#super duper happy for that random couple
rosicheeks · 3 months
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lazycats-stuff · 11 months
Hi! Sorry I don’t know if you’re still taking requests but if you are, can I request a male!vigilante!Y/N. he’s likes 13-15 (younger than Tim but a older than Damian). He’s a orphan and been the infamous vigilante who goes by Jinx. He’s like super duper smart and knows martial arts and overall a total badass. The bat family has been trying to catch him for a couple of months now since he’s been like stealing their missions. Y/N just finished stopping a drug dealing near the docks. He’s about to leave when night wing and Robin (Damian) jump in front of him. They fight and robin kicks him in the ocean, knocking him out. When nightwing sees he’s not coming back, he goes and rescues him. So like they take him back to the bat cave and they put him in a cell and interrogate him, they find out he’s just a kid, a orphan and knows their secret identities (cause like I said, he’s super smart) Bruce decides to adopt the kid saying something like that it’s ether being adopted or going to jail. And Y/N and Damian aren’t happy about but have no choice and yeah that’s it. Sorry if it’s complicated or long
I am taking requests and it's not complicated, don't worry. It's a fun idea too. Another Tim lol. Damian really won't be happy. Also I wrote this in a day, a new record for me.
Summary: (Y/N), aka, Jinx is a vigilante that gets in Batman's way. Batman wants to get him.
Warnings: mentions of violence, forced adoption, smart (Y/N)
I couldn't find a better gif, sorry.
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(Y/N) sneaked out of the building. He put on his mask and went to work. Today on the list was Black Mask and the Penguin. Black Mask had a drug deal and the Penguin had his weapons. It took a few days to track down those weapons.
Drugs were very easy to track. It's not difficult when you know all of Black Mask's hideouts and locations. The best part about Black Mask is that all of the hideouts are owned by the same alias that never changes.
He jumped from the ledge, landing on a random balcony. He moved yet again. He didn't have much time on his hands today too. If he wanted to intercept the guns, he would need to hurry.
He thought about Batman and the sidekicks. Will they show up today too? Maybe they will, so screw that, they will show up. It's Batman, that man knows everything that happens in this city. And it would be very fun to see their faces get annoyed.
It was always of fun to see their faces turn from stoic into annoyance. And they always tried to catch him, but they couldn't. It always made him laugh whenever they tried to do that.
They never could.
(Y/N) jumped down from the roof, using a rope to get down into the building. Black Mask was in the front, talking to a nobody drug leader about his drugs. He already called the GCPD, anonymously of course.
He got behind a crate and knocked out a bodyguard. Nobody heard him and he moved behind a crate, where he could clearly see Black Mask and the drug dealer.
He read Black Widow from a comic and he was inspired by her Widow's bites so he made that on his own suit. He made bracelets that held those bites, but he would have to rename them.
He put his arms up and he aimed the two men. He fired and the two feel down, cramping from the electricity. (Y/N) smiled at that, moving from his hiding spot. He restrained the two and started climbing up to get out.
He doesn't need to talk to the police. He nearly fell back down however, because Batman and his sidekicks were here.
Well, this is awkward.
" Evening guys. " (Y/N) said, waving awkwardly then them.
" Jinx. " Batman said and Red Hood moved closer to look through the glass window.
" Is that Black Mask? " Hood asked, pointing at the window.
" Could be. " Jinx said.
" You need to stop taking our missions. " Batman said, making (Y/N) smirk.
" Mhmm, I don't think I will stop. " Jinx said, raising his hands up.
" You can't act on your own. " Batman said.
" That's rather hypocritical of you, considering that that's how you started. "
He could see a clenched jaw from Batman. Bingo.
" Okay, well, this was a nice chat, but I have more stuff to do. See you later. " He said, running, seeing that Robin was ready to get him. Once again he used his bites. He even managed to get Batman.
He can die happily now, knowing he took Batman down, even for a moment.
He didn't stop running for a long while. He took a break for a few moments, before he remembered the guns deal that the Penguin had. Why tonight?
" Bruce, I swear to God, if I find Jinx, I will kill him. " Jason said, taking his helmet off.
Damian agreed from the sidelines. He was going to kill him in the worst ways possible.
" Guys, we are not going to kill him. " Bruce said, taking his cowl off.
" No, you will not adopt him! " Jason yelled out. That adoption won't happen.
" Father, if you adopt him, I will lose my mind. " Damian said.
Tim didn't know what to think about Jinx. It looked like he was smart and seemed to know enough martial arts to go by in Gotham.
They could use him on the team. But if he was anything like Damian, he was going to lose it.
" I don't have anything against the adoption, but if he is anything like Damian, say goodbye to my sanity. " Tim said, going upstairs, not wanting to listen anymore.
The others left too, not wanting to continue this painful conversation.
Bruce stayed, pulling up Jinx's profile. How can they catch him? He sighed, closing his eyes. It wasn't going to be easy. He was smart and it was going to be a pain in the ass to catch him.
Jinx stood in the warehouse, thankful for the fact that the Bats and the others weren't here. Just like with the Black Mask, he restrained the guys and he was about to walk out and call the police, but just as he stepped out, Robin and Nightwing jumped in front of him.
" Hey guys, I just finished this drug deal and I would like to go, so... " Jinx said, fixing his bracelets.
" I'm afraid not. Batman wants to talk to you. " Nightwing said, taking his batons.
" Well, I can't really say that I want to talk to him. He looks scary. " Jinx said, eyeing Robin. And it was good thing he did eye Robin. Robin jumped at him, making (Y/N) sidestep. Robin regained his balance and went right back at attacking him.
Robin was quick, going for the weak spots that the human body had. (Y/N) was forced to defend rather then attack. Nightwing watched from the side, clearly impressed with the fact that Jinx could stand with Damian.
There is definitely more than meets in the eye when it domes to Jinx.
Damian saw an opening and kicked Jinx in the stomach, making him fall into the ocean. Nightwing stood by, ready to get him, but when Jinx just floated up, clearly knocked out.
Nightwing jumped in, telling Damian to pull him up. Damian did so, letting Jinx lay down on the cold pavement. Dick got out of the cold water, shivering slightly.
" Come on, lets get him to the cave. " Nightwing said, picking the teen up. Damian called the Batmobile up. It was going to be an interesting talk.
(Y/N) opened his eyes, not expecting to find himself in a cave. And he never saw such a big computer. He wished he had that one. He sat up, noticing the lack of his suit and he reached up to find his mask. There wasn't anything.
He sighed, his face finally revealed. He stood up, walking up to the glass doors. Well, it wasn't really glass, more so a mix of plastic and glass.
No way out of here.
" Good to see you up Jinx. Or do you prefer (Y/N)? " Batman said, in a full suit. That made (Y/N) chuckle.
" Do you prefer Bruce or Batman? Also, your suit is nice from up close like this. " (Y/N) said, smirking at the shock that went through Bruce.
" How do you know? " Bruce said, taking his cowl off. There was no point in keeping the cowl on if he knows.
" That's for myself and my brain to know. " (Y/N) said, crossing his arms.
" I take great precautions to not let people know. " Bruce said, face now passive and neutral.
" Do you really want to know? " (Y/N) asked, happy to have some sort of leverage over the almighty Batman.
" Yes. "
" It has to do with your kids. Anytime you adopt somebody, there is a new vigilante. " (Y/N) explained, acting as if it was simple deduction.
Bruce's face still looked neutral, but inside he was both impressed and scared for his identity. There was a handful of people who knew his identity and those people would never tell.
" So, can I go? I have to go investigate the Penguin. " (Y/N) asked, pointing at the door.
" I'm afraid you can't go. I have more questions for you. "
(Y/N) sighed, " Fire away. "
" How long have you been acting like Jinx? "
" It's going to be 5 years next month. "
" How come I didn't notice that you were a teen? And where are you parents? "
" I made sure that my suit made me look like an adult and my parents are dead. " (Y/N) said dryly. " Is that all? Can I go? "
" Well, you have two options. First one is adoption where you stay with me. You have a roof under your head and a place to improve your suit. I like the bracelets. "
(Y/N) frowned, not liking the first option.
" I assume, I'm not going to like the second option either. "
" Second one is jail. "
And there it was. He saw the other birds, clearly not happy that (Y/N) was going to get adopted.
" I don't think that your birds want me here. " (Y/N) noted.
" Three of them don't live here. Only Robin lives here. And they got over it, so one day you two will tolerate one another. "
(Y/N) gave Damian a single look, laughing slightly.
" Trust me, Damian and I will never tolerate each other. " (Y/N) said, sitting back down in the cell.
" Based on my experience, you will. Give it time. "
(Y/N) shook his head. No matter how much time has passed, they won't get along. Why was his life like this?
