#string cheese
catfindr · 3 months
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unmotivatedwrit3r · 1 year
Cheese of the Stringable Variety
damian wayne x reader
(A/N): I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while now and it is by far the most niche thing I have ever written. I intended this to be around 1k, looked at the word count before I’d even gotten to the section I wanted to write this for, and then checked again at the end and viola 3k. I am of Arab-American heritage myself and slowly learning Arabic and connecting to my culture, but this type of string cheese has always been a part of my life and my role in my extended family. I also hope that those who don’t share these experiences can still enjoy this fic, if only for the amount of storybuilding that wormed it's way in. (Also worth mentioning that the having separate bedrooms has no cultural relevance whatsoever; I just like the concept.)
Note: reader is implied heavily to be of Middle Eastern heritage, though there are no features described. The region is also unspecified but the Arabic dialect is Levantine because that’s where my family is from. 
warnings: a lot of food mentions; a mild curse word in Arabic; use of a knife for food related things; discussions of extended family 
wc: ~ 3100
On your way out the door in the morning, you took the braided cheese out of the fridge and left it on the counter, a post-it note on top of it. Leave out of the fridge! was scribbled hastily in your handwriting as you rushed to work. In the apartment behind you, you could hear the sink running. After a long night of patrol, Damian was fortunate his meeting started at eleven am and not eight am. 
Every time your phone screen lit up as you headed home in the evening, it taunted you with the time. You didn’t mean to be back so late; it would take hours to string the four braids of cheese you’d picked up from your جد, your grandfather, the day before. At this point in the evening, you’d probably have to get up earlier in the morning and finish it then. At least an early tomorrow would mean “no sleeping in” rather than “running on five hours of sleep” before a family function. You’d done it before. It sucked. 
You pulled your laptop and a couple other items from your bag before heading to take a shower and change into comfortable clothes. A sweatshirt of Damian’s caught your eye after you’d gotten changed, tossed haphazardly over the edge of your bed. You hung your damp towel in the bathroom before heading back into the kitchen. Halfway there, you turned and grabbed the sweatshirt, pulling it over your clothes. 
“مرحبا حبيبي,” you greeted Damian as he shut the front door behind him. Hello, my love. “How'd the meeting go?" 
“مرحبا أملي,” he replied, dropping a quick kiss on your cheek as he passed through the kitchen on his way to the bedroom.
Damian’s Arabic was better than yours. Every time he said something to you that you understood, a satisfied trill shot through your chest. Ameli, he called you this time. My hope. Damian had a handful of various pet names for you that he cycled through, many of them in Arabic. 
“The shelter proposal’s been fully approved,” he informed you, “so I’m expecting the distribution of funds to begin in the next few weeks.”
“Oh that’s great!” Setting up properly funded, city-wide animal care facilities was one of the first things Damian ever brought up to the WE board. “You've been working at that for years.” The microwave beeped and you silenced it quickly, pulling out the container of leftovers you’d been heating up. You opened the second container and covered it with the same paper towel before placing it in the microwave.  The timer was set once more for 90 seconds. Before the food was done heating up, Damian returned to the kitchen, work clothes traded for a compression shirt and shorts. He owned half a dozen of the exact same black compression shirts. They functioned most often as his first underlayer on patrol. 
“Here, Dames.” You held the first container out to him, a vegan pasta dish he made earlier in the week. It was still steaming.  
“Thank you, beloved.” Damian took the container and sat down at the table, eyes scanning something on his laptop. If you had to guess, it was probably the drugs case the entire family had been working on recently. The two of you had hosted Dick the other day, up from Blüdhaven following the same case. He’d stayed in Damian’s room while the two of you crashed in yours. Dick was at the manor now, but he’d promised to stop by before he went back home. Some part of you figured it was at least partially motivated by the fact that you were inevitably going to be taking home leftovers tomorrow. Dick had tried some before and loved it. He probably wanted some. You didn’t blame him; you already planned to be hoarding your favorites for yourself. (And Damian. But mostly for you. Your family wasn’t vegetarian.)
The microwave beeped again. You pulled the second container out before grabbing forks and making your way over to the table. Your dinner was mostly the same as Damian’s, but with chicken added into the dish. The two of you didn’t always store leftovers that way, but sometimes it was easier to create two separate servings if you expected to be eating at different times. Damian scribbled a note down on the pad of paper next to him and closed the laptop. 
