people have suggested), he has always believed Crowley to be lovely and kind - both when he was an angel and a demon. He does not feel that Crowley is wrong or incomplete or anything of the sort. Aziraphale is asking Crowley to come with, he wants Crowley to help him. He sees this as a chance to do what they have always done, but perhaps with more power. Maybe this time they can prevent it. Maybe this time they can keep humanity safe. 
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It is also interesting to note that Aziraphale has, within the dreaded last 10 minutes (lol pain), multiple moments of hesitation. The first is right before Metatron and Aziraphale leave the bookshop. He begins to presumably say something along the lines of “I think I... [made a mistake],” but looks out the window to where Crowley must be and corrects himself in Metatron’s presence. I think this is probably the most we can see Aziraphale’s true personal desire which is to be with Crowley. To stay on Earth. To live a life that he loves with the person (entity??) he loves. But here, before he can say what he truly wants, he puts on a face and marches on. It felt here to me, that Aziraphale is doing what he feels is a duty. He is putting aside his desires to go to Heaven, in hopes of being able to help humanity (NOT help Heaven). 
Once outside, we are revealed a pretty vital piece of information. 
METATRON: I can’t think of a better angel, to wrap things up, and put into motion the next step in the great plan. 
AZIRAPHALE: Um, yes, you mentioned that. Can I know what it is?
OKAY SO FIRST. When Metatron proposed this to Aziraphale, he said that Aziraphale would be putting the next part of the great plan into motion. So I dunno about you guys but I absolutely think this was probably an alarm bell in Aziraphale’s head given what the previous step was (the Apocalypse). But understanding that this is what Metatron told Aziraphale that led to Aziraphale accepting to go with him, furthers the idea that Aziraphale is going to Heaven to try and prevent or deviate what is going to happen. He is not just going because Heaven has suddenly started talking to him again. This though, I feel, makes this all the more sad. Aziraphale is pushing down his personal desires for his notions of ‘the greater good’ aka protecting humanity as it seems.  
The second moment of hesitation comes just before Aziraphale steps into the elevator, just after he is told that what he is slated to help with in Heaven is The Second Coming. He looks towards Crowley and (understandably) hesitates - because in reality, this is NOT what he wants. Ideally, he doesn’t want to be involved with Heaven, especially not alone (finally and truly alone now too... He never has fit in with the other angels has he?). But, Metatron has just told him of the next great plan, The Second Coming, and he has the realization that - despite how much he may not actually want this, despite having to leave without the love of his life by his side - he NEEDS to go. He needs to try and stop it, he needs to try and divert Heaven’s plan. And though it may not be right, he feels he needs to divert it within Heaven. Maybe then he can prevent another atrocity, maybe then he can protect the lives on Earth that he loves. He feels as though that’s his duty. So, for the second time, he fakes a smile and follows Metatron into the elevator. 
Aziraphale believes (despite how much he may want to stay) that in order to try and stop disaster, in order to save lives, he has to go even if it pains him.
(Sorry if this was like super incoherent, this show melted my brain into Nickelodeon Gak.)
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
insomnia? do u mean my true crime podcast time
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batbabydamian · 6 months
question- do you mind doing fic recs? And if so, do you have any good fics centered around Dick and Damian's relationship? In particular anything that plays with their whole "I'm your brother but also your father/son but not but yes" thing they've got going on? If you see this thank you, you're doing the lord's work <3
anon if you’re still out there, thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy these! there’s MANY Dick&Damian fics i love so i tried to limit it to the “im your brother AND kinda your dad but not really” dynamic!!
3:16 by partingxshot
The knife pushes thin along Dick’s carotid artery, cupping the indent between neck and jawline—forcing him to angle his chin. The metal is warm, pulled with execution speed from under Damian’s pillow. “Okay,” Dick says quietly, tracking the intricacies of his own heartbeat—counting the space between breaths. “Guess I did need a shave.” (With faltering steps, Dick and Damian become Batman and Robin.)
i think every Dick & Damian enthusiast has read this lol it may be ongoing but its latest chapter is left on a very satisfying end for an arc!! 
an endless road to rediscover by littlearrows
In the months before Mar'i is born, Dick and Damian take a cross-country road trip together.
if you enjoyed the Dick and Damian tension from Nightwing (2016) #16-20 you might like this! :’) encouraging everyone to read those issues tbh
to be human by newsical
None of his Gotham acquaintances look upon his old life favorably — this, Damian knows. Was his life not noble before? Damian feels like a waterboarded gnat, swirling towards a drain. Gently, as though he has not ripped out Damian’s stomach with his teeth, Alfred says, “Attempting to take his father’s place won’t work, Master Richard…” Their voices peter out, and the last thing Damian can hear is Richard huff and say something that sounds like, “No shit,” and he is alone. Somewhere, a clock ticks. Damian pictures it melting. (Dick and Damian over the years.)
lovely dive into Damian’s personal growth and his relationship with Dick!! reading the poem that inspired the fic, especially again after finishing the fic is a nice touch!
