#sourz drink
Sourz Cherry 70cl, Case of 6
The sour and sweet flavours in Sourz Cherry are wonderfully balanced. Rich black cherry and delicate berry flavours blended together. You can drink Sourz Cherry by itself or try it in a purple rain cocktail made with blue curacao and lemonade. Blue Rain Lemonade-topped Sourz Cherry and Blue Curacao drinks
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maxybabyy · 4 months
cross-posted on ao3
Lando is asleep on the couch when he comes in.
His jeans have been kicked to the floor, soaked where a bottle of apple sourz must have tipped over. He looks fine if a little sweaty, hair flat from the pillow but not worse for wear than when Daniel left. Had a night in then, he thinks and pulls the blanket over him.
He heads to the bathroom, breath still rank from the bar.
Lando had wanted to come and almost threw a fucking tantrum when Daniel had told him no. Lando may be allowed in bars now – a proper adult, their father would say –  but that doesn’t mean Daniel is any more inclined to watch him and his friends get sloshed off mixers and shots.
Daniel almost doesn’t notice him as he walks in, head in his phone when he goes to take a piss. Scotty’s trying to settle the bill, the fucking uber ride and bottle of vodka they shared, Chloé conveniently left out of the budget breakdown. He doesn’t care, sends him his share with a quick, ok.
“Hello, Daniel,” someone says just as he’s about to pull his dick out, hand already in his pants. “Lando of course did not say you would be here.”
“Lando’s passed out on the couch, reckon he isn’t up for saying much right now,” Daniel says and turns towards the voice.
It’s one of Lando friends, because of course it is. Max, he decides, watches the kid as he sits on the counter next to the sink. There are two of them he knows, Fewtrell who’s been nipping at Lando’s heels since neither of them knew what it meant. And this Max, the hot one.
“Always he is bad at drinking,” Max says, mouth stretched into a wide smile. “He is very sloppy after one beer only, and then he gets very tired also. Like a little kid, you know?”
“Yeah,” Daniel says with a smirk. He steps closer to lean against the sink, feels the warmth pouring off of Max. “Not like you, right?”
Max shakes his head, touches his tit with an open palm like he’s going to swear on it, sucks in a breath when his nail catches on his nipple. It looks swollen too, hot and pink, heavy against the swell of his pectoral. Daniel’s eyes flicker down to where he also isn’t wearing pants, the pile of clothes just inside the door.  
“Sometimes I think of course that you and Lando cannot be brothers,” Max says, kicks his feet against the cupboard underneath him. His legs look long, strong and tan from the summer sun. He must be bigger than Daniel now, taller too.
Daniel remembers the gawky nineteen-year-old Lando had brought home. Max on exchange from the Netherlands, taking the same courses that Daniel had done only three years before, with the same instructors too. “Let me know if you need anything, yeah?” He had told him just to watch Max blush, cheeks scarlet as he ducked his head, stuttered out a quiet, “Of course, Daniel.”  
“And why’s that, Maxy?” He asks now, touches the side of his knee to watch Max scramble to move, spread his thighs so Daniel can dig into the drawer underneath him.
“Always you are so handsome and funny also,” Max says, waves his hand around like that somehow adds to it. And maybe it does, because Daniel’s chest burns, overwhelmed. He feels almost sick with it, with how easy it is for Max to say, knows then he must be more drunk than he thinks. “Lando is just – Lando.”
Daniel laughs, squeezes Max’s knee. He watches the jolt of the muscle, the buck of Max’s hips up into nothing. Hears the sharp whine that escapes his lips.
He should tell him to leave, to put his shirt back on and go back to Lando’s room. Sleep it off so Max won’t hate himself for running his mouth when he wakes up. But he cannot, asks instead, “Is that a toothbrush in your hand or are you just happy to see me, Max?”
Hazy blue eyes stare back at him as Max squeeze his thighs shut. It’s rhetoric, almost. Redundant at best, and mean at its core, maybe. Because there is a toothbrush in his hand, the bright pink tool held in a slack hand against his thigh. But he’s hard too, obvious in the tight grey boxer-briefs he’s wearing.
“Always I am happy to see you, Daniel,” Max says. He spreads his thighs against and watches with dark eyes as Daniel steps between them, presses against the counter until there’s almost no space between them. “I have a toothbrush also, but I do not think –“
“Want me to brush your teeth, Maxy?” He asks, feels the shame as it flushes his chest, violent. Desperate. But he wants it, can almost imagine how it would feel if it was something else in Max’s mouth. The head of his –
“Please,” Max begs and lets his mouth fall open.
Daniel has done it maybe once before, brushing someone’s teeth. It had been a necessity then, a favour to a friend who had been too drunk to move, vomit still on his shirt. So far away from this, from Max watching him squeeze out the toothpaste and bring it to his mouth, his thighs squeezed tight around Daniel’s waist.
