#source: sulkings
incorrectringsofpower · 3 months
Theo: my vibes arent off i am cursed theres a difference
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daddiesdrarryy · 3 months
Peter: Where are James and Regulus?
Remus: They went to Hogsmeade for their first date
Peter: Oh, that’s nice! Where’s Pads?
Remus: In our dorm. Forbidding it
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MC: Isaac won’t come out of his room!
Dazai: Just tell him I said something.
MC: Like what?
Dazai: Anything factually incorrect.
MC, shrugging: If you say so.
Isaac, arriving moments later: Did you just say the sun is a PLANET?
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koko-heads · 11 months
yakou: quit sulking like a baby!
yuma: i am sulking like a full-grown man!
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stohn-chronicles · 1 year
Six: Blocking people isn't enough, I wanna microwave them.
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vermillioncrown · 1 year
i love when authors use their interests/in-depth research/professional knowledge in fics
(thank u 💓)
i also love reading it, same vibe as watching a video essay about something you have no knowledge or stakes in but clearly this person is super knowledgeable and passionate about it so you're held captive by the topic
there was a fic where i was so drawn in by this author's establishing of aesthetic appreciation through their knowledge of art history, literature, and contemporary fashion. it's something that can only come from them. so neat, so singular, so full of love
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
I still think the more I think about it that sanctuary at it's core is a perfectly understandable reaction on Eichis part I mean have you read blackbird imagine being Eichi and experiencing that. I would also go insane if the guy that's stuck with me through weal and woe — who's been a main motivation for me to keep on living by being kind of the reason I fell in love with idols in the first place which is a fact about me that proceeded to shape the narrative at it's very core and who I'm so close to it makes other people uncomfortable sometimes, yet I feel like I don't know him at all and like there's this chasm between us still — just disappeared without any notice for a few days at least and then I find out he's hypnotized himself to play around with some boring kid from his theater circle because he wasn't able to do that as a child. Shakes you there are so many layers to the Sanctuary thing when you think about it of course Eichi was being eaten up by jealousy I would be too for god's sake imagine thinking you're getting closer to someone and then they pull a stunt like that. Why would he rather toy around with this boring weirdo who doesn't even know him like Eichi does that should've been Eichi stuck in that construction area with Wataru not Tomoya! It's only logical because Tomoya hasn't been through what they've been through together. And Eichi is petty and a menace and I still think it was overly dramatic and a tad bit of an asshole move to just leave Tomoya there because he was angry with him while Tomoya was just some guy roped into this without his will or knowledge but I get it. In a way I understand it. I think it's over the top but what is Eichi Tenshouin if not over the top and a little (or very) dumb sometimes and you know what they say about how love makes blind yeah I think that also applies to common sense there.
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radiashen · 1 year
re: this post i actually have a lot to say about post trimax vash and knives. brothers with no chance of reconciliation ever...
there is. so much to be said from their last fight. about how they see each other and how they interact with the world—based on how they see the other
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first of all: they both no longer want to continue in this world. even vash, who we always see is so defined by his undying determination, basically admits he doesnt think he should go on any longer. and its interesting to note the distinction between the two here: vash wants them done with because he thinks they have no use for humanity, vs knives wants them done with because only then does he think they can be free. the immortals crave nothing more than the ability to stop living endlessly
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i think not enough people talk abt this, but here knives recognizes that he was the one who pulled away first. who mangled their brotherhood into something like this. he recognizes that they will never see eye to eye. he knows what he did, doesnt regret it, and will never apologize for it. he also cant bear it. deep down, he cant bear that this road means vash will not be there beside him in the end. that vash will always stand in his way. and his solution: either vash or him should be gone
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and heres the kicker! as always, vash will be the contradiction. whenever they talk, vash always uses us. its always we for him. its vash and knives, together. he hasnt, will never give up on them. he knows they will always have opposing worldviews. he would choose to save knives anyway, always. like he does anyone else
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and knives... doesnt know how to deal with this. doesnt want to deal with it. to know the extent of what you did, and not regret it in a second, and to still have someone take your hand. to hear vash basically say: we still have a chance. because he disagrees. because for knives, if he cant have both of them together, then vash comes first. the apple tree, i think, is never his gift for humans. why would humanity care to accept a gift from him anyway, and why should he care? its his apology for vash. his apology that he chooses to leave first. his admission that he cant coexist with vash, in this world that they hurt. that vash still believes in.
