doodle-pops · 3 months
Headcanon Masterlist Part 3 (icarus-fell-in-spring)
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Dating Glorfindel
Cuddling with Glorfindel
Glorfindel flirting with you
Married Life with Glorfindel
Secretly Dating Glorfindel
Jealous Glorfindel
Glorfindel Falling in Love with a Human
Glorfindel being taller than you
Combat Training with Glorfindel
Having a Picnic with Glorfindel
Glorfindel calming you down after a panic attack
Dating Glorfindel and being insecure
Glorfindel with Pregnant Reader
Glorfindel with Kids
Dating Glorfindel and Ecthelion
Sex with Glorfindel
Glorfindel's Kinks
Dating Galdor
Cuddling Galdor
Sex with Galdor
Dating Ecthelion
Ecthelion flirting with you
Marriage to Ecthelion
Cuddling with Ecthelion
Mornings with Ecthelion
Ecthelion Being Shorter Than You
Dating Ecthelion and Being Insecure
Ecthelion Being Taller Than You
Ecthelion and pregnant!Reader
Ecthelion with Kids
Ecthelion Calming You Down After A Panic Attack
Combat Training with Ecthelion
Sex with Ecthelion
Dating Egalmoth
Egalmoth Having a Crush on Reader
Egalmoth Flirting with You
Mornings with Egalmoth
Egalmoth Being Taller Than You
Egalmoth and Pregnant!Reader
Egalmoth with a Touch-Starved Reader
Sex with Egalmoth
Dating Rog
Cuddling with Rog
Protective Rog
Rog with an Affectionate Reader
Rog admitting his feelings for you
Sex With Rog
Dating Duilin
Dating Maeglin
Maeglin Having A Crush
Maeglin Admitting His Feelings
Maeglin being taller than you
Cuddling Maeglin
Secretly Dating Maeglin
Sex with Maeglin
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Please note that these are a compilation of reblogged works, not my own.
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illfoandillfie · 6 months
one of Roger’s usual girls (groupie?), you accidentally take his lucky drumsticks instead of the new ones he said you could have and when you return them he’s very, very grateful
Blurb Advent: Day 13
hehehe lil bit of sub rog comin at ya
Warnings: Dom!Groupie!Reader, Sub!Roger, nothing super explicit but references to edging and spanking. Also a mention of threesomes and gags (but not with reader or rog)
It was a thing Roger did when he was trying to impress a girl or mark her as his, a sort of status symbol, a sort of promotion. There were a lot of girls who hung around the band, especially while they were touring, but Roger would distinguish his favourites by giving them a set of brand new drumsticks. It took time, you had to earn the sticks, had to impress him before he’d hand them over. And you’d finally managed it. It had taken a while. Months of sleeping with not just Roger but Brian and John too. They all had their favourites but any girls who drew their attention were fair game. Roger was the one who wanted you most though and you were almost entirely exclusively his. If you hadn’t been before you would be now that you had his token.  
You didn’t have proof, but you suspected it might have been because you weren’t afraid to be a little domineering with Roger. From what you’d heard most of the girls were a little intimidated by him or else just assumed he’d want to call the shots. But you knew he actually quite enjoyed being bossed around, teased, even a little humiliated. In fact, it was after a night where you’d edged him a few times before sucking him off that he’d told you to take the sticks. So you were pretty confident in you assumptions. He’d been more than a little dazed as you left, well and truly fucked out, telling you to grab the sticks out of his bags before you left. You’d made sure they were visible as you left the hotel, just in case any of the other girls were around to see. You were the current favourite and wanted everyone to know.  
But when you got home and finally had a chance to properly look at your new prized possession, you were disappointed. They weren’t the sleek new sticks he’d promised. They were old and scuffed and looked a bit different to the ones you’d seen him use recently. If Roger’s name had ever been printed on them it had worn off. The tip of one was even slightly chipped. You resolved to take them back the next day and demand better ones, unless of course the old ones meant you were more special. 
The next afternoon when you arrived back at the hotel, drumsticks tucked reverently into your bag, one of the other girls met you in the foyer. You couldn’t remember her name, she was newer to the crowd, though Brian had seemed to take a shine to her quickly. But she caught you as you headed towards the elevators.   "Something’s wrong,” was the first thing she said.   “What do you mean?”  “Roger hasn’t flirted with anyone all day. They were at rehearsal this morning but Roger barely noticed any of us that were there watching. Even once they were back here, none of us got invited up to his room. I went off with Bri so I don’t really know what happened but apparently Jasmine tried to get his attention but got completely shut down.”  “Fuck, really?”  “Yeah. He’s not himself. You were with him last night, right? Was anything wrong then?”  “No he was completely fine. Did Brian say anything about what’s going on?”  “Nah, I tried to ask but you know what he’s like when he’s hard. Cheeks still kinda hurt from the gag.”  You nodded knowingly, “Well thanks for the heads up. I’ll see what I can do.”  “If he wants a threesome to cheer himself up, let me know okay?”  You smiled gratefully, resolving to actually learn her name once you’d sorted Roger out, and hurried into the next available lift.  
Roger wasn’t in his suite when you knocked on the door so you leant against it to wait. Thankfully not long, though Roger didn’t seem particularly happy when he did appear.”  "Look, sorry Y/N, but I’m not really in the mood right now.”  You put on your best pout and softened your voice, “Poor Rog. Maybe I can make it better? Or at least distract you?”  He shook his head, “Not now.”  “Alright,” you dropped the voice and stood up straight, letting Roger reach for his lock, “But I actually have a bone to pick with you. These sticks you gave me aren’t as nice as you promised.”  “What?” He stopped in the door way, holding the door open with his foot.  You reached into the back and pulled the drumsticks out, holding them out to him, “You said they’d be new and have your name on them.”  Roger seemed to barely hear you as he snatched the sticks from your hand and pressed them to his chest, “Oh my god you found them.”  It was your turn to be confused, “What?”  “I thought I’d lost them on the road. Been searching everywhere.” He finally actually opened the door and headed inside so you followed waiting for the full explanation. But inside you were a little distracted by the state of the room. Most of Roger’s belongings appeared to have been pulled from his bags and strewn about the room.   “How’d you get these?”  “You gave them to me. Well you told me to take them from your bag. Rog I know I give good head but I thought you’d remember that.”  Roger let out a relieved laugh, “No, Y/N. These are my lucky sticks. I’ve had them since I was a kid. Don’t use them anymore obviously, but I like keeping them nearby when I play.”  “But you told me to have them,”  “I meant,” he looked around for a moment and then dug a box with two brand new drumsticks in it out of a pile of his clothes, “I meant these ones.”  “Shit. Sorry for taking them.”  “I don’t care. I’m just grateful you brought them back.” It was like he’d only just realised you were there and dressed in short shorts with no bra one because his gaze flicked up and down taking everything in, “Maybe I need to prove it.”  You could practically see him getting stiff, realising he’d not fucked anyone for over 12 hours, “Oh yeah, you definitely should.” You pressed on his shoulder until he dropped to his knees.   He watched in rapt attention as you undid your shorts and let them drop.  “Now let’s see. Not only did suck your cock last night and let you cum, but now I’ve basically just saved your show. So I think that’s worth a good two orgasms...to start.”  Roger nodded eagerly as you back towards the bedroom beckoning him to follow. Before you disappeared into the room you called out, “bring those new sticks you’re giving me too. Think they’ll make a nice mark on your arse.”  Roger groaned as your shirt landed in the doorway and he reached for the box. 
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Alarma suna la 5 fix. O închid repede sa nu te trezească și ma duc sa pregătesc micul dejun.
E gata așa ca vin să te trezesc cu sărutări din ce în ce mai apăsate "Bună dimineața, Soare ☀️!"...niciun răspuns de la tine 😁mormăi ceva, te întinzi ca o pisica și te întorci cu spatele la mine dezvelindu-ti fundul 🤤... Ma abțin sa îl degust asa ca iti dau o palma peste el...deschzi ochii așteptând o continuare dar.. "n-avem timp acum roșcato, ți-au ajuns 2h ore aseară 😁, hai sa plecam ca se face lumina"
Peste 30 de minute suntem deja pe autostrada în drum spre mare... Ești încă somnoroasa, asa ca deschid geamul un pic cât sa iti fluture prin par, ne privim și dam muzica tare, îți desfaci centura și te apropii periculos de mine cu gura la ureche și o mana între picioare 🙈. "O sa iti placa weekend-ul asta... Promit! " aud în urechea dreapta și privirea ta îmi spune ca ma paște o surpriză. 🥰.