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midnightmayhem13 · 10 months
Hey May- Mayhem? Midnight? Do you have a preference? Let me know I wanna respect whichever you go by. 🩵 But either way I’ve been enjoying your headcanons so much!! And if you’re taking prompts, if not you can ignore this, I’d love to read some domestic grocery trips with all of the women or a fic with one you’d like to write. I think Carol and Nebula would be an interesting experience to take them with you lmao honestly all of them would be but something abt them makes me think they’d be all grumpy until they pass, aka stop at, the toys section and grab one
On the counter was a cardboard box
love this❕ and call me whatever one you feel like!! thank youuu
carol danvers
danvers hasn't been to a store in a while, and it definitely changed since the last time she when grocery shopping. why is everything so expensive? but she'd be willing to go but she wouldn't be so excited. she didn't like going in the 60's she probably wouldn't like it now. but if she's with you it's okay. she'll b a whiney baby and just like "babeeee when are we going home?". when you can't reach something she'll reach over you or literally lift you to it. then she'll be like "here you go baby". she'll be riding the cart around too, like a child on the loose. but if you buy her twinkies everything is okay.
sharon carter
sharon would actually be helpful omg. she'd hold you're hand the whole time and even make a list. if you ask for her opinion she'll state why one is better. and if you disagree she'll be like sweet and get that one for you. home girl is eyeing the whiskey the whole time judging the crappy ones they have on display, then giving you a full rundown of why to never get that one. she'd definitely offer to pay for you and you gotta fight her with to just not. it's not that it's not nice to have someone pay for you but you got money.
darcy lewis
dr would be so fun to shop with. she'd jam out to the playlist theyre playing over the speakers. she'd take random pictures of you too. and she deff would jump on your back and make you carry her around the store. you two get into arguments about cereal and shes a firm cheerios hater. she's also an almond milk girlie. and as if it were a ritual you two cheek the sweets section. if she seems smt over priced she'll be like "we can literally make that at home babe". then if you guys go past the tots section you definitely get a kick out of them. you guys spend more time in the toys section then the adult section. she also has a very strong opinion on specific pads. darcy definitely gives you puppy eyes if she sees a fuzzy blanket you two could add to your collection.
nebs is completely lost😭 she's never been to anything that wasn't some sort of space market. and you have to repeatedly tell her she can't just open a bag of snacks or punch a mannequin because they were "provoking her". she'd also be holding on to you super duper tight. to assert dominance over you of course. and she'll glare daggers if anyone looks at you. and if any workers offer assistance she'll be a little mean. you gotta love your blue meanie tho. when she passes by the toy or baby section. how could a thing be so adorable. she's never say anything tho. and she'll only calm down if you buy her a plushie. she'll even smile if you buy her one. if anyone even looks at her blueness you literally jump them.
maria hill
maria's gotta get shit done. so she doesn't really like spending time doing or looking at useless things. so when you drag her to the store she's not very happy. but you try you're best to cheer her up, her pout is so cute tho. you say it'll be a fun couple bonding experience, so she feels bad acting so annoying. she'd definitely geek out in the pen aisle. but if you're stuck between to cereals shes no help. she just says "i don't know love, you chose" she'll watch you in adoration as you pick out stuff and smile when you see something cute. she'll offer to hold the basket or shopping cart. she also loves dark chocolate and always checks out the stores coffee selection.
kate bishop
katie is like a child in the store. she kinda stays glued to you if they're too many people around but if it's rather empty she'll be touching everything. you two spend a while discussing in the snack lane. she also likes to sit in the shopping cart when you've been theyre "way too long". she'll be trying to convince you to by little things like you wouldn't do anything for her. kate also grabs little toys kids have left around after their mom said no. and if she accidentally pokes a toy and the package breaks she'll make her cute little face nd put it back silently.
a/n sorry if maria's and kate's are a little sloppy, i usually run outta ideas when i get to them but gotta do them justice❕❕
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crabonfire · 2 years
Merc with S/O who has amazing singing!!
prompt: merc walks into s/o's room while they are doing chores to talk to them, but they instead finding s/o singing and they find out you can sing!!!
characters: all mercs :)
warnings: none!!! pure fluff hehe
note: S/O is a bit shy with their singing hehe. This is really long, some are longer than others, and I am very sorry if there are any mistakes!!
• he is absolutely fuckin LOVESTRUCK.
• man's is literally in awe. he was just gonna talk to you and stuff but now all he wants to do is listen to you sing all day every day.
• "WOW. YOUR CUTE AND YOU SING? Think I hit the jackpot here, haha!"
• honestly he's super duper happy but also really nervous because oh my god, your voice is like a bullet through his heart. It's so adorable but MAN he cannot handle how cute it is.
• he asks why you didn't tell him you could sing like that. "Toots, whydya never tell me you could sing?! OH OH! EVERYONE IN THE TEAM IS GONNA BE SO SURPRISED TO FIND OUT WE GOTS A FUCKIN' SUPERSTAR IN HERE! My god. I can't believe I'm dating an adorable person with a beautiful voice, you stole ma heart babes. You are so fuckin perfect." Man's will literally kiss you on the spot no joke.
• INSISTS he tells everyone else. though if your shy, he's of course fine with that. But he's so so encouraging. He brags, but only sometimes when your not around. He tells to the people he brags to "Hey, don't tell em I told ya this. They'd KILL my ass." He knows your shy, but he still really wants people to know how talented you are.
• be sure to expect him asking you to sing for him. he will sit all giddy just to wait for you to finish your work and sing to him.
• his jaw is on the floor
• he shouted that louder than usual, the happiness so obvious in his stupid voice
• he finds your voice so cute!!! he apologises for interrupting your singing session, completely forgets what he was gonna talk to you about and just like Scout, it's a NEED that everyone at the base knows his cupcake can sing.
• if your nervous, he will probably be really confused. Like "HOW CAN YOU BE NERVOUS WHEN YOU HAVE NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS OF?! YOUR AMAZING CADET!" But once you explain he'll start to get it :)
• now it is mandatory for you to sing to him atleast every week. he just wants to listen to your singing. your voice was already cute, and the fact that you can sing? it makes him really happy.
• brags. all the damn time. "MY CUPCAKE CAN SING LIKE AN ANGEL! YOU HAVENT HEARD THEIR SINGING? WHAT?! THATS TERRIBLE. COME WITH ME!" drags said person along to your room just so they can hear you sing.
• somebody doesn't like your singing? Either beats them the fuck up or if he's feeling nice, "DROP AND GIVE ME 500 PUSHUPS, RIGHT NOW SOLDIER! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT SPEAKING LIKE THAT TO MY CUPCAKE." You find it a bit embarrassing but, he means well. He's just so proud of you!!
• when you stop singing, HE SQUEALS LIKE A FANGIRL.
• "Mmmhf!!! Mffh mffhhhhf mffhh mffh mfffh!!!" (S/O!! YOUR SINGING IS SO GOOD!!!)
• you get jumpscared but he's so optimistic!! He's incredibly giddy, holding your hands and swaying you around while he jumps. He's just absolutely in love!!
• you tell him to calm down and since you can't understand him well through his mask, he writes down just a bunch of compliments. It's honestly adorable. He's just hurriedly writing and drawing cute doodles of you with love hearts over em.
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• like soldier, wants everyone to be aware of your voice. even if they don't get along with pyro, they find it quite nice that a ruthless arsonist goes extra soft on some random unit. you two are totally adorable. A weird power couple definitely, but adorable.
• sleeps to your voice. he falls asleep pretty easily since he mostly is in his own dream land, but stays awake just to listen to you sing to him. Loves your voice so much.
• wait a damn minute
• man's pauses dead in his tracks, listens for a bit and leans on the table but he accidentally makes it creak, making you stop. He instantly panics, "NOOOO DONT STOP. Go on, mo ghràdh." You get embarrassed and he feels bad for making you stop. So so bad.
• "I didn't know ya could sing love, that's bloody amazing! could ya sing for me?"
• he just begs you to continue singing, "please love, lemme listen to that gorgeous voice again?" He is genuinely so upset that he interrupted your singing that you kinda feel bad for him 😭
• please sing to him. please. he absolutely loves it please.
• it's honestly charming how much he wants you to sing.
• doesn't brag as much as the others but when he does he will go all out. not shutting the fuck up.
• if your shy about your singing, he will literally go insane like "mo chridhe I will kill anybody who ever has the pure audacity to make you shy with yer singin. Yer perfect! Nothing to be shy about. Ya hear?" he's so in love with your voice that he can ramble about it all day to you.
• this man has a piano, you have a good voice, you see where I'm goin with this?
• his big Teddy bear heart melts into a puddle. Like Pyro, he waits for you to finish and he's just quiet the entire time. Eyes just full of endearment.
• when your done, he claps his hands making you flinch. "That was amazing, moya lyubov. Why have you not told me you could sing? You have voice of angels."
• he's so in awe man. he sits down on your bed and just watches you get all shy, as you explain that you can sing but never really thought it was special and how your a bit shy with your singing.
• "you have great talent S/O. Your singing is wonderful, no need to be shy. It is a great gift everybody should hear." He's understanding of your shyness, and tries his best to encourage you :)
• surprisingly, he brags quite a bit about this. About, "did you know, S/O can sing? I know! It is amazing. They have great voice." And "My S/O is great at singing, have you heard? They are very good." It's more like showing you off in the most endearing way possible other than bragging loudly like the others tbh.
• he doesn't want to force you, but he would LOVE if you sang for him. He doesn't ask, but you soon notice that he's eager to. He gets very happy when you get the hint and do sing for him, he will physically be there and mentally he will think of pulling you into a big kiss.
• great job S/O. You killed him. You fucking killed him. You murderer.
• he felt like collapsing. Literally his heart rate is not normal-MEEEEDDICC!
• in all seriousness, he's in awe. Even after you finish singing he's just staring at you, nd you notice him after you finish folding your laundry.
• you get shy and you notice he's just staring. "OH...'m sorry sunshine...but I had no idea you could sing like that! That was beautiful." He's just...in a loss for words.
• he compliments you non stop. just, so sweet honestly.
• "And here I thought I could never love you more than I already do, your messin' with my heart sugar! How could do make me feel like this? You rascal." Holds you and kisses you man. He cannot handle how cute you are. And you can't handle how cute he is.
