#starboy alex <3<3<3
morgansplace · 1 year
I loved the vibe of your blog design before
This new one?? With your OC??? 😭😭 SO GOOD
THE PREVIOUS ONE WAS ALSO ONE OF MY OCS‼️ It was my darlin oc, drawn by a friend of mine. you can see them better here :))
(Alexander/tank ; they/them)
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However, the one I had was a version with the starboy cover!!
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stereax · 7 months
In today's episode: Dougie Hamilton and the real reason for 7 (it's not just from 27), Alex Holtz picking a number from an ice cream brand, Brendan Smith and Bobby Orr, Erik Haula's attachment to 56, John Marino and Tom Brady, and why Dawson Mercer went high with 91.
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westofessos · 7 months
Let’s discuss Best Friends because I’m so mad.
Best Friends (Trent & Chuck) have only won 5 matches as a tag team in 2023. None of them were on Dynamite or Collision, and only one was against non-jobber opponents.
April 19 (ROH) vs Joe Ocasio & Mookie Summers
March 23 (Rampage) vs Kings of the Black Throne (Malakai Black & Brody King)
March 8 (Elevation) vs Olumide & Starboy Charlie
February 8 (Elevation) vs Aydan Colt & Frank Stone
January 4 (Elevation) vs Chaos Project (Serpentico & Luther)
They’ve lost 6. All were against non-jobber opponents.
April 12 (Rampage) vs Aussie Open
May 24 (Rampage) vs Big Bill & Lee Moriarty
July 26 (Dynamite) (Three Way) vs Lucha Bros, BCC
August 3 (Rampage) vs BCC
August 30 (Rampage) (Tag Team Battle Royal)
September 20 (Rampage) (Four Way) vs The Righteous, The Hardys, The Kingdom
September 30 (Collision) vs The Kingdom
As a trio (with Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, Bandido, or Danhausen) they have won exactly 2. Both were on dark matches against SAP.
January 2 (Elevation) w/Orange Cassidy vs Spanish Announce Project (Luther & Serpentico) & Zack Clayton
May 3 (Dynamite - Dark Match) w/Rocky Romero vs Nick Comoroto & Spanish Announce Project (Serpentico & Angelico)
As a trio, they have lost 6, all against non-jobber opponents.
January 25 (Rampage) w/Danhausen vs Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Satnam Singh
April 5 (Dynamite) w/Orange Cassidy vs House of Black
May 10 (Dynamite) w/Bandido vs House of Black
May 17 (Rampage) w/Bandido vs BCC
June 7 (Dynamite) w/Rocky Romero vs BCC
June 14 (Rampage) w/Rocky Romero vs United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher, Will Ospreay)
As a team of four or five, they have won 6. None of these were on Dynamite or Rampage, and only one was against non-jobber opponents.
February 15 (Elevation) w/Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, John Silver) vs The Butcher & The Blade and The Firm (Ethan Page, Isiah Kassidy, Matt Hardy)
April 7 (Rampage - Dark Match) w/The Firm (Isiah Kassidy, Matt Hardy) vs Kip Sabian, The Butcher and The Blade, and Zack Clayton
April 26 (ROH) w/Action Andretti, Darius Martin, and Stu Grayson vs The Kingdom & The Varsity Athletes
August 27 (All In - Stadium Stampede) w/Orange Cassidy, Eddie Kingston, and Penta el Zero Miedo vs BCC, Santana, and Ortiz
September 2 (ROH) w/Action Andretti and Darius Martin vs The Outrunners and The Workhorseman
October 4 (Rampage) w/The Hardys vs Angelo Parker, Matt Menard, Daniel Garcia, and Jake Hager
As a team of four or five, they have lost two.
June 21 (Rampage) w/Rocky Romero and YOH vs Swerve Strickland and United Empire (Jeff Cobb, Kyle Fletcher, Will Ospreay)
June 25 (Forbidden Door - Zero Hour) w/Rocky Romero and El Desperado vs The Mogul Embassy
Their overall record in 2023 is 13-14
Which is piss poor for a tag team that has been with AEW since the beginning, and has been extremely over with the fans for all four years, especially since almost all of their wins this year have been on Rampage, Elevation, or ROH against jobbers. Against almost all of the opponents of significance, they’ve lost.
Stop. Treating. Best. Friends. Like. Jobbers.
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interlvgos · 1 year
I want to join in on the fic convo real quick, because my brain is all muddy at this time of night but at the same time that is when it is at its most excitable and without really being able to add anything to the discussion I still want to comment on the prospect of George having a classic "Oh" moment when he notices that Lewis has literally always protected him even when he might not have been 100 % deserving of it, even when he gave him headaches by being difficult, even when he put him as a TP in a complicated position, because I love that so much. It's s such a good, satisfying thing, it scratches an itch, has me softly weeping and cuddling my blanket and eating that shit up. Yep, George would watch DTS, wouldn't he. Or he would, ready to hurt himself, google himself, in spite of everyone trying to keep him away from the socials, only to find Lewis being quoted. Or he would get little press conference clips sent to himself by Alex or someone that show Lewis verbally murdering Horner on George's behalf...... I am holding that concept close to my chest, cradling it, running away into the sunset with it.....
tp lewis au discussion under the cut! <3
absolutely! and the thing is, in a lot of ways, george isn't necessarily deserving of lewis' defence: as i mentioned last night, he makes a lot of questionable decisions that compromise lewis' postion and also - at times - underminds him. and lewis' cool mask of indifference george gets in return only solidifies george's opinion that, actually, lewis just doesn't care about him anymore beyond the professional sphere of what success george can bring to mercedes.
he pretends not to notice how much his chest fucking aches when he thinks about that too long. 
but lewis will always protect him, again: there's no version of lewis in this au that wouldn't protect george from everything. he was his, for a long time, and lewis was george's in return - they orbited around one another and their lives intwined to such a degree that when they were together, if one of them hurt, they both did.
