mcbenson25 · 3 years
What Was Never Meant To Be Part 4 (Finale)
As promised...the final part!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Warning: angst, anxiety, anxiety attack
Life had to be pulling a cruel joke on you.
Or maybe you were dreaming and you would wake up and everything would be okay.
And yet a part of you already knew nothing was okay right now.
This was real.
He was real.
Dominick Carisi was standing in front of you.
For a moment neither of you said anything. You were both afraid of what would happen next. So you both stood there staring at each other.
Waiting for the other to interrupt reality.
To bring it crashing.
"Momma who's that?"
And there it was.
You saw his eyes travel to Rosalie as she hide behind your legs, curious of the stranger.
How you wished he was.
You saw the hurt in his eyes as the filled with tears.
How dare him.
He has no right.
He hurt me.
"Rosalie darling why don't you go watch TV for a bit and then I'll give you ice cream?" Your voice trembled.
The little girl smiled before giving small wave to Sonny and disappearing to her room.
You saw him choke back a sob as he met your eyes.
"She's so big" he said quietly.
He doesn't get to play the sad card. The broken and alone card. It had already been used and it had only left devastation in its way.
"Yeah she is. What do you want?" You said coldly.
You saw him flinch at the sound of you voice. He had never heard you be this cold.
"I uh...I thought I could come and we could talk." He said avoiding you eyes.
You gave a small forced huff of annoyance.
"Talk? Now you want to talk? You know what? We were done talking the minute you kissed Amanda!" You voice was getting louder as you saw him look down in shame.
It was truly amazing how although he was taller than you he seemed so small right now.
Just like you were all those years ago.
"I jus-st wanted to meet her. To apologize to you". His voice broken and near crying.
You felt so much anger.
It had all been pent up over the years waiting to blow.
And it finally did.
"Oh yeah? Well sorry to tell you that you just came to waste your time. I don't need any of your apologies or pity or anything else. You hurt me. YOU BROKE ME!" You shook angrily.
"I'm sorry," he sobbed, "I never meant to hurt you."
Right when you were about to go off on him again he was on his knees sobbing and crying.
"I'm so sorry. Please, I'm sorry. Please," he sobbed uncontrollably as his breathing quickened and his whoke body began to shake.
This cannot be happening.
Sonny Carisi was having an anxiety attack.
Immediately your anger was forgotten as you rushed to his side and embraced him.
Despite everything, no one deserved to go through that alone.
Even if you had.
"Hey. Look at me it's okay. Shhhh it's okay." You tried to comfort him as the strong passionate man you had known broke down in front of you.
He cried saying things incoherently and you pulled him closer to you.
"ItsnotokaynothingisokayI'msosorry" he muffled into your chest.
Nothing is okay.
Understatement of the year.
As you rubbed his back he slowly began to calm down.
And become self concious of his surrondings.
He lightly pushed you away as he stood and took a good couple steps back, hs eyes wide and full of fear and regret.
"I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to do that," he said nervously, once again avoiding your gaze.
"No it's fine. I was a little too harsh." You said softly.
"Rightfully so," he said matching your tone.
There was a quiet silence between you for a while.
It gave you time to really think about all of this.
You sighed.
Rosalie deserved to know who her father was and have the opportunity to spend time with him.
"Sonny," you finally said.
His eyes looked up at you unsure.
"Her name is Rosalie and she is four. She's so beautiful. She has the prettiest smile and most wonderful laugh. She lights up any room she is in and is the amazingest little girl in the whole world." You say taking a pause before continuing.
"She deserves to know you. And I don't have the heart to keep her away from you. But there are conditions."
He looked up at you with hopefull, pleading eyes, "Anything"
"You can come see her whenever you want. You just have to let me know. You will go with her to every field trip and parent conference. You will spoil her rotten and give her all the love she deserves. You will be her knight in shining armour," you pause as you felt your eyes well up in tears.
"And if you ever break her heart, I swear to you, you will never see her again and I'll make sure to make your life a living hell," you trembled out you voice threatening to crack.
"Because that little girl deserves nothing less."
Sonny was in tears as he nodded.
"Never. I promise you. I will never hurt her," he said gently before meeting you eyes, "or you again."
He tried to reach for you hand but you stepped back realizing how close you had gotten.
He looked down shamefully.
"Look Sonny. I was hurt pretty bad that day. And I ran. Away from you, from everything. But yet my feelings for you seemed to follow me. Because somehow my heart still felt something for you. It took years to get through that. I don't know what the future holds for us but please, I can't do that. I don't want for this to get complicated. Maybe someday I'll change my mind or find someone else. But for right now I just want to clear my head and just be friends."
"Right. Of course." He said.
You sighed softly.
It was nice to get that off your chest.
You looked at him and gave him a small smile.
"Do you want to meet your daughter?"
"Yes," he said returning your smile.
Maybe you were both never meant to be togther or maybe it was just bad timing. Maybe the future would change that. You had grown into a different person and so had he. There were so many possiblities for the future and for once you were ready.
Ready for what lied ahead.
Because life had a funny way of doing things.
And you were finally at peace.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Taglist: @wittysunflower
Okayyyyyyy. There you gooooo. After a month with just a small request here we are 4 parts later (sorry not sorry). This request was so fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it. Also made the ending so that you could decide what happens next! As always thank you so much for reading and don't be afraid to drop those requests!
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
If Only... Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
This could not be happening.
Your head snapped in the direction of the voice.
And you felt your heart drop when you saw who it was.
Rafael Barba.
There he was standing with wide eyes as he made eye contact with you.
Everyone else had turned their attention towards him as they waited, the silence only seeming to make time go slower.
You silently prayed it was some kind of joke and he would burst out laughing and everything would be okay.
He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
He looked like a deer in headlights. In any other situation, you would have laughed and taken a picture to show him later but right now you needed him to snap out of it.
You didn't even realize you were in front of him until you heard yourself ask, "Raf?"
"I-uh-I," he stammered unable to get any proper words out.
"Maybe you two should talk in the other room?" Aaron had appeared next to you out of nowhere.
You nodded before he gave you a reassuring smile and you all but dragged Rafael to a small room.
"You want to tell me what's wrong?" you say demandingly.
"I-un don't know?" he said nervously avoiding your gaze.
Oh no, he doesn't, not this time.
But you didn't get to finish that thought because someone was kissing you.
Not just anyone.
Rafael Freaking Barba
You immediately pushed him away in complete shock.
You were very surprised when you tried to speak and it came out as a whisper.
"What the heck was that."
He looked at you searching your eyes for something that you couldn't figure out.
"I love you."
The world had officially lost its mind.
"You lo-what?" you asked already overwhelmed.
"I always have. At first, I thought it must be a silly crush or that it was because we spent so much time together and I would grow out of it. But I didn't. In fact, I only loved you more. Day after day I told myself I would tell you but I was scared. I thought it would ruin our friendship. And I didn't want that. But as time passed I knew I couldn't live like this so I made a promise to myself to tell you. And I almost did. The day I graduated you were so happy and proud of me and I swore to myself I would tell you that day. But then-"
"I met Aaron," you said softly.
