alwayssacred · 30 days
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ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽⊃─☆*:・゚ happy ascension Jesus!!!it was yesterday may 8th 2024. Thursday. 🫧 #heaven #jpg
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bibilium · 4 months
Explore the depths of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the Bible, understanding its spiritual significance and its impact on believers' lives.
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zion-hope-mukisa · 2 years
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#Ephesians2v8to9 #SpiritofGOD #Graceiswithoutworks #results https://www.instagram.com/p/CiR4Bs1r3M2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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getnotesonlife · 2 years
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What determines how you make decisions? Is it based on what you see, how you feel, or what you think? If so, you might want to rethink that because this is not what the Word of God tells us how to live.
When most people hear the word 'obedience' they often bristle because it goes against our human nature of putting ourselves first because our natural tendency is to want to be in control of our own lives, but God has a better plan!
You see when we listen to God’s guidance, heed His direction and faithfully apply the instruction in His Word, we will always be both in His Perfect Will, and as Joshua 1:8 promises, “Prosper and succeed in all you do.”
Obedience to God and choosing His ways is not always easy, and the British author and lay theologian G.K. Cheserton put this well saying:
It’s not that the Christian faith has been tried and found difficult, but rather it’s been found Difficult and left untried.
So Christian, do not live your life by what you FEEL, but be obedient in FAITH and God will always safely and successfully direct your path.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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kelegerauthor · 2 years
'Be Thy It Known' (God/Water Vision)
‘Be Thy It Known’ (God/Water Vision)
Be Thy It Known (God/Water Vision) the power of God† is might He† shoulders the helpless His† hands pass over the wickedness He† is vengeful and He† takes His† revenge when He† deems it time do not shalter do not be frightened man is but man man is not God† Himself† but made in His† likeliness so that he may forgive as God† does so that he may give mercy as God† does do not be fooled 'o patron…
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melissamangus · 2 years
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“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭KJV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/1/1co.3.16.KJV #templeofgod #spiritofgod #spiritofgoddwellsinyou #wordsofwisdom #happysoul #happysunday https://www.instagram.com/p/CgIkT_UM9rm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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get-notes-on-life · 2 years
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What determines how you make decisions? Is it based on what you see, how you feel, or what you think? If so, you might want to rethink that because this is not what the Word of God tells us how to live.
When most people hear the word 'obedience' they often bristle because it goes against our human nature of putting ourselves first because our natural tendency is to want to be in control of our own lives, but God has a better plan!
You see when we listen to God’s guidance, heed His direction and faithfully apply the instruction in His Word, we will always be both in His Perfect Will, and as Joshua 1:8 promises, “Prosper and succeed in all you do.”
Obedience to God and choosing His ways is not always easy, and the British author and lay theologian G.K. Cheserton put this well saying:
It’s not that the Christian faith has been tried and found difficult, but rather it’s been found Difficult and left untried.
So Christian, do not live your life by what you FEEL, but be obedient in FAITH and God will always safely and successfully direct your path.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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watchmanis216 · 15 days
The WORD the Redeeming Christ Pt2
The WORD reaches into our modern world to remind the world that without Jesus Christ, the WORD in the lives of people; they will be lost. Even in America we have revivals, baptisms, and repentance going on amidst all the trouble in this nation. The messag
The WORD reaches into our modern world to remind the world that without Jesus Christ, the WORD in the lives of people; they will be lost. Even in America we have revivals, baptisms, and repentance going on amidst all the trouble in this nation. The message and position that #John through the #SpiritofGod place in the first verse, this #Message of the #WORD is paramount in understanding the…
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lettersfromgod · 2 months
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📖 Source: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/Words_To_Live_By:_Part_Two#My_Hand_Is_Removed
▶️ Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=En-rPqH7AZk&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkPHgZ2CISXAJx3vpxyJ9MCr&index=33&pp=iAQB
[38] ⬆️ https://answersonlygodcangive.com/The_One_Who_Stays,_Lets
#TheVolumesofTruth #wordstoliveby #SpiritofGod #holyspirit #removed #penitent #thanksgiving #arrogant #false #righteous #proud #deliverance #TheHandOfGod #escape #embrace #flyaway #rapture
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ruah (noun): Spirit of God, breath of God
Learn more about ruah on this week's Sunday Replay: https://open.spotify.com/show/4bEZOo5eiG9bZnYKgcgF92?si=TwU55wR_SEuD6QukoqPTjg
#allthegood #ruah #spiritofgod #breathofgod #podcast Mark Kinsey Stephenson
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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Bonjour Très Chers Frères et Sœurs,
Toutes nos plateformes changent de Nom pour :
1. Mieux rendre gloire à DIEU
2. Mieux partager la Parole de DIEU
3. Éviter toute confusion (église, secte, religion, arnaque, etc.).