now, it isn't the same dynamic, but now lewis is just fucking angry when he hears the shit said about george because yeah, maybe he doesn't deserve it, but he's afraid of the void in george's eyes and he doesn't understand why his - their - starboy has fallen so far, crashed back down to earth in a haze of stupid decisions and snappy remarks, why he's all fake smiles and attitude and pushing back as much as he's pushing everyone away.
so god, lewis isn't a violent person, but if he has to watch horner berate george's 'unsafe' and 'unsportsmanlike' conduct one more time he's going to hit the fucking roof. 
and if the one of the first time george's carefully constructed facade slips is when alex motions for him to look towards the media pen where lewis stands, brilliant and beautiful and dangerous in his anger as he shuts down bullshit claims from horner regarding george yet again, well. george will ignore the way his heart pounds with it, jackrabbiting out of his chest, like it's bodily trying to move him closer, closer, back into lewis' orbit. 
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wewerecore · 8 months
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania Attendance: 1,773
Match #1
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Tromba vs. Tetsuya Izuchi - Tromba tried for the northern lights suplex on Izuchi, but Tetsuya rolled through and locked in a cross armbreaker for the submission win. Winner: Tetsuya Izuchi
Match #2
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"Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs. Tim Bosby - Lawlor went for the kamigoye on Bosby, but Bosby freed an arm, caught Lawlor's leg, and rolled through into a single leg crab. Filthy Tom fought for the ropes and Bosby broke the hold. Bosby tried to lift Lawlor off the mat for a deadlift german, but Lawlor held on to the middle rope eventually breaking the waistlock by throwing himself and Bosby between the ropes and to the floor. Lawlor went for a running knee on Bosby, but Bosby countered with a double leg takedown which, much like his match on TV with Shaw Mason, sent Lawlor and Bosby spilling through the ring apron and under the ring. Bosby pulled Lawlor out from under the ring and rolled him back inside. Lawlor used the ropes to struggle to his feet where Bosby connected with the rip cord lariat and picked up a surprise win. Winner: Tim Bosby
- Shaw Mason and Hunter Holdcraft ran down to the ring to celebrate with Bosby. They lifted their folkstyle stablemate on their shoulders and paraded Bosby around. However, when Holdcraft and Bosby left the ringside area, Shaw Mason lingered behind and made a quick inspection under the ring.
Match #3
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Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz (with Raychell Rose) vs. Hyan and Kylie Paige - Billie Starkz went for the Swanton Bomb on Kylie Paige, but Kylie got her knees up. Hyan connected with the Beauty Sleep on Starkz and got the pinfall. Winners: Hyan and Kylie Paige
- Queen Aminata argued with Billie Starkz on their way back through the curtain, Aminata blaming Starkz for the loss and claiming that Aminata and Rose would have won. The three parted the curtain where the Southern 6 stood, awaiting their entrance for the next match. Kerry Morton, Kenzie Paige, Starboy Charlie, and Marcus Mathers got in Billie Starkz' face, confronting her about abandoning the group and leaving them to be attacked after a match at The Long Mirror Of Time. Just when they appeared ready to strike, Raychell Rose produced a field hockey stick, the distinctive signature foreign object she had selected while getting her license at UltraMantis Black's School of Professional Wrestling Management and Bartending. Rose held the field hockey stick in both hands and pressed it against Alex Taylor's throat, demanding free passage for Starkz before she'd let him go. The Southern 6 backed off and Starkz escaped unharmed.
Match #4
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The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) and Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay) and The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Trench) - Trench applied his inverted full nelson on Kerry Morton. Trench pushed back on Morton's chin, but Marcus Mathers and Alex Taylor made the save, working together to break Trench's grip and pull his arms behind his back. Morton bounced off the ropes and hit a jumping knee strike on Trench. Trench staggered backwards into the Thrill Ride from Silas Mason and was pinned. Winners: The Southern 6 and Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers
Match #5
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Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen - Tiger Queen tried for the Tiger Suplex on Fuego Del Sol but Giant Baba Yaga broke it up with a Baba Chop to the back of Queen's head. Freed from Tiger Queen's grasp, Fuego Del Sol springboarded off the middle rope and hit a tornado DDT on Queen. Tiger Mask IV tried to come to aid his partner but was taken out by a running neckbreaker from Baba. Winners: Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol
Match #6
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Titus Alexander vs. Homicide - Titus Alexander went for the Kudo Driver on Homicide, but Homicide landed on his feet behind Alexander and went for the O'Connor Roll. Titus kicked out and connected with a spinning backfist to Homicide. Titus Alexander hit the Kudo Driver on Homicide, before picking him up and following with another. Instead of going for the pin, Alexander rolled Homicide to the ring apron and delivered an exploder suplex from the apron and to the floor. Alexander tossed Homicide back inside and reached under the ring to pull out a bottle of Drano. Titus Alexander opened the bottle and intended to pour the Drano down Homicide's throat, but Scarlette Donovan stopped the match, awarding the fall to Titus via referee stoppage as the locker room emptied and Homicide was pulled to safety. Winner: Titus Alexander
- After the match Titus Alexander got on the microphone and again called out Eddie Kingston. Alexander said that since Kingston doesn't have the guts to come to CORE and give him his rematch, Titus will come to him. Alexander apparently got himself booked on the pre-show at a New Japan show tomorrow night in Las Vegas, and Titus warns Eddie that he will see him there.