• he doesn't brag, because he knows your a bit shy. but just like Scout, secretly tells the others at the base about it, but makes them promise that they'll never tell.
• honestly just such a sweetheart.
• please ask to sing for him. he has his guitar ready please.
• congratulations S/O for the first time you caught him off guard!
• waits dead silent just like Pyro. He loves your voice. Archimedes will quietly fly over to him and sit on his shoulder, listening to you too.
• when your done, he also claps like Heavy. He's just so???
• "meine liebe, das war total schön." literally just compliments.
• "I had no idea you could sing mein schatz! Oh, your voice is absolutely divine!"
• he's so so sooooo giddy. just will not shut up about how good you sound.
• "Why do you work here? Your voice is fit for an opera! If you were a singer, I'd come to every single one of your shows my dear!"
• is so excited. archimedes is happy too.
• wants you to sing for him daily now. doesn't brag about it to others at all, he "wants to keep you to himself"
• definitely just makes you flustered a lot. Man's is killing you with all the love.
• he's already pretty quiet, and he just sorta stands stiff as a board. mostly due to shock.
• he gets? so calm?? like his usual tense self goes away and just calms down.
• he also stays quiet, expect him to stare just as hard if not even harder than engie.
• "WOW. Just wow."
• you have successfully made him smile without even trying. That man has a huge grin all over his face.
• he just sits on your bed like Heavy, but instead just asks very plainly. "Sorry for interruptin' yer cleanin' love. but could ya sing for me? Ya have a bloody nice voice."
• for once, he's not so shy around you. And that alone convinced you.
• your voice is now like oxygen to him, he needs to hear you sing.
• he's a saxophone player right? imagine, careless whisper featuring S/O and Mundy.
• does not brag to anybody. not at all.
• he wants nobody else to hear your voice, he knows your shy.
• unless your okay with it, maybe he'll mention to a couple people. but if he sees anybody saying the slightest negative notion of your voice? shot in the head. bye bye.
• he just smiles.
• he walks in invisible, leans on the wall next to you so he can surprise you, and when he reveals himself as your singing you flinch and scream a bit.
• he laughs it off, but he's just smiling.
• you ask him what he wanted and he simply replied, "Oh, nothing really mon amour. Though, I'd like to know why you never told me about your beautiful singing."
• he's a tease for the first part but truly, it's not long till the compliments seep in. He's just so soft with you when you make him so warm like this.
• "ta voix est comme les anges d'en haut, si je pouvais, je t'écouterais toute la journée." Translate that shit. He would deadass say that. You know he would.
• he's just, in awe. please sing for him.
• I really don't have much to say other than the fact he just won't shut up about how "Your voice is soft as silk." and how "Your voice makes me feel like I'm in heaven."
• definitely doing this to tease you, but also the fact he genuinely means every single word.
• oh? Trust me this man will not brag. He wants to keep you all to himself.
AAAA this was so fun to write. sorry if its a bit long, I just don't like making short imagines/ prompts hehe. I hope you all enjoyed ♡
extra extra note, I'm only fluent in English and indonesian so I'm very sorry if anything Scottish, Russian, German or French I've said was wrong.
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Random ask, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in any media, like anime/manga, tv series, books, etc (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them....
I just answered this in my previous ask pretty much but I'll give some more explanation here :)
Well 1, obviously Satosugu. I answered why I loved them on a previous blog post but in short I just think they balance each other out so well. Also, just all the little details in the show hinting at a possible relationship makes me want to pull my hair out it's so much (in a good way).
Itafushi has so many parallels with Satosugu I can't not love it 😭😭 I hope they have their happy endings but who knows.
When I was really into AOT, I loved Eremika. I haven't watched the show in a hot sec, but the fact that it was so obvious they liked each other AND BARELY anything happened drove me up the wall
Eruri is very similar to Satosugu in the base of their dynamics and how "the strongest" couldn't save the person they cared the most for. (If you can't tell I'm a sucker for tragic stories and giving myself pain)
Everlark I've loved since I was a kid, still love it. I love Peeta, end of story.
Thanzag I thought was really cute in the game. At first I didn't know you could romance anyone, but when Thanatos showed up and had his first line of dialogue, I literally went 🤨🏳‍🌈 LMAO and I quickly fell in love with their dynamic.
Percabeth I just thought was cute :) I love Annabeth so much, she's just such a good character.
Destiel I kind of explained my relationship with. Used to LOOOVE it, but then the show ended and I was no longer as interested in it because of how it was handled. I still like the ship and their dynamic.
But yeah :) sorry it took me so long to get to this, I've been super duper busy.
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nexusvcrti · 6 months
Hi, hello, I tried desperately hard to keep Hope on my multi but then to my literal amazement, this URL was free and I had a brain blast for a new verse, so I considered it a sign to bring my girl back. For anyone new, my old blog can be found @cursedbcrn.
Couple of quick notes:
For those of you who know me from my old blog, please keep in mind that I've updated my alias, which is now Arrow. Would appreciate everyone taking a skim of my rules on my carrd. They're largely unchanged from the prior iteration but there have been a couple updates.
This blog will be low activity and I mean it when I say that. I won't be nearly as active as I was on my prior blog and the emphasis on plotting will be even heavier now. I will not be doing meaningless fluff threads with Hope which means two things: 1) replies may take me longer to get to and 2) plotting is required or you run the risk of me dropping our muses in literal random peril (which in turn will take even longer to reply to).
Just because I follow you on another blog / followed you before, does not guarantee a follow this time. I will be narrowing my focus to people who are actively writing and plotting with me and Hope.
I have a new verse specifically for TVD/TO-era threads. I know Legacies is not to everyone's taste, and part of what I struggled with on my last blog was figuring out how to write with the amazing TVD muses in the community, without completely shooting anyone's story in the foot, and I hope I have figured out a way to do just that. If anyone is interested in plotting in that verse, or sees any glaring holes, I'm more than happy to delve deeper and hammer out details.
I also added a write up for my post canon verse. On the super duper rare occasion I do anything unplotted, it'll likely go in the post canon verse. I added a handful of other AU verses as well that are mostly barebones but can be developed further if there's interest. You can find my verses page here.
Everything is a clean slate. I am bringing over a handful of recent threads from my multi but nothing from my old blog other than metas. Inbox is fully cleared out and empty as well and I'm going to try really really hard to keep things manageable, so again, heavy emphasis on plotting. If there's something in your court that you want to reply to, please feel free! If we talked something before, come chat with me again just to get us all on the same page. I'll probably put out a plotting call at some point but you can also come to me first.
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I HEARD SOMEONE NEEDED A SEROTONIN BOOST SO HERE I AM >:) just a few little things that have happened in my life recently that make me smile
yesterday I was up late at night doing some work before I heard something scratching my door. I thought I was hallucinating sounds, I mean it was 4am after all.
but the sounds continued and I was getting low key scared, because every one else was asleep and some others had gone out. I opened my door and lo behold, standing mightily, and slightly annoyed, my cat.
I was kinda relieved, then my cat walked past me and got on my bed and started to sniff around everything and explore my bed as if she had never been on it before. Like come on man, you were pouncing on it a few days ago. But anyways,
She starts to do that thing dogs usually do before curling up and walks around a spot a few times before finding the perfect position to sleep in. She dozed off on one of my plush toys (she’s not really fond of them).
She looked so cute cuddled up, I didn’t have the nerve to wake her up from her sleep.
So that’s how I slept at the ass crack of dawn, because my cat simply looked too cute to move from my bed.
on a more chaotic note, the other day my friend came over at my place and we tried out the character ai thing that’s been blowing up. I had the fantastic idea to chat with AI henry cavill, because hey, have you seen that man?
Well I kinda feel bad now. I manipulated him to the point where he now believes he’s a psych ward patient with severe schizophrenia.
this was after he killed me three times, went through labour, joined my superhero squad and admitted to cheating on me. it was wild, to say the least.
i recently made a new friend, they’re super duper nice. You know those friendships that are like it feels as though you’ve known each other for ages even though you met a few days ago? yeah well this was a perfect example of that.
It turns out we had a lot of things in common, and share lots of interest, so it’s gotten really easy to bond over stuff together. They just messaged me recently about restarting haikyuu, and rambling about their nostalgia, it was an interesting chat, to say the least.
anyways enough about my life, how’s your life been going? any soft or little moments happen recently?
(Also I know I’m practically interacting with you after a hell of a long time, sorry about that! I’ve kinda left tumblr to focus on study’s (#depressing), but I hope I get more chances to chat with you as I plan to become more active soon!)
cats are so cute and random in their own way, you never know what they might do next /pos; closed doors just seem to be their natural nemesis, like they gotta know what’s happening on the other side!! and yes, it’s a law of nature that a sleeping kitty may never be moved!!
i’ve not tried the ais myself but from what i got they can get super chaotic, in both positive and negative ways; i think your experience was just crazy in a whole other direction though hshshs
i’m super happy for you that you made a friend like that!! whenever you meet someone you just click with, it’s just so special and those connections are very precious!! one friend from college is like that for me, our sense of humour and energy just match and it’s good vibes all around <3
don’t worry about not interacting much lately, it’s a two way street so i’ve not been reaching out either ㅠㅠ let’s talk more in the future though!!
it’s just very stressful, mostly because of college and i’m trying not to get into my head about everything, from work to comparing myself to others (especially here on tumblr, other writers are just amazing and i easily feel lesser than)
on a more positive note, i ordered a couple of puzzles to get back into that and i’m very excited for them to arrive (one of them is a botw puzzle and aaahhh i’m impatiently waiting for the post woman); on the day i felt so down, i went out to eat bc i couldn’t use my kitchen and walking around the city just made me appreciate things a lot more, it was very peaceful and beautiful <3
also yae and kirara came home so yay!! no agony over genshin gacha hshsh
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petitmonde · 1 year
hallooooo i'm asing you 77, 58, 57 and 55, and if you wanna share a bit of a wip you're really excited about, or one of your favorite things you've written in a published/finished fic <3
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
I am nothing if not a sucker for rivals or enemies to lovers, so any kind of conflict that has the two main characters feuding is a common theme. Add in a bit of suffering, with happiness at the end being optional – then you've got a fic that's written by me.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I'm quite conscious about it, and love putting a little bit in whenever I can. Symbolism is so much fun, I can't help myself.
