doriandrifting · 1 year
Uhm this feels like Mike is getting Vecna’d…
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Something about Max and Mike not listening to the counselor. Something about Mike and Will saying it’s been a year. Something about anniversary affect and retraumatization. Something something Mike was meant to be a victim and got lucky he was out of town, but when Vecna comes crawling back…
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cloudedsunshines · 2 years
i need robin and steve to suddenly have to preform music in s5, maybe it’s to save someone from vecna bc their walkman dies or just for fun they start a band in eddie’s honor
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sapphicalexaandra · 2 years
Okay okay I will post a little thought/theory I have for s5, even though I haven't actively partecipated in a fandom in years and i just read and like all the amazing theories, but I want to just get this off my chest:
I have a strong enough feeling vecna may possess will again
I read many talk about him being "vecna'd", which is not the same thing and judging from his and will's connection, i don't feel he would need to consume him like that, but rather it seems that ever since he was young vecna selected will as a potential host/vessel for himself, based on whatever he saw in will that at this point we don't know what it is exactly
Maybe will does indeed have untapped power (and in this theory I'm going to stick to this premise, as the luke/leia parallel between el and him makes it enough likely for me), so vecna, having lost his purely human form, may have thought he would need a human vessel in the human world so that he could also operate from there. This plan didn't end up well in the past (s2)...
But now, since he got injured, he is hurt and weak, he may need will again
Let's say the season starts with everybody already determined to put an end to him in this weakened state and they all - full group together finally! - gear up to do it...
And in a Moment, something something is happening, maybe el is fighting the monsters protecting vecna and we see the shadow of the mind flayer reaching her AND at that point will steps in front of her as the sacrificial boy of my heart that he is (and vecna knew he would do that...) so there we have the shadow entering him again like in s2 (but probably worse, and anyway the possible scenarios here are many ofc) and our dear old 001/henry takes hold of will's body, grinning from ear to ear, maybe lifting el up from the ground, revealing that will has this powers and he now knows how to use them for him, so he taunts all our group, like how are you gonna stop me now without killing the precious william... and as everybody is paralized in shock he manages to flee
Cue the time skip? As they need to figure out how to fight and defeat this powered up vecna using will's body without killing will (ofc they know they need to kill his actual body, but well now he is doubly protected by an enemy they don't want to harm, vecna in will)
AND i hope in the meantime we still see the actual will, maybe trapped in his own mind or vecna's, bonus point if he finds max in there because i need them to Bond and fight vecna from the Inside
So yeah, i feel like this could bring full circle a lot of themes and elements from the 1st season, as they said they would do.
And do I even need to mention all the potential Byler Angst this could spur as mike is put back in his I Need to Save My Will mood (and el has broken up with him for all the reasons we know - she realized his feelings are not genuine and that she is actually more herself without him and needs to channel what max taught her and become her own person without unhealthy attachments that keep her dependant and small - so mike has no more channel/distraction for his True Feelings)
Also *ahem* judging how Henry treated his own mother, i wonder if he may try to kill Joyce while she tries to reach will through a motherly speech of love, and vecna almost succeeds but then will manages to get control back to save his mother and he promises he will come back, he found max and they are both trying to figure out vecnas weakness (i would ugly cry at a scene like this, with will cradling his injured mother and then leaving her with this promise before vecna gets control back)
This happens earlier on, AND THEN we have later on towards the climax a similar scene but with MIKE and oh boy, the potential throw backs to the shed scene, the fact that in this time apart mike has figured out the truth about the painting and will's feelings and has had time to fully comprehend his, so it's a struggle of vecna wanting to kill him knowing that he has the potential to wake up will more than anybody, and indeed a (proper, heartwrenching) love confession from mike in that Moment is what Does it, and combined with whatever else the others are doing to defeat vecna, the Power of True Love (the duffers love that shit they told me) saves the day and the upside down becomes a beautiful meadow of green grass and blue and yellow flowers (lmao jokees but also has anyone seen she-ra?? Catra chipped by lord prime and adora trying to get to her > "I don't matter!" "You matter to ME!" Is so will and mike Plus their ending kiss saving the universe *ahem* has been a big inspiration for all this, plus to everyone complaining that a season is not enough time to develop a byler endgame, catradora also became esplicitely romantic in the last season (s5 look at that) after being frenemies for 4 seasons and I can just see something similar being done with them)
Anyway if anyone is still here, to sum it up a possessed will would allow a lot of plot points for different characters come to fruition, joyce, johnathan, el and mike especially - like i feel this scenario/theory could be developed to infinity) and I personally would love to see noah playing vecna, imagine the juciness for such an amazing young actor of a role like that after being sidelined for two seasons