Match #7
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The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr. - Soberano Jr. launched himself at MAO with a Fosbury flop, but MAO caught Soberano and spiked him with a tombstone on the floor. Meanwhile in the ring, Atlantis Jr. lifted Toi Kojima up in the La Atlantida, but Yuki Ueno intervened with his WR on Atlantis Jr. and got the three count. Winners: The 37KAMIINA
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joestylee · 1 year
Wizkid- Nigeria’s Fashion Icon
Also known as Starboy and Bigwiz, Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun is a man of style, the best-dressed pop star. In his interview with Alex Frank of Vogue magazine in 2016, his response to the question about his style icon being Pharell reveals his high sartorial inclinations. He went on to say, ‘It’s not about the brands. It’s how you put them together.’ This is the secret code of every stylish person; understanding the how of putting together a look and this response shows you that Wizkid gets it.
Although critics may bemoan his lack of a message or world view and castigate his music for just being about vibes, Wizkid definitely understands the interplay between feel good music and feel good fashion.  
What is feel-good fashion? Feel-good fashion is fashion that doesn’t over think. It’s a feeling-myself, can’t-hold-me-down, laidback, love-my-life kind of fashion just like feel-good fashion which is eclectic, a mix of everything -Wizkid’s songs which combine different elements and styles, definitely fall under this category.
The Building Blocks 
Wizkid, one of the best-dressed pop stars, knows that a good wardrobe starts with investing in the basics - Tshirts. Solid color Tees in red, black, white and orange are his wardrobe staples. A T-shirt is like a blank canvas where all artistic ideas begin, layers and colors can be added, but it all starts with a good T-shirt. His love for T-shirts is seen in his ‘Made in Lagos’ merch with PUMA featuring Tees with slogans scrawled in catchy calligraphy. 
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The Chic Toughness of Leather 
Noble, durable and warm, the Starboy loves to layer with leather. He combines the cotton simplicity of a T-shirt with the glossy thickness of leather for an aura of sophisticated grit, a signature look for his stage performances. One of such notable looks is his Monogram Admiral Jacket by Louis Vuitton for his performance at the O2 Arena - Starboy Fest 2019.
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The Kiss of Accessories
Stylish people understand the power of accessories. The right accessories should never betray you. Unlike clothes, some weight and your favorite clothing doesn’t fit anymore.  Investing in statement accessories can stand you out; belts, scarves, hats, jewelry, shoes and bags that they will rock for years to come.
Accessories can become the focal point like Wizkid’s red beret in the picture below or they can pull together the look like the second picture below showing him in mustard color sunglasses and matching mustard coloured sweater, paired with silver jewelry. The trick is to keep it personal and simple like Wizkid does.
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Never without his sunglasses, neck and finger jewelry, the Starboy is a true wiz with accessories.
The Fun of Prints
From hoodies to jackets, to pants he always finds a way to insert a little drama with unpredictable patterns. Sometimes it’s quirky, sometimes it’s cultural but always eye-catching and inviting.
Afro-inspired fashion definitely leans more towards more prints as showcased in Joestylee.
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Who Inspires WizKid’s Fashion?
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In his A Day in the Live, a 3-hour live coverage of a typical day in Wizkid’s life with Julie Adenuga, he says he never had a lot of clothes growing up and reveals for the first time that his keen sense of style was inspired by his late father’s dapperness. My father made me fall in love with clothes. I would see my dad going for an outing wearing clothes made by his personal tailor and I would be like, check this out’. Watching his fashion stylist, Karen Binns hand him outfit after outfit in preparation for his exclusive performance of songs from his Made in Lagos album you realize that his style really is intentional; he may have clothing already picked out for him, but he keeps mixing and matching until it feels just right.
Wizkid style is rooted in a strong understanding of self. The lyrics of his song Ojuelegba from the album, Ayo summarize his life story of hard work, hustle, street-smarts and faith. These qualities are all reflected in his fashion style; grounded, unpredictable, easy and self-loving. For the man who knows what he likes, appreciates every inch of his journey because it’s made him who he is and knows that life is to be lived boldly with fun and swag; for a variety of looks.
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broken-pixel · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥My Friends ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
🎀L0rïDD🎀 - DD
uBBz - uBBz
°Unknownexe° - Alex
Starboi-Ace - Ace
Sleepy Sage - Sage
🌸Delilah‘s Animations!🌸 - Delilah
NEO ZK _ Official - ZK
Neptune_Souls - Neptune
♡Itz_{M}♡ - M
Sunny_Rãt - Sunny
novi. - Novi
Frostal! - Frosty/Frostal
Rando - Rando
* ˚ ✦ Please let me know if I accidentally missed someone or if there are any user/name and/or link changes <3 ✧˚ · .
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thesunwillart · 2 years
For the outfit drawing thing it would be awesome if you could do Alex in A4 and Willie in B4
this is for you and the anon that suggest willie + b4 <3
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(also if you’re interested in supporting me on ko-fi it would be appreciated <3)
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farxad911 · 2 years
Explore and Share more🪐
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1. Baby Powder-Jenevieve
2.Elijah Blond-Silk
3.Sasha Alex Sloan-The Only
4.Winona Oak-Break My Broken Heart
5.228k-When is cold Outside
7.Lonely God-Sunday
8.Gert Taberner-Fallen
9.Ghostly Kisses-Empty Note
10.AViVA-Rabbit Hole
11.Anson Seabra-Robin Hood(Sarcastic remix)
12.Emmit Fenn-Painting Greys
13.Hoobastank-The Reason
16.Kean DYSSO-Hold me
17.The xx-Basic Space
18.Bratia Stereo,Tony Tonite-Ayayay
19.Cigarettes After Sex-K.