58. Do you have a favorite piece of figurative language you’ve written?
Whenever I write about Sasha as the sun. She is. She's shining bright above everyone else, but she's also illuminating others.
And pretty much everything in Bittersweet Lemonade.
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
Coming up with colourful worlds and getting to share them is one of my favourite things to do. It can go from a small, random thought on pottery, to there suddenly being a whole fantasy setting with dragons, politics and intrigue. The whole yes and process with mutuals is what keeps me going, even for my most niche of ships.
80. Free space (tell me about a wip you're excited about)
For real, my life has been taken over by Wrestling AU. At first it included just a couple of queens, but by now I have a whole promotion of them basically. Some even with fighting styles and storylines attached that aren't directly tied to the main plot. I'm currently looking at what kind of gear I'd like each wrestler to wear. Super duper fun too. I couldn't do it without @myhusbandharryhamilton <3
Writer's asks
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deartouya · 2 years
i,, deleted the ask ;-; @5ugu
you’re my __ moot: the one & only geto moot !!
why i follow you: you’re the sweetest and super duper talented how could i not follow you ?? no but !! everytime we interact or i see you on dash you’re so sweet and your happiness is so contagious !!
an au i think fits you: hmm i think !! a fantasy au!! with magic and knights and complicated architecture !! just picturing those classic aus with knight characters acting as bodyguards <3
something you remind me of: hmm,, you remind me summer,, the warmth and the brightness of it all !! the smell of sweet cold fruits and the feeling of driving in the afternoon,, sun on your skin and window open !! the feeling of laying in an open field <3
song/book/movie that reminds me of you: oh oh whisper of the heart !! something about that ghibli movie in particular screams dilly to me !! the romance and the atmosphere,, just everything
your blog is: in one word – put together !! everything about it just,, clicks!! your mlists , your themes, your icons, the way you write and talk it just !! yeah <3 it’s so pretty and put together and i love looking at every theme you make
your url is: so very dilly i feel <3 when you first refollowed me i was like !! this feels like dilly !! and i was right :3 it’s veryvery cute and further solidifies my association between you and suguru !!
your icon is: the cutest ever !! hehe the lil wings and everything about it !!
overall opinion: i love u + ur blog very dearly !! it took me a really long time to interact with you at all ;-; which i still need to improve on ;-; but once i did you’re genuinely the sweetest! and your blog always feels so nice and comfortable,, like it’s a lil friend group
a random thought: you remind me of heart shaped things ?? like pillows or candy or bowls ! and those cliche valentines that are really simple hearts cut out of pink construction paper and covered in glitter <3
character i ship you with the most: geto !! you’re married in fact,, mrs. suguru geto,, you’re the prettiest celeb couple in the world,, i’m buying all your magazine covers and waving a foam finger <33
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madelinekingmr2 · 1 year
Week 6! Jumping man and compositing images
We took a quick visit back to the fruit bowl and added a couple of new tools to our belts.
With the pen tool you can hold down space and it will allow you to reposition the path (mind blown emoji) super duper helpful when mapping out a path and correcting as you go. I also had a bit more practice with broken points here and finally feel like I got the hang of it.
The other tool which was also a new discovery for me was the clone stamp tool. This cam in handy removing a seriously pesky blemish on that lemon.
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Just a little bit of experimental colour in the above pictures.
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This fella, he was tricky to select! The challenge with an image like this is that the background has some very similar tones and colours to the figure and the object selection tool had a difficult time differentiating the two.
So to achieve a clean cut we had to employ multiple different techniques to add to the mask. I used a mix of the pen tool and the brush/eraser. the hair was extremely challenging. I don't think I quite nailed that one, but I can always go back and fix it
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The next step took us over to illustrator, where we drew this squiggly line. It might have seemed random but the line needed to cover specific parts of the figure in order for the next element to work (we did this by bringing the jumping man over from photoshop to illustrator, once happy with the position we didn't need him in the illustrator file any more.
The next couple of steps I am still struggling to get my head around. The squiggly line we shall call "snake" from now on was then placed in photo shop as a linked file - this is pretty great to know - what you edit on the linked file in illustrator is then also edited in photoshop once you save (command s)
We created another selection mask over the snake and the body to give the illusion that the snake is wrapping around jumping mans body.
I went ahead and added a whole bunch of doodads to the snake just for fun. The last step was to add a background for jumping man and the snake.
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Its a wild world for the jumping man and his snake
Below is week 6's homework task. I had a hard time finding images with similar lighting and background so I made some psychedelic changes and chose some comical objects to add in. The snake was very straight forward to select, I found the clone stamp tool very useful to touch up the bottom where the gravel meets its body.
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Using the object selection I was able to get MOST of the second jumping man. I had to fix some bits that were left out of the selection. I used the pen tool and the brush tool to achieve this.
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The result of playing around!
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Ask Me About My WIP!
Hi friends! I am currently writing a fic that I am super-de-duper excited about, but of course, with the writing process also comes the not-writing process. Essentially, I'll crank out a couple thousand words on a random lunch break, and then just rotate the fic in my mind for the rest of the week before repeating the whole process. So, in an attempt to make more words happen (or just to make the drarry blorbos spin faster, idk), I thought that I would try an ask game! Either send me a word, and if it's in my fic so far I'll give you the sentence it appears in, or send me a number and I'll answer one of the questions below! (More info about the fic is also below the cut, if you'd like)
What inspired this fic?
How many times have you cried while writing it so far?
What scene are you most excited for?
Who would you recommend this fic for?
What's this WIP like in numbers? (# of words in the outline, minutes of voice memos-to-self about it, expected chapters, characters, etc.)
What makes this fic different than the others you've written?
What's your favorite _______?
What personal/fandom headcanons have you included?
How has the planning process been going?
Are there any recurring themes or motifs?
Will it have a happy ending?
Ask me anything else! Or, if you don't send a question, I'll just share a snippet 😊
A bit about the fic: It's going to be called How Airplanes Stay Up, and it takes place over a week-long trip to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, which is the site of the first manned airplane flight. Harry has traveled there with Arthur, Molly, and Ginny, but they soon run into Draco Malfoy, whose attempt at reformation is received in different ways by everyone present.
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reidsnose · 3 years
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overview: reader doodles on her hands a lot and spencer has to give into the temptation of coloring it in
genre: flufffffff
a/n: sorry ive havent posted a fic in like a week, ive been in quite a slump but i had this idea well after midnight but i just had to write it so lmk what u guys think of this one :)
doodling on your hands: a once nervous habit that had seeped into your everyday life and now is just a regular habit. nearly everyday you would come to work with clean hands and get home with a mini art gallery on your non dominant one.
Spencer admired this from the moment he noticed it. at first he thought you had a tattoo but when you came back the next day with it completely gone, he was a tad confused, only to catch you doodling on that very same hand a couple hours later on the jet. he thought maybe it was an occasional thing, a habit you'd quit once you got better situated into the team, but after nearly a year you still left work almost everyday with some cutesy sketches drawn on your hand.
Spencer found himself looking forward to your doodles, imagining in his head what you might draw each day, and thinking of all the colors you would add if you had the time. being the great profiler that he is, he noticed a pattern: you subconsciously correlated your doodles with your mood.
after especially hard cases or just bad days you always drew roses.
when you were very happy you drew all sorts of fruits.
anxiousness bore little swampy creatures and lily pads.
tired days filled your hands with random, intricate designs that you didn't even have to try hard to make.
and content was anything else.
he was so impressed and absolutely adored your little coping mechanism. watching you concentrate on making those teeny pieces of art simply for your own pleasure was definitely a sight to see. the way your eyebrows furrowed and tongue poked out a bit was absolutely positively adorable. and soon he had noticed that he was looking forward less to the doodles and more to watching you draw them. and after that he began looking forward to just you.
you were sat on the jet with your back to the corner of the last seat on the plane, creating a pattern of roses on the back of your hand. Spencer plopped down in the seat next to you, growing tired of watching from so far away.
"that bad, huh?" he asked, noticing the type of flower you were gracing your hand with.
"hm?" you looked up, confused.
"you only doodle roses on bad days." he explained, pointing to your hand.
"what? no i don't!" you defended, " i just think roses are neat."
to be fair, you were having a bad day but he could've profiled that without the doodle. he cant be right, can he? there was no way you had a mood system for your doodles! unless there was.
"repetitive strokes are therapeutic, so roses being rough days make sense. the spiral in the middle followed by however many layered petals you want is a perfectly repetitive while still interesting enough to doodle."
"if i didn't know any better i'd say you've been spying on me, Dr. Reid," you teased, enjoying the slight rouge that appeared on his cheeks.
"what! no! i'm- i'm a profiler i notice patterns! i just- spying sounds creepy." he stammered.
