#spn director spotlight
Berly and LA casually discuss the one, the only, Mr. Kim Manners.  Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
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myfandomrealitea · 1 year
Yes this is about the Supernatural cast, but it also needs to be said:
Support actors independently of their past or current casts, however iconic.
E.g; if your only comment about one of their new roles or projects is something about one of their past/current cast members being involved, just don't comment.
Yes, its fun to see iconic casts paired in other projects and yes its awesome to have your favorites all working on something together, but actors are allowed to have passions and roles and projects that are separate from people they've worked with or are working with. Using SPN again but Misha Collins is allowed to work on Gotham without all of you hounding him about when Jensen Ackles is going to make an appearance. Its a new, iconic, exciting role for him and if you can't support an actor without constantly anchoring them to previous roles and casts, you need to step back a little and understand you're tethering their value as an actor to those aspects.
Just imagine if you got an incredible new role or opportunity and all anyone asked you is when someone else was going to come in? When someone else can share your spotlight? Why you're taking on roles that aren't also taking on someone else? If all anyone did was relate and compare this project and cast to your past projects and casts?
Let actors operate independently of the entity you've created out of certain roles of theirs and their costars. Most actors will have an iconic role and an iconic cast they've been part of, but its incredibly fucking important not to let that become a blockade against future opportunities.
(Because actually, yes, it can in fact be bad for an actor's career to be 'deadbolted' to a certain role or type of role. Many directors and creative operatives in the film industry have talked about not casting actors because they can't envision them or see them being accepted as anything other than [example role.] This is called a coffin role.)
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SPN Director Spotlight: PETER ELLIS | Ellis passed away in 2006. “Everybody Loves a Clown” is dedicated to his memory.
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smol-and-grumpy · 2 years
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Y/N starred alongside Jensen in a new blockbuster movie. For promo, they get invited to read thirst tweets. What if most of the tweets are from Y/N?
Warnings: Flustered Jensen, dirty tweets, rough sex, daddy kink
WC: 2,496
A/N: Hello, hello. My birthday treat to you. Please enjoy.
Also this fills out my ‘Daddy Kink’ Square for @spnkinkbingo​
Beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons​
Join me on Patreon to read ahead!
SPN Masterlist
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Y/N walks into the little studio behind Jensen. The broad man steps aside as soon as they’re in the room, giving her a view of the setup they’re going to be thrown in today.
There are two simple chairs set facing the camera and a little table with a mobile device sitting on it. The backdrop is a white one, and there’s a fake potted plant off to the side to give it a homey or calming vibe. She doesn’t really know which vibe she prefers right now. What Y/N does know, though, is that she needs to calm the fuck down. God, she’s nervous. Has been since they’ve told her what today’s promo was all about.
She wished she had the time to go into her social media and delete her whole existence there, but since she basically couldn’t because she didn’t have a second to herself, there’s only one way out; Alien invasion. Please, please aliens, come and get me. She whispers a prayer to whoever is listening. Good chances are the one listening is the NSA, and shit, it isn’t better. They’ll declare her insane, put her in a mental institute and she’ll never see daylight again.
Calm the fuck down! She chides herself. You’re being fucking dramatic!
“Take a seat,” the assistant chimes, pulling her back from spiraling further. With her hands, the woman motions for them to sit down, and as soon as they do, the spotlights are turned on, almost blinding her.
Y/N will probably never get used to this, will always jump a little when the light is on her. Her agent said that she should get used to it, having landed a lead in a blockbuster movie alongside Jensen Ackles is a pretty great accomplishment and she’ll be in demand – apparently.
Yeah, so, starring in a movie with Jensen Ackles, her favorite celebrity, the guy she has a whole album dedicated to on her phone – which she keeps hidden, for various reasons – was a dream come true, and she’s not sure if she’s still dreaming. If she is, then she hopes it doesn’t turn into a nightmare pretty soon.
Working with Jensen Ackles isn’t always smooth sailing. It has its downsides as well. God, nobody told her that she’d get so sexually frustrated. Every day on set where she had to look at him, talk to him, where she had to touch him, and act like it didn’t bother her, act like it didn’t get her panties wet just being in his vicinity, and the way she had to kiss him and be intimate on camera, knowing that it could never be real – was a cruel and unusual punishment.
Every night, Y/N laid in bed, scrolling through social media, eating up crumbs of the man that got her riled up during the day. It’s a lot, and she processed it in the only way she knew how.
She wrote thirst tweets.
And that’s the reason they are here now, sitting in an uncomfortable chair with the spotlights on them and she feels like she’s in her own personal hell.
The director greets them, explains that the tweets are already loaded on the device and that they will keep the camera running throughout since it’ll be cut later.
They both nod in unison as the director asks if they understand. And then the man disappears behind the camera and takes the seat next to the one guy filming them.
“Ready?” Jensen asks, quirking up one eyebrow.
“What if I’m not?” She mumbles, gritting her teeth.
“C’mon, it can’t be that bad?”
Y/N almost snorts. Clearly, Jensen has no idea what’s written about him on social media.
He extends his hand to grab at the device on the table, leans back with a grunt – which causes her to clench her thighs together.
“Shall I go first?” He asks, the crinkles around his eyes deepening as his lips are spread wider. The light accentuates his freckles, bringing out the green in his eyes. Her brain has trouble functioning for a moment.
No, I rather aliens come and abduct us than let you read, is what she wants to say. Instead, she says, “Sure, be my guest.”