20.Alec Benjamin-Let me down slowly
21.Kina,Snøw-Get you the moon
22.Jeremy Zucker-Weakness
23.Mazzy Star-Fade into you
25.Big in Japan-Alphaville Original
26.Jack White-Love is Blindness
28.Josh A, iamjakehill-Endless Nightmare
29.Bugus-I just know
30.Croosh-I need
31.Aintnolie-Heyat Qruz,Pt. 3
32.ZAPOMNI-я всё решу(intro)
35.LVNX,Ann-Малиновый закат(remix)
36.Просто Лера-На всю катушку
38.Evdeki Saat-Uzunlar V2
39.The Dø-Despair,Hangover & Ecstasy
41.Kina-Baby You're Worth It
42.Duke Dumont-Ocean Drive
43.Hippie Sabotage-Enough
46.5 Seconds of Summer-Valentine
47.Jon Bellion-All Time Low
48.Citizen Cope-Theresa
50.NASAYA,MARO-Midnight Purple
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tirednotflirting · 3 years
new year's jalex? talk to me about that :) xoxo bella
!!! i love new year’s jalex those are sweet boys :)
i want your midnights was written on (you guessed it) new year’s day at approx like? 3am??? (throwing this under here bc i’m chatty lol
my roommate is an old woman who went to bed at like 12.30 and my other pal in town got stoned and fell asleep so i went back to my room at like 1am with a bottle of pink bubbly and listened to new year’s day on repeat a few times and thought ‘hey i wanna write some new year’s fluff’ and opened a doc.
for some reason i was thinking about patd’s live in chicago album bc the cover is like the four of them sitting out on top of their bus and i was like ‘huh that would be a neat lil spot to watch fireworks on new year’s’ and then for about ten seconds i considered how jack and/or alex would probably break something trying to get on top of their bus and then mostly ignored that in order to write this 
(but then i felt like a bad writer ignoring that so i decided zack would help them get down bc tbh that’s probably happened at some point like come on)
it was a fic for YOU miss bella and starboy alex seems to be the best route to go when writing for you so combining that with fireworks felt like the way to go (plus i am FOREVER fond of this bit: 
“Love you too, Al,” Jack says back, knowing that Alex is always mixing the sentiment into every word that leaves his mouth. “I think this is gonna be a good one for us.”
And regardless of how the predictability in their lives seems to always be dwindling, Alex can’t help but agree. Like fireworks on New Year’s and stars somewhere beyond the light from the skyline, Jack is a forever constant in Alex’s world.
like it’s just fucking dreamy idk man
i really struggled with how i was gonna end this. like i was gonna just cut it there actually but then it didn’t feel exactly finished? (maybe just bc i wanted to challenge myself to get them off of the roof of the bus lol) and i’m so fucking happy this last lil random bit came to mind when i was decided where to leave them bc i think it might have been one of the most enthusiastic responses i’ve ever gotten from you on a line in my writing lol (like i go a reread ur comment on this when i’m having a bad day no i am not kidding).
plus i think something that i like to do when writing an established relationship is kinda like, pull back from the central characters a bit. i’ve done this before in my jalex stuff by kinda having rian or zack just kinda provide random commentary (there’s a line in the pretty venom fic i think where there’s some random side note of zack being like “soulmate shit” for that exact reason.) rian is such an instagram-y boy like he would TOTALLY see his friends being all cute and shit on top of the bus and send the pic for them to have. like he totally would. (the line in question for anyone other than bella reading this who maybe doesn’t want to scroll all the way to the end of the fic to find it lol):
Alex is seconds away from sleep when he feels his phone buzz inside the pocket of his sweats. He pulls it out and squints at the light from the screen, angling it some so as to not wake Jack who managed to pass out the second his head hit the pillow and his arm wrapped around Alex’s waist. It’s a text from Rian. It’s a picture of them he must have snapped from the ground right as midnight struck. Alex smiles as he saves the image, glad it was captured physically in case his memory starts failing him one day. The accompanying message only reads you crazy kids, don’t ever change . 
this was fun ! thank u miss bella ilysm <3
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marinobyssus · 4 years
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a soundtrack dedicated to your friend, tribute, clown, marino
marino, the econ major frat boy he always thought he was
1. You’re A Fucking Star by Alex Somers, Zach Shields (from the Honeyboy Soundtrack)
2. HIGHEST IN THE ROOM by Travis Scott
3. RNP (feat. Anderson .Paak) by Cordae, Anderson .Paak)
4. Starboy by The Weeknd, Daft Punk
5. Roman’s Beat - “Hearts” by Nicholas Britell (from the Succession Soundtrack)
marino and district eight
1. Never Dreamed You‘d Leave In Summer by Stevie Wonder (a song for his mother)
I never dreamed you'd leave in summer But now I find my love has gone away
2. Blame it on the Sun by Stevie Wonder (a song for a life unsatisfied)
I'll blame it on the time That never was enough I'll blame it on the tide and the sea But, my heart blames it on me 
3. Heaven Help Us All by Stevie Wonder
Heaven help the boy who won't reach twenty-one Heaven help the man who gave that boy a gun Heaven help the people with their backs against the wall Lord, Heaven help us all
marino and the mentors he’d come across in his short life
1. Fear of My Identity by Best Coast // Surya, Ophelia, and Hunter
You taught me that my heart would grow old, old, old The fear of my identity standing right in front of me I want to run but I can't see I want to scream but I can't speak
2. SUGARPARENTS by Amine, Rico Nasty // Max
When I get into the show let me pull a few strings Put the boy on game, he could learn a few things 
3. The Greatest Gift by Sufjan Stevens // Auri
But the greatest gift of all And the law above all laws Is to love your friends and lovers To lay down your life for your brothers
4. Good Heart by Indigo De Souza // Hyacinth
Oh I want to believe that you've got a good heart Oh I want to believe in some things I happen to read on the inside of fortune cookies
PART 1 - Opening by Jung Jae Il (from the Parasite soundtrack)
1. Leaning on You by HAIM // for his first friend, Memphis
Was I fearless at seventeen years old Or was I faking it, I was just a kid leavin' home Now I get scared for reasons I don't know Is it just because I ain't tough enough to be alone?