Do You Feel the Way My Past Aches? by fishfingersandjellybabies
Bruce finds a wayward Damian asleep on his couch. Dick then find them both. An unexpected conversation ensues.
a tender Bruce perspective on the dynamic! “Bruce thought back to watching them work, Dick the master of the spotlight and Damian his perfect shadow.” THEM
When You're The One Who's Loved by fishfingersandjellybabies
Damian doesn’t understand why Dick is so upset. Tim does, though.
SO SOFTT ykw just go thru all of this writer's Dick & Damian fics they just exude love and warmth!!
Tea for Two by StormLeviosa
Their apartment is full of smiles now. It is because of Pennyworth, he is sure. Damian did not realise how much he'd missed Pennyworth until he came back. He slotted into their little family like the puzzle piece you do not know is missing. It was pleasant, having a grandfather he did not need to fear, and Pennyworth was all that and more.
part of a series, but easily read as a standalone. they’ve given up the vigilante life and DOMESTIC DICK & DAMIAN + ALFRED!! WHOLESOME!! i also enjoy the other Damian installments of the series, fun explorations of his interests/skills like violin!! and animals (going to vet school!!)
Pop-tarts and orange juice by Ididloveyou_once
‘Do you ever wish that Father had actually died?’ ‘Never.’ And despite the vehemence with which Richard says the word, Damian thinks that he might be lying. But only because he hates himself for the truth. Or: Bruce has been back from the dead for three months. Damian doesn’t know how to feel. He does know that he misses his da- Richard. They talk about it… Sort of.
"He wants to tell him that nothing compares to being Robin at his side. To being Damian at his side." WAILING
The Weight of Legacy by DawnsEternalLight
Damian didn’t think. He didn’t have to, protecting Richard was instinct by now. Darting forward right into the arc of Crane’s scythe as it aimed for his partner’s neck was as familiar to him as breathing, etched into his DNA. For if he lost Richard again, how could he continue to exist?  The man was not only his firmest tie to Batman’s mantle, now that Father was home and clashing with Damian, but at some point during their partnership he had inexorably woven himself into Damian’s very being. Through training, and lessons, and quiet nights filled with ice cream. Patience and love–a thing Damian had not hoped to find here when he’d first set foot on American soil.  To lose Richard would be akin to losing a limb. And so Damian acted as if that were true. He wove protection of his mentor, Batman, sibling, into every action he took and refused to accept failure as an option.
"We Both Know You're The Last of the Graysons" as a fic prompt is wild...that panel never fails to make me cry... also, another writer with an abundance of fantastic Dick & Damian fics!!
Emergency Contact by DawnsEternalLight
Damian: Apologies for the intrusion into your day, Richard. I need you to pick me up from the gallery trip early, it seems I have been stabbed. Dick blinked down at the message then read it again. And again. His brain not quite processing the words staring up at him, backlit by the phone.
this ventures bit more into parent Dick Grayson, as in Damian explicitly calling Dick his dad at the end but it's a fun fic!! that preview always cracks me up LOL
The Stowaway by LittleLadybugs
There's a cat in the penthouse. Fortunately, Alfred has yet to find out. Now to keep it that way. OR Dick tries his best to parent Damian. Damian tries his best, period. They’re both a bit clumsy, but they’ve got the spirit. There might be a cat Meow ᓚᘏᗢ 💙💚
smiling and laughing through this whole fic THEY ARE SO SILLY I LOVE THEM
as love carries its strength, but not its labels by AlterHarpia
Bruce is on a trip beyond Earth’s Solar System for longer than he intended, making Dick and Damian fall into an old pattern. “I'm not Batman.” A mere reminder, perhaps, but when said to Damian it always sounds like an apology.
basically them putting into words their own funky lil dynamic!!
Let The Right One In by whaleofatime
Hot on the trail of Deadshot threatening mayhem in Japan, Dick and Damian find themselves going undercover as a father-son duo on House Hunters International. Deadshot won't be the only source of chaos in Tokyo this summer, and Dick's only a little apologetic.
okok kinda cheating here since they’re just undercover as dad and son lol BUT it’s such a fun read of the duo on a Japan trip (mission)!
the primacy of personal conscience by birdsofthesoul
"WHAT MAKES IAGO EVIL? some people ask. I never ask." — Joan Didion, Play It as It Lays Or: Dick, his family, and the moral morass of a wishing well.
cheating again bc plot not focused on Dick and Damian’s relationship, but it’s there! really enjoyed the characterizations and dynamics here!!
soft clocks by dustorange
Side effects of being revived by Lex Luthor may include amnesia, going undercover into a high-level espionage agency, not recognizing your family, fighting your family, and dealing with the emotional weight and guilt associated with encountering said family. Ask your doctor if being revived by Lex Luthor is right for you. (a.k.a. Dick has amnesia during his time at Spyral. The family grapples with finding out he's alive. Dick grapples with finding out he has a family. Inspired by this post by bigskydreaming.)
lol sorry another not focused on their relationship but!! came and stayed for the plot, then the Dick & Damian moments KNOCKED ME OUTT!!