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and thats the biggest heartbreak of them all, isnt it? to know that theres someone who couldve been by your side to accompany your lonely eternity. to have that someone hurt you, time and time again. and to still love and care for them because you cant help it. to have that someone choose to leave first, because they think solitude is better than a coexistence of neverending disagreement
and you disagree with that too
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dorakonia · 1 year
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also what is this shittery about malleus not being 'goth enough'
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alpinelogy · 7 months
This is lowkey personal but sometimes it’s really depressing how many English speakers are cool with ignoring how our names are spelled because they couldn’t be arsed to find the proper letters. Especially when it’s a question of copy pasting. Tell me why did I run into a post where an athletes name was written properly and then few lines later op ignored it. It’s literally there, the way you wrote it afterwards is not his name
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conn-tinuity · 2 years
Connor, LED slowly spinning yellow: Androids aren't meant to feel pain, Lieutenant.
Hank, taking an overly long sip of his beer as he prepares for yet another philosophical discussion with an android: So you've said. Why are you telling me this again?
Connor, staring intently at the living room TV, currently playing Pieces 1982: Because this movie is hurting me in my non-existant pee pee.
Hank, throwing down his bottle in exasperation: How the fuck are you meant to be worth a small fortune
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justiisms · 4 months
*after finishing the novel he had been reading for the past month, yuma... is now incredibly sad. he sighs and looks out the window, knowing it will be quite a while until the next book he's looking forward to releases. all he can do is idly watch the approaching storm, knowing that for now his evenings are... book-less...*
"Y....Yuma.... y-you doing okay, bro? I'm....going to assume you finished reading that novel, huh...."
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He pats his poor brother's back, as he also glances at the approaching storm before looking back at him. Yuta honestly can't even blame him: an entire evening, and future evenings for now, without a nice book to enjoy it with... even moreso waiting on the next book of a series that won't come out anytime soon... it was torture for a bookaholic...
"C-Come on, cheer up: even if you don't have any new books to read right now, who's to say your evening is ruined, huh? In fact, how about... oh! How about we watch a nice detective movie, together? That'd be fun, right? And then tomorrow, we can hit up one of the local bookstores and find you something that can hold you over until the next book in this series releases! Then before you know it, it'll be here." He smiles, as he brings him closer by fully wrapping his arm around his shoulders, and Shinigami 'patting' his head in comfort. He couldn't bear to see his brother look so sad, so Yuta is truly determined to turn his brother's evening around, into a much happier one...~
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ariaste · 21 days
listen ok so i made some good jokes yesterday about Lestat having an onlyfans but i am back today with a new essay and this one is entitled
Why The Invention Of Social Media Is Going to Permanently Save Loustat's Fucking Marriage
come on this journey with me.
ok so on one hand we have Louis, who does not like to leave the house except when he absolutely fucking has to and even then he resents it. my man wants to be at home with a book 100% of the time and he's so fucking valid for that. When he leaves the house, bad things happen to him. He has learned this and honestly i can't fault his evidence. it sucks out there. it truly incredibly sucks out there.