He gave you a sad smile.
"Yes. I saw the way you two hit it off and I knew I had lost my chance."
The two of you stood there in silence but your mind was anything but.
It all made sense now.
The extra affection, the comments about Aaron, the behavior from this morning.
He loved you.
You felt your eyes water.
Because the truth was that there had been a point in your life that you had fallen in love with him. You would have been more than happy to marry him. To start a family with him. To grow old with him.
But time had past and you had grown and he didn't need to know that right now.
You didn't know you were sobbing until you felt him hug you and whisper, "I'm so sorry," into your ear.
"You should have told me," you sobbed into his shoulder.
"I know I'm sorry."
The both of you just stood there and cried for a while.
"I thought about leaving."
Your eyes went wide as you pulled away from him.
He took a deep breath, "It hurt. To see the two of you together. You were so happy. And it hurt. It hurt to see you every day knowing I would never be in his place. I wanted to be far away from you but I knew I couldn't leave you. And I knew you would hunt me down."
You gave a small laugh.
"Damn right I would have."
He chuckled.
He brushed his hand along your cheek and you shivered at the feeling.
"I know you don't feel the same way and for some strange reason, I'm okay with that. It just felt nice to get it off my chest."
This day just got weirder and weirder.
"And you just chose today right now out of all other times?" you said pretending to be upset but you really weren't.
He gave a huge grin before bursting in a fit of laughter and you laughed too.
"You always complain your life is boring. I'm just adding some action to it bonita."
You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully.
"We should get back then."
He looked at you before grinning.
"You know that you're the prettiest woman ever but the makeup is making you look like La Llorona."
You laughed.
"Go get my bridesmaids. They'll make me look good as new."
Before he went he gave you a tight hug.
And you hugged him back just as tightly.
"You'll be okay?" you asked with a bit of worry.
You can't just make a confession like that and then just be okay.
He pulled away from you and kissed your forehead.
"I'll be okay," he paused, "but I hope your wedding will be okay. Aaron probably thinks I kidnapped you and all the guests probably hate me."
He appreciated the sentiment but gave you the "you really want to bet?" look.
You laughed.
"Hurry up I would like to get married before the end of the day guapo," you said playfully.
"Okay okay. Your wish is my command bonita," he said as he rushed to get your bridesmaid.
"Alright! You may kiss the bride!" the minister exclaimed as you kissed Aaron.
When you had come back the guests were confused but relieved that the ceremony would continue. Aaron had looked at you questionably but you only smiled and gave him the best "I'll tell you later" look you could. It would be an interesting conversation but all you wanted was to get married.
And here you were.
Aaron was beaming as he leaned in for another kiss before taking your hand and running down the aisle and everyone through petals in the air. As you ran you spotted Rafael and gave him a wide grin before throwing your bouquet at him. He caught it confused and you giggled before blowing a kiss and ran faster as he registered what it meant.
Today was full of surprises but you were happy that everything had turned out okay.
Taglist: @wittysunflower
I'm writing an epilogue for this because whyyyyyy nooooot. Also fun fact I had to rewrite this because I accidentally deleted a big part of it but I am happier with this version. Also, a friendly reminder that requests are open!Hope you enjoyed!
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Attack (Barba X Reader)
Summary:  A mysterious phone call has Barba scared for your life.
Note: Mentions of violence and danger.
Remember to submit requests!
Rafael's heart steadied back to its normal pace as the man left, leaving him panicked and scared for the first time in what seemed like forever. He immediately took out his phone and dialed your number. "L/N," came the reply. "Hey Y/N I um just wanted to know where you're at because I need to talk to you about something." "What is it?" you asked. "It's um something but I can't tell you over the phone," he said nervously. You could tell something was up by how nervous he sounded and because he used "um" which he uses when something has happened. You were currently at Starbucks with the squad having coffee. They all looked at you quizzically, intently trying to listen in. "Um ok sure I'll be over in a couple of minutes," you told him. "No don't come here. Tell me where you're at," he said. "I'm at Starbucks with the squad," you told him not understanding why he didn't want her to come over. A sigh of relief came from Rafael knowing you weren't alone. "Ok, I'll be right there bye". He walked as fast as he could all the way to Starbucks and was out of breath by the time he got there. As he went in he spotted the squad almost immediately at a booth by the window. Everyone was there. Except for you. Panicked, he walked over to the squad. "Where's Y/N?" he asked. "She just left for an emergency arraignment," Olivia told him. Rafael looked at her, "And you let her go by herself?!" he exclaimed. Everyone in the store looked in their direction. The squad gave questioning look as Olivia said," Um yes she's old enough to go to arraignment by herself," with a very sarcastic voice. "Why so worried about Y/N, counselor?" Carisi asked. Rafael took a glance around the store to make sure there was no one around before saying in a very quiet voice, "Someone threatened me just a little while ago and said he'd hurt her."
The whole squad looked at him their eyes wide with disbelief. For a couple of minutes, they all were silent taking in what Barba had just told him. Olivia breaking the silence told him, "Go to the courthouse and take Fin and Carisi with you and do not get separated. Get Y/N and come directly to the precinct. Am I clear?" Rafael nodded as he got up to leave. Fin and Carisi also did the same. They took a silent cab ride to the courthouse. Rafael wanted Y/N to be safe. If someone were to hurt her because of him he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Fin shook him by the shoulders. "Counselor we're here." They all got up and went inside the courthouse. Once inside Rafael asked the secretary what room Y/N was in. She told him and they all went to that room. Just as Liv had said she was there for arraignment. Just as you had finished you spotted Barba and the 2 detectives and gave a little wave as you walked toward them. "I hate when these things pop up during my breaks," you said. She spotted the serious looks of each of them. "Why the long faces?" you asked worriedly. Just as Rafael started to answer there were gunshots fired in the courtroom. You yelped as Rafael pulled you to the ground. "Stay down and don't move Counselors!" Carisi yelled taking out his gun. The man who was shooting was the man who had just been arraigned for the assault of two defense lawyers. The gunshots continued seeming never to end. You and Rafael had managed to get behind a bench to hide. Each time you heard a shot you flinched. Rafael noticed this and grabbed your hand. "Hey," he said, "Look at me" You looked at him. "What?" you said fearfully. Your eyes, he noticed was filled with fear. "Everything is going to be okay." You took a deep breath and nodded. You tried hard not to flinch but couldn't help it. Rafael finally couldn't take it anymore and wrapped his arms around you. You were surprised at his sudden affection but found it comforting. You buried your face in his shoulder in an attempt to stop hearing the shots which proved to not be helpful. You focused instead on Barba, taking in his scent of expensive cologne. His breathing was at a slow rhythm even though you could feel his heart racing. He still had a strong grip around you but you didn't mind. You felt safe in his arms. Then all went quiet in the courtroom. There were no more shots or screaming or yelling. You tried to pull out of Rafael's arms but he shook his head. "I'll look," he whispered. He glanced up and saw Carisi walking over to them. He looked battered with slight bruises on his cheek. "Hey counselors," he greeted calmly as if nothing had happened. "Carisi what happened?" you asked finally being able to pull out of Barba's arm after he saw everything was alright. "The man thought he could get away with it but had another thing coming at him. Guess you won't be prosecuting him anymore Y/N," Carisi answered. You gave him a small smile, "Guess not". "We should head down to the station with Liv and everyone," Carisi said. Rafael nodded, "Yeah that would be a good idea." Then he looked at you and you saw fear and sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry Y/N I should have been here to protect you," tears started to fall from his face, "If anything would've happened to you I don't know what I would've done." You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close to you. "Shh, It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. I will always be here." For a moment you could only hear his heavy breathing before you heard something so soft and sweet you almost missed it. "I love you Y/N." "I love you too Rafa."