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employee052 · 3 months
A Date With Narry WINNERS
The "Date with Narry" event is now over!
Thank you so so so so much to everyone who participated! I didn't expect that there would be more than a handful of submissions, so seeing all of them as the event ends is amazing to me. I can't thank you all enough for participating if you did, whether by asks, or by liking the posts if they came across your dash.
And thank you to everyone new who found @mrthenarrator's blog thanks to this event!
breaking character as the mod of The Narrator's Blog for a bit: I'm so glad everyone was willing to interact with him as a character! I'm not an expert on RP, and this is the first-ever "event/competition" ive hosted, so this event taught me a lot both in hosting, as well as challenged me in terms of roleplay! Plus, thank you for letting me indulge my inner Narry by having him respond to your submissions. Getting to RP as him for the event was incredibly fun and rewarding, and seeing everyones submissions come in through the week was amazing and I loved getting to see all of them appear in the inbox (as well as seeing some of your reactions to his reactions! I do look thru the notes and rbs and i love seeing all your comments to narry's shenanigans) I hope that, even if you didn't win a drawing today, just know that all your submissions and contributions to the event hold a place in my heart, thank you all so so much for participating and I will be perpetually thanking you into the far future for letting me do a little silly event sdkjfgjhg. I hope I can set up more in the future, and hopefully, they won't be centred around getting narry a date /lh
These winners are in no particular order! And, because I am an indecisive little monster, I ended up with FOUR winners instead of Three.
(All of them were so hard to choose it's why this took so long 😭😭😭😭)
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@crowzzznest (and @superaurora16 too, since your submission was a joint effort/has both of your characters)
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For the winners, feel free to send me a DM on this blog of pictures/picrews/whatever you have on hand of your Characters/Sonas for reference, as well as an idea of what might happen on the date you and the Narrator might be! (We can also fit some other characters/sonas into the drawing if you want. it doesn't have to be just one)
Your idea can be as vague or as detailed as you want, and you don't have it all laid out at first if you can't think of anything. We can always bounce ideas around and find one that you like the most for me to draw.
And if you don't want a drawing, that's fine too! Just let me know in DMs so I can know! (and I promise I won't be upset if you don't want one /gen, I'm going back to uni classes next week so I'll be busy trying to get all the drawings done in my free time. which isn't a lot, so I'll just thank you for the millionth time again for participating and let you move on with your day kjsadhf /lh)
Thanks again to everyone who participated in this event! Hope you all have a good night
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ohdorothea · 15 hours
this is so petty but it’s the era’s shows in Edinburgh next weekend and I am going to be sooooooooooo bitter about it
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geekcentre · 1 year
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Made this fanart based of @them4ng0 's wonderful tf au! I love edgymus so much!
(Click for better quality)
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dinxieyinxie · 5 months
I beg ya tell me about your OC Yonal and Snape, I need to know about them.
omg,, my heart is so full rn qwq i didn't really expect anyone would be interested in them so idk where to start DFHFDHJ
Yonal isn't fully fleshed-out yet but I made a post sometime ago about them to kickstart their story and a snippet of their friendship with Snape but I'd like to add a few new info for their lore (I did mention that I'd delve deeper into their friendship) so buckle up!
(I am not well-versed with words so lmk if you'd like me to clarify something! ><)
Their friendship is something these two weren't expecting at all tbh and the fact that they managed to build such a strong foundation is somewhat peculiar to me, in a way that they have the most contrasting personalities that it even clashes from time to time but still having that "homey", cozy feeling about it. Yonal being carefree and chaotic, the type to just "go-with-the-flow", and thinks that the glass is half-full while Severus is completely on the other side of the spectrum, with him looking at everything realistically and pessimistically at the same time. I could describe their relationship as:
Sun and Moon
Yin and Yang
Achilles and Patroclus
Red String of Fate
There's more but they're basically rocking that "opposites attract" typa energy HAHAHA
Yonal is most of the time, if not, completely, unaffected by Severus' attitude but rather he (Yonal goes by he/they!) chooses to respect and understand why Severus is like that and would even offer insight in which Sev would always be taken aback. (Not saying Linx is a dunderhead but he can be quite clueless LOL) I like to think Severus learns to accept Yonal the way he is and even appreciate it (He wouldn't outright admit it tho)
There's a lot of things Yonal and Severus don't particularly agree in but there are a few that allows them to connect with each other like the thirst for knowledge, great interest for the Wizarding World, socks, dead-beat dads, loneliness, and other things that I cannot think at the top of my head rn hehe
Idk if I've mentioned this already but even though Yonal loves being an absolute headache to Severus, he deeply respects that raven-haired mf and wouldn't dare ruin their deeply-rooted friendship in any way. I explained in this post how he's willing to bend his habits for him and it is still true to this day!
