#sweet peggy
kikker-oma · 1 day
I would like to hear about accidentally drunk Hyrule??
-Sky Floor
Sorry this is late I fell asleep hehe
Hyrule askes for something to drink and Wars gives him the ✨wrong flask✨
Hyrule wonders why this water is so disgusting but doesn't complain cus "it must be safe to drink, wars wouldn't give me bad water"
Hyrule immediately knows what it is and doesn't say anything because he wants to cause issues😈
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meidui · 4 months
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Pick your Peggy 🥊
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nerdyenby · 3 months
I relate to Daniel Sousa because I too follow around strong and beautiful women around like a lost puppy
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champagnexowishes · 1 year
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The thing about Peggy is, she doesn’t even like Steve? 
She patronises him. She sexually assaults him. She stalks him. She shows him compassion only for as long as it looks like her efforts to attach him will be successful, but the instant it looks like her efforts have failed she violently attacks him and sneers at his dreams.
(How could she be so vicious and so dismissive so easily, if she actually liked him? Shouldn’t she be heartbroken? It’s not the wounded relationship that matters to her; it’s the wounded pride. Steve could’ve dropped down dead, at that moment, and she wouldn’t miss a wink of sleep.) 
She dines out off having slightly known Steve, despite never dating him, and yet is enraged when people point it out. 
(Why is the ass-covering patronage of every other powerful man in her life acceptable, except his?)
She refuses to acknowledge any of his loved ones (shouldn’t they be beloved by her, too?) because she is so desperate to establish herself as the only legitimate connection to him. And yet she colludes with his sworn enemies, across multiple universes, and even lies about it (omits to tell him) to his face, when his life is in danger because of it. 
(How could someone do this, if they actually liked him?) 
Peggy thinks she is ‘not like the other girls’ who throw themselves at Steve, just because while she is throwing herself at him she also talks to him like he is a child (because that’s how she talks to all men.) 
She thinks she is actually better than Steve, since he is a man, and she thinks all men are essentially terrible and that this is feminism. She must be better, even though she acts just like the worst of men, because a thing only counts as bad if a man is doing it (eg. sexual assault) and only counts as good if Peggy is doing it (eg. if actual-feminist Daniel Souza dares to speak up for women in the workplace, she will tell him to shut up. Likewise, her turning a gun on Steve is #Girlbossing but Red Skull and Alexander Pierce doing it is Evil.)  
This is why, despite Steve being an internationally famous decorated war hero, a film-star and a heartthrob and the world’s only supersoldier, while Peggy is an unfulfilled unimportant desk jockey... she still turns up to announce that she will one day allow Steve to dance with her, as if she is doing him a favour. 
It’s because she sees Steve as essentially the same as before serum -- that is, pathetic (in need of help to get female attention.) Still pathetic, in her eyes. 
But since to everyone else Steve has become a prize, she has to take Steve down a peg by reminding him of their little secret -- that despite how great he may seem, she is superior to him -- and she really believes it’s true! 
(This belief is baseless. What If accidentally confirmed that she can only match Steve’s accomplishments if she is given serum... so she is not his equal without serum, let alone his superior, despite being born with considerable advantages over him.) 
And this treatment of Steve as pathetic, before and after serum, we’re supposed to see as her ‘appreciating him’ for who he really is inside. 
But her treatment of Steve is only un-starry-eyed (or so she likes to think) and businesslike because Steve is a man, and she thinks all men are inferior to her. He isn’t special. 
(Just as, she is the only woman in the First Avenger, and their big connection is supposed to be over the allegedly-similar discrimination levelled against women as against disabled men... but this is experienced by all women, so saying she’s ‘The’ woman for Steve amounts to saying that she only qualifies for the job because she’s female, and for no other reason.) 
The fact is, while Steve pays lip service to the idea of wanting a woman, he never actually acts like he wants a woman. 
And does Peggy even want a man? 
She comes across as someone who has remained single because her view of herself is so inflated and her view of men is so dim that they can never match up. 
It’s like she’s got a reluctant mental shopping list of ‘insanely lofty traits a man would need to have to finally be worthy of Her Majesty,’ and she only awkwardly goes about trying to get Steve at all because she has realised that this famous neatly-pressed hunk Captain America has managed to tick all of the boxes, somehow. He’s a trophy she feels she ought to have, but isn’t really bothered about having.
(But then she gets repeatedly annoyed whenever that pesky little ‘Steve Rogers’ twerp keeps getting in the way of her fantasy, wanting to do the right thing instead of just doing what she tells him, and has to be violently attacked to keep him in line.) 
She doesn’t actually like Steve.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
re-watching agent carter with my sister and oh man sousa really is the perfect man
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jamesbukkakebarnes · 2 years
Wait Bruce literally says that Steve "even when I had nothing, I had Bucky" Rogers lost his virginity to a USO girl?? Foul.