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Late Night Fights (Barba X Reader)
Note: I'm really bad at summaries so bear with me lol
Summary: Barba has fight with reader and regrets it and tries to drown down his regret with drinks.
Barba didn't know what to do. After his fight with you, he just needed to get away from all of this. As he walked down the street he thought of you. He wasn't sure why he thought of you. Lately, everything he thought was about you. Maybe it was your smile. Or maybe it was the way you laughed. Or the way you had confidence in every case. Your stubbornness in getting what you thought was best. The way you seemed to stand five feet taller when you were serious. It may even be your e/c eyes that said everything without you having to talk. The way they sparkled and glowed when you were happy. He smiled at himself thinking of you. You were beautiful. Barba shook his head. "I don't deserve her," He thought, "And after tonight she'll probably never come back". Sighing at his thoughts he kept walking down 63rd street until he suddenly stopped in front of a bar. He knew he shouldn't go in but something inside him urged him to go in. Finally, he opened the door and let himself in.
------------------------------------------------    "Bullseye!" Barba exclaimed as he took another swig from his scotch. He was playing darts with the men there betting on who would win and the loser would have to pay their stub.    "Impossible! That's the 3rd one in a row!" One of the men, Bill said.     Barba smiled proudly before saying, "Pay up".    Bill, mad that he had lost, reluctantly gave Barba the cash to pay his drinks.    As Barba got up to get another drink he saw it was no longer light outside. He looked at his watch but was too drunk to tell the time so instead pulled out his phone to look at the time. It was 12:30 pm. He had been at the bar for 6 hours. He needed to get home before he ended up spending the night there. He went towards the counter and called over the bartender.     "Here's my pay," He said tiredly. The bartender took the money and went on his way. Barba knew he should take a cab but it would be a bit hard to find at wee hours of the morning. "Y/n", he thought as he pulled out his phone and called you.     "Hullo?" A tired voice asked.     "Hey, could you come and pick me up at that one bar on 63rd street?" He asked her.      "Barba? What the heck are you...," your voice trailed off for a moment before you said," I'll be there in five minutes," And then hung up. Rafael knew you would get mad at him but that didn't concern him at the time. He sat outside the bar on a bench waiting for you to come. Soon enough after about 5 minutes, a silver Nissan Rogue pulled up in front of him. You saw Barba sitting at the bench and helped him walk to the car. He could hardly stand on his own let alone walk. He was more wasted than anything else in the world. As you both continued your walk to the car Barba all of a sudden put a hand over his mouth. You stepped away from him as he vomited over the street. You both then tied again to walk to the car. Once he was in the car you asked him," Where do you live so I can drop you off?"     Barba stared at you for a moment trying to remember this one simple thing but it was useless trying when he was drunk.     "I don't remember," He said with a hiccup," take me with you". You find Barba's comment amusing and laugh."Very funny Barba but you're drunk"     Rafael was quiet for a moment before saying," I really don't remember Y/n".   You, seeing he wasn't lying, sighed before starting the car and drove towards your apartment on Central Boulevard.     When they got there you helped the still dazed but in better conditions Rafael Barba up to the apartment room. After you opened the door Barba "walked" himself to the couch falling on it heavily while you took off your jacket and shoes. Then you joined him on the couch.   "Rafael I know it may not be the time to discuss this with you but..." Your voice trailed off.     "What is it?" Barba asked knowing you only used his first name if it was something serious.    "After you left, the Chicago DA's office contacted me and offered me a job offer."     Barba all of a sudden becoming somewhat sober enough, asked, "To which you said no right?"     You sighed, "Rafael it's a good offer to me I'd be closer to home."     "But you do fine here and giving up your job here in Manhattan and it wouldn't be a wise decision."     "I know but lately we haven't been getting along and I just don't think it healthy for us to be by each other." You stated quietly.     "You know I didn't mean what I said earlier Y/n? I'm sorry I didn't think about what I was saying" Barba said regretting for the 50th time everything he said to you but this time with more desperation.     You nodded,"I know, but I just think this is a good opportunity that might never come back again."     Rafael looked at you analyzing the possibility of you being anywhere that wasn't with him in the Manhattan DA's office. He didn't want you to go. He wanted you to stay. But not because you was one heck of a good ADA but because he felt something towards you that you needed to know more than ever. Rafael Barba was in love with you F/n L/n. He realized it was a now or never moment and he wasn't going to let you go. You made him get up every morning and go to the office. You were the reason he gave all his effort into every case. You were the person who made him smile and forget about anything else in the world. It was all you. He put his hands on your waist and said quietly, “No Y/n you can’t go because I love you” before pressing his lips on yours. The kiss was soft and gentle. Even though Barba was drunk he knew exactly what he was doing. You pulled away looking away from him. He turned you back to face him. Your lips were trembling but it wasn't because you were scared. It was because you loved him. You loved him so much it was taking every ounce of energy not to leave and instead stay with him forever.   “Barba you should go to sleep it’s getting late,” you say your voice breaking halfway.    “Y/n” he said.    “Rafael” she said quietly.    “Please don't go. I love you more than I have loved anyone else and I will do whatever it takes to make you stay,” he said as he brought you in for another kiss. When they pulled away he saw sadness in you eyes but before he could say or do anything you got up and went to a different room and shut the door behind you. Barba’s mind felt fuzzy and light as he layed down on the couch trying to get comfortable knowing that he needed to get some sleep. But each time he tried to drift his mind went to how sad you looked when you kissed. ------------------------------------------------      
“Barba,” you said shaking him awake,” Barba! Wake up!”    “Hm?” he asks sounding tired.    “Get up it’s almost ten o'clock!” you exclaimed.    Barba sat up and stretched. “It’s Saturday.”    You looked at him for what seemed forever before he laughed at you. Your cheeks turned cherry red as you walked to the kitchen embarrassed on the matter of fact that you didn’t know what day you were living in. He followed you into the kitchen.   “It happens to everyone,” he tells you and tries to wrap his arms around from behind you but you don't let him.   “Of course it does,” you responded as you reached for the container of coffee.  “Coffee?” she asked him.   “Sure.”   “Dark or light?”   “Dark” Barba said pausing for a moment,” Are you still going to quit?”  “I um..don't know yet,” you told him dropping some off the coffee on the counter. Both you and he reached for the napkins at the same time causing your hands to brush against each other. He took your hand and look straight into your eyes using his other hand to caress your cheek.   “I love you,” he told you with so much sincerity and gentleness. You looked everywhere but at him. But you knew you loved him. He ran his hand from your cheek to your chin.   “Y/n?” he asked you. You finally looked at him knowing that you simply couldn't fight it off anymore.   "I promise I won't hurt you”, he said quietly. Both of you stared at each other’s eyes for a brief moment before he pulled you towards him and kissed you. It was amazing how one simple thing could cause so many emotions to flood. It was full of love and promise. You both kept kissing each other before Rafael lifted you up and looked at you for what seemed like forever before lightly kissing you on the top of your forehead.  “I’m in love with you F/n M/n L/n and I will do anything to keep you even if it means telling the whole office that I love you at the top of my lungs,” he told you.   You giggled at him. “ I love you too Rafael Barba and I will stay because I love you,” you said before pulling his tie making him jerk forward and placing a kiss on his lips then pushed him away. He laughed at you. You yawned showing how tired you were. You moved your head slightly so that you were facing his chest and snuggled against him. He also yawned so he made his way to your bedroom and saw that you were fast asleep in his arms. He lightly placed you on the bed careful not to wake you. Right when he was about to leave the room he heard a delicate voice from behind him   “Raf,” you said quietly, "Stay”.    He smiled at you, “Are you sure?”  “Yeah hurry up before I change my mind,” you said playfully. Rafael chuckled as he made his way to the bed and you scooted over making space for him to lay next to her. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you snuggled beside him. “I don't deserve her or having her with me now,” he thought as both of your breathings steadied at the same pace. He kissed the top of your forehead before falling into a deep sleep.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Good Cooks are Hard to Find Part 2
Part 2 of request! So sorry it took longer than Friday. College is killing the life out of me!