the problem is that sometimes he is married to lestat, who starts clawing at the walls if people aren't paying attention to him for 12 consecutive seconds, and being Out Of The House is the best place for him to go foraging for People To Pay Attention To Him. my man once had a rock star career the way that some people get addicted to meth brewed in a trashcan in someone's garage. Louis, through no fault of his own, is simply not capable of filling this psychological need no matter how hard he tries, except he should not even HAVE to try like that, because no one can do it, because Lestat is fucked up and like wasn't hugged enough as a child or something
this imbalance in their relationship is the core source of all their marital problems since day 1: THIS man's idea of a good time is chilling on the sofa in silence and maybe staring contemplatively at the wall for a while, and THIS man starts self-destructing at a truly astonishing rate if no one is making eye contact with him. If you make Louis go outside and socialize with people, he's miserable and sulking and whining about "are we done can we go home". If you make Lestat sit in silence in a chair for five minutes he starts crying and claiming that No One Has Ever Loved Him, Ever, Ever, And No One Understands Him, And He Hates Everyone In This House and He Is Being Actively Neglected And Cruelly Mistreated Right Now And No One Even Bothers To Feel Sorry For Him, This Is BASICALLY Domestic Violence Against Him Personally, If Only Anyone Knew About The Quiet Hidden Tragedies Of An Unhappy Marriage, and then he breaks some furniture and a window and isn't seen again for six weeks and comes back like "you will not believe what just happened, i [checks notes] met Merlin and also a dragon who gave me three wishes, brb i'm going to write another book about it :))))"
all you fucking have to do to fix their problems is to hand Lestat a cellphone and say the words "do you know about social media? you can say whatever shit you want and there's always someone awake in some time zone to talk to you." Suddenly Lestat is now very interested in sitting quietly on the couch, Lounging Alluringly and posting thirst traps on instagram and finally getting emotional fulfillment from all the likes and comments of "omg???? omg this is the hottest man alive". he does not have to leave the house anymore to get his attention meth. His yawning abyss of neediness is being fulfilled by having parasocial relationships with millions of strangers online who all think he's sexy and don't have to experience how fucking awful he is up close. he can flirt pointlessly with 200 people at once which is FINALLY ENOUGH FLIRTATIONS FOR HIM TO SATISFACTORILY JUGGLE
Meanwhile Louis is 3 feet away, vaguely reflecting to himself that HE is feeling all emotionally fulfilled because they're spending this great Quality Time together in perfect silence while he reads his book and Lestat plays on his cellular telephone and only OCCASIONALLY giggles to himself or says "louis which of these photos do you think is sexier, the one with four buttons undone or the one with five buttons undone" Louis is feeling like his Opinion is being Valued, Louis feels like he is being Consulted on Matters that are Important To Lestat. He has opinions about the photographs. It is not that much trouble to be interrupted from staring philosophically at the wall to spend five seconds looking at a photograph and then saying "that one". Finally he is experiencing Cozy Domesticity. he is so horny about it. lestat is surprised and bewildered about the sudden sharp increase in the amount of sex he is now getting but before he can make any vaguely mean comments about it (bc he's confused and vaguely defensive and worried that it's going to stop out of nowhere and he doesn't know any other interpersonal skills for expressing a thought) his phone pings about how he's just broken 5 million followers on instagram and he totally forgets to even mention the sex thing, which means that he continues getting the sex instead of inciting an argument about the sex and going through his 800th divorce from Louis
all their friends are extremely confused when a whole month, and then six months, and then a year goes by without another Loud Divorce happening and no one crashing through their front door like "I HAVE TO SLEEP IN YOUR GUEST COFFIN FOR THE NEXT MONTH, HE IS INTOLERABLE". They are worried. they are concerned. what is going on over there. are they both dead. no, they can't both be dead, Lestat just posted another tiktok of him sucking on his own fingers, which he would not be doing if Louis were dead. there is an ecosystem collapse happening in the groupchat and it's because the main Drama Vectors have been neutralized
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Sebastian: What do we say when making bread?
Arthur, glumly: That's the dough rising.
Sebastian: And what do we NOT say?
Dazai, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
hear me out… the spiderman kiss with miguel 👉🏾👈🏾
it’s a canon event for every spidey (source: trust me)
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“thank you for dropping me home.” you say.
walking up the few steps to your house and getting to the front door, you turn to see miguel looking towards you with eyes that gleamed even within the charcoal blue night.
he however, stood at the bottom step.
“no worries.” he flashes with a strong smile. “i’ll see you tomorrow.”
you wave him off as he turns himself around and proceeds to walk the way you both came. it was disappointing, because you thought the date had gone really well and that you were finally making progress with the man. however, seeing him be that eager to go made your heart sag.
you unlock the door to your apartment and walk in, dumping your bag by the door along with your shoes.
normally after you had a night out and the evening was still young, youd at least have a drink or a few snacks to yourself but all you wanted to do was go to your room and sulk.
flipping on your light switch, you sigh as you fling yourself onto your bed back first, your arm covering over your eyes. you would have stayed like that had it not been for the knock at your bedroom window. suddenly getting up, you shuffle towards it before opening the glass vertically. your face automatically lights up once you see who it is.
he still had his shirt and smart pants on — smile as big as ever — but the man was hanging upside down in front of the glass.