2. Before the World Was Big by Girlpool // Bonk Alliance
I just miss how it felt standing next to you Wearing matching dresses before the world was big 
3. Hot Girl Summer (feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign) by Megan Thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, Ty Dolla $ign // YOU ALREADY KNOW
Got a whole lot of options 'cause you know a bitch poppin' I'm a hot girl, so you know ain't shit stoppin'
4. Sorry by beabadoobee // Alon
I never wanna think twice With what could've been your life 
5. Godspeed by Frank Ocean // Juliet
I let go of my claim on you It's a free world You look down on where you came from sometimes But you'll have this place to call home always
6. Bad Friend by Rina Sawayama // to all the friends tributes he fucked over lol
I'm so good at crashing in Making sparks and shit but then I'm a bad, I'm a bad, I'm a bad friend So don't ask me where I've been Been avoiding everything 'Cause I'm a bad, I'm a bad, I'm a bad friend
PART II - Doldrums by Franz Becker
1. Who’s Gonna Save U Now? by Rina Sawayama
Who's gonna save you now? Who's gonna save you this time? Who's gonna save you now? 
2. Haha No One Can Hear You! by Gallant // marino’s existential crisis anthem
Tell me you don't wonder what your Feet look like on private beaches, baby? And tell me you don't wish for something More incessant than your own reflections?
3. Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos // Everett, Marino, Alder
There will come a soldier Who carries a mighty sword He will tear your city down
There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue 
There will come a ruler Whose brow is laid in thorn Smeared with oil like David's boy
4. Another Lifetime by Nao // Alder
I swear I won't run Won't run from you, I swear about it I swear I won't run In another life, I'll keep us bounded
5. Don’t Forget About Me by Noname
I know everyone goes some day I know my body's fragile, know it's made from clay But if I have to go, I pray my soul is still eternal And my momma don't forget about me
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rainecloud020604 · 4 years
“All’s well that ends well!”
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now i wont lie, this year started off amazing! new friends, new start, hell i got my laptop and was able to be on more. this year became pretty bumpy though through the middle, but hey, i made it!
I have a lot of people to thank for it as well, a lot of people who stayed around and put up with my shit no matter what it was
@elementalgod-aj - okay, first tumblr friend, introduced me to a lot of people i know now on here, got me into roleplaying and refused to let me give up on art. this guy, is solely responsible for me sticking around this hellsite when i thought about quitting a long time ago. He’s very talented, has sooo many amazing ocs you have to dig a bit to really get information on some of them, really fun to talk to as well! I might have a few personal favorites with his ocs but i love them all;3 he makes it worth your nickle talking to him, its rare he doesnt have anything to say and when you need someone to talk to he is willing to listen
@craftyjellyfishcat - she’s awesome, hard to put it into words on how much i appreciate knowing her. always willing to talk and do something. fun to fuck around with sometimes too uwu She has some pretty cool ocs and backgrounds for them, writing skills are like holy shit- where’s more?! art is pretty good too! she’s been there for me several times when i needed it and i cant thank her enough. she deserves a little more love in the art department 
@justadeadlysinsblog - hello thats my daughter Alma i love you and am so very proud of you figuring out who you are and who you want to be!!! it’s been such an honor and blessing helping you with your journey. she’s amazing at art, like holy shit it sooooo clean!!!! colors are beautiful and honestly she knows how to make it look pretty. there is no such thing as “too much purple” in this gals book! she literally is the embodiment of pride and its fun getting mortal souls with her- i mean- nothing! support her or so help me god i’ll steal your kneecaps and toes!!
@flowerrose14 - there sir, thats my wife and i love her. i met her at the beginning of this year/ end of last year and honestly, that changed my life. she’s always there for me, its a blessing being able to talk to her, she’s full of sooo much love!!! it literally oozes out of her messages. She’s my sweet angel who’s helped me so much, with my depression, anxiety, break downs and dissociations as well. its a dream of mine to go live with her, it really is, and imma make it happen! she has such amazing art and the effort she puts into it is shocking sometimes, her ocs and stories have given me the feels and made me attached and thats hard to do. support my girlfriend please! she deserves it!!
@angiewolf09 - i remember i was extremely intimidated by you at first, you are so talented,  with stories and art like holy shit you can do that with a pencil????? and dont get me started on how much of a mastermind you are with connecting things!! its been an honor being your friend and being apart of some of those amazing rps you do uwu
@wazzup-ie - its an honor being your ma uwu you are so talented and have skills i dream of having with art, im so proud of you and how far you have come this year!!! go! support her!!! 
@poiisedaracknos - you are very chill, laidback, fun to talk to and fuck around with. how do you hand???????? you are fucking talented bitch and you know it! such amazing art skills, soi what, no backgrounds for ocs? no problem, you have amazing artwork of them to make up for that! you are my child and im so proud of you, support her!
@mrcucumb3r - Alex you bastard i love you, you are my son. he has such a beautiful art style and honestly im glad that i met you and have been able to be your friend. such interesting characters and ideas that i wish got more attention. follow him and support him or else!!
@k0ncursus - i wish we talked more but the conversations and uno games we have had are amazing and you’re such a blessing and i am so happy you are my friend <3 you wont ever regret talking to her or following her!
@recklessjerry - my mind twin, my buddy, you’ve grown so much and im so proud to have witnessed it this year! you have amazing stories and characters and i love hearing you talk about them. you put so much effort into them and it shows, the easter eggs, the hinting, it makes it such a ride to look into! this guy is worth a follow!
@sherlocktheravencat - its been a long time, i wont lie, but the conversations we have had, its been an honor. i love your characters and your art, the effort that goes into the research honesty pays off. Seeing you on my dash is a privilege really. which is why i wish for others to share such a thing, follow satan Sher, you wont regret it.
@paint-splatterblog - you are so sweet, kind and all around amazing! such a talented soul with art and ocs! she might not post often but when she does its such a treat to look at what she posts! she is worth your follow so follower her please!!
