#splating it up
wall-e-gorl · 1 year
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someonesomewheredown · 5 months
I'm not that good at the S-Blast but I'll be damned if it isn't fun as hell to use
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GO TEAM ALIENS! bogos binted? 👽
also, if anyone wants to play with me (or look for me) My splash tag is “Fuzzy Tofu, Froggi huh #4755” and my FC is: 0016-0783-3913. You should see ‘LocalFrog!’ after punching it in!
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
one time when i was at the Gamestop i saw a game calld Mario Pinball Land and i was like "oh yeah i had read about this on The Super Mario Wiki" and also i watched some videos of people playing it on Youtube and so i got my grandma to buy it for me and then i went home and i put it in my DS but actually befor that we got Pizza Hut and i got a personal pan pepperoni pizza with black olivds on it because i like them even though my cousin thought it was gross that i got them on my pizza
but after that it was night time and i put it in my DS and turned it on and it started playing the cutscene that plays at the beginning. and this is where things start to get creepy ok so dont read anymore if you dont want to read something tjat will scare you okay im serious. so it strated playing the cutscene where theyre at the fair right. an Mario and Princess Peach are waiting in the line in front of the big machine and the Tode goes up to get on the thing right. well then the two things of the machine come together on the sides of him and they close together around him and hes inside...
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BUT WHEN THAT HAPPENED THERE WAS ALL THIS BLOOD THAT CAME OUT AND THE SKY WENT DARK TOO AND THE TODE WAS SCREMEING BUT NOT LIKE A TODE SCREME IT WAS LIKE A NORMAL PERSON SCREME LIKE MY DAD AT FOOTBALL (i tried my best to draw how it looked like becaus i didnt have a camera when it happened)!!!!!!! but then Mario and Peach looked happy or suprised how they normaly do!! at that point i was so scared i was like "what the %#@&, dude!!!" but then it kept going and the cannon shot out the Tode and...
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HE WAS A BALL OF BLOOD!!!!!!! AND WHEN HE HIT THE TARGET HE SPLATED LIKE THISAND STILL YELLING i was trying so hard not to yell so my grandma or grandpa didnt here but i was sooooo scared and so thenPeach got up on the thing and theN PEACH GOT SMASHED INTO BLOOD TOO!!!!!
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and then instead of the goombas coming in and making the cannon turn and shoot at bowsers castle MARIO made the cannon shoot straight in the air!!!!!! i was like "aaaaaaaaaa what is hapeninggg!!!! o_0" and so then when he did that it made the sky have BLOOD CLOUDS and BLOOD RAIN came from them and also there was BLOOD LIGHTNING TOO i think but i cant remember
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and then he was standing there on the thing and LAUGHING while he got BLOOD RAINED on!!!! and then. the title screen showed and it said….
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MARIO BLOODBALL LAND AND MARIO SAID THAT IN HIS VOICE BUT IT WAS REALLY DEEP LIKE DARTH VADER. i couldnt take it any more and its embarasing but i yelled really loud and i pulled the game out as fast as i could and threw it on the floor. my grandma came in and asked what happend and i said i had a nightmare (becuase i wasnt supposed to be awake or have my DS) and so the next day i said i didnt want the game and we took it back to The Game Stop and i got Namco Museum instead
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WIBTA if I warned my (soon ex-)roomate/close friend's future roomate since he didn't do his share of chores ?
So for the context, I (28F) have been friend with A(30M) since our college years and he was the first friend I made there. We've been close and went on holidays together (with other friends) and he has always done his fair share of chores (and done it well).
Thus, a year ago we decided to become roomate since we both moved to a faraway city (and rent was too expensive) because of our respective jobs. We splate the chores evenly and for the first month he did it well. But then he started doing chores that I was supposed to do (or pretended to do them after I did it) and stopped doing his chores ( without asking me if I was fine with it). And gradually he stopped doing any chores at all. When I asked why he don't do anything anymore he says that he is taking out the trash and vacuuming (but like he is doing it once a month and I told him it wasn't enough at all).