He starts off small, brushes over Max’s front teeth with tiny back-and-forth motions. The movement feels awkward from this end, like jerking someone off when you’ve been masturbating your entire life. Max keeps still, breathes through his nose like Daniel told him to.
Daniel reaches his molars, the toothbrush shoved deep into his mouth when suddenly Max shuts his mouth around it. Daniel is slow to realise it, keeps up the motion of the brush and watches Max move with it. Lips working over the shaft over it until he’s close enough to kiss Daniel’s fist.
“Max, mate. I cannot see what I’m doing,” he says, forces himself to laugh. He pulls back too quick, listens to the way Max chokes on nothing. “Let’s try the other side, yeah?”
It goes great until it doesn’t. Max deep-throats the toothbrush again as he watches him through hooded eyes. His hips rock aimlessly into empty air, pre-come soaking through his briefs.
“Max, no,” Daniel says. He pushes down on his bottom lip to keep his mouth open, ignores the way Max whines. “Be good for me, yeah?” He keeps a hand in Max’s hair, holds him steady as he tries to move with the brush, push it further into his mouth.
The top of the mouth is harder, the angle awkward from where he stands between Max’s thighs. “I don’t think I can do the rest, Max. My wrist,” he says, shows how limited his wrist rotation is.
But Max barely pauses, slides instead to his knees in front of Daniel, “Like this, no?”
Daniel chokes on his breath, feels the way his dick twitches in his pants. There’s barely any room between Daniel’s feet and the counter, but still Max fits perfect. His head tips back against the cupboard, thighs spread wide to make room for Daniel.
“That’s perfect, babe. Yeah,” he tells him softly, cups Max’s cheek in his hand.
Max’s eyes stay closed as he lets himself be moved, tongue wet and pink inside his mouth. Daniel doesn’t know how long it lasts, knows at least they’re above the designated two minutes. His dick strains against his pants when he strokes Max’s cheek to let him know they’re done.
Max is slow to come back, eyes blinking slowly until he refocuses on Daniel. A sweaty hand grabs the crook of his knee, pulls him in until his leg is pressed against the heat of Max’s chest, the tip of his chin resting too close to his dick.
Max tips his head back and opens his mouth, shows off the mess that sits on his tongue. It isn’t – doesn’t really look like come, too foamy with the paste Daniel uses. But it’s enough to pretend, to imagine what Max would look like if Daniel did come in his mouth.
Daniel lets himself look for another moment, soak in the sight before he nudges Max up against the sink so he can spit it out. “That’s it, good boy, Maxy,” he says, watches Max through the mirror.
If he looked drunk before, he looks downright indecent now. Cheeks flushed and chest wide as he sucks in breath after breath. Looks just about ready to pass out too.
Daniel pats his back and nudges him over to grab his own toothbrush, feels the way Max shudders underneath his hand. He’s just about to tell him to go to bed, when Max drops back to the floor, knees loud on the tile.
“Daniel, please,” Max says, begs.
Daniel leans against the sinks, angles his hips away from the space Max has created. He knows what Max wants, mouth open even now. But he can’t. Not when they’re both this drunk. So he does the only thing he can think of, shoves three fingers into his mouth and tells him to be quiet.
It works.
Daniel goes through a condensed skincare routine one-handed, feels the warm, wet suction of Max’s mouth around his fingers. The increase in pressure whenever Max swallows, how he leans into it when Daniel presses down on his tongue, sick with want.
He leads Max down the hall of rooms when he’s done, opens the door last on the left and lets him in.