Ajungem în Vama și e surprinzător de liber, Soarele abia răsare... Asa ca te rog sa cumperi niște apa, iar eu ma apuc de instalat cortul pe plaja. Avem noroc sa fim primii lângă apa 🤩 asa ca usa cortului va fii mereu deschisa.
Începe sa fie cald, am transpirat și tu nu mai apari🤔. Scot telefonul și pana sa apelez aud din spate "Edddd!! Ia uite ce am gasit!!!". Ma întorc și va vad... Tu și Blondi, buna ta amica😈, va țineți de mana, iar sticlele de apa rece v-au udat tricourile pe sub care nu v-ati obosit sa purtați sutien 🤦🏻‍♂️.
"Heyy! Ce faci Blondie? De unde ai apărut și ce e cu ghiozdanul asta?
Blondi sare la gatul meu, ma pupa, ca și cum eu sunt BFF-ul ei, nu tu😁, ii simt o mana cum ma strânge de spatele transpirat și îmi spune nonșalant "Pai mă plictiseam acasă, am luat un tren și un microbuz și uite-ma! 😂 Doar ca n-am cazare și nici bani asa ca dorm la voi😁. Ce părere ai? "
Zâmbesc și ma uit la tine, îmi faci cu ochiul și deja am un feeling ca stiu ce surpriza ma asteapta😈. "Da normal, nu e prea mare cortul dar are vedere la mare 😂, și eventual dacă nu e loc dorm eu în masina🤪"
Va uitați una la alta și incepeți sa râdeți 😂
"S-o crezi tu!" se aude la unison. Iti dai hainele jos, prin spate ii dai și ei tricoul jos fix în fata mea, o iei pe Blondie de mana și fugiți amândouă semigoale în apa... 🥰
Eu va urmăresc cu privirea și deja imaginile sunt în slowmotion cu voi doua ca să va pot admira sanii și bucile cum se misca în alergare 🤤... Mi se scoala instant... 🤦🏻‍♂️ Asa ca ma întorc la treaba fără sa știu ce aveam sa patesc la noapte.
Pe zi am stat la plaja, am ras și am glumit toți 3, v-am privit cum va dădeați sanii cu crema una alteia🤤 și ne-am împrietenit cu o gasca de studenți cu care am baut câteva beri pana a apus soarele.
Ne întoarcem la cort și adormim toți 3 răpuși de căldură...
La miezul nopții ne trezește muzica de la clubul de pe plaja și decidem sa mergem sa dansam un pic.
Va trageți câte o rochita pe voi sub privirile mele socate ca ati decis împreună să nu purtați chiloți și pornim către plaja de unde vine muzica.
După câteva pahare și dansuri împreună ne așezăm sa ne tragem sufletul pe o barca trasa la mal. Ne aprindem câte o țigară.
" Ma duc sa mai iau o sticla, vreau sa îmi fac de cap pana dimineața" zice Blondi și pleacă către bar. Nu face doi pași iar tu sari pe mine și ma săruți flamanda, îți simt căldură ce vine de sub rochita și deja regret ca nu am 3 mâini cu care sa iti ating atât sanii cât și dulceata. "Edd vreau sa adorm în orgasme în noaptea asta, du-te după Blondi și hai în cort".
Te privesc și deja înțeleg ce îți dorești. Asa ca având aprobarea ta alerg către bar înainte sa apuce Blondie sa comande. Ajung înainte ca barmanul sa ii ia comanda asa ca o cuprind pe la spate și ii șoptesc la ureche "Blondo, lasa bautură, prietena ta ne vrea în cort pe amândoi, acum!"
O vad cum zâmbește și face ochii mari, apoi îmi ia o mana și ma pune sa ii ating interiorul coapsei pana sub rochita, lăsându-ma sa descopăr cum sucul ei s-a prelins deja pe picior "Credeam ca nu ma mai invitați odată! "
Ajungem în cort și te găsim goala pe spate atigandu-ti clitul și jucând-te cu unul din sfarcuri, ne spui "sunteți cam îmbrăcați pentru ce urmează dragilor! "
Asa ca dintr-o mișcare ii ridic rochita Blondei, iar ea ma scăpa de pantaloni și tricou într-o secunda, cuprinși de dorința o apuc pe la spate începem sa ne sarutam în timp ce eu ii masez sanii iar ea își scuipa în palma și începe sa mi-o frece violent... Nu-mi vine sa cred ca fac asta în fata ta 🙈, dar te privesc cum te arcuiesti uitând-te la noi și îmi dau seama cât de mult iti place.
Ne faci semn cu degetul sa ne apropiem, iar Blondie mi-o ia înainte și se napusteste între picioarele tale unde începe sa sărute și sa lingă tot ce ai tu mai dulce...
Am în fata o roșcată hot linsa de o blonda voluptoasa cu fundul spre mine... Nici nu știu cu care sa încep...
Imi aduc aminte totuși ce umeda e gura ta asa ca ti-o aduc deasupra capului, iar tu fără sa eziți ii iei capul în gura după ce ii dai de câteva ori târcoale cu limba, mana ta îmi strânge coaiele ușor și le trage spre tine asa încât pula mea e toată la tine în gura pana în gat... 🥰. Nu mai poți respira asa ca ma retrag repede admirând toată saliva dintre gura ta și pula mea. O mai iei de câteva ori asa și simt cum Blondie își face treaba bine acolo jos pentru ca de fiecare data când îți suge și musca clitul... Tu iti inclestezi maxilarul și asta creează o senzație grozava pentru mine care sunt adânc în gura ta...
Te arcuiesti, dar vreau sa te mai chinui un pic asa ca ma duc în spatele blondei care nu se mai satura de mierea care izvorăște continuu din tine, ii dau câteva palme peste fund sa știe ca urmeaza ea, iar după ce ii trag de par capul pe spate, ca să se oprească din lins, întru încet dar adânc în ea. Tu ii vezi ochii mari și surprinși și zâmbești în timp ce o tragi spre tine ca să va puteți săruta flamand cum ti-ai dorit de când ai văzut o azi. "Am udat-o bine înainte? " o întrebi, iar ea printre răsuflari, pentru ca încep sa ma mișc din ce în ce mai rapid și mai adânc iti zice ca "As vrea sa o uzi mereu pentru mine dacă se simte asa, promiti sa îmi faci bucuria asta mai des?" zâmbești, ii bagi mâinile în par, ii sugi limba și ii spui "bucură-te de moment și mai negociem, Edd e cel ce are ultimul cuvant😈"
Înnebunit de discuția și privirile voastre simt cum se apropie extazul maxim asa ca încetinesc ritmul, o scot din Blonda și o bag în tine, suficient cât sa dai ochii peste cap surprinsa de mișcare dar nu pt mult timp pentru ca o surprind înapoi le Blondie și alternez între florile voastre ca o albină, minunadu-ma cât sunteți de ude amândouă și cât nectar de al vostru e la mine pe pula🤤.
Obosesc puțin și tu ma simți, ii șoptești ceva blondei la ureche și ma trezesc deodată trântit pe spate, tu lingadu-ma pe lungime de tot lichiorul blondei "Blondie, dar ce aroma bună ai!" după care te așezi ușor pe vine și ți-o potrivești în asa fel încât atunci când te lași de tot, eu sunt adânc în tine... 🥰 Nu apuc sa ma bucur de priveliște ca ma trezesc cu fagurele Blondei deasupra gurii mele, pe care încep sa îl gust fără retineri. Nu vad dar simt. Tu sari înnebunită în mine, iar blonda și-o freacă de fata mea înainte și înapoi, și aud cum va sărutați ca și cum ar fi prima oara. Gemetele noastre se aud probabil pana în Mamaia, dar nu va pasa, sunteți înnebunite de moment iar Blondei se freacă din ce în ce mai tare, limba mea e adânc în ea, nasul meu ii masează cercul maroniu iar clitul se atinge de barbă... O simt cum nu mai rezista și explodează într-un squirt pe pieptul meu, e de vis🥰... Întinzi tot lichidul pe abdomenul meu și te opresti din mișcări. - "E delicios Blondo!" - "E rândul tău Roșcato!