Apologies in advance for the awkwardness in the beginning I started writing this at 5 am. Don't forget to drop requests!
Part 1 Part 2
When you hung up you felt warm all the way down to you toes with happiness.
Sonny was going to come to your house and help you cook.
Cue swoon.
You looked at your kitchen and realized that it looked like a tornado had gone through it. You signed as you started to clean up and make it look somewhat presentable.
By the time you were done cleaning you heard your doorbell ring.
You smiled and felt a tsunami of butterflies in you stomach. You literally skipped to the door and opened it.
A warm bright voice greeted you.
"Hey doll! Sorry I took so long but traffic was just a pain"
"Its fine haha I was just cleaning my monstrous attempt to make a meal"
He looked past you and saw that no sign that anyone had used that kitchen and looked back at you confused.
You laughed. "I may not be good at cooking but I'm a pro at cleaning"
He laughed with you. "We better get cooking the party is in 2 hours"
You looked at him uneasy, that guilt flooding back into you.
He saw that and rubbed the small of you back. "Doll its alright. I'm more than happy to help you. I'm gonna teach you how to make the best alfredo you will ever taste!"
You smiled. This man was just too good for this world.
*Time skip brought to you by elevator music, because why not*
"Is the sauce supposed to be rising!?"
Sonny had left you in charge of watching the sauce as he cooked the pasta and prepared the chicken. It seemed to be simple but now you were not sure.
He calmly said, "Turn the stove off."
How is he so calm about this? You thought to yourself as you were still panicking. I'm literally freaking out because it looks like it getting ready to explode!
You quickly turned it off but the sauce was still rising. You quickly took a few steps back instinctively and let out a small yelp when you ran into something that took ahold of your arms.
Not something. Someone. Sonny.
You turned around slowly so you were facing Sonny.
You saw he was just looking at you with a small twinkle in his eyes. You realized you were close enough to smell the cologne on him and feel his breath fanning over your face.
He leaned a bit closer before whispering something you would have missed if he was not that close to you.
"You're so cute when your scared"
You could have sworn your heart stopped beating in that exact moment before it starting beating so fast you thought it would beat out of you chest.
His hands moved from your arms to your waist and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
But then his phone went off and you both pulled apart as if you had been electrocuted. He looked at his phone before sighing and answering.
You literally felt light you were glowing red like a tomato and tried to make sense of what had just happened. There were so many thoughts going around in you head at that moment but there was one that stood out.
Had your all time crush Sonny Carisi almost kissed you?????
He had been so close to me. He must have at least thought about it.
Does this mean he likes me?
You were becoming overwhelmed with all of your thoughts and so you flinched when you felt a warm touch to your shoulder.
"Doll we've got half and hour left. We should set up plates." His voice was softer now.
"Ye-eah of course!" You said awkwardly.
Was he really not going to acknowledge what just happened?
You felt a huge wave of disappointment come over you. He had been so close to you and now he was so far. You mentally cursed yourself for being hopeful as you set up plates and cups.
There was just a cloud of silence as Sonny finished serving and you setting up the table and getting ready for the guests.
Sonny looked at you briefly before reverting his eyes towards the entrance of your house.
You could see a flash of regret through them.
"I should go get Amanda. I told her I would pick her up"
You felt sick.
"Okay go then" You said a bit aggressively as you looked away because you could feel your eyes watering up and the last thing you needed was for him to see you crying.
He looked back at you and because you had turned to face the other way you missed the hurt that flashed through his face.
He walked towards the door and you felt your tears threatening to fall.
But then he stopped as he reached the doorknob.
"Did you try it?"
You were taken back in surprise and confusion.
He turned back to face you.
"The food. Did you taste it?"
What the heck?
What does that have to do with anything?
He should just leave and let me wallow in peace.
He walked past you back to the kitchen. You stayed were you were in the dining room confused out of you mind.
After a couple seconds of rummaging he came back with some alfredo on a fork.
You looked at him quizzically before he handed you the fork.
"Try it"
You took the fork and shoved it into you mouth.
Oh my gosh.
If heaven were food it would be alfredo.
You had never had something so good in your life. You closed your eyes savoring it.
When you opened them you saw Sonny had come closer to you and he was smiling.
"I think that was the best things I've ever had in my entire life"
He chuckled softly and he moved even closer.
You looked into his eyes trying to see if he meant was he was doing. You didn't want to be hurt. You would be able to live if he was going to do things like this without clarifying his intentions.
"Hm I doubt that"
Without any hesitation he leaned in and his lips met yours.
You were surprised at first but gladly kissed him back.
Your kiss seemed to be eternal and was becoming steamy as he lifted you on the table and continued to ravage your mouth.
Before things got too out of control you pulled back and rested you forehead on his.
"You're right. That was the best thing I've ever had in my life" You said playfully.
He laughed and you swore you would never tire of hearing it.