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toomuchracket · 9 months
matty would def tease her abt that crush after they got together
matty picks you up from your cousin's baby shower because you're staying at his that night, and you leave her house carrying an actual shoebox worth of pictures of you and her as kids that your uncle found while he was looking for baby pics of her lmao. of course, as soon as you get to matty's, he's like "let me see them! i wanna see how cute you were!", so you make a cuppa and get settled in his arms on the couch to look through everything. he gets proper emo at the pics of you as a toddler and on your first day at school (yes, his mind definitely starts wandering into daydreams of the two of you having a little girl that's your spitting image lol), he giggles at the cringe pre-teen pics of you, and smiles at your early teenage emo phase pics (he's like "i kinda fuck with the black lipstick actually. bring it back?", and you're like "absolutely not, darling" lol). and then, you come across some pics of your cousin coming to see you before your high school leavers do/prom - as much as you're like "oh god lol" at the photos of you drinking apple sourz straight from the bottle before you left, because you were seventeen and you couldn't drink at the event, you smile quite wistfully and say "i felt really pretty that day. it was nice". matty kisses your shoulder and says "how old were you?", and when you tell him he's like "ohhhhhhh, so THAT'S what you looked like when you developed a crush on me. cool"; you turn to look at him in total panic like "my brothers did NOT fucking tell you that", and when matty only responds with a sheepish grin you facepalm like "how long have you known? fucksake". and matty's like "😬 since the day i met them at your birthday", and you wail "oh my GOD that was before we were a THING jesus CHRIST that's so embarrassing" - matty can't help but laugh quietly as he pulls you into a hug like "no, baby, it's sweet! i quite like hearing that i was your little teenage dream, honestly", and you pull back like "shut up it's cringe. and it's not the reason i applied for my job!!". matty strokes your face like "i know that, sweetheart, i know you're smart enough to not do anything for a man lmao", and then he kisses your cheeks to make you laugh before he pulls back and looks at you a bit flirtily like "and if it's any consolation, seventeen-year-old me would have fucking crawled over broken glass if i thought seventeen-year-old you would've even LOOKED at me. really. and i'd do it right now if you asked me to, honestly. i have a massive crush on you, in case you hadn't noticed. and i had it before i knew you fancied me back then!" - you grab his face like "you're an idiot, healy. but thank you", and matty's like "and i'm YOUR idiot. and proud of it" lmao <3
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jeanbie · 1 year
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genre: university au | warnings: mentions of recreational drugs and alcohol | notes: super british coded (as in entirely based off my uni clubbing experiences) but it's not particularly important !! also a big thanks to @ezxpb for putting the idea in my head (and basically giving me the idea) and i'd love to see other people's headcanons since these ended up being more about pre-drinking and not the club...sorry...*pres=pre drinking
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⏤ REINER ; hosts the pres at his house off campus. invites the main group but he has a bit of a loud mouth and told his other classmates, who told their friends and now he's not sure who might be coming to his house. tells people the party starts at 9pm (clubs open at 10) but tells the main group to come there for 8. he puts connie on playlist duty. thinks he's macho and drinks whiskey all night (will later regret this). is somehow friends with the bouncers at the club and is probably one of the only 104th members who doesn't need to show his id. takes advantage of the deals at the bar and drinks wayyyyy too much in one go. is that guy who is feeling super hype and then goes to the smoking area and immediately sobers up and wants to go home
⏤ EREN ; brings the most alcohol to pres only to drink very little of it. is probably that disgusting gremlin who drinks vodka straight from the bottle thinking he can handle it (he really cannot). keeps queueing shitty songs during the pre playlist and gets banned from requesting songs. eats a weed brownie from his brother zeke and very nearly whiteys but he's lucky enough to recover before he gets to the club. is a dance machine on the dance-floor, making friends with random people and losing the rest of his friends in the process. almost got dress coded at the door because he was wearing cargo jeans and a hoodie but he's with reiner- and reiner knows the bouncer- so he's somewhat safe. definitely tries to fight someone at some point and keeps forgetting that he can't take his drink to the smoking area and keeps having to buy another one when it's taken away from him (or if he forgets where it is). definitely has the worst hangover the next morning
⏤ CONNIE ; best dressed for the party and gets there super early to help zeke make weed brownies. is probably zooted before anyone even shows up, and is stingy about sharing his weed with people because it's a cost of living crisis my friends and the loan only goes so far. is always moving around, can't sit still at all! he's just having a good ass time! he's pretty boring with his drinks but as soon as someone whips out tequila he can't stop himself. is very good at taking shots (always has a bit dribbling down his chin mmmmm sexy). has the weed giggles for a while and it's what gives him away in the club line. the bouncer is not that stupid and knows that connie is crossfaded – "nice try, kid, go home". tries to break in through the smoking area and gets barred from entry there ("that club is trash anyway" "you literally haven't stopped complaining about it since it happened" "it's just a shitty club like there are way better ones we can go to")
⏤ JEAN ; feels a bit shy at pres because he's not super drunk but then sasha says they should play drinking games and he's like LITERALLY thank god. shits on eren as he borderline whiteys in the bathroom- also shits on floch for buying those cheap ass sourz shots from bnm that are like £2.50 and taste like chemicals (still has one though). likes vodka coke, literally you can't go wrong with it. has like tequila ptsd and immediately feels his blood go cold when ymir whips the bottle out. he has no idea who some of the people at this pre-sesh are but he's happy to chat to them anyway, now that the alcohol has made him feel normal. his phone is like on 30% all night because reiner has one of those janky phone chargers from amazon that needs to be at a certain angle to even work. gets caught out on all his lies during the drinking game therefore he has to drink more to make up for it (he's so tipsy by the time they leave). has the worst id picture that even the bouncer clowns for a second. inside, jean takes advantage of the cheap shots and feels sick for 15 mins afterwards. is a sex magnet and people keep asking him for his instagram and it gets to his head a little bit (a lot). makes out with one of his friends and tries to gaslight himself into believing it wasn't real (but someone has pics to prove it)...