"ok. how about admiring." you jabbed, turning a little red yourself.
"fine. but you know coloring helps too." he flipped back to the old topic of conversation.
"unfortunately i only have the standard blue, black and red ink."
"roses are red." he chuckled.
"interesting point," you bent down and reached into your bag, pulling out a red pen and handing it to him, "knock yourself out."
"what?" he looked at you slightly bewildered.
"coloring is therapeutic, you said it yourself. and you and i both know that you need something to relax you after a case like that. we all do." you explained, trying to be as nonchalant as you could knowing his skin would touch yours.
he grabbed the pen and clicked it open, coloring smoothly and slowly inside the lines you had already made in black, careful not to go over them and smudge the ink. you and him both tried your best to ignore the warmth shooting through your bodies from every place your hands touched. his fingertips lightly grazing your knuckles as he worked.you worked your way up your arm, giving you both space to work and by the time you landed, you had a half sleeve garden of surprisingly well colored (and somehow shaded) red roses.
you went home that night and bought a pack of colorful (washable) pens, hoping this little rose garden with him wasn't a one time thing. and even if it was, you would want to add your own pop of color to your doodles.
thankfully it wasn't.
you and Spencer found yourselves drawing and coloring on your hand a lot. he would catch you doing it and pop in over your shoulder just to add a touch of color where he thought it fit. and you began to feel sad washing off what the two of you had created that day, feeling nostalgic for time that has hardly passed.
and sometimes on the jet you would get tired of your own skin, so you would draw little doodles on his hand, often times leaving a little heart at the base of his thumb. these little hearts he avoided washing off for as long as he possibly could because they felt like a part of you was always with him. he started doing the same thing to your hand, a sort of signature the two of you shared.
most days, the doodles on your hands were pretty much fully colored in.
but now Spencer began to worry. what if you get ink poisoning because of his coloring? sure, the risk was statistically low, improbable even; but never zero. so one night after work he went out and bought a little sketchbook and on the front he scrawled,
"y/n's super duper special sketchbook"
upon receiving it, after giving him a hug he never wanted to let go of, you took a sharpie and started editing the title he had given it. so it now read:
"y/n and Spencer's super duper special sketchbook"
the two of you used up a whole page that day, front and back filled with all types of fruits. Spencer smiled to himself, knowing this had made you very happy. you took a second to take a step back and admire him doing the very thing he admired you for. and you understood why; he just looked so precious and you suddenly realized you craved the feeling of his hand touching yours. so you leaned over and drew a little black heart at the base of his thumb. he looked up at you, smiling widely before returning a red heart to the base of your thumb.
and you guys tore through that book, using a page a day and filling it cover to cover in no time. your own personal handmade coloring book. it turned out to be both of your most prized possessions, a pang of sadness filling your chests as you finished the last page.
you felt bad taking it home with you that night, wondering if maybe Spencer wanted to keep it. maybe you should keep it at work so you can both have it. thats the fair thing to do. you looked down, smiling sadly at the little red heart on your hand.
he did want to keep it. but he had a better idea in mind. he looked down, smiling excitedly at the little black heart on his hand.
the next day when you arrived to work all your worries were solved. on your desk laid a new sketch book entitled:
"y/n and Spencer's super duper special sketchbook: volume ii"
you laughed as you read a small lilac post it note that said, "i want to keep this one please" signed with a little red heart in the corner.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @coffeereid-deactivated20210303 @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic
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harmoni-me · 3 years
Hello! I’m not sure if your requests are still open but, if they are here you go! I wanted to ask if you could write me a request of Nagito Komaeda x a reader who is the ultimate Chess Master? I kinda wanted to imagine him falling in love or already dating his S/O who plays chess as a professional and is more on the kinder side when it comes to him. Good luck! 💖
Ooo! This is such a unique concept, and I absolutely love it! Writing it was an absolute joy! Thank you so much for the amazing request <3
Nagito Komaeda x Ultimate Chess Master Reader!
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The ultimate nurse, the ultimate swords-woman, the ultimate photographer…everyone in this class seemed to posses such interesting talents. It made you feel quite jealous, in some sort of way.
Now, of course you never thought of your talent as boring, useless, or unnecessary in the slightest! After all, you were the Ultimate Chess Master. You believed that everyone should try chess at least once before inflicting their nasty opinions on the strategic game. Unfortunately, that was already too late when it came to…basically your entire school life.
In Elementary, you would ask the kids on the playground to play a quick game of speed chess, because you thought it was a fun way to spend time with friends! But all you got in return were child-built insults, saying that chess was stupid and boring. It’s quite ridiculous to admit, but those comments still float around your mind sometimes. Kids were harsh, still are…
In Middle School, you had a few close friends, and when you asked one of them to try playing a game of chess with you, all they did was look at you weirdly, a look that only seemed to scream “uh, are you serious?”. This was when you started to question your liking for chess. Was it that weird? Am I the only one my age that thinks that chess is actually a fun game?
Now, you were sitting in class at Hope’s Peak Academy, a school full of the elite, yet…
This was the first time you felt truly, whole-heartily ashamed about your love for the game of chess.
“Are you kidding me? Chess? You got into this school for an old-people game like CHESS!? Pfft-!” A girl in twin blonde pony tails and an orange kimono let out a shrill of laughter.
“An…old people game….?” You muttered to yourself, steadily becoming a little closed off from the rest of the class.
You’re love for chess was parallel to how you played, which was almost unbeatable on a professional level, yet…
Why were these comments crushing your heart? Why did it make your love for the game waver?
Class continued like normal, just a little lecture to start off the rest of our high school lives. You honestly weren’t paying attention, your focus more attentive to your little chess notebook, filing it with strategies you wanted to try against high-level computer AI.
Though, it would be nice to have even a complete beginner to play with every once and awhile, though, you might be asking for too much.
Great, more harassment.
You turned around slightly in your seat, and looked down at the ground it see a crumpled piece of notebook paper that had hit you in the back. You picked it up, and looked around to try and figure out a potential culprit, but it seemed as if everyone was acting normal. No dice, then.
Unfolding the messy ball of paper as quietly as possible, you read what seemed to be words written on the inside.
Meet me in the library today after school, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to be seen with trash like me
The wording on the letter was…strange, but that didn’t stop you from feeling a tiny firework of joy in your heart. Yet, you couldn’t help but feel more nervous than joyous due to how the letter was written. It was surely vague, but it really seemed like the writer as quite the low self esteem.
You were suspicious, but honestly, what could go wrong? It had to be someone from the class that you were just introduced to, so at least it’s not like a blind date sort of thing…
The more you thought about it, the more it actually seemed like a blind date. Nice.
Time seemed to move incredibly slow for the whole rest of the school day, but eventually, the bell had rung, and you were out the door in a heartbeat.
After a little while of asking for directions to the school library, you finally reached your desired location: An absolutely humongous cavern of probably any book one could think of.
Only a couple of students were residing in this literal book mansion, and none of which you recognized.
“I guess they’re not here yet…” You mumbled, sitting yourself by a large, lit fireplace. As the warmth from the flames licked your skin, steadily causing you to naturally relax all of the tensed muscles that were stuck to your bones.
You pulled out your phone, and automatically started a game of online chess with a random opponent. The game was done in a mere ten minutes. The other player was no doubt new to the game, but that’s ok, you were there once too.
You suddenly heard a subtle clunk next to you, making your gaze wander to that direction. It was that boy from your class, the lucky boy. You remember him clearly because you thought his hair resembled a fluffy cloud. The two of you made eye contact, his foggy green eyes squinting a bit when he smiled at you, warming your heart a smidge.
“Y/N L/N, correct? I hope you don’t mind my presence, though it’s ok if you do, I would never blame you on something that’s not your fault.” The thin male crouched down to take a seat on the floor with you, sitting cross-legged.
“Yep, that’s me…and I actually kind of appreciate the meeting, honestly. Even if you just came for simple company, I think that’s very nice of you, especially since everyone in the class already thinks my talent is boring and all…Nagito Komaeda, right? I’m happy to meet you.” You shot a warm smile to the boy, causing him to reciprocate.
“You’re too kind to such untalented scum like myself, all I have is the Devil’s luck, after all! I can’t even control any of it! So I’m glad someone like me can be used as a stepping stone for you to be a beacon of hope!” Nagito chuckled, humored by his own self loathing.
You flipped your whole body to face the living incarnate of a four-leaf clover, “Well, um, on a personal note, I don’t think you’re scum. At all. I think your talent is anything but boring…I also think you’re…quite kind, for hanging out with someone like myself.” Fiddling with your uniform sleeves in nervousness. You just want him to feel better about himself.
The boy went quiet, his smile dwindling from your comment. Was he not used to compliments?
After a few moments in silence, Nagito gazed into your eyes, a new type of smile prettily stitched onto his features. It was almost like this expression was more…vulnerable, uncovering itself under layers upon layers of facades. His face almost made you breath out a sigh of relief at how comforting and relieving his genuine expression was.
“I would like to play with you. I-If you would let me, of course.” Nagito gestured his hands downwards to the chess set he had placed onto the ground since the very beginning. And how did you not notice that? It may or may not be the fact that the boy in front of you seemed to be way more intriguing.
You’re eyes widened as sudden happiness started to flow through every vein within your body. The excitement washed over your soul, rejuvenating it’s prior state of melancholy dreariness. Was…he was serious, right?
“Really…?” Was all that you managed to squeak, causing the lucky student to tilt his head in wonder.