He gave a small peck to your lips before  saying, "I better go get Amanda. She probably thinks I forgot I was going to pick her up"
As he turned around to leave you grabbed his hand to turn him back to you.
There was one thing you needed to know.
"What does this mean between us?"
He broke put into a huge smile as he leaned in to kiss you again.
"It means I'm glad your cooking skills were lacking and I hope you feel the same."
You smiled back, "Good cooks are hard to find but I'm glad I have you"
------------------ Bonus:
Sonny winced. He had told Amanda about what had happened and she was freaking out.
"Sonny you actually kissed her?" She asked incredulously.
"Yeah?" He said nervously.
"It's about time!" She said happily. "You two have been making googly eyes at each other forever! The squad and I had devised a plan so you two could spill the beans today at my party but now I see you both manned up and went for it!"
Sonny laughed, "Well it's good to know it was that obvious to everyone exce-"
He paused confused.
"How did you know we were throwing you a party?"
Amanda mischievously smiled as they pulled up to your house and saw you outside with the rest of the squad. You had told them what happened and they were beyond happy and relieved.
"Sonny I know you throw something for me every year. I just pulled some strings so you would ask Y/N to cook and obviously she can't so..."
It was now Sonny's turn to look at Amanda incredulously.
He was about to argue the ethics of what she had done but then he heard you laugh and saw you beaming and he knew that it was worth it.
It was indeed a good thing that he was a good cook.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Job Interview Part 2
Part 1 Part 2
Summary: Your date takes a turn to which you both come to a confession 
That evening as you got ready for dinner with Rafael Barba you were very excited but at the same time, you were nervous about what his thoughts were if you since you had only just recently graduated college. Maybe he would think you were too unprepared for the job. Maybe that's why he had actually invited you to dinner. To test the waters to see how professionally ready you were if even ready to. "It doesn't matter I already have the job," you thought. Then why else the dinner? Telling him whether you got the job or not was very time-consuming. "I guess we'll find out," you thought as you thought about the attractive man you would be having dinner with. Looking at yourself one last time in the mirror, you grabbed your keys and decided to get a taxi instead of driving. When you arrived at where Rafael had said to meet at you could see he was already there. You panicked thinking you were late and rushed towards him. "I'm super sorry late I thought I had left at a good time but apparently I didn't...I am really sorry," you said apologetically. He let out a light chuckle before looking at his watch and then back at you, "You're not late at all. It appears that we are both actually early." You gawked at him and then you get your face flush. You had made a complete fool of yourself all because you didn't take the time yourself to look at the time. "One point for me on making a fool out of myself in the first 5 minutes," you thought to yourself. The silence was followed afterward for a few moments before Rafael said, "You look very stunning tonight." You felt yourself blush. You were wearing a simple light green dress that was longer from the backside and shorter from the front and flowed freely when the wind blew. Your hair was down in natural flowing curls the rested on your shoulders. You hadn't bothered much with make-up as you found the concept quite ridiculous but did put on a light pink lipstick and some mascara. You didn't consider yourself pretty so of course the comment made you blush.
"You look very nice as well," you said responding to his comment. He was wearing a grey suit which, to be honest, made him look very attractive with a green tie that brought the color out of his matching green eyes.
He laughed, "Thank you. I try". You smiled at him as she took your arm and said, "As pretty as New York is out here I'd like to go to the restaurant and eat. What do you think?" "I think that sounds like a great idea," you replied. "So how did your interview go?" Rafael asked as soon as you both were seated at a fancy Italian restaurant he had picked. You shook your head trying not to smile, "Right down to business, I see." He put his hands up in defense, "I'm really curious to know that's all." You couldn't help but smile at him and found it adorable how he was curious to know what happened. "Well if you must know," you said dramatically, "I got the job." "Good. I'll be able to see you often," he said with a mischievous smile. You blushed as you busied yourself with the menu as you tried to pick out something to order. Rafael did the same and you couldn't help stealing little glances at him. In one of those glances he looked at you and met eyes that caused you to blush and him to smirk. You felt like a teenager with a crush. At last, after wait seemed forever to you a waiter came by to take your orders. The waiter, you were not going to lie, was good-looking. Rafael seemed a bit uneasy as he glanced at him and then back at you. "What may I do for you two on this evening?" he asked. "I'll have the lasagna along with the chicken dumpling soup," you responded. "Of course. What would you like to drink?" "Lemonade," you said and you heard Rafael chuckle. "What?" you asked him. "You don't drink?" he asked. "Absolutely not," you said. He smiled at you as he ordered and you smiled when he ordered lemonade too. When the waiter came back with the drinks he brought with him a rose. "For you," he said as he handed it to you. You felt your cheeks flush as you took it. "Thank you that is very kind of you," you said. The waiter smiled at you, "Anything for a precious flower like you". You heard a clear of a throat and turned toward Rafael. He looked very annoyed and his jaw was clenched. Slowly but steadily cold lining his voice he said, "Don't you have a job to go do? You don't get paid to flirt with customers." The waiter's confident smile fell as he muttered, "Of course I'm so sorry." As he turned to leave you could hear him say one last word almost missing it, "Prick." You immediately turned to Rafael who had a face that said he had heard it too. He was fuming mad, anger boiling in his veins. He got up in a flash a grabbed the waiter by his collar. "If you don't want to lose your job I would suggest to leave and get me a different waiter." The waiter looked terrified. You got up and whispered to Rafael, "Why don't we just go?" By then the whole restaurant was watching you. You were kind of embarrassed and you wanted to get out of there. You lightly pulled Rafael's arm, "Please?" His angered demeanor seemed to soften and cool down as he processed everything. He let go of the terrified waiter who disappeared as soon as he could. He straightened his suit before paying for the meal that wasn't eaten. You tried to protest that you should pay but quickly stopped when you felt warm hands grab yours. It was his hand. It felt warm and soft against yours. His sudden touch made you speechless. As you both got out of the restaurant a very flustered Rafael looked at you, "I'm so sorry Y/N. I don't know what got into me," he hung his head as he continued, "He was--the way he looked at you---the case I'm on," he was having an extremely hard time to say a complete thought. He ran his hand through his neat hair, "To be honest I really like you. I don't know why because I just met you. I felt something the moment I first saw you." Now you were the one who couldn't think properly. His hand was still in yours. You squeezed it gently to get his attention. "I like you too," you said softly. He smiled brightly at you before he kissed you.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Job Interview Part 1 (Barba X Reader)
Summary: You get a special new job opportunity and meet your potential (hot) coworker.