He also started to take up my spaces. Tbf I have a room a bit bigger than his (like he has a 13m2 and mine is 15m2) but he have a shelf in the comming room. He has 2 drawer in the bathroom and i have only one but he still put some of his stuff in mine (eventhough he has still space in his). He has two hanger for his towel, i have one but has decided to have three towel hanging and use mine (and many other things like that). And every single time I tell him it's irrespectous of me and i don't want him to use my space. At first i told him kindly but i have become harsher and harsher in my words because he kept doing it adter two months of telling him to stop. So now i just put all of his thing on the dirty ground (since i have stopped cleaning the common area to see if he will do it, he dont). It's petty and might be an asshole move but i'm tired.
But the worst of it all is that everytime I try to talk to him about things I think should change and aren't correct, he get all defensive and find excuses or staight up lie saying it isn't him doing it even if we are the only one living here. I'm tired of his lies and I feel like i am just an unpaid maid here...
Because of this constant irrespect for my space and person, i don't know if i can consider him a friend anymore and I want to stop having any contact with him (at least for a while) when i move next month (finaly) which might be harsh since we've been pretty close before. But where I really might be the asshole is if I warned his future roomate (who is a friend of my friend) of A's behavior and to be careful which could potentially put A in a difficult position if his friend doesn't want to be his roomate anymore.
Some of my friend say that it is a petty and asshole move and over say that i might do the other person a favor so I want another opinion to know if IWBTA if i warned my friend's futur roomate of his awful behavior ?
What are these acronyms?
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flamingskull28 · 2 months
(Agent 96 story from the poll)
3 sat between Callie and Marie, staring off and being unaware of everything besides the beaming summer time heat and her fellow Agents in the distance.
4 was practicing at the row of target bloons, there used to be just 3 but 4 and 8 worked together to add various targets, some moving and others impopable..
They were both so talented...
3's cheeks flushed as she watched 4 tear through the target range with each weapon she had then switch to the next and do it again with ease. The girls movements were perfect anytime she broke from a sprint, 4 instantly swung her weapon and took her target out then the next.
3 wondered if they'd ever be on that level of strength or precision, maybe not but it still was enjoyable to watch 4 at work. The Agents firm muscles catching 3's eye consistently, they showed perfectly with 4's long elegant tentacle, shorts and crop top combined with their hero jacket tied around their waist. Seeing 4 like this made 3's stomach flutter in strange ways... her face was getting way to hot as well..
3 turned their gazed to 8, who was tinkering with various weapons at Sheldon's upgrade station. Though it didn't help 3's situation as the octoling zipped through the contents of a splatling, seeming to know the device like the back of her own hand.
8 had taken off the front barrel of a hydra and grabbed the barrel from a nearby killer wail cannon, somehow gripping the heavy part with one hand showing strength simler to 4's. 8 went on to weld the two items together, taking a brief moment to admire the handy work then instantly diving back into the Frankenstein of a splating.
3 blushed further, these two were astounding. 3 knew how she felt about them but... how would she ever be on their level?
3 hoped she'd ever have the strength to tell them how she felt.
4 grunted as she put a full force swing into hitting the target balloon. Destroying the thing instantly. She smirked, having gone through the course with all her weapons three times now. This thing had been a pain for her and 8 to build... though 4 didn't think she deserved much credit, she'd only offered ideas and stuck mechanics together, 8 was the real brains.. she was so smart...
4 took a seat next to her training course, as close to 8 as possible without being to weird. She took the chance to look over the marvel of weapon tech, 8 had stuck together. 4 went over the amount of carefully connected components and clever welding it took to form a hydra with a killer wail, in her head and admired 8's skills even more. A blush overtakeing her.
She really hopped no one noticed her staring at 8's mechanics outfit and tied up tentacles, 8 was very pretty girl.... 4 never had the heart to say that to her though...
"H-Hey 4 mind i-if... I uh, try the training course?" 3 approached timidly, 4 found their nervousness adorable given the girl always looked so tough from afar. Oddly 4 got the same happy and bubbly feeling when 3 was around as she did with 8...