⏤ SASHA ; turns up to pres with the worst combinations of drinks with NO mixers. also is the supplier of the drinking games. sets up a 'ring of fire' game and ends up being the loser each time- she's like "thats so weird why is it always me??" and is oblivious to the fact that they all just cheat and make her the loser by default. will shot everything she finds. has like a tiny section of weed brownie and then gets scared so has no side effects. for some reason sasha finds zeke hot so she's like weirdly giggly around him (thinks nobody has noticed but they have and zeke has too). takes so many photos and cringes super hard when she looks at her camera roll in the morning. once she's at the club she's going to the toilet like every 15 minutes because she's opened the floodgates and just needs to pee constantly. is the girl who is very invested in the drama she hears in the toilets and would probably try and fight men in the club if she thought they were being creepy. falls down an entire flight of stairs at one point but at least she saved the drink
⏤ MIKASA ; is a little soju fiend and cradles that little plum soju bottle like a baby. is the person put on eren duty when he's going through it for a while and there's like 3000 things she'd rather be doing than babysit him as he convinces himself he wont puke. moves away from the speaker because it's so crunchy and actually just takes her seat on annie's leg since she loves her <33 besties. looks beautiful btw. has unintentional rizz and people just wanna keep buying her drinks when she gets to the club. dances exclusively with sasha all night and therefore has to accompany her to the toilet every other minute. feels like she's playing mom a lot & honestly mikasa doesn't love the club too much (she'd rather go to bars than clubs). loves taking photobooth pictures with all her friends though and it's the highlight of the night for her. argues with a bouncer who bans connie from the club and is threatened with her own personal ban (like she cares)
⏤ ARMIN ; honestly would rather be at home studying but he's only here because everybody else is. like it's literally the start of 2nd year and grades count now he can't afford anything less than a 2:1 this semester. contributes one drinking card game called "buzzed" and takes the finest sips of his drinks to avoid being super drunk. like pours the tiniest amounts of alcohol into his cups and it's like literally why bother. actually ends up having a good time despite whining on the way there, but he has more fun at pres than he does at the club. the bouncer thinks his id is fake because he looks literally 13 (this is pre-s4 haircut and one of the main reasons why it all comes off in the next few months). is definitely that guy who wants to take care of drunk people in the toilets. mostly talks (yells over the noise) to bertholdt on the sidelines until he somehow gets drunk enough to join his friends on the dance floor. goes to the smoking area with eren but very quickly says 'fuck that' because it's freezing. refuses to pay £5 to put his coat in the coatroom, he'd rather just wear it or play a game of luck and leave it in a corner somewhere
⏤ ANNIE ; forced to be there by reiner. handles her alcohol well so she's just quite confused as to how some of these guys are out of their minds drunk when she barely even feels tipsy. brought along a weird brand of vodka that tastes like literal acid and literally only she likes drinking it. she takes one of the weird shots that floch brings and instantly feels sick and keeps saying she wants to go home. in the end she stays back while others go to the club because she'd honestly rather be with marcel's cat than at the club rn, stay safe tho. (has to walk to the club with marcel to get reiner and co when they're shitfaced and probably crashes on their couch since their house is like her 2nd home)
⏤ BERTHOLDT ; is only there because he also lives in the house. accidentally eats an entire weed brownie thinking they're normal and is out of it for a while. later though quite likes drinking but he's probably one of those weirdos who mixes vodka with monster energy and claims it has a different taste to vodka red bull (it doesn't). keeps trying to lie during armin's card drinking game and it's so obvious that he's lying but he will not give up on trying to sell the lie. forgets his id for the club but honestly that man looks aged so the bouncer is like "just this once i'll let it slide. not you though armin, i need more proof—". eventually starts having loads of fun at the club until he finds reiner having a crisis in the smoking area and then calls annie to help bring everyone home because he's still a bit out of it and doesn't know if he can get back safely on his wit alone
⏤ HISTORIA ; brings wine to pres? like girl? and is dressed super lovely. is a social magnet and everybody wants to talk to her and she wants to talk to them just as eagerly. knows the words to every song that plays and sings along to all of them. doesn't understand the rules to ring of fire and eventually withdraws from the game because she keeps getting confused and its stressing everyone out. is also a victim to floch's shitty sourz shots and is sick and ymir takes her home. on days where she's not drunk i can see historia being one of those girls who ends up dancing on tables like okkkkk. also runs back and forth to get water for girls who are being sick in the loos. she likes drinking vodka lemonades like the pretty princess that she is xx
⏤ YMIR ; actually buzzing for the party. brings all sorts of shit to the pre-sesh and, hell yeah she wants a brownie. immediately crashes with connie, since they're basically best buds. gets into a weird drinking contest with reiner and eren and wipes the floor with them. calls everyone "mama" or "mamas" and now that she's drunk for some reason her sexual energy is just flowing (even though everybody including historia knows that ymir only has eyes for historia). has the greatest time bullying people during the drinking games and keeps trying to fight jean for the single phone charger in the corner. is definitely the drink spiller of the group but she always blames it on other people and does a really good job at making it look believable. is actually kinda bummed out that she leaves early to take historia home. on days where she does go clubbing she can be found on the dance floor just vibing with connie or other friends. always has a radar for where any of her friends are and if someone is lost then ymir can and WILL find them. likes to interrogate innocent people in the smoking area and always ends up smoking a cigarette despite not entering the club with any on her
⏤ LEVI, HANGE, ERWIN ; final years who came to the party because they're their friends but 1) hange got wayyyy too drunk on tequila and was being sick everywhere, 2) levi was bored and gladly used hange as an excuse to go home and 3) erwin is probably working because he's the only responsible friend
⏤ FLOCH ; is the friend who buys the weirdest and most rank drinks on planet earth. he's the evil mastermind who comes up with criminal concoctions for ring of fire. he has like that weird charm that's unsettling but people always want to be near him because he knows how to have fun. tried to concoct a plan to get connie in the club after he got turned away but *rita skeeter voice* he was unsuccessful….