Perhaps, she’s being overdramatic. There are so many thirst-tweets about Jensen around. There’s no way they will choose hers. And besides, nobody knows that she’s @19jensenswhore78. Except maybe the NSA.
“Right,” Jensen nods and swipes his thumb across the screen. God, his hands. They are really big, dwarfing the mobile device significantly. Think fingers twice miss the button he’s supposed to push. When he does, he starts to read the first tweet. “Acklesgirl88 says in all capitals ‘I WANT JENSEN TO STEP ON MY THROAT’.”
Y/N breathes relief it’s not her tweet.
He frowns and chokes on air before he looks at her with his eyes as wide as saucers. “St– step on– what?!” Jensen sputters. “Why should someone want me to step on their throat? What’s wrong with people?”
Beside him, she doubles over laughing. Once she straightens up, he’s still looking at her with incredulity.
“Oh, you sweet summer child. You have no idea what’s been said about you.” She pats his thigh, ignoring how tight and hard his muscles are. And then she looks at the camera, or rather at the director. “This could be fun.”
The director nods at her, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Shall– shall I continue?” Jensen asks.
“We just decided that we’re letting you read yours before we take a break and then come back again for Y/N’s,” the director instructs.
Jensen sighs. “Right.” And then he clears his throat, “So, uh,” his fingers tapping at the next tweet, “19jensenswhore78 says…”
For a moment, all the voices are turned off, causing Y/N to only hear the ringing in her ears. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—
“‘…Jensen: Breathes, Me: Fuck me daddy!’” He stops to clear his throat, the color in his cheek rising, and this time, she can’t really laugh with him because it’s her fucking tweet, and god, now he knows about her kinks.
“Yeah,” she breathes, and then she cringes. “Uh, that’s…”
It’s good that she’s an actress. Albeit, not a very good one because her ears are burning.
He starts to scroll down the screen, clearly doing something he shouldn’t. “Oh look, there are more of 19jensenshwhore78’s tweets.”
Dear god, where is a fucking alien invasion when you need one?
 “I want to feel his cock so far down my throat that I can see the bulge in my neck.”
“I would drink Jensen’s cum like water.”
“Please murder my vagina, daddy.”
“He could drive over me and I’d say thanks, daddy.”
“I wish I could sit on Jensen Ackles' perfect face and grind my pussy on his nose.”
“I want Jensen to choke me while he fucks me against the wall.”
 He’s going off-script, not pausing between the tweets. Instead, he rattles them off, ears turning a shade pinker with each new line. And she’s sure that her face is on fire. She hopes that nobody notices.
But of course, someone has to.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Jensen bumps his elbow to hers and whispers so only she can hear him.
“Huh? Yeah, sorry, I’m just… it’s hot.”
The frowns adorably. “The tweets?”
“No!” She hisses, “The whole room!”
He places the phone back on the table and stands up, “Sorry, we need a break.”
“Twenty minutes!” The director barks and immediately, the room springs back to life with people walking around and doing their chores.
“C’mon,” he extends his arm, palms up.
“Okay,” Y/N lays her hand in his in order for him to help pull her up. But Jensen doesn’t let go. Instead, he walks her toward the exit and down the hallway. His PA is jumping right into action, coming to ask what they need.
“Coffee and can you check if we can get a room to sit down in private? There are just too many people in there. We just need to breathe.” He speaks softly to his assistant and the woman nods before she scurries away.
“You sure you’re okay, Y/N? Your face is flushed.”
“Yeah, it’s just… thirst tweets make me uncomfortable.”
He snorts, “Yeah, but you didn’t have to read what they’re writing about you.”
“No,” she sighs, “You don’t understand, Jensen. You reading them make me uncomfortable bec—”
“—two coffees and a bottle of water.” The PA appears seemingly out of nowhere, pushing the cups into their hands and an extra bottle for Y/N. “Meeting room 403 is free for the next hour. The director said you can go in there and regroup. I’ll go make some calls and answer some emails in the cafeteria.”
Jensen nods, “Thanks.” And then he starts to walk along in the direction where his assistant said the meeting room is going to be. “You coming?”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure.”
As soon as the door to the room closes behind her, Jensen speaks. She doesn’t even have time to sit down when his voice booms from behind her. “What were you going to say before?”
“Uh,” immediately, the blood rushes back to her head. “Look, can we just– can we just leave it?”
He sets down his coffee at the table and folds his arms over his chest, “You were going to tell me what makes you uncomfortable,” he adds with one quirk of his eyebrow. “Why did me reading the tweets make you uncomfortable when it’s me they are aimed at?”
She sets the coffee and the bottle down, carding a hand through her hair with a loud sigh. “God,” she huffs, “It’s embarrassing.”
“C’mon, Y/N, humor me.”
“They make me uncomfortable be– because I wrote them, okay?” She closes her eyes after her confession, drawing in a breath.
When she opens them again, Jensen’s looking at her intensely. “You?”
“Yeah? And I’m sorry for objectifying you. It’s just… I was so frustrated all the damn time!”
He swallows. “You wrote them? You are 19jensenswhore78?”
Jensen moves like a flash, backs her up against the wall, both of his hands braced next to her body, effectively caging her in. His breath is hot against her face, the scent of coffee and his cologne almost overwhelming. “You want to feel my cock so far down your throat,” he lifts one hand off the wall, brings it to her neck, fingertips brushing along her skin, “so far down that you can see it bulge?”
Y/N squirms, pressing her thighs together while she nods in response.
