#support museums
llyfrenfys · 6 months
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Support the museum if you can! I love the museum and it would be wonderful to secure these artefact's future.
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saintartemis · 7 months
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skiplo-wave · 1 year
I am going to pay $250,000 and sign my soul over for a joy ride on a experimental submersible controlled by a PS5 controller to see a glimpse of the Titanic from one small window that I have to share with 4 other people while 400 tons of water pressure could possibly implode my ass or gee.... maybe I could get a true Titanic experience like what Titan's possibly got to do by going riding right fucking through it.
The fact there’s so many titanic museums. I know one gives you card of passenger on whether they survived or not. Another let’s you feel how cold that water was. And again it’s a museum. Some have free entry or if you pay enter it fucking not 250k >:/
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sassmill · 11 months
One thing about me is I will always spend $80 minimum in a museum store, non negotiable
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tea-with-eleni · 10 months
I think literally everything about my museum is run on a "well it works, but it probably shouldn't, and we really ought to do something about it before it blows up in our faces" mentality.
The Electricity: The wiring was done by "a bunch of good old boys back before they had to worry about code" and the tech department has been swearing at it for years. Apparently when they first inherited the museum, they had a 1.5 million volt Tesla coil plugged into an off-the-shelf surge protector. It's a miracle nobody died. They've spent the last few months puzzling out the wiring in the offices. They still don't know what all the switches do, and I know there's about six switches in the office kitchen that just say "NO" and "DO NOT SWITCH".
The Dome: Our planetarium is literally kept running by witchcraft, and everything in it has been created by three chucklefucks who have had to teach ourselves how to code. The closest we have to an expert is probably me. I attended a hackathon on the precursor software in February 2020, mostly for the free food. We've found a bug so weird that apparently the actual experts in the software were flummoxed. The official take is "that sounds weird and bad".
The Closet: The education department has two closets. One is full of crafting supplies and was meticulously organized by our non-adhd department head back in May. The other... well... she tried. And we tried. But the rest of the department is VERY adhd, and then summer camp happened, and now it looks like the Kratt Brothers were turned loose with a much larger space. It's giving our poor department head nightmares.
The Dinosaurs: There are rather nice (if about 15 years out of date, which is to say featherless) dinosaur statues outside on the walking trails. Speakers play dinosaur noises during the day. For some reason, the speaker system is cross wired into the copy machine. If the dinosaurs aren't roaring then the copy machine doesn't work. Apparently some of the roars are courtesy of our poor tech who's been unraveling the wiring debacle.
The File System: You know how if you leave an ADHD person with access to too much information of any particular type, they'll go and become a fucking expert? Yeah, so that happened to our museum director and the museum's logs. She's told me a couple of times about some of the weird things she's found buried in the museum archives-that-we-aren't-even-supposed-to-have-because-we-aren't-that-type-of-museum with the tone of a person who is still trying to process the visceral strangeness of what they've found.
The Entrance Bridge: Yeah so apparently it's only avoided collapsing by virtue of... well, maybe witchcraft again, but also a decent amount of luck. They're actually closing for two weeks so we can fix it soon. I don't think it'll be an "all hands on deck, wear comfy clothes because somebody has to build it and it's going to be literally all departments" situation - although, you never know. Literally everyone was involved in repainting part of the office wing.
The Water Feature: We have this cannon thing that spans two floors and is great fun, because it involves launching playpen balls into a fountain. It just gets jammed a lot. You unjam it by retrieving The Broken Broom Handle from a corner, making a joke about using high tech tools, and poking around with it at an awkward angle until it's unjammed again. Probably a lesser evil, but still kinda funny.
The Ghosts: Possibly due to the amount of energy we pour into the atmosphere every day via the giant 1.5 million volt tesla coil, the museum is haunted as shit. I had someone pounding on the door of the dome earlier today. Nobody was there, except for one woman about fifteen feet away who seemed genuinely startled when I asked if anyone had knocked on the door. Weirdly, it sounded like one of those push-bar doors, even though it's a door with a turn-handle. Other ghosts have also been heard - there's one with a ring of jingly keys who draws attention to unlocked doors, for example.
The Staff: Of the staff, maybe one person? is neurotypical. Although I can't tell for sure. I think she might just be better at masking than the rest of us. The staff members on the spectrum try to point the adhd staff members in productive directions. Our department is currently looking for someone physically capable of organization and scheduling to handle the paperwork, outreach coordination, planning, and volunteer coordination. Because out of our department and the nearest adjacent department... well... the nearest adjacent department head got bored yesterday and spent a good thirty minutes melting crayons in the sun. Which distracted the other person in my department, who helped. The cardboard box of melted crayon art is now sitting in the middle of the floor. It may stay there for quite some time.
