#stargate ficlet
the-goofball · 6 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sam Carter & Janet Fraiser (Stargate) Characters: Sam Carter (Stargate), Janet Fraiser (Stargate), Cassandra Fraiser (mentioned) Additional Tags: Fluff, Short & Sweet Series: Part 2 of Stolen Moments Summary: How to get two birds with one - turtle.
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frankthesnek · 1 year
Prompt 254: Misunderstandings
Rated T: McShep, misunderstandings, interrupted sex, not detailed sex, humor
Fingers danced over his sides, hot breath gushed against his neck, pressure building in his gut flaring out in beautiful spikes of pleasure powered by his partner's movements. He was right there, right on the precipice.
"Fuck," John panted, hands and toes curling against the bed sheets. "Fuck, Rod—Rod—"
"Oh fuck you!"
The speed Rodney left the bed gave him whiplash. The heat of his body disappeared, leaving him shockingly empty in a startling way he had not been expecting. 
"What the hell just happened?" John deadpanned sitting up and looking over to find Rodney already tugging his pants back on. 
"You know, I knew all of you liked him more than me, despite the little ego stroking you all gave me after he left. Yeah, I'm not perfect. Sorry if I'm a little rougher around the edges. Sorry, I'm not as fit as he was," Rodney gestured at the expanse of his body before tugging his shirt back on.
"But this?" He continued scooping up his socks and shoes, shoving them under his arm and not bothering to take the time to put them back on as he headed for the door. "Screw you John."
John scrambled out of the bed quickly putting himself between Rodney and the door, still completely clueless as to what had just happened. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he pleaded, shifting to block the scientist as he attempted to shoulder past him. 
"You said his name!"
Furrowing his brow, John thought. He hadn’t really been paying attention to what he'd been saying, but clearly, he had said something to set the other man off so he tried to recall what it was. He'd been moaning, there’d been some panting involved, and he'd said…
"Rodney, I was not talking about Rod. I was saying your name,"John huffed with a small chuckle.
Rodney did not seem convinced. "Last time I checked I still go be Rodney, not Rod which is what you said. Twice I might add!" 
John chuckled again and rolled his eyes. "I was about to cum, excuse me for not being able to get out the second syllable!"
"Really?" Rodney said, shoulders visible relaxing a little as some of the anger left him.
"Yes really, and I have definitely said that before in bed "
"I don't remember you ever saying my name that way," Rodney countered, narrowing his eyes at the soldier.
"Probably because you never had a reason to care." Reaching out, John took Rodney’s shoes from him and tossed them to the floor. "Now, you gonna finish what you started or leave me hanging?"
Leaning in, he nuzzled just under the other man's ear. "Hmmm? Rod-ney?"
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trainofcommand · 1 year
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One Track Mind
After Atlantis returned to Earth, the IOA and the SGC decided that a 'goodwill' tour of key military personnel could help soften the blow of the reality of aliens, spaceships, and a flying city from another galaxy. "You volunteered?" John asked Evan when they were brought together to go over logistics.
"Voluntold, I guess," Evan replied, managing to look pissed and unbothered at the same time. It was a skill.
John convinced the SGC that letting them wear civvies would be a good idea - it would make military personnel more accessible, more approachable. A few weeks, a couple dozen stops, and a series of carefully vetted questions. How bad could it be? Except,
"What did you miss most about Earth?" an audience member asked, on their third stop.
"Trains," Evan said, immediately.
Fuck. Here we go.
The audience tittered slightly.
"I'm serious. Effective Wraith escape plans were derailed by a lack of efficient mass transportation options. Train systems would've made a difference to populations, especially if they'd arrived at fortified bunkers."
John knew he had to get on top of this before it went too far. "Major, thanks for that, and maybe –"
"Sir," Evan interrupted, "please. I'm just starting to pick up steam here."
John closed his eyes and suppressed a groan.
(thanks to @colonelshepparrrrd for the cap above, as it inspired this)
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film-in-my-soul · 7 months
Mcshep ▪︎ Awkward third-wheeling ▪︎ "What are you Czech-mumbling about, Radek?"
Radek is regretting many of the choices he has made this morning. The shirt he put on is one; it pinches strangely compared to his others. He'd also gotten up early, Teyla having convinced him to join her and some others in a yoga-like meditation that only seemed to make him sore by flexing the joints he had apparently never used in his life. He had also tried to do something with his hair and realizes, feeling where it's matted down with pomade, that he hates it even more than the uncontrolled fly-away mess he lets himself have. But more than any of those regrets, he believes, perhaps, choosing to join Rodney and Colonel Sheppard at their standard table in the mess for breakfast might take the cake.
It is not that they are particularly offensive meal partners to have, not typically. They are often interesting conversationalists unless Rodney has found something first thing to complain about, which is often. Still, the levels of his ire tend to guide Radek's ability to tune him out. And even if they aren't speaking companionably about minor problems they will try to fix throughout the day or an upcoming hunt for a ZPM, it's pleasant to share eating time with others. This morning in particular, however, he knows he's made a poor choice.
There is nothing untoward going on, at least not outwardly. However, Radek feels the back of his neck heating the longer he is forced to watch the exchange unfolding before him, his appetite waning as Rodney and Sheppard bend their heads together closer over the tablet Rodney had presented the other man when he'd sat down. Though Radek cannot properly see the screen, he recognizes a complete mathematical equation scrawling over it, Sheppard, working through it with the stylus in hand.
It's Rodney's face that is turning Radek's stomach, an expression that he is sure the other man doesn't know he's wearing but which makes his attraction and excitement both obvious and nauseating the more Sheppard completes the math in what he supposes are interesting avenues.
"Nechte si to do ložnice, prosím vás..." Radek mutters into his oatmeal. Speaking for the first time in minutes draws Rodney's attention, and by the way his mouth twists sour, it's not an appreciated interruption to his fawning.
"What are you Czech-mumbling about, Radek?" He asks, attitude prickly, and Radek, choosing the path of least resistance, really his own salvation, rolls his eyes and forces a tight smile, standing from the table.
"I have work to do. Prosim vás, rozdejte si to už, ať mám pokoj."
He stalks away from the table, pleased with the momentary mystified sputtering he leaves behind him.
a ship, trope, & a sentence
thanks @keepshoutingintothevoid for the Czech!
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orangeboulevard · 4 months
Six: Falling Down (Stargate)
Sorry for this being late... I'm pretty sure, I'm the only one arsed about it but oh well!
Summary: On a mission gone askew, Daniel discovers a new fear!
Word Count: 556
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"Come on, Daniel, we have to!" Colonel Jack O'Neill shouted over the turbulent howling wind.