Part 1 Part 2
"So now that you're a graduated law student you think you can run this place?" Your friend F/n asks referring to the apartment the two of you shared. You laughed. You loved how F/n had their own sense of humor. Of course, it went too far sometimes but they were still a good person. "Of course not F/n and don't forget I'm second in charge anyways so I already have more power than you" "Oh, I'm sorry I forget that you’re the boss' girlfriend," F/n said mockingly referring to the rich handsome man who owned the building and was often asking you to dates. You turned beet red at F/N comment. "You know I'm not F/L/N," you said seriously. "Sure but it's bound to happen one of these days have you seen the way you guys look at each other?" "Shut up F/n!" you exclaimed as you threw a pillow at them. The pillow hit them right in the face as they recovered from the sudden reaction. At that moment you hear your phone ring from across the room. "I bet it's your boyfriend asking if everything's alright," F/n says to you teasingly. You throw them a glare as you grab your phone and answer, "Hello?" A voice that sounds like an old man asks, "Is this Y/n?" "Definitely not your boyfriend," F/n mutters disappointedly. "Um yes that is me," you respond while shooting F/n a shut-up glare. "Hi, I'm Robert Stone. Would you be interested in coming in by my office later for a job offer?" "Job offer for?" "I'm looking for a replacement for an Assistant District Attorney here in Manhattan and well, you interested me as a candidate" You were surprised that this man was considering you as Assistant District Attorney. Especially considering the fact that you were freshly out of college. You pondered on it for a moment before saying, "Sure I'd love to." "I'll see you at 3 then," Robert told you before he hung up. You glanced at the clock. It was 1:45. You had about an hour to get ready. By the time you were done, it was about 2:35. You glanced at yourself in the mirror one last time before leaving. You thought about taking your motorcycle and we're thankful you had decided to wear office dress pants that day. You grabbed your helmet and rode all the way to the District Attorney's office. Once there you stood in front of the building just looking at it in awe knowing good things were in store for you. You confidently walked in. It was busy inside with people barking orders and others running errands and delivering papers. At the front desk, there was a woman at the desk busy with a phone call. You waited patiently until she was done. "How may I help you?" the woman asked you. "Hi, I was looking for Robert Stone's office. I'm here for an interview." "Oh yes! Of course!" she said joyfully, "The fifth floor, go down the hall, first door to your left." "Thank you so much," you said and headed off to the office. Once you got there you stood in front of the door about to knock but stopped when you heard raised voices from the other side. "Robert she's lying! Her story has many flaws there is almost no proof Prussner raped her" one voice said. "Even if she is lying what evidence do we have to connect him to the rape?" the other voice, Robert said. "He was there at the bar the night of the rape," the first voice who now had a name, Barba said. "Get more solid evidence and see where it takes you. Now go I have a meeting in a little while." "Meeting with who?" Barba asked with evident curiosity in his voice. "With people," Robert responded flatly. "About?" Barba pressed. Robert sighed, "If it'll make you go away I'm meeting with someone to be your second chair." There was deep silence before Barba said, "Oh. I forgot all about that." "Well the case isn't going to solve itself now, is it? Go!" You walked back towards the wall so the door wouldn't hit you. The door swung open and out walked a man. He looked a bit older but not too much and had a handsome face. He noticed you by the wall and smiled at you. "You must be the person meeting Robert for his meeting." You found his smile incredibly charming as you answered, "Yes that's me." "I'm Rafael Barba. I'm the attorney for SVU. If you're lucky you'll be working with me." he said extending his hand out for a handshake. You smiled and shook his hand, " I'm Y/n L/n, and wish me luck in there." Rafael gave a small chuckle before leaning in towards you and whispered, "I hope he picks you," and you felt chills down your back as he left. Your noticed Robert at the doorway shaking his head. 
"That boy will never learn." You blushed before Robert invited you into his office. "So Miss L/n how are you today?" was Robert's first question. "I'm doing well thank you." "I know you just got out of law school but I was hoping to get some fresh new eyes around here. You have lots of potentials, Miss Y/n and I can see that best put out here in the office." You gawked at what Robert had just said. He wanted YOU to work here. "I um don't know what to say." You said to him truthfully. Robert chuckled, "Yes I would like the job would be a nice answer." You smiled at him and said just that. ------------------------------------------------------ You walked out of the DA's office full of excitement. You had a job! You smiled and hummed softly to yourself as you walked to the elevator. After a moment the elevator dinged and the doors opened. You waited as people got out before stepping in yourself. You surveyed the place around you know you'd be here tomorrow as you hit the first-floor button. Right as the door was about to close you heard a voice say, "Hold the door!" You put her arm out to stop the door and saw who the voice belonged to. Rafael Barba broke out into a smile when he saw you at the elevator and you couldn't help but smile back at the handsome man. "Well how'd it go?" he asked you as you both stepped into the elevator. "It went," you said to him with no emotion in your voice. "What do you mean it went?" he asked obviously curious to know if you had the job or not. You shrugged deciding to tease him, "Oh you know the interview just, happened and we talked but nothing happened at all." you paused to glance at Rafael's face to see impatience plastered all over his face. "How adorable," you thought to yourself. "Well, as in what?" his voice growing impatient. At that moment the elevator doors opened to the main floor. You smiled and walked out in direction of the exit. Rafael had to jog to catch up with you. "Are you going to tell me?" he asked. "I'd love to but I have to be somewhere," you said knowing it would annoy the man. Rafael actually looked very annoyed. He thought for a moment and grinned mischievously before saying, "Well if you're not busy later we could go out to dinner and talk." You gawked at his proposal obviously not expecting him to come back like that. Determined to keep up your act you said, "I would like that actually." "Ok meet me here at 8?" "Ok" you replied as you walked towards the parking lot with a huge smile on your face.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Birthday (Carisi X Reader)
Summary:  Another busy day in New York except that today is not just any normal day...
Traffic in New York is a pain.
Everyone knew this and yet people still thought they could be on time during rush hour. Of course, that was a lie. Walking wasn't a very good idea either but it was better than traffic. With walking, you could only hope no one would run you over as you crossed the street.
Today was one of those days you had slept in. In any other normal city, you could easily rush to work with no obstacles. But it wasn't a normal city and there were obstacles. Welcome to New York.
"Great I'm going to be late. There is no way I can nake it on time," you thought as you tried to dress presentful without looking like someone who rolled out of bed. When you were satisfied with how you looked you grabbed your keys and left your apartment to work. As you walked outside your phone rang.
"Morning Y/n," a cheerful voice answered.
You couldn't help but smile at the voice that belonged to Detective Carisi. It was no secret that you had an enormous crush on him. That is to anyone but him. The both of you were very close friends but you felt something more towards him. You were afraid to tell him because you weren't sure he felt the same way about you.
"Morning Carisi," you responded back with a smile.
"So Lui is wondering where you are 'cause we thought you were coming with us this morning for coffee."
Right. You were going to get coffee with them today.
"Oh um can you tell Liv I'm running a little late?" you asked him.
"Sure. Don't worry about it," Carisi told you.
"Okay, thanks. See you later."
After you hung up you yet again, debated on taking a taxi or walking. Traffic still didn't look friendly enough to be in a taxi so you walked.
On your way to the station, you decided to stop for coffee since you were not going to be able to catch up with the rest of the squad for coffee. As you ordered you spotted Barba sitting at a table with coffee. He glanced up and saw you and you approached him.
"Hey weren't you supposed to go out for coffee with them?" he asked you.