“You want me to choke you while I fuck you against the wall?” He whispers, palm spreading over her throat, the tips of his fingers pressing lightly.
She swallows. “Yeah.”
“Fuck,” he groans before he slants his lips over hers.
Immediately, she kisses him back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and running her fingers through his long hair. She tugs at it, making him growl against her mouth. Jensen’s tongue is as she imagined it would be, slick and wide and filling up her mouth. She has some ideas where she could put it to good use.
“I never thought you wanted me,” he mumbles when they break to gulp down some air.
“I never thought I’d be in your league,” Y/N says a little breathlessly.
He chuckles before kissing her again, and then his hands are everywhere. Jensen kneads her one tit while his other hand unbuttons her pants, his mouth leaving hot kisses down her neck. He groans into the crook of it when he finally reaches her sex, fingers dipping into her panties and spreading her folds, feeling how wet she is for him. She gasps when two of his fingers breach her pussy at once, filling her with his thick digits.
“Fuck,” she moans out. He’s stretching her so good.
“You’re soaked, Y/N,” Jensen rasps, kissing from the column of her neck up to her jaw, “tight little pussy. Gonna fuck you against the wall like you want, yeah, baby?”
“Oh god,” she whimpers, “please, daddy, fuck me.”
With a snort and a grin, he slips his fingers out of her and proceeds to pull at her pants, pushing them down so she can step out of one of the legs.
“Don’t have much time, baby, gonna fuck you fast and dirty, okay? Daddy’s going to take his time this evening once he gets you back to his place.” He hastily works on his belt buckle, lowers down the zipper and pulls out his hard and rigid cock.
The sight of it is making her drool, and god, she wants to write a thousand more thirst tweets about him now that she knows what he looks like down there.
“Please, daddy.” She might sound whiny, but she doesn’t care.
He picks her up, and she quickly wraps her legs around his waist. While he’s holding her pinned against the wall one-handed, he guides his cock to her entrance with the other, slides his shaft through her slick before breaching and pushing inside.
They groan out in unison.
“Shit, Y/N, so good, you feel so fucking good.” His breathing is ragged. Jensen starts to fuck her slow but hard. “Tell me, how does it feel, baby?”
“God, you’re so big, I– I feel so full,”
Jensen kisses her, hard and sloppy, one hand going to her throat as he picks up his speed. “Feels so good around daddy, baby. Such a good girl for me,” he whispers.
She’s reduced to grunting and whimpering, gasping and whining as he continues to choke and fuck her the way he said it: fast and dirty. His tongue occasionally swipes over her face, licking and sucking at her lips while the sound of his wet balls slapping against her ass fills the meeting room.
“I’m gonna– shit, I’m going to, daddy, I’m–” Her thighs start to tremble, insides ready to erupt.
“Come on my cock, baby. Daddy wants to feel you clench,” he grunts. “Be a good girl, come now so I can fill you up, too.”
“Yeah? You want that, baby? Want daddy to fill you up so you go back in there with my cum dripping into your pants while I read tweets that you wrote?”
“Oh god!” She comes with a wail, convulsing around him, while he buries his face into the crook of her neck, biting down into her flesh while his cock twitches inside of her.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he growls once he regains the ability to speak. He’s faster than her, she’s still trying to catch her breath.
“You just did,” she giggles, and Jensen glares up at her. He rolls his eyes fondly.
He places a sloppy kiss on the tip of her nose. “Let’s get back and finish this promo so I can do it again.”
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Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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lol-jackles · 3 years
Hi friend, I have definitely developed an addiction to your blog! I know, I know you have a life and a girlfriend, but really every week Hellers and AAs wake up and get another aneurysm. Now it's for the official news that Jensen will direct an episode of Walker (and probably for something else at the last convention but I'm not sure what happened). I miss your ironic and direct comments on this! Have a good week.
My favorite meltdown claim by AAs was Jensen is "forced" to direct Walker.   Getting a job as a director is 100x more competitive than getting an acting gig because there's so much less opportunities for them.  Do the math, people.  A single episode can have up to 20 actors (lead and background) but only 1 director.  In fact a lot of directors I knew got jobs as actors in order to pay the bills.  Seriously folks, what other profession do you know where people have to take acting gigs in order to pay rent?
AAs simply resent the implication that Jensen got a job because of Jared, and he gladly accepted the offer.
AAs and hellers were really hoping that Jensen permanently moved out of Texas/Austin so news that he will be in Austin directing Jared and #WalkerFamily is sending them back into the still-fresh misery of November 19, 2020.  And if you think about it, Jensen scheduled to direct episode 7 puts him around November, just in time for the one-year SPN finale anniversary.
Hellers: Trigger alert!  OMG tag your incest shit!
Wincest fans: for the umpteenth time the finale had nothing to with incest.
*shirtless Cordell scene*
AAs: for the last time, Jensen is not stocky!
Jared fans: what does that has to do with Jared?  Or Cordi?
AAs: Jensen is forced to direct this episode!
Walker fans:  how?
AAs: Because I’m forced to watch it!
GA fans: but nobody is forcing you to watch..
AAs: Trigger alert!
Psychological projecting is like dumping trash into someone else’s living room and then hating them for being messy.  It's a way to avoid the responsibility of dealing with your own emotional trash and instead, making it someone else's fault.  This is what middle-aged Ackles Army stans are like.