"No way! That fall will kill us!" Daniel Jackson shook his head furiously, clutching tightly onto the climbing rope, unable to move another inch.
The two men hung precariously off the recently erupted cliff face, the Stargate seemed to Daniel to be miles below them- or maybe not, he had lost his glasses in the chaos that ensued during the earthquake; the team had been warned about the actively shifting tectonic plates but Stargate Command had deemed that the benefits of the mission to outweigh the risk. Teal'c and Samantha had managed to leap through the stargate during the earthquake, but Daniel and Jack had not been so lucky; it was only thanks to Jack's ability to compute under pressure that were they now secured on a rope and not somewhere between the cracked land.
Daniel cursed the SGC to hell and back as he closed his eyes. They were too far from the rock face to abseil down. The colonel concluded that they would have to let themselves fall into the open Stargate; Jack was above him, waiting for him to move, but Daniel wouldn't budge- what a way to find out you have a crippling fear of heights.
Jack sighed, his muscles straining to hold himself, "No, it won't. A broken bone or two, though? Probably. It's not that far, Daniel."
"No, no, no..." The doctor's arms shook and sweat poured down his forehead. 
"How about this? I go first and have them lay out a mat for you?"
"No!" Daniel said immediately, he could sense the colonel's eyebrow raise at that, "You could... it's too dangerous, Jack! We should climb up and find another way down?" 
The older man groaned, "The DHD fell, Daniel! If this wormhole closes, we might not be able to open another one!" 
Daniel afforded himself a glance down, though it all looked blurry to him, he could make out the huge faults in the ground- entirely massive, dark, and all-consuming. The DHD had fallen, it had fallen, it had fallen- He was going to fall too! He was going to fall! Suddenly, Daniel couldn't breathe, all he could manage were shaky wheezes. 
"Daniel, are you okay?" Jack tried to catch a glimpse of the younger man's face, "Danny? God, damn your fucking asthma! Do you have your inhaler, Danny?"
Daniel couldn't muster the courage or strength to peel his hands away from the rope to grab the inhaler in his breast pocket. Jack sighed before starting to carefully maneuver himself down, coming chest to chest with the younger man.
"Danny, come on, where is your inhaler?" Jack ignored the screaming burn in his arm as he used the other one to blindly grope at Daniel's pockets.
"Toh-toh-top," Daniel managed to say between gasps. Jack fished out the inhaler and pushed Daniel's between lips. With two pumps, Daniel found himself able to breathe again, he let his head fall back, flush and warm against the cold and harsh wind.
"Daniel, we have to let go." The colonel reminded him, his kind and almost pitying gaze too much for Daniel to bear right now. "It's now or never."
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
Due to time differences on either side of the gate, he’s been up for 37 hours straight, and all he wants is to collapse onto his bed face first. He’s on autopilot as he strips down his gear, goes through medical, and wraps up the debrief with Elizabeth. He says goodnight to Teyla and Ronan as he and Rodney part ways with them at the transporter and absentmindedly kisses Rodney goodnight as they part ways at Rodney’s door. Then finally, he can fall into the blissful embrace of his tiny bed.
He makes it all the way to the door of the mess the next morning before he realizes what he’s done. Ronon had dragged him out of bed for their run, he’d showered and shaved, and now his stomach was grumbling and his brain begged for caffeine, but he couldn’t enter the mess because Rodney would be there and he had kissed him. Yeah, he’d thought about it a million and a half times before, but he’d only fantasized that Rodney would be receptive to it. As far as he knew, Rodney was straight, preferred busty blondes but would settle for redheaded botanists, and definitely didn’t kiss closeted Lieutenant Colonels with messy dark hair.
The mess was out of the question, but there was a coffee maker in his and Lorne’s shared office, and there were always the stashes of power bars he hid in case he needed to save Rodney from his hypoglycemia. Yeah, if he went to his office now he’d end up being roped into paperwork all day, but Rodney wouldn’t expect him to be there, and Lorne might possibly be convinced to grab him a turkey sandwich if properly incentivized (chocolate, the good popcorn, and maybe that stack of requisition forms he was supposed to do last week) - yeah, this could work.
He was alerted to the failure of his plan when Lorne came back from the mess not with a turkey sandwich, but with an anxious Rodney McKay and a quick, “Sorry, sir,” before rushing back out the door. John leaned back, kicked his boots up on his desk, pulled out his most insouciant smirk, and drawled, “What can I do ya for, McKay?”
“You kissed me!”
“What of it?”
“Do it again.”
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cassiope25 · 1 year
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"Ha, gotcha!" Rodney yelled triumphantly as he entered the kitchen in their newly occupied quarters at midnight.
He pointed accusingly at John, chin up, looking as smug as possible.
"It's already midnight, and what happened to, 'Rodney, you don't have to do this alone. If you have to go on a diet to get your high blood pressure down, then we'll do it together. It can't hurt if we discipline ourselves a bit to keep up with the newbies."
Rodney gave John a piercing look. "You even counted every cup of blue jello I took with me from the mess hall. All the time pestering me with how I should follow your—oh so mature—choice of food instead of, and I quote, 'thinking living on caffeine and power bars is all a genius would need to function'!"
John was frozen to the spot, his hand still stuck in the bucket of popcorn, left over from their evening movie watch." Rodney—" he started to say but was immediately bulldozed over by the now steaming scientist. ...
continue reading on AO3
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ace-of-spaders · 1 year
They sleep out on the observation deck, huddled in the corner where they can watch the magnificent colors of FTL Destiny is rushing through but can't be seen - at least, right away - if someone walks in, perhaps, having come to the same conclusion they did, that the deck is the most suitable place for spending one's night.
They sleep sitting up, leaning against each other - both seeking and providing support at the same time - arms linked, wrapped in the blanket Chloe had the foresight to bring with her.
Chloe's head is pillowed on Rush's shoulder, her free hand holding onto his forearm as if he's the only thing that keeps her from drifting away - she nodded off first and the same nightmares that have been plaguing them both since their... stay at the blue aliens' ship must have tried to surface again because before long her breathing sped up and she clutched onto his arm with strength that might have actually left bruises, effectively drawing Nick's attention away from the calculations he'd been trying to work on. He watched her face contort with a grimace that was part confusion, part fear and - last but not least - pain and, though the very thought of those aliens terrified him out of his mind under any other circumstances, this time he just squeezed her hand lightly to let her know she was not alone and murmured into her hair, his voice tranquil on the surface but fierce with determination within: "It's alright. They're not gonna hurt you. I won't let them." Her features smoothed out then, no longer afraid, and with a sigh and a slight shift - an attempt to snuggle into his side even more than she already was - she finally fell into a deep and blissfully dreamless sleep.