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babyfrogstuff · 9 months
A short overview of low-cal and high-cal alcohol, maybe it helps
1. Malibu - 55 cal
2. Vodka - 64 cal
3. Rum - 64 cal
4. Tequila - 64 cal
5. Scotch Whiskey - 70 cal
6. Peach Schnapps - 72 cal
7. Gin - 74 cal
8. Bailey's - 102 cal
9. Sourz - 103 cal
10. Jägermeister - 103 cal
1. Light Beer - 95 cal
2. Strawberry Daiquiri - 120 cal
3. Regular Beer - 153 cal
4. White wine - 282 cal
5. Mojito - 286 cal
6. Champagne - 297 cal
7. Long Island - 331 cal
Keep in mind that every drink has a different standard serving size so the calories will differ
Or even better, just stay away from alcohol
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rockytilly · 1 year
status: open location: pride palace when: friday night
"I just watched a drag queen dressed as Ursula and another queen dressed as Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove lip-sync for their lives to Dangerous Woman." Rocky said with a sort of bewildered amusement, returning from the bar with a tray of three brightly coloured drinks and setting them down before dropping unceremoniously into the chaise lounge. "The bartender called it a Maui Tai," Rocky chuckled, jerking his chin towards the drink that looked like a sunset before reeling off the names of the other two cocktails—a twist on a frozen margarita inspired by Frozen and a green and glittering shot with golden flakes inspired by Tinkerbell that smelt suspiciously of Apple Sourz. "Bottoms up!" Rocky declared, picking up the shot glass and shooting it down the hatch. @fairfordstarters
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gingeremo · 27 days
That’s It you and I on a table dancing with two shots each ….its a date 😍
As long as it's either Corky's, Sourz, Jägerbomb or Dead Man's Fingers 👍🏻
I like rum shots too if it has Cola in it haha. I can't drink it on its own 😂
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valsedelesruines · 11 months
All the young folks at work are swapping uni stories which has made me nostalgic. 
Some of the memories in no particular order: cheesy chips; 2 am sprinting; thousands of kisses; kissing boys; kissing girls; college songs in the pub; the swan and three cygnets; strongbow and taddy’s and carlsberg and stella; strip clubs and maccies in Newc; swapping shirts with girls; sleeping in girls beds; chunder charts; alcopop waterfalls; kicked out of club for breaking in; kicked out of club for naughtiness; kicked out of men’s bathroom; stealing ornaments from loveshack christmas tree; stomach bugs; laundry lines; rooftop break-ins; oranges in my nightclub purse; homecoming king; hundreds of trains; chants on the cobblestones; stilettoes on Geordie girls on icy cobblestones; henry hoover; drunk chats in the smoking area; formal gowns; formal spooning; chunder in the soup next to me; chunder on the wall in my home; chunder in the sink; hand-painted shirts for dancing; belly dancing; break dancing; street dancing; dancing in the street alone; sticking to the floors of klute; picking up pounds off the floor of klute; taking pret sandwiches off the street; taking glassware and sweaters off the street; using glassware and wearing sweaters found in the street; drawing on eyebrows; drinking and crying; crying and drinking; shitty decorations from poundland; bonfire night fireworks on the sands; running away from the fireworks; skipping class to audition for BBC game shows; dixie chicken; urban oven; subway; baked beans; shitty lentils and rice everyday; skepta and bugzy malone; stopping in the middle of the road at midnight to lie down and look at the stars; that being my last memory of you before you died; a lovely funeral and a ruined song; spicy curries; panic attacks; shwarma wraps; morning after pills; IUDs; 3 hours in A&E; vodka ice cream licked off my leg at a rounders game; campus tours through the cathedral cloisters; fattened up by dining hall meals; swapping last nights stories at saturday brunch; hash browns and fried eggs and tomatoes and baked beans; picassos in the hallways; lonely walks by the river; helping chickens cross the road; rewarded by courgettes from the allotments; pinching blackberries to make jam; the lads; cheeky nandos; tinder swipes; yik yaks; free apple sourz from the prison guard; long island ice tea pitchers at spoons; vegan sweet potato casserole; halloween pumpkins for pumpkin pie; monster mash in klute; lumiere; siberian winters; you knocking on in the middle of the night; the first time you said you loved me; valentines formal; observatory hill; the cheeky girls; the wicker man; mudlarking the Wear; fajita fridays; running under stopped lorries; back to backs; snowdrops and crocuses; “down it fresher”; “spillage is lickage”; spliffs in shitty apartments; traffic cones in the dormitory showers; poetry open mics; life drawing; toasties; yu-gi-oh games; big tescos; archaeology, I suppose; “what freedom!”