Inwardly the AAs are saying “Jensen shouldn’t be like that, because I am not like that”.  Next, they project outwards when someone makes them feel insecure, it’s a way of taking the spotlight off themselves by putting the other person down.  They think Jensen is not succeeding according to their expectations and it makes them feel insecure, so they focus on Jared and put him down as a way to take the spotlight off of them Jensen.
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houseofglass · 3 years
Hmmm, this spn prequel seems to have ruffled a lot of different feathers. My dash has provided me with Jared hate, Jensen hate, confused tinhats, and even a splash of Cockles/Destiel opinions.
Here’s my take. Spoiler alert: unpopular opinions ahead. I’m not linking anything because I’m in the middle of an unprecedented heatwave and I don’t feel like finding all the sources. Do your own research. Or not. Whatever. I just want to get this all out as coherently as possible. Here we go:
From the beginning, Jensen has been a professional. He didn’t let the drama on Dark Angel get to him and he’s said that he actively avoided having that same drama on the set of spn. He’s known as One-Take-Ackles because he brings his A-game every time.
Jared liked to mess around on set. Take after take after take after take. There was reddit post about how the crew would be working 13 (?) hours to get everything set up and still had six hours of teardown to do and then bam! actors messing about and making the day longer. Like, just say your lines dude. Anyway. Jared liked wresting, getting others to break, and pranking. I think he even pranked Misha by ruining his car more than once. Not cool, IMO.
J2 had a massive fight on set in season two. I recall it being about Jared egging Jensen on to fight but Jensen just stared him down until Jared left the set. They made up and agreed to never do that again as it promotes a bad workplace. Keep your shit contained, kind of thing.
But Jared didn’t, not really. One incident in particular is the wrestling with Osric Chau. Osric is a trained fighter and Jared was apparently going to slam him into the concrete. I repeat, into concrete. Osric dislocated Jared’s shoulder as a result. Jared still didn’t back off and Osric dislocated it again, this time Jared needed surgery and rehab. The wrestling finally stopped.
In all of this, J2 became good friends. I, personally, believe they started messing around sexually right after they auditioned for the parts and then got serious early on. They lived together, and Jared had his first breakdown immediately before announcing his engagement to Gen.
J2 are a good match. Jensen grounds Jared and Jared helps Jensen to be more outgoing while ‘on’ outside the set. Jensen seemed reserved and shy before Jared and was more confident and comfortable with Jared by his side. Jared can spin almost out of control and Jensen helps keep his feet on the ground. They also have an energy that’s been described as lightning in a bottle.
Fast forward a whole bunch of years. They’re still on the same show but have other interests. Each of them ensures that the other has the spotlight in turn. When one has a project, the other is quiet on social media so the focus won’t be taken away. They tell each other everything, as evidenced early on when PR and managers tried to play one off the other. They simply didn’t allow that to happen. Nope. Instead, they stepped back so one could shine. Jared opens a bar and Jensen is supportive. Jensen opens a brewery and Jared is supportive.
During all of this, they still perform at cons for fans. For a while, near the end of spn, I noticed Jensen seemed to be drunk/drinking often. He had a flask while getting a tattoo, he was spotted with fans while drunk and kissed one, the Bad Idea Instagram post. This isn’t unusual. He’s an adult. He can drink. I just thought it odd that I was noticing it more and asked myself, was he always a frequent drinker and he just stopped hiding it or is it a result of the rise of cell phones and constant casual photos?
But then Jared was arrested. He was drunk. Not tipsy or having a good time. Drunk. He assaulted an employee. A lot of people said he was just a big puppy and he didn’t mean anything by it, but that didn’t sit well with me. By this point I’d heard too many stories about Jared being a bit of an asshole. Also, I don’t think Jared has depression. I think he has bipolar disorder. He’s had too many incidences of mania for me to believe it’s just depression. He feels emotions deeply, that’s obvious to me, but he also has emotional swings that remind me of my own bipolar disorder. Am I self-inserting? Maybe. But I know the signs and I see them in Jared. BTW, depression meds can bring on mania if you have bd. You need a different cocktail for bd, and you shouldn’t drink while on them.
By the time J2 announced the end of spn, Walker was already in the works. I knew something was up when I saw Jensen advertising himself at every opportunity. The whole King Bacchus thing and him showing up at after parties/events that are designed for networking kinda cemented this for me. I figured he was parading around looking for work and wondered why Jared wasn’t doing the same. Then Walker was announced.
Now, I admit, my timeline there might be a bit off. Maybe Walker was announced before Jensen was King, but my brain is melting and I can’t remember. Either way, I did note that Jared had plans for post-spn when Jensen didn’t.
The wives started getting involved. Gen is on Walker and Danneel is part of Chaos Productions. Me, being the tinhat that I am, thought this was to ensure the wives have an income and are tied to their husbands. From a non-tinhat pov, I can see their involvement as a natural, nepotism thing that happens.
Jared is doing well on Walker, or so I’ve heard. I haven’t watched the show. Jensen got a role on The Boys and is filming now. Cool. Cool cool cool. Both have acting gigs.
Then Jensen announced, on social media, right before the Walker finale, that there’ll be a spn prequel that’ll be narrated by Dean.
Right. Before. Walker. Let that sink in. All these years, J2 have always stepped aside for one another to ensure they have the spotlight in turn. But now Jensen is hogging it? Jensen is taking the focus off Walker and putting it on himself? Not cool man, not cool.
Also, there was no mention of Sam in the prequel. No mention of the other half of spn. Jared has said, publicly, that he’d drop anything to work on spn stuff, so he’s available. So why wasn’t he ‘in the know’ about this? How could Jensen have slipped this past him?