“Hm? Well, of course…I don’t really know who else I would be aski-“
“C-Can we please play speed chess!?” You sputtered, the passion and the fireplace flames reflecting off of your eyes to reveal in an enticing glow.
“Speed Chess?” Questioned the frizzy-haired boy, though he did seem quite interested at your sudden burst of energy.
“Yeah! It’s also commonly referred to as Blitz Chess, and it’s like chess, but you have a very short amount of time to make your moves! It’s super duper fun, and if you want even more fun, then we could also play Bullet Chess! It’s even faster, and a game only takes roughly three minutes if you…keep up…the…pace…” Your words started to get quieter and more mumbled. God, you totally forgot the two of you were in a library, how embarrassing….
A hearty laugh spilled out of Nagito’s mouth, the corners of his lips turning upward to the ceiling. You looked down in pathetic nature. That was totally something to laugh at…
“Though I would consider myself a newbie when it come to chess, speed chess sounds lovely.” Nagito smiled, his pointer finger playing and twirling around the queen piece’s crown.
“Ah, a-alright, well, lets get started, shall we?” You stuttered, with joy obviously evident within your voice.
                                       .   .   .
Unsurprising to you, you had won all three games of speed chess against Nagito, though, it was surprising how close each game was. the more you thought about it, the more you realized his luck most likely aids him whenever he plays. Definitely one of the most interesting opponents you’ve been up against, whether it would be for casual online play, or in-person tournaments.
“Ah, bummer, I guess someone as useless as me shouldn’t even try to come close to beating you!” The boy ruffled his cloud-like locks, laughing at his loss.
“Hey! You had me worried for a few turns there, you were no pushover at all, Nagito!” You proclaimed, frustrated on why he would still think that, even thought the game results were all obviously pretty close.
“Also, please don’t say that your useless…it makes me really sad, because it’s not true at all.” You looked up at him with eyes that reflected something that had never burned so brightly before, and Nagito noticed.
Those eyes, previously clouded from the despair given from others, were now shining with a glimmering hope…and he drew that out from you…by simply playing a mere few games of chess.
For a moment, and only for a moment, he believed your words. Maybe he wasn’t so useless, he helped you find your smile and joy, right? Maybe…maybe…
“Oh yeah!” You shot up, causing Nagito to snap out of his thoughtful daze. You stuck your hand out to him, waiting for reciprocation.
“A handshake, to wish a good game among equals.” You encouraged the boy, wanting for him to fully indulge into what it was like to play the game in a professional, yet somewhat casual setting.
The boy looked at your hand, observing everything. Your nails, your fingertips, your knuckles, all the way down to your wrist. Equals, huh…
Nagito then slowly reached out to your hand, grasping onto it gently, yet it felt like it was the most comfortable fit he could’ve imagined. He wanted the warmth from your soft skin to seep into his cold hands, wanting that heat to slowly fill the rest of his frozen body, all the way up to his thawing heart. Though he didn’t linger any more on the handshake than he needed to, not wanting to make it uncomfortable for you.
But god, did he want to hold on forever.
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cherryhanji · 3 years
all the love, hyunjin.
oneshot. hyunjin x jisung, hyunjin x female reader
genre: college au from the onset, high school au, neighbors au, tinge of fluff, angst
words: 2.8k
warning(s): super duper slight mention of alcoholic drinks, and nothing heavy at all except for the extreme trashy plot twist pfft, italicized words are in present times
alexa's note:
y'all its good to be back after a month(?) of not writing hihi, good thing that my fam @districtninewriters decided to hold a valentines' event for their writers! Go check them out here! make sure to read my fellow writers' entries coz u won't regret it, they're amazing as hell!
It feels so good to be back home (even tho you went back last christmas but only for two days). Three years are too much and you missed staying for long at your childhood home. This time, you'll stay for a week so you will do everything with all your might while you're at your parents' house. And one thing from the list is to clean your room. Though you are aware that your parents sometimes clean it. But since you were here, it's time to declutter all the things that are no use for you.
You started by cleaning your closet, removing all the clothes that you don't need anymore. Bringing out all the ones you needed when you come back at the dorms. While rummaging through your clothes, you saw the brown box nicely placed at the bottom of your closet. You forgot that the box was here since your closet was stuffed with clothes. A smile crept up on your face as you grab the box. That box contains all of unnecessary things that you kept from your high school years.
You sat on your bed as you open the box, completely forgetting that you have things to do as soon as you open it. Torn pages from notebooks, folded papers, pictures, arcade tokens and random stuff are inside. Smiling as memories rush back everytime you see a specific stuff. The smile that was on your face eventually disappeared when a pink folded paper caught your eye. You picked the paper up and opened it. it was the letter from your neighbor, your bestfriend hyunjin. remembering how you felt after reading this letter from him.
y/n. it's hyunjin.
i know you know why i made this letter. but if not, well i just joined our school's event. this is nuts and unexpected. but i guess this is the right time..? or probably not but i think of this as an opportunity. so why let it slip?
i know you'll be weirded out, and i'm expecting it tho. but pls don't worry. you don't have to do anything. i just want to give this to you so you can be aware of what i'm going to tell you.
you suddenly remember that he made this letter because of the foolish idea your school came up for the valentines' day that time. it was when you were all in your ninth grade, almost 6 years ago.
"So how many letters are you going to give to Jisung?" your friend, Ryujin asked as she fiddled with the letter she received from someone.
"Ryu, I already told him that I won't give him and he understand. And please, couples aren't required to do it. We already know that we feel the same for each other, so why bother? Jisung knows how special he is to me." You said, frowning at her. you already told Jisung about it. It's not that necessary and it won't affect your relationship, like it was such a shallow thing to do.
"Your annoying bestfriend's outside." Ryujin said and pointed at the door where you saw Hyunjin.
"I'll just go to him. Go read that letter with all your heart. Maybe they're the one for you." You said and gave her wink which made Ryujin roll her eyes at you.
"Hey stupid." You said as soon as you approached Hyunjin who pinched your arm jokingly.
"Hello too, my stupid best friend. So what are you up to?"
"You were the one who went here and you're the one asking that? I'm gonna ask that to you, what are you up to?" You said making Hyunjin silent, but the boy just rolled his eyes at you. What's with people and they keep on rolling their eyes on you?
"Whatever. You busy? Just wanna ask you to go with me to the mall. My treat." He wiggled his eyebrows at you and showed her mother's credit card.
"What the-- did you just stole your mom's card again? Wait let me tell her--" Hyunjin tapped your arm when you tried to get your phone from your pocket. He looks like he's the type of guy who wouldn't do it, but you've known him for years and he can be a sneaky rat sometimes.
"No I didn't- I asked her okay? And she let me because she knows I'm with you. She likes and trusts you so much she lets me use her card for our mini-date" He said and wiggled his eyebrows at you. This kind of banters are normal between and it doesn't really affect you, tho sometimes, or you should say, you used to feel moved by this kind of retorts from him. this means nothing to you now, as you said so to yourself.
"Okay, okay fine. But Jin, Uh, uhm. Jisung already asked me a while ago, and I said yes. So I might not be able to join you with your mini-date. Sorry." It's obvious that his expression changed into something that made you feel somewhat guilty.
"Oh, why did I forgot about that? Okay, nevermind. Enjoy your date then." He said and flash you a smile, and you can really tell that it was just a facade. But you decided to brush it off.
"Why don't you ask Ryujin? Seungmin? Felix?" You decided to suggest, since the three are his friends too.
"Uhm, yeah. I'll just ask them. Good luck with your date, by the way. I know Jisung will make you happy, especially it's your first Valentines' date together." He replied making you grin like an excited kid.
"Don't smile too much, you look ugly, remember?" He retort making you glare at him. He's back with being a mood breaker. He is really your best friend.
"Whatever, you look ugly too, you know that? Anyways, I need to go already, maybe Jisung's waiting for me. See you tomorrow then?" He nod before bidding each others' goodbyes, a little pained knowing that you won't join him for the first time on Valentines' day. Every Valentines', You and Hyunjin have a tradition of mini-date every Valentines' after school. Treating each other foods, but mostly Hyunjin was the one who always spends since "he proposed this idea to you" which you immediately agreed because Hyunjin's so fun to be with. But after rejecting him for the very first time, makes you a tad guilty. But he understand it, right? Yeah, he understands it.
You had a nice and special day with Jisung. It feels surreal, because you were able to celebrate Valentines with the person you like, the guy who cherish you with all his heart. Jisung is a nice guy, and you'll do everything not to hurt him. He has a special space in your heart. The guy you're sure who will stay with you no matter what happen. Like Hyunjin.
You shook your head when Hyunjin suddenly passed by on your train of thoughts about your boyfriend. Hyunjin is different, he is your best friend, your confidant. The guy who you grew up with and also has a special space in your heart. But they are utterly different. Jisung is Jisung, he is your boyfriend. Hyunjin is Hyunjin, your bestfriend.
"Y/N! Y/N" You went out of your trance when you heard your mother calling your name downstairs. You just got home from your after school Valentines date with Jisung, and you must admit, you feel giddy, extreme butterflies took flight in your stomach. Everything was just perfect for you.
"What is it, Mom?" You went downstairs and saw your mom at the kitchen.
"Hyunjin's outside, calling for you. He's outside, I'm letting him in but he said he won't stay long, he just need to give you something. Go to him, don't let him wait." Your mom beckoned you to go to Hyunjin, you checked the time first and its already 7 in the evening, what's with him?
You saw him standing outside, looking edgy, making you baffled. Your "hey" made the boy jump a bit and flash you an obviously nervous smile.