Imi place când cooperati, și în timp ce Blondie se așează la loc pe fata mea, tu te lași ușor pe spate sprijinita într-o mana și începi sa te misti la fel de adânc.. Simt cum te contracti și cum capul pulii mele iti cauta punctul ala 😈... Nu durează pana îl găsim iar în timp ce te masezi la clit...izbunesti într-un squirt exploziv de care Blondie se bucura în hohote și care odată prelins de pe sanii ei îmi ajunge și mie în gura 🤤. Suntem un triunghi perfect❤️
Îți tremură genunchii așa ca te lași pe spate, iar Blondie ca o prietena buna se napusteste asupra ta într-un 69 perfect. 😈. O vad cu cata pofta te savurează iar și nu vreau sa o întrerup, eu sunt norocosul care mai primește și acasă zilnic desert din asta🤤, asa ca ma pun în spatele ei și întru cu pula în ea și cu un deget umed ii masez cercul maroniu care o face sa scoată un sunet diferit dar la fel de sexy😈... Tu te bucuri de priveliște și decizi sa iti plimbi limba peste coaiele mele provocându-mi senzații noi😈... Te simți nebunatica și limba ta explorează și mai mult... Nu rezist mult și la ultimele mișcări adânci Blonda cedează lăsând-se cu toată greutatea pe tine iar eu din câteva zvacniri o umplu cu crema ta preferata ieșind ușor din ea și lăsând soarele care tocmai răsare sa îmi ofere cea mai buna priveliste: sperma mea se revarsă din Blondie direct pe limba ta care așteaptă insetata🤤🤤🤤😈😈😈. Ma las răpus pe spate, iar voi ca doua prietene bune veniți peste mine de-o parte și de alta și împărțiți dulceata printr-un sărut suculent❤️.
"Mâine vă duc la munte fetelor :))!" e tot ce mai pot zice înainte sa va privesc cum adormiți în bratele mele.
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sweet-demiboi · 1 year
Roger Taylor x Male!Reader
Warnings: smut, obviously, light chocking, Top!Roger, Bottom!M!Reader, not really a dom/sub dynamic, you get a cramp and you have to take a break, missionary/doggy position, trans dudes/poc can read this Ig (the word dick isn't really specified and only used once for M!Reader, so I think you could imagine it as tdick)
Summary: The first time you have sex after Roger is back from a tour - with a little accident.
No Fem!Readers, please!
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"Mhh, Rog~", you moaned.
Roger had been on tour, so you hadn't seen each other for weeks, the only thing you could use for a bit of contact were telephones. Usually though, you were in different time zones which made it hard for both of you to talk to the other.
The reunion after such a long period of time was always nice though, falling in each other's arms, laughing and telling stories with gleaming eyes. The first kiss was also always just as amazing. You loved Roger's soft lips all the time, but they seemed to feel even better when you hadn't kissed him for long.
And it had become a kind of tradition for you to immediately get each other out of their clothes when you set foot in your shared apartment. You both absolutely loved the get-back-together-sex. It was rough from all the emotions and lust, you both had to keep at bay for weeks.
In those moments you felt an intense connection, time seemed to slow down, the world was focused on you, and your eyes always locked.
In those moments with rough hands feeling each other up, hickeys sucked into skin, and rough fucking, there also always were soft, slow kisses, when Roger was fully inside you for the first time. There was his breath out, closing his eyes, just being at peace because he was finally able to feel you again.
Then he would smile at you, lean down, cradle one hand at your neck, and kiss your lips ever so softly. In his eyes, you deserved soft touches from him and he loved providing you with such.
Then he would start to move, making you moan and claw at his back. Often times you would cry some tears of pleasure, which deepened Roger's want.
His favorite position in this situation was you on your back, under him, and your legs spread as widely as they could go, letting him see and feel up your thighs. You being sprawled out under him was one of his favorite sights. He was able to touch you anywhere he wanted, see every emotion flickering over your face, hear every moan, grunt, or cry come out of your mouth, and watch your chest heaving with deep breaths.
He loved to see the man of his dreams like this. His perfect boyfriend. In one moment he would caress your cheek and in the next wrap his hand around your neck, making you groan.
Right in this moment, he was.
"You like that, baby?", a rhethorical question. Your eyes, hands on his wrist and glistening chest were telling him everything, already.
"Fuck, yeah", you breathed out "I missed you so much" He chuckled at that "Missed you too, baby" He squeezed your neck, making you moan lightly. He bit his lip at that "You look even better with my hand wrapped around your neck like that"
You chuckled lightly, out of breath, and searched for his eyes "I think so too" Next, you let yourself get lost in pleasure, closing your eyes allowed you to feel the contact even more intense. Him, being inside you, pulling out and pushing in, hitting your sweet spot dead on with every thrust of his hips.
His one hand wrapped around your throat, not making it particularily harder to breathe, just gripping it, which you absolutely loved.
Your hands wandered to his hips, feeling the hot skin under your fingertips as well as the motion he was creating. You could feel his muscles move, letting your hands direct him a little, gripping down on him.
This, paired with your closed eyes and breathing going faster told Roger that you were close. He smirked at that and only grazed his fingers over your sex, making you shudder. He started to massage your dick to get you over the edge and right before you were about to come, there was a pain in your thigh.
"Ah, fuck", you moaned in pain "Red, fuck, Roger, pull out" Your eyes snapped open, when your boyfriend immediately pulled out of you after hearing your safeword. You closed your legs, hand coming up over the cramped muscle in reflex. You sat up with a pained expression on your face.
"(Y/N), is everything okay?", Roger's hand was already on your shoulder, trying to provide some sort of comfort. His eyes were nervously flickering over your body, trying to find the reason of your pain "Did I hurt you? Was I being too rough?"
"No", you answered through clenched teeth "It's a cramp" - "Ah, shit, where?" - "Thigh" His hand was over yours in not even a second, pressing down on the aching muscle, until the pain left your body.
"You okay?", he asked, blue eyes looking at you worriedly "No", you cried out "I was just about to come" Roger laughed relieved "I know, love, I'm sorry for you. How about we have a short break and switch position?"
"Yeah", you replied, still a little pissed at your body for ruining your chance at an orgasm.
"That wasn't your fault", your boyfriend reassured you, giving you a kiss on top of your head, and cradling your cheek "Okay?"
"Yes, I know that", you half-smiled at him "It's just annoying when that happens. Especially when you're fucking me this good"
That made Roger grin cockily "We can get back at that" - "Hoped so" Your break was filled with making out, and touching each other, giving you butterflies. It always did, when Roger's tongue in your mouth was involved.
You decided on doggy for your next position, after you had confirmed that your thigh was okay again.
You pressed your cheek against the matraze, sticking out your ass, and arching your back. You knew that Roger loved that. It was confirmed to you after you heard a muttered "Fuck" from your boyfriend. The next thing you felt was him inside you again, pounding you roughly.
This time, you both were able to come. Much quicker than usual, due to the almost-orgasms from before.
After cleaning up, you found yourself laying on Roger's chest, his arms slung around you. "I love you so much, baby", you whispered "I love you too" Roger gave you a soft kiss on the forehead and started to caress your back until you fell asleep.
You were so glad he finally was back. You had missed cuddling like this.
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beesmygod · 8 months
lawyer's lappy looks like an ASUS brand, specifically the ostentatious "Republic of Gamers" sub-branding. probably a ROG Strix SCAR 17? ($2500-$3700 USD)
i live in the republic of gamers
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Just The Two Of Us - Roger Taylor x Fem!Reader
Summary: Roger and the reader go on a little getaway to a cottage. that's it. Very fluffy. 
Warnings/content: minimal swearing, smut, mention of kinks/sexual experimenting(dom/sub, spanking, orgasm denial, etc - does not go into detail), vaginal sex, fluff, mention of insecurity
Word count: 3.1k
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Roger was always the vacation type. He loved going to tropical places, or at least places that were sunnier than London. He would sometimes spend hours sunbathing. He once made the mistake of tanning in leather pants and you teased him ruthlessly until the tan line faded. He was a tourist at heart, even if he tried to act like a local. Luckily for him, his career allowed lots of travelling. 
Roger had declared that this vacation was going to be different. You weren't exactly sure in what aspect, but nevertheless, you were still over the moon. 
You rest your head against Rogers shoulder as he drove. You had been driving for hours, and by now you were in a forest and miles away from the nearest convenience store. He had you on map control, but you were still confused. “Are we there yet?” you ask like an impatient child. “Actually, yes,” Roger says with a laugh.
You hear as the pattern becomes different. The car shakes ever so slightly as Roger turns into a gravel road. “Ah ha!” he grins. “Knew we’d find it,” he hummed confidently. You sit up straight to get a better view of your surroundings. “And… what exactly is it?”