Jared was seen in Colorado during Jensen’s birthday, just before Jensen went to Toronto. So they’ve seen each other. Even if, in the minuscule possibility, that Jared didn’t see Jensen that weekend, they’ve admitted to talking to each other a lot. So why didn’t Jensen, at any point, tell Jared about this prequel?
Then Robbie Thompson tweeted. Jared was hurt even more. Apparently, I heard through this blue hellsite, that Jared wanted RT to write for Walker, but RT refused. Why? Who knows.
Let’s go back in time, shall we?
Jared messed around on set. Jensen didn’t. I can believe that some crew members/writers/producers/directors would have hated working with Jared. Yes, I said that. Not everyone likes a goofball or prankster. Some people think those people are bullies in disguise.
Maybe, just maybe, the lines were drawn when spn ended. Some people supported Jared, others Jensen.
Before anyone yells at me too loudly, answer me this: how did Jensen - and everyone involved in the prequel including Kripke - keep this from Jared? Didn’t anyone at any point ask how Jared felt about it? Or if Jared was available? Or if Jared would have input? “He’s too busy on Walker” doesn’t cut it as an answer to me. Spn was about two brothers, always two brothers, and now a prequel will only feature one brother?
So I came to the conclusion that the industry deliberately took sides in this whole thing. Nobody told Jared because they didn’t want to work with him again. He has his own show, he’s busy, - these are easy ways of handwaving him out of the equation.
Bottom line, finally, is that Jensen stepped in some shit when he didn’t tell his co-star, his partner, his friend, about a prequel to the show they worked on for fifteen years.
Will I ever know all the details of why Jensen would do this? Nope. I’m not in the industry.
I still believe J2 were/are in a relationship and their wives are beards. I believe they have a wonderful friendship and were as close as two people can be. I don’t want to think that relationship is over. I don’t want to believe they’ve gone separate ways. But man oh man, Jensen fucked up big time here.
I can’t wait for a tell-all book thirty years from now.
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
Pond Diving - negans-lucille-tblr
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Welcome to today’s Pond Diving Spotlight! We hope that you enjoy this little insight to our members and perhaps even find some useful tips for your own writing. Happy reading!
Want to volunteer, send us an ask! We’re looking forward to learning more about all of you! Not sure what PD is, you can learn more here.
“Don’t Be Koi About It” - All About You
Name: Bee
Age: 27
Location: Wales, UK
URL: @negans-lucille-tblr
Why did you choose your URL: I had 0 intentions of using my tumblr, as I was posting on AO3 at the time. My user on there used to be negans-lucille, so when I joined tumblr I added the tblr on the end as n-l was taken. And that is how my ridiculous username was born and I’ve regretted it ever since :’)
What inspired you to become a writer: I have a dissociative disorder called Maladaptive Daydreaming, which, put simply, is excess and intensive daydreaming. I live in a dream world 95% of my life, and I realised it was nice to curb that into writing. I wrote my first book at 12, and my English teacher at the time and now friend, encouraged me to keep writing. And now here we are :)
How long have you been writing: I’ve been writing fiction since I was 12, and I ventured into fanfiction at 14 for the McFly fandom (my favourite band). I wrote for them for 7 years before taking a break and coming back to FF with Negan.
What do you do when you are not writing i.e. Job/Hobbies etc? I am the company director at my family business, but I now only work part time as I have a 2 year old son. When I’m not writing or looking after him, I enjoy writing and playing music, playing board games (huge board gamers in this house), and watching crime documentaries mainly.
How long have you been in the SPN Fandom? I joined in 2019, but it’s like I’ve always been here. I am very late to the party, but I at least got to watch the finale at the same time as the rest of the world luckily!
Are you in any other fandoms and do you write for them? The Walking Dead, Walker and The Boys (they are givens I feel) and I dip my toe into Marvel and write for all of those characters (Sometimes) Other fandoms I don’t/no longer write for are McFly, The 1975, Red Dwarf & Harry Potter
Do you do any writing outside of fanfiction? If so, tell us about it? I have written a book called Who Said Love is Perfect? The book opens with the main protagonist, Xanthe being arrested for murdering her boyfriend Mark. The rest of the story is all the events leading up to Mark’s death, including his drug addiction, abusive behaviour, and his cousin Mikey who Xanthe takes quite the liking to…
I have also just finished turning my fic His Property into an original fiction to print and sell (depending when this is posted it might be available now!) and I’ve been working on turning Safe into an original fiction also. I prefer writing fanfiction, though - so that takes up the majority of my time!
Favorite published author: Malorie Blackman (I realise she’s a teen fiction writer but I still adore her)
Have you ever read a book that made an impact on your life? Which one and why?: Broken by Shy Keenan - it’s an autobiography about her horrific childhood, but the end of the book sees her finding peace and happiness and was incredibly uplifting. At the time it inspired me to believe things do get better - sorry that was a heavy answer 😅
Favorite genre of fanfic (smut, angst, fluff, crack, rpf, etc): Smut is definitely my home and anyone who has spoken to me for more than five minutes will know that. I am definitely not discreet about it - but there’s something to be said for a good bit of angst. Also I love putting a dark twist on most if not all of my work.
Favorite piece of your own writing: My Wincest series, “Normal” which you’ll find on my masterlist.