What fascinates me about them is that they definitely keep each other grounded in a sense that they have that ability to calm each other's turbulent souls, which opens to a lot of vulnerable moments. Something that both of them don't really allow themselves to be in. I like to think they'd grow closer as they confide with one another. Sometimes, home is a person.
Back in the day, they had underlying feelings with each other but these two dumb mfs didn't want to poke and probe in fear that it might end the bond that they have so they set these emotions aside but it does slip out sometimes teehee! In present times, the old flame ignited on its own and over the course of the time they have together, I think it's safe to say that they'll eventually finally confront these feelings and get it over with. But for now, I'm evil and love to hurt myself so im subjecting them to a slow-burn love (angst included!) <333
There's much more that I want to spew but I think that would be for another time. Honestly, I just want Snape to be happy bc God forbids he have peace in his depressing life
As a treat, here's a silly one I made uwu
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nom-central · 6 months
Let Sleeping Bears Lie
Madeline had been gone for a while...did something happen to her?
She probably just got distracted. It was like her to take off the second they got to the campsite- leaving Ruya alone to actually set up the camp. They sighed, while the help would've been appreciated...a trip out to the National Park was something she wanted for the longest time. Nature photography was her thing...now that the camp was set up, now was a good time to look for her. She said she was taking the easternmost trail...
Ruya picked up their bag and hit the trail, helpfully marked for visitors. The parks were certainly beautiful, but they didn't doubt there were dangers here. They had read up on them beforehand- landslides, getting stranded, wild animal attacks...this park had a notable "attraction" they were worried about. Ashford, some kind of man-bear thing notorious for charming visitors out of their food...they wouldn't be surprised if he also charmed visitors into being food, too. Can't ever trust a bear...
Hopefully Madeline was just taking pictures of a creek or something. Ruya crossed over one that cut through the trail, when a deep rumbling sound caught their attention. They weren't near any cliffs so it couldn't be a rockslide, and it couldn't be an earthquake...it sounded much more like someone snoring. Could there be people camping off the trails? They moved to investigate, hopefully one of them had seen Madeline! It's only been about an hour, these people were likely already here...
The direction the sound was coming from led Ruya to a glade, but there wasn't a camp here. Lying asleep in a sunbeam was a huge, furry brown beartaur, rolled over onto his back and snoring deeply. His stomach on his human half looked VERY full, wriggling and squirming with clearly lively prey. Nearby on the ground was a familiar object, and Ruya's heart dropped.
"MADELINE!" Throwing all caution and the things they learned to the wind, Ruya rushed over to the beartaur. Pressing their hands into his stomach, they tried to feel around for her. "Are you okay?! I'm gonna get you out of there, okay...! I promise!"
Though her words were muffled by the taur's fat and noisily working stomach, she seemed well enough to try to respond. Ruya was too busy pushing around and trying to come up with a plan that they didn't notice that all the activity was starting to wake the sleeping predator. Their efforts were halted by a grunt and low growl, and they froze in place as the bear slowly rolled over, sitting up with his bear half laying down. He blinked blearily down at Ruya, taking in their features and panicked expression.
"...mmh. You're not a ranger. Whaddaya want? Trying to sleep, here..."
"Y-you...!! You ate my friend! Spit her out now! Or I'll...!" Ashford tilted his head, still not fully awake to process what was going on. He looked down at his full stomach, letting out a quiet belch as his meal kicked around. "Oh. That uh, wasn't in there when I went to sleep. That your friend? Must've been sleep eating again. Sorry."
"YES! Let her go, you monster! This was supposed to be the perfect trip for her...!" They push against his stomach again, which only stirred up a burp. Ashford's ears went a bit flat in irritation. "She'll be fine, relax...taking a nap on a full belly feels real nice, so can I get back to sleep? Geez, don't the rangers teach you people anything?" He grumbled, already trying to lay back down. Ruya wasn't having any of it, and while it annoyed Ashford greatly...he wasn't going to hurt them. He had another idea, anyhow...
"Ugh, fine. You want her back so bad? Help me out." His bear half sat up now, leaving Ruya with their face full of his gurgling belly. "Push right there for me, won't ya? It'll help me bring her up faster." Ruya was quick to obey, pushing their hands into Madeline from the outside. After a few pushes his stomach burbled loudly, but he didn't look like he was bringing her up...instead, the movements she was making started to sink downwards. Ruya watched Ashford's belly shrink, with Madeline's body sliding deep into his lower half's stomach and filling it out. She was much harder to see and hear now, barely making any bumps in his stomach.
Ashford grinned, leaning down to the black-haired human. "Hasn't anyone told you to let sleeping bears lie? You and your friend are learning that lesson firsthand...but hey! I'm a nice guy! I'll let you two hang out together while I take a nice long nap, and you can think about not bugging me while I sleep. Deal? Deal!"