"Of course ya dummy, it's a training course for all of us. It's about time I see you try it out." 4 remarked with a lighthearted shoulder punch then stood back to give 3 room.
3 flashed a smile in response then rested their hero shot. 3 definitely didn't match 4 in strength or precision but her agility and tactical prowess were more then enough to burn through the training course.
4 was impressed with how efficiently 3 cleared it on their first go. Sure it was a bit slow and she manged to get knocked over by one of the reinflating balloons but still. Though 4 was a bit biased, she loved to watch 3 at work and this was no different, why was a question 4 had yet to understand.
A call from 8 caught her attention before she could ponder it.
"Maybe one day I can tell them about this weird feeling.." she mumbled
"4,3! I believe it's finished." 8 smiled confidently while wiping the sweat from her head.
"That hydra + killer wail thing you've been crafting?" 3 sat her gun down and walked over with 4.
"The Wailing Hydra." 4 stated matter of factly with a hint if teasing.
"Yup! Been putting this together all day, not to mention designing it.." 8 held the weapon up proudly, clearly struggling to support the weight. It was a hydra mixed with a killer wail, various tubed, braces and an extra large tank were required to make it so that was a given. "Who wants the first test run? I don't want to be using it if it explodes." 8 laughed with her statement though 3 didn't seem to catch that given her worried expression.
8 couldn't help but find it cute, 3 was a softie at heart and everyone knew it. It made 8 found of the girl... she assumed the butterflies thinking about them gave her was nothing though.
"I'll try it!" 4 reached out to grabbed the weapon from 8, her smile a mix of chaos and excitement.
"Careful! It's hea-....vy?." 8 was surprised when 4 easily held up the weapon with just one hand
"Eh a bit." Was all 4 said as she admired the thing, the tank inside taking ink from her own tank. It needed a full tank of ink to work. "I think it's full so stand back."
8 flushed seeing 4's pure confidence as the sound of mechanical whirling filled the air. The weapon audiblely pumped ink into the main firing mechanism and soon enough it was ready to fire.
4 let go of the trigger and a massive beam of yellow ink exploded from the barrel, a solid stream of destruction landing where ever she aimed, one that even popped the normally unpoppable balloons.
4 laughed as if this was the most fun she'd ever had. 8 watched on in admiration, why was this hot..? Must just be a random thought.... yeah totally.
Eventually the beam died down. 4 turned back around with a face of pure joy "That. Was. AWESOME!" 4 hugged 8 in appreciation, unaware of how the octoling instantly felt her whole face flush.
"N-No problem." 8 said trying and failing to keep her cool til 4 let go and then ranted about the amazing handling and all around great design, 8 felt lightheaded from the praise from a girl she looked up too.
Timidly 3 interrupted "Hey uh.. c-coukd I try, it looked fun..." 4 smiled brightly and handed 3 the weapon and made sure she was handling it right.
8 watched 4 instruct 3, her face still burning... maybe one day she could admit what they made her feel
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vorev · 5 months
Agent 4 and 3 sparing match
(This was my first splatoon vore writing so it's not the best)
Agent 4 looked off the side of Tentakeel Outpost after a long day of patrols. *Growl* she put a hand on her stomach only just realizing how hungry she was. She of course could go to the crust bucket but she wanted something.... now and something very filling.
She looked around to see what there was to eat but didn't see much that could satisfy her... expect. She spotted Agent 3 who was currently leaning against a wall of the outpost while scrolling her phone. Agent 4 felt her stomach grumble more seemingly telling her to go through with her newly formed idea, she began licking her lips as she walked over to 3 and started to think on how she could convince 3 to be her lunch which was not exactly something that most people ,especially Agent 3, would be very eager to do. Sure she could try and just swallowe her down, 4 was bigger than 3 (hence why Marie thought she was older) but 3 did have two years of experience on her and could definitely kick 4's ass when she respawned plus 3 was still her friend and she didn't want to eat her without consent. But, even with brute force out of the picture, she knew 3 and had an idea. She would use her friend competitiveness.