@at-the-mercy-of-the-ocean - General this is lieutenant hugs reporting for duty. you are so very fucking valid and im happy i stumbled across your blog! you make me smile when im having a bad day and im blessed to see you on my dash.your art,,,i love seeing it,,,like i can talk abotu how pleasing to the eye it is to me all day. sending tons of hugs your way! they are worth your time and follow!!
@dearest-starboy​ - a very handsome being uwu can confirm being human tho <w< amazing edits, like how do you do that??? how?? and seeing you on my dash, you seems to always reblog stuff that makes me laugh. a friendly reminder im blessed to know you and that you are very valid go follow them please
@kirakirasilversnow​ - we dont talk much, i’ve been under anon a lot with you cause like,,,im intimidated slightly by your kindness. very valid and you are so sweet and talented!! wish we talked more! edits are jaw dropping with you and they are a beauty to see, like you! support this gal its worth your time 
@cookiie-doe - imma steal your toes if you dont stop acting so valid how dare you! its nice to see you in my notes and on my dash, you are very sweet and supper valid!! she is very much so worth your follow with art and content!! 
@funnierabbit75 - friendo!!! you have been such a blessing to know this year!! such beautiful art and a beautiful voice! she is very talented and deserves so much love and support so please give her that!!
@fizzypopsoda-comics - man i wished we talked more but this guy has got some wicked talent!!!  give them a follow and trust me you wont regret it in the slightest!! i love your art and ocs so much! 
@blogdeepdonutfatality​ - you have such lovely art and ocs!! follow her please!! she is such a blessing to talk to and get to know!!! its been an honor!!
@dreamer-from-elm-street​ - we dont talk often but when we do its something to cherish. such amazing art, anatomy, characters, stories!! follower her and send her love and support!!
@mindytiger​ - i love your art and ocs!! its been such a blessing to see your story grow!! hell, play a role every once and awhile as well! support her and her amazing skills!!
@mocka-mocka​ - you are so talented and deserve more love with your art and ocs! send her love and support and look at how talented she is!!!
@neon-alpha-wolf​ - bro, you are so talented and have grown so much this year! support him and his characters, along with art because he deserves it!!
there are so so so many other lovely people i can tag but theses guys i have the most to say about and want to give a huge thanks to making my 2019 the best year despite the hardships!!! i love you all and thank you for getting me here!!
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Eli Thompson. *Main Character. Voice Claim: (Stephen Amell) https://youtu.be/NEon5J3gc5w?t=10 Partner(s): Single Parents: River & Alex Kids: None. Age: immortal but translates into mid-late 20′s. Birthday: May 5th. Height: 190cm Body type: Lean and muscular.  Eye color: Deep blue. Classification: Shapeshifter —> wolf, Magpie. Wiccan/Witch/Warlock. Illusionist: User can create, shape and manipulate illusions, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell and/or taste things which do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. Some users can create complex and detailed worlds, others may be able to only alter the way they or the target are perceived. About: ~ Easy going, bright personality, energetic, helpful, courageous, open-minded, easy to talk to, active, spontaneous, optimistic, adaptable, charismatic, curious, playful, outgoing, friendly, confident, flirty, stubborn, artistic, simple, charming, mysterious, and unpredictable. ~ Works as a DJ in NY although he doesn’t live there. ~ Pansexual. ~ Has long black curly hair he always wear up. Has an undercut. ~ Always has a “5 o’clock shadow” (beard stubble)   ~ Has multiple tattoos scattered on his body. ~ Is a pretty skilled witch. ~ Has stretched earlobes. ~ Is not very good at cooking, but he manages not to burn stuff... too often. ~ He’s a pretty good dancer. ~ Has a Twin sister named Eloise whom he’s very close with. ~ Loves electronic and dance music. ~ Is a very free spirit. ~ Doesn’t like authority. ~ Is a very skilled street artist. ~ Has never been in a relationship. ~ Smells like: Mostly like fresh air or dirty NY dance clubs, mixed with youthful male fragrances such as: Diesel Green Masculine, Black Bvlgari, Diesel Spirit Of The Brave,  Diesel The Brave Street or Diesel Zero Plus Masculine. ~ Loves his sister, clubbing, Dj’ing, drinking alcohol, partying, meeting new people, NY, exploring NY, Sex, flirting, Spray painting, NY street food, coffee, cinnamon, having fun, beach vibes, fireworks, casting spells and Netflix. ~ Always dresses black. ~ Gets along with pretty much anyone he meets. Eli’s tag Eli’s house/home Eli’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One Gif to describe him:
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One song to describe him: Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me (Kungs Remix) Personal Playlist: 1. MÖWE ft. Lisa Pac - Around The World 2. Lo Air - City Lights (Original mix) 3. The Weeknd - Starboy (official) ft. Daft Punk 4. Seinabo Sey - Younger 5. Parov Stelar - The Sun (Klingande Remix) 6. Ed Sheeran - Photograph (Westphal & Whyman Remix) 7. James Arthur - Get Down (Smooth Remix) 8. Sonnentanz (Sun Don`t Shine) (feat.Will Heard) Original Mix 9. A R I Z O N A - I Was Wrong (Robin Schulz Remix) 10. RÆVE - The Sweetest Sin 11. Matt Simons - Catch & Release (Deepend Remix) 12. Davai - Tear Me Down (feat. Philip Rustad) 13. Disclosure - Latch (Ehrling Remix) 14. ARIZONA - Where I Wanna Be 15. Nina Simone - Sinnerman (Jacob Adan Remix) 16. Gamper & Dadoni - Island in the Sun (feat. Conor Byrne) 17. CHVRCHES - Clearest Blue (Gryffin Remix) 18. Matt Corby - Brother (Kygo Remix) 19. Empire Of The Sun - We Are The People (FlicFlac Remix) 20. Coldplay - Midnight (Kygo Remix)
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ir0n-angel · 4 years
Tagging by @crackinglamb to list 13 songs I’ve been listening to lately.