and it would really explain all the parallels between henry and will and why henry chose him at the start, because he saw himself in will and knew he would make a good vessel (plus he could have a style change as henry makes him look more how he used to be as human, lol imagine mike seeing that) (plus plus i would cry and love it at the same time)
and the super byler potential is real for me, i See it. I know many would want them to become canon before the ending, but judging by the kind of storytelling the duffers go for, i am inclined to believe they may go for a climatic Moment for them,
still, hopefully the development throughout the season on both will and mikes side of the fight (i would literally love the inside/outside struggles that converge at the same point, poeticness of this scenario) is good and satisfying enough (coming from ME though that i had a pretty good grasp of s4 as it was airing, i knew the build up WAS going towards a mike confession to el which would be what he really believed he felt in his own warped understanding of his true feelings, which allows for an arc of actually understanding it in s5, so I did feel satisfied by what they showed in the sense that i see this as an ensamble show of fighting monsters, where the emotional development is carried on through the moments in between, so no Big fanfiction style inner stream of consciousness of how every character is understanding and feeling the situations)
So really, tying the supernatural and love drama together allow for more actual focus
Anyway! This was longer than i thought. I am very very curious to see if I get anything right at all, would be definitely fun to see it
*goes back into lurking mode*
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kittykat940 · 1 year
Finn shared the WWD interview where May filming is mentioned on his instagram story so OMG this makes me so happy!!!! We are SO close to May
hi anon you meant march and thats ok lol and if that is true that he shared it then it must be true! i hope so march is just around the corner! 🙏
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
LEAKED STS5!!! this is the award el gives mike when she tells him that she knows the monologue was lies🤭🤭🤭
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luckyduck972 · 2 years
STs5 is going to be chaos there's going to be a lot of fighting I mean like D-day stuff JS
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Like I wouldn't be surprised if there in a bunker just trying to survive & all the monsters are walking the streets of hawkins & they have to fight to get supplies
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The gate is fully opened so all the monsters can come & go as they please. & the only one that can stop it is will
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khany82 · 3 months
#finnwolfhard #mckennagrace #erniehudson #london #ghostbusters #ghostbustersfrozenempire #press #meetingfans #meetingcelebrities #strangerthings #strangerthings5 #ghostbustersreview #ghostbustersfrozenempirereview #signingautographs #autographs #signature #comic #comicbooks #fyp #foryourpage #it #itmovie
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killadelphias · 4 months
I have been saying sts5 is releasing nov 6 2025. obvious choice but it's still gonna be rad when I'm right
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ryan-waddell11 · 1 year
tbh i wouldn't get your hopes up abt sts5. you have to remember that 1. there is no finished script, 2. there is a writers strike going on. even if there was a finished script, it would be very hard for things to run smoothly on set bc there needs to be a script supervisor since there are constantly rewrites going on.
hi, I firstly wanted to say that when I make the delusional posts, it’s done in a light hearted joking manner!! I’m in no way saying he’s for sure going to be in S5!! but it’s fun to think about it 😊
secondly, I’m well aware with the writers strike and how scripts work in a real productions (I have devoted my adult life to studying the craft of film/tv/and digital media). I’ve studied this and worked on several productions. Both on screen and behind the scenes as a script supervisor!! plus there’s nothing wrong with having hope 😊
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evilrry · 2 years
They did that when he cut his hair for Spree too. They seem to forget that hair grows back and his seems to grow back fairly fast.
like i feel like guys' hair grows back so much faster too like. itll be ok itll be back by the time they start filming sts5 😭
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longoria07 · 6 years
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It’s almost show time! Come out to the Round Up Saloon at 6 for “Tina’s 50th Birthday/Stock the Shelves 5” kickoff benefiting the Resource Center Food Pantry. And for the debut of “Eva”! 🤗💋🏳️‍🌈 #almostshowtime #eva #debut #gogoboots #poshspice #tinasbirthdayextravaganza #roundupsaloon #dallas #stocktheshelves #sts5 #givingback #resourcecenter #lgbtq #feedthehungry #byebyebeard #currently #selfie #ludwig #year37 (at Turtle Creek, Dallas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boo8r7cgelM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ogedw39in7mc
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maraleftlung · 2 years
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Skies. #sunday #skies #yellow #afternoon #today #view #landscape #may #spring #england #uk #ig #igers #instapic #instagram #instagramers #picoftheday #photooftheday #explore #artistsoninstagram #wanderlust #photography #leftlung #maraleftlung (at Wall Roman Town) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdTsHo-sTs5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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richsaludonline · 7 years
Valor al Cuadrado – Episodio 2 (STS5) — Mindset and Skills Academy. from Ricardo Rojas on Vimeo.