“i forgot sumn.” he says, but as soon as does, he’s capturing your face in his and pulling you to kiss him within the gap of the window.
the kiss is so tailored for you that it makes you think he’d been practicing elsewhere. you’re not sure if the thought of that made you jealous or if it made you feel special that he’d do all that just for you.
regardless, once miguel (reluctantly) pulls back from the kiss, you stick your arm out to lightly hit his shoulder.
“really thought i’d just leave you hanging dry like that, huh?”
rolling your eyes, you walk away from your window and back to your bed, only this time you sit on it with your arms splayed behind you.
“whatever. you coming in or not?”
miguel unlatches himself from his webs which drop him on the fire stairway just under your window before crawling up the remainder of the wall and scrambling into your bedroom.
“oh!” he says with a devious grin as soon as he lands onto your floor. “i thought you’d never ask.”
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ddejavvu · 4 months
Could you do something for cat animangus reader x Sirius where they're older like order of the phenix older during winter time and Molly makes a comment to Sirius about him having a sweet cat and when he turns to corner he finds reader cuddled up to Remus again do to his body heat and Sirius just reacts to a "really this again?"
Things between Molly and Sirius are still frosty, but the same stuff that chills between them glazes over the windows, and the winter air serves as a healing balm while everyone huddles around the fire for warmth.
The heating systems in Grimmauld Place are functional, but ancient, and it's much easier to stay by a roaring fire than to huddle by the floor vent on one of the upper levels. Sirius has insisted, as the owner of the house and as the man unwillingly cooped up inside of it for years, that he will make the cocoa, because if he goes any longer without making himself useful he will begin yearning to touch the fatally cursed objects his mother hoarded before her demise.
Molly relents, if only to keep his callused hands away from a music box that will kill him if the tune reaches his ears.
"Oh, that's lovely," The woman coos, peering at your feline form curled up on Remus's lap in front of the fire, "Remus, I didn't know you had a cat. I thought the only one we had was Hermione's, but he's orange."
"She's not mine," Remus hums, though he drags a palm flat over your head, letting you butt into it to your own liking, "She's Sirius's."
Molly's brows scrunch; surely Remus doesn't mean the dog man that stands eerily alert at the back door whenever he hears the pitter patter of little paws on the back fence-? But when the aforementioned animagus comes into the room with a tray of cocoa, she confirms Remus's words straight from the source.
"Sirius, your cat is lovely." She muses experimentally, watching the way the man's eye twitches slightly.
"Oh? And where is the little devil-?" Sirius peers around the room, and when his gaze lands on you lounging on Remus's legs, he shoves the tea tray haphazardly onto a side table with a scoff. It makes a cacophony of sounds; most of them unpleasant as glass-on-glass tends to be, "Oh, you're joking."
"Sirius, it's warm here," Remus attempts to calm the man, but it's no use as he steals a mug of cocoa and makes a break for the staircase. You're glad to see that prison never took his flair for dramatics, but he's being a tad ridiculous. Remus keeps explaining, "You're welcome to take her if you want to sit by the fire! She's just getting warm!"
"Keep her! Keep her," Sirius calls from the ledge of the second floor, "And Moony, why don't you just take the deed to the house, too! And my things, you can steal the clothes right off of my back next time."
With a huff and a flourish that are aided by his chin-length curls, Sirius turns to beeline for his room, and the slam of a door that rattles the paintings on the wall is your confirmation that your husband will be sulking until you pad upstairs and settle on his chest.
"Well, that was fun while it lasted." Remus drawls, scooping a hand beneath your belly and hoisting you out of his lap. He sets you on your feet, and you mourn the loss of the fire's warmth.
"Go humor him, love," Remus nudges you towards the stairs, and Molly watches bewildered as you begin your ascent.
"We've been having this fight for over a decade," Remus muses, sipping at his cocoa and skillfully avoiding a whipped cream mustache, "When your children aren't eavesdropping with that extendable ear, I'll tell you about the time he found her curled up in my bed instead of his."
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