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bradshawswife · 2 years
Hello my love!! For the sleepover (and since you’re at the bar)
Top 3 cocktails! Or drinks in general
Hope you have a wonderful rest of your night!! - Teddy 🧸💖
MHMMMM!!! turn it up!!
literally anything with vodka or gin! rn i’m drinking a “jolly rancher” with apple sourz, melon liqueur, and cranberry juice!
1: mango or strawberry daiquiri (frozen rum drink, MHMMM)
2: swedish berry (raspberry sour puss, banana liqueur, sprite & cranberry juice)
3: berry smash (gin, lime juice, strawberries, simple syrup and club soda)
thanks for the ask my love!! mwah!! hope you have a good weekend🤍🤍🫶🏻🫶🏻💐💐💐
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qwertyfingers · 2 years
celebrating turning 27 in style by exclusively drinking apple sourz and inflicting riverdale on my friends
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cookiecrumble67 · 20 hours
I am never drinking absinthe again lol
My partner mixed half a bottle of Cherry Sourz with 1/4 bottle of Strawberry Gin and a small glass of absinthe (like proper absinthe) and blended it with ice to make the most alcoholic slushie I’ve ever had
I barely remember having sex lol
I was still so drunk the next day I had to grab onto the walls or him to go pee, he practically funnelled isotonic drinks into me but I was so wasted
It’s been 48++ hours and I’m only just sober enough to get the bus home and my head is SORE
I’m so hungover and my pussy is raw af
It was so so so so so so so hot but jfccccccc
good LORD that sounds hot- also little reminder to me to try strawberry gin that sounds like my heaven!! especially with someone handing it to me to get me drunk haha (who's up for it x)
hope you're not feeling too dead lmaoo
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takumis86 · 4 months
i love apple sourz because it tastes like drinking nuclear waste and looks like it too
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machetemaiden27mcx · 1 year
Something really messed up happened just before. I was on my way back home after going my local off license to get some drinks(a can pf dragon soup, bottle of cherry sourz and some coca cola) having my dragon soup at the bench round the corner as per usual, as i text some friends.
As i walked past the precinct seperating the off licemse from my route home, i saw some guy passed out, outside Iceland not moving. Thrre was a bottle of beer open next to him and vomit. He wasnt moving. I started walkimg past and got round the corner when i decided to ring sigma for advice, because i was about to call 999
As i was on the phone i walked back to see if he was okay when i saw him moving. I still debated calling an ambulance but then a guy came out of the supermarket talking to him, and a second guy who must have heard me on the phone also checked on him.
He seemed responsive and was in good hands so i walked away. But this has really rattled me. Sorry for the long post
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mrs-kim-kyu · 1 year
Cannabis stores Scarborough
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One Plant Scarborough
About the Business
Do you live in Scarborough? Attempting to track down a quality weed dispensary approach me? We got you! One Plant Scarborough represents considerable authority in everything marijuana. On the off chance that you need data on THC, CBD, Sativa, Indica, crossovers, terpenes, edibles, treatments, prerolls, vapes, refreshments, utilisation limits, oils, how to cook with marijuana, and so forth come by and ask us anything you really want direction on. We are here to help!
Laid out in 2021.
We like to keep things basic. We are a family-possessed activity by neighbourhood Scarborough occupants who love serving our local area. Our point is to constantly blow away your assumptions. Our order is basic. Great energies and quality client assistance are at the very front of all that we do. Our proverb is basic: One Love. One Plant.