"Yeah I woke up a little late so I couldn't," you explained to him, pausing before saying, "Weren't you supposed to go too?"
"I couldn't because I had an errand to run this morning," he said simply before taking a drink of coffee.
"That's weird. Barba never misses coffee with us. Plus what errand did he have to get done so early in the morning? You thought to yourself. Probably some court stuff before work. You glanced at your watch realizing you needed to start heading towards the station if you wanted to get there at a decent time.
"Well I'll see you later then," you said to him getting ready to leave but as you turned around he grabbed your wrist.
"Actually Liv just texted me that there's a problem at the courthouse and she wants you to come with me," he said.
Confused you checked your phone to see if she had texted you but the screen was blank.
"Well she didn't-," you were cut off by Barba who grabbed your arm and said, "Come on we have to go."
"Okay Mr. Grabby I heard you, chillax with the grip," you said to him as you tried to pull out.
He chuckled as he let you go, "Just making sure your coming". As you both walked out you could have sworn that in the distance you saw Carisi with a huge red bundle walking towards the coffee shop but quickly dismissed it when Barba engaged you in conversation. ------------------------------------------------------ "Picking up some papers? That was the big emergency?" you asked frustrated as Barba received the papers he had requested.
"Not just any papers. They are case papers," he said.
"That you could have literally picked up by yourself."
"Well it wasn't my call it was-," he was cut off by the ring of his phone.
"Thank God you finally called I can't stand her any longer," he said pretending to be annoyed," Okay we're on our way".
"What's up?" you asked.
"We have to go to the station. There's a little surprise waiting for you."
------------------------------------------------------ "This better is worth all this running around," you say as you both walk into the station.
"SURPRISE!" the squad exclaims as they throw confetti at you which causes you to jump.
"Holy cow. You all scared me," you say as you clutch your chest recovering from the scare it gave you.
"We didn't mean to scare you!" Liv said as she pulled you into a hug.
"What is this all about?" you asked as Olivia let you out of her embrace, confused as to why they had planned this for you.
She looked at you confused. "Isn't it your birthday today?"
You were quiet for a moment as it dawned on you. You had been so busy lately you had completely forgotten about your own birthday.
"I forgot about my own birthday," you said quietly.
"That's what we're here for," Amanda said hitting your arm lightly, "to keep you on track and make sure you don't marry your job."
"That's so sweet of you guys. Thank you so much," you said happily.
Someone behind you cleared their throat making you turn around.
Standing there was Carisi holding a huge bunch of red roses.
"Happy Birthday to the most brilliant, beautiful woman ever," he said as he handed you the roses.
"Thank you so much," you said as you felt your cheeks heat up.
He smiled before saying, "I have one more present for you," he said as he enlaced his hand with yours, "Y/n I have had the honor of being with you for so long but I have felt something I have never felt before and the truth is that I love you more than anything in the word and I would love for you to be my girlfriend."
You stood there shocked not being able to believe what had just happened.
"You know, I think he's waiting for an answer," Barba said to you.
You glared at him before turning back to Carisi and saying, "Yes I would love that!"
He smiled as he pulled you into a hug as whispered so only you could hear, "I love you."
You pulled him for a kiss. This was by far the best birthday present ever.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Good Cooks Are Hard to Find (Carisi X Reader)
Request: *If you are still accepting requests. Can I request a carisi x reader one shot? Where The reader is a terrible cook and sonny teaches her how to make something?*
I'm gonna be honest. I wasn't sure how to write this but once I started writing I loved where it was going so I made it into two parts! Might post part two today might wait until next week. Let me know how much y'all want to see part two in the comments!
Part 1 Part 2
You didn't quite know what unearthly thing had caused to suggest hosting dinner for Amanda's birthday.
It wasn't because you didn't want to do something special for your best friend but because you could not, for the love of anything, cook.
You had lived with your parents for most of your life so they had cooked and when you moved out you had met Amanda who let you come over to eat whenever you wanted in exchange for babysitting her kids.
In all that time you had maybe cooked once or twice and it had been a total disaster.
So why did you even sign yourself up for this?
Well, that was quite a simple yet complicated answer.
You did it because of Sonny Carisi.
He had been asking Amanda's coworkers and friends if they could help plan a surprise for her after she got off work. He needed someone to provide food and he asked you and because you had a massive crush on him you said you could cook.
Big mistake.
Now you faced a huge problem. You had to make tasty food for lots of people in less than 5
hours and you had no idea what you were going to do.
After spending a good amount of time at the grocery you decided that the easiest thing to cook would probably be chicken alfredo.
How hard could that be? It was just boiling pasta and then making the chicken and mixing it with the sauce.
Apparently pretty hard for the novice cook.
In a matter of minutes, your entire "meal" had just fallen out. The pasta was overcooked, the chicken was burnt, and the sauce smelled weird. It was a full-on disaster. You groaned as you looked at the clock in your kitchen.
3 hours left.
You started to regret your decision. Why had you even decided to do this in the first place? You ran your hand down your face in defeat. What were you going to do now? If you didn't come up with something, and fast, then you risked not only letting your best friend down but also letting your crush down.
You glanced up at the clock again. Time was ticking away. There was nothing you could do.
At that moment your phone rang and you looked to see who it was and you literally wished the world would just suck you into the Earth.
Sonny Freaking Carisi
You panicked trying to think of something to say to make it seem like everything was good but you knew lying would get you nowhere so with a hesitant sigh you answered the phone.
"Hiya Y/N! I was wondering how you were doing? How is the food coming?"
Damn his chirpiness and his accent.
You looked at your petty attempt to make a meal before letting out a deep breath.
"Ummm actually I have a confession to make"
"What's up?"
"IactuallyhavenoideahowtocookandItriedbutruinedeverything" You said quickly.
"What was that doll I didn't catch any of that"
You groaned. You knew there was no escaping the disappointment you would inevitably face.
"I don't know how to cook Sonny! I should have told you but I just didn't want to let Amanda down."
Or you.
"I tried to make chicken alfredo but now my kitchen smells like something just died and the party is in three hours"
"It looked so simple on the recipe and I thought I could manage but apparently everything I touch that has to do with food just crumbles and fails" You continue to ramble while you feel something wet streaming down your face.
You stop realizing that at this point you are in tears and just sobbing on the phone.
Way to go Y/N. He probably thinks your crazy or something.
"Y/N doll. It's alright. I understand that you meant well."
You snorted. "It doesn't matter now. Amanda's gonna hate me"
Sonny sighed. "You know there is nothing you do that will ever upset her."
There was a pause before he spoke again in a sweet gentle voice.
"Doll how about I come over and we can try making that alfredo?"
You could not believe your ears. Did he just offer to come over to your house and help you cook?
"Tha-at would be gre-eat!" You cursed yourself for stuttering.
Sonny let out a light laugh.
"Let me stop at the store and pick up some stuff and I'll be there!"
You were glad he wasn't there to see the stupid smile on your face.
"Okay, I'll see you then!"