Roger slows down as he reaches a small house at the end of the road. “This,” he says proudly. You look out through the windshield and are greeted by a humble farmhouse-like cabin that was covered in flowers and vegetation. You always had a liking for older buildings like this. 
“Oh, Rog, I love it!” you smile and give him a kiss. “I knew you would,” he hums. 
The interior lived up to the outside, and maybe even topped it. Every room had exposed beams that were stained dark brown. The walls were a plaster substance, making the texture pop out as the natural sunlight hit it through the muntin windows. You were practically squealing with excitement as you toured through each room.
Roger joined you in the middle of the room you were currently in. The hardwood floor creaked slightly as he walked over. The little imperfection added to your love for the cabin.
“This is much better than a resort,” you say as Roger's hands wrap around your waist and your arms meet up around his neck. “I’d say,” he hums. “We’ve got the whole thing to ourselves, just the two of us. No other tourists, no workers. And, most importantly,” His hand slowly slides down to cup the curve of your bum, “No fans,” 
Roger loved the fans, of course, but his main focus was his number one fan, you.
“Oh shut up,” you laugh. You stretch up to meet his lips in a warm kiss. You feel his hands run up and down your right side and your back. His touch was insufferable. His arms wrap around your waist, squeezing you which rewards him with one of your heavenly laughs. 
Roger picks you up and spun you around, the creak becoming louder with both of your weights under it. You kick your legs as Roger peppers kisses onto the side of your face and neck. You giggle from the tickles of his lips. You were always so ticklish and Roger used that to his advantage every chance he got. 
You plead with him to stop as your chest tightens but he only replies with teases of “stop what?” and “I’m not doing anything!”
God, you hated him.
Roger eventually stopped the torture and you could finally gasp for some air. “I hate you!” you laugh breathily as your chest heaves. “I love you, too,” Roger grins in his cockiest voice before he gave you a soft kiss on the forehead.
After you catch your breath, Roger suggests that you unpack your things. You neatly tuck away your clothes into a rustic dresser in the master bedroom. Roger had to keep bringing your back to reality after you got distracted by all the little details of the room. The bed was a king-size mattress, and Roger eyed you up as he lay sensually on the bed. 
“How about we break it in?” he asks with his right eyebrow cocked slightly. You giggle at his suggestion. “We could,” you say as you join him on the neatly made bed. You trace your finger along the embroidered comforter. Your fingertip trails further down the threads before you slowly entangle it into Rogers palm. 
“Is that a yes?” he asks as you gently massage his palm. You gaze down at him with a small smile. “It is a yes,” you say. With that quick confirmation, Roger's lips were against yours yet again. He never gave up a chance to be physical with you in any form. He loved to kiss you all over and hear you giggle. If he had to give up his career just to be able to hold you in his arms, he would. No questions asked.
You feel his hands reach up to your cheeks. The pads of his thumbs graze across the peach fuzz of your skin. You shiver from even the slightest contact. He was gentle. He was always so gentle. Unless you asked for him to be rough, then in that case he would seriously fuck you. That mostly happened when you were too horny to think. But you always came back to the meaningful lovemaking.
You slowly push Roger further down onto the bed, and he lies on his back rather than his side. You straddle his hips. He smiles against your lips and you feel his smirk immediately. You couldn't help but smile as well. 
“What's got you smiling?” you ask, and Roger lets out a hum-like laugh before he speaks. “Just like having you on top of me,” 
You laugh before shutting him up with a kiss. Your hips revert to their instinctive motion as they begin grinding against Rogers lap. You hear a soft grunt vibrate against your lips. Roger always got flustered by the simple movements of your hips. His hands trail down your sides to find your hips where he begins guiding you. 
Your mouths open in mutual agreeance. Your tongues slowly begin analyzing the insides of the suitor's mouth. The lewd sound of your mouths felt wrong but was so delightful in the strangest and most unexplainable way possible.
Rogers hands slip under your blouse. His rough and calloused fingers slide across the silk-like material. He migrates his hands to the front where he fumbles with the tiny buttons. He had a longing thirst for you, and these darn pearl buttons were in his way.
You could feel his frustration, so you slowly remove his hands from the hem of your shirt and unbutton it for him. “Fuck- thank you,” he laughs as he takes a moment to breathe. You laugh with him as you unbutton it. You let the silk shirt slide off your shoulders and it falls off the bed. 
Roger cups your breasts as they are still encased in your bralette. You always preferred wearing bralettes rather than push-up bras in the warmer months, and Roger wished you wore them all year round. He loved to squeeze and fondle your chest, and your bralettes allowed him to do that even without undressing you fully. 
Ultimately, his hands were already attempting to pull it off. He always preferred you in nothing. You tut at him as he gripped the clasp. “You've got me half naked and you're still fully clothed,” you point out, and he lets out a laugh. “Be my guest,” he hums. With his invitation, you pull off his light blue t-shirt and are met with his slightly toned chest. Oh, how you loved his physique. He had muscle, but not too much. He had a pair of strong, broad shoulders, along with a little tummy. And of course, you couldn't forget his cute bum.
You let your hands trace abstract lines down Rogers's chest as you meet his lips yet again for an open mouth kiss. He purred against your lips as chills sent through his body. “Baby…” he whispers longingly. “I need you…” 
Your hands reach the top of his jeans. You tug on his belt buckle slightly before carefully undoing it. He hears the familiar sound of his pants unzipping, and he becomes more passionate with the kiss. His cock was almost fully erect by now, you could feel he pushed up against your core each time your crotch ran over his jean-clad length. It was painfully pleasurable. 
As you manage to take off his skinny jeans, his hands are back on your bralette again, this time he successfully took it off without any teasing or protests. 
You hum as Roger kneads your breasts gently. He fondled and squeezed your chest in such a way that sent shivers all throughout your body. His thumbs teased your nipples, causing them to harden under his fingertip.
You open your eyes to give Roger a slightly confusing gaze as he parts from your lips, leaving them wet, swollen, and missing their partner. His lips wrap around your right nipple, causing you to inhale sharply from the sudden moisture. 
“Oh, Rog…” you whisper as your hand comes up to card through his unstyled blonde mop. The pleasure was so close, yet so far away at the same time. “Please, baby,” you beg softly as you gently claw at his boxers. 
Roger let out a small chuckle against your skin before he kissed up your chest and gave you a warm, affirming kiss. “Want you to ride me,” he hums as his hands run up and down your jean-covered thighs. Even if he always loved fucking you on top, or slowly making love with you, he could never get enough of the sight of you on top of him, bouncing over and over again desperate for some form of release. 
You loved the idea of riding him, but Roger could protest that he loved it more.
“Have to get rid of these first,” you quickly begin to unzip your own jeans and remove yourself from his lap to take them off fully. The only thing holding you back from complete delight was two layers of thin fabric. 
The scene was almost comedic. You were both only in your underwear like two virgins not knowing what to do past this point, but you knew what to do. You knew Roger's body so well, as he yours. You knew each and every vein you had to touch to make him moan in pleasure, and you knew every little place to kiss and caress to make him hard as a rock. 
Likewise, he knew just the right speed to lick your little pussy, and how to curve his fingers just right to make your orgasm all over his digits. 
Roger wastes no time as his thumb begins slowly rubbing over your clothed clit. A small wet spot was already appearing from your arousal. You whine against his lips as he pushes against your sensitive little clit. 
“Please…” you beg. A smirk tugs its way onto Roger's lips “What?” he laughs. You take his hand and bring it up to your mouth, placing gentle kisses along his knuckles. “I know you want this just as much as I do,” you squeeze your legs around him tighter, causing a slight groan from him. 
“It's so hard to resist you, Y/N,” 
“So don’t resist,” 
Your panties were now off. Roger snatched them before you could toss them onto the ground. He sniffs your arousal off the fabric and he groans from the heavenly smell like the sexual fanatic he was. A matching wet mark appeared on his boxers. You both knew he wasn't going to last too long. 
You quickly peel back his boxers and slip them down his legs and off his ankles. His cock was hard and ready for your entrance. Now, completely naked, Roger reaches up to kiss you hungrily. “Fuck- ride me, baby. I wanna watch you fuck yourself with my cock…” he growled into your ear. 
You whine at the phrase. You needed him. You needed him more than you needed anything. You grasp his cock, pumping him slowly as you lube his length with your own arousal. Lube wasn't needed, that's how wet you were. 