"Hey 3 what are you doing?" 4 asked her trying to look innocent. "Just looking through splatnet  why do you ask?..... Ok I know that look what do you want?" OK well 3 knew she was up to something but 4 still knew she could get away with it. "I was wondering if you wanted to do so sparing" she answered, 3 looked suspiciously at her before saying "sure but I still can tell there is something else you are trying to do" 4 had to admit 3 could read her like a book. "Well I was thinking that we could have a special reward for the winner this time." 3 began to ask "oh? And what would tha-" *Grooowl* 4's stomach answered for her but she thought she should be more clear "winner eats loser." She added with an unnerving grin. "No!" 3 answered "why not? I know for a fact neither of us have eaten today" that was mostly because they began the day with turf wars before going to their patrols taking no time for a break in between.  "Because that's weird 4 plus I don't think either of us want to die today." 3 answered trying not to show she was slightly interested. "You know we will respawn 3, but fine you just know you'll lose" 4 said with a shrug knowing 3 wouldn't take that. 3 grumbled for a moment before putting a hand on her stomach which grumbled slightly itself before conceding "fine, at least this way I don't have to use any tickets for  lunch." She said with a confidence grin.
The two agents stood across from each other right next to the arch that leads to the cabin. 4 was armed with her dualies and 3 kept her classic hero shot. 4 looked over as 3 stretched and licked her lips, given the fact 3 won most of their duals most would think 4 would not be getting the lunch she wanted but would instead spend the evening in 3's belly but she had another plan. She had been practicing the newly discovered squid-roll technique, 4 still had some trouble doing it but she knew she could use it to her advantage especially given how 3 refused to learn anything new opting the stick to what she knew. "I'm all warmed up what are the conditions this time, figure I should let you choose how you lose this time" 3 remarked with a cocky smile. "How about till one of is splated or disarmed?" 3 gave a nod and began counting down. "3..2..1.. go!."
4 gave the area around her a quick paint over of her side ,as 3 did the same , before running at 3 while firing, landing a few shots and rolling back when 3 returns the favor. 3 begins rushing to her connecting a few shots while 4 tried to dodge and threw a bomb, 4 threw one back making them collide in the air and detonate. 4 knew her bombs took less ink that 3's so she tossed out two more than jumped into her ink. 3 made an attempt to jump out the was but her suit gets heavily damaged. 4 quickly sprays the area and runs in to try and finish it but 3 shoots her feet ,distracting 4 and giving 3 the opportunity to break her suit but 4 jumps back before 3 splats her and decides she needs to end the fight now while 3's suit is still damaged.  3 has a smug grin and licks her lips to taunt 4, who makes her daring play. She throws a curling bomb and swims in it, she hears 3 laugh at this and begin to fire but 4 does a squid-roll and throws a bomb then dashes forward while 3 shakes the bomb off and breaks her suit then shoulder barges her, knocking her hero-shot out her hands and landing her on the ground.
4 walks forward to stand over the now panting Agent and give her a teasing grin. "Alright...*sigh* you win" 3 said not bothering to  lift herself off the ground "annnnnd you know what that means!" 4 said with a big smile while leaning over her exaggertivly. "Yeah yeah" 3 grumbled "how do you want to do this?" She asks trying to look away to hide her embarrassed blush, probably because both she got beat and because she was about to get eaten by the younger agent, she didn't like it but she was a squid of her word. "You can just lie there I can handle the rest ~lunch~" 4 said referring to her as lunch to make her flush more. 4 began removing 3's hero boots and headset as 3 looked off to the side trying to not focuse on 4's growling stomach. 4 gave her a look seemingly considering if she should mention something "Hey... can you take off your jacket." 4 knew that 3 ,like her, only wore a tank top under her suit (she was going to eat her but didn't want to be rude) 3 flushed a bit more and hesitated but took it off, it may have been embarrassing but digestion would take longer with the suit repeling the stomach acids and she didn't want to spend any more time in 4's belly than required.