Warning: Some of these videos are... rough.
1. Starboy, The Weeknd feat. Daft Punk
2. Blinding Lights, The Weeknd
3. Magnum Bullets, Night Runner feat. Dan Avidan
4. Starlight Brigade, TWRP feat. Dan Avidan
5. World on Fire, Les Friction
6. Zenit, Onuka
7. Wolf Totem, The Hu
8. Mettavolution, Rodrigo y Gabriela
9. Faith, Ghost
10. Sing, Yellow Claw & Cesqeuax
11. The Man, The Killers
12. Too Close, Alex Clare
13. Walls, Jamie N Commons
Tagging: ...Um, yeah.
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wewerecore · 8 months
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 024 10/26/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Sudu Upadhyay launched into his opening spiel but the attention of the audience quickly turned toward a side entrance as Homicide made his way inside the building. Homicide weaved through the crowd and into the ring where he motioned for a microphone. Homicide didn't want to wait until Jim Thorpe and called Titus Alexander to the ring right now. Sudu and Raven explained from the commentary booth that Alexander wasn't in the building tonight, and as they did Black Generation International member Bendito emerged through the curtain. Sudu sent us to the opening video package and promised to cut back to the action should things kick off during the intro.
- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Homicide vs. Bendito Homicide defeated Bendito with a Cop Killa. (5:02)
- After the match Homicide hit a second Cop Killa on Bendito and threatened more of the same for Titus Alexander at the anniversary show.
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Tetsuya Izuchi vs. The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex Tetsuya Izuchi defeated The Pennsylvania Polar Vortex via submission Izuchi countered a discus punch into a hammerlock. (3:05)
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- After the match we joined Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup as she previewed the card taking place tomorrow night at Penn's Peak in Jim Thorpe. - Daphne Oz announced a match between Tromba and Tetsuya Izuchi to showcase CORE's strategic alliances. - Daphne then sent us to comments from the new tag team of Hyan and Kylie Paige, united by their dismissals from the TrustBusters Reserve and Kerry Morton's faction respectively. We then get comments from one of their opponents and her manager, Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose. Despite their recent winning streak, Athena decided that Aminata should team with the returning Minion In Training Billie Starkz instead of Rose. When we rejoin Oz, she mentions rumors of grumblings from Kerry Morton and his stablemates about Billie Starkz making her return to CORE after Starkz and Nick Wayne abandoned the group back in July at The Long Mirror Of Time in Wilkes-Barre.
- A promo video aired set to "Living On A Thin Line" by The Kinks. The video was made up of a montage of close up images - wrists being taped, boots being tied, left hands connecting with chins, sweat dripping down chests, gritted teeth, and a thumb being dragged across a throat. We pull out to reveal Brock Anderson and CW Anderson working together and hitting a pair of stereo spinebusters on their hapless training partners. The Andersons, coming soon to CORE.
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Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina vs. Mylo and Mighty Mayra Stephanie Vaquer and La Catalina defeated Mylo and Mighty Mayra with a release German suplex from Catalina to Mayra. (4:30)
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Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) Starboy Charlie, Marcus Mathers, and Alex Taylor defeated TrustBusters Reserve with a 450 Splash from Mathers on Khash. (6:15)
- Sonny Kiss headed to the ring accompanied by Trench and JeeVeS Kay. Sonny Kiss said that Big Dan Champion and Joshua Bishop were able to beat Starboy and Mathers, but that as soon as you add Invictus Khash to the equation a loss will soon follow. Sonny informed Khash that he can now go back to where he belongs, losing without an entrance on Ring Of Honor because he has been kicked out of the TrustBusters Reserve. Trench made a move toward Khash, but Invictus struck first with a punch to Trench's liver which dropped Trench to his knees. Khash turned toward Big Dan and Bishop and claimed he told them that the reason Sonny interfered to help Trench beat Hyan is because Trench is here to be Sonny's muscle, to protect Sonny from them. Invictus turned back toward Sonny and called for Big Dan and Bishop to back him up. When Khash advanced but sensed no one at his side, he turned around into a Vader Attack from Big Dan. JeeVeS Kay set a table up outside of the ring and Bishop hoisted Khash up for a Bishop Bomb from the ring and to the floor through the table. The TrustBusters and the TrustBusters Reserve walked off together as CORE officials, Hyan, and Kylie Paige tended to Khash.
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Shaw Mason vs. Tim Bosby - These two young talents were very evenly matched and exchanged holds with neither gaining a serious advantage. Mason caught Bosby in a front facelock and pressed him against the mat, Bosby broke the hold by rolling them both out of the ring under the bottom rope and to the floor. On the outside of the ring Bosby went for a double leg takedown on Mason, this drove both men through the ring apron and under the ring. Bosby pulled Mason out from beneath the ring and tossed him back inside, where Mason appeared dazed. Mason used the ropes to get back on wobbly legs, but Bosby pressed the advantage and hit a rip cord lariat on Mason and got the pinfall. Tim Bosby defeated Shaw Mason with a rip cord lariat. (8:40)
- After the match, Bosby went to shake Mason's hand, but Shaw had his attention focused on looking under the ring apron. Raven made his way to ringside to find out what was going on, and Mason said that when they went under the ring he felt something strike the side of his head and he was trying to see what it was. Mason had a CORE official give him one of the pouches fans are required to put their cell phones in before the tapings and Shaw used the phone as a flashlight to continue his search under the ring. Hunter Holdcraft had made his way out at this point and he talked with Bosby who was clearly annoyed that Mason hadn't acknowledged his victory.