You hear Roger whimper from your wetness on his sensitive cock. “Fuck me, baby. Please…” he begged softly. He was so needy at times. You loved when he begged. You had experimented with submission and domination before. Roger loved having control over you, but of course, was always cautious. He loved it even more when you were in control of him.
Roger often read kinky magazines and brought a new idea up to you when he found one that interested him. He enjoyed spanking you, and sometimes he would tie you up. He never got too extreme out of fear of hurting you. He always made sure you knew your safe word.
Of course, he has had his fair share of being submissive, as well. You’ve put him in handcuffs before and tried a bit of orgasm denial. He always looked so cute with his big blue eyes staring back at you, begging for more. 
You always felt most connected when things were equal, but you both always end up begging the other for their body. 
You align his tip with your entrance, you feel as he gently pulsates against it. He lifts his hips slightly in the hope to enter you, and you reward him by slowly lowering your hips, meeting him halfway. 
Roger chokes out an airy groan as he enters you raw. “Oh, baby…” he whispers softly. 
You roll your hips against his pelvis, letting out a whine as he fills you completely. “So tight for me, baby girl…” he praises as his hands roam your hips, squeezing every bit of flesh they could grab onto. His head leans back onto the recently fluffed pillow. 
He could tell it was stuffed with feathers rather than cotton. Yet again another aspect he knew you would love and go on a little rant about once you noticed. 
Roger was engulfed in your heat. He groaned in delight with every subtle movement and flux of your inner walls around him. You were rising to the seventh heaven as you continued to ride Roger's cock. You let out a soft moan, causing Roger to jolt his hips upwards.
“That's it,” he praised softly. “Moan for me, petal…”
You gave him what he wanted, and you moaned once again. You moaned his name, and it was music to his ears. 
Roger let out a low moan as he gripped your hips, his knuckles on the verge of going white. “Don't stop, love,” and you don't. There was no way in hell you were stopping.
Your breasts naturally bounced up and down as you rode him. Your right nipple still glistened with Rogers saliva as the natural light hit it. You were at times insecure about your chest, but Roger was always there to comfort and reassure you that there was nothing to be ashamed about. 
He constantly gave you kisses and whispered compliments of how much he loved your body. He never gave up the chance to cop a feel, as well. As your relationship grew, you learned to love your body for how it was.
The sweet, sweet release of ecstasy was on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't reach it, like the hand of your lover ghosting your palm before it abruptly pulled away. A shot of pleasure gets sent through your body like IV fluid being fed into your veins. Your gaze moves down and you see Roger's thumb pressing up against your clit again, rubbing in steady circles.  
Your moans instantly increase in volume as Roger's cock continues to disappear inside of you faster and faster. “Come for me, baby. Come all over my cock…” 
Your hips shudder from the pleasure, and Roger keeps the pad of his thumb firmly on your clit. You moan in delight, both of you completely bewitched by the elevating pleasure. The bed beneath him ceases to exist as his body and mind swims in euphoria. 
The only thing you are able to feel is bliss as you indulge in the serenity and privilege of sexual pleasure. Your hips shake with anticipation as your orgasm grows closer and closer. 
Like a tidal wave rushing over the shore, your body transcends to another consciousness. Chills get sent through your bones, skin trembles as you experience your orgasm. You moan Roger's name and cry out for mercy.
Your inner walls flux tightly around Roger's length. “Oh fuck, Y/N!” he moans. Your come coats his cock, and the sight of your white arousal covering him had him done. His come shot inside of you, groaning like a starving animal as he fills you up entirely. 
You collapse onto Roger's chest. Your skin was tacky as you lay atop his sweaty chest. It was disgusting, but you wouldn't have it any other way. 
“You're amazing…” Roger quietly praised through heavy breaths. “You are, too,” you managed to get out. Roger shook his head with a smile. “You did all the work, petal,” he points out. You let out a small giggle. You suppose he was right.
You slowly lift your hips, releasing Roger from your heat as you both let out a hiss. “Cuddle with me, love,” he hums. You agree and roll over beside him once your breathing has returned to a steady pace. He drapes a quilt over your naked bodies, but the only thing you're able to focus on is Roger's scent. 
You always noticed the little things, but you suppose that's what everybody does when they're in love. You could smell his sweet sweat and the remaining cologne on his skin. You nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck to get a stronger smell, and while you're there you gently kiss his jaw. He always loved your tiny kisses in that area. 
Yes, the sex was amazing, but you always looked forward to the loving cuddles and kisses after. Especially after some rough play, Roger was the most loving and gentle man on the planet. 
Roger wraps two protective arms around you, holding you tight in a hug. “I love you, Y/N…” he whispers into your hair. 
You smile against his skin. “I love you, too, Roggie…” he blushes at the nickname. If anybody else in the world were to call him that name he would bash their head in, but when he heard it in your soft voice which he loved so dearly to hear, he melted right on the spot every time you said it. 
“These pillows are made of feathers,” you observe, and he laughs. “Yes, Y/N. Yes, they are,”
He knew you were going to love this vacation.
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hanumankatha · 9 months
Shree Hanuman Chalisa lyrics In English
Shri Guru Charan Sarooja-raj Nija manu Mukura Sudhaari Baranau Rahubhara Bimala Yasha Jo Dayaka Phala Chari Budhee-Heen Thanu Jannikay Sumirow Pavana Kumara Bala-Budhee Vidya Dehoo Mohee Harahu Kalesha Vikaara
Tumblr media
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar || 1 ||
Ram doot atulit bal dhama Anjaani-putra Pavan sut nama || 2 ||
Mahabir Bikram Bajrangi Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi || 3 ||
Kanchan varan viraj subesa Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesha || 4 ||
Hath Vajra Aur Dhuvaje Viraje Kaandhe moonj janehu sajai || 5 ||
Sankar suvan kesri Nandan Tej prataap maha jag vandan || 6||
Vidyavaan guni ati chatur Ram kaj karibe ko aatur || 7 ||
Prabu charitra sunibe-ko rasiya Ram Lakhan Sita man Basiya || 8 ||
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava Vikat roop dhari lank jarava || 9 ||
Bhima roop dhari asur sanghare Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare || 10 ||
Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye Shri Raghuvir Harashi ur laye || 11 ||
Raghupati Kinhi bahut badai Tum mam priye Bharat-hi-sam bhai || 12 ||
Sahas badan tumharo yash gaave Asa-kahi Shripati kanth lagaave || 13 ||
Sankadhik Brahmaadi Muneesa Narad-Sarad sahit Aheesa || 14 ||
Yam Kuber Digpaal Jahan te Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan te || 15 ||
Tum upkar Sugreevahin keenha Ram milaye rajpad deenha || 16 ||
Tumharo mantra Vibheeshan maana Lankeshwar Bhaye Sub jag jana || 17 ||
Yug sahastra jojan par Bhanu Leelyo tahi madhur phal janu || 18 ||
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahee Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj nahee || 19 ||
Durgaam kaj jagath ke jete Sugam anugraha tumhre tete || 20 ||
Ram dwaare tum rakhvare Hoat na agya binu paisare || 21 ||
Sub sukh lahae tumhari sar na Tum rakshak kahu ko dar naa || 22 ||
Aapan tej samharo aapai Teenhon lok hank te kanpai || 23 ||
Bhoot pisaach Nikat nahin aavai Mahavir jab naam sunavae || 24 ||
Nase rog harae sab peera Japat nirantar Hanumant beera || 25 ||
Sankat se Hanuman chudavae Man Karam Vachan dyan jo lavai || 26 ||
Sab par Ram tapasvee raja Tin ke kaj sakal Tum saja || 27 ||
Aur manorath jo koi lavai Sohi amit jeevan phal pavai || 28 ||
Charon Yug partap tumhara Hai persidh jagat ujiyara || 29 ||
Sadhu Sant ke tum Rakhware Asur nikandan Ram dulhare || 30 ||
Ashta-sidhi nav nidhi ke dhata As-var deen Janki mata || 31 ||
Ram rasayan tumhare pasa Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa || 32 ||
Tumhare bhajan Ram ko pavai Janam-janam ke dukh bisraavai || 33 ||
Anth-kaal Raghuvir pur jayee Jahan janam Hari-Bakht Kahayee || 34 ||
Aur Devta Chit na dharehi Hanumanth se hi sarve sukh karehi || 35 ||
Sankat kate-mite sab peera Jo sumirai Hanumat Balbeera || 36 ||
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosahin Kripa Karahu Gurudev ki nyahin || 37 ||
Jo sat bar path kare kohi Chutehi bandhi maha sukh hohi || 38 ||
Jo yah padhe Hanuman Chalisa Hoye siddhi sakhi Gaureesa || 39 ||
Tulsidas sada hari chera Keejai Nath Hridaye mein dera || 40 ||
Pavan Tanay Sankat Harana Mangala Murati Roop Ram Lakhana Sita Sahita Hriday Basahu Soor Bhoop
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Roger knocks insistantly on Brian's door.