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Stopped to Stare Chapter 5: In Which There Is A Relevation
The weeks flashed by, a mixture of homework, Quidditch and Lily. I found it hard to believe so much time had passed by the time the first snow fell, on November 20. Teachers began handing out homework and study guides for over winter break. I spent the days leading up to December 1 with Lily, knowing I wouldn't see her again until January.
Finally, the day came. I spent my time on the train with my Slytherin friends—Lily among them. As the train pulled into the station I said my good-bye to Lily, knowing I wouldn't be able to in front of her family. Then I lugged my trunk off the train, said my good-byes to my friends, and Side-Alonged my father to the Manor.
"So, Scorpius, how was Hogwarts?" My mother came in as soon as I stepped through the door.
"Darling, let him set down his trunk first," Father came in behind me. "Perle! Come get Scorpius's trunk!" he called to the house-elf. A small house-elf appeared dressed in a red hand-towel, and I handed my trunk to her.
"Hogwarts was fine, Mother, thank you," I replied to her earlier question as I sat down on the sofa. Deciding to chance it, I added, "I made friends with a Potter."
I heard her sharp intake of breath, and my father came around from behind me and sat down on the couch next to her. "You did what?"
"I made friends with the youngest Potter," I said again, emphasizing every word.
"You made friends with Albus Potter?" My mother said, wrinkling her brow.
"No, Mother. Lily Potter."
"Either way, it's still terrible, and a disgrace to the Malfoy name. You simply cannot be friends with her? Who knows what will be next?" she said decisively, her mind made up.
My father, with a glance to Mother, added, "If you insist on continuing this, you simply will not be able to live here."
I couldn't breathe for a moment. "You're kicking me out?"
My parents said nothing, but simply nodded their heads, their faces masks of their emotions.
I thought of Lily, her dark red hair flipping as she laughed. I thought about how disappointed she would be if I left her with no explanation. The sadness slowly creeping through her face, her eyes watering but her furiously blinking them back. And so I made my decision.
"No." I picked up my trunk and stepped out the front door. I knew that they didn't expect me to leave, but I wouldn't give in because of what they thought.
The Knight Bus stopped in front of me, zooming out of the darkness. Boarding it, I was asked for my destination. "The Burrow," I decided, hoping Lily would be there.
It sped off, and I could feel it speeding along, invisible to the muggles around it. Suddenly, a call of "The Burrow," snapped me out of my thoughts.
I stepped off with my trunk and threw several galleons at the driver, muttering, "Thanks," as the doors closed behind me.
I rang the doorbell and the door was soon cracked open by a certain red-haired girl.
"Scor! What are you doing here?"
I smiled at her. "My parents kicked me out, for being friends with you. Might I be able to stay here?"
Her brow furrowed. "I think you'd better come in."
Stepping through the doorway, I took in my surroundings. Stairs curled upwards to my right, and to my left a doorframe stood. Ahead of me through an open door I could see a table where the three of the Potters sat talking."This way," Lily said, stepping through the door into their kitchen
"Lily! Who was it?" Harry Potter, savior of the wizarding world and all that, asked his daughter.
"Well...Scorpius needed a place to stay...his parents kicked him out."
"Scorpius—as in Scorpius Malfoy?"
"Yup." Lily stepped to the side, revealing me.
Mr. Potter studied me as I stood in the doorway. I could see the scales weighing in his eyes—Malfoy against someone in trouble, his daughter's friend against a Slytherin.
The scales tipped in my favor. "You can sleep James's room, on his spare bed. And James can help you get your trunk upstairs," he decided.
"What? No!" James began to protest, but his father cut him off.
"It's just for a night, James. Then we'll rethink it."
I turned and walked up the stairs, Lily behind me. "They seriously kicked you out for being friends with me?" A strange note entered her voice, one that I couldn't place.
"Yeah," I replied. I realized she felt guilty, a little too late. "But it was worth it. They can't tell me what to do—or who my friends should be.
Lily opened the door to James's room and stepped inside. "Well...thanks. That—it was really sweet of you."
I stood there, stunned for a moment. She thought I was sweet! Her gray eyes searched my face worriedly, and I smiled. "Thanks, Lily."
We stood there for a moment, just looking at each other in silence. I stared at her as the hallway light illuminated her face. She was just so...freaking pretty! I mean, more than all the girls I knew...
Lily looked into my eyes as I took in her beauty. Her gray eyes glittered now as I stopped, and just stared. It was perfection, until—
"Woah. What are you doing?"