Rush's temple is resting against the top of Chloe's head, his free hand still holding onto his notebook as he fell asleep, for the first time in forever ( if you count out the times he simply passed out because he'd been running on too little hours of sleep and too much stress - those could not be considered as healthy sleep he was in desperate need of by any stretch of imagination, no matter how stubborn the lead scientist was ), without noticing it - Chloe's warmth and weight against his side providing just enough comfort to soothe his overthinking mind and quench the nearly constant terror of falling again into the aliens' clutches so that he can rest.
They sleep, huddled under one blanket, leaning against supporting each other, their arms linked and hands intertwined, and for the first time in days, weeks, months - what feels like eternity, really - both Chloe and Rush sleep through the whole night, with no nightmares to terrorize them.
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Goa'uld Invasion Part Two
part three of Quantum Mirror
a fic by mushroom with help from stick
back on Earth, Nymph padded down Janet's stairs and was greeting by the smell of pancakes.
"whatcha doin?" Nymph asked, mimicking Jack's phrase. Janet smiled and tilted the pan to show the flower-shaped breakfast.
"I thought we'd have a fun time with our breakfast this morning. we also have whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and I cut up some fruit for some semblance of healthiness." the doctor laughed, then quickly stopped Nymph from poking the very hot pan. "my, you're a curious one! but it'll hurt if you touch this, it's very hot."
Nymph tilted her head at Janet. "then why are the pancakes touching it? won't they get hurt too?"
"no, honey. it's just batter, and we need to cook it so we can eat it! why don't you go play a game with Cassie, and I'll bring the food in when it's ready."
that seemed to satisfy Nymph, who floated into the livingroom where Cassie was waiting with a well-loved copy of CandyLand. as the girls played, Janet noticed an irritation that seemed to be growing in Nymph. her movements became slightly more erratic, her hands darting out slightly faster, the pieces going down slightly harder on the board. She watched her for a few more moments, noticing the frown on the little girls face grow.
"Nymph? Are you alright?" Janet asked. Nymph scrunched up her face.
"I don't know," she said, floating off the floor slightly. Janet noticed a tremble in her.
"Maybe we should try a different game?" Cassie suggested, looking between Nymph and Janet. Nymph shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes. a terrible feeling collected as a pit in her stomach. she pulled her hands back into herself and scrunched her face in an attempt to make the feeling go away, but it didn't go away. in fact, it got worse as it grew into the devastating realization that Something Was Wrong.
"Where's mama and daddy?" Nymph asked, a tremble in her voice coming through.
"They had to go through the Stargate, remember? They'll come back, don't worry," Janet tried to reassure her. Nymph started to cry more.
"No, there's something bad. They're not safe, we need to help them!" Nymph cried, floating over to Janet, crying into her shoulder.
Janet held her tight, trying to get the little girl to talk to her.
"Nymph, honey, you have to talk to me in order for me to know what's wrong."
Nymph shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "It's all wrong, it's all wrong!"
"what's all wrong?"
"I hafta go!"
"go where, honey?" Janet brushed Nymph's hair from her face, but nothing was calming the little girl down.
"go to the base! if I go there, I'll find out what's wrong!"
"we can't go to the base right now, and General Hammond would've called if something were wrong."
"no! no no no..." Nymph kept repeating the word, and Janet nodded at her daughter.
"can you get me the phone please, Cassie?"
Cassandra nodded, and jumped up to get the phone from its place on the wall. once she handed to her, Janet dialed the number for Cheyenne Mountain.
"yes, this is Dr. Fraiser, I need to speak with General Hammond immediately."
~ • ~ • ~
Daniel and Sam tiptoed through the corridors, peeking into doors trying to find the best place to put the C4 - or worst place, from the perspective of the goa'uld. one of the large doors opened to a glider bay, which they agreed would be the best place for secondary explosions.
Sam set the timer, and stood up to go to the next room.
"wait!" Daniel grabbed her hand before she was fully standing, nearly knocking her off balance. he spoke in hushed tones. "shouldn't we have a backup plan, in case we get caught or something?"
"that's what the timer is." Sam whispered back, even though there was no one around to hear them. they had walked into another room when the floor lurched again.
"what was that?" Daniel whispered.
"I think we slowed down or stopped," Sam responded in kind. she spotted a window, then had to do a double take.
"is that-" Daniel asked, knowing the answer.
"Saturn." Sam finished. "Bra'tac wasn't exaggerating when he said we'd get to earth in a few hours."
after a quick glance between themselves and the window, they left to meet up with the rest of the group.
~ • ~ • ~
two marines arrived at Janet Fraiser's house - one to stay with Cassie, one to drive Janet and Nymph to Cheyenne Mountain. the doctor managed to peel Nymph from her arms long enough to buckle her into the car, little cow hood skewed and her cheeks puffy and tear-stained. the wailing had stopped when they were in the car, but the crying and shuddering breaths had not. Janet kept a comforting hand on Nymph's knee, but she just seemed to be getting worse.
when they arrived at the base, Nymph took off like a rocket to Hammond's office. not being limited by stairs or gravity, she reached the office long before Janet could catch her.
"General Gramps!" Nymph cried out as she opened the door. Hammond startled, then told her to come in. she floated over to the chair, but didn't quite sit down.
"General Gramps, it was awful!! an awful, awful feeling that won't go away!" she blubbered. "you have to check on mama and daddy right now!"
Hammond sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, little lady. I can't do that - we tried to contact them a couple hours after they left, and the gate wouldn't lock on. I'm sure, wherever they are, they're perfectly fine."
Nymph was about to argue, but Walter Harriman knocked on the door. "sir, NASA is on the phone for you - they said there's two contacts out by Saturn."
"do they have any identification on them yet?" the general asked.
"it's the glue olds!" Nymph announced. Walter and Hammond glanced at each other, unsure what she meant.
"the what?" Hammond asked gently.
"the glue olds that daddy and our team went to stop! they came all the way here!" Nymph grunted in frustration.
"do you mean goa'ulds?" Hammond enunciated the correct word, at which she nodded. "what makes you think it's the goa'uld?"
"the bad feeling." she answered solemnly.
Hammond nodded, trusting her, and picked up the red phone. if those contacts were a goa'uld invasion, they needed to get a counterattack ready.
~ • ~ • ~
"so, Bra'tac," Jack started hesitantly. "what's the plan?"
Bra'tac stopped in front of a door, opened it, and motioned for the rest of them to follow him through. Jack and Teal'c walked with him to a railing while the apprentice stayed outside to stand watch.