Before they could reply or even try to run, Ashford lunged forward and caught their head right in his maw. Strong arms pinned their arms to their sides, leaving them to helplessly kick and wiggle as he sampled their flavor for a moment. Digging their knees into his fat stomach did nothing to help their situation, leaving them helpless as he started to swallow. Thick, powerful gulps pulled them into his throat, and his hands only fed them deeper inside. The taur's heartbeat echoed around them as his swallows continued, eventually pushing them into his empty, first stomach. It was a tight fit, they were taller than Madeline- they were forced to curl up as his stomach almost smugly gurgled around them.
"Mm, you weren't half bad. Come poke me again sometime, aye? Bring your friend too, I didn't exactly get to taste her n' all..." Ruya's world rocked as he flopped over, rolling back over to catch the sun now that both bellies were full. Ruya kicked and punched at the walls, which got no reaction outside of a voice from the lower stomach.
"Ruya? Ruya! Hey, did you bring my camera in with you? I dropped it, wasn't expecting him to clamp down on my hand in his sleep...this is a once-in-a-lifetime chance, I want to take some pictures of a beartaur's stomach!"
"...you mean you WANTED this?! You're totally fine with just, being swallowed up??"
"Uh, yeah? I'm perfectly fine! This is just a part of nature, I'm getting the closest look ever! My phone camera isn't getting good shots, so...is that a no? You don't have it? They needed to stop taking her places.
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achillean-knight · 5 months
I might have a plot idea for your Mask bot series!
-Mike is in the PizzaPlex trying to correct his father's sins (even if he is still stuck in UCN in your AU or not, many people have still been hurt)
-Jeremy manages to make Mike recognize him
-They try to find Jeremy's daughter Cassie cuz Jeremy knows that with the V.A.N.N.I. mask, his daughter's life is in danger
-Find Roxy torn apart (due to the Mimic battle but the may not know that yet)
-Fix Roxy (not really they probably just manage to power her on or something)
-Discover the Tangle
-Discover the Mimic
- Find Cassie (in critical condition mind you)
Aaand that's all I could come up with for now. Of course these are just ideas so you can have your own plot.
Yoyoyo Anon! GODS THANK YOU FOR THE SUGGESTIONS! Especially since it helps me tie together a story I had in mind that was rather loose and just floating ideas in my brain... Also it kinda fits in weirdly well with another Anon ask/request that I'll for SURE get around to doing... eventually HKJH\SGDJ
With these in mind, here's a little story idea with bits from your suggestions with mine that I might eventually get around to making into a comic 👀👀 (Under the cut bc it is LONGGGG like REALLY long lmao)
Mike returns back to the Pizzaplex during the events of Ruin. He worked at the Pizzaplex while it was still running, for what reason? There's not a clue in the world, but he went undercover as a security guard. They say that his mother owns the place, evident by his rank high up, but nobody at all knows who runs the place and how Michael even got a job. But there he was.
He's back again to uncover the reason for it's destruction- to hopefully find answers to unsolved mysteries left by this company and to rewrite the sins of William. He's arrived maybe an hour or so after Cassie entered, so there's no sign of life in the main entrance besides a certain mask bot without the key item in its possession. The events of this comic take place during this time.
Afterward, the mask bot can't seem to let go after finding Mike again- Jeremy couldn't let go- so he tags along as Mike scours the pizzaplex. Jeremy's following along as he knows the programming of the bot he inhabits, gave his daughter a very dangerous item- the V.A.N.N.I mask- So he wants to try and get it off her hands as soon as he can with the help of Mike. How he'll convey his wants on the matter? He can't, but he'll try.
They're quick through the place- Cassie cleared the way, so all enemies are pretty much nonexistent to them, so they catch up quick to where she was recently. They find the MXES system offline and Mike panics, as he knows what's beyond it. (Playing off the theory that it was Henry's creation, Mike would know what it is.)
They find Roxy destroyed, Mike motioned to Jeremy to keep looking and he agrees. Making his way quietly, Jeremy peeks around the corner to see the Mimic's hand grabbing the power supply to the elevator. He hears Cassies voice faintly, possibly in the elevator and freezes in horror as the Mimic rips the wires and the Elevator fails (playing on the theory that the Mimic caused the elevator to fail.), all he can hear is Cassies screaming and he rushes back to Mike.