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delyth-thomas-art · 3 months
Please help the National Museum Of Wales
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Please sign the petition!!!!
You don't need to be living in Wales or the uk to sign.
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pineapple-coffee · 1 year
LOVE when my fandom interests go into the realm of academia. Did I get a book on ancient Egypt from my library just so I can make Ahkmenrah headcanons and understand his character better? Yes. Did I buy an anthology of Walt Whitman’s poems because he’s a central part of Dead Poets Society? Yes and every poem slaps!! Do I want to go into anthropology because Bones introduced me to the field? Absolutely! If fandom helps you discover interests and topics that you may not have explored otherwise, then the media has succeeded, and don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise!!
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sensiblereblogifposts · 4 months
I'm going to break my very strict format for once because I need your help. For the past 9 years, the irl human behind this blog has been involved in the effort to save a museum from incompetent and money hungry executives.
The museum is filled with precious objects, telling the story of the history of technology, and how it relates to art and society.
Many of these are objects are large, but delicate and have been in place for over 30 years.
No one within the museum's community trusts the CEO, who was appointed by a hostile former government, and prefers renting out museum spaces for business functions over educating the public.
In a few days, the museum is set to close down for renovations. Yet none of the staff or volunteers have been given any clear details about these plans. All we know is displays which have inspired generations will be torn down, likely never to be restored.
We have a petition asking the new government to step in and stop the closure:
If you could sign this, you'd be doing the human behind this blog a massive favour.
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blackkatdraws2 · 1 month
Han Myungoh and Han Dareum~ [Omniscient Readers Viewpoint]
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My personal headcanon is that Han Myungoh had to consult a cosmetologist to teach him how to style a woman's hair so he could make pretty hairstyles for his daughter, Han Dareum.
Because I'm sure he wouldn't know how to do a girl's hair since he's never done it before!! ----------------★ [The scenario below is inspired by the future events of the novel // might contain spoilers!] [Content Warning: Injury, Angst, Hurt]
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He clutches at his daughter's limp body. Her frail body was weak, but still breathing, albeit faintly.
"You'll be alright, sweetheart. You're alright, I'm here. Appa is here, sweetheart. I came back for you like I promised--"
He mumbles words of comfort into his daughter's ears. Hugging her, making sure she's safe in his arms, making sure she's still alive.
By now, he wasn't sure whether these words were for his daughter or for himself. But he repeats them anyway.
His Han Dareum was finally home.
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restless-historian · 2 months
There are three types of Ukrainian artists. Those who were killed by russia, those who were repressed by russia and those whose legacy was stolen by russia. Armenian-Ukrainian artist Ivan Aivazovsky belongs to the third category. So here I present 6 fun  facts about his life.
1. For almost an entire life he lived in the city of Feodosia in Crimea. He loved the city and was its patron, he financed museums, galleries and the development of the city. 
For example, when the ancient Armenian church of Surb-Sarkis burned down, the restoration was carried out at the personal expense of Ivan Aivazovsky. From year to year, the painter donated the author's icons to the Church of St. Sergius - "Walking on Water" (1888; oil on canvas, 70 x 50), "The Last Supper" (1890; oil on canvas, 44 x 60), "The Virgin and Child ” (1891; oil on canvas; 125 x 103 cm), “Prayer for the Chalice” (1897; oil on canvas; 94 x 72).
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Feodosia. Moonlit night, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1852, 29x36cm, oil on canvas, private collection
2. History and archeology were his huge hobbies. He even participated in archeological digs. Though he hated reading.
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Chumaks leisure, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1885, oil on canvas,  Belarusian National Arts Museum
3. He created his marine landscapes not on the coast but in his workshop from memory.
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The Ninth Wave, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1850, 221x322cm, oil on canvas, State russian museum
4. He was the first Ukrainian artist to be exhibited in the Louvre. 
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View of the island of Capri, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1845, 40x57cm, oil on canvas, Kyiv National Art Gallery
5. Pope Gregory XVI (Gregorius PP. XVI; 1765-1846) unexpectedly wished to purchase a painting by an artist from Feodosia for the Vatican. So, at the beginning of 1841, the marinist repeated the seascape in his own way and, kneeling down, personally presented it to the Pontiff. Touched by the artist's noble gesture, in the late autumn of 1841, the governor of St. Peter personally awarded the Ukrainian Armenian with the Order of St. Sylvester and the Golden Militia.