"this is the defense shield generator," Bra'tac said, dramatically gesturing to the large glowing engine beneath them. "in order to disable it, we must climb down several levels, into the very belly of the device, and then..."
Bra'tac teetered off, watching as Jack silently took two grenades out of his vest, pulled the pin, and dropped them down the shaft. there was a large explosion, and the glow of the generator fizzled out.
"grenades." Jack stated, miming an explosion. "what now?"
Bra'tac sighed, content. "now, we die gloriously, with honour, in a ball of flames."
Jack blinked at the old man. "I'm sorry, I have to go to Minnesota next week with my kid. dying in a ball of flames isn't exactly on the agenda."
"for Apophis' sake, human!" Bra'tac snapped angrily. "I have been waiting 133 years to die of old age, why do you deny me a death in battle for what I believe in?"
"would you please stop calling me 'human'?" Jack groaned. "I have a name!"
"Master Bra'tac, surely there is a way to escape?" Teal'c asked, knowing they didn't have time for this kind of argument.
Bra'tac sighed. "come with me."
~ • ~ • ~
Sam and Daniel walked towards the rendezvous point they had agreed on, and a pair of jaffa rounded the corner before they could fully hide. staff weapon blasts were coming seemingly from all angles, and before they could take out the jaffa Daniel was struck by one of the blasts. Sam fired the final kill shot, and ran to tend to Daniel's wound.
"leave me," Daniel gasped.
"we don't leave people behind, Daniel. you know that." Sam retorted, tears streaming down her face. Daniel groaned as she tried to move him.
"we're going to blow up in an hour anyway, what does it matter? just go!" he yelled. Sam looked him in the eyes, and he whispered "just go."
Sam wiped the still streaming tears from her face, and she ran out of the corridor. Daniel had glanced around at what he thought would be his last sights when he saw where he was - in the doorway to the sarcophagus room. he crawled into the golden box of life, and watched it close on him.
Sam met up with Jack, Teal'c, and Bra'tac by herself. Jack looked behind her, then met her face.
Sam shook her head, tears starting to flow again. "a staff blast. he told me to leave him. I dont know why I listened."
Jack reached over and pulled her into a hug. "because there was nothing you could do for him."
with a nod, Teal'c reminded them that they were running out of time. Jack kept ahold of Sam's hand, and the four of them ran to the glider bay.
"alright, so we go in, and try to-" Jack started, but Bra'tac shushed him, and pulled a shock grenade out of his pocket. Teal'c pried open the door, and the master rolled the grenade into the bay. with a flash of light, all the jaffa in the glider bay were incapacitated, and the team made their way into two of the gliders.
Bra'tac tossed his staff weapon over the edge, and threw something small at Jack.
"put this on, human."
Jack fumbled with the thing thrown at him. he glanced over to see Sam and Teal'c sticking similar devices to their cheeks, and attempted to do the same before climbing behind Bra'tac in the glider. the two gliders sped out of the bay, leaving behind the soon-to-explode Ha'tak vessel.
~ • ~ • ~
the sarcophagus opened, and Daniel opened his eyes to a completely healed wound and regained strength. he clambered out, and checked the timer on the C4 on the console in the same room.
it read one minute, thirty seconds.
Daniel ran to the gate as fast as his still-jelly legs could carry him. when he reached the gate, he realised that they hadn't brought GDOs so it wouldn't be wise to gate directly home. the seconds ticked away in his thoughts as he wracked his brain for an address. finally the address for an ongoing SG-6 mission popping into his head, and he dialed as fast as he could. knowing he only had few precious seconds left, he dove instead of walked through the event horizon.
~ • ~ • ~
Walter Harriman put down the phone, a smile beaming across his face. "NASA reports two fireballs in the night sky! SG-1 did it!"
Hammond pumped his fist in excitement, then looked over at a very concerned Nymph floating next to him. "I'm sure your family got out safely."
almost on cue, the gate dialed an incoming wormhole with an SG-1 iris code. everyone rushed to open the iris and Daniel walked through the event horizon alone. Hammond and Nymph hurried down the stairs to the gateroom.
"Dr. Jackson, what happened up there?" Hammond demanded, grinning in relief.
"Uh, well, the rest of the team is-was still up there, but I went through the gate to P4A-577 and met up with SG-6 to use one of their GDOs." Daniel said quickly, barely processing that Nymph wrapped her arms around him.
Hammond looked up at the window behind him. "Sargent, call NASA and get that shuttle in the air! SG-1 could still be up there!"
"Uh, general, I uh I think they think I'm dead."
"Excuse me?"
"I was-" he looked down, and finally noticed Nymph clinging to him. "um, hurt, and I don't think they saw me use the sarcophagus."
"understood." Hammond nodded.
"are you gonna surprise them when they get home, uncle Danny?" Nymph smiled up at him.
"I think they'd like that," he chuckled.
~ • ~ • ~
the gliders were damaged. their crew, surprisingly, were unharmed, but there was no way they would fly enough to even get to a stable orbit.
"we did it, sir." Sam's voice crackled over the radio.
"yes we did," Jack responded.
"we're in a low orbit, it's only a matter of time before we burn up in the atmosphere-" Sam started to spiral, but Jack interrupted.
"Sam, look up."
she did, and saw Earth below her, glistening in the sunlight. "it's beautiful."
"we saved it." Jack stated.
"we did, Jack."
"it's too bad we won't ever be able to see our kid again." Jack sighed, but saw something at the edge of his field of vision. "then again, maybe not."
the thing at the edge of his vision creeped up until it was in full sight. it was a shuttle!
"Houston, this is Endeavor. yeah, we got 'em."
~ • ~ • ~
SG-1, alongside Bra'tac, walked into the gate room into a cacophony of applause, surrounded by their coworkers, friends, and loved ones. Nymph bounced into her parents' waiting arms, joyful sobbing all around. Hammond guided Bra'tac to the briefing room before the jaffa master left.
"Where's uncle Danny?" Nymph asked innocently. Sam's face fell.
"well, baby, he got hurt and couldn't make it." she tried to explain, tears falling from her face again.
"Oh. well, I got something that will make you feel better!" Nymph exclaimed, and waved into the crowd. the crowd shifted, and a familiar shine of glasses and mop of brown hair zigzagged to the front. Jack and Sam beamed, and Sam handed Nymph to Teal'c so the couple could hug Daniel tight.
"you space monkey," Jack laughed, voice muffled by Daniel's hair.
"so uncle Danny got hurt and couldn't make it back, huh?" Nymph called out in a sarcastic tone. Jack and Sam smirked at each other, both rolling their eyes.