"What's up? Mom said you'll give me something. What is it?" You said as you approached him, the higher the proximity, the nervousness he feels also increases. But why?
"Uh, hey. Uhm yeah. I'm gonna give you something. Uuhm- here it is." He gave you a folded pink paper with his trembling hands. You attempt to open it but the guy moved faster.
"Please open it after I leave. Please?" Your eyebrows knitted and nodded slowly, agreeing with the way he prevented you from opening the letter, making you more confused.
"So what's this all about, Hwang Hyunjin? Is this some sort of prank? A blackmail?" You said joking. Hyunjin just gave you a sheepish grin, completely lacking of words to reply to you. The answers are inside the paper he gave you. So what else would he say to you?
"No. Just promise me that you will open that one when I leave, okay? So, I'm gonna leave now. See you tomorrow?" Hyunjin bit his lip, bidding his goodbye to you before he sprint out of your sight, didn't dare to wait for your response. You just rolled your eyes and shrugged, examining the paper he gave you. But there's a sudden strange feeling crept inside you, didn't have an idea why and where it came from. You went back to your room and decided to read the letter there.
Just promise me one thing. don't you ever dare avoid me after reading this. but maybe i'll understand it if you do. i am not insensitive you know?
yep, i like you silly. i don't know when this whole thing started. i swear, it's like wow, what's this i'm feeling? do i like y/n? oh yeah, i like her. i see and feel things differently when i started liking you, but not in a creepy way! i'm not that kind of person! it's like even if you're just doing those normal things like you always did back then, it feels more special, bizarre. is it always like this if you feel something romantically towards that person? or am i just overreacting? whatever it may be, that's what i felt.
remember when you slipped on the hallway because of the slippery wet floor, good thing i was with you and i am able to catch you, then you told that you really can't live without me? maybe for you it just casual, just a friendly banter, but for me? not gonna lie, it made my heart jump out of my chest. and luckily my face don't blush that too much, you're not able to see how affected i am with that. there are more, but i won't write that anymore. It won't fit in this goddamn piece of paper!
Did you expect this? Absolutely not. But you wished he told you sooner, sooner so you won't feel any regrets now. He likes you, but do you still like him? You definitely don't know. You already have Jisung, but do you think that reason is enough? Your mind is rambling with thoughts. All you were aware of is you used to feel the same way for him. But is it still here? You really don't have an idea. Why does it have to be late?
Hyunjin is the type of person who you will easily like. With his bubbly, sometimes slow-witted (yeah he is) but caring and loving persona, you'll just eventually love everything about him, no wonder all girls from your school are after him. And you are an example of it. Having an advantage as a best friend. You are lucky that you are one of the women he treasures the most. And you are grateful for it. Too grateful that you started growing feelings for him that exceeded the line of being just best friends. It lasted for about two years, you know you were too young back then, but it's Hyunjin and you know how much he cares for you. But soon you realized that he's just being like that since you are his best friend. So you tried moving on, thoughts of telling him about what you feel passed your mind but didn't have enough courage to do so. Now, knowing that he feels the same way too, made you feel somewhat regretful. You are mad, just mad. But do you have any rights to be mad at Hyunjin? Actually none. Guy doesn't even have an idea you like him too. This whole situation is so much frustrating than you've ever imagined. You never want this to happen, no one wants. Now, you have no idea what to do, with Hyunjin's feelings. He did mention that you don't have to do anything, he just wants you to know how he feels, but it's like something inside you was telling you otherwise. What are you gonna do now?
you know, you've been my bestfriend for years ever since you live in this neighborhood, and i am so grateful for that. i am grateful enough to know you, grateful enough to be a bestfriend that is always by your side. So please, please don't say sorry if you don't feel the same way. i just want to tell all of this to you, because i can't always keep this secret. i needed to vent it out. i need to tell you. so that i won't regret it in the future.
i can see how happy you are with jisung. and i am not planning to steal that happiness from you. what kind of friend am i if i'll do that? i know you too will last, i can feel it. but don't forget me, yeah? i am still your bestfriend, your neighbor, and your best boy.
all the love,
hyunjin xx
You were thankful that Hyunjin stayed by your side after all those happened. He accepted that he won't stand a chance anymore. You tried and tried, to get rid of those feelings left you have for him and luckily, you did. You were happy with Jisung.
You picked up another folded paper, this time it was a letter you made. For Hyunjin. You planned on giving this to him, but you soon realized that all your feelings for him are much better left unsaid. You don't want him to feel remorseful just because he didn't tell you what he feel sooner.
You heard the doorbell rang, immediately jumping out of the bed, thinking that it was your parents.
"Coming!" You shouted as you run your way down the stairs and greet the person from the other side of the door.
"Mom? isn't it too earl- Oh." Your rumblings abruptly stop when you saw who is the person, are the persons outside your home.
"Hey Y/N! how are you?" Ryujin greeted you and envelope you with her warm bear hug, a smile automatically creeping up on your face, as the other people flash you a smile.
"I-I'm good. How about you guys? Come in, come in!" You said and let them inside your house.
"I'm definitely fine! These two? I don't have an idea." Ryujin said as he rolled her eyes at the two, making the other guy frown.
"Don't tell me you two fought right before going here?" You asked the guys nod in unison.
"Exactly, because he almost declined from going here. What a brat, didn't you miss your best friend?" Jisung said making Hyunjin sigh in defeat.
"I do! It's just that I am not in the mood to get up from my bed. Our very entitled professor just rejected my proposal that I worked for almost two weeks, just wow." You can't help but to laugh at your best friend, he really did not change, so dramatic ever since.
"You know, you just need a date. You're depriving my best friend hm? Maybe Jisung's not being a responsible boyfriend I think, do you agree Ryu?" Ryujin sneered and nod in agreement, making Jisung groan.
"Am not! He's the one ignoring me these past few weeks, and you'll pass the blame on me? What a sweet best friends you are." Jisung babble making you all laugh.
"Well, don't fight now, please? Let's just all catch up with our lives. What do you guys want to do?" You suggested.
"Pizza delivery and soju please! I need that" Hyunjin suggested and you immediately agree.
"Gotta go upstairs and grab my phone, be right back." You said and run upstairs to get your phone.
You bit your lip and realize that you still have an unfinished business in your bedroom. You just shrugged and tidied the box, storing the letters back and putting it back inside your closet. For now, you just want to catch up with the people you cherish.
oh my, this is my first time writing a scenario involving member x member pairing, tho not the main pairing, but i rlly hope u like it🙃
- alexa
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savoryscribbles · 4 years
Father headcannons for BNHA
Main masterlist
Bnha masterlist
I had my friend and a wheel choose these at random so their not in a specific order.
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He’s worried he’ll scare the little ones with his face
You have to reassure him that they won’t be scared, he’s their father after all
Loves them to death, but isn’t very open about it
If you’re a female, then it’s gonna be one hell of a time being pregnant with his children, like imagine having a child inside you with four extra libs
And if you have twins or triplets, my god I feel sorry for you
You don’t mind though, because it’s just another way to show how much you love Shoji
When you turn on the TV one day and you tell your little ones that “dada’s on the TV, look!” Because your excited, cause your Husband(or boyfriend I don’t judge) doesn’t make TV much due to his quirk not being the most “attractive” in the media’s eyes
But anyways, they’ll be like “wait dada’s a hero!!!!!” And will be so happy
When he gets home they run in circles around him chanting “dads a hero, dads a hero.”
And they end with “dads our hero!!!!” And he won’t show it in front of them, but when you two are alone he’ll start sobbing
Because he was always outcasted and made fun of for his quirk or his face, and to have his children think of him as a hero, just makes his heart melt with love
Very scared of parenthood at first
Worried that his overall laidback demeanor isn’t fit for raising children
He’ll try his best to give them whatever they want
He might not be number one hero, but that doesn’t make him any less of a hero
Especially to them
When their older and they learn that Denki’s a hero, their over the moon
Because they idolize hero’s, and there dads one too??? He’s the best hero ever to them
He might tear up the first time they say that, because he’s always been over looked by everyone, there was always someone ahead of him, but now he’s his children’s number one, and that’s good enough for him
Very chill about rules
“You got in trouble for cursing? What the fuck?”