As he returns back, Mike somehow got Roxy online, but she's still in a completely wrecked state. They take her to the nearest safe zone- one they could think of on the spot to avoid the Mimic and try and fix her up a little more. Awake again, Roxy remembers her duty of protecting Cassie and tasks herself with finding Cassie- Jeremy is pleased with this as he can't convey his own panic- Once she somehow picks up her location, she guides them through twisting turns and flights of staircases until they find a bunker- Mike knows this bunker
They're back at the SL building : > (IDK, where else would the elevator lead lmao, I don't think there's anything lower than the SL bunker 😭)
Mike is familiar with this place but struggles to come to terms with this fact that this was where he was supposed to die- and who does he find than a giant mess of wires and destroyed bodies of past animatronics. He remembers Ennard He remembers Molten Freddy- This was horrifying, huge, and there was a mess of screams and crying inaudible, but he knew the thing was upset. Jeremy recognises the mask the thing it's wearing- it was Lefty, the thing in the VR world that tried to kill him while he was mending Helpy (this AU has Lefty as the head of the Blob/Tangle)
Mike has a feeling he knows what this is. He wasn't the person who attended the burning of the Pizzaria Sim Location, but rather, he helped guide the animatronics with Henry there for whomever was working there at the time, but he was indulged in Henry's plans- And he was mortified to know it only made everything worse- This was an amalgamation of all the children's animatronic bodies- remnant- souls- they were upset, scared, just wanting to move on, and Mike wanted to help so badly.
The thing was kind to them, even Mike for some reason. Roxy begged the thing to guide them to Cassie and it Obliged- the soul that was in the lead wasn't malicious, it was kind, especially to children so it wanted to help. It was kind to Mike- why Mike? He didn't know that the thing guiding them to Cassie was Charlie, she knew Mike- She wanted to help mike and with Cassidy in the amalgamation helping Charlie, she knew Mike was safe after letting his little brothers soul free from Golden Freddy while she inhabited it, so she deemed him good.
They find Cassie, incredibly injured and Jeremy panicked, rushing over and holding her close. Something was wrong though, she wore the mask- they didn't know her mind isn't in control anymore- she has succumbed to a similar fate as Jeremy but he is determined to save her from it.
She will be the next Vanny.
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determunition · 1 month
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hey gang!
time once more for an epic update on what i've been up to and what to expect in the future
kicking things off with a bang, OLD_FOLKS HOME chapter 23 is officially up! in the past i've said that i was going to wait on posting this arc until i'm fully done writing it, but it's taking longer than i expected and thusly i've grown terribly impatient. the first two chapters of the four i planned to finish are already done, with the third well into production; i'll be promo-ing chapter 23 properly later but for now go have a look-see! enjoy it!
as implied by a recent post, i'm working on some shovel knight boards! i expected to have them done by now so they might take a second to get done but i already really like how they're lookin
commissions are still open! i did a few recently that i really enjoyed and would love to do some more; you can find my comm sheet right here!
scrybe prints are still available! grab 'em on my etsy if you like, should be updating the listing for international shipping soon as well hoohoo
and finally, some personal news that's probably gonna affect my output over the next couple months: i recently got a storyboarding internship! i'm very excited about it ^^ i'm not quite sure how it'll impact my productivity on personal projects yet, but if my output around here starts slowing down a bit that'll be why lol
alright, that'll be it! thanks as always for being such lovely followers, and i hope to keep you all entertained in the months to come hoohoo .3.
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vt-scribbles · 2 months
Something seriously lacking in my art is the ability to tell a story in a single illustration.
I've gotten so used to drawing my characters standing around doing random things that I've never practiced telling a full tale/putting implications into my pieces that require more thinking/looking.
It also comes from a lower amount of details in my works by default [since I like to get pieces done fast], but I'm tired of using that as an excuse.
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msadmiral · 10 months
Tw religious mention
•2 Corinthians 5:18
“Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation…”
Inspired (once again) by this @chimeracarnival
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Wrote a story for it too! Be careful though! There’s a lot to read (also I’m out of practice so there’s probably a lot of other issues)👇
P.S: The story is split up into parts and each part has a comic panel that corresponds to it (They’re numbered)
‘Another day another dollar…’
The thought echoed through Clover’s mind, the nonexistent sound of her conscience attempting to console her only irritating Clover further as she strolled down the hall, running her hand across the wall in hopes of a sensory distraction.
It wasn’t the first time she’s told herself those words.
It started as a simple saying she sought comfort in. A few wise words to encourage Clover through today and the next. But as her work continued and became more taxing, she found the once auspicious principle having less and less of a desirable effect, eventually just becoming a useless, routine expression Clover tells herself in hopes of sparking that once supportive essence it had. In reality, there was no point in continuing to tell herself such things if they wouldn’t change how she felt. But it’s good to stay positive…
Even after you just had your throat slit.
The lights above dimly flickered, the old yellow bulbs trying their best to cast light throughout the corridor, the indulgent yellow glow of the rustic light sources reflecting the establishment’s old age quite well. The building wasn’t much- an old vintage hotel in reality. But it had a roof, and that was good enough for Clover and her small crew…
The charity work was going smoothly. The last few days had reaped prosperous earnings, mainly because of those who had witnessed Clover's assassination and had donated to her group in support. It was flattering and, frankly, quite heartwarming to see that people in this city still had hearts, despite its notorious legacy for crime. The only downside to all of it was that Clover now had to organize her group’s growing finances. And boy was there a lot to organize…
Her office was a sanctuary and an abode for such things. A place where she could find comfort while managing such vital tasks. As of late, Clover had finally settled on a place to make her office. A small room in the building’s west wing, located at the end of a small corridor accessed the lobby. A perfect spot in her opinion. And now all that was left was to go there and get her work done.