Most underrated fic you have written: Safe or Loyalties Lie
Story of yours that you’d most like to see turned into a movie/tv show: His Property
Favorite Tumblr Writer(s):  ​@little-diable, @firefly-in-darkness and @kittenofdoomage
Favorite fic from another writer:  Dirty Little Secret by @pink1031 has never left me alone.​
Favorite character to write: Dark!Sam is always fun, as is Negan. But fluffy Dean might just take it.
Favorite Pairing to write: Almost all of my fics are reader insert, but if we’re going for OTP then J2 or Wincest
Least favorite character to write (and why): Castiel - purely because he has a very unique personality and I don’t feel I can capture it as well as other writers.
Do you have anyone you consider a mentor? Outside of Tumblr, my former English teacher, I wouldn’t be here without her. On tumblr - @kittenofdoomage is a sweetheart for answering all of my questions, I’ve definitely always looked up to her. But honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without @mummybear listening to me ramble about my fics 24/7 and helping me figure stuff out.​
Do you have any aspirations involving your writing? I’d love to have a published fic and continue to do well with my fanfiction. One day I’d love to earn enough money from writing alone to not have to “Work”
How many work-in-progress stories do you have: I try and keep that number to one as I don’t like to spread my focus too thin. I have several ideas waiting to be written - maybe 8 or 9.
What are you currently working on? I’m currently writing the sequel to Absent, Too Close.
“Pond Diving” - All About The Writing
What/who has had the biggest influence on your writing? I recently read a Wincest fic on Ao3 called The Bright Lights of Disturbia, and that writer’s style really struck a chord with me, and I’ve found it’s really helped shape my writing into something better than before.
Best writing advice you've been given: Write what you’re inspired to. If you are on a roll but a scene isn’t working, make notes and come back to it. I’ve become a big fan of the square brackets. [they argue some more]. You can find and replace when you’re done :)
Biggest obstacle you’ve faced in your writing: The balance between pleasing myself and pleasing my audience. Writing for me and writing for notes/followers. We all want to do well with our writing, but we need to nurture our muse to keep it alive.
What aspects of writing do you find difficult when you write fanfiction? I really struggled with fluff for a long time, but when I had to stop writing smut for the month in Jan, I tackled a fluffy series, and now I’m far more comfortable with that genre. Writing canon within SPN is not my cup of tea, it stresses me out as I’m so bad with things like lore.
Is there anything you want to write but are afraid to (and why): I feel I’m pretty brave in what I’ll write. I used to be against writing real couples, but I had the urge to write something that’s Jenneel x Reader recently, so I broke my own rule and wrote some! It wasn’t as scary as I thought and I’m happy with the result!
What inspires/motivates you to write: My MaDD plays a big part, but also, my husband is a great cheerleader. All my followers and friends on here too - they are definitely the reason I keep writing and posting.
How do you deal with self doubt: Usually whine to my friends about it until I give myself a kick up the backside and remember that I am my worst critic. It’s never as bad as you might think it is.
How do you deal with writer's block: I force myself to write literally anything. Even - Once upon a time Sam was in the kitchen making a sandwich when Dean entered. Don’t be afraid for it to be terrible, you can edit and delete once you’ve unstuck yourself.
Do you plan/outline your story before you start: I don’t necessarily have a proper system. In the past I’ve totally winged one story but then planned chapter for chapter for the next story. My general process nowadays is to wing the first little while, having a general idea of how I want the story to go (it never works out that way), and then once I get more towards the end I might plan the remaining chapters as I’m anal about my stories ending on a chapter that’s a multiple of five 😅🤣
Do you have any weird writing habits: Not necessarily. Thanks to my MaDD I get ticks which means I’ll randomly put my laptop down, stand up, jump around the room and then sit back down. If anyone watched me when I’m alone they’d think I was insane 🤣 I also tend to pull the faces of my characters as I’m writing. Which means I’ve seductively bitten my lip at my computer screen many a time.
Have you ever received hateful comments on your fic and how do you deal with it? Oh yeah, a few. What everyone has to remember is that you are not going to please everyone all the time. We are all unique human beings with unique tastes and you and yours just might not fit someone else’s. That’s okay! And just remember that they are the one with the issue, enough to take time out to post something negative about you/your writing when they could’ve been far more productive with their time. Just keep doing you, and you’ll attract the type of people who do like you and your work.
Conversely: what’s been some of your favorite feedback on your fanfic? I love when someone reblogs with feedback almost as long as the fic, picking out sentences and phrases and commenting on them. I love when people articulate something that I was hoping to portray in a roundabout way because it proves I did my job correctly. People yelling at me is always fun too. I love to tease and I do love a cliffhanger. Some of my favourite feedback has come from @waywardbaby @donnaintx and @samwinchesterjaredjensen
If you could give one piece of advice to a new and/or struggling writer, what would it be?  ​Don’t worry about what you think people want to read. Worry about what you want to write. Some of my best and most popular fics have been stories that were completely self indulgent. I think it shows in your writing that you enjoyed writing it. Especially as a new writer, I know the temptation to write what’s “popular” to build your following is strong, but if you always set out and write the type of stories you enjoy, you will build a following of people who enjoy reading those types of stories! As hard as it is to put into practice, try to not get bogged down in the idea that notes = quality of writing. That is not the case. Some of my favourite fics have a low note count, but are better than some fics I’ve seen/read that have 100s of notes 😘
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Summary: Jensen and you never got along well. But when a stunt accident almost caused him losing you, everything changes. What will Jensen have to say if you wake up?
