#spoiled nico di angelo
thaliasthunder · 1 year
i am torn apart
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pjo-worshipper · 1 year
Me going to the wiki to learn more about my favorite characters and spoiling the next books to myself in the process
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theseheroes · 2 years
there’s nothing that can get me over the fact that nico is pretty much invincible. like. what everyone is worried about is dying and uh. nico dying just means seeing his dad around the palace a little more.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Hades and Apollo unconsciously trying to one-up each other in a non-existent “Who’s the better godly father” constest 
and Will doesn’t know what to do with all the extra godly attention whilst Nico freaking-Hades’s-favourite di Angelo is just like “Dad gave me more allowance, let’s go on a fancy date.”
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charlie-rain-0 · 1 year
me, fan of jasico, when i reread the sun and the star :
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avaetin · 8 months
What I feel for Alabaster is the same as what I feel for Percy and Nico.
I love them. But, before I give them even a scintilla of happiness, I have to subject them to the most excruciating pain I can possibly think of at the time of writing.
The plans I have for Hecate's son - how I plan to hurt him emotionally and scar his very being by making him face the ghosts of his past while dealing with things of the present... 🤌
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the sun and the star was everything I wanted and more. I loved learning more about Will, I loved this book being about how to accept parts of yourself that you don’t want to look at and at the same time being about knowing how to let go of darkness and let in the light. Nico and Will had such different arcs throughout this book but at the same time, in their cores, the arcs were both about accepting yourself as a whole person and accepting those around you as complicated people as well. 
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that-girl-glader · 10 months
My last two braincells are trynna decide wether or not solangelo is a thing yet in chalice of the gods.
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rosesradio · 4 months
hey !! ✨
so in wrapping up posting the final chapters of ceaseless eve over the next couple weeks, i’m thinking of doing some bonus features. i’ll post them on here and link them in the author’s note. examples of things i was thinking of including are:
• analysis of character arcs over the course of the fic
• delving into the fic playlist & relating some of the songs to certain characters, etc
if any of y’all have a bonus feature of sorts you’d like to request, feel free to lmk and i will try my best to make it happen! i want this to be really fun :-)
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crush-like-that · 4 months
throwback to when I was 11 years old and I had just finished reading the PJO series and I would only talk about Nico di Angelo for weeks so my dad did research on him and was Not Happy so he pulled me to the side and had an hourlong conversation with me trying to get to the root of my obsession with him because he was afraid that I found him attractive and he feared that my Type was emo pathetic depressive gay boys and he did Not want that for me bc he thought that if I liked that from a young age then I'd start to search out emp pathetic depressive gay boys to date and he did not want his poor little daughter to date someone weak and unreliable. Like. Buddy. I was eleven.
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freetobeeyouandme · 5 months
Rereading pjo is so funny when you KNOW like Sea of Monsters ends with Percy going ough no the Prophecy because there's another big three kid. And it's so...babe you're like a couple pages away from meeting your small gay emo cousin, it's only gonna get worse from here on I fear
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 years
i’m barely 3 episodes into the 3rd season of TUA and i can already say that this season luther gives off the same energy as jason grace. also, ive heard good things about him being a super supportive ally so this just furthers my point.
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if any of you spoil it im going to explode YOU and then im gonna fuck your mom.
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littlesadzap · 1 year
I'm about to start reading The Sun and the Star and I hope we can all agree that if Nico or Will die during this book we will pretend that the events in the book never happened, right?
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avaetin · 1 year
Love Language Test (Crack Post)
Jason: Why are we here, Hazel?
Percy: Yeah, Hazel. Why am I here?
Jason: I said ‘We’.
Percy: My self-preservation meter is all the way up at the moment, Grace.
Hades: As it should.
Hazel: Relax, guys. I just need someone to back me up on this.
Percy: I’m sure Frank or Reyna would have done a good job, Hazel.
Hazel: Frank and Reyna don’t know what’s going on between Nico and Lord Aeon as much as you two.
Jason: Great.
Percy: I actually don’t know as much. I only know stuff from what Jason tells me.
Jason: Thank you for putting me on the spotlight, Jackson.
Percy (grins): You’re so very welcome, Grace.
Hazel: Anyway, Father just wants to make sure everything is... okay.
Percy: So, you brought us here because you can’t test Nico’s boyfriend directly.
Hades: The only thing you’re testing here is my patience, Jackson.
Percy (gulps): Sorry. But you have to admit, our family tree is really messed up.