Now that 3 wasn't wearing anything that would interfere 4 figure she had waited long enough and move her face to 3's feet and opened her mouth, giving her still rumbling stomach a pat and then putting 3's feet in her mouth and swallowing slightly, making 3 squirm a bit at the feeling. 4 started working her way up the agents legs with only a few gulps, the speed of which makes 3 gasp slightly and 4 gives the flushed agent a grin the best she can than lifting 3 into the air and gulping her waist down with similarly little effort. 3's feet enter her stomach which only made her more eager to have 3 fully in her belly this also made 3 blush more as she looked down at her legs and waist already being engulfed by 4 the rest of her  soon to follow. 4 worked up over 3's own stomach (which 4 gave a playful poke much to 3's annoyance) and arms which bulged out her throat and gut. 3 whispered something about 4s insides being warm but catching her self, not before 4 gave a muffled laugh and giving another big *Gulp* taking 3's chest into her mouth, leaving only 3's head left. 4 took this opportunity to annoy 3 more than she already had and licked her face a big as she slowly swallowed her head giving her one last look out her mouth before taking her head down to join the rest of her body. She slurped 3's hair like spaghetti then sighing contently and patting the curled up agent in her stomach.
*BURPPP* "really 4?" A muffled voice from her gut commented. "Yes really 3, you tasted good btw" 4 replied, she couldn't see 3's face but she knew that made her flush. 4 sat there with 3 moving in her stomach who was trying to get in a somewhat comfortable position, not that 4 minded the movement felt good but she still wanted to go home and eventually had to get up. It took her a moment to balance with her large belly but is able to move around (she was very thankful that she was bigger than 3) and makes her way to the grate to the surface, she wouldn't of have noticed Marie and Callie if they hadn't made themselves known with audible gasp making 4 turn around to face them. "4... one why is you stomach so big and too where is 3?" Marie asked sounding like she knew the answer to both questions. "Oh yeah! 3 and I had a little contest and as you can see 3 lost." 4 said with a slap to her stomach, an annoyed groan came out confirming to confirm it is 3. Marie gives a slightly interested "huh" while Callie began laughing at this revelation. 3 took this for a minute before asking if they could get a move on in a ticked off voice. "Fiiiine your no fun~" 4 said waveing The sisters a goodbye before jumping into the grate.
4 walked to her apartment, receiving only a few strange glances from the people she walks past and made her way to her to her door before noticing how quite 3 had gotten, she stayed still to check if 3 was still there and after a few seconds she feels 3 stirring slightly. "Finally gotten comfortable in there?" 4 asked with a poke. "...yes.. are you almost at your apartment  the sooner you go to sleep the sooner this can be over" 3 admitted than asked. "Oh I'm there but I am watching a movie with 8 before I rest." 4 replied knowing what 3's reaction will be "WHAT! 8 can't see this!" 4 knew about their crush and knew she could use that for more teasing "aww, you worried she will see how much you like this and will want a taste of you as well?" She opened the door before 3 could respond and walked to the couch where 8 was sitting.
"Hey 8! You picked a movie for tonight? oh and I bought a 'guest' hehe" 4 called to 8 who turned around and began to open her mouth but quickly turned silent upon seeing 4's stomach. 4 jumped on the couch ,her belly bobbed up and down as she did so much to the occupants displeasure. "4..... who have you eaten?" 8 asked while seemingly admiring 4's belly "Me and 3 had a bet and she lost so I got to have her for lunch today's." said rubbing the top of her stomach and adding "she won'tsay it but I think she likes it". 8's eyes lit up as she heard this, her eye following any movement from the now disgruntled agent 3. "That is..... interesting" 8 said seemingly unable to find the right words "When are you letting her go?" 8 asked curiously "I'm not, she'll digest and respawn, it feels nice" 8 seemed to be even more curious but clearly didn't want to say what was on her mind so 4 decided to answer for her. "Yeah I can show you how to do this 8. And I'm sure 3 would looooove to help~" 4 said results in a series of noises that sounded like a broken fax-machine coming from 3. "Really!" 8 Said before 3 could protest "thank you 3!" 4 heard 3 mutter something about kicking her ass later after this.