Brian, answering the door in a panic, half dressed, arm out of a shirt sleeve, no shoes on: What? Rog? What's wrong?
Roger: I need you to come with me
Brian: What's happened?
Roger: I need you to do something for me.
Brian: What? Why? What-
Roger tries to pull Brian out of the flat and Brian is doing a bad job of getting his arm into his sleeve.
Brian: For the love of god, just, STOP. Hold on.
Brian gets his arm in his sleeve and then puts his hand on Roger's shoulder.
Brian: What's happened? Is it Freddie, or Deaky, or Dom?
Roger: What? No it's not that kind of emergency
Brian, panic gone, now perplexed: Well what other kind is there that needs me knocked up so early? I'm not even dressed!
Roger: Brian, it's quarter to 11.
Brian: ... So!?
Roger: Fine. *mutters under his breath as if Brian is the unreasonable one in this situation* FFS... *Looks at Brian* I need to get more books out of the library and the librarian won't let me
Brian: .... Books? You're having a book emergency?
Roger: YES
Brian: I'm going back to bed.
Roger: No! No! Come on, please. I need you to check these books out fo rme
Brian: Why can't you do it? You're always in there anyway
Roger: No I tried and she won't let me because I already have 10 out
Brian: Oh. Can't you ask-
Roger: I tried, she really won't bend the rules
Brian, smirking: Huh. Someone who's immune to the Roger Taylor smile. Never thought-
Roger: Yes yes, old librarian woman doesn't fancy me, move on. I need these books, Brian. We'll be bored for about 4 hours every day.
Brian: I won't be bored.
Roger: Of course you won't be bored, you read slower than one of those snails you're always trying to save!
Brian: ... I'm going back to bed
Roger: No no. For god sakes, i'm sorry. Please.
Roger: Please.
Roger gives him The Roger Taylor Sadface.
Brian, who is not immune to Roger Taylor's Sadface: Fine. What is it you want me to do?
Roger: You go in the library, I'll give you a list of the books I want, and then you get them out under your library card
Brian: Isn't this fraud of some sort?
Roger: No!
Brian: Okay. Fine. Let me get my shoes on and my keys.
Roger: Okay.
*cut to the library*
Brian: Hi, i'd like to get these books out, please
Librarian, looks down at the books, looks up at Brian, looks down at the books, looks up at Brian: Do you now?
Brian: Erm... yes please?
Librarian: Okay then. Some of these books have been lying on the shelf for three or four years but just today two people try and take tham out. That's funny, isn't it?
Brian: ... Yes. They were recomm- I saw them on a list
Librarian: I bet you did. All ten?
Brian: Yes, all ten
Librarian stamps each book for Brian, giving him a sten look after every stamp.
Librarian: You can tell Mr Taylor that whilst I do appreciate a keen reader, sub-letting books is actually illegal and there is only so much a librarian can turn a blind eye to. Do you understand?
Brian: ... who's Mr Taylor?
Librarian, looking down her nose at him over her glasses: Mr May, I have known you long enough to know many things about you, including your absent mindedness, but even I refuse to believe you are so absent minded to forget you are in a band with your drummer, Mr Roger Taylor.
Brian: Oh that Mr Taylor.
Librarian: Just... Go. See these are returned by the 12th.
Brian: Will do. *meekly* Thank you.
Librarian: hmmmm...
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Most to least dominant? Lords of Gondolin.
a/n: I could have sworn this was answered before but I was wrong :)
Salgant (he's not a sub but prefers giving orders for you to serve him, yk)
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illfoandillfie · 2 years
Kinktober Day 22: Collar
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: (70s) Roger Taylor x Reader
Words: 850
Warnings: choker as a collar, sub!rog, dom!reader, light possessiveness
A/N: idk man, 70s rog in a choker just does something to me.
Roger had managed to get half-dressed before he realised his choker was missing. He’d pulled on his jeans but as he was reaching for his shirt his eyes had slipped to his bedside table and he’d noticed the empty space where the choker normally lay. Brows furrowed he’d picked up his alarm clock and a mostly empty glass of water, hoping the choker had become hidden by one or the other. But there was no sign of it.   “Gotta be here,” he mumbled to himself, trying to remember if he’d put it elsewhere the night before. He had got home a little late and with a few more drinks in him than he’d intended but he’d not been completely plastered and he was sure he could remember taking it off and putting it in the usual spot. Dropping to his knees, Roger ran his hand under his bed in case it had fallen to the floor during the night, but he rose again empty handed. With growing frustration and panic he searched the rest of his room – pulling back his sheets, moving piles of clutter around his desk, even going through his pile of dirty laundry.   “Ugh, whatever,” Roger grumbled when he still hadn’t found it. He rubbed absentmindedly at his bare throat, opening his bedroom door with a little more force than was necessary, and headed out to make breakfast, trying to convince himself the choker would turn up. But two steps out the door he decided food could wait and headed to the lounge room to check between the couch cushions.  
When Brian awoke and blearily stumbled his way out of bed, it was to the sounds of Roger cursing from the kitchen.   “Whasamatter,” He asked, reaching for the kettle. “Have you seen my choker? I can’t find it anywhere.” Brian leaned against the kitchen bench and blinked as at the question slowly began to make sense, “Choker? No. Whats it look like?” “Like a fucking choker, Bri. Jesus how are you pulling the best grades of any of us. It’s black velvet, chain at the back, I wear it all the time.” “Haven’t seen it. Did you try retracing your steps?” “Thanks, hadn’t thought of that,” Roger grunted sarcastically. Brian rolled his eyes, “Well how should I bloody know where you left it. You’ve got about twenty of them anyway, just wear a different one.” “No, I can’t. Y/N’s going to be here soon and she bought it for me and I promised her I’d wear it.” “She’ll understand, she’s a good sort.” “You don’t get it,” Roger huffed as he stormed back to his room, his hand rubbing against his throat again. Brian didn’t understand, he couldn’t. It was more than just a choker. The rational part of his brain knew it wouldn’t really matter if he couldn’t find it before you arrived, or if he went out with you and didn’t wear it. But you’d specially picked it out for him and he hated not knowing where it was. He hated the idea of not wearing it when you were with him. When you’d first suggested the idea of collaring him, he’d thought you were just being a bit jealous of other girls flirting with him. He’d agreed to humour you more than anything. But now not having it made him feel naked and like he was letting you down. With growing desperation Roger dropped to his knees to search the floor again.
You knocked on the door, a little earlier than you said you’d be, and said good morning to Brian as he let you inside.   “Your boyfriend’s been tearing this place apart looking for a choker,” Brian said exasperatedly, “I think he’s back in his room.”   You laughed and headed down the now familiar hallway, reaching the doorway of Roger’s room just in time to see him sitting back on his knees with a triumphant look, the choker dangling from his closed fist.   “Find it?” Roger jumped, startled, “Y/N!” He scrambled to his feet, “Bri wasn’t supposed to tell you I lost it. Not that I did lose it, it just fell off the bedside table and got caught in between some of my records and I-” “It’s okay Rog, I’m teasing,” you laughed, “Besides, it’s a choker, I could always buy you another one.” “I know,” He pouted, “I just like wearing your collar. I like knowing I’m yours.” “Do you want me to help put it back on?” “Yes please,” He sounded a little breathless as he handed it to you and turned around. You gently brushed his hair to the side so you could fasten it, “Good boy.”   Roger shivered as you pressed a soft hiss to the back of his neck and straightened his hair, and when he turned around he was smiling, “I like when you call me that.” “You’re cute.” You giggled, working a finger under the choker to test its fit. Rogers breath caught and you raised your eyebrows at him.   “I like when you do that too,” You pulled him in closer for a kiss.