Ainsi, dorénavant nos plateformes sont : Yeshua Hamashiach Media ; avec quelques déclinaisons à la suite pour les frères et sœurs francophones, anglophones, etc.
Dans nos différents groupes et Chaînes, nous utilisons le véritable Nom du Seigneur qui n'est pas Jésus Christ mais Yeshua Hamashiach (qui signifie littéralement "Sauveur Messie, donc le Messie Sauveur) car le Sauveur de l'humanité était Juif. Ceci est vérifiable dans Jean 4, 22 "Vous adorez ce que vous ne connaissez pas. Nous, nous adorons ce que nous connaissons car le Salut vient des juifs".
Donc bienvenue à Chacun et que en accord avec Jean, 14:26 le consolateur, l'Esprit Saint, Nous enseigne toutes choses, et Nous rappelle tout ce que le Seigneur DIEU Nous a dit et enseigné dans la Sainte Bible!!! 🕊️🕊️🕊️
Shalom ! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
#LeSeigneur #LeMessie
#YeshuaHamashiach #SainteBible #Bible #ParoledeDieu #Évangile #BonneNouvelle #SaintEsprit #EspritSaint #EspritdeDieu #YeshuaHamashiachDisciple
#Prière #Prières #PrièresBibliques #PrièresInspirées #EvangelisationLibre
Hello Dear Brothers and Sisters,
All our platforms are changing names to:
1. Better glorify GOD
2. Better share the Word of GOD
3. Avoid confusion (church, sect, religion, scam, etc.).
Thus, from now on our platforms are: Yeshua Hamashiach Media; with a few variations in a row for French-speaking and English-speaking brothers and sisters, etc.
In our various groups and Channels, we use the true Name of the Lord which is not Jesus Christ but Yeshua Hamashiach (which literally means "Savior Messiah, therefore the Savior Messiah) because the Savior of humanity was Jewish. This is verifiable in John 4, 22 "You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know because Salvation comes from the Jews."
So welcome to Everyone and that in accordance with John, 14:26 the comforter, the Holy Spirit, teaches us all things, and reminds us of all that the Lord GOD has told and taught us in the Holy Bible !!! 🕊️🕊️🕊️
Shalom! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
#TheLord #TheMessiah
#YeshuaHamashiach #HolyBible #Bible #WordofGod #Gospel #GoodNews #HolySpirit #HolySpirit #SpiritofGod #YeshuaHamashiachDisciple
#Prayer #Prayers #BiblicalPrayers #InspiredPrayers #FreeEvangelism
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on-going · 3 years
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From The Lord, Our God and Savior ✉️ Question asked by Timothy: Lord, can You help me better understand John 16:13-15? “...Thus says The Lord, your Teacher: This is why I said, the Spirit shall not speak of itself as one separate, but shall take of Mine and reveal it to you. For the fullness of The Father dwells in The Son,[3] and that which is The Father’s is The Son’s also. My son, the Spirit and The Messiah are completely one, even as I and The Father are One. For I tell you the truth, all The Father wills is made manifest through Me. Thus the Spirit is given so you may really know Me, and receive strength to walk in My ways. For I am with you always, even to the end of this age.[4]
And behold, there is a day coming Quickly when you shall be changed, And no longer shall I dwell only in you, But you shall dwell also in Me...
Then shall you understand The fullness of who I am...
For as it is written: Now you see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; Now you know in part, but then you shall Know just as you are also known.[5]” [3] ↑ Colossians 1:1 [4] ↑ Matthew 28:20 [5] ↑ 1 Corinthians 13:12
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delightintheway · 2 years
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*VIDEO* Section 3 of 3: "ON A DAY YOU DID NOT LOOK FOR AND AT AN HOUR YOU DID NOT EXPECT": -> -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeiBcBKzJUY&list=PLE8FlkxQPQkOki3y3XQqS8Nx49EwLuRld&index=7 <- <- Hear The Word of The Lord!
"Peoples of the earth, do you not feel My quaking footsteps? Do you not feel the earth tremble? Behold, the mountains shall crumble and fall upon the desolate, every high place shall be broken down. Therefore as it is written: Kiss The Son, lest He be angry and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. For most assuredly, I say to you, the fire is already kindled, and on a day you did not look for and at an hour you did not expect, the cup of My fury shall be poured out; behold, it shall be imparted in full!