"that's your kid," they said in unison, laughing.
wrapped arm-in-arm, the SG-1 family waltzed into the mess hall for some well-deserved desserts.
"we're definitely taking that vacation," Jack could be heard muttering as they passed in the halls.
part one | part two
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goddess47 · 1 year
For @writers-choice prompt #16 - play
*Now* I'm on the right week! ::grin::
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massharp1971 · 5 months
I felt like our collective fandom moment needed preserving on the archive....
@cammitchell, @ohsweetzombiecthulhu, @stinalotte, @the-mushroom-faerie, @stargayatlantis, @acrowbyanyothername I hope it was ok to link to your stuff in the notes (as copied below) so we have it all collected together, but lmk if not/if there's a better way to do that : )
Here’s how it all happened.
It started with me noticing in the second last of this gifset from cammitchell that John is so busy being a smug little shit (I can forgive him being mad at Rodney, but not sure I can forgive his expression here) that he hits the transporter map off the end of one of Atlantis piers. From there it didn’t take much for several of us to independently conclude that Atlantis herself decided to override the usual controls to give John a dunking and make him see some sense/make up with her technical support human (which is a terrifying notion in reality, but also very funny).
Then I wrote this ficlet, then stinalotte did a hilarious poll and there was amazing art from Tumblr users stargayatlantis, the-mushroom-faerie and acrowbyanyothername (and I’m hoping they’ll add the art to ao3!). Tumblr has a way of making stuff disappear without trace, so here’s our silly collective moment preserved on the archive. Thanks all for taking my observation and playing with it so adorably. I do love this fandom.
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somuchwhatever · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Got tagged by @somewhereapart, and I figured y'all may be sick of seeing me just post fic so here ya go.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
AO3 tells me I've written for Battlestar Galactica, Buffy, General Hospital, Law & Order: SVU, Law & Order: OC, Lie To Me, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, and The West Wing. And I honestly can't think of any others outside of just ficlets I've tossed into the wild over the years.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Flinktober 2022 (EO, SVU/OC)
i remember skies (EO, SVU/OC)
gala (EO, SVU/OC)
bizarre love triangle (EO, SVU/OC)
Chautauqua (EO, SVU/OC)
I did not include one that was cowritten with a bunch of other people because I will always assume the kudos are for them.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
As often as possible. If someone takes the time to comment, I want them to know that i care enough to acknowledge and thank them for that kindness and effort. Especially when I write mostly for a fandom where I've seen people specifically state that they will read works but NOT comment on them as some sort of punishment for whatever random/imaginary fandom sins the writer whose free content they are enjoying has committed. That's just dumb and unkind, so I make the effort to let people know their comments are appreciated, even if it takes weeks to circle back.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. There are several chapters in the first flink posting that would qualify, but I'm going to go with my largest Sam/Jack (SG-1) fic, Gravity Sings. It's hard to pretend it's not angsty when you've literally killed off half the planet.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm. Not really sure. I'm a sucker for fluffy endings, so I tend to write them quite a bit. Maybe waltz or Chautauqua?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally, but I shut it down quickly. If you come up in someone's space where someone is providing you free entertainment and be rude? Don't expect a pass from me about it. The scroll bar isn't difficult to use, and neither is the back button. I use it frequently on poorly-written works or things that may be well-written but just aren't my thing. What I don't do is sling entitlement issues around demanding things be written to my satisfaction (unless you employ my beta services, in which case, you asked for it!). :D
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I never really did prior to the first flink experiment, and I created that experiment purely to practice writing smut. Well, I take that back. @rgrdsalxndra would be the first to remind me I'd often cockblock Elliot and Olivia by having them dream-smutting without real-life release. But I started that project with the express purpose of getting better and more comfortable with writing smut, so I'm making that the hinge point.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Because SVU and OC are different shows, I write them regularly. But if you mean out-of-universe crossovers, I've only really written one, R.E.M. (SGA, BSG, Buffy). It was based on a prompt from an LJ friend, "Elizabeth Weir, Kara Thrace, and Buffy Summers walk into a bar..."
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware. There are much better people out there to steal from. Also, I always assume if something is similar to what I've written, it's because fandom truly does become a hivemind at some point. Nothing new under the sun and all.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I'm aware. If I had to guess, I'd say Gravity Sings would be the most likely candidate since SG-1 fandom is probably the most global and that fic has been around much longer than any other likely candidates.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Wrote Wet Dream with much better smut writers than myself in a group chat, and a bunch of us in SG-1 fandom way back in the day once built an SG-1 AU loosely based on The Big Bang Theory called The House That Jack Built, and I have several entries in that little universe.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
How does anyone pick this??? I love them all for different reasons. I will say EO has a grip on me nobody else ever has, but then they have that 25 year slow burn that is just absolutely and sickly delicious.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Glazed and Fired (SGA) was originally the first part of a 5 Things fic that got away from me, and I had always intended to go back and finish it but eventually just put it away for good. I fully intend to finish my others (Skies, I'm looking at you).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Grammar. Economy of language (this is also sometimes a weakness). Getting into the head of characters who are typically very closed off.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel my writing is way too mechanical. I'm also still not comfortable writing smut. I always walk around with a sense of imposter syndrome with my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm literally one class shy of a degree in French, and I had to write many upper level term papers in that language, but let me assure you I have zero plans to ever write in another language. I sincerely applaud those of you who do.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG-1
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Geez. It probably changes regularly, and I'm hesitant to say because my faves are never anyone else's. all i ever wanted (a rather dark Elliot-centric fic) holds a very dear spot in my heart just because of how my muse just grabbed a keyboard and churned it out. This is not a popular opinion, and hardly anyone read it, but I still love it a lot. And just because it was the first fic I wrote that was widely recc'd, I have a soft spot for Things Not Dreamed (SG-1), a Sam & Jack & Daniel fic written from Daniel's POV.
tagging in a no-pressure way (and sorry for any double tags):
@morethanwords229, @whatbecomesofyou, @samwrites99, @rgrdsalxndra, @shut-upjohn, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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annerbhp · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers!
@runawaymarbles tagged me, but she said I could do it anyway if I liked.
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The big ones were Stargate and Harry Potter and The Untamed. I've also dabbled briefly in CSI, Leverage, Firefly, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Last of the Mohicans.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
It's all HP fic, which I think speaks both to the size of that fandom, but also that I started writing for that fandom as I moved to AO3.