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ridearockox · 1 year
thinkin bout who foursomes where one of them is the main focus
john-centric foursome where he's calling all the shots, whether he's telling them what to do with him or with each other (i feel like pete probably wouldnt be the kinkiest guy ever but would maybe get in on a little light domming or subbing occasionally, just for funsies)
a keith-centric foursome on the other hand would probably be him subbing for all of them, just trying to get all the attention and validation and praise he can <3
OK, but the fact that you are in my head anon??? I was just thinking abotu that exact scenario for Keith just before I got this ask?
i'm putting this behind a read more because I might have went down a very explicit path when talking about sub!Keith lol
John calling the shots is just =melts= Yes he would, either in a dom way or in a "Look, I know what I'm doing, let me just coordinate you guys" because Pete is awkward since he isn't super into kinky shit but sure he'll make an effort, this seems like a good Bonding Activity(tm) for them so OK, Roger is doing his best not to seem too eager about it (spoilers: he's really into it, maybe more than he expected, but while trying to not seem too eager he's being awkward as well), and Keith is just... behaving as himself and someone needs to control him at least just a little so he doesnt scare Pete and Roger (I'm sure him and John were the ones that talked Pete and Rog into it).
The "Keith subbing to all of them for validation and to revel into his praise kink" angle though? Chef's kiss, five stars, 10/10!!!! Specially spicy if it's post 1970 where they were all on "no fucks given" mode and doing stuff like, leaving all sorts of marks on him from hickeys to bites, and writing things all over his body in a "degrading but praising" way like "moans like a pathetic slut <3", "best bottom I've fucked", "five star blowjob". Also bonus points if Keith is restrained in some way??? Hands tied behind his back so he can't use them??? They put a ballgag on him at some point because he's being too loud and he's just drooling all over it??? /goes feral
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vermanaward · 2 years
rolled another baby alt on one of the new servers a little while back for ‘free sub time obtaining’ purposes and dragging her to 30 before the patch drops, and
i’ve never paid attention to it before but given his knight-in-shining-armour aspirations i find it simultaneously amusing and weirdly fitting that thancred uses pld skills and animations (even if he’s visually just using a knife). i guess switching to gnb really wasn’t as much of a change as people make out; boy was always a tank at heart. if anything, his brief flirting with rog/nin is the outlier.
whee, useless information~
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lalicicek91 · 16 days
《Sub marea înghețată》 - inspirat din <mitul anotimpurilor>. Cap 1
Cu mult timp în urmă, când muzele încă abia începeau să-şi facă cântecele auzite printre oameni, în ținutul olimpienilor, şi pe marea largă se petreceau întâmplări ce vor pune la punct trecerea timpului, prin răsuflarea anotimpurilor...
Primăvară, vară, toamnă, iarnă
şi, din nou, iar primăvară...
Toate se adună într-un cerc,
Noi poveşti să toarcă încep...
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Se întâmpla că Zeița Muncii Pământului, da, zeița agriculturii, numită Demetra, fusese ochită de Zeul Mării, Poseidon. Impunător cum era el i se impuse ei, dar ea îl refuzase de nenumărate ori: "Fugi d-aici, nu vreau să am de-aface cu tine", zicea ea, cu o voce răsunătoare, apropiindu-şi voalul aurit ca pentru a se feri. "Îmi eşti doar frate şi atât, nu suport apele tale tulburi care îmi îneacă recoltele, şi aerele tale de îngâmfat. De ar şti Dias ce faci, cum i s-ar părea?" "Cum să i se pară lui?, îi răspunse el cu un zâmbet murdar, cu subînțeles, apropiinduşi fața lui de ea, dar ea se feri şi plecă în grabă, să îşi vadă de treburile ei.
Vremea trecea, vântul rece al nordului îşi cam făcea de cap, însă Demetra îl certa, iar el pleca, să nu mai tulbure câmpu-i...
Zeul Mării nu o putea uita pe zeița ce îi fusese dragă. Dar cu cât mai mult timp trecea, dezgustat fiind de atitudinea ei față de el, dar nu şi de ea însăşi ca făptură dulce, voluptuoasă, şi atât de frumoasă. Chiar de ea o respingea, el începuse a se îndârji mai tare să o aibă cu orice preț. Dar ar fi putut vreodată, oare, cu adevărat?
Pe atunci timpurile nu erau ca acum. Soarele era mereu egal de darnic cu lumina sa pe toată suprafața pământului, doar vânturile îşi mai făceau de cap, dar şi ele ajutau la împrăştierea căldurii, dincolo de carul lui Helios. ...
Într-o zi, fiind ca deobicei ieşită pe câmp, el se apropie de ea în chip de cal. Ea era cu spatele, se ocupa de grâu, dar îi simți răsuflarea rece ca a mării şi alesese să zboare în chip de pasăre măiastră. Pasărea, deşi mică, era foarte agilă. Şi Poseidon luă formă de acvilă ca să îşi i-a zborul către ea, dar Demetra, în forma micii păsări trecu pe lângă nişte flori şi le împrăştie polenul ca să îl distragă pe zeul îndărătnic, acoperită fiind pe aripi de praful puțin lipicios al florii. Apoi ea se retransformase în iapă ca să fugă mai departe, căci nu mult i-a trebuit lui Poseidon, să se descurce cu cea mai mare parte din polen. Revenit la forma firească, şi curățat de polenul de pe față o putuse însfârşit vedea, în forma unei iepe albe. El îi luase din nou urma în chip de armăsar negru, şi o prinse într-un luminiş, lăsându-se pe ea şi...
Nu am să intru în detalii, dar cert e că după ce a împresurat-o, ea a rămas grea. Lucrul acesta nu avea cum o ferici, motiv pentru care după ce a născut-o pe Despina şi o altă ființă minunată pe care o lăsase liberă, ea o abandonase pe fetița ei, considerând-o doar necinstirea ei.
Copilul fusese crescut de nişte nimfe ale pădurii şi apelor, în ce avea să devină recea zeiță a iernii...
Mult timp trecuse de-atunci. Demetra uitase de prima ei fată. Fiind curtată de iubărețul Dias, zeul tuturor, ea se lăsase culeasă, fiind poate şi mai obosită şi benevolă. Din uniunea lor, se născuse, cum poate bine ştiți, Persefona...
Acum, ea, Persefona era lumina ochilor ei, motiv pentru care nu o lăsa din ochi mai nici o clipă, şi de era în muncile ei, o lăsa pe seama nimfelor ei, ale câmpului, cu care aceasta creştea veselă şi frumoasă. Însă dorul ei imens era să vadă lumea...
"Te rog, mamă, lasă-mă să colind, să văd lumea, sunt atâtea de văzut. M-am săturat să stau în aceeaşi pajişte, vreau să colind, să văd munți, mări, curți domneşti, palate şi multe câte mai sunt... Ah, lumea, în sfârşit.. lumea oamenilor". "Ce visezi dragă?.. vrei să ți se întâmple ceva?" "Ce ar putea să mi se întâmple mamă? Sunt din acelaşi material ca şi tine, şi fiica marelui Dias. Nu pot fi nicicum mai slabă..".
"Ştiu draga, dar.." "Dar ce, mamă?"
Demetra nu ştia ce să spună. Ştia prea bine că Persefona, draga ei Cori, avea dreptate, oarecum.. dar cum îşi putea lăsa copilul singur, adică fără ea. Şi nici s-o lase s-o ia cineva nu putea. Clar, avea nişte probleme pe care ea nu le-ar fi recunoscut nici în 10 mii de aeoni...
"Faci cum zic eu, şi nu mă supăra. Doar nu vrei să o superi pe mami, nu?" Persefona nu putea decât să tacă mâhnită, şi să se ducă sub umbra unui frasin, forțându-se să doarmă, nemângâiată, chiar de nu avea nevoie, doar ca să uite mai uşor supărările, deşi nu vor fi uitate cu adevărat prea curând...
Şi anii treceau. Despina ajunse şi ea deja demult o zeiță puternică..
Cunoscuse odată pe zeul vântului, de nord, Borealis, de care se îndrăgostise nebuneşte. Mare badboy, dar care o adora. Şi sentimentul era foarte reciproc. El o lua în brațe şi îi arăta lumea de sus.
Odată într-o plimbare de dimineață, fugind de zor cu vântul, şi păru-i alb în vânt, ea ajunsese pe câmpul unde nimfele Demetrei şi fiica ei, unica ei fiică iubită stăteau. Gândul de a nu fi crescut cu mama ei iubitoare, acest gând nu putea să o lase în pace. Avea gheață în priviri şi inima-i era în sloi, că prinsese atâta ură pe mama sa şi sora ei cea mare, mult prea iubită pentru a face loc şi de o a doua. Şi ce dacă era rezultatul unei relații forțate? Şi ce dacă nu l-a putut suferi pe tatăl ei? Ea ce vină avea? Fata care n-a cunoscut iubirea maternă, dar a mai cunoscut şi răceala tatălui, deşi el se hotărâse s-o ia, însă nu îi prea dădea importanță, şi aşa se născuse în ea acel sloi de gheață, pentru că nu cunoscuse iubire, decât până la Borealis. Dar iubire maternă nu, nici paternă chiar. Doar nimfele o mai sprijineau, dar nu era nici de departe lafel...