After watching the movie that 8 found , which was some old western, 4 decided she'd had enough fun with 3 and went off to bed. Her stomach had already began working on 3 by the time she laid down making her stomach a bit smaller but it was clear 3 was still there. "Night lunch~" 4 said once before closing her eyes. "Don't call me that!" 3 snapped in a both authoritative and embarrassed tone or tried as it came out slured do to her time digesting. But after a minute followed up with "...good night too."
----the next morning----
4 rolled out of bed with a big stretch and yawn, she had slept in a slight bit but it's not like there was much on her agenda well besides..... she looked in the mirror of her room seeing her previous large and rounded belly turned to just a bit of barly noticeable pudge . "Looks like 3 finally decided to leave" she remarked to herself, while grabbing her phone to see a bunch of texts from 3. This was going to be an interesting day
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that-marie · 10 months
Hey I'm back
But why would we want to blow up smallfry?? I like splating but only in turf!
Freaking teens (<- 17)
I know, right? You get it.
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shadow-lag · 1 year
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My silly little guy (ignore how I neglected to give them hands in the second one-)
Here's a list of ideas I have from my discord:)
-pupils scatter more depending on hp. Usually pretty round and solid looking when relaxed and therefore more splated looking when in battle
-when not fighting, is typically only seen with two hands. Can form another set of "phantom" hands (which are fully functional) when needed (again usually in battles). These set is darker tho (or maybe lighter haven't decided yet). And maybe translucent? With another two hands available to form magic, their magic orbs are more powerful and larger.
-current move set consists of forming magic orbs with their hands, can be charged up like most attacks. Can be charged further when all four hands are present (nearly same charge time, but second set of hands must be summoned first). They are formed with an upwards facing hand and then thrown at will. Largest sphere is formed overhead? Explodes on contact?
-the appearance of seemingly melting when on low hp (like the texture of mudmouths in splat3)
-perhaps can be leveled up or given different elements, the wrappings (with dangling stars) can be used to show this change. Probably a change in wing color as well. [Elements like in star allies]
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pezcado-official · 1 year
So my friend is writing a splatoon series and here’s is part 1 of it I will be uploading it here every time he updates it
"Alright wave 3 guys lets do this" an octoling named T said. T was in the middle of a shift until horror boros and cohozuna and a bunch of salmonids ran out of the water. T went to go check it out and saw 100, 1,000s of golden eggs. "What's going on grizz" T said "I don't know best head back to the choper" Mr. Grizz replied. Until an inkling emerged out of the water and dehydrated T's co-workers and took down horror boros and cohozuna. T headed back to splatsville horrified and told his best friend Pez what had happened "yeah something similar happened the other day, an octoling came out of nowhere and started splating up inkopolis" Pezcado said. both occurrences were explained on the news. People had speculated that the octoling s had turned bad again whilst others had thought inkling were behind it. Pez wasn't to concerned on what happened. But Pez heard someone whispering "hey kid over here" in a raspy old voice. Pez went down the sewer he heard the whispering from. Little did he know his adventure was about to begin.
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kits-shrine · 2 years
Ingall just watched with a growing grin. It wasn't only a hedge he’d put in front of the door, now to see if it would hold.
Shakko made to leap the hedge... and splated somewhat comically landing on top of the hedge.
"Heeey!" He complained sitting up about to try again when something in the house caught his eye and he had to smother a laugh with his hand. His sister popped up to look and see what tickled him so and had to repeat the actions. The red head turned towards the elf and Bya gesturing for them come here.
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mamagaming8 · 6 months
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A Whole New World
Bowser × Marie
I can show you the world
Shining, Shimmering, Awesome
Tell me, Idol, now when did
You last let your hearts decide?
I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over, sideways, and under
In my Koopa Clown Themed Car.
A Whole New World!
A new fantastic point of view.
No one to tell us no
Or where to go
Or say we're only
A Whole New World!