Honestly expects his children to be very rebellious teens
Honestly now you have to take care of children + a man child
He’ll try his best to help out, but it always fails in the end
Can’t discipline his children to save his life, ‘their just so cuteeeee’
He loves them to much to be mean to them
But that doesn’t mean that you don’t love them as much too, you guys just have different ways of expressing it
If they go through a “I hate my parents” phase, he won’t like it, even though he understands wholeheartedly that it’s just something some teens go through, he still doesn’t like it
Lowkey questions if he’s actually a bad parent
“Hey hey, y/n, am I’m a good dad right?” “Wtf Mirio it’s 2am in the morning” *la sigh* “yes you are a good dad, a great one even.” *cue all dah cuddles*
Let’s them stuff their faces whenever they want
They want a special kind of food? He already has it ordered it’ll be here in 15 minutes
And if his children inherit some form of his quirk? The food stores around your area sales have gone up exponentially
Part of their quality time together is eating
Will stop by their school and drop off snacks, might even bring some for the whole class, maybe even the whole school
He gets super duper sad whenever he has late patrols or is out on a mission for a couple days
Misses you guys so much
Expects his children to be well behaved
Try’s not to be overbearing but it can’t be helped, he truly does have good intentions
Loves his children though, very very much
As you know his family is kind of wealthy, or at least well off, they have enough money to basically get whatever they want(like obviously not like a mansion or like an Island, but like they have a beach house with a private beach)
So his kids won’t grow up in a poor household
But they won’t be spoiled
He’s sad whenever he’s super swamped with work
Also hates going on trips(like there’s like a villain in another country and they need back up or like they’re doing a special meetup on like the other side of Japan)
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our-heroes-rise · 4 years
slip of the tongue
pairing: todoroki x bilingual! reader
request:  Hi, I want to request a scenario for Todoroki. It’s about a reader who is actually his gf, but she talks portuguese as maternal language. When she got nervous, she start to panic in Portuguese, and she’s nervous to meet Shoto’s mom. How he will help her( something like that). I hope you like this idea. 🇧🇷🇧🇷✌🏻✌🏻
hero name: @todoroki-vivian
a/n: hi, lovely! omg yes, you can aboslutely have a todoroki request, i adore this boy. and i loved this idea so much! it was so darn cute. as someone of mixed race who grew up with a heavily hispanic family i think it’s always fun to imagine bringing home one of the bnha boys/girls. seeing how they’d react to be introduced to the sort of music, food, and p a r t i e s that i grew up with. i’d be completely useless teaching them any g o o d spanish though cause my mother never taught me when i was a kid :’). i only know a couple of phrases and the bad words lol. i don’t touch on any of that here because i’m not too familiar with portuguese culture and i don’t want to offend anyone by getting something wrong because i am uneducated on the subjectttt. there’s only like two words of real portuguese in here and they are from google translate because i wasn’t sure what the difference was between the spanish pronunciation and the portuguese pronunciation. OKAY after that whole thing i hope you enjoy this little scenario, i had a lot of fun writing it and it was super duper cute. thanks for requesting baby hero!
word count: 1,717
warnings: none! this is all fluff :)
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Your knee bounced with the subtle rocking of the train cart, heel occasionally tapping against the floor when the wheels ran over a bump in the tracks. No matter how hard you tried, no amount of slow deep breaths or mental reminders that everything would be fine, it would go well, would calm the ever growing bundle of nerves buzzing within the pit of your stomach. It crawled beneath your skin, flinching at the tips of your fingers which picked at the worn plastic seal of your seat, pinched at your bottom lip.
You watched the blur of winter barren trees whirl past the window, not really watching at all, thinking of every way not to mess up this very important day. This very, very important day on which absolutely nothing could go wrong because this was - it was his -
A comforting warmth pressed into your shoulder, calloused fingers wiggling their way through the gaps between yours, bringing a halt to your incessant fidgeting. Striking blue and grey find your gaze, softened by the unspoken question of concern knotting his brows.
What’s wrong?
“I’m just - It’s dumb, really,” you laugh softly, able to recognize how terribly ridiculous you would sound now that the words sit at the front of your mind. “I’m just overthinking things. I’m okay.” For extra reassurance, you give his hand a small squeeze, offering a smile.
Your boyfriend doesn’t seem to buy it.
“You’re not okay if something’s worrying you,” Todoroki says, head dipping to catch your eyes as you try to look away to hide your apprehension. “It might help if you talk about it.”
Bottom lip caught between your teeth once again, a soft sigh blows through nose, and you lean further into his shoulder, grateful for the gentle heat that bleeds through your jacket sleeve, soothing your nerves. You drop your attention to the spot where your fingers are now intertwined sitting atop his thigh, his thumb tracing over the ridges of your knuckles, saying he’s content to wait for as long as you need.
Well, at least until the arrival of your last stop where you would inevitably have to step off the train and face the anxiety tearing through your head.
It’ll be fine, stop worrying so much. It’ll be fine, it will be fine, it will be -
“What if she doesn’t like me?” You blurt suddenly, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as the eyes of a few curious strangers flicker over to you. Your face sinks further into the protective cocoon of your scarf.
His thumb pauses briefly before picking up its mindless pattern again. “What do you - ?”
“I - I mean, what if I say something wrong and end up sounding really stupid in front of her.” And the dam came crumbling down. “Your mother. The - like - the most important person in your life! I’d end up making a fool of myself in front of the most important person in your life. Then she might think ‘what’s Shoto even see in her? he could do so much better’. Which, you could, by the way. You could do worlds better but you’ve settled for me and sometimes I don’t really get it because - well - I’m me - “
“I don’t see a problem with that. I like you for you and if you are what settling is then I will gladly never settle anywhere else.”
“But what if she - “ your fingers tighten around him at the thought “- what if she doesn’t think I’m good enough for you? What if she thinks we should break up because she thinks I’m rude and annoying and uneducated?”
“Uhm. . . Y/n.”
“What if she thinks I’m a bad influence on you? I don’t want to make her hate me forever, that would be the worst feeling ever because I know she means so much to you.”
“Y/n. . .”
“That would just put so much strain on our relationship and I wouldn’t want you to feel guilty about what happened, ever. You don’t deserve that. You deserve so much better than that, Sho. I just - “
“Meu Amor.”
The name strikes a chord in your throat, catching you breathless, butterflies swooping in to replace the recoiling knot in your stomach. You whip your head around to find the corners of Todoroki’s lips pulling up in a small fond smile, eyes light with amusement. To begin with, Todoroki wasn’t big on pet names, preferring to use your given name, claiming it was sweeter than any silly nickname could be. Though throughout the seven and a half months you two had been together, he had referred to you with the occasional ‘love’ or ‘hon’. However, the number of times he had used that name could be counted on one hand.
Three. It was three times including right now.
He asked you how to say it while you were teaching him random phrases, goofing around in the middle of what was supposed to be a study session, the question being enough to make your face burn. His pronunciation had been rocky the first time, mouth working awkwardly around the words, throwing you into a fit of flustered giggles that had him pouting adorably at you, mumbling not to make fun of him for trying. But, now? Now his near perfect pronunciation left you wondering how many times he had practiced by himself. 
Meu Amor was the Portuguese phrase for My Love. His love. His love. 
“Y-Yeah?” It’s at that very moment that realize you have slipped out of your usual Japanese tongue, rolling through the tumbling hill syllables of your maternal language. “Oh, s-sorry. I. . . I did the thing again,” you mutter, flipping back to Japanese.
Todoroki huffs a short laugh that makes your heart flutter pleasantly as the sound reverberates through your own chest. “It’s okay, I think I got the gist of what you were saying. It’s cute when you do that, anyway.” He says the last part softly, meant for himself. You press your cheeks further into your scarf, hiding your own shy smile.
Todoroki takes a minute to speak, gazing at the same window you were just a moment ago, lost in thought. 
“Y/n,” he finally says. “Meu Amor, -” four times “- frankly, my mother could care less about who you are. I think you could introduce yourself as a high school drop out with a criminal record and her main concern would still be; do we make each other happy? Do you make me happy.”
You allow yourself to absorb the impact of his words.
“And. . . I make you happy?”
He shoots you an incredulous glance, then snorts when he sees you peaking earnestly above the edge of your scarf. “Irrevocably so. Do I make you happy?”
“It’s impossible for me to think about you without smiling.” You give him a bright cheeky grin when his cheeks flare with a noticeable shade of scarlet that crawls all the way up his neck to the tips of his ears.
“Good. Then that’s more than enough.” He squeezes your hand, pulling you closer into his side. “There isn’t a doubt in my mind that she won’t absolutely adore you the same way I do once she meets you. If she doesn’t already, of course.”
The statement piques your curiosity and you arch one brow at him. “What do you mean if she doesn’t already? Have you. . . Told her about me already -- In your letters to her?”
“I thought you already knew that,” Todoroki says, frowning in confusion. “She’s always asking about you and how you’re doing. I was pretty sure I mentioned it before.”
“What the heck? Shoto you’ve never told me that!”
“So - So then she’s okay with us being together?”
“I think she’s more than okay with it,” he replies, his quiet smile returning. “It’s possible that she’s more excited than I am for you to meet her, which would be saying something.”
“That would have been nice to know before I rambled off the entire Portuguese dictionary to the whole train,” you grumble, rolling your eyes.
“Sorry,” he says, but it sounds like he’s trying to suppress another laugh. And you really can’t stay upset with him for long.
Rough fingertips push gently at the tips of yours to splay your palm out over his, pressing them together. Lightly you run your nails down the long runs of his fingers, memorizing every bump, scratch, and scar, sweeping your forefinger along the wrinkle of his lifeline, then across his heart line. This - the way you were touching him - may not seem like much at all to anyone else, but it was worth worlds to you. It had taken Todoroki months to comfortably hold your hand, even longer while in public, then some to kiss you for the first time. PDA wasn’t what bothered him (not entirely, at least), it was the displays of affection part. Because of the way he grew up, physical affection was a foreign concept, often leaving him lost and a mess of rigid limbs and awkward apologies. But now, he could easily seek your hand in the middle of a crowded train, or wrap his arm around you in the common room, or press a kiss to the top of your head before the start of class. To know that he had made an effort to open himself up to you, allowing you to see this side of him, the side he had only shared with his mother before, made your heart melt and your eyes swim.
Shoto was right, this was more than enough.
A calm voice announces the arrival of your stop and you two stand as passengers begin to climb off the train. 
“Still nervous?” Todoroki asks, threading his fingers through yours once more now that you have both stepped into the morning rush, not wanting to lose you amongst the chaos.
Letting him guide you through the thick crowd, you smile softly, raising your conjoined hands to press your lips to the back of his.
This would always be more than enough.
“No, I think I’ll be okay now.”
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