Spirit Leaf - Scarborough
Good estimating and free loot! (Much obliged refined men!) Because of Coronavirus limitations, request ahead or pay when you arrive through the card of your decision. Opened about a month prior and its helpful store area is a respectable size. At the point when lockdown's finished, visit the well disposed staff; they were useful with their item depictions so you can't turn out badly. Site is likewise simple to explore in the event that you haven't currently in addition to examining a QR code to rapidly look at their menu of what's accessible. Unparalleled piece of handiwork with their idea: Great Stockpile Monkey Paste was exceptionally fulfilling for a crisp night...before bean stew ;)
Breaking Bud Marijuana
New cannabis store situated on Eglinton Ave East at Brimley Rd. Breaking Bud is strategically placed adjacent to LCBO and the brew store.
Such a huge choice of pot items, for example, THC drinks, edibles, half quarters and pre-rolls. Besides, they convey a huge assortment of papers.
Agreeable staff that make a special effort to make sense of the menu. They are exceptionally persistent and inviting.
I got an opportunity to attempt a few new things like Sourz and Tweed Bubble Mango. In any case, GMO Treats are most certainly fragrant. I need to go through their whole menu of exceptional things. I will be returning !
Blossoms Marijuana
I was in this nearby court catching fire some time standing by a work to be finished.
While strolling past this recently opened store, Catalina happily welcomed me in the entryway and I chose to acknowledge her encouragement to see some marijuana items.
I got a speedy example on the 2 parts of weed: cannabidiol (CBD) which will not get a buyer high and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which will get a shopper high.
The store shows are being gathered yet I was allowed to snap a couple photographs.
There are drinks, edibles, marijuana for smoking, and so on depending on the event that you need the impacts/advantages of CBD or THC.
Count me for being more taught about weed than I was prior to talking with Catalina.
Quad Developed Dispensary
About the Business
Claims to fame
1 HR Conveyance Text 647-495-4774! We Give The Best Of Specialty Marijuana. We Just Convey The Dearest Friend That Consumes An Unadulterated White Debris, Developed Naturally with Mastery! The smell and Taste of Our Item Separates us From Every other person. Attempt Us, On the off chance that Your Not Fulfilled We Will Discount Your Buy!
Laid out in 2010.
We Have Pursued Down The Best In B.C. Furthermore, Across Cali to acquire Ontario The Best Canada! No Dispensary Analyses major areas of strength for the and Taste of our Plants. Filled Legitimately In-house by Us To Guarantee The Most noteworthy THC Content!
The Leaf Assortment
Claims to fame
Based on regard and honesty The Leaf Assortment (tender loving care) is resolved to offer the best assortment of pot items and frills. Whether you are new to pot or a carefully prepared client, the well disposed and learned budtenders at attention will try to give you a remarkable and custom-made shopping experience.
Neighborhood Marijuana
Welcome to Neighborhood Marijuana. We're a lawful, authorised, and privately claimed sporting pot store. No enrollment or solution required. We anticipate serving you. Look at our site or call us.
The leaf Assortment
Weed/Marijuana Dispensary in Scarborough, Toronto 
Weed Edibles, THC, CBD and other Marijuana Items and Embellishments
Based on regard and honesty The Leaf Assortment (tender loving care) is resolved to offer the best assortment of weed items and embellishments. Whether you are new to marijuana or a carefully prepared client, the cordial and educated budtenders at attention will make a point to give you a remarkable and customised shopping experience.
Contact the Leaf Assortment - Weed Store in Scarborough, Toronto
Happy Pot is your agreeable and inviting Scarborough neighbourhood pot store. Come shop with us in a no-pressure, straightforward climate. We have all the great stuff! We're a completely authorised, protected and legitimate Pot/Marijuana store (likewise known as a weed dispensary) situated on the south-east corner of Lawrence Road East and Superintendent Road in Toronto/Scarborough. See you soon!
Marijuana Dispensary Scarborough Ontario
On the off chance that you are needing a fantastic option for marijuana items, for example, Yocan close to Toronto Ontario, look no farther than Holland Shock. Sporting pot hasn't at any point been more well known, on account of expanded social acknowledgment and it being made legitimate. It tends to be trying to monitor every one of the various kinds and items thinking about the amount of it is coming to showcase. At Holland Shock you'll find an expansive exhibit of premium quality marijuana items so you won't turn out badly. Our main goal is client assistance and it will turn out to be rapidly obvious that we are very learned and enthusiastic concerning the subject. It doesn't make any difference on the off chance that you're keen on edibles, concentrates, vaping or conventional bloom. Our determination is great regarding the two items and embellishments. We considerably offer pre-rolls that are exceptionally helpful and amazing when you are absolutely getting everything rolling and feel scared by the cycle. Figure out why Holland Shock is driving the way by visiting us when you are searching for a spot to purchase CBD close to Scarborough Ontario.