A dazzling place I never knew
But when I'm way up here
It's crystal clear
That now I'm in a whole new
World with you.
Now I'm in a whole new world with you.
Unbelievable sights
Indescribable feeling
Splating, Splashing, freeflying
Through an endless
Diamond Sky
A Whole New World
Bowser: Don't you dare close your eyes.
Marie: A hundred thousand things to see
Bowser: Hold your breath - it gets better
Marie & Bowser:
I'm like a shooting star
I've come so far
I can't go back to where
I used to be
Bowser: A Whole New World
Marie: Every turn a surprise
Bowser: With new lame countries to conquer!
Marie: Every kingdom in control
Bowser & Marie:
We'll chase them anywhere
There's time to spare
Let me share this
Whole New World
With you
Bowser: A Whole New World
Marie: A Whole New World
Bowser: That's where we'll be
Marie: That's where we'll be
Bowser: A thrilling chase
Marie: A wonderous place
Bowser & Marie:
For you and me.
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splatoon-blog · 2 years
Hello again! I just wanted to state that I am reblogging things about story mode that contain spoilers, if you don’t want to see any of this block the tag Splatoon spoilers because that is what my spoiler tag is
I will go out of my way to tag things as spoilers for a few months (maybe three?) I feel that is enough time for everyone to get caught up but I’m sure I’ll tag things out of habit.
Happy Splating!
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drjdorr · 2 years
Just got caught up on owl house and for spoiler reasons I'm going to talk about my thoughts under the cut
I just love how they show the power of the collector. Just casually splating the seemingly unbeatable Bellos, a guy we have only seen inconvenienced but never truly beaten, with the most casual tag. Or breaking the draining spell, not with some counter spell or disrupting the spell itself but instead by removing a requirement for it to work, by casually moving the entire moon with a simple slide of his finger. Most of the videos talking about him refer to him as being a god with the mentality of a child and... yeah.
Also I totally called King's sigil being a tool against the collector, though admittedly I thought it was more a warding thing as apposed to simply obscuring.
Also the golden guard grave pit. Ok. that's alot of bodies
Also it is honestly impressive that this show was even made given what we know of Disney's standards and what Hirsh had to fight for in gravity falls. "We don't want any thing even close to demonic" the owl house is set in the demon realm where some of the population is literally called demons the rest are witches. "Can't let there be to much gay" Amity and Luz having crushes on each other was established in season 1 and started dating in season 2. "Even implying kissing is forbidden" these two girlfriends give each other kisses all the time. Just, it is so good to see we've progressed so much, enough to make Disney realize deny it outright would be less profitable at least (sorry for drawing the optimistic sentence into cynicism at the end)
Also no offense to Gus, but he put King, a being with a clear powerful ability and acted like he couldn't help in the fight. Gus, how much impact did your illusions play in bring down Bellos? Meanwhile the show acted like King only could contribute by getting the Collector. He's been shown to be able to do some serious damage when he needs to when using his power. But I guess we needed to get the Collector in play somehow and you need Titan blood to do it(I totally thought his blood was going to play into getting a door open, I admit I was wrong on that). I just wish they stopped acting like King was totally helpless.
Maybe instead King helps in the initial fight but nothing they do even phases Bellos for long(like in the original). Then King gets swatted away during the fight and lands next to Kikimora and when Kikimora makes her claim, and King sees that they can't really even beat Bellos anyway, atleast not in time, it then plays out like it did in the original only instead of King helping the only way he was allowed, team Hexside is buying him time to go down and deal with the Collector.
Ok theory time. We got 3 longer episodes coming before the end(remember how I mentioned Disney realizing that stuff could be profitable? There's a few asterisks) so nothing too too ambitious.
Edda has been getting death flags the whole series (she was literally decapitated in the first episode). But she's also been avoiding actually succumbing to them this whole time. So she may or may not die, however if she dies it will probably be as an act of sacrifice during the finale protecting her family(for simplicity Raine is included in family) and if she lives she still will be dealing with the owl curse because it would be pretty cheap to cure their chronic illness allegory(they arguably get close with harpy Edda but I give harpy Edda a pass because rule of cool).