Simple enough, right?
The smooth texture of the manila file folders shifted around in Clover’s arms as she walked, the edges of the paper that stuck out from the folder slightly moving around between the joints of her fingers. She held on tight, however, ensuring that the papers wouldn’t fall amidst the walk to her office. The last thing she needed was any more inattentiveness to herself, especially regarding the incident with the last fundraiser…
As Clover made her way further down the hall, however, she began to smell something… Acrid. It didn’t pollute the air, so it was hard to tell where the scent was. It passed her nose in small whiffs as she walked, however, the smell was so… strong. Even in small quantities, the invisible odor burned her lungs like heavy smoke, compelling her to cough violently despite only inhaling a small amount. And the longer the odor lingered in the air, the stronger it began to smell…
Was there a gas leak…?
Clover stopped, putting a hand over her nose as she sniffed the air, coughing even more as the noisome odor took on a sharp scent, like smelling blood but without the scent of iron. She could pinpoint no source from where she was standing, so Clover understandingly took a few steps forward.
Almost immediately, the atmosphere changed and the air began to grow thick, quickly becoming more and more difficult to breathe as if the air was resisting Clover’s attempt to inhale. Her heart sped up as she began to panic, her body soon demanding more air so it could keep up with her heart’s change of rate. But no air came to her lungs… A stinging burning sensation struck Clover’s nostrils as if she had just inhaled water through her nose, causing her to slightly stagger back and pinch her nose bridge. She squinted her eyes as Clover tried to see where the strange odor was coming from, and how it was causing her to feel this way…
The hallway in front of her began to warp. The once lengthwise walls began to twist and turn, almost churning in Clover’s periphery as the environment around her began to contort in physically impossible ways. The popcorn ceiling seemed to liquify into a watery-like state as it appeared to ripple, causing the once stationary yellow lights to move and flash rapidly like party lights at a nightclub, disorienting Clover’s view heavily. The hallway in front of her faded to black, leaving only a few feet of perceptible environment in front of Clover as the corridor around her began to warp even further and a subliminal rumbling sound slowly appeared in her ears…
What is happening…?
WHY is this happening…?
Am I still dead?
Is this the afterlife…??
I was revived, right…?!
Why can’t I feel myself breathing? What is happening?
Why is…? Why Whywhyhelpwhycan’tIthinkstraightwhyisthishappeningwhereamIisanyofthisrealwhatishappeningwhyhelpmestopmakeitstophelphelphelpstopitDaisypleasehelpmewhatisgoingonHELPMESTOP PLEASEHELPMESTOPIT
Suddenly, a gray wisp passed through her vision.
Clover’s head snapped up, her thoughts interrupted as she carefully watched a long trail of dark gray- and strangely opaque- smoke snake past her.
The hallway had returned to normal. And so had her breathing. The strange odor was no longer there, nor was the stinging or the rumbling… Everything was back to the way it was before.
Did she just… imagine the whole thing?
No… She couldn’t have… That wouldn’t make sense…
Her train of thought was cut off by the sudden smell of something fresh, almost like mint as Clover’s eyes- and nose- were coaxed down the hall, subconsciously following the smoke that trailed down that way as well.
Her gaze followed the unnatural smoke down the corridor until it stopped right at the last door, where the smoke snaked out from underneath.
That door was her door… Her office door.
Clover’s heart hit the floor like a brick, the sinking feeling that followed making her weak in the knees as panic washed over her like a sudden tidal wave, stirring up frenzied and erratic thoughts of fear in her head like angry wasps.
Was her office… burning…?
If there was indeed a fire, then the circumstances of the smoke had taken a dire turn. Clover had kept all of her charity’s earnings inside her office, alongside important documents containing financial data and even intel collected by her group on the Darling Family- the very reason behind her group’s existence. If even one of those documents were damaged or burned, the past few months of rigorous work would all go to waste, and their progress would endure an immense setback. Maybe even a setback large enough to put everyone right back to where they started…
But that would depend on how much property was destroyed.
Almost immediately, Clover’s body jerked into motion and before she even knew it, she was charging down the hall, her hooves pounding against the poorly carpeted floor as Clover bolted down the corridor. The undulating wisps of gossamer smoke in the air slowly began to thicken, the thin strands of sulfurous air seeming to spin themselves into dark gray ribbons amidst the blur of passing surroundings. The thick ropes of smoke in the air almost began to swirl in a vortex around Clover, keeping up with her pace and hovering around her as the smoke began to twist in almost animal-like locomotion. It looked akin to a nest of snakes slithering about prey if Clover had stopped to look carefully… But alas. Such trivial details were not of importance at the moment.
The smoke had gotten thicker as she rapidly neared her office door and the vortex that had previously lingered about Clover suddenly came to a halt. But Clover, on the other hand, had not.