"I'll see you then Doll"
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
Lost (Carisi X Reader)
Summary:  After falling off your bike trail you realize you are lost but luckily a cute blond stops to help you.
Accepting requests!
You woke up not knowing where you were or how you had gotten there. Actually, you couldn't remember any of the events right before you opened your eyes. No wait you had been hiking with some friends and you had fallen off the trail and apparently rolled all the way to the bottom. Yep, this was a great situation to be in. You sat up looking around you. You saw you were surrounded by trees. From the distance, you could hear cars passing by. You figured that if there were cars there were people and that they would help her. Finding a highway took longer than you expected. You walked to where the sounds were coming from. Cars sped by while you stood there at the side not knowing what to do. You saw a gas station on the other side. Going there seemed like a good idea to get help. Maybe, someone, there could help you find whoever you had been with. You started walking to the other side not noticing the black car speeding towards you. You tried to hurry, seeing that the car had no intention of stopping but you tripped on your shoelace that had somehow gotten untied. You stumbled trying to catch yourself but failed as you hit the hard concrete highway. The car screeched to a stop right before hitting you. You let out a sigh of relief as you tried to stand up. A man got out of the black car running his fingers through his blonde hair. He saw you struggle to get up and went over to help you. "Are you alright?" He asked you with a thick accent sounding concerned. "I'm fine," you responded. "I'm so sorry!" He told you," I was busy picking up my phone and then I didn't see you I'm so sorry." You smiled. "It's fine I should have been watching where I was going." Both of them were silent not knowing what to say or do. You glanced up at the man and stared into his light blue eyes. He was a very good-looking man. After what seemed like forever the man said, "So where are you heading to?" You blanked out. You hadn't been expecting anyone to ask you that. "I um don't know," The man looked at you puzzled. "What do you mean you don't know?" "I was hiking with some friends and kinda got off-trail." The man carefully chose his words, "Are you lost?" "I guess you could say that." "Maybe we should take you down to the police station." You shook her head, "Actually can you just give me a ride to a hotel or something?" "Well you're a bit far from any hotel but if you want I live a little ways away so you could stay there for the night." You frowned at the man. "Not trying to be offensive but you haven't even told me your name is. For all I know is you could be an ax murderer or something". The man laughed. "You're absolutely right. The name's Dominick Carisi but everyone calls me Sonny and I can assure you I'm not anything you just listed." "Sure that's what they all say," you said. Just then there was a rumble of loud thunder and it began to rain. "We should probably get outta the rain. Wouldn't want you to get sick," Sonny said. You stood there thinking about all your possible choices. You could go with Sonny or stand here in the rain. Sonny seemed to be waiting for you. By now you were soaking wet from head to toe. Sonny took a jacket from his car and put it around your shivering frame. "I won't bite I promise," he said. You can seem to process why you trusted the cute man but yet you smile and get into the car.
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
First Day Part 2
Request: *will you do a part two of this?*
Well, I don't see why not! Here you go!
Part 1 Part 2
After a long day of interviewing and investigating you decided that you needed some rest. It was exhausting but your new partner had made it bearable. He had made you laugh and was ever so attentive to make sure you felt comfortable on your first day. Now you both we back at the station getting ready to go home.
"So how was your first day?" 
You smiled. "It was kinda intense"
He nodded. "You'll get used to it"
"I know"
As you were gathering your belongings you caught Sonny stealing a glance at you before looking back to his desk. You noticed that he was acting odd and seemed nervous all of a sudden. 
Right when you were about to confront him he nervously asked, "Do you want to go get food?"
He looked at you half expecting you to reject his offer but instead, you smiled.
"I would love to." 
His face burst into a huge smile as he gathered the remaining of his belongings.
"Great! I know this great Italian place that we can walk to."
Your feet had felt like they were going to fall off but there was something about Sonny that made the pain disappear.
"Okay sounds good! Let me just get the rest of my stuff."
There was a small voice in your mind that was hesitant about your sudden boldness. You usually didn't just go get food with someone you just met. 
But there was something about the man in front of you that made you feel safe and comfortable. 
Have gave you a signature charming smile as he offered his arm to walk you out.
You hooked your arm in his and as the two of you rode the elevator in silence you wondered how this man was still single.
Was he single????
He had no ring so he wasn't married but that didn't mean he was on the market.
Could it be possible you read into his intentions too much? Was he only being friendly to his new coworker?
These questions plagued your mind as he lead you outside where you felt a cold breeze hit your warm body causing you to shiver.
And of course Carisi noticed this and immediately took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders.
It was such a sweet gesture but your mind seemed to think otherwise.
It's just a friendly gesture.
But was it?
You discreetly glaced at him from the side. He had unhooked your arm from his but walked so close beside you that your shoulders touched. He seemed to be off in his own world as he walked next to you. You desperately wanted to know what was going on in his mind.
Was he thinking about dinner? About work? About you?
Don't be naïve he just met you this morning.
Well technically you had met way before in a previous case.
Little did you know that similar thoughts invaded the thoughts of the man next to you.
As you both kept walking you noticed it had gotten dark. As you looked around you you processed that you both had walked for a looooong time.
"Hey Carisi...I'm pretty sure we passed the restaurant"
He looked at you in confusion at first as he tried to recollect his thoughts so he could progress what you had said.
You saw as his eyes went wide as he looked around him registering his surrounding and he realized that you both had passed the restaurant whiles ago.
"Oh doll I'm sorry! I guess I just got so deep in my thoughts I didn't even notice we passed it" he said frustrated with himself as he ran a hand back though his hair.
Doll. He had called you doll.
You realized right then with that one word that you need answers or you would go mad.
You turned to face him, "Carisi it's fine really. But I need to know what's going on with us"
He tilted his head to give you another look of confusion and he looked like such a cute dork you wanted to kiss.
You took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm going to be honest here. Ever since I saw you at the coffee shop this morning there is something that draws me to you. You have such a dorky smike and you're such a goof and when you asked me to dinner I got these vibes I guess that you liked me but I thought to myself there is no way way a hot man like that is single so I guess what I'm try-"
You were unexpectedly interrupted by soft lips on yours. You were surprised no doubt but it satisfied your need for him. He took his time kissing you, caressing you cheek and moving you closer to him.
It felt like being on a cloud. It felt so surreal.
When you pulled apart he looked into you eyes and pushed a loose hair behind your ear.
"I felt exactly the same when I met you. Not at the coffee shop but before on that case. I thought I would never see you again but I did and I knew I couldn't let you go again."
You beamed at him. His declaration made your heart swell and you realized you would never leave him.
As you leaned in for another kiss you whispered, "Do you know what my favorite part about by first day was?"
He chuckled lightly, "No I do not"
You smiled.
You felt his smile as he met your lips.
Okay y'all the votes are in and it looks like SVU gets the new fic! Watch for that and another Barba coming soon! Thanks for reading! As always drop those requests!
*sorry for the late post but I couldn't sleep and I knew if I didn't finish today it would not be good*
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