Word Count: 2,182
Warnings: Description of an accident, Mean!Jensen, Angst, Fluff
Author’s Note: Based on this request. Anonymous: Can I ask a Jensen x fem!reader, where reader is an actress on spn. Jensen kinda hates her (like don’t like her). One day some stunt accident happens on set and reader goes in critical situation. Jensen gets very upset, stays with reader every time from ambulance till hospital. Goes crazy over the reader surprising Jared, Misha and other people on ser since everyone assumed he doesn’t like her. But he ends up confessing to reader at the end and alllll fluffy end?
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It was late in the evening, but you had just arrived on the set for your shoot today. It was a night shoot, because the scene had to be shot in the dark outside on the studio grounds. It was a particularly important scene and you were late, so you hurried straight into make-up.
"Look who's late. Again." Jensen greeted you friendly as always. You rolled your eyes. "Mind your own business, Ackles." you were giving back before falling in the chair next to Misha. It was the seat furthest away from the blond actor. Misha sighed after you gave your best friend a quick hug. "I will never understand your hatred for each other." he muttered with a side glance at Jensen, who was now excitedly engrossed in a conversation with Jared and the make-up artist.
The truth was that you and Jensen didn't like each other from the very beginning. In your eyes he was an arrogant ass who looked good and was fully aware of that fact. In his eyes you were a bitch who couldn't understand a joke and was closed off. Neither of you had ever bothered to look behind the façade of the other one. Right on your first day on set you had argued so terribly that the shooting of the scene had to be stopped. When you were told a few weeks ago that you were to play Dean's love interest in the series from now on, the arguments between you had reached their peak.
"So, nervous about shooting tonight?" Misha ripped you out of your thoughts. You took a deep breath and tried to give him a halfway confident smile. "Oh, no. It's okay," you said. Misha saw right through you and gave you an encouraging smile. "I'll be okay. Don't worry about it." Further back you could hear the deep laughter of Jensen and Jared patted him on the shoulder in a brotherly way. You turned your eyes away when Jensen looked over.
A few minutes after your make-up was ready, a young personal assistant also walked into the trailer. "Ms L/N? We need you on set in ten," he reminded you. "Of course, thank you." you smiled. Then he looked at you nervously and fidgeted. Your eyebrows furrowed in wonder. "Can I help you with anything else?" you asked and smiled at the nervous student. "Err... No - Yes. Y-yes. I-I'm a big fan of yours. You're such a great actress and-" Jensen snorted in the background, for which you gave him a deadly look that made the young PA freeze completely, but Jensen was not the least bit bothered. You smiled reassuringly at the PA and granted him his wish for a selfie, then he led you to the set and lectured you for a few more minutes on how great he thought you were. You smiled and nodded from time to time, but you were far too nervous about the upcoming shoot to really listen to him. He didn't seem to notice that.
The spotlights were already set up and radiated the dark area. Cameras were flashing and the car was ready.  It was time for the shoot. A bit away, Jensen sat in his chair and watched the action. Technicians hurried across the set. Cameramen were changing settings and the director gave final instructions for the scene.
"Everyone to their places, please!" shouted the director and clapped his hands. You took off your bathrobe and swallowed before stepping on your green mark. Immediately the director approached you. "You ready, Y/N?" he asked you. "This is an important and difficult scene. You must be ready for it because we only have one car, the next one would have to be delivered first." You nodded, unable to put your doubts into words. You wanted to appear professional, damn it! "All right, you know how the scene works? You're standing on the marker. The car, possessed by a demon, is going to race towards you, but you jump aside at the last second because you lure it into a trap and it crashes into the wall behind you. All right?" he went over the sequence of the scene with you again. "Yes." Your voice sounded uncertain, but he didn't seem to notice. "Fine, let's do it." He turned away.
"Light? "Check." "Camera? "Rolling." "Silence on set, please. Scene 17, Take 1. Go!"
As soon as the engine of the car in front of you stuttered to life, the sweat broke out on your forehead. Your fingers trembled, but it appeared as if it was part of your acting. You swallowed and your fingers clenched into fists. "Come on!" you shouted to the possessed car. "Come and get me!" The headlights of the car flickered and it roared a couple of times on the spot. The radio turned up loud and AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell' came out of the speakers, before the tires screeched and spun, and then the car started moving rapidly. Now it was getting serious. When the car crossed the green line, you had to jump to the side onto the green mat.
But the car approached the green line relentlessly and you were frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. Literally. When it reached the green line, you couldn't move a muscle. Immediately, panic broke out around you and the last thing you saw were Jensen's green, wide-open eyes filled with panic before the car hit you.
Suddenly everything happened very quickly. You felt a stabbing pain shoot through your legs as you collided with the bumper. Immediately, you were hurled over the hood, bounced over the roof and hit the ground. Blood ran from your hand and forehead where you had been smashed into the glass. Pain shot through your entire body, then everything went black.
For a split second there was complete silence on the set, then hell broke loose. The director instructed everyone to stay calm, an ambulance was called, but Jensen didn't notice the chaos around him. His gaze was locked on your motionless body as if in a trance. Then he jumped up and started running. Kneeling on the ground, he slid towards you. You had lost consciousness and blood was running from the cuts on your hands. His fingers trembled as he brushed the locks of hair from your face. He would have loved to lay your head in his lap and watched over you until the ambulance arrived, but he knew there was a chance the fall had broken your spine. Your face was pale and smeared with red crimson.