Edibles Scarborough Ontario
We are holding on to give you the help you really want at Holland Surprise when you are keen on a weed store in Toronto Ontario and don't know where to start. Weed has been utilised casually, profoundly and therapeutically for millennia. Unwinding, rapture, more noteworthy craving, or more prominent consciousness of outer upgrades and one's body are normal impacts brought about by the tetrahydrocannabinol compound the marijuana plants contain. There are different pot strains that are known for creating various outcomes yet even these may change significantly between various individuals. Various strains may have various centralizations of THC. This is another element to consider. Indica and Sativa are common classifications strains are isolated into. Indica is known for giving a 'body high' that is more unwinding with Sativa being known for being inventively and intellectually invigorating, or a 'head high'. An enormous number of strains are likewise a cross breed of the two. There are such countless choices accessible these days that even the people who have been involved in pot for years or many years track down that having a confided in an expert to go to for exhortation and suggestions is priceless. Providing this help and helping clients in finding the item that they're truly going to adore we're energetic about at Holland Surprise. This is the explanation that countless local people are picking Holland Surprise for a smoke shop close to Scarborough Ontario.
Quick Pot Conveyance Close to Scarborough Ontario
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Is it safe to say that you are searching for quick pot conveyance close to Toronto Ontario? We're here to offer the help you want at Holland Shock. You don't simply have to visit our area to profit from our astonishing client care. A similar sort of value experience is fit for being brought straightforwardly to your doorstep. Attempt our unbelievable determination of weed without venturing out from home. You should simply go to our site and look at our conveyance choices. It hasn't at any point been so straightforward. There's no other person you need to rely upon for neighbourhood weed conveyance close to Scarborough Ontario yet Holland Shock
Online Dispensary Close to Scarborough Ontario
Holland Shock is a main decision for a pot dispensary close to Toronto Ontario whether you are getting into sporting weed interestingly or you've been appreciating it for your entire grown-up life. While Pot was restricted by the Opium and Opiate Medication Act in 1929, Canada turned into the main G20 country to legitimize sporting marijuana use in October of 2018. The ascent in prevalence of sporting pot and the simplicity of rules encompassing marijuana use implies that many individuals are becoming intrigued that might have negative generalizations or an absence of genuine foundation. Does this seem like you? It is vital to realize you're in good company. At the point when you need to ensure you have a positive encounter, you really want to pick the right dispensary. Giving this is our objective at Holland Shock. Experience the distinction and make us your most memorable stop for a spot to purchase THC close to Scarborough Ontario.
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gingeremo · 2 years
Sounds like a lot of fun!! What’s your fav drink of choice when you go out? Also have you ever gotten hurt while dancing on tables?
And oh 🫣
Guinness 😍 but I also drink WKD, cocktails (Blue Lagoon, Long Island ice tea, Haribo, Bubblegum Fizz, Sex on the Beach etc), Sourz shots etc.
One of me mates ALWAYS gets tequila without fail though and another gets whiskey shots 😂 but by that point we're too pissed to care 🤣🤣
Surprisingly no haha. I'm always careful even when pissed 🤣 and was that "oh" to me dancing in the cage and round the pole or people stripping off? 🤣
4 notes · View notes
asiantraderbiz · 1 year
Two Solihull shops caught selling vapes and alcohol to minors
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Tiwana Supermarket, Chelmsley Wood (Photo: Google Street View via LDRS)
Two shops in north Solihull have been caught selling alcohol to under-18s in a sting operation by the council. Tiwana Supermarket in Chelmsley Wood and Tanda’s Local in Kingshurst were both busted in August for selling vapes and alcohol to minors.
Members of Solihull Council heard reports that a child had been admitted to hospital in August after drinking excessive amounts of alcohol purchased from Tiwana Supermarket. The 15-year-old boy had reportedly been able to buy two bottles of vodka and a bottle of Sourz.
Trading Standards visited the shop three times after this allegation to discuss the sale of alcohol to children with staff. The following month, officers sent two minors into the store to test purchase four cans of Strongbow Dark Fruit cider, which they were able to do unchallenged.
At a council meeting last week, the licence holder at Tiwana’s said measures were being taken including Challenge 25 training and improved CCTV. The shop was allowed to remain open providing these two issues were addressed quickly and to the council’s satisfaction.
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Over in Kingshurst, councillors were again concerned at reports of an 11-year-old being able to buy a vape from Tanda’s Local in September. They said it was ‘very disappointing’ that two 17-year-old female volunteers had been able to buy a four-pack of Strongbow Dark Fruit cider a month later on behalf of Trading Standards.
At the same council meeting last week, the shop on Silver Birch Road said it had arranged Challenge 25 training for all staff members and made improvements to CCTV. Authorities saw these as ‘major improvements’ and the shop has been allowed to stay open.
Similarly to Tiwana Supermarket, Trading Standards have been allowed to conduct more alcohol stings at Tanda’s over the next 12 months.
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