Therefore, blessed are those who call upon the name Of The Messiah, in sincerity and in truth, For the Spirit of God dwells within them…
Blessed are those who seek refuge in Him, For they shall find it…
Blessed are all those who love and Obey The Son, for they shall be delivered…
Says The Lord."
Excerpt from: https://www.thevolumesoftruth.com/The_Mountains_Shall_Crumble_and_Fall_Upon_the_Desolate
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zion-hope-mukisa · 2 years
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#SpiritofGOD #peaceful #progress https://www.instagram.com/p/CiPQQ2PrtIb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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getnotesonlife · 2 years
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Perhaps you did not intend to do something wrong…but you did it anyway.
Sound familiar? Well, you are not alone becasue we all have!
The reason why is that as good as our thought intentions are, as today’s scripture verse says, being obedient doesn’t emanate from the Mind but from the Heart. When we listen with our heart, and not with our mind, the Holy Spirit can speak and you will be able to listen because our spirit is tied to the heart, not the mind.
So walk the good walk, not the 'will'! Obey God from your heart and you will never fail.
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You NotesOnLife.org
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Faith and Reason 1
All issues of life are spiritual issues. The same Spirit of God who was breathed into Adam and Eve as the breath of life, is the same Spirit of creation who through the Word spoke all creation into being, both animate and inanimate. Angels too, both in God's presence and fallen from grace are answerable to the Spirit of God. Therefore it is understandable how all issues of our earthly existence, from sustenance, materialism and even addictions are spiritual issues requiring spiritual intervention. The base requirement for this form of logic is that of faith in creation, in whichever way one might believe it occurred, but from a common creator. Ask yourself what life is evident of, considering biodiversity and balance in ecosystems.
Now we being of the Christian faith, understand that the God of creation willed Himself to be revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, and that it is by faith in Him that we gain access to the Father, who spoke the Word and thereafter created all the known universe. The Spirit of God created the Son, but the Father exalted the Son over the Spirit, so that just as the Father is exalted, the Son too may be exalted and give Him glory.
From Scripture, we determine that God intended to be in relationship with His creation. Even after the fall of mankind in Eden, God still desired to make Himself known. According to the gospel of John, in Jesus Christ we received grace in place of grace already given. This means that it was God's grace that He desired Himself to be known through the Law of Moses as a Holy God, unattainably so, if not for the latter grace and truth of salvation through Jesus Christ. This combination of grace and truth that was availed in our Lord Jesus Christ, in confessing Him as Lord and Savior, is a confession of our shortcomings in relation to the grace which is the Law, and that by His self sacrifice, we have received forgiveness. This forgiveness is so that we may be freed from lies and hypocrisies which are designed to be defense mechanisms against judgement from fellow mankind, but which in reality are offensive to God. Fully accepting Christ (the atonement and protection offered by His blood from the wrath of the Father against sin and that which causes sin) means abandoning futile humanistic defense mechanisms, and instead, living by truth. In essence, this is wearing truth as a part of the armor that God provides in Jesus Christ.
Until one recognises the true enemy and his battle tactics, one will remain blind to the fact that living hypocritically is waging war against God, who should be our refuge. The true enemy advances by form of temptation, inviting one to indulge in sin. Once one has fallen to sin, it gives birth to guilt and shame, eventually leading to death. Two forms of solution follow this train of thought. The first is that of prayer (a preventative measure), where we ask the Father to deliver us from the hands of the tempter. The second solution (a remedy) is a combination of faith, truth and repentance. Repentance is a key component of the solution because while we are of the faith, sin still carries with it wrath. While Jesus Christ carried the bulk of the wrath with Him on the cross, enough remained so that sin could still be identified as sin. It would therefore always need to be repented of to deal with the issue of the remaining wrath.
Wrath comes in the form of cumulative misfortunes. As long as sin is repented of, it doesn't carry with it death, because our Lord and Savior conquered and took back life away from death. Unrepentant sin on the other hand, will always carry with it enough wrath to carry death back to the transgressor, but in no way depriving the Giver of Life of His victory or authority over death. What then is required is a choice to be made (a sober one), between life and death. Subscribing to this way of thinking will not only prove the existence of God in day to day living, but prove Him to be faithful and good.
by Kudakwashe Kanengoni
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