“We’re finally raiding the first warehouse tonight,” he offered, accepting the fork you held out to him. The paper and pen were pushed to the side before Damian started eating. 
“Oh yeah?” You asked around a bite of food. “So that stakeout paid off then?” 
“It did. But Dick and Timothy are following other leads tonight so this won’t be the end. But it should be a good start.” 
“Good,” you agreed. “I’ll be glad when the operation’s dismantled. You wake me up if you need me when you get home, okay?” 
Damian nodded. 
You weren’t sure you actually believed he would wake you, but you knew Babs would even if he tried to convince her not to. Sometimes you thought being friends with Oracle was the only way you stayed somewhat sane while dating a bat. She sent you injury reports. Alfred’s injury reports, not the lame ones Damian, his father, and his siblings wrote in an effort to not get yelled at by their friends or S/Os. 
Dinner didn’t take long. You loaded the dishes into the dishwasher as Damian collected his duffel bag for patrol. 
“Love you.” Damian pressed a quick kiss to your lips and another to your temple before ducking out the window. 
“I love you too. See you tomorrow.” 
There wasn’t secret bunker in your apartment. There was a significant amount of both weaponry and uniform equipment and outside direct access to transportation to one. You watched Damian’s bike disappear behind a false wall before turning back inside. It may not be Gotham-saving, but you, too, had stuff to do. 
The microwave clock declared it just after ten pm by the time you’d completed the handful of household chores you wanted done—the ones you expected to have time for until you got home late. You deliberated for a moment before grabbing two braids of cheese and a bowl that your dad had given you for that express purpose. You’d leave the other two out and string them in the morning. Leaving the cheese out all day had done its job. When cold, it would snap too easily when you tried to string it, and take much longer to do. 
The speaker that lived in the kitchen turned on with a swooshing noise and an acknowledgement that it was connected to your phone via bluetooth. It was a little late for anything too upbeat, but you found a good playlist after only a minute or so of looking through them. You tied back any loose hair, washed your hands, and grabbed a small paring knife from a drawer before sitting down at the table. The knife, sharp as it was, cut through the plastic packaging with ease. 
You moved the empty plastic off to the side and unraveled a twist, cutting each end so that you had two thick pieces a little under a foot long. The second braid was left whole for now. Once you got started, it would be harder to find pieces yet to be strung under the stringy parts already finished. So you’d break apart the larger pieces as you finished the ones before. 
Your music kept you company over the next hour and a half. The huge pieces were pulled apart into larger pieces then into medium pieces then into smaller pieces before finally being teased apart into the stringy texture that gave the cheese its colloquial name. It was just before midnight when you graded your efforts adequate. You poked one final time through the two braids worth of cheese and pulled apart any of the pieces you thought were just a little too big before calling it a day. 
The bowl was full, and you covered it in plastic wrap before putting it in the fridge. In the morning, when you did the remaining two, you’d have to start a new bowl. There was no sense in leaving already strung cheese out on the counter. You washed the knife and tossed the plastic wrappers in the trash before sending a goodnight text off to Damian. 
Goodnight, حبيبي, it read. Then, Be safe. There was no response. You didn’t expect there to be; he’d see it when he could, and you’d see him in the morning. 
Your bed was occupied by just you when you woke up which meant one of three things. Either Damian had gotten back too late that he would have woken you up by joining you, he’d gotten injured and knew he’d fail to hide it, or he needed a little bit of solitude. There was no injury report from Barbara when you checked your phone, but the little marker under your text to Damian from last night said that he hadn’t seen it until after three am, which meant it was probably four at the earliest by the time Damian had gotten to bed. You missed the warmth of waking up to him with you even as you appreciated his decision. It was only eight am now. You would have no doubt woken him up with your alarm. He desperately needed sleep, even if only a couple hours more. 
The remaining braids of cheese were in the same spot you left them on the counter last night. You moved them and a second bowl to the table, then grabbed yourself a bagel for breakfast. Your friends from New York disagreed, but you’d tried both and New Jersey bagels were far superior. 
It was half past nine by the time you finished scraping the hummus from your blender into various containers. One larger container would go with you and Damian to your grandfather’s house. The other one was staying in your fridge. Between the two of you, it wouldn’t last very long. You didn’t make hummus very often despite the fact that you both enjoyed it. What you could boast, though, is that you’d converted Damian to your family’s way of making it. Critiquing supermarket-available hummus became a shared habit. 