Lily turned bright red and ran past me, squeaking something about having forgotten something as she slammed the door to her room. James raised his eyebrows at me and I glared at him. "Whatever, Potter," I muttered, stripping down for bed.
I threw myself onto the spare bed in James's room, confusion running through my mind at the events of the day. First, getting kicked out. Staying at the Potter's—and technically the Weasley's too, seeing as they shared the house. And then, just now, Lily and I. Were we...about to kiss? What would have happen if we had? And all I knew, in that moment was that I wanted—
"I don't actually hate you, you know."
I was shocked senseless at James's confession in the dark. It seemed random, at that moment, especially after two years of fighting. "Wh-what?" I managed to choke out.
"I don't hate you," James repeated with a sigh. "I just came to Hogwarts, not knowing what to expect. But all the Gryffindors—and some Slytherins—expected me to hate you and the Slytherins. So, I came home, and complained—but Albus took it the wrong way. So now he really hates you, and the fact that Lily is in Slytherin."
I strained to see him in the darkness, pondering what he had said. "And you?"
I could barely see his smile, but it was there. "I guess it's a little weird to have my baby sister consorting with a Malfoy...not to mention someone I hated for the past two years. But no...I guess I don't mind. She's growing up...and I can't change that."
"Thanks, Potter." And I genuinely meant it. I hadn't hated him when I came to Hogwarts—okay, maybe a little after what my parents were like. But I believed him...and was glad that he wouldn't try to kill me every time I smiled at his sister. With that in mind I let sleep overtake me, come what will.
"Is it true, James?"
"Wha? Albus, what's going on?"
I blinked the sleep out of my eyes and wondered where I was, before realizing I was at the Potter-Weasley home. Sunlight streamed in through James's window and I turned towards the voice.
"What's happening?" I asked.
The speaker—Albus Potter—turned towards me. "So it's true," he sneered. "Scorpius Malfoy slept here last night."
"Yeah," I smirked. "What of it? Can't handle having a Malfoy here? Don't play dumb with me, Potter, I know what you were afraid to say."
"Afraid? Me? Who are we talking about, me or you?"
"I was under the impression we were talking about you," I replied innocently, slipping out of bed and pulling in my robe—Slytherin green.
Albus wrinkled his nose at the color. "Whatever, Malfoy, at least now I don't have to put up with the insufferable bitch you have befriended."
Shocked, I raised an eyebrow. "You mean your sister?"
"Who else?"
"You'd better hope I don't tell her," I smirked, and watched his face whiten and then return to its normal tan. "Ha," I sneered as I stalked past him down the stairs. Behind me, James reprimanded his brother.
"Scor!" Lily called from the kitchen. The scent of pancakes and syrup wafted towards me. I stepped towards it, into a den of lions.
The whole Weasley-Potter clan turned to stare at me, with the exceptions of Lily and her parents. "Um, hi?" I started, nervous.
Glares. I should have expected it.
Mrs. Potter set a plate of pancakes in front of me. I muttered a thanks and began eating, doing my best to ignore the stares directed at me. Lily sat to my right, red as a tomato, staring at the table.
Slowly, the conversation returned to the room and I whispered to Lily, "What was that?"
She squirmed with a sheepish expression. "Yeah...my parents didn't tell them about it..."
"It's okay," I said with a smile, and then thought of Albus's comment earlier that morning. "Listen, I need to talk to you..."
"Okay," Lily said. "C'mon."
I wolfed down the rest of my pancakes and left the room with Lily. Naturally, all the gazes followed me.
Up in Lily's room, I sat down on her bed with unease. "Listen," I began. "This morning, Albus came to James's room, where I was sleeping, you know...and there was a fight."
I saw her take a sharp breath and hold it for a second. "And...?"
"Well, Albus called you a...well, a bitch."
She stared at me, shock and disbelief written all over her face. "He did. He really did?"
Too worried that I would upset her more, I only nodded.
Lily took a deep breath, pulling herself together although a tear rolled down her cheek. I fought the urge to wipe it away. "And James?"
"What? James? Oh, he doesn't hate me, or you, or any Slytherins." I answered, confused.
"What?" she responded, thrown. Pulling herself together, she said, "No, silly," laughing a little. "Did he agree with Albus?"
I shook my head. "Oh. No, he didn't, he yelled at him."
Lily smiled. "Thanks, Scor. For telling me this."
I smiled and shrugged, not needing to say anything.
"And now," Lily continued, "My brother is going to give me an explanation."
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killadelphias · 5 months
11/6/2025 STS5
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richsaludonline · 7 years
Valor al Cuadrado – Episodio 1 – TYP (STS5) — Mindset and Skills Academy. from Ricardo Rojas on Vimeo.
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