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nuggsmum · 4 months
excuse you Nuggsy this is blatant cookie favoritism! how very dare u not post the orange cinnamon rolls recipe? Jail for mother! Cinnamon roll supremacy! Viva la pecans! 🤭💜
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Jail for mother? 🤣🤣🤣 Awww Sweet Sweet Nonny! Listen. Have I got a story time for you, my pet. So, for years. YEARS. Fucking years. I’ve been trying to replicate my grandmothers orange cinnamon rolls. Her recipe card was clearly incorrect because nothing tasted right. I have no idea what version was posted along with Pecans… every time I make them, it’s different. A little more this. A little less that. So like six or seven years ago? My uncle moved and gave me these boxes of books that had come from my grandparents house. This cookbook was in there:
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One day I’m perusing the cookbook because I love a retro cookbook. Theres always some good shit in them. Anyways. I found this.
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Are you fucking kidding me. This was not the recipe on the card. So of course I immediately made them. I was so excited. It was like finding the holy grail. But guess what? While these were much better than the ones from her recipe, the taste was not even close to the ones I remember her making.
I kept trying. Using different recipes and other combinations. Nothing is right. One day I go to my mother’s early in the morning to help her with some stuff and she said she’s going to make us a quick breakfast. She pulls these mother fuckers out of the fridge. When I tell you I almost died.
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I shit you not. These are them. These are my grandmothers famous orange cinnamon rolls that I’ve been trying to recreate for the last 25 years. So. Needless to say. Peggy has been laughing her ass off at me from the great beyond for a long time.
Sadly, like a year or two ago, pillsbury discontinued them. So, my quest continues to try to replicate the recipe, just it’s not actually Peggy’s, its Pillsbury’s 🤣
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all-that-jazz-93 · 8 months
Season two is better
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brandycranby · 1 year
anyways, peggy feelings. bad. im not even thinking about pure canon, just everything abt the captain carter concept. bc goddamn.
i love how some fans assume that she's an ally or something. the british are especially heinous in the way they can two face about as dapper, enlightened, civilized people. but you know that they hold rancid takes on the people that they've colonized.
peggy isnt for the little guy. and she sure doesnt give a fuck about little brown or yellow girls who suffer indignities from her fellow countrymen while she swans about, being competent and unapologetic. she might not even give a fuck about the irish even if they're as pale as her. you just know that steve tries to bring up how his mother suffered and fled ireland bc of british injustice and all peggy would do is brush him off. "well... " "it couldnt have been helped" "very bad men made those decisions"
peggy just gives "sympathetic white woman who is adamant that she'd free her enslaved peoples if she was living in the colonial era" and that's just fan interpretation and them projecting white feminist guilt onto her. real canon peggy? just call her captain colonialism and part time fascist.
cause operation paperclip still fucking happened, didnt it? the nazis still wormed their way into the us. oh peggy probably protested. AND? she could have protested harder. she could have lost her job because she had conviction. but she didn't. it happened. and probably the salvadoran civil war. and the nicaraguan revolution. and all the conflicts the us perpetrated that steve would have torn his heart out over. but this isnt about him
it's about peggy and the fucking "strong enlightened white woman" pedestal that i see her put on so often and it rankles the shit out of me as a woc
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rogers-the-musical · 8 months
Anybody have good Steggy fanfic recs? Things I could read with a happy ending? Send them forward!
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kikker-oma · 3 months
How about a more unusual pair of lu boys doing something together? Like Four and Warriors, or Hyrule and Sky?
-Sky Floor
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I decided to do Hyrule and Wars together! Someone else requested Four and Sky so I figured this would complete the set haha
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hopecomesbacktolife · 8 months
I’m absolutely convinced that Julian Bashir would love Agent Carter, and if there was a holoprogram of it, it would be one of his favorites
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skyloftian-nutcase · 8 months
Skye I feel as if I'm legally obligated to tell you that I've been praying you'd have a chance to get some rest. like literally this very morning. and then I hopped on tumblr and saw you'd been given No Choice but to rest 😬
-Sky Floor
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gotchibam · 2 years
Your Pokémon have cured my depression
me posting my lil pokemon art & doodles:
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sparkliingdust · 10 months
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Sweet Nothing - entry for SteggyWeek2023 Day 7
Summary: Peggy comes home after a long day at work...and all she wants is sweet nothing.
RATING: PG. #HappilyEverAfter #Fluffy #BasedOnATaylorSwiftSong
Sneak Peek: Before Peggy entered through the secret hallway, Grace took a step closer, gently grasping her hand. Her voice hushed just above a whisper. “It seems like a storm is coming by the way of Wisconsin.”
It was going to be a busy day after all. “No, it’s only a microburst. We’ll make sure of it.” Peggy placed her hand on Grace’s, each staring into the other’s eyes for comfort until it was fully exchanged, and they broke out into a soft smile.
Read the full at A03
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