The completed bowl of string cheese fit perfectly in the fridge on top of the larger container of hummus. Most of the blender parts went in the dishwasher, and you set the cycle to rinse so that the hummus wouldn’t dry and congeal onto the plastic. The blender blade stayed on the side of the sink, already rinsed off. You’d wash it later. First, you had to finish the cheese. You opened your playlist from last night and hit play, bluetooth off this time. If it was loud, it would wake Damian. 
Damian’s bedroom door opened near silently when you were nearly done with the third braid. You took a momentary break to nudge the tea kettle on by pressing the button with your elbow before returning to your seat at the kitchen table. The bathroom door shut then opened again a few minutes later. His footsteps, quiet even in his home, meant that you didn’t notice him heading into the kitchen until he was already there. After months of living together and months before that where you might as well have been, your partner appearing silently beside you didn’t startle you anymore. 
You never got tired of seeing Damian without his guard up. It was an image only you and his family got to see: a Damian squinting in the morning light, hair a mess of waves that dried pressed against a pillow. The sight of him dressed in nightwing pajama pants and an old college t-shirt was yours, now. 
“Morning, my dear,” you greeted him. Small strands of stiff cheese stuck to your fingers. You picked them off and dropped them in the bowl before getting up to give your partner a hug, wrists bent awkwardly so that you wouldn’t touch his shirt with your hands. 
“صباح النور” Damian murmured, his arms heavy around your shoulders. Good morning. “What are you doing?” He asked as you let go. 
“Remember how I had to pick up cheese from my grandfather’s house the other day?” Damian nodded. “I’m stringing that. I wanted to get it done last night but I got home a little late. So I’m finishing it now.” 
You retreated back to your spot at the table, finishing the last of the third braid. Black caraway seeds were scattered around the table and you brushed them into your hand before returning them to the bowl. “The kettle should be done pretty soon. And your mug is on the counter.” 
Damian didn’t say anything until he sat down beside you, cup of tea in hand. 
“You’re stringing the cheese?”
“Yeah, it’s the thing I’ve been assigned to bring to the family events. I’ve been doing the stringing part since I was a kid but since I started living on my own I’d string it at home and bring it with me. And this year I’ve been upgraded to making hummus, too. I made a double batch so there’s a separate container for just us in the fridge.” 
“You went to a family birthday party months ago and didn’t bring it then,” Damian pointed out. 
“Yeah, if my aunts and uncles host the event,” you explained, “their family is technically supposed to string it. I mean, a lot of the time I’ll get there and they’ll ask me to do it anyway, but it’s not officially my job. And I don’t have to pick it up if it’s not my job. This is the first full family event that we’ve lived together for, I think.” You thought for a moment. “Wait, no, there was thanksgiving. But you were at the manor then.” 
Damian watched as you opened the fourth braid. The plastic wrapping joined the one from earlier. 
“I’ve just got this one left.” You cut both ends and pulled one of them apart. “Do you want to help? You’ve just got to wash your hands first.” 
Damian detoured to the sink before sitting in the chair beside yours.
“How does it work?” 
“You just kinda pull it apart and then keep stringing until it gets to be really thin.” You demonstrated quickly, stringing a small section of the larger piece you were holding until it resembled a pile of embroidery floss. 
“Like this, just for the whole thing. But it will snap if you try to brute force pull it instead of string it.” You handed him one of the larger pieces. “Here, you try this one.” 
Damian’s face of concentration sent a burst of warmth through your chest. He was following your instructions to perfection, entirely focused. It took effort not to burst into a full grin. You watched him for a moment before continuing on. Two songs went by on your playlist before Damian said anything. 
“This takes ages.”
You laughed. 
“Yeah, it does. Which is why I spent nearly two hours at it last night and we’re still doing it now. I’ve gotten so much faster at it, though. I can do two braids in less than an hour and a half. It used to take me an hour each. But it’s faster only if it’s warm. If I have to string it right out of the fridge, it’s harder to do.” You smirked. “And it tastes worse.”
Damian quirked a disbelieving eyebrow. 
“I doubt that.”
“It’s true. Ask my family members when you meet them later.” 