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Chaos. Creation of the world, Ivan Aivazovsky, 1841
In 2023, during the bloody occupation of the Ukrainian city of Kherson by russians, not only were thousands of civilians tortured and killed, but numerous museums were also robbed. Three paintings by Ivan Aivazovsky were stolen from the Kherson National Museum of Art, along with thousands of artefacts from all over the country. The stolen paintings are: "The Storm Subsides," "The Sea," and "View of the City of Odesa." Reminder: Such actions are a direct violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Support Ukraine!
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In Ukrainian text states: STOLEN! Ivan Aivazovsky, View of the City of Odesa, oil on canvas
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In Ukrainian text states: STOLEN! Ivan Aivazovsky, The Storm Subsides, oil on canvas
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In Ukrainian text states: STOLEN! Ivan Aivazovsky, The Sea, oil on canvas
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
When Eddie and Steve first became parents, Robin made them a silent promise.
She swore to herself that she was going to give their children the most annoying gifts she could possibly find.
(To preserve the sanctity of their friendship, of course).
In 2006, when Moe and Robbie are five and three, Robin catches wind of the girls’ struggle to learn the appropriate places to put stickers. She found this out when Steve lamented to her for fifteen entire minutes about how difficult it is to get stickers off of clothing and walls and windows and light switches (everything, pretty much).
So it is with great delight that Robin adds two colossal books of novelty stickers to the collection of gifts she and Nancy were pulling together. She also gives them each a paint set and fabric markers.
Moe and Robbie were pumped, naturally. Steve and Eddie were not.
Robin: What? I just want to support their artistic endeavors!
Robin happens to think she went easy on them. She’d also seen a kids’ megaphone that she graciously vetoed (Hazel is still a newborn and still not sleeping through the night yet – she wants to bug them, not drive them off the ledge into total insanity).
The next year, she doesn’t hold back – not only does she give them the megaphone, but she also finds a slide whistle and a plastic recorder and a bucket of mega bouncy balls.
Over the years the girls get from their Aunt Robin – slime, kinetic sand, a karaoke machine that was only programmed with Disney Channel Original Musical soundtracks, prank kits, a cowbell, craft glitter, a rock tumbler, an ant farm. One year she gave all three of them Furbies.
This crusade is easy when the girls are little, because kids' toys are notably annoying as a baseline, but she has a harder time when the girls hit their teen years. Robin, however, is nothing if not committed to the bit, so she always manages to figure something out.
Robin: Do you think it’d be taking it too far to buy Moe that phone she’s been harassing them about.
Nancy: Uh, yeah.
Robin: What about the gerbil for Hazel?
Nancy: *thinking*
Nancy: That one’s fine.
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floodkiss · 1 year
Hold the British Museum accountable for copyright infringement!
Some of you may have seen this in the news, but a buddy of mine has had her translation work stolen by the British Museum. Yilin’s translations of feminist poet Qiu Jin has been taken and used in multiple formats in the physical exhibition as well as used in the exhibition book with no citation or credit attached. They did not inform her, they did not get permission, they did not credit her, and they did not pay her.
The British Museum’s correspondence with Yilin has been outright atrocious. From Yilin’s crowd justice:
They initially claimed they had just forgotten to credit me in the exhibit and offered to acknowledge me, and to send me a permission form, whilst emphasizing how other contributors let them use their work for free or at a low cost. Before I even had a chance to respond, especially given the 8-hr time difference, they contacted me 24 hours later to tell me that they had removed all my translations from the exhibit. […]
After lying to her and the public about the apology, they have continued to misrepresent the situation to journalists and treat Yilin, whose work they STOLE, like garbage. They have only corresponded with them in a condescending manner with coercive language regarding the work that they stole. Yilin is now hoping to raise at least £15,000 by July 10th in order to instruct expert lawyers in London to initiate a claim of infringement of their copyright and moral rights.
We cannot allow the British Museum to continue their legacy of theft, if they are not held responsible, then this cycle will only repeat itself. Additionally, if she is successful, she hopes to donate at least 50% of the funds back into the community.
Please share! (Read about the full thing below, and if you’re up for it, Here is the original tweet thread describing everything as it happened)
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saintartemis · 2 years
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devilish-parrot · 4 months
each option includes every version of it, eg: miracle musical includes hawaii part ii, hawaii partii, variations on a cloud etc
reblog for bigger sample size :3
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wanologic · 9 days
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Please support the Pacific Bonsai Museum and pick up some cute bonsai keychains! Everyone there is so sweet and every purchase helps!
You can pick them up online in their museum store 💚
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spark-circuit · 1 year
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i found a way to pet kitr :)
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