Forțânduse să iasă din mreaja amintirilor deloc plăcute, încă din pruncie, când fuses abandonată prima dată, Despina, topinduşi pumnul înghețat, după ce îi trimisese pe-o aripă de vânt mesaj lui Borealis că are să rezolve nişte treburi urgente, plecase, printre tufişuri, spre Persefone, aşa ca să nu o vadă Demetra.
"Psst, Persefone", o chemă Despina, şoptit. "Persefone, aici" arătă dintre tufişuri cu un licăr din ochii ei de un albastru rece, unde se afla.
Persefone, curioasă, înaintă spre tufişuri.
"Ai grijă, să nu atragi atenția mamei tale" şopti ea. 'De ce?' întrebă zâna primăverii... "Ea nu mă are la suflet, chiar de nu i'am făcut nimic nici ei, nici altuia, niciodată".
Persefona se apropie. Despina îi făcu semn de dincolo de tufişuri să vină după ea. Astfel se depărtaseră de locul inițial. Trimise mesaj în cer, iar Borealis apăruse lângă ele, salutându-le cu o înclinare, galant. "Salutări domnițele". Persefona îi făcuse semn de semi-plecăciune. "Salutări".
"Tu tre să fii Persefona, zeița primăverii. Sora Despinei. Eu sunt Borealis. Cred c-ai auzit de mine, marele zeu al vântului de nord!" zâmbi, arătându-şi muşchii.
"Despina? Sora mea? Cum?" Se mirase ea. "Da, spuse Despina, eu sunt sora ta, din aceeaşi mamă, tați diferiți. Tatăl meu, e Poseidon, zeul mărilor. Mama ta, defapt mama noastră, fusese forțată de el, şi aşa m-a născut, pe mine şi fratele meu, dar el a plecat. Îl mai văd din când în când.. dar preferă să fie liber. Nici pe el nici pe ea, Demetra, căci nu îi pot spune mamă, nu ne-a iubit. Doar pe tine te-a iubit.."
《Oh, şi ce iubire, gândi Persefone, nu pot scăpa de iubirea ei toxică》. "Da, înțeleg. Îmi pare rău că a fost aşa. Mă bucur să te pot cunoaşte însfârşit surioară". "Şi eu", se forțase Despina să schițeze un zâmbet. "Şi eu, soro, şi eu".
Vespina o invitase pe Persefone să evadeze.
"Şi să o las singură pe mama mea în neştire? Nu, nu pot. "O haide, Cori, nu e ca şi cum ți-ar da voie de i-ai cere-o". "Asta aşa e, recunoscu ea, cu o voce amărâtă, privind în spate, de peste umăr. Apoi prinzând la curaj: "Hai, să mergem".
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dininimapentrumine · 3 months
URGENT!!! Dragilor, vă rog să vă rugați în continuare, Anna (mama) și Timotei (copilul) sunt încă sub dărâmături. Au trecut 13 ore...
Nevoie urgentă de rugăciune!O rachetă a lovit într-un bloc a unei familii din biserica noastră din Odessa.Tatăl familiei și fiica de 3 ani sunt în viață și bine.Sub dărâmături se află mama cu un bebeluș de 5 luni. Nu știm încă ce este cu ei. Dar sperăm în Dumnezeu! Rugați-vă pentru ei! Dumnezeu sa se îndure! Să mijlocim și să ne rugăm!
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minty-playhouse · 4 months
I really like "Of Suits and Ties" and have read it many times. Thank you so much for writing that. Their mod look is perfectly suited to the 60s relationship. Whenever I look at the mod era, I always feel like God is telling me to let them have dom-sub sex.
Anon I go FERAL every time someone says they like that fic because it's one of my favorite works! And to hear you read it many times warms my heart!
And you're absolutely correct, mod era John/Rog is absolutely MADE for a dom/sub relationship! Roger is at this spot where he isn't particularly sure of himself (having to keep up with mod appearances, not exactly getting along with his bandmates who seem to be getting along fine) so he's kind of desperate for validation, and John has an unimpressed, almost blasé attitude but he's willing to to give Roger the attention he craves 👀
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fara-posts · 4 months
Verde, si..
mi.e dor de ....cine
Ah , Doamne, sunt îndrăgostit si eu…
Nu sunt fatarnic si nici egoist
Dar langa ochii ei de ametist
Pentru o clipa m-am simțit
Pupat pe tălpi de curcubeu..
Ah , Doamne, sunt îndrăgostit si eu…
Si-oricărui condamnat,
indiferent de-al sau păcat
i se arata ce-a călcat
din spusele lui Dumnezeu…
Am fost cândva îndrăgostit lulea
De-un înger brun cu ochi de jar
Si de- o vedeai, cu-atâta har
Alunecând ușor si clar,
Tot îndemnându-te pahar după pahar
Sa bei , sa bei, sa bei, sa bei…
Ah! Doamne, ochii ei de drac,
Ca doua suliti de lumini
Sub tălpi iți presărau ciulini
Si de la cerșetori pana la domni
Simțeau ca le mai creste-un crac,
Când o priveau, la pantaloni..
Si tu si eu si el si toți
Am fost indragostiti de ea!
E unica si zău, n-as vrea
Sa-mi amintesc când mic si trist
In ochii ei de ametist
Am investit, ce prost!
Mai mult decât pe lume as putea avea,
vreun rost .
Si unde v-ascundeați atunci,
Voi Serafimi cerești
Când subjugat puterii femeiești
Un fel de Samson, dar mai mic,
I-am dat averi si casa, nume
i-am dat chiar si-un ibric
adus de tata de la Mozambic,
tot ce străbunii mi-au lăsat
blazonul, viata si cinci mii de lei i-am dat…
In metru antic lungi poeme
i-am scris… si sugrumând foneme
am transformat întreaga poezie
in bulgare de foc ca sa se știe.
Corul : [ce fericiți vom fi
când vei muri , mă secătura , mă!!…
Iar ea cu zâmbet de vechil
Imi arunca averile tiptil
Si glasu-i subțirel de peruzea
Striga: ”Chelner ,te rog, mai adu-i un chil!”
Ah! Iubita mea cu ochi năluci
Vedea-te-as pe buzite cu clăbuci
Si cum te scalzi in pielea goala
In cel mai clocotit cazan cu smoala….
Corul: [ce fericiți vom fi
când vei muri , mă secătura , mă!!…
Iubita mi s-a petrecut de mult
Cu altul poate mai tanar, mai avut
Acum cu siguranța sta-ntr-un bar
Zâmbind iubitului cu ochi ștrengar
De chihlimbar…
Iar eu, etern de ea îndrăgostit
Mă-ntorc încet spre asfințit
Desperechiat, sărac si trist
Visând la ochii ei de ametist
Visând la vremea de demult
Când mă topea cu un sărut…
Visez ca înainte de-a fi ea
Aveam de toate-n portofica mea!
Chiar nu eram atâta de umil,
Aveam si casa, bani, aveam si stil,
Ba chiar din când in când eram viril….
Chelner! Ce portofica mea,
ia mai adu-mi un chil….
Corul: [ce fericiți suntem
Că ai murit , mă secătura , mă!!…]
…bis… pana pleacă toata lumea din sala.
Art Club- Barlad/
12.03.2000qasi-poem de pseudo-iubire!
Noapte de verde
noaptea din
doina neinceputa,
mirosind a femeie parguita,
cu talpile goale si lenese.
noaptea cu
-dansul ielelor-
prin fanul copt, aratandu-si
tatele crude si grele
de rasul licuricilor.
noaptea cu
roua stelelor scurgandu-se
pe subsuoara povestilor
aromind a iubire
tot goala, dar salbatica
si verde,de fapt...Vie,Dumnezeul meu
Vinul mi-a-nfasat in cant
zarile inchise-ntr-una.
Vinul fir-ar rauri pe pamant
eu desert sa fiu,ca lumea.
Langa pantece de poloboace
m-as simti -prin beciuri- viu,
brat la brat cu doage arse
vinul,nu mi-ar fi tarziu...
Colacit sa stau la sanu-i,
fecioria sa i-o simt...
Dumnezeul meu e VIA,
iara VINUL, Duhul Sfant...
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