“I will not.”
A laugh burst out involuntarily. 
“Yeah, maybe having a debate with my family about food isn’t a great idea. They’d scare you off.”
“No they wouldn’t,” Damian argued, eyes lowered. “I have fought the League and the worst of Gotham—“
“And it’s still okay to be nervous meeting my family. But you know I don’t actually care what they think right?”
“Tt.” Damian stopped stringing to look at you. “They’re your family.” 
“Yeah, and so are you.” Your shoulder nudged his, hands still hovering over the half-finished bowl of cheese. “And I know for a fact that you know me better than most of them.” Damian scoffed a laugh. 
“I know more about you than your estranged cousins? What a great achievement,” he deadpanned. You rolled your eyes at him, returning to the piece you’d neglected. 
“You’re the first significant other in a long time,” you revealed after a moment. “My family is big, in a different way than yours, and they scare people off. So if a cousin brings someone to a holiday celebration, it means we’re serious about the person we’re bringing. All of my cousins-in-law are the people my cousins brought to gatherings like this.” In your peripheral vision, Damian stiffened. You kept stringing, anxiety twisting in your chest. 
“I should have told you that earlier, I’m sorry, I don’t even know if you’re fine with that implica-” 
Damian’s hand reached out to still yours. 
“حياتي,” he said, head dipping down to meet your eyes. “That’s okay with me.” 
“High-ah-tee,” you sounded out, repeating it back to him. “What’s that one?” 
Damian pressed a kiss to your lips. On instinct, your hands moved to cup his chin. Drying strands of the string cheese in between your fingers had you pulling back. 
“العمى,” now I have to wash my hands again. And you should wash your face, Dames.” 
“Be right back,” he said, moving quickly to the bathroom. You watched him go before turning to wash your hands. Damian hadn’t returned by the time you’d finished, so you moved back to the table, resuming working on the strand you’d left behind.
“You didn’t tell me what it means,” you reminded him as he sat back down next to you. “Hayati, that is.” 
“حياتي,” he said slowly, “means ‘my life.’” 
A smile split your face. “Yeah?” 
“Hey,” you began. Damian turned to you, mid stringing his own piece of cheese. “I love you.” 
Your partner’s lips quirked up into a grin. He pressed his forehead to yours for just a moment before turning back to the cheese. “I love you too.” 
“Now,” you mock-admonished, “if we don’t get this done in the next 45 minutes, we will be leaving late.  And my grandfather hates it when the cheese is late.” 
Damian huffed a laugh, following your lead as you returned the majority of your attention to the bowl in front of you. 
“Maybe we’ll beat your father there.” 
You barked out a laugh. 
“Oh, my grandfather would find that hilarious.” 
Damian’s smirk was visible even as you reached for another piece of string cheese. 
“A first impression that will be remembered, then.” 
“If we’re on time with the cheese and hummus? And your stringing skills are already pretty good? I think my grandfather will just never let you go.” 
“Lucky for him,” Damian said, grabbing the other half of the piece you’d just begun, “I don’t plan on that being a problem.”
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coles-repository · 6 months
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Three years ago, in November of 2020. I made a joke comic using png's from the Tag Force games & Duel Links. Initially meant to be an in joke between me and my friends. It's turned into a 3 plus year epic, after I was galvanized by the mods of the Yugioh subreddit who deleted a post of the 1st issue for being "Low Effort".
This is the Epic Yugioh Web Comic, Issues 1 through 10. Unnoticed by Twitter, constantly downvoted on Imgur. This 300 plus issue series now resides her on Tumblr if for no other reason than to preserve my work.
Because while by all metrics we can measure, this comic is meaningless. I Give it Meaning by the simple Act of Creating it.