- We return from commercial and Shaw Mason is still looking under the ring. Raven talked with Bosby who theorized that Mason hit his head on the edge of the apron and maybe that's why he's acting so strange. Mason emerged from below the ring and said that he was hit in the side of the head, not the back of the head. Mason made his way to the commentary booth and wanted to watch the replay of the footage. Mason watched the monitors but the angles were inconclusive. Hunter Holdcraft got on the microphone and said that he thinks this series of matches has been good for folkstyle, but that Shaw is being a bit of a poor sport. Mason made his way back to ringside and conceded that Holdcraft was right, he shook hands with Bosby and said he'll do everything he can to make sure Bosby is ready for Filthy Tom Lawlor tomorrow night in Jim Thorpe.
- Sudu ran down the entire card for the 15th Anniversary show, including a new match that has just been signed. The Southern 6 of Kerry Morton, Thrillbilly Silas Mason, Alex Taylor, and Kenzie Paige will team with Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers to take on The TrustBusters of Sonny Kiss, Slim J, and JeeVeS Kay and The TrustBusters Reserve of Big Dan Champion, Joshua Bishop, and Trench.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #124 10/27/23 Ancient Footprints Are Everywhere - CORE 15th Anniversary Show Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Tromba vs. Tetsuya Izuchi 02. "Filthy" Tom Lawlor vs. Tim Bosby 03. Queen Aminata and Billie Starkz (with Raychell Rose) vs. Hyan and Kylie Paige 04. The Southern 6 (Kerry Morton/Silas Mason/Alex Taylor/Kenzie Paige) and Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers vs. The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss/Slim J/JeeVeS Kay) and The TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Trench) 05. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. Tiger Mask IV and Tiger Queen 06. Titus Alexander vs. Homicide 07. 2023 Trios Kingdom Winners - The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Mistico, Atlantis Jr., and Soberano Jr.
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania for our FINAL Dorney Park taping of the season. 10/29/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
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myymsaetayuun · 5 years
Music Meme: Myym’sae Tayuun
Look at me making a music meme. I’ve been sitting on so much music for my character themed playlists, and I thought something fun like this might be a neat way to see if all their music was on brand.
You have to randomize, so no hand picked theme songs! [Break the rule if you want though, because why leave this stuff to chance??]
Copy the text and post as your own! DON’T REBLOG! Give it some pizzaz! Grab a screenshot! Have fun with this~
Tag meeeee [@myymsaetayuun] [please?] so I can see the wonderful music that you all connect with your characters! I absolutely love seeing all the inspirations that everyone has out there. I also really love music!
It’s 34 prompts long. Why? I dunno, it seemed like a cool number to stop. Also they have no rhyme or reason to the order to facilitate the shuffle effect! If you have more to add, ADD THEM! Go wild! Now then, lets get started:
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Myym’sae Tayuun
1. How the world sees them
Don’t Fear the Reaper - Phlotilla, Mon Najib [Man, off to a great start]
2. A song to play on a good day
I Don’t Give A... - Missio, Zeale
3. What acquaintances and the random person thinks of them
Because You Know - Becky Shaheen
4. A song for those who want them [sexually]
Gasoline - Halsey
5. When they make others happy
Somewhere Only We Know - Keane
6. When they are happy
Wildfire - Wulf Black
7. A theme for a life goal
Lasso - Gabe Lopez
8. Giving bad advice
Lotus Flower - Alexa Melo
9. Giving good advice
STFD - TeZATalks
10. What they think their theme song is
On Fire - Once Monsters [I screeched with laughter. This is so accurate!]
11. Their funeral song
Crossing Over - Lawless, IO Echo [I think the random placement of questions is working. Chilling!]
12. What everyone else thinks is their theme song
Pretty Little Gangster - Ryder 
13. When they see someone they love
Umbrella - Invermere, Veela
14. When they are having a bad day
Villian of My Own Story - Unlike Pluto
15. A song about their life’s purpose
In Common - Anavae
16. When someone reminisces about them
Rose Colored Lenses - Eliza
17. A song that might be constantly stuck in their head
Winter Moon - Erutan
18. A song someone might serenade them with
Paper Mache - Iris Lune
19. A song they would serenade to someone else
Starboy - The Weeknd, Daft Punk
20. A song they might hum or sing along with
Forget - The Tech Thieves
21. A song they would perform, or at least karaoke
Letters - Winters Island
22. A theme when they are in the general public
Little Poor Me - Layto
23. A theme for them in private
Trouble (Feat. Nikki Williams) - Parov Stelar, Nikki Williams
24. A theme for their deepest desires
Beauty Queen - Hybrid
25. Thinking back on a traumatic, sad, or unpleasant memory
Animal Oddity - MNQN [This is chillingly appropriate]
26. A song to their best friends
Swan - Willa [Also accurate and the real reason he has so few besties]
27. Waking up in the morning [Or night if they are nocturnal!]
The Expanse - Through Juniper Vale
28. Finally being able to fall asleep
Ghost - Natasha Blume
29. When they fall in love/lust
Heaven or Hell - Digital Daggers
30. Thinking back on a happy, serene, or pleasant memory
Walk Around - Mushroom People, Alex Ramone
31. A song to their family
Let Me Love - ARCHIS 
32.  Dissociation music
Castle - Corvyx
33. Manic music
OK - 8 Graves [Man, I actually gasped at how appropriate this one is]
34. A final theme that means everything to the character [it’s especially okay if you cheat for this one]
Alive - Amarante [This was what the playlist chose, which is a really good song that absolutely fits the theme of what Myym’sae is about. HOWEVER--]
Butterfly Water - Pastelle, My City Glory [THIS is the song that really encapsulates Myym’sae as an experience, in my opinion.]
My Thoughts: A lot of the songs fit right where they needed despite being a shuffle music meme! I’m happy and it reminds me that I’ve done my job of cultivating a really good playlist that follows a theme!
Your turn!
Tagging: @mottledscales @seeking-apricity @latikaa-renaz @fairy-friend @bardschmard @catboysimulator
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