The Changeling (HP, Ginny) The Armistice Series (going to cheat and put these all together, HP, Harry/Ginny) we can't control (watch me unfold) (HP, Harry/Ginny) gone was any trace of you (HP, Harry/Ginny) half awake and almost there (HP, Harry/Ginny)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do try to respond to comments, because each and every one of them mean a lot to me. But I am not always great about it. I think I kind of respond in giant bursts? So there are times when I just don't, often because I am totally focused on getting the next chapter out or something, but then I will just sit down on day and just mass respond to a lot. I could always be better at it though.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Interesting. I am in no way afraid of angst, but I usually like to at least have a hopeful ending, if not a wildly happy pay off ending. I'm not sure I've ever done a full tragedy ending. Outside some one-off comment fic or ficlet posted here or there.
I think down here among the wreckage (Sam/Jack, SG-1) is my most infamously angsty fic of all time, and I never completely got to finish it? So it ends pretty darn angsty. Though maybe Beneath the Stains of Time (boy, I used to love a good apocafic!)
my kingdom come undone (Untamed, wangxian) is pretty darn angsty too, I suppose.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hopefully almost all of them? Though, I suppose I mostly like to exist in the "here's some pay off after angst, but I'm never gonna say everything is all good because it never is" area.
Maybe Life is What Happens which is sort of a coda to who Harry/Ginny could have ended up being?
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Occasionally, but not that often. I've only gotten something I would consider straight up hate speech twice, and those just get immediately deleted. Otherwise it's mostly someone telling me what they don't like. Some people really hated The Changeling. And some people really think I hate Hermione for some reason and hated that. Oh, boy and now I'm remembering the time I mentioned the mere possibility of a different pairing (Sam/Daniel) than my usual ship at the time (Sam/Jack) and got a lot of hate about that!
9. Do you write smut?
Not in the beginning, no. I distinctly remembering @holdouttrout and I being like "how can people write smut! I could never!" and then not so long later we had a good time coming back and laughing at ourselves and each other as we wrote smut. Lol. Good times, Trout!
These days, yes, I am known to sometimes write smut. I don't do a lot of PWP, but I think smut can be a great part of storytelling and character development. I'm not sure I'm any good at it, and it's probably the kind of writing I am least confident in, but I'm usually willing to try a hand at it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Very occasionally I have. Mostly in response to a challenge or a fest or some sort of organized event. It can be fun to just take two things you like and brainstorm what it would possibly look like to smoosh them together. I think the biggest crossovers I ever wrote were a SG-1/Firely one (Raggedy Edge) and a SG-1/House MD one (Unexpected). Both were fics I wrote for someone else. (Man, I have this SG-1/Leverage fic that I always wanted to write but doubt I ever will. I think I had Maggie as one of Jack's cousins or something.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. People have occasionally posted one of my fics in weird archive or something. But no one's ever tried to claim one of my stories as their own.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few! I know there are a few languages for The Changeling. Though I'm not sure if any were ever finished. I've had a few requests for various things over the years. And then I put up a "feel free to do without asking" disclaimer, so who knows!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, that is not something I've ever done. I'm always impressed by that. And some of the best fics I've ever read have been team written. (A Narrow Bridge by @frameofmind9 and Jo Lasalle, it's AMAZING.) I find it such an interesting and impressive idea. Not sure I'd be able to do it, but it's interesting!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
I feel attacked. What kind of a question to ask a shipper. Well, there is always what takes up all my brain space in the moment, which is Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian in The Untamed. But Sam/Jack (SG-1) was my first and will always own a part of my brain.
It's interesting too, because there are ships I adore, ships I love to read about, and ships I love to write about. And those three don't always align. I think Sam/Jack and Wangxian have been the two biggest ships for me that touch all three of those at once.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Excuse me as I open my writing folder and gesture at everything all at once. Okay, I'll be nicer to myself. I am in a space where I feel like I will never finish anything ever again, but I will have faith!!
There's really too much. So many HP fics that I am sad that I will probably never get to. There's a time travel fic, there's a Harry never went to Hogwarts AU, oh, man, the zombie fic. So many.
There's a ton of SG-1 fics I left half-imagined, but it's been a decade since I stopped writing for that fandom, so I'm more distant from it now.
I want to finish them all!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm. This is hard. Probably because saying nice things about ourselves is hard and feels like being egotistical or something. Lol. I think I really like weaving various plot lines, themes, and character development, probably because that is the thing I love doing and so have spent a lot of time experimenting and practicing. I think I also have an ability to trust my instincts with what is working and what isn't, even if I'm stubborn about ignoring it sometimes. Can being stubborn as hell being a writing strength. Because that, honestly.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have very little discipline. People who can outline something and then just knock a draft out are amazing to me. I am very slow and only tend to write when I'm in the mood. I think I can also be overly sensitive to unsolicited criticism. And in some cases solicited criticism from someone I haven't built trust with. That might mostly be the giant case of imposter syndrome I lug around with myself. So I might be sensitive, but I've been trying to build my skills in hearing it and reacting appropriately in a constructive way. I feel like brevity is another problem! Just look at this darn post!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Honestly, I don't attempt it. If someone is speaking a different language, I am more likely to just put the dialogue in italics or something, if whoever the POV is understands that language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Stargate SG-1. At least the first I ever wrote and shared. I think I wrote fanfic in my head for decades before realizing what it even was. (Let's say that I had quite the crush on Wesley Crusher and fantasized ways some OC self-insert might be able to marry him while also being adopted by Picard. Ah...the early 90s. What a time to be alive.)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Wow, and I thought some of these earlier questions were rude. 😂
I'm going to cheat and say that whatever i am currently working on is always my favorite.
Also, I really liked who i am at the end of the day which is so obscure that no one ever read it. (I think it has like 2 comments and one of them was @runawaymarbles being nice to me. <3 )But I just love a lot about it. Sometimes I daydream about removing the serial numbers and turning it into it's own thing.
Tagging @pepperf, @holdouttrout, @narukoibito, @mylittleredgirl, and YOU that person who wants to do this.
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redfurrycat · 10 months
Taggeg by @film-in-my-soul and @itshoneywhatever and @wilddreamprincess and @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare and @saint--claire. All lovely people I love seeing in my dash! *kiss on the forehead* 💖💖💖💖💖
Favorite colour: See the blue and the green hues? Well, it's my favourite colour!! :D
Tumblr media
Last song: Actual song with lyrics? The rickrolling song! (I love it, it's peppy!) But I'm currently listening to a Real Steel suite. (I'm predictable as fuck... It's about Robots in a ring and Hugh Jackman... xD)
Currently reading: I've read so many Hangster fics lately (ALL SO GOOD), so for this one I'm going for the only non-TGM fic that is opened in a tab. It's a Stargate Atlantis and Mcshep fic called "Back to You" by DraconisWing24441. And I also read about navy aircrafts... 💖
Last movie: Cinema/Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning (JESUS. AWESOME!) & TV/All the MI movies and Crimson Tide. (Classics... ;P)
Last series: Totally in a rewatch of ER!!!!!!!!! And boy do I love Mark Greene and Carol Hathaway and pretty much every character from the show! It was the time of good character development arc, long term plot and filler episodes... 💖
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: I want Monster Munch right now.