Suddenly he heard yelling in the background. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Misha rushed out of the trailer followed by Jared and ran towards Y/N. Jensen held your bloody hand and stroked your forehead. Your breath was very shallow. He paid no attention to his panicked friend at all. All his attention and concern was only for you. As if in shock, his gaze kept wandering over your wounds. His breathing trembled and with every breath he had the feeling that his chest would burst. Should it end like this? You dying in front of him? Never again your cheeky comments or your bickering in the morning when you arrived late on set again? Would he never be able to make you coffee with too much sugar purposely, because he knew how much you hated sugar in your coffee? Or would he never ever listen to your complaints you always made when you were getting your hair done next to him and he just rolled his eyes? Would he never see the sparkle in your eyes again when a day of shooting was successfully completed? Or would he never feel the joy again when he saw you again after a long break in shooting, even though he would never admit it? A lump formed in his throat and he swallowed. Next to him Jared moved Misha away.
Suddenly, turmoil broke out again. The ambulance hurried to the set and immediately bent down to you. Jensen did not hear their words. But the doctor ordered two paramedics to lay you down on the stretcher. "Sir, you have to let go of her hand now," One of the paramedics told him. "N-no." Jensen shook his head violently. "I-I can't leave her alone." The very thought filled his stomach with nausea. His voice croaked. "I ask you only once more, Sir." But Jensen made no move. Suddenly, Jared grabbed him from behind and pulled him away. Jensen tried to fight back, but he was afraid to cause you more damage. "No! I can't leave her, Jared," he yelled in panic and tried to free himself from the iron grip of his best friend. "Sssh. It's okay, Jensen! It's gonna be okay! They're taking her to the hospital now," Jared explained calmly. But Jensen didn't take his words seriously.
"Let me be with her," Jensen pleaded. "Okay, it's okay, Jay. I'll take you to the hospital." Jensen shook his head. The paramedic cleared his throat because he felt sorry for the distraught man. "Family members are allowed to ride in the ambulance, so..." Even before he had finished the sentence, Jensen had already started running. Shoulder shrugging, Jared looked at the Doctor. "I'll catch up with my friend." He nodded at Misha, who was beside himself. The doctor nodded.
In the car, Jensen had already taken your hand. Gently he stroked the skin with his thumb, careful not to touch any of your wounds. The paramedics put you on all kinds of tubes and you still weren't conscious. Jensen got sick at the sight of all the wires running into your body. All the needles they stuck under your skin. Suddenly the ECG kicked in and your heartbeat started beating flat. "Fractures of the ribs 11 to 12. Craniocerebral trauma. Multiple contusions and a broken leg. Also some superficial lacerations." explained a paramedic. " Her condition is critical. She has sustained severe head injuries and internal bleeding cannot be ruled out. A hematoma is probably already forming. She must go to the O.R. immediately for a trepanation." The paramedic's gaze was serious as the ambulance reached the hospital. The doors of the ambulance were ripped open and the stretcher was taken out. Immediately, the paramedic informed the doctors and nurses of your state of health.
You were immediately taken to an operating room and Jensen was asked to take a seat in the waiting area. He wandered up and down nervously. Soon Misha and Jared arrived. Y/N's family would not arrive in Vancouver until tomorrow afternoon. So you had no family. A few hours later, one of the leading doctors arrived. "Gentlemen. Ms. L/N made it through the operation in good shape. We had to stabilize several fractures with screws and drill a hole in her skull to give the pressure room to dissipate." Jensen went pale. Jared pulled him into the seat next to him so he wouldn't faint. "It'll be a few more hours before she wakes up. She is now under the influence of strong painkillers, but you may see her now," the doctor explained. He gave the room number.
Jared came into the room with a cup of coffee for Jensen. Misha had gone home several hours ago to meet Y/N's parents in the afternoon. But Jensen had not left your side. Jared supplied him with coffee for the third time already and yawned tiredly. It was already 8 a.m. and they hadn't slept all night. "I'm leaving now, Jay. And you should rest too. She's fine. They'll let us know when she wakes up." But Jensen didn't answer. Jared put the coffee on a small table and left the room. Jensen sat by your bed and had trouble keeping his eyes open. The constant beeping of the ECG lulled him in and calmed him down.
When you woke up, your whole body felt numb. The painkillers clouded your mind and you didn't know where you were for a moment until it all came back to you. The accident.
You looked around the white room until your eyes fell on a blond mop of hair. Jensen's head was on your bed. His hand in yours. He had pressed his forehead against your hand in his sleep. Worry overshadowed his sleeping face. You were surprised. Gently you released your wired hand from his grip and stroked his cheek. At once he blinked and jumped up. "Y/N! You are awake! Oh, thank God!" You saw his eyes shimmer with tears of relief. "I thought I had lost you," he said and his voice broke. "Jensen, it's all right," you muttered reassuringly. He nodded, then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When they opened again the green sparkled intensely.
"Y/N. I'm sorry for what I did. I was an ass. I want to apologize for all this. I acted like an idiot because I didn't know how to handle it, but -" He took a deep breath. "The truth is, I love you, Y/N."
Wanna get tagged? Check out the link in my bio or drop an ask/comment.
Jensen/Dean tags: @vicariouslythruspn​ @crazybutconfidentaf​ @zizzlekwum​ @ashthefirefox​ @outofnowhere82​ @rintheemolion​  @myopiamystical​ @vicmc624​ @imaginationisgrowth
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SPN Director Spotlight: DAVID NUTTER | Nutter directed 10 successful TV pilots before setting the stage for Supernatural with 1.01 and 1.02. Later he also directed the pilots for Arrow and The Flash.
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