King survives. The owl house is constantly having characters trying to murder straight up children. But as loose as Disney has been with its previous standards, Actually killing children(as apposed to implied) is still off the table and king is a child. Plus I can already see the epilogue scene where king has hit a growth spurt and is taller than the other characters of the main caste(I picture an appearance/physique not to different from "dad trapper"). Also maybe my King being used for a new door theory might be true? He also will obviously be central to retraping the Collector
Lilith I can see trying to sacrifice herself for Edda (she cursed her sister, I don't know if she still carries some guilt about that around not to mention everything else up to the petrification ceremony) though whether she succeeds or has a "you aren't allowed to sacrifice yourself for me" moment *shrug*
Sorry to cut this short but it's late I got to get up early tomorrow (ugh) so I should get off now
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S/O confessed to the skellies that they are Half human and Half Monster because she didnt wanted to keep it a secret for much longer... Now one day when skellies were walking they got harassed by a racist human before the skellies can do anything a huge monster, big wings, tail, and ears, appearing larger than the skelly and that scared the human to running away, it was actually S/O explaining their powers are a bit uncontrollable. How do skellies react to this?
Undertale Sans - Short answer :
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He was so surprised his mind decided "ok that's enough for today" and he splated on the ground. Carry him home, his soul can't take anything more than this today.
Undertale Papyrus - *LOUD GASP* Omg, he tried for week to make you show him your monster form and now he is both very angry at the racist guy and very excited at your new form, which cause him to just scream a confused "AAANANJKAAAAAA" while his eyebrows are going from angry to surprised and then from surprised to angry. You broke Papyrus.
Underswap Sans - He started running and couldn't stop when you transformed. All you can hear is a squeak toy noise when Blue hit your butt at full speed and then fell on his coccyx in some frustrated skeleton noises.
Underswap Papyrus - He actually teleported you by reflex. When you left, you were human, when you arrived home, you're actually a monster???? Honey screams in confusion, not understanding who you are and what he messed up.
Underfell Sans - He's hiding behind you, provocking the guy who is running away in fear. "yeah! don' come back. that was totally supposed to happen'! piece of shit!". The guy stops and turns around, asking what he just said. Red squeaks and hides entirely behind your fur. Good luck with that.
Underfell Papyrus - He was screaming insults to the guy, when he just froze, looks at you and yelled "WHAT THE HELL????" in a high pitched voice. He didn't see that coming. He's also a big jealous about how tall and strong you look like. He's supposed to be the captain of the royal guard and now he feels like a child next to you. He's so mad.
Horrortale Sans - The guy cursed you, then you changed into a monster. Oak shuts up for a bit, his brain processing. He cursed you, so he obviously made you turn like this. HOW DARE YOU. He sprints between your leg to defend your honour like the true protector he is. You try to explain him the guy is not exactly responsible for you but he won't listen. Oh well. One more thing to deal with...
Horrortale Papyrus - Jumpscare. He was not expecting a big fluffy monster to pop out right in front of his eyes while he was lecturing this human. Willow is quite impressed. He didn't think some monsters (except Toriel) could actually be taller than him. ... Does that mean he can little spoon now? He's so excited! Oh, wait, it's not the moment. Focus Willow. But omg, he is so excited!
Swapfell Sans - Nox was so proud of him when the guy suddenly run away with fear in his eyes. Finally someone respecting him! He turned around to show off, then screams in shock and... runs away instinctively, passing in front of your harrasser. That was not the reaction you expected from a retired captain of the royal guard. Even Rus next to you is wondering if he's not dreaming. Also, he's taking a video for futur purposes. You feel like you're going to regret it later.
Swapfell Papyrus - He screams "WE HAVE A HULK, AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" then rolls in the bushes singing the Avengers theme. The guy and you share an anxious look, wondering what you are supposed to do now. You knew it was a bad idea to initiate him to the MCU.
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