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skrunckly · 1 month
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mananabuffins · 9 months
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raccoonfallsharder · 6 months
hi, this is random but I was eating string cheese
and now I kinda wonder how rocket would react to string cheese
I feel like he'd like it
this is the kind of high-quality ask i need more of
so my limited research (i am no expert) says that raccoons like dairy but it's not very good for them (most are lactose intolerant). however we know that rocket drinks milky fizz and you just know that if you tell this motherfucker not to eat something he's definitely going to eat it
therefore i posit that the first time you give rocket string cheese he's like - what the hell. when you show him how it's meant to be eaten, he stares at you for several minutes with that sort of head-tilted, curl-lipped, what-the-fuck kind of way and says, you terran humies are frickin' weird and then walks away.
but it doesn't take long for you to notice that your string cheese supply is dwindling at a much faster rate than you are eating it
at first you think it's quill because string cheese was a staple of the lunchboxes his mom used to send him to school with (mythology says string cheese first hit the market in '76) and he's always stealing your terran shit anyway, especially if it has some sort of nostalgic value to him
but then one day you see rocket walking around, lazily peeling strips off the last fuckin piece of your current string cheese stocks and popping it in his mouth, and you're like oh this little shit. okay.
he sees you see him and he looks like he got caught in headlights for a minute, but you don't say anything and he notices next time that you bought extra. it's one of the reasons he likes you, actually. you're very fuckin generous with your treats
(there does come a day when rocket sees quill take one of the four left in the fridge. he responds by immediately eating the remaining three, just shoveling them into his mouth without bothering to peel them properly. quill is perturbed && rocket's tummy is bothering him for hours)
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rat-at-heart · 8 months
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Will pull your heartstrings
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ok you've seen the best cheese polls, it's time for
obligatory "please reblog" i have very few followers but wanna see where this goes lol
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elstronomy · 18 days
do y’all fuck with paw patrol string cheese too or what
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ITS SO FUCKING GOOD? THE LIL QUESTIONS AS WELL? only kind i will ever eat.
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retr0-dayz · 5 months
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2010s thanksgiving nostalgia
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jaybirdh · 10 months
I eat it the second way (obviously), but everyone in my family seems to think I’m crazy, so I’m putting it out to the world.
please do reblog for sample size!
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catfindr · 3 months
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rejectedbad · 2 months
Rejected Bad: Sobriety
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
[Scene: Saul Goodman is driving through the scenic mountains of Montana, with a look of anticipation on his face. He arrives at a cosy lodge where his bi-annual lawyering meetup is taking place. As Saul enters the lodge, he is greeted by three familiar faces – Jeff, Geoffry, and Yeffroy.]
Saul: Well, well, well, if it isn't the three stooges of law. How's it hanging, fellas?
Jeff: Hey Saul, good to see you. Always a pleasure to catch up with my favourite lawyer.
Geoffry: Hey Saul, how's business treating you these days?
Yeffroy: Saul, it's been too long. We missed having you here at our meetups.
Saul: Yeah, yeah, enough with the pleasantries. Let's get down to business. Who's ready to lawyer up and have a good time?
Jeff: Actually, Saul, we've made some changes since the last time you were here.
Saul: Changes? What kind of changes?
Geoffry: We've all decided to go sober and give up string cheese.
Saul: [disgusted] What? Sober? No string cheese? What kind of madness is this? You guys have gone soft on me.
Yeffroy: Saul, it's for the best. We were getting a little out of control with our drinking and snacking habits. We figured it was time to clean up our act.
Saul: Clean up our act? Are you kidding me? This is a lawyering meetup, not some sobriety retreat. I can't believe you guys would do this to me.
Jeff: Look, Saul, we still value your friendship and your expertise. We just thought it was time for a change.
Saul: Well, I don't like this change one bit. I came here to let loose, have a few drinks, and enjoy some damn string cheese. And now you're telling me I can't do that? No way. I'm outta here.
[Saul storms out of the lodge, getting into his car and driving away with fury in his eyes.]
[Scene: Saul is driving back home, fuming over what happened at the lawyering meetup. He can't believe that his friends would betray him like this.]
Saul: [talking to himself] Those guys have lost their damn minds. Going sober? Giving up string cheese? What kind of world are we living in?
[The camera pans out as Saul continues to drive, leaving the mountains of Montana behind him. The screen fades to black as the sound of Saul's car fades away.]
[End of scene.]
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thetovplace · 4 months
The disconcerting feeling of a string cheese against your knee as you remember your pocket has a hole in it
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match-your-steps · 24 days
there are two cheese sticks in my lunch where did the second one come from¿¿¿ I could have sworn I only put one in?? I've never put multiple in before,,,,, like was it just in there from my lunch last friday??????? but they're both as cold as the other, suggesting both have been in the fridge somewhat recently,,, did I somehow accidentally slip a second one in on accident???? where did it come from....
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chring steese
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