Jason & Hazel: No objections there.
Jason: Do you have a list of questions, Lord Hades? Or should we go through each love language?
Hazel: What’s that?
Jason: It’s... you don’t know? Piper told me about it a long time ago. It’s how we express and receive love. That kind of stuff.
Percy: Interesting conversations you’re having.
Jason: It was actually an interesting conversation.
Hazel: Then we’ll go by that.
Jason: Okay. There’s five in total. First one is words of affirmation.
Hazel: He passes with flying colors.
Percy: If there was a test, he would have scored over a 100.
Jason (to Hades): He’s really smitten with Nico, Lord Hades. This is coming from someone around them almost all the time during summer.
Hades (frowns): Next one.
Jason: Quality time. Is it a pass if he’s around Nico all the time, with the exception of when it’s curfew?
Percy: Is it in an obsessive creepy way?
Hazel: Not really. From what I heard from Nico, he’s very respectful of his space when Nico asks to be left alone.
Hades (grunts): Next one.
Jason: Receiving gifts. In this case, him giving gifts.
Percy: Does the universe count?
Hades: What?
Percy: Your son-in-law promised to give him the universe. The only difference, coming from his mouth, he could actually do it.
Hades: He’s not my son-in-law.
Percy: Uh-huh. (Thinking) How will you even refuse a primordial?
Hazel: Oh! I heard one time from Nico that he tried gifting him a snow globe.
Jason: That sounds... normal.
Hazel: Except inside that snow globe was the entire universe.
Jason, Percy & Hades: What?!
Hazel: Nico almost dropped it when he found out. He drew a line there.
Jason: As he should!
Hazel: He’s working on getting him to understand the mortal ways.
Jason: Should we consider that a pass then?
Percy: When have you had someone promise you the universe and actually deliver on that promise?
Jason: Fair point. The fourth one is acts of service. It’s what you do for your partner.
Percy: Dude, he defied the Fates by saving you when you were facing Caligula. You should have died that day.
Hades: The Fates were unhappy.
Percy: Nico would have been unhappy. An unhappy Nico equates to an unhappy Aeon. Would the gods rather deal with the Fates or a Primordial who can control the Fates?
Hades: Neither.
Percy: Same.
Hazel: It’s a pass then.
Jason: Okay. The last one is physical touch.
Percy: ...
Jason: ...
Hazel: ...
Hades: One of you better start speaking.
Hazel: Well, Nico said that he’s very respectful.
Hades: How respectful is very respectful?
Jason (gulps): Hand holding?
Hades: Elaborate, son of Zeus.
Jason (to Percy): You know too. You tell Lord Hades.
Percy: I have self-preservation, Grace.
Jason: Traitor.
Hazel: They hold hands and umm... he kisses Nico’s hands, cheeks and forehead too...?
Hades: You sound unsure, child. As if you’re not telling me everything.
Percy: I wouldn’t tell everything too if my friend’s father can easily bury me underground with the wrong answer.
Hades: I wouldn’t bury my daughter, but that is something I consider I would do with you and Jason Grace.
Jason: (elbows Percy)
Percy: (glares)
Hazel: They kiss too... on the lips. (blushing)
Hades: ...Are you telling me he has already defiled my son?
Jason: No! Not like that. Nico wouldn’t-! (blushing) He’s not that age yet, and Lord Aeon is very respectful in that regard.
Hades: So, he is planning.
Percy: This is not a talk I want to be involved in.
Hades: I may not be able to kill a primordial, but I can kill you, Jackson.
Percy: Why me?!
Hades: You are him.
Percy: That’s not fair!
Nico (steps into the room): What are you all doing...? Why is father here?
Aeon: (steps into the room)
Hades: (disappears)
Jason: Uhh...
Aeon: I heard all of it, just so you know.
Jason, Hazel & Percy: (laughs awkwardly)
Nico (to Aeon): What did you hear?
Aeon: Some sort of love language test because your father can’t test your boyfriend.
Nico: (blushes a bright red)
Aeon: Your father was worried for your chastity and was prepared to kill Percy as some indirect way of killing me.
Nico: That’s! I would never-! I’m still sixteen!
Aeon: He’s considering in advance.
Nico (to Hazel, Jason and Percy): Please don’t talk to Father again about this.
Jason: Percy and I had no plans! Hazel dragged us into this.
Percy: This friendship is very exhausting. Please give me at least a week to heal from this near-death experience.
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