Currently working on: A computer crash deleted my files of WIPs not so long ago, so I lost everything and need to start all over again... (*pitiful sigh* & 'still trying to get over it')... So, I guess the only thing I'm working on is a Modern Day Zorro (ish) Hangster ficlet I'm going to post on Tumblr. :)
No pressure Tags: I beleive a lot of people were tagged already...but tagging @coins-that-never-land, @merryandrewsworld, @flowersonmymind1016, @anadorablack, @hangmanbradshaw, @fangirling-tussisque-noncaelatur, @awildewit, @pollyna, @the-ace-with-spades, @nanny-sc, @c0rpsereheated, @beezelarts.
(Sorry if you've been tagged for this one, consider this to be a warm and friendly catbonk sent your way instead! 💖💖)
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esotericfaerytumbls · 7 months
Such a cute SGA ficlet.
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cricrithings · 7 months
I was tagged by @bluespring864, @iiiflow, @black-cat-aoife and @thotstochter to do this, thank you!
Ich war zu müde, das auf englisch zu beantworten, und auf deutsch ist es ziemlich ausgeartet. Ich habe es benutzt, um mein tägliches Wortlimit für den Miniwrimo zu erreichen ...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Das klingt irre viel … ist aber der Output von 12 Jahren. Und besteht größtenteils aus Ficlets um die 1.000 Wörter.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
682.779, d.h. eine durchschnittliche Geschichte ist bei mir 1.431 Wörter lang.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Die Top-Ten sind … *Trommelwirbel*
1. Tatort (367)
2. Neues aus Büttenwarder (27)
3. Großstadtrevier (12)
4. Agatha Christie’s Poirot (12)
5. Magnum P.I. (10)
6. The Fall Guy (Ein Colt für alle Fälle) (9)
7. Good Omens (8)
8. Polizeiruf 110 (7)
9. Stargate Atlantis (5)
10. Ein Fall für Zwei (5)
… und dann noch 19 weitere Fandoms mit 3 oder weniger Fics. Auch da hat sich einiges angesammelt, vor allem durch die 120-Minuten-Sommerchallenge, die mich immer mal wieder dazu animiert hat was neues auszuprobieren. Eine gewisse Tendenz Richtung Krimi zeichnet sich ab, garniert mit etwas Science Fiction. Die Masse ist und bleibt aber Fanfiction zum Tatort, v.a. Tatort Münster und ein bißchen Tatort Berlin (Ritter und Stark).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ich habe ein paar Fanfics zu Agatha Christie’s Poirot und zu Death in Paradise, bei denen jemand sehr Begeistertes es geschafft haben muß, mehrfach anonyme kudos abzugeben. Anders kann ich mir die hohen Zahlen für deutschsprachige Geschichten in diesen Fandoms nicht erklären. Wenn ich die rausnehmen, sind die TOP 5:
Schicksalsgemeinschaft (Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne)
Undercover (Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne)
Albträume (Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne)
Umwege (Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne)
Lebenslanges Lernen (Tatort Berlin und Münster, Felix/Till und Thiel/Boerne) und Des Widerspenstigen Zähmung (Tatort Münster, Thiel/Boerne)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ich freue mich immer sehr über Kommentare und versuche zu antworten – aber nicht immer schaffe ich es auch. Manchmal ist gerade zu viel los, oder ich würde gerne was Substantielles schreiben, mir fehlt aber die Energie dazu. Manchmal habe ich schon eine Antwort im Kopf und komme nur nicht dazu, sie wirklich aufzuschreiben. Aber auf jeden Fall lese ich alles Kommentare und freue mich immer, auch wenn ich es nicht schaffe zu reagieren.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ich schreibe glückliche Enden und angst fast nur, wenn es als Prompt bei der Sommerchallenge vorkommt. Nicht daß ich angst nicht mag – je nach Stimmung lese ich das durchaus gern. Aber wenn ich selbst angst schreibe, habe ich unweigerlich das Bedürfnis, das wieder aufzulösen. Eine kurze AO3 Recherche ergibt 37 mit „angst“ getaggte Geschichten, aber wenn ich „Fluff and Angst“, „Angst with a Happy Ending“ und „Angst and Humor“ ausschließe, bleiben nur noch 16. Und die meisten davon haben eine Fortsetzung, in der alles wieder gut wird … Ein Beispiel für die Variante ist „Verloren“, bei dem der erste Teil wirklich angsty ist, die Fortsetzung (als zweites Kapitel) das ganze aber wieder löst. Ich habe tatsächlich nur einen winzigen Oneshot gefunden, der angst ohne Auflösung enthält: „Freier Fall“.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ganz schwierig. Ich schreibe ja fast ausschließlich glückliche Enden und kann wirklich nicht sagen, was mein Glücklichstes ist.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nein, zum Glück noch nie.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nicht sehr oft, aber gelegentlich. Die Texte sind aber friends-only in meinem LJ. Und was heißt „what kind“? Die normale (=durchschnittliche) Art, nehme ich an …
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossover habe ich tatsächlich bisher kaum geschrieben, und wenn dann v.a. innerhalb des Tatort Universums:
Lebenslanges Lernen (Tatort Berlin und Tatort Münster)
Irgendwas mit Leichen, munkelt man (Münster/Hamburg/Stuttgart Crossover)
Mein ambitioniertester Versuch und ein echtes Crossover war jedoch Tatort Münster und Neues aus Büttenwarder: Kurzurlaub
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nicht daß ich wüßte.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Ja :D Rebecca hat eine meiner Büttenwarder-Geschichten ins Plattdeutsche übersetzt! Bodenhaltung Und um noch etwas anderes zu erwähnen: Zu mindestens zwei meiner Fics gibt es Podfics auf AO3, was ich auch ganz unglaublich toll finde. (Aus der frühen Phase gab es auch Podfics zu Tatort Münster von Farfie, aber die sind nicht mehr online, glaube ich.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Da ich sehr erratisch und ohne Planung schreibe, kann ich mir schwer vorstellen, etwas wirklich gemeinsam zu schreiben. Also tatsächlich fortlaufend gemeinsam an einem Text zu arbeiten. Das würde mehr Disziplin verlangen, als ich aufbringen kann. Ich habe aber mit viel Spaß verschiedene lose Formen der Zusammenarbeit ausprobiert, zum Beispiel den Anfang einer Geschichte von jemand anderem zu beenden (und umgekehrt). Oder Fortsetzungen zu Texten anderer geschrieben. Oder Geschichtenideen gemeinsam entwickelt.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