She burst through the wall of smoke that the vortex had left in her path, a rush of that familiar sharp and heavy odor briefly assaulting her nose as Clover squinted, revealing her proximity to the door. The doorknob was at arm’s length. Clover nearly lunged forward, ignoring all the cautions she should have taken before grabbing the metal handle.
She froze.
Not willingly, however. It was as if the feeling of the doorknob against the skin of her palm shocked her senses… Clover couldn’t move. Her body refused to comply with her attempts to do so, but she was just… Stuck. Touching the doorknob had caused her to freeze altogether.
The odor from before began to creep its way back into her nose, brought by the ascending plumes of smoke from the bottom of the door. The smoke slithered up around her legs and arms like wispy tendrils, leaving a numbing pins-and-needles sensation behind wherever it touched. It spread like fire beneath her skin, causing Clover’s fingers to momentarily lose feeling and loosen around the doorknob. A rush of adrenaline suddenly snapped her senses back into place and Clover, in a flurry of panic and burning pain, finally yanked open the door.
And the smoke was gone.
In fact, everything was gone.
Past the threshold of where her office should’ve been laid something far beyond natural means…
A large flourishing meadow, full of life and blooming flowers.
Long tufts of swaying grass tickled her bare hooves as the door gave way, the terrestrial foliage lightly brushing up against Clover’s shins and leaning through the doorframe as she took in the new environment. A huge refulgent globe of light peeked halfway over the horizon, spraying the sky above in a spray of incandescent colors. The pastel shades of reds, oranges, and pinks created a warm gradient of light-colored flame above, serving as an aesthetic backdrop to the occasional cluster of white fluffy clouds that sat well dispersed throughout the sky. And the ground that sat beneath those lovely heavens was nothing short of majestic.
A long stretch of tall grassy fields lay before her, an array of blue and white flowers peeking out among the overgrowth. Enormous bluebells the height of sunflowers and wild indigos towered over the grass, swaying lightly toward the ground, almost gesturing towards their smaller cornflower and daisy counterparts, which were tucked snugly in the grass below. Clover looked ahead and saw that the field was atop a hill, overlooking an abundance of other similar-looking fields that stretched as far as the eye could see.
It was like she opened a door into a new dimension.
What had happened to her office…?
As she looked off into the distance, however, something else caught her eye. Amidst her brightly lit and colorful environment, Clover spotted something gray and indistinct floating in her peripheral vision.
It was the smoke from before.
Clover found her eyes following the wispy gray trail once again, watching it snake over the long stretch of field. The tall grass gradually began to grow shorter and shorter until it leveled out to a clearing, at which the smoke led her lingering gaze to the center of it.
There was a person here...
A vague silhouette of a person to be exact. They seemed to be an adult, hunched over and staring ahead aimlessly, however. That assumption was made purely on observation as the figure was completely cloaked in dark and opaque shadows. Not a single detail could be perceived in the figure other than one of their hands, which could be seen compared to the rest of their form. They were holding something… Regardless, the abnormal lighting was a strange phenomenon, which only amplified Clover’s growing confusion and bewilderment.
A strong and abrupt gust of wind suddenly blew out from behind her and into the open field, causing the grass and the flowers to bend and sending ripples throughout the landscape. A path began to form as the wind crossed the field, the plants in front of her reverting into seeds beneath the soil, forming a small path through the willowy vegetation. The gust of wind finally rushed past the figure in the clearing and suddenly, the shadows on the figure lifted. And to Clover’s surprise, the figure had shrunk.
A young girl, looking no less than 14 years old, sat where the shadowy person should’ve been, wearing a bright red dress and a woven sun hat, tied with a matching crimson bow. Clover could finally see what the figure was holding and noticed that she was holding a daisy between two of her fingers, gazing at it silently as its petals blew in the wind. Clover couldn’t help but let her eyes stay fixed on the girl, finding herself almost entranced as she stared.
The subtle air of mysteriousness in the atmosphere suddenly lifted, and the tension Clover didn’t know she was holding in her body was released. The wind in the air reduced to a calm zephyr, bringing a sense of ease with it as the tall grass began to sway towards the clearing, almost as if her surroundings were beckoning Clover forward. The girl then turned around, shifting herself so she could face Clover properly. A long and slender pair of butterfly antennae hung down from the back of her head, swaying like the tall grass as she turned. Another pair of feathery moth antennae drooped down the sides of her head, framing the girl’s face. A single ruby-red eye stared back at Clover, glistening like scarlet pools behind cross-like pupils. A long pipe stuck out of the side of their mouth, revealing to be the source of the strange smoke as more wisps continued to undulate out of the chamber.
The two held eye contact for a brief moment, a strange sense of deja vu- no, familiarity- slowly overtaking Clover the longer she held her gaze with her.A faint smile formed on the girl’s lips, almost as if she could tell what she was thinking as she pivoted more of her body towards her.
“Hello, Clover.” Said the girl.
“It’s nice to see you again.”
(Hope you enjoyed!)
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