In den letzten zwölf Jahren waren das definitiv Thiel/Boerne. Es gibt andere Paare, die mich schon länger begleiten, zum Beispiel Kirk/Spock und McCoy/Spock, aber über niemanden habe ich mehr geschrieben als über Thiel und Boerne. Irgendwie bezweifle ich, daß sich das noch ändern wird.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Erstaunlicherweise habe ich (fast) keine WIPs mehr. Das einzige echte WIP auf AO3 ist „Der erste Tag“ und da habe ich zwar keine Idee, wie es weiter gehen wird, aber nachdem ich die letzten Sommerchallenge-WIPs teilweise über zwei bis drei Jahre fertiggestellt habe, bin ich recht zuversichtlich. Ansonsten kann es sein, daß irgendwo aus den frühen Jahren noch die ein oder andere unveröffentlichte Idee schlummert. Aber eigentlich bin ich immer mal wieder über solche Entwürfe gegangen und habe fast alles davon verwertet. Mein Problem in den letzten Jahren ist nicht, daß ich zu viele Ideen habe ;)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Ich glaube Dialoge – wenn ich mit etwas sehr zufrieden bin, sind es meist die Dialoge in dem Moment, in dem ich die Stimmen der Charaktere höre. Was mir auch oft gut gefällt bei meinen eigenen Sachen ist Timing und Rhythmus (der Sprache, also wie z.B. kurze auf lange Sätze folgen). Und schließlich, aber das ist eine zweischneidige Sache: Auslassungen. Ich habe irgendwann sehr früh beim Schreiben gemerkt, daß man vieles einfach weglassen kann. Das kommt meiner Faulheit entgegen und meiner Neigung, mich nur auf das zu konzentrieren, auf das ich Lust habe (beim Schreiben auf die Charaktere und die Liebesgeschichte, die ich in der Regel erzähle). Aber es gefällt mir auch, weil die Geschichten dadurch schlank und aufs wesentliche konzentriert sind. Ich mag den Stil – auch wenn ich beim Lesen auch andere Stile zu schätzen weiß. Es kann aber auch zu Problemen führen, siehe Punkt 17.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Alles, was über den Plot einer Liebesgeschichte hinausgeht, mehrsträngige Handlungen und unpersönliche POVs. Ganz generell habe ich zu wenig Ausdauer für längere Geschichten und kein Talent, eine komplexere Handlung im Vorhinein zu planen. Ich schreibe einfach drauflos, was bei kurzen Sachen ganz gut funktioniert. Und schließlich haben wir die Auslassungen: Am liebsten lasse ich alles, was mir nicht wirklich wichtig erscheint, einfach weg. Fanfiktion ist ideal dafür, weil die Leser*innen die Welt, um die es geht, ja schon kennen. Ich fürchte allerdings, daß ich es manchmal zu weit treibe und dann doch Szenen produziere, denen man nicht folgen kann. Das fällt mir bei meinen eigenen Sachen auf, wenn ich was älteres lese, was sich sehr eng an eine bestimmte Folge / Szene im Canon anlehnt. Wenn ich selbst die betreffende Szene aus dem Canon drei Jahre später nicht mehr im Kopf habe, funktioniert der Text nicht mehr. Dann habe ich definitiv zu viel weggelassen.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Dafür gibt es meistens keinen vernünftigen Grund. Entweder versteht der POV Charakter / der Erzähler die Sprache, dann kann es gleich in der Erzählsprache sein. Und wenn er sie nicht versteht, hätte man auf den Dialog auch verzichten können. Wenn es was Autobiographisches ist über eine bilinguale Person, dann hätte es seine Berechtigung – aber die Vermittlung an nicht bilinguale Leser*innen wird schwierig. Ich selbst hab‘ das bisher nur in Maßen genutzt, bei Poirot Fanfiction, weil Agatha Christie Poirot auch gerne mal einen französischen Begriff untermischen läßt. Und einmal in einem Tatort Münster AU, da habe ich Boerne in Rom einen italienischen Satz sagen lassen. Der war nicht wirklich wichtig, das war eher ein Scherz, weil Boerne im Original auch immer wieder eine neue Sprache auspackt, die er (angeblich) spricht. Und natürlich wollte ich mit meinen Italienischkenntnisse protzen ;)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Mein allererster nicht beendeter und nie veröffentlichter Versuch war zu Star Trek TOS: McKoy/Spock Slash, ich erinnere mich auch noch an das Trope („trapped in a small space together“). Ich hatte gerade Fanfiction entdeckt, mußte aber feststellen, daß es von Tagträumen zu geschriebenen Geschichten doch ein weiter Weg ist. Nach einer Seite oder so habe ich aufgegeben, überzeugt, daß ich nicht das geringste Talent zum Schreiben (fiktionaler) Texte habe.
Ungefähr zehn Jahre (und sehr viel Fanfiction Konsum) später: Ich hatte gerade Tatort Münster Slash entdeckt, alles gelesen, was es zu dem Zeitpunkt gab, saß mit einer Erkältung zuhause und schrieb „Albträume“. Das war wie ein umgelegter Schalter, keine Ahnung warum, aber ich habe plötzlich gemerkt, daß ich sehr wohl schreiben kann. Auch das zu einem klassischen Trope (sharing a bed). Als der Damm dann erst mal gebrochen war, habe ich einige Monate geschrieben wie verrückt … Eine schöne Zeit, für mein sonstiges Leben war es aber doch gut, daß sich das irgendwann beruhigt hat. Irgendwann muß man ja auch mal schlafen.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ganz schwierig, Meistens ist das, was ich gerade schreibe, mein liebstes. Oder eben das, was gerade am meisten meiner Stimmung entspricht. „Undercover“ ist immer noch eine meiner liebsten Geschichten, weil ich beim Schreiben so viel Spaß hatte. Und von den neuen Sachen hänge ich merkwürdigerweise besonders an einem nur gute 500 Wörter langen Ficlet zu Good Omens: „Like stars in the night sky“ – vielleicht, weil ich wenig auf englisch geschrieben habe und nur selten Szenen, die eher visuell angelegt sind. Und vermutlich spielt auch eine Rolle, daß mir Aziraphale und Crowley gerade sehr nahe sind.
Ich glaube, alle um mich rum haben das schon beantwortet oder wurden schon getaggt, deshalb einfach die pauschale Einladung an alle, die Lust haben.
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